ESgBMHE “i «Tua»
Realtor. 8H. 7538 (Sun. 8»d gvaa., SL.
VIRGiMa—BuHd'to beaut IfulShen. VaJ
& a..Bj5st‘ottt ?&&%«£&*?$£:
«lte; restricted area, across htohwsy from
site. See, phone or write L. B. CM
iEAl$irCL*WOODED LOT On top Of bUJ
fa Beverly Hills. Alexandria: 60 ft. tor
120 ft.: 80 minutes from White House.
' with 636-ft. frontage, on
llthANV GALES STS. NJE.—Tract 01
land that c»n be dirided into 20 lot*:
fooi fornUtge or. Seminary ro*d: oai
St, city water, bus gartice: 7 »Uf5 tc
feet, level ground. In the most teautlful
gectlon to Stiver Spring. Md. Offer ac
MD^—Attractive lot, 1 block
wooded, near Haval Ordnance. Quick sale
at *2,500. H. BROOKS PERRINO A CO„
erly ave., Cheverly, Mid., *1.16* J*®*1,
•thers as low as *760 each. WA. 468th
PLAN AND PLANT—Now la the time to
buy the site for that dream house you will
be able to build to advantage before long
Now Is the time to set out the shrubbery
plant thoae fruit trees and build up the
garden spot with «oy bean, and crimson
•InvaF TP fair** three Years to dCVeiOD the
•rounds around a new house. Be wise dj
starting now and build the house when
good materials are available again at lowei
prices. Buy an acre or more from oui
large selection, on terms if you wish. Sec
MASON HIRST, Annandale. Vs . atthc
and of Columbia pue, Phone Alex. 5812
Closed Sundays. , , , .
ATTENTION BUILDERS—23 choice lots ir
So. Cheverly. Sewer, water and gas. MOR
WOODRIDGE—Lot 25x110, best locsUon
8823 24th st. n.e.: paved street and alley
Price, SI .780. BH. 6075. , ,
FORESTVTLLE—Two building sites, loti
60x150. adiolnlng. priced reasonable
WILL SACRIFICE beautiful wooded cornel
lot.. 160x225 In Silver Soring Porest
Owner transferred, must sell. Price. *1,360.
1455 or Silver Spring 0165. —20
25.000 SQ. FT. located on Nichols ave. s.e.
partly commercial. Will sacrifice. ^Call
Sorine area, high ground, paved streets,
close-in, built-up areas From SI,ISO.
PERRY I. HAY. TA 4635. DI. 3141. —19
ARLINGTON—Choice wooded lot In popu
lar Westover section. 85x150; sacrifice.
M L. AT.VIO. CH. 1001. . „ .
BUY YOUR HOMESITE on small down
payment In Fair Oaks. In restricted
neighborhood: payed street; conv. to
transp, shopping and schools: 1 ‘/a-acre
wooded bldg, site: price, Si.<60: *1.5
cash, *26 per mo. C. S. SHILLINBURG,
4615 Lee hwy. OX. 2624. After 0 p.m.
and Sunday. Mrs. James. OL. 6833. ——20
NR COLE8VILLE—2 one-acre homesites
in Montgomery County, on hard-surfaced
road; electricity; restricted. WA. 4066
noIth Arlington—we have just listed
• beautiful wooded lot. 60x136. near 26th
•t. and Glebe rd.. In country club dis
trict; priced for immediate sale, and If
Interested, better call us right away for
details and appointment to inspect.
KEITH D. BRUMBACK, Realtor. Exclu
sively, Chestnut 3527. _ „ *
fir homesites for sale in this restricted
community adjoining the Washington Golf
and Country Club, one with 100-ft. front
age on golf course: if you are really look
ing for an outstanding location for your
new home. It. will pay you to Inspect the
above KEITH D BRUMBACK. Realtor,
Exclusively. Chestnut 3527. *
ers—Twelve lots In Kenilworth. Just off
44th an\i Polk sts. n.e.: size of lots about
CHANGE. 011 6th st. n.w. DI. 6351.
Opefi Sun., 10 to 2 p.m.; wkdays. B^to
SILVER SPRING. Woodmoor—75-ft front
age; conveniently located: must sacriflce
for **.300. including utilities, paved sts.
COLLEGE PARK—High and dry; 6909
Carlton terrace (69x1001; slopping front
to rear, between 2 high-quality homes;
Elans f<v 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, 2-flreplace
ome designed for this lot; all for *2,760.
WA. 6880.
1-ACRE ESTATES—New subdivision of
choice 1-acre lots on main highway in
Colesvllle, Just north of 8ilver Spring.
Md.; sensible restrictions will protect
your future home here. Biltboard sign.
"Colesvllle Farm Estates.”, Identifies prop
erty; salesman on premises all 8unday.
R. P. RIPLEY. Realtor, SH. 7539; If no
LOCATED IN* Mb., 1 mile from D. C,. at
end of busline, on prominent avenue and
adjoins new proposed super highway, cor
ner lot 100x186 feet. 18.400 so ft., excel
lent location; reasonable. Phone WA. 7971.
LOTS 38 AND 39. in Square 6163. on At
lantic st. s.e.. between 6th and 8th sts.,
for sale to settle estate. Offers in writing
solicited by jsmis a. wj«i, uuiwj
628 Investment Bid* Brokers invited. —19
LEVEL WOODED LOT8. 60*150. restricted
subdivision: sewer, water and gas: *1,650
and up. cash or terms. A. A. CAROZZA
CO , Realtors. Salesmen on property Sat.
and Sun; Out Penr.a. ave. s.e,. right on
Branch ave., ml. over District line, turn
right at- King s Park Inn. temporary en
trance to Hlllcrest Heights. —18
CO"nty—Corner lot. located in a neigh
borhood of beautiful detached homes. This
lot contains almost an acre of ground
with total frontage of 462 ft. on 2 streets.
Erice, *2.250. PHILLIPS. CANBY it EUL
ER. INC., NA. 4606, 1012 15th st. ^n.w.
ON MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—90-ft. front
age. all utilities, beautiful shade trees. In
cluding dogwood: excellent location.
OWNER. WI. 5277. _ —18
CHEVERLY LOTS; easy terms—S beauti
ful wooded lots together: price, *3.00o.
One 75-ft lot oil Cheverly Circle. *1-250;
two wooded lots on Parkway, 20.000 sq.
ft., price, *2.750; one V4-acre level iot in
Riverdale, Md.. price, *1,250. J. HARRIS
ROGERS. UN 0493 — 1» ,
BUILDER*. ATTENTION—If you are look
ing for row or detached housa lots or good
anartment locations in a fast-growing sec
tion of S.E . also acreage off wheeler rd.,
i a short- distance from D. C. line, reason
able prices. Call BUSADA. TR. 0307. —19
BUILDERS, ATTENTION — 28 desirable
building lots, various sixes, all public
utilities wallah'; for use. situated in a
well-known sub* vision, close to D. C. line
where homes are selling up to *15,000;
excellent transportation: close to schools,
churches, shopping center, etc. Call Mr.
Markev. O. B ZANTZINGER CO. 940 K
at. n.w , NA. 9593 or NA. 5371: eves.,
Sunday. CA. 7183 —18
WOOD8IDE PARK, MD.. best section—
Beautiful wooded lot, 17,000 so. ft., all
utilities: *3,350. OWNER. SL. 2416. —23
TAKOMA PARK. MD.—Beautiful wooded
iot. 50x300. all utilities: sacrifice, *1,750
or hest offer OWNER. SL. 2416. —23
ONE OF THE MOST desirable building
Bites in 8prlngbrook Forest. Approx. 21
acres. Owner will sell at a sacrifice. E. 6.
PRICE * CO., ME. 3650, PL. 1231. or
eall Roy Price. WI 0491. —19
SILVER SPRING. MD. — 70x150 Coles
ville rd and Sligo pkwy.. center new de
velopment. V. S. OLIVE, Broker. MI.
8877; eves,. OR. 6655. —18
SOMERSET, lot 103x180 ft . *1.200 cash
Paved street, utilities close by: excellent
investment Apply OWNER. WI. o84■'7
FAIRHII.L on the blvd. near Merrlfleld—
120x200, cleared ready to build. Price.
*1.000. Call CH 6677 daily and Sun
day. J. H. BENOIT. Realtor. 5904 N.
Washington bivd.. Arlington, Va —18
SHEPHERD PARK section, off 16th st.. on1
Roxanna rd . 60x125 ft. Call OWNER GE
8575. , —19
ful high-rolling ground, overlooking the
park, that divides the property. We have
one. I wo and three acre homesites. with
Daved roadways, property is Just five miles
from Naval Ordinance Lab. Restricted,
and priced Si.500 and up To reach:
Out Coiesville rd . right on Columbia pike,
nr Laurel rd . left on Briggs Chaney rd. to
the property. Representative on the
property. A J. KESSINGER & CO.
Realtors. Bonifant st. and Georgia ave.
SH. 4544. —18
SPRINGBROOK—Do you desire a real
country home, yet only M, hour's drive
from downtown? We have several very
desirable homesites. Three to five acre
tracts In beautiful, restricted Springbrook.
A J. KESSINUEK At TO., Realtors, turai
. fam st. and Georgia ave. 8H 4544.—19
SILVER SPRING—Level wooded lot. over
looking Sligo Park. 66x160. One beauti
ful lot in Hillendalf: 26.000 sq. It. Sev
eral very desirable homesites. with all
utilities aveilable. A. KESSINGER At
CO, Realtors. Bonifanl st. and Georgia
are. SH. 4544. —19
LOT—3503 Highwood dr. «.e. Beautiful
view of city U. 4420. 19*
1n beautiful wooded section: all utilities
available For details, cal! H. B. Talbutt.
with MAX C. SCHWARTZ. RE. 1584: eves.,
MI 396!*. —18
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. corner 39th and
Harrison sts. n w.—12.000 sq ft I120x
100': your chance to acquire one of the
fi.nert homesites in this section: conven
in' io everything. Call OWNER, NA 1149
o- WO. 4983. 18*
ACRE LOTS. $1,200. terms—Beautiful
winded hilltop sites: access to Shirley Me
mTial hay : see model ranch house featur
ing radiant heat thermopane glass, many
other postwar features; swimming pool,
acre fishpond; will build your medium-cost
postwar home at special savings. For de
lays. phone FA. 1810-R or ALex. 1633.
BELLEVUE FOREST—The Ideal develop
ment located In nearby Arlington, lying
between Key Bridge and Chain Bridge,
near the proposed extension of the George
Washington Memorial Pkwy. This beautiful
wooded area overlooks tbe Washington
Golf and Country Club: these sites, rang
ing in si*e from '» to acre with wide
frontage of from 80 ft., are the perfect
setting for the beautiful better-type home
you plan to build. Some of these lots have
panoramic view of Washington unfolding
in the dls:ance and others border winding
streams: natural drainage and a high ele
vation of 450 ft. wll! be of appeal. Re
corded restrictions guaranteeing perma
nent protection make these sites a smart
buv for your future securit-.-. Why not
drive out today and choose one of These
desirable lots? Be’levue Forest may be
reached by driving over Chain Bridge and
bearing left on Glebe rd. to Military rd.
and left on Military rd. to our field office
opposite the golf course; or over Key
Bridie, right on Lee hwy. to Military rd.
and light on Military, rd. to otr field of
fice opposite_'he golf course. GEORGE
MASON GREEN CO . 2840 Wilson blvd .
Arlington. Va.. aeekdavs. CH. 3838: eve
nings and Sunday. GL. 3838. —18
OWNERS will sacrifice budding lots. One
65x150. exe usive Westnver. Va. Ooen-ali
fireplace. Two in Avalon Shores. Md,
Shopping centers, all utilities. FA. 28T2;-J.
WE Have A few very desirably located
lots ready for bldg, and below markei
price--. Now is the time ‘o buy before
the rush Call Mr. McKee. GUVWHITF
FCRD. INC. RE. 6346; eves,, CO 2025,
|>*t. 339. —1*
home* of distinction make this locality ex
tremely desirable; lots ranslns to slxe from
6,000 sq. ft. to V« of an acre: now Is the
time to select a site for your future home;
priced reasonably low on todays market.
S^USSibWS cS“. rn:
n.w„ MX. MOO. —18
tance from District line; reasonable. Call
PR. 1184. — 1*
WOODED LAND—Glenn Alden subdivision;
two miles west of Camp Washington on
four-lane Lee hwy.: 300-ft. frontage. 454
ft. depth: corner; 84.000 cash. Telephone
POTOMAC. '^MARYLAND—Two 1-acre lots
on MacArthur blvd extended. Call W. 8.
3BISBERT, Gaithersburg 250-J. —18
lots on main street, reasonably priced.
WEST REAL ESTATE," 8P. 0099 after 6.
205 Washington blvd. _18
Suitable for apt. house or apt. units; very
reasonably priced. EDWARD K. CALD
WELL, OR. 2244. —18
CRESTWOOD—A beautiful building site
on Taylor st.; contains 9.700 so. ft.:
located In the lovely restricted section
of N.W. Washington, only 10 min. from
downtown. Priced to sell. PAUL P. STONE
and EDWARD E. CALDWELL. Developers,
5000 Conn. eve.. OR 2244. —18
ROCK CREEK PAKK. to Hawthorne, one of
Washington's best-planned and restricted
subdivisions—2 building lots, 70x130. on
Oregon ave.; utilities available; well graded
and beautifully wooded. An Ideal site for
one or two lovely homes. PAUL P. STONE
and EDWARD E. CALDWELL. Developers,
5000 Conn, ave., OR. 2244. —18
ALABAMA AVE.—1st commercial, con
tains 1 Vi acres, approximately 65c so. ft.
Also frontage on Benning rd.: ideal for
auto showroom or numerous stores. PAUL
P. STONE. Realtor. OR. 2244. -—18
We have several desirable lots, priced from
$2,000 In these desirable sections. Call
LAWRENCE V. LUTES. Realtor, SL. 4223;
eve*.. SL. 4906. —18
BY OWNER, beautiful, large wooded cor
ner building site amid fine homes In re
stricted section of Chevy Chase. Md.; fronts
123 ft. on Meadow lane and 73 ft. on
Thornapple gt., over 10,000 so. ft.: rare
opportunity for one desiring to build in a
refined community. DE. 9124. —22
FOUR FRONT IOIS, V. acres or larger:
residential: between Burtonsville and
gpenct: vllle. Md. Aahton 3192. —18
home sites, offers
18th st woods. 50X100 --- *3.300
Spnnr brook Forest, corner lot-2.000
University Park, corner lot_3.750
University Park. 60x150- 2,100
Riverdale, corner_1.500
Beltsvllle, 72x325 - .... 1.150
Convenient terms on all the above.
Call for particulars. FINLEY REAL
ESTATE, UN. 0700. WA. 3875; eves . UN.
ARLINGTON—A plot partially wooded
with 200-ft. frontage on 26th st. No.
Suitable for subdividing into 3 lots:
approx. 8.000 sq. ft. All utilities in and
paid. Price. *4.500.
2 large lots on Pershing dr., ea. aDDrox.
.42 acre. All utilities in and paid. Price.
Realtors, GL. 0484.—24
COLORED—BUILDERS attention—Vs to
10 acre lots; .$100 uo; 18 miles, In Md.
HO. 7826 or Box 26S-E, Star. 19*
COLORED—Commercial and residential.
We have excellent choice 1st and 2nd com
mercial lots in the finest n.e. areas. If you
plan to start a business of any type, bring
us your problems and we can solve them.
Also a lge. selection of fine homeslte lots
m Capital View and other desirable areas.
Call LI. 0604 and LI. 3540 today for de
tors, 5001 East Capitol st.
FOR COLORED—LOT 50x57 on Hollywood
pi. n.e., opposite Clay st., north of Blaine
st. s.e. in De Priest Village section. Price,
$850. BEALL TURNER A CO.. 1105 Ver
mont gve. Rsndoiph 0885. National 6131, *
COLORED—55th AND EADS st. n.e.—2
1 st-commercial Jots, price $3,000 for two.
Lot nr. 46th and Blaine st. n.e.; 25x
115; price. $1,000. GUY TINNER. 1929
Uth st. n.w. North 4907._
WHAT HAVE YOU? Commercial preferred:
give full particulars, location and lowest
ash price. Box 270-C, Star. •
LOT WANTED west of Conn, ave., mini
mum site 80x120. Call Georgia oy?4.
PART ACRE; wooded, on good Va. bus,
15-20 mi. from D. C., $500 cash, EM.
3305 GA. AVE. N.W.—Beautiful store and
8-room apt.’ available June 1; rent. $180
mo. Phone TA. 6592 or NA. 3518.
FLORIST—Store for rent: transfer point,
facing 3 busy streets—Georgia ave.. Ken
nedy and Illinois. Only tenant willing
to modernize will be considered. GE. 2943.
12th AND G STS. N.W.—Busy downtown
location: large store and 2nd floor, suit
ably arranged for a stock and shop com
bination of a restaurant, delicatessen and
pastry business. An Ideal location for a
business of that type, as there are no
other similar business downtown. For in
formation call EX. 7496. —19
3310 M ST. N.W.; Georgetown—Large
store and good basement. HENRY CLAY
CO.. MI. 0600. —18
I twnrKUAL hluu.; ise. snow winuow
336 Commerce lane. Rockville. Md.—For
rent, flve 25-lt. lots; can be sold part or
whole. 300 Baltimore rd., Rockville, Md.
Phone Rockville 2460. —18
NEW MODERN STORE to let: excellent
spot for all kinds of business: near Dupont
Circle shopping center: long lease; 1308
17th st n.w DE 8621. —18
CONN. AVE. near Mayflower Hotel gmongst
group of prominent, shops. 1.600 sq ft.
Apply with references. Box 316-D Star.
3003 P ST. N.W.—Excellent business loca
tion In Georgetown. Inspection by an-c
polntment only. MENDELSON & MKR
DEL80N. Colorado Building. ME. 0041.
may suit your business. NA. 4639. —21
COMBINATION 1st FLOOR display space
(approx. 1.300 sa. ft.) with 2 floors of
office space (approx. 2.640 sq. ft.) above.
New downtown building, ready for oc
cupancy about June 1st: fu'ly air condi
tioned, fluorescent lights, rubber tile floors,
offices paneled, acostlcal ceilings: com
plete office service: parking available.
Call Mr. Green. H. L. RUST CO.. 1001 15th
st. n.w.. NA. 8100.
CONNECTICUT AVE.—Store, near Dupont
Circle, approx. 1,300 sq ft . plus balcony
500 sq. ft., available at once: will give
long-term lease to desirable tenant. J A.
WEINBERG CO, INC., Realtors, 1707 Hi
st. n.w . NA. 5500. —22 1
WILL SHARE our Igc. lingerie shoo with 1
hat. dress, shoe, alterations or other com-;
patlble business; desirable downtown loca
tion. Box 314-E. Star.
FIREPROOF BASEMENT, street level. lav
atory. heat and light: suitable repeir shop
or small business: 14th st. business section;
will remodel: also small front room, suit
able office: reasonable, AD. 7466.
1100 BLOCK COLUMBIA rd. n.w.—Nice
store, good for any business: available
5020. —20
13th ST., between L and Mass n.w.—Im
mediate occupancy; reasonable rent. RE.
8806. . , —20
2117 M ST. N.W.—Newly remodeled store
with plate-glass windows, 1.700 sq. ft.,
air conditioned, accoustal ceiling: close to
medical and automotive section: possession
about June 1. LEO. M. BERNSTEIN &
CO. 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —20
location for large, modern store, near
corner of 14th and G sts. n.w Entire
1st floor of 10-story office building, ap
proximately 4.800 sq. ft. on 1st floor and
3 400 sq. ft. in basement. Access to
alley and rear. Ideal for men's clothtng
store, complete women's shop, shoes, furs,
etc. For further details, call M- Ewe! .
LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO , 1415 K st.
n.w.. ME. 5400. —23
LARGE STORE. 3500 block 14th st. n.w..
suitable for any tyne husin-ss: S’10
monthly. For inf., call CO. 3303. •
921 lllh ST. N.W.—Ground floor, excel
lent location for any business. RA. 1)01
or PI (H18 _—20_
WANTED TO rent small store in or near ]
busy neighborhood shopping center: rea- >
sonable rent. State size and rent ir
letter to R. F. HUNT_19'.'» _H st. n.w. 18*
ARTIST'S STUDIO for rent during lsum
mer month'. Bnr. 256-D. Star. —18
If you have some experience In teaching
and can furnish satisfactory references,
this is an exceptional opportunity. Owner
going to California. Write Box 392-E,
Star _
school in Washington. Arlington or nearby
Virginia iv --
an. ballet and ballroom. Call M'SS
RICKS. ME. 4615. 18*
DOCTORS. DENTISTS. Now converting
modern. 11-story building to medical
offices Ideal location riiht in the medical
center and near all hospitals. 24-hour
elevator and switchboard service. Attrac
tive suites—350 to 1.050 so. ft. now
available 42 doctors and dentists now
in building. Apply Resident Manager.
,-t nv„ RE. 1400 ... . —23
WOODWARD BLDG—Mfgr ait., part
time ccpy. wishes share turn office 15x15
sectrl ser . use of dictaphone, transcriber
and tel.. $40. RE 5897. OR 1798
DOWNTOWN—Air-conditioned office space.
>a block west ol Connecticut avenue, con
venient to Medical Center- elevator, lull
office service: individual floors ol 1.000
sq. It. and 1.400 sq. It. available June 1.
J A. WEINBERG CO-. INC.. Realtors.
1707 H street n.w NA. 550(1 —J
CONN. AVE.—2nd floor office. 4 rooms,
approximately 1.300 sq. ft. Conn ave.
frontage: large display window, elevator,
available In approximately «0 days. Suit
able for commercial or professional ten
ant. Will give term lease. See Mr Henry.
Conn. ave,. DE. 3600
VERMONT AVE.—Small office or desk
;space In office building suite: good loca
tion; turn, or unfurn.; reas. DI. 1243
CONN. AVE.—Near K st.—Will rent for
from four or five month period: partly
furnished: newly decorated; large office
with two smaller offices and private
toilet; very reasonable rent; will con
«ider leasing to responsible party on
-early basis. Phone NA. 7562.
PVT. OFFICE — Available immediately;
- ocd location. Phone EX. 0390. —19
FURN. OFFICE—Desk space; telephone
and mail service. L. J. COWIE. 809 Eye
st n.w. —24
tury Bldg . 412 5th st. n w.; equipped with
■ counter and cashier s cage; new fluorescent
lights rent $97.50 per mo. for both. Call
AD. '*13. —23
j PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, for colored; one
1 for dentist and 1 for doctor; in modern
■ new apt. buildinc. good n.w. location.
3540 New Hampshire ave. n.w . see en
gineer. or call DE 6400. Ext. 616 —20
pit. bath; rent to white or colored; 1220
i 7th it. n.w. A. S. BCONOMON. EX. 0064.
. *8* 1
l I
Sfft&'E tu^Sr. T&$!sr$%i
DOWNTOWN LOCATION—Office bide., ele
vator service; 1 room; reasonable rent,
n 1587. , —18
TBTS1CIAN to share office apace with den
tist In Fairfax Village shopping center;
excellent location in 8.E. Washington, en
joying the highest type clientele; occupancy
to be given between June 5th and 20th.
For further information, call PR. 8280,
J C. BLAKE —18
modern building; phone service optional.
KAY REALTY CO., BA. MOO, 5505 Geor
gia ave. n.w. -—"8
OFFICE FOB BENI at 18th and Col, rd.:
$75 per month. Call CHEVY CHAR
REALTY CO.. EM. 1800 until 9 pJn.
UPTOWN lttb ST. N.W.—Furnished in
general. 3418 14th it. n.w. —.18
ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR, approximately
1.000 souare feet office space, at 1621 K
at. n.w. Call MB. MEDFORD. NA. 2100.
NB. 3rd AND PENNA. AVE. S.E.—A 5
room suite with private bath, asphalt tile
floors, Venetian blinds: newly redecorated;
S125 mo.: suitable for professional use or
for organize tlon desirine close contact with
Capitol. KELLEY At BRANNER, DI. 7740.
MT. RAINIER—3 rooms, lavatory: corner
33rd and Perry sta.; rent. $85 mo.: Im
mediate possession. Call F. E. MIDDLE
TON. RE. 1181.
OFFICE FOB RENT. 2nd fl„ modern bldg.,
at 2184 No. Upton st.. Lee hwy. and Lor
eom lane. Arlington; $65 mo. OK. 2010.
OFFICE SFACE—One or two rma.: Vene
tian blinds, fluorescent lights; corner
Georgia ave. and Kennedy n.w. Call GB.
2843. —23
COMBINATION—2 floors of office space
(approx. 2,640 so. ft.), with Izt-floor die
play space (approx. 1.300 so. ft.) below;
new downtown building ready for occu
pancy about June 1: fully air conditioned,
fluorescent lights, rubber tile floors, offices
paneled, acoustical ceilings; complete office
service; parking available. Call Mr. Green,
H. L. RUST CO.. 1001 15th at. n.w., DI.
OFFICE IN N. ARLINGTON, ideal for real
cm* DC ui luouiautci uivc iwmmvui ■»** »v*i
or consider long-term lease. COLLINS A
PRICE, QL. 1133. OX. 1202.
ond-floor space for office or school; good
lease. ME. 9208.
A BEAUTIFUL OFFICE with entertaining
rocen. located a block from Mayflower Ho
tel; rent very reasonable. Furniture for
sale, arrange lease, available June 1. Box
264-D, Star.
PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE, 2nd floor of pro
fessional building at 3315 lflth st. n.w.
between Park rd. and Monroe st.; beauti
fully decorated; all utilities furnished:
200 so. ft. office space. Call NO. 5358 or
QE. 1397 to Inspect. —24
n.w.: entire wing of flth floor, approxi
mately 1.375 sq. ft. in desirable 10-story
office building: immediate occupancy. Call
rent dept.. LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO..
1415 K st. n.w- ME. 5400.
DOCTORS, ATTENTION! * Corner house
in very busy neighborhood near 4th and
Rhode Island ave. n.e.. Ideal for resi
dence and office for general practitioner.
Will remodel for office in basement. Call
1415 K st. n w- ME. 5400. —23
19th AND M STS. N.W.—3 large, bright
rooms, suitable for studio, office or labora
tory, for rent as a whole or in part. LEO
M. BERSTEIN A CO., 1415 K #t. n.w.,
ME. 5400. —23
OFFICE SUITE. 806 H st. n.w., 3 rooms
and bath, newly redecorated, inlaid lino
leum, fluorescent lighting, Venetian blinds
throughout; heat, water and electricity
furnished: 2nd floor. *85 per month: 3rd,
$75 per month. Key st Joseph E. Bruno
A CO , Inc- 903 H st. n.w. —25
CAPITOL HILL offices, desk space: newly
decorated: telephone: secretarial service;
optional furnished or unfurnished. MRS.
BECK. AT. 7048. —24
1500 13th ST. N.W.—Ideal corner: just
remodeled; opposite Roosevelt High; two
entrances: excellent transportation: suit
able doctor, dentist, with living quarters.
OE. 3028. _
FINE OFFICE. 527 9th st. n.w.—Busy
downtown location: light manufacturing
permissible; rent reasonable. Call EX.
2583 —20
elevator bldg- entire 2nd fl- 5-rm. suite.
DOWNTOWN—Excellent locations, 1 to 14
rms.. 100 to 3.500 sq. ft. Call till 9 p.m.,
3533 or Hyattsville 0246. 906 15th sL_n.w.
1013 12th ST, N.W.—Over 3,000 sq. ft. of
desirable ground floor with rear outlet;
suitable for many uses; whole or part.
KNOUSE. NA. 0218. —20
714-16-18 5th ST. N.W.—Entire 1st floor
of 3 connecting buildings in convenient
downtown location; approximately 2.200
sq. ft. of air-conditioned space; 12-car
parking space in rear; fluorescent lights.
Call rent dept- LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO
1415 K st. n.w., ME. 5400. —23
DENTIST—For established dental office:
to associate with busy gen'I physician;
s.e Box I38-H. Star.
town street-level store: will sell at cost
or rent. Call Mr. Brown. RE. 3533.
st. n.w. —24
OFFICE, furnished or unfurnished: vicin
ity 15th and K. financial district. For
information, call EX. 0271, Box 452-D,
29th AND K STS. N.W.—Architects, build
ers. real estate or insurance office; unfurn.:
reas.: less than *2.50 per sq. It.; parking
space avail. WO. 3816.
DOWNTOWN. K ST- nr. 14th—Govern
ment to vacate 7-story bldg.; Teveral at
tractive suites, containing 10 rms- 2
lavatories: available soon: approx. 2,500
sq. ft. For further information, call
1415 K st. n.w- ME. 5400. —23
NEAR 9th AND G—Large or small room
space: furnished: in association with ac
countants. lawyers ana real esrara omce;
available immediately. DI. 3131 or DI.
4114. —33
3000 S ST. N.W.—Large corner room,
laboratory space and bath with street
entrance, suitable lor doctor or dentist:
*125 month. Call NA 8080. Ext 15
in prominent apt. house, vie. Wis. and
Mass ave,.: sep outside entr. OR. 6508.
CONN. AVE. below Dupont Circle—App.
2.000 so. ft,. 7 rms. in mod. elevator of
fice bldg . Util. furn. OR. 6508.
Bldg., 010 l?tt> st. n.w.. and the Bond
Bldg . 14th and N. Y. ave. n.w. Switch-1
board service included. Mail address:
and telephone answering services a'so
available without desk space at both lo
cations. Call W. E. SPICER, DI. 2801
— 13 !
section up to September 1: immediate oc-!
cupancy. All office facilities inc'udine,
switchboard service. NA. 3252 weekdays. |
attention, national organizations—:
Located oil 20th st. near Dupcnt Circle,
very attractive office space In 3-story brick
buildlrk which has iust been remodeled
and modernized. Attractive lease and
rent offered. For additional information,
please call Mr. Doe, with FRANK S.
PHILLIPS, DT. 141L —18
735 13th ST. N.W.—Three bright rooms
with display windows, available at once.
Plumbinrr roughed In for dental work.
Heat furnished. Call Mr. Franklin,
WEAVER EROS.. INC.. Washington Bldg..
DI. 8300: eves . GL. 4456. —18
SMALL OFFICE, 14th and N. Y. ave. RE
3614: eves.. RA. 8380. —19,
CLARENDON. 3150 Wilson blvd.—2 ad
joining rooms on 2nd floor. *75. DU. 2259.
AIR-CONDITIONED ground-floor location,
suitable for store or suite of 3 offices, on
K st between Statler and. Mayflower
Hotels: approx. 1,100 so. ft.: avail. June
1st NA. 2525. —18 j
Modern 2 and 3 room suites available
now: *75 month. To inspect, call ME
0005, COMET REALTY CO., 933 New
York ave1. n.w. —18
DOCTOR'S OFFICE—Newly decorated. 902
Westminster st. n.w. Call LA SALLE
REALTY CO-. 541 Florida ave. n.w. MI.
2115. —20
WE HAVE several desirable second-floor io
cations foi office sd ace—60<> block of
Penn^virpnia eve. s.e.. Good Hope rd -
and Nichols ave *#.. 1.3th and L Sts.
n.w., and the *’000 block of Eye st. n.w.
For further information. can JOHN F.
DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania
ave. s.c.. LI. 008^. —18
Brand-new building now under construc
tion to contain several offlee suites for
doctors and dentists. Located In Capital
View section in “Park and Shop’ center.
Large or small suites. For further ^for
mation call rent dep't, LEO M. BERN
STEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w.
sures; desirable location for doctors, law
yers. contractors, large or small suites:
FA It Annlv 1633 N. C&Ditol St., NO. .3016.
OfTcoWN. AVE.. "just-north Dupont Clr..
1500 blk.—Second fl.. small bldg., com
prising three rms.. pvt. lav., newly deco
rated. vacant: suitable for studio business
or general office use- large windows, ex
cellent light: $125 per mo.
If you are seeking downtown business
or office space, call us—we may have it!
GORMAN P. YOUNG. Realtor. PI. 2328.
ganisation seeks 4.000 to 5.000 sq. ft.
tor peimanent national headquarters; con
verted residence acceptable but desire
central location; not interested in pur
chase. Address communications to Box
338-D. Star, stating location, sa. ft. and
rental. —-3
4 rms. lor immediate occupancy: can be
in semlresidentla! neighborhood or apt. 11
in dignified, clean and light surroundings.
Box 447-X. 8tar.
ATTORNEY wishes desk space or room
ATTORNEY wants desk space: give full de
tails. re location, rent, services available,
etc. Box 218-E. Star, 20*
orated office: downtown office building:
reaaonable rental, phone SL. 7620 Sun
chester. Va.—Income fruit alone. $550
month, good house and barn. 100 acres.
Cheap terms. Immediate possession. Box
96-E. Stsr
good stream. H-rm. dwelling, outbid**.,
about 125 ecres deer: tenant operated:
$13,500. PENTAGON REALTY CO., Fair
fax 306.
GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE in beautiful Lou
doun Co.. 190 acres fertile farm land, fine
stream, lge. Colonial dwelling. 14 rooms,
modern, beautiful setting. 6-rm. tenant
house, butter’s quarters, complete set of
excellent outlbldgs.. term well fenced:
fax 306.
WEST'S 1947 CATALOGUE—Over 1.000
ff eatSe.TTeam of _ m horses. pigs
and chickens; feed aeuifarm equipment,
complete for operating farm. SInce we
are unable to give a complete list of
equipment and stock In this ad please call
for further Information. Reasonably priced
at *27.600. SIMPSON gt MAYS. Realtors.
3200 Wilson bird., Arlington, Va., CH.
7777. OX. 1186.
«sas, safe na ^arf's
farmhouse, with recently added wing; all
In excellent condition: beautiful location,
on 70-acre tract, all conveniences; living
room and dining room aro unusually large:
5 bedrooms. 2 tile baths, 5 flrsolaees. oil
heat, wide porches; 31’/> miles from White
House. 314 miles from McLean: Price,
$40,000. For detoUs. call Mr. King. T*.
0728. RIDDELL REALTY CO.. 1742 K at.
n-w., DI. 7000.
7W-ACRE POULTRY FARM, well worth
*20.000, sacrificing for only *13.000 com
plete; terras. 15 miles from D. C. line, <m
both sides of main highway in Maryland.
Could easily be converted Into any type of
business. New 5-room bungalow, with
2 massive atone fireplaces, 2-room cabin, 6
poultry bouses with cement floor, electricity
and afl modern equipment. Box 41 < -E.
! star. *
peter 1. hssan offers In Southern Maryland.
16 miles trom D. C. line, on hard-surfaced
road, lust off No. 5 highway, a small farm
of 25 acres and practically new 6-room
house, garage end chicken house; 10 acres
clear, good stream: more land available;
should go GI with *1,000 cash. For. par
ticular!. call peter J. began, suburban Spe
cialist.^ 3837 34th »t„ Mt. Rainier, Md.,
ON ROUTE 071 six mi. beyond Olney, Md.
—55 acres, with 6-rm. house and all out
bldgs. necessary for small farm. This
property Is unusual in that it is bounded
along one side by the Patuxent River, just
above Brighton Lake, and baa several
exceptionally fine, bldg, sites: reasonably
priced at *21,iO0. 8ANDT SPRING
REALTY CO.. Aehton 2421.
BEAUTIFUL FARM. Montgomery Co.—75
acres rich soil: long front on concrete rd„
20 ml. D. C. line: 7-rm. house, bath, elec.,
! rml refer 9 cnrlnws 9 hfirrtx. (fhl* Eir..
8 excel, outbldgs. with elec, light, water;
$8,000 down .terms. OWNER, CO. 4729.
A 69-ACRE FARM, located In one of
the best farming sections of Montgomery
County, with all fences and bldgs, modern
In every detail; the home Is fully Insulated;
has oil h.-w. heat; contains 2 nice bearms.
with bath: liv. rm„ din. rm., kjt. and
garnerm., and is so loc. that there Is a
commanding view of the country for miles
around from all rms.: outbldgs. are elec,
lighten and consist of horse and cow barn,
2-story chicken house and brooder house,
hoghouse (built for breeding nurposes) and
numerous other bldgs.: there Is an apple
orchard of 200 trees, a wood lot of approx.
12 acres and the bal. is under a high state
of cultivation: adequately fenced with new
fencing and could be expressly used for
either cattle or horses: this property la
loc. on hard-surfaced road approx. 25 miles
from Wash, and conv. to railway transp.
Can be purchased for less than the cost of
improvements. CRANE & HELAN. Exclusive
Realtors. Sligo 4000, eves, till 9 P.m. —19
VIRGINIA ESTATE — All-modern B-rm.
home. 4 fireplaces. 3 porches overlooking
beautiful rolling countryside on 401 acres:
about 125 acres valuable oak timber with
everllowing brook running through same
«ud watering all fields; excellent outbldgs.
Including a large horse and cow barn
combination with an adjacent metal silo,
large hay barn located in center of farm,
servants' quarters, two hen houses, grain
house, corn house. 2 hog houses and a 2
car garage: $40,000. Estate located 13
miles southwest of Warrenton, Va., V4
mile from hard-surfaced road. Call JACK
PIERCE. FR. 9000, Ext. 620 or evenings,
HO. 1260. —18
farm; 297 acres, near Mont. Co.; on high
way IS: recently built briek dwelling:
complete set bldgs.; shipping milk to Wash
ington. Other farms In Frederick and
Montgomery Co. 8. T. HICKMAN. Box 341.
Silver Spring. Md. —19
COMMUTER’S HOME. 14V4 miles of D. C.
line—One acre about half wooded, nice
shade; 6-room house In new condition:
furnaca heat, electricity and water In
stalled. part of bathroom fixtures on
premises: close to highway. Owner says
sell at $7,500 with $4.000 cash, balance
terms. H. B. MITCHELL, Herndon. Va.
Plume 135. —18
CHICKEN FARM, near Norbeck- Md., lust
off Ga. ave.—Owner moving out of town
and must sell complete; farm contains
5Vi acres and numerous bldgs., all of which
are neW; about 4,000 chickens; egg route
In D. C. Price. $24,000; $10000 down
required. Call F. E. MIDDLETON, RE.
DAIRY FARM. Lee hwy., at Gainesville.
Va.—230 acres, 160 under cultivation: 10
rm. house. 2 tenant houses, 36-stanchion
barn, brooder house, other outbldgs.:
$32,500. terms! plenty stock and equip
ment- available. N. C. HINES A SON. OX.
1660: eves., TE. 6796.
NO INFLATION HERE—360 acres, nearly
all In grass, two streams; quaint log house
(needs repair), spring In yard: barns, corn
house and sheds: less than $40 per jacre;
30 miles from Washington, in Montgom
ery Co. MR. TRUNDLE. Ashton 5563. 21*
tive Investment; tobacco farm of about 167
acres. Southern Md., 1 ml. from Waldorf
and 18.1 ml. from D. C., having frontage
of about 1 mi. on State highway; about
75 acres cleared, balance wooded; enough
soft and hardwood timber for own use and
future building: Improved by 6-rm. tenant
barns, good well: no main house, but lovely
bldg, spot that could overlook a lake. There
is a lovely running spring-fed stream,
which originates on the property, and con
tours of land near the building site form
a natural basin for a lake; electric, en
tire front of property: priced very rea
sonable: substantial cash necessary. For
further Information, please contact Mr.
Cross, with EDWARD E. .CALDWELL. OR.
2244. —19
Warren County's best fat-producing grac
ing lands, abundance bluegrass, water and
shade; no dwelling. If you know your
bluegrass. this Is It. Sell at $25 per acre,
trade for property nearer Roanoke. Vs.:
sell ‘i or M> interest to managing partner
with proper references; cattle should be
on farm now. Contact promptly, M.
ELSTON WHORTEN. Strasburg. Va., or
J. B. HARRIS. Roanoke. Va.
ALL-AROUND FARM, approx. 450 acres,
xood, clean land, 160 acres small wood
land: good six-room house, elec., fine bank
bsm. two never-dry streams. Price, $50
per acre, on liberal terms: Just off mac
adam highway. VAN IDEN ZEILER. Lees
burg. Va. phone 100, weekdays; 91-J
RIVER MEADOWS FARM, estate and show
place, 211 acres with % mile road frontage:
lfl'A miles to Washington and 4 miles to
Elllcott City: 112 a. under cultivation. 68
a. of beautiful meadow: pays dividends:
32 s. woods: river running through entire
farm: house and buildings on outstanding
site, overlooks entire farm; bouse has 2
new baths, modern kitchen, new, modern
oil-burning furnace, hot-water hookup:
priced at $500 acre: farm across the
road sold for *80.000 before the war.
This farm cannot be duplicated for a
gentleman s estate:, will have to be seen
to appreciate. Clarksville 98-F-2, Sat.
and Sun.. MR. GALES.
STOCK OR DAIRY FARMS, large or small.
Write or phone WEST & TAYLOR. 148 So.
Washington st.. Falls Church, Va,. FA. 2135.
FREDERICK CO. FARM, approximately
110 acres, 34 miles from D. C.: 8-room
brick-and-freme house. 20-cow barn: well
watered; *10,500. Call our farm repre
sentative. Mr. Ruble, Poolesvllle 2012. or
EARL T. WRIGHT, Realtor, WI. 6900,
Bethesda. Md.
2.500 bargains In Florida and 30 other
States. eo»st to coast. Orange groves,
country homes, retirement places; roadside
businesses, cabin courts, gas stations,
stores, etc., etc. A Fla. homestead to
assessed valuation *52)00 is tax exempt.
Mailed free. STROUT REALTY. 318 Vi
W. Colonial dr.. P. O. Box 3583. Or
lando. Fla.
VIRGINIA FARMS, ranging from 50 acres
to 5.000 acres in size end from *10,000 to
*500.000 in price These farms are lo
cated in beautiful Northern Virginia from
the Tidewater to the mou-ntains Many
are within commuting distance of Wash
ington. Cattle, dairy and general purpose
farms are a specialty. If you want to
live out of town, be it in a modest cottage
or In a stately Colonial mansion, see
MASON HIRST. Annsndsle, Vs.. St the
end of Columbia pike Phone Alexandria
6812. Closed Sundaya.
other buildings, all good; school bus. R.
F. D. macadam road. D. C. FEARROW.
Berkeley Sorings. W. Va.. phone 368-J.
town. 271 a. rich soil, 9-rm. house, out
buildings, streams, springs Mr Brown,
AD. 3699. with J. LETTON MARTIN.
Earle Bldg.. RE. 2492.
acre stock farm, well watered fertile soil:
17th century Colonial dwelling. In good
repair; 100 acres, 9-room frame dwelling,
new barn, mach. shed; priced to sell, im
mediate possession. 50 seres. 8-room
dwelling, large barn, chicken houses: e bar
gain at *12,500: possession in 30 days.
Apply EVAN G. CREEL Haymirket, Va.
*2,200. NO LESS—00 acres. H-room house
a nu U1UK O. HU Ulipiurvun.moi
available: 45 miles from Washington, near
Fredericksburg. Va. Phone OX. 0081.
VALUABLE and attractive farm and home:
80 acres good land, located in Hanover
County. Va.. on North Anna River, and
fronts on highway; six-room house, in good
condition: all necessary outbuildings. Price.
$5,500: terms. W. R. DILLARD, owner.
Spotsylvania. Va. _, _ .
TOO ACRES on Potomac River, near Point
Lookout and Chesapeake Bay; nice level
tract containing about 750.000 feet of saw
timber; good 7-rin. house, several other
outbldgs.: priced for quick sale. JOHN A.
BRICKLEY. SL. 6533. —1»
HOWARD CO.—50 acres: 4-bedroom house:
large br.rc. other outbuildings; all conv.
available, on rchool bus road bet. Balto.
and Waih.: $21,500. ' PIERSON. Oiney.
Md. Ph. Ashton 3828. —18 ,
ROCKVILLE PIKE. 7 miles this side of
Frederick—00 acres with necessary out
bldgs : fertile ground now in gultivation:
hard rd.; 8-rm. house in excel, condition:
2- car gar.: bargain. $12,500. McCAULBY
REALTY CO.. SH. 6412. SH. 8488 —18
EASTERN SHORE FARM. 18 mile? south
cl Salisbury: 100 acres, 80 in cultivation.
40 woodlands: 7-room house: large barn;
excellent condition; immediate possession;
ideal lor veteran. EX. 7590. —18
27 MILES from Washington, off Route No.
50. in Loudoun County and Middleburg
hunt country. 230-acre farm, half in cul
tivation and bluegrass nasture. balance in
timber. Old loghouae recently restored,
stone fireplace, streams, beauttfully situ
ated: Immediate possession: tenant on
property: reasonable terms. This prepertv
is self-supporting: *14,750. Please call
OV "872 —1 S
BEAUTIFUL Montgomery Co. estate of 45
acres; high view. Frame house of liv. rm.
with flrenl’ce. din. rm with fireplace,
beamed ceilings, screened side porch. 3
bedrooms and 2 baths: h.-w. heat. Guest
house with liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen. 3
bedrooms and bath: h.-w heat: 45 miles
out. Phone Mr Abbe, with SHANNON *
LUCKS CO.. 1505 H at. n.w., NA. 2345:
eves.. WI. 3500. —18
acres and a barn that cost almost as
much as the price of this fine farm, rated
as one of the best in this fine community.
There's an oid Colonial home in bad re
pair which can be beautifully restored.
Price of *42.500 Is. we believe, below it.
true value. Mr. Kelley. GL. #204. KELLEY
£ BRANNER: DI. 7740 —18
3- ROOM HOUSE. 60 acres. Md.: excellent
•oil: pump, elec.: 25 miles from Wash.:
good road: *6.700; *5,000 cash. Bex
foo-1. Star. ^ »
Another building contains 2-car garese.
rac. rm. with fireplace and storage attic.
An Ideal site in nearby Va. to build a
magnificent estate, rest borne or subdivi
sion. Arrangements may be made to pur
chase parcels ot IB acres or more. Ad
iolnlne several good subdivisions within a
few minutes of the city. To reach: Via
Memorial Bridge. 10 miles out Lee UvA,
turn left, follow Rt. 660 and "HtU O'
rauts&T? «sswi?d Wrbjjj?
SMALL FARMS—2 acres and independ
ence, SOSO <no house), near school,
stores, churches, bus, etc. Near fast
growing town. Plenty of room for chick
ens, garden, fruits, berries, etc. Price.
SOSO and up; SOS down, $12 month.
Drive out Lee blvd. or Lee hwy., 36 min
utes to CentrevlUe. See our big sign on
right. Fairfax Farms. Four-lane high
way from Washington to CentrevlUe—no
turns. Open every day. .2 to 9 p.ra. Bring
$10 deposit. Railways bus panes u* on
FORMLE BY OWNER—185-acre farm.
26 mi. south of Washington. 2 ml. west
of No. 1 hwy.. on good gravel road; 80
acres bottom land, under cultivation, re
mainder mostly wooded; all fertile land,
well watered by creeks and springs: 2 cot
tages, garage, tenant bouse, barn, chicken
houses, electric lights, etc. Write Box
291. Quan'ico, Va. 18* «
120 acres dear; 2 tenant houses. 3 bams,
oth ;r outbldg?.. on State rd. Price, *18.
000. Anne Arundel County—128 acres.
86 acres deared; 7-rm. house. 4 bednns.,
bath. 2 l«e. barns, a lte. stable, tenant
house. 2 horses. 1 cow, 12 bogs. 2 heifers.
1 beef steer, tractor, and all equipment;
8.000 ft. lumber to build another tenant
house. Gas range, elec. box. The ten
ants will plant 100,000 tobacco plants
this year. Price. $20,000. Terms. W. E.
HARDESTY, Real Estate. Marlboro 3306.
After 6 p.m., call MR. DOVE, Capitol
Heights 7141. v —18
195 ACRE8, about 20 acres of woodland,
with stream, balance tillable and workable
with tractor; Improved with three bouses:
tricky; one tenant house with a rooms,
plumbing roughed in for bath; garage,
workshop, meathouse and chicken house;
one bungalow with 4 rooms, pantry, tull
basement, chicken house and meathouse;
bank barn 45X60. feeding shed 20x1X6.
bull and calf pens, double corn crib and
mixing room. 2 machine sheds, meathouse.
hog pen and chicken house: this farm is
also improved with a modern dairy barn.
2 modern silos. 14x40; this building is
built of first-class brick to the square, giv
ing a high-class efTect. with 50 stalls, milk
house and feedroom; there are few, if any,
better dairy barns in Montgomery County,
and is now rented for $150 per month—
the barn with one field only; this farm Is
ideally located for development at this I
time, at the edge of Damascus; there are
many beautiful building sites: has long
hard-road frontage on two roads: a house
and 5 acres, which was part of the farm.
I have Just sold for $60,000; price.
$80,000. FRED B. CUSHMAN, Realtor.
510 Frederick pike. Gaithersburg, Md.
Tel. 290. Open today.
100 ACRES, dairy or stock farm, located
on herd road Boyd to Clarksburg in Mont
gomery Co., and having frontage of about
*4 mile with some food building sites 25
miles to D. C. 95 acres clear, balance
woods; Improved with 7-room frame house
In good condition; 17-cow dairy barn,
large bank bam: garage and necessary
outbuildings. Electricity only improve
ment. No bath. Produces well. Price,
$13,500. FRED B. CUSHMAN. Realtor.
510 Frederick pike. Gaithersburg. Md.
Tel. 299.
140 ACRES. Improved with a 2-story frame
house recently covered with Johns-Man
vllle shingles; 7 rooms and bath, small
basement, hot and cold water; large bank
barn with dairy, (table beneath; cement
block milk house, shipping milk at the
present time; water and drinking foun
tains: double com crib: about 20 acres
woodland; farm is wetl watered: 14-mile Dike
frontage. $21,000. FRED B. CUSHMAN,
Realtor. 510 Frederick pike, Gaithersburg.
Md. Tel. 299.
FORCED TOSSELL—Due to the death of
my husband. I am forced to sell my farm
which is reliably considered to be one of
the best in this section: 192 acres, 75
clear, in high state of cultivation; 7-room
dwelling, outbuildings in good renalr; 5
room tenant house. 2.500-bushel potato
house, 14-stall cattle barn 40x60. tobacco
barn 40x44; good pastures. Well fenced:
located 50 yards 'from the corporation
limits of Bowling Green. Va.. fronting on
U. S. hwy. 301 about 14 mile: *12.000,
Address Box 254, Bowling Green. Va., or
call EM 4564. *
A-l BLDGS.. STOCK, EQPT.—Move right
in and start making money—team. 9 cows.
6 heifers, bull. 10 hogs, flock hens, tractor,
mowing machine, com planter, grain
binder, etc.—all go to quick buyer; bldgs,
couldn't be replaced today for asking price
of whole farm: 74 acres, about 65 in high
state of cultivation, stream-watered pas
ture. elec, fencing, fruit; 6 miles to large
depot town: 7-rm. dwelling, stone and
stucco construction; modern conveniences,
nice lawn. 36x50 cement-basement bam.
elec, pump, housing for 1.200 hens, many
other bldgs.; $16,000. List other bargains
mailed free. R. L Zents. 8TROUT
REALTY, 202 E. Baltimore at., Taney
town. Md.
at edge progressive city; "fine home, pro
ductive orchard. 175 fine bldg, lots of
choice location: here is a proposition that's
sure to make big money; 43 fertile acres,
approx. 600 thrifty apple trees, best com
mercial varieties, other fruit; good 15-rm.
dwelling, 1 Va baths, furnace, elec., phone,
fireplace, maple shade, glorious views,
beautiful flowers and shrubbery, circular
driveway, fronts on fine city residential
street; many other bldgs.; $140,000 value
offered for $65,000. E. C. Brumbach,
STROUT REALTY. Middletown. Va.
VIRGINIA FARM, Northern Louddun Coun
acres fertile cecll loam used chiefly for
cattle raising; 60 acres woodland. 3 creeks,
large stone Colonial-type home, pre-1800.
10 rooms. 2 baths, modern kitchen, auti
matic hot-water heat, old stone spring
house. stone bank barn, new bank barn
and silo, tenant house: one must see this
One old farm to appreciate it. For par
ticulars. apply to GEORGE W. BRAY &
ASSOCIATES, 77 Broad st., Red Bank, N. J.
NEAR FALLS CHURCH — Quiet, serene
homestead: 6-room home. 12 acres, most
unusual- find; a.m.i.. handsome, modern
kitchen, elec, water heater, new furnace,
new sunroom: bearing orchard. 7 maples In
lawn, land ready for cultivation; $16,850.
MISS KING, CH. 0723.
STORE, 3 r.. 6 a., elec, hy., $2,500; 43 a.,
house burned, good, $2,500; 50 a., bunga..
deep well. pump. $2,750; bunga . 3 r., two
porches, elec., $2,500: 20 a.. 7 r„ well,
ffuit, elec . $4,5(m; 75 a., 6 r.. barn. crib,
good. $5,500: 7 r„ 60 a . hy . tractor land.
$5,000: 100 a., stone dwelling, elec.,
*15.000: dairy farm. 150 a.. 6 r.. elec..
32 stanchions, cement silo, $12,000. B. F.
PKRROW. Remington. Va.
GENTLEMEN'S MODERN brick farmstead.
225 acres. 150 level rich tillage. 75 acres;
fine stream pastures: new 0-room brick;
home, modern to last detail. lst-grade(
hwd floors, lovely fireplace, bath, steam
heat, ilec, phone, pretty open flagstone;
porch, full length: gorgeous mt. views: 7-;
room brick tenant house with all con-'
veniences. 45x70 barn; stanchions and
cups for 30 cows; plenty outbldgs.; a good
farm: Vi-hr. run north Frederick; bargain.
$25,000. R. L. Zentz. 8TROUT REALTY. (
Taneytown, Md. Phone 85-R.
MODERN HOMESTEAD—You’ll be a proud
owner—Beautiful residence, surrounded by
lovely shrubbery, 9 rms., bath, extra toilet,
furnace, elec., 2 flreplaces, large porch,
26x33 barn, horse bam. com crib, poultry.;
milkhouses. etc.; at edge depot village: 18
acres, about 12 in tillage for high-paying I
crops; pasture, home woodlot. variety ber
ries: attractively priced at *14.000, part
down: list other bargains mailed free. J. P.;
Flannery. STROUT REALTY, Rm. 5, Second
Natl. Bank Bldg.. Culpeper. Va
FARM. 5 miles from Fairfax. Va. Forty
two acres. 30 cleared: pasture and hay .
fields- frontage on hard-surfBced rd : 40
good fruit trees, good well, some timber, ;
stream of water, fl-rm. house: no improve
ments; vacant; telephone, electricity avaU
nblr: several outbldgs. *9,o00. JOHN H. ■
RUFF. Vienna <Va.) 264. —1 8
FARM, near Fairfax: 150 acres. 75 cleared: 1
timber, large stream water, good road: 2n ;
miles from Washington; near r.r. sta.;
6-rm. house, 1 Vi baths, fireplace, well, elec- ,
trie pump, refrigerator. Philgas. range
and auto, domestic h.-w heater, coa' range:
shade. shrubbery. outbldgs. $1(,000.
JOHN H. RUFF. Vienna (Va.) 264. —18
LOUDON COUNTY, VA.—General purpose
or horse farm: 72 acres, 65 in cultivation;
water in fields: 7-rm. house, modern con
veniences, good outbldgs.; 271,* miles
downtown Wash. Follow Route 50 west
to Chantilly, continue 4.3 miles to State
hwy. 639, turn left Vr. mile. 3rd place
on right. *8.000 cash. bal. terms. C. M.
WTT.OES. owner. Phone Aldie. Va. —18
BEAUTIFUL FARM—Waterford section,
Loudoun Co, near Leesburg, Va.. 100
acres, fine pasture with wpodland and
wide stream: very attractive house, and
sm.riso „n*Hn(1dio«s- *14000. terms.
G. H. LsAMSON, telephone w. «»i. or j
: Lcesbur0' 23J*. —18 ;
i "ANCIENT OAKS” FARM—136 acres of
pasture and real pine timber; a lovely
4-bedroom, l^-bath country home, raod
iern hot-water heat, beautiful kitchen, 2
car garage; tractor and farm equipment,
'chickens; 23 miles from Alexandria, Va:
'immediate possession; price, $lo.450. with
only $3,500 down payment. Exclusive
with JACK G. MAIZE AGENCY, 121 8.
Royal st.. Alex.. Va., ALex. 8646. —18
250-ACRE FARM—Has new drilled well
-jf’i w ter supply of 22 gal
lons per minute, new pump pit. new Falr
banks-Morse pump and water system, elec
tricity installed; private pole as well as
power company poles, excellent wood on (
•v. r0, tv: at junction of State ran. 665- j
667, 2 miles from Herndon: new gasolin*-■
powered portable saw. new automatic post-}
hole digger 1 mile from Hwy. 60; excel
lent for farm, for subdivision or for ranch
type recreation development; 40 rolls new
galvanised ba'bed wire also go with prop
er,y rm-'l > ash required easy finance:!
nrlce, *23.950, terms. See or Phone |
McCAY A McCAY. OL. 8675, CH. 0881,
BED No. 1. McLean. Va. —18
MONTGOMERY CO.—Farms ranging from
72 to 398 acres: all these farms are priced
to sell and worth the money: if you are In
terested in buying stock, poultry or fruit
farm, we have a nice selection and will be
glad to show you at any time.. Just
W. A. Daniel, farm representative. Poolej
viite 2188. with J. VINSON PETER. Rodc
INVESTMENT—700 acres. Leesburg id..
19 miles from D. C . 6.700-ft. frontage on
Pototnac River. 500 acres cleared, good
timber, modern frame dwelling. 3 tenant
houses, barns, silo*; mountain view; all Im
plements and landlord’s crops included;
*100 per acre. GEORGE W. SOMMERS.
808 17th St., ME. 3446. Eves.. CH. 0825.
S3 .MR BUYS a 4-room house, 10 acre* of I
woodland, with garden, orchard, plenty of j
berries; suited to retired couple; vicinity of
Catlett. Va. JOHN CHRONAKER, SP. j
STOCK FEEDERS, nearby 160 acres, ex
cellent farm land; practically new barn. |
silo, and feeding shed: herd road to load
lng pen: worth Investigating: at *43.000.
y 442*’
BIGGEST BARGAIN in Fauquier County.—;
9 mi. from Warrenton. Va. 100 acres all i
in grass: will erase AO bead of cattle. 8- )
room stone snd cedar shingle house; new
tenaat house: bgra, slip and all outbldgs.
In excellent condition. Immediate possess
ion. Forced to sell at *13.850. with only
COUNTY—8g acre*, ft-yr. old
. home; dtieken houses sod other
• fruit tract and garden. BTJCKLEY
—. CH. 4112. OX 2466.
m VALLEY, bet. Strasburg and
a Va.—An Ideal retreat for re
tirement. Charming old home. 8 stories.
5 rmt.. on 43 acre* fronting on very lgt
stream abundantly stocked with trout;
woods; sheen bam. 1 other bam. double
deck chicken house and ether output*-:
all bidet, have new metal roofs. Shown
only weekdays by annL In advance; price.
85.000. ROM YE LAUBORN. Realtor, ex
clusive agent. 1801 So. Arlington Ridge
rd.. JA. *484. OL. 37U.
CHANTILLY ESTATES—Bmail farms. 8100
down; denosit of $25 will hold: about- 50
small farms. V» to 6 acre*, in beautiful
Chantilly In nearby rolling farm country
of Virginia. On Route 30 to sitn 'Chan
tilly Estates," about 20 miles from Me
morial Bridge. Drive out Sunday, see for
yourself. JOHN H. MILLER. Jr , & BRO,
fronting Route 50: 8-rm. house, center
hall, very dignified architecture, beautiful
setting, dec., fine garden. 2 wells, good
bldg*.; a wonderful opportunity to get a
small Va. estate in horse country of Lou
doun Co.: fine neighborhood, excellent bus
service: $12,000. MOB KINO. CH. 0723.
$45.800—Brick Virginia Colonial, with
over 100 acres and a substantial brick
bouse: this property 1* an unusual purchase
opportunity; the house sits back from tne
road and has a center hall. 4 rooms with
fireplaces, kitchen and powder r<»m on the
first Boor; 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, maids
room and bath on the 2nd floor, and a fin
ished attic of 2 rooms and bath; It ts In
sulated, weatherstripped and has an oil
heating plant; the stone garage bolds 3
cars, plus 6-room living quarters: there a
a small stable and several other buildings;
easily accessible and 30 mile* from Wash
ington over good roads: terms MASON
HIRST, exclusively. Annandale. Va„ at the
end of Columbia pike, phone ALex. 5812.
Closed Sundays.
88 FERTILE ACRES, with old house to re
store; this la part of a dairy farm and
mnah nf If 1* eAtlfMI with R IllJth blUC
grass sod; the house sits on knoll above
a spripg-fed brook and can be modernized
Into an attractive home; the brook runs
through a small valley and could be
dammed at small expense to provide a
natural swimming pool: the property fronts
two Improved roads. 22 miles from Wash
ington; price. $18,000. terms. M*S<7N
HIRST. Annandale, Va.. at the end of Co
lumbia pike, phone ALex. 5812. Closed
Md. State road: quaint old atone house. 7
rooms and bath, electricity. 120 acres ex
cellent farm land, well watered, large barn
and outbuildings, orchards; owner must sell
at once; $25,000 or best offer. To inspect,
drive out Colesville pike. Route 2». to Ash
ton, turn right 1 mile to PORTER REALTY
sign on left, or phone Ashton 4070.
57 ACHES, nearby Md.. overlooking Route
20; 7-room house, all modern conveniences,
large stream, sprlnghouse. bam, silo,
chicken house, comcrlb. small tenant
house, orchard: well fenced; a self-support
ing little farm and country home. Just 16%
miles D. C., and only $21,000. TO see. drive
out Colesville pike to Ashton, turn right 1
mile to PORTER REALTY sign on left, or
phone Ashton 4070.
$6,950. near Winchester, Va.—204 acres,
stream; suitable for general farming, fruit,
etc.; well-preserved farm house, center hall.
7 rooms, electricity, 2 fireplaces; 2 wells, 12
outbuildings. Including largo bam; metal
roofs; school bus passes farm; owner sell
ing because of ill health; terms to responsi
ble purchaser. Here Is a real chance to
acquire a - good farm at a sacrifice price.
Call Major Lane. NA. 9300: eves, and Sun.
until 9:30 p.m.. WI. 6289. BOSS *
PHELPS. INC.. 1417 K at. n.w. —20
MONTGOMERY CO.. M».—184-acre dairy
farm: 124 acres and 48 acres. MRS.
De BECK, WI. 4122. —18
DUE TO 8ICKNES8. owner will sacrifice
farm of 30 or more acres: six-room home,
all farm equloment, stock of cows and
horses: in Fairfax Co. This Is a real buy.
Phone Fairfax. Va„ 338-W. —18
tractive 6-rm. bungalow, shade trees and
lawn. Electricity and phone: about 35
miles from D. C. Price, $8,000.
Bargain. 215 acres, quaint old house,
beautiful shade, miles of land view. 2
tenant houses, barn, share tenant oper
ating tobacco and garden. Paved road,
about 25 miles from D. C. Price, $10,600:
Waldorf 3081.
NR. MARSHALL HALL—11% acres on
black top road. Brick house, bath, good
well, with block house over: wired for elec
tricity. Price, $7,300. with terms.
Near Waldorf. Md.—91 acres. 50 acres
clear. 5-rm. house, 2 tobacco barns, lge.
stable and other outbldgs. Price. $10,000.
L. O. KRAOH, Real Estate Broker, La
Plata. Md. La Plata 3142,
acre apple orchard farm, approx. 4.000
trees: last year's Income about $22,000:
this year's Income expected to be about
$30,000. Stock and equipment Included
In the sale price of $36,000.
No. 2. Near Warrenton. Va.—100 aeres
In high state of cultivation: excel. 7-rm.
stone and frame house: built In 1919:
lge, bam. 5 box stalls, 18 stanchions lor
cows: hay mow will hold about 40 tons:
125-ton silo; many other farm bldgs.:
in excel, condition. Priced at $13,500
with small cash payment.
No. 3. 212 acres: excel. 7-rm. house:
lge. living rm.. stone flrepl., built-in book
cases, screened front porch, concrete sld*
porch: all bright cheerful rms.; 4 bedrma.
end bath on 2nd floor; lge. bank bam
and many other bldgs. Cost of building
ill i rr.jAe aiiu i oinj naa it>vw. wiruoi
willing to sacrifice for immediate sale.
Sun and eves, call Mr. Cox, TE. 4095.
SENATE REALTY CO.. 1109 Eye St. n.w.,
EX. 3270.—IS
204 ACRES. 28 miles D. C.. facing one
mile on beautiful fishing stream: 122 acres
excellent bluegrass and croniand. balance
woods. Frame house with two fireplaces,
built 1860. on high elevation with beautiful
view: only $16,000. 'h cash.
16 acres cleared land. Good 6-room
house, electricity, water, basement, bath
space and fixtures ready to install: barn,
chicken house, etc.: $6,900. Va cash.
New. four rooms, modem conveniences,
on wooded *4 acre: atove, refrigerator in
cluded: $5,950, *4 cash or 107» under
GI loan.
6 acres. 2814 miles D. C.; beautiful fish
ing stream: 6-room house: $10,500. Many
other excellent values. WHITMORE &
HIXSON, Manassas, Va. Phona Manassas
73-ACRE FARM, all in trass and alfalfa
except 5 acres timber; watered by spring
and streams; bank barn, cattle shed; first
house frame, seven rooms, bath not com
plete. all fixtures in house: elec., phone;
second house, four rooms, elec.: divided In
five fields; $11,000.
393-e.ere dairy farm, barn for .38 cows,
silo, horse barn, cornhousc, sprlnghouse.
dwelling, brick and frame, nine rooms;
tenant house, four rooms; 13 acres barley.
15 acres oats. 30 acres corn; spring in
all fields except one; $42,000.
372-acre farm, all necessary buildings.
50 acres wheat,, all equipment; possession
In 10 days: $35,000. ,
Nice large home, located on Highway
No. 9; several other buildings; immediate
possession; $20,000.
5714-acre farm, new barn, all necessary
outbuildings: dwelling modern. 5 rooms,
bath, central heat, elec., phone: $20,000.
106 acres, divided in six fields; bank
barn, poultry house; dwelling, 12 or 13
rms., workshop, electricity attached to
house; $13,000. T. RUSSELL POTTS,
Broker. Lee-burr. Va.. phone 24.
standing location on beautiful Wicomico
River. 42 mllea Washington, on State road.
V« mile beautiful waterfront, excellent wa
ter sports; 185-acre fertile farm, splendid
stpt" cultivation producing h>eh-7rade to
bacco and general crops. Modern solid
brick (painted white! Colonial-type dwell
ing built 1940, on high knoll, charming
river view, 12 spacious rooms, 5 bath.-,
up-to-date modern conveniences, oil burner
heat, modern electrically equipped kitchen;
beautifully landscaped, shrubbery, fine old
trees, excellent springs and stream, or
chard: 6-room farmer's house (bath and
clectrkKy!. (-roor: tenant hour- (new!,
complete (arm buildings in first-class con
dition: equipment, teams and cattle in
cluded. Desirable neighborhood. Shown
by appointment. $60,000.
ProducMre 300-acre waterfront farm.
1.585-fi fronts"! Port Tohrcsr 'live-,
outstanding water sports: Colonial dwell
ing. 7 rooms, modern convenience?: com
plete farm buildings, excellent soil, pro
ducing high-grade tobacco; equipment and
sie-k ''c ”de-:: good tenant: $30,000.
Profitable 474-acre tobacco-stock farm
near Hughesvtlle, Md.; 10-room Colonial
brick dwelling (needs repair!: 6 tobacco
barna: fine tobacco soil: excellent tenant,
with plenty labor; $22,000.
Immediate possession—200 acres: soil
producing hlghgrade tobacco, good stock
farm, springs and streams, 9-room dwell
ing on high ridge; charming view; 3 barns:
good neighborhood; $10,000.
Profitable investment—100-acre State
road farm, new dwellings and farm build
ings: excellent tenant: making good crops;
near La Plata; $7,000.
Homesltes. acreage, business property,
340 ACRES, 25 in virgin timber. 9-rm.
house, 6-r. tenant house, good farm build
ings: good view of Bhie Ridge Mts.: excel
lent stock and grain farm; good water
facilities. $27.mm
138 acres. 120 tillable. 7-r: frame
house, electricity, water, 28-eow barn,
other outbuildings, good dairy house. 37
cows, registered 3-year-old bull. 12 heifers
<1 due to freshen this fall. 4 heifers from
8 to 10 months old and 7 calves), 18 hogs,
farm and dairy equipment of all kinds, all
crops, everything that goes with-a well
equipped farm, near Sterling. Va. $28,875.
«5 acres, all tillable, 7-r. log and frame
residence, excellent outbuildings, electricity,
fishing creek through property. $10,500.
58 acres. 20 cleared, balance in good
timber. 250 feet on Goose Creek. 7-r.
house, In A-l condition, modern In every
way. has 2 baths, good outbuildings
$18. POO
33 acre*: 20 tillable, 7-r. hou*e, elec
tricity, creek In front of property, good
farm building*; 40 miles of Washington,
D. C. $8,900.
22 acres land with large native tree*,
open field, apple orchard, smaller orchard
containing nearly all classes of fruit and
dwarf fruit trees, road frontage of prop
erty has stone wall. 9-r. stone house. 3
complete baths, kitchen has electric range
and ice box, also built-in cabinets, amall
stone studio with electricity, plenty of
shrubbery, lawn well kept: located 55
miles of Washington, D. C.. on top of
Blue Ridge Mt*.. near Bluemont. com
manding wonderful view of Shenandoah
Valley; garage and aervants' quarters
f stone). $26,000.
10 .-.cres, 7-r. stone and ttucco home,
modern. «-r. stone house with bath and
electricity. 3-car garage, large loft over
head, commands beautiful view of Lou
doun Valley: immediate possession of 7-r.
house; possession of 6-r. house by Peb.
1st. 1948. $15,000. , . . „ „
. 5 acres, 10 rooms, bath, electricity. 6
fireplaces, house In early 1800*; a real
chicken farm with place for 4.000 or more
chickens. $17,000.
3 acre*. 7-r. house, electricity, out
buildings. nicely landscaped, in A-l con
dition: $4.500. including seme furniture.
AH of the above listings ore for imme
diate possession ind sre real buys as well
as many other bargains we have. To serve
our ellents more efficiently, we are opening
an office In Pureellville on May 20 and are
adding two additions! salesmen to our
staff. C. C BJSU * BOM, Bluemont, Va.
Pfaooe Bluemont M, ,
100 acres. 7-room modern stone house,
tenant house, larte steer barn, alio, wat
ered by streams; Ion* mmtoro on hwy.;
bus. commuting distance to D. C-; taking
ortce. MS.OOO; terms. ...
365 acres, atone-and-frame house, barn,
watered by rood dreams; 34 mi. D. C.;
$20,000: terms.
119 acres. 8-room houte. eleetrie.. barn,
double gsrejre^ Just off main hwy.. 26 ad.
315 acres, larte stone house, eleetrie..
bath, larte cattle barn; this la a won
derful trasinf farm, Loudoun Co.; *25.000;
WEST & TAYLOR. FA. 2135.
1. 240-acre tobacco and train farm. 8
room home. $ larte tobacco barns, stable,
outbuildings, good stand of timber; 96
miles D. C.; *13,000. *
2. 235 acres on pared highway. I bants,
new farm house. outbulMuits, s tractor
and outer form machinery; occupied by a
tenant; 55 miles D. C.: SIB.OOd.
_ 3. 219 acres, overlooking Chesapeake
Bay, on pared hwy.; 3- barns, modern
home: 40 miles D. C„ near Naval Research
laboratory and harbor: $15,000.
Other desirable farm, see ad under
■Water Fronts.” CALVERT REALTY
AGENCY, telephone 108. Prince Fred
172 ceres, well fenced and watered, on
hard rd. nr. Damascus: house of 8 large
rooms. Inclosed and. open porehe;. IVi
baths, oil heat, modern kitchen; beautifully
located on hlth tround; 3 bares, silo,
3-car tarate. corn, chicken and meat
houses; reasonably priced.
Approximately 8 acres, wooded lend,
26 miles from D. C.. with modem 6-room
<»MUaw katk Full kstsmsnl omnnlela
modern kitchen with elec, stove end ret*r..
cosed-in well: price, $9,000.
We have a large selection of desirable
farms and estates. Call our farm repre
sentative. Mr. Ruble. Poole*viUe 2012, or
KARL T. VWUGHT, Realtor, WI. 0900,
Bethe»da._M(l___ _r___
166-ACRE DAIRY FARM on share boats;
stock furnished: must furnish good refer
ences: 30 miles from _Ws shine ton. near
Pleasent Valley, off Route 50. B. N.
GIBSON, Herndon, Va- Phone 83-J-3,.
acres, in Maryland, within 20 miles of the
District, with modern home preferred:
will pay up to #35,000: substantial cash.
Box 145-D, Star. —18
FARM WANTED—70 to 100 acres in cul
tivation with modern house. 7 or more
rms. preferred: Maryland or Virginia, with
in 20 to 30 miles of D. C.: will pay up to
$36,000 with very substantial cash. Also
a tobacco farm, 50 to 260 acre*. good level
land, In Southern Md. O. B. ZANTZINGER
CO.. 945-K St. n.w., NA. 9593. NA. 5371;
eves, and today. OR. 4833.
WANTED TO RENT with option to buy. 10
to 25 acre form on main rd. in Fairfax
or nearby Va. Call OL. 4400, Ext. 273. •
D. C.; will pay liberal rent if havt option
to buy. Box 385-E. Star. 20^_
Waterfront property—sale.
WATER-FRONT LOTS—New development
on South River, only 25 miles D. C.; sum
mer cottages or year-'round houses: alto
water-front acreages and fame. M. C.
GIBSON, DU. 4271. —22
NORTH BEACH. MD.—New house, all
vear around, modern residence: asbestos
siding; close to beach and business sec
tion: 2 bedrms., lie. living rm., kit., perch,
bullt-ln tub and shower, plenty of closet
space, utility rm.: h.-w. heating plant,
auto. h.-w. storage tank; lge. lot; ready
to move into: priced for quick sale;
#6,785. some cash. bal. monthly. No
agents: by owner. SEGAL, LI. 2546;
after 6. GE. 8934. —26
acreage: lots. $600 up: cottages, $5 250
up; 800 ft. overlooking Chesapeake Bay
W. E. CRISER. Beverley Beech, Mayo, Md.
Phone West River 204-E-3. 24*
for your Inspection—Bordering the clean
salt waters of delightful St. Leonards, with
Its fine sandy bottom, its tall, stately
shade trees which grow along the shore
line, indented with picturesque coves and
inlets, offers everything for beauty and
fun-loving, discerning people, who enjoy
year-around harbors for their pleasure
craft, fishing, swimming and other water
sports: a modern clubhouse and a wooded
Island are also available; upwards of 9
miles of trail wind through the property
for hiking and horseback - riding. Visit
Bancroft, where romance end history go
hand in band today! Buy now! Large,
restricted water-front sites, reasonably
priced, with riparian rights and water
view sites at predevelopment prices: excel
lent State highway direct to the property.
To reaeh Bancroft, drive through upper
Marlboro. Route 4, turn right on Solomon’s
Island rd.. Route 416. continue on Route
2 through town of Prince Frederick to
Bancroft. Watch for sign. Representative
on premises at all times. Wash, address.
NA. 4483. —18
BAT RIDGE. MD—Two beautiful lots, de
sirable location; each 60x200. WM, E.
REISER, owner. Bay Ridge. Md. 18*
BREEZY POINT. >4D—Lovely summer
home overlooking bay; 1st floor, large liv
ing loom with open fireplace, kitchen,
electric refrigerator, gas stove, 2 bed
rooms and hath; 2nd floor, large dor mi
luuuii nicous n, m bc iiuni mu biuc
porches: furnished: lot approx. 50X150:
Rrlce, $7,500: restricted. Call OWNER,
A. 8682. —18
IDEAL BOATING and fishing—Calvert
Beach. Md.. on the bay. Beach cottage:
2 bedrooms, screened front and rear
perches, living room with fireplace, mod
ern kitchen with electric refrigerator, gas
range, sink, gas heat: all rooms finished
In knotty pine with parquet floors- situ
ated on 2 large lots: dogwood and fruit
trees: priced to sell. Call Mr. Johnson.
AD. 0021: eves.. EM. 5020. 8HOCKEY As
MOORHEAD, Realtors. —18
KENWOOD BEACH—Desirable large 2
story modern cottage; clean, excel, cond.
and location; $4,500. Open today. BO.
8043. —18
beautiful wooded lots of almost an acre
each, fronting road and adjacent to beach:
located In St. Marys County across from
Broome Island, about 55 miles from D. C.:
owner must sell Splendid roads to prop
erty. First offering. Call Mr. Fekete. with
ROBERT MAGEE. Real Estate, for appoint
ment or information. RE. 7740 or 8P.
0103. •
FOR SALE—Two waterfront lots. 25x100
each. Fenwick Md.. about 2'A ml. below
Marshall Hall. Ph. North 2653. Wash.
D. C. •
olis—House with 3 modern, completely
furnished apis.; 2-ear garage, spacious
lawns: house and lawn furn. included:
also 3 cleared building lots. 36-ft. cruiser,
14 and 16 ft. boats, outboard motor;
$25,000 complete. B. NORRI8. Phone An
napolis 5630. except Mon.. Tues. and Wed. •
cated on one of Southern Maryland's finest
beaches: excellent fishing and crabbing:
private beach: bungalow. 6 rooms and
bath, 2 screened porches: property near
the mouth of Potomac River, about 60
miles from Washington. D. C. Price. $8,500.
Contact J. FINNACOM. Piney Point, Md.
Phone Great Mills fl-F-31.
KENWOOD BEACH—Very desirable, clean.
Ige. mod. cottage, excel, cond. and loca
tion: liveable »r. round; $4,500. HO. 8043.
SELBY-ON-THE-BAY. lots 41. 42. 43.
block L, $300 each. MISS KIRK. NO.
7332. *
BAY COTTAGE, with living room, fire
place. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath. 60-ft.
screened living porch; comp’etely fur
nished. with good gas Stove, electric re
frigerator and water Dump: %-aere fenced
corner let. garage: 300 ft. from water;
34 mi. irom Capitol; restricted: pur
chaser must be acceptable to commum*”.
Price. $5,000 Write C. H. PRENCH. 20
Baylor rd. Trenton, N. J. Inspection
Memorial week end.
SCIENTISTS CLIFFS, Port Republic. Md.—
Lois for sale In bay colony of 80 pro
fessional (college, graduates) owners: real
restrictions In deeds. Washington phone,
some evening*. AT. 0651.
RHODE BIVER—Fine all-year home, mag
nificent water-front lot. 1 acre; large Uv.
rm.. din. rm., el-c. kit.. 3 bedrms. and
bath- SI4.00(1. Box 45-E. Star.
FAIBHAVEN—A'l-year home on large
water-front lot;(large living rm.. din rm..
:, bedrms.. bath.1 elec, kit.: a.m.t : suitable
location: $10,000. Box 330-E. Star.
HERALD HARBOR—Fine home on water
front lot, every convenience; nicely fur
nished throughout: 3 bedrms.. liv rm..
elec, kit.; bargain for quick sale; $6,500.
Box 126-E. Star.
NORTH BEACH—All-yr. home: liv. rm..
2 bedrms.. fit., bath: completely fur
nished; nr. water: lmrr.ed. poss.: but
service; $4,500. Box 486-H. Star.
SHERWOOD FOREST, on Little John—
Bungalow; liv. rm. with fireplace. 3 bed
rms.. elec. Ttlt.: all completely furnished;
SnRKWATER R^ACH—*B»autifuI water
front lot: bung.; llv. rm.. 3 warms., eiec.
kit., bath: also building with extra bed
rms.: oler, bus service: immediate pos.;
*7.750. Box 472-H. Star.
ers, those who have checked and compared,
are selecting summer homesites at this
restricted development now. Willows Colony
is next to Breexy Point on Chesapeake Bay,
and is Just 42 miles from the White House
There Is nearly a mile of wide, white sand
beach affording sale bathing for children.
All sites at Willows are l-'rge, many wooded,
with excellent views of Chesapeake Bay.
Prices start at S500. Many Bay view sites
available at *1.200, Generous terms for
time payment arranged. We can build
your home at Willows this summer. Inquire
r.t sales office for terms and building plans.
All applicants to purchase at Willows are
fully investiaated. There Is nothing on
Chesapeake Bay to compare with wbat we
have to offer at Willows Colony. A repre
sentative always on the property. To reach:
Drive to Marlboro, thence on Routes 41B
and 2Bn to Chesapeake Beach, turn right
there on Bay Shore rd. 6 miles south to
entrance sign, or phone HO. *236 for map.
year-’round occupancy, ready June 1: a
modern, well constructed cottage contain
ing two bedrooms, large living room with
picture window end brick fireplace, com
plete bath with combination tub-shower,
fully equipped kitchen, wide front and side
screened porches afford beautiful views of
Chesapeake Bey: all floors covered with
asphalt Lln-TUe: Inspect this week end:
terms and financing arranged. Inquire at
sales office on beach. j
BOR SALE—Beautiful water front property
In sight of Potomac Baach; 17 acre# of
land, one acre or more In orchard and one
acre In truck garden: two-story frame
dwelling with full-length screened back and
front porch overlooking the Potomac River.
On the first floor of the dwelling there is
a modern gas kitchen, a new refTlaerator.
dining room, music room, reception room,
living room, bedroom, snd bath (shower);
second floor, ball, sewing room, three bed
room." and bath: ell rooms completely
furnished, nice basement and storage room:
nice cottage, three rooms, full bath, (un
furnished); small barn, double garage,
granary, three chicken house*, brooder
house, duck bouse, rabbtt house, one trac
tor and equipment: a nice harbor with
pier, boat bouae. 3 boats, duck blind and
decoys. Priced very reasonable for this
type property. J. W. MeWHlRT. JR
owner. Roseville. Vs. *
BOLLIDAYBEACH on Chesapeake Bay—
This is a restricted community near Wash
ington. good roads, electricity, lots *200
up. Directions: Between Chesapeake and
Breeay point agar Radar laboratory, WA.
vviiiv ®w is in w« hr. uuictwui.
Over Navy Yard bridge (11th at. e.a7j
follow Nichols aye. and So. Cap. st. *
miles to D. C. line, Indian Head rd. and
State hwy. (Route 224) 12.5 miles; left
again on Indian Head rd. 4 miles: turn
right on Bryan rd. (Route 226) to Marshall
Park; left at slgif 1 mile to Rlverslda
Shores. DI. 7738. N. C. HINRS ft SON,
selling agent. 428 Investment Bldg.
following information may be vitally im
portant to the .sound selection of your
water-front home. Within easy com
muting distance it is possible to find the
things hundreds of folks have said to bg
most desirable in a summer vacation area. '
47 miles from the District, over good roads;
safe bathing for children and yrown-upar
clean white sand beach: beautifully wooded;
surroundings; substantial homes at reason-,
able prices, and - neighbors you will be de
lighted to know. All these advantages
and many others are to be found at Lone
Beach. Surfaced streets and roads; elec
tricity; pure artesian water centrally dis
tributed; telephones; garbage collection,
etc. Picture a spot on the open Chess
peak Bay where Ashing, cabbing and hunt*,
ing are at their best, where the last bit
of pleasure may be extracted from every
leisure hour. We ask you to take nothing
for granted, see for yourself these wonder
ful advantages, we invite comparison.
Prices havt been held in line with long
term. prewar plans. Tnere have been no .
arbitrary price increases because of pres
ent conditions. Fuil-siae , building sites
may still be purchased from ,8100 to
81,750. Acretge tract*, if yon wish. 8200
to 8400. New cottages ready for Immedi
ate occupancy. Terms to suit on either
lots, acreage or cottages. We invite you
to be our guests for a day. For Informa
tion phone A. L. CARROLL. Lincoln 3963
or drive to property office. 8 miles south of -
Prince Frederick on Solomons Island
rd.. left at Bt. Leonard, follow signs to
office at water's edge. Inspect any^day.
NORTH BEACH PARK—Beautifully turn,
home on bay. 3 bedrooms, bath, liv. rm.«
elec, kit., 2 screened porches, pier, outside
Areplace. 87,760. CH. 1170, Sun. North
Beach 122. —19
Beach on Chesapeake Bay and the Pa
tuxent River. Ooenln* soon. Washing-;
ton's largest new shore-front develop
ment. Twenty-three hundred acres of
Dlayground. No other shore-front de
velopment has so much to offer. Miles'
of clean, white sandy beach. Pour large
fresh-water lakes, bordered by maiestla.
hardwood trees. Much of the beauty of
Drum Point Beach la found in various ex
clusive spots that go to make up thw
many acres of Drum Point Beach. Places*
that afe away from the beaten path,
where a cottage can nestle under shady
trees and yet have a wide outlook over the.
sparkling blue water. It is impossible to
describe the charm of Drum Point Beach
and impossible not to feel it. It is charm
compounded of so many elements that the
loveliness of the great stretch of shim
mering crater, clear sunshine, invigorating
air and tha glorious blue of the sky are
soothing to the soul. Our guests are
amazed when Arst they see Drum Point
Beach. Miles and miles of clean white
sand, the sapphire-blue Chesapeake; shady
groves to the water's edge, great ocean
ships iust offshore, white winged yachts
dipping and curtsying nearby, motor
craft landing pleasure parties. Ashing,
boating. swimming: all manner of.
sport in an ideal setting. Drum Point
Beach has one of the Anest all-year-round
harbors for large boats in the vicinity of
Chesapeake Bay. Children’s paradise—
Drum Point Beach—Insures your kiddies
strong, healthy bodies and clear, actlva
minds by providing the right place to
obtain summer sunshine where tin salt
uicefics ivnitfci iuc Dim ui»e ifc ruui
and delightful and where the kiddles can
spend carefree days of fun and frolic. To
one who has never been to Drum Point
Beach and viewed the beauties. It is hard
to visualize that to near Washington there
Is a quiet, restful haven that will make
you feel miles away from home, buslnesg
and care, and yet be so near the city that
home and business can be reached by a
delightful drive alone well-pared high
ways. Large, beautifully wooded sites will
be offered to the general public at a low
price. Every property owner will hava
the privilege and use of approximately 0
miles of beautiful shore front. Property
now being staked off Into large sites and
will be open for inspection and selection
very soon. For details, call, see the rest—
buy the best. Drum Point Beach. LEON
ACKERMAN, selling sgent, 712 Barr Bldg,.
Telephone EX. 0117. —18
EPPING FOBEST (30 miles from Wash
ington): completely furnished six-room
home In restricted water-front community:
all modern Improvements, Including auto
matic hot-water heater, gas stove, elec
tric refrigerator: also private well: price,
S8.800. Telephone OWNER, DU. 58*9. •
EE CEDARHURST on Cbes. Bay. 31 mlleg
D. C., near Shadrslde. Md.: restricted,
well-developed community: lots and cot
tages for sale: terms; circular on request.
WALTER M. BAUMAN, 1727 K st. n w.
NA. 0229 or West River 240-M. —19
WELL-FURNISHED cottage, large, shady,
corner lot. beautiful view: near water: elec,
and artesan well: can commute: commuting
distance. Box 313-E. Star. • .
$1.500—MODERN COTTAGE at Cedar
hurst on Chet. Bar: $0,850, 8 r., 2 b . larg*
lot. at Epping Forest: $12,000. 8-room,
all-year home, near Shadyslde. Md.|
$13,500. 2 bldgs., equipped for summer
camp: $10,500. West Shadyslde, 2 acres,
modem home: *30.000. 11 acre', on Ches.
Bay. 3 bldgs., unusual. WALTER M BAU
MAN, 1727 K st. n.w NA. 0220. WO,
0747. Water-front specialist. —18
WOODLAND B&ACH—Lot 00x100. near
good beach: 23 miles D. C.; restricted:
*495. OWNER. EM. 5400. *
325 ACRES—4-bedroom Colonial home,
a.m l., overlooking Potomac River, about
1 mile of nice water front, tobacco barns,
stables, tenant house, well feneed and
excellent soli. The house la Ideal for
distinctive entertaining: 30 miles from
Washington. D. C. Shown by appointment
only. WILLIAM M. THOMAS. Realtor,
1703 Rhode Island ave. n.w. DI. 1703:
evenings and Sunday. OV. 0447.
Shady Side. Md.. on a lot 90X225, fronting
on the West River with full riparian
rights. House contains living room, din
ing room, kitchen, bath. 4 bedrooms, nice
sleeping porch, front and rear porches, all
modern conveniences, and Is nieely fur
nished. This property is only 35 milea
from Washington and amid highly desir
able surroundings a good harbor for
boats and the West River is ideal /for
Ashing, oystering, rrabbln;. bathing, boat
ing and sailing Schools, churches, shop
oing and transportation within one mile.
This property can be inspected Saturday
and Sunday by driving to the end of th*
oaved road In West 8hady Side and not*
house-for-sale sign. WILLIAM M. THOMAS.
Realtor, 1703 R. I. ave. n.w., DI. 1703;
eves, and San.. OV. 0447. —18
SHADY OAKS MANOR on road between
Oalesville and Shady Side, three cottages
ready for occupancy, each with two bed
rooms and bath: priced from *7.000. Lots
laid off to take full advantage of water
front with areas for lots not bordering on
water. Most lots are So to 100 ft. on
water front and are adequate for year
round sites. Prices of lots start at *1.500.
Generous terms. Reached from Washing
ton through Marlboro. West River ta
3hady Side rd,. then to Oaks. Representa
tive on property Sunday afternoon.
JOSEPH D. LAZENBY. 215 Main at. Anl
rnnnlic Uil TnUnKnna OR BA 1 fi
SYLVAN SHORES — 5-room cottage on
Dorwood ave. Utilities: newly painted,
large front porch, apace under cottage for
6aragc and bathhouse: private sandy
each with excellent harbor: wooded lot:
$4,950: 26 miles from D. C Open 3 to
7, Sunday. Call J. C. LEWIS. WA. 2813i
eves., WA. I860. _18
NORTH BEACH. MD.—2 stories. 6 rms .
large front porch: furnished house: corner
lot. 25x150: elec, and gas: fine location,)
A-l condition. 8th and Bay ave. Open
Sun., 1 to 6 p.m. MI. 1737. —18
BOATS. LOTS, cash or terms: houses. In
outre at MANICS Spanish cottage. Deale,
Mdi;.Skone w*« Rlv*r S7-F-21. —18
a NICE LOTS—Cobb Island. Md.. near
water Price for six, *600. Phone J W.
FISHER. NA. 8032. —19
BAY-FRONT LOT at Bay Ridge, right on
Tollay Point—Large lot and ape of tho
most beautiful potntg on the Chesapeake
Bar_Price. *9,000. Apply JOSEPH D.
LAZENBY, 215 Main it., Annapolis, Md.
Telephone 2684.
BACK BAT BEACH, on West River, near
aar: bulltup community, pier, street lights,
good roads, good bathing: refined. gentile
community. Coma to JOE’S TAVERN on
Shady Side road. Inquire here for GOR
DON CRANDALL. Prwerty l'/i miles from-,
here. Phone West River 7-F-I5. •
BAY RIDGE—It's beautiful; large building
lots on the water overlooking Chesapeake
Bay and Lake Ocleton. LEROY BRUN
NER. 54 Lake drive. Bay Ridge, Md.
CALVERT BEACH. MD.—Large 4-room
bungalow, front and rear porches: '» blk.
from wide sandy beach: shade trees:
needs redecoratinr and repairs, but
bargain at only Si.950: >500 dow
ance arranged. See MR. KINO,
b.m.. at Calrert Beach Hotel.
Solomons Island rd. to St. Leonar
ml below Prince Frederick, turn '
Calrert Beach.
8 LOTS. 50x16#—Loch Haven
vary reasonable price. Owner mi..,
Texas. For further Information, call
0269. —7
SEVERAL LGE. CHOICE water-front lotakf
Wait River. 30 ml. D C.; plenty baauJT
shade trees: elect, end phone wires on
(Continued on Nex£ rhm5 ’