Newspaper Page Text
Htuttiling WITT.' RAE. The unveiling ofthe monument honoring the late RAE PRITT will take place Sunday. June 28, 1847, at 1 pm., at the Oxon Hill Cemetery. (Earfc ai Sfyanka HENDERSON. JAMES EDWARD. The family of the late JAMES EDWARD HEN DERSON wishes to thank relatives, frlenda and employers for their kindness, sym pathy and beautiful floral tributes and also to thank the fathers of Holy Re deemer Church. Sfatija ■ ARMALT, LUCIA. On Wednesday, June 25, 1947. LUCIA ARMALY <nee Leonei. beloved wife of Michael K. Armaly of 1215 Holbrook at. ng„ mother oi Therese Lou Armaly and daughter of Lucia Leone and the late Cealdio Leone. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, June 28. at 8:30 a.m. High requiem mass at Holy Rosary Church at 9 a.m. Relative* and friend* invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 27 BARRY, COL. HENRY B. On Tuesday, June 24. 1947. at Lexington, iBMa Maw., col. HENRY W. BARRY, :JSr» QMC. retired, beloved husband EErc of Esther Stiles Barry. Funeral services at Fort Mver Chapel I Friday, June 27, at 2 D.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. BALE. MAEY A. On Thursday, June 26. 19*7. at her residence. 4504 Oliver st ■ Riverdale. Md.. MARY A. BAUR, be loved wife of the late Prank J. Baur, Fu neral from the Collins Funeral Home, 3821 14th st. n.w.. on Friday, June 27. at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity at HI a.m. Relative* ana friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. BEST. JOSEPH. On Wednesday, June 25, 1947, at Bethesda Naval Hospital, JOSEPH BEST. He leaves to mourn a de - voted wife, Mrs. Anna Lee Beat; one daugh ter. Mrs. Arbutus Coates; four listers. Nan l nie Howell. Mary Best, Sudle Best and Louise Hardy; three brothers, Ernest, John and Arthur Best; six grandchildren and other relatives. Remains resting at the Robert Q. Mason Funeral Home. 2600 Nichols ave. s.e. Family may be seen at 112 Heckman at. s.e. Notice of funeral later. 27 BOOTH, ELNORA. On Tuesday, June 24, 1947. ELNORA BOOTH of 1520 C st. s.e., wife of Daniel Booth, mother of Mary E., Thomas, Joseph and Ireatha Booth, and Pauline Chance; grandmother of Ro maine Washington, sister of Mary Ptnkton. After 4 p.m. Friday. June 27, friends may calf at Frasier s Funeral Home, Inc., 389 R, I. ave. n.w., where services will be held at 8:30 am Saturday, June 28; thence to St. Cyprian's Catholic Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cem BOR AN. SALLY. Departed this life on Tuesday. June 24, 1947, alter a brief ill ness, Mrs. SALLY BORAN of 2048 E st. n w. She Is survived by two brothers, two sisters and a host of other relatives and friends The remains may be viewed at the Hall Bros. Funeral Home, 821 Florida ave. n.w., Friday. June 27, after 3 p.m Funeral services Saturday. June 28. at 1 p.m.. at (he Oethsemane Baptist Church. 22nd st. and Virginia ave n.w . Rev. C. Q. Hlckerson officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 28 BROWN. WILLIAM A. On Tuesday. June 24. 1947. at his residence. 223 S st. n.w., WILLIAM A. BROWN, beloved hus band of Mrs. Minnie Brown. He also is survived by one son. William H. Brown; one dauahter, Fredricks Thomas; one cranddaughter, Mildred Thomas, and other relatives and friends. Friends may call to see Mr. Brown at his late residenca after fi p.m. Thursday. Funeral services Saturday. June 28, at 2 p.m.. from the home of Columbia Elks Lodge. No. 86, 301 R. I. ave. n.w. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by L. E. Murray 3c Bon, 1337 10th it. n.w. 27* BROWN. WILLIAM A. Members of Co lumbia Lodge. No. 86. I. B. F. O. E. ol W.. are hereby notified of the funeral of Brother WILLIAM A BROWN, on Saturday. June 28. 1947, at 2 p.m., from the above lodge, 301 B. I. ave. n.w. Session of sorrow Friday, June . at 8:30 a.m., at the lodge. EMORY B. SMITH Exalted Ruler. HARRY R. PRATT, Secretary. BYNUM. MYRA JULIA. On Wednesday, Jun. 25. i947. MYRA JULIA BYNUM ot 707 1st st. n.w., mother of Henry and Bennie Bynum, Josle Moore and Mayfield Vaughn. After 8 p.m. Thursday, June 26. Inends may call at Frasier s Funeral Home, Inc . 389 R. I. ave. n.w . where serv ices will be held on Frlday, June 27, at 1 p m, Rev. I. A. Miller officiating. In terment Wooulawn Cemetery. CARLIN, WILLIAM M. On Tuesday. Junt 24, 1947. WILLIAM M. CAIttilN. formerly o! El Nido. Va., beloved husband of Mary A. Carlin (nee Crlmmins) ana father of Mrs, Marjorie C. MeOarvey and Mrs Louise C. Donovan. Funeral from the Taltavull Funeral Home, 3619 14th st. n.w., on Friday, June 27. at 9:15 a.m. Requiem mass at St. John s Church. El Nido, Va„ at 10 a.m. Relatives and Inends invited. Interment Bt. James' Cemetery, Falla Church, Va. Kindly omit flowers. 30 DURCHETT, MARY ELIZABETH. On Thuisday, June 26, 1947, at Arlington Hospital. MARY ELIZABETH DURCHETT, beloved daughter of Willie R. and Grace Stoneburnger Durchett of 4406 Columbia pike, Arlington. Va.. and sister of Barbara Ann Durchett. Remains resting at the Ivea Funeral Home, 2847 Wilson blvd., Ar lington, Va., until Friday. June 27, at 12:30 P.m.: thence to Fort Myer Chapel where funeral servioes will be held at I p m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. tVAW®. fT Ai/l&n. wil A u«u«/p _ v usasu 24, 1947. st Mount Alto Hospital, WALTER EVANS, beloved husband of Narcissus Evans. Remains at the W. Ernest Jarrli Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Fu neral and Interment Weldon. N. C. FYFFE, ALDAH. Suddenly, on Wednes day. June 25. 1947. at 837 Park ave.. Bal timore. Md . ALDAH FYFFE. dauahter ol the late Thomas and Mary Fyffe of Pooles vllle. Md Services at Mitchell's Funeral Home, 1901 Eutaw pi., Baltimore. Md.. on Fiiday. June 27, at 1 p.m. Interment Beallsvlile. Md. GARNER, MARSHA. On Wednesday, June 26. 1947. at GalUneer Hospital, MARSHA GARNER of 1300 22nd st. n.w., devoted wife of Noble Garner, mother ol Harrison Saunders, Albert and Sylvester Morris end Bessie Carter. Also aurvlvlm are many other relatives and friends. Friends may call from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday June 26. at the Dovle G. Brooks Funeral Home. 12th it. and Florida avk. n.w. Funeral and Interment Chrlstians bure. Va. GRIGSBY. AGNES E. On Wednesday. June 25. 1947. AQNE8 E. GRIGSBY (nee Burley), beloved wile of the late Thomas E. Orlasby. mother of Evelyn Smith, Lo retta Winston, Thomas E. and Marjorie Grlesby. Friends may call at her late resi dence. 459 M st. s.w., where eervlces will be held on Saturday. June 28. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mattlnely Funeral Service. 27 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. “j William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and Mass. Ave N.E LX. S200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS _Crematorium In Cast of Daath One of the Larteit Undertakers in the World Complete Funerals ) $95 to $2,000 Four larfe Funeral Homes Phone CO. 0432 rn a hit/ FCICD'C CrtKJC I i\nm\ am www* FUBBRAL HOUX 3605 I4th St. N.W. Hobart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly »* _ 1113 7th St. N.W. EetaPllehed IS!) V7E. SPEARE CD. Neither itcceuar to nor connected^ wit* the orlflnal W. R. Speare .etabBahmeal 1009 H St. N.W. National* 0000 funeral designs. Blackistone. Inc. **4m*7t*«' BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It GUDE BROS. CO. IndtrldnalW deeirned Wreathe and Karan Charge aeeoante epene* by pl.eae I an F St. N.W.—NAtlennl 4T7Q C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAT K3.03 CP DELITEBEI Chart* Aecomate Inrlted Two Convenient Locations SOS 14th St. N.W ME. 7433 »?3 F »t. N.W._ME. 740* GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL tribute 41 MODERATE prices. PHOTS NA 01*1 Cor. 14th & Eye CHACONAS FLOWERS BeaatUal rLTMMA P^CES *5.00 aad a: •M0 14th «. SwfT" Phaae DC. 11* CEMETERY LOTS. CEDAR HILL CEMETEEY—Family lot 0 6 sites in Sec 15. back ol chapel, do no need them snd will take a reasonable oflei Value. Sl.oon MRS. DRUM, 413* Lake Tiers St. Petersburg. Fla., pnoo 5;-(i’ reached long distance_?n* FOP LINCOLN—Six excellent lota 1 »ew:y developed section at. lest than eui tent price*. DU. SSI2 alter • p m. -7 4 Sratll* GRIMY. KUALA A. OB WadBoadiy June 86. 1947. at har mWeBaa, 343; Ontario rd. n.w.. MAH ALA A. OKISBY wile of the late Oaorte Grtibr. .She 1 survived by throe daughters, Sarah Rich arson. Julia Hawkins and Joanns_Srawner two aons. William H. and John R. OrUbr three sitters. Elia Stallings, .Louise Trie: ol Brooklyn, H. T„ and Martha Henaon; ■ brother, Joseph Henson; nine grandehll' dren. three great-grandchildren and othei relatives and Mends. Friends may call a1 her late residence after 12 noon Friday June 27. Funeral Saturday, June 28, at J p.m., from Mount Zion Methodist Church 39th st. between Dumbarton are. and C st. n.w.. Rev. J. H. Johnson officiating interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Allen At Morrow. Inc., director!, In charge HALL. F081T V. Suddenly, on Thurs day. June 26, 1947, POSEY V. HALL oi 8216 12th st. n e.. beloved husband Ol Dorothea W. Hall, brother of Arnold K. T. Homer, D. Curtis and Irvin W. Hall Services at the 8. H. Hlne* Co. Funera Home, 2901 14th at. n.w., on Saturday June 28. at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creel Cemetery. 27 HANES. JAMES H. On Tuesday. Juim 24, 1947, at his residence, 5801 Rads st n.e.. Mr JAMES H HANES, deacon oi Mount Carmel Baptist Church »or morj than fifty years. Notica of funeral later. ' HARSCH, GEORGE W. On Tuesday : June 24. 1947, after a long Ulneei GEORGE W. HARSCH of 838 Jefferson st n.w.. beloved husband of Anna B. Harseh father of Erwin Harseh ol Brookline , Mass ; Raymond Harseh of Berkeley. Calif, and Gordon Harseh of this city. .Funera services and interment Cincinnati, Ohio Please omit flowers. (Cincinnati paper; please copy.) 28 1 HILL. DEACON MALACHI. Altered inh ■ eternal rest on Tuesday, June 24. 1947. a i Gallingcr Hospital. Deacon MALACHI HIU I of 1012 6th st. s.w.. beloved husband of th; late Bessie Hill, loving father of Janie > Annie and Malachi Hill. Jr., and Johnti , McDaniel; brother of Mrs. Annie Vanee . Susie, Scott. Mack. James. Charles. George . John Henry, Alexander and Benjamin Hill . He also is survived by many other rela i tives and friends. Remains resting at tb , John T. Rhines Ac Co. Funeral Home, 3ri 1 and Eye ats. s.w., until Friday. June 37 ! at 4 p.m.; thereafter at the above real l dence. Funeral Saturday, June 28, a ; 1:30 p.m.. from Mount Farrow Baptls 1 Church, lit and L sts. s.w.. Rev. s. G , cemetery. 27 HAWKINS, JOHN H. On Tuesday. Juni 24. 1947. at his residence. 663 East Cap ltol st., JOHN H. HAWKINS, beloved hus 1 band of Martha C. Hawkins and father o Martha M. Hawkins. Funeral from tbi above residence on Thursday, June 26. a 1 7 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Newark < N. J. 26 HOLDEN. BKIGID. On Tuesday. Juni • 24, 1947, at Providence Hospital. BRIQH E. HOLDEN, beloved sister of Charles D . Holden and Mary A. Hopkins. Friend; . may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Fu neral Home. 131 11th st. s.e.. until Friday . June 27. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass e i St. Peter’s Church at 9 a m. Relatives ant friends invited. Interment Mount Olive | Cemetery. 26 HUNTER, CORA V. On Tuesday. Juni 24, 1941. at Dover. Ohio, CORA V HUNTER, wife of the late Dr. Montgomeri Hunter, mother of Mrs. Fred L. Ayler o 1 Dover. Ohio, and Mrs. Brooke Cunninghan of Stiver Spring. Md. Remains restim at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home 2901 14th st. n.w., after 10 a m. Friday Graveaide services and interment Friday June 27, at 2:30 p.m., at Cedar Hill Cem eterr. 27 JARWIN. STEPHEN J. On Wednesday . June 26. 1947, at. Emergency Hospital STEPHEN J. JARWIN. beloved husband o . Sophia Jarwln. father of Raymond J. am ’ Valerie D. Jarwln, brother of Mrs. Helei Danielewics and Mrs. Stella Dmohoski : Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home, 61' Uth st. s.e.. on Thursday. June 26, at I p.m. Interment In Warren, Ohio. JETT, EDWIN K. On Wednaaday. Jun 25, 1947, at Casualty Hospital. fewiN M ! JETT, beloved husband or Nellie Jett, fa ! ther of Nelson E. and Madison B. Jett ; Mrs. Ida L. Thrift. Mrs. Irene M. Fiddesop : Mrs. Florence Tarter and Mra. Mable A. R Marts. Services at Chambers Funera Home. 617 Uth st. s.e.. on Saturday. Jun 28, at 10 a m. Relatives and friands in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 21 JETT, RDWIN M. Members of the Fo llcemen's Association will at tend the services for our lat; brother, EDWIN M. JETT. Bod: resting at Chambers’ Funera Home. 817 11th st. s.e. Serv Ices will be held Saturday. Jum 28. 1947. at 10 a.m. Burla . In Cedar Hill Cemetery. JOHN E. PONDA1JL. President. CHARLES L. WRIGHT/Secretary. 2' KEIM. LILLY. On Wednesday. June 24 ; 1947, at her residence, 1329 Longfelloi st. n.w.. LILLY KEIM. daughter of th I late Morris and Christina Keim, sister o ! Alfred H. Keim and cousin of Fanny I , ices at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home i 2001 14th at. n.w., on Friday, June 27. a t 11:30 am. Interment at Cedar Hill Ceme , tery. KL'LLE, ACOtJST CHARLES. Suddenly , on Monday, June 23, 1947. at Glen Eeh< Md.. AUGUST CHARLES KULLB of 70 1 11th st. n.w.. Washington. D. C. Remain ; resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Fu ; neral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrei ‘ Bethesda, Md., where funeral services wi ; be held on Friday. June 27. at 2 p.m. In ; terment Congressional Cemetery. 1 LIEBER, WILMER A.. JR. On Mondai ’ June 23, 1047. WILMER A. LUBBER, Jr of 1810 Webster st. n.w . son of Wilmer t • Lieber. sr.: brother of Mrs. A. O. McLan and Joseph. F. Lieber Remains restin i at the 8. H. Hlnee Co. Funeral Home. 290 : 14th at. n.w. Notlea of funeral later. 1 MARCEY. HARVEY LEE. On Wednei . day. June 26, 1947, at his rsildsnce. 90 North Kansas at- Arlington, Va.. HARVY LEE MARCEY. beloved husband of Mau . D. Marcey, father of Elmer and Lea Marti . and Mrs. Audrey Kelley, grandfather < [ Jack. Ronald and Judith L. Marcey, an ■ brother of William, Ray. Curtis and Julli 1 Marcey: Mra. Annie Morris and Mrs. Luc i Merritt. Remains resting et the Ives Ft ; neral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd., Arllngtoi Va.. where funeral servlets will be held o Friday. June 27, at 2 p.m. Internet • Columbia Gardens Cemetery. MARSHALL, HATTIE IRENE. On Tuei r day, June 24, 1947. at her residence. 61 ■ F st. n.e.. HATTIE IRENE MAR8HAU : mother of Albert Marshall, mother-in-la . of Gladys Marshall. She alto leaves , devoted friend. Fetar Jackson, and a hoi i of other relatives and friends. Servlet on Friday, June 27, at Stewart's Puneri Home. 30 H at. n.e.. at 1 p.m. Intel ment Payne's Cemetery. MATTHEWS, ROBERT C. On Wednei day. June 26, 1947, ROBERT C. MAT i THEWS. He leaves his mother, Mar Matthews: one daughter. Elsie Matthewi Sve sisters, Elsie Simms. Evelyn Sen el orothy. Edna Mae and Mamie Matthewi two brothers. Edward and Julius Mat thews: one uncle, Emanuel Matthews: flv aunts. Maggie Jenkins. Cora Parker. Susl Hankins. Louise Godfrey and Maml Smith: four nieces, four nephews, a de voted friend. Catherine Wilson, and man other relatives and friends. Notice of fu i neral services later. Arrangements b ; Eugene Ford Funeral Home. MIDDLEDOEF. CLARA T. GILL. Oi 1 Wednesday. June 25, 1947. CLARA T. GIL] 1 MIDDLEDORF (nee Huthl. beloved wife o the late John W. Mlddledorf and mothe of Albert E. Gill and John F. Gill. Fu neral services sg the Taltavull Punera Home. 430 7th st. a.w., on Saturday. Jun 20. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Congressional Cemetery MITCHELL. ELIZABETH. On Wednes day. June 25. 1947. at her residence. 01 Que st. n.w . ELIZABETH MITCHELL, wlf of the late George M Mitchell, belove mother of Frances Keith, mother-ln-la’ of Ernest Keith and adopted mother c Mary Harrison. William Brown and Edge Williams. Friends may call to see th late Mrs. Mitchell at her residence afte 6 p.m. Saturday, June 20. Funeral serv lees on Sunday. June 29. at 1:30 pm at the Galbraith A. M. E. Z, Church. Re' Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangement by L. E. Murray ft Son. 1337 10th sL^i.v MILNE. MARY E. On Tuesday. Jun 24. 1947. MARY E MILNE of 4831 Illlno! ave. n.w., th# wife of the late Andre' Milne, mother of Clarence T. Milne, sisti of Theresa Collier and Mr*. Abble Collwel Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeri Home. 2901 14th *t. n.w., on Friday. Jun 27, at 2 p.m. Interment Monocacy Cem« teiy, BeaUavllle, Md. 26 OLIVER* GEORGE B. J. On Tuesdt: June 24. 1947. at the Naval Hospita Bethesda, Md., GEORGE B. J. OLIVER ( , 1725 New Jersey ave n.w husband I , Ruth Oliver and brother of Alice Olive ' Other relatives and friends also surviv Friends may call at the Malvan ft Sch« Funeral Home. New Jersey ave. and R a ■ n.w., after 7 p.m. Thursday, June 2i i Services at the above funeral home o Friday, June 27. at 12 oclock noon Ir (iterment Arlington National Cemetery. PENTANSKY, BOSE. On Thursday. Jun 26. 1947. ROSE PENTANSKY, belove 'i mother of Mre. Monoson Martin, Mrs. Be ! ward Lichtenstein and Mrs. Bernard Lell . Funeral services at the Bernard Dansansk '! ft Son Funeral Homs, 3601 14th st. n * i on Friday. June 27. at 12 noon. Intel ‘ ment at B'nai Israel Cemetery. REGEN. DOROTHY B. Suddenly, o | Tuesday June 24. 1947. at her residency ! 944 Shepherd st. n.w.. DOROTHY 1 ; REGEN. beloved wife of Cornelius V Regen, mother of Nell Regen and daugl ter of John F. and Sadie R. Hill. Ft neral services at the Timothy Hanlo Funeral Home. 3*31 Georgia are. n.w on Friday. June 27. at 11 a m Intel .ment Neelsville Cemetery, Oermantowi 1 Md 2« RIDER. KATHARINE E. On Thun 1 day. June 26. 1947. at Providence Hoi > pltal. KATHARINE E. RIDER, beloved sti ter of Tom and M. A. Rider Remali resting at Chambers' Funeral Home. 61 11th st. s.e.. until Thursday. June 2 at 7 p.m. Services and interment i Sutton. W. Va. SMITH, HARRISON M. Departed th * life on Tuesday, June 24. .1947, »i Os linger Hospital, after a lingering Ulnes S HARRISON M. SMITH. He leaves I mourn their loss a dtvoted brother, M ■ Eugene Smith of 2209 Flagler pL n.w.; niece. Miss Dorothy Smith, and a host < - other .relatives and friends. Remains ms be seen after t p.m. Thursday. June 26, i the Better Funeral Home. 1203 Walter s ■ s.e.. between B and C and 12th and 131 its. Funeral on Friday, June 27, at 1:3 1 p.m.. Rev. Edward Thomas officiating. Ii . terment Payne's Cemetery. * SMITH. MABY ADA COLftUTH. D. parted this life Tuesday. June 24. 1947. i I her late residence, 2930 Pomeroy rd. s.g " Mrs. MARY ADA COLBERTH SMITH. Instive of Raleigh. N. C. She is surviv* ’*' by one devoted dautbter, Miss Agnas Smit) r and a host of friends The remains ma :";be viewed at the Hall Bros. Funeral Horn '• ntl Florida are. n.w . Thursday. June 2' _ ■ after 12 noon. Funeral services Frida n June *7. at 2:30 p.m.. at the above funer r- home. Rev. Brown officiating. Intermei r* Woodlawn Cemetery, * L Miss Lilly Keim, 88, Prominent Baptist, Dies at Her Home Ulu Lilly Keim, 8S, of 1329 Long fellow street N.W., a prominent member of the Baptist Church In Washington, died yesterday at her home after a brief illness. A native of Buffalo, N. Y„ she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Keim. With them she came to Washington to live at an early age, after previous residences in Danville, Va., and Nashville, Term. In 1923, Miss Keim offered the use of her home to the District of Columbia Baptist Convention for the purpose of organizing the High lands Baptist Church of which she was a charter member. Before the chapel was built, the weekly prayer meetings were held in her home. Surviving are a brother, Alfred E. Keim of Washington; two nephews and four nieces. Miss Fanny L. Guschewsky and Miss Emma Gus chewsky, cousins of Miss Keim, made their home with her. Funeral services will be held at 11 am. tomorrow at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street ' N.W., with burial in Cedar Hill ! Cemetery. The Rev. N. M. Simmons, pastor of the Highlands Baptist Church, : will conduct the services, assisted by i the Rev. Dr. K. O. White, pastor of : the Metropolitan Baptist Church, of i which Miss Keim was a former ; member. Alice Fischer Harcourt, ! Ex-Stage Star, Dies at 78 ly the Associated Press NEW YORK. June 26.—Alice Fischer Harcourt, 78, an actress for , nearly 50 years and a leading lady • of the New York stage at the turn , of the century, died yeiterday. She founded the Twelfth Night Club for actresses here anrf was the widow of William King Harcourt, prominent Shakespearean actor. STRACK. LT. COMDR. OTTO H. WOn ; Monday. June 23. 1947, Lt. Comdr. OTTO , H. H. STRACK, beloved husband of Mar fret E. Strack of Newport. R. I.: father , of William Lawrence Strack of Newport. R. I.; brother of Mrs, Roy C. Hlgby of Big Mooae. N Y.: Erick W. Strack of Am - steroam. N. Y., ifnd Albert W. Strack of ■ Big Moose, N. Y. Funeral from the Sim ■ moifb Bros’ Funeral Home, 2007 Nichols f are. on Thursday. June 26. at 2 p.m. 1 Oraveslde services end Interment at Ar l Ungton National Cemetery. TALIAFERRO. OLIVIA. On Monday. , June 23, 1947, at her residence, 3030 1 Stanton Id.. SI. OLIVIA TALIAFERRO She leaves to mourn ont brother, Morvaln , Taliaferro; on* niece. Leona Turner; one nephew, Wendell C. Taliaferro; one foster I son, Luther McPherson, and^ other rela tives. n-lends may call at the Robert O. Mason Funeral Home. 2500 Nichols ave. s.e., after 4 p.m. Friday. June 27. Fu i ntral services Saturday, June 28, at 2 p.m., : at th* Bethlehem Baptist Church. Nichole : ave. and Howard rd. a.e.. Rev. J. C. Banks i officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 27 TENNYSON, JULIA JANE. On Monday, June 23, 1947, at her residence, 2523 Cen I ter st.. Pittsburgh. Pi., JULIA JANE TEN • MYBON, wife of the late David T. Tenny ; son, beloved mother of Mrs. Olive Ross and , James J. Tennyson, mother-in-law of Mrs. i Alice Tennyson snd Z. T. Ross, all of Pitts burgh. Pa.; gister of Mrs. Maria Baylor of Washington. D. C. She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Friends ’ may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church, 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services . Friday. June 27, at 1 p.m., at the Vermont ' Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. L. C. Colllna ! officiating. Relatives and friends invited. ' interment Arlington National Cemetery. TENNYSON, JULIA. Officers and mem bers of Columbia Temple, No. ; 422. I. B. P. O. E. of W., met In session of sorrow Monday, Juna 23, 3 947, and arranged for the funeral of Daughter JULIA TENNYSON, Friday, June 27. at ' _ l p.m., from Vermont Avenue j Baptist Church. GOLDEN McKENZIE, Daughter Ruler. QEORGIANA HENRY, Secretary. TRIMBLE. GERALD R. On Sunday. 1 June 22. 1947, at the Presbyterian Center, - New York City. GERALD R. TRIMBLE, the beloved husband of Mrs. Mae Trimble (nee O’Conner), father of Gerald R„ Jr., - and William Neve Trimble. Service* at ’ Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n,*r„ on Thursday. June 26. at 2 p.m. In s terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 28 f TURNER. IRENE CROWN. On Wednas day. June 25. 1947, IRENE CROWN TUR NER of 1614 I7th st. n.w., widow of th* - late George Turner, mother of Mr*. Oeor 5 giana Vandavere of Washlnaton, D. C. r Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral 1 Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Friday, June r 27, at 3 p.m. Interment Brooklyn, N. Y. f 27 1 VIGIL. TARCILA. On Tuesday, June « 24, 1947, at Bolling Field Hospital. TAR r C1LA VIOIL, belov ;d mother of Mrs. - Charles Rudy and Michael and Anita Vigil . of Philadelphia. Pa and Guillermo Vigil ' of Ban Francisco, Calif. Friends may call t at the Saffell Funeral Home, 475 H at. n.w. Notice of funeral later. jj In Utmnriam i FOWLER. THOMAS W. In loving mem * ory of my ion, THOMAS W. FOWLER, 1 who pasted away. In Montreal, tlx years * ago, June 28, 1841. Oettlng used to being lonesome. That is the hard part So bear; : Oettlng used to all the sorrow : You were once so quick to share. Getting used to all the heartaches Night end day from mlaalng you. Getting used to being lonesome, t Thst'i whet I must learn to do. I LOVINO MOTHER. • S ORICE. GEORGE W. In loving memory - of a loving husband and father, GEORGE 8 W. ORICE, who died twenty-one years tgo - today, June 26, 1826. r Memories are treasures no one can eteal, Death leavee a heartache nothing can heal: > Some have forgotten now that you have j gone, ' We shell remember all the years long. r HIS LOVINO WIFE. MARY L. ORICE. AND ; DAUGHTER. ROSE T. BROWN. 1 HUNTER. KATHLEEN PEEBLES. Sacred to the memory of one of the finest women who ever lived, my wife and our mother, KATHLEEN PEEBLES HUNTER, who died eleven years ago today. June 26. 193ti. ■ J. B, HUNTER, LT. CHARLES H. HUNTER, 1 MRS GRACE H. SMITH. MRS. KATH - LEEN H. SULTON, MISS BETTY P. 1 HUNTER. f LYLES, FANNIE. In loving memory of : our dear sister and aunt. FANNIE LYLES. , who departed this life four years ago, June J 28, 1943. 1 You arc not forgotten, loved one, , Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last We will remember thee, s ^ WEEKS FAMILY. PFEIL, CHARLES JACOB. In sad but loving memory of our father. CHARLES 8 JACOB PFEIL, who passed away seven * years ago today, June 26. 1840. 8 HIS LOVING CHILDREN. r SMITH, BESSIE. In loving memory of i my dear wife, BESSIE SMITH, who de . perted this life nine yearsl ago today. June : 26. 1888. The month of June it hers. , To me the saddest of the year, L For nine years ago today r My loving wife passed away. . ,{ DEVOTED HUSBAND, ROBERT G. SMITH. WILLIAMS. HARRY OLONZO. In mem y ory of a loving husband, a kind father, e [. devoted brother, HARRY OLONZO WIL >• LIAMS, who departed this life one year ago n today, June 26, 1846. A precious one from us is gone. The voice we loved Is stilled: ■ a place is vacant in our nearts 0 which never can be Ailed. Keep him. dear Ood In Thy keeping . Until we reach that blessed shore, Then. O Father, let us Join him 1 And love him as we did before. TOUR DEVOTED WIFE, CHILDREN. SIS TERS AND BROTHERS I* WILLIS. VIOLA M. In loving remcm ' brance of my dear aunt. VIOLA M 1' WILLIS, who departed this life three yeare J ago today. June 26. 1944 - Today recalls the memory >) Of a loved one laid to rest. And those who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best, i, OSIE. * WILSON. LILLIE M. In sad but loving - memory of our dear mother, LILLIE M. WILSON, who passed away three years k ago today. June 26. 1944. ■* Beautiful memories of one to dear We'll alwaya cherish with love sincere; a day that comes with sad regret 1 And one that we shall never forget. . In our hearts your memory Ungers, * Alwaya tender, fond and true; * There la not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you. ? HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. « ! CLAGE I 0 MEMORIA * 302 New Ham r/ 5 -&W : V^irOuRDigUY, 1 L_RECTI In-AllCEMETERIEJ'^ - OtcnJunpay/ - k Lucius Boomer, Noted Director Of Waldorf, Is Reported Dead Hotel Man was in Norway for Summer With Family Sy the Associated frees OSLO, Norway, June 36.—Lucius Boomer, director of New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, died of a Heart attack at Hamar, Oddvar Etoest, editor of Hamar Arbeiderblad, laid today. Mr. Boomer was en route to the 3udrandsdal Valley, where he in ended to spend the summer with His Norwegian-born wife and their laughter. Mr. Boomer, 68, earned an almost legendary reputation in his capacity >f director of the Waldorf. He jreeted and became acquainted with Hundreds of noted persons who were fuests at the hotel. During the conference of foreign ministers held at the Waldorf last (rear, the Boomers gave up their ipartment in the Waldorf in order ;o accommodate the visiting min sters of state and their stalls. . Mr. Boomer, a native of Pough keepsie, N. Y., entered the hotel field with the Plagler system in Florida iround the turn of the century. In L907 he moved to the Plaza Hotel In New York when it opened as an assistant to the managing editor. Directed Hotel McAlpin. Fran 1913 to 1922 he was in charge jf the Hotel McAlpin in New York md while there was a pioneer In the field of scientific operation of large hotels. During World War I Mr. Boomer went to Paris, wh?re he organized md operated the Hotel du Louvre [or Army officers. With Coleman du Pont, Mr. Boom »r became interested in tne old Waldorf Astoria after the death of its founder, Georg* C. Boldt. Tw» years after their acquisition of the jriginal Waldorf in 19¥>, Mr. Boom sr Joined in the purchase of (he Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Phils - ielphia. Later he extended his interests to ;he Willard Hotel in Washington Services Saturday Set For Edward M. Jett, 78 Funeral services for Edward M. Jett, 78, retired policeman who died yesterday at Casualty Hospital, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Chambers funeral home, 517 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be In Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. Jett died as a result of in juries received when struck by a hit-and-run driver on June 7 at Nichols avenue and W street S.E. A native of Fredericksburg, Va., Mr. Jett had been a resident of Washington for 59 years. He was retired after serving 38 years on the Metropolitan Police Force. He be longed to Harmony lodge No. 17 of the Masonic Order and lived at 1434 W street S.E. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Nellie E. Jett; two sons. Nelson E. Jett and Madison B. Jett, and four daughters, Mrs. Ida Thrift. Mrs. Irene M. Fiddesop, Mrs. Florence Tarter and Mrs. Mabel A. R. Marts, all of the Washington area. George E. Keeler Rites To Be Held in Bethesda Funeral services for George E Keeler, 81, who died of a heart attack Monday in Emergency Hos pital, were to be held today in th« Pumphrey funeral home, 7557 Wis consin avenue, Bethesda, with buria; in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Keeler lived at 69 Strathmore avenue, Garrett Park, Md. A native of Boston, he came to the Wash ington area 33 years ago and estab lished a real estate and insurance business. He had worked daily at his office in the Investment Build ing until about two months ago. Survivors include his widow, Mrs Mary C. Keeler of the Garrett Pari address; a daughter, Mrs. Wheeloc) Bigelow of Great Neck. Long Island and a son, George C. Keeler of Path Church. Final Rites Planned Today For Andrew C. Plant Funeral services for Andrew C Plant, 71, who died Monday at hi! home, 2326 First street N.W., of a heart attack, were to be held at the home this afternoon, with burial in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Plant was bom In Washing ton and received his education in the public schools here. He had been employed in the Navy Depart ment's Bureau of Docks and Yard! for 41 years before retiring in 1945 He was a member of the old Trinity Episcopalian Church at Third and C streets N.W. Survivors include his widow, Mrs Oracle M. Plant; a daughter, Althes L. Plant, and a son, Alvin C. Plant a)l of Washington. Mrs. Eisenhower's Aunt To Be Buried Tomorrow ■y th» AiiaciaUd Pr«i BOONE, Iowa, June 28.—Funera services will be held tomorrow foi Miss Eda Carlson, 72, aunt of Mrs Dwight Eisenhower and frequent hostess to the Chief of Sfaff. 8h« died Tuesday. There were 15,286 graduates ol West Point Military Academy be tween its founding in 1802 to June 1945, LUCIUS BOOMER. ~-Star Staff Photo. and the Windsor Hptel in Montreal-. He was made president of the com pany formed to operate the Sherry Netherlands in New York and opened that hotel in 1927. In 1920, on the retirement of Louis Sherry, Mr. Boomer became the directing head of the Louis Sherry chocolate and ice cream business. He also was named presi dent of Savarin, Inc., a chain res taurant operation. Led Move to New Building. After the closing of the old Wal dorf he visualized a modem, larger structure and was one of the leaders in the move to the present struc ture at Park avenue and Forty - ninth street in New York, which opened its doors in 1931. He was president and chief execu tive of the Waldorf until 1945 when he was elected chairman of the board. In 1933 and 1934 he was ap pointed by a Federal Court to ad vise and assist the receivers in the operation of the Stevens Hotel in Chicago. On September 11,1920. he married Jorgine Slettede of Norway. They made their homt at the Waldorf in New York. Rites for Col. H. B. Barry To Be Held af Fort Myer -n_v _;__1_V..1J .4 Oft A UMV1 Ot.l V IUVU TT <11 WV *1V«4 MV • p.m. tomorrow at Fort Myer Chapel for Col. Henry B. Barry, U. 8. A., retired, who died yesterday at his home in Lexington, Mass. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Col. Barry enlisted in the cavalry in the Philippine Insurrection, sub sequently serving in Cuba and Mex ico. In World War I he was sta tioned in Washington in the office of the quartermaster general as pur chasing and construction officer, and later was assistant to the quarter master at Fort Myer. In World War n he won the Le gion of Merit as commanding officer of the Jersey City Quartermaster Depot. Later he commanded the Army Service Forces Depot in Rich mond. Col. Barry’s widow Is the former Miss Esther Stiles of Washington, Maryland Traffic Crashes Killed 34, Hurt 869 in May ly Associated Frost BALTIMORE, June 26.—Thirty four persons were killed and 869 hurt in the 1,590 traffic accidents reported in Maryland last month, the State Traffic Safety Commission disclosed yesterday. Baltimore City police reported 951 accidents with five deaths and 487 injuries, while county records showed 639 May accidents with 29 deaths and 382 injuries. A total of 145 deaths resulted from traffic during the first 5 months of this year, a drop of 17 from the 162 recorded during the correspond ing 1946 period. There were no traffic deaths In 11 counties last month—Allegany, Caroline. Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Annes, St. Marys, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester. Greece is awarding contracts for the refloating of ships sunk in Greek waters. , Washington’s Foremost Funeral Home Since 1373 FUNERAL HOME ^S.H.HSnwCoiwni W. R. Fftnk Hint*, Pntidtut INl-M-M-tl Fnrtontt llmt N.W. No Branch « Establishments C»U COhraMa 7MS-X4 I 1 1 fl (flurnfarti I S its SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM j K: When the emergency arises. Chambers pro i H| vides for every detail—including a Com- I , plete Funeral arranged and conducted with j «X9H dignity and efficiency, together with a i 1 I 11 > Casket of good quality-—and at a price . , ) you con afford. ^ 3 Complete Funerals | j W. W. CHAMBEBS $95 tO $2,000 I I This Beautiful Casket and Complete Funeral, $336 | j K ' IN CASE OF EV 9 PITmS : A A Helen W. Atwater, 71, ‘ Home Economist and Kmergi Illness. Born 1876, vllle, was ter Wilbur Olin At water, professor of chemistry at Wesleyan Uni versity. She was graduated from Smith College In 1897 and re ceived an hon orary degree of doctor of sci ence there in ***•» Atw»ur. 1943. Her career as a home economist began when she served as an edi torial assistant to her father, an investigator in the problems of hu man nutrition. In 1909 Miss Atwater came to Washington to join the scientific staff of the Office of Home Eco nomics of the Department of Agri culture. She resigned that position to become editor of the Journal of Home Economics between 1933 and her retirement in 1941. Fellow of Science Groap. She also served as executive chair man in the department of food production and home economics of the Woman’s Committee of the Council of ^National Defense In World War I. and as chairman of |$trrV&&d«bjj ■ MORTICIANS |j ■ 4401 5th St. N.W. | g] KA. 5443 a the Women's Joint Congressional Committee from IMS to 1928. Miss Atwater was a fellow of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science and a mem ber of the Home Economics Asso ciation and the American Public Health Association. She was chair man of the last group’s committee on housing hygiene from 1942 until last year. , She was active in the American Association of University Women, the Smith College Club of Wash ington, the Omicron Nu and the nil Upsilon Omicron Societies. She was also a member of the Women's National Press Club of Washing ton and the author of many maga sine articles and publications on borne economics and nutrition. Her address in Washington was 3133 Connecticut avenue N.W. Services In Connecticut. Miss Atwater is survived by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles W. At water of Plandome, N. Y.; a niece, Mrs. Kenneth Galbraith, New York City, and two nephews, Robert M. Atwater, Buffalo, N. Y., and Charles W. Atwater, Plandome. Funeral services and burial will be at Middletown. Conn. The time has not yet been decided. 150 to Attend Conclave Of Purple Heart Order * Sy ttw Associated Press CUMBERLAND, Md., June M.— One hundred and fifty delegates and alternates are expected here today vhen the Department of Maryland, Military Order of Purple Heart, opens its State convention. The first business meeting will be tomorrow afternoon. Friday morn ing a memorial service is scheduled and Saturday night a parade is planned. ! Daughter Bans Use of Book To Convict Frau Wagner •y Hw Auaciatod hw BAYREUTH, Germany, June 28. —Friedland Wagner, granddaughter of Composer Richard Wagner, pro tested today in a cablegram from New York that her book, "Night Over Bayreuth," should not be tpeo as evidence at the denazification trial of her mother, Frau Winifred Wagner. "Only my personal oral testimony is permitted,” said the cablegram, which was addressed “to the de fense” and was submitted to the trial court here today. The'message contained no indi cation of whether the 39-year-ald writer, who fled Nasi Germany, would come here io testify. In her book the antl-Nasi author ess declared that the famed Bay reuth music festivals, which her mother directed, had been need by the Nazis for propaganda purposes. VETERANS' FAMILIES 9 Call James T. Ryan without forfeiting any veteran’s funeral allow ance to tohich you are entitled. Services from your home, your church or our chapel. James T. Ryan Funtral DirttUr 317 P«. Av*. S.E. AT. 1700 .. ■' ■ BtO’S NEW “MANVEL IF TNE NAILS’’ smr. BlLIXE ALL CIACH BAYLICNT STREAMLINER bltWIH k WASHINGTON antf CINCINNATI m, Httiaww. kthi, «««»■ cu*wi* 'UKK*". ««•». is^' NV --1 COACH SEATS HESEIVEI [ Tt» WITHOUT EXTHA CHAISE ' ' 1 n~'"4 hr -r I * 55^ I 0 You’ll never forget a ride on Th* I * ob.>rr«Hoft-Din|ww-1 Cincinnatian! From your first glimpse of thia I ^n,* cJ",rr'-wW> ***** * | streamlined wonder until you leave it at your \ , Mavabi*. •**-**•#•* *•*" 1 destination, you live in a new world—the post* . WM., I war world you’ve dreamed of! I . camai^y I You relax in seats so comfortable they I * f**7"-r^hMaUfac«»—lai awaatia" »a 1 become a part of you; you luxuriate in sur I «•»* br««4- I roundings that are warm with color. Th* e*c*iaXi*"hhri<rrr!.. ••«h t,r 1 Cincinnatian's Stewardess-Nurse is ready to 1 * 4Wio<«»« j iU(a -m avary «>r 1 assist you in any way she can. There are I ‘****"* wm'*r I lounges to visit that sparkle with gaiety, and eft I • racHi*>« »aaH, wNti I dining section as modern as the next minute! I ! ! a^m* •» •«*» **•’’ wwU‘M,Br 1 ' Remember, too, The Cincinnatian is a day I **CTul*taw-ini- h»«*a*a rad« 1 light train with a route both historic and | • I • ta.T-ta*o*anj<t«w*" 1 beautiful—you’ll see something to write home I *j* •w*®*1 *,"h’ rtorton,nr I about every mile of the way! Folks who ride Th* I . . 1 Cincinnatian say, "it’s a marvel of a train”. I ‘ ^^^^^-"ba^aaw CanNuc- 1 know you’ll agree with them! 1 TrT?»r<*' fa«!Fl«-*yW* *,,a" I ^ f#a(^a kfmrmu^ ^ KaaaWva S77S af 4$*9 La<a«ati»a I r.v iw -ir I Ur *xfra ! \ i *** *ih- * SHORTEST TIMS ... SHOUTtST ROUTT M v . __.. i , i ,A *