OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 19, 1947, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-08-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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I had an attack
of acute acid indiges
tion. I took one dose of
Bell-ans and the dis
tress was ENTIRELY
gone wifhin five min
utes.” 25c at druggists.
WAV AI8-H0T water
55 K St. S.E. AT. 1331
It costs no more
to park at the
Capital Garage
| Hew York Avenue
hotwaan 13th and 14th
Luxurtou* 17,000-Ion linar
Sailing from Now York
SEPT. 29
NOV. 14
• DEC. 29
Wr«l dan, cabin clou and tovrM
date accommodotione. Ralurn t
reeervaflon* booked In advance.
Space available for auto«.
Commit your Iravtl agonl or
g-10 Bridge Slreet, New York
p 5n
|1 EW«t »*Jyp.inUn*r J'
p^|1S2t Uft ^'0(pj
»n 1 tnlii HAT'i! black! monogrammed
r> M P." With sum of money; vie.
Hechts,' 4:30 P-m.. Aug. 13. Reward.
UN. 0805.___20*_;
yin i fold, man's, hand-engraved, leather:
BILH . . i Rnnrtav on 11th «t
car line; aentlmental value; reward. After!
5 D.m.. CO. 8118.___(
Sunday South Arlington. Va.: answers to!
name “Graceful.” Reward. Call OL_«864
BRIEFCASES^ 3, lost on Military hwy ;
"ward Finder contact COL B. J. TOO
HER or MAJ. V. B. JOHNSON Headquar
ters Strategic Air Command, Andrews
w Hlllsl3e 3100. Ext. 3371. —20 |
COMB, amber, silver trim stdecomb; lost!
in Arlington Saturday; sentimental value.j
Reward. CH. 4C03._;
non black combination of scotty and j
cocker spaniel; wearing red collar; left
Sun'morn* In vie. of idth and Buchanan
sts TA. 3893. _— i0_
DOG. lam. light-brown male, answers to
Tony; strayed from 1st and P sts. n.w
Tat No. .3201. Reward. TA. c.3.30. —-!<>
non lost near Baileys Crossroads, dark
brown shepherd type, female, wearing col
lar. no tag. Reward. WI. •U81 20
nRFSS brown and white, left in taxi
"tween 18th and L and Hotel 3400 Mon
day. ajn.; reward. HO. 20,2. —30
a m vicinity of Fessendon st., Wis. ave.:
or on Friendship Heights streetcar. Re
ward. WO. 0273._I
MASONIC RING — Liberal reward to |
flndey. OE. 9079 evenings._
MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA, female, dark'
brown, white spot on throat, curly tail: |
weights about 4*4 lbs.: very shy and afraid’
Will ’not let anv one pick her un. If
any tine see* her. plesse cell TR. 5881. j
Reward.____ ;
PARTIAL PLATE, in taxicab, between f>
and 9 30 Sunday. 71S 24th st. n.w..'
Apt. C. ME. 1833. —21
«. *
'i a
Drive Seeks to Bar
Lapse in Curbs on
Rent in Maryland
The Montgomery-Prince Georges
Chapter of Progressive Citizens of
America today announced opening
of a drive to have Maryland's rent
control law put in effect “if and
when Federal rent control expires."
The group will solicit signatures
on petitions to be submitted to the
j county commissioners.
! Truman J. Keesey, chairman of
the chapter, in a statement lashed
j.out at the National Association of
; Real Estate Boards and the local
| area rent office.
i “Immediate action on the part of i
county commissioners is necessary
1 to reassure tenants that they will
be safe from reprisals should they
! elect not to sign proferred leases."
(he said. “The push by landlords to
have tenants sign these leases isvthe
j key to how the National Association
: of Real Estate Boards hopes to elim
inate completely the remaining con
trols on rents and evictions."
Mr. Keesey called on rent control
authorities immediately to make a
public statement “making it clear
;that tenants are not compelled to
sign a lease providing for a rent in
crease and that refusal to sign can
; not be used as a means of having
the tenant evicted.’’
He said the organization has failed
to find any indication that the rent
; office is publicizing the voluntary
' nature of leases. “On the other
hand, however, the local rent office
has not hesitated to * * * estimate
that a substantial number of ten
ants in this area are expected to
sign the leases,” he declared.
15 Senators to Study Need
Of U.S.Aid in European Tour
By th* Associated Press
Chairman Bridges of the Senate
Appropriations Committee has an
nounced that 15 members are going
to Europe to size up results of
America’s foreign aid expenditures
and ‘‘determine the need for the
continued large outlay.”
Nine Republicans and six Demo
crats will sail October 1 to tour all
occupied areas, Greece, Turkey,
Italy, the Balkan countries, France,
England and the Netherlands.
‘‘The purpose of the trip,” Senator
Bridges said last night, “is to re
view the results of expenditures
made to date and to determine the
need for the continued large outlay
of United States taxpayers’ funds
for the stabilization of Europe.”
Besides Senator Bridges these
Senators will make the trip: Brooks,
Republican, of Illinois; Reed, Re
publican, of Kansas; Ferguson, Re-,
publican, of Michigan; Wherry, Re-!
publican, of Nebraska; Cordon, Re
publican, of Oregon; Young, Re
publican of North Dakota; Know
land, Republican, of California;
Dworshak, Republican, of Idaho;
McKellar, Democrat, of Tennessee;
Thomas, Democrat, of Oklahoma;
Russell, Democrat, of Georgia; Mc
Carran, Democrat, of Nevada;
O’Mahoney, Democrat, of Wyoming
and Green, Democrat, of Rhode Is
Senator Cain Impressed
By Hughes' Flying Boat
By th* Associated Press
LONG BEACH, Calif., Aug. 19.—
At least one member of the Senate j
War Investigating Committee, Sena- j
tor Cain, Republican, of Washing- j
ton is impressed with the Howard!
Hughes flying boat.
Mr. Hughes took the, Senator on j
an inspection tour of the $25,000,000
giant—which has yet to be tested—
and his first reaction was “fan
Senator Cain recovered, however,
to declare to newsmen: “If It flies
it will have achieved the impossible
in our lifetime.”
The Senator said he was not an
engineer and could not answer the
question if it will fly, but said: "I
hope it will fly,” and added he
would like to go on the first flight.
Mr. Hughes did not permit news
men to board the wooden-hulled
craft with the 300-foot wing span,
because “it is not completed.” The
producer, whose flying boat and XF- ,
11 camera plane are under investi- [
gation by the Senate committee, j
said it might be "March or April of
next year" before the giant flies.
Senator Cain was scheduled to
leave for San Francisco today, en
route home to Tacoma,
New Chemical Dust Arrests
Blight on Tomato Leaves
By the Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 19—A chemi
cal dust known as “dust spray" is:
arresting tomato leaf blight In
Southern New England States, the
United States Rubber Co. announced ,
Dr. T. W. Brasfield, representing
the company, said the dust was
designed for home gardeners and
combined powerful agents for pre
venting fungus disegses and killing
Tomato fruit rot spoiled 20 per;
cent to 80 per cent of. the garden
crops between the Rocky Mountains
and the Atlantic Coast last year, I
Mr. Brasfield said.
The remedy is equally effective on
potatoes. It kills flea beetles, lice,;
fruit spot, chagers, aphids and cater- j
pillars, and controls black spot and!
mildew, Mr. Brasfield said. j
POLL PARROT, on Woodley rd..' nr. Ward
man Park Hotel. If located, please callj1
CO, SlOfi, Apt. 101, _ —■30 [.
PURSE, black hand crochet corde; left on j
bus at Falls Church liftht In Va. Sun. be-! 1
tween 12 and 1. Owner in dire need of I ;
contents. Liberal reward. Contact owner.
Phone DI. 1750 or EM. 2180. —IS
REWARD—Sunday; brown wallet contain- ’
ins cards, money. Leave word, K. F.
Clarke, CROCK (ME. 65H41. 21* J
in taxicab, on way to r. r. station. Auk. ]
1° Rptnrn T.T MTTRPTTV Qltl F St. n w
—21 j J
TWO PET PARRAKEETS—One yellow and 1
one green; in Georgetown. Reward. 3353 .
Wig. ave. MI. 28P8._—19 !
STEEL FISHINfi rod, Sunday, near j
Rustic Manor on road to Mt. Vernon.
Reward. ME. 3441._j
UMBRELLA, left in car. vicinity Arlington
Cemetery. 35 Duvall dr.. Westmoreland;
Hills._WI. ««:« ___2J _ ;
U. S. GOVT. CHECK, in envelope from
Navy Dept.: rflso V. A. papers; on Conn,
and Nebr bus. about 10:30 a.m. Aug.
3 6: reward. FR. 0330. _—18
WALLET, alligator, lost Sunday; finder
please keep money and return papers.
C. R. HELMICK. 5411 Illinois ave. n.w.
WALLET, lady’s, black, containing sum of
money, lost Sun., Aug. 17, from Key Bridge
to 13th and Buchanan sts. n.w., or in
cab: _rewa rd._RA 1 748. _—20 ■
WRIST WATCH, man's. Movado. Calen-!
dar clock, has broken strap. Reward.;
Phone Jackson 1725-M.
1 1 11 * 1 ———
COIN PCRSE. small: Monday, in Petworth
area. Call evenings before 7 p.m.. RA.
WALLET, on Whittier st.. containing It.
S. and foreign currency. Write P. O
Box .170. Washington 4. D. C._
AT 18th AND COL. RD.. 6 pm Sat,1
leather case containing keys. AD. 656P.
AS INTER-AMERICAN CONFERENCE OPENED—Delegates from Brazilian President Eurico Gaspar Dutra (center, on rostrum)
20 nations are pictured as they gathered at Quitandinha, Brazil, addressed the delegates.
Friday to open formally the Inter-American Defense Conference. ___
Representative Sol Bloom (second from right) as he chatted with Secretary of State Marshall
on the opening day of the conference. Others are (left to right): Warren Austin, representative
of the United States to the United Nations, and Senators Vandenberg and Connally.
—AP Wirephotos.
William T. Posey Dies;!
United Cigar Founder
By tht Associated Prose
SOUTH ORANGE, N. J.„Aug. 19.—
William T. Posey, 75, who opened a
small tea and tobacco store in Kan
sas City at the age of 17 and de
veloped it into a chain of retail out
ets later knowiY'as the United Cigar
Stores Co., died yesterday.
In 1900 with the stores he had de
veloped, Mr. Posey joined with the
;ate Charles, Whelan in founding
the United Cigar Stores and by
1929 they had increased the com
sany’s holdings to a total of 3,000
stores throughout the Nation.
They sold the .chain in 1929 to
Morrow Bros., but retained the
Jnited Profit Sharing Corp., a
:oupon premium business also
founded by them.
Although Mr. Posey retired in 1940
Tom the coupon premium business,
le was at the time of his death a
iirector of the Schulte Cigar Stores.
;he Bankers Securities Co., Litt |
3ros. and City Stores, Inc., all of
Philadelphia, and chairman of the
>oard of the United States Realty
fjo. of Newark. N. J.
Hospital Reports Bilbo
Is 'Generally Weaker'
By the Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 19.—Foun
dation Hospital reported that Sen
ior Bilbo, Democrat, of Mississippi
was generally weaker this morning,
ilthough he spent a restful night.
Earlier, the hospital had said the
Senator was improved since the
week end, but still was critically 111.
"The Senator is resting comfort
ably,” said an official of the hospital
where he has been a patient since
\ugust 7. "Although he is in good
;hape his condition is still critical.
However, he has shown some signs
>f improvement within the last 24
The improvement was considered
sufficient to discontinue a system of
periodic bedside reports to the nigjit
superintendent, which the hospital j
pad maintained Saturday and Sun
day night.
The Senator was described in “fine
londition" before he went to sleep
last night.
A minor operation was performed
resterday to remove a blood clot on
he lung. Doctors explained It con
sisted of tying a vein in which the
;lot had occurred, blocking it from
;he heart.
Plane Rips House in Fall
JUNCTION CITY, Oreg., Aug. 19
fP).—A falling airplane sheared off
l corner of a house, tore down two;
lower lines and then crash-landed
n an adjoining field yesterday—and
he pilot climbed from the plane
minjured. In the house Mr. and
ilrs. George Williams jumped from
heir bed and found the living
oom wall demolished. Outside Wil
iam R. Griffith, the pilot, explained !
he plane ran out of gas.
Gen. Clark Meets
Navy Man Who
Shot at Him
ly th* Asto:iat»d Pr«u
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 19.—The en
listed man who shot at the general
met his target last night when Irwin
Yuen shook hands with Gen. Mark
They were introduced at the Los
Angeles Press Club, where Gen.
Clark, now commander of the 6th
Army, San Francisco, gave an off
the-record talk.
Mr. Yuen, a waiter at the club,
was serving as steward's mate 1/c in
the Coast Guard aboard a destroyer
off Anzio when the incident oc
Through a mixup in recognition
signals, the PT boat in which Gen.
Clark and his staff were approach
ing shore was mistaken for a Ger
man E boat. Mr. Vuen, manning a
5-inch gun. was among those who
were ordered to Are at the craft.
“Do you know you hit us?” Gen.
Clark asked him.
“Sure,” replied Mr. Yuen, “we
shoot good.”
Gen. Clark revealed three men
aboard the PT boat were killed and
several others, wounded. The inci
dent occurred about three days after
the beachhead was established.
Nazi Loo! Will Be 3old
For Benefit of Refugees
th. Aiiociat*d Pr»»»
BERLIN, Aug. 19.—About $1,000,
000 in nonmonetary gold looted by
the Nazis will be sold for the ben
efit of refugees who cannot return
to their countries, the American
Military Government said yesterday.
It will be turned over to the In
ternational Refugees Organization
within 10 days for sale as the first
Installment of plunder valued at
several million dollars which has
been recovered in Germany and
The first installment consists
mainly of jewelry and most of it
probably will go to the United
States, since Theodore H. Ball of
AMG’s finance division said it would
be sold for hard currency.
No restitution claims have been
entered for the gold involved. Other
identified plunder has been restored
to the persons from whom the Nazis
looted it.
The benefiting refugees are per
sons who are deemed incapable, for
political or other reasons, of return
ing to their prewar homes.
Hay Fever
Relief begins in 10 minutes
or double your money back
Wien the miming, so wring watery-eyed misery
t»f hay fever makes you feel soggy and sick all over,
doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicine
known for symptomatic relief—medicine like that
In Bcll-ets tablets. Bell-eta brings comfort In a Jiffy
or return bottle to us for double money back. 50c.
We all know that a properly fitted corset helps the
office and Government worker to do more efficient
work. The correct corset lifts, supports the abdomen
and fives the back marvelous support.
Come in ot call for appointment with our lady fitter.
Also fitters for men’s trusses and supports.
1822 Eye St. N.W., Opp. Doctors Hospitol Phone NA. 6566
. HOntS: Dally B A M. ta 5:30 F.M. SATTODATS. O A.M. ta 1 F.M.
► i
coincide with the effectiveness ol
the Taft-Hartley withdrawal of
Wagner Act protection which made
it difficult for employers to deny
workers the right to join unions.”
A spokesman for the employers
say they had no comment on the
union statement.
Evergreens Should
Be Trimmed Now
Overgrown Tree* Removed.
An Excellent Assortment of
Nursery Stock.
Spraying Service
Moderate Prices
Frea Eatimata*
AS01 40th Av.,, Hj*tt»ille. Md.
^ WA. -tZ74. TO. 37SW J
Union Sees Shipping Tieup
Under New Labor Law
■y th# Associated Press
CIO Longshoremen’* Union pre
dicted “virtually a complete” tieup
of West Coast shipping would result
after the Taft-Hartley Labor Act
goes into effect Friday.
The union said in a statement last
night it had learned ."that the
Waterfront Employers' Association
of the Pacific Coast has determined
to order all ship, dock and walking
bosses out of the union under pain
of discharge, or to reguire the union
to expel them. Their action will
521 14th gt., Opp. Willard Hotel
Planned travel to or from all ■
parts of the World. Consult ■
American Express for Compltlt B
Travel Service—Itineraries-and ■
accurate Vim and Passport facts. ■
Travel Servlr• S
1414 F Street N.W. ■
National 2822 ■
Travel Bureau. a
Julius Garflnckel A Co. ■
holt tl Your Travel Fund $ with I
^American Express Travelers Chaaves^B
The Lester Betsy -Ross,is a piano you can be proud to
own, for it is as distinctive in performance as in
styling. Quality is evident in the Lester's tone, touch,
action, craftsmanship—and value is apparent, too,
when you compare its quality with that of other
pianos in the same price range. No other investment
can offer you so much pleasure—for so long a time
—for so little cost.
We Are Also Dealers for
Mason & Hamlin • Chickering • Huntington
Winter & Co. • Musette • Story & Clark
Geo. Steck • H. M. Cable • And other fine pianos
Phone NAtionol 3223
r JORDAN’S -S“j :r,
| Please send me full information on the makes come in ...
| you handle ... prices and terms. mail
| Name---j this
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Algeria Must Remain Part
Of France, De Gaulle Says
ly th» Auociatcd Pr*»
PARIS, Aug. 19.—Gen. Charles
de Gaulle, criticizing home rule pro
posals on Algeria now before the
National Assembly, declared last
night that Algeria must and will re
main a part of France.
“We must not allow to be placed
in question, under any form, neither
within nor without, the fact that
Algeria is our domain,” the general
s^d in a statement released to the
press by his secretariat.
Gen. de Gaulle called for estab
lishment of a two-house legislature
to control local laws in the three de
partments of Algeria, subject to the
governor general's veto. One house,
he said, should represent the Mos
lem population and the other the
European population which is
mostly of Prench origin.
The current bill in the Assembly
would permit certain categories of
Moslems in Algeria to vote and hold
office in elections to the “upper” or
European branch, a provision which
opponents say would lead to Moslem
domination of the entire govern
ment there.
Yardstick Recommended
A yardstick as acurate as a rail
road watch would be made of nickel
steel alloy, accompanied by a Bureau
of Standards certificate and rec
ommendations for use under con
stant temperature; it would cost
ssnn to t.tsn
For 46 years our policy has been
Fair Prices and Top Quality
Entirely New Features
Beautiful enclosed head ... (concealed hard
ware) styled metal bottom rails ... DUPONT
baked enamel finish . . . All metal is electro
galvanized and bonderized ... no rust or
May We EstimateT Convenient Terms
830 13th St. N.W. • RE. 6262
Stores in Principal Cities from New York to Chicago

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