♦ FLbOR t MACHINES : X RENTED | j Kannady Floor t Tilo Co. ! | RA. 4346 7ms, ! %♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦/ ADVERTISEMENT. Tips For Tired Eyas 1. Hold reading matter about 14 inches from face. 2 Avoid reading in poor light. 3 After driving, exposure to dust or wind or when eyes are overworked, bathe them with Lavoptik. Quickly soothes inflamed, sore, burning, itching and granulated eye lids or money refunded. Thousands praise It 30 years success. Get Lavoptik to day. At all drug stores. Student at Howard U. < To Face Trial in Nine Traffic Violations Charles T. Foster, 29, a Howard University student, will have a lot of explaining to do September 4 when he appears for trial in Munici pal Court on nine traffic charges. Foster, colored, who gave an ad dress in the 1400 block of D street N.E., was arrested Tuesday on a warrant charging he failed to report an accident on July 30, the date a reported series of brushes with traffic authorities started. Ar I raigned before Judge Nadine L. Gal lagher, he was placed under $800 bond. Motorcycle Policeman H. L. Thompson explained the nine charges as follows: On July 30 Poster was driving a car which knocked down a pedes trian at Seventh street and Consti tution avenue N.W. For this, he Is charged with failing to yield right of way to a pedestrian, failing to report the accident, driving on dead tags and without a pernjit. The next day, the car Foster was driving collided with a taxicab at Benning road and Oklahoma uvenue N.E. As a result he faces a. charge of leaving after colliding and an other count of no permit. -■ On August 4 the man got a permit from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Traffic after denying he had ever had his driving privileges bus pended. Since his permit was sus pended last April, he was held for obtaining the new permit by mis representation. Three days later, Foster returned his expired permit to the Motor Ve hicles Bureau but kept the new one he had obtained by misrepresenta tion. For that he was charged with failing to turn in a valid permit. On August 11, he was stopped and held for driving after permit revo cation and yesterday confronted with the entire assortment of charges. China 'Orders' Dairen Closed to All Ships, Including Russian By th« Auociat*d Pr«i NANKING, Aug. 20.—China today ordered the Russian-controlled port of Dairen closed “to all foreign ship ping,” and a spokesman said the government was studying closely frequent reports of Soviet ships from that city supplying Communist forces. Government Information Direc tor Hollington Tong said China’s Executive Yuan had decreed that any vessel—including Russian—en tering or leaving the port would be operating illegally in Chinese wa ters. , ’ China issued a white paper June 25 accusing Russia of falling to abide by her treaty with China and blocking Chinese entry into Dairen and Port Arthur ever since Japan’s Dairen, only 17 miles from the big Russian naval base at Port Ar thur, was designated a free port open to shipping of all nations— under the Sino-Soviet treaty of August, 1945. It was tp be admin istered jointly by China and Russia. ■Mr. Tong added that “Dairen, be ing a port under Chinese jurisdic tion, should not be used by any foreign power.” Last week he said a government mission was unable to obtain some information from Dairen because of “sabotage ob structions.” Although Chinese officials recog nized that China lacks the physical means of enforcing the closing order, the Independent newspaper Hsin Min Pao said the Executive Yuan had ordered the government min isters "to take appropriate steps against ships operating illegally.” Some sources said the govern ment acted under a regulation of last March under which certain Chinese ports were closed to foreign shipping. The last American courier ship visited Dairen March 6. Man Held in $1,000 Bail In Scrap Metal Theft The man wno mo. s precinci police said they found busily toss ing scrap metal over a Junkyard fence onto a sidewalk in the dead of the night of August 9 awaited grand Jury action today under $1,000 bond, charged with house breaking. The defendant, Julius Ceasar Brooks, 38, colored, of the 1200 block of Third street 8.W., pleaded not guilty and waived preliminary hearing In Municipal Court. Silver Spring Man Faces Nine Bad Check Charges Nine charges of bank check law violations and four of false pre tenses involving other bad checks will be tried before a Municipal Court Jury on October 13, with Dabney Truett, 46, of Silver Spring, Md., as defendant. Freed after posting $500 bond, Truett entered a plea of not guilty to each charge. The checks Involved total $285, all drawn on the Sub urban National Bank of Silver 0£SIJLLig.__ Veterans' Families Get Glenhaven Housing Stay The War Department has given permission to 20 veterans and their families, threatened with eviction from Glenhaven, Md„ to stay In their homes, It was announced to day. The development, on the border of Walter Reed Hospital, Is to taken over by Army personnel after De cember 1. Alger Y.' Barbee, com mander of the Silver Spring post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, said his group has been Informed by the War Department that no veterans frould be evicted from the project. 0 1 Elliott Roosevelt Says Farm Is 'Commercial Operation' By th« Associated Press HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 20.— The farm project which Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and her son, El liott, have started on their Hyde Park estate will be "no gentleman farmer proposition,” Mr. Roosevelt says, "because we couldn’t afford that.” Mrs. Roosevelt, in a deed recorded yesterday at the Dutchess County clerk’s office at Poughkeepsie, con veyed to her son 842 acres she re cently purchased for $85,000 from the executors of the late President's still unsettled estate. The tract, more than half of the river-front estate on the Hudson, Includes farm buildings. . ... ....... 4VVWVf that a "commercial general farm ing operation” already had been started, and that chicken, dairy, feeder cattle, pig and turkey pro jects are planned. He refused to say what cash con sideration was Involved In the prop erty transfer, saying that "I am making the Investment, and It is purely a family matter.” He said he would live on the estate, and both he and his mother would man ace the farm ODeratlons. iney aiso pian to continue uie sale of Christmas trees from the evergreen plantations the late Pres* ident maintanied, he said. Part of the Hyde Park estate is owned by the Federal Government as an historic site. The farpi deed consolidated several farm plots east of the Albany Post Road and Mariches Creek in the town of Hyde Park. _ Dishes Loaded on Auto Undamaged in Crash ly the Attecialed Preti , CHARLESTON, W. Va„ Aug. 20. —Police Detective Van Brown had been having his share of troubles preparing to move his family into a new home and was prepared for the final blow. Mr. Brown Just stepped out of MILLWORK Phone CH. Ofl.W or OX. 2320 RUCKER LUMRER «■ 1820 Wilton Bi?d. (Near Key Bridro) I ___ jttae bathtub when he heard a loud crash in the street. The back seat of the family car had been loaded with dishes and "I could see all of them smashed to bitd,” he related. He hastily donned some clothing and raced to investigate. Hie driver of the car which struck Mr. Brown’s auto was arrested on the spot and charged with drlrlng while intoxicated, but not one of the dishes was so much as cracked or chipped. PERSPIRATION TROUBLES vanish while you sleep.. \ Sate-and-sure deodorant ends perspiration worries the new 7/night action77 way ✓ NOWI A new, easier way to guard under arm daintiness! A simple bedtime beauty ritual, which, followed faithfully, will end all worry about underarm perspira tion and odor. this boon to women is the new etiquet U6ed the new “night action” way. Applied regularly before going to bed, ETlQUIT's “night action” is so efficient ...so effective — it gives safe-and-sure protection all next day and evening. Etiquet ETIQUET is fluffy-light and soothing, goes on easily, stays moist in jar, is not harm ful to fabrics. Of course ETIQUET works any time—but do try this new, easier modern “night action” way to rid yourself of per spiration worries completely. Buy ETIQUET — four sizes, 10^ to 59^, plus tax. IMPORTANT: You can depend on Etiquet whenever you apply it . . . day or night. No other deodorant tested j gives you more effective protection! Use it at any time...before you dress, during the day or let it work while you sleep! '<5535' THE SAFE-AND-SURE DEODORANT ;i ^ iti ifi a ^ Jfrostep^II^?foops h - it BAR6AIH6UV- 1 1 Haddock^ I ^sr^“^Aa’“,w 1 1 *;z*-*•'*•■*.. 1 sAie^te u. Yom ft cant be the same if it ain't got that name -BIRDS eve!k RESORTS. BASTE, VA. ' BUZZARDS BAT, MASS. GRAY GABLES INN Cape Cod Farmer eemmer White Heaee et Presi dent Cleveland. Deltabtfellr seal. Private beach. Striped baee Sehiap. Writs P. E. Smith, M$r. Orar Gable* Inn, Banard* Bar, Mae*. CAPE MAY, N. J._ CARROLL VILLA Oc«u View. All reome with rmnnlnr water. Private bath*. Central leeatien. American plan. Renowned fer it* flne calcine Make Reserva’c now, Aar, 23 to Labor Day SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR SEPTEMBER. Ownerahlp Manatement. Edith H. Harped, A Complete Vacation et THE ADMIRAL Cape May, New Jerafey Fireproof-All Recreation! end Amniementi American A European Plana. Reduced rates After Labor Day. Double from St.30, Bincte from S3.30 Dally. Write for reaervatlcna. OCEAN CITY, MD. RIDEAU Boardwalk Hotel Private baths; telephone In raomo. Hama Ilka meals. Phanc 72. J. D. JARMAN. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ellltnil MICHIGAN a pacific avis. emailn Atlantic City, Near Boardwalk. HOTEL *2, up dly. Running Water. Private baths. 3 blks. ta ita. Free Parking. Ph. 4-9906. HAVE ROOMS m Oil* From Aug. 24th Until ("■■•"asttfiMK PENN MAR HOTEL JUST OFF BOARDWALK Reasonable seasonal and post-seasonal rates. Clean, comfortable rooms i hoi and eold ronnlnr water. Don’t fall ts call ns for rear post-season vacation. 137 St. James Place. Atlantic CitT, N. J. Phono A. C. «-»7tl %fflertimer TTRGDflA AT* AND STEEL PIER ATLANTIC CITT _ Pa£%,¥r.£°^sCB''r"a* With This Inoxponsivo Window Fan COOLER Uaui DpIoAil now rrvofo at Only $44.75 —provides lew cost "Niteoir" cooling system with no motor i n s t e 11 o tion problem. Light weight portable ton pull* in or exhausts air; directs air up or down. Move it easily anywhere in house. Simply plug it in. Place in window, set an floor or table top. See it at McCREA EQUIPMENT CO. 516 2nd St. N.W. REpublie 3424 I «£! «ffw» Qiitek-MH IntttdluE | I The price of live cattle and dressed beef is now at or near record levels which has resulted in beef prices beyond the reach of many customers and we, at Safeway, realize that something must be done to place meat prices within the reach of all. Therefore, until fur ther notice, Safeway will carry “U. S. Good and Choice” grades of beef at one price, and “U, S. Commercial” grade at a lower price. These prices are as follows: PORTERHOUSE - SIRLOIN STEAK . “U. I. Choioo or Good Grados” W 89^ "H. *. Commirelal Bradt” ROUND STEAK "I RIB ROAST CHUCK ROAST v 4 A WORD ABOUT BEEF GRADES—All beef handled by Safeway Is graded by Government -expei*t graders while the meat Is still in the packing plant The various grades are determined by certain standards pertaining to the conformation, fat covering and finish of the animal. The grades most commonly sold at retail are: “Choice,” “Good,” “Commercial” and “Utility.” Each carcass is roller-stamped according to its particular grade. While the fat covering on “Commercial” grade is not usually as heavy or as evenly distributed as on “U. S. Choice” and “Good” grades, you can be assured that it will give entire satisfaction. The most important point to consider is that all cuts of meat have the same nutritive value regardless of grade and in purchasing “U. S. Commercial” grade, you are not denying your family any of the nutrition so necessary to human life. SAFEWAY’S GUARANTEE STILL STANDS Our “U. S. Commercial” beef will carry the same guarantee as the “Choice" and “Good” grades, namely: All meat sold at Safeway meat counters regard less of cut, price, or grade is Guaranteed to please you 100% or all your money back without fuss or quibble. \ Price* effective util eleee ef baainesf I*tartar. Aanet li. 1*47. !■ tke Waaklutu. #. C., Tradlna Area enlr. NO SALES TO DEALER*. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ! I /