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lining JMaf ^p0f is Washington, D. C., Wednesday, August 20, 1947—A—14 * W in, Lose, or Draw By FRANCIS E. STANN War in the West’ “I can’t believe it,” Clark Griffith was saying this morning. “I can't believe any group of ball players will gang up against a manager, but if it’s true I’ll find out who they are, don’t worry.” The Senators, it would seem from a reliable report out of the West, are not quite 100 per cent oenina uieir leaaer, Ossie Bluege. Some of the gentlemen who have Just lost nine straight games have more or less come out in the open about it, although pleading for anonymity “because we don’t want to be labeled cry-babies.” For a man greatly surprised that the mirrored surface of the Washington club's season should be so disturbed, Mr. Griffith had his answers 'ready when asked today to comment on Correspondent Burt Hawkins’ story that all is not well in the Senators’ morale department. "I’ve never let any ball players run a manager off my club yet,” Griffith snapped, "and I’m not eoine to start now. I know who is responsible, Francis stann I think. It's one man. It’s always one man. He leads a few others into saying something foolish, but those few others aren’t really responsible.” The Indians Didn't Speak to Vitt The story out of Cleveland indicated that nearly half the regulars, plus some of the reserves, had confessed they were antl-Bluege. "I donl! care if 10 or 30 players are gunning for Bluege,” com mented Griffith, bitterly, "I’m going down the line for my manager. Bluege has done the best he could arid nobobdy’s going to run him off the club this year.” And next year? "Bluege is a credit to the game,” Griffith replied. "As for next year, who manages the team is my business. No ball players are going to tell me who they’ll pay for and who they won’t.” The old gentleman paused and meditated. Finally: "I still fc-n’t believe ball players would do such a thing.” Of course, they do such things. Right in Cleveland, where the Nats are busying themselves at the moment, there was an even more startling uprising against a manager a few years ago. That was when the Indians half-heartedly were fighting for a pennant and whole-heartedly fighting Oscar Vitt, to whom few of the players spoke. There is ample precedent, although perhaps not on the Washington club. Where There's Smoke, There's Fire “My team is in a terrible batting slump,” Griffith said. "I dan for give the players for that, but, I can’t forgive them for this alibi stuff. Because they're not hitting they're blaming it on Bluege, according to this report. What can he do? Can he hit for them? “Those players signed contracts to play baseball and any man who talks against Bluege is breaking his contract. He isn't fulfilling his obligation to the public. “Mv niavers nrp making good monev. It’s the highest-paid club I ever owned or managed. It's one of the best paid in baseball and those fellows better start trying to earn their salaries.” Griffith indicates that he knows the ringleader “if there is any trouble.” He persists in the belief that one man is responsible. “He makes $15,000 a .year and this is what he's doing,” he said caustically. They’ll be more to this story. Whether it’s the fault of Bluege or the men who serve under him, morale on the Washington club hasn't been high for a long time. It wasn’t very high at the start of the season, when fellow-pitchers dispatched that “Hope you had a good rest” telegram to Bobo Newsom. This was laughed off, but there was smoke. Now there's more smoke and, to coin a phrase, where there’s smoke there’s fire. _ Greatest Scoring Spree Ever On in Championship TrapshOot By the Associated Press VAJIDALIA. Ohio,, Aug. 20—The greatest scoring spree the Grand American Trapsoot ever has ex perienced was due to continue today. Records, and rain, fell all over the place yesterday as 925 shooters battled it out in the 200-target 16 yard North American clay target race—the" toughest of them all to win—but a downpour upset the schedule and 550 of the marksmen were to shoot the final 100 clays today. Forty-two of the 925 starters—38 amateur's and four professionals— broke the first 100 targets of the lorg grind. 96 others had scores of 99. and 113 had 98, making about 28 per cent of the big field with an average of 98 or better. Nothing like that has ever happened around the "roaring grand” before. Two Women Top Record. On top of that two women—Mrs. Lela Hall Frank of Sierra Madre, Calif., and Helen O'Dell of Lagrange, Calif.—broke 197 of 200 each in the women’s North American race, a i . _ l_J vnoorrl rtf 1 Qfi l/d 1 ft V O Oiiv-au - and they still had a chance to finish second as two other feminine stars, Miss Florence Mos of Wichita, Kans., and Chubby Ruth Cuthbert of Win chester, Va., scored 99 of 100 on the first round and had another 100 to go today. Rounding out the record-crashing performances was a five-man squad which shattered everything in the books by cracking 996 of 1,000 clays to better the old record by four, and 499 of 500 on the last lap to beat the Gfand American record by three targets and to tie the best that has ever been done anywhere. The inspired squad, with the in dividual scores: Ralph Smith, Alia, Mother of Two Pulls Parks Tennis Upset By th« Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 20.—Sev eral seeded players were on the sidelines as the National Public Parks Tennis Tournament moved Into the third round today, but most of the top favorites still were In the running. The biggest upset came yester day, when Mary Hernando of De troit, mother of two children, elim inated second-seeded Lucille David son of Kansas City, 6—4, 4—6, 6—2. Ohio. 100—100—200; A. Morrell i-'ei tus, Washington, Miss., 99—99—198; W. Cecil Morris, Houston, Tex., 98—100—198; Clif Doughman, Mor row, Ohio, 100—100—200, and Pro fessional D. Lee Braun, Dallas, Tex., ^00—100—200. Deadlocked at 200 of 200 in the North American scrap were Smith, Doughman, Napoleon Melette of Alton, 111.; Karl Maust, the husky sharpshooter from Lincoln Park, Mich.; Vic Reinders, college pro fessor from Waukesha, Wis., and Joe Hiestand, the Hillsboro (Ohio) farmer who has copped the event four times. Braun was out front all by himself in the professional sector, but J. B. Grier of Rockland, Del., and youthful Rudy Etchen of Bev erly Hills. Calif., each with 100 straight yesterday, had a chance to tie him. The six amateurs, too, were as sured of plenty more competition, for among the 110 squads to com plete the match today were 17 shooters with perfect marks who needed another “century” to get into the shootoff which promises to be the longest ever staged. The 17 still in the race were K. Smstewart, of Wichita, Kans.; Walter Ward of McKeesport, Pa.; Merle J. Henkel of Portland, Oreg.; W. O. Meyerhoff and Val Preston of Spokane, Wash.; Herb Bush of Can ton, 111.; Defending Champion Walter nf PrvncVinhnrlror Pa • TPrerf Ford of Birmingham, Mich.; Shelley F. Keltner of Pueblo, Colo.; Charles H. Schupp of Ridgewood, N. J.; Eugene M. Wentz of Louisville, Ky.; S. W. McKibbcn of Rushville, Ind.; Francis Ellis of Jacksonville, Fla.; Ernest Jelley of Independence, Mo., and Kenneth S. Houck of Woods boro, Md. Minor Classes Sidetracked. Class championships, 100 targets at 16 yards, originally were on to day’s slate at the 48th “grand,” bwt those minor affairs must stand aside while the North American—one of the most coveted titles—is decided. Of 25 early finishers who scored 100 in the first round yesterday, only seven were able to come through with another perfect count in the second half, but 16 new ones popped up with perfect scores in the last portion of the shoot after dropping one or more at the start. That added up to 65 per cent runs of 100 for the day. Dissension Over Bluege Blamed for Nats' Flop Lack of Leadership, Diplomacy Charged By Eight Players By Burton Hawkins Star Staff Corr»«porvd»nt CLEVELAND, Aug. 20.—What’s wrong with the Nats? The answers, from the Nats, range from con demnation of Manager Ossie Bluege and hotel arrangements to the more obvious protracted batting slump of the club and a virtually com plete collapse of spirit. “If Bluege is managing next year I don’t want to play with Washing ton,’’ says one regular. Pour other regulars and three reserves among those who expressed opinions were critical of Bluege but Insisted on anonymity due to possible reper cussions "Baseball i? my livelihood and If I said anything dor publication I’d be branded,” said one veteran. “We’d be labelled crybabies and we wouldn’t look too good, anyway, beefing about Bluege the way we’re hitting. But the fellow is not a good manager.” There is little criticism of Bluege’s application of baseball knowledge. Most players feel his tactics on the field generally are correct, but when talk turns to handling his men, some of the players become bitter. Ferrell Declared Embarrassed. "There was a story out of New York a few weeks ago saying Bluege would be fired at the end of the sea son,” said a Nat, "and it speculated that Rick Ferrell would be named manager. Shortly after that Bluege called a clubhouse meeting and in front of the entire team turned to Ferrell and said ‘And it might in terest you to know, Rick, that I’m going to manage this club a long, long time.’ "What kind of diplomacy is that? Ferrell is the last fellow in the world to cut another person’s throat for a job and he has been loyal to Bluege, but he was embarrassed by that in cident and there was no excuse for it. Rick didn't say anything, but if it had been me, Bluege would have had a fight on his hands. "George Myatt was a good utility infielder and a good man to have around for his spirit alone. He was a better player than some we have on the club right now. Know why he’s gone? He popped off in the clubhouse. Called Bluege 'a front running (four words deleted)’ be cause Ossie came in the clubhouse one night patting everybody on the back after he won one. Bluege Glum in Defeat. ‘‘Myatt had seen Bluege’s glum behavior after defeats, too, and I guess he just got too sore to hold back any longer. Anwyay, I went away from the ball park that night feeling Myatt was noL long for the Nats. Sure enough, a Tew days later he was unloaded to Jersey City. He's hitting .315 there. "I’ve seen things on this club that are disgusting and which wouldn’t be tolerated by a good manager. Players with their feet propped on a bat rack during a game In Phila delphia, just waiting for the end and nobody rooting for anybody else. In Boston recently we even had a player lying down on the bench in the midst of a game. If a player is that tired he ought to be in bed, but he was in uniform and he was playing so he should have had a fine slapped on him. He didn’t even get a harsh word. “Some of the fellows have spirit. Know how that spirit is encouraged? At Boston Chick Pieretti got up on his feet and yelled to one of our fellows, ‘Come on, get a hit.’ Bluege turned to him and snorted, ‘Sit down and shut up.’ We were losing, 10-0, at the time, so I guess we’re supposed to be meek about it." Wait for Rooms Irksome. “We’re supposed to hustle.” chimed in another player, "but how do you think we feel about a club which lets us wait around hotel lobbies for three hours trying to get rooms as we did here yesterday morning? That’s bush league stuff, particularly with a twilight-night double-header coming up the same afternoon and some of the fellows needing rest. I’ll say this for Bluege—he had a room, but gave it up so a couple of players could rest.” There is no open rebellion against Bluege, nor will there be if for no other reason that too many Nats are afraid of losing their jobs if they assert themselves. There is considerable resentment, expressed individually and anonymously by many members of the club, regulars and reserves. Many of the complaints can’t be printed because it would reveal the identity of the Nats involved. Ninety per cent of the criticism leveled at Bluege is due to his handling of men. with his accusers claiming he is no leader. Bluege is finishing the second year of a two-year contract, with no word yet from Clark Griffith whether it will be renewed. Johnny Baker to Coach Merchant Marine Backs By th« Associated Press KINGS POINT, N. Y., Aug. 20.— Three coaches resigned today and a backfield coach was hired at the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, director of Athletics William Rein hart announced. Reinhart said that Lt. Comdr. John Baker, former freshman coach at George Washington University and recently director of athletics at the San Mateo, Calif., Merchant! Marine Academy, had been signed to tutor the Mariner backs. Gus Zamas, former Ohio State player and coach of the cadet foot ball line the past two seasons, re signed to become head wrestling coach and line coach at Easton, Pa., High School. Ray Stoviak. former Villanova ball carrier and coach of the Mariners backfield, quit to be come director of athletics and foot ball coach at Arnold College. George Poulous, swimming mentor, resigned to join the athletic staff at the University of Iowa. BLOCKED OFF—Dixie Walker of the Dodgers is tagged out at the plate by Catcher Del Rice of St. Louis in round 4 of the game won by the Cardinals at Brooklyn yesterday, 11-3. Walker’s out was the second part of a double play in which First Baseman Stan Musial took Johnny Jorgen sen’s roller, stepped on first and then rifled the ball home. —AP Wirephoto. Kramer, Schroeder, Parker, Mulloy on U.5. Tennis Team By Associated Press NEW YORK, Aug. 20—The four Davis Cuppers who brought back the trophy from Australia last De cember—Jack Kramer, Ted Schroe der, Frank Parker and Gardnar Mulloy—today were named to de fend the cup against the challenge of the Australian team at Forest Hills on Labor Day week end. Announcement of the selections was made by Jones W. \fersereau, chairman of the United States Davis Cup Selection Committee, and the names were to be handed to the captain of the Australian team, Roy Cowling, at Boston today by Alrick H. Man, jr., nonplaying captain of the American team. Each country, Dy Davis uup regu lations, is required to name Its four man team today, but the doubles combination does not have to be announced until 24 hours before the event. The probability is that the quartet will meet in the final at Brookline, Mass., this week and thus spare Man and the Selection Com mittee the necessity of making a decision on the doubles pair. All four were members of the team that lifted the international trophy from the Australians at Mel bourne last December. Mulloy and Parker, playing together here for only the third time, made a deep impression on Man Sunday when they won the Newport Casino team honors from Kramer and Schroeder in four sets. Cowling has had even less to say about the Australian team's makeup. He has refused to comment about reports that he has considered dropping Dinny Pails, who was beaten by Jaroslav Drobny during last week's successful interzone tie against the Czechoslovakians at Montreal, for Geoff Brown, who has sparkled here at Longwood. The Australians," however, seem deeply concerned over the fact that both of their doubles teams compet ing here are in the lower half of the draw and, if they survive their third-round engagements will be called upon to kill off each other in the semifinals. Mulloy and Parker, in the same half with the Australians, also are a bit irked over their luck in the draw. They must beat Brown and Pails and then Bromwich and Colin Long, the Australians’ crack doubles tandem, to rech the title round. In the meantime Kramer and Schroeder face competition from only unseeded opposition until they get through the semifinals. They had to go four sets yesterda^to get through India’s Sument C. Misra and Janished M. Mehtra into a third-round national doubles brack et with Jim Brink of Seattle, Wash., and Dick Gonzales of Los Angeles. • - Grid Teams Meet Tonight The Metropolitan Football League will have a meeting of its unlimited class teams tonight at Andy Farkas’ Sports Store at 8 o’clock. The 160-pounders will meet there at the same hour on Friday. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Atlanta, 13—4; Nashville. 9—16. Mobile, 3—4: Memphis, 1—1. Chattanooga, 7—3: Birmingham. 0—4. New Orleans, 1: Little Rock. 0. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul. 5: Indianapolis. 3. Louisville. 13; Minneapolis. 2. Kansas City. 12; Toledo, 7. Milwaukee. 8: Columbus. 7. EASTERN LEAGUE. Williamsport. 8: Hartford, 6. Utica. 6: Scranton, 1. Binghamton. 6; Wilkes-Barre. 8. Albany, 9: Elmira, 1. Nats Add Poor Bunting to Inept Play in Losing Nine Straight By a Staff Correspondent of The Star CLEVELAND, Aug. 20.—Unac customed as they are to having bat meet ball, the Nats have developed a streak of inept bunting to blend with their chain of nine losses. Their pitching has been splattered for 27 runs in three games, their hitting remains a myth, their field ing is wretched and even the bunt ing is bad. The Nats continued along their rocky road here last night, drop ping 13-2 and 9-1 decisions to the Cleveland Indians with no ef fort, or at least as little as possible. The Indians mauled Walter Mas terson and Milo Candini for 17 hits in the opener and blasted Ray Scarborough for 14 more in the nightcap. Washington had a moral victory as late as the second inning of the second game, since the score was 0-0. The Nats even spurted into a 1-0 advantage in that ses sion, but they didn’t distinguish themselves in accomplishing it. With Mickey Vernon on second base as the result of Dale Mitchell’s two-base muff and Stan Spence on first due to a walk, Mark Christman was directed to sacrifice with none out. His mediocre bunt was scooped up by Pitcher Red Embree in suf ficient time to force Vernon at third. Scarborough Flops as Bunter. Jerry Priddy’s single to right scored Spence, and the bases were loaded when A1 Evans beat out an infield tap. In that situation the Nats applied their exclusive version; of the squeeze play. Christman streaked home with the pitch, but Scarborough was embarrassed ex ceedingly because he failed to bunt the ball or even touch it. That made it a simple matter for Catcher A1 Lopez to tag Christman, then throw to second and nip Evans for a double play. Singles by Embree, Mitchell and Hal Peck fetched the Indians two runs in the third. They clustered five more in the sixth, which was featured by Ken Keltner’s home run with two on, then added an other pair in the seventh when Keltner doubled across Hank Ed wards and Eddie Robinson. It was no fun for the Nats, who were restricted to seven hits and for the 14th time in 17 games held to two runs or less. It marked the Nats’ 12th defeat in their last 13 games. That first game marked the most brutal beating the Nats have ab-; Sorbed in their string of misad ventures. Masterson left the game: at the end of six innings with a| Joe Mellendick Named As Calvert Hall Coach Special Dispatch to The Star BALTIMORE, Aug. 20.—Joe Mel lendick, Oriole outfielder and for mer Georgetown University football star, is the new head football, basket ball and baseball coach at Calvert Hall School here, it was an nounced today by Brother Daniel Henry, school principal, i Mellendick succeeds Ray Bahr I and will take over his new post at j the close of the Oriole baseball sea ; son in September. His first football game will be against St. John's of Washington on September 28. He was assistant coach to Howdy Meyers at Johns Hopkins last year. He turned to baseball in 1940 when his promising grid career was cut short by an injury. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Syracuse, 10—12: Baltimore, S—2. Montreal, 4; Toronto. 1. Newark, fi: Jersey City, 4. Buffalo. 13: Rochester. 8. comparatively respectable 5-2 deficit, but what happened to Candidi shouldn’t happen to a sandlotter. Eight runs the Indians poured across the plate in the eighth in ning, hammering Candini for nine hits, including triples by Mitchell and Jim Hegan, plus a double by Joe Gordon. Both Hegan and Gor don obtained two hits in the inning, Keltner Slams Homer. The Nats had grasped a 2-0 lead in the third on doubles by Rick Ferrell and Masterson and singles by Eddie Yost and Buddy Lewis, but Keltner locked the score in the fourth when he rammed a home run into the left field stands after Robinson had singled. While Bryan Stephens, who re placed Mel Harder in the third and Ed Klieman checked the Nats, Cleveland developed a fondness for Washington's pitching. The Indians picked up a run in the fifth when Hegan doubled, moved to third on Stephens’ sacrifice and scored over the protests of the Nats when he slid under Mickey Vernon’s throw after Mitchell had tapped to Wash ington’s first baseman. Two more Cleveland runs clattered across the plate in the sixth when Robinson walked and Gordon, Stephens and Mitchell singled. Then came Candini, to his ultimate regret, to yield 10 of the Indians’ 17 hits In two innings. Stan Spence had two singles for the Nats, who were limited to nine hits. Indians, 13-9; Nats, 2-1 FIRST GAME. Wash AB. H. O. A. Cleve AB. H. O. A. Yost.3b _ 6 1 1 0 Mitch l.ct 5 2 10 Lewis,rf 3 14 0 Edw ds.ll 4 12 0 Rob son,II 4 1 3 0 Peck.rl 3 0 3 0 Vernon,lb 4 0 0 0 M'ko’ 2 12 0 Spence,cl 4 2 10 Boud’ 6 2 o 1 4 0 13 Rob n,lb 4 17 1 Priddy,2b 2 0 4 2 Kelt’r,3b o 3 1 2 Ferrell,c 4 14 1 Gdon,2b 5 3 - 2 Mast’on.p 2 10 1 Hegan.c 4 3 3 1 •Travis - 110 0 Harder.D- 0 0 0 0 Candinl.p 0 0 0 1 Steph's.p 3 10 0 iWynn., 110 0 Klieman,p 10 10 Totals 34 8 24 8 Totals 40 17 27 7 •Singled tor Masterson in seventh. tSingled lor Candini in ninth. Washington - 002 000 000— 2 Cleveland _ 000 21- 08x lo Runs—Ferrell. Masterson, Mitchell. Ed wards. Metkovich. Boudreau. Robinson U), Keltner (2), Gordon (3). Hegan (2). Er rors—Lewis (2). Buns batted in—Keltner (3), Mitchell (4). Masterson, Lewis, Bou dreau, Gordon (2), Hegan, Edwards. Two base hits—Ferrell, Masterson, Hegan, Gor don. Three-base hits—Nfitchell, Hegan. Home run—Keltner. Sacrifices—Stephens, Klieman. Double /plays—Gonftm to Bou dreau to Bobinson, Hegan to Robinson. Left on bases—Washington, 10; Cleveland. 8. Base on balls—By Masterson. 3; by Stephens, 4: by Klieman. 1. By Masterson, 2; by Stephens. 1, by Can dini, 1. Hits—Off Masterson, 7 In 6 in nings; off Candini. 10 in - innings, off Hardier. 4 in 2% innings; off Stephens. 3 in 4 innings; off Klieman, 2 in 2% innings. Wild pitch—Stephens. Winning pitcher— Stephens. Losing pitcher—Masterson. Umpires—Messrs. Hurley, Summers, Pasa rella,_Bue. Time—2:35. SECOND GAME. Wash AB. H. O. A Clove AB. H. O. A. Yost.3b 4 1 <1 2 Miu.h 5 3 1 > Lewis, rf 3 2 3 1 Edw' 4 2 1 Rob 4 0 2 0 Bock n.3b 10 0 0 4 1IJ » Peck.rf 3 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 M'k 1 0 1 0 Cn' 4 0 2 4 Boud’ 4 0 2 i Priddy.2b 4 111 gpta; I J 1? } Evans,c._ 4 14 1 Kelt r,3b 4-11 SCb gh.p 3 10 0 Seere^rf b 0 0 0 0 Conw’y,2b 0 0 12 Lopez.C-- 3 13 1 Embree,P 4 10 4 Totals 33 7 24 P Totals 36 14 27 14 Washington - 010 000 000—1 Cleveland _ 002 005 -00—9 Runs—Spence, Mitchell, Edwards <2). Boudreau. Robinson (2). Keltner, Gordon, Embree. Errors—Mitchell. Robinson Runs batted In—Peck (2). Priddy. Robln son. Keltner (5). Lopez. Two-base hits— Scarborough, Gordon. Keltner, Vernon Three-base hit—-Mitchell. Home run— Keltner Stolen base—Edwards. Double play—Lopez to Gordon. Left on bases— Washington. 7: Cleveland, 5. Base on balls—By Scarborough, 2; by Embree, 2. Strikeouts—By Scarborough. 4: by Embree, •L Time—2:05. Attendance—23.253. Cards Again Come Up Off Floor to Hand Brooks 11 -3 Rout By Ralph Roden Associated Press Sports Writer The ability of the St. Louis Car dinals to come off the floor has high lighted their play in the past and apparently the 1947 season will be no exception. Sent reeling six and one-half games back of the Brooklyn Dodgers Monday by two crushing defeats at the hands of the league leaders, the Red Birds served notice yesterday that they are still not out by com ing back and slaughtering the Brooks, 11-3, at Ebbets Field. ntobciAM wa Dpa noa Tfula* Today Manager Eddie Dyer picked gamester Murry Dickson to face the Dodgers in an attempt to square their four-game series and shorten the Dodgers’ margin to four and one-half games. Ralph Branca, a 17-game winner, was nominated by Manager Burt Shot ton to oppose Dickson. While the Cards were socking extra base hits all over the lot Southpaw A1 Brazle held the Dodgers at bay on eight hits until he wilted in the ninth, when the Dodgers scored their final two1 runs. With the limelight centered on the Cards-Dodgers, the Boston Braves continued quietly to close in on the duo. They moved to within seven games off the pace by coming from behind to nip the Pittsburgh Pirates, 7-5, in a night game at Boston. Bob Elliott, for mer Pirate, turned defeat into vic tory with a three-run homer with two out in the ninth off A1 Lyons, third Pirate pitcher. The win enabled the Braves to increase their margin over the fourth-place New York Giants to four games. The Giants bowed, v-1, to the Cincinnati Reds in a night tussle at the Polo Grounds.' It was the New Yorkers’ eighth; OVlCllglll/ 1UOO. The Chicago Cubs dropped both ends of a twin bill to the Philadel phia Phillies, 8-1 and 8-2. Ken Heintzelman and Schoolboy Rowe stopped the Cubs in that order. Overmire Stops Yankees. The American League’s front-run ning New York Yankees opened their final tour of the West drop ping a 2-1 decision to the Tigers in Detroit. Hoot Evers broke a 1-1 tie with a homer off Allie Reynolds in the sixth inning. Stub Overmire stopped the Yanks on seven hits. The loss cut the Yankees’ margin over the second-place Boston Red Sox, who crushed the Browns, 9-5, in a night game at St. Louis, to 11 >4 games. At Chicago, Joe Haynes halted a four-game Philadelphia winning streak by blanking the Athletics, 4-0, on nine hits. Taft Wright ac counted for two of the White Sox’s runs with a sixth-inning four-bagger. Coifs Ask Waivers on Six; Augie Lio Seeks Job By th« Associated Press HERSHEY, Pa., Aug. 20—Coach Cecil Isbell started to cut his Balti more Colt squad to the All-America Conference limit of 35 by asking waivers for release on six players today. Cut from the squad of 56 were Gene Flathmann, Navy tackle; Jim Richmond, L. S. U. end; Gilbert Meyers, Wake Forest end; Dom Fusel, South Carolina tackle; Dick Keller, Missouri halfback, and Larry Fuller, former halfback with the Washington Redskins and Los Angeles Dons. Meanwhile, Augie Lio, a former all-America guard at Georgetown and expert placekicker, showed up at the training camp, evidently receptive to an offer. Lio recently was released by the Philadelphia Eagles of the National League. Football at Night Bane to Eagles By the Associated Press SARANAC LAKE, N. Y., Aug. 20— Night football is as welcome among members of the Philadel phia Eagles’ squad as a bad case of butter fingers, says Earie (Greasy! Neale, coach of the National Football League tehm. Neale said that the players do not like football under lights be cause they are not accustomed to the conditions, are not sure of themselves and are nervous and fearful of making misplays. "Plays that would go for spec tacular gains in the afternoon," Neale said, "sometimes turn into duds at night. Especially is thia true of pass plays.” All-Star Grid Game To Give Pro Moguls Bad Case of Jitters By th* Ataociattd Pr«*« CHICAGO, Aug. 20.—Among the 103,000 spectators at the all-star football game In Soldier Field Fri day night will be a group of nervous fingernail biting boys sitting tense ly on the edge of their seats as If they had bet a million dollars on the outcome of the tussle. At second glance you will notice they are coaches and club owners in the National Football League and All-America Conference. They have their eyes on 47 mem bers of the 64-man all-star squad who have signed pro contracts and are making their last fling for the so-called fun of It before reporting to training camps. These 47, headed by the Chicago Cardinals *100,000 plum, Charlie Trippi of Georgia, represent nearly a *1,000,000 investment to the pro moguls who drafted them out of colleges and got their names on playing pacts calling for salaries ro n or in cr nr* tn 495 OOA vparlv Twenty of the freshmen pros are signed with the All-America Con ference ancT the other 27 will be on payrolls In the National League. This group of 47 will be especially choice targets for the All-Stars' op ponents, the Chicago Bears. The Bears, seeking their fifth victory in the classic, would like nothing more than to flex their muscles in the faces of the chosen 47 to demon strate the toughness which distin guishes them as National League champions. Thus the pro magnates will be in a high state of jitters hoping that if any bodies are picked up on the field they won’t be their property. Trippl and two other pro chattels, Illinois’ Julie Rykovich of Buffalo and Oklahoma Aggies’ Bob Feni more of the Bears, have leg in juries which may handicap them or keep them from the game entirely. Army’s Glenn Davis also is among the leg sufferers, but his sidekick, Doc Blanchard, is raring to go, much to Coach Leahy’s delight. Major League Standings and Schedules WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1947. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. Cleve.. 13—9; Wash.. 2—1. Detroit, 2; New York, 1. Boston, 9; St. Louis, 5. Chicago, 4; Phila., 0. Games Today. Wash, at Cleve. (2) 7:00. New York at Detroit. Phila. at Chicago. Boston at St. Louis (n.). Games Tomorrow. Wash, at Detroit (2) 3:30. Boston at Chicago (n.). Phila. at St. Lo^is <n.). New York at Cleve (n.). NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. St. Louis, 11; Brooklyn, 3. Phila., 8—8; Chi., 1—2 Cinci., 8; New York, 1. Boston, 7; Pitts., 5. Games Today. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. Pittsburgh at Boston. Chicago at Philadelphia. Games Tomorrow. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at Boston. Pitts, at New York (n.). I .2 c Standing J-g f | „ f ,g at Club, ! • S 5 IS " ^ at CQlQjft. O O > w»> I Haw York |—111|11|11|12| 91 8121 Boston | 6;—| 8| 5| 6jl3|10|13| Detroit | 6| 7|—| 9| 91111 7|11| Bhil’phil 1 71 8| 81—| 8| 91 9|11| - Cleveland | 4| 9! 7| 8|—| 7| 9|12| Chicago [ 8| t\ 7[ 9| 6|—113| 8| Wish’gton | 4| 7| 6| 7j 9| 5|—| 8! SI. Louis 1 5| 6| 4| 6| 4| 8[ 8f—| Lost |40|50|51155;54|62|64j75| I - nil1 74 40 .649| 61! 50| .550114 60| 51| .541|124 601 55 .525! 14 4 56| 54| .509|16 53| 62! .461|214 46! 64| .418126 41 j ?5| .35S|34 1 I I m Standing «-i * | Jfff 2 ! o • £ x Six co lu** co as o !u 'a. 'ft. Brooklyn |—| 9|10| 8! £9|13|12|11| St. Louis 1 lj—111| 9|10| 6jl0|10f Boston | 8! 6|—112|10| 9|11| 8| Now York | 5] 8| 6)-! 8|lljlO| 9| Cincinnati I 71 7| 7! 9j-j 8|10| 9! Chicago | 5| 8! 6| 4|10|-l 6jl3| Pittsburgh j 5j 6| 6| 5[ 7:12|-[ Bi Philadelphia 7j fij 61 7j 8| 5| 8j-| Lost |46|50|52|54|62;64|67i68| o * 72j 46 .610! 651 50| \565! 5*4 64j 52| -552! 7 571 54| 514|11*4 57! 62! .479I15H 52! 64! .448119 491 67! -422 22 471 68! .409 23*4 I I I I ;•. He MIf summer wear^ L has thrown your 1 ' motor off balance 4 put it in SAFE 1 hands. Gall Carl, fWashington’s tie Detroit, for omplete motor tune-up V 6.00-16_$10.89 I F 6.50-15_$13.49 J Y 6.50-16_$13.79 t 1 7.00-15_$15.79 \ J Tax Extra — Elut Old Tirtl M 9 Free Mounting! Not f | all sizes in all makes. Y We have upholstered most of Washington’s —taxis, and have made sg custom - tailored seat Ml coders for thousands H m of Washington’s most ■ HU famous residents ... ■ ^ for Washington's fin- ■ . est automobiles. ' j| E‘ / Mike Martin a FOOT LOTION and LINIMENT “The Big League’a Choice” AT YOUR EAe DRUGGIST _ -BRAKES-1 RELINED WHILE YOU WAIT foh»edrolit «"7 75 sn 75 PLYMOUTH 0 /• I U PONTIAC “|l' ' “ DODGE ■ OLDSMOBILE h I CHRYSLER ■ PACKARD-110-120 For Moet Cars-Other Care Equally Lou) Priced ppWW ADJUSTMENTS FOR X HLL LIFE OF THE LINING TRUCKS RELINED BY APPOINTMENT LAPP BROS. BRAKE SERVICE 1806 L ST. N.W.ME. 7040 CDMIT EVII Alignment and ■ nUll I "LllUYVh..l Balancing ANY MAKE CAR Guaranteed Workmanship Body and Fender Work—Free Esti mates—Mechanical Service—Any Car or Track All-Ovar Paint Job, $50.50 ! Any Car, Any Color ww Budget terms on ’39 and Later Models SALES ~2tm£ SERVICE SAFFORD-CHANDLER MOTOR COMPANY. INC. 629 H St. N.E. AT. 4600 "The Home ol friendly Service” AUTO GLASS New and Used Parts Seat Covers—Grilles HERSON 72 Florida Av*. N.I. Ml. 7100