OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 20, 1947, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-08-20/ed-1/seq-6/

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Man Seized With Gun
And Arm in Suitcase
Is Taken to Gallinger
Separated from the pistol he
packed in a shoulder-holster and
his amputated left arm which he
carried in a suitcase, a 69-year-old
„ . .. Tennessean told
Gallinger Hos
pital attendants
today about his
visit to the
House Office
Building yester
that Capitol po
lice seized the
man. John S.
Kirby of Mon
teagle, Tenn.,
and turned him
over to the lios
.—■ pital for obser
Jobn S. Kirby. vation.
They took away the loaded .38
caliber pistol which, he said he
carried for protection. They sent
his shriveled arm. severed in an
accident in 1934, to the District
At the hospital Kirby said he had
been elected President by Congress
in March, by a vote of 140 to 82,
and had come here to get a pension
which he heard Congress was
granting the President. He said he
traveled to Washington by bus.
Kirby was arrested after he en
tered the office of Representative
Kefauver, Democrat, of Tennessee,
and told Fred Brizzi, a secretary,
that he had been elected President
and that he had permitted President
Truman to hold the office but now
Police found the suitcase with its
gruesome content in a hotel in the
900 block of Ninth street N.W., where
Kirtiy was staying.
Mr. Brizzi said Kirby lost his arm
as the result of a truck accident in
volving the Tennessee Emergency
Relief Administration. Mr. Ke
fauver introduced a bill in the last
Congress to obtain $6,000 for Kirby,
but it died in committee because
the Federal Government was not
Kirby was the third armed man
to be taken into csutody at the
Capitol within a few weeks.
The first fired two shots at Sen
ator Bricker. Republican, of Ohio
in the Capitol subway. He was
committed to St. Elizabeths Hos
pital. The other, a few weeks later,
was found in a Capitol washroom
with a revolver a short time after
President Truman visited the Sen
ate. 'He was committed for observa
(Continued From First Page.)
will be conducted by Assistant Cor
poration Counsel Clark King.
Questioned on procedure if the
witnesses ignored the summonses,
Lt. Liverman said further steps
would be taken, but that would be
up to the corporation counsel.
Judge Raedy told The Star the
Buick was hers and that she would
pay all damages to the other car.
She. said she did not know who was
driving her*car at the time of the
She said she loaned the car last
night to a friend, who in turn loaned
it to another friend. The latter
friend wanted the car to pick up
his wife at Union Station, she said.
He returned the car to her home
without a scratch on it and left
for New' York. Judge Raedy added.
Inspector Arthur E. Miller of the
traffic division told The Star the
case would be handled just like any
other, that the driver would be
sought and prosecuted. Another
police officer said the usual charge
In such case is "leaving after col
Told that Inspector Miller ex
pected to handle the accident in a
routine manner, Judge Raedy said
she would call him and divulge the
name of the person who borrowed,1
her car.
Accprding to Inspector Miller,
Judge Raedy did call, but the con
versation was limited to her request
for the name of the owner of the
damaged car.
Asked if he inquired of Judge;
. Raedy to whom she loaned the car,;
Inspector Miller said he did not, and j
added that if she did not want to
identify the person, the police could;
not compel her to.
Police listed the probable damage
to ihe Cadillac at from $10 to $25.
The damage was a nick in the rear
left fender.
‘'Continued Prom First Page.)
brigade is re-forming in Cuba for an
invasion of the Dominican Republic.
Cuba denies it.
3. Venezuela's proposal to provide
separate definitions of aggression
from within and without the
4. Argentina’s request for ‘'in- j
formal" meetings and ‘‘limited
jurisdiction” of committees, which;
led to the conference’s first pro
cedural dispute.
iContinued From First Page.)
American conference—that aimed
at stepping up coal production in
the Ruhr, was said to be making
good progress with several major
decisions imminent.
Chief among these is a reported
British-American agreement to re
vamp the management of the Ruhr
mines in order to simplify direc
tion and to allow greater freedom j
for individual mining areas.
A joint British-American plan
whereby the miners’ ration of 4,000
calories would be met without fail
is also regarded as a likely result
of the meetings now in their second
U. N.
(Continued From First Page.)
plunged deeper into the big power
tug-o'-war over Indonesia.
The Indonesian Republic yester
day swept aside suggestions for di
rect negotiations with the Dutch
1 over hostilities in the East Indies
and appealed to the Council to order
United Nations arbitration.
American Deputy Delegate Her
schel V. Johnson said he viewed the
Indonesian appeal as an outright j
rejection of his Government’s offer
or its good offices to the two parties.
The Netherlands had accepted.
Earlier in the day Russia charged
that the American offer to mediate
the dispute was a ‘’dangerous'’ at
tempt to bypass the Security Coun
. Mr. Johnson denied that the
United States was exerting any
pressure on the Indonesians and
said Russia was "attributing all
sorts of motives to the United
States which we never thought of.”
The Council is scheduled to re
sume debate on this issue Friday.
U. S. Formally Withdraws
Offer of Mediation
By tht Associated Press
The United States yesterday for
mally withdrew its offer to bring
the Indonesians and Dutch together
for direct negotiations for a peaceful
settlement of their small-scale hos
The action came after Indonesia
refused to accept without qualifica
tion this Nation’s proposal that it
bring the two countries together.
Sunday Indonesia qualified its ac
ceptance of the American offer with
an obvious invitation for the United
Nations Security Council to take
priority in handling the dispute.
On two previous occasions, Indo
nesia had insisted that the Security
Council take jurisdiction—a condi
tion which the State Department
found unacceptable in offering to
serve as a go-between.
(Continued From First Page.)
art of politics and the science of
government, and added: “For a
leader in this most tumultous era
America would do well to consider
one of his character and caliber
with a knowledge of the govern
mental machine possessed by few
“In one of the most difficult and
challenging periods in the history
of our country, Joe Martin has
emerged as the leader of a small
minority which became a large
majority due in no small measure
to the wisdom and cohstancy of
his inspired leadership.”
Denies Aspirations.
From his rambling white clap
board house at North- Attleboro,
Speaker Martin earlier had respond
ed to newsmen queries about presi
dential or vice presidential sugges
tions with the statement:
"I am not and do not expect to be
m oondirio to ”
Festivities began about 10 am.
when Mr. Martin, a bachelor at 62,
came here from North Attleboro
in a motorcade to be greeted by
throngs lining the main street in
the drizzle, with a big crowd stirring
up enthusiasm. Reception at City
Hall followed, where Democratic
Mayor William P. Grant had shut
down normal activities for Joe
Martin day.
At the clambake at nearby Lin
coln Park, Mr. Martin told the
assemblage of his humble apprecia
tion and said the expressions of
his friends “will be inscribed in my
heart as long as I live.”
On another note, the Speaker
reminded his friends of the vital
role Congress plays in American
Government. “In order to protect
the Integrity of our form of Gov
ernment, the people must ever be
alert to safeguard and preserve the
powers of their Congress." he said.
“The Congress is the Rock of Gi
braltar of the liberties of the
American/ people.
McCormack Wires Praise.
‘‘Representing as they do many
conflicting points of view, they are,
of course, frequently divided. But
that is the American way of life.
Let the people beware of the Con
gress which is unanimous at all
times. If that day ever comes to
America, democracy will be dead.”
Minority Leader McCormack, in a
telegram said. “Joe Martin typifies
America in its greatest and in its
noblest way."
He added that Mr. Martin had
occupied the position of Speaker
“with fairness, dignity and with
Senator Saltonstall, Republican,
of Massachusetts and former Gov.
Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota,
both listed in 1948 Republican nom
ination consideration, were among
many National and State leaders
who wired tributes.
Rhode Islands Democratic gov-!
ernor, John O. Pastore, wired the
celebration committee he was happy
to join in a tribute to Joe Martin
as a “true servant of the people"
who had achieved high public office
“bv virtue of consummate skill,
courage and ability.-’
The question of the Martin can
didacy was actually pointed up by
an old friend, Louis Conos, a res
taurant operator, who ordered a
neon sign for use today, to carry
the gleaming message: “Welcome,
Joe Martin, Our Next President."
When that sign arrived it created
a problem for the committee in
charge. For it had pledged and
broadcast its nonpartisanship in
this affair.
Mr. Canos, meanwhile, went out of
town on a vacation, and his nephew,
Steve Canos, had the sign on his
hands and wanted to do right by Mr.
Word got to the Massachusetts
Liquor Control Board and the re
sult was that Steve now displays the
big sign on the restaurant near City
Takoma Shaft Mata I Warks
Takama Park, D. C. 5113
GREEK POSITIONS NEAR YUGOSLAV BORDER—Greek soldiers crouch in trenches and demon
strate the positions they take from dusk until dawn near the mountains of Yugoslavia overlook
ing the border between the two countries.
Two villagers survey the wreckage in the Greek town of
Levkohori, near the Bulgarian border, after a raid by guerrillas.
Levkohori has been raided eight times in the past six months.
—AP Wirephotos.
Hall saying, "Welcome, Joe Martin,”
leaving a big blank space in the
lights where "our next President”
was,to have been. ^
The liquor control laws ban polity
ical activity by liquor dealers.
William S. Canning, the Fall
River "Joe Martin Democrat” in
charge of the” Show, insisted thjj!
whole show was nonpartisan.
"Fall River is out to show the
world that it thinks Joe Martin is a
grand guy, a fellow who has gone
far, a man who has done his bit to
make his district, of which this city
is the largest unit, the outstanding
one of the Nation.
"Democrats, ant. since I am en
rolled in that party I can bespeak
their sentiments; Republicans who
have been with him since he started
running for office; independents
who have found him always ready
to serve them, all are behind this
“It's just what we have called
it—not Congressman Martin's day,
not Republican Leader Martin's Day,
not Speaker Martin's Day not can
didate-for-anything day—it’s just
Joe Martin day.”
Mayor Grant closed down the City
Hall offices today to facilitate the
All retail stores affiliated with the
Chamber of Commerce closed, so
tneir employes couia nonor tne
Mrs. Peron
(Continued From First Page t
likes to be called, will stay for din
ner after hearing Secretary of State
Marshall address the plenary ses
sion of the conference this after
But there is a lot of offended
dignity among the 1,500 people here
for the conference. They can’t all
go to a dinner for 300 persons.
Last night Mrs. Peron was hostess
at a grand ball given in honor of
President Eurico Gaspar Dutra of
Brazil and his wife. Ambassador
William Pawley, who backed his
predecessor. George Messersmith, In
his "softer policy toward Argentina"
ideas, represented the United States
at the gala function. Gen. Marshall
sent his regrets because he: Had to
work on his speech: had a previous
engagement; had no white tie and
tails with him.
A. T. & T.
(Continued From First Page.''
will be held on October 15 to act on
the proposal.
Proceeds from sale of the deben
tures, and from conversion thereof
into stock, would be used to provide
funds for extension, additions and
improvement to the plant of A. T. &
T. and its subsidiaries and associ
f SH r,~
We will do vour work or rent
machines A supply materials.
1010 30th SC. N.W. RKpublic 1070
Doctor's 'Invisible' Liquid *
Promptly Relievos Misery I
first applications of wonderful soothing
medicated Zemo—a doctor’s formula —
promptly relieve the itching and burn
ing and also help heal the red, acaly skin.
Amazingly successful for over 85 years.
First trial of Zemo convinces! Inrutblt
—doesn’t show on skin, ay ya ■ ■ ye
Alldrug^torerfJtaS^sites^ ^ ga ^
ated companies, and for general
corporate purposes.
Large Construction Program.
' “EfcWpite; the yart' expansion of
the past two 'yearl, the cotripiftWy
stated, “the Bell System is still
faced with a very large construc
tion. progffetn to meet,the continu
ing unprecedented demand for tele
phone service and to improve the
“The situation is not unlike that
following World War I, when a
heavy construction program was j
undertaken to expand and improve
the service. Today, as then, large ]
amounts of new capital are re- >
quired to finance the construction
of additional and better plants * * *
"The new plant will be composed
of the best types of facilities that
can devise. This means more dial
service to more people, more dial- j
■ing of toll calls, extension of the
coaxial cable and rado relay sys
tem with their capacity to carry
television programs, extensions of
mobile telephone service, more tele
phones on farms and achieving the
goal of giving every one service
when and as he wants it.”
Glass Workers Confined
Venetian glass workers were once
confined to their own special island
to prevent their secrets from being
discovered by foreigners.
The United States has approxi
mately 230,000 churches.
Seven Nazi Doctors
Sentenced to Die for
Inhuman Experiments
By th* Associated Pross
NUERNBERG, Germany, Aug.
20.—Adolf Hitler’s personal phy
sician and six other Germans
convicted of using Nazi concen
tration camp inmates as guinea
pigs in inhuman—and worthless
—medical experiments were sen
tenced by an American war
crimes court today to die on the
Five other men convicted yester
day on the same charges were sen
tenced to spend the rest of their
lives in prison, while four persons,
including the lone woman to face
the accusations, received lighter
prison terms, ranging from 10 to 20
years. The woman, Herta Ober
hauser, got 20 years for her work at
Ravensbruck, where thousands of
women inmates perished.
Seven doctors who faced the court
during the 132-day trial were ac
Hitler’s doctor, Karl Brandt, an
SS general and chief of the Reich’s
medical branch, was found guilty
of conducting high-altitude and
freezing experiments on prisoners,
as well as carrying on malaria,
mustard gas and sterilization tests
which brought death to countless
The convicted defendants were
brought in one by one this morning
to hear their fate pronounced by
Judge Walter Beals of Olympia,
Wash., head of the tribunal which
heard the case.
The sentences, in the order in
which they were handed down:
Oskar Schroeder, chief of the
Luftwaffe medical service, life im
TTorl fJen7lr*n RR troncvol onH
chief of the medical department of
the Waffen SS, life imprisonment.
Karl Gebhardt, SS general, presi
dent of the German Red Cross and
personal physician to Heinrich
Himmler, death by hanging.
Rudolf Brandt, Himmler’s ad
jutant and chief of the SS hygienic
institute, death by hanging.
Joachim Murgowsky, chief hygien
ist of the SS medical corps and an
SS colonel, death by hanging.
Helmut Poppendick, SS colonel
on Himmler’s personal staff, 10
years’ imprisonment. He was con
victed on only one count, namely
that he was a member of the SS
(elite guard).
. Wolfram Sievers, SS colonel and
director of military research insti
tute, death by hanging.
Gerhard Rose, bearded expert on
malaria and other tropical diseases,1
life Imprisonment.
Victor Brack, SS colonel and chief
administrative officer under Martin
Bormann, death by hanging.
Siegfried Handloser, chief of the
German Army's medical service, life
/Herman Becker - Freyseng, air
force medical director, 20 years.
Waldemar Hoven, chief medical
officer at Buchenwald, death by
William Beiglboeck, consulting
physician to the Luftwaffe, 15 years.
Herta Oberhauser, only, woman in
the dock and physician at Ravens
bruck, where thousands of women
died, 20 j*ears.
Fritz ylscher, SS major and as
sistant io uebhardt, life imprisdaf^ I
Seven othtr defendants were ac- j
quitted. yestetday' by the court. 1
Four good reasons why
you will enjoy
a Excellent Food
• Reasonable Prices
• Comfortable Air
«■ Courteous Service
Thursday Dinner Feature
Apple Pie
1356 Connecticut Ave.
Visit Our Fountain Room
Take Connecticut Ave. cart ant
buses direct to our entrance.
—A. P. Photo.
(Continued From First Page.!
ing had another behind-the-lines
job for him—commanding general
of the Services of Supply. Brig. Gen.
Charles Gates Dawes, the banker
who later became Vice President,
and Brig. Gen. W. W. Atterbury,
president of the Pennsylvania Raii
road, were two of the big men from
civilian life on his staff.
James G. Harbord was not an
ordinary recruit. He had wanted a
West Point appointment but lacked
political preferment. Born in
Bloomington, 111., March 21, 1866,
the son of a Civil War veteran, he
had moved to Kansas with his fam
ily when 12, graduated from Kansas
Agricultural College with a B. S. de
gree and had taught school at But
lier, Kans.,
An Army Intellectual.
He became one of the Army s in-1
tellectuols, interested not only in the’
literature of the great captains and
great campaigners but in the cul
ture of places he visited. His
“Leaves From a War Diary,” pub
lished after World War I, reveals
that night after night when billeted
in a medieval French chateaux, Gen.
Harbord would stay up late enter
ing notes on the legend of the
place—what great dukes and other
historic figures also had slept under
this same roof.
He was commissioned after two
and-a-half years service in the
ranks during which he went;
through the grades of corporal,,
sergeant and master sergeant. He
was a major in a cavalry regiment
in the Spanish War but he got no
further than Florida. He served
10 years under Gen. Leonard Wood
in the Philippines. Like Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, he was a
lieutenant colonel with a reputation :
1 ' ' 1 1
when a World War gave him his
No engagement in World War I
thrilled Americans as did the
Chateau Thierry-Belleau Woods
affair. To a machine gun company
of the 3d Division (since called the
Rock of the Marne) came the dis
tinction of turning back the Ger
mans at the peak of their advance
—Chateau Thierry. To the Marines
2d Division, the only American divi
sion to go into the sector in full
strength, fell the task of driving
the Germans out of the woods.
Prussian Guard Hold Wood.
The w’oods were occupied by units
of the Prussian guard, the shock
troops of the Reichswehr. The fight
lasted two weeks.
Back in Paris a public relations
officer told the correspondent that
they could not use the designations
of the units engaged.
"May we say they’re- Marines?"
asked one.
After a moment’s hesitation, the
officers said yes. Word of the
Marines victory was flashed over
seas and gave America its first lift.
Gen. Harbord led the 2nd Division
in the July Franco-American offen
sive near Soissons which definitely
ended the threat against Paris. On
July 29 he was assigned to command
the service of supply of the now
definitely formed American Armv in
500,000 Under Him.
It has been said of this post that
next to the duties of the Com
mander-in-Chief, it carried the
greatest responsibility of the A. E. F.
There were 500,000 men in the organ- :
ization and its work extended from
the producing centers in the United
States to the front lines in Eastern
France. Gen. Harbord, as com
mander, dealt directly with Wash
ington except on matters of policy,
and subordinate to him were the
chief quartermaster; chief surgeon,;
chief signal officer, chief engineer,!
chiefs of ordnance, air service and
[Chemical warfare; provost marshal
general, general purchasing agent
and director general of transporta
The organization transported food,
arms, ammunition and troops. It
built roads, docks, railroads, tele
graph, telephone and wireless sys
tems and hospitals. It maintained
transportation by sea and land,
supervised leave areas and the wel
fare and "entertainment projects
therein, liquidated the army affairs
in Europe and arranged for the em
barkation of American soldiers for
Gen. Harbord married Emma Y.
Ovenshine, daughter of Gen. Samuel
Ovenshine on January 21, 1899.=
He was the first American Army
officer to step out into a $100,000 a
year job in the front rank of in
dustry. When Owen D. Young re
signed as chairman of RCA in 1930,
Gen. Harbord was elevated to that
Sparrow Takes Cigarette
To Bed, Starting Fire
By the Associated Press
CAMDEN, N. J.—Now, moans Fire
Chief Edward Ellender, it's sparrows
smoking in bed.
Chief Ellender and his fellow fire
fighters spent the better part o£ an
hour looking for the source of smoke
pouring through the home of Mrs.
Marie Baugher. They finally traced
it to a nest under the roof where
Chief Ellender said a sparrow appar
emly had carried a lighted cigarette.
Plates Repaired While Yoa Wait
407 7th St. N.W. HA. 0019
In Addition to Regular Through Schedules
$6 One Way—S10.80 Round Trip HAVING DAILY AT 12:01 A.M..
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12th St. and New York Ave., N.W.
Phone District 4224
if :gv: V.&g •*&.XZ^jSL-* ' ■"*—*
■ Juilliard ;;
; We’re drawing the curtain !;
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j this Cambridge Flannel—the cloth is hand- j;
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throughout the year. Chalk striped models !|
also included at this attractive price. !•
Men's Wear Stores
1435 H St. N.W.
' 701 H St. N.E.
; Store Open Saturdays 8:1
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909 15TH ST., N. W.
t between Eye and K <;
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Rugs make the difference! ;
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9:00 P.M.

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