TUBOWER 1 LUMBER I IriMsSalisfactm | List Your Property For Sole With Us W« eon girt txctllent servict. COM tfTA *1 Y REALTORS (Orer 31 Tetri' Experience) 7*1 16tfc St. K.W. NA. 0768 f COTTAGE FARM N Devidsonville, Maryland The main house is situated on high elevation amid a beautiful setting of rare old trees—150 years old—8 comfortable rooms, bath, oil heat. 2-car garage. Located 26 miles from White House on the Annapolis highway with *4 of a mile frontage on the highway proper and 1 mile of frontage on poved side road; 140 acres—120 acres under cultivation. 5 room tenant house, excellent 100' tobacco barn, 100' gran ary, 2 corn cribs, tool house, hennery ond 18 brood houses. Available crops valued at at least $8,500; farm equipment valued at $6,000. Price, $42,500, in its entirety. For full particulars and appointment to inspect today and Sunday, call Mr. Straeb, OR. 2644 ' TV* J. Fisher fr Co., Inc. Ht alt art Exclusive Avcnt ^ fSS 10th Street N.W. DI. «SS0y FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR I SALE: We have 1st commer cial properties in die 1700 block of K St N.W. 19th Street, near Rhode bland Are. N.W., 3-story and Eng lish basement, brick. 18' frontage, 129' depth to an alley. Price, $12,000. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: S.E., near railroad siding. 20,000 sq. ft. frontage, 128' on Eye Street and 40' on 2nd | Street Alley in rear. 1452-54 Chnrch Street N.W. Jnst off 14th Street. Frontage 26', depth 90' to a 10' alley. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE: 2-family flat, P Street S.W. Tenants furnish | utilities. Net income $840.00 a year. HOUSE FOR SALE: 2600 block L Street N.W. Row brick. 6 rooms and 1 bath. IH.-W. heat, gas, electricity. Price, $8,500.00. • * * • • Call Mr. Hackman with Conner & Ryon, Inc. 927 18th Street N.W. RE. 3216 or WI. 2748 HAVE YOU SEEN NEARBY VIRGINIA’S NEWEST CLOSE-IN COMMUNITY “BERKSHIRE GARDENS” Something New and Different “LIVE BETTER—FOR LESS” DRIVE OUT. INSPECT THESE 80 LARGE, LOVELY LEVEL LOTS— STILL IN THE ROUGH, BUT SOON TO BE COMPLETE WITH PAVED STREETS, CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, CITY WATER AND SEWERS —READY FOR YOU TO BUILD THE “HOME OF YOUR DREAMS.” YOU CAN BUILD YOUR OWN HOME—OR WE CAN FURNISH THE COMPLETE SERVICE OF A CAPABLE ARCHI TECT AND COMPE TENT BUILDER AND WILL HELP YOU WITH THE DESIGN, CON STRUCTION AND COM PLETE FINANCING FOR YOUR NEW HOME. in Prn»r»tt Homosites Priced From $1300—Sells Progressing Steadily FOR YOUR PROTEC TION ALL DEPOSITS WILL BE HELD BY THE TITLE COMPANY ACT ING AS YOUR “ES CROW AGENT” UNTIL YOUR DEED CAN BE DELIVERED WITH UTILITIES AND SUB DIVISION IMPROVE MENTS INSTALLED. Convenient Term$ Property Located ONE BLOCK NORTH OF LEE HIGHWAY IN NEARBY, ARLINGTON TO REACH: DRIVE OVER KEY BRIDGE—CONTINUE OUT LEE HIGHWAY APPROXIMATELY 1U MILES BEYOND N. GLEBE TO N. QUANTICO ST.. TURN RIGHT ON N. OUAN TICO ST. 1 LONG BLOCK AND > FOLLOW OUR SIGNS TO PROPER TT—GR TAKE AR » NOLD BUS" MARKED S-F OUT LEE HIGHWAY TO J W. eu AN TICO STREET. v REPRESENTATIVE ON PREMISES K ; 1 TO 6:30 P.M. SUNDAY DICK BASSETT CH. Rf? Patterson to speak To Builders' Group William F. Patterson, director of the Labor Department’s apprentice training service, will discuss the agency’s program at a luncheon meeting of the W a s h i n gton Building Con gress at 12:30 pjn. Monday in the Mayflower Hotel. Mr. Patterson was active in training and placement work in Wisconsin be fore his appoint ment as head of the apprentice training service, an agency which aids manage- Mr. Patterum. ment and labor in the development and operation of apprentice train ing programs. The Wash in of/in TlnilHimr CVin. gress recently appointed a construc tion apprenticeship committee to co-operate with the District Ap prenticeship Council In improving training programs in the construc tion trades. Lewis f Continued From Page B-l.) contrast in public reaction,” it was explained. Here are some of the features cited by the builders: Exterior—Roof of gray-white as bestos shingles .... flashing of cop per ... . two roof louvres provide attic ventilation. Windows—All of steel sash, case ment type .... two picture win dows in living and dining area, and in master bedroom .... “dou ble unit” windows in child’s bed room, placed one above the other to provide light separately for dou ble-deck bed .... backwall alumi num Jalousie with movable slats in garage. Automatic Laundry* Dishwasher. Kitchen—Eleven feet by 8 feet 4 inches .... serving bar opens into dining area, permitting use for serv ing meals or beverages .... equip ment Includes range, automatic laundry, refrigerator, automatic dishwasher, garbage disposal unit, “focusable lighting,” ventilator fan, work tables and storage cabinets. Living room area—Sixteen feet, 10 inches by 15'feet, 3 inches furniture includes sectional sofa of six modular sections. Heating—Oil-fired furnace, with baseboard radiant panel heat. Bedrooms—One 10 feet, 4 inches by 13 feet, 3 inches; the other, 11 feeo 4 Inches by 9 feet. Garage—Twenty-one feet, 9 inches by 9 feet, 8 inches. It also pro vides storage space. Architect for the house was Jean Pierre Trouchaud. Chairman of the model Home Committee is Clarke Daniel. Wood (Continued From Page B-l.) edges, inserts, heavy brass trimmings and substantial hardware which is found here, and usually it is used to splendid advantage in connection with some of our finer woods. The average house is well equipped with hardware. Most of it is in tended to be polished and kept in sharp contrast with the wood it em bellishes. Too often it is allowed to dull so that a fine door—with a heavy knocker and large knob-plate —is a dull picture, whereas the metal trim should sparkle and present an air of good maintenance and house hold order. It often has been said that you can judge the amount of effort or care put into the keeping of a house by the condition of the metal n; umiur/ imhmhwj itw nun I1 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY I AFTERNOONS UNTIL DARK 2704 27th St. N.W. I 8 A Splendid Address, Near the | Wardman Park Hotel : An abundance of in-town living space. An extra wide, comfortably large—and better built row brick home, almost downtown and I near parochial and public schools. j I Living room with fireplace, den, dining room, kitchen and pantry on the first floor; two large bedrooms, a glassed-in porch and tiled bath on j second floor; three bedrooms, another glassed- j in porch and tiled bath on the third floor. Oil hot-water heat. - Present owner enjoys an income of $120 from guest rental of only the third floor. Either as a home for a large family, as a guest house, or as a combination of both, it is worth your investigation. $22,500 J Kelley & Brainier | : Sselsilrt Acenti DL 7740 v. Eve*, and Son., GL. 1379 g sail..... | Overlooking Government Park | | * 2912 Cortland Place N.W. | == Immediate Occupancy == This brick residence combines a convenient in-town location with ^ = a .quiet and safe neighborhood for young children. First floor: == == Entrance hall, living room with fireplace, spacious dining room, 5£ = heated sunroom, kitchen and pantry, large front porch and small == H! bock porch. Second floor: Master bedroom and bath, 2 other gg = generous sized bedrooms and bath. Attic with cedar-lined storage =5 §§= room. Basement: 2-car garage, oil heat, laundry trays and toilet. S| = This house is insulated and equipped throughout with Venetian g£ — blinds. ' = OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 = Directions: Prom Connecticut Ave. at Kennedy-Warren zzzzz = Apartments, turn west on Devonshire Place one short H_r sss block to Cortland, left on Cortland to Our Open Sign. === m J. RUPERT MOHLER, JR., Realtor m Drastically Reduced for Quick Sale Owner Leaving City West of Upper 16th St. N.W. 1627 Roxanno Road N.W. OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 1 TO 7 P.M. (Other Timea by Appointment) Bordering on Rock Creek Pork, here is a truly fine brick, center hall home. The house is 5-6 years old. 1st floor: Extra large liv ing room with adjoinir>g screened porch; bright spacious dining room; modem kitchen; 2nd floor, 3 bright twin-bed bedrooms and 2 do luxe baths. Heated and finished attic; a fourth bedroom if desired. Beautiful lot with exceptionally large fenced-in rear yard. Conveniently located for transportation and schools. "Restricted." EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS, CO. 8573 To Aspect: North on lfth Street, past Katmia Read to Roxanno Road, riffht H Mock to proPtrty, BUILDER METZLER work. It starts in the kitchen with the pots and pans, and ends at the front door with the knob and door bell. Attention Pays. Most Of us have waited at a door to be admitted. You probably have noticed whether the trimmings were polished or wiped. When fine brass work has been painted over, or be come covered with discoloration, you have had the impression of poor or slipshod housekeeping. When the metal trimmings are polished and bright, you have the impression of liking the house before you enter it. Metal polishing becomes a chore only when you let it go too kmg. Thirty seconds of time, once a week, will keep the average doorknob in presentable shape. Let it go for a few months, and you will have an hour’a hard work. (Released by the Bell Syndicate*, Inc.). First Aid (Continued From Page B-l.) only in wintertime when the snow melts. Various suggestions have been made for the repair work. Can you suggest anything not too ex pensive? I wish to do the work at this present time. Answer: The reason for the leak age when snow is lying on the roof is due to the fact that the flashings, where the walls join the roof, are not high enough. Water from melt ing snow and ice does not run off quickly. It accumulates on the roof, then finds its way down behind the flashings. Ask your roofing con tractor to increase the height of flashings on the wall. Or, it may suffice to spread some roofing ce ment on the wall from the edge of the roof to a distance of about 6 inches above the present flashings. Sticking Dresser Drawer. Question: What kind of wax should be used on a dresser drawer to prevent it from sticking and making it slide more easily? Answer: Rub the slides and other parts of contact with melted paraf fine. Oil Burner Information.4 Question: Where can I get infor mation on the care, operation and maintenance of oil burners, also hot water heating plants? Answer: “Oil Burner Handbook,” written by L J. Whelan and pub lished by the Master Plumber and Heating Contractor Magazine, 303 Washington street, Brooklyn, N. Y., may help you understand the func An Exceptional Buy at $27$500 4804 River Road, Chevy Chase, Md. SPACIOUS REMODELED HOME ON 1 ACRE SITE This lovely old home affords unusual charm and every modern convenience, including 30-ft. living room, new, fully equipped kitchen, 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, recreation room, oil heat, slate roof, rock-wool insulation. The lovely grounds provide several fruit trees, vegetable and flower gardens, space for swimming pool, etc.; 2-car detached garage. Located just 2 blocks over D. C. \ line with bus transportation in front of property. OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 5 P.M. Drive out Wisconsin Ave., turn left on Western Ave. to River Rd., right to home. BURR & YOUNG, Realtors Exclusive Agents 2®*® I NEW HOMES, *10,350 I I MHIV r- "'.'-A -a*WI !OPEN SUNDAY, 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. These homes consist of living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and partly floored attic easily finished into a third bedroom. REASONABLE TERMS AVAILABLE TO VETERANS OR NON-VETERANS KTArnorc_ • Quarter acre let • Hardwood floors • Paved street • Tile bath and shower • Sidewalks • Full dry basement • Sodded lawn • Automatic oil heat • Driveway • Capper plumbinp • Shade trees • Laundry treys. • Insulated wells • Stairway to attic • Screened windows * Outside entrance to basement A nice well built home in a pood close-in built-up community. A DICKEY BUILT HOME I LOCATION 5.E. CORNER Of cneybklt in nuitin II To reach: Out KtadeneburgM. right ut Peace Croee *«wt* *•*; H mile 'f. to the gate of Cheverlg. Chcverli Act. 1 mile to .*••**?*ttr* . u/t over bridge. Kern hard surfaced road to teth Are. and tale eign, WM. J. MARTIN I (U. 2014 412 Southern Bidding NO. 2141 tion and operation of oil burners.' Theo. Audel & Co., 49 West 23rd { street. New York City, publishes a number of mechanics’ handbooks,) some on the installation of heating systems. Write them for a cata-| logue of the various books they pub* lish. (Released bv the Consolidated Neva Features. Inc.) FAIRWAY HILLS (MONTGOMERY COUNTY $15,450 OlIR FIRST POST-WAR OFFERING Located in a restricted community of fine homes, this residence of quality construction is ready for occupancy. First floor contains large living room with fireplace, spacious area for dining room, electric kitchen, two bed rooms and bath. Ample closet space. Porch off living room. Finished stairway to second floor with heating and plumbing roughed in, making possible the addition of two bedrooms and bath at minimum east. Full basement with exit to yard. Oil air-conditioned heat. OPEN SATURDAY, 1:30 to 6:30 P.M.; OPEN SUNDAY, 10:30 to 6:30 P.M. Drive to end of Mate. Ave., in Md., turn left to MacArthur Blvd., then right to home. PHILLIPS, CANBY & FULLER, INC. NA. 4600 Realtor 1012 ISth tt. N.W. IL-.- -..-. -.r .. I SILVER SPRING 7 SPACIOUS HOMES—FINEST LOCATION 8400 HARTFORD AVENUE (just off Dale Drive) No corners have been cut, no. incidental expenses spared to build these lovely spacious homes, quality construction and workmanship throughout. Large living room with Colonial fireplace opening onto a large screened porch with concrete floor, over-sized dining room with chair rail. Extra large kitchen with complete de luxe equipment (one-half tiled bath on first floor). 3 generous sized bedrooms and bath and sun deck on 2nd floor. Corresponding center-hall plan slightly lower priced. Copper plumbing and wide, deep lots. The locale offers grade and high schools within easy walking distance. Express bus and shop nina around the corner. ENTIRE LOT SEEDED OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 1 TO 7 P.M. WOODSIDE REALTY COMPANY 8017 Eastern Ave., Silver Spring SH. 6+40 I. - — “IIKXVKXr” 1—11 m,, i inn-nrm r •*. v XXA VL'KvtxZKiA Charming old restored stone home on 2Vi acres, located between Langley and McLean, Va. (about 7 miles D. C.), on hard road; this is an unusual property as there are not many, if any, left like this; beautiful grounds, abounding with shrubbery, fine old trees and approximately 40 fruit trees and white board fence; a well-kept property inside and outside; fine vegetable garden, chicken house, 4-room guest cottage of the same vintage as the main dwelling, which was built about 1750 and was used as a hospital during the Civil War, the cottage for nurses' home; first floor, spacious ceenter hall, beautiful square living room, fireplace and bookshelves, attractive den, Vz tiled bath, large dining room, streamlined modern equipped kitchen; second floor, 3 large bedrooms, large tiled bath; huge closets; space for additional bath; stairs to floored attic; tull basement displaying huge hand-hewn beams, 2 recreation rooms, each with tire place; bath, furnace room, oil h.-w.h.; laundry. Price $40,000—Reasonable Terms OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 P.M. To Reach: From Chain Bridge, right onto Chain Bridge Rd., to Lang ley, left to first left-hand curve in road, turn right onto hard-surfaced road, continue about 2 blocks to property on right and our sign. Romye Lamborn, Realtor Exclusive Agent JA. 24*4 16*1, ARLINGTON RIDGE RD. GL. 3711