OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 06, 1947, Image 26

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-09-06/ed-1/seq-26/

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ROOMS FURN—Northweat. (ConM
3520 3T»h ST. (corner Porter st.)—Space
in bedrm. for refined young lady; home
and surroundings; must be seen to be ap
preciated; $30 per mo —11
214 EMERSON ST. N.W.—Gentleman, nice
cuiet single rm., adjoining bath. TA. 94j09.
1721 KENTON ST. N.W.—Nicely furn.
room. With porch, double bed. unlimited
phene, laundry privileges: suitable for 2
employed girls; pvt. home; $6.50 per wk.
ea NO. 4283. ,
home. 2 connecting single rms. with pvt.
laths; near transp. Call RA. 1041 —11
4211 1th ST.—Pvt. gentile home: Ige.
front rm.; no smoking or drinking, laundry
privileges; conv. transp,; $25 mo. RA. 15_76.
1721 RIGGS PL. N.W.—Single rm. for
$27.50 per mo.; near Dupont Circle. DU.
. •
1311 RANDOLPH ST. N.W.—Front, south
ern exposure, newly dec . must see to ap
preciate, Va blk. to car; unlim. phone.
3543 PORTER ST. N.W.—single room in
private home; convenient to transportation;
next to bath; laundry privileges. 7*
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—large well-fur
nished double room, semiprivate bath and
shower unlim. teleohone. laundry privil.:
near due; employed woman only. WO.
3625 7*
CLEVELAND PARK. 3236 Highland pi.
r it —One large comfortably furnished
front room near bath; also single room,
private home, only employed gentlemen.
Call OR. 4643 before 10 a m. or after
Asa™ 13th ST. N.W.—Lge. dble rm. for
• working couple: refined gentile home;
telephone in rm : $45 per mo 7*
1610-16211 MASS AVE. N.W. at Scott
Cu-cle—Desirable double and triple rooms,
also spaces for men and women; convenient
location and transportation. 11*
1316 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—1 room for
light housekeeping, water. Frigidaire; 14th
st cars, 1 person, $10; smaller room.
$8 —7
1833 PARK RD. N.W.—Unusually lovely,
clean home, large, cool room, for 2 young
men. tiled shower; $25 mo. DU. 0874.
2724 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Large front
room, twin beds, shower bath: gentlemen:
1 block to bus and cars. CO. 7051. —11
THE JAMES. 172! P st. n.w.—Large rm..
extra large closet; laundry privil: single
and doubles; girls only. DU. 9406.
2132 WYOMING AVE.—For gentlemen.
i ..._ , ti,4i^ rAnm cintrlo nr HonVilo
with bath. $60. DU. 6629. —6
PFTWORTH—Nice, comfortable, furnished
room, for couple, near bath, plenty of
hot water, laundry privileges, near trans
portation. _TA. 2661. —7
•>7 11 CATHEDRAL AVE.. off Conn.—At
tractive front room, twin beds. $50 mo.
AD 4 795 —11
381! KANSAS AVE. N.W.—Air-cond. dbl.
rm.. nicely furn.. next, to bath with
shower. $7 wk. each. GE 9132. —7
1351 INGRAHAM ST. N.W.—Double or
s'nc’.e rcrner room, next to bath; private
home inner-soring mattress; ronv. transp.;
iaundrv privileges. RA 3371. —7
2022 KLINGLE RD. N.W.—Master berirm..
o'- bath; gentleman pref : pvt home, no
orhrr roomers; $50 a mo ; near 2 buslines.
AD 4703 —7
LARGE ROOM, private bath; beautifully
furn : exclusive section; $85 month. WO.
9188 —1 1
MASTER RFDROOM. near Walter Reed
Hospital: home atmosphere; convenient
transportation. Call TA 4631. —7
1120 13th ST. N.W.—2 single rooms for
men enly. one at $20 mo., and one^ at
$21.66. —*
ATTRACTIVE, cman. large, a well-fur
nished master bedroom with private bath,
for gentleman. Quiet, residential neigh
borhood: express bus. 710 Oglethorpe st.
n.w GE 3031 7*
MTt PLEASANT—Berirm. liv. rm. apt no
cooking inner-spring mattress: laundry
priv!., uni. phone, suitable 2 or 3 girls or
couple CO. 6586. —8
line. single or double: Christian Protestant;
no drinking: unlim. nhone DI. 9829. — #
? FRONT BEDROOMS, in a nice neigh
borhood for man only. GE. 4124 —7
1820 LAMONT ST.—Large studio room,
twin beds, inner-spring mattresses. 4 win
dows. large doublp closet: near bath; un
limited phone, maid service; $60 mo. AD.
MCELY FURNISHED, virtually privati
bath oil beat; lovely neighborhood, near
b'tv: refined gentleman WO 8391. —7
DUPONT CIRCLE AREA, 1706 19th st
n.w.—Single and double rooms for gen
tlemen only, $25 per mo. up. HO. 137<
Alton pi n w.—Room, private bath; in gen
tile home. EM. 0721. —7
DUPONT CIRCLE. 1626 P st. n.w —2 dou
ble rms. t2 bath between, single bpds:
lsmar- pnvils.: conv. tran portation. —12
MT. PLEASANT—Bedroom, with private
bath, foi lady or gentleman: in gentile
home of 2 adults. NO. 9463.
1619 NEWTON ST., off 16th st.—A ven
extractive 2nd-floor room, with porch, foi
tpfired. settled, employed lady: in exclusive
Christian home: next, bath: plenty of close
space, all conveniences: excellent trans
portation: $30 mo. CO. 7019. —8
1116 PERRY PL. N.W.—Single room, nex
to hath very clean, private home $2f
month auiet gentleman; 14th st. trans
portation AD o.321. —7
1365 SPRING RD. N.W.—Lovely front rm.
4 windows, complete bedrm. suite; gooc
t.ransn . reasonable. RA. 7978. —7
CHEVY' CHASE, I). C.—Pvt home: sgle
front rm dble. bed. bath, desk, (availabh
now*. Also dble rm . twin beds, bookcases
desk, home privil . telephone, etc.: ’2 blk
to busline. 25 min. downtown: avail. Sept
1 Tn inenprt roll KM ° 1 .'1.1
with pvt. bath, for 3; also dble. rms. Cal
OR 6391. before 12 o'clock; after J2, NA
2424; home a 1 day Sunday. —7
LARGE DOUBLE ROOM for employe,
reuple kitchen privileges. AD 0559. —“
1104 13th ST. N.W.—Unusually nice lge
front rm : 4 windows: $10, single: $6 each
rioublf. lge. single rm.. running water
$7.50: sleeping rm.. next bath. $5.50
Fhone NO 9259 or DU. 5206 —7
1412 DECATUR ST. N.W., for employe<
couple, master bedrm pvt bath, unlimitet
phone, and laundry orivil.; single, from
bedrm —12
1341 COLUMBIA RD.—Large, attractiv*
front, double, studio rm.; vacancy for on*
girl DU 9012. —7
NEAR WALTER REED—Lge. attractive
dble rm.. bay window, separate kitchen
ette lovply home; very ronv ; 2 refinec
girls or emnl . young cple.; no smoking oi
drinking GE. 6726. —7
5110 1st ST. N.W.—One dble. master bed
rm . with open terrace, excellent transp.,
$25 each TA. 0533. —S
! 130 TAYI.OF ST. N.W.—Neatly furnishec
front room on 2nd floor, near bath
privstp aentile home: $40 monthly; refer
ence: gentleman RA. 7637. —8
1638 16th ST. N.W.—Vacancies in quiei
house with privacy for refined bus. men
3068 SHERRIF.R PLACE N.W.—Attrac
tive. icp able rm. with 2 lge. closets
WO 505$. —7
2231 CALIFORNIA. Apt. S06—Lady alone
will rent furnished room, adjoining bath
to businesswoman. Adams 8993. 7*
PIS M ST. N.W., Apt. 40—Large room
twin beds, next to bath: kitchen privilege1;
close to transportation; elevator. Tel. RE
4611 —7
P30 16th ST. N.W.. npp Carleton Hotel—
Vacancy for two girls in triple room. $2(
each; also single. $35. 1*
1123 EUCLID $T. N.W.-— Large. lieh<
housekeeping room and small apt . em
ployed couple. AD 9597. —12
1118 QUE ST. N.W.—Lge front rm.. suit
able for 2 or 3 people twin beds: excel
lent transp $21 ea. person per mo. Cal]
DU 5295 —S
2216 CATHEDRAL AVF. N.W. —Single Jm
gentleman, semipvt. bath CO. 1406, —8
1248 10th ST. N.W.—Lge. bedroom. 1st fl
back. $7 per wk —8
5805 3th ST N.W.—Large front room
near bath, douoie bed. kitchen nrivils.,
telephone. —7
3508 GARFIELD ST. N.W.—One spaciou?
rm. with semipvt. bath and shower, suit
able for young lad'- WO. 5821 —7
bath; for man; near bus; $30 per mo EM
2257. —8
BOLIVIAN CLUB. 1633 16»h sf n.w—
Businesswomen double rm.. pvt. bafh; vac
in double; beaut, furr —15
NR. 18th AND COLUMBIA RD —Lge fr«nl
rm . 3 windows, next to bath; corn*, to ran
and buses, gentleman. AD. 029$. —$
PFTWORTH—Master bedroom, twin beds
newly furn.. lee. closet. ad1. porch, radio
unlim. phone, laundry and breakfast
privils.; exp. buses; $25 ea. GE. $992
1 2*
302 EAST CAPITOL ST.—3 l.h.k. rooms
$50 each; 2 master bedrms . and
$65: 1 single rm., $5.50 per wee*. TR
3728 JOCELYN ST. X.W.. v, blk. from
Conn. OUP—juoveiy ouuoie room. cookin.
privils.; Jewish home: $32.50 ea. OR. 5.395
.1317 L ST. N.W.—Nicely furn.: excellen*
sen-ice: men only; $8 for 1; $10 for 2
ME. 0197. —7
NR. 16th AND SHEPHERD—Modernistic
quiet home; gentleman; refs. TA. 2204
CONN. AVE.. near Mayflower Hotel —
Studio-bedroom, separate entrance, beau
tifully furnished, unlimited local Dhone
complete service, large terrace; 2 ladle*
onlv. $100 per month; available at once
Call NA. 3970. —7
1800 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W.—Pleasant
room, private family, next to bath, nict
people, double bed. $35 for 1; $40 for^ 2
CHEVY CHASE—Master bedroom 15x16
private-bath 6x8, 2 rlosets. 2 beds, niceb
furnished, sun deck, unlimited telephom
on same floor; gentile home: 1 or 2 gentle
men: $60 per month. 139 Grafton st.. WI
3S79. —12
3319 16th ST. N.W.—Single rm. fot
iadv. in Protestant home: conven. to res
taurants and transp ; laundry privileges
$25. Call HO. 4067.
4204 16th ST. N.W.—Large, very nirelj
turn, single rm.; $45; well-appointed cor
iItt^PA- AVE. N.W.—Clean front rm
sgle beds. nr. bath; for men or Mr. am
Mrs'.; $5 Per wk or $20 mo. ea. Othei
vacancies. EX. 9011
1694 LANIER PL.—Beautiful. Jge . fron
corner rm.. twin beds. pvt. bath; 1 blk
from Mt. Pleasant carlice and 16th st
bus DE. 8180. —*
1917 N ST., south of Dupont Circle—Room
next bath: settled gentleman; lavatory ir
room- $10 wk.: references. —I
1866 WYOMING AVE.—Attractive, quiet
twin-bed rm . Ad fl. front, refined gue_si
home- conv : $45 mo. MI. 9404. —,
4323 3rd ST. N.W.—Nice front twin-bec
room, next to bath; $20. TA. 5.318. —>
LARGL FRONT RM . with twin beds, tc
share with another girl; laundry Privds.
conv transp. TA. 8146. *
GLOVER PARK—Lae. front rm.. next t(
hath- no other roomers; young gentleman
gennlehome $40 a mo. EM. 0650 —1
2232 ODE ST. N.W.—Owner s private gen
tile home; comfortable, cheerful room, ad
joining marble shower; gentleman. JUI
2400 2«th ST. N.W . corner Belmont rd —
Nicelv furn.. lee dble. front rm . for girl
nex to bath: excel, location, good transp.
rent reasonable. HO. 2650. *
■31 DELAFIELD PL N.W.—Nice airy room
for two or a couple, in a Jewish home
1414GPARfiKWOOD PL. N.W., be'ween !4tl
and 16th sts—Large room for - employe!
gentlemen or students; $5 each per »k
or for one pentleman, S9 a week._CG
MASTER BEDROOM, single or doubly new
transp . pvt. home. TA. 6023. 56^9 xn<
?820WLAMONT ST.—Single room, lergi
closet; unlimited phone, maid service. S3,
mi. AD. 1521.
NEWLY DECORATED, i double. 1 single
front room, twin beds. nr. bath and shower;
phone, laundry and kitchen orivs.; couple
or 3 gentlemen.: nr. transp. TA. 7148.—7
1522 15th ST. N.W.—Laree 2nd-floor front
rm. for 2 or 3 girls, next to bath: excel,
j transp . unlim. phone. GE 3417. —12
CHEVY CHASE—Front rm.. southern ex
posure. for empl. couple: also sinele room
for gentleman or lady. WO. 7035.
NEAR THE CATHEDRAL—Two lovely rms..
bed and liv. lm . semiprivate bath. Nice;
adults. Gentleman only.
EM. 4025. _7 |
LARGE FRONT RM.. twin beds, for 2 young
girls; board optional. 911 Decatur st.
n.w. TA. 5998. 7 j
ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME for gentleman,
second floor. 3 exposures, private bath,
double bed. Conveniently located to Silver
Spring bus sec., 2 blks. from bus; $42 501
mo. SH. 4395. 7 ,
NR. 18th AND COLUMBIA RD . conven
ient to everything. Sinelp rm . *35; dou
ble rm . *25 each . 3 bedrms with run- j
£lnt? ,£'?te^ancl hot plate, $22.50 each.
Call WA. 47*9. _12
THE KEN WIN. 1758 One st n.w.—Girl to
share double rm. with another Kiri: laree
closets, twin beds, laundry facilities. MI.
9420. £ |
Ga. and N. H. aves.—Nicely decorated
and newly furn. front twin-bed room.
3 windows, 2 closets, c.h.w., $25 ea mo.
RA. 2119. t2
3319 11th ST., near Park rd—Master
front twin-bed room, large closet, second
22or’ £.h.w : $45; also attractive sinele.
$30. DU 9763. 12
I CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Large, nicely furn
room, private adult home; gentleman. DI.
314 1 day, WO. 5412 eves. —12 j
semipvt. bath; two exposures: spacious
closet; breakfast privil. if desired; lady
only. Cali CO 7744. Ext. 313-W. —7
DOWNTOWN—Large rm., twin beds; 2.
refined gentlemen (Army or Navy Its.);;
references exchanged. Apply in person.
1069 COLUMBIA RD.. Apt. 102—Front
rm.. suitable for one or two. $40. —7
U13I CLIFTON ST. N.W'.. near Meridian
Hill Park on 16rh st.—Double rm . laree
riosei. suitaoie lor couple or 2 girls; refs.
See by appt. only; kit., telephone and laun
dry privileges included if desired: $45 per
mo. Call SH. 2038 after 6 p.m. Friday,
all day Saturday. —«
.2117 F ST. N.W.—Small studio room, sink,
grill, share elec, refrigerator; couple. $10
$11 each. EX. 0653. —11
1908 37th ST. N.W.—Large front room,
twin beds, desirable neighborhood, short
distance downtown; $46.50 mo. WO. 5442.
! RITTFNHOUSE—One single rm.. $25:
double rm.. $50: tv in or double beds:
gentlemen: on busline; unlim phone. GE.
3463. 7
1345 QUINCY ST. N.W.—If you are look
ing for a. nice place to livp. Two ad
jacent bedrooms, nicely furn.. running
water in room, private shower; 2 adults:
$50 per mo. TA. 1953. —7
150 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W.—Nice single
front room. 2 exposures, convenient trans
portation; $30 mo. RA. 5651 —7
,71 GALLATIN ST. N.W.—Attractive rm.
! for gentleman; pvt. rm.. semipvt. bath,
i $35 mo. GE 857 3. —8
5393 3rd N.W.—Well-furnished master
bedrm., 2 closets; next to bath; quiet
home. RA. 0276. —7
1127 NEBRASKA AVE. N.W.—Large out
side room. pvt. det. home: semipvr. bath:
excel, transp.: $50 mo. WO. 4367.
DUPONT CIRCLE. 1735 Riggs pi—Smal'
single studio room, for quiet, employed
adults: $23 a mo.: references rpquireu.
i oming ave. n.w.—Large front triple rm.. 4
windows. 3 baths: conv. location: $15 wkly.:
> also double. $12 weekly. MI. 9315. —8
338 FARRAGUT ST. N.W.—Neatly fur
nished single loom, next to bath; conv.
transp. Call RA. 0497
727 WEBSTER ST. N.W.—Large bright
room for 2. Prefer employed people.
' Near upper Ga. ave. $10 per week. RA.
97 03. —8
3669 PARK PL. N.W.—Large master bed
' room, next to bath, for 1 or 2; reasonable
price. GE. 2305. —7
191 I CALVERT ST. N.W.—For congenial
: couple, room, large closet, $5.50 ea. No
drinking. HO. 2975.
145 DLCA1UR ST. N.W.—Large master
bedrm.. extra large closet; telephone,
laundry and kitchen privileges. TA. 8676.
COLORED LADY, single, over 50 years old.
private room with use of modern home
free, for part-time companionship with
elderly lady. Must be neat and refined.
Streetcar and bus nearby. Good health
; and references required. Further infor
mation. write Box 463-Z. Star. —8
1 ployed, to share double rm. with another
eiri; seme privileges, no cooking. DE.
4929. —6
couple: all conveniences. DE. 9438 —7
Small room for nice quiet gentleman. $25
! a month. MI. 5038. 6*
COLORED—NICE KuOM for rent, share
couple. Call CO. 6749 7*
ING—New quarters available to discrimi
nating young women. Our furnished
looms are supervised. Inspiration House:
several baths to a floor: drawing and
diring rooms: planned programs: busi
ness workshops; classes available on prem
U st. n.w.. Ml. 2080.
1 sinelp and 1 rinuhlp rnnm with nrivilpeps.
newly decorated men preferred. 7*
COLORED—ttt-tifc FIRST ST. N.W.—Lge
front rrn., newly dec.: for empl. couple
or 2 g’rls: light cooking. EX 8568. —7
APT. 304—Nice reflr.ed girl to share room
with another girl.* $5.25 wk.. including
priviliges: inquire all day Sat. and all
, day Sun.; after 4 other days. NO. 6644.
COLORED—1031 17th ST. N.W., APT.'13
I —Quiet, colored girl to share room with
ia?*.other girl, all privileges: $6 week. HO.
; 04 72.
COLORED—2106 FIRST ST. N.W.—Double
room with twin beds for 2 respectable
I gentlemen, couple or 2 girls; no rooking.
DU 8632._—7
i MASTER BEDRM.. (win beds; prefer 2
'employed adults; private bath. AD. 7047.
I —9
4417 13th PL. N.E.—Master bedrm.. pvt.
bath and phone; conven. transp.; suitable
for 2; $50 mo. DU. 1524. —7
i 3 4 4 8th ST. N.E.—Light housekeeping
I room for rent. —7
i 132 C ST. N.E.—Double sleeping rm.. cool,
quiet: block from all transp. LU. 6133
512 TENNESSEE AVE.—Furnished sleeping
room, twin beds, next to bath; will rent
single or double. FR 9502. —8
THE MARICK. 13s B st. n.e.—Clean,
comfortable rms.. newly decorated, new
i furnishings. laundry facilities; sgle..
$37.50: dble.. $27.50; triple, $22.50.
TR. 9154. —8
816 EAST CAPITOL ST.—For nondrinking
gentleman: lge. front, newly decorated:
conven., comfortable and reasonable. LI.
9171. —7
conven. transp.; some kit. privils.: mature
lady pref, who appreciates a home. MI.
*’664. —8
1230 HOLBROOK TER. N.E.—Double rm..
i twin beds: J or 2 men, or women, or
roupl'v AT. 3624. —7
, 26 KENNEDY ST. N.E.—Clean, cool front
room, next to bath. pvt. home. RA. 1196.
NEAR MONASTERY. 4122 14th st. n.e.—
Nicely furn. master bedroom, private bath,
for refined young lady or gentleman: conv.
transp.; $40 a mo. HO. 5022 after 5 p.m.
333 16th ST. N.E.—Large, double front
room for 2. n>cely furn. with twin beds;
private bath, unlimited extension phone.
, FR. 3551. —7
Capitol st,—Spec. wkly. rates through win
ter mos.: good transp.: nr. Capitol. Library
of Congress and Supreme Court. AT. 5527.
623 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.- Large room,
twin beds. 2nd floor, next, bath, for 2;
conv transp. FR. 7927. —11
NEAR CATHOLIC U.—Large master, twin
beds. 1 nr 2 also single front for 1 gentle-;
mar. only. HO. 5402. 7* ,
621 7th ST. N.F.—Double, for 2 gentle-1
mer. $35 mo.: next bath: convenient to
transp and stores. FR 9557. —7*
1736 LANG PL. N.F.—Clean room in pri
vate home, next to bath. TR. 1189. 7*
102! KEARNY ST.—Front room, next
oath, in privatp home: employed couple.
*45 mo single. $38: near bus and street
car: laundiy privileges. AD. 0666. —7
106 B ST. N.E.—Sleeping rm . twin beds.
Rent single. $6.50 week double. $5 each.
Employed gent., no drinking. FR. 3848.
3li MD. AVF. N.E.—Lge. double front
room tw-in beds, near bath, handy to
transp. No drinkers. Phone AT. 0195.
123 4th ST.—Large front room, twin beds;
mii.ru iifiEnDornooa. *.>.>o wk. ea. lor 2;
*9 wk. for 1 FR. 0932. —7
W OODRIDGE--Double room (twin beds)
m private home of elderly married couple.
Excellent and pleasant neighborhood, close
fo R. I ave. car and Monroe st. bus. $10
per week. Phone NO. 8278. —7*
SOLE. ANT) DBLE. RMS., in quiet, refined,
pvi. home in rest. sec. Inner-spring mat
tresses: conv. transp MI 7852.
MICHIGAN PARK—Single room, furnished,
for rent. n°w home: $35 monthly. 5207
11th st. n.e . Call DU 45)34 •
9734 or MI. 8238. _7
1M7 STAPLES ST. N.E.— 1 dbl . 1 single,
next to bath, r.h.w unlim phone, nr.
transp : men preferred. LI. 1594. _7
3138 21th ST. N.E.— 1 dbl. rm., next to
bath, quiet home. nr. transp NO r,9,14 _7
LARGE FRONT RM.—Twin beds." kit .
laundry, phore privileges; 1 blk. off bus
line. LI. 7 595. _7
253 TENNESSEE AVE. N.E.—Large front
room, for employed roupie or 2 girls: $15
week. 7
1303 DOWNING ST. N.E.— Single room,
private home: rlore to streetcar; $8.50
per week. Phone PU. 7141. —7
COLORED—1313 EYE ST. VF,.—Large
front room, closets, hall, full kitrhen, bath;
rent reasonable, no children. *
airy, newly-papered room. 2 ladies or
couple: employed only._ *
HILLCREST. 2030 32nd pi s.e.—Large
1 twin basement bedrm.. pvt. ent. and
shower; Va blk. to bus, $25 ea. VI. 1037.
bedroom, large closet. 5 windows, tleohone
and shower, in large modprn home,
porches 2 acres of lawn: 1* or 2 gentle
men of good habits: one. $40 mo.: two.
$25 each. VI. 3539. —8
033 EAST CAPITOL ST.—Large front
room. 4 windows, twin beds; convenient
transp.: $45 mo. No drinking. LI. 9783.
810 G ST. S.E.—Dble. rm. next to bath,
wel’ furn.. in c ean, quiet, refined home.
Call FR. 4912 after 1 p m. —8
BF.Al TIFUL LGE. FRONT RM.. 3 windows.
1 next bath. 2 blks. north of Barney Circle
for cars and buses ail points, bus at corner;
1 $12 weekly. LU 2855
21 10th ST. S.E.—Single bedroom, quiet
girl: use of kit. with 2 girls. $8 week.
Conv. to transp. LI. 9411. 7*
TWO ROOMS and can use the kitchenette
for cooking. Man and wife. $37 a mo.
, DI. 3875. 12*
I 1019 G ST. S.E.—Beautiful Ige. front rm..
, 3 windows, next. bath. 2 blks. north of Bar
ney Circle for cars and buses all points,
bus at corner: $12 weekly. LU 2855.
2111 32nd PL. S.F.—Attractive room for
girl, pvt. home, use of phone. $32.50.
VI. 1084 —•
j 747 • Oth $T. 8.E.. APT. 5—Pleasant
, single sleeping room. conv. transp. LU
8285. ~7
ROOMS FURN —S.E, & S.W. (Con'tJ
BASEMENT APT.—Neatly furnished, twin
beds. ovt. entrance, pvt. bath, maid serv
ice. VI. 2322 Sat. and Sun. from 9 to^ 1.
COLORED—309 K ST. S.E.—Single man
to share room with another man; $7 50
per week._ "> *
REFINED GIRL to share rm. with another
girl; twin beds, laundry privileges: $25
per month GL. 0756. —7
comfortable home, with large lawn and
shade trees. Conv. transp., shopping cen
ter and restaurants. FA. J339-W. —6
ARL., VA.—Large front sleeping rm., large
closet: pvt. home; 2 baths; corner 10c
bus CH. 2236. —7
TAKOMA PARK—Men or students, rooms.
1 dble. I twin bed. 1 sgle.: pvt. entrance
and bath. SL 3607 after 6 p.m. —7
1399 31th ST.. Mt. Rainier. Md.—First
floor front, double bedroom, unlimited
phone, laundry privileges; $40. Breakfast
if desired. WA. 286S. —«
ACilOR \ HILLS—De luxe master bedrm
with pvt. bath: beautifully furn.: twin
beds: in pvt. home: desirable location;
conv. Pentason. Nrw. airport; gentle
men preferred. Call OW. 5299. —7
ARLINGTON. VA.—Twin-berirm.. adjoin
ing bath with shower. $20 mo. pa. for 2
men only; $35 for l; also sgl. rm. at $30.
CH. 3063. —7
ARLINGTON—Newly decorated, la^go lst
floor bedroom, adjacent to bath. In private
home, small family; conv. transp. and
shopping center. CH 9551. —7
partips. children, or drinking. Hillside
4692. —7
ARLINGTON—Single rm.: refined young
lady; conv. to bus; $0 wkly. OX. 0303.
I WILSON BLYD.—One large double
room, twin beds: suitable for married
couple or two gentlemen; twenty minutes
to downtown Washington. Phone Oxford
0463. 7*
2002 NO. STAFFORD. Arlington—Single
rm.. gentleman only, in pvt. family, close
to Lee hwv. bus; reas. GL. 4650. —,
ATTRACTIVE FURN. RM.. next to bath,
new' modern brick home, new community,
nearby Va.; conv. bus serv.: $30 per mo.
for one, $35 for couple. 5939 10th rd.,
No.. Arl.. Va. CH. 1624. .—-7
ARLINGTON. VA.. 1 blk. bus—Twin bed
rm.. adJ. bath with shower; $20 mo. each:
for 2 men only, $35 for 1. Newly constr.
arrri furn. CH. 3063. "TV,
lovely lge. rm., adjacent bath, access to
rest of house: kit privs.: home atmos
phere; one, $70 mo.; two, $80 per mo.
FA 1179-R —12
COMFORTABLE FRONT corner rm. for
lady, nearby Va.. near 10c bus. shop, cen
and bath. turn, or unfurn.: private party.
Owner on the premises. TA. 503a. —7
6718 3rd ST. N.W.—Large, bright, private
entrance; new apt. building; no cooking;
woman only; $20 mo. See janitor. —7
VERY QUIET ROOM for medical student.
Address Bo;: 7. Hawthorne. N. Y. ft*
WOMAN, settled, responsible, needs room,
accessible to Mt. Pleasant car. Would like
to use own hot plate. P. O. Box 2219.
Washington 12. D. C. ft*
tious. reliable, desperately need moderate
ly priced living quarters in private home.
Prefer private bath and separate cooking
arrangement. Woodley 2129 after ft p.m.
dental students desire rooms in Burleith.
Foxhall. Georgetown and Glover Park.
Please list accommodations with OFFICE
OF THE REGISTRAR by calling WO. 7000.
ROOMS NEEDED for students of Catholic
Univ. Call MI. ftOOO. Ext. 45-09. —12
nicelv furnished room with private bath,
telephone and refrigerator, in vicinity ol
Dunont, Circle or Northwest area; willing
to pay up to $75 month. Saturday and
Sunday, call Owens 0972; Republic ftftOO,
Ext. 2240, during week. R. C. HUFFMAN.
mead pi.—Dbie. and sgle. rms. available
new: Amer. plan: excel, meals; friendly
atmosphere. HO. 35R6. —‘
1101 IHth N.W.—Large triple, newly
decorated dble.: also single: clean, cool
residence, selected menus, switchboard;
1827 BELMONT RD. N.W.—Vacancies for
young people to share: veteran students
preferred; also nice double for couple;
clean, quiet house, delicious meals sup
plied by cur own farm; $45 each mo.
MI. 9425. , —
cies in this popular guesthouse. 1/12
New Hampshire ave. n.w.
1.225 l«th ST. N.W., The Mar-Leeta—
Nice rooms for young ladies and young men;
running v.ater. telephones in rooms; ele
vator. showers: excellent board 7*
175ft N ST. N.W.—Enjoy a ‘ home away
from home' this winter, delicious food;
ideal location: $45 to $50.
and women; outstanding good food and
service, pleasant surroundings. 2012 Mass,
ave. n.w.. DE. 9798. —12
ROOM FOR TWO GIRLS, with or without
meals: pvt. home: telephone and laundry
.privileges. GE. 2104. —8
LADY, white, about 20. pref. teacher or
Govt. worKer. in exchange for board and
lovely room, to assist elderly couple, not as
servant, in cooking and l.h.k. No drinking
or smoking. Apply after ft p.m., Apt. 205,
1852 Columbia rd n.w —8
1109 Iftth ST. N.W.—Doubles and singles
to share; studio for 2 art students; reason
able rates. —8
725 OGLETHORPE ST. N.W.—2 meals, in
cluding Sunday, in congenial gentile home
of adults: home privileges; on express bus
line; $55 a mo. Man only. Cali TA. 0290.
Va. to couples or gentlemen: on busline.
20 min. downtown. Rates reasonable. Ph.
FA. .91 7-W-2. W
cancy; douBfle rrn . pvt. bath. 2005 Mass,
ave. n.w., CO 9742. —12
1101 16th ST. N.W.—Large double lor
girls: girl to share double with another girl.
Single for man; switchboard, excellent food
and service. —15
st. n.w.—Double room, twin beds, next
bath. Good home-cooked food. —7
for four gentlemen or two couple. Delicious
meals at adjacent tea room. Lovely_liv.
room at disposal of guests. GL. 5742.
1024 No. Garfield st.. Arlington. —7
1625 16th ST. N.W.—Room and board.
Room for 3 and also room to share. Ex
cellent meals. Call HO. 9375. —1 1
1322 FAIRMONT ST.—Young man. good
habits, share with another man. nice home;
good meals; $40 mo. CO. 3065, —8
DESIRED by lather and high-school-aced
daughter, accommodations with meals for
daughter, private home near Coolidge High
School; refs. exch. Box 317-B. Star. 7*
WANTED OCT. 1, rm. and board, by retired
Govt, cleric (womani; nr. Catholic church,
n.w. DE. 5949. —7
EMPLOYED MOTHER desires room, hoard
with day care for child, aged 4; references.
Box 357-B. Star. 8*
REFINED, middle-aged retired lady: private
room with board; n.w. section. DU. 2290.
EMPLOYED MOTHER wants day carp for
v?ar-olri boy and live in herself: Arlington
or Northwest Washington preferred. Box
3RR-B. Star. 9*
ELDERLY I.ADY. good health, desires room
and board: pvt. family; attractive atmo
sphere i^wy^Arh_preferredJ_CH^_6105;_;;=7
desirable tenants. List your apartments
and rooms with us. NELSON A?. THOMAS.
415 Florida avc. n.w.
service: furniture moving and hauling:
trunks and baggage AT. 2759 or PR.0386
VETERANS, starting Business, will move
you day or evenings; reasonable rates;
light hauling a specialty. GE. 4651.
VETERANS—Moving and hauling: new
trucks, responsible help; cargo insured;
estimates cheerfully given. MI. 6189.
MOVING BY VETERAN of experience with
new truck, careful handling. Call any time;
reasonable rates. MR. COOK, GL. 5137.
Reas, rates: will accept your surplus fur
niture gs part payment on your moving,
storage; local, long-dist. moving. TA. 293t.
Reas, rates; will take your surplus furni
ture as part payment on moving. JOHN
GLOVER. GL, 6160. DE. 6650. _ 7*
ARLINGTON—2 bedrooms. living room,
kitchen, bath: utilities furnished, $150 per
month; 3 adults: conv. to Navy and Pen
tagon Bldi:s Call CH. 0940. —6
SMALL APARTMENT. 532 10th st..
for :niddle-ased lady and nonworking
mother: $45 per mo. Write LOUIS OSTI.
above address. _—3
COUPLE, refined, to share home; $60. Box
26T-C. Star —«
WORKING LADY to share apt. and board
in exrhange for care of 2 small children in
evening. Apply before 4 p.m., 3520 Clay
n e.. Apt. 3. —
CRF.STWOOD AT 16fh N.W.—Bachelor
am . 2 mis., bath; adults only; $100
per mo. TA. 7539. —6
GIRL TO SHARE apartment with con
genial girl. 612 19th st.. Apt. 1: $30 per
mo.; near Geo. Wash. Univ. Ph. DI. 966o.
ARLINGTON—Young man to share fur
nished 2-bedroom anartment with another
TYIQn vrf evrh Dnv O Cte, •
SUBLEASE from Sept. 15 to Nov. 1, 1-bed
room apt ; nearby Va. OV. 1242. —6
ATTRACTIVELY furn. apt., modern kit,,
bath, two combination liv.-bedrms.: util
ities. linen, dishes, cutlery: everything in
cluded s 150 mo : only considerate. Quiet
couple desired: 3303 O st. n.w., adjacent
to bus and car HO. 0P25. —7
YOUNG WIDOW wishes to share house
with other young widow; young child ac
cepted. day care given if desired: $50
mo. Call WC. 4929 or Box 34-C. Star.—7
GIRL. 20-25. to share attractive apt. in
Lee Gardens. Arlington, Va., with another
girl: $35. GL. 3090. —7
ANACOSTIA, S. E.—Refined girl to share
nicely furn. studio apt. in modern apt.
bldg, with another girl: $30. AT. 1927
or 2025 Fendall st. s.e . Apt. 206. —7
ARLINGTON—Available Sept. 15. bachelor
apt. for 1 or 2 men. 1 bedrm . liv.. rm..
completely furn., private bath with shower.
! Frigidaire. all outside rms. with private
; entrance. $135 a month. Box 266-C,
Star. —8
FURN., 2 rms.. kitchen and semipvt. bath:
i adults only: near bus; $60 mo. Call
i before noon. CH. 4086. —7
: ENTIRE 1 «t-FLOOR APT., lovely living
i room, bedroom, sun porch and kitchen,
j newly decorated, utilities, exclusive jieigh
I borhood: gentile home; 2 or 3 empl.
adults, no children, pets or noisy parties;
! 1st and last mo. rent in advance; ref.;
j $135 month. 1454 Spring rd. n.w. •
LADY to she.r* lovely bedroom apt. with
another lady. $45. 4564 MacArthur blvd
n.w. OR. 24«P. 7*
ill MADISON ST. N.W.—Bed-living rm.
kitchen and Rath apt. lor working couple,
conv. trans^ *75. GE. 7819. t•
i 5016 THIRD ST. N.W.—Lovely basement.
I one room apartment for one or two single
persons, fireplace. private entrance,
shower and lavatory: conv. transp.; $45
for one, $60 for two. 7*
1831 LAMONT ST. N.W.—2 bedrooms,
living room, modern kitchen, bath, utili- j
ties: 2 or 3 men: $135. —8
1414 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—One-rm. apt.,
refgr., light cooking, semipvt. bath: 2
empl. people: $32.50 each. —7 '
GIRL to share 2-bedrm apt. with 3
Jewish girls: $22.50. 812 Kennedy st.
n.w. TA. .3351. 7*
918 M ST. N.W.—Four rooms, bath: close
to transportation; $80. TE. 4674. —7
REFINED LADY or girl to share 3-room
apt. with congenial lady: separate beds. '
living room: home atmosphere, in quiet
home: $30 a month. 139 C street s.e.,
3d floor. • i
707 MT. VERNON PL. N.W., at K and 7th
sts.—Large, beautiful front room (stoop): i
good for studio, office or anyiight business;
may help finance small proposition. MI.
7298 or RA. 7047. bet. 10-12 daily. 7* j
children. 320 V st n e.
3512 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Nicely furnished
bachelor apt.: sitting room. 2 bedrooms,
foyer with plectric refrigerator, bath:
suitable for 2: $50 each. No cooking. —7
GIRL, share, liv. rm.. kitchen, dinette. 1
bed»m., bath, with another girl; $30. 116;
Wayne pi. s.e.. LU. 4686. —7
2723 ONTARIO RD. N.W—1 -rm. furn.
apt.; semipvt. bath; for 1 employed per
son: $45. MI. 9591. —7
BSMT. APT., avail, for empl. parents and
child over 5; $50; care of child extra; conv. ,
15th st. n.w. sec. TA. 5307. Box 3-A. Star
BACHELOR APT., 1321 Kenyon st. n.w..
$45. Inspect Sunday only. See MR. HUNT.
LARGE STUDIO RM. and pvt. bath, ga
rage: conv. bus: Arl : nondrinkers. CH.
1439. eves, or Sat. and 8un. —-7 i
623 A ST. N.E.—Liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit. and
semipvt. bath: no children: telephone, utils,
incl.: c.h.w.: $79 mo. AT. 3755.
51 I A ST. S.E.—Bed-living room, kitchen:
middle-aged, employed, married* couple;
$15 week. FR. 9297. —7
YOUNG VET. 24, col. grad., wishes share
his 2-room, kit., bath. Mt. Pleasant apt.
with same: $40. Box 383-B. Star. 8*
498 MARYLAND AVE. S.W.—2 rms . kit.,
on 3rd fi.. share bath on 2nd fl ; $15 wk.
i* •
1 GIRL TO SHARE APT. with 2 other
girls; $35 mo. Thomas Circle. Call DI.
4925 after 6 p.m. or Box 447-A, Star. —7
705 18th ST. N.W.—Will share bedroom,
living room, kitchenette and bath apart
ment with another young woman; $45. Call
EX. 4 700. Ext. 1104. —7
STUDIO APT. in new home: empl. couple:
j $65 Bradbury Heights or Seat Pleasant;
Duoont st. —7
KENSINGTON—Will share new home; new
, bedrm. downstairs; adjoining bath; 10
min. by bus from Silver Spring; $55. Sgle.
bedrm. also available. PL. 0840. —8
WANTED—One girl to share 3-rm. apt.
with 2 other gentile girls; $35 mo. 1322
15th st. n.w.. DE. 3922. —7
1303 P ST. N.W'.. off 14th st—1 rm..
kitchen, semipvt. bath, refrigerator, partly
furn. DU. 5548.
DOWNTOWN. 1710 M n.w.—2nd fl . one
rm. studio apt.: place to cook; for 2 or 3;
share bath: $15. —7
1- ROOM BACHELOR APT.. 1317 Irving
st. n.w—Light cooking privils., refgr.;
*10 week. AD. 0350. NO. 4591. —12
GEORGETOWN—Furn.. living rm.. bedrm..
small study, porch, kitchen and bath; $95
per month including heat and janitor
service: lease required; settled couple
only. Inspection Sun.. 11 am. to 12
noon. 3032 Que st. n.w.. Apt. 22.
2- ROOM AND BATH APT., Frigidaire.
254L ]3th st. n.w.: $57.50 a month. Also
3- room bsmt. apt.: $50. Good transp. —8
fi-ROOM AND BATH APT., 3 bedroomsi
large liv. and dining rooms, modern elec,
stove in kit.; located at Georgia ave. and
Sheridan st. n.w.; 3-year lease required:
$150 per mo . neat included. Call GE.
9180 from 10-6 p.m. Box 234-C, Star.
move September 15 by return of owner.1
urgently require twTo or three bedroom !
apartment; preferably in N. Arlington or i
n.w. CH. 4428. • I
COMB. LIV.-BEDRM. rff. apt.: ideal work.1
cpl. or bachelor; pvt. lav.: 10 min. Penta
gon; 1 blk. bus. section. GL. 4499.
NR. SOLDIERS HOME—2 rms . kit. and
bath: settled, perm. empl. couple: no chil
dren or pets; $65; iefs. Box 192-C. Star.
FOR YOUNG COUPLE — Lovely bedrm.,
; next bath, access, to rest of house, kit.
and laundry privils.. unlim. phone, home
atmosphere; $15 a week. Hillside 6093.
VETERAN, Government employed mother, ,
urgently need 2-bedroom, furnished apt., i
n.w. section: apt. house preferred: by Sept.
15, not over $100 month. Box 141-B, Star, j
6* |
WOULD LIKE small, furnished apartment. !
by Sept. 15. for 2 or 3 adults. Box 143-B, •
8tar. 6*
APT., 2 RMS., kitchen, bath, in D. C.
apt. house: vet’s widow, perm. Govt, em
ploye, 12 yrs. in same dept.: Navy son
home occasionally; refs. AX. 4218 after
6 p.m. 14*
EXECUTIVE A-l organization desires one
bedroom unfurnished modern apt., in n.w.;
up to $100. Box 431 -Z, Star. 8*
i EFFICIENCY or 1-bedroom, unfurn., n.w.
1 section: permanent Govt, girl in 30a. CO.
8062 after 5:30 D.m. daily. 6*
COLLEGE GRADUATE, wife, both perm
employed, will pay 6 months rent in adv.
for small furn. or unfurn. apt., n.w. No
children or pets. Box J84-B, Star. 8*
VETERAN, perm. cmol. with radio engr..
wife and baby daughter urgently need 1
or . ueuirn.. uhiii nyi. ui iiuusr. tmi iuiii..
*60 unfurn.; guarantee best care; quiet.
, sober, clean, no pets; refs. Call FR. 6613.
VETERAN, wife and boy need one or two
bedroom apartment; forced to move. Call
LI. 5747 anytime. 7*
TWO professional women desire apt. Call
Victor 1567 between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. 6*
ABOUT TO BE MARRIED, no place to go;
i please, need small apt., furnished or no.
Box'195-B. Star. 7*
1 bedroom furnished apt., private, n.w., up to
$H5. MRS. PALIN, TA. 5918 after 5:30.
1 desire furn. or unfurn. apt.; pref Arl.,
' conv. Navy Annex; $60. TW. 8531 after
7 p.m. 7*
HELP US live in our own city—Washing
ton-born vet., wife and daughter need
apartment. Republic 1429, 9 to 6. Colum
! bia 0417, after 6. 9*
i employed couple for a 1-bedroom, living
room, kitchen and bath unfurnished apt.
i Sligo 8873, evenings. 7*
UNFURN. 1 OR 2 BEDRM. APT.: 2 perm.!
Govt, girls; in vicinity of s.e. or n.e. Call
EX. 2040, Ext. 4364, between 8-5 p.m. or
ME. 1581 after 6. 7* i
REFINED COUPLE. 1 child (5). need 2
1 or 3 bedrm. apt. or house in n.w., Chevy
' Cha?e or Bethesda: long-term lease; de
sire to purchase furniture. Call GL. 73j>5.
TWO QUIET, AMIABLE, young gentlemen
with steady income desire 3-room apt..
! in n.w.; price optional. Call DE. 7280
1 between 1 and 7 p.m. 6*
FURN. OR UNFURN. 3-room apt.; 2 adults.
Call AD. 6837, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Ask for
DON 7*
URGENT—Unfurn. reg. or basement apt.;
prefer n.w.. near Powell or MacFarland;
mother and 2 sons. RA 3635. 7*
desperately needs 1-bedrm. apt., unfurn.;
no children or pets: desirable location:
refs. Call RE. 6700, Ext. 2538 or DE
7728 after 6:30 p.m. 7*
TWO LADIES, refined, gentile, business,
desire room, twin beds, with breakfast,
privileges; by Oriober 1: references ex
changed. Box 304-B. Star 7*
BY MOTHER, dad and 4-week-old Danny:
urgent: honest, neat and permanent. Jack
son 2008-J after 6 p.m. 11*
room apt.. Turn, or unfurn.. n.w. D. C
or Arlington; $50 maximum. Call GL. 3423
after 6 p.m. 7*
VET. WIFE and 3-week-old baby, desire
1-room. kit. bath, unfurnished apartment,
immediately; limit. $50. TR. 5330. 6* i
UN-DESPERATE househunting bachelor.!
will consider 2-3 room apt.: not necessarily!
near bus. trolley or anything at all: intends!
to repay hospitality of friends, cook, drink, i
smoke and read. Box 305-B. Star. 7*
ladv; or l.h.k. rooms, a.m.i.; entirely pri-1
vale. Box 301-E, Star. 8*
NAVY LT. COMDR. (permanently assigned)
and wife (no children or pets) desire 3
rocm. bath apt . furnished or unfurnished.
Box 222-B Star. 7*
CONSCIENTIOUS, reliable young veteran
and wife desperately need moderately
priced furnished or unfurnished efficiency
apartment or other private living quarters.
WO. 3129 after 6 p.m. 6*
i nnm furnished am . Northwest section or
Arlington. Cali COL CRAIU. rentaj;on.
Ext. 4038, or DU. 0066. 7*
dents, infant son, wish to lease two or
i three bedroom apartment, unfurnished or
partially furnished, preferab y Northwest
residential. Bethesda, Chevy Chase or
: North Arlington area. Call Republic 6326,
I Extension 800. , 7*
unfurn. apt., preferably in the n.w.
Two rooms and kitchen. HO- >733. 6*
NEWLYWEDS urgently need apt.. 3 rms..
kit and bath: nref. unfurn. Please call
!EM. 5140. 7*
VETERAN STUDENT and bride want un
furnished apartment. Call HO. 0457
after 7 p.m.
or pets, seeking 1 or 2 bedroom apart-!
ment. furnished or unfurnished, preferably
Northwest. Will nay $85. Cal, North
7332. Ext. 207. , 11**
I RM„ kit. and BATH: 2 or 3 blks. from
Arcade Market. AD. 0440. ARCADE
MARKET , J . —8.
COUPLE, with twe children, need two-bed
room unfurn. apartment. WI. 3077. 6
ployes of Capital Transit Co., who have
families- need private apts. and houses.
If you have a house or private, apt. to
I rent to a family, call MI. 8383. Ext. 672.
Monday through Friday. 9 a m. to 5 p m.:
must have private kitchen and bath and
i rent under $75. , .
TWO - BEDROOM APT. urgently needed,
i veteran must have before Sept 20: nave
! subleased an apt to then. SILVERMAN,
• GE. 2785. 7*
RESPONSIBLE PARTY desires sublet small
apt. one month commencing Sept. 15.
Box 2I8-B. Star. 7*
6-year-old son desire unfurn. apt., n.w or
rearby Md. Call WO. 0004. 1<>*
AAF MAJOR, wife and daughter desire
furnished one or two bsdrm. apt. RE.
6700. Ext. 4737. 8 to 5 days. 8"
CIVIL SERVICEMAN and wile, no chil
j dren, need small apt. in Arlington or
Alex. GI„ 2833. 7*
! G W STUDENT desiring clean, centrally
located, small apt or large room. Write
| MR HO.1416 Varnum st. n.w. «•
G. W. STUDENT VETERAN and employed
wife urgently need apartment vicinity of
G. W. VI. 8260. Ext. 5:6. 10*
RESIDENT MGR.—Woman will take posi
tion in exchange for downtown apt. ^TE
■furnished apt by Oet. 1; no children, no
smoking or drinking: both work. Box 20b
B star ”
STUDIO-1-BEDROOM APT . private bath,
kitchen. In 8ilv»r Spring or n.w . by adut^
i MISS YOUNKER. SH. 8889 after o mm.
TWO OB MORE ROOMS with kitchen or
kitchen privileges for chemist, wife and 3
year-old son: for about 3 motnhs; adjoin
ing yard desirable but not necessary: in
or out of District. Call Twining 0854 be
tween 7 and 9 p.m. daily; bet. 3:30 and
6:30 p.m. Sunday. 7*
COUPLE desires 1-bedroom apt., furn. or
unfurn.. in modern apt. bldg., n.w. loca
tion. Call DU. 6500, Ext. 227, eves. 6*
n.w. apartment: groom will take now. both
empl., quiet cple. R. DAVIS, 3306 O st. n.w.
VETERAN. ex-WAVE wife and 2V2-yt*ar
old son desire 3-room furn. or unfurn.
apt.: can pay to *50 a month; urgently
needed. AT. 5502. 7*
er desire to sublease Oct., Now. 1 or 2
bedroom furn. apt., n.w. section. EM.
0294. —7
NAVY COMMANDER and wife, no chil
dren desire furnished small apt. or house;
Northwest cr Arlington. CO. 4230. 7*
QUIET young couple to be married 1st of
October desires small apt., furn. or unfurn.:
both employed, nondrinkers. Phone LI.
1339. 7*
YOUNG COUPLE urgently needs 2-3-rm.
unfurn. apt., n.e. or s.e.: up 550. MI.
2845 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 7*
furn. apt.; 1. bedroom, living room, kitchen,
bath: for 2 adults by Oct. 1st. Brookland
preferred. DU. 9631 bet. 1 and 6 p.m. 6*
COUPLE with year-old baby need 3-room,
bath furn. apt . by Sept. 12. RA. 2219.
6-8 p.m. Fri.. all day Sat and Sun. 7*
.3 GIRLS, college grads., desire furn. apt.:
pvt. bath, kit : conv. new State Dept GL
6900. Maine Hail F-116. MISS JACKSON,
after 7 or Sat. and Sun. (all day). 7*
YOUNG COUPLE. Govt. employe. wife ex
pecting baby, urgently need 1 or 2 room
furnished or unfurnished apt. Pay up to
860. Call SH. 0805 after 6 D.m. Fri. Any
time Sat. and Sun. 7*
UNFURN. APT., by perm, bachelor. Govt,
empl.: 2,/2 rooms: lip to 875: no parties:
dc^ntown n.w. or nearby Va. prei. Call
WI. 0461 after 7 D.m. 6*
WANTED, small 1 or 2 room aDartment.
unfurnished or partially furnished. By
refined South American lady, employed in
foreign servicp: must, he in ennri down
town section. Preferably in private resi
dence and with independent entrance. Box
261-B Star. 7*
REFINED, middle-aged couple, no children,
desire furnished apt. in gentile home,
n.w. section. WO. 3327. —7
STUDENT and wife, nurse, desire a 3
room. furn. or unfurn apt., private bath.
Box 445-A. Star. —6
ARLINGTON or Alexandria. 2-bedroom
house or apt., furn. or unfurn.. wanted
by naval officer and wife, no children,
will consider purchasing furniture. HO.
6264. —7
I URN. OR UNFURN.: naval officer’s widow,
n.w. section preferred. Call WO. 4523
YOUNG VET and wife want unfurnished
one-bedroom apt., private bath: reason
able: s.e. or n.e. Phone VI. 4041. —6
URGENTLY NEEDED, a lurn. or unfurn
apt.: regular Air Force officer. Phone
OR 07 83 or RE. 6700, Ext. 71093. —7
LOCAL COUPLE need apt., n.w. section;
$9(i mo. RUSSELL. TA. 1341. —7
EMPLOYED COUPLE desire apt bet Sept.
21-Oct. 1: furn. or unfurn., prefer Arling
ton: reasonable rent. OW. 7657 Sat. and
Sun. 7*
THREE OR FOUR ROOM unfurnished
private apt.: must be quiet; best refer
ences. Box 31 0-B, Star. 7*
furn. apt. on or close to bus route to
Baltimore. NO. 5082. —7
GOVT. EMPLOYE, wife, 2 children desper
ately need 2-bedroom unfurnished quar
ters. commuting distance D. C. Falls
Church 2550-W. 3 1*
VETERAN and bride-to-be desire 2 or 3
room and bath apartment, furnished or
unfurnished; up to $75. WO. 7749 after j
6 p.m. 7*
2-BEDROOM APT., unfurnished: perma-1
nent or completely furn,. sublet; n.w. apt j
bid", pref.; atomic energy official, wife!
and adult daughter: highest references:
urgently needed Oct 1. Box 280-B, Star.'
7* i
TWrO-BEDROOM or Targer apartment or j
house, furnished or unfurnished: by Stale;
Dept, official for his family of four adults !
EM 6971. 7*
wife desire one-bedroom furn. apt., n.w.
area- best references. RA. 4391 after 6. 7* j
ARMY COL., about to retire, desires fur-!
nisheu am. for 3 adults: rent. S100 to)
$125: will consider unfurnished. Box 239
B. Star. 7*
room. furnished or uniurnished, in Silver
Spring or vicinity. Phone UN. 1072. 6*
and wife need unfurn. apt.. $72 limit. No
children, no pets, best refs. NA. 8665
till 5:30 p.m. Glebe 67 21 after 7 and
Sunday. 7*
RESPONSIBLE mother and grown daugh
ter desires a small apt. or home. SH.
1611 or PL. 8602. —6
Maryland, and wife desire furnished apart
ment in Silver Spring. Sligo 6961. 0*
ARMY OFFICER and wife desire apt. In
vicinity of Alexandria: no pets; no chil
dren. Call CO. 0035 after 5:30 p.m. —6
Md. for veteran, wife and l-yr.-old baby.
PL. 04*20. —6
WANTED until Dec. 15, furn. housekeeping
apt., 2 bedims.; for responsible adults,
mother and son; best ref. Box 169-B, Star.
fers unfurnished 2 or 2 rm. apt. or bunga
low in n.w. or Va. CO. 1884. —12
SALES MANAGER for steel company and
wife desire one bedroom, furnished or
unfurnished apt. or small house: no chil
dren or pets: permanent residents. Phone
Warfield 9280. 8*
APARTMENT desperately needed by S Sgt..
wife and small baby. Phone GL. 1541.
VET AND WIFE urgently need 1 -bedroom
apartment, unfurn.. no children or pets;
wife employed; prefer n.w. section. Call
RE. 3279 during the day, call NO. 3536
after 5 p.m. «•
GOVT. EMPL. and wife. 6 yrs. son. need
apt.. 2 rooms, kit. and bath. MR or
MRS. R. PIRTLE, LI. 8002. 8*
ENGINEER AND WIFE desire furnished
apartment, preferably n.w. section; not
over $ 125. Phone GL. 3764. •
WANTED—Small furnished apt. for Geo.
Wash. Univ. student and wife; vet. R E
CLUTE. Allen Lee Hotel. 8*
NEWLYWEDS need apt. by Oct. 1: one
two rooms, kit., bath; unfurn. pref., conv.
to Silver Spring and downtown Call
Miss Shorday, DI. 5260. Br. 367. wkdays.
8:45 to 5:15 or RE. 3404, Br. 604, after
7:30 p.m. and week end. 8*
URGENTLY NEEDED by veteran college
student and permanently employed moth
er, small Quiet unfurn. apt. in n.w : pref
erably in vicinity of American University.
Box 316-B Star. 7*
1 RM., KIT., and bath, unfurn., needed
desperately at once. Home, AD. 0320;
office. DI. 5050. Ext. 2751. 7*
BACHELOR—Ex-Army capt.. unfurnished
1-bedrm. or efficiency apartment: n.w.
section; apt. house. Box 372-B. Star. 8*
PERM. GOVT. EMPLOYE desires unfurn
apt. in D. C. or vicinity: references. Call
MRS. BAKER. FR 8207. 7*
room apartment. Call MISS KEATON.
Victor 6629. 7*
VETERAN, wife and baby urgently In need
of large bedroom, living room, kitchen and
bath. HI. 5238. 8*
TWO BED RMS., liv. rm.. kitchen and bath:
Conn. ave. preferred; will sublet. Please
call NA. 0484. 7*
EFFICIENCY or 2-rm. furn. or unfurn.
apt., by Christian couple. No smoking,
drinking, children or pets. Box 229-E,
Star. 7*
RADIO ENGINEER needs 2-bedroom furn
apt. for 2 months: wife and 20-month-old
son. Phone EX. 0255; 7*
REGISTERED NURSE needs 1 or 2 bedrm .
unfurn. apt : 2 adults. 1 srhool-age child;
conv. to transp. MRS. SMITH. EM. 6936.
UNFURNISHED 1-bedroom apartment by
October 1: couple, no children. Phone
North 1756. 7*
Furnished or infurnisheri apartment in
Northwest. Cad DE. 1646 7*
12-year-old daughter desire apt ; will
share ant. or house. HO 4773. 7*
VETERAN, wife and infant, need 1 or 2
bedroom unfurnished apartment. Call DE.
1600. E>-t. 505 7*
EMPLOYED COUPLE, both ex-Navy offi
cers. desire efficiency or bedroom furn.
apartment. Call DE. 1600, Ext. 506. 8*
WASHINGTON, D. C.. or vicinity—Fur
nished apt. or house with 2 or 3 bedrooms:
from Sept. 15, for P months. Write Box
374-B. Star. 8*
GENTLEMAN and grown daughter desire
furnished apartment or small house; two
bedrooms: n.w. D. C.; highest references.
Box 375-B. Star. 7*
VETERAN and expectant wife desperately
n*cd an unfurnished apartment. Call
AT. 6690. 8*
DOCTOR pnd family desire unfurnished
2 or 3 bedroom house; permanent; local
nu.'pi iai Mian ucj. iijn, r>
VETERAN, wife. 2 children: need 2-bed
room apartment: will pay 6 mo', in ad
vance. Please help us. SL. 14*4. —7
VETERAN, wife, expecting child, need 1
or 2 bedroom apartment, furn. or unfurn..
nermanent. PL. 0742. —*
student and employed wife, desire a furn.
or unfurn. apt in n.w. or suburban Wash
ington. MI. 26118. •—7
NAVY VETERAN, just returned from
China, urgently needs 1-bedroom furnished
apt . preferably in apt. bldg. Quiet, re
fined couple. Price not over ¥65 mo. Call
Shepherd 7483 bet 4-R p.m. 7*
PERM. GOVT. LADY emp oye desires un
furnished efficiency apt. irt Northwest
section. Box 249-B. Star. 7*
ONE-BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished
apartment for veteran and wife. Not ever
$65. Temole 3495 7*
gress. perm., desires small furn. or unfurn.
apt. in Mt Pleasant. Kalorama or Cleve
land pk. are?. NO. 8621 eve or Sun.
p.m.. or NA. 2722, Ext. 414 weekdays 8*
GOVT. EMPLOYE desires 2 or 3 bedroom
apartment or house. Two adults and child
of 7 Box 336-B. Star. R*
EX-NAVAL LT. and expectant wife desire
furn. or unfurn. apartment up to ¥90.
Please call OV 2305 after 5 p m. R*
2-BEDROOM FURN. APT., n.w. section:
4 refined girls. References furnished. EM.
4loi after 6 weekdays R‘
APARTMENT. 2 BEDROOMS or house, un
furn.. up to ¥100. Permanent World
Bank economist, wife, baby. Substantial
rent in advance. TA. 9540. 7*
2-BEDROOM APARTMENT. 3 adults: n.w.
nr*f.: *'ic. Scott and Thomas circles.
NO. 3739. , , 7*
APARTMENT. 1 or 2 rms.. with kit. or
kit. privils.; young couple. GE. 6992. —R
VETERAN and bride-to-be in desperate
need of an unfurnished apt., preferably In
n.w. section: both employed. If you have
a bedrm., living rm.. dinette, kitchen and
bath, please be kind enough to call TA.
8940, evenings after 7, and Sunday, JL-6.
TWO YOUNG LADIES, registered nurses,
permanent, desire three rooms, modern
good neighborhood, furnished or unfur
nished: prefer n.w. Owens 7053 after 1
p.m. Sat. and all day Sunday. •
FURNISHED 3-RM. APT., modern. 2
adults; no children or pets; best of refer
ences. Phone DE. 2296 •
QUIET U. S. NAVAL OFFICER requires one
or two room apt. with kitchenette and
bath or one-rm. efficiency; must be within
walking dist. Geo. Wash. Univ. COMDR.
FLANAGAN. DI. 4150. Ext 405 •
UNFURN. 2-BEDROOM APT., centrally lo
cated: max., ¥125 per month occupancy
immediate or soon: Govt, official tperm.
vjvil *erv ce. highest grade), wife and col
lege *or* WI. 4954. . . . . ' _
a»*T.. FURNISHED or unfurnished V C
or neafby Md . no children or pets, ref
erencej^furnished. Phone CH. 8093. —7
' <v*
ployed wife (husband in Army), desires
three-room furnished apartment, private
bath, in Hyattsville. Maryland, or vicinity i
or vicinity of Walter Reed General Hos-1
pital. Call WA. 8078 between 10 a m. :
and 6 p.m. Sat. or Sun. 7*
G. W. STUDENT (vet) and employed wife
urgently need apartment. Call MI. 2952.
ask for MR. DAVIDSON
EVICTED AFTER 10 YEARS, need 2-bed
room apt or 6-room house. HO. 3476 or
Box 326-B. Star. 7*
and baby need apartment, prelerably s.e.
location. LI. 6339 8*
2 YRS. IN WASHINGTON, looking for 1
bedrin. unfurn. apt. or house. Call MR.
MONTGOMERY, RE. 4142, Ext. 5677 or
NA. 5460. Ext. 302. •
UNFURNISHED HOUSE or apt , in Mont
gomery County, for veteran and family.
Call WI. 7466. —8
EMPL. GOVT. LADY nnd son. perm. int..
in D. C., desire 1 or 2 bedrm. unfurn.
apt.: up to S70: no pets, no children,
best references. TA. 8603. —8
REGULAR ARMY MAJOR and wife desire
apt. or small house, vicinity Washington,
on or before Oct. 1, no children or pets;
will take excellent care of property. GL.
0253. —8
VETERAN AND BRIDE desire unfurnished
apt. by Oct. 1. in n.w. section: no pets,
no children. WA. 8770, or AT. 1111. —7'
VETERAN. WIFE and child desire 2-bed-'
room unfurnished apt., in Md. suburban
area. WI. 5492. —8
bedronm housekeeping apt Northwest
Washington or Va RE. 7400, Ext. 2091
days: NO. 0114 nights. —12
FOR THEIR HEALTH and happiness, 2
firls neea a light housekeeping apt. of
1 bedroom, sitting room, kitchenette and
bath, in Dupont, Circle area. Call AD.
ooi4. —8 ;
army MAJOR AND WIFE, no children,
pets, desire to sublease tor 4 or 6 months
furnished or unfurnished Georgetown or
Northwest Washington. WA. 2237. —14
REFINED COUPLE with l-yr.-old child
in need of J or 2 bedroom apt., pay up to
*60. Call after 6 p.m.. LI. 4799.
UNFURNISHED or furnished apt . in s.e..
by veteran and nurse, by Sept 15. Call
VI. 4548. —T
bedrooms, living room, bath and kitchen.
DU. 7566. —7
room, kitchen and bath unfurnished anart
ment Call North 4258. _ T* :
VA.. CLOSE IN; will exchange beautiful
1- bedrm. garden apt. for small downtown
apt. TE. 2267. 9* !
including kit., bath, terrace, in exchange
for 1 or 2 bedrm. apt. Call CO. 7744.
Ext. 305-East. •—0 i
MODERN UNFURN. 2-bedroom apart
ment. Suitland. Md.. for similar in
Washington, preferably n.w. Box 2'3-B,
Star, or RA. 2330. 7*
WILL EXCHANGE 2-rm. kit., dinette and
bath apt. at Suitland Manor. Md . for
2- bedrm. kit. and bath in n.e. or s.e.
Washington. HI. 4413. •—7
EXCHANGE NEW YORK apartment in
Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn for
apartment or house in Washington or
suburbs. Call Adams 3277 from S) a m.
to « p.m.: after 6 pm., call Trinidad
5300 or Randolph 5817. 7"
WILL EXCHANGE lge. rm with cooking
facilities and bath. Beacon Hill. Boston,
for a email apt., n.w. section. WO. 7657:
between 12 and 2. —7
NEW YORK FOR WASH.—Two-room apt .
bath, kitchenette, completely furn.. 58t.h
st. and Sutton pi.. New York, for similar1
apt. in Washington. Call BONDI, ME.
1533 after 4 p.m. weekdays._7*
VACANT—3 beautiful aptsr., completely
remodeled, good investment for owner
occupant: 1st apt. has access to garden,
with income from other apts. Priced right.
Call HENRY V. SEAY, 1916 E.ve st. n.w.,
EX. 1077. —8
32-UNIT APT., fireproof brick building,
in excellent downtown location, in beauti
ful condition. This fine property is defi
nitely to be sold and affords real invest
ment opportunity. Call Mr. Thornton. WA. ,
8625, with FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. J 411.
RESIDENT OWNERS—Will buy 2 to 6
unit, apartment. W. D. SANDERS, J.‘!3t»|
A at. 8.e._8»
GEORGETOWN — An excellent location:
consists of living room, dining room,
kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath; $12,500:
gooa. clean building. Box 38-C. Star. —7
LIVING ROOM, dining room, kitchen, bed
room and bath, with ample closets: lo
cated in; one of the finest and most exclu
sive buildings on Mass. ave.. near Rock
Creek Park: purchaser must be approved.
Price. $13,500. Call Mr. J. N. Brown.
Conn, ave. n.w., DE. 3600._i
HOUSE TO SHARE with two cong. busi. j
women; reasonable. ALex. 4731, 9 to 5,
MISS FOMEROY; eves., 211 So. Columbus:
st., Alexandria. 6*
lonial home in exclusive Dumbarton, over- j
looking Potomac River. Available imme- j
dictely. Three family bedrooms, 2 baths. 1
den. lavatory, playroom, bar. servants'
quarters: rent. $400 mo. See Mr. Norris.
WEAVER BROS., INC., Wash. Bldg. DI.
8300: eves.. CH. 9238. —6 !
center-hall Colonial brick. 6 bedrms.. 4
baths, larce liv. rm., din. rm . all-clectric
kit., breakfast rm.. powder rm.. recreation
rm.. laundry rm. with Bendix. 2-car at
tached gar., large wooded lot. outside
grill: $350 per mo. furn. SIMPSON &
MAYS. 3200 Wilson blvd., CH. 7777,
OX. I1R6. „ —~ I
WILL SHARE LARGE, beaut, furn. home
with adult family or 3 or 4 girls: 2 bed
rms.. pvt. bath, modern kit., lovely din.
rm. and liv. rm..; garage: privacy; $160
per mo. 4705 Blagden ter. n.w., RA. 2781..
SHARE BUNGALOW. In Arlington—Girl
will share with 1 other girl; $25 mo. and
share expenses. 1711 North Randolph _st.,!
Arlington, OW. 6059 after 7 p.m. —7
FOR RENT—Rockville. Md.. Oct. 1 to
June 1. furn. det. brick home, 4 bedrms..
2 baths, oil heat, heated gar., lge, lawn:
adults. Call Rockville 3713. —7
DUMBARTON, near Georgetown—3-bed
room. 2*j.bath corner brick home, over
looking city; nicely furnished; for $400
per mo. Call Gibbons Kolb, J. LEO KOLB.
INC . MI. 2100. —10
1906 CALVERT ST. N.W. — 9 rms. 2
baths, auto, heat; avail, immed.: $220
per mo. Open Sat. afternoon. GL. 2914.
Pleasant—6 bedrms., bsmt. apt : 2 liv.
rms.; kit.; gar.: oil heat; income from
bsmt. and 5 bedrms. now $213: roomers
remain if desired: rent. $225: 3 mo. in
advance. AD. 2662, GREGORIO. Box
235-C. Star. —8
WOODRIDGE—1831 Ir'{ng st. n.e.—6-’
rm. detached bungalow; $110; ready for
occupancy Sun.; 6 mo. lease, nicely furn.
DE. 9422. —7
rm. bungalow; $60 per mo. 3718 31st
nl.. n.e. Call NA. 5534. —8
CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Delightful detached
home; 7 rooms. 2Va baths, porch. 2-car
garage, attractively furnished; only $225
per mo. WALTER A. BROWN, 1415 Eye
st. n w . NA. 1652. WI. 5134. —7
LOVELY I-ACRE estate on Mount Vernon
blvd. and Potomac River: 4 bedrms.. 3
baths, oil heal. Bendix laundry, Deepfreeze:
unfurn. or furn.; 2 pianos: 6 mos. or)
longer: $500 a month. TE. 0381. Box
—6-A. Star. —6
bedrm?.. 2'i baths, exceptionally nice: Ions,
lease to responsible tenants at $300 per
mo. Shown by appointment only. Call
MR. KAHN. RE. 8676. . —6
LARGE HOME. 2112 Wyoming ave.. corner
Conn.—Former home of Senator Bob La
Follette, very exclusive; 3 complete units::
$300. MR. MINOR. HO. 1115; eves,,
Rockville 6502. —7
WILL EXCHANGE 6-rrn. semidet brick
home, in highly residential n.w. sec. for
1-bedrm. ant., in good neighborhood:
house has 3 bedrm?.. rents for $55. EM.
4843. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Box 226-C. Star
World War 2. to rent, desirable, spacious;
res’dence. containing living room, dining j
room, combination library and bedroom:
with adjoining bath, kitchen. 4 bedrooms
and 2 baths: Northwest community; $366 j
a month. Box 281-X. Star. —7
ARLINGTON. VA.—2-bedrm. basement:
lge. lot. near Pentagon: 1-yr. lease; owner
on preihises, Sat. and Sun., 1-6 p.m. 5212
S. 11th st. s.. Arlington. —7
2022 16th ST. N.W.—Consisting cf 10
rooms. 3 baths; suitable lor doctor's or
dentist’s suites; $300 per month. B. F.
SAUL CO.. NA. 2100._ —7 j
EXCHANGE’ Philadelphia-Washington, rent
ui jraumuuj juiuicucu, "-u-u
room house near Germantown, for com
parable unfurnished house or apartment
•n n.w. Washington or suburbs. Box 7-B.
Star *
WASH-NEW YORK, or close in vie : 3-bed
rm„ unfurn. house, n.w. sec.; desire similar
3-bedrm. house or apt. HO. 2780. —0
WILL EXCHANGE 3 bedrm.. 2 bath, de
tached brick hou'*e: r, yrs. old: conven
ient to bus; rent ?100 for 1-bedrm. apt
in upper n.w. No private home apts. SL.
1708. —7 i
WILL EXCHANGE beautiful 3-room un
furn. apt . n.w.. for house in Sliver Spring
Georgetown or n fc section, wo. 3801 —7
NAVY CPO will exchange beautiful San
Dieeo. 2-bedrm. home, completely furn , for
2-bedrm. home or apt. in or near D. C.;
for the next o mos. TR. 6022. —8
change rental: 6-room newly fumisned.
modern brick house, quiet n w. section; for
similar house or apt. in New York, pref
erably Lons Inland. Phone EM. 5923. —7
WILL EXCHANGE 4-bedrm house, in nice
section of Arlington County, for rimilar
house in or near Silver Spring: would like
garden space; my property valued about
?16.000. Phone FA. 2387-W. —7
SALE OK EXCHANGE modern 3-bedroom
brick home in vicinity of Philadelphia for
one in vicinity of Washington, either Va.
or Md.. NA. 6888. MR. YOST. »*
approx 5-room unfurnished house: maxi
mum. $100. Phone Alexandria 8621. 12*
move September 15. require two or three
bedroom house, preferably In N. Arlington
or n.w. Chestnut 4428. *
REG. NAVY OFFICER urgently needs 4
bedroom house or apartment before school
- opens: prefer Wilson High School district.
| Northwest Washington: family consists of
! .'{ adults, bov 15 and girl 10. Phone
I Warfield 1133 svith details. 8*
URGENTLY NEED 5 or 6 room house or
apt : refined family: best care guaranteed:
references. DU. 5002. —1! ]
NAVY COMMANDER with adult family,
desires furn. or unfurn. house; $150 mo.
EM pool . —8 i
TAX ATTORNEY, wife. « yr old daugh
ter. need unfurr.. 2 or 3 bedrm. house nr
apt : n w nr nearby Va.; best references.
Lease. ME. 3«1r. TV i
COUPLE, no chi’dr*n do?o* house or apt
! furnikhed: up to 5120 monthly. TE. 6177 .
UP TO SIX MONTHS RENT in advance for
desirable 3 or 4 bedroom unfurnished
house AX, 4133. 14*
BELGIAN OFFICIAL desires furnished
house, 3 bedrooms; n.w section preferred
Please call day time, DU. 1300, Ext. 34;:
eves., Owens 0395. —7
DOCTOR WANTS det 2 or 3 bedrm
house. Bethesda. Chevy Chase, area for
around $ 150. Contact T. A. GUENTHER.
OR 4000. Ext 513. —7
Standards executive needs 3-bedrooin un- (
furnished apartment or house. GL. 4322.
_<4 i
NAVAL OFFICER needs 2-bedroom furn
house or aot.; pay up to $150. Call HI !
BLOW. 0*
STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL, wife. 2 daugh-;
ters under 2 years, need unfurn. 2 or 3
bedroom house or apt. by Nov. J; to $135
VVI 0440. —9
or 2 bedroom house, furn. or unfurn .
nearby Va.: permanent; best refs., max.
SI00. SL 82(05. 9 (
ARMY OFFICER, wife and two children1
lesire to rent 3-bedroom unfurn. house,
in n.w. area, nr nearby Va.; up ro $17 5
per month, with (» months’ rent in ad
vance if desirpd. Phone EX. 7 700, Ext.
7H4 between fi and 8 p.m 6*
3 OR 4 BEDROOMS, unfurn . bv per
manent employe with school-age children;
Md. preferred. Box 4S3-C. Star. -6 j
DISTRICT representative largp corporation:
needs 3 or 4 bedroom house unfurnished.
3 school-age children; to $135. Shep
herd 4S63. 7* j
NAVAL OFFICER, wife. baby, permanent. '
urgently need unfurn. house up to $100
month: Virginia preferred. AT 3193. 10*
URGENT—Vet. wife, baby; evicted by sale
of home: need 2-bedrm. unfurn. house or
apt.: to $100. MI. 4996. 7*
THREE IN FAMILY, no small children:
’•-bedroom, unfurn. wanted, in Alexandria;
Ocr. 1: $110 month. TE. 0738 nights. 6*
NAVAL OFFICER, wife and two children
want furnished house. 10-mile radius Nav
Res. Lab . Bellevue; conv. to school. Phone
AT. 7338. after 5 p.m; ail day Saturday
and Sunday 0*
PERMANENT CIVILIAN engineer, wife, in
fant. wants 5-B-rm house; furn. or unfurn.;
driving distance of D C. GL. 7931 —7
trained cocker spaniel urgently need un
furn. 1 or 2 bedrm. house or apt ; have
refs. OL. 1383. * —7
ARMY OFFTCER desires unfurnished. 3- !
bedroom house by October 15. n.w. section, j
Cleveland Park. Chevy Chase area pre
ferred; no children. OR 0334. —0
TWO-BFDROOM furnished house or apart- 1
merit. Geoiget.own. n.w.: early occupancy;1
$350-$175; best ref. NA. 3120, Ext. 895. .
6* I
resident^, infant son. wish to lease 3 or j
turnished. preferably Northwest resi
dential. Brthesda, Chevy Chase, or North
Arlington area. Call Republic 0226,
Fxt. son. 7*
VETERAN «perm. Govt, employe) and
family now living in Arlington apt desire
to lease unfurn house of 2 or more bed
rms. in Virginia. MR. WEASE. Temple
3722. or write to 4306 So. 34th st.
Arlington. Va. 7*
NAVAL LT. COMDR.. family desire mod
ern house. 3 or 4 bedrooms: lease for 1
year or more. furn. or unfurn.: must be
pvailable around Oct. 1. LI. 2179 7*
PHARMACIST, experienced: best of refer
ences registered in Virginia and Wash.
D. C.: must have two-hedroom apt. or
five-room house, unfurnished. Box 6-B.
Star. 7*
OR PURCHASE on rental basis by former
merchant Marine officer, suburban home
within commuting distance; prefer Prince
George's Ccunty: not over $7 5 per mo.
Box 271-B. Star. 7*
WILL PAY TOP RENT for large house,
zoned for rooming, preferably n w. MR.
B. SINGER, J 300 17th st. n.w., HO. 9 441.
1.1 •
old son. and mother. Methodist, stationed
at Pentagon for extended period; would
appreciate assistance in securing living
accommodations nearby Va. area: prefer
unfurn. house or apt.; will consider furn.
FA. 1 901 -M 7°
ARMY OFFICER, wife and two children,
oldest 4 years, want to rent 2 or 3
bedroom house or apt., furn. or unfurn .
within 20 miles Pentagon Bldg. Phone
Ordway 4339 between 6 and 7 p.m.. or;
Box 295-B. Star. _ 4
ARE YOU INTERESTED in renting to re
sponsible person who will look after youi
interest. Lt. Col.. R. A., needs house or
apt. furn. or unfurn. Rental arrange
ments up to two years. EM. 6338. /• .
BRITISH OFFICER requires immediately.!
3-bedroom furnished house, n.w. section
preferred. Five in family including 2 i
children. Excellent rare assured. Up to
<175 mo for suitable accommodation.,
EX 1940. Ext. 9i before 5:30 p.m. 9*
C. FRF.D KELLEY has several clients in
terested in purchasing property in Pet
yorth and Brightwood section, n.w. Wash- .
ineton. WI.. 8646. —. 1
TABLER. INC.—A friendly organization
which gives real service. We need houses
low to sell. If you want action, call Mr. j
Fisher or MR. TABLER for an immediate
appraisal of your property, 9 to 5. RE.
*020. , _ _ —'
WILL PURCHASE fairly priced D. C. prop
erty at once for cash. Call MR. TABLER.
RE. 5023. w —7
daughter (12) and white nursemaid, to rent
*r lease 4-bedrm. home. furn.. good loc..
pref. n.w.: best ref. full responsibility;
will pav up to $220. Please call DU.
4013. MRS BARTHOF. „ 8*
NAVAL OFFICER, wife and 15-month-old
child desire two-bedroom furnished house
*r apartment, within commuting distance,
to $150. LT. COMDR. R J SLAGLE.
U S. N.. Pm. 916. Hotel Willard. If no
answer, please leave phone number. 8*
% OR 8 ROOM HOUSE, oil heat, n e. or j
5 e. location: present home sold; limit.,
*60. LI. 547 1 after 6:30 p m. 7* j
[GEORGETOWN—Small furnished house or 1
apartment, two bedrooms; best, references.
AD. 7426. weekdays. EX. 6101, Ext. 632.
FRENCH NAVY OFFICER, wife. 3 boys (1 6. :
11 and 5*. desire to rent turnished house,
*r bungalow, near District line or immedi- !
ite vicinity, two bedrooms, living room. !
lining room, kitchen, bath: up to $140.
nore utilities; nice family: references. Cal!1
Rillside 4753 or write 4812 "T" st. s.e. •
SUBLEASE WANTED—Furnished house or
apartment, 6 to 8 weeks; Government
?conomist. Woodley 9114. 7* i
REFINED COUPLE and daughter 03)
wants to rent, apartment or house, fur- 1
pished, for one or two months, start Sep- j
Member 15: best references: will pay up to
P200 monthly Please call COL. CANT- j
ALICE. DU. 9014 or DE. 9436 8* ,
FRENCH OFFICIAL, wife, babies 8 mos
and 2 yrs.. and nurse, want furn. house,
n.w., 3 or 4 bedims.. 2 baths. EM. 9481.
“NR CATHEDRAL” — Just listed, this
most attractive det. home, on a level lot
with 9 rms.. 5 bedrms.. 2 baths, 2-car
det. garage, oil heat, refgr. and range:
near schools, stores and transp : a real
value but quick action necessary. Call
ME. 1143 until 6 p.m., J. WE8LEY
BUCHANAN. Realtor.
310 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—7 rms., 4
oedrms . full bsmt. with kitchen: can be
made into apt ; oil h.-w.h,. just, renovated;
reas. down pymt. SURETY REALTY CO..
EX. 7944 till 9. —« , !
MRS. • PENNY” suggests you take a look
at 7336 14th st. n w. Open daily. 2 to,
4pm till sold: home Is really a beauty j
Call RE 5224 or RA 3790. exclusively,
CO., for information. —8
rHF.VY CHASE. D. C\. $23.500—Utah ave
*nd Tennyson st. n.w.—Lovely detached
orick on large lot. near transportation.
Large living room, dining room and kitchen
?n 1st. floor: 3 large bedrooms and 2 j
^aths on 2nd floor; recreation room and ;
;arage Only 6 years old. A real value
7all us today. F. A. TWEED CO.. EM
1290 until 9 p.m. . . , —_
11 1.850 — BETHESDA: fr. bungalow. 3
bedrms . lu\ rm.. fireplace, tile bath, tefg
ind stove; rear screened porch, basement.
i -w. coal heat, garage, lot 60x130; priced
for quick sale. $5,850 cash payment. $48
mo. CHAS. B. ILER. WI 5333. —«
HOUSE N.W.. 8 rooms, brick, hot-water
neat. elec. Call after 6 p.m., Trinidad
*304 6*
1111 4th ST. N.W.—6 rms. and bath. 2
screened rear porches, newly papered and
painted; floors reflnished open 6 to 8
p.m. daily. GOSS REALTY CO., 1636 Eye
st. n.w. NA. 135.3. - R
ROW BRICK, near Sheridan Circle on
22nd st.; In excellent condition: 8 rooms.
[t baths, gas furnace: Georgetown atmos
phere: $25,000. For details call Mrs.
Finn. DU. 1234. SANDOZ, INC. —7
81.500 DOWN—1800 block Newton st
n.w. Lovely brick home V? block from
Rock Creek Park. featuring Colonial
front porch 6 rms and bath, full base
ment with lavatory and shower, hot-water
oil heat. Owner occupied, immediate
possession. Call till 9 p.m.. RE. 3531.
15th st. n.w. „ , —6
WOODRIDGE—Well situated 2-story home.
7 large rooms, in immaculate cond.: 2 com
plete baths, lifetime slate roof, full base
ment with oil a.-c. heat, landscaped corner
lot with det. garage Priced low at ^l.L
950; $4,000 cash. WALCROFT & PARKS.
3302 Perry st.. Mt. Rainier, Md. UN.
3400 until 9 p.m. *
VACANT BRICK. 1633 L ST. N.E.—-Open
from 2-6 p.m,. Sat. and Sun.; $1,800 down,
balance. $73.75 per month: 2 bedrooms,
bath, large kitchen, living room and front
porch: on a large lot. Truly clean, com
fortable. modern house, below today s mar
ket at $9,600. John Shelly. VI. 646.*. with
ANTHONY CHAPIN, exclusive brokers,
AT 77 64 —*
WOODRIDGE, near 12th and R I.
n.w.—5-room bungalow. 1018 Douglas st..
all modern, oil heat, nice lot. Bargain.
¥12.900. HO. •’•087. MI. 1448. —j
A CO-OPERATIVE; 4 family; .1 rooms, din
ette. kitchen and bath; excellent condition:
Chevy Chase location: only SO.oOO;
m■■ «no ntt- wnni h v v -
merits: bargain act quick. C. J. HOLT.
— Beautiful modern corner brick home
fi spacious rooms, 2‘2 baths- detached
earage --olpndid condition throughout
first offering. MITCHFLL QUICK. DI
2831. until 9 p.m. _ . ...
HAWTHORNE—Finest D. C residential
section; magnificent new home with *
background of forest oaks, every modern
feature in this 7-rm 2-bath, br-.ck-and
stone residence, including fireplaces. in
living rm.. den. recreation rm
before completion to insure your chbice 01
decoration. Inspect hy appointment only,
with Mr. Engle. TABLER, INC., RE. 5020,
evenings, GE. 5*83. •
GEORGETOWN, 1*00 34 th » beo
rooms, 3 baths. 7 rooms altogether, priced
CRESTWCIOD* ARE A—Corner brick home,
center-ha.1 plan: 1st floor. 24-ft liv. rm^
stuoy. din. rm., kit.; 2nd floor. 4 bedrms^. -
baths; oil heat: attached garage For ap
pointment to inspect, call Mrs. Vann, wiin
INEZ CU8HARD. RA. 3939. nn~Z^th
tHEVY CHASE—Three-bedroom, one-bath
shingle house and grounds: excel, concr.
fenced-in back yard, ideal for^.^hildren.
Two blocks off Wisconsin at 4,14 Chevy
Chase blvd Call WO. 7201 before *.30
a m. or alter 0 p.m. Sld.aOO —9
•‘CHEVY CHASE. D. C.”—A det. center
hall brick home, in a quiet, convenient sec
tion of newer residences: ideally suited
for the small family, containing living
room with fireplace, opening onto screened
rear porch, dining room and kitchen,
plus. 1 st-floor lavatory; second floor. 3
oedrms and colored tiled bath: stairway
to attic, usable as playroom: lot is
splendid for children, being completely
fenced in rear; garace. full basement
which can be converted to rec rm . gas
a -r 'neat immed possession. This war
rants your inspection toda” Call ME
1143 until 0 P.m. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN.
Realtor. ^
detached. 3-bedroom brick home. In this
desirable section; excellent condition
throughout, property has living room with
fireplace, concrete front porch and 1
screened rear porches, splendid kitchen,
oil burner to be installed. Call DI. 1015
till 9 p m.. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. UjTC.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C—Semidetached
brick liv. rm., din. rir. and kit.: 3 bedrms.
and bath: front and rear porches;, oil
h.-w.h. Price. $14,950 EM. TfcOO.
ave. n.w. —6
BRIGHTWOOD—Home with income Thre#
stoves and three refrigerators included, in
sale price One am now rented for $150
per month. Only $3,000 cash required.
Realtors. —0
BUNGALOW, excellent Md. location. Nice
home containing 3 bedrms. all on first,
floor. This is one of today's best burs,
only $10,950. with $3,500 cash. RE.
Realtors —6
PETWORTH—Beautiful row brick, with
inclosed porches, makinc 4 bedrms. Im
maculate throughout, oil heat, built-in ga
rage. Less than $13,000. on excellent
CO.. INC. Realtors. —6
CLEVELAND PARK—Beautiful detached
brick home, containing such features as
powder rm. and bath first floor. 4 bed
rms. 2 baths, second floor: slate roof,
copper plumbing. brKk garage. erc . etc
For details cal! PE 3318. CHAPMAN
REALTY CO INC Realtors —6
REAL HOME, ideal location. 4 bedrms .
■Tj baths, oil heat. ls:-fl. lav., sunroom.
double garage: 2 lots: stucco. 3726 Mor
rison st. n w. No agent? Open 2 to 5 P.m.
STONE AND BRICK BLDG.. Maes, ave, nr
Dupont Circle- for sale by owner, suftabl*
and zoned for doctor's offices, rooming
house or nonprofit institution: 18 rooms.
8*2 baths: potential rooming house in
come over $900 per mo : immediate oc
cupancy. Phone DI. 85T9 days cr OR.
2909 eves. —7
conri.. modern adaptation of 1. r. and d- r .
2 bedrms , newly equipped kit . bath, fu l
basement, lge. garden: well financed.
Call Mrs. d Amecourt. MI. 3350: evos .
hols., AD 1646. D. A HANES CO
INC. 1600 20th st n.w. —6
6-ROOM BRICK, liv. rm . din. rm - kit. 3
bedims . 2 baths, incl. rear porch, full
bsmr . gas h.-w.h.. garage: $18.0(H); fur
niture optional C. D. MURPHY, lA(U
25th st. s.e., AT. 2239. —6
Kith ST. N.W.—Large 3-story home, near
downtown, on 16th, completely furn. with
excellent furniture, now being used as
rooming house and meets all D. C. license
requirements. Furniture, business for only
$37,500. with $7.50<) cash. RE 3316,
nniDMiv otiiwv CO tnc Realtors.
530H COLORADO AVE.—Open 2 to
Saturday and Sunday. Large stonr-and
brick det . custom built. Spacious nr?*
floor, suitable for gracious entertaining.
:; bedrms . 2 baths, high attic, built-in ga
rage deep lot; to settle estate. Owner
or your broker WO. 4150.
HOME OF DISTINCTION, situated in *h«
•ountry club area of restricted Chevy
Chase. Circumstances necessitate an im
mediate sale. Priced accordingly. Cen’er
hall plan. Gracious large living room
which opens onto porch leading to
spacious terrace and garden Library,
powder room, dining room and eun deck.
Second flooi. 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths.
Third floor. 1 large room, completely fin
ished. Attractive recreaion room, ad
loining den. --’-car garage For further
information call Mr. Chambliss. MI 4..11.
JAMES L. DIXON & CO., 17:19 Conmjive.
IfiAO 33rd ST. N.W.—Row brick. 20-ft.
Irontace Liv rm.-din. rm. combination,
kit with breakfast rm. Second floor. 3
bedrooms, sleeping porch and one bath.
Full basement, lav. and shower, h.-w.h ;
40-ft. yard In rear with 4-car brick gar.
Oner. Sun.. 2-6 D.m. VICTOR CAHIliL
414 southern Bide.. NA. 6313. or Mr.
open' *sat. and sun.— Bunga
low $12,750. 440S West Va ave.. Be
thesda. Md—A substantially built brick
bungalow, situated on a level landscaped
lot Tvio bright, cheerful bedrms with
colored tile bath. Liv. rm - well-equipped
kit Full basement with recreation room:
insulated and weather-st ripreo. This
home is immaculate and worthy of your
inspection To teach: Out wis ave.
beyond Bank of Bethesda to W”* Y»*
p vp right to ‘Open sign on house.
A. V. PISANI. Realtor. OL. 7-500 — > .
( FRED KELLEY ha? available several
prewar homes in the Bethesda area at
various price? and terms. WI. 8A4o. —-•
C FRED KELLY for this fl-rm. bungalow
in Silver Spring. Immediat- possession
Priced right, with con;/, terms. Shown bf
appointment only WI. bh4fl •
WE? LEY HEIGHTS, near Foxhall rd.,
conv. to stores, schools and transp. Tnree
bedroom, two-bath house, either furn. or
unfurn . on large beautiful level lot. With
trees and .shrubs. House in excel. con^.
Priced to sell. Call Mr. Campbell. JOHN
R de SIBOUR Ar CO., MI. H300. Sa,_Jtnd
MacARTHURmBLV». — Twn fine home,
nearing completion. Buy now and choose
your decorations. P°r inspect,ion..™'!
WO. 7817 ’til 9 pm T..o
UPPER nth ST. AREA—An excellent 22
ft row brick, vacant and in new-house
condition, near Roosevelt High ®nd
Elem. Schools. 4 bedrooms and inched
porch Reasonably priced. REALTY ASSO
CIATES. INC., EX. 1522 or RA.
Fine stone home of superior construction
on lot costing $7,500. featuring uh64u*
ally spacious rooms. 4 bedrooms and ■*
baths on 2nd ft.; finished "“'V-Varao*
rage: exceptional value. REALTY AS8U
CIATES. INC.. EX. 1522 or SH. ^.6 , S
$ 18.950 "fOR CHEVT CHASE HOME-8
rooms with !st-floor lavatory, modern fas
furnace, hot-water heat, "h/fm*
rrator. insulated roof, open fireplace. ®JJ"t
in garage: this attractive center-hall plan,
detached shingle residence presents ari un
usual buy at. such a low price in this por
u ar location. Inspect. « today Phone
Mr. Clement. WO. .3514. with SHANNON At
LUCH8 CO . 1505 H st. nNA 2.140^-—8
CHEVY CHASE—$14,950: 6-room <•! brt
roomst semidetached brick home with Oil
burner, h.-w.h.: recently redecorated In
a location Uiat cannot be surpassed for
convenience.Twith stores, churches, schools
and transportation lust a short
Phone Mr. Schwab. WO. 0«84. *"h SHAN
NON & LUCHS CO., 1505 H st. ns^NA.
downtown location, near Dupont Circle
14 rms.. 3 full baths and extra lavatory,
h.-w.h. with gas furnace: etectric refriger
ator; excellent condition throughout. Price.
$23,500. To inspect, phone Mr Ternja *
1505 H st. n w , NA. 2345 —•
PETWORTH—Open Sat. and Sun.. I to a
. ...... , i „ ♦;j, r, ti • npt nnCK.
0 lovely rooms, completely furnished: house
in immaculate condition; very large yard.
Priced reasonably. Owner leaving citj. Ex
clusive with E. R. BOYNTON CO.. OR.
0800 . :—'
WESLEY HEIGHTS. 4422 Macomb st n.w.
—O-.ner leaving city. Open Sat. and Buty.
2 i > 7. An attractive, livable house in
immaculate condition Miller built of trans
steel construction, this lovely home or
white brick and Colonial siding is very con
venient to schools, shopping and transpor
tation. Contains 3 bedrooms and 2 baths,
living room with adjoining porch, dining
room, small den. well-equipped kitchen,
large living porch with entrance from
dining room and kitchen and overlooking
beautiful garden: nicely finished base
ment for many uses: storage attic doublv
insulated: gas heat, built-in garage This
house has manv added features, including
storm windows throughout Higgins Vene
tian blinds and crystal chandeliers. To
rpach: Out Massachusetts ave to Nebraska
ave. (at Ward Circle), bear left. Piss
American University to 45th st., then left
1 block to Macomb, then left, tc» 4422.
CO Builders and Developers of Weslev
Height* and Spring Valiev. 4830 Mass,
ave n.w CR 4484
CLEVELAND PARK. 3108 34th st n.W.~
Open Sat and Sun . 2 to 7 Center-hen
plan brick containing 8 bedrooms and 3
baths, living room, dining room, gunroom,
pantry and kitchen, maid's room ana
bath, floored attic gas air-conditioned
hea : 2-car garage To reach: Out Massa
chusetts ave to 34tU st. (at Naval Ob
servatory traffic light), turn right to 3108
and “open ’ sign W. C A A N. MILLER
DEVELOPMENT CO. Builders and De
velopers of Wesley Heights and Spring
Valiev. 48.30 Mass avp. n.w OR *484
SPRING VALLEY. 5101 Tilden at n w —
Open 6un.. 2 to 7—Situated on more
thnn four and one-t.hird acres of beau
tiful grounds and secluded by mature
planting and spreading trees, this beau
tiful Spring Valley home Is of fine pro
portion and detail, magnificently ap
pointed and contains every requisite for
the best of living and entertaining There
are nine bedrooms and six baths, also
servants’ quarters of four rooms and bath.
To reach: Out Massachusetts ave. to Ford
ham rd. (at 48th st ). turn left 3 blocks
to Tilden. th°n right to 5100. W. C As
Build® r* and Developers of Wesley Height a
and Spring Valley. 4830 Mass. ave. n.w.,
Semidetached near htk. ave. and
Military rd.—Stucco. « rooms bath,
screened porch, dry basement, gas steam
heat., built-in aaraac: owner transferred.
Price reasonable and owner will take back
small 2nd trust. L H. Maury. A0 R92fl.
UPPER PET WORTH—20-ft row brick:
converted as 2-family home: 2 refers.: sa
raae. Convenient location. Pwti lO'
auirk sale Mr Orem. GE 4639. MAR
SHALL .1 WAPI.E CO. DI. 3346.
rRIU.HTWOOD—Semtdel 6-room horn*
with beautiful rerreatlon rm . oil hea'.
complete!* furnished, including summer
and winter rues. mahogany living and
dining rm. suites and many other valuable
items Owner leaving town, -ill >e 11 very
reasonable. To Inspect. RE 3316. CHAP
DFAT.TV rn TNC Realtors —8
5 ronms. newly painted, completely ta
bulated. ex^el. rond inside; gas n.-w n .
new Var double lot: on 40th st . near
Spring Valley shopping center;
BE THE sn A—A beautiful bungalow. Thl?
brick bunsalow on nice fenced-ln comer
lot has 2 bedrooms, bath, living room,
dining room and an kitchen.
electric dishwasher and Bendix washing
machine included In the »tle; nice base
ment and stairway to unfinished attic,
newly decorated. F. A. TWEED CO.. EM*
KttK Cane Cod style with bad
rm. and bath on 1st fl.: attractive living
rm. with fireplace, dining rm.
window, modern kitchen: 2nd fl., 2 bedrms.
and bath; full basement; g*» heat. Ige.
int slate roof: well financed To Inspect,
calll* R. TENCHER COt. AD 2644; eve
nings. Mrs, McGInmss. RA. S3fl4. —«
detached home, located on quiet st..eio,e
to schools, shopping and buses, has ige.
living rm. with fireplace. French door*
opening on attractive porch, dining rm.
with picture window overlooking the Po
tomac, modern kitchen, .t Ige. bedrm*.
tiled bath, daylight basement and garage.
,,, heat, slate roof; priced ij
Inspect. c»:l J. R TENCTIER OO ^AD. 2«4 4:
VlTWORTHliimlde"1 ’• "faX*' Sme:
fxeStem IS^itfon: oil h.-w.h. Mr. Vene.
riani. URCIOLO REALTY, ME. IS, l;jev«.t
hUIms, MODERN. automatic heat eioeK
n w. section: possession with titl*v Show a
by appointment J. B. MALLOS. *X. »*Ul
",ed tn purchasing an /*'*?£'T
brick house tn n-r! cond with 3 *>«{”©•
finished 3d floor. 'V, bath.. rail OWNER
for details. OR 14.i:._
(Oontinned on Next Page.)

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