EDGEMOOR SEC.—An excellent value at
..•j, prewar construction, liv. rm.. j
ritr.. im„ kit.. tier. with flrepl . 1st floor;
" A mcrms. 2nd floor: garage, oil a.-c. heat,
w n.ce lot. Lei us show you this today.
Call WO. 2300 til 9 p.m.. EDW. H. JONES
HP, ADMOOR—An excellent value at *18.
■7*0: ail-brick Colonial, corner lot; living
rm dining rm.. kitchen, powder rm..
1st floor; 3 nice bedrooms and bath. 2nd
floor: garage, oil air-conditioned heat; ex
oeUent terms To inspect, call WO. 2300
Sir P p.m.. EDW. H. JONES & CO.. INC.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C-. just ofl Conn, ave
on Chevy Chase Pkwy.. is this appealing.
»-bedrocm. 2-bath, white-painted brick; |
splendid living room with stone fireplace;
ann dining room with adjoining porch, j
Th- kicthen is modern and bright and,
will please the most exacting housewife; |
osneled recreation room, oil a.-c. heat,
nrewa: construction, detached garage. To;
• inspect, call DI. 1015 until 9 p.m.. WM.
BUNGALOW, open Sunoay, 1-7 p.m.; may
no GI. price only *10.500- terms. This
iovelv 0-roc.m home, contains 3 bedrooms
on the 1st floor. Venetian blinds, oil heat;;
Hhd is located on a large lot at 20k
Spring ave Takoma- Park. To reach:
Out N. H. ave. to Poplar, left on Poplar
-to Sniing. left to open sign and house.
RE 3310. —<
517 TAYLOR ST N.W.—Vacant. Dosses-,
sion with $2,000 cash deposit, balance
easv terms. Take look, and if interested,
•cal' RE 3315, CHAPMAN REALTY CO.,
INC . Realtors. —7
HOME WITH INCOME; 1 apt. now rented;
lor $150 Per month; live in the other apt.;,
this is a nice home, only $15,000. with;
*0 000 cash. CHAPMAN REALTY CO-.;
INC.. Realtors. RE. 5311). —7 j
KRIGHTWOOD—Semidetached, fi rooms
wiin rec. room, on neat ana loveiy iur
• rnture very reasonably priced and cer
tainly worth your inspection. RE. 3316.
CHAPMAN REALTY. INC,. Realtors. —7,
CLEVELAND PARK — Beautiful detached
Anck home; containing powder room and:
bath. Jst floor; 4 bedrooms. *2 baths. 2nd!
floor: slate roof, copper plumbing, brick'
garage an excellent buy on today’s
market. RE 3316, CHAPMAN REALTY
CO . INC.. Realtors —7 j
BRIGHT WOOD—Vacant, open 1 to ft pm I
-Surn: 51*20 9th st. n.w.. 7-rm. brick, gas <
heat, in excel, condition: near schools.,
stores and transp ; see this excellent buy j
immediately; price. $14,750. on terms 5:®11
Mr. Snratt. CO. 9403. KAY REALTY CO.,;
^ A 2200. —'
17L4 Harvard s:.—(Open Sat. and Sun .
1 Till dark. Mt. Pleasant, overlooking
Rock Creek Park*. Practically new Eng
lish row brick home, only 3 years old 5
bright rooms 'modern kit.*, a -c. heat,:
English bsmt . has private entrance and is
separated from rest of house and so ar
r.v-ged that you can finish additional liv.
Quarters and hath 'plumbing already
rouahed In). This space will rent tor
$600 p year price <14.500 $4,500 cash,
oalanrp 1st 'rust pav^ble $63.75 month.
7; already sold fl available at $r..9o0,
p-.-o semidet a; <!4.95o*. SHAPIRO. INC.
ME 111* eves . CO *4 1 \ TAf 751 1 . —' :
.Luzon ave. n w.—De'aehed brick. 6 rms.,
5 baths, recreation rm gas heat; only,
ft'24.7 50: terms, open Sunday «H til! 8
pm. SHAPIRO INC, ME. 1717; eves.,,
CO 9324 — •
OWNER SAYS, “reduce and sell" this 8
room brick home with cenre;; hall, Ige
}1v rm. and den or solarium, din. rm. ana
Ultramodern kit 4 bed rim.. 7 twin size
and *2 tiled baths on 2nd floor: finishea
attic, full bsmt . maid’s rm. and bath; ali;
recently decorated from top through bsmt.
oil h-wh.: deep, shaded lawn. 60x180:
excellent transp. and schools. Open Sun-,
day. 1 to 6 6375 Meadow lane. Chevy
Chase. Md To reach; Out Conn, ave . 1 |
bik. beyond Bradley lane, left on Rose-;
xnary. right on Meadow lane to our sign
Cell Mrs Pearre. EM. 8884. with VICTOR
V/JCKERSHAM. OR. 7100. —8 ,
MASS. AVE. PARK—A spacious det. brick,
home in this very conv. loc . 1st fl . very
ice. liv. rm fireplace, din. rm. den and
Kit.; 2nd fl . 4 bedrms. and 7 baths; 3rd
fl ■’ bedrms : gar., oil heat: lovely
irounds Priced S"6,8U0. W. B. WRIGHT.:
EM 3380.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—A lse masonry
home with : bedrms.. and 5 baths, newly
decorated. 3 bath is on 1st fl.: this home
is in nice cond. Just off Conn ave.. oil
h»at jar Immediate possession. Priced
nsn w B WRIGHT. FM. 3380.
CLEVELAND PARK, midway between Conn
and Wis aves.—A lovely det. 4-bedrm..
?*r2-bath brick home: 1st floor, liv. rm.
din. rm., kit., powder rm. and den: 2nd fl,.
a heitrm •’ riled baths, finished attic, oil
heat• par. Priced to sea quicitiy. w. d
WRIGHT. EM 3380. . . u
CHEW CH4SE. MD.—Detached home. 6
rm?. bath Corv. located. Price, si 8,500.
Tc inspect, call CHARLES H. OMO. SL.
6179 till 9 p.m x
rETWORTK. 203 Webster sti n w.— 1 8-rt.
Colonial porch, tapestry brie k: 6 rms ,
bath. 2 inclosed and heated porches,
n-l h-wh.: deep lot; $12,000. For details
or a not io msDcct. call HO^ENSTEIN
BROS FR 3000: eves . SH. 6245.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. 4518 Harrison at.
nv> $18.5n<«—This unusually arranged
det ] O-vr.-old brick Is in perfect condi
tion and has a very neat lge. fenced
yard: attractive liv. rm. with open nre
place is entered through small foyer
with 2 nice closets: din. rm. and Ue.
ki* 1st fl.: 2 master bedrms. with tiled
hath 2nd fl.: very ler basemen* rooms
with fireplace, complete tiled bath and
outside entrance (can be used as den or
bedim >. small equipped kitchen also in
hafement. basement rents for $oO mo ;
other features, gas heat, storm windows,
det carage: open Saturday and ounday,
o to 6 pm J. NOBLE BOAZ. Realtor,
Wisconsin ave.. WI. 7500: eves.,
Helen Bakhtiar. WO $276. —<
HOODS1DE FOREST. Silver Spring—Im
maculate white biick Colonial of 6 lovely
rooms. Ice. beautifully landscapped fenced
tot: most conv. to schools, stores and
tfansp.; price under $20,000. Call J.
NOBLE BOAZ. Realtor. 7424 Wis. ave..
WT 7500: eves . Helen Bakhtiar. WO.
*J00£ RENO RD.—The gem of them all:
• fiTs't. offering of this stunning Jo-rm., 4
bath home; open Sat and Sun. from .-6
- m . otherwise shown bv appt. only: beau
tiful retting amid fine shrubbery and trees
This home has full center hall. 16x~8 liv.
rm with fireplace, lee. den. side poren.
din. rm . de luxe kit., solarium, bedrm.
and bath on 1st fl. spacious closets:
hardwood floors up and down: has gas
Hitt. h -w h . drive-in 2-car gar, A home
you will be proud to own: priced below
today s market.: owner leaving: substantial
down payment. LARRY O STEELE, ^ex
clusive. RE 0493. EM 0303. —- *
OPEN SUNDAY. 1 tn dark—4113 Oliver
it.. Chevy Chase Md.—Beautiful brick
home, homesite 60x125: first floor, living
room, brick fireplace, large kitchen, second
floor. 3 bedrooms. 2 tiled baths: recrea
tion room, brick fireplace; oil air-con
ditioned heat.: trees: vacant: immaculate.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Beautiful brick
home on large lot; screened porch, recep
tion hall, large living rm.. beautiful fire
place. dining room. den. modern kitchen,
breakfast room. 3 bedrooms. 2 tiled baths,
recreation rm . laundry rm., ’2 bath; brick
Barrage' fenced yard. A real bargain.
SILVER SPRING. MD. —Beautiful brick
-home on large homesite. with trees: va
cant. Large living room, fireplace, screened
porch, dining room, modern kitchen- 3 bed
rooms. tiled bath, sun deck- Venetian
blinds, storm windows, oil air-conditioned,
recreation room Only $lb.9o0. LESLIE
D. MEASELL. WO 5221. , , .
FOREST HILLS, P. C.—Beautiful Frenrh
Normandy designed home- brick and stone
construction: homesite nearly '2 ar.rp:
large living room, stone fireplace^ dining
rnom: Dorch: den: modern kitchen: 'a
bath: 2nd fl. 4 bedrooms. 2 titod baths-.
•’-car garage: large trees. LESLIE u.
MEASEtL. WO. 5221. „*
OPEN SAT. ANT) SUN.. 1 to dark—.>nOf>
pairolen rd.. Chevy chase. Md.—The atone
jhptne you have been looking for. First
Boor. 25-ft. living room, stone fireplace,
dilttak loom, kitchen strictly modern with
tile walls, nowder room, porch, second
Udor. 3 large bedrooms. 2 tile baths; base
ment. large recreation room, stone fire
nlace. '2 bath. tile walls, bedroom, full
Hie bath with tile walls, oil burner, h.-w.h.,
summer and winter hookup; two-car stone
oarage; Venetian blinds; lot 50xlf)n. LES
LIE D. MEASELL. WO. 5221. *
We invite vour insDcc-ion of an unusual
home. Beautiful center-hall Colonial on
& p-cturesQue and beautifully landscaped
-Tat.:’outdoor flagstone terrace, barbecue
•jit. first, floor larco living room, lutiimir.
screened porch, dininz room de luxe
Jctathen. powder room 2nd floor. 4 large
bedrooms, 2 tile baths; basement has a
beautilul recreation room, maids room,
bath' detached garage: trees, shrubbery.
l'fi]*1 Lansdowne Way. Woodside Knolls.
«ilver Sprint, Md, the bungalow you have
been looking for—Large front porch, livins
lbOni. brick fireplace, dinins room, modern
lritchen. two bedrooms, tiled bath with
shower stairway to large attic, gas heat,
beautiful yard, flowers, shrubbery. Close
to Montgomery Hills shopping district
lust around the corner; :t blocks to srhoo.s.
wore? LESLIE D. MEASELL. WO. 522). •
liPPER Kith ST. WEST—Lovely center
home brick Colonia . custom built lor
ore'cnt twner-occupant less than s years
ago- first floor has large living room with
beautiful fireplace, adjoining screened
porch: cheerful dining room, ultramodern
fully equipped kitchen. larRe paneled li
brary and powder room; second floo'. ex
tri-large master bedroom with 2 closets
and private bath. 2 other large bedrooms
and full bath, third floor is floored and
-insulated and has stairway: basement cor.
Sint large recreation room with fireplace
-workshop, laundry room, furnace room and
built-in garage: the entire property is ir
perfect condition and in our opinion
-presents an excellent value Exclusive
agents, F. A. TWEED CO, 5504 Conn, ave
■nv EM 1290 until 9 p.m. —fi
btk bungalow, nr. Indian Spring Club,
beorms. with bath. liv. and din. rms. and
kit- on first fl.; large bedrm. and storage
"fib on 2nd fl.: lull bsmt.: a.-c. heat. Nicely
landscaped. Possession with deed. Our
office is open today. Call WO. 2300 in
fnspSrt EDW. H JONES & CO, INC. —<i
CHEVY CHASE. D. C, west ol and near
Conn ave. and all conveniences. A home
Tbr the larger family. 5 bedrooms. 2-cat
aarage: lot 70x205: a real buy at $23,
■*Ori To inspect, call WO. 2300 ’til 9 p.m.,
• T’ETWORTH—A 2-apt. converted home
comol furn.. showing a nice return, priced
■»415 Georgia ave, Sil. Spring, SH. JLOO
SILVER SPRING—A beautiful stone-and
brick home with living room, dining room
l*rte modern kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms ant
with on 1st floor; 2 bedrooms and bath or
Cnd floor; exceptionally large lot. Priced
ftf sell immediately. Call R. J. SCOFIELD
S13 Georgia ave. SL. 5300. If no an
4*rer. PL. 0883. , . —B
SILVER SPRING bungalows, under con
- smiction. spacious de luxe kitchen, large
iivfng room, dining room, built-in garage.
yours now. choose your own paper
.fSTkitehen cSlors. LOWERY * MELTON.
SK 9200. 8415 Georgia ave.; eves. GE
antiv. Mr. Adams. —•
mir.o PARK HILLS, MD.—An attractive
modern brick (detached' renter-hall cor
™’ no me in th-s desirable section now
ofT'red for sale; possession with titla. Eng
hsb tvpe, iarge step-down living room
equipped modern kitchen. 3 large bedrooms
huge screened rear poren. Venetian blinds
.vL.,-Tout: built-in garage: ‘.oo-ft. front
age, “vard well landscaped, slate roof, oil
£ .2. n ail in A-l condition. Shopping
district' and transportation nearby. Owner
will sivp terms to responsible purchaser
CaJI Mai Lane NA 9300; eves, and Sun,
»L 6289. BOSS & PHELPS, INC, 1411
K it. c.w. —6
ROCK CREEK PARK—Lovely red brick
home only l yr. old and in immaculate
corn!.; 1st fl. consists of reception ball,
lge. liv. rm. with flrepl., din. rm. and GE
kit with breakfast nook; 3 nice-sized
bedrms. and 2 tile baths on 2nd fl.; full
basement, gas a.-c. heat; attached garage;
lge. nice wooded lot. Price reasonable and
excel, terms. EM. 1800. CHEVY CHASE
REALTY CO 4420 Conn. ave. n.w —«
conv. A home for the larger family. Cus
tom built for present owner, with many
specia1 features 4 bedrms., 3 baths; au
tomatic heat; 2-car det. garage. A very
large lot. Shown by appointment only. Call1
WO 2300 until 9 pm. EDW. H. JONE8.
INC —6
Open Sat. and Sun. 2-H p.m. 4-bedrm.
corner home tastefully decorated with all
modern improvements, near Wis. ave., Wil
son High School, shopping and transporta
tion Priced to sell. Exclusive with E. R.
BOYNTON CO.. OR. 0800; eves.. OR. 6492.
ROCK CREEK FOREST—Attractive” de
tached brick. 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd
fl.; lav. on 1st fl.; maid's room and bath
in basement; screened porch, gas air
conditioned heat; $21,000. Call MR
SMITH. OL. 0829 twith Thos. L. Phillips'.
5811 ith ST. N.W.—Open Sat and Sun
2 to « p m Vacant. Immediate posses
sion. Semidet. brick, 4 bedrooms, in excel
lent condition Reasonable terms. For fur
ther information, call AD 0021. SHOCK
EY & MOORHEAD. Realtors. —7
833 MARIETTA PL. N.W’., in Marietta
Park—Semidet. brick, fl rooms; 2 inclosed
porches; recreation room. You are invited
to inspect this property between the hours
of 2 to fl p.m Sat. and Sun. Call AD.
0021, SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD. Realtors
Chase. D. C.—Convenient to Lafayette
School. 2 ready for occupancy in 30 days:
under constiuction. 2 have powder
rooms on 1st fl.; 1 has bedroom and bath
on 1st fl. For further information, call
Mr. Lueck. AD 0021 : eves.. WO. 5733.
SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD. Realtors. —7
BRIGHTWOOD BRICK. near stores,
schools and buses: d rms. and bath, full
hacemonl with nil h -W h . nice COnd.
throughout; stove and refrigerator mci.:
only $11,500. with as little as $1,500
down. Call WALCROFT <fc PARKS. UN.
.1400 till 0 n.m. —*
CLEVELAND PARK. 1st commercial, near
Uptown Theater; home or income; brick.
6 rooms, i bath, oil heat, nice lot; ideal
for doctor. HENRY HOOD. WO. 4114.
OR. 1060 . —If ,
furnished; near Connecticut ave., about -
blocks from Chevy Chase Club—6-bedroom,
Spanish-type corner home; suitable for
elaborate entertaining; first floor has 1;
story living room with overlooking bal
conies, ovai-shaped dining room with mir
rored wplls. sunroom. patio, breakfast
room, kitchen. 1 bedrooms and bath; sec
ond floor has 4 bedrooms, bath and space
for additional bath: lower levels have
huge ballroom, clubroom. bar, maids room
and balh and 1-car built-in garage. The
moderate price Includes all furniture and
furnishings, including grand piano, marble
statuary, rugs. etc. Inspect by appoint
ment only. GEO. J. MOSS, Realtor. SH.
1600. 12
100 BIK DEI.AFIELD PL. N.W.—Modern
brick, inclosed porches, garage: $11,750.
D. J. O'CONNOR. RA. 0067 or TA. 6744.
Beautiful detached brick homes, only
$17,500. Six charming rms.: first-floor
powder room, screened back porch, gas
air-cond. heat. Select your color scheme
today. Lovely section. Call till P p.m.,
LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO , 1415 K st.
n.w. ME. 5400.
SILVER SPRING. MD.—Lovely corner det.
home. 5 rms.. modern kitchen and bath,
lull bsmt. Only $11,600; terms; must be
seen Cal! till P p.m.. LEO M. BERN
STEIN & CO . 1415 K st. n.w. ME 5400.
ADAMS MILL RD.. close to Rock Creek
Park-- Attractive brick home. 8 rms . I'/a
baths, oil heat: lovelv residential section.
Greatly reduced! Call till P p.m., LEO
M BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K st. n.w.
ME 5400
BFLMONT ST. N.W.. near 18th st.—Ideal
renting section. Substantial row brick, 10
rms.. 1 baths h.-w.h.; priced at only
$14,050- terms. Convenient to all facil
ities: possession Call till P p.m.. LEO M.
P.ERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w. ME.
BRlGHTWOOD: *16.500—Large semide
tached house, consisting of entrance hall,
living room, dining room, kitchen on 1st
floor: the ind floor has 4 bedrooms and
bath: JJrd floor has bedroom, bath and
storage room: large bright basement with
storage room, lavatory, oil h.-w.h.. new
furnace and stationary wash tubs: there
is a detached 1-car garage. This house
could be used for Income: close to trans
portation. stores and schools. Call Mr.
Poston. NA. P-100: eves and Sun.. WO.
I PH. BOSS <fc PHELPS. INC., 1417 K
st. n.w —8
TAKOMA PARK. MD—Old but nice—4
brdrm. house on la acre, in conv. location:
1>/2 baths; lar;e storage attic: ideal for
residence or rooming house. PHILIP B.
KEY REALTY. SL. 1010. until P p.m.
field pi. n.w.: lovely 20-ft. row-brick house:
7 rms. 114 baths. 1 porches, h.-w. oil
Heat poss. 10 days: only $1.1.500. Mc
DEVITT. Realtors. SH. 6760, RA. 4422.
BRlGHTWOOD—6111 5th st n.w.—Semi
detached. excel, tapistry brick Colonial
home: liv. rm. with fireplace: pleasant
din. rm : Ige. newly equipped ultramodern
kit . 1st fir.: 1 bedrms.. linen closet, tile
bath on Ind fl.: stairway to good storage
f.ttic: built-in garage: h.-w.h.: concrete
front porch: most conv. to schools, transp.
and '•to-es: property in excel, cond.
throughout immediate occupancy. as
owner is leaving Washington. WO. 0160.
MRS RP ATTT.nmn Onpn Rat. and Run..
2 to f> p.m. —*
CHEVY CHASE. T). C.—First offlering of
this beautiful 7-yr -old white brick home,
situated on comolet.ely landscaped lot.
120x125. 1st floor has spacious living rm.,
leading to large screened porch; dining
rm.. kitchen and lavatory: 4 bedrms,. 2
baths on 2nd floor. Full storage attic.
Recreation rm. with fireplace: full bath in
basement; oil a.-c. heat; double garage.
Call Mr. Collins. MI. 4111, JAMES L.
DIXON CO.. 1719 Conn. ave. n.w. —7
roof: Colonial renter hall plan: liv. rm .
side porch, din. rm., cor. cabinet, com
plete kitchen; 2 lge bedrms., bath, rec
reation room, garag® gas heat; lge.
fenced yd Owner transferred. Priced
for a quick sale. McDEVITT, Realtor.
SH 67 66. RA 4 422. —9
1701 S ST. N.W.—Corner house; lge. lot:
6 rms., screened porch and screened
sleeping porch: 2 baths: h.-w. oil heat;
recreation rm ; dft carace. only $21,000.
Exclusively B. A. BOLES CO., AD. 0061
or OL. 7479. —8
REAL ESTATE. AD. 4982 o; GE. 5440.
n.w.—Det. brick, sood cond.: liv. rm..
din. rm., kit. and den: 1 bedrms. and
2 baths; finished attic; oil h.-w.h. For
furthe* information, call Mr Adams.
®ves.. WO. 5711. with HENRY E. TRIPP.
Realtor, exclusive. NA. 6705. —6
GEORGETOWN, near loth and Que sts.
n.w.—Brick dwelling. 5 bedrms.. 2 baths,
all th® rharir. of Old Georgetown: im
mediate possession; reasonable price and
SON. Active Realtors since 1892. 1719
Eye ct. n.w.. NA. 1126. -—7
SHEPHERD PARK — Charming Dutch
Colonial; 1st floor. 26' liv. rm.. fire
place. din. rm . mod. kit., den or bedrm,
with mod. til® bath, center hall: 2nd floor.
4 herirms.. 3 tile baths: nice lot: det.
garaee: oil h.-w.h.; An. attic.; full base
ment: priced at only $25,000. HEANEY
A; CO . 2651 Conn. ave. HO. 5661. 7*
A LOT OF HOUSE for a little money. Bed
room and bath with shower on 1st floor
. Three bedrooms and bath 2nd fl., lge. liv.
rm. with fireplace, lge. din. rm., modern
; kit., oil h.-w.h.. ful basement, separate
1 furnace room: walking distance District
lire and Silver Spring center Unusua
value at $11,750. A. V. PISANI. Realtor,
CL. 7500 till 9 p.m. —6
SILVER SPRING—Bedroom and bath or
, first floor in this red brick Cape Cod. or
’evel lot 60x110: liv. rm. with fireplace
dining rm.. modern equipped kitchen: 2n<
floor. 2 bedrooms and bath; full basement
: finished recreation rm. with built-in bar
lavatory, gas h.-w.h . built-in garage
Rusco combination screens and storm win
riows. Priced to sell at $17,500. WOOD
CONLEY CO. 911 Pershing dr.. Silve
Spring. SL. 5700, SH. 0015. until 9 p.m
CRITTENDEN ST., near N Capitol—Direc
t from owner, no agent: modern 6-rm. brick
6 yrs. old. perfect cond.: economical oi
heat, insulated: 3 bedrooms, large yard
concrete porch. Call TA. 6714. —8
Then by all means see this most attractive
home that is really different, on a beauti
fully landscaped lot. detached garage, pie
war construction, only 5 yrs. old; detachec
brick, completely insulated, including sidi
walls. 1st floor. 2 bedrooms, full bath
living room, fireplace, dining room, kirch
en. side screened porch: 2nd floor. *
large bedrooms, full bath: large storagi
room: located in restricted 16th St. Vil
lage. Silver Spring. Open Sat.. 4-7. Sun.
2-7. To reach: Out 16th st to circh
<Md. State line), right on Colesville rd
2 blocks to 2nd nve.. left to 9012 2nc
ave. Possession can be had in 10 days
McDEVITT. Realtors. SH. 6760, RA. 4422
1-FAMILY APT., N.W.—Why not becom*
the landlord instead of tenant? Well-buih
brick detached property. 1 floors and base
ment. 1 kitchens. 1 baths; 2nd and Ire
floor apts. now rented: furniture, refrig
erator and stoves included in sale: 2 reai
screened porches; basement could be mad*
into additional apt. Owner-occupied Is
floor: will give possession with title. 2-cai
brick garage. Bryant gas heat. This maj
be just what you've been hunting for. Goot
cash payment required. Call Maj. Lan«
NA. 9100; eves and Sun.. WI. 6289. BOSS
& PHELPS. INC.. 1417 K st. n.w —6
NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. extended—Opei
1 to 6 Sunday; only one left. New 6-roon
detached home: modern kitchen, tiled bath
on beautiful corner lot. Be sure to se<
i this home today; $13,250; terms Direc
, -- .. * VT tl 1 -I 1 / k miUr fmrr
D C line, turn right at Hillwood Manor
•: blocks, then right at Hanesworth dr.
| 2 blocks 10 our sign. Mr. Davis. GL. 4603
1 SIXTEENTH STREET, above Scott Circli
I—Furnished. 11-room house; 4 baths, rov
brick, oil h.-w. heat: owner occupied
substantial cash required. L. H. Maury
DT 3346. _
BUCHANAN ST., NEAR 11th ST.—7-room
bath semidet. brick: oil heat; garage, elec
refgr. finished rm. in cellar: price. Sift.
000: terms. M. B. WEAVER. WO. 4944. DI
NEW HOMES, nearing completion. Wood
side Park and Silver Spring section. Si:
rooms, one and two baths, large woode*
lots priced to sell. Mr. Orem. GE. 4639
BRICK BUNGALOW, near N. H. ave. an*
Sligo Creek pkwy.. best section Takomi
lark—5 cheery rms., tiled bath, oil h.-w.h.
completely modern, redecorated, like new
at $12,950 on terms You must ac
quickly: immediate possession: inspect b:
appointment only with Mr Engle, TABLER
INC.. RE. 5020; eves.. GE. 5883. —7
GEORGETOWN. D. C.—Attractive restore*
residence, gas h.-w.h ; can finance. $1.90(
cash, balance \W< Inspect by appoint
ment. with Mr. Bnscoe. TABLER, INC.
RF 5020. . —7
'lovely garden, immediate possession: nr
133rd and F Inspect only by appoint
ment with Mr. Briscoe, TABLER. INC.
RE 5020. —7
modernistic ^midetached. 8-rm. and batf
houses; ideal1.*- located; R*no rd. anc
Alton pi. n.w.: FHA approved. selling
price $14,500. MR NANNININ. OR. 6402
“Now keep your eyes closed. I want to surprise you!”_
SPECULATIVE VALUE, very liveable, old
Georgetown home, facing canal-built
about 1810; possession at once. Out-of
town owner will consider $17,500 oner,
meybe less: restoration should increase
value to around $27,500 by comparison
with other properties Inspect with Mr.
Briscoe or Mr. Thompson, with TABLEK.
INC., RE. 5020. ♦ —'
TAKOMA PARK. 615 Carroll ave.-—A.l
brick home with Income. 6 rms. and oath
on the 1st floor, terraced apt. with 4 rms.
and bath; floored attic: gas h.-w.h.: on
the busline: nr. Washington Sanitarium:
immediate possession; priced right ai
$16,950. Open Sunday. 1 till dark A. J
KESSINGER & CO., Realtor. Kessinger
Bide.. Silver Spring. Md. SH 4544. —8
GEORGETOWN AREA. $3,950 down, com
pletely furn.: immediate possession;
$15,950; 5 rooms (2 bedrooms), modern
kitchen and bath, plus 2-room, bath apt..
2 stoves. 2 refgrs., pvt. entrance to each;
practically new row brick; gas heat.
Open for inspection. 1 till 4 daily till sold.
2028 Tunlaw rd. n.w.. immediately east
of 37th st. or by appt. Call Vivian V.
Coldicott, EM 5224, or MI. 0000, JOHN
528 SHEPHERD N.W\, $12 950, open Sat.
and Sun.—Vacant, completely remodelled.
6 large rooms, garage, beautiful new par
quet floor, tile bath, kit. and furnace.
OPEN SUNDAY, 2 till dark. 4th and
Aspen sts. n.w—Lovely cedar shlnale bun
galow wl*h :t bedrms. and bath on 2nd
fl ; nice liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.,
kit. and V2 bath «n 1st fl.; full basement,
h.-w.h.; large landscapped corner lot:
■/2 blk. from theater, shopping and ex
press bus to downtown D. C.; excellent
buy at $15,500. Weekdays by appoint
ment. see Mr. Crouch on premises or
call him at GL. 73.35. A. H. DANIELS.
Real Estate. GL. 4OH0. —8
Sun, 1-7—Vacant, immediate possession,
good financing: brick, slate roof. 2-Car
garage; lot 75x150; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths,
3 porches. 2 fireplaces, modern kitchen;
Venetian shades, oil heat: new-house
condition. 405 Wilson lane: excellent
section, near schools, churches and the
Edgemoor Club. Out Wis. ave. to Bank
of Bethesda. left on Old Georgetown rd.
to Wilson lane, left to house. Phone
HO. 0454. 2
.VACANT, 7-rm. brick: 4 bedrms.; near
N Can. st. n.w.: Frivldaire, 1*4 b*»tn^
$11,950; sm down payment, bal. $31.25
mo. DU. 8404 _ .. *
OPEN SAT AND SUN.. 12 lo 8 P.M.—200
Dale dr., new modern brick homes; 0 rms..
114 baths, attached garage and porch; lge.
lot; cony, to everything: today's best buy.
Out Piney Branch rd. to Dale dr., left 2
blocks to our open sign. CHARLES H.
OMO. SL. 0179 until 8 P.m. — <
VACANT, in Columbia Hts.—3470 Hol
meari pi. n.w.: (I blk. west of 14th be
tween Oak and Otis); semldet. brick; 25-ft.
lot; S large rms.. bath, h.-w.h.: coal;
garapa: $12,050: on terms. C. H.
PARKER CO.. 435 4th st. s.w. NA. 2.320.
SO.950—Bungalow. Takoma Park—Living
rm . din. rm., kit.. 2 bedrms. and full bath,
full bsmt.. front porch; $1 500 down. This
will not last long. WOOD-CONLEY CO.,
913 Pershing dr.. Silver Spring. SL. 6 <00,
SH. 0015 until 9 p.m.
| SILVER SPRING—$11,950. A lovely
! home, on lge. level well-landscaped lot.
|Liv rm.-din. rm. combination, with flre
i place, opening onto screened side porch:
mod kit.; 2 twin-sized bedrm%: full tile
; bath; full bsmt.: oil a-c. heat. This won't
1 last long. WOOD-CONLEY CO.. 913
Pershing dr.. Silver Spring, SL. 6700, SH.
i 0015 until 9 p.m.
SILVER SPRING—Beautiful detached
brick Colonial on level lot 80x126: liv. rm.
; with fireplace, side-screened porch, dining
i rm.. modern eauipped kitchen: 2nd floor.
3 twin-size bedrooms and full tile bath:
full basement, gas a.-c. heat, outside en
I 1 ranee, attached garage, slate roof, storm
windows and screens; vacant; immediate
possession. Priced at $18,500 on attrac
tive terms. WOOD-CONLEY CO.. 913
Pershing dr.. Silver Spring, SL. 6700, SH.
0015. until 9 p.m.
Thornapple st.. Chevy Chase. Md. Beau
tiful 3-bedroom, detached Colonial: large
living rcom with open fireplace; hardwood
floors: insulation: gas heat: 2-car de
tached garage; $19,960. Directions: Out
Connecticut ave.. past Chevy Chase Circle
to Thornapple st.; turn right one block
to property. For appointment, call Dl.
0392. C. L. WIRSING. 1034 Investment
: Bldg. *—#
I AM. UNIVERSITY PARK, corner; built
about one year; near 43rd and Albemarle;
detached brick. 6 rms.. 2 baths: Bryant
gas furnace: Westinghouse refrigerator;
screens, insulated, funed: garage. Ownjer
leaving city. Eve. or Sun., phone TE.
1708. L. T. GRAVATTE, Realtor, 729
15th st. n.w., NA. 0763.
CHEW CHASE. D. C.: nr. Wisconsin—6
rn». semidet. brick: 2 small rear porches:
nice front porch; good condition; oil
h -w.h ; prompt possession; $14,950:
terms. ROBERT MAGEE, RE. 7740 until
9 30
BY OWNER—9 rms., 4 baths, lower 16th
.st.: 8 blks. from White House. Resid. with
good income from rms.: storm windows.
copper screens, on near, recently aecorawu
and renovatrd: 5 bedrms. of good furniture
incl. DE. 869H. , —8
SILVER SPRING—New brick bungalow
ready for early occupancy, close-in loca
tion: 2 bedrms. and bath: full bsmt. gas
1 heat, copper plumbing, gutters and down
spouts. stairway to expansion attic._A
good buy at $14,950. PHILIP B. KEY
! REALTY. SL. 3010 until 9 p.m
I ial brick, in excel. Silver Spring location;
i 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl.; Va bath on
I 1st fl.. fireplace, lge. din. rm.. center en
i trance. lge. screened porch; attached sa
rage Conv. to everything. Excellently
3010 until 9 n.m. *
SILVER SPRING—New brick residence
I lge. bedrm and bath on 1st fl.: 2 bedrms
land bath on 2nd fl.. liv.-dln. rm.: built-in
! garage: auto, gas h.-w.h. Possession
days Bargain at $17,000. PHILIP B
KEY REALTY. SL. 3010 until 9 p.m.
CHEVY CHASE, MD.—Prewar brick: large
living room, center hall, modern kitchen
dining room and ;/? bath on 1st floor: -
large bedrooms with deep closets on 2nc
floor: insulated storage attic, gas hot*
water heat, built-in garage, maids room
'and full bath; deep fenced rear yard
F. A TWEED CO- EM. 1290 until 9 p.m
BARNABY WOODS, new listings—Detached
brick, on a beautiful wooded lot; 200 ft.
deep; in excellent condition. 1st floor hai
living room, dining room with screened
living porch and de luxe kitchen. 2nd
floor has 3 bedrooms. 2 baths: recreation
room, maid’s room and bath in basement
builr-in garage. Gas heat. Priced rea
sonable. Exclusive agent. F. A. TWEED
CO • 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 129C
until 9 p.m. —6
AMERICAN UNIV. PK.—Brick, det- on one
of the nicest streets in this area. 1st fl,
has lge. liv. rm.. din. rm- den and kit.
2nd fl has 3 lge. bedrms. and 2 baths.
Stairs to attic. Rec. rm. 2-car det. garage
Call us today to see this very fine home,
F. A TWEED CO- EM. 1290 until 9 p.m
RURLEITH. $13.500—Row brick home of
0 rooms and bath, oil heat; near grade
and high schools of Georgetown. J. LEO
rvuijXS. IINL,.. Ml. ,'IUU. —IV
GEORGETOWN, $23,500 — 7 - room brick
, home, newly remodeled, gas heat, vacant.
Eves.. Mr. Thom. CO. 2438. J. LEO KOLB,
INC . MI. 2100. —
VACANT. 1434 Park wood pi. n.w —
2-story brick containing large liv. rm..
din. rm.. kit. and inclosed porch on 1st
floor; 2nd floor, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, with
all modern improvements; double garage:
large front porch: oil heat, immaculate
condition. Open 5 to 8 every day. See
BRASWELL. AD. 5088, 3617 14th st. n.w.
17A3 LANIER PL. N.W., open Sat. and
Sun.. 1-5 D.m.—Vacant and unusual. 2
story and recreation room brick. 8 rooms
»4 bedrms) and 2 tile baths and Va bath;
oil heat and inst. hot water, refgr.. stove,
attic, built-in gar . 8 large closets; base
, ment contains rec. rm., maid's rm.,
lav.; 1st floor contains kit., dinette, liv
ing. dining and glass one. breakfast rooms:
recep. hall, front porch and rear screened
porches; 2nd floor contains 4 bedrooms
and 2 baths; suitable for use as rooming
, house or conversion to 4 apts. Possession
immed. Cwner must have reasonable down
payment; convenient monthly pymts. can be
arranged. Shown by appointment only.
Ask for Mr. Holloman, RE. 7104; evenings.
VI. .'1264. ALLEN L. KAY. Broker. —7
i cupied. excel, cond.: flexible terms: poss.
, with title: near schools, churches, bus,
stores: 2-car det. brick g*r.; closets P us
I large mod. kitchen: 2 rear porch; 3 large
bedrms., large tile bath, h.-w. heat; hard
wood floors, pantry rm.. dining and liv
ing rms.; bone-dry basement with work
benches, tubs, coldrm. DU. 0911. OWNER.
| UPPER RRIGHTWOOD—Possession with
I cash payment: prewar det. brick, in excel.
I cond.: contains liv. rm., din. rm.. eouiD
i kit.. 3 bedrms . tiled bath with tub and
shower, full bsmt. with lav., oil heat, slate
, roof, nice yard: I blk. to express transp.
an«’ shopping. Call Dl. 1015 ’til 9 irm.
SMALL. ATTRACTIVE rooming house on
j Conn. tve. busline: allowed 18 persons:
immediate possession; $18,950; on Oliver
st. between 39th and Western ave.. D C.
GEORGETOWN. $7,950. 5-room and bath
.brick home hot-water heat Eves.. Mr.
I Thom. CO- ’438. J. LEO KOLB. INC.,
MI. SI00. —10
facing small Dark at an open corner, this
solidly built tile and masonry house, with
tiled roof, is an exceptional value. The
rooms are all large and there Is a full
bath on 1st floor, a fully tiled kitchen,
glass-inclosed porch, vestibule, open porch
and a large pantry. There are 5 bed
rooms with 4 more tiled baths. 2 glassed
lnclosed sleeping porches. Built-in ga
rages for 2 cars, a partially finished recrea
tion room, besides the laundry, lavatory
and oil burner hot-water heating plant In
the bisement. In excellent condition
throughout, and a wonderful location for
a doctor. Mr. Baldwin on premises. To
reach: Out Conn. ave. to Tilden st., left
to Reno rd. and right to our sign at 38th i
st, corner, or out Cpnn. ave. to Harrison
st and left to our sign at 38th st.
JAMES L. DIXON & CO., 1739 Conn. ave.
MI. 4311. * —7
OPEN SAT. AND SUN., 1 TO 6. 8126 Blair
rd. n.w.—Semidet. brick. 6 rms , 2 baths,
gas a.-c. heat: full basement: house in
excel, cond. Immediate possession. KEN
NEDY REALTY CO.. INC.. OE. 9302; eves.,
RA. 6034. —7
SILVER SPRING—Bungalows under con
struction Spacious, de luxe kitchen,
dinette, living room, dining room, tile
bath. 2 bedrooms; built-in garage. Select
yours now. Choose your own paper and
kitchen colors. LOWERY & MELTON, 8415
Georgia ave. SH. 9200. Eves., Mr. Adams,
GE. 9084. —7
SILVER SPRING. MD . No. 2 Hawley ct.—
A choice brick home with 3 bedrms. and
2 baths, slate roof, built on 2 beautiful
lots at the corner of Hawley rd : oil heat,
rec, rm. with flrepl.. built-in gar., screened
porch, copper gutters, combination screens
and storm windows: loc. in one of the best
sections oi emver spring, nr. girucnm
ana public schools. Drive out Colesvlll*
rd. to Hawley rd., right 1'4 blks. to, our
sign. Open Sunday, 1 till dark. A. J.
KESSINGER & CO.. Realtors. Kesslnger
Bldg.. Silver Spring Md. SH. 4641. —8
SILVER SPRING—Oden Sun., 1 to 8 D.m.
8804 Maylalr pi. 7-rm. Williamsburg
brick. See picture ad. Sat. Star.
WORTHINGTON REALTY, exclusive agents.
8427 Georgia ave., SL. 3700. 11 no answer,
call SH. 3467. —7
SILVER SPRING—1st offering. An at
tractive brick bungalow on level lot. with
full attic and bsmt., fenced rear yard:
near schools, stores and transp. Priced
to sell at $12,050. Call for appointment
exclusive agents. 8427 Georgia ave.. SL.
3700. if no answer. SH. 1013. —8
p.m.—1888 Ontario pi. n.w.. off 18th and
Columbia rd. Home with income, zoned
for apt. and rooming house. 2-car det.
brick gar., full basmt.. with front and rear
entrances, gas h.-w.h., excel, loc. to
transp.. recreation and shopping center*,
priced for quick sale, at $14,000. For
further Information, call Mr. Katinas. AD.
0021; eves., TA. 8345. SHOCKEY &
MOORHEAD. Realtors. —7
TAKOMA PARK—Open Sunday. 1 to 8:
007 Larch ave.—Exceptionally fine 6-rm.
brick home. liv. rm. with flrepl . din. rm,
mod. kit.: 3 nice bedrms. and bath on 2nd
fl.: full basement with outlat; gas a-c.
heat: Immediate possession: priced to sell.
$15,760. To reach: Out New Hampshire
ave. (approx. 1*4 miles beyond District
line) to Larch ave.. left to open sign. R. J.
SCOFIELD. 8413 Ga. ave., SL. 5300: if no
answer. 8L. 6818. —7
GEORGETOWN—Open for Inspection, 11
a m. to 6 p.m.. Sun.: 1028 29th st. n.w.—
Completely remodeled in typical George
town style. 8 rms. and bath, with garden,
gas a.-c. heat: priced to sell; Immediate
possession. CONNOR & RYON, INC.. 927
18th st. n.w.. RE. 3218.
2 HOUSES AT 1608-1808 New Hampshire
ave.. adloinlng Argentine Ambassador's
residence, to be sold as one unit: also The
Chateau at 1333 18th st. n.w.. Inspection
by appointment only. Call Rockville 2033.
NEW RED BRICK, center-hall plan, has 3
bedrms. with 2 tile baths, ntce-slze liv. rm.
with flrepl.. side screened porch, full-size
din. rm. and very modern kit. with range
and refgr.: gas a.-e.h.: lge.. dry basement
with exit to a lovely yd.: gale price, $18
000; 1st trust of $13,600 can be had.
House is located Sligo Creek pkwy. and
New Hampshire ave. Call HERMAN HAN
NAUER. 7896 Ga. ave.. SL. 4729, SL. 6026.
OPEN SUNDAY. 1 TILL 8—18 Gallatin at
n.w.—Distinctive and attractive brick. Eng
lish studio home. 3 bedrms, 2*4 baths,
living rm. with flrepl. step-up dining rm..
equipped kit., master bedrm. has private
bath and 2 closets, sunrm. and sun deck;
bsmt. finished with rec. rm. with flrepl.,
laundry and hobby rms.: gas heat, clock
control: garage Salesman on premises.
CURTIS E. MARTIN. Realtor. 120 So
Royal st.. ALex. 8815, TE. 2648. Open
9 to 9. daily. —/
GEORGETOWN—Small down payment—
Attractive little house, lge. liv. rm, flrepl.,
modern kit, etc, powder rm.: 2'4 bedrms.:
garden. Eves, Mr. Audette. NO. 2705.
JOHN LIPSCOMB * CO, MI. 0800, —8
W ST. N.W, few doors from No. Capitol—
Jamison-built house. 8 rms, 2 lncl. porches,
attic, bullt-ln gar; $14,750. Call OWNER.
DU. 7714. —7
1st COMMERCIAL. Ga. ave.—Detached
bldg, on lot 3714’ wide; property now con
sists of 3 apts. and furniture in 2 of
them is included in sale price: owner
leaving city and offers for sale at unusu
ally low price: well financed. For details,
call DI. 1015 until 9 p.m, WM. H.
44th and 43rd on Alton pi.—14 new de
tached brick homes. GI approved, built by
Barkley Bros.: 3 bedrma.. liv. rm.. din. rm.,
kit., bath and Vi, electrical refar., gas
stove, screens throughout, gas heat: near
schools, churches, stores, transp. For in
formation. call MR. NOLAN. NA. 9250;
nights DU. 5637 No brokers.
CHEVY CHASE, D. C.i $18,150; direct from
owner: immediate occupancy: 2 blocks
fiom Lafayette School; 7 spacious rooms.
11/3 baths, fireplace, gas heat; owner
built: of lifetime cypress shingles. Open
Sat. and Sunday. 2 to 6 p m. Buy direct
from owner and save. LESTER LEWIS,
3219 McKinley n.w. '*
GEORGETOWN—Brick: deck porch with
view of Potomac: 3 bedrooms. 2 baths,
shower, liv. rm.. din. rm.. mod. kit.; street
level bsmt. has rec. rm.. bath, laundry, new
h-w.h.. incinerator; is weather-striooed.
has Venetian blinds; $32,500. OWNER,
ment. studio room. 46*18; 7 additional
rooms, 2 baths, butler’s pantry, porch,
garage, oil h.-w.h. Mr. Dittrich, DU. 7784.
Eves TE. 8578. JACK HAYES. INC.—6
Adams Mill rd. n.w.—Red brick row, mod
ern in every respect and in fine condi
tion: .1 bedrooms, two lovely colored tiled
baths: wood-burning fireplaces in living
room and in large attractive recreation
room: gas heat, garage; lot 125' deep.
Cne block to bus. Call Mr. Shackelford.
NA 9300: eves, and week ends. SL. 6608.
BOSS /■ PHFLPS. INC.. 1417 K st. n.w.—?
my 18 years of real estate experience.
; sandwiched in between service in two
wars, is yours for the asking. If you want
individualized service in locating a rea
sonably priced home for your tour of
duty here. Just call LELAND D. BRECK
ENRIDGE. Realtor. TE. 3776. —7
NEAR Kith AND COL. RD. N.W.—Imme
diate possession will be given on this large,
Brueninger-bullt tapestry brick, in this de
sirable. convenient location: 7 large rooms
(4 bedrooms), full basement. ,2 screened
rear porches, built-in garage, oil h.-w.h.;
entire property in excellent condition. Call
DI 1615 ’til 9 P.m., WM. H. SAUNDERS
CO., INC. —9
CLEVELAND PARK, near Bur. of Standards
_Lovely detached white brick home, ex
ceptional construction, 7 rms.. 2 baths,
breakfast nook and screened porch; lge.
level lot: built-in garage; owner must sell.
Call HENRY HOOD. WO. 4114, OR. 3966.
(■>.300 DOWN. BAL. LIKE RENT—Nice 7
rm corner brick home, in petworth. in nice
corid • has oil h.-w.h. CLIFFORD SHERT
ZER CO.. RE. 3736: eves.. WO. 9191. —6
and l’/a baths, 2-story brick. Colonial
front porch: oil h.-w.h.. full basement. A-l
condition: conveniently located. Priced
to sell this reek with reasonable terms.
Call till 9 p.m. weekdays. Sun.. 12 to 5.
i7th st. n.w,. DI. 105ft. —0
Cope Cod. 6 generous rooms, bedroom
ana bath on 1st fl.: 2 bedrooms and bath
on ‘’nd: a clean, comfortable home, built
« yrs ago. recreation room; screened
norch; large lot; near transportation and
6867.—8 ...
•■MRS PENNY” offers for your approval.
ill D st n.w.; 10 rms.; $11,950.
609 2nd at. n.w.—6 rms.: (12,750. Call
RE 6324 or RA. 3790. "PENNY APOSTO
Colored—nr. 3rd and mass, ave.—
4-rm. row brick. 2nd commercial. Smell
down payment. Bal. like rent AUERBACH
& CO, DI. 3131, ,24 9th st. n w_^*u
beer converted into apts. and now has an
income of over S125 per month. Canbe
purchased on your own terras
call RE. 3310. CHAPMAN REALTY CO.,
INC.. Realtors. .~ZP—
—This home is a real bargain! Income
ever (200 per month; 7«MonAb» Pneed.
very attractive terms. CLIFFORD SHERT
ZSR oo.. 1106 G »t. n.w., RE. 2735. ev»g..
WO. 9191. —•
HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. 1
lovely rmi. and bath; 2-story brick, full
basement, oil h.-w.h., A-l condition, con
venient to everythin!. Priced to eel] with
reasonable down payment. For details
call till » p.m. weekdays; Sun, 12 to 5.
17th at. n.w, DI. 1655. —«
and bath. h.-wJl.: Income, £60 per week.
Por Inspection, call 8R. HARRIS. DE.
1160. CO 1162. —8
COLORED—8300 DOWN—7-room brick;
clean condition; balance li>.e rent. MR.
DREISEN. NA. 7798. NA, 7772. —9
COLORED—NEED A h6C8E7—We havtf
them in all sections: priced to suit every
MI. 8100. 1314Vj 9th st. n.w. —10
COLORED—160V BLK. O N.W.—9 rooms
2 baths. Reasonable down payment and
conv. mo. payments. Possession. Call Mr.
Holloman. RE. 7104: eves . VI. 3264, with
ALLEN L. KAY, Broker, 70» A'.bee Bldg.
COLORED—14» N TiT. N.W. — *9,750;
fl-rm. brick house. Inspec. by appoint.
£2ly. Call HENRY J. ROBB. INC, 1024
c%mont ave. n.w, DI. 8141. —7
0 st. n.w.; vacant, owner moving; 5 bed
rms 2Vi baths, lge. rear garden; Ideal loca
tion fsr rooming house. Your future will
be assured. Inspect tod.-y. SHERR,
SCHLOSS A CO, 2653 Conn. ave. n.w,
AD. 6-44. —7
Lovely, corner brick home with 6 large
rms, oil heat, full basement; best n.w.
section, near Howard Dnlv. Call TE.
8642. —6
tul Colonial row brick: 4 spacious bedrms.:
1 Vt baths: lge. 11 v. rm, dining rm. and
kit.: front porch. 2 large rear porches:
2-car brick garage; full basement with
modern gas heating plant. Call Mr. Mc
int-'b with FRED A. SMITH. Realtor.
1113 17th st. n.w.; eves . WA. 0807, —7
COLORED—*1,000 DOWN—11th and N
sts. n.w.; It rms, IV2 baths, finished base
ment; suitable for rooming house; month
ly payments like rent. Call until 9 p.m.
905 15th st. n.w. —6
13th st. n.w.: row brick, 7 rms. and bath,
full basement, h.-w.h., concrete front1
porch; house in excel. cond.,_priced for
immed. sale: act quick. KENNEDY REAL
TY CO., INC., exclusive, GE 9302; eves.,
RA. 6034. —7 |
COLORED—606 QUE ST. N.W.—6 rms.1
and bath, electric, gas and hot-water heat;
n good condition; nrice, $7,950; terms
can be arranged; $1,500 cash payment.
HARRY A. OLIKER CO., 1104 Vermont
ave., NA. 7157. —7
COLORED—VACANT, open 2 to 6 P.m.,
Sat. and 8un.; 3631 Warder st. n.w.—
Beautiful 7-rm. brick. 2 baths, oil heat, ga
rage. firepl.. Venetian blinds; Immediate
Dose.; $1 n.950. on terms Call Mr. Moser.
TA. 8881, KAY REALTY CO., RA. 2200.
COLORED—CLOSE-IN. convenient to every
thing—A lovely 8-room home in good con
dition. with a r.ew heating plant; only
*8 500 with SI.500 down. Don't delay,
call immediately if you want a good home
reasonable. RE 3.318. CHAPMAN REAL
TY CO., INC.. Realtors. J 228 14th st. n.w.
COLORED—82 T ST. N.W.—7 rms..' 2
baths, all improvements: owner occupied.
Call COX A CO., DI. 4264. RE. 18.33 or
Jones, TA. 0581. —7
built, 20-ft. wide, tapestry brick home;
good cond.: 7 lovely rms. (4 bedrms.).
tiled bath. 2 inclosed rear porches, ample
closets, elec, retgr.. gas range, storm sash,
full bsmt., oil h.-w.h.. concrete front
porch, built-in gar: only $15,950, sub
stantial cash reoulred: possession in 10
days. For further information. call
BARNEY O. WEITZ. 1427 Eye at. n.w.,
NA. 7086 or NA. 7196; Sun. and eves.. RA.
3413, —7
LARGE ROME, with 2 complete apts. Rent
from one apt. will almost pay for your
home. Only $1,500 cash reouired. $10,500
total price. To inspect, call RE. .3316,
POSSESSION—East Capitol st. and Minn,
ave. n.e.. 8-yr.-old 2-story brick. 7 lovely
rms. and bath, beautiful den or bedroom
In knotty pine on 1st floor: full basement,
gas a.-c. heat, beautifully Inclosed rear
yard: A-l condltlop. conveniently located;
priced to sell with reasonable down pay
ment. For details call till 9 p.m. week
days. Sun . 12 to 6. WM. CaLOMIRIS
PROPERTIES, INC., 3 012 17th st. n.w.
DI. 1655. —6
BUNGALOWS. 2 dandies, in nearby Md—
Each 6 rooms and bath. ‘A basement, all
in excellent condition. Conv. to transp.,
shopping and schools. Attractive level
lots. Priced for immediate sale. Posses
sion st once. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO.,
2381 R. I. ave. n.e . NO. 7203. —6
STAPLES ST. N.E.—A delightful row brick
hcuse. in perfect condition. House ideally
suited for Income and place to live. House
consists of basement apt., now renting for
$60 per mo.: ltt-fl. apt. made up of liv
ing room, bedroom, kitchen, dining alcove
and bath: 2nd fl . .3 bedrooms and bath.
Built-In 1-ear garage, gas heat. Priced for
Immediate sale. Call Mr. Sebastian. NA.
9.300: eves, and Sun.. WI. 5948. BOSS
A PHELPS. INC.. 141 7 K st. n.w. —8
LA SALLE PARK. 4306 19th st. n.e.—De
tached brick home. 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.
(olli. instantaneous hot-water heater, fire
place in living room, reefeation room in
basement: insulated and weather-stripped:
Venetian blinds throughout: detached sin
gle-car garage with overhead door: a nice
landscaped lot. Can be seen by appoint
ment. SULLIVAN BROS., 1620 K st. n.w.,
ME 432,3 _7
FROM OWNER—Beautiful detached home
In Woodridge n.e. Cm be seen by appoint
ment. HO. 6379. No brokers. —7
518 AND 518 C ST.—1st commercial, fac
ing Staunton Park: 518 frame with 6
rms.. 518 brick with S rms. and bath;
newly decorated: $2,600 down for both;
real buy for a business Mrs. Readmond.
4-FAMILY APT. HOUSE. Your opp. to buy
a 14-rm. ant. house. Income. $240 mo.
N.e. section: oil h.-w.h.: l«e. rear garden.
Priced to sell at $16,500. Call OWNER,
LU. 2321. —7
NEAR 7th AND TAYLOR—2-famlly flats.
Owner will consider GI plan. Living room,
bedroom, kitchen, dinette and bath. Call
Joseph S. Rutley. H. O. SMITHY CO.. 811
15th st. n.w., NA. 6903; eves., EM. 8270.
*18,500—*10.000 FIRST TRUST—Impres
sive semidetached brick home, featuring 2
full baths, 6 lie. rms., 2 rear screened
porches; finished apt. in basement: hot
water oil heat: Immaculate condition:
owner occupied: immediate possession.
Owner must sell, convenient terms. Call
until 9 P.m.. RE. 3631. PIRST NATL.
REALTY CORP.. 905 16th st. n.w. —6
*1.000 DOWN—Balance on one trust pay
able $75 per mo.. Including insurance and
taxes: semidet. brick home; nr. Greenway
apts.; 3 bedrms.. full bsmt.. gas a.-c. heat:
conv. loc. Call Mr. Orkln. DU 5750.
GOLDSTEN BROS.. 1429 L st. n.w.. RE.
1988. —7
adjoining bldgs., 7 rooms each, lot 45x90:
Mass. ave. n.e., AT. 8763: eves., VI. 3011
or AT. 8763. —S
1814 C ST. N.E.—Restricted: 8 rooms. 1
bath, 2 half baths, full basement and ga
rage. gas h.-w.h.; terms. HENRY V.
WILLOUGHBY. 809 Mass. ave. n.e.. AT.
8763; eves.. VI.3011 or AT. 8763. —8
TRINIDAD SECTION, 1252 Oates st. n.e —
6 rms. bath, h -w.h. (oil), screened-ln
rear porches, built-lngar.: $11,960. HO
HEN8TEIN BROS.. TR. 3000; eves., SH.
DANDY BRICK HOME, 308 You it. n.e .
at R. I. ave. carline—6 lovely rms..
2 dandy bedrms., lovely tiled bath, auto
matic gas heat, beautiful oak fls. swell
chestnut trim: price and terms on appli
cation. It's a beauty; possession at settle
ment. Open 1 p.m. H. C. MAYNOR CO..
2002 R. I. ave. n.e.. NO. 4338. —8
GOOD N.E. LOCATION — Colonial row
brick. 6 rms. and bath, full basement,
attached garage: close to shopping, schools,
chuiches and conven. to downtown: pos
session: $1,500 down. For Inspection,
call Mr. Pritchett, LU. 1612, JOHN H.
RICE, Realtor. EX. 2846, WA. 7494. —7
kota ave. n.e.—Here is a large home on
a beautiful cor. lot: good Income, one of
the best in Washington for the money: 13
beds, automatic gas brat: $450 monthly
income, and a home furnished. Open 1
p.m. daily and Sunday: priced . $25,000,
subject to an offer; cash payment terms
arranged. Inspect and be convinced.
H. C. MAYNOR. exclusive agents, 2202
R. I. ave. n.e.. NO. 4338. —8
919 HAMLIN ST. N.E.—Row brick resi
dence. 6 rms. and bath, modern kit.,
screened porch on 1st fl.: built-in garage,
deep lot. Open for inspection Bat. and
INC.. Realtors. NA. 0271. —7
1268 OWENS PL. N.E.—6-rm. brick, plus
2 Incl Insulated porches; built-in zaraer
.'M.I.ZftU. SCOTT SANDERS, 3W1B 8. Cap
itol st., TR. 756,3. —7
$2,360 DOWN, $85 per mo. Vacant.
Mass. ave. n.e.—A fine fi-rm. and b. home;
zone commercial; good cond. JOS. A. HER
BERT <fc SONS. Realtors. 515 E. Capitol st..
LI. 0129: eves.. LU. 4109.
WOODRIDGE—Open Sun.. 2 till 6. 291.3
2flth st. n.e.—Quick possession. Owner
must sell this comfortable detached home;
6 lovely rms.. reception hall and modern
tiled bath: full basement with heated rec
reation rm.. bar and laundry rm., oil
h.-w.h.: beautiful lge. lot; detached ga
rage. terms to suit. CAMPANELLA
WOOD. EX. 4113; eves, and Sun.. AD.
0899 _7
UNDER *9.0001 3800 block of Ltn, pi. n.e.
—Beautiful, modern. 8 ream old orlck.
This bargain price merits attention of
speculators. Call Mr. Kitchens, with COX
& CO.. DI. 4254: eves., LI. 5449. —7
st. n.e.—Immediate possession. Larie liv
ing room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bed
rooms bath, double rear porchs. built-in
garage: basement of 2 rooms, laundry
room, kitchenette, beautifully finished in
knotty pine: gas heat. *15.500. financing
arranged. Call for appointment. 9 to 5,
DI. 0392; eves.. CO. 7214. C. L. WIRSINO.
1034 Investment Bldg. —9
BEST BUT IN N.E.—Beautiful Woodridge;
convenient to everything: new det. brick
on large lot: living rm.. flrenjace: full din
ing rm.. Ideal kitchen la woman's dream).
3 delightful bedrooms and riled bath: gas
heat. *17.450: terms. ROBERT MAGEE.
RE. 7740 until 0:30 •
yard, gas heat, built-in bath with shower,
hardwood floors throughout. Cement front
porch, mod. kit., refrigeration. *10.060.
TR. 1008. 1323 Holbrook st. n.e. 7*
MARYLAND PARK. MD— 5-room frame
bungalow, basement, coal h.-w.h.. 50x135
ot, stove, no GI. *7.900. *1.000 cash. T.
D. BURGESS, 2624 Penn. ave. s.e.. VI.
2802. Bun. 10 to 4. —7
nice rooms, full basement, oil heat. 50x100
lot, refgT.. stove. *10.950, *2.600 cash.
T. D. BURGESS, 2624 Penn. ave. s.e . VI.
2802 Sun, 10 to 4. —7
GI WITH *500 CASH, buys 4-room and
bath frame bungalow, unflnlahed attic.
40x100 lot, refgr., stove. *7.950. Fur
nished. T. D. BURGESS. 2524 Penn. ave.
s.e.. VI. 2802. sun. 10 to 4. —7
Mass. ave. ne. Open Sun„ 1 till dark.
Corner tapestry brick with 9 rms.. 2 baths,
full basement. Oil h.-w.h. Double brick
garage, substantial cash reoulred. O'BAN
NON REALTY CO.. FR. 5110. —7
1815 N. CAFITOL 8T.—2-story and base
ment. pressed brick dwelling. 8 rms..
bath, garate: must be sold to settle est.
All offers must be cash. Call NA. 10^84.
NEAR R. I. AVE AND 22nd ST. N.E.—4
bedroom det home, on large lot. fine loea
tlon. Less than *3.000 cash reouired.
Call MR. FOSTER. RE 1489. SL. 4186.
GI SPECIAL—Brand new 6-room bricktex
bungalow, floored and insulated attic, lull
basement, oil beat. 40x100 lot. nice stove;
only $9,750: $500 cash needed. T. D
BURGESS. 2524 Penn. ave. s.e., VI. 2802,
Sun. 10 to 4. —7
NEAR EASTERN H.S.—8 rooms, arranged
as 2 apts., lnclud. 2 kitchens and 2 baths,
plus 3-room and bath basement apt., oil
heat. Owner vacating 1 apt. $18,000.
$4,000 down. White neighborhood. Box
488-C. Star. —8
3 BEDROOMS, semidetached house, close
transportation and commercial section.
$2,000 down. Directly from wwner. Open
all day for inspection. 531 12th it. n.e*
36th ST. N.E.—In excellent condition ts
this lovely row brick. 5 rms.. modern bath.'
gas heat. Priced at only $8,050. Neari
schools, shopping and transit lines. Call
until 9 p.m . LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CC«.
1415 K st. n.w . ME. 5400. !
"SI 1.600”; on R. I. ave. n e.—A splendid
buy with 4 bedrms . bath, oil heat; on a
wide lot 145' frontage on R. I. ave. Must
Je sold *t one* C»U ME. 1143, until
i,,P3P _. WESLEY BUCHANAN. Realtor.
TWO Fi.NE VALLES—.-room and bath
Cr’onial row brick, near 4th and Rhode
Is’und ave. n.e. New oO burner, elec
velar., garage; vacant; Sl?.950. In River
Terrace, modern 5-rm. and ba-.b brick, with
hardwood flt'-rs. air-conditioned oil heat;
vacant. Ojly $9,500. on terms Phone
Mr Blackwood. NO. 8597. with SHANNON
At LUCHS CO.. Io05 H st. n.w.. NA. ;345.
WOODRIDGE, nr. 20th and Otis tTe” —
Semidetached b.rick. excellent condition:
immediate possession Inspect only with
Mr. Thompson. TABLER. INC.. RE 50”0
e»e<s.. DU. 8372. —7
4112 MINNESOTA AVE. N.E.—1st com
mercial in front. 2nd commercial in back
to railroad siding Lot 42x175; 8-room
house. Price reduced to $10,950 for im
mediate sale See it Mr Setpel. MAR
SHALL J. WAPLE CO., 1224 14th st.
n.w. DI. 3346. CO. 5774.
COLORED—*1.300 DOWN—Trinidad sec
tion n.e.—Corner. 5-year-oid. 2-story
brick. 5 large rms. and modern tile bath,
full basement, gas a.-c. heat; nice yards;
A-l condition; priced to sell this week.
For details call till 9 p.m. weekdays: Sun..
INC., 1012 17th st. n.w., DI. 1855. —6
COLORED—N.E.—Here Is a good house
ol 6 rooms and bath In lmmacualte cond..
conv. to everything. Three bedrooms, dry
basement; end house. Priced right To
Inspect call Mr. McDonnell. HI. 3620 or
VI. 8260, Ext. ,416. with C. D. MURPHY,
Realtor. —6
COLORED—622 10th ST. N.E—You can
buy and move Into this house at once.
Only m small down payment buys this at
tractive 6-rm. brick house, newly redeco
rated; nice and conv. location. Call MR.
ALBERTS. EX. 5821 . —6
luui cui '"> jc«n uiu i iwQ*iBinuy nome
that can be handled under GI financing,
live In one apartment and rent from the
other will help pay for your house.
MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831 until 9 p.m.«
tractive detached 5-room bungalow in ex
cellent condition, one block oil Kenilworth
ave.: exceptional terms to responsible
purchaser. MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831
until 9 p.m •
*11,250. 6-rm. and bath brick home.. 2
car garage; gas and electrrlcity. Inspect
by appointment only. Call HENRY .1.
ROBB. INC., 1021 Vermont ave. n.w.
DI. 8141 —7
COLOREb—*500 DOWN takes this 6-rm.
house. Bath, gas, elec.. Areola heat.
Monthly payments like rent. SURETY
REALTY CO.. EX. 7944. —8
—Open 2 to 7 Sunday. See this lovely 8
rm. brick, excel, cond. throughout, full
basement, 2-car gar.: near stores, schools
and buses: priced reasonably, good terms.
WALCROFT A- PARKS, UN. 3400 til w P.m.
colored housing specialist, with TABLER,
INC., to help you find a home: see at
tractive 3-rm. brick bungalow: good n.e.
sectfcm: only *350 cash, balanoe monthly.
Call 9 a m. to 5 p.m. only. RE. 5038. —7
Sossession; moaern, detached J.-M. shingle
ome; oil h.-w.h., 8 Ige. rms., 2 baths,
screened porch. 2-car garage; needs com
plete decoration inside and out: fine street,
good, convenient D. C. neighborhood: *9.
500 cash; probably will retail redecorated
at S13.500. Call TABLER, INC., RE. 6020
Beautiful large old Colonial home: 7 rms.,
h.-w.h.. on quiet, shady, residential st.,
in refinea section, Kenilworth. D. C.:
massive, stately pillars from the cement
portico to the rooftop, gives this imposing,
center-entrance mansion dignity; large
rooms, well arranged for comfortable,
gracious living: needs redecorating, but
can be purchased at a bargin price: terms
may be arranged. Inspection by appoint
ment only with Mr. Brooks or Mr. Engle,
with TABLER, INC.. RE. 5020. —7
COLORED—DIGNIFIED detached home—
For refined family; 8 rms.. bath, h.-w.h..
garage, nice lot; can be arranged for 2
families; on beautiful, shady st.. best su
burban section D. C.; possession at settle
ment: can arrange terms; priced under
*12.000. Inspect with Mr. Tallin, TAB
LER. INC., RE. 5020. —7
COLORED—ONE MORE new 5-rm. brick
house on Summit st. n.e.—Bath, electricity,
gas heat, refgr.. gas range; terms. F. M.
Chives, agent. VI. 8893. H. S. GOTT,
1 Colorado Building
COLORED — VACANT — Attractive brick
home with 8 lge. rooms, pantry and bath,
cellar with front entrance, coal h.-w.h..
1-car garage: located on Que st. near
North Capitol: priced at *10.950, with
substantial cash payment. DI. 8917,
W. L. MOORE, GE. 2802,. —7
COLORED—208 IOth S*. N.E.—Vacant:
Just what you have been looking for; move
in tomorrow: 8 spacious and immaculate
rms.. brick, full basement, oil h.-w.h., com
pletely weather-stripped: conv. to every
thing: excel, neighborhood: deposit *2,000.
Exclusive with URBAN PROPERTIES. 802
F st. n.e,. AT 5764. —7
COLORED—7-ROOM semidetached brick,
near 14th and O sts. n.e.—Full basement,
oil h.-w.h.. refgr., 2 stoves, partly fur
nished: *12.950. *2.000 down T D.
BURGESS. 2624 Pa. ave. s.e. VI. 2802
Sunday. 10 to 4. —7
^ULunz.u--- si -n i iiib. buu
bath, detached home on lge. lot: easily
converted Into 2 apts. or details, call
MR HOFFER. NA K"»3. —7
COLORED—2900 BLOCK 12th ST. N.E.—
6-room row brick, 2 inclosed porches, gas
heat, front porch: built-in garage: $5.ono
cash,' balance monthly. M. B. WEAVER
WO. 4944, DI- 3830.
low as $1,000 down. bal. mo. FORD E.
MORGAN. Sr.. TR. 6262. —7
COLORED—$ 1.009 DOWN buys this very
nice brick in one of the best n.e. sections;
6 rms.. incl. porch. I expect this place
to go this week end. so if you're interested,
let me hear from you. Call Mr. Kitchens,
with COX & CO., RE. 1633; eves.. LI.
5449. —7
COLORED—VACANT, immediate posses
sion: excel, n.e. location: 6 rms.. bath, h.
w.h.: toilet and shower in cellar: hardwood
floors; brick gar. with loft above: $12,000:
terms. HOHENSTEIN BROS., FR. 3000;
eves.. SH. 6245.
Attractive corner, nr. 9th and C n.e.: 8
rms and bath: small down payment; rea
sonable terms: 1st time offered Call
9th st. n.w.. MI. 8100. —8
home, situated on good-sised lot. in excel,
neighborhood: suitable for small family;
lge. bright rms.. kit., bath, full bsmt,.
furnace heat, porches, gar.; convert schs..
stores, transp.; title ready, possession in
10 days: reas. price and terms. For
further information, call BARNEY O.
WEITZ. 1427 Eye st. n.w.. NA. 7065 or
NA. 7196; Sun. and eves., RA. 3413. —7
COLORED—506 9th ST.—Home and in
vestment; 3 apts.. vacant: substantial
down payment required. Call MRS. EL
LIOTT. DE 7058 or DE. 1254. —9
HOUSES FOR SALt—Sowtjtjwjt.
1605 FAIRLAWN AVE. S.E.—Vacant, lm
med. possession: $1,000 down, good terms:
6 rms.. modern tile bath, gas heat, full
basement, row brick. Call Morris Cohen
or Milton Vlnnick with A. M. DRAI3NER.
1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8036; home, GE. 02_97.
RANDLE HIGHLANDS—Nice det. bunga
low. 6 rms. and bath, full bsmt., h.-w.h.:
2-car det gar.: lge. lot. SOUTHEAST
REALTY CO.. 1211 Penna. ave. s.e.. FR.
6060 or FR- 7326. —7
VETERAN-APPROVED, new det. brick bun
galows; liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm..
kit , 2 bedrms.. tiled bath with shower;
full bsmt.. laundry trays: gas heat; un
finished attic: screens, and shrubbery.
ave. s.e., FR. 6060 or FR. 7,326. -—7
1348 K ST. S.E.—7-rm and bath brick
h.-w.h.; lge rms.: good cond.: vacant;
terms. F. M Chives, agent. VI. 6893.
H S. GOOT. 1 Colorado Bldg.
GI PREFERENCE—New 6-rm. semldet
brick: unexcelled location: all large rooms.
You are invited to inspect and compare.
Priced at approx. $12,950: $1,300 cash
and $85 per mo. on GI terms. JOHN
L. SHELTON. VI. 6551.
HILLSIDE, MD.—5-room frame bunga
low. full basement, oil heat, built-in
saraee Only $8,750. $2,000 cash T. D
BURGESS. 5424 Penna. ave. s.e.. VI. 2802
Sun.. 10 to 4. —7
GI NEEDS ONLY $566 CASH down to buy
this 4-room a.-.bestos-shingle buntra’ow.
stove end screens. Very good condition.
V^IlI.v iro.ouv. *• u V IV'JUWV. ->«•*
Perna. ave. s.e.. VI. 2802 Sun.. 10 to^4.
room brick bungalow, floored and Insulated
attic. 2 baths, full basement, gas h.-w.h..
copper pipes. 45x189 lot. screened porch,
refer., stove, fireplace; $14,950; $4,000
cash T. D. BURGESS. 2524 Penna. ave.
s.e., VI. 2802 Sun.. 10 to 4 —7
Gt HOME—1S10 Fort Davis nl. s.e.—6
rms. and bath, full bsmt., gas a.-c.h.,
built-in garage. NA. 1613.
5-ROOM DETACHED, nr. Alabama ave.
and Ft. Dupont Pk.—Gas h,-w.h: porches;
50-ft. lot: conven to quick transp. Price
is only $11,500. ALBERT W’. LEE. 3211
Pa. ave. s.e.. VI 1000. —7
HILLCREST — We have several lovely
homes in this popular section, some with
a bedroom and bath on the 1st floor:
prices * range from $15,000 to $35,000.
To Inspect, call Mr. Legree. TW. 8085.
1223 TALBERT ST. S.E.—Open 2-5: det.:
$14.50o: lot 40x280: 10 rms 2 baths, oil
heat, 2-car gar.: <2 apts.); possession:
present Income. $290 per mo., includes all
furniture. Directions: Over 11th St.
Bridge s.e . to 2400 blk. Nichols ave.. turn
left to house. TR. 2038. RA 9449 —7
3 APTS., originally designed as apts.: 8
yra. old. best prewar construction. If
you are looking for real Duality, give me
a ring. Mr. Kitchens. COX At CO., DI.
4254: eves.. LI. 5449. —7
118 13th 8T. S.E.. at Lincoln Park—2
story brick. 7 rms., now occupied as apts .
1 apt. avail, to purchaser; $11,750.
SCOTT SANDERS, 3919 South Capitol st..
TR. 7563. —7
CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 316 Raleigh at.
s.e.—Brick, semidet.. 5 rms.. excel, cond.;
close to schools, stores, transp: $12,250;
cash. $2,500. SCOTT SANDERS. 3919
south Capitol st.. TR 7563. —7
CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 144 Forrester st.
a e —Brick, semidetached. 5 roms. fin
ished recreation room. 1*4 baths: $10.500:
cash. $2,500. For inspection call SCOTT
SANDERS, 3919 South Capitol at.. TR
8895 DOWN—Six spacious rms. and bath:
deep lot. detached garage. Conv. to
schools, stores and transp^ A good buy at
$6 950. To Inspect call CAMPANELLA At
WOOD. EX. 4113; eves, and 8un.. AD.
0899 —*
NEAR LINCOLN PARK — Nicely furn..
semidet.: 8 rms.: good income: oil heac
gar. Call Clara Lee, EM 094,: COX
At CO . DI. 4254. —7
OPEN SUN.. I TO 7—3960 E»st Cmoitol
>t.—Modtrn 6-rm. brick home, available
now. Quick possession. Three bedrms..
Lovely tile bath with shower Recreation
basement with lavatory; oil a.-c.h.: large
lot. Terms to suit. Directions: Over 17th
and Fenna. Ave Bridge to Minnesota ave..
left on Minnesota ave. to B st . then
right to East Capitol and house.. CAMPA
NULA & WOOD. EX 4113: eves.. AD.
BBYK HOME. 1 year old. 1*231 Savannah
st. s.e. Owner transferred, will sacrifice.
Possession with settlement Six large
rooms, two complete baths, fully-equip
ped modern kitchen, gas heat, beautiful
recreation room, large back yard, concrete
front porch. Home in immacualte con
dition; lik* new. GI approved with $1,000
cash. Price. $13,750. Mr. GI don t delay
to see this beautiful home. Open for
inspection Saturday *2 to 7 pm. and
Sunday. 3 to 7 p.m. Directions: Out
11th st. s.e . over the bridge, straight out
Nichols ave . one block past Congress
Theater, turn left on Congress rd. to Ala
bama ave.. turn left to 12th st.. turn right
or. e b.ocx to SJvannah st. s.e. and our
sign. HENRY SALUS. 920 New York ave
n.w.. National 126*2. By appointment, call
Mr. Scnweitzer. eves.. WO. 6584. —7
HILLCREST—By owner; 6-rm. detached,
modern brick, garage, lovely fenced yard,
screened porch. Venetian blinds through
out. 2 fireplaces, finished rec. rm.; $21,300.
VI. i 037. —8
brick bungalow; living room with fireplace,
dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms. tied
bath with shower: full basement, laundry
trays, gas heat. Servel refrigerator, new
range, stairs to attic, screen® and shrub-1
bery; price. $12,000; down payment. $1
500; balance $63 to $70 per month. Call1
either of the following: Mr. Lanier. VI.,
5251: Mr. Everett. EM. 8201: Mr% 6oiko.1
TA 0894. PAUL J. MILLER. DU. 2422
till 9 p.m. —8
brick, det.: 1st fl. has *2 bedrms.. living
rm., din. rm., sunrm.. kit. and bath: 2
rms. on 2nd fl.: full bsmt.. oil heat. Vene
tian blinds, screens. 2-car gar.; on 2 lots,
nicely shrubbed; conv. to shopping. sch>ob.
transp.: especially suited for doctor or
other professional man. Buy direct from!
owner: terms. Open all day Sun. 2101
Que st. s.e., AT. 5143. —7 !
VACANT; $750 down—Well-built row brick
home; good cond.: 6 cozy rms., bath, h
w.h.. Colonial porch; nice yards: conv.
schools, stores, transp.. reas. price and
terms; immediate possession. For further
information, call BARNEY O. WEITZ, 1427
Eye st. n.w.. NA. 7065 or NA. 7196: Sun.
and eves., RA. 3413. —7
1-FAMILY CORNER. 6-rm. brick house.
5 yrs. old. on corner of Up&al and Horner
pi. s.e. LI. 7354. —7
OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. 1707 Ft. Davis
tl k 9 —_St1 ■' fiemirlot hrir'g ava*1
condition. 3 bedrms.. tiled bath, modern
kit., recreation rm. gas heat: fenced yd
Conv. shopping and transportation Out
Penna. ave. s.e. 13'4 mi. beyond bridge, left
on Ft. Davis st. H. G. SMITHY CO.. NA.
5903. —7
DIRECT FROM OWNER—2-family apt of
4 rooms and bath each: separate entrances
and heating plants. Price. $9,750: rea
sonable terms. 417 loth st. s.e. Phone
OWNER. AD 2979.
FORT DAVIS AREA—Very nice 2-story fl
room semidet. brick, gas auto. heat, l’a
baths: newly decorated throughout: $13.
500. PAUL MUDD. 2408 Minn. ave. s.e.
FR. 2056. —7
7-ROOM ROW BRICK, 2 porches, garage:
wide avenue, conv. location. Immediate
possession. No realtors. Phone VI. 4277.
transferred out of city and is taking loss
for quick sale. This Is a fine 6-rm. semi
det. brick: has gas heat, finished rec. rm.
and everything modern: fine location. Po
tential buyers should see this bargain at
once C. D. MURPHY, 1401 25th st. s.e.,
AT *,239. AT 2299 _7
ANACOSTIA. D. C., 1 blk. from Anacostia
High School—2-family home, practically
new; Ist-fl. apt consists of liv. rm.. bedrm .
i mod. kit., tile bath. rec. rm.. utility rm..
| front porch, lgc. rear yard: 2nd fl. consists
i of liv. rm.. bedrm.. modern kit. and tile
[ bath: ideal for 2 families: excel, neighbor
hood: automatic gas heat: immediate pos
1 session. CHARLES S. GUNN, 326 Pa. ave.
I s.e.. FR. 1206. —6
NR. BOLLING FIELD—Lovely modern 6
i room row’ brick house: recreation room in
basement: nr. to schools, stores and bus
; lines. Call MR. WILLIAMSON. AT. 7047.
ILLNESS OF OWNER necessitates Imme
diate sale of furnished private hotel.
Daily rate ceiling. $38 per night. Suit
i able for tourists, rooming house, or fra
i ternitv house, or can be converted to
anartments. Corner red brick. three
story and basement building of 13 rooms
end four baths, with fire escape and alarm
system, electric laundry equipment in
cluded. E. QUINCY SMITH. INC..
Realtors, 1418 H st. n.w.. DI. 0057;
evenings and week ends, call Mr. Hough
ton. WI. 9474. —7
810.950. 81.250 DOWN—Lovely modern 1
year-old brick home in convenient sec
tion of city; featuring 5 rms.. modern
kitchen and bath: flagstone terrace, base
ment with front entrance, oil heat; pos
session assured. Call until 9 p.m . RE.
15th st. n.w. —6
RALEIGH ST., Just off Nichols ave.—Semi
det. brick. 6 rooms: 3 bedrms.. liv. rm..
din. rm.. kit.. 2Va baths, incl. rear porch,
oil h.-w.h., full bsmt.. garage: price. $13,
950. including fuiniture. C. D. MURPHY.
1401 25th st. s.e.. AT. 2239. —6
beautiful grounds, gas a.-c. heat, recrea
tion room In bsmt.. screened porch, storm
windows and doors; poss. at settlement
Call Mr. Chevalier, FR. 2056, with T.
rd. s.e.—An unusual opportunity for a
discriminating purchaser. 2 bedrooms,
large living room with fireplace, modern
: kitchen, Frigidaire. hot-water heat, large
shaded lot: immediate possession: fairly
priced at $10,500; substantial down pay
ment required. Call FR. 2100 or Mr.
Bo'vaher, VI. 4757. MAX MILLER. R*al
Estate. —7
CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 3900 block 9th st.
—Two-month-old semidet. tapestry brick,
3 beorms., gas heat, complete kit.; substan
tial cash. Call Mr. Delle. AT. 0083. with
127 15th ST. S.E.—1st commercial. 8 rms .
i 2 baths, gas heat: 2nd-fl. income, SlOO per
mo.: price. $0,250: possession at settle
ment. Mrs. Readmond. EM. 8875. WIL
tiful 8-rm Colonial brick, gas heat, hard
wood floors, finished cellar: front and back
yards; gar.; in beautiful cond.: possession
at settlement; owner occupied. For in
spection. MR. DICKENS. DE. 1160. —6
COLORED—1372-84 C ST. S.E.—7 frame
houses. 1st commercial, 4 rms. each; 81.1
ft. front. 62 ft. deep. Call NA. 6730 till
9 p.m.. R. A. HUMPHRIES, Realtor. 808
No. Capitol st. —6
up a good buy. as low as $1,500 cash
down—Modern row brick, in best section,
nr. Mass ave. and Pa. ave. s.e,: 8 rms..
includes 2 rear inclosed porches, full bsmt..
rec. rm., workshop, new gas heating;
owner moving and will give immediate
occupancy. Call RE. 66o0. COLONIAL
room. semidetached brick; nr. Talbert and
Nichols ave. s.e.; nlee porches, refgr.. stove,
screens, full basement; quick possession;
$10,500: $2,000 down. T. D. BURGESS.
2524 Penna. ave. s.e . VI. 2802. Sun.. 10
to 4. —7
S.E.—2-family flat, separate heating plants,
meters, etc. Price. $9.500. J. EDW.
FOWLER & SON. 1012 Eye st. n.w.. NA
3679. RA. 9490.
COLORED—323 AND 329 C ST. S.E.—
Row brick homes, each containing 3 compl.
turn. apts. plus finished bsmt.: Income
from each house.. $215 per mo.; price.
$16,750, cash $4,500. bal. 1st trust by
own»r. For inspection, call SCOTT SAN
DERS. 3019 S. Capitol st.. TR. 7563. —7
COLORED—VACANT—$750 down: cozy.
6-rm. and bath home, in good cond ; oil
h.-wh.. nice yards: conven. schs.. stores,
transp.; reas. price and terms: immediate
possession. For further information, call
BARNEY O WEITZ. 1427 Eye st nw. .
NA. 7065 or NA. 7196; Sun. and eves . RA.
3413. —7
COLORED—2«0 BLK. 16th ST.—6 rms . 2
inclosed porches. Colonial front porch,
tiled bath, full cellar, gas heat; $12,600.
terms. MR. V. THOMAS. DE. 1160, —7
LISTINGS IN D. C., nearby Md. and Va.
are urgently needed: our personal service
in appraisal and prompt sales will please
you Phone eve. or Sun.. Georgia 2900.
L. T GRAVATTE. 729 15th st. n.w.. NA
(170*1. -7
FROM OWNER, desirable n.w . « or 8
rm. house, furnshed or unfurnished, (or
cash buver. RA. 5410. —7
VETERAN, interested in purchasing lge
bungalow of 2 or more bedrms. with ex
pansion attic or lge. 2-story house of 3
or more bedrms.: Va. only. TE. 3722.
WE HAVE CLIENTS who will pay all cash
for homes and commercial properties. AD
4&82 or GE. 5440. —8
small house In Northeas' Washington or
nearby Mci.. within 5 mi. of D. C. Owner
onlv. HO 1550 after 3 pm. —11
HAVE CLIENT who must locate nra"
synagogue. Would like brick home, prefer
ably Brightwooa BROKER. Box 297-B.
Star. —7
AT ONCE. 5 to 7 room house. D C or
nearby Md. or Va.—Reasonable. Will pay
cash. Give price and location. P. O. B.
5597 Friendship Station. D, C. —7
OVER *3.000.000. Yes. we sold that much
real estate and business property last pear.
Our experienced and energetic staff can
promptly and reliably dispose of your
home. Many waiting clients with sub
stantial cash. We are licensed in the Dis
trict. Maryland and Virginia. HEANEY A
CO . 2053 Conn, ave HO 5063. 7*
2-FAMILY HOUSE; row. single or seiAi
det : n.w. Wash, or nearby Va.; kit. comp ;
conv. school and bus: In white neighbor
hood: $10,000 to $13,000. $1,000 down.
MRS CRUIT. RE. 1010. OW. 7257 alter
0 p.m. 7*
2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE from owner—
D. C. or suburbs. Must be bargain on to
day’s market: any type house considered.
Full cash settlement. Call MI. 1289 alter
WILL PAY CASH for houses, white or
colored, any condition or section. HO.
cash price in D. C. or Md.: free appraisal.
Plenty of clients waiting for quick results.
Call A. H. Parker. RA. 2569. TA. 3008.
J B. TIFFEY A SON. 316 Kennedy st. n.w
buyers for attractive 2-3-4 bedrm homes
In nearby Md. or D. C Please call today.
SL. 3700. 84 27 Georgia ave. —7
CHARLES 8. GUNN naa client* waiting
so purchase home* in any section of Waih
and nearby Maryland PR. 1206
IF PROMPT ATTENTION to the tale ol
your home, business or Investment prop
erty la what you desire, call R A HUM
PHRIES, Realtor. 808 north Capitol, NA.
6730. Pree appraisals Results since 1919.
WE WANT YOUR HOUSE, apartment, store
or unimproved land for sale; we have
the clients Call Mr. Boucher. DRURY
REALTY CORP. 1737 K. RE 1133
MANNAS REALTY CO. can sell your house
tt today's value: our estimate without
obligation. 2110 Wilton blvd.. OL. or
OX. 2784.
IMMEDIATE ACTION—We will buy your
home today or sell to cash clients st full
market value. Free appraisals MIT
CHELL QUICK. DT. 2831. until 9 p m. 0'
your house with us. Have cash buyers who
will pay top price ENTERPRISE REALTY
CO , 1224 Eye »t. n.w.. EX. 3400.
SPOT CASH AX ONCE tor houses, white
or colored, any condition, any section.
NA. 7071.
IMMEDIATE CASH for your property, n.e.
or s.e.. white or colored. Maryland or Vir
ginia. COX & CO . DI. *254, RE. l»33.
S.E. AND N.E. PROPERTY—We will pay
all cash or will sell for you We get
results, quick action. MAX MILLER. ouO
11th st. s.e., FR. 2100.
HO YEARS' SERVICE to local property
owners; guaranteed results. List your prop
erty with WM H SAUNDERS CO.. If C .
Realtors since 1887 1519 K, DI. 10l->.
WANT S.E. HOME, will pay cash MR.
BEACH. Victor 2471. —10
WE HAVE A CLIENT with $3,000 cash to
use as ciown payment on 3-bedrm. home,
priced at $15,000 to $20,000; will pay
up to $200 monthly payments; prefer
D. C location, but will consider Md. or
Va. Call MI. 4311. agent. —6
exp. turn. In storage which we would like
to use in 2-bedrm. mod. house. If un
able to sell, will you rent to us for 1 year
or more? No children, references, former
home owners. TE. 8446. —7
CASH CONTRACT within 12 hrs whlta
or colored property; no commission to pay.
Call MR. ALBERTS. EX. 5821. —7
N.W. WASH, and Silver Spring area—
Homes wanted for Immediate purchasers;
demands exceed our present listings in
those areas. Let us quote you a price
without obligation. Phone PHILIP B.
KEY REALTY CO.. SL. 3010. —6 .
ALL CASH AND IN a hurry for any house
>n any section, clients waiting. Call till 9
p.m.. Mr Brown. RE 3531. FIRST
°.WYOU HAVE A HOUSE for sale, call or
write Mr. Glidden or Mr. Foster. Many
years of experience In handling D. C and
Maryland property; no obligation for In
spection. RE. 1459. SL 4166 or DE 0054.
412 5th st. n.w. —8
Bradly Hills. Pay cash. Box 337-B, Star.
SILVER SPRING—Brick Cape Cod. 4 bed
rms, l'i baths. lge. liv. rm.. dining rm..
spacious kitchen, built-in garage; vacant;
immed possession. LOWERY AND
MELTON. Realtors 8415 Georgia ave.. Sil.
Spring. SH 8200: eve. ph.. AD. 6987 —6
BETHESDA — Beautiful bungalow: first
flooi, 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. hall, living
room, dining room, kitchen; Second-floor.
.1 bedrooms and bath; kitchen and bath
newly installed; completely renovated.
until 9 p.m,. 4420 Conn. ave. n.w. —6
BRICK BUNGALOW—Vacant. $12,950
Seven yrs. old. completely redecorated; full
basement, concealed radiation and oil h*
w.h. For further detail^, call Mr. Clarke,
SL. 28.10. with BEITZELL. DI. .1100 —8
CHEVERLY. MD.—NewIV decorated, cosy
home of prewar materials, frame and stone
veneer. 1st floor, living room, dinette, mod
ern electric kitchen: 2nd floor. 2 nice bed
rooms. huge closets, tile bath and shower;
full be-'m-nt oil air-condittoned heat, con
tinuous hot water, screened side and front
porclie~. wooded lot. graveled drivew?y;
$12,000. Mr. Robinson. SH. 6075. WIL
LIAM R. THOROWOOOD. DE. 0317. 2024
R. I. ave. n.e.
A REAL BARGAIN, near Friendly. Md —
Nice 6-rm. frame with 14 acres, about 150
ft. highway frontage; 4 chicken houses;
2-car concrete garage. Your immediate
inspection invited; $12,750. PAUL MUDD.
2408 Minn. ave. s.e.. FR. 2056. —7
WE HAVE 3 NICE HOMES with large lots,
in Parkland. District Heights and Temple
Hills. Md., ranging from $10,500 to $10.
950 Call Mr. Puffenberger, with PAUL
MUDD. 2408 Minn. ave. s.e.. FR. 2056. —,
CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Brand-new home*
of quality construction, in one of the
finest and most convenient sections in the
Washington area. Priced from $20,450 to
$2.1.950. Excellent materials and work
1 manship. 30-day veteran's preference. Csll
, Mr Denton, NA, 2040: after 5 P.m.. WO.
I 4444. L. E. BREUNINGER Sc SONS —11
oppor. to own an estate containing about
5 arres: a well-landscaped ground im
proved by a nice 10-rm. dwelling house;
has lge. liv. rm and master bedrm.. each
with open flrepl; 6 bedrms.. inclosed
heated sleeping porch and 4 baths; h.-w h.,
oil burner: all screened; also a detached
2-car garage. The property fronts about
400 ft. on hard road. The grounds ara
beautiful with lge., wide lawns, evergreen
shrubbery. Beautiful trees and there Is
a stream on the property. This Is the first
time this property has been offered for
sale and is priced far below the repro
duction cost. Shown by appointment only.
Priced for quick sale at $50,000. BUELL
M. GARDNER, agent. Call Mr. Stackhouse.
Rockville 2800 day or Rockville 288$
evenings. —6
room home, situated on a large shaded lot.
very conv. to the Univ. of Md. Quick
possession, terms. PRINCE GEORGES
REALTY CO.. WA. 8655. UN. 1168. —8
Rockcresi: $2,000 cash. $75 per mo.. In
cluding Interest, taxes and Insurance. Call
MR. SMITH, OL. 0829 (with Thos. L.
Phillips). —7
WILL TRADE lovely 5-rm Cape Cod bun
galow. expansion attic, basement, oil heat,
modern kitchen, front porch, large Inclosed
back porch, Anchor fence, for house In Mt.
Rainier or Hyattsville, in good location.
OWNER. WA. ObUb —7
TAKOMA PARK—Carioll ave.. near Ethan
Allen. Large home, complete with storm
windows. 2 Inclosed porches, .1 large bed
rms. Can be easily converted into apts.;
8 rooms in all; lovely lot. About $3,000
will handle. Mr. Bell or Mr. Jones,
eves., VI. 8367. —7
Ordnance Laboratory: attractive 7 room
and bath home with first floor den. garaga
and oil heat. Situated on an acre of ground.
1 lie Clllil7 (liupci U lO 111 CAUCM5HV v-v/ll
dition and Is owner occupied. MITCHELL
QUICK. DI. 28.31 until 9 p.m. *
KENSINGTON—New. det. 2-story. 6-rm.
and tile bath, frame house: 8700 down
(GI’S only), bal. less than rent: good loca
tion: large rooms. R. H. BEST. INC.. WI.
3633. —7
COLUMBIA FOREST—A restricted com
munity—10 new detached brick home*
nearing completion (6 rms.. tiled bath, gas
hea'. fireplace, concrete norch: on large
wooded lots): for veterans and servicemen
only during September. Price. *15.950.
with substantial cash payment and mod
erate monthly payments. To reach: Out
Conn, or Wis. aves. to East-AVest hwy. and
Chelton rd. (Bethesda High School), turn
right on Kentbury dr. to new houses. Rep
resentative on property 2 to « P.m. daily
4288. 0 to 11 a m. only. —8
21,2 baths, h.-wh,. oil burner, hardwood
floors. 2 fireplaces; could be used as 2 or
3 separate apts. Large grounds on high
elevation. Close to D. C. line. 815.000:
terms. Many other properties Priced
*6.000 up BURCH REALTY CO . TO.
5783 or 6338; eves,. TO 6117 or Green
Colonial 2-story brick home, large liv.
rm. dining rm.. modern kit., first floor.
Two large bedrms.. tiled bath, second floor.
Gas heat, large wooded lot, Anchor fence,
outdoor fireplace, child's playhouse and
workshop. Refgr. and range Close to
D. C. line. *13 950: excel, terms. Many
other properties priced *6.000 up. BURCH
REALTY CO.. Tower 5783 or 6338: eves.,
TO. 6117 or Greenbelt 6513. —7
i eter 3. hagan offers at Mt. Rainier. Md.,
beautiful 5-room and bath bungalow with
extra apartment in basement consisting
of large living-dining room, bedroom and
shower and toilet; entire house beautifully
furnished; this is an attractive place and
clean as a pin; price, including furniture.
$10,500: can be handled GI with *2.000
cash: Immediate possession. For particu
lars. call peter J. haaan. Suburban Spe
cialist. new address, 3214 Branch ave. s.e.,
phone HI. 7700: eves.. HI. 3702. —7
peter i. haaan offers near Andrews Field P
new large 4-room and bath masonry bun
galow with lull basement, hardwood floors,
hot-water heat and modern fixtures; Vj
acre of land: ideal for chickens and gar
den: price reduced to *7.950 for Quick
sale: should go GI with *500 cash For
particulars, call peter ]. hagan. Suburban
Specialist, new address. 3214 Branch ave.
s.e.. phone HI 7700: eves.. HI. 3702. -—7
CHEVERLY—Lovely prewar brick Capa
Cod, turn, or unfurn . 5 large rms,
tile bath, fireplace, partially finished
second floor; lav. In basement, automatic
heat. gar. Substantial cash payment
FERRY BOSWELL. INC.. Realtors. 3304
R. I. ave.. WA. 4500: eves . WA. 093a. —8
AN UNU8AL BUY! A well-built n£w 2
bedrm. brick home. liv. rm., fireplace,
din. rm.. fully equipped kit., Porch, full
bsmt., a.-c. heat, flagstone patio, large
lot Excel, location. 3 miles from Be
thesda Bank. Builder must sell at a
sacrifice for immediate sale: *13.500. O. L.
MURDOCK, SH. 46U. PL. 8602. —7
MARYLAND UN1V. PARK—Det. brick on
well-landscaped lot. / rir.s.- - baths,
powder rm.. rec. rm . side terrace, outside
oarbedue pit., det. gar.; excellent condition.
One block from Baltimore pike. On terms
Mr. Bozzi. URCIOLO REALTY. ME. 1971s
eves.. TA. 6251.
CHEVERLY. -407 Chever.y ave—-Open
Sunday 1 to 5—Spacious masonry home.
located on a neugnriui Know,
offers liv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm..
kitchen, breakfast rm. and sun parlor or
bedrm.: 2nd fl. has 4 bedrms. and bath,
stairs to large, insulated attic; ail rms.
are large and there Is an abundance of
roomy elosets. half bath and full basement,
oil hot-water heat, built-in garage. To
reach: Drive beyond Peace Cross on Land
over rd. aDbrox. l mile, right on Chev
erly ave to the property, or board Chev
erly bus at Mt. Rainier terminal to the
property Today call WA. 7494. JOHN^H.
RICE, Realtor, EX. 2845. —7
CHtVERLr— Distinctive design—Stone and
frame, 2-story. 2-bedrm.. full bsmt., oil
a -c. heat, copper screened side porch, lge.
lot. but best of all is the unusual y lge.
trust available, indicating an especially
good buy. $12,000 and terms. A. 8TANLEY
MOREAU. WA. 2571 or WA. 8880 —7
TAKOMA PARK—Early doss ; attr 1-yr -
old, lge. lot. porch, lge. liv. rm.. fireplace,
din. rm.. kitchen. 3 bedrms.. tiled bath:
full bsmt.. laundry tubs, attic., oil a.c.
heat: $12,950. OWNER. SH. 8978. —8
BETHESDA—Nr. schools, bus. stores, det;
lge. liv. rm.. with picture window, open
fireplace, dm. rm.. ultra modern kit.. 2
bedrms., bath 1st fl.. 3 bedrms.. bath 2nd
fl , oil heat. gar., wooded lot. $21,000.
BETHESDA AREA—Near Naval hospital
in beautilul Parkwood; new 6-rm. brick
Colonial, with concrete side porch. 90
foot fiontage. gas a.-c. heat. lge. bsmt
with outside entrance: price, $15,950. with
reasonable down payment. WI. 1879. No
brokers, please. —;
IF YOU ABE LOOKING for a new auaiity
built 7-rm. and 2-bath home nr. cheveriy
for $16,750, $3,250 down, we have It
Designed for a 1 or 2 family hocy -
porches. lge. lot. oil h.'W h. JOS. A HER
BERT & SONS. Realtors. 515 E Capitol
st.. LI. 0129: eves.. LU. 4109.
MT. RAINIER. MD.—Sec uded bungalow.
5 lovely lge. rms. and bath: 2 bedrms
Lge attic: full basement: oil Iv-w t? . lot
87x187; shade and fruit trees. T<5 Inspect,
call CAMPANULA & WOOD, EX 4113.
eves • AD- oPOP ,/
7 rms. l'i baths: full basement oil
h -w h : large corner lo* comniet* ac
cesses: *18.500. OWNER. PL _130 8.
BUNGALOW, with Vi acre located in Fair
land Gardens, on Columbia rd . between
Fairland and Burtonsvllle. about 4‘.» mile*
fbove Naval Ordnance L*^atory - bed
rooms: new and ready for Immediate oe
cupaney: S9.3O0: only one available. GEO.
j, MOSS SH. 1 - —
“ (Continued on Next Pxg«.>