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* RESORTS. OCEAN CITY, MI) RIDEAU Boardwalk Hotel Frlute baths; telephone in rooms. Homo* Mho mooU. Photo 71. J. P. JARMAN. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J._ New Clarion 8atHtS& PENN MAR HOTEL JUST OFF BOARDWALK Reasonable season*! and post-seeienal rates. Clean, comfortable rooms; hot and eold runnlns water. Don t toll to ran for yeor post-season vacation. 137 St. James Place. Atlantic City. K. J._Phone A. C. 4-BT22 ^JEFFERSON WdtHkfc*nti < kv \t;:. >1;. Zf . ATUMK hliV % W AVK'RM A\ A M U‘>ri:.\\ I1.WB ): I W..WTATIHN ROOM 1'OrtUH I Uiiiv C"i n's Solarium M j 1 jo fj h r: 6** m*. f KENTUCKY AVE. NR. BEACH ATLANTIC CITY AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS ‘Coach-and-Four" Grill JHON H. FETTER. Gen. Mar. A T L11 T IC CITT Magnificent indoor pool (available to guests without charge). Turkish Bath . . . Matchless Cuisine. Famous ROUND THE WORLD ROOM. Sea water In all baths. JOHN T. WEST General Manager JACK E. MORRIS Resident Manager Phone A. C. 4-5131 WHERE COMFORT MATCHES CLIMATE Where the pleasure* of a September wisit are multiplied in superb Shelburne style. Spaci ous ’guest rooms. Sun decks oeerlooking beach and sea. Xasidarsik Cocktail Louaye FAMOUS SHELBURNE BRILL AND SHELL BAR THE Paul Arutwaldu, kfgr. ON THE BOARDWALK ATLANTIC CITY I 1 \ / R "Excellence wrthtml |T ||| ’ ejtftG ■• Extravagance" ’ H 1 TRAYMORE I Ox Boardwalk and Ocean * I ATLANTIC CITY 1 J> fmett ocean batheng Swdaeka. V Iplendad meal*. Nightly ton- ag X emt*. Salt water bath* Garage W MNNtTH W lAKfl | ? GtMtUt ■»!«• f *?,f tfONARO 6 tUNOSThOM | .X KtietNt MAMaaci gL P WMtMaiit aruntK cm 4 tat> j VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA «! For real rest and relaxation, you can't heat a post-season Virginia vacation. Reaches, natural wonders, flailing. Skyline Drive, historic ahrinee, golfing, riding, swimming, there are a multitude of things to do and see now In Virginia. ^gp VWfiwi State Travel Bweaa Located In AAA Oriicaa Pmnivlnnli Ave. at 17tli St., N. W. Phone MEtropolltan — or — Viriau Caaatrtiliaa Cawwoiaa *■ Room 841, 914 Capitol St. RICHMOND 19. VA. Ifotion Pictures on Virginia Available * WESORTS. CAPE MAY, N. J. A-COMPLETE VACATION AT THE ADMIRAL Cap* Mb r. New Jeriey Fireproof. All Recreation and Amusement.. American A European Plane. Redured ratei After Labor Day. Double from M.80. Single rrnm S3 dally. Phone, telegraph or write rer reaerrationa. _ ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Madison Overlooking ocean at Illinois Ave. Atlantic City Per Comfortable Fall and Winter Living Attractive Low Rate* lor extended visit* AMERICAN ft EUROPEAN PLANS Doily Concerts Open t Closed Son Decks JOHN *. HOllINGEI, Gen^Mgc^_ No. Carolina Avo. noar loach Whoro comfort and service moke Sep tember doubly delightful. Every recre ational facility. Solairum, Sun Deck. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS ft bummer | 1 lingers Unger 1 VB Fenno. Ave. Overlooking Boardwalk jug slfc —only Atlantic City hotel with "Bhip't wK mjj& Sun-Dock." 290 room*, tea-water both*, |pj| 5? delicious food. American and European 9m Flans. Bothiny from hotsl. Booklet. 8 the worn of many haffy mtushs ITuiii «0(/j StosS^ 3^^/| has everything ! Enjoy it more of the Senator. Ocean view, solarium and sun declc. Pleasant rooms with sea water baths. De licious food. Fountain and snack bar. Cocktail lounge end grille. Gorage. Merry K Koufmonft, Mgr. Ocean End of So. Carolina Ave. U Fall Vacations I l|||yissignsd for^/ | Stimulating salt air and warm I autumn sunshine set your per- I v feet vacation mood. Spacious j sun deck. Sea water baths. v Dancing nightly in gay Surf 'n | Sand Room. Delicious meals. J ' Make your reservations now. I [ ™e y \ BROOKLINE, MASS.—JOHN KIERAN MARRIED—John Kieran, author columnist and expert of the radio program, “Information Please,’’ with his bride, the former Margaret Ford, Boston Herald feature writer, a few minutes after they were married in St. Aidan's Catholic Church Friday. —AP Wirephoto. Georgia Textile Mill Proposes Wage Cut Of 5 Cents an Hour By th« Associated Press ROME, Ga„ Sept. 6—A wage reduction of 5 cents an hour ir three textile mills in1 Georgia ha: been proposed by the A. D. Juilliarc Co., manufacturers of cotton grej goods. , Kenneth Douty, Georgia directoi for the Textile Workers Union ol America <C. I. O.) said the company demanded a wage-cut to offset operating losses at Aragon, Rome and Dallas, Ga. He described the proposal as “the first of its kind in | the entire country,” and added: “We consider it outrageous.” C. A. Townes, agent for the tex tile company, declined comment. However, informed industry sources confirmed the wage-cut proposal and said it would affect about 1,000 employes. The Juilliard Co., with main of fices in New York, operates other textile mills in North Carolina and in New England. The union ntade public a letter from Mr. Townes to the T. W. U. A., dated August 29, 1947, reopening the wage question as of October 12, six months from the date the pres ent contract was signed. The com pany asks reduction of the minimum wfege from 80 cents to 75 cents an hour, and a flat reduction of 5 cents an hour in all other rates. If the union agreed, it would become ef fective October 13. Industry sources commented that some mills have minimum rates of 65 cents an hour, and observed that the Juilliard Co. figure was “only a proposal.” “We will, of course, meet wdth the company to discuss its proposal,” said Douty. “We consider it out rageous. At a time which the cost of living is sky-rocketing, and people can’t make ends meet on their present earnings, this northern owned company is proposing a de crease. “It is very interestnig," continued Mr. Douty, "that this proposal comes when we have just secured higher wages in the North, and are pre paring to move for a better scale here in the South. This mill is northern-owned, with mills in New England as well as in Georgia and North Carolina. These Georgia mills have suffered somewhat under reconversion, but the profit picture in the entire country must reflect ! the excellent position of the industry as a whole. | “These mills, too, #vere covered by the tax laws for reconversion j costs. Now they want to get addi j tional rebates by cutting wages. ; “ThiS move foreshadows what tex j tile workers can expect as business becomes increasingly competitive." RADIO ! REPAIRS • “90-DAY GUARANTEE” ! 1 • _ ' 1 1' nii-"1 t j 1 • * j FREE ESTIMATE jj Whilo You Wait j ) • given on any type of radio • t j; brought into the store. Rea sonable Prices For Quick High-Grade Repairing. Old- | i ]! est Radio Company in the J j; City..’ _ .- ;{ i We call for and deliver any r !! large floor model radios or . t J ’ combinations. | J !; TUBES TESTED FREE j Radis Parts aad Tabes fer Sale ; j i! STAR RADIO GO. f 1: 409 11th St. N.W. :i 1' on 11 th St. ] j J [ 3 doon abov« Pa. Arr . ( J; District 4700 ;$ .«t **** ****** ******* wnnnnn A D VE R TIS E MENT._I IF STOMACH BALKS DUE TO GAS AND BLOAT Help Get Food DigeJted to Relieve Yourself of This Nervous Distress Do you feel all puffed-up and miserable after every meal, taste sour, bitter food? If so. here Is how you may get blessed relief In helping your stomach do the Job—it should be doing—In the diges tion of Its food. Everytime food enters the stomach a vital gastric Juice must flow normally to break-up certain food particles; else the food may ferment. Sour food, acid Indi gestion and gas frequently cause a mor bid, touchy, fretful, peevish, nervous condition, loss of appetite, underweight, restless sleep, weakness. To get real relief you must increase the flow of this vital gastric Juice. Medi cal authorities. In Independent labora tory tests on human stomachs, have by positive proof shown that SSS Tonic Is amazingly effective In Increasing this flow when It Is too little or Scanty due to a non-organlc stomach disturbance. This Is due to the SSS Tonic formula which contains special and potent acti vating Ingredients. Also. SSS Tonic helps build-up non organlc, weak, watery bjood In nutri tional anemia—so with a good flow of this gastric digestive Juice, plus rich red blood you should eat better, sleep better, feel better, work better, play better. Avoid punishing yourself with over doses of soda and other alkallzers to counteract gas and bloating when what you so dearly need Is SSS Tonic to help you digest food for body strength and repair. Don’t wait I Join the host of happy people SSS Tonic has helped. Millions of bottles sold. Get a bottle of SSS Ton id from your drug store today. 388 Tonic helps Build Sturdy Health. RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. AHo*H« Cltv Special lounges . . sun decks . . famous Holiday Room . . dining room . . sea water in baths . . central location . . garage. C. Henry Landow, Managing Director • September is to many the most I enjoyable vacation month. The I crowds are pone. The weather is I datightfut Activities, both within H and without the Hotel continue in B full swing. Bathing is at its best. I Pfien* Atlantic City 5 721? _1 IRVINGTON, VIRGINIA. _ IRVINGTON. VIRGINIA. TurTInfO mil/ Von Are Invited^>«« v.,9«y« I Ht I III IWn a end most beautiful Inn. Rates from $22 Jo $32 per day for ; i I j I ■ J a TWO PEOPLE including a charming, luxurious room with bath * • ^ ^ K end shower, gorgeous view, salt water swimming pool, sand ■ |oy|ay|2TON a beach with chairs and umbrellas, three delightful meals and K daily yachting on the beautiful Yacht "Sun Tan IW Each VIRGINIA t Monday, guests enjoy an all-day yachting trip to Tangier — a Island. There are no extra charges at the Tide* ln»», 1 i t Your rate includes everything. Reservations available now; # L» •• HAND HOKE/manager . U >v I^^Ashfn^tow Otflcar ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.AlXAWlll till, n. i ENJOY THE .LUXURY OF THE tGTST HOTEL QN THE BOARDWALK. The Ambassador r ATLANTIC CITY ^ LOWERED WINTER RATES NOW IN EFFECT ... In Takoma Park ... A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC \ . .'S > WE SELL IT! WE INSTALL IT! WE SERVICE IT! A COMPLETE LINE OF NATIONALLY-KNOWN APPLIANCES, HOT WATER HEATERS, GAS-FIRED BOILERS ... WE ARE AGENTS FOR The fflS Refrigerator AND THE B E N D I X COMPLETE HOME LAUNDRY OPEN WED. tr FRI. EVES. TIL 9 P.M. + Famous for “Just” Service—to all Northwest Washington, Takoma and i Silver Spring—featuring household ap- j pliances by famous makers whose names I are favorites in every house. Whatever ] you plan to buy . . . visit us FIRST! TELEVISION—Sets in every price 1 range, for your home or commercial installation ... by foremost manufac turers of Video! RADIO—Table models, portables, con soles, combinations , . . both AM and FM . . . carrying names rightly famed for value and quality! RECORDS — Popular and classical, sweet or swing ... top recordings by top bands and world-renowned artists, by major recording companies! \ APPLIANCES—To lighten housework j and make home more enjoyable ... I featuring all items for kitchen, laundry and basement. 4* Hr JH 27 CARROLL AVENUE 2012 14th ST. N.W. I TK. PK./ MD. SL. 8906 DE. 2700 1 --' • , . .i: -*S - tr,. €• J. r WE’VE HITCHED OUR Station Wagon to a Star E ARE not the largest auto dealer in Washington. The Willys Overland factory in Toledo is not the largest in America—in fact, it is one of the smallest. But it makes “America’s Most Useful Vehicles.” And we are proud to be their distributor in the Washington area. The way the auto market is today we could sell Willys products beyond our ability to deliver even if they were only half as good. We know thaU-and we keep our operations geared to the time when cars will again take “selling.” IN OUR two short years of existence we have confirmed the belief we cherished when we first began business—that Willys Overland Motors, Inc., is going places in the automotive world. It was first evident in the public acceptance of the Civilian jeep—a hard-working, war-tested vehicle with power, stamina and reliability built into every bolt. Farmers, industrial work ers, and all who require a “mechanical mule” know that the Civilian Jeep is here to stay. Satisfied owners praise the Jeep and its universal usefulness. The Willys Truck, an economical vehicle which will soon take a front place in large and small fleets, offers added proof of our belief in the Willys organization. Then the Jeep Station Wagon came aJong and we’ve been swamped with orders ever since. The demand is tremendous, because the Station Wagon is just about perfect for every need. Its all-steel body and top provide safety and durability — and the efficient Jeep engine gives amazingly long gasoline mileage at low cost. YOU SEE a lot of Willys vehicles on the streets of Washington, and on nearby subur ban roads. We’ve delivered our share of them. And we’re keeping their owners happy—because of the product itself—and because of the service we provide. Our everyday operations reflect our goal—to build for the years to come. We- haven’t forgotten to be polite—to say “Many thanks”—to treat you as good business sense indicates you want to be treated— fairly, hospitably, honestly. We don’t insist on trade-ins. When we get them our allowance is the highest possible. Deliveries are made in the order of purchase. We’ll continue to do our best on deliveries— and urge you to wait if you possibly can so that you may enjoy the pleasure of Willys ownership. Drop in at your convenience for a demonstration of any or all of the Willys products. WE HAVE hitched our Statioii Wagons and Jeeps and Trucks to the Willys-Overland star because we’re convinced that, with Willys, we’ll build a name for providing superb transportation in efficient vehicles at the lowest possible cost to you. % WILLYS OF WASHINOTOM, INC. • 1124 L STRUT N.W. • RSPUBLIC 4«7f * \ |