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School and College DIRECTORY ACADEMIC ART national mt school “ * 2027 Maw. Ave. N.W.—34th Year—HO. 4*58 .tM Palntln*—Charcoal—Pastel—Water Color—Landscape—Still Life—Portrait. r iMlvldnal Instruction hr Proftsslonal Faculty. Besinners and Advanced Student!. ACCOUNTANCY Benjamin Franklin University _ - 1100 lHth St. N.W. BE. SMI Two-ve»r day or three-year evening program leads to B. C. S. degree . . . offers igMinc training for accounting and auditing positions . . . furnishes a basis for Mvaneement to executive posts requiring knowledge of accounting, law, finance ana taxation . . . prepares for C. P. A. examinations. One-year post graduate course leads to M. C. S. degme. Pace curriculum. Coeducational. Ask for 41st Year _ Book. Applications accepted for day and for late afternoon (4:55) classes only. ACCOUNTANCYAND Columbns University BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DE. 3545 M Coeducational) AeenaUncy and Business Administration for Professional Accounting, for Business Degrees: Bachelor of Commercial Science. Master of Y5®®l®r**wScien«5* Master of Accounts (in Government) and Master of Fiscal Administration. Ask for catalogue. ACCOUNTANCY southeastern university , W *" W 1 1736 G St. N.W. NA. *668 Beginning and advanced courses leading to B. C. S. degrees; also graduate eonrsos leading to M. C. 8. degrees. Prepare now for advancement in private and govern ment positions. Course of study includes all phases of Accountancy and Business Law, Economics. English, Public Speaking. Federal Taxation, and Auditing. Evening school only. Phone or write for the new 1047-48 catalogue. FALL TRIMESTER BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15. REGISTRATIONS NOW ACCEPTED. ENROLL TODAY__ . ACCOUNTANCY Strayer College of Accountancy Homer Building. 13th and F Sts. NA. 1748 Apply in advance for admission to new year classes—Day Sessions. January 5; Evening Sessions. February 9. Choice of courses: 2-year day course. Business Administration with Accounting major. B. C. S. degree conferred; 3-year evening course. B. C. S. degree conferred: 1-year graduate course, M. C. 8. degree con ferred. includes C. P. A. preparation. Approved courses for G. I. Veterans. Visitors welcome Call for information, guid ance or registration. Office open daily and evenings except Saturdays. ■ mmi x nmomifi w worn hisunaa* aki nouu aunyuij 2013 Eye St. N.W. (North Side of Park), NA. 8051 Commercial and Fashion Illustrations. Interior Design and Decoration. Design for Textiles. Oil and Water Color Painting. Day, Evening and Saturday Adult Classes. _ Start Sept. 15; Registrations Now Being Accepted. ART Columbia School of Commercial Art 1239 Vermont Are. N.W. at N St., bet. 13th & 14th 8ta. Day-ETenlnr. ME. .76*8. General Commercial Art. Cartooning and Caricaturing. Commercial Illustrating. Fashion Illustrating. Drawing Equipment Furnished. Start now. Successful Graduates. Employment Service. Send for Art Catalogue. Columbia “Teeh’*^ ^ Established 35 years. COURSES APPROVED FOR GI VETERANS TRAINING. a n T NATIONAL ART SCHOOL. 34th YEAR 2027 Mass. Ave. HO. 4255 Day and Eveninr Classes. Register now for Fall Term. _ .Fine Arts—Advertising Arts—Interior Decoration—OH Painting Fashion Illustration—Costume Design—Junior and Children’s Sat. Classes. __APPROVED FOR VETERANS—CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. ART Southeastern University 1736 G St. N.W. NA. 1668 For everyone—UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE COURSES in Painting, Water Color, Interior Decoration, Advertising Art. Poster Design. Ceramics and Sketch. ENROLL AT ANY TIME. Small Classes—Individual Instruction—Moderate Tuition. Adver tising Art Course approved for Veteran Training. Telephone NA. 2668 for 28-page Advertising Art Catalog. ART OF LIVING Aghes McCall Parker School 1150 Connecticut Ave. (air conditioned) 13th Successful Year APPROVED FOR VETERANS UNDER GI BILL—CONTINUOUS SCHOOL YEAR Self-confidence, poise, ethics, manners, conversation, voice, diction, grammar, public speaking. Free voice recording. Enroll now for September classes. Call in person, or telephone ME. 2299. BEAUTY CULTURE mabelle honour school 1340 N y A„ * ME. 7778 _ .... Famous HONOUR System—Established 1918. Thorough training in all branches. Part time day or evening classes. Approved GI training. Enroll now. Free catalog on request. BROADCASTING Academy oi Broadcasting, Inc. 3338 16th St. N.W. DE. 5580. America’s pioneer school in broadcasting, in operation since 1934. Complete ana riractical courses In broadcasting, leading to Immediate positions. Also instruction n television technique. Register now. Enrollment limited. Approved for veterans* training. CERAMICS Boots Groves Studio of Ceramics VUAintAAV w 3330 Prospect Ave. N.W. • Class instruction day and evening. Children's classes morning and afternoon Saturday. Limited enrollment. Opening Sept. 22. Enroll now. Adams 4886. CIVIL SERVICE boyd's civil service school SPECIALISTS. Resident and Home Study Courses. Inquire 1333 F St. NAtl. 2349. Comptometer Operator n+tmgm* Short, intensive, interesting comptometer course will qualify ambitious young men and women for positions at good salaries. Moderate tuition. Individual instruction. Students enrolled every Monday. Free placement service. Day and evening classes. Call, write, phone for complete information. The oply authorized Comptometer School in Washington—operated by the Comptometer Division of Felt A Tarrant Mfg. Co. Geo. D. Lane, manager. DANCING Phil Hayden Dance Studios ** W M 1708 S St. N.W. DU. 3431 * TAP, BALLET. ACROBATIC and BALLROOM for adults and children, beginner nr professional. Special Babv Classes, Evening Classes for Business Men and Women. Teen-age Ballroom Classes. Catalogue _ mailed upon request. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF 1239 Vermont Ave. N.W. at N St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts. ■stab 35 Tears. ME. 5626 Hundreds of Graduates In Government, Municipal and Private Positions. Mechanical, Architectural. Electrical, Aircraft. Topographic, Statistical, Patent Office. Sheet Metal, Machine, Landscape, Building. Blue Print Reading. Emu. Service. Drafting Equipment Furnished. Start now. Day or Evening Classes. Send for catalogue. COURSES APPROVED FOR G1 VETERAN TRAINING. DRAFTING national drafting school ^ 2027 Mass. Ave. N.W. HO. 4255 Modern Methods—All Branches of Professional Drafting. . Register Now for Day and Evening Classes—Placement Service.' _APPROVED FOR VETERANS—CATALOGUE UPON BEQUEST. DRAMA - SPEECH Academy of the Theatre *** 2610 S St. N.W. DU. 8948 George Vivian. Director—Professional training—Approved for Veterans. ENGINEERING t (Between 13th ft 14th) Met. 5626 (Established 37 years) •-Month Units and 2-Year Dav or 4-Year Eve. courses in Aeronautical, Electrical, Machine Design, Civil, Air Conditioning. Engines. Building Design, Radio and Surveying. Enroll immediately. Also Drafting and Art courses. Send for catalogues. Approved for Veterans training. _ Inter-American Training Brazilian-Spanish-Arcerican Secretarial and Commercial. Practical Training, Fast Individual Instruction. Free Placement Service. Limited enrollment now for day or evening courses, open to Vets. 5th year in Washington.. See phone ad page 725. ■LANGUAGES BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES MAXIM Rrt9 ,-th (At Eye) NW National 027* ntINCH, SPANISH. GERMAN, or an, oth.r lanruarr. 1st. 1S78. APPROVED FOR GI VETERANS TRAINING There la a BERLITZ SCHOOL in EVERY LEADING CITY o! the WORLD. MACHINE SHORTHAND STraorwE JHSTimE NA. 8320. Featuring THE STENOGRAPH, the world’s smallest shorthand machine. MACHIN1 SHORTHAND is a profession. Learn to write 150 to 250 words per minute. Also approved for Veterans under G. I. Bill, new machine included. Register now. New classes, Day School, Sept. 15 and 29; Evening School, Sept. 15 and 30. MACHINE SHORTHAND ™Z°"uua-£2; Beginners' Classes in Machine Shorthand. THE STENOGRAPH. NEW, EASY METHOD. Day School Sept. 22. Oct. 27. Night School Sept. 22, Oct. 27. Continuous Classes in Review and Dictation. Approved for Veterans’ Training. i ■. «> 1 . 1150 Connecticut Ave Personality Development y.« Agnes McCall Parker School (Air Conditioned) APPROVED FOR VETERANS UNDER G.I. BILL—CONTINUOUS SCHOOL YEAR. Self-confidence, poise, manners, conversation, public speaking, diction, grammar, salesmanship. Free voice-recording. Enroll now for September classes. Call in person, or tclphone ME. 2299. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING WASHINGTON SCHOOL FOR RUSINESS FOB SECRETARIES An intensive one-year course for young mei. providing preparation for a business career. Suggests through an overview of various business functions, possible •elds for specialization—Advertising—Salesmanship—Office. Approved for Veterans. District 2480 National Press Building RADIO BROADCASTING sodtheastern univ. 1736 G St. N.W. NA. 2668 Embrsces all the skill necessary for Radio Broadcasting. Dramatics, Script Writing. Commercial Salesmanship. Sports Announcing. Radio Law. and Television. Practi cal instructors. Each now engaged in Radio work. Soundproof studio and broad Learn Radio from a practical angle. Evening classes. ENROLL NOW. For furthe.' information call or write. Approved for Veterans’ Training. Classes start Sept. 15. SECRETARIAL B0YD SCH00L «* commerce” 1333 F St. (Opp. Capitol Theater). NAt. 234® REFRESHER and INTENSIVE Beginners’ Course In SHORTHAND. Typewriting. Accounting. SAVE H to V* nsual time on refresher courses. SMALL classes. RAPID comptometer all electric calculators. Vocabularly Building. English. Bookkeeping* progress. Aeeredlted. Established 28 years. Positions GUARANTEED Graduate* •f complete courses Thousands placed annually in TOP SALARIED positions. APPROVED ”GI School” for Veterans Training. Manager is overseas veteran. Day-Evening sessions. NEW classes starting. Register Early. Inquire. SECRETARIAL Sirayer College of SecretarialTraining MM VMM ft CftftBftGftft* Th)rteenth and F street, NA. 1748 Apply now for admission to fall classes, dav and evening sessions. The dates for admission are September 29 and October 6. Students may enroll as beginners in shorthand and typewriting for review or refresher training, or for dictation and transcription. Diplomas are awarded and courses are approved for Veterans. Registration office open day and evening. SECRETARIAL secretarial school” Complete Secretarial Training. Beginners’ Classes Day School, Sept. 22, Oct. 13. Night School. Sept. 22. Oct. 13. Business English including Grammar. Spelling and Letter Writing Sept. 22. Individual Instruction Emphasised. Continuous Refresher and Advanced Classes. Approved for Veterans’ Training. SECRETARIAL Washington School for Secretaries MMVMft** • ma National Press Bldg. 14th and r Street. N.W. Th. School With A Select Student Body. Day und Evening Classes. STENOGRAPHY: OFFICE SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES; SECRETARIAL TECH NIQUE. TRAINING THAT EQUALS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: PREPARATION fob immediate employment and future promotions, students SELECTED FOB APTITUDE. APPROVED FOR VETERAN*. TELEPHONE DISTRICT 2480 FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION Shori-Story Wriiinq Moneyway Studios a wava j vvaaaaaaij Lew|s 1(0fton Monerway. A. M., Director 9he Penthouse. 912 19th St. N.W. NA. 8092 Folders on reenest. 244he year begins Oct, 1. Registration Sept. 20. 1 to 6 p.m._ SPEECH Agnes McCall Parker School RrtiVM (Air-Conditioned) 13th Successful Tear. 1150 Conn. Ave. APPROVED FOR VETERANS UNDER G.l. BILL—Continuous school year. Pnblio Speaking, Diction, Grammar. Salesmanship. Free Voice Recording. Call in person, •r telephone ME. 2299. Enroll now for September classes. __ p r r r H DALE CARNEGIE COURSE • * “ W ** *12 Colorado Bldg. 14th A G Sta. N.W. DI. 416S Registration now open for Seutember Claw*.. --i-I EDUCATIONAL BERLITZ AOth Year—French, gpanieh, Italian, Ger man or any other lanrnaye made eaey hr the Berlits Method—arailable only at the BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES 839 17th St. (at Eye) NAtional 0370 ^lAvvroved^tor^WETERAWRAININGM TEMPLE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Fall Claaaea Complete Secretarial T raining Day School, Sept. 22, Oct. 13. Night School, Sept. 22, Oct. 13. Business English, Sept. 22 Continuous Refresher and Advanced Classes Approved for Veterans' Training 1420 K Street N.W. NA. 32S8 Visit America’s Only Exclusive Hotel Training Learn how YOU Q.L..I can enjoy the O B II 00 I thrill of colorful, 3i,t Year luxurious hotel life. You can qualify quicky through Lewis Training. Earn while you leam! Prepare now for a, WELL-PAID POSITION and sound future. Day Classes—Home Study Course Both Approved for G. I. Training September Classes Filled. Enroll Now for Later Classes. Call. Write or Phone for Free book Open Monday thru Friday to 5:30 P.M. Lewis Hotel Training School 2301 Pa. Ave. N.W., ME. 4692, Ext. 28 Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star ! EDUCATIONAL | PRIVATE SCHOOLS i DAD EK1TC • In are Invited to eon,alt * 1 — • ni concerning boarding schools. Free Information on Military, Preparatory, Church Schools and Jpnlor ; Colleges. Oar recommendations are based on personal visits to schools. WASHINGTON SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION 8M 18th St. N.W. RE. 1785 --i THE INSTITUTE OF SLAVIC A EA8T ; EUROPEAN STUDIES Call far Appointment, NA. 2722, Ext. 38S 1 Srrn i Latvian ’ \ Lithuanian _ .0 I Russian Work toward DIPLOMA er PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE. Ta to rial elaeeee are limited to 5 atadenlft. Placement Service. Scien tific method* of training vnder G. L Bill. PORTUGUES i ESPANOI **W s»e phone ad pat* 725 • 1/ FAN AMICOS INSTITUTE V v 1340 N.Y. Av. Dial SEftOftS SHORTHAND rrr-i MACHINE SHORTHAND . .ie Stenograph New, Easy Method Beginner*’ Clatte* Day School, Sept. 22 Oct. 27 Night School, Sept. 22, Oct. 27 Continuous Classes in Review and Dictation Approved for Veterans' Training TEMPLE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL The original Stenograph School in Washington 14*0 K Street N.W. NA. 3*08 •—.- • Southeastern University Junior College Afternoon classes (1 to 5) in Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Sociology and Spanish. Evening classes (6 to 10) in Accounting, Art, Business Finance, Drawing, Economics, English, General Business, Government History, International Ec. Relations, Journal ism, Law, Marketing, Mathematics, Psychology, Science, Spanish and Transportation. Coeducational, Small Classes Experienced, Practical Instructors Associate degree given upon completion of 60 semester hours of approved work. Enrollments now being made. Call NA. 2668 or Inquire at Room 300 1736 G Street N.W. Classified Advertising Office Hours Leave your ads at the Busi ness Office, 11th and Pennsyl vania avenue, open 8 a.m. to 11 pjn., or at any of the Branch Offices throughout the city. Telephone Hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers * Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time .33c por line 2 times.33c ” " 3 to 6 times consec utively _30c ” " 7 times or longer consecutively ..26c " m Advertisements under Personal and Special Notices 5c per line additional. OUT-OF-TOWN RATE Four Lines (Minimum) Flat rate per line.45o Out-of-Town Rate Is charged on all advertising 25 miles or more from Washington. Claims for errori muit be made In time for correction before second Insertion. When canceling classified advertisements bs sure to make a note of the cancellation number. This Is Important In esse ronr statement does not show a credit for the cancellation. If advertisement wee prepaid, retain caab register receipt, which bears s serial number, with date, and Identifies Tour advertisement. T net nn/4 Vaiivs A A A tforH Bom on t o appear on Page A-3. SPECIAL NOTICES. MATERIAL TAKE-OFF’S from plans, pri vate home to garden-type apt. Call VI. 7019. —20 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY WANTED—Highest cash prices. Free appraisal. ARTHUR MARICEL. 940 F st. n.w.. NA. 0284. DIAMONDS, old Jewelry and silver wanted.' Expert appraising free. LIVINGSTON & CO.. 1423 H st. n.w., MB. 3440. ACCOUNTANT, expert. books started, kept: part time; tax returns prepared, statements, audits: reasonable. OR. 2074. gas water heaters, 20, 30, 40 gai., automatic; no cash needed; small monthly payment: Immediate installation. D. A. STANSBURY, LI. 3029. GAS HEATING BOILERS and hot-water heating plants; no cash needed: small monthly payment; Immediate installation. D. A. STANSBURY. LI. 3029. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts unless contracted by myself. ROBERT H. MacGILL, 1534 Stonewood rd.. Baltimore 12, Md. —18 TUTOR WANTED, preferably one who uses phonetic system to teach remedial read ing to a lO-yr.-old. RA. 5457. —18 ACCOUNTING SERVICES—Fully qualified accountant will open, operate and estab lish controls, expert food and liquor. OV. 4807. or write Box 413-D. Star. • I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by any one but myself. CLIF FORD A. HODGES, 1457 Morris rd. s.e. 20* THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of Woodward & Lothrop will be held at the Office of the Corporation at 11th and F sts. n.w.. Washington, D. C., on Monday, the 20th day of October, 1947. at 12 noon, for the purpose of: Approving the Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting. Electing Trustees to serve for the ensuing year, and until their successors shall be elected. Authorizing the Trustees to appropriate funds for charitable and civic contributions during the ensuing year. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting. The Management, at this time, knows of no other matters that will be presented. The Annual Meeting affords Stockholders an opportunity to Inform themselves as to corporate affairs, and It <s the hope of the Management that they will take advantage of this opportunity by being present. D. RANDALL BUCKING HAM. Secretary. Dated: Washington, D. , C.. Seotember 18, 1947. —20 LENDERS. INC., will sell at public auc tion on October 8, 1947, at 3 p.m.. a 1939 International truck, motor No. C30 21820. titled In the name of Herbert Thornton, at the Washington Auto Auc tion. Silver Spring. Md. : : •'tVTien answering adi'ertise ments addressed to Star boxes do NOT inclose original ref erences, photographs or other papers of personal value. Ad vertisers often fail to call fcr all replies addressed to a Star box number and this mail is destroyed if remaining over 10 days after final insertion of advertisement. -I HELP MEN. ADVERTISING AGENCY wants box to learn business while performing duties as mes senger. See Mr. Lax. KAL, EHRLICH & MERRICK ADV. AGENCY. Suite 314, Star Bldg. ADVERTISING PRODUCTION MAN—TOP salary to man who can handle all phases of account. GENERAL PLACEMENT SERV ICE, 1307 H st. n.w., EX. 1395. APPRENTICES—Two young men, not over 21, to assist roofing mechanics at GRIF FITH-CONSUMERS. Good wages and steady work. Phone MR. PHILLIPS at OL 1873 between 7;30 and 10 a m. or 4 and 5 D.m. —2 APPRENTICE for dental laboratory, prom ising future, permanent, 5-day week. Ap ply 2nd floor, 1722 Eye st. n.w. —18 ASSISTANT LOAN MANAGER for personal finance company, age 21-35; car prefer able but not necessary; exceptional oppor tunity for advancements: good salary and car allowance. KRAFT LOANS, 3303 j R. I. ave. n.e., UN. 2900. —21 AUTO MECHANIC, experienced, white only; good working conditions; modern equipment. Route 301, 38 miles from Washington. CROSSROADS MOTOR CO.. La Plata. Md 19* AUTO MECHANIC for fleet maintenance work on motor trucks; Macks. Whites. In ternationals, etc.; must be sober, reliable and fully experienced; hours, 4 to 12 p.m. Apply to Mr. Dorr, KANE TRANSFER CO . 2110 5th st. n.e. —18 AUTO MECHANIC, for newest and finest Dodge-Plymouth shop in city; excellent opportunity for permanent, well-paying work to qualified men. See Mr. Morton, Dir A r A/ri*YTWD rn 1im DhnHa TalonH ave. n.e. —19 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, perfect work ing conditions, new shop: lst-class man wanted. A-l AUTO WORKS. 9723 Oa. ave., Silver Spring, Md. SH. 1131. —18 AUTO MECHANICS, lubrication men, serv ice station attendant: all daywork; good pay. 1201 Bladensburg rd. n.e. FR. 3600. —18 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, metal men: openings for experienced, steady, sober men; earnings unlimited; 5 days per week, etc.; opportunities for men who want steady employment. Come in for Inter- j view. See Mr. Little, service manager,j CAPITOL CADILLAC CO., 1222 22nd st. n.w. —19 AUTO MECHANIC to work on General Motors cars. FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Con- j necticut. WO. 8400. AUTO METAL MEN, experienced, B’/a-day week, vacation with pay; high earnings. See Mr. Mahoney. ADDISON CHEVROLET SALES. 1622 14th st. n.w. —21 AUTO PAINTERS’ HELPER, experience pre ferred. A-l AUTO WORKS, 9723 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, SH. 1131. —20 AUTO SALESMEN, we can use several ex perienced auto salesmen to buy and sell used autos. This is a fine opportunity for you to make a contact with Washington's largest Lincoln and Mercury dealer; ex cellent commission arrangements. Apply sales manager, MAYFLOWER MOTORS. INC., 1125 loth st. n.w. Closed Saturday and Sunday, RE. 0303. —19 AUTO BODY MAN, must be experienced: clean, cool, well-lighted shop; average earn ings *100 weekly: 51i-day week. See Mr.: Garner. McMAHON CHEVROLET, INC., j 6323 Georgia ave. AUTO MECHANIC, exper.. De Soto, Plym outh dealer; excel, working cond.. good salary. BOWIE VINCENT MOTOR CO., 601.3 Georgia ave. n.w., RA. 0400. —24 AUTO TRUCK PARTS dept, manager, must be capable and reliable; International truck dealer. See MR. MALONEY, 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. -—24 AUTO SERVICE MANAGER—We have a position open for an executive, paying approx. *10,000 per annum. We expect to get a thoroughly experienced man whose reputation and ability would Justify the income. Reply by letter, stating brief outline of employment of past 10 years. All replies strictly confidential. Box 327-C, Star. —20 AUTO SERVICE SALESMAN, experienced, vacation with pay. 6lfe-day week. See Mr. Mahoney, ADDISON CHEVROLET SALES. 1522 14th st. n.w. —21 I AUTO UPHOLSTERER and trimmer, must! be exper. and able to do excellent work on tops of upholstery seat covers; excel, op- J portunity for right man; 5-day wk.. vaca tion with pay. hospitalization. See Mr. McKee. McKEE-PONTIAC, 1828 L st. ; n.w. No phone calls. , , —21 BAKER, experienced in sweet goods. Also : baker's helper. Call in person. PARK umn watcicrv 1434 Park rd. n.w. —18 i BOY, colored, to work in grocery store: must have D. C. driver's license. RITZ MARKET, 301 10th St. s.w. —19 | BRICKLAYERS WANTED, *25 per day Long Job, work all year 'round. Plenty of i work In Md. and* D. C. Call after 8 p.m., LI. 4201 or GE. 7723. —21 BRICKLAYERS WANTED — Job of 34 homes, starting 100 new homes in town soon. Steady work, top wages. Report for work with tools, on N. H. ave., ex-1 tended 13/10 miles over District line, right to houses being built by ALDON CONSTRUCTION CO. See Donald Brown j or Louis Zieger. , —19 BRICKLAYERS. *25 Per day. white only: lst-elass mechanic. Job 7000 Defense hwy., Stanley dr.. UN. 9897 or CO. 6273 ' BRICKLAYERS for a number of Jobs in' Wash, area; all large work; top wages and travel time where required. ANCHOR FIREPROOFING CO.. 900 i st. n.w. Phone RE 1066. BRICKLAYERS. *24 a day. long Job. steady work. Call Chestnut 8849. —24 ■ BRICKLAYERS—*25 per day. long job:1 Silver Spring area. Call 8COVIE, UN. 1023; after 5 p.m. or SH. 6129 during day. —21 | BRICKLAYER (1). *25 day. all-year round work. Benning rd. and Southern; ave. s.e. or call WA. 4614 for information.; BRICKLAYERS, lst-elass white mechanics.' must have tools: steady work, good pay. Call NICK ROMANO after 8 p.m., LI. 3160. —18 BUILDER’S ASSISTANT—Competent and aggressive young man with construction and engineering experience: must have car; be willing to work and know how to handle mqp: permanent position: chance for advancement and future. State quali fications. Bo* 391-D. Star. —18 BUTCHER, good clerk, exper., sober; 5 day wk.. good pay. steady Job. Apply RUBIN BROS.. 58 O St. Market. —19 * HELP MEN. iBUTCHER. exp., sober, butcher, permanent Ob. VI. 0234. HY. 0284. —18 tUTCHER, sober, exper.; write In detail, stating ref., salary expected, etc. Box 416-C, Btar. —23 BUTCHER—Regular work. Must be sober and reliable. Apply DOS STORE, P01 3rd st. s.e. —ip BUTCHER, thoroughly experienced: must be A-l man, capable of taking charge of a high-class meet dept.: salary no object. Write Box 329-C. Star. —18 BUTCHER, all wk. or week end: for self service DGS. Acoly 4415 Bowen rd. s.e., VI. 8220. 20 BUTCHER to take charge of meat dept. In progressive supermarket; In reply state experience and salary expected, etc. Box 467-C, Star. —18 BUSBOY, part time, 5 to 9 p.m.; good wages. 1777 Columbia rd. n.w. —19 CAB DRIVERS. Packards: single or double shift. HENRI. Ill Mass. ave. n.w. 20* CAB DRIVES—Now Is your opportunity if you have a good 4-door sedan and want to make good money: join the Vet erans’ Taxi Co. of Silver Spring, our ex panding bualness calls for more cabs. For more information, call STAN GOLDS BERRY. SL, 5900. —18 CABINETMAKERS (15), steady work, good wages. ABRAM E. STERN CO.. 442 Swann ave., Alexandria, Va. OV. 3211. —21 CABINETMAKER, capable of assuming full charge of Small shop; steady employment at high wage. CHAIKEN, INC., RE. 8538. —19 CABINETMAKERS (2). apprentices <2): 5-day week; steady employment. PITT CON WOOD PRODUCTS CO.. 4621 Balto. ave., Hyattsvllle, Md. WA. 8968. —19 CAR WASHER—One who can furnish reference and also D. C. driver’s permit. Apply ANDERSON SERVICE, 712 9th st. n.w. —18 CARPENTER WANTED, new house. 1222 Pine Crest Circle. Woodside Park, Stiver Spring, Md. —21 CARPENTERS WANTED—Experienced men needed, top wages paid. Call CH. 2552 or CH_. 1596 between 5 and 7 p.m. —21 CARPENTERS, must be experienced; both two large projects, enough for more than two yrs. work; both in the District and Silver Spring. BROWN-KESSLER CO., INC. Phone RA. 2885. —21 CARPENTERS, experienced In remodeling and new work; top wages. Apply 3612 14th st. n.w. —18 CARPENTERS, 2, capable of handling remodeling work; steady employment, at excellent pay. CHAIKEN, INC., RE. 8538. _19 CARPENTER for remodeling and cabinet work; permanent Job for industrious man with transportation; pleasant working con ditions, hospitalization, good wages. 44 hour week. See MR. FEBREY, 1108 K st. n.w., bet. 7:30-9:30 am. —20 CARPENTERS, long job, top wages, job located Forest Estate, Silver Spring. Md Out Georgia ave. extended, l mile beyond Forest Glen rd. BRISKER & KORTH, INC.. SH. 9546. —18 CARPENTERS (union), steady work, long time job. See Mr. Kelly, F. II. MARTELL CO.. INC., Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Md. —21 CARPENTERS, wages. $2 per hour; long job. Apply at Columbia pike and S. George Mason dr.. Arlington. —19 CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYERS and labor ers. Apply 3342 Prospect ave. n.w. after 4 p.m., or 2350 George Mason dr., Arl, Va. all day. 18* CARPENTERS WANTED, top wages for top men. Call MR. SHAPIRO at AD. 1539. be tween 6 and 8 p.m. —22 CHEF, white, exper. and reliable, good hrs. and good pay. Apply 4109 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. —18 CHEF and pastry cook with references. FIESTA RESTAURANT. 1625 K st. n.w. Mr. Quing. —22 CHEVROLET PARTS SALESMAN to work in parts dept, of lrg. Chevrolet dealer ship; pleasant conditions and good salary. See Mr. BeBle. ADDISON CHEVROLET SALES. INC., 1522 14th st. n.w. —19 CLERK and delivery man. help In retail hardware store and drive light delivery truck; good opportunity. CARR HARD WARE CO.. INC . Hyattsvllle, Md. UN. 1144, ask for Mr. Carr. —18 CLERK for grocery-delicatessen, full time, perm, job; good salary. Call Adams 1217. CLERK, with some knowledge of typing and bookkeeping, for manufacturing con cern; $40 per wk. to start; vacation and other advantages. Box 446-E, Star. —19 CLERKS—Excellent opportunity for ambi tious man in large retail store; some ex perience in over-the-counter saleswork pre ferred. but not absolutely necessary; good starting salary with opportunity for ad vancement. Apply 925 Penna. ave. n w. —21 CLERK-TYPIST, permanent and interest ing position for capable, energetic person who is interested in the future; 5-day week. AM VETS, Suite 300, 724 9th st. n.w. —19 COLLECTOR-SALESMAN for large Wash, retail credit organization; experience nec essary in installment collection. Routes now collecting over $150 per day; sales average over $600 per week; earnings $100 to $150 per week; good car necessary. Apply Tuesday. ALL STATE HOME EQUIPMENT CO , 3730 10th st. n.e. —18 CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN, experienced in housing and apt. projects, familiar with all building trades; perm, position. Write Box 116-C, 8tar. —18 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT, ex perienced, steady program in Falls Church area. Call bet. 9 and 5 daily. FA. 2976. COOK, fry cook for night shift. GL. 9(?97. COOK, must be exper. on the range; good salary. Apply in person. FORD'S FOOD SHOP. 710 14th st. n.w. —20 COOK (white), experienced and reliable; Is AW rne 4 kl a neelilen . n 11 a Mm, n ,4 — a m i*vk a knows his business; nightwork; 6-day wk.; good salary; refs, required. Apply in per son to 6915 Georgia ave. n.w. ■—20 COUNTERMEN (2) for restaurant. Phone UN. 2858 for appointment Thursday. Fri day or Saturday. —20 COUNTERMAN wanted In restaurant: good salary. Apply 1555 Pa. ave. s.e. —20 COUNTERMEN—Attractive wage schedule, opportunity for advancement: stop in at 5100 Georgia ave. n.w. for interview be tween 11 a.m. and noon, except Sundays; at all other hours, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. call SL. 6600 for information. The work Is interesting, the working conditions are excellent, the surroundings are modern and attractive, the work is steady. See Little Tavern first. LITTLE TAVERN SHOPS, INC., “Famous for Hamburgers.” DEPT. MANAGER, auto truck parts: must be capable and reliable. International truck dealer. MALONEY’8, INC., 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. —23 DINING ROOM and kit. help wanted, col ored. Apply steward's office. GEORGE TOWN UNIVERSITY, kitchen, 37th and 0 sts. n.w. —18 DISHWASHER, colored, experienced: no Sunday work. Apply In person. 1609 17th DRAFTSMAN, architectural. McLEOD & FERRARA, 1830 Jefferson pi. n.w., RE. 1307. —19 DRAFTSMAN — Experienced cut stone draftsman; permanent; good opportunity for right man; will consider man with construction drafting experience; give age, experience and salary expected. McLEOD & ROMBORG STONE CO., INC., Bladens burg. Md. Phone WA. 2462. 19* DRIVERS, experienced, to deliver groceries In town: must have good refs. Apply DIS TRICT WHOLESALE GROCERY CO.. 1332 5th st. n.e. —19 DRIVER-SALESMAN for established baby food route. Inquire BABY’S BUTLER SERVICE. 430 Delaware aye. s.w. —20 DRIVERS WANTED for Diamond cabs: new 1046-1#47 cabs and used cabs avail able; reasonable rental rates: must have Identification card. Apply Diamond let, 101 M st. n.e., see MELVIN H1SRIMAN. DRIVER, must understand long distance moving and hauling furniture: must have his own tractor and bonded. NORTHERN MOVING & STORAGE CO., 1525 New York ave. n.e^. • DRUG CLERK, part time, experienced: 1 or 2 to 6 p.m., 3 days per wk., part of Sunday. KENESAW PHARMACY. 3069 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w., CO. 3882. —24 DRUG CLERK, part time, alternate nights and 8undays; exper. COLONIAL VILLAGE PHARM., 1737 Wilson blvd., Arl., CH. 4222. —19 DRUG CLERK, exp., part-time evenings; must be well acquainted with high-class colored trade. Apply in person only. LANG STON PHARMACY, 2401 Benning rd. n.e. —21 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER and electrical draftsmen, with industrial power and light ing experience; for long-term Baltimore project; top rates, vacation, sick leave. List experience and rate desired. Write Box 428-D. Star. 21* ELECTRICIAN, must be fully experienced; steady work. State experience and salary expected. Box 308-E. Star. ■—19 ELECTRICIANS, 2: new work, good pay. CH. 2000. Ext 506. —18 ELEVATOR MAN. white. Masonic affiliation. Apply Box 430-D, Star. —20 ELEVATOR OPERATORS, colored, male, 20-35 years of age, must be able to pass physical examination; experienced, to work in the Star Building; 5-day, 40-hour week; vacations, sick benefits and other employ ment advantages; permanent; starting salary $26 with scheduled Increases in pay. Apply personnel office. Room 504 Star Building, THE EVENING STAR, 1101 ELEVATOR ^OPERATOR, white, exper. not necessary. Apply superintendent of serv ice, CARLTON HOTEL, 16th and K sts. n.w. ♦ —19 ENGINEER, colored, reliable. 3rd class. See Cooper at HOTEL HARRINGTON —22 ENGINEER, 3rd class. Apply REGAL CLEANERS, rear of 612 1.. st. s.w. —19 ENGINEER, 5th. class, w^ite, for super vision of heating plant in' large garden type apartment project in s.c. Must live on project and be willing to be subject to call at any hour. Call FAIRFAX VIL LAGE APTS., VI. 8260. Mr. Carpen^r. —19 FLOOR 8ANDERS AND FINISHER, must be experienced. Call AT. 3657. —17 FOOD CLERK, 5-day. 45-hr. work wk.; hrs.. 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.: $36.75 to start; excel, opport. for advancement; must have Droven records of stability in previous positions, pleasing personality and Initiative; veteran may train on the job: exper. not necessary. Apply SAFE WAY STORES, 4th and T sts. n.e. —18 FOOD CONTROLLER, experienced for lead ing Washington hotel, write Box 249-E, Star. —19 FOUNTAIN CLERK (white), over 18. for neighborhood drugstore; no nights or Sundays. LT. 4498 —20 FURNITURE BUYER ASST., preferably case goods experience: $05 to $100 wkly. See or write R. MARS, personal, 410 1st FURNITURE FINISHERS, must be ex perienced: 5-day. 40-hour week; 20 discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO. —10 FURNITURE FINISHERS—40-hr. wk.; in side work; excel, working conditions. Good salary, company benefits. Call or see Miss Jones, SEARS ROEBUCK & CO., 2301 Lawrence ave. n.e. NO. 654S. —18 FURNITURE REPAIRMAN, exper., steady work. Apply employment office. WARD MAN PARK HOTEL, 2700 Woodley rd. n.w. ■—19 FURNITURE SALESMAN. experienced; 5-day week: 20^» discount on purchases. Apply 5th fl„ GOLDENBERG S, 7th and K sts. n.w. —18 GARAGE ATTENDANT, nlghtwork refer ence required. See Mr. Beach. VERMONT GARAGE, rear of 1114 Vermont ave. —20 GAS STATION MAN with reputation for reliability. SWANS SUNOCO SERVICE, 8450 Georgia ave. —22 GRILL MAN. white. 1230 11th St. t.e.—BO GROCERY CLERK, with checking expe rience; good salary. Call OV. 2400. —21 GROCERY CLERK. Independent store ex perience. References required. Oood pay. Box 888-C^Star. —18 !HELP MEN.I GROCERY CLERKS, with or without «x-1 ; perlence: 5-day week (45 hours), good sal-1 ary and opportunity for advancement: va i cation with pay. Apply ACME MARKETS, I - 18 M >t. n.e., Mon.. Wed., Prl., 9 to GROCERY STOCK CLERK and chauffeur, experience not necessary, good salary. CENTER MARKET. 6201 Baltimore ave., Riverdale, Md. —18 HANDY MAN, live In: reference*. WI. 4763. —18 HEATING INSTALLATION SURER VISOR, for take-off work and Job supervision on large apt. Installations. Must have prac-: tical experience. Box 121-C, 8tar. —18 ! HEATING ENGINEER, for take-off work and job supervision on lge. apt. installa tions. Must have practical experience. Box 116-C, Star. —18 HEATING SALESMEN—3 experienced men to sell best-known brands of heating equipment for reliable, well-established lo cal firm. Have too many prospects for present staff. Liberal draw against com mission. Other salesmen earning $8,000 to $16,000 yearly. Auto allowance. See Mr. Jack Burgess, AMERICAN HEATING CO., 55 K st. s.e. —21 HELPER, to carry slate, must be steady worker: good pay. SH. 6937 HELPERS WANTED for roofing and sheet metal co. MI. 3126. —19 HOUSKMAN-BUTLER, live In. to clean downstairs: willing to learn, sober, char acter reference reoulred: good wages, every other week end off. SINCLAIR. OR. 0316. HOUSEMAN, colored. 25 to 45, daywork, hotel experience desired, recent local ref erences. Apply housekeeper, DODGE HO TEL, 9 a m. to 3 p.m. —18 INSTRUCTOR, experienced refer, man, to teach in local school; attrac., year-round position. Details, Box 328-C. Star. —20 INSURANCE OFFICE WORKER, with gen eral fire and casualty experience, good salary with opportunity for advancement. Give full particulars of experience and education Box 89-C. Star. —21 INSURANCE—Man for industrial debit; opportunity for permanent, well-paying position to right man. Apply 410 Com mciuc <3C o»vju*j jJiuK.t < i>u anu a blb. ii.w.s between 9 a m. and 12 noon. 18* INVESTIGATORS. Insurance work cover ing Arlington, Alexandria and vicinity: must type 45 w.p.m., minimum, and have car; ages 23-27: national agency; good future. Telephone after 2 p.m. only NA. 0831. —18 JANITOR, kitchen worke colored, pvt. school in Bethesda. good lary, live out. must have driver's license. Call MISS PROSSER, WI. 2223. —22 JANITOR, must be reliable, dependent and furnish references; to take care of small office bldg. See MR. KAHN. 1108 16th st. n.w.. Rm. 203. —24 JANITOR, colored, for large building on 16th st. n.w. Only experienced man need apply. Must have 5th-class engineer's license. Salary and quarters. BOSS & PHELPS. INC., 1417 K st. n.w. NA. 9300. —IS JUNIOR ECONOMIST — Recent college graduate with training in statistics for economic research staff of national weekly news magazine: 5-day wk : new air-condi tioned office bldg. Phone DI. 2900, Ext. 264. KENNEL MAN, single, white, take care of dogs, also milk 2 cows; live in: private residence tn Wash. NA. 2629. —19 KENNEL MAN to work in veterinary hos pital. Apply in person, 4615 41st st. n.w. —22 KITCHEN HELP, nightwork. Apply D C. DONUT SHOP. 2016 14th st. n.w. —18 LANDSCAPING ESTIMATOR — A local nursery; experienced only, need apply. WA. 1287. J. H. BURTON. —18 LUBRICATION MAN. steady lob. vacation and 6 legal holidays, in modern lubrl torium, prefer man with service station exper.: attractive proposition. See Mr. Wheeler. BILLHIMER & PALMER MOTOR CO., 3110 Hamilton st.. Hyattsville, Md., WA. 0900. —20 MAN interested In promoting wholesale and retail dry-cleaning route; new truck furnished: salary and commission. JOHN SON'S CLEANERS, 3231 Rhode Island ave., Mt. Rainier. WA. 9794. —18 MAN to take charge of produce dept, in grocery store, nr. District line. CENTER MARKET. 6201 Baltimore ave.. River dale, Md. —18 MAN as theater manager, with Ideas and car: not afraid of hours, desirous of work ing for advancement in solidly established and expanding theater business. Expe rience not necessary, but ability and character are. Starting salary, $45, with advancement depending on you. Apply Box 166-Y. Star. MAN TO ASSIST STEWARD of hotel J kitchen (white), experienced preferred but I not necessary: will train. Apply steward, CARLTON HOTEL, 16th and K sts. n.w. —19 MAN, capable of taking charge of waiters and service in local cocktail lounge. Ability to maintain lst-class service necessary. Must be presentable and able to meet pub lic. Local references if possible. Box 51-E, Star. —19 MAN. white, experienced, for Saturdays, to draw and cut up chickens; 10 hrs'. work: $1 per hr. ARCADE POULTRY STAND No. 48 and 68, 3134 14th st. n.w. —19 MAN, white, married: learn aervice trade; route work, perm., day time, salary; only honest, sober man need apply; reference lequired WESTERN EXTERMINATING CO . 1023 12th st. n.w. » —23 MAN WANTED to work In cold storage, in dairy plant. Apply 1335 H st. n.e., LI. 2400. —19 MAN WANTED, about 40. to work on the newsstand located outside of Washington Post Bldg.: steady Job, good pay. Closed Sundays, rveierence requireu. MAN to remove awnings. CAPITAL AWN ING CO., 1503 North Capitol st. —19 MAN, 24-60. with good education, appear ance and personality: ability to meet people more important than previous sales exper.: start about $60 wit., rapid increases. Apply 10 to 3 p.m., Km, 305-210, 1427 Eye It. n.w. MAN. 25 to 35, married, to sell fencing to home owners, institutions, manufacturing plants and Government offices; must have high school education, automobile and be able to furnish references; nominal salary to start; right man will be trained for managership of fence dept : excellent fu ture. For appointment, cal! HO. 6600. —21 MEATCUTTERS, 2, fully experienced, cap able of handling back room In supermarket, excellent pay. 5'/i-day week. Apply SHIR LEY FOOD STORES. 2806 So. Quincy. Ar lington. Va.. 12 min. from 12th and Pa. ave. n.w. Take bus marked Falrlington, get off at Shlrlngton. —18 MEATCUTTER to take charge of meat dept, in progressive supermarket: in reply rtate experience and salary expected, etc. Box 90-C. Star. —18 MEATCUTTER, must be reliable, sober, able to manage meat dept.; highest wages paid. Apply Wed. morning, DAVE'S MAR KET. 1448 P st. n.w. —19 MEATCUTTERS AND COUNTERMEN. 1st class, no other need apply; for week end and steady position: high wages, good hours and working conditions. Apply In person to P. F. Casey. ARCADE MARKET, 14th and Park rd. n.w. —18 MEATCUTTERS. with or without experi ence: 5-day week (45 hours); good salary and opportunity for advancement; vaca tion with pay. Apply ACME MARKETS. 18 M st. n.e., Mon., Wed., F*rl., 9 to 11 a.m. MEATMAN, experienced, sober, accustomed to high-class trade. OR. 1709. —20 MECHANIC, flrst-class. desired by auto motive agency for work In a modern shop with finest working conditions; excellent gay. health and accident policy, yearly onus plan, uniforms furnished. Call Mr. Smith. SH. 3400. WILLIAM CHEVROLET CO.. Silver Spring. Md. —19 MECHANIC, man to do minor repairs and: act as station attendant. Apply DOWNER’S AMOCO SERVICE, 1st and K sts. n.e., ME. 6468. —20 i MECHANIC WANTED for pen ball and1 music boxes: must be neat, sober, steady. Apply to MR. RODINS, 412 9th st. n.w. —19 MECHANIC, paint and body, desired by automotive agency for work in a modern shop with finest working conditions. Ex cellent pay, health and accident policy, yearly bonus plan, uniforms furnished. Call Mr. Smith. SH 3400, WILLIAM CHEV ROLET’ CO., Silver Spring. Md. —19 MECHANIC, experienced In cigarette or candy vending machines: excellent oppor tunity. Phone MR. DUCKETT, ME. 1872 for appointment. —19 MECHANICS, for motor truck work; must be fully experienced, sobet and steady workers. To such men we offer the best in working conditions; a shop equipped with all large tools, equipment to eliminate: heavy lifting; cool In summer, warm ini winter: top pay plus overtime; average hours 53: group hospitalization and other advantages. Apply up to 7 p.m. SHERIFF: MOTOR CO., 900 Rhode Island ave. n.e. : —21 I MECHANIC, good hours, clean shop, good pay See MR. MARKWOOD. Premier Cab shop. 2337 Sherman ave. n.w . —18 MEN for restaurant counter work, good opportunity for advancement good start ing salary with increasei, food allowance, I free life and hospitalization Insurance. Apply WHITE TOWER office. 714 18th st. n.w., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. MEN. age 21-26: positions open in tabu lating section of accounting office; no exper. necessary: 5-day wk.: advancement as xou learn. Apply SAFEWAY SIORE, 4th and T ats. n.e. —18 MEN WANTED for steady work at good pay as streetcar and bus operators; arer. weekly earnings, $60; no experience neces sary, all training paid for; opportunity for ne/v«vnHnn ml 11 ■ naniinn lV(t«m ■ DflH vat'll - tton, free transportation. Apply In person weekday mornings, Monday through Friday, between 8 30 a.m. and 12 noon. For the convenience of those unable to call for in terview on weekdays, the employment office will be open until further notice on Sat urdays. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CAPITAL TRANSrr CO., employment office. 3132 M st. n.w Take Route 10, Rosslyn; 20, Cabin John; 30, Friendship Heights streetcars to door. MEN for restaurant counter work, good opportunity for advancement, good start ing salary with increases, food allowance, free life and hospitalization Insurance. Apply WHITE TOWER office. 714 18th st. n.w , 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. —18 MEN, 2, ambitious, white, young, helpers on moving van: prefer men from Virginia areal CH. 8596 for appointment. —18 MEN (20), golf course maintenance, easy outdoor work, 80c an hour to start. Apply 7:30 a.m. ready for work. MR. GIBRASKI, East Potomac golf course. —20 MEN (4), general help on new homes con struction at No. Englewood across from Cheverly; short walk from Chapel Oaks: 90c an hr. MR. DICKEY, WA. 1146. —19 MEN, empl., over 24, for part-time sales work eves, and Sat.: exper. not necessary.; if able to meet public; minimum 12 to 15: hrs. weekly, earnings about S1.60-S2 hr. REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS. Apply Fri-! day after 10 a.m. or phone NA. 7356,' Rm. 210. 1427 Eye st. n w. MESSENGER—Must have car. to work. part time between the hours of 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.: prefer student vet-j eran: good opportunity to learn construe-, tion business. Call Mr. Shlfrin. FEDERAL; CONTRACTING' CO.. 916 New York ave. ; n.w.. NA. 7416. MESSENGERS, white boys. 15 or 18, to work for newspaper; 40-hour week; ad-! vancements; good working conditions: many employment advantages; only those who! want permanent full-time work can be I considered. Apply personnel office, Room 504 Star Building. THE EVENING STAR.; M01 Pa. ave. n.w. GHT CLERK, experienced, for small hotel; 60-55 yrs. of Ige. Apply the A8TOR HOTEL. 1235 N. Y. ave. n.w. —19 NIGHTMAN, for apartment building: 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.. 6 nights weekly; switch board knowledge helpful: no quarters. Apply with references to resident manager. 3061 Idaho ave. n.w. —23 NIGHT MAN. colored, sober, for lge. apt.. 11 p.m. to 7 a m.. S90 a mo. 1841 Colum bia rd. n.w. AD. 4619 see manager. —19 HELP MIN. OFFICE ASSISTANT, young man, single, high school education, pleasing personality, good handwriting; typing desirable but not absolutely necessary. Apply in person in the morning. 2146-48 P st. n.w. —20 OIL BURNER MECHANIC, experienced in new work and repair work. Wisconsin 4666. —19 OPTICAL SURFACE GRINDER, excellent opportunity for man of stability; perma nent. KINSMAN OPTICAL CO., 1320 F It. n.w. —24 OUTDOOR CLERICAL WORK, experience not necessary, training paid for; IS to 45 rears of age. high school graduate learn to check traffic; work full time. 6 days per week; about $175 per month for 48 hour week. Apply In person Monday through Friday, between 9 am. and 12 noon, CAPITAL TRANSIT CO., employment JfBce. 3132 M st. n.w.. Georgetown. Take Route 10. Rosslyn: 20. Cabin John; 30. Friendship Heights streetcars. PACKERS, stockmen (white); 40 lour week; 20% discount on purchases, apply employment office. 4th floor. 8. KANN SON8 CO. —19 PACKERS AND HELPERS, experience with household goods required; good wages, iteady work. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 1140 15th st. n.w. PAINT STORE CLERK, experienced: good starting salary and a real future. We will train you for our sales staff: replies con fdential. Mr. Clark. THE BROOKLAND 70.. TA. 7000. —18 PAINTER, white, first class. Apply MA KONEY WALLPAPER CO., 324 Penna. ave. s.e. LI. 0569. _ —18 PAINTER, white. NEW COLONIAL HOTEL. 15th and M sts. n.w. DI. 3436. —20 PAINTER, white, for office bldg, mainte nance See MR. BARTLEY, 707 Wood ward Bldg. —18 PARKING ATTENDANTS, white, over 18 vis.-, experience required, steady work, apply parking lot, corner 13th and E sts. n.w. PARTS SALESMAN, to work In parts dept. at lge. Chevrolet dealership; pleasant work ing conditions and good salary. See Mr. Beale, ADDISON CHEVROLET BALES. INC., 1522 14th st. n.w. —19 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT —We need a young man between 25 and 30 to assist w fvjsvhuu UlUtC W1U1 CAIU11I1BUUI15 or vision given to applicants for employ ment, as well as the filling out of applica tions for employment, ect. The work re quires accuracy, thoroughness and ability to get along with people. It Is particu larly suitable for a young man who is attending college at night and wants day time work to help pay for his education. While the position is permanent and will pay a fair salary, it does not offer great opportunities for rapid advancement. We work a o-day. 40-hour week. To be con sidered. please write, giving your age. education, work experience if any. marital status, whether yoO are at present em ployed and if so, how soon you would be available, and mention range of salary desired. Box 406-T, Star. PHARMACIST, prescription work. HIG GER’S DRUG, 6017 Conn. ave. —20 PHARMACIST, registered and exper.: good hrs., good pay, sick benefits, vacation with pay. Apply Mr. Marcus, PEARSONS PHARMACY. 2448 Wis. ave. n.w. —20 PHARMACIST, registered in D. C.; must be experienced and acquainted with high class colored trade. LANGSTON PHAR MACY. 2401 Benning rd. n e. —21 PHARMACIST, registered, full time, salary open. POTOMAC DRUG STORE. 1564 Wis. ave. n.w. —19 PHOTO PRINTER, 18 or over, exper. pref. but not necessary. Good possibilities. PORTER STUDIOS <fe PHOTO SUPPLIES, FA. 2953. —23 PHOTOGRAPHER’S ASST., experienced in portrait studio; rapid advancement to neat appearing, energetic young man. Write in detail to Box 368-D. Star. PHOTOGRAPHER, darkroom worker, for night club; white: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Call RA. 8441. 6 to 8 p.m. —19 PLASTERERS, top wages, steady work, good mechanics. Apply on job, 21st and No. Jefferson sts., Arlington, Va. —20 PLASTERER, steady inside work. Apply employment office. WARDMAN PARK HO TEL. 2700 Woodley rd. n.w. —18 PLASTERERS AND LABORERS, lat-class mechanics. Apply 1279 21st n.w. —20 PLUMBERS, experienced in new work and modernization. Call Wisconsin 4656. —19 PLUMBER for suburban house work: must have car. Call WA. 6030, 7:30 a m. till 5:30 o.m —19 PLUMBERS, journeymen: good pay. per manent employment. Call between 6 p m. and 9 p.m. TO. 5971. —24 PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS. experi enced /nen with refs wanted for new and old work, good pay for qualified mechanics STEWART BAINUM CO., 6912 4th st. n.w. GE. 4435. —24 PLUMBERS, year-around work, good wag es. excel, working conditions, perm, job; call after 4 p.m. AT. 6990. —21 PORTER, colored, over 45 yrs. of age. for general cleaning. See MRS. KIMBALL, 1228 Eye st. n.w. —20 PORTER, colored, young, to work in drug store: good hrs.: good pay; furnish refs. Box 466-V. Star. —19 HOUSE, 4244 Conn. ave. n.w. PORTER—Restaurant experience. 1361 H st. n.e. —19 PORTERS, excel, salary, nice Job; no nights or Sundays. PARKING SHOP PHARMACY. 4841 Mass. ave. n.w. —20 PORTER, full time cleaning and filling stock. 1113 G at., n.w. STANDARD DRUG. —18 PRESSER, part time, evenings. Apply in person at MODEL CLEANERS, 3024 Ham ilton st . West Hyattsville. —20 PRESSER, experienced only; good pay. food hours: permanent. Apply RUDOLPH’S CLEANERS. 4722 14th at. n.w. —19 PRESSER, experience necessary, to work in large retail store; excellent salary to ambi tious and experienced man; convenient lours, pleasant surroundings. Apply 925 Penna. ave. n.w. —21 PRESSER, experienced on ladles’ and lien’s garments; references. MI. 9638. —20 PRESS HELPER, experience not essential. SAYNES LITHOGRAPH, 1140 East-West iwy.. Silver Spring. Md. —18 riusssinAM—Man or goo a naoits ana ae lendable; must be able to operate platen >resses. PREMIER PRESS, 1457 Church it. n.w. —20 PRESSMAN for fully equipped Job shop, top salary, best working conditions, steady iob for good, reliable man. Box 95-C, 5tar._ —18 ’SINTERS, 2 handmen (day), 2 linotype iperators (night). 2 linotype operators 3rd shift), union. 37'A-hr. wk. Needed it once. Apply BYRON 8. ADAMS, 512 L 1th st. n.w. —20 PRINTER, good compositor, as working foreman for commercial Job shop: must be tellable, sober, of good character, able to neet customers and make prices during iny temporary absence of owner; no ama teurs or "has-beens." State full details In tonfider.oe In first letter. Box 440-E, Star. —18 PRODUCE MAN. experienced In display, luper market background: must be sober. BUCKINGHAM SUPER MARKET, 2B20 tdchols ave. « e. —19 PUBLIC CONTACT MEN (2), age 21 to 34. to be selected for permanent association with national organisation, largest In Its field promoting direct sales of universally iccepted product; personality, good educa tional background and car required; ex teptlonally attractive earnings possible ifter brief training. Phone SH. 3093. —21 HAN, colored, for care of ground, one of Washington's colleges; references required. iVI. 5838. MR. SCUDDER. RADIO REPAIRMAN—Well-trained me thanic with good knowledge of radio, ihonograph. also television, preferable, st first some pickup service with own car nay be helpful but not absolutely neces lary; good chance for advancement. EX. 1336 or EM. 4043. RADIO MAN, bench exper., and some out itde work; car not essential; only exper. nen need apply; good salary and working :ond. MID CITY RADIO SHOP. 1142 7th it. n.w. —21 RADIO REPAIRMAN, for bench work; must be thoroughly experienced; perm, po sition in modern air-conditioned shop; va tal 'or. and sick leave with pay. Bee MR. GILL 2145 Queen's Chapel rd. n.e. —19 RADIO REPAIRMAN—We need a well trained mechanic with a good knowledge if radio, phonographs; salary and car al owance. Write Box 410-B. Star, giving ige. salary desired and details of experi ence. —20 RADIO SALESMAN, excellent straight sal iry; must be experienced. STAR RADIO CO., 409 11th st. n.w. RADIO SERVICEMAN, experienced; good lours, steady Job. advancements; salary >pen. Apply LEEHAN'S RADIO SALES k SERVICE, 1302 L st. n.w.. bet. 9 a m. ind 0 p.m. —19 RADIO SERVICEMAN, must be thoroughly sxperienced In radio repair; good oppor tunity for right party; 6-day week; good vorking conditions. Apply Mr. Kimball. COLUMBIA WHOLESALERS. INC.. 2122 14th pi. n.e., PR. 8317. —21 RADIO REPAIRMAN, only thoroughly ex oerienced on home and auto radios need ipply; full time, highest wages according o ability, In a well-equipped radio service lent. Residence phone. CH. 2000, Ext. 189; business phone. OX. 1174. —21 RADIO SERVICEMAN, experienced: car necessary; permanent position, 5-day, 40 ir. week, excellent starting salary, car illowance. liberal bonus and discount arlvileges. Apply In person, employment 3fflee, THE HECHT CO., Service Bldg., 1401 Okie st. n.e. (Take Ivy City bus.) —23 REAL ESTATE SALE8MEN—I need 3 men to list and sell homes, with car: active >fBce. full co-operation; commission basis. W. H. SIMONS. 1823 M st. n.w. EX. 6181. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN with car; In teresting work, unlimited possibilities. 7all for appt.. EX. 5656. —18 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for aggressive Irm selling Maryland and D. C. properties: tar essential: opportunity unlimited for nan who la willing to work. Call 8L. 6700. —18 REFRIGERATION SERVICEMEN, exper. In 'ommsrpla 1 onH miiltlnl* sfintnmfnt • tnn salary: car allowance; perm, position for those who auallfy. Call or write for appt. 3RAY & 8CARFT, Prigldaire. 1013 15th st. n.w.. Wash., D. C. RE. 1155. —23 REFRIGERATION SERVICEMAN to join staff of Instructors, nationally known school; permanent and well-paid position. Box 320-C. Star. —20 ROOM CLERK for relief, familiar with -.and transcript. Apply manager, HOTEL CONTINENTAL. —18 ROL’TEMAN, lst-clasa, white, middle aged, steady position and advancement for yard-working, ambitious man; salary plus commission. Apply STIEFF CLEANERS, 307 H st. n.e. —18 ROL’TEMAN. reliable: dry-cleaning busi ness; good pay. Apply 8707 Nichols ave. s.e. —18 ROGTEMAN for well • established dry cleaning route; chance to make over $75 yer week; wonderful opportunity for ad vancement to an experienced man. CEN TRAL CLEANERS, 323 Carroll st. n.w —18 ROI'TEMEN-SALESMEN, experienced pre ferred, for established dry cleaning route: guaranteed salary, liberal commission; un usual opportunity for first-class men. Phone Overlook 1700. *8* SALESMAN, real estate. We are expand ing our office space and have an opening for 1 more salesman. Our men are do ing very well and you will And this a good connection. Call C. D MURPHY, AT. 2239, AT. 2299, 1401 25th st.^ s.e. SALESMAN, experienced, for clothing; ex cellent opportunity to supplement your present earnings. Apply office. YOUNG MEN’S SHOP, 1319 T st. n.w. —19 SALESMAN, wanted for hardware store, established territory with local jobber D. C. area; must have ear. Call for appoint ment. GL. 4500. —19 SALESMAN, must be experienced In selling men s suits and overcoats; this Is a perma nent position with an excellent future, salary open depending on ability. Apply Mr. Kay. HOLLYWOOD SALESMAN, irith experience In nyen’s fur its. ^.w, IHELP MEN. I SALESMAN, collector, for Industrial' ln surance route, automobile necessary. Ap ply 717 Columbian Bldg , 418 6th st. n.w. ——STS SALESMEN—Need S more good salesmen to sell GE electric equipment and appliances. If you are Interested In making $100 per week and up. call AT. 9238. 19* SALESMEN—Exceptional opportunity for successful salesmen, age 25-30, now em ployed. who are not satisfied with their future possibilities and are willing to study and work to learn our business; should have practical exper. in bank, in dustrial or commercial accounting: high caliber, mentally alert and ef exceptional character: must be capable of earning $10,000 a yr. after training. Apply In person, don't phone. Mr. Murphy. NA TIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 1217 K sti n.w. SALESMAN—Fine salary, car expense, plus comm.; perm.; prominent wholesale con cern; married man, ambitious, with good sales personality. Apply at once. Box 111-C, Star. —21 SALESMAN, with car. to sell general line of appliances and sewing machines; lib eral commission. See Mr. Henderson be tween 9 andlil am., AMERICAN gEWINO MACHINES STORES. 508 11th st. s e. SALESMAN WANTED to sell men's hats and furnishings; experienced preferred. Apply at 800 H st. n.e. —21 SALESMEN—We have openings for 121 topnotch salesmen to sell cemetery and mausoleum space before need. Over 200 000 people have visited our beautiful grounds this year. We sell more space than all other Washington cemeteries com bined. We train you quickly and thor oughly. We help you. You can earn more than 95* of the salesmen in America. You must have a car and be a gentleman In every respect. Drop in any morning lor a personal Interview. Do not phone. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY. 3201 Bladensburg rd. n.e. —20 SALESMEN—Radio and appliance men needed for Washington’s largest organi zation. Excellent salary setup, steady employment. Experienced appliance or furniture men preferred. Ask for Mr. Keller. GEORGE'S RADIO & TELEVI SION. 816 F st. n.w. —23 SALESMEN, construction machinery; ex perience not essential; we'll train the right men; must have car: $50 weekly drawing acct. and expenses against liberal Box 436-V. Star. —19 SALESMEN, young men. 24-32. for adding machine sales training: must have ac counting and successful selling exper.; high caliber, good character, mentally alert and willing to study and work to learn our business: salary while training. Apply in person, don’t phone. Mr. Hussey. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO . 1217 K st. n.w. SALESMEN (2> for large, dry-cleaning stores: good opport. for young able men; good pay. steady job. Possibility for rapid advancement to assist manager. Apply Mr. Zoslow at 8TAR BRIGHT. 1016 9th st. n.w. —IP SALESMEN—Storm windows, conventional and casement. sidi*g. roofing, heating. Home improvements of all kinds. We also use the best proposition in town. Here is your chance to make real money. And you get your check every week. Stop in and see MR. LEGG at 2000 Rhode Island ave. n.e., 2nd fl. front SALESMEN (2). advertising; for new racing publication for Maryland meet; must be 'ree to travel following racing meets in the East: earnings in excess of $100 per week; acquaintance with night clubs and cocktail lounges helpful. Call MR. ATAM JAN, at NA. 9220, 1 to 4 p.m. 18* SECTION MANAGERS, these positions re quire the ability to supervise people. Experience preferred. 5-day. 40-hour week: 20rc discount on purchases. Ap ply employment office. 4th floor. LAN8 BURGH & BRO., 7th. 8th and E sts. n w. _I p SERVICE DISPATCHER, large office equip ment manufacturer requires young man with ability to dispatch servicemen on repair calls. Must be able to intelligently talk with customers on phone and keep records. Experience helpful but not es sential. Good pay: 5-day. 40-hr. wk. No Saturdays. Write, stating age, quali fications and education. Box 48-E. Star. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT. "whhe, for evening shift; good salary and work ing conditions. Must be exper. See MR. BAUGHER. 4030 Wis. ave. n.w. —19 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted. Apply HARRINGTON SERVICE 8TATI0N. 4225 Conn. ave. n.w. —18 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, experi enced, no Sunday work. Apply CONNORS & POSTER, 2721 Naylor rd. —19 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, experi enced; good salary and working hours. Call or see Mr Guillot. BETHESDA SUNOCO SERVICE STATION, Wls. ave.. East-West hwy.. Bethesda, Md. WT. 9702. —20 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, experi enced. wanted; salary and commission $40 week guaranteed. Apply BLACKBURN SUNOCO. 1337 Good Hope rd. s.e. —19 SERVICE STATION SALESMEN—Apply In person; do not telephone. Mr. Brown, SUN OIL CO.. 4940 Conn ave. n.w. —18 SHEET METAL MECHANIC, must be fully exper. In all-around sheet metal work; top pay. Apply A. S. JOHNSON CO., 1240 9th st. n.w * —20 SHEET METAL MECHANIC, layout men, cutters and duct Installation mechanic. MI. 0004. —18 SHINGLE ROOFERS WANTED, long Job. good wages. Apply 1108 Eye st. n.e., after 6 p.m., ask for VINCENT. —18 SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, salary and comm. Apply JOSEPH DE YOUNG, 1226 P st. n.w. —18 SHOE SALESMAN, experienced only: lib eral salary and commleslons. YOUNGS. 1306 r st, —18 SHOE SALESMAN, must be experienced: salary and commission. IDA'S, 5601 Georgia ave. n.w., TA. 3600 —19 SHOE SALESMEN, experienced: good com mission: rates with weekly drawing ac counts; 6-day, 40-hour week; 20% dis count on puschases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. 8. KANN SONB CO. —19 SHOE STORE MANAGER, progressive chain seeking experienced man for local exclusive men's shop. Better grade shoes write, stating exp., etc. Interview* will be arranged. Box 113-D, Star. —18 SHORT-ORDER MAN, colored, ntghtwork. HILLCREST RESTAURANT, 2714 Good Hope rd. s e VI. 9727. SHORT-ORDER COOK, white; hour! from 4:30 to 1:30, evening shift: $40 week, meals and uniforms. 1606 Southern ave. s.e. HI. 3363. —20 SODAMAN. experienced: bring refs.: no nights or Sundays; salary open. Apply SOUTHERN DRUG CO.. 15th and H sts. n wr — STATION ATTENDANT, must be able to do minor repairs. Apply DOWNER 8 AMOCO SERVICE, 1st and K its. n.e , ME. 6468. —20 STATION ATTENDANT, must be capable of installing seat covers, greasing and all-around station work, top salary to A-1 man: D. C. driver's permit and reference required. Apply ANDERSON 8ERVICE, 712 9th st. n.w. —18 STEAMFITTERS. 2; new work, good pay. CH. 2000. Ext. 606. —18 STEAMFITTER, experienced In new work and repair work. Call Wisconsin 4686. —19 STEAMFITTERS AND HELPERS, prefer thoss with tools and transportation; steady work, top salary and car allowance Apply at once to Mr. Lee, AMERICAN HEATING CO.. 56 K et. s.e. —21 STOCK CLERK, colored, high school grad , soft drinks. CITY-WIDE BEVERAGE DIS TRIBUTORS, 822 Howard rd. s.e. TR. 5346. —20 STOCK CLERK, with some vegetable ex perience, for DGS store; permanent posi tion; vacation with pay; $40 week to start; hours 8 to 7 p.m. SHANKMAN'S MAR KET. 400 Kennedy st. n.w. —19 STOCK CLERK for receiving and marking room. A progressive men's wear store offers attrac. salary with oppor. for ad vancement to capable young man. Apply office, THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP. 1319 P st. n.w. —23 STOCK CLERK; high school graduate, good health, experience and/or training In bookkeeping required. Many employment advantages. Including free Insurance, paid vacations and sick leave. Telephone DI. 2900. Ext. 215. STOCK CLERK for grocery; previous ex perience helpful. Apply in person only, GORDON BROS. MARKET, 2740 14th st, n.w. —18 STOCKROOM CLERK-MESSENGER. S146 per mo.: not over 25 yrs. of age, high school education, chance for advancement. 5-day. 40-hr. wk. Apply ARMY MOTION PICTURE SERVICE. 400 Tower Bldg. 1405 K st n.w Do not phone. STOCKROOM CLERK, white, with driver’s permit. Phone HO. 1520. —19 SUPERVISOR graphic art! production work—One of Baltimore's largest and most progressive color printers and lith ographers has opening for an experienced man capable of supervising quality of en gravings and color proving. Starting salary commensurate with skill and experience Apply In writing giving full details. Box 283-D. Star. —24 TABULATING-IBM—Young men wanted by nationally known finance company to live and work In South Bend, Ind. High school graduates, experienced In operat ing IBM tabulating machines; experience In wiring dlverilfled machine* helpful but not necessary. Flve-dty week, good Insurance and proflt-iharing plans. Give personal and business background and salary re quirements in letter to personnel depart ment. ASSOCIATES INVESTMENT CO . Associates Building, South Bend. Ind.—18 TECHNICIAN, doctor's office. .4 afternoons a week. OR 2500. —18 TENOR SOLOIST, experienced only, for church quartet: replies considered confi dential. Box 417-D. Star. 19* THEE SURGEON, experienced; lop waxes. Call UN. 2884. —19 TREE TRIMMER. experienced. steady work. Apply W. V. BOYLE, 2140 N st. a.w.. Apt. 6. alter 6 p m. —20 TRUCK DRIVERS (3): whits, for both light and heavy delivery work: capable ol driving either lge. or small truck; familiar with the general Metropolitan Area of Wash., D. C. Apply rear 717 2nd at. n.e. after 10 a m. Friday UPHOLSTERER, top wages and good work in* conditions Apply WASHINGTON UPHOLSTERY CO.. 1809 H st. n.w., EX. 5096. —20 UPHOLSTERERS, steady year-round work, top wages. Apply at once, DAVIS UPHOL STERY CO.. 37th and Tllden its., Brent wood. Md UN. 1592 —19 UPHOLSTERER for cugtom ahop. must be rrtn-nntrh workman: good working condl tlons and salary Apply so Mr. Bpiuer, MAYER & CO . 421 7th at n.w —20 VEGETABLE#MAN. experienced. excellent opportunity in modern market. Apply 2444 Wit. ave. n.w. EM. 2171. —23 VETEBAN. white, married or alngle. to train for poaltlon as parta managar under approved veteran’! training program: ex cellent oppor. foraggreeelve young man. MARYLAND MOTORS, INC, Rockville. Md„ Rockville 3944. —21 WAREHOUSE MAN. must be experienced In paper goods and reataurant supplies: perm, poaltlon and good opportunity for right party. Apply in perion between 4 and 5 p m. only Please do not phone. TIEMAN CO.. 1113 M it s.e. —21 WOOL PR£8SEBS.experte o eed, p >cework GENE'S LAUNDERERS * CLEANERS, 5th road and N. Randolph at, Arlington, Va OH 1750 —1 8 YOUNG MAN to work nights from 7 pm. to 4 a m. to dispatch calls. 24 H st n e., ME. 3355. MR GORDON —25 YOUNG MAN, white, over 1 8. for laundry service counter, some clerical work, per manent Job with future opportunity Apply in person, DUPONT LaUNDR?! 2535 Sherman ave. n.w. “r 18 YOUNG MAN, experienced preferred fog . haberdashery business Reis. HENRY J. GOODMAN & CO . 1(07 Pa. ave. n.w.—19 YOUNG MAN. 32-38. living In Maryland, to manage and operate food product route; guaranteed salary and ear furn.; no can vassing Write for Interview. GRAND UNION TEA CO . 2440 Green Mount ave, Baltimore. Md —19 _ (Continued on Next Page.) I