Newspaper Page Text
_HaP MEN tCwrt.). JOUNG MAN to learn plastic fabrication. Ability in mechanical drawing or art work preferred. Full-time lob in Arlington. Va. CH. 6529. 18* YOUNG MEN interested in learning the publication business. Apply Monday through Friday, 9:30 am. 1411 L st. n.w . Rm 302. MR AUSOP. —19 YOUNG MAN, not over 22 years of age, to work in real estate office: must be typist, alert and Intelligent, good starting salary and opportunity for advancement. State Qualifications. Box 392-D, Star. —18 YOUNG MAN, 25-35. as supervisor for a retail shopping service; no exper. neces sary; must be tree to travel; must have driver's license. Apply Evening Star Build ing. Room 523. —19 YOUNG MAN, not over 22 years of age, to work in real estate office as typist snd clerk. Must be intelligent, alert end have neat penmanship. Good salary and oppor * tumty for advancement. Call Mr. Shlfrin. FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO., 915 New York ave. n.w., NA. 7416. YOUNG MAN. 18 to 25, grocery store, some exper., willing to wort, steady Job. Apply 409 3rd at. n.w. YOUNG MAN, ambltloua neat, to learn wholeaale Jewelry business as stock clerk etc.; ean advance Quickly; must be capable to Qualify as salesman. Box 431-D, Stir. 20* YOUNO MAN, recent high school grad uate, good at figures, ability to type, for office work in lumber yard; good chance for training and advancement; prefer Be theeda area resident. Call MR. FREED MAN. WI. 6622. —1 YOUNG MAN to work as office boy in ar ohitecfcua! and builder's office: knowledge oi arcmtectuai drafting desirable; will ton sider part time for architectual or engi neering student: downtown location. Apply Room 916, 1028 Conn. ave. n.w., Friday from 9 a.m. YOUNO MAN, neat appearance, mechan ically Inclined: must have driver’s permit: willing to adapt and learn the office equip* business. $35 a wk. to start: quick £"da* wlc- Apply 1101 Vermont ave. !i.w.. Room 401. —18 rOUNG MEN, 18-35, are needed by air ings- See ad under "instruction courses.” CENTRAL RADIO SCHOOLS. —24 WANTED-—2 automobile painter helpers, *pte „ ApPl$ in person, MR. GARGE8, at 1711 Kalorama rd. n.w. OPPORTUNITY—Wanted 2 men for gen eral office work, must be able to type, one ^np^iedge of bookkeeping. Apply to ™E CO.. Waldorf. Md. Phone Waldorf 2222. —18 INEXPERIENCED MEN preferred to train for laundry route. Apply personnel office. Florida ave. n.w. —18 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—National Cash Register Co. wants young men, 21-25 years of age, high school graduates, to train as service men; single men only; perm, posi tions and steady advancements to those who qualify. Apply In person. 1217 K st. n.w., MR. JONES. Don’t phone. —19 ANOTHER WAR CASUALTY is back! Fa mous Wear-Ever aluminum * n#w method of cooking” utensils; 4 days’ training in our specialty sales techniques and hard work will earn $350 to $75<) per mo,; no experience required, no soliciting, no dem onstrating. Apply Room 411. Southern Bldg., or phone RE. 2523, 9:30 a m.-8 p m. —18 10 ABLE-BODIED MEN, 44-hr. wk.: salary, $51.42. Apply to W. L. COLLINS EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. 2nd and Eye sts. n.e. —19 A PERMANENT CAREER position with na tionally known company which offers se curity and opportunity to young man, 21-28 years, college education or equiva lent as salaried sales representative. Call DU. 5100. MR BUELL. —23 A PERMANENT POSITION Is available In our linen supply sales force for a young man from 25-35 years of age. This Is a fine opportunity for a man who enjoys outdoor work. Previous experience helpful but not necessary. Apply 8:30 a.m., ELITE LAUNDRY. 2119 14th st. n.w. —19 SELL REAL ESTATE in Virginia and D. C. dealing with high-class properties and clientele: will advertise your listings, some experience, aggressive, neat in appearance and car required; assistance offered by management in closing sales: quick set tlement. FRED J. GEORGE. Realtor. 2173 N. Glebe rd., Arlington, GL. 0777. —IP ELDERLY GENTLEMAN, preferably Cath day. Telephone TA. 8501 after 6 p.m. LEADS—We train you to make big money. Apply manager, 828 Evening Star Building. —19 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for 2 eg-GIa who are hard workers to manage and operate restaurant, frogen custard and donut business in colored section; must have experience in this line of business, also furnish good references; no triflers need apply. Box 07-D, Star. —20 NATIONAL TRADE ASSOCIATION, with headquarters in Chicago, has opening for manager of its Washington office. For interview, to be arranged in Wash ington. please write, giving personal history and preliminary outline of qualifications to Box 470-E. Star. —18 SALESMEN. MAN wanted who ean qualify for manage ment of profitable business nearby. Write RAWLEIGH’S, Dept. 1X11-14-168, Ches ter, Pa. • REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, for the best residential homes area. Alao an exper. talesman In commercial properties. Special commission basis. MR. ROWLAND. OL. *700. —18 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN, how about making up to *10,000 yearly with my company! Real eetate exper. not neces sary. but must have pleasant personality and be aggressive. Ask for MR. De Longflef, OW 7997. er PA. 1B08-W. REAL ESTATE—Do you want to tarn *10.000 a year? Only men of excellent oharaeter with plenty of Intestinal forti tude will be considered for a position with a future in our organisation. We will in terview all applicants at our office. 3846 Bladeniburg rd„ Cottage City. Md. Men residing in D. C. will work out of our effioe at 4*04 Oa. an. n.w. Please do not apply unless you want to work. Auto mobile absolutely essential. We will teach you hew to earn money while learning a dignified business that wlU Insure your future. TIMM REALTT, INC., Builders A Developers. 8848 Bladensburg rd„ Cot tage City. Md. —21 ■ALSSMAN. experienced, mill supplies, tools and machinery with car: want pro ducer capable of Ice. oarnlngs; good oppor tunity with setae. so. Box 323-C. Star. SALESMAN WANTED—National "manu facturer has opening for salesmen. 28-30 veare old. with college training, prefer ably in agrloulture. horticulture, floricul ture or landscaping; good opportunity for advancement, salary, ear. expenses, permanent position. Elate age. educa tion. sales experience. If any. family status. Box 409-B. Star. —19 SAUSMAN—Experienced building mate rials clerk to work for well-established firm in Bethesda. Apply 7327 Wls. ave., between 8-6. WI. 3233. —19 SALESMAN, electric appliance, over 28 yre, preferably with ear; excellent salary. PROCTER & HUTCHINSON, 3714 14th St. n.w —18 SALESMEN (8) to earn while you learn. $66 per week. We will qualify you for a year-round position at an earning ca pacity of $8,000 per rear or more. If you are satisfied with a Government check of #20 per week, do not apply. We must have men who want to become Independent. Phone TR. 8316, 9 to 11 a.m. —20 C 41 rfiMVV NET. —_i n__ ..II specialty goods that are In great demand; prefer men who have had a good record In outside door to door or similar type of selling, although on thla Job we furnish leads; liberal salary and commission. See Mr. Farren. KITTS, 1330 G st. n.w. —24 •SALESMEN, for direct gelling of the most modern and unique home electric appliance. Apply MASON-KIRBY CO., Room 23, 2nd floor, 1229 L st. n.w. —24 SALESMEN, experienced only, wanted by leading clothing gtore to sell men’s cloth ing; must be high-pressure and willing worker; salary. $100 per week; perma ■ nent position; all replies confidential. Box 307-K Star. —23 SALESMEN for large liquor store, livewire: offers splendid oppor. to learn the liquor business; selling experience nec.; good salary. Box 314-X, Star. —20 EXPERIENCED up and coming real estate man with car needed in established office for D. C. and Md. properties; also an experienced man to handle farm properties exclusively. Call MR. WORTHINGTON personally at SL. 8700 or SH. 1913. —20 WANTED—Salesman familiar with retail food trade to work for merchandise hroker. Phone Adams 2773. —19 ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION for salesman with automobile, familiar with Washing ton and vicinity to call on soda fountain trade; salary and commission, good mini mum guarantee; ear allowance. Sea MR. LINENBERG. rear 12flo Half st. s.e., Sat urday, Sept. 20. 8-2, phone FR. 2670. 19* A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION has an opening for an ambitious salesman, cap able of earning $100 per week and up A new plan of contacting, interested pros pects. eliminates canvassing and sales are made in mutiples. Our requirements are high, but the opportunities for immediate earnings and quick promotion make this an egeeptlonal opportunity. Please apply °OjL Trh st n w . .',00 HELP MEN end WOMEN, CASHIER and CIGAR CLERK, man or woman, full or part time; must have good reference*. Honest. Box 887-C. Star. —] $ COLLECTION MAN OR WOMAN—Must be experienced In all phases of credit col lectings, top salary to right party. Phone RE 5363 for appointment. —18 OOFY REWRITER—Part-time work. Box 4246. City Post Office • INDEXER fop* real estate transfer*: an swer in own handwriting, giving age and experience._Box 19-C. Star. —22 KITCHEN HELPERS, white: Arlington hos pital. Apply MISS RICK GL 6600. —19 LAUNDRY MARKER, experienced only; r7 ,or advancement ASTORIA i*AUNDRY. 9 H it. n.w. —22 MAN AND WIFE, colored or white, for country estate Man must be capable gardner, familiar with shruobery and misc. outside work around the house. Woman must be axeal. cook, exper. housekeeper. Intelligent and neat and capable of man aging part-time colored woman to assist her. Pleasant working cond.. excel, liv quarters, good salary and transp. Both must hav* past exper.. good refs ; must be aober. reliable and steady workers. If you cannot fulfill these requirements do not apply. Call MR. SANDERS. MI. 2400. SLIP COVER CUTTER WANTED.-expe llenced. PETER K. FAERBER. 1107 E<st. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly competent. Sho has had offles experience and can do diphone work, for lob which will last one month or five weeks. Excellent pay. 5-day week, with overtime for extra work. Must be willing to work while on the job. Send letter with refereneea to Box 235-A. Star. 19* TEACHER. 7th grade, boys: metal' or mis cellaneous crafts: salsry, $250 per month, less taxes. 8tate age and experience. Box 276-PjStar —23 TEACHER wanted: 7th grade, boys: metsl or misc. crafts; salary $250 per month, leas taxes. State ace and experience. Box 325-C, Star. —22 BEST VOCAL INSTRUCTION If MB sing In our Southeastern University Choral So ciety preparing concert-opera programs: opportunity for serious members. No charge Give voice and phone number. i5fcELLE«T^OPPORTUNITT for the right hard-working colored married couple to manage and operate restaurant, froten custard and donut business; must have ex perience in this line of business end fur nlah good reference: doing a good business at present: state experlenet and age. Box1 *45-* Star. —19 HELP WOMEN. ADJUSTMENT and complaint clerk—Young lady with department or retail store exi*. required: tact, initiative and courtesy. Good opportunity. 8ee or call Mr. Kremen. R. MARS, the Contract Co., 410 First St. s.e.. TR. 6900 —20 ALTERATION WOMEN, steady job, good salary. RHODE ISLAND CLEANERS, 4236 Wisconsin ave., EM. 4662. —*18 ALTERATION HANDS for womens ap Sarel; must be experienced: 6-day. 40 our week: 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. LAN8 BURGH & BRO., 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w. —19 ASSEMBLER to work In dry cleaning plant; steady job. good pay. Apply RINALDI & LEEMAN8. 7926 Georgia ave., at District line. —18 ASSEMBLERS, ages 23-38, for electronic factory work, residence of this area pre ferred. Excellent working conditions; 40 hour week. Do not phone. 9116 Brook ville rd., Montgomery Hills, Silver Spring, Md. —24 ASSISTANT in personnel dept., able to analyze qualifications and select appli cants for various positions, requires tact and resourcefulness in handling high-grade clientele, both in person and by corre spondence; salary. 81.800 year to start with good chance for advancement: 6-day. 40-hour week. Address Box 472-E. Star. —18 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. Intelligent, sincere, to help in our modern new offices; salary commensurate with ability. Box 307-C, Star. —19 BEAUTICIAN, full or part time. n.e. sec tion. Call WA. 1731; Sun., call Union 4137. —20 BEAUTY OPERATOR, exp. all around. i commission. 1802 20th st. n.w,. >/2 block I off Conn. ave. —20 BEAUTY OPERATOR and hair stylist; air ! cond’toned shop; good hours, top salary. GE. 0097. —19 BEAUTY OPERATORS—Only thoroughly experienced people need apply; salary and commission; 5-day, 40-hour week: 20'7 discount on purchases. LANSBURGH & BRO., 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w., employ ment office, 4th floor. —19 BINDERY WORKERS, experienced feeders: Journey women’s wages: steady workers only. Apply RANSDELL, INC., 810 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —19 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR, experienced N. C. R., No. 3000: permanent position with established concern. See MR. WILKINS, Edmar Bldg., 702 H st n.w , third floor. —20 BOOKKEEPER with stenographic ability; 5-day week, with old-estaolished Arm; permanent position. Call NA. 1454 be tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for appt., D. BALLAUF & CO., 619 H st. n.w. —18 BOOKKEEPER, experienced with automo bile work; permanent position, good salary, pleasant working conditions and paid vacation. BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO . ;1NC.. 1130 Conn. ave. See Mr. McDonnell, BOOKKEEPER, must be high school grad ; uate. age, 18-2*3; 5-day. 40-hr. week; good ; salary to start and frequent Increases. I Splendid opportunity for young lady want | ing to get ahead, with large firm. ! Knowledge of typing required. Apply Mr. Read. NATIONAL BISCUIT CO., 33tf Ran , dolph place n.e. —18 i BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, intelll j gent, resourceful, to assist In our modern, | new Quarters: salary commensurate with lability. Box 308-C, Star. .—19 i BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, experienced with automobile work; permanent position, good salary, pleasant working conditions and ! oaid vacation BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO . INC., 1130 Conn. ave. See Mx. McDon nell. RE. 7878. —21 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE operator. Bur roughs: permanent: 5‘^-day week. MA GRUDER, INC., 1138 Conn, ave., see Mr. Carver. —20 BUS GIRL, colored, must be explrenced. Apply Miss Murphy, dining room. LAFA YETTE HOTEL, 16th and Eye sts. n.w. _19 CALCULATING MACHINE OPERATOR. 18 to 36. familiar with commercial office work; permanent Dosltlon; 5-day. 40-hour week; good salary. See MR, WILKINS. Edmar Bldg . 702 H st. n.w.. 3rd floor _22 CASHIER, experienced; excellent salary; permanent position; hours. 9-6. Apply PLAZA SPORT SHOP. 10th and E sts. n.w. _j 8 CASHIER-CHECKER. #>XDPrienr#»ri. fnr vrn. eery store; nonest and dependable, with references. Call RE 8760. —19 CASHIERS—NCR exper.. credit dept., re tail dept, store: 40-hr. wk.; employe bene fits; perm, position. Apply at once, per sonnel office. SEARS ROEBUCK fit CO, 4500 WIs. ave. n.w 20 CASHIER-CHECKER, experienced and ref erences required; 7 am. to 2:30 p.m.: open Sundays. Thursday off: good salary and meals. VENEZIA CAFETERIA, 1356 Conn. ave. n.w. -—18 CASHIER-STENOGRAPHER, auto loan or finance experience preferred: salary. $40 per week to start: advancement. Write Box 309-E, Star. 19 CHECKERS for super market: full time, steady employment. Apply 1 to 5. Miss Carter. RIVER TERRACE SUPER MAR KET. 3439 Benning rd. n.e. —19 CHECKER for self-service food market* must be experienced and must have good references: excellent salary and short working, hours. Apply in person only at 7802 Alaska ave. n.w. between 8 am. and 8 p.m. CLERICAL WORKERS, experienced: fi ds* week. 20% discount on purchases. Apply 6th fl.. GOLDENBERG'S, 7th and K sts. n.w. lg CLERK—We have several Interesting posi tion* available In our clerical office for ladles from 27-40 years of age: knowledge of calculating machine helpful: pleasant Apply 8:30 a m,. ELITE LA UNDRY. 2119 14th st, n.w. —18 CLERK, neat appearing young lady with sales or advertising experience. Apply in parson, 814 17th at. n.w., second floor. _21 CLEKK to handle switchboard and do typing in a small organization with excel, office surroundings: 5-day week; vaca rp5£- wlApp1/ MR- KEAT INGS, 2015 ,W. Virginia are. n.e. FR. 2412. —19 CLERK for combined Inventory and mer chandise control office of wholesale firm. Serious minded, mature worker who can highly detailed work. See or caU Mr Kremen, R. MARS, the Contract CO r 410 First st. s.e., TR. 6900. —20 CLERKS (2), white, wanted for evening w°rk stuffing envelopes: 3 eves a week and Sat.: state age and experience if anv number. Box 342-C. Star. CLERKS (3). age 18 to 25, no ex-Gov ernment clerks: experience unnecessary but must be active ana alert, physically able to move quickly in filing and answering telephone, also must write fairly rapidly and distinctly and must speak reasonably good English, must be Protestants, white and punctual in attendance. Must also, have been born in Washington or suburbs. Hours. 8:30 to 5 p.m., day Sat.: salary, | $120 mo. to start. Phone NA. 8960. i _1 p CLERKR to work In dry-cleaning stores: i experience not necessary; good salary. Ad Dly LUNA CLEANERS, 1605 14th st. n.w., 23 • ! CLERK, white, between 18‘and 25, to sort papers, etc : must have experience and like this kind of work: perm. 5-day wk.; other benefits. Call MRS. EMBERSON. HO. 2478. CLERKS, white, between 21 and 35'. for laundry and dry-cleaning brawfch offices: If you are alert, reliable and can qualify for bond, apply at once for steady, well ?S*ln« Fork BLUE RIBBON LAUNDRY. 1654 Columbia rd. n.w, DU. 8888. Those applying for Bethesda stores, apply 4712 Hampden lane. Bethesda, Md . OL 1717 —18 CLERKS—Due to expansion of some divi sions, we have several permanent positions for clerks and typists starting at $1,920 annual salary: positions permanent: 6-day week; age limit 35. Apply in person, ",. V> 3:30 p.m., personnel office. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 3rd and R sts. n.e. Do not telephone. —23 CLERK-TYPIST, permanent and interest ing position for capable, energetic person, who is interested in the future: 5-day week AMVEi S, Sulte 300, 724 9th st. n.w. —19 CLERK-TYPIST, experienced, for real estate and Insurance office in Arlington Please state age, experience and salary expected. Box 326-C. Star. _18 CLERK-TYPIST—Well established mort gage loan company desires young lady. 18 to 26. high school graduate for typing, fil ing and general office work; 5-day week; starting salary. $1,560 per year. Chance for advancement. Call EX. 7480. _18 ULERK TYPIST. permanent position with life Insurance company; no experience nec essary: pleasant working conditions, ahort 36-hour, 6-day week. Apply Rm. 408, 816 14th st. n.w. CLERK-TYPIST. 20-30 yrs. of age: S'A day week: $135 mo.: permanent position, good future. UNIVERSAL C. I. T. CREDIT CORP., 7930 Ga. ave. Silver Spring.^Md. ' faucial umcc rouunc. o-i day. 40-hr. wit. M-G-M PICTURES. 1009: N. J. ave. n.w CLERK-TYPIST—The Evening Star has I an opening In the classified advertising! department; part-time work; 4 days per; week; hours. Mon., Tues.. Wed.. 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; perma nent position for an accurate typist, cap able of answering Incoming telephone calls ! Apply personnel office. Room S04. star* Building. THE EVENING STAR, 1101 Pa. ave. n.w. _lg phERK-TYPIST—Young lady with some business experience to work in large real estate office. Permanent position. Five d»E. Salary. *1.000 per year to atari. . Call Mr. Cox or MR. THOMPSON. NA. 2100. 2.3 COLOR ARTISTS for portrait studio, per gjanjnt position. Apply GOLDCRAFT studio. 718 13th St. ri.w. —19 OPERATOR, experienced. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., 1111 N. Capi tol at. 22 COMPTOMETER OPERATORS. B-day. 40 hour week. Apply employment office. 9th floor. 9:30 to 6 daily. WOODWARD & LOTHROP 20 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, permanent: B1,i-day week. MAGRUDER. INC.. 1138 Conn, ave., see Mr. Carver. —20 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR—If you are a resident of Arlington. Va., between ages of 20 and 35 years of age and Inter ested In a perm, position as comptometer operator, we've a Job for you. Applv at once. Personnel Office. SEARS ROEBUCK * GO- -£00 Wilson blvd.. Arl.. Va. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, permanent position, 5>i-day wk. CERTIFIED BAK ERY, 641 8 st. n.w. —18 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, permanent position in large, air-conditioned office in Northeast section; convenient transp • fi day. 40-hr. week; vacation with pay and other benefits; exp. required. Apply SAFEWAY STORES, employment office. 4th and T sts. n.e, •_ig CORSETIERE. experienced, 5-day week, 20^ discount on purchases. Apply 5th fl, GOLDEN BERG'S, 7th and K sts. n.w. —lg DENTAL ASSISTANT, experienced: B-day i week; atate salary. Box 448-E. Star. —24 DENTAL SECRETARY and assistant, won derful opportunity; permanent position; only those need apply who are experienced, capable and reliable. Box 450-E. Star. —19 DISPLAY STYLIST for large department •tore: must have display experience in retail store. Reply to Box 289-D. 8tar, stating age. experience, etc. —19 EVENING WORK—Circulation department of newspaper has telephone work for fljur girls, three nights per week from 6:30 or 8 p.m. to about 9 p.m. Can also offer Saturday work from 11 a m. to 6 pm Must be high school graduate and have good speaking voice. Pay 7Be per hour Apply personnel office. Room 504, Star Building, TH* EVENING STAR. 1101 Pa ave. n.w. FROM NINE TO FIVE —By Jo Fischer I,.—.-— -r | .. -nai | *■*’ ’ 1 " 1 ’ "TliiTIM. i ■■ Ml . i III— , , ,> / But I’m all through with my work, Mr. Wump. I postponed it until tomorrow.” HELP WOMEN. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, white; exper. un nec., will train. Apply MR. SWARR, 1001 Vermont ave. n.w. —18 FILE CLERKS (2), white, wanted for fil ing envelopes by states and cities lor 3rd class mailing. Please give age, experience if any. Box 435-V. Star. FITTER-SEAMSTRESS, experienced on dresses, suits and coats; in fine ladies’ apparel store; modern: daylight; air-con ditioned workroom; steady yearly employ ment: good salary. Apply the ESSIE O'DONNELL CO., 3407 Conn. ave. n.w. —18 FITTERS AND ALTERATION HANDS for ladies' ready to wear; 5-day. 40-hour week; 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office, 4th floor, S. KANN s3ns CO. —19 FOUNTAIN GIRL, white; 5-day week: top salary; good working conditions. WOOD MOOR PHARMACY, Four Corners. Md. SH. 9894. —20 FOUNTAIN GIRL, colored; must be good sandwich maker and dependable; night work only. SANITARY DRUG STORE, 215 New York ave. n.w. FOUNTAIN HELP, day or night, full time, experienced only; $32.60 to «tart. Apply in person. FAIRFAX VILLAGE PHARMACY. 3827 Penna. ave. s.e. —18 FOUNTAIN HELP, 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; vicinity of Wise. ave. and District line. Call Miss Harper, WI. 9811, until 1 p.m.; after, WI. 7161. —18 F^JR SALESWOMAN, experienced: top sal ary plus commission. 20% discount on pur chases; 5-day wee*. Apply 6th fl., GOL DENBERG'S, 7th and K sts. n.w. —20 GIRL, colored, to work evenings, from 5 1:30, must have griddle experience, salary $30 per week. WALNICK S WAFFLE SHOP. 1143 Conn. ave. n.w. —19 GIRLS—WOMEN, must be neat appearing, for easy restaurant counter work; no ex perience necessary; good starting pay. with wage increase after training period; free life and hospitalization insurance. Apply WHITE TOWER, office, 714 18th st. n.w., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. —18 GIRLS—WOMEN, must be neat appearing, for easy restaurant counter work, no ex perience necessary; good starting pay. witn wage increase alter Training perioo: free life and hospitalisation insurance. Apply WHITE TOWER office, 714 18th st. n.w., 10 a m. to 4 p.m. GRAPHOTYPE OPERATOR, permanent position with life Insurance company; some experience preferred, pleasant working conditions, short 35-hour, 5-day week. Apply Rm. 408. 816 14th st. n.w HOSTESS, age 30 to 40; meals furnished; closed Sundays; no phone calls. Apply MERRYLAND CLUB, 1405 L st. n.w. HOUSEKEEPER, white, fond of children, refined Protestant home; room, board: $20 wk. MRS. CORRELL, DI. 5628, 8:30 to 5 Mon.-Prl. INTERVIEWER for personnel office, must be typist; 6-day. 40-hour week; 20* dis count on purchases. Apply office. 4th floor, LANSBURGH BRO.. 7th, 8th and E sts. n.w. —20 INVESTIGATOR. 25 to 35. for fc retail shopping service: no experience necessary; must be free to travel. Apply Evening Star Bldg.. 11th and Pa.. Room 523. —18 LADY, white, to be companion to fifth - grade school girl Monday through Friday in exchange for private room and bath and meals. EM. 1691. • LADIES, 24-60. for part-time saleswork. Able to work 15 hours or more weekly Earnings about S1.50-S2 hour. Exper. not necessary If able to meet public. REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLB. Apply Friday after 10 a m. or phone NA. 7366. Rm. 210, 1427 Eye st. n.w UNEN ROOM MAIDS, white, good salary and working conditions. Apply employment office. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, 2700 Woodley rd. n.w. —19 MANICURIST. experienced. Permanent work, 5-day. 40-hour week, generous com pany benefits and privileges. Apply in person, Employment Office, 3rd floor. THE HECHT CO.. 7th and P sts. n.w. —18 MANICURIST, experienced, in air-condi tioned shop: excellent salary and commis sion. Apply In person. HEADS, 1327 F st. n.w. 21 MARKER for dry-cleaning plant; steady lob. good pay. Apply RINALDI & LEE MANS, 7926 Georgia ave., at District line. —18 MEDICAL SECRETARY: experienced dicta phone operator, for permanent position in orthopedist office. Call MRS. BOGGS. EX. 5715. —IP MIDDLE-AGED WHITE LADY to care for elderly lady; room and board; moderate salary; reference required. Box 369-C, Star. • MONOGRAM AND EMBROIDERY machine operator. 5-day. 40-hr. wk. or part time; salary. $45 and bonus. VOGUE MONO GRAM CO. 527 Pth st. n.w., Rm. 604 EX. 0307 or LU. 5100. MUSICIANS, age 20 to 25. with dance band experience; trumpet, trombone, saxa Phone. drums and piano: must be able to read well. Write Box 434-V. Star. —18 NURSE — An attractive graduate nurse wanted as receptionist; personal inter views only. ELIZABETH ARDEN. 1147 Conn. ave. n.w. —18 OFFICE CLERK capable of handling gen eral retail office work, age 18 to 35; 44-hr. wk. Apply In person, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO., 1731 R. I. ave -\e. —20 PRESS OPERATOR, colored, experienced on coats and pants. Apply employment office. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. 2700 Woodley rd. n.w. 19 PRICE CLERK, some knowledge of book keeping and typing. MR. CLARK. TA. 7000: all replies confidential. —19 READY-TO-WEAR SALESWOMEN, experi enced. 6-day week, 20* discount on pur chases. Apply 6th 11., GOLDENBERG'S. 7th and K sts. n.w. —18 RECEPTIONIST for beauty salon—Young lady, over 25. with knowledge of figures and typing. Apply in person, ROBERT OF renin, lose conn. ave. — RECEPTIONIST; previous experience in portrait studio essential; good salary. Write Box 367-D. Star. SALESGIRL. 6% commission, women's wear; experienced only. Eves , ft to 0:30. Call in person, WILHELMINA ADAMS. Wisconsin at P st.. Georgetown. —IP SALESLADY, experienced, for specialty shop featuring lingerie and hosiery; perm, position: good salary plus commission Apply at the GOLDEN DAWN CO., 1206 P st. n.w _23 SALESLADY, experienced, good opportunity for right girl. Apply KAY'S. 5, 10 and ; (f.5i!orp’ 2336 Pa. ave. s.e., or phone AT. SALESLADY for the CAROLYN CARD * GIFT SHOP. 3428 14th st. n.w —IP SALESLADY, experienced millinery; sal ary $50 per wk.; steady position; local exper. preferred. Apply 1022 Conn. ave. —23 SALESLADIES—Pittles Bakeries are look ing for women between the ages of 20 and 40 for sales position in our stores Only those desiring permanent positions considered Good salaries to start, paid vacation. Insurance plan, light, pleasant work. Our stores are open 6 days a week. Including Saturday and Sunday: closed Monday Apply any day between 10 a m. and 2 p.m., 5037 Conn. ave. n.w. —18 SALESLADIES. experienced. In small wares. 6-day week, attractive salary Dlus commission on all sales. Apply Miss Rus sell, L. FRANK CO., 12th ana F st. n.w. _19 SALESLADIES—Refined, throughly experi enced for junior miss coats, suits and dresses. Apply after 1 p.m., LADY LEE. INC.. 1205 F st. n.w. SALESLADIES (2), wanted for high-class ready-to-wear store, dresses, coats and suits: attractive salaries. For interview call GL. 1144. —22 SALESLADIES, experienced, for women's cloth coats, suits and dresses; liberal sal ary and commission; pleasant working conditions. SAKS. 610 12th st. n.w. SALESWOMEN, 6-day. 40-hour week. Ap ply employment office. 8th floor. 9:30 to 6 dally. WOODWARD * LOTHROP. —20 SALESWOMEN, 6-day. 40-hour week; 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor, 8. KANN SONS CO. —19 SALESWOMEN, experienced preferred: mil linery. suits and dresses. Apply JELL ERF'S. 1214-1220 F st. n.w. Personnel office, 7th floor. SALESWOMEN, experienced, part time and Saturdays. 20% discount on purchases. Apply 6th fl„ GOLDENBERG'S. 7th and K Sts. n.w. - —18 SEAMSTRESS, thoroughly experienced in draperies snd slip covers; custom shop. TYLECRAFT INTERIORS, 2406 18th st. n.w. —19 SEAMSTRESS for men's clothing; 5-day. 40-hour week; 20% discount on Purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. LAN6 BCRG ft BRO , 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w. —20 SEAMSTRESS, white, for draperies: steady work Cal) OR. 4457. —18 SEAMSTRESS, experienced, for dry clean ing plant. Apply RINALDI * LEEMAN8. 7926 Georgia are., at District line. —18 SEAMSTRESS, exper.. for draperies snd slip covers, union shop, $40 per wk.; vaca tions 8. D. HECHT CO., 1640 Conn, ave. —20 SEAMSTRESS, white, for Ary cleaning store in Woodridge section. Box 376-d. Star. _ ip* SEAMSTRESS far fitting and alterations in fine apparel shop. Apply in person, KENMAR. i014 Conn, ave SEAMSTRESS, exper wonderful working condition. 1743 Columbia rd. n.w. —20 _HELP WOMEN._ SEAMSTRESS, experienced in upholstering and slip covers. Apply BATT & GRIFFIN, fill F st. n.w. —18 SECRETARY for executive; excel, oppor tunity for one who is rapid and accurate in taking dictaton: excel, salary and work ing conditions. Apply Mr. Stewart, THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP, 1319 F st. n.w. —2.3 SECRETARY to vice Dres. of engineering firm, 6-day week. Apply in person to tyELPAR, INC., 452 Swann ave., Alex., Va. —21 SECRETARY, exper., 6-day wk. State salary and qualifications; permanent posi tion. Box 401-E, Star. —19 SECRETARY to work for United Air Lines personnel department. La Guardia Field, :n New York City. Minimum age. 21; 2 years’ steno. experience; desire some col lege. Apply Hotel Annapolis Friday, 9 a m. to 1 p.m. SECRETARY—$2,600 or better to start, age 21-28; a really fine position, to take charge of small, pleasant office; must have excellent shorthand and typing abil ity of 70 w.p.m. Must have lived in D. C. area for past fi months, and have been recently employed. Apply 10 to 12 a.m. only, suite 604. 918 F st. n.w. —18 SECRETARY—For store manager, excel, working conditions; many atfrac. company benefits. Immed. discount on all pur chases. Apply at once. Personnel Office, SEARS ROEBUCK & CO., 2800 Wilson blvd., Arl.» Va. v .—10 SECRETARY, competent woman. Please give experience, educational background, references and salary expected. Box 476-K, Star. _i SECRETARY TO TAX EDITOR of business publications, start mid-October; excep iipnal opportunity to acquire knowledge of Federal taxes; 6-day week, pleasant surroundings: near Mayflower Hotel. Write full details to Box 475-C, Star. —21 SECRETARY-CLERK for Bethesda area, must be good stenographer and typist and have good telephone personality, at least 2 or 3 years’ experience beneficial, but willingness to learn and practical applica tion more Important, «40 week to start. In reply, give age, schooling, experience and references. Box 5fi-C, Star. —18 SECRETARY-I.VRRariav fnr cnemistry dept.. Catholic University: com ?;l3 R week- Call MI. 6000, Ext. II. _18 SECRETARY-STENO. for publishing ex ec utiv-e: interest or experience in account ing desirable; 5-day wk.; new air-con ditioned office bldg. Phone DI. 2900, EXt. SECTION MANAGERS—The positions re quire the ability to supervise people; ex Prelerred; 5-day, 40-hour week; 20 0 discount on purchases. Apply em ployment office, 4th floor, LANSBURGH & §RO.._ , th, 8th and E sts. n.w. —19 SERVICE OFFICE GIRL, to answer tele phones; white, between 25 and 40 Apply ?S^sPni?el olrcf' MANHATTAN LAUNDRY 1328 Florida ave. n.w. SHIRT FINISHERS, bosom operators, shirt operators and backers; colored, experi jneetl: good pay. WASHINGTON LAUN DRY. 2627 K st, n.w. —18 SINGERS, colored, for night club, first and second sopranos and alto; must be good. Victor 6765 bet. 12 and 6 p.m. SODA FOUNTAIN HELP In clean, alr-con SAysssi.s,t.°i®; to» salary: no night work. BRIN6FIELDS DRUG STORE. 3931 S. Capitol st.. Anacostia. 18 SODA FOUNTAIN GIRLS (2). white, ex per.; excel, sal, uniforms furnished, meals no evening or Sun. work. Apply AVENUE DRUG, 1742 Pa. ave. n.w. NA. 5353. —10 SODA FOUNTAIN—Young lady, exp, part or full time: live In the vicinity of Silver Spring steady work, good hrs. Call MONT GOMERY HILLS PHARM, SH. 5150. Ref erences necessary. 18 SODA GIRLS, colored, experienced only; So&fi8f Pharmacy, 2AiPstly.nd S'"°w' _IP STENOGRAPHER, well-established real estate company requires the service of a young lady in the stenography dept., pre fer experienced person who is desirous of peeking permanent, employment: salary. $<.,100 per year, with opportunity for ad vancement; 6-day weelc. CrII MR. COX or MR. THOMPSON. NA. 2100. —22 STENOGRAPHER, assistant to executive: national publication; starting salary. $190 £®r m°.; 5'/2-day week, advancement. EX. n. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position, pvt concern; 6-day week: air-conditioned of SSk...^1188 WHITE, EX. 5867. —20 STENOGRAPHER. 39-hr. wk., nice en vn-onment. NA. 9095. —18 STENOGRAPHER, 20 to-30. for permanent position in office where she will be only woman; must be capable with pleasing personality and good telephone voice; 5'/i day week; beginning salary, approx. $200 monthly; guaranteed advancement; give qualifications in reply. -Box 369-D. Star. 18* STENOGRAPHER, to assist public stenog rapher; Interesting, varied work, for select clientele; hours arranged to suit. Box 167 E, Star. • STENOGRAPHER — Permanent position with opportunity for advancement: excel lent salary: 40-hr. week: exper. desired but not essential. Apply HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP, 7914 Ga. ave. Silver Spring. Md. _18 STENOGRAPHER-CASHIER, between ages of 21 and 25; pleasant working condi tions; o’/i-day week; salary open. Phone MR. SMITH, WA. 9226. STENOGRAPHER, wanting to learn tag andJ2etal Fork: good salary: 5ti-day week, CENTRAL MOTOR CO, 2300 Lee hwy, Arl, CH. 7000 STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST, part-time work lrom 9 to 1 daily. VISEK BROS, 709 14th st. n.w. —18 STENOGRAPHER — Advertising agency needs experienced steno, fast, accurate typing; permanent position: good starting salary; 5-day, 40-hr. week; ages 20-30 years. Call bet. 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Dis trict 7400. STENOGRAPHER with life Insurance com pany; permanent position: short 35-hour. 6-day week; pleasant working conditions. Apply Rm. 408. 816 14th st. n.w. STENOGRAPHER. D. C. Chapter, Red Cross; interesting and varied work, 6-dav week. Apply MR. COBB, 1730 E st, n.w. _18 STENOGRAPHER, willing to assist all phases office routine, bookkeeping experi ence not essential if alert and resourceful: -.ojRijr , uuiMir u: a i e witn aDiiity. «ox 309-C. Star. —19 STENOGRAPHER, young lady, prominent, real estate office. Box 96-C, Star. —18 STENOGRAPHER, permanent position with well-established concern: 6-day week. 40 hrs. See NR. WILKINS. Edmar B.dg., 702 H st. n.w., 3rd floor. —18 STENO-CtERK. Apply In person to Mr. J. L. HOBAN, THE PULLMAN CO.. 5th and T sts. n.e. —IP STENOGRAPHER-SECRET ART — Busy ex ecutive needs a competent assistant; in teresting work In sales dept.; starting salary, S46 a week. Phone MR. TOWN SEND. NA. 4152 lor appointment —18 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, to operate a small board; 5-day week. 517 10th st. n.w. —20 TEACHER, exper. 3rd and 4th grade group, in pvt. school. Give telephone P. O. Box 4026, D. C. TECHNICIAN, doctor's office, 4 afternoons a week. OR. 2500. —18 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, young lady, ex perienced preferred, typing necessary; 5 day week. 8:30-5; pleasant working condi tions; opportunity for advancement. BARBER & ROSS CO., 5th and V sts. n.e., DE. 0501. —22 T YPIST, with knowledge of general clerical shorthand; prefer printing or engraving experience, although not essential. State experience and salary. Box 413-C. Star. ,_ —18 TYPIST and general office work. State age and exper. ol'a-day wk. Box 415-C. Star. —19 TYPISTS 121. white and Protestants, ex perience unnecessary; must have been born in Washington or suburbs and be graduate of the 1947 class of a senior high class: and If single,' must live with parents: hours, 8:30 to 5. day Sat.; salary, J140 mo. to start. Phone NA. 8969. —19 TYPIST, accurate, for permanent, respon sible position In nationally established in surance office: salary commensurate with ability; attractive hours, paid vacation and employe benefits. Box 444-E, Star. —23 TYPIST, general office with small real estate and insurance concern: prefer resi dent of Silver Spring or vicinity. SL. 4422. —24 TYPIST with knowledge of general clerical work; good salary; excel, opport. for ad vancement. Apply office. THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP, 1319 F st, n.w. —23 TYPIST with knowledge of shorthand, 44 hr. week. Opportunity for ambitious, ca llable serious-minded worker. See or call Mr. Kremen. R. MARS, the Contract Co.. 410 First st. s.e„ TR. 6900. —20 TYPIST-CLERK. 44-hr. wk.: Interesting working conditions for one with office ex perience. See or call Mr. Kremen. R. MARS, the Contract Co., 410 First st. s.e.. TR 6900 —20 TYPIST-CLERK, good position for one competent and willing. Call personnel AD. 9215. —IP TYPIST-CLERICAL. college graduate, member national social sorority In Bal four Fraternity Jewelry store and office; 40-hour week; gtart MO per week. Box 427-D. Star. A HELP WOMEN. T*l>IST-RECEPTIONlST. muit b* ' neat and make good appearance, age 25 to 30; must have good personality in order to properly greet the public, also operate switchboard, previous switchboard experi ence not necessary. Miss Stinson, McMA HON CHEVROLET, INC., 6323 Ga. ave. n.e. —23 TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST, exper.. for law office, 5-day wk. State qualifications, refs, and salary desired. Box 398-E. 8tar. —23 WAITRESSES, experienced, over 21. Ap ply in person, do not Phone. CHINESE VILLAGE RESTAURANT, 804 H st, n.e. —39 WAITRESSES, white, part. time, from 8 p.m. to 1 a m : no Sunday work. Apply ZEPHYR RESTAURANT. 4912 Wiscon sin ave. n.w. —19 WAITRESSES—Right opening for 2 up and coming girls, steady employment, top salary and excellent earnings'in a friendly and busy environment. Apply in person after 11 a m.. 7307 Georeia ave. n w. —18 WAITRESS and also checkroom girl. Call between 12 and 5. •FIESTA RESTAURANT. 1625 K st. n.w , Mr. Quing. —22 WAITRESSES, white, with or without ex perience; no night or Sunday work. Ex cellent waxes with meals. KRESGES 10c STORE. 7th and E sts. n.w. 19* WAITRESS, white, eood salary and tips, neat and reliable; closed on Mondays. Please apply in person Tuesday or Wednes day. Call VI. 9727. HILLCREST RESTAU RANT. 2714 Good Hone rd. s.e. —18 WAITRESS, white, for Conn. ave. restau rant: day work; excel, tips; high pay. meals and uniforms furn. no liquor. 4469 Conn, ave. next to Ice-Palace. —19 WAITRESS, colored, for nightwork only: mi’st be neat. Call at 736 50th st. n.e. after 5 p.m. Do not phone. 19* WAITRESS, experienced; ABC license; split shift. Apply in person, 918 lith st. n.w. —20 WAITRESSES, colored; full and part time; Pvt. boarding school. Call MISS CARTER. WO. 8318 between 9 a.m. and 12 noon—94. wAiiKtss. over 21. refined and efficient, tray service; must be able to work until 9 P.m. and on Sun.; earnings $50 to $55 a wk. Apply in person. OLD WILLIAMS BURG RESTAURANT, 3029 Naylor rd. s.e., VI. 9772. _20 WAITRESS, over 21. experienced, for day time work, steady; Sundays off. EM. 9726, or apply in person. 5311 Wis. ave. —20 WAITRESSES, experienced in night club work, must be smart looking, able to wear their hair up; good salary and expect large tips; one of Nation’s most beautiful clubs, opening Sept. 19. No phone calls. £leTaTo' t Cal] in,person, see Milt Barrett. CONGA, Washington-Baltimore Md • after 6 D-m- —19 WOMAN, white, settled, not over 50 to do general work in rest home; nursing ex perience helpful: $100 a month, room and board. OL 897'. —18 WOMAN, white, between ages of 25 and on. to train as manager of retail candy store. Box 473-E. Star. —23 WOMAN, white, live in; take care of 8 month baby. Phone NO. 0579. —18 WOMAN, white, to take charge of counter and work grill; must have short-order ex a.m.; good salary. Apply WALNICK'S WAFFLE SHOP, 1143 Conn, ave. —18 WOMAN, settled, live in. assist mother with g.h.w. and care of children; good salary. TR. 3312. —19 WOMAN, white, desiring pleasant iiome and salary, to care for invalid mother of Govt, employes; no heavy household duties. HO. 5635. —23 WOMEN OFFICE HELP, with restaurant experience preferred. Good penmanship and good at figures. Pleasant hours. Meals. Good starting salary. No Sunday work. See MR. LUCAS. 1207 E st. n.w., be tween 8 and 2 p m —19 WOMEN—Packaging food product, day or nightwork, uniforms furnished, excellent .working condtions. Apply in person, do not call. CAPITAL FRITO CO., 4860 Be thesda ave., Bethesda. Md. —19 YOUNG LADY for adjustment clerk, with retail or depi. store, experience preferred. See or call Mr. Kremen, R. MARS, THE CONTRACT CO., 410 1st St. s.e., TR. 6900. YOUNG LADY, general office work for progressive credit store; some exper. pre but not necessary; excel, salary. ASKIN'S, 737 7th st. n.w. YOUNG LADIES (3), 18 to 25; travel southern states; Texas, California and re turn: pleasant work; free transp.: $35 weekly drawing account, plus commission; permanent position with large corp. Appl\ MRS. LANCASTER. Everett Hotel. 10 to 12 or 7 to 8 p.m. * —18 YOUNG LADY, with some knowledge of optician prescriptions, to be prescription clerk. Apply to EDMONDS OPTICIANS. 915 loth st. n.w. —18 YOUNG LADY, white, age 18 to 25, to learn cafeteria operations in one of Washington's finest downtown cafeterias, regular hours, no Sundays; salary, $35 to $4*. .50 a week and meals; uniforms fur nished. Applicant need not be experienced but must be a steady, willing worker, de sirious of serving the public. For further information, see MR. McGARRAHY. 511 14th st. n.w., between 9:30 and 11 a.m. or 7 to 8 p.m. —ip YOUNG LADY, knowledge of general office work: prefer one interested in photography. PETROV. Room 505, Atlantic Bldg.. 930 F st. n.w. 19» YOUNG LADY, age 21-35. to train for mgr. of local department in large photo graphic chain: good salary while training; r^Pid advancement for right person; no outside soliciting: no experience necessary but sales experience helpful. Apply Trufoto StUdlO. C/D R. R. TCRFRT1F nd ««« ave. s.e. 19* YOUNG LADY for general office work, with some stenographic experience. See Mr. Wheatley, TRIANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. I. ave. n.e. —18 YOUNG WOMAN, Jewish preferred; take complete charge small office, mail order firm; typing, filing, correspondence; $36; 48-hour week. Box 474-E, Star. CAPABLE WHITE WOMAN to help grand mother day time, keep a small house with 2 children for at least 1 mo. References. Palls Church 1955-W. —20 TRAVEL FLORIDA with highly paid sales group; women, age 23-60; permanent; ho experience necessary; guaranteed weekly salary, plus commission; hotel expenses, transportation. MISS KATE SCOTT. Bur lington Hotel, 7 p.m. to 9. 19* THE HECHT CO.’S new Silver Spring store; has immediate openings for ex perienced and inexperienced salespeople. Apply In person, personnel office, 3rd floor. THE HECHT CO.. 7th and F sts. n.w. —22 PERMANENT POSITION for a young single woman 21-28 years who wants a career that offers security and opportunity: pub lic relations work; college education or equivalent; District native preferred; 6 day week. Call DU. 5100. MISS BAL TENSPERGER or MR. BUELL. —23 BRUSH CO. has opening for two women: lull or part time, advertising work, no can vassing: earnings average $1.60 and up per hour; no investment: thorough train ing Riven. Box 394-D, Star. 18* CONTRACTOR wants lady to answer phone and do typing. SL. 1785_—20 HELP DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID, white, experienced, must have good ref.; take charge of small guest house: $80 and good home, more if satis Jactory. 4224 16th at. n.w. TA. 3795. COOK, experienced, live in or out; must have local references; $30 week. WO. 5732. 18 COOK, exper.. neat, care of child. fife-day wk excellent pay, refs, required. NO. 4465. —18 COOK-G.H.W., other help employed; good Job for right person: live in; own sitting rm.; $25 wk. EM. 1842. —19 COOK, g.h.w., settled, experienced, live in. pleasant pvt. room and bath, good wages; conv. location; refs, required. HO. 8523 —20 COOK AND G.H.W., exper . live in. pvt. room and bath; other help employed; recent local refs., fife-day wk.; $25. SL 6661. —18 COOK AND LAUNDRY with Bendix wash 1^9 Varnum st. n.w. TA. 6215. COOK-GENERAL HOUSEWORKER for em ployed couple, care of 3-yrl-old child, sal ary. $30-$35 week; city references and health card required, call WO. 3222. —21 COOK. A-l, $25; also girl, $20, as wait ress-chambermaid-laundress: to live in. lovely estate in Md. suburbs: do not apply without recent local refs. WI. 7194. —21 COOK-G.H.W,. colored, smtill apt., 2 adults, J child, no family laundry; 5*4 days, no nights and Sundays; exp.; $21.60 * "reek. TA; 2428. 6224 3rd st. n.w. COOK-G.H.W., only well-trained, excel lent reference apply; small house, 3 adults; $24 weekly. OL. 3043. COOK-GENERAL HOUSEWORKER for apt., family of 3; 8-hr. day. from 12 noon 'til after dinner; fife-day week, at $18.50. EM. 0745. —18 COUPLE, man to serve, drive, some house work, woman to cook, etc.; excellent sal ary. Ideal livipg Quarters; only experienced domestics need apply. Call W’O. 0013. % —21 GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, experienced, one child, must have references and health card. Do not call unless r'dable. GE. 6223. ✓ 19* GENERAL HOUSEWORKER-COOK. colored, sleep in, Bendix; good refs.; 1 school child; pvt. room. SL. 3157. —19 GENERAL HOUSEWORKER, to live in. fond of children, plain cooking; good sal ary; references. SL. 3091. —19 G.H.W., live in. $22 week; plain cooking: ofe days; fond of children; settled, local references. WO. 7494. —19 G.H.W., settled women, fond of children: sleep in. 4011 21st st. n.e. —20 G.H.W., white, live in. upstairs io^m. fond of children; $20 per week. SH. 8124. —19 G.H.W., experienced; live in: Bendix washer, must be fond of children; local references required Call. SL. 6038. —20 G.H.W.. to live in; white or colored: no heavv rlpanmor nr laun : small fam_ lly: must be good cook, have local refs.: $25 a week. Will consider boarding em-: ployed husband if practical. Call EM. *633. —IP GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 3 adults, live in, no laundry. FA. 2582. —19 GENERAL HOUSEWORK, plain cooking live in; references required; oVi-day wk.; $25 wk. WI. J132'. GIRL, colored, full-time g.h.w: BendfX: live in; 5Va-day week. Call OR. 1963. —19 GIRL, general housework, 9:30-1:30; must be fond of children. AD. 7914. • GIRL, must be experienced with children and have health card, g.h.w.. Bendix washing machine: live in. MI. 1606. —21 GIRL to take care of children and | housework; references. Call GE. 3106.; after 6:30 p.m. —H» GIRL, g.h.w.; will give small salary to one who appreciates good home; live in. 1618 Juniper st. n.w. GIEL. white: care for baby, age 6 mos. and do light housekeeping: refs, required. Call VI. 7105 after 7 p.m. —18 GIRL, experienced, neat, for small guest house, cleaning work and kitchen helper; must understand something of simple cook ing to assist cook. 3 p.m. through early evening dinner; no Sundays; $15. 1730 Lanier pi. n.w.. comer Ontario rd. ■—18 j HOUSEKEEPER, to live in. $25 week.; small home. Call between 4 and 6 p.m. DE. 2233. After 7:30 p.m., WI. 6443. —19 HOUSEKEEPER, colored, live in, perma nent position, reference sequired; must be reliable; good salary. EM. 1257. —18 LADY, white, elderly, refined, to care for 1-year child and small house; nice neigh-; borhood; room, boar# and moderate sal ary: references req. WI. 2457. —19 MAID for g.h.w., plain cooking. Bendix washer: 5*^-day week; good salary; ref. EM. 8529. MAID-G.H.W.. plain cookln,. live In. 5H day week: light laundry; lccal reference,; attractive salary. RA. 4850. —1? MAID, part time. 1 pm. through early dinner: plain cooking: 5-dar week; $15 and carfare. OL. 6318. MAID. 1 h.w.. l child; $50 a month, room and board included. Apply in person. 120” G st n.w, MAID (white or colored), care for 2 chil dren. 4 and 8 yrs.; other help kept: pre fer live In. $100. After 7 p.m.. WO. 3081. 18* HELP DOMESTIC (Cont.). MAN AND WIFE, colored or. white, for country estate: man must be capable gard ner: familiar with shrubbery and raise, outside work around the house: woman must be excel, cook, exper. housekeeper, intelligent and neat and capable of man aging part-time colored woman to assist her; pleasant working cond., excel, liv. quarters, good salary and trans.: both must have past exper., good refs : must be sober, reliable and steady workers. If you can not fulfill these requirements, do not apply. Call MR. SANDERS, MI. 2400. ,_ NURSE MAID, white, 30 or over- health card, complete care of children. 2 and 3'*; light household duties: live in or out; sal ary open, other help employed. WI. 0796 eves. —18 MAN AND WIFE, white, cook, g h.w ; man with driver's permit, outside work, care of cow and horse; separate modern quarters: 2 in family on estate 6 miles from city in Fairfax County: good salary for right cou ple. Box 324-C, Star, or telephone Elm wood 511 or NA. 0391 —18 SETTLED GIRL OR WOMAN for perma nent positon with family of 4. for house work and cooking: must be "experienced, neat, reliable and furnish good references; hours from 9 a.m. until after dinner; S’a days week: salary. $20. Phone HI. 7575 or call at 4694 Suitland rd. s.e. —18 SETTLED WOMAN for g.h.w. and eook ing; live In: family of 4 adults; Bethesda. Call eves, or all day Sat. and Sun., OL. 3177. —20 WOMAN to look after 2 small girls in ex change for room and board and small sal ary. Call HY. 5653. —18 WOMAN, wnite. 25-40. gen. housework and care of 2 children: live in: upstairs room and pvt. bath; $30 week and board. Call SL. 2650 after 6 p.m. for interview; references required. —20 WOMAN, settled, colored, to live In; g.h w.. 5-day wk.; lovely upstairs rm . Bendix washer; must have health card and be fond of children: $75 per mo„ rm. and board. Call DI. 2721. —21 WOMAN, over 30. dependable, g.h.w ; live in or stay 2 nights; $20 wk. WO. 2985. WOMAN for g.h w., must live in: refer ences: must have recent health card; $25 week. 1429 Juniper st. n.w., GE. 6785. —19 COMFORTABLE HOME and $35 per mo. for settled person to care for needs of elderly lady; also l.h.k. duties. GL. 1988 after 7 p.m. —18 FAMILY OF THREE desires an experienced cook and g.h.w. to live in, upstairs room and bath. $30 per wk. See MR. WOLF between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at 904 14th st. n.w., EX. 8684. —19 THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED housekeep er for 3-room apt.; must know how to take care of 1-year-old child; none other need apply; references and health card: New Englander preferred; live in. NA. 4046 for interview. —19 I 2nd MAID-G.H.W., experienced; care of 2 children: live in, upstairs room and bath;1 other help employed; l blk. from bus; must1 have recent city references. OL. 3057. —20 EXCELLENT SALARY, cook and g.h.w*. 5 in family; Va day off Thurs. and Sun.; live in; other help; refs, necessary. WI. 7579. —20 SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT, expert; books started, kept D»rt time, tax returns prepared, state ments. audits; reasonable. OR. 2074. ACCOUNTANT, expert; books started, kept, audited; tax reports, monthly service state ments; prompt, reas. SH. 6564. 23* ACCOUNTANT, expert; books opened, closed, audited: financial .reports, taxes; part-time. Adams 0722. 22* ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER, complete bookkeeping service; statements prepared, prompt, reasonable. FR. 4731. 23* ACCOUNTANCY — Night student desires perm, pos., 3 yrs. act. exp. in pay roll, receipts and disbursements. WI. 3543. 18* BOOKKEEPER-OFFICE MGR., competent, efficient; 25 yrs. accounting experience, in cluding large enterprise and chain store operation. Phone Greenbelt 3080. 22* BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT, thoroughly exp. double entry, capable of assuming full charge, desires perm, position. Call OI,. 6164. 21* CHAUFFEUR and handy man, experienced, reference. Box 416-D. Star. • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, hospital clinics (had complete supervision over 24 depts.t, open for immediate consideration Box 321-C. Star. —21 HOUSEMAN, colored, experienced, wishes job cleaning and waxing floors. Phone LU. 7620. _lg LAWYER. D. C. BAR; general practice ex perience. desires position with Washington law firm. Box 271-D. Star. 20* MAN wishes job as chef and steward, with A-l references. TR. 2538. —18 MAN, colored, wants painting, roof and walls, Kern-Toning, experienced. LI. 8818. 19* PART-TIME JOB at refrigeration or air cond. while attending air cond. and refgr. school; would like to have permanent job at expiration of school; now working at refgr. maint. Box 415-D,. Star. 20* PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT for university students; clerks, typists. bookkeepers, auditors, salespeople available for after noon. morning and evening work. Call employment bureau. BENJAMIN FRANK LIN UNIVERSITY. RE. 2262. —24 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER, age 28 years, desires position with local studio, portrait and commercial; specializes in candid weddings; long experience in own studio. EX. 6944. 20* RESIDENT MANAGER of small hotel or rooming house; gentile man. nondrinker, excellent maintenance knowledge; unen cumbered. Box 436-D, Star. 19* yiuuiuiliUUi JJUUUtV ity, strong refs,, free Interview. Box 246-D, Star. 21* STENO., shorthand, speed 125 words per minute; desires position. LU. 1.390. 19* TEACHER, man, wishes part-time employ ment. Will accept any type. Box 368-D, Star. 18« VET COLLEGE STUDENT desires account ing position, afternoon and evening. Write Box 421-D, Star. 20* VETERAN, colored, married, college stu dent, would like part-time Job In exchange lor quarters. SLAUGHTER, CO. 9674. —18 VETERAN wants Job as chauffeur and houseman, experienced. Call TW. 2317 or TW. 2364. ask for EDWARD (any time). 18* EX-GI SEABEE. 39, wants to learn retail hardware business, preferably under GI bill; have had 14 years' experience meet ing public, some hardwade and paint. TW. 8370. 18* JONNIfi HANDY MAN. painting, all types! of odd jobs. Box 418-D. Star. • EX-NAVY OFFICER desires teaching posi tion or public welfare work, college, plus 1 year graduate work. 4 yrs. teaching ex perience; social science, English. AD. 9492. 20* LOUISIANIAN, legal and executive back ground. desires legal work nights and Sat urdays; Washington practice contemplated; recommendations furnished. Box 412-T, Star 20* I I WANT JOB as night, watchman; 6 years' experience; age 45. ME. 2853. 822 26th st. n.w, JAMES RONE.—22 SITUATIONS WOMEN. CLERK-TYPIST (colored), experienced, ef ficient. desires position as clerk-typist, or general office worker. ME. 2833. 19* COLLEGE GRADUATE, young colored lady with degree in El Ed., experienced, desires position in public or private institution. Box 382-D. 8tar. 19* COMPANION—Lady of refinement, pleas ing personality, desires position to 1 or 2 elderly ladies; will travel. TA. 0264. 19* COMPANION-NURSE, trained, practical, available for night duty. SH. 9591, ask for STELLA PETROVIC, Room 6. DRESSMAKING, design, remod.. altera tions: eve- eowns a specialty; reas. MISS Irving n.w.. Apt 4 AD. 2238 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, legal and en gineering background, experienced as sec retary to corporation officer. Salary, $250 Call Temple 3989 after 5:30. 18* GIRL, colored, desires clerical work, child's nurse, day s work. TR. 7694. 18* GIRL (colored) wants Job as night elevator operator, experienced. Call after 1:30 p.m., RA. 9366. —18 GIRL, experienced, wishes elevator oper tor’s position. Call ME. 1539. • GIRL, neat, intelligent, Negro, desires lob as maid, dept, store or dress shop, or g.h.w, DE. 6631. GIRLS. 2. colored, want Jobs as bus girls or child care. RE. 1922. HOUSEKEEPER—Young lady (with child, age 3) desires position at once in mother less home. Box 234-A, Star. ♦ LADY, college education, wants afternoon or evening work as receptionist, typist or office worker. Cali Woodley 9088 after 6, or Saturday, or write Box 371-C. Star. 21* NURSE, colored, wishes day or night duty; A-l refs.; 5 yrs.' experienced. Box 206-1. Star. NURSE, colored, practical graduate, wants cases of any kind, day or night. NO. 7967. NURSE-GOVERNESS, experienced, wishes position with children; reis. Chestnut 7597. • PRACTICAL NURSE will care for an in valid lady; live in. Box 334-D. Star * SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER. exper.. fast, accurate, efficient; salary, $200 mo. Call DI. 8822. Ext. 315. SECRETARY, supply and engineering back ground; 8 yrs.' exper.: avail immed : sal ary desired, $50 wk. WA, MHO after 6:30 p.m. —21 SECRETARY, experienced, desires position from 6 p.m. to in p.m. at $1.26 per hr.; excellent references. Interview any time after 4:45 p m. Contact by mail. JUNE Washington, D. C. If SECRETARY, assistant to editor: perma nent: excellent stenographer, typist, proof reader; long experience Govt., private In dustry. single, 36; nermanent resident; available October 1st; 5-day week; *250. Call Glebe 26T1 evenings, week end. 24* TYPING TO DO AT HOME. Will call for and deliver work. WI. 6363. WOMAN, colored, desires position as seam- ' stress helper or seamstress in a laundry. LI. 5196. 19* EX-SERVICEWOMAN, 24, single, high school grad., ext* 1. swt. bd.. bk. mach., typing, gen. cl i wk.; seeks position as receptionist lerk. WO. 26S8. —20 SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. BUTLER-VALET i white), exper.: careful driver; best references. Box 410-D. Star. 18* DAY WORKER, first-class laundress and cleaner, good references and health card. SARAH DAVIS. AD. 9041. 19* GIRL, colored, wants day's work, Mon., Wed . Fri. Call any day until 6 p.m. EX. 2198. 18* GIRL, colored, wishes g.h.w.. plain cook ing. good laundress; city references. MI. 841.3. GIRL, colored, wants day's work. 6 days a week; *5 and carfare TW. 8258. GIRL, colored, wants day s work, Tuesday through Saturday. LI. 8996 GIRL, colored, wishes cooking, or g.h.w., references: *25 week. HO. 5269 GIRL, desires work, beginning at 8 p.m. NO. 5864. _ GIRL, colored. Wants fob cleaning, part time or day's work, references. TR. 7705. —19 GIRL, colored, desires light housework, rare of 1 or 2 children; references. AD. 5125. GIRL, colored, wants general housework. 3 days wk.; experienced; refs. NO. 8116. —18 GIRL, colored, reliable, wants part-time work; mornings pref. Call CO. 9822. * HOUSEKEEPER, colored, reference, will care for children afternoons or evenings. TR. 6097. 22* HOUSEWORK by the day, or baby sitting, by reliible lady (white): prefer n.w. section; excellent references. ME. 1225. 18* WOMAN, exper., would like day's work, laundry work; reterenca. Call DC. 9617. * SITUATIONS DOMESTIC (,Coi»t.). WOMAN, colored, wishes day work. Call AT. 351.3. WOMAN, colored, wishes weekly work; 11 day week; lire out. MK. 3177. WOMAN, colored, young, capable house keeper; ref.; desires cleaning apt : do personal laundry; afternoon grork, 1:30 0:30. MI. 2380. • YOUNG GIRL, colored, want* g.h w, 10 through dinner, small family, plain cook ing. 5 days week. Call LU. 5010. 18* INSTRUCTIONS COURSES. POPULAR PIANO and accordion taught ‘n short, time: results guar.; approved for GI training. CHARLES NEWMAN STUDIOS, 1706 G st. n.w., ME. 4700. RA. 5300. AIR-CONDITIONING and refrigeration classes, starting now. NATIONAL INSTI TUTE OP COMMERCE * TECHNOLOGY. INC.. Gl-approved. Note our new permanent location. 1332 N Y. ave. n.w.. DI. 6703 *135 ADVANCED International Account ants' Society Course for $86.25: transfer able. Call ALex 46P6 after 6 p m. • SCHOOL or REAL ESTATE for men and women: lectures Tuesdays and Thursdays at the school. 1605 20th st. n.w., at 7:30 p.m . AD. 4222. AIRLINES NEED flight radio operators, ground station operators and radio maint. men. For lull informa, on Central's train ing plan, contact Mr. Spotts. CENTRAL RADIO SCHOOIB. Room I14P Munsey Bldg , Wash.. D C., or phone DI. 6408. Office hours. 10-7. —24 AIR CONDITIONING and refrigeration. GI approved, modern training methods, backed by 14 yrs. now how: day and night classes starting now. Plenty of practical shopwork on a big variety of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. NEW YORK TECH. 1604 Benninz rd. n.e., AT. 8863. MODERN TRAINING in beauty culture, all subjects taught. Approved bv Government for GI training. WAR-PI,YNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G st. n.w.. DI. 1762 PIANO INSTRUCTION, expert, at your SUI i ucinccu u diiu Cl ti.ui. —19 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. BUSINESS. BOOKKEEPERS, $50 wk. up <F.), n.w. sec tion, aged 25-45; asst, bookkeeper-typist, $40 wk.; auto bookkeeper, lull chr.\ $50 wk.: comptometer oper , 5-day wk.. $45 wk.; ledger clerk, $40 wk.; NCR bookkeep-• ing mach. opr.; office clerks, experienced: telephone operators, exper. Miss Knight ori Miss Reed. Welcome. NA. 0088, PERSON NEL SERVICE, 1311 G. next to church._ _DOMESTIC._ DOMESTIC HELP by day, week or month. We protect your homes by selecting the best help to do your work. RITTER’S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 634 S st. n.w.. AD. 4982, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.21 * MOTOR TRAVEL. LEAVING afternoon Sept. 18 for Calif; thiough Fort Worth and Tex ; driving 1941 Buick: riders to share ex penses. ME. 0900. Ext. 619. 18* FREE TRANSPORTATION to Texas: arive '46 and ’47 cars. Call M*R. THERRELL. EX 5049 19* WANTED, 2 or 3 ladies for trip to Atlanta, Ga.. around Sept. 21; references ex changed. Box 341-D Star. 18* COLUMBUS, OHIO, or Detroit, Mich., driving '47 Dodge; leave Sat. a m.; can take 4 passengers. Call FR. 2717 bet. 5-8 P.m. 19* SEATTLE BOUND. 1947 8tude. sedan; leav ing Sept. 20; room for 5, but will take 3; refs. Union 3915. 19* GENTLEMAN, driving to Los Angeles Sept. 22 in '47 De Soto, will take one or two. Box 276-D. Star. 19* LEAVING for San Francisco and Los An geles within the next two weeks in a new Chevrolet sedan: room for two passengers, no drinkers; references exchanged. CH. 2859. —21 PRIVATE PARTY, leaving for Dallas and Fort Worth in new Ilncoln Sept. 24. will take two refined passengers; share ex penses. Write Box 414-D, Star. 21* DRIVING MIAMI, leaving early Saturday, 46 Dodge: take 2 or 3. Call TA. 2404. PASSENGERS WANTED to drive to Los Angeles, California: drivers preferred, leaving Sept. 20th. TA. 2306. NEW YORK passengers wanted. Sept. IP. return Sept, 22; new Olds. HI. 6113._•_ _PERSONAL_ ALTERATIONS on all ladles' garments: prompt and effldent service; open eve*. 3109 14th st n.w. CO. 2221. KIDDIE LAND NURSERY Kindergarten, a delightful school in the country, close to D. C.; trained teachers; hot lunches, transp. SH. 5073 IMMEDIATE CASH for your home. n.e. or s.e . white or colored, Md. or Va. COX & CO.. DI. 4254. RE. 1633. SLIP COVERS, DRAPERIES—CO 6690. 5 day delivery. Your fabric or ours. DAIG NEAULT, Decorators. VEITCH STREET KINDERGARTEN! day and boarding; ages, 2Va to 6. 1721 North Veltch st.. Arlington, Va.. tele. GL. 5699. BABY SITTERS REGISTRY—Mothers, be safe. Call DI. 2300 for Investigated sitters, chaperons; licensed, bonded service. ALTERATIONS; 24-hr. service; dressmak ing. tailoring; coats, suits restyled, re lincd. TR. 5073. —IS HOME-HEATING EXPERTS—Warm air. slons. new Installations: consultations and estimates without obligation. OR. 4899 IF YOU ARB IN HELD Of A LOAN up to $300. eall Miss Wright, SR. 3680 LENDERS INC. 7904 Georgia are. PERMANENT WAVES. 14: shampoo and fingerwave, 50c. No appointments. An work done by advanced students WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 O st n.w SLIP COVERS and draperies expertly tail ored from your materials; prompt deliv ery. MRS. ADAMS. Trinidad 8459. 18* SOPRANO, good reader, wishes to loin Protestant church choir, where there is opportunity for duet, quartet or solo; sal ary unimportant. Box 322-C. Star. —18 BEAUTIFUL FULL-TIME CARE given your infant or baby at WELLINGTON NURS ERY; also children boarded by the month; fenced-in lawn, 24-hour supervison. In spection Jnvited. Call for Information. TE. 3874. —22 PETER RABBIT DAY NURSERY—Children supervised at a 1 times, hot meals and transp. SL. 4583. 18* PIANO TUNER, all repairs, responsible; D. C. or suburbs; free estimate. VICTOR GEORGE. AT. 7286 or OV. 44127. —22 PIANO WANTED—Will consider one in need of repairs, will pay around $25. AT. 7286 or OV. 4627. -^18 BABY CLOTHES HANDMADE — Sacque bonnet, bootte sets; dresses, etc. Lace trim, hand-painted, embroidered, ready made or made to order. District 9010. 22* VACANCY—Nursing care and tray service: private and semiprivate; large grounds and porch. Reas. Hillside 6410 21* YOUNG MAN. age 18. employed bv FBI. would like to live with Private family, preferably in n.w. or Anacostla section of city. Please call TR. 8624 after 7 p m., ask for JIM BENBROOK 18* BRIARLEY MILITARY ACADEMY. Belts ville, Md.. open Sept. 24th. fall classes; modern rates; 14 miles from Washington. TO. 5361. —23 SERVICEMAN desires room and board for two motherless sons (7 and 5 years old). Box 411 -D. 8tar. 19* THE BUSINES8 GIRL’S HAIR STYLIST. Thurs. eve. appts. for permanents, styling, at WILLIAM OF N. Y. RA. 3581. —18 REST HOME for elderly people with nurs ing care. GE. 4258. opp. Walter Reed.—22 SPACIOUS, ATTRACTIVE RM8. for recep tions and parties. ‘ THE PARKS,” 1618 Rhode Island ave. n.w. ton Scou Circle), RE. 2527. —21 LIVING QUARTERS for mother and child in exchange for supervisory services; can earn salary also if desired. RE. 5104. WI. 9158. 20* FEW OPENINGS available in licensed day care nursery, ages 2-6; close-in down town. RE. 5104. 20* COLORED—WONDERLAND DAY Nursery —Children ages 2-6; reas. rates; licensed. 779 Kenyon st. n.w.19* REPAIRS AND SERVICES. ADDING MACHINES, calculators cleaned, oiled end adjusted All work guaranteed. RE 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER. CO.. 813 14t,h st. n.w. BRICKLAYER and contractor, brick, ce ment and fireplace specialty: estimates tree, easy terms. MI. 6066 bet. 6:30 7 pm. BRICKLAYING—Fireplaces, chimneys, re taining walls, walks and step, built and re paired. A. FAGNANI. Ludlow 5496. CABINETMAKERS—Fine carpentry, book cases, corner cabinets, lurnlture repaired and reflnished. Call from 8 a m. to n pm. TA 86°9 _°3 CAMERA REPAIRS— 815 lOtn H. n.w. 27 years' experience: factory parta. FUL LER 8- d'ALBERT. INC.. NA 4711. CARPENTRY—Complete remodeling, resi dential and commercial: repairing of all kinds. Call AINSWORTH. RA 4818 CARPENTRY—Attics finished Into rooms or apts., stairways, dormer windows, recr rms.. porches inclosed, new or remodeling. Call UN. 2491. —25 CARPENTRY, roof repairing, porches, gen eral repairing done reasonably. Call MR SWANN. DI. 3090 aft* 5 p.m. —19 CEMENT, light, dark green, red: select colored stone, flagstone for your individual j needs, brick, cinder, cement blocks, walks, walls, steps, driveways, porches, basements, outdoor fireplaces, pools, rock gardens, guard rails, waterproofing, drainage, point ing up. acid cleaning, painting, carpentry chain link, rustic cedar post and rail picket, all-purpose farm fencing; gutters cleaned, repaired, replaced: expert roofing and complete landscape service. Estab. 1912. Free estimates. LI. 4225. 18* ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS—Extra out lets. fluorescent lighting, repairs, fixtures and appliances. AT. 0755. —21 ELECTRIC WIRING, commercial and resl denswl. old and new work. Ventilating, extra outlets, repairs. REGAL ELECTRIC CO. 360:. Oa «ve. RA 8391 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and Installations. courteous, call A. C. ELECTRIC CO. RA. 5858. FLOORS SANDED AND FINISHED—"Have your floors done the Wright way." WRIGHT'S FLOORS, GE. 3119. eves., RA. 0182. FLOORS SANDED and finished: skilled white mechanics: very reasonable prices CHARIES R. COVER. DU. 0718. FURNITURE REPAIR WORE. any type, upholstering springs tied, reflnlshed. slip covers and drapes made to order: all work done by expert factory mechanics; delivery one week. HARVEY Sc MOORE. INC.. 316 9th st. n.w. RE. 7904. 20* GENERAL CONTRACTING, painting, pa pering. carpentry, cement wortt, roof work and floor finishing. HOME SERVICE, ME 1234. 20* GENERAL HOME REPAIRS, painting, ce menting. roof and carpentry; estimate free._SAUNDERS. TA. 6966._ 22* MATTRESSES remade. S3 up. STEIN BED DING CO- 1224 12th at. n w Ml. 1316 OUTSIDE-INSIDE FAINTING, papering and floor reflniahlng; 12 to 36 mos. to pay. Free estimate. No down payment. Call MR. MINNIE. AT. 9502. Veteran FAINTING AND PAPERING—The best for less. Free estimates, no obligation. Call PAINTING AND PAPERING! satis, cus {jfwRENCE?T*y7^Webster*1n'w^lA. P703 PAINTING! exterior end Interior: guar anteed neat and efflelent aervlee at reas onable prices: excellent references. ^ TA PAINTING. PAPER HANGING. alcove, 1-year guarantee, estimate free HARRY MILTER. RA. 7365 Formerly 1722 Wls. ave. PAINTING, HEM-TONTNG. Interior and exterior, paper removed by ream- vet gran. Sk 8564. —23 REPAIRS and SERVICES (Coat.» PAINTING. PAPERING, floor finishing an3 ff'r'fl'al home repair. Call RICHARD80N. AD. t>828. any time. _op PAINTING, interior, exterior and roof. Work by expert mechanic; pure linseed oil on all outside work; best material used on all work; metallic and red lead on metal roofs. ALLEN R. COLLIER. LU. 5787. —2(1 PAINTING AND PAPERING—We go Vir ginia, Maryland and D. C . estimates free, prompt service. Better work for less money.” All work guaranteed. TA. 4682. 23* PAINTING, PAPERING, excellent work by experienced mechanics: individual color schemes given expert attention. FHA .oons arranged Call Shenherd 4771 22* PAINTING, interior and exterior, no Job too small: work done reasonably; no waiv ing. Cail TR. 1540. —2(1 PAINTING. PAPER RANGING, general re pairs; reliable, white mechanics; no de RIDENOUR. GE 8P49 —2* PAINTING, papering; first class workman ship work done immediately. Call MR. POAT, GE. 5843. 20* PAINTING, papering, floor finishing; best grade materials used; let us do your job right. We go to Va.. Md work guaran F.°r. results, call KIRKLAND BROS.. LU. 3 334, •’■>* PAINTING. PAPERING. PLASTERING — Work done reasonably this month. Call BARNETT, ME. 27Ho. 24* PAPERING—You can have 5-room. 2-storv, hall house. $8,5; materials furnished; good workmanship. DU. 905S. —20 PAPERING, PAINTING — Special price* still in effect; latest designs, best ma terials; good, clean work. WA. 6960- 18* PAPERING AND PAINTING. A-l work; estimates free. Call MR. BECKETT. DU. 4053. PAPER HANGING—All work done by vef eran, onering ior tne tail season the latest selections of washable sunfast wallpapers. I do my own work: all work guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully given. Call any time, TA. 9520. —19 PAPER HANGING, this week only. S7 and up per room; 1947 washable, sunfast pa pers: work guaranteed OX 2461 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING, work guaranteed: estimates. THE DECORATIVE! SHOP. RA. 1117 ^ PAPER HANGING and painting, senaiblt^^ prices, satisfaction guaranteed. NA 83*.' JOHN TOT SON 18* PAPER HANGING, painting, plastering floors; excellent work, immediate service: reasonable: estimates, ra. 5578. —18 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR: depend able: estimate free. D. C. and suburbs. Call Vfctor 3721. 21* PIANO TUNING and repairs: all work gui-rai teed: free estimates. Call WA. 5755 or HY. 0085 —21 PIANO TUNING — Estimates free, work guaranteed. WM. WOOLEY. 3631 Jenifer n.w. WO 1176 or DI. 4144. 24* PLASTER. BRICK CEMENT, flagstone, wa ter and fireproofing work; no job too small. LU. 2118. TR 7369 —20 PLASTER REPAIRING; prompt, guaran teed work by experienced mechanics; prices reasonable. HO. 2315. 18* REFRIGERATION, air-cond. repairs, cojn mercial and household: guar work, prompt service. RELIANCE. AD. 4575. REFRIGERATORS, MOTORS. washing machines; 24-hcur repair service: house hold and commercial, guaranteed work. DEPENDO REFRIGERATION CO., UN. 1612. DU. 87 67. REFRIGERATION service—We specialise In commercial and domestic refrigeration. 24 hr. service; all work guaranteed. LI. 6328. 25 • REFRIGERATION, commercial, domestic; belt driven; free estimates. DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION SERVICE. TA 2661. 22* ROOFING, tinning, roof painting, gutter ing and spouting. Call MR, SHIPLEY, GE. 4 158. ROOFING—All types roofs repaired, new, slate, slag and tin roofs; general sheet metal work, guttering and downspouts; no money down. 36 mos. to pay Call NO. 3046. THOMAS A* BROWN CO. 20* ROOFING. GUTTERS and spouting, any leak fixed all work guaranteed MURRAY ROOFING CO , DI. 2704. or ALex. 1272. « —23 ROOFING REPAIRS, free estimates, im mediate service. Call AD. 7763. J. HAMILTON. 20* RUGS WASHED: domestic. 9x12. $4 each; special price limited time only. Call SOS RUG SERVICE. HO. 6514 —18 STONE AND CEMENT WORK: stone re taining walls, flagstone terraces. also walks, steps, driveways, porches, etc.; for free estimates rail JFRRY. AT. 9266. TILE REPAIRS, work guaranteed. M. J. LOM’BARDO. HO 7231. TRASH REMOVAL, monthly rate a* low as $4: daily service. ROBERT CORBIN, MI. 6522. —22 TlPEWtUTERS cleaned, oiled and adtusted. All work guaranteed. RE. 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO . 813 14th n.w. UPHOLSTERING—Trust your furniture to master craftsmen only: be safe, and not sorry; lowest prices consistent wth quality workmanship: 1 week s service. Call for free estimates. WASHINGTON UPHOL STERING CQ.. 1809 H st. n.w.. EX. 5096 UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE repaired or completely rebuilt; work guaranteed. R. TYNES. LI. 7205. —20 WASHING MACHINE and r£fgr. repair service, all makes; factory parts. 90-dar gnar. ACME RADIO &* APPLIANCE CO. 4016 Ga. ave.. GE. 4688. 6 a m. to 9 p.m. ATTEN., HOME OWNERS—Let us do your HuuivuiBi uni Nrinri nuu |C" pairs; also cabinets made to order. UN. 2284. —19 IS YOUR BASEMENT DAMP and wet? T Why not have it waterproofed and make ft liveable? All work guaranteed. Call TE. 5084. LEWIS CONTRACTING CO 10* DO THAT CARPEN^t JOB NOW—Re. pairs, cabinetwork, additions. Sligo «48S, RE. 5301. 22* ALL-STAR ROOF TAINTING CO., roof specialists; free estimate. ME. 7244 19* HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES, ADDITIONS, remodeling, carpentry, plumb ing. plastering, painting, etc.; free esti mates: no money down; 7. years to pay. HAMILTON CONTRACTING CO.. RE 4477. 30 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS and paving; qual ity work at reasonable prices. FAIRFAX DRIVES CO., FA 1484. Elmwood 821. 30* BRICK-BLOCK WORK, brick pointing, re taining walls, terraces, steps, piers and walks. G. «te H. BUILDERS., EM. 4828. —28 BRYANT. NATIONAL. JAMTROL gas-fired boilers; licensed gas fitter; estimates given, three years to pay through FHA. Tel. HI 4528. 20 BUILDING CONTRACTOR—New hide re pairs, remodeling, roofing, paving, con crete work, oak floors, etc. C A NEWELL; yard. OX 0228, res . CH. 4882. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR — Porches, steps, asbestos and Insulbrick siding; re modeling and commercial repairs: recre rm.. Nuwood and celotex or knottv-pina planking; financing arranged. Eves , FR. 4.';P8. F. W. RUSS —22 CEMENT WORK, stone walls, flagstone terraces, walks, chimneys, fireplaces, ce ment driveways, perches, retaining walls. MARCUCCIO. Rte 4, Horners lane. Rock ville, Md Phone Rockville 3588. —1 CONCRETE. CEMENT WORK, footings, driveways, porches, bsmt. floors, steps and retaining walls, old and new work C. GALEA. AT 2884. or FR. 5513 —24 FENCES, all types wqod, picket, wire, chain link: immediate erection. Carpentry, concrete work. Terms. M. W. FENCE CO . DI. 0122. FLOORS SANDED AND REFINISHED, work personally done; J3 years' experience. DUKE Ac SHIRLEY FLOOR SERVICE. CH. 0742 or RE. 8098 anytime. 27* FLOOR SERVICE—Nothing but the best I laying, sanding, finishing, cleaning, par quet installations. Bruce finishes FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC.. 1812 Wiscon sin ave.. NO 2215. GENERAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS—Attic to basement, porches and walks, paint ini and chain fence. Phone DI. 6591 afte? 6 p.m. —19 HEATING—Oil furnaces and oil burners, complete hot-water radiation systems with summer and winter domestic hookup: ex pert engineering. 3 yrs. to pay. 8ERVICE ENGINEERING CO., 3321 Ga. ave., GE. 5259. OE 6085. PAINTING, interior and exterior: also paper and Kem-Tone removed by steam. TO. 5172. —29 PAINTING AND PAPERING, floor landing, water-proofing, roof rep.: white mechs : guar, w’ork; eat. 1925. GILBERT & HAMILTON. AD 5129 HOME-HEATING EXPERTS—Warm air. hot water, coal, oil. gas, repairs, conver sions. new installations; consultations ami estimates without obligation OR. 4899. WATERPROOFING, basement and exte rior walls; all work guaranteed. ROBERT E. PRICE. WI 3833. 22* WATERPROOFING, cellars. walls and floors. Roofs repaired and painted Work guaranteed. Free estimates. O. NEVIN8, TW. 8124. IP STONE AND BRICK BUILDERS—Cement contracting and general repairs of all kinds, free estimates. JERRY RUBINO. FR 8031 ALBERT CCNTI. HI 3832 29 STOP RUST. MILDEW, MOLD due to high humidity. Keen air dry automatically with a Dryomatic Easy to Install. Now available. For details, call ME. 0582. HYATTSVILLE CONTRACTING CO.—Roof* tng, siding, guttering, painting, paperlnft all work guaranteed; no down payment; low monthly terms For free estimate, call WA 8485. days or evenings. ! BANK AND BUSINESS References required from every advertiser seeking capital through advertise ments in The Star. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT-LIQUOR, active tTwTbuiu t.ess loc,. open eves, only; $1,500 wkly, mostly bar. AUERBACH & CO , 724 9 th st. n.w.. DI. 3131 until 9 p.m —19 ROOMING houses WANTED at once: plenty of buyers for your furniture and business, any size, price or terms: no charges unless sold. EDWIN L. ELLIS, long-cr.t.ablisbed rooming house broker 1010 Vermont ave . Rm. 217, RE 5140. —18 CAFETERIA—Gross sales $1,000 per day. Open from 7 a m. to 5 p.m. daily; only 5 dsys per wk. Exclusive loc.. positively no other competition. This corporation is' desirous of obtaining one person or group of persons who can invest a minimum of $40,000 down payment to take over this highly profitable cafeteria. Will yield $40 - 000 net profit over and above expenses plus $20,000 In salaries yearly. Present lease Is for 5 yrs at an extremely low rental. This unusual opport offers investor or Investors solid security in salaries over a period of years, plus a return of the initial investment the first, 12 months No telephone discussions or Inform please All apptg. will- be made with Interested principals only, and only with those who can meet qualifications For appt , call Mr. Pastor, EX. 2655, YOUNG * PASTOR, INC,. 1129 Vt. ave. RE8TAURANT-MQUOR. downtown. seat* 115. guarantee $2 000 weekly: 859- liquor. Sell reasonable offer. Opportunity right party GERBICH, MI 4047 20* ARLINGTON, VA.—Own your own busi ness Profitable direct mall advertising company for sale: well established: located in modern office bldg: strong lease: all equipment: existing accounts and good will included; books available for your in spection price. $10,900. JUDSON SEAMY, 1122 No. Irving st.. Arlington. Va.. CH. 0800. _ —19 MAKE MONET—Operate a routs of bubbls gum and nut vendors, full or psrt time, CAPITOL COIN. 1230 H n.l.19* (Ocnttnued an Men Pncnj 4