OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 18, 1947, Image 47

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-09-18/ed-1/seq-47/

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U'UIGlfV BIB _ —. w.. nnoniKB . ~ •> _ ' _ . - n
tion. doing about $40.O00-yr. business; has
long lease, cheap rent: seating capacity.
55 persons; owner going to hospital, must
sell. Phone NAIM SLYMAN, Broker, NA.
2667; eves., LU. 5084. 21*
SERVICE STATION and garage for sale.
Located on state hgwy; unusual opportun
ity price, $25,000. JTJDSON REAMY.
1122 No. Irving st., Arlington, Va., CH.
0800. —19
tablished, on-off sale liquor, reataurant,
machine business for sale because owner's
contracting business now requires his full
time. Price includes 1’/4-story, modern
brick bldg, with 4-rm. and bath apt. on
2nd fl. ’/4-acre parking apace with 225-ft.
• frontage on main hwy. and perfect fixtures
and equipment. Did $85,000 laat yr.. now
doing $1,800 to $2,000 wk. Can be in
creased with proper management. A real
money-maker. Price, $40,000. with $15.
000 down, bal. at 414%: $250 mo. Act
at once! Call Mr. English, NA. 2557. Ex
clusive JOHN H. MILLER, Jr.. & BRO.,
1812 K st. n.w —18
Gross now over $2,000 week, 85% beverage.
7 days, open 10 a.m. Open early, increase
income. Seats 240. Air conditioned. Rent
only $185. 5-year lease. GERBICH. MI.
4047. 20*
DRY CLEANERS. North Capitol st.: owner
quotes over $300 weekly business; low
rent of $125 mo. with 4-rm. apt.; long
lease; well/ equipped; priced to sell this
week. For details, call Mr. Demas till
INC.. 1012 17th st. n.w., DI. 1655. —20
GROCERIES—See our nice selection of
stores in all sections of the city which
can be bought on reasonable terms. KAY
REALTY CO . RA. 2200. —19
ROOMING HOUSE, 6 RDts , 6 baths, nr.
jetn ana Mast. ave. n.w. snows very rice
Income plus apt. with private bath. Rent,
$125 mo.: average furniture: $1,600 down.
EDWIN L. ELLIS. 1010 Vermont ave.,
Rm. 217, RE. 6140. —18
VALET SHOP—$500-$700 weekly sales
which can be Increased substantially by
the right man. Very attractive lease.
CHAIKEN. INC., RE. 8538. —18
RESTAURANT—Owner must sacrifice be
cause of ill health. Make an appoint
ment to inspect. All reasonable offers will
be considered. CHAIKEN, INC., RE. 8638.
—3 8
RESTAURANT-LIQUOR, corner- seats 200:
income over $240,000 yr.; less food, bever
age, operation, rent, etc ; nets about $20.
000 year first five years: about $30,000
year next five years. Property could also
be purchased. GERBICH, MI. 4047. 20*
RESTAURANT with liquor. 14th st. n.w.,
opposite car barn, white trade, reas. rent;
long lease: owner retiring 2 delic. stores,
upper 14th st. n.w.: l with soda fountain,
land., ice cream: also 2 colored delic. By
appt. only. EMBASSY REALTY CO . MI.
3870; eves. Mr. Asha., TA 7175. IP*
MEAT STAND, Arcade Market, for sale.
Seen by appointment only. Box 401-D,
Star jp*
ROOMING HOUSE APTS , 13th st. near
Park rd. n.w.—14 rooms, 3 baths, oil heat;
$95 rent. 3-year lease, easy to manage.
$1,400 down. EDWIN L. ELLIS. 3010
Vermont ave , Rm. 217, RE. 6140. —18
DRY CLEANING. wholesale accounts
wanted, rough or finished. For prices call
Mr. Hayes, WA. P794. JOHNSONS
CLEANERS, 3231 Rhode Island ave., Mt.
Rainier. —22
for sale; any good offer will be considered.
Call HO. 7769; after 7 p.m., GE. 4826. 20*
ROOMING HOUSE—Best renting section;
gross annual income more than $30,000;
long lease, reas. rent; $10,000 cash re
quired. JESSE LOEB. 412 Southern Bldg.
DRUGSTORE, uptown on the avenue;
long lease, very low rental, good clean
stock. $250 daily: closed evenings and
Sundays; $20,000 will handle. Established
over 40 years Save a brokerage com
mission by dealing directly with proprietor.
Owner desires to retire. Box 97-C, Star.
ORES FROM SANDS: quick profits; simple
process; separate operations avail.; $20.
000 each CH. 2133. —19
DRY-CLEANING store and plant; well
equipped; established; doing substantial
business; $12,000 cask required. NA. 8870.
FOR SALE BY OWNER—Established route
of 20 newest Hot Nut automatic vending
machines, all placed on good locations and
can be serviced in spare time: will sell this
Frofltable business, lock, stock and barrel
or $1,000 cash, which is actually less than
cost of equipment and stock; records and
reason tor selling will be given purchaser.
For complete details, call owner, eves.. MR.
urrvc tit 1 no it _o 1
GROCERY, no beer, busy s.w. loc . plenty
equipment; $2,000 wkly.; 4 rms.; low rent.
AUERBACH & CO., 724 9th st. n.w. DI.
3131 until 9 p.m. —19
NO. 41—S.-S. GROCERY and beer: n.w.
section; long lease, reas. rent; income.
$1,000 wk.; walk-in box; a very neat
store; hours. 8 to 7: if you want a good
store, see this one; only $6,000 down.
Exclusive. W. H. SIMONS. 1823 M st. n.w.
EX. 6181.
VA., 13 miles D. C—A wonderful business
opportunity, a house with 10 rooms, tile
bath, first floor; 30 acres of land; near
traffic on Lee blvd. W. M. ORR. OV. 1772.
BUILDER, will sell 2 building lots, 2600
26th st. n.e . Wash , and lot on hwy.,
Fairfax county, Va . $2,000. and take
2nd mortgage on new construction. G. S.
GROVES. 60 E. 42nd st,, New York 17,
New York.
GROCERY STORE, new equipment, new
store, weekly volume approximately $3,000.
Asking price. $35,000 Dollar for dollar
for sto^k. For further information, call
UN. 1515; eves.. UN. 3948.
NO. 1—GAS STATION; middowntown area;
3-year lease at low rent; excellent proposi
tion for mechanic. The price is definitely
a steal, let’s prove it. Exclusive. W. H.
SIMONS. 1823 M st. n.w. EX. 6181.
wine; small, compacted: over $700 weekly;
can do over $1,000; ideal for beginner or
experienced operator: $4,500, mmpietp
with stock. Exclusive. SAM CHANTKER
& CO , 2602 Conn, ave . NA. 3934. —19
left, consisting of 5 stands; we have re
cently sold 7 units and have 1 left; this
ran be purchased at a bargain for fast
sale. Exclusive, SAM CHANTKER & CO.,
2602 Conn. ave.. NA. 3934. —19
down; near Lincoln Park; income. $240;
rent. $100, 2V2-year lease. Mr. Gay, CO.
6224. with DUPONT REALTY CO.. DU.
6630. —20'
location; open 6 days wk.; rent. $60 mo.;
good opportunity for one man in good
health: $5,000 cash needed. Call RE.
3316. CHAPMAN REALTY CO., open 9-9.
GROCERY—Busy cor., good n.w. locaton;
colored trade; owner quotes $900-$] .non
wkly. business; rent, $125. long lease; total
price only $7,500. terms. To inspect,
rail ME. 0095. COMET REALTY CO- 939
N. Y ave. n.w. —20
bldgs ; mixed trade; owner quotes $1,200
wkly . rent, $75. lease 4 yrs- full price.
$7,000. terms To inspect, call ME. 0095.
COMET REALTY CO- 939 N. Y. ave. n.w.
JEWELRY STORE, must be sold; in the
heart of the downtown shopping center;
wonderful opportunity for rtgnt party. Box
372-C, Star. 21*
ROOMING HOUSE, trans. license. 14th
and Clifton; 6-year lease; income, $500
month: $3,000 down. OWNER, AD. '1417.
BACKER for young woman’s new enter
prise; excellent future. Call AD. u821 for
interview. •
GROCERY, beer and wine, n.w., colored
trade, plenty active. $1,200 wkly.; oppor
tunity for couple. AUERBACH & CO- 724
9th st. n.w. DI. 3131 until 9 p.m. —19
fully equipped, open for right person.
Gordon Hotel. 916 16th st. Leave letter
or phone number for MRS. JENNINGS,
owner. —21
GROCERY STORE—This business includ
ing all stock and equipment can be bought
for $8,000. If you know the grocery busi
ness. see this. Mrs. Maxwell. UN. 0671.
or WA. 6257. FREE STATE REALTY. —18
ENGLESIDE. VA., on U. S. 1. 5 miles
south of Alexandria—Furn. 2 brick houses,
<m$ with an apt. and one cottage with
two apts. Income over $300 per mo, plus
living quarters, over 2 acres with 166-ft.
frontage on U. S 1; zoned for business;
reasonably priced; $10,000 will handle.
Exclusive with H. A. EDGE. TE. 1981. —21
FLORIST SHOP, N.W.—Established 8 yrs .
jilt rcuuueu iui iiuill tuic. »r . hhul
NER. Brokerage, OX. 2648. DI. 6212. —18
WOODFIELD. MD.—A choice service sta
tion and equipped garage on one acre o!
ground, doing thriving business, with won
derful possibilities for future expansion.
Priced to sell at $10,500. Also 5-rm. mod
ern bungalow, on one acre of ground ad
joining for $9,500, terms. For details
call Mr. Berkey. MI. 4311; eves.. GL. 3382
Exclusively with JAMES L. DIXON * CO
1739 Conn, eve
TAVERN-LIQUOR, beer, food; good cor
location; seats 45 at bar, tables and booths
long lease, apt if desired; $7.000« wil
10th st. n.w, DI. 4470. —18
SMALL CLEANING PLANT, synthetic unit.
2 presses, good truck: very low rent, lease:
$6,000 cash. Call OWNER. WI. 8697 aftei
6 pm. —1 $
BAR AND GRILL (whisky)—Weekly vol
ume. $1,900. Small percentage of food; good
lease; priced $36,000. complete with stock.
$12,500 cash down. Eve and Sun.. Geo
Furr. VI. 1806 KOGOD k BOOKOFF
631 E st. n.w.. NA 9389. NA. 9374 —18
SELF-SERVICE GROC.. meats and beer;
weekly volume average $2,000; large store
on heavy thoroughfare: price, $17,600,
complete with large inventory; good terms
to reap, people. Eve. and Sun.. Jos. Cohen
TA. 3252. KOGOD k BOOKOFF. 631 E
st.. n.w.. NA. 9389, NA. 9374. —19
BAR AND GRILL (whisky)—Weekly vol..
$1,700: good lease, reas. rent; $12,500
cash tequlred. Eve. and Sun.. S. B.anken.
TA 0995. KOGOD k BOOKOFF, 631 E
st n.w.. NA. 9389. NA. 9374 —19
equipt., owner sick. bus. run down; priced
very low at $7,500. complete with stock:
only $3,000 down. Eve. and Sun.. Marvin
Kogod. AD. 3340. KOGOD A- BOOKOFF
631 E st.. n.w.. NA. 9389, NA. 9374.
ON NO. 1 HIGHWAY—Service station, re
pair garage and equipment, OMC truck
agency. *35.000 Call Mr. Vincent. WA
1819 or OL. 2273. with O. B. ZANT
ZINGER. Jr. —18
rierall equipped: reasonable investment
OPPORTUNITY for master plumber o
master electrician with Va . Md.. D. C
licenae who desires to go in business fa
himself to get free rent and shop space
State experience and refs. Box 398-T
Star. —21
GIFT SHOP. Arlington; reasonable
OWNER. OL. 1234. —18
on main thoroughfare in Art. Va.; ownei
quotes $600 to $600 wkly gross: can bi
-easily increased Call Mr. Valden, TH]
BRANT CO. GL. 4216. —18
RESTAURANT DISHES for sale, wortl
$350, sell $100: gas refrigerator, 8 cu. ft.
$35 IS 7th st. n.e. LU. 6767. Open ti
9 p.m. —18
modern self-service The equipment i;
practically new. Located in best n.w
shopping center The fixtures are wortl
the price asked: $25,000. Terms. DI
6520, •
ESSO GAS STATION and restaurant. 85(
ft. frontage on Route No. 1. 13 mi. soutl
ef Alexandria. Va. Gross income. $80.00f
a year. A substantial down payment re
fluired. Place knottn as the Friendly TaV.
am. Inquire at s£ie. 1*
equipment; right price lor quick *»le.
Apt. above rest. 8L. 1439. —21
tablished business in the heart of Alex
andria. Va.. with agency connections for
Majestic. Sonora. Howard and major rec
ords; also OK products available. For sale
at Inventory. Price will run about $4,500.
Part cash and notes. Good opportunity to
make money in a going business. Low
rent, good lease and location. For full
particulars call AL BAKER & SON. TE.
! 7343, ALex. 6644, Exclusive Brokers and
Realtors. Open nights and Sundays. 116
So. St. Asaph st.. Alex.. Va. —20
820 9th ST. N.W—Nice modern grocery
store for sale, reasonable; doing good
business: must sell due to other business.
RE. 8760. 21*
SACRIFICE SALE—Restaurant-liquor, nr
Recorder of Deeds Bldg.; Ill health forces
owner to sacrifice business for low price
of $14,500. including complete equipment
Eves, call CO. 8673. METZLER. Realtor,
i 1106 Vermont ave. n.w.. DI. 8600.
600 per week; mixed trade, mostly white;
price $14,600 includes stock of approxi*
mately $3,500; rent $125 Includes 5-room
apt. upstairs; there are no catches, owner
wants to leave town. Call MARTIN
WATMAN. Broker. CH. 5441 -til 9 p.m.
FOR SALE, control in well-known import
export firm: many large accounts: this is
an excellent opportunity for the right man
to make huge profits on a small Invest
ment. Box 363-E, Star. _19
$20,000 CASH buys finest service business
in the country; no high price merchandise
to stock, purely a service business; plant
now In operation; Govt, contract plus com
mercial business. Must be seen to be
appreciated. Box 69-D, Star. _21
MAN OR WOMAN, cultured and capable,
as assistant manager for Washington
branch now being opened by large New
York silverware and gift wares house: ex
cellent opportunity; salary, commissions
and bonus; person chosen must prove
financial responsibility. Box 68-D, Star.

ROOMING HOUSE WANTED, white section;
,i?TV',f„A00.(,' ,t0 but down; no brokers.
WI. 1323. 6 to 10 p.m. —23
center, across Ft. Myer, air conditioned,
nr. theater; on or off sale, beer and wine;
S.rAc"LfAr diUck sale; partners disagree.
OX 4,46.__19
DRUGSTORE, business around $180 daily"
closed Sundays. Well established,; can be
bought reasonable
Ladles' dress and apparel store, colored
trade, business around $550 weekly
«oSnnS1‘5eifu?ervl.c,e-I?);t • cash business of
$2,000 weekly: $17,500, good will.
self-service mkt, cash business of $1,500
weekly; short hours: $15,000, lock, stock,
barrel. J, KLEIN. NA. 1408. OE, 6970. •
ACCESSORIES for your camera, darkroom
or movie outfit; largest selection of cam
eras, projectors, enlargers, electric expo
sure meters, flash guns, carrying cases,
■ range finders,^tfllms, color films, photo
papers, chemicals, photo books and 1.500
more items. We buy and trade. See usi
BRENNER PHOTO CO., 933 Pa. ave. n.w
Opp. Justice Dept. Catalog free! RE. 2434.
AIR COMPRESSOR, spray cats and fur
niture. $14.50: spray gun, $4.95. ELEC
TRIC EQUIP. CO.. 2473 Sherman ave. n.w.
AIR CONDITIONERS, immediate delivery,
brand-new 1947 console Phllco-Tork air
conditioners: lowest prices and easiest
i CO., 10th and H sts. n.e. Open every eve
ning till 9 p.m. LI. 2983, LI. 8741.
AIR CONDITIONERS sharply reduced:
immediate Installation, with guarantee and
i free service. BISHOP EQUIPMENT CO.,
OR. 3687. —20
AIR CONDITIONER—>4-h p. portable con
sole model; present cost, $550; will sell
$175 or best offer; moving to alr-cond.
988 National Press Bldg. —23
casement windows: never before has there
been a storm window like this; beautifully
designed to fit any steel or wood casement
opening. For free estimate phone WI.
9333 or WA. 6116.
ave. n.w.; hrs., 1-9 p.m. weekdays; 2-5
pm. Sundays: large selection of tropical
fish and supplies. See this Saturday's spe
cial. —20
also wood screws, all sizes. GRUVER MFG.
CO., 8001 Conn, ave., Chevy Chase, Md.
new condition. H. HERFURTH. Jr., INC.,
3808 Nebraska ave. n.w., OR. 4161. —20
BABY CARRIAGE. collapsible Thayer,
Teeter-babe chair, baby scales: all in ex
cellent condition. NO. 8778. —18
BABY CARRIAGE, Whitney, collapsible,
wetproof mattress Incl., excel, cond.. *26.
Call UN. 2640. —20
BABY CRIBS—*23.95, wax birch finish,
all steel, nonsag spring, drop side with an
automatic lock: 18 other styles from *26.95
to *39.95. Also selection of white cribs,
full panels, adjustable springs at *33.96.
BERGER'S. 3412 14th st. n.w., DU. 3444.
Juvenile furniture exclusively. Open eves.
BABY CRIBS—Beautiful, for boy or xirl;
complete set: factory prices. Also ward
robe. Call TA. 8629. —20
BATHTUBS. 6-ft., built-in, new and used:
basins, toilets, showers, stalls, pipe.
BLOCK’S. 3056 M st. n.w., MI. 7141. —30
BED, double, maple, spring and inner
spring mattress, dressing table to match;
1 one metal single bed and spring; also
small settee: *50. Seen any day after
6:30. Hillside 7225. 18*
BED, Hollywood Beautvrest, *36. May be
seen at LION STORAGE CO.. 460 N. Y.
ave. n.w. 18*
BED (hospital), complete with springs,
practically pew, *60. AT. 6594, 9 to 12
mornings. lS*
BED. Hollywood, mattress, in perfect con
dition, *35; player piano, needs minor re
pairs, *75; white enamel coal or wood
stove, with hot-water tank, timer on oven,
*60. CH. 7768. —21
BEDS, limed oak, can be used as twin or
double deck: 3 inner-spring mattresses. 2
springs, guard rail and ladder, 2 spreads,
new condition; *90. CH. 8601. —18
BED LEGS—Maxe a modern Hollywood bed
from, your old springs; we Install. 8L.
4371 —19
washing machine, standard make radio:
new 245 pieces for *149. Atlas has a new
house full of furniture, all brand-new,
consisting of 245 nieces for *149 Save
in every way and make it easy in every
way always at Atlas. Atlas Includes in
this outfit a complete bedroom suite, a
bed (modern or Jenny Lind style), with a
beautiful chest and drearer and mirror to
match: a full-sized spring and mattress
with two pillows. You must see this suite
to really appreciate these unusual values.
For a living room, Atlas furnishes a
lovely divan of inner-spring construction
with 2 chairs (beautifully upholstered).
2 end tables and lifetime guaranteed
mirror plus 2 landscape pictures which
will enhance the beauty of the living
room. For the dinette, a tabie and 4
matching chairs, upholstered in various
colors. To complete this outfit, we add a
103-piece china set. a 35-piece silverware
set. a beautiful 31-piece refrigerator, milk,
cheese and butter set, a radio and 2-sllce
toaster, a table-model electric stove, a 4
piece crystal set. 3 all-metal smokers, 2
tablecloths, 16 napkins and an 8-piece
distinctive water tumbler set. and in addi
tion. we will give you a standard-make
washing machine, all complete, all brand
new: 245 pieces for *149. Be sure to look
for the name, Atlas, and the number, 921
on our door. *5 deposit reserves your
purchase. Atlas sells at deep-cut prices
and makes buying at Atlas easy on the
nurse. Open daily and Saturday until 7
; pm, Mondays and Thursdays until 9 p.m,
i Save in every way and make it easy In
1 every way always at Atlas. *5 deposit re
serves your purchase Every day more
people buy and save at Atlas. To be sure
for the best values, always—and in all
ways—be sure you are in Atlas. Our one
and only entrance is directly underneath
the large Atlas neon sign ATLAS FURNI
TURE. 921 G st. n.w., DI. 3737, DI. 3738,
DI. 3739
dinette, electric refrigerator, radio, washer
Turner’s, 923 G st. n.w., has on displaj
3 floors of brand-new furniture and elec
trical appliances for your inspection ai
the lowest available prices. Shop Turner'i
anH hp mnvlnrprf that. *mi *r* ass* fine tVu
most for your money; your credit Is goot
at Turner's. Open an account; no financi
charges; all payments made In the store
Special for this month: 3-pc. bedrm. suites
$59; baby cribs. $9.95; inner-spring mat
tresses, $10.95: upholstered occasions
chairs, spring construction. $9 96: tabli
lamps with shades. $5315: studio couchei
and sofa beds, all-spring construction, re
duced. $20: end table. $* 96: porcelain dl
nettes. complete with * chairs. $*9 96: 3
pc upholstered liv. rm. suites. $99. regulai
price $109: walnut dining room suite. 1<
pieces, reduced, $75; mahogany venee:
Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf table. $39.95
bunk beds, full twin-size with tprings. rai
and ladder. $49.95. can be made into :
twin beds: twin or full size beds as lov
as $14 95; vacuum cleaner, reduced, $20
maple, fl-drawer chest. $19; pillows. $3 i
pair; standard make automatic combina
] tlon. reduced. $20. All merchandise soli
'at Turner's is brand-new and guaranteed
Turner's knowingly will not be undersold
We sell what we advertise. Shop at Tur
ner's and make your dollar go a long way
Don't forget, your credit is good at Tur
I ner's; no finance charges for credit: al
: payments are made in our store. Opei
! evenings and Saturdays until 7 p m. Wi
are open Monday and Thursday for you
t convenience until 9 p.m. TURNER'S, 92i
| G st, n.w.. NA. 8157.
BEDROOM, living room', chlfforobe. rugs
, Hollywood beds, vanity, kitchen cabinet
! sofa bed. chairs. XDELMAN. 3303 Oeorgli
ave. 10*
BEDROOM SUITE, walnut. 4 pcs. Trlni
dad 3820. —18
BEDROOM SUITE. 0-piece mahogany. $125
243 K st. n.e. between 8 a.m. till 7 p.m
I —20
BEDSPREAD, hand-crocheted lace, foi
| double bed; never used; $100. EX. 5387
BEER CABINET, in good condition, fo
2 barrels beer. 600 B st. s.e. 18*
BICYCLE, girl's. 24-ln., good condition
$15. Call LI. 6007. •
BENDIX, de luxe; best offer over $95. TE
BICYCLE, girl's 20-inch, good condition
OL 3984 19
BICYCLE, matching girl's and boy’s. 26
inch. Schwinn. 2-speed, balloon tires, light
emergency hand brake: excel, cond.; $31
each. Call WO. 6101. —19
BRICKS—Finest face brick from the Shen
andoah Valley: one or one million. Cal
7700. —22
, BUILDING ITEMS—Oak and pine flooring
| siding, paneling, pickets, plywood, zhelv
Open daily and all-day Sets. and Suns
l Lumber mill work, mason's materials, wal
i1 boards, insulation, hardware. DeVoe paints
i electric, roofing, plumbing. AM at ROBIN
• SON'S 1*239 Kenilworth ave. n.e. Phon
: TW. for fre* delivery.
CAMERAS—Lelca, model me. Summatar
fl.2 with caae and Altera, new; 1 Speed
OraAex annlv. model 214x3 Vi with all
attcha., caae. new; one 8-mm. Revere movie
camera with caae. excellent cond., 10%
less exlstlni prices. Box 434-D. Star. 20*
CAMERAS and equipment repaired: 24
hour service. SOMMER'S CAMERA EX
CHANGE, 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS — Lelca. Contax. Kollelffex,
Speed Graphics for sale. SOMMER'S CAM
ERA EXCHANGE, 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS—Ansco and Eastman color Aim
In stock. 80MMER'S CAMERA EX
CHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS, darkroom developing, printing,
enlarging equipment. SOMMER'S CAMERA
EXCHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS bought, sold, exchanged. Get
the highest cash price for your used photo
943 Penna. ave. n.w., 938 D at. n.w.
CAMERA. Ifl-mm. movie Kodak, model K:
1.9 lens; case; *80. GE. 4073 after 6 p.m.
CAMERA, Mercury, bought new year ago,
never used; best offer. HO. 6929. —18
CAMERAS—Bargain In used carnggas. en
largers, movies, projectors, lenses, binocu
lars and other photographer equipment. We
buy and sell. Used camera division. RITZ
CAMERA. 809 7th st. n.w , RE. 8293.
CAMERAS—Many types avail. simpleat to
Anest; movie cameras, projectors, new and
used: fully guar.; trade-ins: largest stock
of all photo articles; free technical advice;
Anest Aim develop : own repair shop.
BRENNER PHOTO CO., 933 Pa. ave. n.w.
Opp. Justice Dept. Catalog free!
CAMERAS AND EQUIP.. 816 10th St. n.w.
Movie and atill: repairs: projector rentals.
CAMERA, Contax, 1.5 lens, built-in light
meter; also Argus 35 mm. Call AT. 4100,
Ext. 808. —19
CAMERA—A 250-exposure Lelca ft. with
3.5 Elmar lens: must tell; only *450.
Telephone LU. 4958. 18*
CARPET, grey, very reasonable, in good
shape, 1 yr. old, 10x18 ft.: can be seen
at 1108 18th at. n.w., Rm. 203. JOHN
KAHN. —24
CARRYING CASES, new. suitable for tool
ooxes. urtuvxuc wnt. owl v-vnn.
ave., Chevy Chase. Md.
CASH REGISTER. National. 2 drawer, lc
to $4.99. receipt and total tapes. Call MR.
BISSON HI. 3331, 8 to 6 dally. 21*
CASH REGISTERS, one with 4 totals:
one with 2 totals, $99.99 ringup. detail
tape: never used; a real system lor any
business: no dealers. Phone NA. 0600.
CASH REGISTERS—Immediate delivery ol
new machine, $140 up. AMERICAN BUSI
NESS MACHINES CO.. 1431 East Capitol
st.. LI. 0083. 8:30 to 6. incl. Saturday.
CHAIRS—Tablet arm: slightly used: $4.50
each: 600 available. MANHATTAN
OFFICE EQUIP. CO.. 639 New York ave.
CHAIRS. Sleepy Hollow lounge, new, $35.
AX. 3961 after 6. —20
CHAIRS—Early American cane seated.
Derfect condition. Call TE. 3007 after
six. •
for them, handmade, hand painted, block
print; original and excel., limited number;
6 for $1; 60 for $8; 100 for $15. Write
for Information to JACOTT, Box 2101,
Potomac Station. Alexandria. Va. —19
CINDER BLOCKS. Call TO. 5972. —24
CLOTHING, girl's, slse 10. coat with leg
gings. dresses, skirts and suits. Call after
| 5 p.m., OE. 4450.
CLOTHING—Army officer’s long overcoat,
finest Quality, size 38 regular, $20; cap,
beaver felt, size 714, $6. TW. 0792. •
COAT, camel's hair. new. misses, size 12,
$30 VALET SHOP. 2900 Conn. ave. —19
COTS—2 heavy, all-steel folding cots, in
excellent condition. $8 each. HO. 1028.
COMPTOMETER, 10 columns: in perfect
condition; best offer over $200. 941
Maine ave. s.w.
CRIB, Phllco radio. Englander bed. chairs,
desk, lamp, living room suite. DU. 8812.
man Scooter call any of these numbers.
OV. 4706. DU. 0114. NA. 8961-2-3 and
NA 1559: 5 models to choose from: over
60 machines on hand. Come and see
them at 2503 Champlain st. n.w., Wash
ington, D. C. or 1400 King st„ Alex
andria. Va. —18
DAVENPORT and matching chair. Just up
holstered. in rose brocatelle. $196. 1461
Park rd. n.w.. Apt. 305. after 5. •
DECORATORS’ PIECES for sale. Can be
seen Friday, 1701 Mass. ave. n.w.
DE8K. G. Winthrop. $56; lge. Fr. curio
cabinet, $150; Chinese screen, $30: pr.
Eng. sil. champagne coolers, $100. LOR
RAINE. 3520 Conn., Apt. 21, WO. 3869.
DESKS (3). 60 in., d.P., $22 ea.; 6 metal
files, $26 ea.; 6-ft. showcase, $25. 18 7th
st. n.e. LU 6767. Open to 9 P.m. —18
DESKS, new. walnut, 8 drawers. 60x34,
also with Clemco steel typewriter compart
ment; immediate delivery. Priced reason
able. Also 100 slightly used General Fire
proofing steel desks, all sizes, also double
pedestal green desk, $20. Large stock to
EQUIP.. 639 New York ave. n.w.
DIAMONDS, acquired from estate: lady’s,
2‘/« et., fine color, with 24 small dia..
$1,000; lady’s, 1% et., with 24 small dia ,
$676; lady’s. 84 dia. ring, with 12 small
dia., $300; lady’s plat, wedding bond. 18
large dia., $325: lady's plat, dia watch.
52 dia., $275. LIVINGSTON & CO.. 1423
H st. n.w. ME. 3440. —20
DIAMONDS that are real buys. Emerald
cut diamond, guaranteed perfect, excellent
color, best cut, slightly less than 2 carats.
ouiuiu. MiBiuuuy auimiT icoc yj
carat, guaranteed perfect, excel, color,
American cut, $246. Diamond sunburt pin,
7 fullcut top duality sones, total weight
approx, ft carat, selling for $210. Strand
of genuine Oriental pearls, diamond clasp.
priced to sell, $200._All prices Include
tax. See MR. OPPENHEIMER. 917 F at. n.w.
DIAMONDS—Lady's sol., ft ct., $126;
lady’s, ft ct., $150; lady's, ft ct.. plati
num mounting with baguettes, $200; lady's,
lft cts., platinum mounting. $350; lady's,
lft cts., $375;. man's, lft cts.. $600;
man’s, 2ft cts . perfect, $660. LIVING
STON CO., 1423 H st n.w. ME. 3440—20
DIAMOND RING for sale: worth $200:
sell for $100. Call FR. 3938 between 7
and 8. •
DINETTE SET, maple, extention table,
6 chairs, Welch dresser: cheap. TE. 4325.
DINING ROOM SET. walnut, 9 pieces, tn
very good condition; reasonable. FA.
°571-M 19
DINING ROOM SET, 7-piece, Duncan
Phyfe, apartment size, $136. Call WO.
1180. —21
able for large dining rm. Phone DE. 6516.
received a new shipment of 9 and 10 pc.
mahogany Duncan Phyfe dining rm. suites,
also have several modern dining rm.
suites and 7-pc. maple Junior din rm.
suites. All these suites are built on
prewar standards, fully guaranteed, at
unusual deep-cut prices. We can extend
you liberal credit terms. ALPER8TEIN
7th st. n.w Open Monday. • Thursday
and Saturday 'til 8 p.m. NA. 8559. NA.
8606. —20
DINING RM. FURNITURE—10-pc , solid
mahogany, recently reflnished. $750; solid
mahogany curio cabinet. $25: Westing
house electric roaster, $16: Fireless cooker,
$10: buffet. $5. WO. 6383.
DINING ROOM SET—Table. 6 chairs,
buffet and lge. mirror. $65. Call GL.
8600. —18
DINING ROOM TABLE and 4 chairs. $35.
LI. 6419. —18
DINING TABLE, apartment extension,
mahogany, opens to 37x60; sacrifice, $40;
also typewriter, good cond. GE. 3388. •
DUPLICATORS; used mimeograph. $69.50;
speedoprlnt, $39.50; new prestoprlnV
$24.50: brand-new duplicator with sup
plies, only $47.60. See at 1431 Eye st.
n.w. —20
DUPLICATORS—All makes, stencil or
fluid, new and used. Sales, rentals, re
pairs and supplies; our 37th year. AMERI
East Capitol st., LI. 0082. 8.30-8 dally
ELECTRIC IRON. Universal, automatic, $7;
just like new. UN. 1686.
ELECTRIC IRONERS, Immediate delivery
brand-new. 1947, Thor and Simplex, al
sizes' priced from $49; easiest term;
10th and H sts. n.e.. LI. 2983. LI. 874
Open every eve. until 9 p.m.
ELECTRIC RANGES—Immediate delivery;
brand-new 1947 Norge, Glbaon. Unl
veraal and Admiral. Lowest prices, easiest
CO, 10th and H sts. n.e. LI. 2983, LI.
8741. Open every eve. until 9 p.m.
ELECTRIC SUPPLIES—Wiring material,
EX cable, switch boxes, celling boxes, etc.
GE., 4728. —19
FANS, window, attic, wall, desk and Ped
estal; closing out all nationally known
brands: 20% off. RELIANCE. AD. 4675.
FANS—Immed. delivery, brand-new 8. 10,
12 In. and 24 In. pedestal electric fans.
GE, WestinghouSe, Kisco and Rex Cole:
priced from $7.96. Select your fan from
Washington’s largest selection of nation
ally famous standard brands. STAND
H sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9 p.m.
LI. 2983. LI 8741.
FAN, new. 10,000 c.f.m. heavy duty, Buf
falo. lft h.p. DI. 9827.
FREEZERS. International Harvester. 11
cu. ft.. $395 Installed; Victor. 18ft cu. ft.,
freeze: $476 installed. MALONEYS. INC..
8126 Georgia ave. SH. 3330: eves.. GE.
1331. —22
i FREEZERS—Immediate delivery, brand
: new 1948 Phllco, Norge. Deepfreeze and
i Amana freezers: the lowest_prices and
I easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE & BAT
TERY CO.. 10th and H sts. n.e. Open
every eve ’til 9 p.m. LI. 2983. LI. 8741.
FRIGID AIRE, 8-ft.. 1 yr. old; perfect con
anion; jiftn. ace mk woMiiai. -iuiv
R. I. ave. n.e., DE. 6300. —IS
; FRIGID AIRE. 5‘j cubic ft.; has excel.
1 freezing unit: perfect running cond. 1438
1 Parkwood nl. n.w. —18
1 FROZEN FOOD CASES (31. open face type,
practically new. Call OV. 2400. —21
drastic reductions, 6 cu. ft., formerly $276.
now $200; 20 cu. ft., formerly $650. now
$395; delivered and Installed. VETERANS
ASSOCIATED, 1400 Ogden st. n.w. HO.
7400. —19
FUR COAT—Used vischa fur coat, size 14.
ercllent. condition. $50. EM. 6670. —18
FUR COAT, full-length skunk; size 12 to
14; beautiful and durable; $85. Call
GL. 8600. —18
FUR COAT, sheared beaver: size 12; ex
cellent condition; lust Hollanderlzed: $350
or best offer under. GE. 8989. —18
FUR COAT, fine black seal, excellent condi
tion. size 16. $150: also 2 black all wool
suits, size 16. $15 each. MI. 5166 —20
FUR JACKET, beaver size 12-14. good
condition: $45. HO. 1340, Ext. 190. or
home. DE. 6820 —20
FURS, BUT NOW—Hundreds of new fash
ion coats to select from: beautiful sable
and mink dyed muskrat, glistening black
Persian lamb. Canadian beaver, silver rox
1 and mouton lamb are but a few of the
special offerings we have reduced to con
' during our advance fur sale: trade-ins ae
1 cepted. A small deposit will reserve your
. selection until fall. BASKIN FURS, cor
ner 8th and O sts n.w.
FURNACE, 1 Hart A Crouse. No. 1144-W,
coal-flred, h.-w. boiler, motor, blower and
! controls: suitable tor 6 or 7 rm. house;
i price. $60. 6616 8th st. n.w. RA. 6235
FURN.—Hollywood beds, sofa beds and
beds comb., $12.95 up; dressers, chests,
dinettes. Duncan Phyfe chairs and tables:
llv. rm. sets: used mattress, sterll., D C.
inspec.: terms: free D. C. delivery. 2622
14th st. n.w. Open 'til 9.
■ FURNITURE—3-piece mohair llv. rm.
1 suite. 3 lamp tables, one Gruno radio, one
o-piece dinette, maple, baby chest, roll-.
, | away bed. bedspreads, curtains, lawn swing
and settee. 2 chairs, fruit lari. HI. 5361.
' FURNITURE—2 prac. new liv. rm. chairs,
i 1 light red, 1 green, prewar const.; slip
covers Incl.: in storage tor past 3 yrs ;
i $50 ea. Call SH. 6906 after 6 weekdays.
I or Sat. or 8un. mornings. —20
. FURNITURE—Three rooms. Includes 8
, piece llv. rm. suite, bedrm. suite, kitehen
I ette set. all In good cond. Call VI. 6799,
. or come to 100 fudge rd. s.e. 18*
FURNITURE—Very desirable, good con
dition, complete furnishings of 3-room
apartment, living room, bedroom and
kitchen: reasonebly priced for quick tale
st $850 cash: owner transferred to West
Coast. Phone TA. 9463 between 7 p.m.
and 9 p m. only for details. —18
FURNITURE—3-pc. wicker set. 2 rockers.
1 wicker. 1 tapestry. 2 straight chalis. 5
tube RCA radio. TR. 5494 after 6:30.
FURNITURE—Prom estates, auction, etc.:
bargains. Sofa beds. $25, $35: studio
couches. $15, $25; double inner-spring and
felt mattresses. $10, $20; occasional and
lounge chairs, $10. $20; 3-pc. walnut mod
ern waterfall bedroom suite, $99, also with
twin beds. $119; coil springs, $3: beds, $3;
chests, $8, $15: solid mahogany Duncan
Phyfe sofa, $99; breakfast sets. 7-pc.. $29:
desks. $10. $20; floor lamps. $6: coffee
tables, misc. 1746 L st. n.w., RE. 8961.
FURNITURE—Save un to 50% on all new
furniture. Specials on aofa beds, studio
couches, bedroom, living room and dinette
suites. See us before buying. Easy terms
TH* CROWN CO.. 827-829 7th st. n.w.
FURNITURE SALE—Some from storage,
some unclaimed new furn. for bedrm.. din.
rm., dinette, liv. rm., at great savings.
ave. n.w., 10-8; Sat. until 4. RE. 4310.
FURNITURE—Living room, dining room,
bedroom, occ. chairs, rocking chairs,
lamps, tables, odd dressers, chest of
drawers, dressing tables, radio, record cab
inet, antique roll-top desk. mlsc. odds and
ends; reasonable. TE. 8311. 23*
FURNITURE—Late Victorian sofa, red
flowered, newly upholstered. $78; 3-pc.,
nahog. dresser, chest, vanity, $75: 3 radios,
good, $5 to $15: ehests (6>. $10 to $22.
18 7th st. n.e. LU. 0767. Open to 9 p.m.
FURNITURE—Dining rm. buffet, mahog,
60 inches long, A-l cond; $60; owner
moving. OE. 6879. —18
FURNITURE—Circulating oil heater, gas
range, cniuerooe; cnairs ana mirrors,
each: icebox, $5. OR. 0413. 18*
FURNITURE—New single Inner-spring
mattress. 3 occasional chairs, 1 bridge
lamp, new New Englander couch, mahogany
spinet desk, small end table, kitchen ware.
MI. 6440. Ext. 809. —18
FURNITURE SPECIAL—Dinette set, 6 pcs.,
toasted oak. floor sample, reg. $87.80, red.
to $80: set ot 6 dining chairs. Hepple
whlte mah.. reg. $94.80, red to $78:
wal telephone set, reg. $16.50, now
$11.95: group of one-of-a-kind end tables
as low as $10.50; Sleepmaster studio
couch, reg. $89.50. now $60; 1 wine
tuxedo sofa. reg. $169.60. now $125: 1
extra size Regency sofa, reg. $279, now
$200; clothes hampers, reg. $8.75 and
$7.95. now $5.95. Open till 9. Terms.
ANSELL & SANFORD. 4520 Lee hwy., Arl.
FURNITURE—Bedrm. suite, gate-leg table
and 4 chairs, radio, child's furniture and
other miscellaneous items. OL. 3984. —19
FURNITURE, de luxe, porch or office, of
natural Dominican mahogany with fine
reed trim. 2-tier table, 4 chairs, $100.
Call NO. 0246. —19
FURNITURF.—Antiaue walnut dining rm.
suite: Mason & Hamlin parlor grand
piano: miscel. household goods: moving
Into small ouarters. OR. 3897. —18
FURNITURE—Sofa and chair. Ideal for
llv. rm., recr. rm. or den, $50: Lawson
type love seat. $76: 9x12 blue wool broad*
loom rug, $P.O; 9x12 burgundy rug. needs
cleaning, $16. QL. 8000. —18
FURNITURE—Dinette suite, studio couch,
chest of drawers. 1 chair. MI. 4147. —18
FURNITURE—Two bedroom suites, living
room suite, dinette set. also baby carriage
and fur coat. MI. 9096. —19
FURNITURE—Crystal celling chandelier;
mahogany coffee table with glass top. AD.
8308. —19
FURNITURE—Cabinet model radio. $8;
misc. items; also 2 lawn mowers; reason
able. QL. 7231. —20
FURNITURE — Walnut drop-leaf dinette
table, 4 matching chairs: one studio couch
bed. occasional chair, floor lamp, Fhllco
model 1201 comb, radio-phonograph, with
record album; special price to buyer of all
items. OL. 2954. ■ —20
FURNITURE—Walnut desk, executive type;
leather upholstered couch and chair; studio
couch, elec, refg., cabinet radio, record
player. FA. 2053-J. —20
FURNITURE—Prewar 14-pleee solid Hon
duras mahogany dining room suite, per
fect condition: $1,000. NO. 4388. —21
FURNITURE for 3-rm. apt.; apt. avail
able in apt. house: children allowed. Box
310-E. Star. —20
FURNITURE—7 rms , practically new. of
best furniture: part or all for sale. HO.
6379. —19
FURNITURE, outstanding modern: used
less than 1 year; in excellent condition;
3-plece custom-built sectional sofa, gray,
Ff-SO: overstuffed barrel chair, chartreuse.
g 1 t a . ....1 .v* _ < - mnr, ■ s.ki. cort*
house full of similar modern pieces to
sell. KM. 6268. —IP
FURNITURE for 3-room apartment, 5475.
Apartment available Oct. 12 at $66. Adults
only. Box 389-D. Star. 18*
GALVANIZED SINKS, many other user,
big bargain. $1.50. Good, used, 16x24-ln.;
no back. HECHINOER CO.. 4 stores.
GARDEN TRACTORS, nationally advertised
make, in stock for Immediate delivery.
Buy now and prepare for spring planting.
J. R. PENDLETON ft SON, 11770 Ga. ave.
36th st. n.w
GAS-FIRED HEAT. Bryant. Janltrol, etc.,
for hot water, steam or warm air: also oil
burner and stokers: Immediate Installa
tion: FHA, 36 months. EM. 3142, SH.
Glass: new tank. DU. 2143. —18
GAS RANGE, new, Roper, de luxe, natural
gas. WI. 2141. —20
GAS RANGE, radiator, alnk. swinging kit.
door. Everything In good cond. VI. 6952.
GAS RANGE, reasonable. Call EM. 0152.
GAS RANGES—City or bottled gas: Im
mediate delivery; brand-new Magic Chef,
Tappan, Norge, Crosley. Crown. Quality.
Grand, Estate: low prices and easy terms;
liberal trade-in allowances. Select your
fas range from Washington's largest selec
lon of nationally famous standard brands.
and H sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9
p.m. LI. 2983. LL 8741.
GAS RANGES, apt. and other sizes: new.
used; city or bottled gas. ACME STOVE
CO.. 1011 7th st. n.w. NA. 8952.
GAS RANGES, new. used, all sizes; $14.50
up: trade-ins accepted PEERLESS SALES
CO.. 223v Georgia ave. n.w,. DE. 5670
GAS 8TOVE, Magic Chef, good cond.: con
verted natural gas. CH. 8858. 19*
GAS STOVE and icebox, good oonditlon.
Call after 6 p.m.. WI. 3606. —19
GAS STOVE, Glenwood, gray and white
enamel, right side oven; price reasonable.
Franklin 2096. —18
GLIDER FOR SALE, good condition, $20;
Rollcab twin carriage, good condition, 55.
UN. 4753. —19
GOLF CLUBS, 8. lady's woods, new. $26.
WI. 6776. —19
GREETING CARDS — Selling out entire
stock, fixtures and cases at a sacrifice.
EX. 6898, 405' 11th st. n.w. —19
HARDWARE—10,000 hinges, locks, door
knobs, nails, chrome trim, etc.; as much
as H off; some slightly fire damaged; all
must go. Open dally. 8-6 p.m. until sold
Drive out Leesburg pike (Rt. 7). 5.2 miles
past Tysons Corner to W. B. KERN FARM
on right: opposite the old mill.
HEATERS—New and used; oil pot type,
gas, kerosene, coal, wood, electric-steam:
large stock and variety ACME STOVE
CO., 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. 8962.
ICEBOXES, new and used. ACME STOVE
CO., 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. 8952.
IRONER, electric, Prims, de luxe model;
excellent condition: *55. WI. 8698. —18
KITCHEN CABINETS, linoleum sinks, work
tops. GROVER MFG. CO., 8001 Conn, ave.,
Chevy Chase, Md.
KITCHEN FANS—Installed In walls, win
dows and transoms. All other types of fans
available including attic and restaurant
exhaust fan RELIANCE. AD. 4575.
KITCHEN SINKS — Immediate delivery;
brand-new. complete stock of kitchen
sinks, base and wall cabinets; low prices
and easy terms. Select your kitchen sinks
and cabinets from Washington's largest
selection of nationally famous standard
CO., 10th and H sts. n.e. Open every eve.
till 9 pjn. LI. 2983. LI. 8741.
KNOTTY PINE SHELVING, kiln dry. 12-ln.
width. GRUVER MFG. CO., 8001 Conn,
ave., Chevy Chase, Md.
KODAK, latest 35, f3.5 with ease: Men
delssohn flash gun and extension gun, film,
bulbs and accessories: first $100 cash
takes all. Call TA 7854. 20’
LATHE. 14 In. x 8 ft. motor driven, 1
h.p. with many other attachments; must
oil a LI AOA 1 _IS
LATHE, metal. Craftsman, heavy duty; 12
lnch swing. 24 Inches between centers;
complete with motor, bench. 4-Jawed
chuck and assorted tool steel; In new con
dition, Ludlow 4324. 21*
LIVING KM. SUITE. 3 pcs.; oil painting.
"Southern Belle." lge. size; cost S30, zell
$10. 1342 Meridian pi. n.w.
LIVING BOOM SUITE8. 3 pcs , knuckle
arms, all coil-spring construction, rever
sible cushions, wine and blue, brand-new,
$145; save 45%: many others to choose
LIVING ROOM, modern 3-pc. sectional
sofa, 2 chairs: all same pattern of pale
frey with faint rose design; light wood
rames. never used; reasonable. Call Ho
bart 5100. Ext. 804 after 6 P.m. •
LIVING ROOM SUITE. 2 pieces. Duncan
Phyfe sofa, mahogany frame, matching
channel back lounge chair, beige tapestry,
ail-spring construction, reversible cushions,
brand-new. $135: save 50%. CO. 1382,
Sundays. NA. 3569. 925 9th st. n.w. —18
LUMBER—Pine, direct mill shipments,
truck load lots, immediate delivery; also
have some hardwood flooring, steel win
dows and other millwork. CATLIN LUM
BER CO., OL. 8888. —20
LUMBER, trim and molding: 200.000 bd.
ft.: as much as % off current prices; some
perfect, zome slightly fire damaged; all
must go. Open dtlly, 8-6 pm. until sold.
We deliver. Drive out Leesburg pike (Rt.
7) 5.2 mi. past Tysons Corner to W. B
KERN FARM on right; opposite the old
MANGLE. AMC. In excel, eond.: will ex
change for a good washing machine or
will sell same for $39. DU. 6913. —20
MATERNITY CLOTHES, winter, size 12-14.
excellent condition and style, half original
cost. WI 4458. —18
MATTRESSES—One dble. inner-sprg. and
on sgle. cotton; clean; $10 for both: also
wireless record player. $10. OL. 6780.
and silent, world-known makes: demon
stration free. BRENNER, 933 Pa. ave. n.w.
MOTORS repaired and exch. Large stock.
Quick service. Brushes, belts, pumps. ELEC
TRIC EQUIF. CO, 2473 Sherman ave. n.w.
MOTORS. 1/100-100 h o, i.c, d.c, sold,
exch., rep, rewound: explosionproof Ians,
attic, desk. CARTY EfBCTRIC. 1608 14th.
MOVIE PROJECTOR and sound amplifier,
in good eond. Bell & Howell. NA. 9119.
Ext. 5. —19
OFFICE DESKS, 2 mahogany finish, execu
tive type with glass tops and 2 chairs;
reasonably priced. Phone NA. 1403.
OFFICE FURNITURE — Reconditioned
desks, chairs, filing cabinets, tables, etc.
429 nth st, s.w.
OIL BURNERS. Petro. all aizes: also boiler
burner units for immediate delivery; service
and installed by factory distributor: FHA
terms, no down payment, 3 yrs. to pay;
free surveys and estimates by competent
engineers; 24 yrs. in D. C AMBASSADOR
CO, 1773 Columbia Td. n.w, DE. 2233.
OIL BURNERS. Petro: boilers, radiators
and gas boiler units. Install now. MAT
OIL BURNERS and oil furnaces—
Complete heating installation: 3 years
3321 Georgia ave, OE. 5259. GE. 6065.
OIL BURNER. 275. gal. tank, firebox, fan
and controls: Bettendorf make; best of
fer Wisconsin 2186. —18
ORGAN, old Mason Hamlin; needs come
repair; a 4-way floor lamp, mahogany
chair, reckon horse, large. DU. 73^1.
bia, Dacca, capital and Sonora rtcorda
and albums; popular and tlaaalcal. Shaat
muaic^Laric stock. SPRING VALLRY
KECTRIC SHOP. 480k Mass. art. n.w.
PIANO, Weber, mahogany, narlor grand,
reflnished like new: ideal for large room,
church or hall; $42#. EM. 6388. —22
PIANO, Rudolph upright. $76. GL. 7231.
PIANO, upright aDt. size, and bench, (Kim
oall) like new. Call NA. 8136. —IS
PIANO, small upright Aldrich. $250; child's
desk, $8.60: carrom beard, $4: camp bed
and pad, $5. 4351 Fessenden at. n w„
OR. 5443 —IS
PIANO — Baldwin-made Acrosonlc spinet
console, apartment-size upright models:
special eases in mahogany, walnut, light
oak. prima vera and ebony finish. See and
hear these outstanding Instruments; trade
ins accepted; easy terms. Exclusive at
HUGO WORCH. 925 G n.w. Dependable
since 1879.
PIANOS FOR RENT —At Jordan's, 1015
7th st. n.w.. you can rent a latest model
spinet or console model piano and, If you
decide to buy It later the money paid as
rental will apply on the purchase price.
Phone Nstlonal 3223. JORDAN PIANO
CO., 1015 7th st. n.w. tJust above the
Library.) —19
PIANOS—Why pay high prices for used
pianos when you can buy a new spinet or
console for usually only a very little more?
We are dealers for such makes as Knabe.
Wurlitzer. Fischer, Ivers A pond, Poole.
Estey, Starr. Weber. Jannsen. etc. Tc.ns
and an allowance lor your piano. Phone
Republic 6212. KITT'S, 1330 G st. n.w.
(middle of the block). —19
PIANOS—Phone Republic 6212 If you are
Interested in a slightly used spinet or con
aole. Lautfr. $345; Starr, $426; Wurlitzer.
$475. Also several others. KITT'S, 1330
G st. n.w. (middle of the block). —19
PIANOS—See the new Lester spinet and
console models at Jordan's. 1015 7th st.
n.w. You can buy a new Lester for only
$60 down, the balance payable on long,
easy terms. Phone National 3223. JOR
DAN PIANO CO.. 1016 7th st. n.w. (Just
above the Library.) —19
PIANOS — The Jordan Plano Co. Is the
only local agent for new Mason & Hamlin,
Chickering. Lester, Story & Clark. Musette,
Winter & Co., Marshall & Wendell, Oeorge
Steck, Huntington and H. M. Cable pianos.
Visit niir stnrp Anri save nn vnnr nlann
purchase. Phone National 3223. JORDAN
PIANO CO.. 1016 7th st. n.w. (Just above
the Public Library.) —19
PIANOS—II you are looking lor a real
value In a slightly used spinet or console
piano of a good make phone National
3223. JORDAN PIANO CO., 1015 7th st.
n.w. (Just above the Public Library.)—19
PIANOS—We have several completely re
conditioned fine grands on sale. Choice of
such makes as Mason <fe Hamlin, dicker
ing. Steinway. etc Phone Mr. Purcell,
National 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO.. 1015
7th st. n.w. (Just above the Public
Library.) —19
PIANOS—Be sure and see our selection of
new pianos before you buy! Choice of such
makes as Knabe. Wurlltzer, Fischer. Estey,
Ivers k Pond. Poole. Starr. Weber, Jannsen.
etc. Terms and an allowance for your
piano. Phne Republic 8212. KITTS. 1330
O st. n.w. —19
PIANO. Steinway. baby grand, style L.
cannot be told from new: a real bargain.
Also a most beautiful mahogany Knabe
baby grand. Compare these values before
you buy. RATNER'S, 736 13th st. n.w.
RE 2499 _20
PIANOS—We have the largest selection of
rebuilt pianos In the city: grands, con
soles, spinets, apt. uprights: all reasonably
9th st. n.w. NA. 4870. —19
PIANO, upright, S65; single Hollywood
bed, *25 Wl. 8075. 18*
PIANO, baby grand, perfect condition;
$760. OE. 9292. —18
PIANO, upright, player; 876; good con
dition. OV. 1559. —18
PIANO with Solovox attached; piano Is a
Wurlltzer In excellent condition, spinette,
with full keyboard; Solovox lust been re
turned from Hammond Instrument Co. and
Is In excellent condition: both Instruments
for $550. Can be seen at 2302 59th ave.,
Tuxedo, Md. 18*
PIPE, structural steel anglea. channels,
radiators (used). WASHINGTON RAG A
BAG CO.. 215 L It. a.w. DI. 8007.
used, fittings, valves, etc. BLOCK’S, 3066
M st. n.w., MI. 7141. —30
PUMP. Myers, with 2-h.p. gas engine;
like new; also 4-h.p. gas engine. SH
4341. —18
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, table model, good
condition, $25; 12-plece K and E drafting
sets, new, $20. GE. 4739.
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, de luxe model
Capehart. with the exclusive turnover
changer, in practically new condition and
a real bargain at $896. Phone Republic
6212. KITT S. 1330 G st. n.w. —19
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH8 — We . have cut
prices deep on a few floor sample and
slightly used combinations: standard makes
Phone Republic 6212. KITT'S. 1330 G
st. n.w. (between 13th and 14th sts ). —19
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, console and table
models: reduced. ADAMS APPLIANCE,
2519 Pa. ave. n.w., AD. 2225. —19
livery. ADAMS APPLIANCE, 2519 Pa. ave,
n.w,. AD. 2225. .—19
RECORDS—Lge. group of early Victor and
Columbia recordings; several selections bj
Melba. Ponselle. Caruso and Elman. 1304
Connecticut ave. n.w.
REFRIGERATORS, new Westlnghouse, for
delivery latter Sept, or early October;
trade and terms; P. O. SMITH SALES
& SERVICE. INC., 1344 H st. n.e., LI,
2546, LI. 6050.
REFRIGERATORS—Gas and elec., a.c
and d.c.; rebuilt and guar.; immed. del.;
bargains; these refrigerators are prewai
£nd in many respect superior to new ones
earn what’s Inside before you buy. 1316
14th n.w.. DE. 3610. We service any make,
REFRIGERATOR, gas. water-cooled, new
unit; $100. 815 C st. n.e.. basement.
REFRIGERATOR, Servel Electrolux, 6 ft.,
excel, cond. SH. 8158. —18
REFRIGERATORS — Immediate delivery:
brand-new 1947 Servel gas refgrs.; all
sizes; lowest prices and_easiest terms.
and H sts. n.e Open every eve. till 9 p.m,
LI. 2983 and LI. 8741 , ,
REFRIGERATOR, Crosley Shelvidor, 5 eu
ft., completely rebuilt, guaranteed, $125,
R. DAY, WI. 8907. —18
REFRIGERATOR, Norge electric. apt
size: perfect cond.; $95. TA. 1858. —It
REFRIGERATORS. Immediate delivery:
7. 8>i and 10 cubic ft. GARY APPLIANCE
CO.. 2375 R. I. ave. n.e., DU. 2300. —18
RING, engagement; yj-carat stone: 3 dia
monds on each side; paid $300, quick sale
$200. CH. 1718. 18*
IVULiliA vital DEiUOl «10. I O ■ uuuuvil
*18: Lawson lowe seat. *85; mahogany
drum table. *29.95: 3-plece mahog. bedrm
suite, chest on chest, poster bed and
dresser with mirror, *184,50: one wing
back chair, *65; solid maple cor. cabinet,
*49; Regency sofa, *190: studio couch,
*40: unpalnted bookcases, *10; 7-way floo:
lamp, *12.95: baby crib, *22; porcelair-top
breakfast sets, *55; Lawson sofa In muslin
*110; Lawson sofa, leatherette, *150;
maple console table. *22; hassocks, *11.95;
maple bedrm. suite, *130; sofa bed
*79.96: vanity bench. *6; 10-pc. din. rm.
suite, *396: end tables, $9 95 up; mahog.
and walnut drop-leaf tables. *50; metal
folding chairs, *3.60; Sampson card table,
*3.95; Duncan Phyfe sofa, *110; cedai
chest. *35: baby crib mattress. *11.50;
one used cabinet radio. *20: sofa bed,
leatherette, *75. HOFFMAN UPHOL
1711 14th st. n.w.. phone AD. 0741. Open
eves, till 9. —21
RUGS, runners, all sizes, brown, green,
red, flowered; very reas. 18 7th at. n.e,
LU. 6767. Open till 9 P.m. —18
SAFE, new, 3-wheel combination, chrome
trim, 24'/axl7>/ixl7Vi, weight, 245 lbs.;
*59.60. 1431 Eye st. n.w. —20
SAFES, new and used, very lge. selection.
Also new money chests and wall safes.
Several desirable used safes, marked low:
floor space needed. THE SAFEMA8TER3
CO., 2304 Penna. ave. n.w.. RE. 6011.
SANDING MACHINE, elec, portable; cost
*96. perfect condition, sell *75. Call HO.
7788. *
SEWING MACHINES—Singers, elec, port
ables and consoles; also 31-16 power ma
chine: lmmed. delivery: terms low as *6
a mo.. 5-yr. guarantee cn all machines,
open eves, till 8, NO. 2100. 2414 14th st.
immediate delivery; Singers and other
makes; rent or sell. SEWING MACHINE
EXCHANGE. 2412 18th st. n.w. —20
SEWING MACHINES, elec. port.. *35;
tailor elec., mf*.; shoe patch. *45: rentals,
repairs. *1.50 up. 3299 M n.w. DE. 7457
SEWING MACHINES, portables and con
soles. all makes: *49.60 up: free home
demonstration. AMERICAN SEWING MA
CHINE STORES—508 11th it. s e. at Pa.
ave., LI. 3833: R. I. and Eastern ave.
n.e.. WA. 8588; 8624 Ga. ave.. SL. 2346:
7836 Wis. ave., WI. 7533; 7235 Wis ave.,
OL. 8375. —19
SEWING MACHINES. Singer electrics;
sale or rent. Immediate del. Open eves.
3109 14th st. n.w.. CO. 2221.
SEWING MACHINES, special, immediate
delivery. Singer desk models, consoles and
portables. Renting and repairing all
makes. Have your old sewing machine
converted to electric console or portable.
ICE. 3508 Conn, n.w., EM. 4556. —19
SEWING MACHINES, *25 up. Machines
rented* and repaired. 3337 Conn, ave.,
EM 4244
SEWING MACHINE sale; you will save on
these line machines; Singer console,
*94.50; elec, portable. *48.50: drop-head
treadle. *19.50; others. We make your old
machine Into an electric for *29.60. Re
pairs to all makes, renting. 3812 Lee
hwy.. CH. 4914. 19*
hotel, Institutions, guesthouses, motels,
tourist houses, rooming houses; excellent
Quality, reconditioned, reclaimed, freshly
laundered, cellophane wrapped: double,
*17.60; single, *15 doz. Call weekdays
10-7. Hobart 9686. Out of town write
OUTLET CENTER, 1549 7th st. n.w.,
Washington, D. C. —21
SHOWCASE, steam table, popcorn machine
318 5th st. n.e., TR. 8440. —22
SINKS, new and used, all sizes; faucets
pipe, fittings, showers, etc. BLOCK’S
3066 M st. n w . MI. 7X41. —30
SLICER. Osborne National, like new. fot
restaurant and hotels. $180; piano. Chick
ering. in very good cond.. transportation
'ree in Metropolitan Area. $150. Call TO
9685 from 10 a m. till 2 p.m ; UN. 1000
f:om 4 p.m. till 12 midnight; ask for MR
BERGE. —19
SOFA BED. blue, almost new. Call MRS
KING, DI. 5050. Ext. 2660. 19*
SOFA BED. good cond.; slip cover; reason
ably priced. Call WI. 8276.
SOFA, dark blue, in very good oondtion
PA. 2571-M. —19
SOFA BED. $15: chest, dressing table,
bed and spring, $25; gas stoTe, $10. FR
SOFA BED, with slip covers. $50: also 3
lamps, 1 pinup, $10. Call LU. 6227.
80FA. empire, heavy mahogany frame
winged clawed legs, needs reupholstering
Price open. 1524 Tyler ave.. Falls Church
Va. . —20
STEAM JENNY, steam cleaner, new, com
plete with solvent; $500 cash. OX. 0030
STORE FIXTURES—Complete self-*ervic<
1 store fixtures, meat cases, dairy boxes
| frosted food cabinets, beverage coolers
: reach-in refrigerators. walk-in coolers
scale, choppers and slicers. H. S. DUDLEY
j 1767 Columbia rd.. CO. 0368.
STOVES—Oil pot type. coal, kerosene
elec., gas. wood: large stock and variety
ACME 8TOVE CO., 1011 7th st. n.w.
NA 8P52
view tone, factory made, good condition
except transformer. $120; two available
Tel. TA. 7486 evenings. 19*
TOOLS, mechanic’s, lie. complete box:
many extras; 1 power tool; price. $250
WI. 7266* —18
paid *80, sell for *80. 1814 C at. n.e.
PR. 6384 20*
TREASURE FINDER—Army mine detec
tor. In new condition; has many uses; *50
or best offer under. HO. 1028. —18
typewriter rental service. 571s
l& . Xl? »5 .T'dai?
TYPEWRITERS—A large gelectlon of all
makes and modela, for the student golnf
back to achool; new and rabuilt: with 1 yr
guarantee._Our 37th year. AMERICAN
TYPEWRITER CO., 1431 East Capitol st„
LI. 0082. 8:30 to 6. ipcl. Saturday.
TYPEWRITERS. ROYALS, latest models,
reasonably priced, immediate delivery.
All makes of office machines bought, sold.
I rented and repaired. CENTRAL TYPE
| 14th at. n.w.. Ml. 4400. —23
TYPEWRITER, new. from factory, Rem
ington-Rand portable, including stand;
I never been used; *75 cash. Call HO
I 2905. —18
, TYPEWRITERS—Save money: Underwood,
$39.50; Remington. *42.60; Magic Margin.
Royal and other bargains. Selections for
: students. See 1431 Eye at. n.w., cor. 15th.
TYPEWRITERS (2). Royal, good condition.'
one with magic margin; 2 walnut typist
desks, new condition: 2 typist chairs, pos
ture, to match desks; 2 Edlohone tran
scribers, latest model: 1 Ediphone cylinder
shaver, latest model; 1 Director model Kdl
phone dictating machine, will record tele
phone. new condition. Owner must sell
immediately for cash. RE. 0511. —is
UNIFORM and overcoat. St John's; good
condition, size 39. Ml. 8268. —20
VACUUM CLEANER, new, with all attach
ments: will sacrifice, need cash. Call TA
4174 or at 236 Hamilton st. n.w., Apt. 2.
VACUUM CLEANER*—Immediate delivery,
brand-new Eureka. GE. Weatinahouae.
Royal, Apex, Cadillac and many others;
low prices and easy terms; liberal trade
in allowances; select your vacuum cleaner
from Washington’s largest selection of na
tionally famoua standard brands. STAND
ARD TIRE 3c BATTERY CO., 10th and H
sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9 p.m. LI.
2983. LI. 8741.
VACUUM CLEANERS—We are headquar
rebuilt. Call us for home demonstration.
Rebuilt Eureka, like new. $20.50; Hoover.
$20.50; others; repairing. 3812 Lee hwy..
CH. 4914. 19»/
VENETIAN BUNDS washed, rspaintea. re
B^i/cO.^. AVK‘ VKNKrlAN
WASHERS — Immediate delivery; brand
new automatic Bendix washers; trade In
your old washer; easiest, terms. STAND
ARD TIRE & BATTERY CO., 10th and H
sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9 p.m. LI.
2983. U. 8741.
WASHER8. apt. size, capacity 8 gals, water,
normal 4-lb. wash; floor space required,
15x15x30 In. high. MALONEY'S. INC.,
8126 Ga. ave., SH. 3330; eves , GE. 1231.
WASHING MACHINE, good cond.. reason
able; Areola furnace, good cond.: reason
for felling, Installing gai heat. TE. 6513.
WASHING MACHINES—We usually have
standard make wringer machines avail
able; also Bendix. Phone Mr. Seltier at
National 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO., 1015
7th st. n.w. —19
WASHING MACHINES — Immediate deliv
ery brand-new 1947 Rlnger-type washer
and lroner combination: lowest prices and
easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE AND
BATTERY CO., 10th and H its. n.e. LI.
2983. LI. 8741. Open every eve. 'til 9 p.m.
automatic rinser needs repair, $65. Call
after 7 p.m., WO. 3081. 19"
WATER HEATERS. 42-gal., twin element,
nationally famoua water heaters. $99.50:
also for Immediate delivery, 30, 62 and 88
Sal. OE. Westlnghouse and Hotpolnt water
eaters; easy term*. ELECTRICAL CEN
TER, 61410th st.. NA. 8872
WATER HEATERS, gas, electric, all sixes.
"Water Heater Specialists for 30 Years."
Expert Installation. JOHN O. WEBSTER.
627 F st. n.w.. EX. 4616. WO. 2220.
WRIST WATCH, lady's, gold Emerson, $20.
AD. 6752. —19
NEW TRACTORS—Three types: 12-h.p.
Diesel Caterpillar: a new type garden
tractor, cultivator: also a new 110-h.p.
big Paiver Job. At 2603 Champlain st.
n.w., Washington. D. C. and 1400 King
st., Alexandria. Va. Call Overlook 4706,
Dupont 0114. NA. 8961-2-3 or NA. 1659.
3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE for sale, bed
rm . liv. rm. and kit. 2107 Cascade road,
Silver 8prlnc, Md. —18
ATTENTION, BIELDERS and contractors,
garage door, overhead, sliding, 2 windows:
can be seen at 1624 Grace Church rd.,
Silver Spring. •
ESTATE SALE of household furniture, ra
dios, rugs, typewriter, vacuum cleaner and
other personal effects. By order Bessie L.
Pitcher, executrix estate Jennie L. Melt
zler; George Amory Maddox, executor es
tate John M. Boteler; and others. At
WESCHLER’S AUCTION, 905 E st. n w.,
tomorrow, commencing 9:30 a m. Twin and
double bedroom groups: dining, dinette
and living room groups: Electrolux vacuum
cleaner, Breuer ball-bearing Tornado heavy
duty vacuum cleaner, electric range, elec
tric refrigerators and Iceboxes, office desks
and tables, china and glassware. Steinway
square piano, leather settee, gateleg, lamp
and occasional tables: lounge and occa
sional chairs; chests of drawers, dressers,
beds, box and coll springs, Inner-spring and
feit mattresses; mirrors, lamps, soft and
studio beds: china cases, gas ranges, knee
hole and fall-front desks: cedar chests, sec
retarles. utility and kitchen cabinets, etc
BULLDOZER, small, for backfilling and
light grading. TR. 7799. —22
AVAILABLE NOW—Truck ermne for exca
vating or hoisting; dump truck for yard
body. PL. 1377. —19
ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, calcu
lators. ofllce equip., all kinds; top price
paid. DI. 7372; eves., 8un„ CO. 4625.
ADDING MACHINES, type writers, ealcula
tors. bought sM ljJI imd renUd RE. 1177.
antiqces. lOTtiware; m any condition:
china, bric-a-brac, fleure*, old Jiwelry.
(at 14tb and G it*.). Ml. 9079
ANTIQUES—Purniture. bric-a-brac, china,
glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings;
highest cash pricea paid. Call MURRAY,
Taylor 3333
BEDROOM, dining room or contents oi
homes; will pay cash or aell on commis
sion. We do moving, storage. TA. 2937,
BEDROOM AND DINING room furniture,
also good used piano. Call evenings. Re
public 3672. 20*
BEDROOM SUITES, dining room suites,
living room pieces, rugs, gas ranges and
porch furniture in any amount wanted at
once; will pay highest possible prices. No
matter what you have to sell, please call
today. MR. GRADY. NA. 2620.
scriptions. We need your books. Highest
possible cash prices paid. DISTRICT
BOOK STORE. 721 9th st. n.w.. ME. 6995.
CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all
accessories bought at highest prices.
BRENNER PHOTO CO., 933 Pa. ave. n.w.,
opposite Dept, of Justice., RE. 2434.
CAMERAS — German camera and lenses
and equipment wanted. SOMMER’S
ave. n.w.
CAMERAS and equip.—Get our free ap
praisal before you sell. SOMMER'S CAM
ERA EXCHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERA WANTED—High quality. Also
movie camera, projector. Asfc for MR.
WEISS from 9-6. RE. 2434.
CLOTHING—Highest prices peld for men’s
used clothing. BJBtMAH'8. 1122 7th st
n.w. MR. 3797. Ones eves. Will cell.
DIAMONDS end eld told, diamond watches
end dlecnrdetfjewelry. Oesh paid. KRHM9T
BURK. INC.. 914 13th n.w DI 2773
DIAMONDS, Jewelry wanted—Highest cash
prices; free appraise! ARTHUR MARJUL,
940 P st. n.w.
DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD, diamond pocket
and wrist watches, Initial, blrthstones, dia
mond wedding rings; other Jewelry pur
chased; highest prices paid. NEW YORK
JEWELRY CO.. 719 7th st. n.w.
FURN. AND ELBCT. APPL., house or fgle.
pieces; highest cash prices; prompt re
moval: we do moving. DU. 4429.
FURNITURE WANTED—Mahog. din. rm.
suite: also mahog. twin or double bed.
secretary or breakfront, etc. TA. 2112.—18
FURNITURE, top prices paid for entire
contents or fair-sized portions of homes
or apts., for best results don't fall to call
MR. DUFFY at UN. 1910. —20
FURNITURE—Living, bedroom and dining
room suites, odd pieces, sll of the better
class. RE. 7904, DE. 2019. 20
FURNITURE and household effects of the
better kind wanted at once; will buy suites,
odd pieces or entire borne. Plesse call
today, MR. GRADY. NA. 2620.
: FURNITURE—Will buy entire contents or
odd nieces; best cash prices; buying and
selling for over 50 years. We do moving.
HOPWOODS, 8th and K sts. n.w., ME.
FURS—Highest prices paid for old or used
Persian and muskrat coats. 625 P st. n.w.
GOLD—Bring your old gold, sliver, plating,
teeth, discarded Jewelry. We pay cash.
A. KAHN. TNC . 55 yeara at 936 P st n.w
GRAND PIANO, good make and condition.
! to store in exchange for use of same; will
! take excellent care of instrument in new
1 home in Arlington. CH. 4245. —19
KODAKS—Speed Graphics. Argus. Zeiss.
Rolleflex and other cameras or movies
wanted. BRENNER. 933 Pa. ave. n.w.
NEW8PAPER8 WANTED—Newspapers. 50c
per 100 pounds; books and magazlnea,
76e per 100 pounds: house rags, *3 per
100 pounds. Delivered to our warehouse.
ACE JUNK CO., 2220 Georgia ave. n.w..
AD. 5467.
VJkl AVV |>VUUU«. UWAO BUU iuw»waiu</Si
75c per 100 pounds; house nss. $3 per
100 pounds Delivered to our wmrehouse.
It, s.w. DI. 8007.
PHONOGRAFH RECORDS, classical. 1404
New York ave. n w.. RE. 4290.
lor pianos. AD. 592S day; RA. 0491 night.
PIANOS, (rand. upright. spinet or apt.
size, any size, any cond.tion; will pay
cash. SL. 5204.
pays highest cash prices. Phone NA. 4870
for courteous appraisal.
PLUMBERS' BRASS, scrap Iron, scrap cop
per. lead, scrap aluminum. Higheat prices
215 L it s.w DI. 8007
REFRIGERATOR, electric or gas. 4 or 5
cu. ft..; perfect condition; late model. HO.
4449, —2<>
REFRIGERATOR urgently needed, in good
running order. EX. 9599.
Fteel. $1 per 100 pounds; auto batteries
$1.50 each; house rags. $3 per 180 pounds,
delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices
paid for scrap iron, scrap metals, house
rags and auto, batteries. If you cannot
deliver your accumulation!, pleaae phone
L st. s.w.. DI. 8007.
steel. $1 per 100 pounds; auto batteries,
$1.50 ea.; house rags. $3 per 100 pounds,
delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices
pair for icrap iron, metals, house rags and
auto batteries. If you cannot deliver your
accumulation!, please phone us. ACE
JUNK CO., 2220 Georgia ave. n.w- AD.
SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types,
repair hemstitching, buttons covered,
pleating. 917 P st.. RE. 1900. RE. 2311.
SEWING MACHINE, portable, with case.
CH 4378.
SOLO-O-VOX. wanted In first-class condi
tion; will pay reasonable price Apply
single BED. metal wardrobe, rues, must
be imm--plate: also 24" bike. CH. 6342
after 6:80,
CO.. 1011 7th st. n.w. NA. 8862.
WASHING MACHINES, any site any make,
also washer for parts, also lawn mowers,
topprice paid. AT. 7005 —24
WANTED—Better grade of household fur
niture. antiques and offlee furniture. NA.
5.629: evenings. GE. 9447
WANTED—Your old Jewelry: we pay high
cash prices for your old gold, silver watches,
diamonds, brlc-abrac. etc TINY JEWEL
BOX. 1327tv O st. n.w.. ME. 9036.
AM INTERESTED in ouytng china, silver
ware. bric-a-brac, figures, old Jewelry.
fftTan^Sr&^o0 «• <“
household furnishings: all kinds cooking
and heating stoves. DI. 8236 or LI. 0823.
WANTED, hand-power paper cutter, for
gnm=^££i__g£y_RAr 492^=:__^18
JAMES FEED STORE. 619 K st. n.w..
ME. 0089—Baby chicks, feed and poultry
TTV CDATTVn Dad c vo _isi. m..a_
saddles and bridles; Govt, contract can
celled, must sell Immediately; any reason
able offer accepted. Apply Port Dupont
Ridina Stable. Minnesota ave. and E sts.
s.e.. VI. IP] 6. —18
MAMI (2). splendid brood work, one with
colt; 2-horse wagon, mower, disc, rake and
-low: all In excel, cond. Box 447. Tele
graph rd. Phone Bngleeide 66-J-2. Va.
STINSTON VOYAGER 165, new April.
1947; primary group instruments; perfect
£«n«i~on’..t°tal 75 hours; cost over
$6,300, sell best cash offer. Call RE. 6022.
FIREPLACE WOOD, seasoned: get orders
for Prompt delivery. CATL1N
LUMBER,CO.. OL. 8888 _ —20
MANURE, well rotted, $7.50 per 15
bushels, $6 per 10 bushels delivered.
WA. 4693. —19
$2.25 per 100. African Violets. $1 and
$1.25 each. Hardy Phlox In bloom. 55c »a
See Sunday ad, this column. BEHNKE
NURSERIES. Wash.-Balto blvd., Beltsvllle,
Md. Tower (1284. —20
JOHN BURDOFT, Colesville. Md. Call
Ashton (Md.) 3840. 21
TRACTORS and everything for the farm,
trucks, trailers; must be sold in 30 days,
1 new OWNER. FA. 2190 after 6. oc.V
GOOD BANK RUN. gravel and cinders for
roads, streets and driveways, delivered and
spread by trucks. Phone WA. 3217. 18*
■ TOPSOIL, fill dirt, sand and road gravel,
blue stones, washed gravel, for sale by the
load. SH. 6110, FR. 5678. —22
garden traotor of 100 uses. Phone GE. 3300
for demonstration. 8CHLRGEL A GOLDEN.
119 Carroll st.. Takoma Park, D. C.
JUST ARRIVED—Redman As Roth Garden
King tractors with cultivators, plows and
sickle bar attachments. STANLEY H.
HORNER. INC., Trailer Center, 6th et. and
Florida ave. c.e. FR. 1221.
GARDEN TRACTORS—Whatever your job,
Garden Aid will make It easier. MA
LONEY’S, INC., 8126 Georgia ave. 8H.
3330. —20
FLAGSTONE WALKS, terraces, fireplace!,
rock gardens, fishponds, rstalning walls.
F. MARCUCClO. Route 4, Horners lane,
Rockville, Md. Phone Rockville 3588. •—1
PERMANENT GRASS, velvety, dense and
green, can be Quickly obtained at this par
ticular season. Leading authorities highly
advocate now as the very best season irt
the year. Wondergro, special seed and ex
perienced gardeners guarantee you satis
factory results. When In need of better
pool, outdoor fireplaces, walks, walls, steps,
terraces, porches, drainage, waterproofing,
call LI. 4225 for free estimate. 18*
shipment of excellent bulbs: large selection
of choice varieties, incldg. some of the
rarest and newest, strictly top grade, tullpa,
hyacinths, daffodils, narcissi, crocus, snow
drops, madonna lilies and a wealth of
others. We want many new customers:
come out and visit us; make your own
i selection. Ask for price list and we’ll
put you on our current mailing list.
BEHNKE NURSERIES. Wash.-Balto. blvd.,
I Beltsville. Md. Phone Tower 6284.
h a V ha Imr WritVv m/ltnr nr i va Vim A aIJ.
used only on 1 farm; *600. Call Ashton
ing and grooming; cocker spaniel puppies,
champion cockers at stud. TO. 6139.
DOGS AND CATS boarded, week ends or
longer: air-conditioned kennels, pickup
service; veterinary supervision. BIDE-A
WEE KENNELS, 4216 Conn, ave., WO. 0224.
GRE*T -ANE PUPS. 2 "lovely males, best
bloodline. R. D. LINDSEY. Colesvllle. Md.
■Silver Spring 0398.
Champion Covered Brook Bombardier. WI.
3064. —18
COCKER SPANIEL puppies. AKC regis
tered: very best bloodline; all colors, all
ages; champion Cocker at stud: we deliver.
Call Rockville 2644. Prices reasonable.
ENGLISH BULL PUPPIES, all ages, males
and females. 1044 Bladensburg rd. n e.
LU. 7195. —20
ern kennel for your dog: all services: In
dividual outside runs Inspection Invited
before you decide. Alexandria. Va.. Duke
st. extended (3 miles out), adjoining
Quartermaster Depot. ELPAW KENNELS,
TE. 2430. —19
SIAMESE KITTtNS, Blue Points and Seal
Points, eligible for CFA registration: In
telligent affectionate and exceptionally
well marked; *36. CH. 8322. 19
CQCKER PUPS, beautiful, AKC registered,
at very low price; sire and dam show
winners; have to make room for litter
of Irish setters Call Rockville 2628. —19
HOMES WANTED for playful kittens, also
for mother cat. DE. 4779. —20
bred. Call DE. 0990 or DE 0300. —21
KITTENS, tigers, maltese, black and white,
attractive, playful, good breed; delivered
free to kind people OR. 3776. —18
COCKERS, reg. puppies, 3 males. 6 wks .
2 black.‘1 blonde; 1 female and male. 4
mo. black: 2 females. 9 mo.; 1 r. and w,
1 black, well-bred; very reas stud services
4658 Lacey ave. s.e. HI. 3629. —19
POINTER DOG—Texan Boy the 2nd. S
yrs. old; son of Champion Beacon's Oame
iAd. grandson of international champion
Penlne Paramount, has 9 points towards
his championship; shot over last yr.: nicely
started on birds: a real gentleman’s dog
For more inf., call Mr. Klemkowltz, Alex
andria 3675. BENCELIA KENNELS. —21
PEKINESE CATS—One female. 3V4 yr*.;
2 males. 4% mos.: Inoculated; AKC regis
tered. GL. 7921. —19
of daughter of Diehard Fashion, sired by
Son of Warsptte: *30 to *50. FR. 1910.
Write C. B. CAPLIDTGER. Tlmbervllle. Va.
COCKERS—Black, red. particolored: male,
female; vet Inspected: wormed, inoculated.
AKC reg,; studs at serv. Rockville 3750.
GAR WOOD 16-ft. utility boat. 92-h.p.
Chrysler marine engine: America's most
beautiful utility boat; $2,427. delivered;
guaranteed; easy terms. Call Mr. Blank.
ARCADE PONTIAC CO„ 1437 Irving st.
n.w., AD. 8500.
WE SERVICE all makes of outboard mo
tors; price Is reasonable S. E. SALES
CO . 737 11th st. s.e
Steelcraft cabin cruiser for rent by the
hour, day or week; special weekday rates,
*2.75 per hr. and up. For reservations,
call Steelcraft dock. Maine ave. and M at.
s.w. Call EX. 8978.
FISHING PARTIES, day or night: Chesa
peake Bay, Eastern Bay. Gooses; reserva
tion only. Call 6 to 9 p.m., CAPT.
ANTHONY KING. WA. 4192. —22
MARINE SUPPLIES, paints, rope, flro ex
tinguishers. outboard motors, Scripps Ma
rine engines. BO to 300 h.p.; 6shiner tackle,
•t. a.e. LI. 4493
ervations being taken on 70-ft. Diesel
yacht. Inquire at OULF MARINE DOCK.
800 Maine ave s.w 19
day. ev., wkly. Reasonable rates. Please
call CH. 0144. RE 2777. 19
us put your outboard motor In new con
dition: prices reasonable E B EDWARDS
* 80N. 60 E st s.w.. DI. 1842. —19
32’ CHRIS-CRAFT de luxe cruiser—This
is the smartest used craft on the market
today: new linoleum, two good economical
motors, accommodations to sleep 4. full!
galley end head, large aft cockpit* Pur
chased this spring for *7 250. will sell for
*5.500 Will finance. Call GL. 7200 —21 ;
COMET SAILBOAT, excellent condition;
sacrifice. *295; also outboard motor. TE.
7947 after 7 p.m. 18*
i FISHING BOAT. 40 ft., deadrlse bar.
equipped. A-l cond., forward cabin; loca
tion GalesvUle. Md ; *1,400. 8H. 2903
after 6 p.m. 18
17-FT. SAILBOAT, made by ships earpen
ter. sturdy const., complete with sails,
could be converted for inboard motor;
*250. SH. 2903 after 5 p.m. 18
motor, new. used only two hours' $176
cash for both. 2401 67th pi., Tuxedo,
Md„ after 4 p.m 17*
DEADRISE, 44 ft., l*/4 In. whit# cedar
planked, ready to go anywhere; sacrifice,
$1,850. 16-ft. outboard boat and motor.
$150. AL WEILS BOAT YARD. Anacostia
River, above Sousa Bridge. —18
CUSTOM-BUILT pleasure and work boats,
built to order at reasonable prices. One
used 40-ft. work boat for sale at NIZMAN
Phone West River 81-P-2. —22
SPEEDBOAT. 20 leet. mahogany built. V-8
conversion, $500. WA. 9852. —10
WANTED—.Rowboat. 15 to 18 feet: must
be in good condition and reasonable. Call
MI 3545 bet. 4 and 5 p.m. 18*
A NEW 1847 EYTNRUDE outboard motor.
22 h.p Call DI. 8032 —21
MUST BE SEEN to appreciate; 36-ft. bridge
deck cruiser. 110-h.p. motor; perfect condi
tion: sleeps six, toilet, galley, fully
equipped, ready to go. $2,300. No 13J782
4218 or PR. 0758. 19*
h.p. in atock; price. $102 25. 8 KING
PULTON. INC., 805 Maine ave. s.w . EX.
3406. 23*
SPEED BOAT. 29 ft., mahogany; perfeet
cond. AD. 2055. —19
30x8 CABIN CRUISER. Chrysler crown en
gine. sleeps 4. bottled gas stove, sink, toilet.
GL. 0047 —18
CABIN SLOOP, length 18'A ft., auxiliary
motor, built 1949. TE. 7609 —21
RICHARDSON Sports Commuter, 1947 dis
play model: list price, $6,429; reduced to
$5,144; special equipment, 116-b.p. Chrys
ler motor, skeg. helmsman seat, mahogany
table, elec, gas gauge, elec, windshield
wiper, etc ; last one of two available Will
accept late model auto in trade or will
finance. THE JACK STONE CO . INC.,
GL. 7200. —21 |
RICHARDSON CRUISER, 24’. Oray marine
motor, galley, head, dinette; sleeps 3; ex
cellent condition, $2,450. PR- 3517 20
SPEED BOAT—Cnscrsft. Jeeebel the 3d:
new engine; fast; best offer. Ml. L448.
OUTBOARD MOTOR, Zrlnrude Zephyr. 4
eylinder. 6 5 h.p. recently overhauled A-l
eonda 900 Maine ave. s.w., 1303 Mont
gomery gt.. Silver Spring. —18
necting rms.: downtown ares; newlr dec
orated. MI. 9283. —18
134ft INGRAHAM ST. N.W—Comfortable
•oom. twin beds: single or dble.: 14th and
Colorado streetcar. —20
Cathedral ave.—Large double room, twin
beds, semlpvt. bath; men; L-2, L-4 bus.
1750 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Girl to share rm.
with another girl; *22.50 per month: maid
lervlce and laundry privileges included.
HOTEL 1440 R I. AVE.—Neatly furn.. lst
B. dble. rm.. ad.i. Bath. $12 wk.: lge. sgle.
bsmt. rm.. *8 wk.. tub and shower. —21
2040 PIERCE MILLS RD.—Comfortable
rm. with porch, next bath. lge. bed. for 1
perm, employed man. $35 per mo. CO. 78J.2.
1719 DR SALES ST. N.W., near Conn., be
tween L and M—Double rm., twin beds;
students or employed couple; $45 per mo.
HOTEL HAWTHORNE. 2134 G st"~ri'w.
RE. 402' — Single rooms. $7.50-$10.60
weekly: doubles. $13-$16 weekly; running
water in rms, plenty baths and showers.
1730 10th ST. N.W.—Former legation bldg .
'or employed ladies Very comfortable large
single rooms; sample bath and closet facill
:ies. Gentile family. $25 to *45. —20
1445 SPRING RD. N.W.. Apt 301—Double
room, next to bath. conv. 14th and 16th
st. transp. OE. 0484. —18
1520 37th ST. (corner Porter st.)—Space
in bedrm. for refined young lady to share
with another young lady; home and sur
roundings must be seen to be appreciated;
130 per month. —18
1410 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—Soma very
ovely rms, beautifully furnished; conv.
ransportation. RA, 8888. —18
LGE. FRONT RM.; nr. streetcar and bug
transp.; refined pvt. home; unlimited
bhone. DU. *859. —18
fVHITESTONE HOTEL, across from Statler.
:orner 16th and h n.w.—Weekly rates,
single, $14: double. $21; children accepted:
■ates for family groups, RE. 0442. —20
HOTEL EMERY, 1812 O st. n.w., two blka.
west of White House—Singles, $1.50-$2.5O<
loubles. $2.S0-$4: summer discounts na
loubles; elevator; phonea In all rooms.
RE 1812
(•HE ALTURA8 HOTEL—1509 16th at.
n.w.—Newly decorated rooms, summer
■ates; dining room in bull-ii. ;,. NO. 8145.
THE CHURCHILL. 1740 P 8T. N.W.—Well
turn. rooms, inner-spring mattresses, run
F7.50 to $10; dbl.. $10 to $12 weekly.’—lft
GAYTONIA. 1513 16th st. n.w.—Clean,
with elec, fans; single, $2; double, $3 per
day: weekly rates. 20*
2724 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Lge. front
room, exceptionally nicely furnished. Pvt.
borne. Gentleman. $50 mo. CO. 7051.
DUPONT AREA, 1747 18th st. n.w,—Lovely
clean rm.. single. $36: dble., twin beds, $48:
gentlemen DE. 9658 —19
1929 19th ST. N.W.—Twin beds. $5 50
per week; near bath; conv. to all transp.
DU. 5788. —20
2009 KALORAMA RD.—Clean, attractiva
room for 2; twin beds; laundry privileges.
$20 each per mo. NO 7039. —18
Sit. PLEASANT — Beautiful larae front
room for 2; Phone in room; double closet,
twin beds, excel, transp. NO. 3861. —18
2270 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W. — X*rge.
comfortable room, near Wardman Park;
‘/a blk. from bus; gentlemen. AD. 5919.
PRIVATE HOME adjoining Rock CTeek
Park; 16th at. section; single or twln
bed room; excellent accommodations OE.
9313. 18*
7711 EASTERN ave. N.W—5 min. from
Walter Reed, blk, of Ga. and Alaska
bus and terminal. Choice master rm.,
with porch adjoining bath. Also single.
Pine food. 8H. 3317. 8H. 9775. —L8
72ft QUACKENBOS ST. N.W.—Room with
twin beds, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Garage
available. GE. 0921. —18
1634 CONN. AVE.—Single room for refined
gentleman. Hot water and shower. $35.
4717 :»6th 8T. N.W.—Nicely fum. lge. rm.,
with bath, in new heme; excel, transp.;
gentleman. $60. EM. 7044. —18
1624 18th ST. N.W.. Hotel Farmington,
near Dupont Circle—Large, cool, comfort
able rooms; twin beds, phone in rm.; 24
hr. office and switchboard; dally maid
service; shady street; $12.50 up single.
$15 up double, weekly. —22
1821 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W., st 18th and
Columbia rd.—Nicely furnished room. $40
per mo. Apply HENRY J. ROBB. INC •
1024 Vt ave. n.w,. DI. 8141. —IP
2923 OftDWAY 8T. N.W., off 3400 block
Conn. ave.—Large, comfortable room In
refined private home; gentleman only.
OR. 3435. —18
LANIER PL. N.W. (near 18th and Col. rd i
—Large front room, modern home: excel
lent transportation, for 2 gentlemen. NO.
8995. 21*
FURN., 2 beaut, bedrooms; 4 refined ladles,
perm, emp., ref.; pvt. home; restricted area.
Box 42-D. Star 18*
2147 F ST. N.W.—Small single studio rm
sink, grill, share elec, refgr., $7; small
hallrm.. $6. EX. 0663. —21
4022 ILL. AVE. N.W.—Room, private bath;
settled gentleman; gentile home; $36.
TA. 3659 —20
DUPONT CIRCLE. 1302 Conn. ave.—Large
rm., twin beds, large closet, nicely fur
nished; maid service, $25 ea. per mo. —22
1611 VARNUM ST. N.W.—'Very lovely
double room, large closet, pvt. bath: pvt.
home; Via blk. 16th st. bus. RA. 3197.
822 GALLATIN ST. N.W., within 1 blk.
of Ga. ave. streetcar, bus. shopping center,
movies and restaurants; men only. —22
ftft 14 14th ST. N.W.—Bedrm- suitable for
married couple. $40: or lady. $35; gentile
home; shopping and transp. TA. 8620.
621 4th ST. N.W.—For sleeping. *'for men."
white; clean; convenient location, reason
able. Call bet. 10 a m. and 6 p m. 18*
Wardman and Shoreham hotels: nicely
fur. dbl. rm., twin beds, adj. bath; home
comfort for young lady; $25 mo. AD.
5934. —18
SCOTT CIRCLE—1521 R. I ; double rm..
running water: single room; every conv.:
home: reasonable. Gentlemen. —18
1750 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Young man to
share large, front, airy room with another
man: maid service and laundry privileges;
$22.60 per mo. —21
ONE ROOM to rent to young married
couple, white, to have use of apartment.
WA. 7674. Call before 12 noon. 21*
4622 15th ST. N.W.—Lovely rm.. with pvt.
bath; gentleman; gentile home; $60. RA.
0469. —19
CHEVY CHASE, near Conn. ave. bus—20
min. to downtown; $14 a meek; 1 gentle
man only. 3816 Military rd., EM. 2123.
1020 16th ST. N.W.—Rooms for young
ladles; ideal downtown location, across
from Statler Hotel. IP*
1332 15th ST. N.W.—Lge. sleeping rm .
adJ. bath: unlim. phone; I or 2 ladies.
$32.60 sgle., $45 dble. NO 1749. —18
2324 19th ST. N.W.—Attractive, tingle,
front rm : convenient transportation; $26.
DE. 5490. —:10.,
2108 18th 8T. N.W.—Rooms for rent. $4
per week, men only. Call CO. 1852 for
appointment. —23
1627 CONN. AVE.—Large dble. studio rm .
newly decorated, plenty closet space; 1
other person shares bath HO. 2011. —19
2007 O ST. N.W.—Don Carlos Hotel, near
Dupont Circle—E4-hr. office; Phone in
room, maid service; Inner-spring mat
tresses, all-wool blankets; 16 tub-shower
baths; courteous employes, refined atmos
yucir, clean, uuiei. iuimuu»un.t **«»** x
single. $15 double, weekly. —30
4107 FESSENDEN N.W.—Attrac. eor. rm ;
young lady; gentile home; nr. transp.; no
other roomers. EM. 1092 after 0 —23
"NICE SINGLE ROOM” In a friendly home
at 4309 Jenifer st. n.w.; nicely furntehed
and handy to everything; $35 per month.
EM. 7372. —21
2714 CATHEDRAL AVE.. off Conn.—
Large attrac. furnished front rm., twin
beds. Also single room. AD. 4795. —22
3331 18th ST. N.W.—Lge. 3-rd. fl. front
rm.; refined girls only; conv. transp., sernl
pvt. bath. AD. 6911. —10
5818 0th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished room.
2 exposures. semlprlvate bath; 1 block ex
press bus. GE. 0283 —23
PRIVATE BATH, porch, twin beds, laun
dry privileges: double bus service at door:
maid; girls; $30 each. WO. 5497.
4910 lit ST. N.W.—Nice dbl. rm., twin
beds; *45; also sgl. rm. *30; express bus
and phone. Call eves . RA. 9446. —23
MT. PLEASANT, 3114 19th st n.w—Front
room, twin beds, suitable for 2 glrla; elec
sewing machine, kitchen prlvl. CO. 9331.
call after 7. —18
GLOVER PARK. 2310 37th it n.w.—Large
double room, next to bath; clean and quiet;
twin beds. 2 closets; for 2 quiet men; un
limited phone. Call after 0 pm. EM.
3911. 19*
1348 PARKWOOD PL. N.W.—Newly fur
nished room, single; inneraprlng mattreei;
on 14th it. carline. Call after 4:30 pm.
• IS*
DUPONT CIRCLE. 2110 R at n,w.—Large
front room for two; nicely furnished. $20
mo. each: single, $35. 28*
3SII BEECHER &T. N.W—Attac. lge. bed
room with dressing room, twin beds; for 2
gentlemen; ideal transportation. Call OR
3658. 19*
MT. PLEASANT. 1888 Monroe at. n w,—2
sgl. bedrms , newly decorated; for refined
business girls unlimited phone —10
3823 14th ST. N.w.—New Inner-spring
beds. $30 and *35 mo. GE 6709. —19
1341 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Lge. attrac
tive front studio room; vacancy for 1 girl
to share. Call after 6 p m., DU. 9012. —19
1456 MONROE ST. N.W.—2 ladies, large
dbl. rm . 4 windows, thin beds, big closet.
laundry privileges. *30 ea. per mo AD
3S28. —21
1033 IRVING ST. N.W—lat-fl.. lge nicely
furnished studio rm., gentleman only. *40
a month —19
3804 VEAZEY 8T. N.W.—Front rm., twin
beds. pvt. shower, nicely furn. pvt. home.
WO 8504. —23
1803 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Reasonable;
vacancies, excellent transportation. DU.
9700. *1*
GEORGETOWN, 1607 31st at n.w.—
Cheerful, well-exposed double and single
rooms. home atmosphere; convenient
Georgetown University. *
1423 SPRING RD. N.W.—Adjoining sit
ting room and aleeplng porch; laundry
privileges; couple only. CO. 8691. Call
after 6 p.m. 10
2017 J Ith ST. N.W.—Bleeping rooms,
triple, double and single; conv. to ahop.
and transp CO. 4245. —20 .
319 BUTTERNUT SI. N.*».—Large iruin.
rm., dble. or single, plenty of closets; In
pvt home, nr Welter Reed Hosp , ex
press bus end streetcar, 20 min. to town.
TA. 2499. —20
CHEVY CHASE—Double room; 2 girls;
$70 mo. WO. 7425. —20
2217 14th ST. N.W.—Furn. room, in pri
vate apt. building. *7 per week. See jan
itor on premises.
.11442 HODMAN ST. N.W.—2 large fur
nished rooms, private bath; pleasant sur
roundings suitable for young couple. —23
Mass. AVE. PARK—Exceptionally large,
comfortably furnished room, for single
gentlemmn; 3 exposure!, semiprivate bath,
in private residence, 10-mlnute walk to
Shoreham Hotel. V, block to bua. refer
ences exchanged; $flo a month or S14
weekly. Box 422-D, Star 19*
1123 EUCLID ST. N.W—Large front
room, for 2 or 3 college student*. AD.
9597 —
18th AND II STS.—Small front studio rm.
for one gentleman; completely private:
private entrance; dally maid aervlce; $35.
1827 ?AHknRD. N.W.—Very delightful
lge. south corn, rm.; attractively furn ;
twin beds; open fireplace; very Ige. eloget
space; semipvt. bath; ahower; nr. transp.j
two gentlemen. NO 9225. ...
DOWNTOWN. 939 G FL. H.W.—«n|l9
and double rms . reasonable rate*. ME.
9567 —20
CHEVY CHASE. D- C—Comfortable *ln*la
rm.: aemlpvt. bath; gantleman; $36. wo.
?or DISCRIMINATING young man; ideal
for studant; refs, required. OE. 2143
. lOonflnuod M Next Peg*.. .

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