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&arb of (Blanks MINDEL, SAMUEL. We wish to thank •ur many friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy upon the pssslnv °f our beloved husband and father. SAMUEL MINDEL. WIFE AND CHILDREN. Bfatfoa Alexander, dora ann. Entered into Jn/f'LS on Wednesday. September 24. 1947. DORA ANN AI.EXANDER of 1104 ?th stj *!*•• daughter of the late Joseph L. and Sarah L. Wanzer and slater of Mrs. Sarah L Henry and the late George R. Wanzer. She also Is survived by other relatives and many friends. Rela ajhd ffltods may call on Sunday, r 11 a.m.. at the John T. Rhinea 4s Co Funeral Home. 3rd and ffe ats. I.w„ where funeral services will otL Monday. September 29. at llev- ,A i- Edwards officiating. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. 25.26,28 ..l^hDWIN, RUTH NAZAREE. On Wed ?a»S£ jP.P^.fPPP,'' 24. 1947. RUTH NA Vr^.v7 BA.i(PWIN' daughter of Mrs. Mary Al!0, *urvlving are many other "i*V ni,52,d» 'I1'?,*18- Funeral and Intgr by^vl^G Brooks. L°C*1 *rran'«‘™"'8 Sf^^asFi”^ Wi^IAnM of i m Greenbelt, Md.. husband P,‘ J- Blew, father of Carl Wii A?aslcaB and&nMr*Wiv!an? Houard Blew^of PcnslrpU dFi^ 5 u V,.rJ!ima R Harris of Mary R ew P1H^.Jir0theI of Clayton and teeS29*.lthie4tSh ?£ ^"w'8 &n?B£nb" ~7’ *, ;1 ^BLEW, WILLIAM H Areme Chapter. f?, E 8., of Washington. D. C„ will conduct Eastern Star for our late orother. a WILLIAM H. BLEW, junior past 0“troo- on Saturday. September 27’ 1947. at 3 P.m,. at the R Hines Co. Funeral Home. *901 14th st. n.w. BERTHA M. KUN8T. Worthy Matron. VARINA H. PENROD. Secretary. CARTER, SAMUEL. Suddenly, on Wed Besday. September 24, 1947. at his resi d®nce. 4410 Eads st. n.e.. SAMUEL CARTER, the beloved husband of Phoebe Carter. Also surviving are several nieces, nephews and a host of relatives and friends. After 1 p.m. Friday, September 26. friends may call at his late resi dence. Funeral on Saturday. September -7. at 1:30 p.m.. at Mount Pleasant. Md.n eServices by Rollins. 4339 Hunt _^JLARK' VIOLA. Members of the Senior Sodality of Holy Redeemer Church are requestedI to meet at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home. New Jersey ave. and R rt 9;*ii 1° recite the rosary for the repose M the soul of Mrs. VIOLA CLARK tonight. Friday, September 26. 1947. at 9:15 © clock. ^JGinamason, secretary' VERONICA BELFORD. Consul tor, Band No. 10. CLARKE, VIOLA. Forest Temple. No. ». I. B. P. O. E. of W.. la hereby notified of the funeral of Daugh ter VIOLA CLARKE, to be held on Saturday, September 27. 1947, at 9 a.m.. from the Holy Re deemer Catholic Church. Elk services on Friday. September 26. at 7 p.m.. at the Malvan & Schey Fu neral Home. N. J. avc. and R st. n.w. TILL1E B. DELANEY. Daughter Ruler. BEATRICE WEST, Financial Secretary. CORNISH. JOSEPH SHELBY. On Wed nesday September 24, 1947, at Mount Alto Hospital. JOSEPH SHELBY CORNISH of 10 Randolph pi. n.w.. beloved husband of Orace Dubant Cornish and father ol Mrs. Grace Cornish Koontz- brother ol £ Morgan Cornish of Plain Dealing, a., and W. J. Cornish of Haynesville, La.; grandfather of Susan Dubant Koontz Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st n.w., on Monday, September 29, at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 28 CORNISH, JOSEPH S. Members o! Local No. 4. Bookbinders' Union, are in formed of the death of Brother JOSEPH S.. CORNISH, who died on Wednesday. September 24. 1947. Funeral on Mon day. September 29, from the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. at 2 p.m. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Union services on Friday. Sep tember 26, at 8 p.m,. at the above funeral home. Signed. FeiANCIS J. KENNY. Rec. Sec. DAVIS, JOSEPH PRINCE. Departed this life on Thursday. September 26, 1947. at Galllnger Hospital. JOSEPH PRINCE DA VIS of 8l7 Sprlngman ct. s.w.. the loving husband of Gertrude Davis, de voted father of Lillian Bell Davis and Irving Joaeph Davis; brother of James William. Elmore Wilson and George Wil bur Davis. Other relatives and many friends alto survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines k Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. _ DAY. BERNARD FREDERICK. On Tuesday. September 2.3, 1947. at Windsor. N. Y.. BERNARD FREDERICK DAY of 2902 Vista st. n.e., the beloved husband of Frances E. Day. father of Guy Paul. John Leonard Day and Mrs James C. Duffy; brother ot Mrs. John Pippert, Mrs. Edward Fisher and Mrs. Earl Hobson. Services at the above residence on Satur day, September 27, at 2:30 p.m. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by Chambers. 27 DEVO, LUC1LE. On Thursday, Septem ber 25. 1947. LUCIbE DEVO of 101!) Columbia rd. n.w,. wife of Charles Devc and sister of E. and Samuel L. Edwards. 1. M. Owens. M. L. Crump and James Edwards. Other relatives and friends also survive. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Malvan k Schey. • DIXON, CORRINNE V. On Thursday, September 25, 1947, at Providence Hos pital, CORRINNE V. DIXON, beloved wife of William H. Dixon, daughter of Thorn ton H. and Mildred E. Griffith and slstez of Arlene Nally. Prayers at Chambers' Fhneral Home. 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. DODDS, JOHN H. On Thursday. Sep tember 25. 1847, at his residence. 1417 11th st. n.w., JOHN H. DODDS, son ol Louisa Dodds, brother of Minnie, Samuel. Hezeklah. Annie. Oscar and James Dodds and lather of Jefferson Dodds. Other relatives and friends also survive. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Fra zier s Funeral Home. Inc. 27 ftJNEBAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E. LI. 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS _Crematorium In Case of Death Call un( or the Lories, undertaker* : in the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Foar Larae Funeral Ho met Phone CO. 0432 FRANK GEIER'S SONS CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N.W. Hobart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th fit. N.W. _Estattliahed 1*61_ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the origin? 1 w. R. Speare establishment 1009 li St. N.W. National**^2893 funeraZTdesigns. Blackistone, Inc. ' BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It GUDE BROS. CO. Individually deaiined Wreathe and Spraye Charic aeeennte opened by phone 1812 F 8t. N.W.—NAtlonal «276 C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAT. S3.95 UP DELIVERED : Charie Aeeonnta Invited 'Two Convenient Locations 808 14th 8t. N.W. ME. 7433 _9T3 F St. N.W._ME. 7404 GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. . EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTE AT * MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. 01 Op Cor. 14th & Eye and Sunday CHACONAS FLOWERS beautiful FLORAL PIECES. (S.00 and ni DELIVERED 2609 14th St. N.W. Phone DU. 7121 AMBULANCES. AMBULANCES On* of the Finest Fleets in the World! Rates on and after Sept. 15, $10. City and Sub urbs, rata $10, up to 10 miles. Beautiful, now Cadillacs. Chambers, CO. 0432. {faamfaML CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. a SITES IN FORT LINCOLN Cemetery, valued at $875. and are selling lor $700 cash. On road next to chapel. Apply at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. —28 FOR SALE—Columbia Gardens Cemetery, beautiful 4-trave lot: choice location: sec tion B: perpetual care. $450. Owner transferred to Mo. Write B. G. FAGALA. |/o Bailey School, 1651 8. Grand ave.. 8t. Lotus 4. Mo. 28* 4 Srattja ELLIS. MARGARET A. On Thursday September 25, 1947, MARGARET A E1J.IS of 3314 South 1st st.. Arlington Va.. oeloved wife of Joseph A. Ellis am mother of Alvin A. and George P Pettitt Elsie Van Devier, Isabell Inge. Joseph A Ellis, jr.. and sister of Edith Sunday Theresa Inaco Stephens. Beatrice Spitz Msttle Grlsbey and George. Patrick anr John Snyde; Funeral from the residenci of her sister. Edith Sunday. 3712 Nortl Pershing dr.. Arlington. Va. on Monday September 29. at in a.m. Relatives ar.< friends invited. Interment Mount Olive Cemetery. 28 EYSTER. MARGUERITE. On Thurs day. September 25. 1947. Mrs. MAR GUERITE EYSTER of All 8tates Hotel ''•shlngton. D. C.. grandmother of Rutl Lord Carlstrand of 8320 16th st.. Silvei spring. Md. Services at the 8. H. Hinei Co. Funeral Heme. 2901 14th st. n w. on Saturday. September 27. at 11 a.m Interment Druid Ridge Cemetery, Balti more, Ma. FOLKER, JOSEPH F. On Thursday September 25, 1947, at his residence 1716 Webster st. n.e . JOSEPH F. FOLK ER. beloved husand of Annie E. Folker father of Mrs. Leona H. Johnson, son o: Henry J- Folker. sr.. and brother of Henn Folker. jr.. and Sister M Justiniani Friends may call at the above address untf 9 a m. Saturday. September 27. Service! at trie Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. anr Mass. ave. n.e.. at 11 a.m. Saturday. Sep tember 2/. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. FRICK. WILLIAM EMIL. Suddenly, or Thursday. September 25. 1947. at hi; home. 4803 Chew Chase dr.. Chev: Chase. Md.. WILLIAM EMIL FRICK, be loved husband of Edna McGaw Frick Remains resting at the Bcthesda-Chevj 'Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Fum phrey. Bethesda. Md.. where iuneral serv ices will be held on Saturday. Septem bfr, 2<. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Cedai Hill Cemetery. (Philadelphia paper! niP9C« rnnv l o*■ FRICK, WILLIAM EMIL. Bethesdi Lodge, No. 204, A. F. & A. M. is hereby notified to assembli at the lodge at 2 p.m. Saturday September 27. 1947, for the pur. pose of conducting funpral serv Ices for our late brother. WIL LIAM EMIL FRICK. CARROLL B. SAGER, Worshipful Master. JOHN 8. COOMBS, Secretary. 27 GAINOUS. EUNICE. Departed this ltfi on Wednesday. September 24. 1947. afte; a lingering Illness at Glenn Dale Sani tanum. EUNICE GAINOUS. beloved daugh ter of Mr. Newitt Vanhook and devotet daughter of Mrs. Victoria Gainous. Als< surviving are a host of other relative, and many friends. After 2 p.m. Friday September 2d. friends are invited to ca! at the Cornish & Cornish Funeral Home 2121 10th st. n.w. Services on Saturday September 27. at the Holy Redeemei Church. New York and New Jersey aves n.w., followed by low mass at 10 am Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • GIBBS. CLARENCE EDWARD. JR. Oi Thursday. September 25. 1947, at hi; residence, 6 Carver rd.. Cabin John. Md. CLARENCE EDWARD GIBBS. Jr., belovec son of Clarence Edward and Lilly Gibb; and brother of Shirley Ann, Carole ant James Dibbs. He also leaves other rela tives and friends. After 3 p.m. Satur day, September 27, friends may call a the W. Ernest Jarvis West End Parlor 28th st and Dumbarton ave. n.w. Fu neral services on Sunday. September 28 at 2 p.m.. at the above parlor. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mose; Cemetery. Cabin John. Md. 28 GIBSON. ARABELLA H. On Tuesday September 23. 1947. at the home of he; daughter. 8126 Georgetown rd.. Bethesda Md., ARABELLA H. GIBSON Cnee Padgett I beloved mother of Mrs. J. W. Schwenk Mrs. John Schnell and Millard M. Padgett Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chev: Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pum Phrey, Bethesda. Md.. where funeral serv ices will be held on Friday Septembe 26, at 1 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoli Cemetery 26 HALL. MELVIN YOUNG. On Wednes day, September 24, 1947. at the Washing ton Sanitarium. MELVIN YOUNG HAIL the beloved husband of Ruth M. Hall am lather of Robert F.. Edward N , Russell A Melvin Y.. Eugene A. and Gary W. Hal and Mrs. Kathryn R. Beavers. Mrs. Audre: V. Jeffries, Mrs. Lois F. Mathias, Mrs rtllla M. Diedxichsen, Mrs. June G. Shep herd. Mrs. Thelma J. Barber, Mrs. Vli gin la L. Layne and Miss Joanne L. Hall Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 51’ 11th si. s.e., on Saturday. September 27 at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 27 HAWKINS, MAY ROBINSON. On Wed nesday. September 24. 1947, at New Yorl City. MAY ROBINSON HAWKINS, siste of Eva R. Archer and James A. Robin son. Friends are invited to call at thi McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 9th st n.w., from 12 to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sep tember 27. Interment Harmony Cem* JOHNSON, LOUISE RAWLINGS. Ol Thursday, September 25. 1947, at thi residence of her daughter. 8404 Pari Crest dr Silver Spring. Md., LOUISI RAWLINGS JOHNSON, wife of the lati Fred Johnson and mother of Clara R. James A., Henry M. Johnson and Mrs Joseph F. Schaeffer. Friends are invitee io call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e. Services at Chris Church. 620 G st. s.e., on Saturday, Sep tember 27, at 2 p.m. Interment Rocl Creek Cemetery. 28 JOHNSON, OSLEY OTELIE. On Tues day. September 23, 1947, at her rest dence. 2123 6th st. n.w., OSLEY OTELII JOHNSON, beloved daughter of Edware and Annabelle Johnson. Also survivini are five sisters, two brothers and man: other relatives and friends. Friends ma: call after 5 p.m. Friday, September 28 at the Johnson & Jenkins Funeral Home 2053 Ga. ave. n.w.. where funeral serv ices will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday September 27. Interment Harmony Ceme tery. • JORDAN. DOVE. On Tuesday. Septem ber 23. 1947, at Georgetown Unlverslt: Hospital, DOVE JORDAN, the beloved wifi of the late Thomas Jordan and sister o: Mrs. Le Wsnna Henley Dickinson of 910( Georgetown rd., Bethesda. Md. Memoria services will be held on Friday. Septem ber 26. at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Fu neral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey Bethesda. Md.. at 2 p.m. 26 KNOTTS. WILLIAM A. On Friday September 28. 1947. at his home. 381; S st. n.w.. WILLIAM A. KNOTTS, hus band of the late Mary L. Knotts, fathei of Mrs. Dorothy K. Faerber and brothel of Mrs. John Q. Walton, jr : Mrs. Edns Heacock of Washington, D. C.. and Georgi : W. Knotts- of Youngstown. Ohio. Alst surviving is a grandson. Nelson A. Faer I bcr. Friends may call at the Birch Fu I neral Home. 3034 M st. n.w., where serv , ices will be held on Monday, Septembei 29, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hil Cemetery. 28 LEDGER. MARGARET CECIL. Or [Thursday, September 25. 1947. at hei residence. 3434 South Dakota ave. n.e. MARGARET CECIL LEDGER, beloved will , of John H. Ledger and mother of Mrs j George D. Miller and Richard Ledger Friends may call at the above residenci on Sunday. September 28 Services wil be held at the Church of Our Saviour 1600 Irving st. n.e., on Monday. Septem. ber 29. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 28 LYNN, ALBERT LAWRENCE. Departei this life on Tuesday, September 23. 1947 at his residence. 102 Fairfax st., Dupon Heights, Md.. ALBERT LAWRENCE LYNN beloved husband of Margaret Lynn anc son of Ann Lynn. He also Is survivec [by seven daughters, two sons, three broth ers, two sisters, three grandchildren anc many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at his late residence aftei 8 p.m. Friday. September 28. Funera services on Saturday, September 27. a: 1 p.m., at St. Paul's A. U. M. P. Church 4th and Eye sts. s.e.. Rev. Scott offi ciating. Relatives and friends invited Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Arrangements ay Henry S. Washington Si Son. 26 LYON, NELLIE. On Wednesday. Sep tember 24. 1947. at Prince Georges Hos : pital. NELLIE LYON, beloved wife o: ■ the late Henry Lyon. She is survivec i by a son. Henry C. Lyon, and three daugh ters. Mrs. William A. Hagan. Mrs. A. T Stear and Mrs. H. M. De Volt. Also sur ! viving are seven grandchildren and twe [ great-grandchildren. Mrs. Lyon rests a : Gasch's Funeral Home, 4739 Baltimori | ave., Hyattsville, Md. Services at thi First Baptist Church. Hyattsville, Md. Relatives and friends invited Intermen Fort Lincoln Cemetery. MAXEY, MICHAEL. On Wednesday September 24, 1947. MICHAEL MAXEY husband of the late Sallle E. Maxey anc father of Mrs. Sarah E. Miller. Prayer: at Chambers’ Funeral Home, 517 11th st s.e., on Saturday, September 27, at 8:3< a.m. Mass at St. Peter’s Catholic Church 2nd and C sts. s.e.. at 9 a.m. Relative: and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 26 MELCHIOR. JAMES G. On Friday September 26. 1947, JAMES G. MEL CHIOR, beloved husband of Millie Mel chior and brother of William H anc George W. Melchior. Mrs. Lillie M. Halida] and Mrs Addle T. Shannon. Service: , at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 lltk st. s.e.. on Monday. September 29, al 11:30 a.m. Interment Washington Na ! tional Cemetery. 28 1 MORAN, GEORGE L. On Wednesday September 24, 1947. at his residence. :180’. East Capitol Si. n.e.. GEORGE L. MORAN husband of Mary W. Moran and fathe: iOf Robert E.. George E. and Mrs. E!si< Moran, Mrs. Helen Corbin and Mrs. Man gean- at Chambers’ Funera Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Saturday. Sep tember 27. at 10 a.m. Mass at St. Fran I cis Xavier Catholic Church. 28th st and Pa. ave. s.e.. at 10:30 a.m. Hoi] Name members please take notice. In : terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 26 MORROW, FLOYd. On Thursday. Sep tember 25. 1947. at Casualty Hos pital. FLOYD MORROW, belovec husband of Ruth C. Morrow Services at Chambers' Funera Home, 517 11th st. s.e.. on Mon day. September 29. at 10 a.m Interment Arlington National Cemetery 28 MORSCHER. LAWRENCE NORTON. Oi Friday. September 26. 1947. at Arlingtor Hospital, LAWRENCE NORTON MOR SCHER of 1416 North Veltch st.. Arling ton, Va., beloved husband of Mary Alic< Morscher and father ol Mrs. Mary Flor ence Drechsler and Lawrence Nortoi Morscher. lr.: grandfather of Charles Ed ward. Mary Kathryn and Room Nortoi Dreschler. Remains resting at the lye: Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd,. Arling ton. Va., where funeral services will bi held on Sunday, September 28. at 4 p.m. Interment private. Kindly omii flowers. 28 NEELY. BERTHA. On Thursday. Sep I tember 25, 1947. at Washington Sani tarium. BERTHA NEELY of 1819 Islins i ton st.. Silver Spring. Md„ wife of th< late Charles H. Neely mother of Heler Margaret Bartenstein and sister of Mrs Belle H. Tucker and Orville D. Taylor Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funera Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday September 27. at 1 p.m. Interment Ivi Hill Cemetery. Alexandria, Va ROHRBACH, GEORGE. On Thursday September 25. 1947, at Garfield Memoria Hospital. GEORGE ROHR BACK, belovec husbahd of Carrie S. Rohrbach inee Har rell) and father of Doris R. Lyons anc Marguerite Rohrbach. Funeral from th< residence of his daughter. 1900 T pi. s.e. on Saturday. September 27. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Intermen Congressional Cemetery. 1 Cab Driver in Fatal Auto Wreck Fined $100 at Hyattsville Convicted of reckless driving, a 22-year-old Bethesda man was fined $100 and given a suspended six month sentence in Hyattsville Police Court yesterday as the result of a traffic crash May 11 that proved fatal to one and caused injuries to four persons. He was acquitted on a manslaughter charge. The line and suspended sentence were ordered for James L. Day, a taxicab operator of 4813 Auburn avenue. His vehicle failed to com plete a turn at the Beltsville curve on the Washington-Baltimore boule vard and struck a telephone pole. Hosie Courtney, 23, of 7124 Wis consin avenue, Bethesda, died in Prince Georges General Hospital, Cheverly, from multiple injuries re ceived in tire crash. Four others, in cluding Day, were injured. One of the victims, John R. Turner, 19, of 4905 Walsh street, Chevy Chase, Md„ appeared in court yesterday wear ing a neck and spine brace, a result of the accident. State Trooper Earl Griffith told Trial Magistrate Alan Bowie the cab apparently was going at an excessive speed, causing the accident. Judge Bowie also dismissed a man slaughter charge against Henry M. Botts, 22, of 224* Tenth street S.E., who was charged with being the 1 driver of an automobile which fatally injured two pedestrians in the 6000 block of Defense highway, Bladens : burg, on August 22. The pedestrians were Crettie Smith, 58, colored, 6202 Defense highway, who died the following day, and George Frost, 59, colored, of the 5900 block of Defense highway, who died September 9. Prince Georges County Policeman Horace King told the court the two i victims stepped into the path of Bott’s oar. In other cases, Richard K. Betts, 18, of 9096 Baltimore boulevard, Berwyn, who was fined a total of $263.70 in the same court Monday on seven charges growing out of a 100-mile per hour speed chase, forfeited $11.70 on another traffic charge involving speeding. Nearly 5,000,000 people live in the comparatively tiny Ruhr area of Germany. i t brothers, Casper, Wilmer and Homer Saun 1 £ers,i Ave sisters. Mar7 Weaver. Myrtle I £ank!L HS,ncla Weston. Margie Williams and i Dorothy Saunders: one devoted daughter in-law and other relatives and Iriends. Re restmg with L. E. Murray & Son. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • SHELTON. ANNE GREEN. Departed this life on Tuesday, September 23, 1947. at Gallinger Hospital, after a long Ill ness, Mrs. ANNE GREEN SHELTON. She is survived by a husband. Mr. James Shelton; two brothers, Mi. Sylvester and Tommy Green: three sisters and a host of other relatives and many friends. The remains may be viewed at the Hall Brothers Funeral Home. 021 Florida ave n.w., on Friday. September 26. after 2 ?•“. Funeral services on Saturday, Sep tember ~i. at l p.m., at the above fu neral home. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. SLATER, CHARLES W. On Tuesday. September 23, 1947. at New York Cltv CtfARLES w. SLATER, husbaL of the Latt,°g5rgie J?ria<: Slater. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th at- on Saturday, September 27, at - P.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 26 SMITH, CHARLES H. fcolumbia Lodge. * No. 85, I. B. P. O. E. of W„ is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother CHARLES H. SMITH from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Vermont ave. and R st. n.w., on Saturday. September 27, 1947, at 1 p.m. Session of sor row on Friday, September 26. at the Elk6’ Home. 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. at 7:30 p.m. EMORY B. SMITH. Exalted Ruler. HARRY R. PRATT. Secretary. SMITH. CHARLES H Suddenly, on Wednesday. September 24, 1947. at his residence, 1013 Kenyon st n.w.. CHARLES H. SMITH, beloved husband of the late Florence V. Smith and devoted god father of Florence E. Jones. Other rela tives and friends also survive After 6 p.m. Friday, September 26, friends may call at his late residence. Funeral on Saturday. September 27, at 1 p.m., from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. C. T. Mary officiating. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by the Taft H. Williams Funeral Home, 1(02 12th st. n.w. • SMITH, CHARLES H. Officers and members of Past Exalted Rulers' Council, No. 4, I. B. P. O. E. of W.. are hereby notified of the death of Brother CHARLES H. SMITH. Session of sorrow on Friday, September 26, 1947. at 8 p.m., at Columbia Lodge Home. 301 R. I. ave. n.w. By order of ROSCOE C. ORME. Chief Antler. Attest: SAMUEL M. GRAHAM. First Scribe. SULLIVAN, JULIA. On Thursday, Sep tember 25. 1947, at Providence Hospital. JULIA SULLIVAN of 1151 North Capitol st., the beloved wife of Robert E. Sullivan. Funeral from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st,. on Satur Host Sentpmhor *V7. at SlUO a m Rp qulem mass at St. A’.oyslus Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. TIMBERLAKE. LUCY. On Tuesday. September 23. 1947. LUCY TIMBERLAKE. aunt of Bertha Thompson and Joseph Fenwick, foster mother of Johnnetta Evans and devoted friend of Cora Fisher. She also leaves other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. Timberlake may be viewed at Stewart's Funeral Home. 30 H st. n e.. after 3 p.m. Friday. Sep tember 28. Funeral on Saturday. Septem ber 27, at 1 p.m.. from the Mount Airy Baptist Church. L st. between 1st and North Capitol sts. n.w. Interment Payne s Cemetery. 26 TYREE, SUSIE. Departed this life on Thursday. September 26. 1947. at Alex andria Hospital. SUSIE TYREE of 1319 Cameron st.. Alexandria, Va., the loving wife of Henry Tyree and devoted mother of Mrs. Mabel Nicholas. Mr*. Bertha Gladney, Mrs. Rose Dixon and Burl Tyree. She also is survived by two brothers, other 1 relatives and many friends. Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhinos & Co. Funeral Home. 221 North Patrick st.. Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. WATERS. ELIZABETH. On Thursday. September 25. 1947, ELIZABETH WATERS of MitchevlUe, Md., sister of Josephine Deal. Rosa Spriggs and Walter. Eugene. William and Charles Fletcher. Notice of funeral later. Arrangments by Mal van & Schey. * WATKINS, MARY GREEN. On Wednes day. September 24. 1947. at her home, Boyds. Md.. MARY GREEN WATKINS, be loved wlie of the late Frank V'. Watkins Remains resting at the Colonial Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Humphrey, Rock ville, Md.. where funeral services will be held on Faturday, September 27. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Rockville l nion Ceme tery. 27 WHEELER, MATTIE VIRGINIA. On Friday. September 28. 1947. MATTIE VIRGINIA WHEELER, beloved wife of the late James E. Wheeler and mother of Howard and Joseph Wheeler of Marl boio. Md.; Mrs. Violet Taylor of Wash ington, D. C.: sister of Mrs. Belle Mus grove of Washington. D. C. F’uneral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w. Notice of time later. WHITE, EDWARD B. On Thursday. September 25, 1947, at Garfield Hospital, EDWARD B. WHITE ol 1671 Primrose rd. n.w., beloved husband of Carrie C. Coleman White, father of Edward B.. Jr., and Helen B. White: grandfather of Ed ward B. White, 3d. Funeral from the above residence on* Monday. September 29. at 8'3o a.m. Requiem mass at St. Gabriel’s Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. 28 WHITE, MARION GOLD3BOROUGH. Suddenly, on Thursday. September 25. 1947, at Gary. Ind., of a heart attack. MARION OOLbSBOROUGH WHITE ol j Haymarket. Va. Funeral services at the t Haymarket Episcopal Church on Saturday, i September 27, at 4 p.m. • WILLIAMS, HENRY C. On Wednesday. September 24. 1947. at Mount Alto Hos pital. HENRY C. WILLIAMS, beloved hus band of Mrs. Margaret Williams. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice l of funeral later. Arrangements by the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. WOOD. THOMAS LEO. Departed this life on Wednesday. September 24. 1947. at Freedmen’s Hospital. THOMAS LEO WOOD. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted mother, father, seven sisters, one brother, four uncles, six aunts, four nieces, three nephews and a host of relatives and friends Remains resting at the Bush Funeral Home. 1357 H st. n.e. The remains may be seen after 3 p.m. Friday. September 26. Funeral on, Saturday. September 27. at 9 a.m.. from the Holy Family Parish. Woodmore. Md. Relative! and friends Invited to attend. • A Mrs. Nelle Lyon Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs. Nell* Gilbert Lyon, 82, mother of Henrj A. Lyon of The Star editorial stafT will be conducted at the First Bap tist Church in Hyattsville at 2 p.m tomorrow by the Rev. Henry R Osgood, pastor. Mrs. Lyon died Wednesday night at Prince Georges General Hospital She had suffered a stroke Tuesdaj at the home of her daughter, Mrs H. M. De Volt, 5307 Thirty-eightt street, Hyattsville. A native of Michigan, Mrs. Lyor came to Washington in 1895 witt her husband, Henry A. Lyon, ther employed at the Government Print ing Office. They moved West ir 1906. Mr. Lyon died in 1929. Mrs. Lyon lived in Seattle for th« last 28 years, but frequently returnee here for long visits. She will be buried in Fort Lincolr Cemetery. Pedestrian, 70, Struck By Car, Is District's 54th Traffic Fatality The coroner today was investigat ing the District’s 54th traffic fatality of the year, a pedestrian who died in Emergency Hospital yesterday afternoon after he was struck by a car at Fourteenth and K street! N.W. The victim was identified as Her.rj H. Fuller, about 70, of Milford, Ohio He died less than two hours afte; being struck at 1:25 p.m. The traffic death toll here at this time last year was 45. The driver of the automobile wai identified by police as John Patrick Devenney, 32, of the 1500 block ol Quincy avenue, Tyler Park, Fall! Church. He said he was travelinf west on K street and had jusl started on a green light when Mr Fuller stepped off the curb in front of his car. Police said Mr. Fuller had com* nere some time ago to look aitei the affairs of a brother, Edward, 78 who is ill in Emergency Hospital Mr. Fuller was staying at the Edisor Hotel, 1114 Thirteenth street N.W. The driver of a car which struct and seriously injured Robert E Davis, 16, of the 200 block of Fif teenth street S.E., at Fourteenth and Massachusetts avenue Wednes day night was still being sought bj police. The youth was taken t< Casualty Hospital. Police also were looking for th< driver of an automobile which struck two persons riding a bicyclf last night in the 5000 block of Deant avenue N.E., knocking them dowr and injuring them slightly. Treated for cuts at Gallinger Hos pital, police reported, were Harolc Thomas, 45, colored, of 5537 Jaj street N.E., and Beatrice Conway 20, colored, of 4638 A street N.E According to police, they were struct by a car while riding a bicycle. Polici said the car had Maryland tags. Itt HUmnriam BOWE. AUDREY FRANCIS, AND FRAN CIS, MARTHA VERNON. A tribute o love and devotion to the memory of ou dear ones. AUDREY FRANCIS BOWE who passed away two years ago today and MARTHA VER NON FRANCIS, who passed away four teen years ago, September 18, 1033. They sjjh live, in our memory. YOUR DEVOTED FAMILY. • BROWN. BENJAMIN A. In sad bu loving “emory of husband. BEN JAMIN A. BROWN, who passed away oni year ago today, September 26, 1946. My heart is sad and lonely. My eye* have ahed many • tear: ° fipiF knows how much I miss yot _ At the end of one long year. J. nave iorgotten. n^rej at*utime5 they see me smile; Little do they know the heartache That my smiles hide all the while. Ye&rs* My Xlpe 0Pt m»ny things. But this they wipe out never. Tne memory of those happy years Which we two spent together. Not dead to me. who loved you: „ Not loat. but gone before: You live with me in memory _Aiid wlU forevermore. HIS DEVOTED AND LOVING WIFE FLORENCE. BUNDY. EDWARD W. In loving mem ory of my beloved and devoted husband EDWARD W. BUNDY, who departed thi ■He nine years ago today. September 26 Slime you have gone first and I remain One thing I would have you do. Walk slowly down the street of gold. For some day I will follow you. I want to know each step you took That I may walk the same. For some day down that lonely road You will hear me call your name. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, LOUISE H BUNDY. « COX, MELVIN. In loving memory o my dear friend, MELVIN COX. who lef me^ twelve years ago today. September 26 Twelve year* have passed and gom Since we were forced to part. But time and apace cannot erase Your memory from my heart. ^^P_DErv0TBD FRIEND grace l. bieber. • EARNSHAW, HELEN GLADYS. In lov ing memory of our dear granddaughter HELEN GLADYS EARNSHAW. who passe, away, twelve years ago today, Septembe -vt), 1835. Twelve sad, lonely years have passe, Since our great sorrow fell: The shock we received that day We still remember well. Days of sadness still come over us Hidden tears so often flow; Memories keen you always near us. Though you left twelve years ago. HER DEVOTED GRANDPARENTS. PA TRICK S AND FANNIE B. TORMEY Another year has ended, Another sun has set. And still we think of you today; Oh, how could we forget. HER DEVOTED STEPMOTHER. MOLLII E„ AND BROTHER. FRED EARN SHAW. • ENGLISH, MRS. OTELIA CARTER In memory of my dear wife, Mrs. OTELIf CARTER ENGLISH, who departed thli life one years ago today. September 26 When Ged took you home to rest. A day that came with sad regret; One that I will never forget, But He lovea you best. HER HUSBAND. • LEE, MRS. LENA. In memory of oui mother. Mrs. LENA LEE, who passed awai one year ago today, September 26. 1946 God knew the road was getting rough The hills were hard to climb; He gently closed your weary eyes And whispered. "Peace be thine." Sadly missed. JENNIE. MARY. GEORGE AND FAMILY.’ MeLARNEY, THOMAS A. AND NORA Sacred to the memory of our brother THOMAS A. MeLARNEY. who departec this life one year ago today. Septeinbei 26, 1946, and the birthday of our mother NORA MeLARNEY. September 28. BROTHERS AND 80NS, JOHN. BERNARt AND EDWARD. MITCHELL, LESSIE E. In loving mem ory of our dear wife and mother. LESSIi E. MITCHELL, who passed away sever years ago today, September 26, 1940. Another September, Another year: We stlil miss you terribly. Mother, dear. We could not forget you. We loved you too dearly; Today, as every day. Our hearts mourn sincerely. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. < MOUNTJOY, WALTER. In loving mem ory of our dear father. WALTER MOUNT JOY, who departed this life live yean ago today. September 26. 1942. THE CHILDREN. • ROBERTS. LILLIAN A. In loving re membrance of my daughter. LILLIAN A ROBERTS, who passed away four yean ago today, September 26, 1943. Four years ago today God came and carried you to rest: I loved you and miss your loving smile But God loved you best. YOUR LOVING MOTHER. MRS. GLEN DORA ROBERTS. • ROSENBLATT, ANNIE. In memory o: our dear mother. ANNIE ROSENBLATT Forever in our hearts. YOUR CHILDREN. SPANGLER, ROY S. In loving mem . _ ory of our son and brother, ROl nSS. SPANGLER, who passed awn 5353 one year ago today, September 26 J^Sfl946. Sad and sudden was the call Of one so dearLv loved by all: A bitter grief and shock severe. It was to part with one so dear. We often sit and think of you. And talk of how you died. To think you could not say good-b; Before you closed your eyes. For all of us you did your best: Oh. God. grant you eternal rest. YOUR LOVING MOTHER AND DAD MARY AND ERNEST SPAUOH. ANI SISTER. MARGARET. • WETZEL, CLARA M. In loving mem ory of our mother. CLARA M. WETZEL who died twenty-two years aco today September 26. 1925. CHILDREN. • V Joseph Cornish Dies; Was GPO Bookbinder And Veteran of '98 Funeral srevices for Joseph S. Cornish, 71, a District veteran of the Spanish-American War who died Wednesday, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Hines fu neral home. Burial will be in Arlington Ceme tery. Mr. Cornish, who was a book binder with the Govern ment Printing Office for nearly 40 years, died at Mount Alto Hos pital after an illness of six weeks. He was a Mr- Cornish. , member of Company G, 1st District Volunteer Infantry during the Span ish-American War. His group served in Cuba during the siege, bombard ment and surrender of the Spanish forces at Santiago. The company originally was formed from the Morton Cadets, which at one time won the cham pionship drill of the United States. Was Expert Horseman. Mr. Cornish was an expert horse man, and one of his favorite stories concerned the unveiling on October 15, 1903, of the Gen. William T. Sherman Memorial south of the Treasury Department by President Theodore Roosevelt. The event was attended by many high-ranking offi cials and representatives of 36 gov ernments. goes, Mr. Cornish’s horse reared as he stood in the National Guard color guard during the dedcatory speech. “Hold it, Joe,” the President broke off. “Don’t let him get away from you!” Mr. Cornish, who lived at 10 Ran dolph place N.W., was a member of the Vaughn Bible Class of Calvary Methodist Church; a past master and life member of Hiram Lodge, No. 10, of the Masonic order; past high priest of the Mount Horab Chapter, Royal Arch; a member of Columbia Commandery, Knights Templar, and past patron of Unity Chapter, No. 22, of the Eastern Star. While in the Government Print ing Office, he helped organize the employes’ cafeteria and was first vice president of the group for a number of years. He also was secre-; tary and treasurer of several relief; organizations and a member of the Board of Directors of the Credit Union. He was a life member of the In ternational Bookbinders’ Union. Bom at Waco, Tex., he was edu cated at Bradley, Ark., and came to Washington in 1892. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Grace Du Bant Cornish; a daughter, Mrs. Grace Cornish Koontz of Ar lington; a granddaughter, Susan Du Bant Koontz, and two brothers, William J. Cornish, Haynesville, La., and J. Morgan Cornish, Plain Deal ing, La. Edward S. B. White Dies of Bullet Wound Deputy Coroner Christopher J. Murphy today issued a certificate of suicide in the death of Edward S. B. White, 64-year-old retired Government employe who died last night after he was found in the bathroom of his home with a bullet wound in his head. White, an employe of' the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for 42 years, until his retirement about a year ago because of health, lived at 1671 Primrose road N.W. He was a cousin of Chief Judge George P. Barse of Municipal Court. The unconscious man was found by his wife, Mrs. Carrie C. White, and daughter. Miss Helen White, when they heard a shot soon after he went upstairs after dinner. Po lice said a .32-caliber revolver was found in the bathroom. Mr. White was pronounced dead at Garfield Hospital. Members of the family said he ' had been in poor health since his ■ retirement. Funeral services will be held at 1 8:30 a.m. Monday at the home and a requiem mass will follow at 9 o’clock at St. Gabriel’s church, 26 Grant circle N.W. Burial will be in Congressional Cemetery. Survivors include the widow and the daughter, both of the Primrose road address; a son, Edward B. S. White, jr„ Pittsburgh, Pa.; two sis ters, Miss Rose White and Mrs. Har vey Conover of Bloomfield, N. J.; a brother, John R. White of Glen Rock, N. J., and a grandson, Edward B. S. White III. China's Assembly Vote Postponed One Month By the Associated Press NANKING, Sept. 26.—The State Council today postponed China's National Assembly elections, set for October 21, 22 and 23, for one month, members reported after a closed session. nothing to do with the civil war, but was made because the Kuomintang, the government party, and minority parties did not have their lists of candidates ready. The Kuomintang had proposed a 20-day delay. Deaths Reported (Prom the Bureau of Vital Statistics.) Charles Rohrback. 82. 4229 4th st n.w. Emily C. Hicks, 81, 4304 10th st. n.e. Henriette Metzrott, 76, Hyattsvllle. Md Nellie Winkelman, 74, 1763 Columbia rd n.w. Luther J. Allen, 73, 1328 Irving st. n.w. Sarah Cohen, 71. 625 Princeton pi. n.w. Mary A. H. O'Donnell, 68, 4801 Blagder ave. n.w. Willis Harlan. 61, 2330 High st. s.e. Joseph L. Kent. 58. 636 14th st. n.e. John T. Weir. 55, 1401 Columbia rd. n.w. Ida Jordan. 50, Sweetwater, Texas. Joseph B. Perrlgno. 47, 6202 5th st. Lucy Tlmblick, 60. 28 Eye st. n.e. Columbus T. Williams, 67. 602 E st. s.e. Emmetta Burton. 65. 42 63rd st. n.e Mollle King. 55. 1147% Lingers Court n.w. Enoch Stevens, 53, 907 4th st. n.w. Annie Fortune, 53, 6 Fenton st. n.e. Mary Flndall, 63, 1104 8th st. n.w. Georgia Williams. 47, 1144 Kenilworth ave. n.e. James S. Richardson. 39, 2419 Bennlngs rd. n.e. Minnie Misenheimer, 38. 1117 New Jersey ave. n.w. Pearl V. Holmes, 30, 1261 Irving st. n.w. Infant 8tewart, 1413 T st, n.w. Infant John Doe, not known. ICLAGE MEMORY 502NEWHAMR>I I p5*CwiALf-rui IvWtDUrE-ERE W-AlL-CtMm _- Oren-Jv . _ 0 Mrs. Louise R. Johnson To Be Buried Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs. Louis* Rawlings Johnson, 70, who diec Thursday at her daughter’s home 8104 Park Crest drive, Silver Spring will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Lee’s funeral home. Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.E Burial will be in Rock Creek Cem etery. Bom in Spotsylvania County, Va. she came to Washington in 1900 soon after her marriage to Free Johnson, who died in 1922. He was a horse dealer near the Navy Yarc for 22 years. After her husband’! death, Mrs. Johnson lived with hei daughter, Mrs. Carol J. Schaeffer ol the Silver Spring address. In addition to Mrs. Schaeffer, she is survived by two sons, James F Johnson of Suitland, Md„ and Henrj M. of Silver Hill, Md., and a second daughter, Clara R. Johnson ■ ol Suitland. Mrs. Eyster, Widow Of Pastor, Dies at 83 Mrs. Marguerite E. Eyster, 83 widow of the Rev. Charles M. Eyster Of Baltimore, riieri vesterriav at. tY\m Park View Rest Home, 4103 Con necticut avenue N.W., after several months’ illness. The daughter of Edwin and Martha Crumrine of Manchester. Md„ she was graduated from Kee Mar College at Hagerstown, and married Mr. Eyster, Lutheran pas tor in Manchester, in 1886. They moved to Baltimore in 1900, and after her husband’s death in 1926, Mrs. Eyster came to Washington to live with her daughter, Mrs. Prank B. Lord, who died 10 years ago. She then moved to the All States Hotel, 514 Nineteenth street N.W., where she lived until her illness five months ago. Mrs. Eyster was a member of Lucy Holcomb Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, the 20th Cen tury Club, Chevy Chase Chapter of the YWCA and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Her only survivor is a grand daughter, Mrs. Clyde L. Carlstrand of 8320 Sixteenth street, Silver Spring, Md. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. to morrow at Hine’s funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W., and burial will be in Druid Ridge Cemetery in Baltimore. Juan Chevalier Funeral To Be Held in Los Angeles Funeral services for Juan B. Che valier, 67, first secretary of the Panama Legation here from 1923 to 1938, who died yesteday at his Los Angeles home after a long illness, will be held there at 3 pm. tomor row Senor Chevalier was born in Pan ama City, the son of Jean B. Che valier, one of the engineers who worked on the Panama Canal in De L,esseps lime. «e attended school in Panama and in Liverpool, Eng land, while he was vice consul there in 1904. After serving as aide de camp to the President of Panama he returned to Liverpool in 1919 as consul general. He came to Washington in 1923 and remained here as first secretary of the Panama Legation for 15 years He lived at the Woodley Park Tow ers on Devonshire place N.W. After leaving Washington he served as undersecretary of foreign affairs in Panama and then went to Peru as Minister for two years before he re tired in 1940. He is survived by two brothers, Eugenio J. Chevalier, charge d’af fairs at the Embassy of Panama; Raul, of Panama City and a sister, Croline, also of Panama City. Funeral Services Today For Luther J. Allen, 73 Funeral services for Luther Jas per Allen, 73, were to be held at 1 p.m. today in the S. H. Hines fu neral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W.. with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. Allen died Wednes day in his home, 1328 Irving street N.W., after a short illness. He was born in Tennessee and taught school for 10 years in Gib son County before he came to Wash ington in 1925. He owned and man aged a drug store at Eleventh and Monroe streets N.W. for two years and later operated the National City Collection Bureau from his home Before he retired in 1943, he was a salesman dealing mostly in paints Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Ruby Oliver Allen: three sons, Luther, jr. of Washington; W. W. Allen, Mem phis, Tenn.; George T. Allen, Ru therford, Tenn.; a daughter, Mrs E. F. Miller, Memphis; two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Jennings, Boonesville Miss.; Mrs. G. H. Freeman, Martin, Tenn.: a brother, E. W. Allen, Hum bolt, Tenn.; six grandchildren and one great great-grandchild. W. R. Warne Is Dead at 73 ONTARIO, Calif., Sept. 26 (JP).— W. R. Warne, 73, father of Assist ant Secretary of the Interior Wil liam E. Warne, died yesterday. His widow and four other sons survive r ± ^ ■■ ■ i ULL ImA^Su5»p nr l<sapvey |U gpjjfc I : *. < Joseph F. Folker Dies; Phofoengraver Here Joseph F. Folkner, 52, photoen graver here for 12 years, died of a heart attack yesterday at his home 1716 Webster street N.E. Bom in Jersey City, Mr. Folker moved to Baltimore while a boy and attended elementary school there. His father was a photoengraver, and young Joseph went to work as an errand boy in that business. He worked up to be a photoengraver, and came to Washington 12 years ago with the standard Photoen graving Co. He is survived by his widow. Anna E. Folker; a daughter, Mrs. Leona H. Johnson, and his father, Henrv J. Folker, all of the Webster street address; a brother, Henry Folker, jr and a sister, Sister M. Justiani, both of Baltimore. Funeral services will be at Lee’s funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.W, at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Food (Continued From First Page.) a garnish for meat, poultry, eggs and other entrees; eliminating three-layer cake and substituting fruits and other desserts for pastriea and cakes wherever possible. Compulsory measures, naturally, would call for legislation. Clair (Continued From First Page.* Gallinger Hospital. Deputy Coroner Christopher J. Murphy said he waa informed by police that, shortly be fore the shooting. Pvt. Clair told his wife, "I am going to do what Fisher did.” Department records showed Pvt. Clair was suspended and later fined by a Trial Board on charges of hav ing become intoxicated while off duty about a year ago. Precinct Capt. Benjamin Kuehling said Pvt. Clair had been "very straight-laced” since that time. He had been a member of the force for seven years. Since his return from three years of military service, Pvt. Clair was on foot patrol duty and occasionally substituted in a patrol car. He had no official connection with Pvt. Fisher’s duties as desk clerk. An injuiry received during the war prevented him from using his right hand for writing. The police sur geon's office also reported he had been advised to undergo an opera tion for a growth on his back but he had been unwilling to do so. produce the co-operative effort" needed to solve the current food price situation. The National Association of Re tail Grocers, through Mrs. R. M. Kiefer, secretary - manager, said "saving food in every possible way is the most effective means by which we can do something immediately about food prices.” A similar announcement was made by the Wheat Flour Institute, which recommended more careful planning of family meals to obtain greater nutritive values. Labor came in on the President’s drive, but without too much en thusiasm. As AFL President Wil liam Green accepted membership on the Luckman committee, an AFL spokesman said his organization was “glad to co-operate in the food conservation plan, but we can’t re gard such a program with too much enthusiasm without something being done about high living costs.” CIO President Philip Murray also accepted membership, but in a sepa rate letter to President Truman called for a special session of Con gress—which the President seeks to avoid—to reinstall price and ra tioning controls. He saiy the danger of a “savage depression” setting in. Bunting Hails Program. In New York, Earl Bunting, presi dent of the National Association of Manufacturers, hailed the conserva tion program as “encouraging” and added the President’s “advocacy of ill a. W1 llMIUli Pvt. Clair recently had been in ill health and sometimes depressed, his wife Edna told police. Fellow policemen at No. 4 precinct said he was well liked and usually in & jovial mood. Ordinarily he would have worked from midnight to 8 ajn. today, but took a special day off. He met his wife and their 8-year-old daughter Betty at Union Station at 10 o’clock last night on their return from Statesville, N. C. Later he complained he could not sleep and went for a walk. He came back about 2 a.m., Mrs. Clair said, and told her “I’m sorry I was so fussy. I'll never fuss any more.” A short time thereafter, Mrs. Clair was awakened by Betty's screams and saw her husband entering the living room with his revolver in hand. A shot was fired and Henry G. Clair, Pvt. Clair's brother, who lives upstairs, found the policeman lying unconscious on the living room Boor. Mrs. Clair said her husband was a friend of Pvt. Fisher. Pvt. Fisher, 53, shot himself Sep tember 18 at his home, 2906 Tenth street N.E. Pvt. Clair wore Pvt. Fisher's coat the night before the latter's death and seemed to have brooded over the death of his friend, Mrs. Clair said. He was a pallbearer at Pvt. Fisher's funeral. Pvt. Clair came to Washington 26 years ago from Parsons, W. Va. He and Mrs. Clair were married 11 years ago. Mrs. Clair has a 12-year old daughter, Jean, by a previous marriage. While in the Marine Corps Pvt. vuiumary rationing to relieve in flationary pressures which come largely from our laudatory efforts to relieve hunger and suffering abroad, deserves the wholehearted support of every patriotic citizen.” He pledged "full co-operation” by the NAM. Hitting at the weak spot in the food picture—the feeding of grain to livestock—Chester C. Davis, pres ident of the St. Louis Federal Re serve Bank and former war food administrator, said this country has enough food to give "minimum aid to countries on this side of the iron curtain,” but “they cannot have it if the livestock of this country gets it.” The President’s program also was indorsed — with reservations — by Senator Taft, Republican, of Ohio, who now is on a Western speaking tour. In Tacoma, Senator Taft reiterat ed his opposition to restoration of wartime controls, and said the ap pointment of the conservation com mittee should be followed by in auguration of a "well organized and carefully prepared campaign" for voluntary reduction in consumption of short food items. Opposes the Cutting of Feed. “I don’t agree with the theory that we should cut down the feeding of grain to animals, however,” he said. “That would inrease the price of meat. We should have conserva tion on the part of consumers.” Senator O'Mahoney, Democrat, of Wyoming, said Russia and Argentina should hglp out. He said there have been reports that Argentina is de manding $3 to $6 a bushel for grain from hungry Europeans. With the food problem calling for reducing the expected use of wheat between now and next July by about 100,000,000 bushels, the voluntary conservation measures which might be used are the same as those recommended in the 1946 food crisis abroad: serving single rolls or slices of bread, open-faced or single-crust pies; eliminating the custom of trimming toast and sandwich crusts; discontinuing use of toast as uxaxr saw considerable combat serv ice. _ ■ 1 ■■ ™ ip* Pan American Planes Safe After Trouble By the Associated Frees NEW YORK, Sept. 26.—Two Pan American World Airway* DC-4 planes landed safely today—one In Bermuda with one engine not oper ating, and the other in San Juan, Puerto Rico, after a half-hour radio silence. The four-engined plane which anded in Bermuda at 8:30 a.m. wa* :n route from San Juan to New fork. Pan-American spokesmen said the plane was not in danger at iny time. The other—flight 225 from Miami ;o San Juan—landed in San Juan on schedule at 4:14 am., Pan-American said, after passing through a half lour radio silence. The communlca ;ion blackout was caused by a 'radio dead spot," EDUCATIONAL BERLITZ B9th Tear—French, Spanish, Italian, G.r man or any other lancuare made easy hy the Berllts Method—available only at tb. BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES R39 17th St. :at Eye) NAtlonal 0170 3 Averoved tor Ol VETERAN TRAINING | NATIONAL CHILDREN'S SATURDAY A M. CLASSES Sith Year Doy fir Evening 2027 Mass. Ave. Clone* HO. 4255 Register New EDUCATIONAL.EDUCATIONAL. THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (Founded 18211 | Announces the Opening of the FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 29 REGISTRATION-9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Sept. 26,27 The University is on the approved list of the Association of American Universities. OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR 2029 G Street N.W., Bldg. C. Notional 5200 I • * »