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_ * Dr. J. K. FREIOT, DENTIST PLATE SPECIALIST Plate* Repaired While Toa Wait 407 7Hi St. N.W. NA. 0019 Hold upper* and lower* comfortably *e eure with dentmt’i Moaational discovery —new, improved cream-paste called ITAZ2 Amazing ingredient hold* plate* longer. Not a meaty powder. Only 35< a tube at druggiiti. Oet STAZE today I STAZI mit mi nr it mi minct uet No General Increase: In Rent Granted Yet By Advisory Boards By the Associated Print No general rent Increases hat been granted under the new cot trol law which went in effect near three months ago, and few are i prospect for another month. - An aide to Housing Expedite Frank R. Creedon said today ti Pat and Harry See Eye to Eye “President Truman has made up his mind to do something about $1 butter and 95c eggs. Good! Pm not a butter and egg man but in my own' small way Pm also doing something about the high cost of living. Take my clothing, for example. Priced low to start with, be cause of a low overhead, Pm instituting an additional dis count to help the cause along. Besides, I like action. Would rather make a lot of friends at a couple of dollars a suit, than sit around all day looking at rack after rack of Nailheads, Sharkskins, Coverts, Flannels, Tweeds and what-not.” Pat Kline New Arrivals, All-Wool SUITS & TOPCOATS In Regulars, Longs, Shorts and Stouts Were Now Were Now $34.50 527.60 $43.50 $34.80 37.50- 30.00 45.00- 36.00 39.50. 31.60 47.50. 38.00 For Clothes That Are Fine, See Pat Kline „ KLINE CLOTHES 1416 New York Ave. N.W. ■ w t= I Collar - Styled - For You For Average Faces For Lortg Faces For Round Faces . THE SELTO THE WYTHE THE MANLO • Medium - length Short, well-spread The long points points and slight points make your make you look tail spread make for neck shorter and er by lengthening smart styling. features fuller! your face. You II look your best in these new Manhattan shirts, collar-proportioned to your features . . . and you'll look at the best collections of nationally «, famous men's wear when you enjoy the intelligent and courteous service of the new University Shop! Plain and fancy styles ... all sizes and sleeve lengths now on hand_<£3 95 to $5 95 i!- ‘ CHARGE | i THE/\WHOME OP ACCOUNTS I . ,,r, Invited [ Mt 10Mill/ MMOUS ! MEN’S WEAR | N ^ * i * 1 local advisory boards established in i ;| each defense rental area have had ' ; little opportunity thus far to do anything except organize and study the rental picture. The boards, named by Mr. Creed on on recommendation of the gov i ernors of the States, are authorized to (1) recommend blanket ceiling ! revisions, either upward or down ward in their areas, (2) recommend re decontrol of all or a portion of their t_ areas, and (3) review hardship y cases, either before or after an n appeal to the local rent adminls j trator. sr | One Recommendation Made. e Only one recommendation for re vision of rental ceilings has been made to Mr. Creedon’s office, but it has not been made public pending a policy decision by Mr. Creedon whether to disclose such recommen dations when they are received or only after they have been acted on. Under the new law, Mr. Creedon has 30 days in which to approve or reject recommendations or to notify the local board that he needs more information. Meanwhile the official in Mr. Creedon's office said there has been a drop in the number of rent in crease leases registered with the expediter's office. The law permits increases up to 15 per cent pro vided the tenant voluntarily agrees to a lease extending through 1943. Mr. Creedon announced on Sep tember 8 that such leases had been filed On 964.000 riwpllinff unite nr about 6 per cent of the 15,700,000 units subject to Federal control. Peak Reached In August. The peak was reached during the second week in August when 192,000 new leases were registered. It fell off to 116,000 for the last week in August and indications are that the the rate for September will be even lower, Mr. Creedon’s aide added. This decline apparently can be at. tributed, he said, to the fact that in some areas landlords offered the leases only if the tenants would sign by August 1 or September 1. This provisions gave the landlords the advantage of higher rents for a longer period; the law requires only that they be signed no later than December 31. The housing official estimated that advisory boards in about 525 of the country’s 611 rental areas, have been fully organized. There was a delay in a few cases because Mr. Creedon asked the Governors to submit new names in areas where the original ones did not appear to be repre sentative of all interests concerned. Weights Conference Re-elects Dr. Condon Dr. E. U. Condon, director of the National Bureau of Standards, yes terday was elected president of the National Conference on Weights and Measures for the second suc cessive year at the closing session of the 33rd conference in the Wash ington Hotel. The conference voted to adopt as ; its official manual for weights and i measures officials a Bureau of Standards handbook entitled “Test i ing of Weighing Equipment.” In another resolution the confer ! ehce voted its support of a technical training school for weights and mea i sures officials to be started early next year in the Bureau of Stand ards. Vice-presidents for the coming year named today include Nalls Berryman, Tallahassee, Fla.; Ed ward R. Fisher, Providence, R. I.; Russell S. Ackerman, Minneapolis; Robert Williams, Mineola, N. Y.; g1-. .. ■ Irvin R. Schultz, York, Pa., and V. D. Campbell, Columbus, Ohio. Ralph W. Smith of the National Bureau of Standards was re-elected secretary and G. F. Austin, jr„ Detroit, was re-elected treasurer. Named to serve on the executive committee were the following: C. A. Baker, Albany, N. Y.; C. D. Bau com, Raleigh, N. C.; James E. Bren ton, Sacramento, Calif.: H. E. Craw-j ford, Jacksonville, Fla.; Milo C. Grif fin, Hartford, Conn.; Joseph Giuli- i ano, Trenton, N. J,; Erling Hansen,I Minneapolis; William A. Jones,1 Waterville. Maine; George H. Leit lauser, Baltimore; Bernard A. Pet tit, an inspector of weights and measures in the District; George A. Ritchey, Springfield, 111.; William H. Roberts, Terre Haute, Ind.; Robert K. Slough, Akron, Ohio; R. D. rhompson, Richmond, Va„ and S. H. vVilson, Atlanta. Ship to Bring Bodies Of Pacific Dead to U. S. By the Associated Press PEARL HARBOR, Sept. 26.—With Its flag at half mast, the converted transport Honda Knot yesterday be gan taking aboard the. bodies of ~ 3,000 war dead. After memorial ? services the ship will sail for the : mainland October 1. Last aboard will be caskets,of more than 500 killed in the Japa nese raid on Pearl Harbor. They will be the first taken off at San Francisco on arrival October 10. Army motor convoys brought the dead from Schofield Barracks mausoleum. A .military escort will remain with the bodies until rein terment. Pay SOc Weekly Genuine |- 1 CARAT ZIRCON . ; Thrill in gly Mounted in 14K Gold Fiery, impressive Zircons ... for Her! Gloriously Iffe. mounted in 14K gold. Your | rf choice of opulent blue or radiant white color . ,x. on h|1 easy, easy terms! , • XO DOWN PAYMENT Ring Enlarged to Show Detail L818 F Street N.W. Now you can fly DIRECT in Four-Engine Douglas Aircraft from NEW YORK • WASHINGTON VO HAVANA* PANAMA LIMA* SANTIAGO (Buenos Aires connection) via PERUVIAN INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS • ^ The International Airline with unexcelled American Pilots—backed by a management with experience derived from the operation of more passenger air miles than all the other airlines of the world combined. * For information and reservations see your Travel Agent or telephone MEtropolitan 5900. Ticket Office: Washington Hotel. m mm— mMm Mm .' PERUVIAN INTERNATIONAL AIRWAYS " the Ae/tial Avenue of the Amenuxu " *4 , ☆ Boys' and Girls' GYM Outfits Sport Center is ready right now to outfit boys and girls with the finest gym equipment money con buy. Visit our huge ath letic department today , . . make your selections while choice and size ranges are complete. BOYS’ GYM OUTFITS Gym Shorts, school colors, grey or white$1.25 Basketball Shorts$1.95 Tee Shirts _ 85e Sweat Shirts, grey-$1.95 Sweat Pants_ $1.^5 Supporters_ 75e Gym Shoes, hi top, block_ $2.50 Bosketboll Shoes, convas$4.95 Athletic Socks__50c GIRLS9 GYM OUTFITS Gym Suits, bloomer leg style, blue$2.95 Gym Suits, skirt style, blue, bloomer insert_$3.95 Shorts, navy blue-,__;_$2.95 Gym Shoes, Hi top-$1.95 Gym Shoes, low____$2.50 Athletic Socks_____ 5.Qc Boy's Plastic Football Helmet ■ *5.95 The newest sensation in football helmets in assorted color combina tions, sizes for boys to 16 years old, sponge rubber heodbond, web crown. Boys' All-Wool AWARD SWEATERS m.n 5 All 100% virgin wool button-down coat sweaters in school colors, with striped sleeves. Sites 6 to 13 only. Men'* & Boys' FOOTBALL JFRSFYS $2.95 Kites Mnall. medium and large . . . green and white, scarlet and white, black and orange, royal and gold, and other combinations. Tackle Twill Warm-Up JACKETS *9.95 Popular athletic jackets In good-looking tackle twill; col ors are scarlet, Kelly green ond navy blue ... all with con trasting trim, all-wool neck, waist and cuff. Nationally Famous "Brooks" FOOTBALL SHOES *10.95 Complete with every Brook* patented safet^ feature, rleati that ran not come off, bolts ran not back up . , . full rraln cowhide uppers, tenulne hard rubber cleats. All aises. Just Received—New Shipment LADY BURKE IRONS AND WOODS Lady Burke Woods Set of 3-830 Lady Burke Irons Set of 6-839 One of the most populor ladies' models in both woods ond irons; genuine persim mon heads in woods, carbon steel iron heads. Finest grade Heddon steel shafts.