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$ Oil Burners $ I f310.oo J 4 Ne Dewn Payment, seat p«r Me. 4 ♦ Completely installed, and ♦ 4 guaranteed for one year. J : ,c«“ t 4 Solar Oil Burner Co. t ♦ ^or 0044 OW.^4300^♦ "CY ELLIS" FAMOUS PRE-WAR Back again ... featur ing ingre , dients un obtainable - \ for months. • Made f-om Chescpecj^e Boy back fin lump meat, picked fresh doily. In cludes lettuce, £A AM tomatoes, julienne * I potatoes * -Extra Special FRESH PICKED CRAB CLAWS, creamed on toast, Tt C — long brtStch potatoci * •» Gy CUu SEA FOOD RESTAURANT 1011 E St. N.W. ME. 6382 DRINKS, WINE, BEER NOW! FIVI STAR DC-6 FLAGSHIPS TO PHOENIX AND THE SUN COUNTRY 8 hours, 40 minutos Him* IXN»th( SMI Tfchtt Offictti thatltr Haiti and 113 15th Strttl, N. W. AMERICAN AIRLINES .- Bfuux%mt "H' Store of Famous Names in Menswear /m. TERRIFIC SUCCESS! The Bruce Hunt"Fifty" line brings you an outstanding selection of suits which we believe are the finest in Washington for fifty dollars We knew it! The idea clicked quick! Men welcome the chance to get top-quality suits for this reasonable price! The Bruce Hunt “Fifty” offers a wide selection of fine suits that will wear like iron, clean and press per fectly, hold their shape, give you year-round service. Tailored to Bruce Hunt standards, in many rich new fabrics from some of America's finest milts! Try on The Bruce Hunt “Fifty” Suits today in our new Clothing Department... second floor. You’ll like them! * ' I •IS 14th STREET (between F and G) i 'Not Acting/ Greer Garson Sobs After Divorcing Richard Ney Actress Greer Garson is pictured at left in a brief moment ; of composure while testifying in her suit for divorce from Richard Ney yesterday. She broke down later, however (right), I and left the courtroom in tears. —AP Wirephotos. By th« Astoeiattd Pr«i LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26.—“This Isn’t acting, chum—this isn’t part of my Job,” Greer Garson sobbed' outside the courtroom where she had won a divorce yesterday from Richard Ney, actor. The red-haired actress, whose composure on and off the screen has j seldom been noticeably ruffled, nearly broke down on the witness stand as she testified: “I tried continually to smooth things over at home, but he made it impossible.” Then she dashed, weeping, from the courtroom. Superior Judge Arthur Crum is sued the decree on her allegations of cruelty, which she gave haltingly —that Ney spoke disparagingly of her work, and once kicked and pounded on her door when she had retired early because of a dawn studio call. Miss Garson, 35, and Ney, 33, were married in July, 1943, after they ap peared in "Mrs. Miniver” together, and separated last January 20. There are no children. The Irish-born actress formerly was married to Abbot Slenson, Brit 1 ish civil servant- She and Ney signed an agreement waiving rights to each other's property and earn ings. MhS“ Supplier Sold . Free tdtfco St rrtimettr on Tour floor work MIC Mth Jt. NJV.^KsnMlo 10T0 —WANTED—g SCRAP IRON I Highest Prices Paid I WASH. RAG & BAG CO. I ZISLStSlWj^DhSOOTl Estate of $9,000/000 Is Left by Mrs. Nash By »h. Associated Press LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26.—A $9, 000.000 estate has been left by Mrs. Jessie Hallaek Nash, wife of auto manufacturer. Charles W. Nash. She died August 18 at the age of 83. Her will, probated yesterday, dis closes the total, mo^t of which will be divided between two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Nash Bliss, Grosse Point Farms, Mich., and Mrs. May Nash Brenton, Beverly Hills, Calif. To her 83-vear-old husband she be queathed their Beverly Hills home and a Wisconsin hunting lodge. MANAGER I* and several sales people for our newly remodeled record department. ,. BALLARD 1300 G ST. N.W. ——————I ; \ IRVING'S FALL | Now, Complete Stocks of Football, Gym, Basket ball, Boxing, Hunting and Golf Equipment at prices you can afford! Football Helmets Full sire, leather- 4% 4% p bound and rein- ^ ■ forced. All sires. Football Pants Special TEAM PRICES I on Fpotbpll Equipment "Reach" Official FOOTBALLS Full-site, regu lation “Reach” Footballs! Other Foot balls, $2.95 to $15.00. | • "Hyde" Football • T wo-Tone Football Shoes_12.95 Jerseys-2.50 ^-1 Everything You Need For Gym • Girls' Gym Suits—*1.95 • Girls' Gym Shoes---1.85 • Sweat Shirts.1.45 • Gym Pants.1.25 • T-Shirts.79c • Gym Shoes.1.95 • Sweat Sox.39c • Basketball Gym Shoes -3.95 • Playground Balls---2.45 j Your Top Game Needs the Best! \ Men's or Ladies' Pro-style Leather BOWLING SHOES 4.95 I • Zipper An **“* ' „ .. c, Perfect Fitting! Bowling Shoo Best Bogs-1.59 Workmanship! j Special! Wright and bitson "Lawson Little" Matched Set of 6 Ladies' Golf Irons_ _42.J0 j V\ 4»\W* % VT cxs&fr \ • Sfiorts 2nd' Open Daily 9 AM. to 7 PM. Saturday 9 to 9 1 " ’ Bargains, bargains "and more bargains—wonderful values in practically every type of furniture and home furnishings. There are flo<5r samples and odd lots ... many are only a few of a kind. You won't have to "hunt for bargains" . , . you'll see them in every department, on every floor in this store-wide clearance. So walk, ride, take a bus or street car... but HURRY . . . because THE SALE ^S ON! Sorry, No Mail or Phone Orders Accepted CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED I 8 Bunk Beds 1 1 p Maple Finish on 1 Gumwood | With Ladder I® and Guard Rail Were 59.95 NOW I 42501 g ii I « SB 6 Maple Beds | Nicely Finished f: I Maple on Gum wood Full Size Only 39.95 NOW 19” i| | 6 Bookcases | Mahogany Finish on Gumwood § % I ij Were 29.95 j NOW | 117'50 - 3 5-piece Chrome! I Dinette' Suites | Were 89.95 I ^ 1 * WAi PtUTT 3 3-Pc. Kroehler Sectional Sofas_259.00 189.00 1 Regency Style Love Seat (Tan)_279.00 139.00 1 Love Seat (beige tapestry)_1 49.00 79.50 1 Love Seat (Silk Damask)_159.00 89.00 4 Walnut Finish on Gumwood Phone , . - __ Sets _ 14.00 8.95 2 Walnut Veneered Wardrobes_ 79.95 59.00 / 2 Modern Walnut Veneered Vanities 1 1 9.00 59.00 6 Bengaline Floral Striped Bed- _ __ spreads___ 17.95 7.95 1 5-Pc. Mahogany Veneered Bed-3QQ ^ *>OC AA 7 Mahogany Veneered Dinette Suite. 298.00 249.00 2 2-Pc. French Style Living Room_oc ^ AA Suites (Brocatelle) Rose or Blue__395.00 298.00 3 Mahogany Veneered Bachelor pn Chests __ 69.50 52.50 3 5-Pc. Bridge Sets (Folding)- 32.50 21.95 1 3-Pc. Maple Finish Living Room . Suite_1 69.00 98.00 4 De Luxe High Chairs (upholstered) 25.50 14.95 ' Room'Suit0°9°ny V'n'tred Din'n9495.00 419.00 ' neered ^339.00 269.00 2 Wing Chairs (beige upholstery)129.00 69.00 4 Men's Lounge Chairs (Tapestry Q . -Q covering)_ Vt'.jU ^V.UU 1 Sofa, Modern, Blue Mohair_219.00 98.00 1 2-Pc. Rose Mohair Living Room- ... .. Suite _.369.00 319.00 1 2-Pc. Lawson Living Room Suite/,Y- lar*/v\ ' (Blue Boucle) _329.00 Z39.00 1 4-Pc. Sterling Oak Bedroom Suite269.00 198.00 2 Streit Slumber Chair & Ottoman 98.00 69.00 3 Studio Couches (Tapestry Cover- ^ £-q ^ 2 5-Pc. Dinette Suites (maple finish _0 on gumwood) _ 79.50 ^1.50 2 Barrel Chairs (Biege Tapestry)- 89.00 46.00 3 Cocktail Tables (Mahogany finish __ ---- on Gumwood) _ Z4.5U 10.75 12 6x9 Fibre Rugs (asstd. patterns)- - 8.50 5.95 5 Rounded Shag Rugs (asstd. colors) 6.95 ' 3.98 7 Pairs Rayon Ruffled Drape- 13.95 4.95 1 2-Pc. Modern Mohair Living Rooon369.00 289.00 1 2-Pc. Modern Mohair Living Room^^ qq gg^ qq 3 Mahogany Veneered Bachelor _0 - - -v Desks_ /y.yj 0^.5U 4 Screen Print Bedspreads- 4.98 2.98 ' T^»S°fa-'H---G-r!--Be--329.00 249.00 6 Cotton Tufted Rugs, 4x6 (Heavy __ 1C QC Quality) _._ZZ.DU 15.>5 | 6—3'3" Box I Springs | Nationally Known Makes IWere 29.95 to 39.95 I N0W 1 1995 I 1 | 18 Electric Irons 1 I Fully Automatic Were 12.50 NOW 895 | 9 5-Piece 1 I Lime Oak Finished Dinette Suites (Upholstered Seats) Were 79.50 NOW 3995 ...iBinyii.ii —— IIILIUS mSBURGH lP _Jumiture L (Company 909 f STREET NORTHWEST ' ‘ , A r.