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m NUTS YOUj I Wtttt (Mi MMMlty MtCSH m T*#«kry PRISM on Wodnosdoy •RESH on TKondoy PRISMoafrMag PRISM on Sntwdny ** *eW( f* cm be m if getting bjwjiwtmeitj at The Peawt Stere, where alt varieties if Pramen Pewits and mrtmeah are prepared fresb every day! 721 14 th St. N.W. Q\ Bet. G St. end N. Y. Are. N. W. ^ 1010 F St. N.W. 705 15th St. N.W. Opposite Woodward «r Bet. G St. and N. Y. Ave. Lothrop N.W. on 15th St. i JIM AT F and 15th ST. STORES ■miBij 15th ST. STORE Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star Women’s and Misses’ ALL-WOOL SUITS Not *35.00... Not *26.00 ■ ■ ■ but ■ ■. TROPICAL WORSTED or GABARDINE SUITS Made to the exact specification! of the Government ... your aiaurance of excellent quality fabric and workmanship! Button holes made by hand, sleeves put in by hand, 2Vi-tnch hem in skirt . . . perfect in every detail! Jacket can be worn with or without belt . . . skirt hat zipper closure. Sizes 10 to 16. • Also available in Battle Jacket styles (as illustrated) with slacks. Buy the two complete outfits for less than the price of one ordinary suit! Both outfits will Jive you six different combinations! -i p i-1 Women’s & Misses PLASTIC RAINCOATS with carrying bag 2.95 Waterproof, practical plastic . . . will not crack, dry out or rot . . . belted wrap-around model with belted back; will fold compactly in carrying bag when not in use. Sises 10 to 18. 1 The Marine Dark Green 1 Beautifully tailored suits made specifically for th# Women's Marine Auxiliary . . ( . rich, long-wearing covert fabric . . . form fitting jacket, deep pockets and zipper clos ure in full skirt. Siaes 8 to 13. • Also available in Battle Jacket styles (as illustrated) with slacks. Both outfits will give you six different combinations to wear for work, leisure or sports. ® a 'f Women's and Misses' Coat Style SWEATERS 2.95 Eirt ml imtm <wbb» witMti IiMiEI In Ml* u( unti . . Mat a<rla. eaniMnatlan ealtari and den aatrh paekata. Fan raata af dm, _ 1 M _ k rag -J | I ■ Ik |j| 1 -mm *** m a m n ^b b Sin iin b n r ♦ Patent Commissioner Kingsland Leaves Colonel Title in St Louis By Francis P. Douglas Those who meet Lawrence C. Kingsland, the new patent com missioner, for the first time gener ally address him as Mr. Kingsland or Mr. Commis sioner. In St. Louis, however, when the commission er walked down Olive street from his office ! he would be i hailed once or I twice in each block by men | who greeted him as Col. Kings i land. They would be amor.& the hundreds i who served un- Mr- Kln*f»l*nd der him in the 138th Infantry, St. Louis’ National Guard regiment. Col. Kingsland, who is 63, was with the regiment for about 25 years. Between his military activities and his large patent law practice he HiHnf. h Q vo mnnVi lima fAr AfVtat* activities. When it became known Casper W. Ooms was planning to resign as patent commissioner and return to practice in Chicago, Col. Kingsland’s fellow lawyers urged his appoint ment to the post. They thought as he did about the functions of pat ents and the Patent Office and they recognized his executive ability. The National Guard regiment and its Dig armory had demonstrated that. Helped Keep Regiment Going. “After the last war I was afraid the peace wouldn't last,” Col. Kings land said today. "Somebody had to keep the regiment going and I decided it was up to me to do my part." He had been active in Democratic politics and had served as city com mitteeman for the 28th ward, the city’s “silk stocking” district. But he withdrew from active political work to give his time to the regi ment. .. , The outfit then was housed in a one-story frame building. Soon after World War I, the city voted $87, 000,000 in bonds for city improve ments. A sum for an aquarium at the zoo was approved, but money for a new armory was voted down. “The people will vote money for the fish, but not for us,” the per sonnel of the regiment complained. The armory project lay dormant - ... I — for several yeiys and then was brought up again. Col. Kingsland was then executive officer of the regiment. "I went out and talked to the people the way I had learned to talk in political meetings,” he re called. Money for a new building was voted and it was ultimately erected. Col. Klngsland’s callers there saw a. big, clean, orderly building. The regiment was called into Federal service in 1940. Col. Kings land led it to camp in Arkansas for training. Later he was assigned to other duties, and then he retired, j Last winter he spent a couple of j months in Manila advising the1 legislature of the Philippines on drafting patent and trade mark law. In recent days he has been settling down to the job of being patent commissioner. The main task, he said, is whittling down the big backlog of patent applications which are awaiting action. Mrs. Kingsland Closing Home. Mrs. Kingsland will join her hus band here in October. She is now in St. Louis closing up the big house which Col. Kingsland’s father built in 1892 and moving possessions to the farm which the colonel owns SAVE MONEY NOW SPENT IN RENT. A HOME BUY WORTH SEEING. NOW PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY. Just completed! Detached brick, corner lot, livinr room with 5re plare. dining: room, completely equipped kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath, ample closets, full basement with laundry trays. Automatic pas heat. Larpe landscaped corner lot. i Price, si4.SOO Open Saturday and Sunday 1900 North Illinois Street, I Arlington (Out Lee Hu>v. to Illinoii, left to 1900) Tyler and Rutherford, Ine. 1720 H St. N.W. hs. 5245 ===a^=s=saasaa! * near St. Louis and where he plans to make his home later. The Kingslands have two sons and a daughter. Col. Klngsland hoped Lawrence C. Klngsland, jr„ would be a patent attorney, but he is a physician in Boston. The sec ond son, Robert C. Kingsland, like wise is a physician. He lives in St. Louis. The daughter is Mrs. Chris tian B. Peper, whose husband is a lawyer. There are three children in each family. “Nine grandchildren,” Col. Kings land smiled happily and added: “I’m a patriarch." No one else would use the term. His lack of gray hair and his vigor ous, stocky frame belie it. Greenbelt PTA to Meet The Qreenbelt (Md.) Parent Teacher Association will hold its first meeting of the season at 8 p.m. Monday in the Center School audi torium. SCOTCH MAIN lot Hit THRIFT-MINDED! Sturdy and smart... top quality Scotch Grain with extra heavy leather heels and soles. Designed for style and comfort... built for wear and wear... priced for you l '•795 rwi... ciwiu tJ 1 We have a wide selection of beautiful spinet* and consoles by nationally known manufacturer* —some new—some reconditioned by our ex perts. Beautiful rich tone, flawless action and fine workmanship are combined to make any of these an instrument you will be proud to own ■ ■ • pleased to play . . . throughout its long life time. Choose your favorite design, in a finish v to blend with, your home furnishings. * All pianos are now available on new low terms. Your old piano in trade. ESTIY WEAVER (Between 13th St 14th Streets) STARR phone REpublic 6212 CABLE^NELSON •I VERS b POND -S»^.r $298 Value MODERN SUITE IN MOHAIR COVERING $168 Only 2 of these luxury suites to be had at this drastic reduction. Settee and chair as illustrated. Finest spring construction and superb tailoring. In fine mohair. 14.95 Walnut Fern Stand_ 6.61 12.95 Priscilla Sewing Cabinet, maple finish_ 5.88 298.00 3-Pc. Wrought Iron Sun Porch Suite_148.00 26.50 Wrought Iron Cocktail Tables_ 10.88 ill| 2.98 Metal Folding Bridge Chair_ 1.88 1 19.00 9x12 Fringed Wilton Rug, Oriental pat tern - 96.08 79.50 9x12 Axminster Rug, Oriental pattern.. 54.81 2.98 Yd. 27-inch Wilton Type Hall Runner. Yard 1.88 > 39.95 Inner-spring Mattress, full or twin size... 28.96 |f 49.95 Inner-spring Mattress, tuftless twin size 33.67 ft 59.50 Inner-spring Mattress, Simmons, full size 39.72 37.50 Dolly Madison Spool Bed, mahogany fin f§| ish, full size- 23.62 i§| 149.50 Kroehler Tapestry Sofa Bed ... _118.10 84.50 Eclipse Twin Studio Couch, has inner 'spring mattress and pillows_ 64.30 34.50 Solid Maple Bed, full size--- 23.67 $9.98 Table Lamps || |j| Rayon Shades Ceromie Pottery Base 6-95 $9.95 Mhg. Magazine Basket Sturdy Construction 5-9i a $12.95 Walnut Cabinet Smoker 8-95 $27.50 Padded Solid' Birch Hichairs 14-” * _ These items at downtown store only * tt<v\ ,«»H2SS\ ****' '■ ' " »■ * t • J 169.00 Eggshell Brocatelle Carved Mahogany Frame- 98.00 119.00 Duron Blue Leatherette Lounge Chair_ 79.50 44.95 Leatherette-top Mahogany Cocktail Table 24.95 26.75 Hand Decorated Sewing Cabinet __ 9.92 59.95 Solid Mahogany Imitation Needlepoint Occasional Chair- 33.67 4.50 Steel Reinforced Card Tables_3.48 149.00 Walnut 18th Century Credenza_ 94.42 149.00 Solid Bleached Birch Kneehole Desk_ 84.39 89.00 5-Pc. Porcelain and Chrome Breakfast Set, as is- 37.10 39.95 5-Pc. White Enamel Drop-leaf Breakfast Set, as is- 22.61 149.00 3-Pc. Rattan Sun Porch Set- 98.00 '39.95 Walnut Finished Dresser_ 29.13 298.00 Windsor Lawson Fringed Love Seat_136.29 179.50 Chippendale Love Seat__ 139.10 389.00 2-Pc. Solid Oak Living Room Suite_ 234.53 279.00 2-Pc. Rose Mohair Living Room Suite.- 188.72 295.00 2-Pc. Grand Rapids Make Lawson Living iff Room Suite-- . _ _193.61 * 119.00 Modern Button Back Tub Chair _ 69.50 259.00 3-Pc. Solid Limed Ook Bedroom, dresser, chest and full size bed ._ _ ... 186.00 598.00 7-Pc. Modern Bleached Mahogany Bed __ _1_ -I_j. L. .11 __I_I I uui I l f V_J • v. J Jv l , V.I ICJI, I W'l UCU, line stand, chair and bench- 486.00 110.00 Solid Limed Oak Dresser_ 56.10 298.00 3-Pc. 18th Century Mahogany Bedroom; J dresser, chest, full size bed___ 198.00 V'j 12.95 Walnut Finish Vanity Bench_ 3.66 198.00 3-Pc. Modern Waterfall Walnut Bed- f 'll room; dresser, chest, full size bed_133.69 149.00 Colonial Fan Back, tapestry and Duran cover_ 83.61 J M 59.50 Modern Occasional Chair_ 28.36 89.50 Tapestry Lounge Chair_.*._ 39.50 375.00 2-Pc. Modern Mohair and Leatherette Trim Living Room Suite_ . _ 227.00 289.00 Solid Mahogany Victorian Sofa, tapestry cover__ 173.00 298.00 Regency Two-Cushion Sofa _ 138.00 69.50 Georgian Mahogany Cocktail Table_ 28.51 89.50 Solid Mahogany Living Room Cabinet_ 29.10 39.95 Six-Way Floor Lamp and Shade _ 24.50 uaa lot or Dieacnea <v\anogqny Bookcases; rmp values to 44.95-Vz Price 89.95 Cordovan Mahogany Lady's Desk_ 48.66 , 429.00 7-Pc. Limed Oak Modern Dinette Suite 286.00 174.00 3-Pc. Maple Living Room_ 138.00 69.50 Modern Walnut Kneehole Desk_ 39.95 69.50 Modern Walnut Cedar Chest_ 46.10 Iff 239.50 Louis XV Walnut Carved Credenza— 198.56 14.95 Student Lamp, bronze finish_ 7.88 119.00 Modern Loung4 Chair_ 46.85 69.95 Blue Tapestry Lounge Chair_ 33.48 1 59.00 Maple Governor Winthrop Secretory— 117.00 I : • Scores of Other Values Not Listed! A, 4A 1 *