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wince nuurs Classified Advertising Leave your ads at the Busi ness Office, 11th and Pennsyl vania avenue, open 8 a.m. to 11 pjn., or at any of the Branch Offices throughout the city. Telephone Hours: 8 ajn. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 8 aji^. to 2 p.m. Sunday, 11 ajn. to 9 p.m. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time --33c p«r line 9 times.33c ” 9. to 6 times consec utively .30c " " V times or longer consecutively .26c " " Advertisements under Personal and Special Notices Sc per line additional. OUT-OF-TOWN RATE Four Lines (Minimum) Flat rate per line..-.45o Out-of-Town Rate is charged on all advertising 25 miles or more from Washington. Claims for errors must be made In time •or eorreotior before eecond Insertion When cancelme classified advertisements be sura to make a note of the cancellation number This Is Important In case yonr statement does not show a credit for the cancellation If advertisement was prepaid, retain cash resister receipt which bears a serial number, with date, and identifies your advertisement L06t and Found Advertisements appear on Page A-3. SPECIAL NOTICES. DIAMONDS, old Sewelry and silver wanted. Expert appraising free. LIVINGSTON & CO.. 147.3 B st. n.w.. MX. 3440. ACCOUNTANT, expert, books started, kept; part time: tax returns prepared, atatements. audits: reasonable. OR. 2074. gas water heaters. 20, 30. 40 gai., automatic; no cash needed: small monthly payment;_immediate installation. D. A. STANSBURY. LI. 3029. GAS HEATING BOILERS and hot-water heating plants; no cash needed; small monthly payment: immediate Installation. D. A. STANSBURY. LI. 3029. ENVELOPES PRINTED, fast service. No. 6%, $3.36 per M; No. 10, $5.17 per M: 24 lb. ww, 10 M lots. Savings on all types, in any Quantity. SUMART ENVELOPE CO., 237 7th st. s.w.. DI. 3520. —29 DIAMONDS. JEWELRY WANTED—Highest cash prices. Tree appraisal. ARTHUR MARKEL, 940 F st. n.w., NA. 0284. WOULD PERSON IN SEDAN, waiting for light at Vermont and Thomas Circle, night Sept. 16 and witnessing collision bet. Rla. and Pa. cars contact Box 14-H, Star _ 28* m r*ill nvi ut ior any debt contracted other than by myself. MRS. MARY M. BESNETR, 43 Allison st n.e. • NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING of Pre ferred and Common Stockholders of Wood ward A Lothrop. Notice is hereby given this 26th day of September, 1947, that a General Meeting of both preferred and common stockholders of the Corporation will be held on Monday, the 20th day of October. 1947. at the hour of 1:15' p.m., at the office of the Corpora tion at 11th and F Sts. N.W., Washington, D. C., for the following purposes: (1) To consider and vote upon a pro posed plan to increase the amount of total authorized capital stock of the Corporation from $4,500,000 to $5.000.000 and to that end to amend the Certificate of Incorpora tion. as heretofore amended, substantially in the manner set forth in the "Copy of Proposed Resolution Amending Certificate of Incorporation of Woodward A Lothrop” accompanying this notice, the effect of which resolution, if adopted, will be to: (a) Increase the amount of total au thorized preferred capital stock of the Cor poration from $2,000.00 to $2,500,000; (b) Provide that the 20.000 shares of ••Preferred Stock” presently outstanding shall have the right, at the option of the respective holders thereof, during the pe riod March 18, 1948. to June 16. 1P48. both inclusive, to convert into fully-paid and non-assessable shares of "4% Preferred Stock” of the par value of $100 per share at the rate of one and one-quarter (llA) shares of ”47r Preferred Stock”, for each share of "Preferred Stock,” no fractional shares to be issued, but the same to be represented by transferable, non-dividend bearing and non-voting scrip, exchangeable for a limited period of time for fully-paid and non-assessable shares of "4rr Preferred Stock.” on the basis of four one-quarter (V4) share scrip certificates or the equiv alent for each share of "4^ Preferred Stock”; (c) Provide for. upon conversion as aforesaid of any shares of the "Preferrea Stock." the issuance of the appropriate number of shares of said "4r'r Preferred Stock" of $100 par value bearing cumula tive dividends at the rate of 4% per annum, callable at $103 per share after a period of approximately 10 years and before 15 years from date of issuance and at $102 thereafter, and having otherwise substan tially the same rights and privileges and obligations as the presently outstanding "Preferred 8tock.” (2) To consider and vote upon a pro posal to provide for the payment of such $4,500,000 to $5,000,000 by transfer, on the books of the Corporation from surplus to capital account or such other account as may be appropriate, of funds equivalent to the increase in capital stock. (3) To transact such other and further business as may properly eome before the meeting. Notice is also given that !n the event the proposed increase in capital stock and the proposed amendment are adopted at the said Genera! Meeting, it is contemplated that the Corporation will redeem on a proper date subsequent to August 1. 1948. any unconverted "Preferred Stock" then remaining outstanding. J. W. ANDERSON A. LOTHROP LUTTRELL ANDREW PARKER B. W. PARKER P. M. TALBOTT JOHN TYSSOWSKI Trustees. COPY OP PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING CERTIFICATE OF IN CORPORATION OF WOOD WARD & LOTHROP. To be submitted at General Meeting of Preferred and Common Stockholders on October 20. 1947. RESOLVED, that the Certificate of In corporation. as heretofore amended, of this Corporation be amended by striking out Article Four thereof, and substituting new Article Four to read as follows: FOURTH. The amount of the total au thorized capital stock of the Corporation shall be five million dollars ($5,000,000). consisting of two hundred seventy-five thou sand (275,000) shares, divided into (1) twenty-five thousand (25.000) shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100) each (composed of the "Preferred Stock" which shall be con vertible into another class of preferred stock designated as "4 Preferred Stock" . on the basis and terms hereinafter set forth), and (2) two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) shares of Common Stock of the par value of ten dollars ($10) each. Each of the twenty thousand (20,000) shares of "Preferred Stock” issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effec tive date of this amendment of the Certifi cate of Incorporation as amended (herein referred to as "Preferred 8tock"> shall be convertible, at the ootion of the holder thereof, at any time after March 17. 1948, and prior to June 16. 1948. uoon surrender to the Corporation, or to any transfer agent of the Corporation for the "Preferred Stock.” of the certificate for the shares so to be converted, into fully-paid and non assessable shares of the "4rr Preferred Stock” (of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100) each of the Corporation at the rate of one and one-quarter (lVi> ahares of "4% Preferred 8tock" for each ahare of "Preferred Stock." Upon conver sion of any shares of "Preferred Stock" no allowance or adiustment shall be made for dividends on either class of stock. Shares of “Preferred Stock” so converted shall be canceled and shall not be reissued. The “4% Preferred Stock” shall be Issued only, as set forth In this amendment, in exchange for "Preferred Stock” or the serin hereinafter described, and not otherwise. The holders of the "Preferred Stock” shall be entitled to receive when and as declared by the Board of Trustees from the surplus or net earninjs of the Corporation, yearly dividends at the rate of seven per cent (77>) per annum and no njpre: and the holders of the “4” preferred Stock" ahall be entitled to receive when and as declared by the Board of Trustees from the surplus or net earnings of the Corpora tion. yearly dividends at the rate of four per cent (47) per annum and no more. The dividends on each class of preferred stock shall be cumulative and shall be pay able before any dividend on the Common Btock shall be paid or set apart, so that If. in any year, dividends amounting to seven per cent (77-1 shall not have been paid on the outstanding "Preferred Stock” and dividends amounting to four per cent (4%) ahall not have been paid on the outstand ing "4% Preferred Stock." the dividends on the "Preferred Stock” and the "47 Preferred Stock" shall be forthwith payable before any dividends shall be paid upon or set apart for the Common Stock. Divi dends on "Preferred Stock" converted Into "4* Preferred Btock" as herein provided ■hall accrue to and including March 31. 1948. and not thereafter. Dividends on the "4% Preferred Btock" shall be cumula tive from April 1. 1948. In the event of the Issuance of any shares of "4Pre ferred Btock" subsequent to June lfi. 19*8. •11 dividends declared and accumulated therecn prior to the date as of which the ■ame shall have been issued shall be deemed to have been paid in full The "Preferred Stock” may, on 30 days’ written Sotice. be redeemed in whole or in part at le option of the Corporation expressed by resolution of its Board of Trustees, on the date for payment of any dividend, at the price of one hundred and five dollars (S1051 for each share and the amount of dividends accumulated and unosld thereon at the date of redemption. The "47- Pre ferred Stock” may. on 30 days’ written notice, be redeemed in whole or in part at the option of the Corporation, expressed by resolution of its Board of Trustees, at any time during the period from April 1. 1958. to and including March 31. 1983. on the date for payment of any dividend, at the price of one hundred and three dollars 7*103) for each share and the amount of dividends accumulated and unpaid thereon pt the date of redemotlon. and at any time after March 31. 1983. on the date for pay ment of any dividend, at the price of one hundred and two dollars (SI 02) for each share and the amount of dividends accumu lated end unpaid thereon at the date of Sadauaptloo. In the event ot any liquids «■ SVIWS nwnw iWOTI.I. tton or dissolution, whether voluntary or Involuntary, of the Corporation, the holders each class of preferred stock shall be entitled to be paid In full both the par amount of their shares and the unpaid dividends accrued thereon before any amount shall be paid to the holders of Common Stock, and shall not thereafter participate In any of the property of the Corporation or proceeds of liquidation, which property and proceeds shall be divided among the holders of the Common Stock. Each share of the Common Stock of the Corporation of the par value of ten collars ($10) shall be entitled to one vote. The preferred stock of any class shall not be entitled to vote at the stockholders' meetings. The ‘ Preferred Stock” shall not be entitled to participate In the profits of the Corporation beyond the said fixed, pref erential, cumulative annual dividend of seven per cent (7%). The ''4fo Preferred Stock” shall not be entitled to participate in the profits of the Corporation beyond the said fixed, preferential, cumulative annual dividend of four per cent (4%). Without the consent of a majority In interest of the outstanding preferred stock of both classes, the Corporation shall not Increase the au thorized amount of preferred stock. No fractions of shares of “4T? Preferred Stock" shall be Issued upon conversion of shares of "Preferred Stock." but In lieu thereof non-dividend bearing and non-voting scrip (exchangeable for full shares of ”4rr Preferred Stock," upon delivery to the Cor poration or to any transfer agent of the Corporation for the "4% Preferred Stock" of the proper number of scrip certificates) shall be issued In such denominations, In such form, bearer or registered, with the right to exchange expiring 90 days from date of issuance thereof or on July 12, 1948, -whichever day shall occur sooner, and containing such other terms and pro visions, all as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine prior to Issue thereof. se26,oc3,10. » LEGAL NOTICES. RALPH A. Cl!SICK, Attorney, 1100 Investment Building. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 69,882. Ad That the subscriber, of the State of Penn sylvania has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Annie E. C. Hufnagel, late of the District of Co lumbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the tame, with the vouch ers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 22nd day of September. 1947. HARRY M. HUP NAGEL, 530 Navato Place. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Seal.) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN, Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. se26,oc3,10. WARREN CRAVEN. Attorney, 2922 Upton St. N.W. _ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate (feurt.—No. 69.196. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Co lumbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Administration. C.T.A. on the estate of Cecelia Craven, late of the District of Co lumbia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 18th day of September. A.D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of September. 1947. AGNES BOLTON. 1416 Madison Street N.W. (Seal.) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN, Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Cleric of the Probate Court. _se26.oc3.10. B. P- HOLLINGSWORTH. Attorney^_ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.-—No. 69.732, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Co ’umbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Mary C. Palmer, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or before the 8th day of Sep tember. A.D 1048: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 16th day of September, 1947. THE NATIONAL »#viinT>rtn/\r T-rAXT DAVIT AD WA9HTWP.. TON. Bv THOS. H. REYNOLDS, Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL, Resister of Wills lor the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. ,_sel9.26.oc3. HUGH M. McCaffrey. Attorney, 8107 Pa. Ave. N.W. Filed Sept. 24, 1947, Charles E. Stewart, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—Lillian V. Mangum, 3321 O St. N.W., Plaintiff, vs. Percy W. Mangum alias Percy W. Reigle, Defendant. — No. 3058-47.—The object of this suit Is com plaint for absolute divorce on ground of desertion. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 24th day of September. 1947. or dered that the defendant, Percy W. Man gum alias Percy W. Reigle. cause his appearance to be entered herein on or be fore the fortieth day, exclusive of Sun days and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order: otherwise the cause will be pro ceeded with as in case of default. Pro vided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Washington Evening Star before said day. IS) F. DICKINSON LETTS. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: CHARLES E. STEWART, Clerk. By ELLA MCDONALD, Deputy Clerk.se26-oc3,10. ARTHUR F. CARROLL, Jr„ Attorney, Hibbs Building. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 8tates for the District of Columbia, Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of John Wtnokouroff, Deceased.—No. 69,859, Ad ministration Docket 147. — Application having been made herein by Joseph Gawler's Sons. Inc., for letters of ad ministration on said estate, to issue unto John P. Gawler, it is ordered this 24th day of September. A.D. 1947, that the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of John Winokouroff, deceased, and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Mon day, the 3rd day of November. A.D. 1947, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the "Washington Law Reporter" and "The Evening Star." once in each of three suc cessive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable BOLITHA J. LAWS, Chief Justice of said Court, this 24th day of September, A.D. 1947. (Seal): Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, C erk of the Probate Court. se26,oc3,10. LeROY A DENSLOW. Attorneys, Washington Bldg. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 69.668, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Norman Somerville Ross, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 15th day of August, A.D 1948: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of September. 1947. NORMA BLANCHE ROSS. 4905 Rodman St. N.W. (Seal.) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN, Deputy R.Pfflstpr of i 11« for tV\p TVctrlot of f*o_ lumbia. Cleric of the Probate Court, se26.oc3.10, COLLADAY. COLLADAY ft WALLACE and HENRY F. LERCH. Attorneys, 1331 G Street N.W, DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 69.565. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of John T. Leavell, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to' exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or before the 14th day of August, A D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 16th day of September, 1947. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON By VICTOR B DEYBER. Chairman of the Board. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court.__sel9,26.oc3. JOSEPH D. MALLOY, Attorney, Columbian Bulldinr. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, i Holding Probate Court.—No. 69.256. Ad-1 ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of' Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Ada N Perry, late of the District of Columbia.! deceased. All persons having claims agalnt the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers' thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or before the 14th day of i August. A.D. 1948: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 16th day of September. 1947. MARION H. THOMAS. 3031 11th st. N.W. (Seal.) Attest: THOMAS COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court.sel9,26.oc3. ARTHUR C. KEEPER, Attorney, MW) F fUrMt V W DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED _ States for the District of Columbia.— Holding a Probate Court.—No. 69.750. Administration Docket 147.—Estate of May Pinks, deceased.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said Mildred K. Heifer, it is ordered this 24th day of September, A.D. 1947. that Mrs. Francis Sturm, Mrs. Grace Riley. Joe Atkinson. Mrs. Anna K. Ward, Miss Anita Kirby, the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of decendent. and. in particular the unknown heirs at law apd next of kin of William Don neliy. deceased brother of decendent. and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Monday, the 3rd day of November. A.D. 1947. at 10:00 A.M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the “Washington Law Reporter” and '"The Evening Star,'’ once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publica tion to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Justice of aaid Court, this 24th. day of September. A.D. 1947. (Seal). Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. ■e26,oc8,10. LEGAL NOTICES (ConL). HrinjY M. FOWLER. Attorney. j _ _1138 Investment Building. IN TH* DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co- ■ lumbla—In re: Estate of JOHN MILLER. ' Decease. — Administration No. 61793. — ORDER NISI FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—Henry M. Fowler, administra tor of the estate of John Miller, deceased, having reported an oiler of sale of $2, 800.00 cash, subject to a real estate brokerage commission for the purchase of Lot K in Square 670, Improved by premises 224 O St. S.W , in the District of Colum bia, it Is by the Court this 24th day of September, 1947. ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECREED that the said offer be ac cepted and the said sale at that price be ratified and confirmed by the Court unless , cause to the contrary Is shown or a higher ; offer for said property acceptable to the Court Is made on or before the 9th day of October. 1947 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Motion's Court, at which time higher offers and objections to said sale, If any, will be considered by the Court: provided, a copy of this order be published prior to the said 9th day of October. 1947. once In the Washington Law Reporter and once in The Evening Star at least ten days prior to said last mentioned date. F. ■ DICKINSON LETTS, Justice., (Seal.) A i True Copy. Attest: THEODORE COGS- 1 WELL. Register of Wills fer the District ■ of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. ~ Robert w. McCullough. WILLIAM T. PACE, Attorneys, 80S H Street N.E. Order of Publication—Absent Defendant. Filed Sept. 17, 1947, Charles E. Stewart, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—Virginia T. Fletcher. 6121 6th Street N.W., Washington. D. C., Plaintiff, vs. Thomas A. Fletcher, Care of C. W. Inn, Camas, Washington, Defendant.—C. A. No. 34893.—The object of this suit is Amended Complaint for Absolute Divorce on the grounds of two years desertion and the dissolution of certain property rights be tween husband and wife, to wit the owner ship of Lot 64, Square 3256, improved by premises known as 5121 6th Street N.W., Washington, D. C. Said plaintiff Is pray ing that the Court pass an order award ing the property to Virginia T. Fletcher In fee simple. On motion of the plaintiff, is is this 17th day of September, 1947, ordered that the defendant, Thomas A. Fletcher, cause his appearance to be en tered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holi days. occuring after the day of the first i publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as In case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three suc cessive weeks in the Washington Law Re porter and The Evening star before said day. (8) F. DICKINSON LETTS, Justice. (Seal ) Attest: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk. By CLARA F. CONNELL. Deputy Clerk._ ' sel9.26,oc3. VERNON E. WEST. ROBERT D. WISE, Attorneys for the District of Columbia, District Building. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE TTn1t.*rt Rtnt.Pf fnr fh* nigfriot nf r'n , lumbla. Holding Probate Court.—DIS TRICT OP COLUMBIA, District Building, Washington, D. C„ Plaintiff, v. P. GRAN VILLE MUNSON, Administrator of Estate of James Becklngham, 900 P St. N.W., Washington, D. C.. Defendant.—Adminis tration No. 66,817.—ORDER.—Applica tion having been made herein by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for a finding that James Beckingham. the above named decedent, died Intestate with out next of kin within the degree of relationship recognized by the laws of dis tribution and for a decree that said de cedent’s property escheat to the District cf Columbia under D. C. Code (1940). Title 18, Sec. 717 (31 Stat. 12B1). as amended by the Act of June 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 1230). it is ordered this 9th day of September. 1947, that the unknown heirs at law and next of kin. If any, of James Beckingham. decepsed. and all others concerned appear In said Court on Friday, the 12th day of December, 1947. at 10:00 o clock A.M.. to show cause why such ap plication should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published In the "Wash ington Law Reporter," and in "The Eve ning Star” twice a month for the three months. September. October and Novem ber, 1947. requiring said parties to appear . on or before said date which is the first rule day occurring after the expiration of . such prescribed period. ALEXANDER HOLTZOFF. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: . MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of . Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk ' of the Probate Court. _sel9,26,oc8.22,nol2,26. GODFREY L. MUNTER. Attorney, ] _ Shoreham Building. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED ! tt ?i?tes for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of : Catherine Gladys McKenna. Deceased.— , No. 69,768, Administration Docket 147.— ! Application having been made herein by ' Daisy Irene Hahn for letters of administra tion on said estate, to Issue unto Charles ' F. Hahn, it Is ordered this 17th dav of September, A.D. 1947, that the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Catherine . Gladys McKenna, deceased, the unknown ■ heirs at law and next of kin of Annie , America Garrison, deceased, the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Viola Seitz, deceased, and the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Frank J. McKenna, deceased, and all ethers concerned, appear , in said Court on Monday, the 27th day of i October, A.D. 1947, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. ! to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be pub lished in the "Washington Law Reporter" and "The Evening Star,” once in each of . three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Justice of said Court, this 17th day of September. A.D. ' OCtf 1. ’ n ' L<_M X XIXSXXXXXJXCJS U-XJXjO WELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court. sel9.2fl.oc3 JOSEPH LIBIA, Attorney for Petitioner, 1071 National Press Bldg., Washington 4, D. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia.—In Re Application of Wilburn Murrell Kilter, For Change of Name.—Civil Action No. 3745-47.—Wilbur Murrell Klker. having filed a complaint for a judgment changing his name to William A. Lyerly. Jr., and having applied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice re quired by law in such cases, it is. by the Court this 17th day of September. 1947 ORDERED that all persons concerned show cause, if any there be. on or before the 18th day of October, 1947. why the pray ers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided, That a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in The Evening Star and The Washington Law Reporter. (S.) F. DICKINSON LETTS. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk. By CLARA F. CONNELL. Deputy Clerk. sel9.28.oc3 JOHN ENRIETTO, C. F. ROTHENBEBG, Attorneys, Sboreham Building. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 69,203, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the Slate of New York has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Magdalena Wert, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or beiore the 11th day of August, A.D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 16th day of September, 1947. RICHARD E. SHAW, c/o HAMEL, PARKS and SAUNDERS, 1000 Shoreham Bldg., Zone 5. (Seal.) Attest: THOMAS COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. sel9,26,oc3. HOGAN. HARTSON * O. R. McGUIRE, Jr., Attorneys, Colorado Building. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia.— Holding a Probate Court.—No. 67,961. Administration Docket 143.—Estate of David L. Garvey, deceased.—Application haying been made herein by Clara Garvey Dudley for letters of administration, d.b.n., c.t.a., on said estate, to issue unto O. R. McGuire, jr„ it is ordered this 24th day of September. A.D. 1947, that Mrs. George Shea and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Monday, the 3rd day of November, A.D". 1947, at 10:00 o’clock A.M.. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof i be published in the "Washington Law Re-t porter" and “The Evening Star,” oncei in each of three successive weeks before I the return day herein mentioned, the first j publication to be not less than thirty j days before said return day. Witness, j mo nuuui auic cuuiinii u. unnoi vuici Justice of said Court, this 24th day of ' September, A.D. 1947. (Seal). Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court,se26,oc3.10. THOMAS M. BAKER. Attorney. 416 5th Street N.W. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 68,748. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Penn sylvania. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Anna M. Brewer, late of "the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 15th day of September. A.D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 15th day of September, 1947. NATHANIEL BREWER. R. D. 2, Newtown. Penna. (Seal.)- Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. sel9.26.oc3. J. FENDALL COUGHLAN. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 69.809. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Mary land. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Simon Hyson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 15th day of September. A.D. 1948; otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 15th day of September. 1947. J. FENDALL COUGH LAN. 8900 Ga. Ave- Silver Spring. Md. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co- 1 lumbla. Clerk of the Probate Court. sel9,26,oc3.! EDWARD C. COX. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 69.434. Ad-i ministration.—This is to Give Notice:! That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Clyde Cedi, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warped to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 2nd day of September. A.D 1948; otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 8th day of September 1947 EDWARD C. COX, 2117 34th St. 8.E. (Seal.) Attest: MEL VIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Willsfor the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. »el2,19,29. LEGAL NOTICES. IAMUEL J. L'HOMMEDIEU, Attorney for he Plaintiff, 520 Washington Loon A Trust Bldg., 8th and F Streets N.W. "lied Sept. 17, 1947, Charleg E. Stewart, ___ Clerk. W Tins DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co umbia.—Marcus N. Parks, 1789 Columbia toad N.W., Washington, D. C., Plaintiff, ’*■ Helen B. Parks. 2129 Florida Ave. N.W., Vashing ton. D. C., Defendant.—C. A. 1157-47.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION— IBS ENT DEFENDANT.—The object of this ult is to obtain from the defendant, lelen B. Parks, an absolute divorce on he grounds of 6 years voluntary separa tor On motion of the plaintiff, It Is this 7th day of September, 1847, ordered hat the defendant, Helen B. Parks, cause ier appearance to be entered herein on or lefore the 40th day egclusive of Sundays •nd legal holidays occurring after the day if the first publication of this order; itherwlse the cause will be proceeded with is In case of default, provided, -a copy if this order be published once a week or three successive weeks In The Evening Itar and the Washington Law Reporter 'efore said day. (8) F. DICKINSON J5TTS. Justice. (Seal.) A True Copy. >st: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk, ly CLARA F. CONNELL, Deputy Clerk. sel9.26.oc3.__ GEORGE J. O’HARE. Attorney for Petitioner, 1316 L Street N.W., Washington, D. C. ’lied Sep. 10. 1947. Chas. E. Stewart. Clerk. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Re: Application of SOLO dON CAMPL—Civil Action No. 3643-47. —ORDER OF PUBLICATION—CHANGE IF NAME.—Solomon Campl having filed i petition for a judgment changing his lame to Mike Campl. and having applied o the Court for an order of publication if the notice required by law in such cases, t is. by the Court, Oris 10th day of Sep ember, 1947, ORDERED, that all persons :oncemed show cause, If any there be. on ir before the 4th day of October, 1947. rhy the prayers of said petition should be granted: PROVIDED, that a copy if this order be published once a week for hree consecutive weeks before said day S. th4, Washington Law Reporter and in £>* Washington, Star. (S.) ALEXANDER lOLTZOFF. Justice. (Seal.! A True Copy rest: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk, By .LARA F. CONNELL, Deputy cierk. sel2,19,26. ~ - i HERBERT’S PHARMACY 10th and Virginia Ave. S.W. Is a Star Want-Ad Branch Agency Other Branches conveniently located throughout the city for the acceptance of Classi fied Advertising. When . answering advertise ments addressed to Star boxes do NOT inclose original ref erences, photographs or other papers of personal value. Ad vertisers often fail to call fcr all replies addressed to a Star box number and this mail is destroyed if remaining over 10 days after final insertion of advertisement. HELP MEN. * ACCORDION PLAYER to accompany pian st: good salary; hours, 9 p.m. to 2 a m. Apply in person only, BENNY'S, 829 14th ICCOu'XT ANT-CONTROLLER lor national lewish organization. Some traveling re [Uired. Box 429-E. Star. —28 ACCOUNTANT, jr., for CPA office, part ime; hours, 1-5:30 P.m. Opportunity to ievelop into full-time job. Reply in own landwriting stating age, education, experi- ! nee, knowledge of office machines and < whether veteran. Box 150-E, Star. —28 ACCOUNTANT, C. P. A. lor permanent work with public accounting firm: salary ommensurate w'ith exper. Reply in own landwriting stating age and exper. Box t«5-E. Star. —28 ACCOUNTANT, for well-estab. public ac :ounting firm; qualifing exper. for C. P. A. ixamination; please reply in own hand writing stating ase and qualifications. 3ox 464-E, Star. —28 AIRCRAFT MECHANICS—National airlines low accepting applications from fully ex >erienced men for permanent line main enance work in Miami, Fla.; must have it least 4 years’ recent active experience, ireferably DC-4. Licenses preferred. Apply ►etween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Fri. at NA Washington National Airport. 1 APPLIANCE SALESMEN, experienced, to i >e trained in our methods for managerial 1 tositlons; salary and car allowance. Apply < dr. Bryan, SINGER SEWING MACHINE * X)., 3107 M st. n.w. —28 1 APPRENTICES—Two young men, not over 1 51-Jt0 s^ssist roj^xiB mechanics at GRIF- , PITH-CONSUMERS. Good wages and I iteady work. Phone MR. PHILLIPS at OL. 1 L873 between 7:30 and 10 am. or 4 and c ► D.m. —2 5 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN—Two ex- f aerienced draftsmen are needed in a l Washington office to develop plans for * ’’HA apartments, also miscellaneous resi- \ iential developments and commercial ' structures. State briefly, age. schooling 1 ixperience and salary desired. Box 302-H, 1 Star. 28* 1 ARTIST, for display dept., experienced; ] >-day, 40-hr. week; generous company ] >eneflts and privileges. Apply in person, * mployment office, 3rd floor, THE HECHT l 20., 7th and F sts. n.w. —28 \ ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of ! Ibl. entry bookkeeping and typing; o-day t vie. ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO., 1817 N. i jynn st., Arl., Va. CH. 2535. —29 ASSISTANT MANAGER; salary and car al- 1 owance; one experienced in sale of vacuum : leaners preferred. Apply SINGER SEW- J NG MACHINE CQ.. 3337 Conn. ave. —28 ASSISTANT MANAGER, experienced, in < retail general store; perm, position. SUR- j PLUS SALES CO.. 42S 10th St. n.w. —28 LSSISTANT night AUDITOR) hours. 11 1 >.m. to 7 a.m.; experienced on National 1 rash Register Posting Machines preferred; . ull time permanent position; good salary. ! IPPly personnel office. MAYFLOWER ' IOTEL, Conn, and De Sales. AUTO‘ BODY AND FENDER MAN, must ! •e fiist-class. T. & G. *UTO REPAIRS. ■ear 2i2 C st s e _°8 ! 1 LUTOMOBILE BODY and fender repair- ; nan; 5Vi-day wk„ perm, position with op- ; lortunlty for advancement. Apply GEN- ; ORAL BAKING CO., 2146 Ga. ave. n.w. IO. 6262. —29 LUTO LUBRICATION MAN. exp. on all nakes of cars; excel, opport. lor right J nan. See Mr. L. E. Gette, CAPITAL GA- ‘ tAGE. 1320 N. Y. ave. n.w. —1 3 LUTO MECHANIC to work on General ! dotors cars. FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Con- 1 )ecticut. WO. 8400. ' \ lUTO MECHANIC, exper. on Plymouth, i rhevrolet; BVa-day week: paid vacation and 1 tolidays; clean heated shop. Starting 1 lalary, $60 per week, advancement If ! luaiified See MR. MARKWOOK. 2387 ' Sherman ave. n.w., or call AD. 1600. —27 J LUTO MECHANICS (2); must be experl- , need; good working conditions; $1.60 per , ,cur. 24 H st. n.e. —28 t LUTO MECHANIC, must be 1st clast, sal- r ry and commission; vacation with pay; ; ree hospitalization and Insurance. Apt j ivailable about Oct. 1st for the right man. r lee Mr. Booth, CAITHNESS BUICK. INC., , .718 Hampden lane, Bethesda, Md. OL. a 1000. —2 ; LUTO. MECHANIC for general repair work, f -day week; good salary; good working , ondition. SPITLER'S AUTO SERVICE. s 145 Maryland ave. n.e. —,28 ■ LUTO MECHANICS, lst-class Ford ex- , lenence preferred; excellent working con- / litions; attractive proposition for right , nen. See Mr. Wheeler. BILLHIMER & l •ALMER MOTOR CO., 3110 Hamilton st.. r lyattsville. Md. WA. 0900. —28 J LUTO MECHANICS—Openings for exper. 0 L-l men; excel, working cond.; heated j hop; latest equip.; paid vacation and r lolidays; salary plus commission. Call 4 Llexandria 3922. —1 y UTOMOBILE MECHANICS — Opportunity I a/* low BUUUi lOliHUlc U1C11 bU WU1 A IU B iappy shop, with men enjoying time and a * lalf after 40 hours, vacations, pay on legal r lolldays when shop is closed, sick benefits ' nd profit sharing; also immaculate, bril- \ ar.tly fluorescent lighted shop, clean roomy * ocker and washrooms; new equipment and J hop tools. Fellows, this is it! Phone me J or appointment. Wm. B. Moriarity, THE , 'REW MOTOR CO., 1626 14th st. n.w., J lecatus 1910. LUTO METAL MEN, experienced, 5Vi-day , reek, vacation with pay; high earnings, i lee Mr. Mahoney, ADDISON CHEVROLET n SALES, 1622 14th st. n.w. —28 l t TO PAINTER, experienced, lacauer and • namel; match colors; vacation and 6 !gal holidays: good pay. BILLHIMER Ji r PALMER MOTOR CO., 3110 Hamilton E t.. Hyattsville, Md., WA. 0900. —28 f tUTOMOBILE garage attendants (4), white , nly, by Washington’s oldest Ford dealer r iere is an opportunity lor young men j rho want to learn the automotive business ; o become associated with a progressive j. rganization and learn the business in its t ntirety All men selected must have Dls- j rict driver’s permit and a willingness to c rork hard and get ahead—we do the rest. ), acatlons and holidays with pay. Apply . a HILL & TIBBITTS. 1114 Vermont ave. J i.w. See Mr. Brown, service mgr. —26 r ,UTO SERVICE SALESMAN, experienced, t acation with pay, 6Va-day week. See Mr. I lahoney. ADDISON CHEVROLET SALES, t 522 14th st. n.w. —28 1 UTOMOTIVE PARTS MAN, txperienced I or Chevrolet dealership, excellent salary C nd working conditions. Apply In person o parts manager, MANDELL CHEVRO- I ,ET CO., 1234 Good Hope rd. i.e. —29 c LAKER wanted, white only, flrst-clasa. n read and buns: no Sunday work. 1325 S Wisconsin ave. n.w. —28 C lENCHMEN snd cabinet makers needed y wood working plant. 8226 Oa. ave., I H. 2300. —27 $ IICYCLE MECHANIC, part or full time, n tate exper and refs. Write Box 326-E. t itar. f COOK KEEPER and general office worker, t or builders office: books now up to date; P ne opportunity for progressive and alert I ard worker. Write R. H. BEST. 81181 f Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda, Md. —28 j II lOOKKEEPER-CASHIER. with accounting! £ raining and general ledger exper. to keep! f omplete set ol books, prepare monthly i * tstements, social security returns, etc 0 lust type and write a good hand. Silver:? pring area. $50 for 40-hr. 6-day week.11 Vrite Box 32.3-E, Star. —30 j J IOOKKEEPER-TYPIST. young man. alert I J md able to work without direct supervision. : s pply BOWEN & CO., 4712 Bethesda ave. q —29 1 :OY, colored, to learn newspaper and mag- j zlne business and be generally useful, s lETROPOLITAN NEWS AGENCY, 603 T 5th st. n.w. r OYS OR VETERANS, under 25, neat ap- 1 earance, free to travel entire U. 8. A.; J ermanent well-paying position: all ex- r enges advanced; average earning *76 a er wk. See MR. KILLS, Plaaa Hotel. 27* X HELP MEN OCwrt.) IOY, white, lor mallroom; knowledge of ddsessograph or mimeograph machines .elpful. ^but not essential. Apply 1771 IRICKLAYER wanted on hcuse*. $26 a lay. South Glebe rd. or JA. 1410-R. Call >ny time. —28 IRICKLAYERg urgently needed. $25 per Ay; long Job. 70 homes. MELVIN HOMES ipRP.. Job, Baden st. and Worth ave., diver Spring, Md. Directions. Go out Jolesville rd. 2 biles, psst Franklin st. to rewster st.. turn right 1 blk. to Job. —27 IRICKLAYERg WANTED. $25 day. all ear-round work; Benning rd. and South rn ave. s.e., or call WA. 4814 for lnfor lation. 1 IRICKLAYERg WANTED; good pay. Ap ly all day at the office of the BROWN REALTY CORP., 1500 13th st. n.w. DU. 858. —30 1RICKLAYERS WANTED, $26 Per day; ong Job, work all year 'round: plenty of fork In Md. and D. C. Call alter 6 p.m., ,1. 4201 or RA. 4930. —5 IRICKLAYERg WANTED; l-ye»r Job; will ’? t° $27per day. For direction to cay 'WK.6515 alter 6 p.m. —29 .RICKLAYERS. first-class whit* mechan :s; steady work, good pay. Call NICK lOMANOafter j p.m.. LI. 3160. —29 IULLDOZER OPERATOR, must be experi r.ced on small machines, work around Be hesda, top wages, furnish own transpor atlon. Call WI. 8600 alter 7 p.m. —26 lUTCHER. experienced only: nondrinker, ellabie. Apply 331 V st. n.e. —28 UTLER, handyman and chauffeur. $150 lonthly; must have 1-yr. empl. references, ox 421 -K. Star. —29 AB DRIVERS, Packards; single or double hilt. HENRI. Ill Mass. ave. n.w. 27’ ABINET MAKER, experienced in resto atlon ol antiques, furniture repairs, etc. 232 20th st. n.w. —26 ABINET MAKERS <2), white, only ex erlenced In bldg, store fixture equipment eed apply; steady work; good pay; must e sober. ROSEN & McCAULEY, 304 B t. n.e., DE. 0493. —26 AB WASHER, must be experienced: ex ellent working conditions, good salary. fPPly 8 a m. to 4 p.m., 7801 Georgia ave. ,w. • ARPENTER-CABINETMAKER — lit-clasa workman desired, good working condi lons and salary. FAIRFAX HOTEL, 2100 lass. ave. 28 ARPENTERS WANTED, lor apt. project: liver Spring are*. SUBURBAN BUILD ERS. INC., SH. 6299, SH. 40.30. ,—30 ARPENTERS, experienced in new work nd remodeling: steady work, top wages. iPPly 3612 14th st. n.w. —26 ARPENTERS, top wages lor top men: >ng housing Job. Apply 13th and Emer on sts. n.e.. Just ofi Sargent rd„ ol call A. 1759. —30 ARPENTERS WANTED; top pay lor top sen: steady work: come, ready to work, loyes drive and 2nd ave., Silver Spring. Id. Call EM. 8384 or EX. 7588. FRANK I FRANK CONSTRUCTION CO. —29 ARPENTER, for year around maintenance fork; excel, salary, ideal working cond. In v 1 Q 1 .IP Oln> •> CARPENTERS—Several experienced rough nd finished carpenters; steady work; lghest wages paid. See Mr. Machir, at 7. C. & A. N. MILLER. Builders and Fevelopers of Wesley Heights, Sumner and taring Valley, 483<T Mass. ave. n.w, »R. 4464. —30 CARPENTER, white, for office building, lalntalnence. See MR. BARTLEY, 707 lloodward Bldg. —28 CARPENTERS (2). white; only experienced i bldg, store fixture equipment need apply; teady work; good pay; must be sober. tOSEN & McCAULEY. 304 S st. n.e . DE. 493. —26 ARPENTER for remodeling and cablnet ’ork: permanent Job for industrious man ith transportation; pleasant working con itlons, hospitalization, good wages, 44 our week. See MR. FEBREY, 1108 K st. w.. bet. 7:30-9:30 a m. —27 CARPENTERS for rejnodeling; $2 an hour. Call RA. 4818. CARPENTERS, experienced: new construc jon, steady work, good pay. Day. phone IN. 9823; evening, phone UN. 1069. —27 c.4R WASHERS colored, to work in auto lundry; extra man for Saturdays and undays. 3510 Georgia ave. n.w. ■—28 ■HEP, white, room with running water, teals and $40 week; small hotel, 35 miles rom Washington. Box 287-H, Star. —28 LERK for coal office, high sehool gradu te, veteran preferred. RINALDI COAL CO.. 649 R. I. ave. n.e. COMBINATION TA1LOR-PRESSER, col red. plain repairing, mostly men’s clothes. :AY CLEANERS, 313 Pa. ave. s.e. —2 OMPANION to convalescent young man: tate qualifications, age. references and alary desired. Box 178-E, Star. —26 CONCRETE FOREMAN for apt. house proj ct in nearby Va.; 3-yr. Job; must be capa Ile of getting own men. JOHN N. CAMP 1ELL, INC., 80 North Glebe rd„ Arl„ CH. 1090. —29 COUNTERMAN, opportunity for advance tent and training, pleasant working con itions, 6-day week, salary arranged upon nterview. Apply between 3 and 5 p.m., 1303 Geo—ri« ave. n.w. —26 'OUNTERMEN—Attractive wage schedule, pportunity for advancement; stop in at 100 Georgia ave. n.w. for interview be ween 11 a m. and noon, except Sundays; t all other hours, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 pm., all SL. 6600 for Information. The work s interesting, the working conditions are xcellent, the surroundings are modern and ttractive, the work is steady. See Little avern first. LITTLE TAVERN SHOPS, NC.. “Famous for Hamburgers." CREDIT INVESTIGATOR—Financial InsM uuuii oners attractive position to a young nan, 20 to 35. car not necessary; excel-! ent future with a good starting salary. LPPly in person, at 7902 Georgia ave. —26! (ENTAL TECHNICIAN, gold man: good | pportunity In small laboratory. State age nd experience. Box 493-E. Star. —28 (ISHWASHer AND PORTER, for dell atessen store; morning. WAGSHAL'S, 855 Massachusetts ave. n.w, —27 (RIVER-SALESMAN. S40 per week while earning; can double this with some extra ffort: only energetic man with initiative nd not afraid of hard work need apply. to 12 noon. HUB LAUNDRY. 37th st. t Eastern ave., Mt. Rainier, Md. —28 (RIVER PORTER: good hours, good pay, ermanent. Must be sober and reliable. DAUBER S. 2320 18th st. n.w. —27 (RIVER,,white, for dry cleaning route in: i.w. secflon; must be willing to solicit! iew business: references required; salary ilus commission. Call GE 2537 for inter lew. —26 (RIVERS, coal and building material. !. C. tiEYS & SON, see Mr. La Sage. 8404 ■eorzia ave.. Silver Spring. —20 (RIVERS WANTED for Diamond cabs; iew 1946-1947 cabs and used cabs avail ble: reasonable rental rates: must have dentlflcation card. Apply Diamond lot. 01 M st. n.e., see MELVIN HERRIMAN. (BY CLEANER: experience not necessary. 329 South Eads. Arlington. Jackson 585. —30 !GG CANDLER. Apply D. C. BUTTER !0.. 1276 8th st. n.e. TR. 4434. —26 ILEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, with icense and some knowledge of switch oard; hours 8 a m. to 5 p.m.; Mondays ft. See res. mgr., 5130 Conn, ave.! —28 i ENGINEER, white, 5th-class license or etter: clean, pleasant work in downtown! ffice bldg.: 6-day week; $182 mo., salary1 aid weekly; state refs, and experience.; lox 321-E, Star. —26 INGINEER. 5th class, white: must be1 ober, in good health, and available to tart work Immediately. Call VI. 8266, 1R CARPENTER. —27 INGINEER, 3rd class, for dry-cleaning lant. REGAL CLEANERS, rear 612 M st. w. —28 NGINEUr, 5th class, downtown office ldg.: good opportunity for enterprising oung man: permanent position: 40-hour reek. Apply Room 408, 816 14th st. n.w. INGINEER’S HELPER, white, meals and oom. NEW COLONIAL HOTEL, 15th and 1 sts. ryw. —28 :STIM*TOR. exper. in takeoff and pricing if all types of buildings; also, on site* oads, sewage and water facilities: must e accurate and conversant with changing naterial and labor prices. State qualiflca ions and exper. and salary expected in pplication. Box 262-E, Star. —28 ARMER AND DAIRYMAN, competent, larried, no children, knowledge of De aval milking machine, modern working ondltions. Prefer a man with D. C. [ealth regulation. Must be sober, of good haracter and furnish references. Modern ving quarters and prevailing wages. Box 17-E. Star. —26 OUNTAIN MAN, experienced, must have >cal reference*: day shift, top salary paid, pply in person, DAY DRUG STORE, lTth nd P n.w. OUNTAIN MAN, permanent Job, good i rages, uniforms and meals. Apply JACK t WALT’S, 1110 Flower ave., Takoma Pk., Id. —27 URNITURE FINISHERS, must be ex erienced: 6-day, 40-hour week; 50% iscount on purchases. Apply employment ffice. 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO. —26 URNITURE FINISHERS, experienced: O-hr. wk.; 20% discount on purchases, •pply employment office, 4th floor, LANS iURGH A BROS., 7th, 8th and E sts. n.w. —27 TJRNITURE REPAIRMAN, exper., car ec.: perm. work. 6-day. 40-hour week, pply in person. THE HECHT CO., 7th nd F sts. n.w. URNITURE REPAIRMAN, exper,: steady ork. Apply employment offlce, WARD IAN PARK HOTEL, 2700 Woodley rd. —i« IROCERY CLERK (or small store; must e steady and sober: good working condi ons. MILLER'S GROCERY, 30 D st. s.e. IROCERY STOCKMEN (2), experienced, pply Mr. K. Herman. TR. 7290, RIVER ERRACE SUPER MARKET, 3439 Benning 1. n.e. —2 1AT CLEANER AND BLOCKER. Apply 1 person BLUE FLAME VALET SHOP, 40 P st. n.w. —27 [EATING ENGINEER, (or take-off work nd job supervision on lge. apt. installa ons. Must have practical experience, ox 116-C, Star. ,—26 EATING INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR >r take-off work and job supervision on irge apt. Installations. Must have prae cai experience. Box 121-C, Star. —26 UGH SCHOOL BOYS, to insert papers on aturday night. Apply to Mr. Albert Per er any time this week and get letter to re Ross School. 1730 R st. n.w. (or your ork permit. Be ready to start Saturday lght at 8:30 P.m.; good pay. THE EVE ING STAR. 1101 Pa. ave. n.w. —26 [OTEL AUDITOR, exper., to take com lete charge of office. State qualifications i letter. Box 324-E. Star. —28 [OU8EMAN for country club in Chevy hase, Md. Call MANAGER, WI. 3100. —27 VSTRUCTOR in refrigeration and air jndltioning: good hours and good pay; mat be well qualified. NATIONAL IN TITUTE OP COMMERCE A TECHNOLO Y, 1332 New York ave. n.w., DI. 8703. —30 MSURANCE SALESMEN (3). experienced. 60 weekly, drawing account, high eom ilssion, no collections; offlce space, secre trial and telephone service free. For! irther Information, call NA. 0190 be veen 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.: eves., 6-7 .m„ TA. 5939. S’VESTIGATOR, 25 to 35. as supervisor: >r a retail shopping service; with drivers cense, must be (ree to travel, no ex srlence necessary. Apply EVENING STAR LDG.. 11th and Pa . Rm. 523. —2 4VE8TIGATOR—Small loan company has senlng for investigator between the age f 21 to 27: must have car; good oppor inity for advancement If you are not frald of hard work: car allowance. Phone [R. SMITH. WA. 0705. —3 4NITOR—80 units; must be experienced. >ber. 5th-class license; $120 mo. and jarters. Apply at.desk. EMBASSY APT.. 813 Harvard st. rf.w. —26 4NITOR—Do not apply unless you under and minor repairs and take care of Iron iremgn stocker; salary and quarters to ght party. Apply PARK LANE, 2026 ye st. n.w. —28 4NITOR. married, colored, for new apart lent building; quarters furnished; good ages. Apply L. E. BREUNINGER A SONS, dC„ 1730 K at. —28 HILP MEN.i JANITOR for apt. building, mutt be expe rienced; salary and quarter!. Apply morn ings 9-13. 2730 Wls. ave. n.w —27 JOBBERS—Experienced men only need apply: must be familiar with jobbing and alteration work; excellent pay. Ideal work £ «,5.<2nd,1i^n!%..w3LLIA?i bornstein & SON. INC., 145 Kennedy at. n.w.. TA. 5600. —30 LIFE INSURANCE man, experienced, for established Arlington office. Desk, phone, secretarial service furnished, also liberal advance. No collections. Highest com missions. Phone OW. 7220, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. 28 MAN for theater manager with imagina tion and the ability to carry Ideas from Inception to conclusion. Job means long hours steady work, good prospects for advancement with solidly established firm. Experience valuable but not necessary. Car an absolute requirement. Starting salary, $45 weekly. Write, giving your complete experience history and qualifi cations. Box 186-Y, Star. MAN, white, married, learn service trade, routewosk. perm.: daytime: salary. Only honest, sober man need apply. Reference required. WESTERN EXTERMINATING CO ,1023 12th st. n.w. —30 MAN, fully experienced. to#*ork In pro gressive photography dept, evenings: excel *n<L. bonus. COMMUNITY DRUG, 256 No, Olebe rd.. Arl„ Va. OX. ~o00. v —29 MAN, colored, elevator operator, must understand switchboard: hours. 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Apply manager. 2115 P st. n.w. _27 MAN, white, 50 years of age. to work as foreman: must have laundry experience and good references. Apply WASHING TON LAUNDRY, 2627 K st. n.w. —.30 MAN. colored, for part-time work, Jani tor work In laboratory, $50 per month For appt., call EX. 1364. • _ok ' MAN TO ASSIST MANAGER, aged 25-40 must have general office experience and ability to type; wonderful opportunity 'alary open. Apply QUAKER CITY LINOLEUM CO.. 6th and, F ats. -n.w. MAN, colored, to assist In stor£ keep stock, drive truck; must be/sober, industrious; references required, mechanically Inclined A position with a future; raise In pay every 6 months. Apply in writing. Box 3.8-V, Star. —28 MAN with some mechanical experience to learn trade. Field not overcrowded. Write Box 371-E. Star. —20 MAN. settled, for dry cleaning store: must have ability to meet the public. ABBOTT LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING PLANT. INC., 2149 Queens Chapel rd. n.e. (near Bladens burg rd. and N. Y. ave.) —28 MAN WITH CAR. for training for mana gerial position: sales experience desirable; salary and car allowance. Apply SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. 1340 G st. n.w. _Ofl MEATCUTTER AND COUNTERMEN. 1st class, no other need apply; for week end and steady position: high wages, good hours and working conditions. Apply In person to P. F Casey, ARCADE MARKET, 14th and Park rd. n w. —26 MECHANICS—Men 18 to 26, with wood working exper., to learn trade in perma nent postwar work; 6-day wk„ 40 hrs.; benefits of GI training program; allow veterans Journeymen's pay while learning. Apply J, E. HANGER, INC., 221 G st. n.w. —26 MECHANIC, veterans’ training program, previous exper. essential. See Mr. Maloney or Mr, Gunter, MALONEY'S, INC., Inter national truck dealer, 8126 Ga. ave., Silver Spring, Md. —30 MEN—26 to 45, with car to call on home owners for estab. distributor of gas and oil heating equipment. Call for appointment, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TA. 5612, TA. 4913. —26 MEN, to work with manager on regular route; can earn $43 per week to start, with bonus. Room 424 Bond Bldg. —27 MEN, colored, paper handlers, for Satur day nightwork. Apply ready to go to work, to mallroom foreman. Evening and Sufidy Star, at 8:30 pm.; good pay. THE EVENING STAR, 1101 Pa. ave. n.w. —°7 NIGHT FIREMAN (white), steady work. Apply MR. SWARR, 1001 Vermont ave. n.w. NIGHTMAN, colored, sober. Industrious for apartment building: must understand switchboard and stoker, $100 per month. See H. NELSON. 1526.17th st. ir.w. —27 NIGHT MAN in downtown apt. bldg.: must have elevator operator’s license and be able to operate small switchboard: hrs., 12 midnight to 8 a.m. dally: salary, $75 per mo. See MRS. FERGUSON, resident manager. 1316 N. H. ave. n.w. —27 NIGHTMAN, colored, for n.w. apt. bldg., good opportunity for dependable man: references required. See Mr. Amatulli be tween 4-5 p.m. H. K. SMITHEY CO., 811 15th st. n.w. *—28 NIGHT WATCHMAN, middle aged for service station: midnight to 8 a.m.: good salary, paid life insurance: must be sober and steady. See Mr. Streets, WASH. RUB BER CO., 14th and Belmont sts. n.w. Do not phone. —29 OIL BURNER installation and servicemen, steady year-round job; we pay holidays, time and half; insurance plan: good work ing conditions. DISTRICT HARDWARE 80.. 2146 P st. n.w. —28 PTICAL BENCHMAN with some knowU edge of surface, only experienced men need apply. 514 10th st. n.w. —28 PACKERS, experience not necessary, 6-day 40-hour week. 20*7 discount, on nnrr.haspR Apply Employment Office. 4th floor. LAN8 BURGH & BRO., 7th, Sth and E sts. n w. —27 PACKERS, stockmen (white): B-day. 40 hour week; 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office, 4th floor, S. KANN SONS CO. —20 PACKERS AND HELPERS, experience w*th household goods desirable: good wages, steady work. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 1140 15th st. n.w. PAINTER for preparing and spraying of moving vans. Year-round work. Begin ning wage. $40 per week for 6Vi-day week or 44 hours. See Mr. King at SMITH'S TRAN8FER & STORAGE CO.. garage. 2001 flth st. n.e.. NO. 3343. —27 PAPER HANGER, 1st class; prefer combi nation man: top wages. Apply F. H. DOUGLAS. INC.. 2117 Pa. ave. n.w. —20 PART-TIME SALESMAN, exp. not es sential. Apply TKI-PLEX SHOE STORE. 810 H St. n.e. —28 FART-tfTME for grocery-delicatessen, for evenings: references reaulred. Call Adams 1217. —28 PATENT ATTORNEY, young, experience in Patent Office, chemical and mechanical work, exceptional scholarship and ability, for New York law firm. Write full details. Box 277-D. Star. 28* PHARMACIST., registered In Virginia: Excellent salary. COLONIAL VILLAGE PHAHM., 1737 Willon blvd., Arlington. CH. 4222. —28 PHARMACIST, experienced, extremely pleasant surroundings and top salary, short hours. Apply WOODLEY DRUG STORE, 3527 Conn, ave., WO. 7777. —30 PHONOGRAPH RECORD SALESMAN, ex perienced. for Washington’s largest phono graph record store: excellent salary and advancement: if you are afraid to work do not apply; our personnel know of this ad; all replies confidential. Box 77-E, Star. —28 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS SALESMAN and stockman, experienced in radio and elec trical supplies helpful, will train. Ap proved Veteians training. Apply DAUB ER’S. 2320 18th st. n.w. —27 PHOTOENGRAVER, color process etcher; I want top-notch quality man; union; ideal' working conditions in large Chicago shop. Will arrange interview here in Wash ington. Box 326-H. Star. 27* PIN BOYS, exper. pref.; 3 and 4 leagues a day, good tips; reg. alleys will be assigned to fast setters. BETHESDA BOWLING CENTER. 7661 Old Georgetown rd., see Mr. Robby. —3 PLASTERERS, must have tools; steady work: good pay. Call MR. BOOTH, Twin ning 1750 after 6 p.m., HI. 3345. —27 PLUMBER, experienced in installing gas boilers; established shop; permanent iob. Write or phone JOHN G. WEBSTER. 627 P st. n.w.. EX. 4616. —28 PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER—Experi enced men for jobbing and boiler installa tion: must have D. C. driver's license. Apply J. L. BATEMAN & SON, 2004 Rhode Island ave. n.e., HO. 2200. —26 PLUMBERS, wanted at once. Call GL 8068, 2401 N. Glebe rd.. Arl. — 28 PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS—Exper. men with references wanted for new and I old work. Good pay for qualified mechanics. STEWART BAINUM CO., 6012 4th st. n.w., GE. 4435. —2 PLUMBER—Experienced Jobbing map. must have D. C. driver’s license. 3616 14th st. n.w AD. 4026. —2 PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS, experi enced, also plumbers' helpers. Call Wl. 4656. —3 PLUMBERS, 10. year-round work; good Wuppq non: wnrlr anil ronolr wnrlr innlv 78.'10 Wisconsin, R. T. WEHRLE. —28 PLUMBER — Experienced, all-around plumber; steady work. Call ME. 0581 be tween 0 and 4 p.m. —26 PLUMBER, experienced In new and re modeling work; must have hand tools: steady work. W. H. McKENNEY, TR. 70.13. —27 PLUMBER, experienced In lobbing and remodeling: must be union or willing to join. NO. 8000; nights. RA. 3162. —29 PORTER: good hours, no nights, no Sun lays. COLONIAL VILLAGE PHARM . 1737 Wilson blvd., Arlington, Va.. CH. 4222. —28 PORTER, good salary, good hours. Apply In person only to Personnel Director, PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL. —28 PORTER DRIVER for drugstore, must be reliable man with references: good pay. 9HEPHERD PARK PHARM.. 7723 Georgia ave. n.w. » —27 PORTER, colored, part time. 9 a m. to 1 p.m. Apply in person to GRETCHEN COLE. 7244 Wis. ave.. Bethesda, Md. —28 PORTER, colored, for specialty shop. Ap ply L. FRANK CO., 1200 F st. n.w. —26 PRESSER, wanted for modern dry-clean ing plant: must have previous experience. Apply CAPITAL LAUNDRY, 16 L st. st. s.w., LI. 5452. —28 PRESSER for silk work, must be fast: this Is a wonderful opening for the right man. VOGUE CLEANERS. 826 Bladens burg id. n.e. —26 PRESSER wanted; piecework. Apply 1308 North Capitol st. HO. 5325'. —27 PRESSERS, experienced, all-year around lob; good pay ART CLEANERS, 7346 Oeor-lK eve, n.w. RA. 9637. PRESSERS, for retail dry cleaning plant; piece work or weekly salary; steady job. thorough experience, steady men. CEN TRAL CLEANERS. 323 Carroll »t. n.w. —28 PRODUCE MANAGER, for modern super market; good hours, good pay. Apply In person. 4506 Lee hwy , Arlington. PIICN PAY SUPER MARKET. —29 RADIO ENGINEER with amplifier design and production experience. This Is an op portunity to become associated with a growing organization. Apply BOWEN & CO., 4712 Bethesda, ave.. Bethesda. Md. —30 RADIO REPAIRMEN—After reorganiza tion for Philco television installation and service, GEORGE'S RADIO A TELEVISION CO. now has several vacancies for experl ;nced men In their modem service shop: ■xcellent starting salary, paid vacation and lick leave, opportunity for advancement; ;nioy ideal working conditions In fluoures :ent lighted, year-round alr-condltiond iervice looms, which have been acclaimed iy mfgrs. as the ultimate in electronic iervice facilities. Apply In person at service warehouse, 2145 Queens Chapel rd. n.e. —29 kADIO REPAIRMAN for benchwerk: must k experienced on all makes. Hours, 0 i.m. to 6 p.m.: good salary. COLONY kADIO. 6119 Georgia ave. n.w —25 RADIO REPAIRMAN—Permanent position with one of Washington’s fastest growing radio retailers. Excellent aalary with car illowance. Must be experienced and ca pable of handling all makes of sets and combinations and have car. Advanced training In electronics and television available to successful applicant. Apply LACY'S, 1029 N. J. aye. a.e., phone PR. 2122 —28 RADIO SERVICEMEN; 5-day. 40-hour wk. daily. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. —27 Apply personnel office. 9th floor, 9:30 to 6 HELP MEN.| RADIO SALESMAN, must b* experienced;/ o-day, 40-hour week, 207. discount on1 §ooCrh^N8BAuRGH"*10BROSt, °“n: 8th and E ata. n.w. —27 RADIO SERVICEMAN, must have full knowledge of all makes radios and record changers; must have fully equipped shop to work from; excel, opport. for right man. Apply Box 370-E. Star. —29 RADIO SERVICEMAN, must have full equipment to make a good shop and man jse store; be your own boss; excel, opport. S£.t.he2'iS!,t m*“- 3011 345-H. Star. 28’ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for aggressive Arm, selling Maryland and D. C. prop erties: car essential; opportunity unlimited L°,r HSR. who la willing to work. Call SL». n / 00. _*5 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for D. C. and Maryland properties; car essential; oppor tunity unlimited for man who wants to work. Call EM. 2348. —26 Relief man, full time, for modem apt. house: good salary and working conditions. APARTmMi'nf! ‘ 13mo!D^rrmcnrD.?eOTSNwK oo REFRIGERATOR SERVICEMAN, experi enced In Crosley refrigerators. See MR. SUMMERS. 2216 Fifth st. n.e. —28 REFRIGERATION SERVICEMAN to Join staff of Instructors, nationally known school: permanent and well-paid position. Box 320-Cs Star. REFRIGERATION MECHANIC, experienced. Apply 2621 14th st. —29 REGISTERED PHARMACISTS — Position* available for pharmacists interested in managerial positions in retail drug stores; openings in Washington and Virginia; ex cellent salary, plus bonus and other bene fits; also opening%for part-time positions. Apply WHELAN DRUG CO.. Room 208,1 Bond Building, 14th and New York ave. n.w. —30 i ROUTEMAN, white, for laundry route. ! must have A-l refs. A good lob for the; right man. 6-day week, paid vacation.! Can earn from $3,000 to $4,000 yearly i HOME LAUNDRY. 1101 Raum st. n.e. —26 ROUTEMEN. dry cleaning, good pay. Apply j 3707 Nichols ave. s.e. —28 SALES CLERK for art department. Apply! in person, MUTH CO., 710 13th st. n.w.; —27 SALESMAN with car, some selling experl-' ence. Half commission while learning (from one to two weeks). Leads furnished. Two national products. Call for appt., OV. 4120. —27 SALESMAN-COLLECTOR for industrial in surance route, automobile necessary. Apply 717 Columbian Bldg,. 416 5th st. n.w. —29 SALESMAN, technical background pre ferred but not essential; old-established national Arm will train for sales engineer- 1, ing work. Write details of experience1 and education. Box 249-H. Star. —28 SALESMAN, full or part time, for tele vision sales work; with liberal commission; no experience necessary. Call PR. 1832 bet. 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. —1 SALESMAN—Young man. to learn auto motive parts and accessories; good salary, excellent opportunity, good working condi tions. permanent position. MANHATTAN AUTO RADIO CO., 1706 7th st. n.w. —28 SALESMAN, 20 to 36, to sell leading line electro-medical equipment to doctors and hnsDltala* substantial snl»rv and pnmmls. i slon. expenses: must have at least high school education and own car; thorough training. Phone GE. 1963 from 9 to 6. —29 SALESMAN, men’s clothing,, steady posi tion, salary and commlsslon.'vacatlon with pay, group Insurance and many advantages. Apply In persdh, Mr. Cantor, HUB FURNI TURE CO., 7th and D sts. n.w. SALESMAN—Clothing man. exper.. for Saturdays. Apply SLOAN'S, 735 7th st. n.w. —30 SALESMAN, men's furnishings, experi enced; 6-day wk„ 20% discount on pur chases. Apply Personnel Office. 6th floor. GOLDENBERG'S, 7th and K sts. n.w. —27 SALESMAN, OUTSIDE. In drafting and engineering department. Apply in person, MUTH OO., 710 13th st. n.w. —27 I SALESMEN, experienced roofing and sid- 1 lng. CO. 6190. —27 ' SALESMEN for radio dept., 6-day week; I 20% discount on all purchases. Apply employment office 4th floor, S. KANN ! SONS CO. —26 SALESMEN—Exceptional opportunity for 1 successful salesmen, age 25-30, now em- < ployed, who are not satisfied with their . future possibilities and are willing to i study and work to learn our business; ' should have practical exper. In bank In- 1 dustrlal or commercial accounting: high caliber, mentally alert and of exceptional 1 character; must be capable of earning $10,000 a yr. after training. Apply in ' person, don’t phone. Mr. Murphy. NA- I TIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1217 K I st. n.w. SALESMEN—Fastest-selling Item In town, sells on sight; small down payment, easiest terms. High commission. Our men aver aging over $100 weekly. Interviews until 12 noon. STANDARD HOME EQUIPMENT CO.. 622 East Mt. Ida, Alex. TE. 6130. : —27 i SALEMEN. veterans preferred; several of i our young veterans who had never sold . anything before. Joining our famous or- , ganization, are earning over $1,000 per . month 12 months a year selling cemetery . and mausoleum space before need; over ■ 20,000 people visit our beautiful grounds ; each year: we sell more space than all other Wash, cemeteries combined; we train you quickly and thoroughly; we help you: you must have a car and be a gentleman In every respect; drop in any morning for a personal Interview; do not phone. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY, 3301 Bladensburg rd. n.e. —30 SALESMEN, several men needed to work on the outside to cloae sales from leads. We are Wash ’s largest radio and appli ance chain and offering an excel, proposi tion to the right men. See Mr. Beck, GEORGE'S RADIO & TELEVISION CO., 816 F st. n.w. —9 SALESMEN, young men, 24-32. for adding machine sales training; must have ac counting and successful selling exper.: alert and willing to study and work to learn our business: salary while training. Apply In person, don't phone. Mr. Hussey. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1217 K st. n.w SALESMAN—Fine salary, car expense, plus comm.: perm.; prominent wholesale con cern; married man, ambitious, with good saales personality. Apply at once, Box 111-C, Star. —28 ' 1 SECRETARY, with executive ability, cap- J able of doing and directing all phases of ■ clerical work, required in a long estab- ; llshed educational institution. A splendid opportunity lor a person with experience. Box 427-E, Star. —28' SERVICEMAN—Experienced man to service Bendix and other automatic washing ma chines. Apply J. L. BATEMAN & SON, 2004 R. I. ave. n.e., HO. 2200. —26 SERVICE MANAGER wanted by ADDISON CHEVROLET SALES, INC., 1522 14th st. , SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, white, exp. preferred but not essential. FRANK SMALL. Jr., INC., 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. —27 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS, must be experienced and have D. C. permit. Apply Mr. Smith, LAKKMAN S GAS STA TION. 916 R. I. ave. n.e. —27 SERVICE STATION SALESMEN, perma nent connection, opportunity for advance ment or to have own business after proper training: good starting salary plus bonus. Apply Mr. Brown, SUN OIL CO., 4940 Conn. ave. —27 SHEET METAL MECHANIC, must be fully experienced in all-around sheet metal work; top pay. Apply A. S. JOHNSON CO., 1240 9th at. n.w. —2 SHIPPER, aged 30-45. white, for work in warehouse, to learn to cut linoleum orders as part of duties: must have high school education; $50 week. Apply QUAKER CITY UNOLEUM CO., 6th and F sts. n.w. SHOEMAKER and finisher, 1st class. Ap ply MODERN SHOE FIXERY. 1725 Co lumbia rd. n.w. —27 SHOE SALESMEN, experienced: good com mission; rates with weekly drawing ac counts; 6-day. 40-hour week; 20% dis count on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. 8. KANN SONS CO. —26 SHOE SALESMEN, exper., perm, work; 5 day, 40-hr. wk : generous co. benefits and privlls. Apply in person, personnel j office, 3rd fl.. THE HECHT CO.. 7th and F sts. n.w. Interviews between 10 am. and 151 noon. —26 SHOPMAN—Experienced man to work in plumbing shop and run pipe machine; must have D. C. driver’s license. Apply J. L. BATEMAN & SON, 2004 Rhode Island ave. n.e., HO. 2200. —26 : i SHORT ORDER COOK, must be sober and reliable, good hours, good pay. Apply in person. HILLCREST RESTAURANT, 2714 Good Hope rd. re, —26 SHORT-ORDER COOK, white: 3:30 to 12 |1 mfrtnlffVit- PYnpripnr.Rrt- *40- ft Hhvh JIN-i NIE'S RESTAURANT. 440 8th st. n.w. —27 SHOP MAN, for display dept. experienced: 5-day, 40-hour week: generous company benefits and privileges. Apply In person, employment office. 3rd floor, THE HECHT CO.. 7th and P sts. n.w. —28 SODA FOUNTAIN HELP, S40 week. BROOKVILLE PHARMACY. 8423 Brook vllle rd., Chevy Chase, Md. WI. 0600. SODA FOUNTAIN HELP, part time. BROOKVILL’! PHARMACY. 8423 Brook ville rd., Chevy Chase, Md. WI. 0600. SODA FOUNTAIN MANAGER—Must hare exper. in complete management of soda and food dept.; good salary plus commis sion. EMPIRE PHARMACY. 1738 Conn, ave —1 SODAMAN. also soda boy: day or night work, no Sundays; good salary, meals furn. CARRIER’S PHARMACY, cor. Col. pike and Glebe rd., Arlington. Va. -—28 SODA MAN, experienced, full or part time, good salary. Apply PEARSONS PHAR MACY, 2448 Wisconsin ave. n.w. WO. 8210. —28 ' SODAMAN and short-order cook, experl- 1 enced; excellent salary. 6-day week: ref erences reoulred. VALLEY VISTA PHAR MACY. 2032 Belmont rd. n w. DE. 2674. —26 STEAMFITTERS AND HELPERS, prefer those with tools and transportation: steady work, top salary and car allowance. Apply at once to Mr. Lee, AMERICAN HEATING CO.. 55 K st s.e. STEAMFITTERS. open shop; steady work , at good pay. We have plenty of material. Only sober men need apply to Mr. Lee, ASSOCIATED CONTRACTORS. INC.. 1514 Benning rd. n.e. —28 STEAM FITTERS—Men experienced In gas boiler packaged installations; top par, ex cellent working conditions, steady work. WILLIAM BORN8TEIN & 80N, INC.. 145 Kennedy st. n.w.. TA. 5600. —30 STUDENT, to work in drugstore, 10 a m. to 2 p.m., Mon through Frl. ALBAN TOWERS PHARMACY. WO. 3550. —28 SUPERINTENDENT and propagator for small display ground of a nursery. WA. 1287. J H. BURTON, Hyattsville. Md. —28 SUPERINTENDENT, construction. large hotel, must have knowledge of mechanical work. State fully. Qualifications. Box 481 E. Star _28 TIRE SALESMEN to call on service sta tions and commercial accounts; must have late model car; good salary, commission and car allowance. AT. 1212. TRIMMER, for display dept., experienced; 5-day, 40-hour week: generous company. benefits and privileges. Apply in employment office. 3rd floor, THE HECHT CO . 7th and F sts n.w. —28 TREE EXPERTS WANTED, local work, good pay. Phone DE. 1471 eves —4 TRUCK DRIVER, white, dependable, not afraid of work, good accident record: salary. $40 per wk_See .Mr. Odland, WASHINGTON FROSTED FOODS, JNC., J TRUCKh DRIVERS WANTED to handle { brick and cinder block Apply J. J. • TAYLOR. 2028 Jellerson-Davis hwi.,Ar- * TRUCK PARTS MANAGER: n”**‘ J stand parts records, maintenance and gen- , eral supervision: experience wlthready mixed concrete tracks.belDful Good sal- 1 ary. ANACOSTIA CONCRETE CO.. SP. , 0403 ■ vc > UPHOLSTERER wanted, good work mg _ conditions: good pay. PAUL S UPHOL STERING. 732 6th It. R.W., EX. 9289.—24 HB.P MIN. UPHOLSTERER, white or colored. mutt"do let dess work, good per. TYMES UPHOL STERY CO.. 710 15th et. n.e. LL 7206. —20 JPHOLSTERER, full or port time, to* '•res. Apply WASHINGTON UPHOL iTERY CO., 1009 H et. n.w.. RX. 6090. —28 VETERANS. 10-25. lntereeted In e lob '1th a future, free to travel U. S. A.; ransportation furnished by ’46 and ’47 are: average earnings. $06 wk.; drawing cct. MR. J. K. SMITH. Dodge Hotel. 10 .m. do 3 p.m. 27* 'ETERan for on-the-job training, to laarn neat cutting and grocery business; SI 76 no. single man. S200 mo. married man. lo not telephone, come In parson. PARK ID. MARKET. DOS. 1432 Park yd. n.w. _SO ’ETERANS. 6, under 24, single, neat, free o travel California and return with em ulation group; transportation paid; aver se commissions $75 per week; Immediate ash advanced. See MRS. PRIOR. Oeorge yashlnitonliin. 10-2. Don’t phone. —20 VATCHMAh. construction Job. Olva ref rences and previous employment. Box ;90-E, Star. —28 VKLDER—Must have sheet metal shop xper. and be fully qualified; top pay. pplv A. S. JOHNSON CO.. 1240 Ninth t. n.w. 2 VILL CALL OR SERVICE desk clerk, good alary, pleasant working conditions; opport. or advancement. Apply office. TO* rOUNG MEN’S SHOP. 1319 P et. n.w. —30 VWDOW TRIMMER, ready-to-wear e» lerience eseentlal. Apply Mr. Links, lORTON-S. 314 7th It n w ±29 OLNG MAN for erocery-dellcateeaen. full ime; permanent 1ob: references required; -45 per wk Call Adams 1217. —26 "9 MAN for *eneral office work. In Sethesda concern; Includes filing, atock oom and some typing; good opportunity or advancement. Submit qualifications. fOUNG MAN, white. 18 to 81 yra. old. to ttrIi.n0®ce bldg management from ground p; *38 per week to start: mugt be Indus rlous, ambitious. Box 70-E. Star. _26 i OI NG MAN, some sales exper. necessarj, o collect and Bell on new Installment outes; balances are low and ready for luick editions; good salary plus commls ilon. a conscientious man will average •bout *125 Weekly; late model ear neeei iSty'«of£ANDft,RD HOME EQUIPMENT :0 , 622 East Mt. Ida ave., Alex., Va. tOUNG MAN, is to 24, experience not lecessary: pleasant work, steady 1ob, good •ay. EXQUISITE CLEANERS, 3700 Jeorgia ave. n.w. FOUNG MAN, 20 to 25 high school educa ion. as junior aalesman for leading manu acturer of electro-medical equipment: straight galary, *40 to *50 per wk. OI. 1963 from 9 to 5. —89 FOUNG MAN, to work In warehouse: good salary and opportunity with large furni ure and appliance concern. Box 420-E, Star. FOUNG MAN, age 18 to 21, as salesman n large phonograph record store, experl :nce not necessary, but person must be imbitlous and willing to learn; excellent •pportunlty for advancement. Apply In vnting, giving phone number, Box 80-E. Star. —28 FOUNG MAN to handle aecounta receiv able; one who is familiar with operating Jnderwood Elliott bookkeeping machines •referable but not essential: must ba steady ir.d reliable: state age, galary and ex •erlence In letter. Apply Box 161-C. Star. FOUNG MAN, veteran preferred: mailing lept. newspaper office; 6Vi-day week; ad vancement. EX. 6340. —26 FOUNG MAN with mechanical or srehi echal drafting experience, to make simple •roposal drawings; opportunity to develop* nto sales engineering work with old istabllihed firm. Writ* full particular*. Sox 248-H. Star. —88 FOUNG MAN—Excellent opportunity In ocal territory assisting tala* manager In elllng stainless steel: no traveling; aver se man earns J90-*100 weekly; personal raining given accepted applicant car e» entlal. Call In person, 1833 M st. n.w.. 0 am. to 12 noon. Monday through frlday. fOUNG MAN with car wanted as outside eprcsentatlve for small loan company; xperience desired but not necessary; a ob with a future, salary plus liberal ear •llowance. Apply In person, CONSUMER'S jREDIT SERVICE, 8327 R. I. ave.. Mt. fainter. Md. —26 fOUNG MEN for photographic finishing •lant. no exper. nec. Apply OOLDCRAJT •ORTRAITS, 716 13th st. n.w. —27 fOUNG MEN (2), white, to work 3 eve ilngs on drug counter. MORGAN PH ARM., 1001 P st. n.w. JNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—National Cash teglster Co. wants young men, 21-26 years >f age, high school graduates, to train as ervlce men: single men only; perm, posl ions and steady advancement! to those vho qualify. Apply In person, 1217 K st. i.w„ MR. JONBS. Don t phone. —26 IATIONAL small loan company has open 12 as collection manager; good oppor tunity for advancement for men who Is lot afraid of work; organisation has defl ate plans for expansion In near future, n reply please state age. education and xoerlence. Box 25-R. Star. —29 save POSITION OPEN for stock and ihtpplng clerk, white only; 6-day, 40-hr. *k. Apply in person, 1121 6th it. n.w. —30 t YOUNG MIN (21-26) needed for perma lent traveling position; must be free to ravel year-around: average earnings, S60 veekly; drawing account advanced, trans >ortatlon expenses oald. Personal Inter view neceseary. Anply MRS. P. S. ANDREA, Cairo Hotel, 10-12 noon. 27* WANTED—SECOND COOK, for nearby :ountry club; salary, $360 per month. >lus bonus. Swiss chef. For Interview, all TO. 5518. —27 SALESMEN. seal Estate salesmen, how about naking up to $10,000 yearly with my ;ompany? Real estate exper. not neces isry, but must have pleasant personality ind be aggressive. Ask for MR. De -ongflef, OW. 7997. or FA. 1508-W. SALESMEN, clothing, experienced, te work ivenlngs from 6 to 9. LINCOLN CLOTH ERS, 11)24 14th st. n.w., DU. 9376. —28 SALESMEN, clothing and furnlihlnct; ex *1. opportunity for ambitious, caoable nen who have exper. In selling elothln* ind furnishings. Qive full details In mswer. Box 320-E. Star. SALESMEN—If you have a proven tales •ecord yon need not know our line. We lave a proven opener and closer which we vlll teach you. We sell television, Becdlx vashers, to cordless Irons. Salary and :ommlsslon. Apply before 10 a.m. DIS TRICT HARDWARE CO.. 8146-48 P It. TRAVELING SALESMAN—An lnteriiatlon il organisation promoting foot comfort iroducts requires a man fo call on Jnde >endent drugstores in Maryland. District >f Columbia and Virginia. Drawing ac :ount against commission. Automobile In tood repair neceesary. Age under 38. Write advising past business history, edu ction. etc. Box 441-D, Star. —27 LIFE INSURANCE—Liberal commissions jlus guaranteed salary for sale and service if weekly premium debit, monthly and -egular ordinary life Insurance. Also have ipenings for several canvassers to build vhlte debits only. Guaranteed salary, plus tommlsslons. No limits as to commis sions paid; set your own salary. Men pre 'erred between the ages of 30 and 45. Tail NA. 5930 for appointment, or 902 G it. n.w. before 10 a.m. —30 ItFAL ESTATE SALESMAN—An excellent opportunity Is open for a man of ability ind experience, selling the better clasg tomes with a well-established oorncern, loins a large volume of business: excellent sarnlngs: give age and experience; our sales force has been Informed of this ad. Box 78-E. Star, ____—26 HELP MEN and WOMEN. TOUPLE—wife first-class cook, husband aouseman; local references required; live n; would consider part-time employment >f husband. DU. 3550. —28 rARM COUPLE, experienced, sober: man. landy, driver, gardener; wife, part-time lousekeeper and cook; good salary, home vtth water, bath, electricity, garden, food ind fuel. Rockville 2780. —1 ■ ARM COUPLE—Man to care for out iide work on 30 acre estate nr. Mt. Vernon, 1 a.; must be capable gardener and fa nlliar with tending livestock, maintaining ind operating power equipment, exper. ill sorts general farming and maintenance fork. Woman to cook or do house work >n full or part time basis; couple must ie sober, reliable and lnduatrious; excel., nodern house and good salary: state vhether or not have own car and whether my children. Post Office box 335 Alexan Irla. Va. • —88 rUR FINISHER wanted, good price on i-day wk. work. LAZAROFF FUR SHOP, 801 Argonne pi. n.w., AD. 8700. —28 ■RESSERS, experienced on silk and wool: ’ days week: good pay. 1.333 Buchanan lEAMSTRESS OR BUSHELMAN, experl nccd with naval and civilian clothe*. 2138 ■a. aye. n.w. EX 7548. —27 ITENOTYPE INSTRUCTOR for colored tudents In evening achool. State qualllfl atlons and give phone number. Box 79-J. Star. —27 5'INDOW CLEANERS, exper. not necea ;ary; we will train: good salary and corking cond. DISTRICT WINDOW ILEANINQ CO., 914 Q pi. n.w., EX. 3478. —28 5E8T VOCAL INSTRUCTION If you ling n our Southeastern University Choral 8o ilety preparing concert-opera program!; ipportunity for serious members. No :harge Give voice and phona number, lox 369-K. Star )PP0RTUNITY—Basement apt.; rellabla :ouple; 1 give housekeeping serv. for 2 iduits; full or part time. CO. 8389. HELP WOMEN. ALTERATION HANDS for women’! ap >arel: must be experienced; 5-day, 40 tour week; 20% . discount on purchases. Ipply employment office. 4th floor, LAN8 3URGH Si BRO., 7th, 8th and I its. n.w. —27 ILTERATION ROOM MANAGER and litter —Experienced on dresses, suits and coats; nrdern, daylight, alr-condttloned workrm.; teady, yearly employment; good aalary. ipply the THE ESSIE O'DONNELL COT, 1407 Conn. aye. n.w. —26 .LTERATION HAND, competent, axpert nced. to work on better merchandise; lood sslary; references. Apply In person, 114 Conn. ave. n.w. „ , —28 ALTERATION WOMAN, eieel oppor. t# operate own business In connection wltn Iress shop In return for few hrs. salea services. Call DE. 5076. 28* 1SSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. tj^lst. neat ind accurate with figures, galary open. ASSISTANT' MANAGER for email, attrac lve, downtown restaurant, pleasant work ng conditions, no Sundays; aged 25-35. lox 241-E 8tar —30 IEAUT1CIAN. good operator wanted, itore lours and privilege. FRED THE HAIR ITYLIST at Phtllpsborn, 608 11th st. n.w. —26 IEAUTY OFERATOR and hair stylist: :ood hours, top salary and commission. SE 9697. —28 IEAUTY OPERATOR. with following, alary and 75% ANGLIN’S. 1419 Park d. h.w. CO 2295 ’ 28* IEAUTY OPERATOR wanted. ALICE'S IEAUTY SALON, 115 Kennedy st. n w., 1A 5804. —28 IEAUTY OPERATOR, all around. NA. 984. PAUL HAIRDRESSER. 1764 K st. w —28 IEAUTY OPERATOR, exper ; good hour* nd salary with commission. Apply 2208 laylor rd. i t. , . —26 tOOKKEEPER and saleswoman, one lnter sted In sewing preferred Apply SINGER IEWINO MACHINE CO , 3337 Conn. ave. _ —36 (Continued on Best Pa#*.)