Newspaper Page Text
HELP WOMEN (Cent.) I BOOKKEEPER, for Natl, Trade Assn.—! Pleasant working conditions, 6-day wk. A Perm, position with good salary, life tnsur- ; gance and hospitalisation benefits. Box 73-E tar. __ _26 OOK KEEFER ASSISTANT, exper., be tween ages of 26 and 35; pref.-fill. 8pr. or Takoma Pk. resident; trans. firm lo oked SilverSnring. SL. 2420. —28 BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER, with accounting training and general ledger exper. to keep complete set of books, prepare monthly statements, social security returns, etc. Must type and write a good hand. Silver Spring area. S50 for 40-hr., 5-day week. Write Box 323-E, Star. —30 BOOKKEEPING machine operator, experi enced N. C. R., No. 3000; permanent posi tion with established concern. See MR. WILKINS. Edmar Bldg.,'702 H st. n.w., third floor. —27 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR— Knowledge of Remington preferred but not "-QUlred. Apply ROSSLYN STEEL & CEMENT CO., 3031 K st. n.w., ME. 3009. _Og bookkeeping machine operator, exper. for Underwood machine; position' perm., salary $60 per <6-day) wk.; ref. re-i q lured. LIVINGSTON'S, 906-$ 7th st. n.w.; _og 1 CASHIER, N. C. R. operator, for retaif In stallment store; excel, salary, steady posi tion. opoprtunity for advancement. Apply SLOAN, 736 7th st. n.w. —28 CASHIER, downtown retail store; good pay; references required. FOG EL'S. JOth and D n.w CASHIEB for fine Conn. ave. ladles’ apparel store: must be smart, alert and of excel character; perm, position, with opport. for advancement. Apply THE ESSIE ODON NBLL CO., 3407 Conn. ave. n.w —26 CASHIER, experienced. COLONIAL VIL LAGE PHARM.. 1737 Wilson blvd.. Ar lington, Va„ CH. 4222. —28 CASHIER and bag saleslady, permanent position; pleasant working conditions. Apply JOSEPH DE YOUNG. 1226 P st. n.w. CASHIER-WRAPPERS, full or part time: B-day, 40-hour week: 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor, LANSBURGH & BRO., 7th. 8th and E sts. n.w. _27 CASHIER-BOOKKEEPER, typing essential; 6-day week; pleasant working conditions. State age and salary expected. Box 28-E, Star. —26 CHOCOLATE DIPPER to work 2 days a week. SCHNEIDER’S, 6231 Georgia ave. n.w. 26 CLERK for sheet music dept.: knowledge • of music necessary. Apply KITT MUSIC CO., 1330 G st. n.w. —27 CLERK, exper., dry-cleaning store. Call In person, S317 18th st. n.w. —26 CLERK-TYPIST, general office work, neat and accurate with figures., Salary, $40 a week to start. LONG'S. 731 7th st. n.w. CASHIER-TYPIST, experienced; pleasant office; excellent opportunity; 6'2-day week Apply SCOTT JEWELERS, 812 F st. n.w. _ —30 vixnA-urni, general omce wont, ex perience preferred, 6V2-day week, good salary. ELI RUBIN CO., 718 7th st. n.w. CLERK-TYPIST, young, neat: permanent position and good salary to qualified per son. Apply in person 027 F st. n.w. —28 CLERK-TYPIST, for general office work: good salary, steady position. Apply SLOAN'S ,357th n.w. —2S CLERK-TYPIST, permanent position with life insurance company; no experience nec essary; pleasant working conditions, short 35-hour. 5-day week. Apply Rm. 408, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., 816 14th st. n.w. CLERK-TYPIST, experienced: good pay; pleasant working conditions: 6Va-day week. See Mr. Gertler. CHERNER MOTOR CO., 1781 Florida ave. n.w. —26 CLERK-TYPIST, general office and ad dressograph work, permanent position, 40-hour*. 6-day week, excellent working conditions. State previous salary, experi ence. age and education. Box 489-E. Star. —26 CLERICAL WORKER, experienced: 6-day week. 20% discount on purchases. Ad piy personnel office. 6th floor. GOLDEN BERG'S, 7th and K sts. n.w —27 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, age 21-30, permanent position for a fully experienced comptometer operator, one who can divide required; starting salary, 540 for 40-hour week, air-conditioned office: cafeteria In building. Call ME. 4793. —26 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, permanent position, 6Va-day week. CERTIFIED BAK ERY, 641 8. st. n.w —26 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, experienced preferred. Apply employment office, PEOPLE'S DRUG STORES. 77 P st. n.e. —26 COUNTERGIRLS. white, daywork, no Sun days: 530 week to start: meals and uni forms furnished. Apply 811 Pa. ave. n.w. —26 COUNTER GIRLS, experienced, good sal ary, hours 6 p.m. to 12 midnight. See MR. HESTPHAL, bet. 11 and 2:30 any day. Spillway Bowling All**. 2004 Nichols ave. s.e. —28 COUNTER GIRLS, white, between ages of 19 and 60. for night or day work, must be neat and want steady work; good starting salary and advancement; meals and uni forms furnished: good working conditions. Apply in person only. THOMPSON’S EM PLOYMENT OFFICE, 9th & E sts. n.w., third floor. —28 DENTAL ASSISTANT, exper. preferable but. not essential: n.w. section; hours, 9 to 6:30; 9 to 1 on Sat. Call TA. 3686. —27 DENTAL ASSISTANT, exper.. 6-day wk.. Ku«a salary; located in wasmngton. Box 144-E. Star. —29 EDIPHONE OPERATOR, thoroughly com petent stenographer and office worker, for five weeks; excellent pay; flve-day week; overtime for extra work. Must be willing to work while on the Job. Give experience and references. Box 853-H. Star. 28* FITTER, for altering coats, suits and gowns; In exclusive specialty shop. Apply RIAlR BROS., 1108 Conn. ave. —28 FITTERS and alteration hands for ladles' ready to wear; 6-day, 40-hour week; 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office, 4th floor, B KANN SONS CO. —20 FoREX-ADY for retail candy plant em ploying 7 women; must be able to super vise and an experienced chocolate dipper who can teach dipping; permanent posi tion; good working conditions. Box 261 I. Star. —30 FOUNTAIN OIRL8 (white), experienced, honest and dependable; S30 wk. and meals. 1. CAPITOL PHARMACY, LI. 1600. —27 FOUNTAIN-WAITRESS, white, 20-30 yrs.; daywork, no Sundays. ALLISON’S RES TAURANT, RA. 9605. —28 FUR SALESWOMAN, experienced: good salary plus commission: 6-day week; 20% discount on purchases Apply personnel office, 6th floor, GOLDENBERG’S, 7th and K sts n.w. —2g GENERAL CLERICALS, experienced pre ferred. Apply employment office, PEOPLE'S DRUG STORKS, 77 P 8t. n.c. —26 GENERAL CLERICAL, good salary, liberal discount on purchases; pleasant working condition*. Apply office, THE YOUNG men s SHOP, 1319 F st. n.w. —2 GENERAL OFFICE CLERK, some steno graphic exper., high school graduate. RINALDI COAL CO. INC., 649 R. I. ave n.e. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN, intelligent, to represent trade paper: no selling: straight salary, part time. 3 hours dally. Write in detail giving qualifications and salary ex pected. Interview in Washington. Address Room 1006. 303 West 42nd st., New York 18, N. Y. GIRL, part-time: hours, 12 noon to 5 p.m.: some typing and small knowledge of bookkeeping. For appointment, call RA. 6725. —28 Girl PIANIST, who also sings, for cabaret work. Call TR. 9151 between 2-4 p.m —26 GIRL, with high school education for cleri cal work; some knowledge of switchboard helpful but not essential: white only; 5 day. 40-hr. Vk. Apply in person. 1121 5th st. n.w, —30 GRAPHOTYPE OPERATOR, permanent position with life insurance company; some experience preferred, pleasant working conditions, short 35-hour. 5-day week. Apply Rm. 408. between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.. 816 14th st. n.w. GRAPHOTYPE OPERATORS. BENNETT A- WILLIAMS, 810 North Capitol st. HIGH SCHOOL GRAD, for light office work Apply BABY’S BUTLER SERVICE. 430 Delaware ave. s.w. —26 INVESTIGATOR, 26 to. 35. for a retail siiuVk'iuB seirite. musi ue iiee to travel, no experience necessary. Apply Evening Star Bldg., 11th and Pa. ave., Rm. 623. —2 JEWELRY SHOP has opening for sales clerk, exper. necessary; 6-day week; Pentagon Building concourse. Call RE. 6700, Ext. 6218, for appointment. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER for settlement house, college graduate; good starting pay Board and room. Box 291-H. Star. 26* LADY, office work, real estate: pay is good for right person. Apply in person. MODERN REALTY CO., 9713 Ga. ave., Silver Spring. —26 MILLINERY SALESWOMEN, full or part time, experienced preferred. Apply em ployment office. 4th floor. S. KANN «fc SONS CO. MILLINER, preferably sales ability; ex cellent salary, permanent position. Apply at once, 1022 Conn. ave. —28 OFFICE ASSISTANT for lge. furniture store; good salary and opportunity. Write fully past experience and marital status. Box 13-E. Btar. NTRSE-RECEPTIONIST In eye physician's office; experienced. Box 79-E. Star. —28 PANTRY WOMEN, white, settled, for pri vate club; refs.; no 8uns.; clean silver, wash dishes, keep pantry clean: expect co-operation; anybody not having these qualifications need not apply. Call for Interview. DI. 2122. —27 PHOTOGRAPH receptionist, retoucher for old established studio on P st.; good op portunity. Box 342-H. Btar. —28 PRE - KINDERGARTEN TEACHER, priv. sch.. musical pref.; mornings, 9-1; good salary. P. O. Box 4026. D. C. PRESS OPERATORS and shirt finishers, * exper. Apply WASHINGTON LAUNDRY. 2827 K st. n.w. —28 PRESSES lor women'a apparel: 5-day week: 20'", discount on all purchases. Apply employment office, 4th floor. S. KANN SONS CO —28 PRESSERS for retail dry-cleaning plant. Piecework or weekly salary. Steady job. Thorough experience, steady women. CEN TRAL CLEANER. 323 Carroll st. n.w. —28 PRICE CLERK, some bookkeeping and shorthand. MR. CLARK. TA. 7000. —27 RECEPTIONIST for beauty salon, young lady, about 26 with knowledge of figures and typing. Apply tn person. ROBERT OF PARIS, 1514 Conn. ave. n.w. —28 RECEPTIONIST, furniture store. JULIUS LANSBURGH. POO F st. n.w. RECEPTIONIST and office assistant: perm, position. 5-day week: shorthand preferred; age 18-25: salary. $150 mo. to start. CaU EX. 7868. —28 RELIEF OPERATOR, white, on switch board in downtown apt. house; 38 hrs. weekly._Bee Mias Nalley. resident man ager, WINTHROP HOUSE. 1727 Mass, ave. jj.w. < —28 SALESGIRLS for racord dept, in Kyatts ville; good salary: experience necessary MD. ELECTRIC CO., Warfield 1P75'. 27* SALESLADY, experienced; perm, position: pleasant working conditions in infants and childrens shop. FAY S TOT SHOP. 1017 H st. n.e. —27 SALESLADY, experienced millinery; sal ary. $50 per wtc.; steady position; local exper. preferred. Apply 1022 Conn. ave. —80 SALESLADY, demonstrate novelty head wear. leading department Store; good sal sary plus commission. Call after 7 p m., i EX. 1821. MRS. JENKINS SALESLADY. 30-85, pleasant work, small gtore. TA. 2112. —27 SALESLADY, exper. In selling better cloth coats: good salary and commission. Apply ZIRKIN, 821 14th st. SALESLADY, retail bakery store, hours 11 a m. to 7 p m,: some Sunday work; 5',k day week. COLONIAL BAKERY CO. 8130 pa. ave. (rear), Silver Spring. Md —28 SALESLADY—For stationery dept.; exp. preferred; 5-day week, good salary. Apply COPENHAVER, 1621 Conn. av*. —28 a V HELP WOMEN. SALESLADY, to work in local retail store; good hours, pleasant surroundings; excel lent pay; experience preferred. Apply A. & N. TRADING CO., 8th and D n.w. . —26 SALESLADIES WANTED — Well-known women specialty shops opening new branch in Alexandria. Positions open in ready-rto-wear. lingerie and sportswear. Experience preferred. Apply Miss Pen ders, 381ft Mt. Vernon ave.. Alexandria, Va. at THE ANN LEWIS SHOP. —27 SALESLADIES for ladies' hose and acces sories. permanent; $30 per week and commission on all sales; exp. preferred. SIGMUNDS. 804 7th st. n.w. -—28 SALESLADIES WANTED to sell new. pat ented Christmas item throughout Prince Georges County: $2.05 retail: make $1 each sale; the fastest and newest ladies' item in America: show it and they'll buy it. Call UN. 3825 for interview. —28 SALESWOMAN, regular part time, 11:30 to 3:30 daily, experience not necessary. 5-day, 40-hour week. Aj>Ply Employment Office 9th fl.. 9:30 to 6 daily. WOOD WARD & LOTHROP. —27 SALESWOMAN and bookkeeper, one in terested in sewing preferred. AddIv SING ER SEWING MACHINE CO., 3337 Conn, ave. - —28 SALESWOMEN, experienced preferred: mil linery, suits and dresses. Apply JELLEFF S, 1214-1220 F st. n.w. Personnel office. 7th floor. SALESWOMEN, full.time. 25 to 35 years of age; varied opportunities; 40-hour work week, salary and commission. Ap ply at once, personnel office SEARS ROE BUCK AND CO., 4500 Wis. ave. n.w. —26 SALESWOMEN. 5-day. 40-hour week: 20* discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor. 8. KANN SON8 CO. —26 SALESWOMEN, exper., for a boys' dept.; ref. required. LIVINGSTONS. 906-8 7th st. n.w. —28 SALESWOMEN, full time: experience not necessary: 6-day. 40-hour week. Apply employment office. 9th floor, 9:30 to 6 daily. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. —27 SEAMSTRESS, white, experienced on worn en’a made to order and alterations on dresses and suits. Apply between 9:30 and 6. MRS. GERONIMO. 1740 K fit. n.w. —27 SEAMSTRESS for laiindrv aecnev in np»r. by Md ; previous experience necessary. Apply to Mr. Grad. CAPITAL LAUNDRY. INC . 16 L st. s.w. LI. 54*52. —26 SEAMSTRESS for men’s clothing. 5-day, 40-hour week: 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office. 4th floor, LANS BURGH BRO., 7th, 8th and E sts. n.w. —27 SEAMSTRESS to work In dry cleaning store; good salary. Apply LUNA CLEAN ERS. 1605 14th st. n.w. 26* SECRETARY, high school graduate, knowl edge of shorthand and typing, pleasing personality. Apply Personnel Office. MAN HATTAN LAUNDRY, 1228 Fla. ave. n.w. —26 SECRETARY, in life Insurance agency: re quires good stenography and secretarial ex perience: excellent opoprtunity for qualified applicant; good starting salary. Applicant must be willing to submit to aptitude test. Apply 907 Ring bldg., 18th and M sts. n.w. —28 SECRETARY for promotion dept, of health clinic, college graduate preferred; $2,400 per year. 5‘a-day week, 1 mo. vacation. 2529 Pa. ave. n.w\ —26 SECRETARY, in office of Catholic organi zation; permanent: 89-hour. 5-day week. Telephone RE. 2558. Ext. 804. —26 SECRETARY, mature, for sales office: sal ary and profit sharing for one qualified. AD. 4582. —26 SECRETARY CLERK, attractive position for qualified person. Telephone MR. JOHN SON. GL. 7200, for interview. —1 SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER for pur chasing agent: requirements, good short hand and typing speed: must be willing worker, not afraid of volume, and have neat appearance; knowledge of filing, bookkeeping and purchasing procedure helpful; age not over 85. Apply MR. McIntosh, wa. 7100. —28 SHOE SALESLADIES, thoroughly experi enced: permanent position; excel, salary and commission. Apply Mr. Abbey, HAHN’S. 1207 F st. n.w. —26 SHOE SALESWOMEN, exper., perm, work 5-day. 40-hr. week, generous companj benefits and privils. Apply in person, per sonnel office, 3rd fl.. THE HECHT CO., 7tl and F sts. n.w. Interviews between 1( am. and 12 noon. —26 STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST, part-time either morning or afternoon. Cali WO 7000, Ext. 18. bet. P and 4:30 Mon through Friday. —28 STENOGRAPHER with life insurance com. pany: permanent position: short 35-hour 5-day week; pleasant working conditions Apply Rm. 408, between 9 and 2 P.m. STENOGRAPHER.' white. 18-25, higl school grad. Apply by letter to the cm BANK, nth and Mass. ave. n.w.. statins age. exper. and starting salary expected or telephone NA. 0600. Mr. Grant. STENOGRAPHER, young lady, in promi nent real estate office. Box 325-E. Star —30 STENOGRAPHERS, expert typists, training on electromatic typewriters, stencil anc multilith duplimats preferable; full time part time, eves., week ends; excel, pay Box 04-E. Star. —27 STENOGRAPHER—Salary. *180 per mo. 5-day week; state experience, education age. other qualifications. Box 350-H, Star , 28* STENOGRAPHER, permanent, experienced ability to take rapid dictation. AMERICA! RED CROSS. National Naval Medical Cen ter. Bethesda. OL. 8323. —29 STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST, full time 01 part-time <9:30 a m. to 4 P.m.), 5-da: week. Physician’s office in s.e. Good pay ideal working conditions. In type, rep!: Box 426-E. Star. Give background, ex perience, recent position. —28 STENOGRAPHER-CASHIER, between aget of 21 and 25; pleasant working condi tions; 5 Vi-day week; salary open. Phone MR. SMITH. WA. 9226. STENOGRAPHER, age 18 to 85; 5-dai week, 8:30 to 4:30; congenial surround Inga In large Insurance co.; good opportu nity, advancement. Apply Room 702, 1348 H st. n.w. —30 SUPERVISOR, in general diet kitchen; good Balary: hrs. 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m Apply in person only to personnel direc tor, PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL, 2nd and D sts. s.e. —27 TEACHER OP GREGG SHORTHAND, part time employment evening sessions, 6 to 1 P.m., 3 evenings a week. Applicants ari requested to mail data sheet telling name age. business and residents, addresses ant telephone number, education, degrees working experience. Box 487-E, Star. —21 TELEPHONE OPERATORS. PBX experi ence. full time. Appiy employment office WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. 2700 Woodle: rd. n.w. —26 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, PBX; permanen position, good pay, 6-11 p.m.: beautifu surroundings. Phone manager TILDE! GARDENS. WO. 5334. —27 TUTORING TEACHER- mornings, 9-12 First through 6th grade work. P. C Box 4026. D. C. TYPIST, 6-day week; 20% discount on al purchases. Apply employment office. 40 floor, S. KANN SONS CO. —26 TYPIST, expert, training on electromatl typewriters, stencil and multilith dupli mats preferable; full time, part time. eves, week ends; excel, pay. Box 71-E, Star. —2' TYPIST, for credit office; no experienc necessary; good salary; advancement steady position. Apply REGAL, 711 70 st. n.w. —26 TYPIST FOR BOOK- DEPT., of large whole saler. 5-day, 40-hr. wk.; white only. Appl] in person. 1121 6th st. n.w. —30 TYPIST, accurate. 35 words a minute learn graphotype operation. 810 N. Cap itol st., BENNEfTT & WILLIAMS, TYPIST for Connecticut ave. decoratim shop: 6-day week-, pleasant working con ditions; must be willing to work in Be thesda after Jan. 1. Call Woodley 2204 MRS. RANDALL. —27 TVPIST ’ must BYnppipnppH TVi i c 1c < permanent position with an excellen chance for advancement. Salary open depending on experience and ability. Appl: HOLLYWOOD CLOTHING CO., 703 7tl st. n.w. —30 TYPIST, must have h.s. education, foi steady work for stencil cutting; extrt good pay. Do not apply unless you are t steady worker. Apply Mon.. Sept. 20th and Tues., Sept. 30th, between 10 anc 12 noon to Mr. Chamberlin. RANSDELL INC., 810 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —2f TYPIST, invoices, minimum 60-00 word per minute, accurate with figures: pleas ant working conditions, group insurance Mr. Koons. L. P. STEUART. INC., 1440 1 st. n.w.. DE. 4800. —27 TYPIST or stenographer to answer tele phone In exchange of completely furn office and new typewriter for other work Call EX. 0319 or EM. 3709 eves. —27 WAITRESSES <5), 3 for day. 2 for night thoroughly exper. only; ABC card nec. excel, working conditions: good salary anc tips. Apply PARKERS RESTAURANT 1359 Conn. ave. n.w. WAITRESS, white, clean, age 18-21: 5-daj week, good pay. very good tips. 1202 N Capitol, near Sibley Hospital. 26* WAITRESSES <4>. white, experienced: rm with running water, meals and $15 week small hot^l, 35 miles from Washington Box 286-H. Star. —26 ; WAITRESS. S. A. REEVES, 1209 F st ' n.w. ' —28 ! WAITRESS, aplit shift. 6 days a week experienced. Apply MICHEL'S, 1020 Ver mont ave. RE. 1356. —26 H'AITRFSSES. while. nWcnnt wirrminH. ings: apply in person. SILVER SPRING GRILL. 7927 Georgia ave. —27 WAITRESS, permanent job. good hours wages, tips, uniforms and meals. Appl? JACK & WALTS, 1110 Flower ave., Ta koma Park. Md. —27 WAITRESS, exper, good salary and goo« tips. Apply at once, GEORGES RESTAU RANT. 1722 Eye st. n.w. —1 j WAITRESS, neat, experienced in sea food 1 hours, 6 p.m. to l a.m.: high-typed onl: need apply. See Mr. Winterer betweer : 9 and 11:30 a.m., 2 and 4:30 p.m. FLAG SHIP RESTAURANT. 11th and Maine s.w i WAITRESS (colored^, night work only must be neat. Apply any time after t pm. 730 60th st. n.e. —28 WAITRESS-PARLOR MAID, white. settle< person: must have refs.: for private club no Suns.: no hotels or restaurants: expec co-operation: any one not having thesi Qualifications need not apply. Call fo: interview, DI. 2122. —27 WOMAN, white: pleasant speaking: 6-da: week. Apply 612 6th st. n.w., 2nd floor after 10 a.m. —26 YOUNG LADY' for general office work Apply 1216 H st. n.w. —26 YOUNG LADY to manage dry cleaning ani laundry agency in nearby Md.: must b capable of handling personnel: good salary Apply to Mr. Grad. CAPITAL LAUNDRY 16 L st. s.w. LI. 5462. —26 YOUNG LADY, intelligent, to act as re ceptionist and operate small switchboard no exper. necessary: typist preferred. Tel NA. 2964. —26 YOUNG LADY to manage Will-Call desk excel, oppor. to learn retailing. Appl: ZIRKIN, 821 14th st. YOUNG WOMAN UNDER 30—Reception ist-typist, PBX operator: must be experi enced in both: minimum typing, 45-5< w.p.m.; pleasing personality; ability to mee people. Apply AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION 1616 K st. n.w. Apply Sat., 9:30 a.m.Ao 12 YOUNG WOMAN, for clerk in reputable ; midtown cleaning store: able to assum< | responsibility; full or part time: goo< salary; pleasant working conditions. CO j 0720. —28 ! Y’OUNG WOMEN for photographic studio ! no exp. necessary. Apply GOLDCRAF1 PORTRAITS. 716 13th st. n.w. —27 i YOUNG WOMAN, white, to work as nurses iairie in hospital: 48-hour week: a.l appli cants accepted will be given an intensivi i course of classes and ward training be ! ginning Oct Cth. For further information cal! nursing office. EMERGENCY HOSPI i TAL. NA. 4400. —29 TRAVEL FLORIDA ami Calif, with highlj paid sales group: women, age 23-Bn permanent: no experience necessary: guar ! anteed weekly salary, plus commission hotel exnenses, transportation. MISS KATI SCOTT. Burlington Hotel. 7 p.m. to 9 37* MERRY MENAGERIE —By Walt Disney - - -mTii „ ■ . Copr 1947, Walt Disney Productions * __ _ __ _ | World Rights Reserved ^ Distributed by King Features Syndicate “Oh, oh! He’s bringing a customer over this way!” HELP WOMEN. PERMANENT POSITION, age 25 to 35, good education, nice figure, sales experi ence, average earnings $250 per month: $200 guarantee; excellent future, some nightwork. Apply in person, after 12 noon and before 4 p.m. 4420 Conn. ave. —20 THE HECHT CO'S new Silver Spring store has immediate openings for experienced and inexperienced salespeople. Apply in person, personnel office. 3rd floor, THE HECHT CO., 7th and F sts. n.w. —28 INSURANCE COMPANY desires 3 em ployes, stenographer, typist and file clerk. Call for appointment, 8:30 to 5 Mon. through Fri., NA. 8922. —28 PERMANENT POSITION with excellent fu ture for young woman not over 28 who wants training in a career; recent college graduate preferred: 5-day week. Call MISS BALTENSPERGER. DU. 5100. —30 ATTRACTIVE CIGARETTE GIRL. Apply in person. BALALAIKA NIGHT CLUB, after seven. No phone calls. • SATURDAY WORK—Young lady to help in drapery dept.* JULIUS LANSBURGH, 909 F st. n.w.__ HELP DOMESTIC. COOK - HOUSEKEEPER. $150 monthly, white: must have 1-year employment refs.; upstairs pvt. rm. and bath. TA. 4343. —29 COOK-G.H.W., live in: $25 week; refer ences requited. TA. 5308. —28 COOK-G.H.w., live in; over 30; good : wages; must have reference and be fond of children WO. 1445. —28 COOK-u.H.W., for family of 3, in apt.: 5‘/2-day week. 8-hr. day. from 12 until after dinner; $18.60 wk. EM. 0746. —20 COOK and g.h.w., sleep in; references required; $26. GE. 4077. ^OOK, colored, for institutional home, small membership: rm. and board, with good wages; permanent position; pleasant working cond.: local references. Write Box 222-E, Star. —28 GENERAL HOUSEWORK. In apt., ironing and some care of 3-yr.-old child: hrs. 4 p.m. to 12 midnight, 3 days wk., $12; city ref. TA. 6417. —28 G.H.W., $3o week to start; must be ex perienced with children and have recent D. C. referencess. GE. 5069. —27 G.H W., live in: $22 a wk ; settled: plain 'cooking: 5'/a days; fond of children; upstairs rm.; recent local ref. WO. 7494. —29 G.H.W’., $30 a week, live in: have Bendix washing machine and magle; must like children: every Thursday and every other Sunday off. Must have recent D. C. refs. EM. 8973. —27 G.H.W., ftV'a-day wk.: 3 adults: no cook ing 5833 3rd pi. n.w., RA. 3016. G.H.W., live in: fond of children, plain cooking; no ironing; Bendix: auto, dish washer and dryer; $22.50 wk.; refs. SL. 3091. G.H.W., permanent job. white or colored, good with children, experienced; city ref erences: situated nr. Florida ave. and Conn.; live in; $100 month. MI. 8970. _28 G.H.W., live in: girl: must like children. Call after 5 or Saturday. OR. 2740. GIRL, colored, wants 1ob; sleep in: no small children. ME. 4765. GIRL, white or • colored, to liy* in. as many nights out as you wish; g.h.w.: pleas ant people and good food: $15 per wk.; rm. and board. TA. 0996. GIRL OR WOMAN, light housework, plain cooking; live in. Good home. AT. 6222. —20 HOUSEKEEPER, white, to live in': Brandy wine, Md.; must like children and be good cook. Call OX. 0827, or Brandywine 2206. —28 HOUSEKEEPER, white, take complete charge 6-room apartment and cooking, considerate employer; live in: share room with 8-yr.-old child. Salary, $80 mo. EM. 0090, after 8 p.m. —26 HOUSEKEEPER, colored. A-l cook, for couple ‘in apt.; live out; city references; : $25 week. DE. 7917. —28 MAID, colored, exper. in g.h.w., with refs., health card: live in pvt. rm. and bath; no cooking: new home. $20 wk. 1619 Underwood st. n.w. TA. 6900. —26 MAID, middle-aged, for g.h.w. and light [ cleaning: live in. SL. 9443. —26 MAID, colored, to live in. g.h.w.; $25 per wk. Call before noon. WA. 5061. —27 . MAID, colored, g.h.av.. neat and depend . able, between 30 and 40: live in good home. private room, shower and bath: fond of [ .children: Bendix; local refs.; $20 Der wk. i RA. 3667. —28 MAID, full time, must stay through supper. ‘ WI. 9873. NURSEMAID for 3 children, 3 mos.. 3 jts. 6 yrs.: no other duties, must be exper.; live ’ in; local refs.; good salary. OR. 2414. NURSEMAID, $20 per week, live in; Sil i ver Spring, Md.; care of 2 children: other help employed. SL. 7949. —26 ■ WOMAN, middle-aged, white, alone, who desires a nice, quiet home, room and board, private quarters plus salary, to assist in care of new home for couple; 1 day off; references. Phone UN. 1344. : WOMAN, to look after 2 small girls, g.h.w., in exchange for room and board and small salary. Greenbelt 6897. —26 school age) and small apt.; live in; week . ends free; $20 a wk. Phone TW. 8440. —28 CHEVY CHASE, MD.—G.h.w., with em ployed husband. Box 368-H, Star. 28* i CAPABLE MAID for g.h.w.. cooking, stay some nights; recent refs. EM. 1500, 3838 Fulton st. n.w. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN, white, to take charge of 17-months-old baby and do light work in apartment; refs. WO. 6300. 28* FOR POSITION IN N. Y. C., maid for g.h.w., light cooking, fond of children; live In. EM. 8136. NA. 0198. —28 SITUATIONS MEN. ’ ACCOUNTANT, books started, brought ud to date; kept audits, reports, statements, all taxes. Box 227-H. Star. 28* ACCOUNTANT, expert; books started, kepi part time, tax returns prepared, state ments, audits; reasonable. OR. 2074. ACCOUNTANT. B. C. S , experienced in public accounting, available Immediately for responsible position. Taylor 8266. 28* ACCOUNTANT, expert; books started, kept, audited; tax reports, monthly service state ments; prompt, reas. SH. 6564. 1* ACCOUNTANT, graduate. 6 yrs.’ general acct. and bookg. exDer., desires position with firm or C. P. A., with chance for advancement. Box 316-H, Star, or call LANUM. DU. 2461. 28* ACCT. STUDENT, age 25. desires part time position with foreign export concern; excel, knowledge French. Box 399-H, Star. 26* BOOKKEEPER-OFFICE MGR., competent, efficient, 25 yrs.’ accounting experience, in cluding large enterprise and chain store operation. Phone Greenbelt 3096. 29* BOY, colored, high school, wants Job as stock boy or messenger, or office work of any kind. HO. 8062. CARETAKER, maintenance manager for . estate or large apartment; D. C. or yi 1 cinity. FR. 5894. 26* COLLEGE GRADUATE wants opportunity to travel U. S. or abroad. Box 357-H. Star. 28* ' COLLEGE GRADUATE, economics and bus. ! admin, major. 2 years law school, over 2 years’ experience market research, cost i analysis and general econ. research, de i sires permanent position with pay com ; mensurate with ability. Box 294-H, Star. • CONSTRUCTION SUPT., experienced. com ! mercial, housing, etc.: best references. J. J_j. r*AK 1 EjIjJLaJ, UN. U4Z0. - JANITOR wants small apt. to care for. in n.w. sec.: boy 4 yrs. oid; 5 yrs. one job. , CO. 9867. 28* LAW STUDENTS. 26. 3rd yr.. desires part time employment, approx. 1 to ft p.m. Mon through Fri. VI. 8260, Ext. 520. 2 to ft p.m. 26* ■ MAN. with several years’ experience re tail selling, would like job on Conn, ave.; minimum. $50 wk. Call MR. BALLENGER, EM. 6786 between 3 and 6 Friday. MAN, colored, desires work as part-time janitor, with quarters. Phone Hobart 0161. • SECRETARY, white, pleasant personality: typing. 75 w.p.m.; shhd., 120 w.p.ra.: avail able Oct. 5. Ask for MR. HIDA. RE. 6700, i Ext. 5469, weekdays 9-5. 26* STENOGRAPHER wants part-time work graduate Wash. School of Secretaries: 3 yrs.’ experience. LI. 7228. 28* TAILOR, experienced on men's and boys’ clothing, measuring and fitting; reference. Evenings, RA. 1756. • TYPIST, 8TENO., BKPR., etc., available 4 to ft hours every evening after 7. Box 323-H. Star. 26* YOUNG MAN, colored, wants part-time work of any kind; 6-11; reliable. MI. 7221. —28 EX-ARMY OFFICER, 28. married, desires position with progressive firm, admin istrative background, supply experience; excel, refs. Phone SL. 2443. —26 FORMER NAVAL LT. with personnel and administrative experience, desires respon sible position; all offers considered. Box 431 -E. Star.—28 SITUATIONS WOMEN. BOOKKEEPER, exrer. In double entry, fyn ing end prepare social security forme, etc.; S-day week: reference TR 14T5. 28* PRESSMAKING, design, remod., altera r m a SITUATIONS WOMEN (Cont.)_ GIRL, colored, wisnes^clerlcal position, grad, of teacher college; can assist in doctor s or dentist’s office. Call NO. 1044. —27 GIRL, colored, would like job as elevator operator or day work. NO. 7418. GIRL, colored, wants job, part or full time; prefer elevator operator or laundry. TW. 2001, • HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, colored, de sires general office work or clerk. Call MI. 5497 before 5:30, LOUISE. 28* LIBRARIAN or assistant, small library or editorial and research clerk: some experi ence Capitol Hill. Box 293-H, Star. 26* MATRONLY WOMAN wants part time or evening work; capable, good appearance. Box 332-H, Star. *»«• NURSES AVAILABLE—Trained, efficient and reliable nurses’ agency; licensed and bonded: 24-hr. service. DU. 3262. 27* NURSE, practical, white, wishes patient, near 14th and Park rd.; $4 per day. Box 304-H. Star. 26* NURSE, State registered, cultured English woman. requires part-time employment as doctor's receptionist or similar work. Write MRS. GREENHORNE, 3304 Belleview ave., Cheverly. 28* NURSE, colored, available for duty; ma ternity, chronic, convalescent; best of refs. HO. 3493 Fri. and Sat. • NURSE, practical, desires cases of any tor's reference. VI. 2238. 26* PROXY MOTHER while you shop, week end, etc., governess, nurse;, finest ref. En gage ahead. GOOGINS. GL. 3191. 26* REFINED WIDOW, middle-aged, seeks posi tion as companion-nurse to elderly lady or couple. RA 6447. —26 SECRETARY, assistant to editor: perma nent; excellent stenographer, typist, proof reader; long experience Govt., private in dustry. single. 36; permanent resident: available October 1st. 5-day week: $250. Call Glebe 2671 evenings, week end. 1* SECRETARY, efficient, accurate and speedy shorthand and typing. 5 years' experience, capable of assuming responsible position: excellent references; $50 per week. Box 352-H. Star. 28* SECRETARY, knowledge bookkeeping, pay roll. general office work exp.: capable and steady; prefer Arlington; 5-day week. GL. 1590. —29 SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER. capable, efficient, dependable: legal preference; sal ary. $200. Call DI. 8822. Ext . 315. • TYPING DONE AT HOME, experienced, cards and envelopes, etc.; pick up and de liver work. MI. 2467. —27 YOUNG LADY, with college and law de gree from accredited univ.. desires any respectable position, about $45 wk. Call after 6 P m., Owens 3806; or Box 312-C, Star. 30* YOUNG WOMEN, willing to assist with home and children in exchange for quar ters for self, student (medical) husband and infant; n.w. RE. 0705 after 8 p.m. 27* YOUNG WOMAN, drives own car. experi enced bus. and office routine, wants work, 9 to 3 o'clock. Box 337-H. Star. 27* YOUNG WOMAN desires to be companion to invalid or older woman, in Wash, or Arl. Box 308-H, Star. 1* CAPABLE CARE for semi-invalid, elderly, assist light house., manage home; refs. NO. 9200, 3-5, 7-9. SAVE YOUR MONEY —Let Paris-trained dressmaker make yours and your daugh ter’s new’ dresses and restyle your last year wardrobe. I work at home* give evening fittings: you get the benefit of savings in high-shop rentals. TR. 9322. 29* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. GIRL, light colored, experienced, as nurse maid for young child, waitress, chamber maid. or cleaning; hours. 8 to 4. NO. 4322. —26 GIRL, colored, desires housework; hVz-day week: no Sunday. ME. 5997 from 9:30 till 6:30. GIRL, colored, wishes day’s work. Call TW. 0643. GIRL, colored, w’ants dav's work, clean ing, laundry; 65c per hour, carfare; experienced. HO. 2199. GIRL, colored, desires day’s workr- DI. 5103. GIRL, colored, wants day’s work, kitchen helper or busgirl: experienced. Box 344-H. Star. • ) omwj (2*. coiorea. desire part time or days’ work. 5 days a week. Call TR. 6292 all day. 26 WOMAN. colored, wants day’s work, full or part time: experienced. CH. 2427. WOMAN, colored, wants work: willing ! worker, reliable and references. AD. 6695. WOMAN, settled colored, good laundress, wants <ob. DI. 5198. i WOMAN, colored, exper., wants day’s work, part-time. Cleaning or cooking: 9 ; to 5. Call VI. 5411. 26 YOUNG WOMAN, with son age 4, desires general housework: live in. Rockville 362 4. 28 ; LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, no laundry, some I cooking: live in: age 49. white. MRS. FRANCES GRAY. 1012Va 6th st. n.e., j telephone LI. 9825 or TR. 9756. 28 l WOULD like to recommend my maid for ; day’s work: good cleaner, honest; 60 1 cents hour. WO. 5845.__* EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. _BUSINESS._ SECRETARY, $55 wk, good at figures, perm., future. Stenographer, patent work, $65 wk.; legal stenographer, $65 wk. Labor relations work; medical secretary, $50 wk.; specialist office, one girl, club secretaiy, meals and $45 wk.; French English steno., $150; asso. steno. expert, $200; recept.-stenog., private club. $175. Can use now 50 steno. and secretaries daily, unusual salaries, call in (NA. 2114), ask for Mr. Bruce test. 15 yrs.) PERSON NEL SERVICE. 1311 G st. Next to church. DOMESTIC. DOMESTIC HELP by day, week or month. We protect your homes by selecting the best help to do your work. RITTER’S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 634 S st. n.w., AD. 4982, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 29 INSTRUCTIONS COURSES. AIR-CONDITIONING and refrigeration classes, starting now. NATIONAL INSTI TUTE OF COMMERCE A; TECHNOLOGY. INC., Gl-approved. Note our new permanent location. 1332 N. Y. ave. n.w., DI. 6703 POPULAR PIANO and accordion taught in short time; results guar.; approved for GI training. CHARLES NEWMAN STUDIOS. 1706 G st. n.w.. ME. 4700. RA. 5300. AVIATION MECHANICS—Refresher course for A and E license now offered; morning and evening classes, enroll today. TEACH AIR INSTITUTE, Washington National Airport. EX. 0063. BEAUTY OPERATORS NEEDED—Modern training in all subjects, day. night and part-time classes; get our free catalogue. MABELLK HONOUR SCHOOL, approved ror D. c. requirements ana ui training. 1340 N T. ava.. MS 7778. Sstab 1918. FRENCH, private instruction by .highly cul tured widow of European diplomat; English tutor for foreigners. HO. 1658. • AIR CONDITIONING and refrigeration, GI approved, modern training methods, backed by 14 yrs. now how: day and night classes starting now. Plenty of practical shopwork on a big variety of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. NEW YORK TECH. 1504 Benning rd. n.e„ AT 8863. MODERN TRAINING In beauty culture, all subjects taught Approved by Govarnment for GI training WAR-FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G st. n.w.. DI. 1762 FLYING INSTRUCTION under GI Bill of Rights. For details, call OL. 8888. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS. $6 per month MARGUERITE GARVEY, 7420 Piney Branch rd., Takoma Park, Md. SH. 6191 —1 PIANO—Viennese pianist, formerly faculty member, Orlando (Pla 1 Music Academy, teaches children and adults. ME. £614. 2* RUSSIAN TAUGHT by untv. grad., rapid method. Write or call MRS. GEORGE VITCH. 2604 Irving st. n.e. 28* CONTRACT BRIDGE—Classes now, form ing lor instruction and play. WI. 1465. —28 YOUNG MEN—Radio-electronics offers a bright future. Television, police, radio servicing and the airlines present a fine market for the well-trained man. If you are between 18 and 35 and have com pleted 1st Tear high school algebra you can be accepted lor training. Approved lor veterans. Highly successful placement service free to graduates. Phone DI. 6408. or call in person. CENTRAL RADIO SCHOOLS. 1149 Munsey Bldg., Wash.. D. C. Office hours 10 till 7. —2 AVIATION MECHANICS—Refresher course for A and E license. TEACH-AIR INSTI TUTE. Wash. Natl Airport. EX. 0063.—2 HIGHLY CULTURED WOMAN teaches English, self-confidence, freedom from seif consclousness; private tutor. Ml. 2550, • MOTOR TRAVEL. FKLE TRANSPORTATION to Jacksonville or Daytona. Fla., for asssitance In driving; leaving early October. SH. 5810. —-29 LADY. DRIVING LOR ANGELES. San Fran.. Sept 29-30; new Chev.; take 1 or couple, to share driving; refs. CH. 4334. 28* MOTORING TO LOS ANGELES. October 1: "an accommodate 3 persons. Phone Catons vllle. Md . 2101. LEAVING FOR SAN FRANCISCO and Los Angeles Oct. 1st; room for 2 passengers: no drinkers; refs, exchanged. CH. 2869. —28 PERSONAL ALTERATIONS on all ladies' garments; prompt and efficient service; open eve«. 3109 14th st. n.w. CO. 2221. KIDDIELAND NURSERY Kindergarten, a delightful school in the country, close to D. C : trained teachers; hot lunches; transp. SH. 5973 IMMEDIATE CASH for your home, n.e. or s.e.. white or colored, Md. or Va. COX & CO., DI. 4254. RE. 1633. SLIP COVERS. DRAPERIES—CO. 5690. 5 day delivery. Your fabric or ours. DAIG NEAULT. Decorators. VEITCH STREET KINDERGARTEN; day and boarding; ages, 2'h to 6. 1721 North Veitch st.. Arlington, Va.. tele. GL. 5699. BABY SITTERS REGISTRY—Mothers, be safe. Call DI. 2300 for investigated sitters, chaperons; licensed, bonded service. PERMANENT. %*■. snampoo and finger wave, 50c No appointments MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL. 1340 N Y ave. IF YOU ARB IN NEED OF A LOAN up to S300. call Miss Wright. SH. 3680 F ENDERS INC. 7904 Georgia ave. PERMANENT WAVES. *4: shampoo and fingerwave. 50c No appointments. AH wort- done by advanced students. WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G st n w YOUR PHOTOS tinted or in heavy oils; 20 i yrs. exp ; lesson given to women only, i HO. 0708 any time. —3(1 ! DO YOU PHOTOGRAPH YOUR children? Wny no; make phonograph records of their voices. HOME RECORDING CO. will do it evenings in your home. Reasonable1 rates. GL. 4609. —28 MOTHERS—Do you want a reliable person to care for your children, day or evening? VI. 1374. v FENCES — Perma-fences, installed Imme diately. Galvanized steel chain link wire, all tubular post set in concrete, gates fabricated on your property to fit contour of land. No cash down payment required. Terms extended over a period of 36 months. Free estimate cheerfully given at your convenience. Phone R. P. FLEMING. Ludlow 1860. Atlanitc 1787, SL. 4583. —HO NURSING HOME—Large suburban nursing home has vacancy for bed patient. 24-hour UYnprt nnrcinff r-ara- avnallnnt U_ medical management. Your inspection in vited. WO. 3855 or SH. 7644. —28 HOME-HEATING EXPERTS—Warm air, hot water, coal. oil. gas, repairs, conver sions, new installations: consultations and estimates without obligation. OR. 4899. PARSONS COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL—Day and boarding nursery through 6th grade, accredited teachers; art, musk, dancing; pony riding orT our 15<»-acre farm; daily' transportation: hot lunches: trained nurse: 2 to 5 year olds half-day program option al. 9401 Georgia ave., SH. 1674. —2 GHOST WRITING of articles, books, speeches, reports, radio scripts, letters of application, etc. Call EX. 8160, Ext, 24. 30* YOU MAKE THE PROFIT, we supply the information. If you have any article you want to swap, sell or buy, write us. NA TIONAL SWAP SERVICE, General Deliv ery. Alexandria, Va. 16* ALTERATIONS. 24-hour service; dress making. tailoring, coats restyled, relined. TR. 5073. —*>8 MOTHERS — Downtown day nursery. Kindergarten program, trained nurse, hot meals. 1525 16th st. n.w., RE. 5104. WI 9158. 28* HOME, for aged or convalescent people, located in surburban Maryland; trained nurses on duty 24 hrs.; excellent home cooked meals. Phone OL. 4425. 28* WANT ROOM, BOARD and care for elder ly senile woman; private home preferred. Box 334-H. Star. ' 28* VACANCY—Nursing care and tray service, private and semiprivate rooms; large grounds and porch; reas. HI. 6410, *28 _REPAIRS AND SERVICES. ACCOUNTANT with $2,000 to invest in ; business with potential earnings, $400 net! monthly; business has to do with service j required_ by all types of business; owner willing to retain part interest with re liable party. Call OWNER, between 10 and 1 weekdays. RE. 1451. —27 ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, pur chased ana traded, repaired quickly; rea sonable; machines for sale, standards and Dortables; est. 12 yrs. OFFICE MACHINES CO.. 913 15th n.w.. Ins. Bldg.. RE. 2828. ADDING MACHINES, calculators cleaned, oiled and adjusted. All work guaranteed. RE. 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO., 813 14th st. n.w. ALUMBRELLA — Aluminum and asphalt roof coating, guaranteed 5 yrs.: insulates against heat and cold: economical; free estimates. SL. 1785 or SH. 5922. —26 ATTFVTinv Hnurnu vPD _ _ made to order; carpentry repairs; free estimates. Union 2284. —27 BRICKLAYING—Fireplaces, chimneys, re taining walls, walks and steps built and're paired. A FAGNANI. Ludlow 5496. BRICKLAYER and contractor, brick, co ntent and fireplace specialty: estimates free, easy terms. MI. 5056 bet. 6:30 7 pm. BRICK WORK, large or small Jobs; 20 •yrs, experience. MR. BURBAGE, LI 0124. .—29 CAMERA REPAIRS—815 10th st. n.w. 27 years’ experience; factory parts. FUL LER A d’ALBERT. INC.. NA 4711. CARPENTRY—Complete remodeling, resi dential and commercial: repairing of all kinds._Call AINSWORTH. RA, 4818. CARPENTRY—Porches inclosed, repaired, attics remodeled, additions, any kind of repairs 0r building. R. E. ORME, LI. 3256. _op CARPENTERING, cementing, painting, plastering, paperhanging, roof repairs: all work guar.; quick service. AD. 3169 days: MI. 1916 after 8 p.m., MR. WILLIAMS. 28* CABINETMAKERS—Fine carpentry; book cases. corner cabinets, furniture repaired and refinished; also window displays. Call from 8 a m. tc 9 p.m. TA. 8629. —1 CARPENTRY, building, repairing, shelv ing. partitions, inclosing porches, steps: attics and recreation rooms finished. Free estimate. LI. 1633. CARPENTRY, roof repairing, porches, gen eral repairing done reasonably. Call MR. SWANN. DI. 3090 after 5 p.m. —26 CARPENTRY—Atticd finished into rooms or apts., stairways, dormer windows, recr. rms., porches inclosed, new or remodeling. Call UN. 2491. —2 CEMENT WORK done st oncp. North 8970, ask for Ext. B-332 between 7 and 8:30 a.m. 2* ; CEMENT—Light, dark, green, red: select i colored stone, flagstone for your individual I pccds; brick, cinder, cement blocks, walks, i walls, steps, driveways, porches, basements. | outdoor fireplaces^ pools, rock gardens, guard rails, waterproofing, drainage, point ing up, acid cleaning, painting, carpentry. : chain link, rustic cedar post and rail i Picket, all-purpose farm fencing: gutters I cleaned, repafred. replaced: expert roofing i and complete landscape service. Estab. ! 1912. Free estimates. LI. 4225. —27 i CEMENT WORK—Steps, driveways, walks. ! retaining walls, porches and painting; by experienced mechanic. Call VI. 6961. —28 ELECTRIC WIRING, commercial and resi , dential. old and new work. Ventilating, ; extra outlets, repairs. REGAL ELECTRIC CO. 360U Oa ave.. RA. 8391 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and installations, i commercial and residential. For prompt CO.. RA. 5858. FLOORS SANDED and refinishing. clean ing and waxinr. Call BARR. AT. 3657.—27 FLOORS SANDED AND FINISHED—"Have your floors done the Wright way." WRIGHT'S FLOORS. GE. 3119; eves., RA. 0162. FLOORS SANDED and finished, cleaned land waxed, work done Md.. Va., D. C. G. TAYLOR. WA. 1129. —6 FLOORS REFINISHED—Amazing inexpen ; sive way to reflnish floors like new with out sanding. For free demonstration call G LAS TEX PRODUCTS. DI. 2801. FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED, walls I and windows washed; prices reasonable, i FR. 4262 or LI. 2037. 28* FURNITURE REPAIR, springs reworked, cushions refilled, scatchcs. scars, cigarette burns refinished; work done in the home. TW. 8365. —26 FURNITURE REPAIR WORK, any type; upholstering, springs tied, refinished, slip covers and drapes made to order; all w’ork done by expert factory mechanics; delivery one week. HARVEY & MOORE, INC., 316 9th st. n.w. RE. 7904. 27* GENERAL REPAIR CO. For immediate service, phone Gaithersburg 498-J-l, or Rockville 2665. —27 FURNITURE REFINISHER—Expert In an tique and modern furn. repairs; scratches and cigarette burns, etc., removed in your home. Call HO. 0708 any time. 30* GAS-FIRED BOILERS; installation by competent mechanics at reasonable price. HI. 7371 between 6 and 8 p.m. —30 PAINTING—I use self-cleaning exterior paint that will last longer and stay whiter longer; permanent non-fading trim colors also used; also interior painting with the finest non-yellowing enamel; we make any color you want: guaranteed neat and clran. For estimates call WA. 6222. —26 PAINTING AND PAPERING—The best for less. Free estimates, no obligation. Call TA. 9427. PAINTING AND PAPERING; satis, cus tomers for over 25 yrs. our recomm. J. R. LAWRENCE, 727 Webster n.w.. RA 9703 PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, exclusive. 1-year guarantee: estimate free. HARRY MILTER, RA. 7365. Formerly 1722 Wis. ave. PAINTING, interior, exterior: paper hang ing. floors finished. Free estimate. Terms. Virginia work only. OLD DOMINION CON TRACTING CO.. GL. 0211. —28 , PAINTING, PAPERING—First-class work manship: work done immediately. Call MR. POAT, GE. 5643. 27* PAINTING, interior, exterior, roofs: paper hanging and Kemtoning; work guar.: best mnUvinl, n ,EV~» D n IP T i TT T T 4410 ° * PAINTING, interior, exterior, stores, res taurants. offices a specialty, painted any hour day or night; gen. repairs and re modeling; free estimate. JACK R. TATE, EX. 8571. • PAINTING, exterior, interior: fine Kem Toning; neat and efficient service guaran teed: ref. TA. 6369. —27 PAINTING, papering. Kem-Toning plaster ing. floor sanding. JIULME, 10 to (>, HO. 1029; after 6, HO. 3461. —6 PAINTING. PAPERING, interior and ex terior color schemes given expert atten tion: FKA loans arranged. Call SH. 4771. 8* PAINTING — Specialize in Kem-Toning: fine, neat work; right price. FR. 5190 and WA. 7242 —27 PAINTING—Ulterior and exterior, also Kem-Toning rms. by expert painter; reas. prices. R. OWENS. HI. 7539. —80 PAINTING AND PAPERING—We go Vir ginia. Maryland and D. C.; estimates free: prompt service. "Better work for less money.” All work guaranteed. TA. 4662. 30* PAINTING. Kem-Toning. interior and ex terior: paper removed by steam; veteran. SL. 356*. —30 PAINTING, cement, plaster, bricklaying, electrical and general home repairs: effi cient and reasonable work. EM. 6851. 1* ! PAPER HANGING, this week only, $7 and | up per room: 2947 washable, sunfast pa i pers: work guaranteed OE 2461 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING, work ; guaranteed; estimates. THE DECORATIVE SHOP. RA 1117 i PAPER HANGING and painting: sensible prices, satisfaction guaranteed. NA. 8378, JOHN TOLSON. 26* PAPERING AND PAINTING. A-1 work; estimates free. Call MR. BECKETT. DU. 4053 PAPERING DONE AT ONCE. $7 room and up. Do my own work. Latest selection of wallpaper, guaranteed GE. 0024. —27 PAPERING. PAINTING, scraping, plaster ing; free estimate, day or night. JOHN CARROLL. LI. 7803. PAPERHANGING, first-class work and material; refs.; Wash, and Va. CH. 8714 evenings. 29* PAPERING AND PAINTING, first class: white mechanics; do own work: free esti mates Call any time. LI. 6319. —29 PIANO TUNING and repairs: all work guaranteed: free estimates. Call WA. 57o5 or HY 0085. ARMETTS PIANO CO. —0 PIANO TUNING—Estimates free, work guaranteed. WM. WCOLEY, 3631 Jenifer Q.w. WO. 1173 or DL 4144. 1* A REPAIRS and SERVICES iCoirt.). PLASTERING, NEW CEILINGS, partitions and patching: all work guaranteed: white mechanics. D ARCY EA8T. WI. 6831. —1 PLASTERING—New or old repair work done; immediate service: free est ; white mechanics; work guaranteed. TA. 0208. _o RADIO REPAIRS—All work done In your home by qualified engineer: D. C.. Md., Va. LEE RADIO, phone DI. 0122. 26* RADIO TECHNICIAN and record changer expert: Independent operator; home lab oratory; you don’t pay for shop overhead; guaranteed work. AD. 5517 or CO. 8612 OR* REFRIGERATION, air-confl. repairs, com mercial and household; guar, work, prompt J?LIANCE. ad. 4575. Majors, motors, washing machines, 24-hcur repair service: house ~ C RE FRIG EH AT I ON R' (^O.. ^ lol_. DU. 8,6,. ROOFING, tinning, roof painting, gutter ing and spouting. Call MR. SHIPLEY. GF. 4 I 58. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL—Difficult leaks our speciality, guaranteed work. Call OCONN'OR BROS., WA. 9041 or MI. 4280. Ext. 211. _07 ROOFING AND REPAIR WORK, gutters and spouts repaired. Installed, chimneys cleaned and rebuilt: don’t let winter catch ■^d;, Wh/ paymore? See D. F. HOWARD GENERAL REPAIR CO. for immediate service. Phone Gaithresburg 498-J-I or Rogkvilie 2665. —27 ROOFING, new and repairs; gutters and SPHSJiP8:. Window caulklngs, snow guards. MURRAY ROOFING CO., DI. 2704, ALex. 1332. 30 ROOFING—All types roofs repaired; new, slate, slag and tin roofs; general sheet metal work, guttering and downspouts; no money down. 36 mos. to pay. Call NO. 3046, free. est. THOMAS & BROWN CO. ROOF REPAIRS, gutters, roof painting. SL. 178.i: pvps . TA M Qfi •■» RUGS REPAIRED—We specialise in Oriental and Chinese repairs Call GE. 13/6, 9 a m. to 6 p.m. —80 RUGS cut and bound to fit floor; hall and stair carpet laid; repairing. Call CH. 0364. _07 STONE AND CEMENT WORK; stone' re taining walls, flagstone terraces, also walks, steps, driveways, porches, etc.: lor &e.S,“i!KS.t#4'..c*u JERRY- AT. 9266. TILE Rt-rAIKS. work guaranteed. M. J. LOMBARDO. HO. 7231. TYPEWRITERS cleaned, oiled and adjusted All work guaranteed. RE. 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO . 813 14th n K. UPHOLSTERING—Trust your furniture to master craftsmen only; be safe, and not! sorry; lowest prices consistent wth quality1 workmanship; 1 week's service. Call fori tree estimates. WASHINGTON UPHOL STERING CO.. 1809 H st. n.w., EX. 6096.1 VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED. 98c up to t ft. wide and 7 ft. long. Have your blinds thoroughly cleaned by our modern machine method. WASHINGTON SHADE A AWN ING CO. 2021 17th st. n.w., DU. 6660. WASHING MACHINE and refgr. repair service, all makes; factory parts: 90-day guar. ACME RADIO A APPLIANCE CO, 4016 Ga. ave.. GE. 4688, 8 a m. to 9 p.m. WASHING MACHINES repaired; all makes. 48-hr. service; 6-mo. guarantee: free est GARY APPLIANCE CO., DU 8300. —2 I OR GENERAL CONTRACTING in paint ing and carpentry, phone SH. 3621. —27 JOB NEVER TOO SMALL or too big— Woodwork, don't hesitate to call, we are under reasonable cost. Call SHARPER A CAMPBELL. HI. 7310.—28 HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES, ADDITIONS, remodeling, carpentry, plumb ing, plastering, painting, etc.; free esti mates; no money down; 7 years to pav HAMILTON CONTRACTING CO.. RE. 4477. 30* ALTERATIONS, general construction, roof ing. siding and architectural service; free estimate. C. L. PIERCE. DI. 900(1. —30 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS and paving: qual lty work at reasonable prices. FAIRFAX DRIVES CO.. FA. 1484. Elmwood 621. —30 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, private roads, country roads and parking areas. Call GL. 6949; Drompt service: free estimates. 13* BRICK-BLOCK WORK, brick pointing, re taining walls, terraces, steps, piers and walks. G. A H. BUILDERS.. EM. 4826. BRYANT, NATIONAL, JANITROL gaT-flred boilers: licensed gas litter; estimates given; three years to pay thru FHA. HI. 46281 BUILDING CONTRACTOR—New bldg.1 re pairs, remodeling, roofing, paving, con crete work, oak floors, etc. C. A. NEWELL; yard. OX. 0226; res.. CH. 4882. guards, railings, door guards; free esti mates. DUPONT IRON WORKS. INC. 1166 18th st. n.w. —27 CEMENT WORK, stone walls, flagstone terraces, walks, chimneys, fireplaces, ce ment driveways, porches, retaining walls. MARCUCCIO. Rte. 4, Horners lane, Rock-; ville, Md. Phone Rockville 3588. —1 CONCRETE, CEMENT WORK. lootings, driveways, porches, basement floors, steps, retaining walls, old and new work, C GALEA. Atlantic 2864 or FR. 5513. —1 F1NCES, all types; wood, picket, wire, 'hain link: immediate erection. Carpentry, concrete work. Terms. M. W. FENCE CO., DI. 0122. FLOORS SANDED AND REFINISHED, work personally done: 13 years’ experience. DUKE & SHIRLEY FLOOR SERVICE. CH. 0742 or RE. 6996 anytime. 27* FLOOR SERVICE—Nothing but the best laying, sanding, finishing, cleaning, par quet Installations. Bruce finishes. FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC.. 1812 Wiscon sin ave.. NO 2216. GENERAL CONTRACTING, remodeling a specialty. Give us a call and we will give you an estimate. ZERKLE CO., 1246 20th st. n.w . RE. 7338. —30 HEATING—Oil furnaces and oil burners, complete hot-water radiation systems with summer and winter domestic hookup: ex pert engineering: 3 yrs. to pay. SERVICE ENGINEERING CO.. 3321 Ga. aye.. GE 5259. OE. 6065. PAINTING. Interior and exterior: also paper and Kem-Tone removed by steam. TO. 5172. , —29 PAINTING AND PAPERING, floor sanding, water-proofing, roof rep.: white mechs.; guar, work; est. 1925. GILBERT & HAMILTON. AD. 5120. REMODELING, recreation rooms, attics finished, additions, excavating, plumbing, heating, concrete work: terms; free esti mate. EX. 4978. 28* RESIDENTIAL RENOVATING and cleaning services; Immediate and free estimates. Call DU. 2142. —27 WATERPROOFING, basement and exte rior walls, all work guaranteed. ROBERT E PRICE. WI. 3633 30* WATERPROOFING, roofing service: cellars, walls, floors waterproofed; roof repaired, renewed. Guaranteed. NEVINS. TW. 8124. o^ STONE AND BRICK BUILDERS—Cement contracting and general repairs of all kinds: free estimates. JERRY RUBINO, FR. 6031. ALBERT CCNTI, HI. 3832. 29* HYATTSVILLE CONTRACTING CO—Roof ing, siding, guttering, painting, papering: all work guaranteed: no down payment; low monthly terms. For free estimate, cal! WA. 8486. days or evenings. OLD DOMINION CONTRACTING CO.. OL ■ 0211. your contractor for Virginia work: additions, remodeling, all home improve ments: free estimates and terms. —7 HOME-HEATING EXPERTS—Warm air, hot water, coal. oil. gas. .repairs, conver sions. new installations: consultations and estimates without obligation. OR. 4899 STONE WORK, retaining walls, flagstone terraces, indoor and outdoor fireplaces, sildewalks, driveways and other types of concrete work: estimates without obliga tion; as long as 3 yrs. to pay. CH. 7761. J. S. YOUNG, bldg, construction, commer cial or residential: porches, garages, addi tions; repairing and remodeling. Dial TR. 5634 or FA. 2587-J.2* BANK AND BUSINESS References required from every advertiser seeking capital through advertise ments in The Star. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DRUGSTORE, uptown on the avenue; long lease; very low rental, good clean stock, $250 daily; closed evenings and Sundays; $20,000 will handle. Estab lished over 40 years. Save a brokerage commission by dealing directly with pro prietor. Owner desires to retire. Box 97-C. Star. —26 DRUGSTORE, uptown on the avenue, long lease, very Jow rental, good clean stock. $250 dally; closed evenings and I Sundays; $20,000 will handle. Established 1 over 4<» years. Save a brokerage com mission by dealing directly with proprietor. Owner desires to retire. Box 97-C. Star. —28 HOME AND AN INCOME in this beau Spanish-type home with 5 lge. rms. and | bath, all on ground floor; a beauty shop in a growing community. This .shop and home 1 is modern in every respect. Beau, lot, i 100x200 in Lanham Park. Only $12,600 takes all. ALVIN EPLING. UN. 031$.—26 RETAIL MEN'S WEAR CHAIN wants lo cations, stores with or without leases. All replies confidential. Box 438-D. Star. * —28 MILLINEIU—Opportunity to rent nice shop on G st. n.w., in same bldg, with leading fabric store; plenty bus4ness referred. Call MR. PETERS. NA. 9276. —27 NO. 52—S.-S. GROCERY and beer; good lease; rent. $75 mo.: income guaranteed at $1,700 wk.: newest equipment; hours, ; 8-8:30. This is one of the best stores we have had in a long time. Only $8,600 ! down. bal. terms. Exclusive with the live wire broker, W. H. (BILL) SIMONS, 1823 M st. n.w. EX. 6181. MILLINER—Opportunity to rent nice shop ■ on G st. n.w.. in same bldg, with leading i fabric store; plenty business referred. Call MR. PETERS. NA. 9276. —27 SERVICE STATION FOR RENT, downtown location: fully facilitated: stock and equip ment priced at inventory Box 372-E, Star oft RADIO REPAIRMAN—This is your chance. Repair and sales shop, exclusive n.w. Joe. Owner Quotes $23,000 made in first 2*2 continue good. Rent, $8n per mo. Per sonal reasons force sacrifice at $6,500. For aopi. to Inspect, call Mr. Strickland with JCHN J. McKENNA. Realtor, 1429 Eye st. n.w., RE. 5345: eves., RE. 0585. —27 DRESS SHOP, accessories, children's wear: established fl years: can do easily $50,000 yearly; selling due to illness. Cash re quired. Box 306-H. Star. 28* TWENTY YEARS RETAIL experience, sell ing. managing; Interested established busi ness; will invest $3,000; balance terms. Give data. Box 309-H. Star. 27* BOOMING HOUSE, excel, n w. location: 13 rooms, 4 baths: rent. $90; Income, $340; arranged as 4 apts.. each with pvt. oath; oil h.-w h.: total price only $4,000 cash, i Call Mr. Brady, EX. 2555. YOUNG & 1 PASTOR. INC —26 PARTNER WANTED lor tearoom and restaurant. Seats 200: woman preferred, one who can manage. Call WO. 1135. 26* SHOE REPAIR and home combined: fully equipped shop, excellent business; owner retiring; kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, hath. oil h.-w.h. Apply ANGELO DAMMARIO Gaithersburg. Md. —28 RESTAURANT, on upper Conn ave.—For sale or will lease to reliable tenants on long-term basis; selling due to illness: si. equipment like new: kitchen is really streamedlined and modern in every re spect: ABC liauor license included. Call Mr. Johnson, with JAMES L. DIXON & CO . 1739 Conn. ave.. Ml. 4311, exclusive, RESTAURANT AND BEER, downtown n.w —Rent. $140; lease over 3 yrs : daily sales over $150 Will sell lock, stock and barrel for only $9,500; some terms. This won’t last, call Mr. Landray at onct, XX. 2655 YOUNG * PASTOR, INC. —28 jA THE EVENING STAR, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES,(Cowl,). RESTAURANT BARGAIN—This place has been doing *300 a day (86% liquor) for :hlrty years: real money maker: excellent location; low rental: ten year lease (op tional); seats 95. Only *35,000, half cash. Exclusive' with HEANEY & CO. 27* < RESTAURANT-COCKTAIL LOUNGE, new : equipment, air conditioned, good business, money-making location; sacrifice for quick sale; seats 90 or more: good lease; illness; i so brokers. Box 31-B. 8tar. —26 RESTAURANT-COCKTAIL LOUNGE, mod ern. fully equipped, air conditioned, fine iiientele. good business, downtown location; rare opportunity; disagreement of partners: H2.000 to *15.000 will handle: no brokers: nuick profit likely. Box 139-E. Star. —26 ROOMING HOUSE. 4th and E. Cap. sts.. 10 rms., 2 baths, oil heat; Income quoted *‘-60 mo. plus 3-rm. and pvt. bath apt. for owner. Nicely furn.; rent only *901. mo : 5-yesr lease. Asking *4,500. HAMP TON REALTY CO., EX. 5656, GE. 4884. I Q j I ROOMING HOUSE BUSINESS, nr 14th and Columbia rd.—14 rms., income quoted. $394 plus living quarters for you; 3-yr. lease: only *1.500 down. DUPONT REAL TY CO., DU. 5630. —26 PRINTERS—Want your own shop where you can take home $100 a week salary from the start? This is a good shop for only *2,500; terms. CASSATT, Glebe 5310. 28* MUST SELL dry cleaning and valet shop. Reasonable price; rent. *75. Phone TA. 17 (8. * ROOMING BUSINESS, one of the best, for .$5,000. terms; special bargain price for all cash; attractive, detached. 16 bedrooms: near 16th and Harvard sts. n.w ; real home: nice net income, etc.: bldg, not for sale; license, lease: •adults. Box 284-H, Star. • BUILDER, will sell 2 building lots, 2600 2bth st. n.e.. Wash., and lot on hwv rairiax county, va.. $2,000. and take 2nd mortgage on new construction. G. S GROVE8. 60 E. 42nd st., New York 17. New York. IS THERE an investor interested in loan ing employed couple $9,100 to build home in Brookmont. Md. Will give first mort gage on $2,250 lot and on house after completion. Excel, ref. EM. 1139. 28* FOR SALE, dress shop in Shirlington busl* ness center. $50,000 annual sales, much more possible. If you have previous ex perience in this line the owners will help you purchase with only & small investment on your part. Call MRS. DEERY. DI. 9345. SELF-SERVICE MKT., business from*~$l. 500 to $1,800 weekly; no rooms; has truck; short hours: $12,500; good will. NA. 1408. J. KLEIN. TE. 6970. • DRUGSTORE, same owner 18 years: clean stock, neat store: business about $150 daily; priced reasonable, with terms. NA 1408. J. KLEIN. GE. 6970. CINDER BLOCK PLANT, a real money maker; modern going plant, new equip ; terms. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE, SH. 1103 till 9. DGS MARKET, doing $1,100 week; store. 2 rooms in back of store, 4-room apt. and bath upstairs. 2-floor double brick ga rage. front and back yards, h.-w.h.. coal; $130 month; must sell due to illness; pos session with settlement. FR. 9557. Buy direct from owner. —28 ROOMING HOUSE BUSINESS. $1,000 down: nr. Dupont Circle; 11 rms.. 2 kitch ens; 3-rm. apt. vacant for owner: income quoted. $300: rent. $75.75; 5-yr.-and-K mo. lease. DUPONT REALTY CO . DU. 5630. —28 POULTRY PROCESSING PLANT, in full production; well located, close D. C.: doing well over one-half million dollars per year. Sensationally priced at $44,000. including processing plant, real estate, all equip with PENTAGON REALTY CO., Fairfax' 396. —"8 i BUST BFSTAURANT-aoda fountain in Ma nassas, Va : grossing *4.500 ner month, ail stork, complete fountain, dining rm ! and kitchen equipment and »11 fixtures' included. Seats 9ft people. Reasonable rent Full staff of employes. You can't go | wrong on this buy at *12.600. PENTA GON REALTY CC.. Fairfax 396. —28 COE. BOW BRICK, 901 N. Carolina ave. s e : arranged as 4 apts , plus several sleeping rms ; completely furn.; monthly income. *404: *16.950 with low down payment. JAMES CARROLL, TR. 2864; eves.. LI. 4052. ARLINGTON, VA,—Service station busi ness for sale, located on Wilson blvd (*t. Clarendon and Rosslyn. One of Ar lington’s finer gas stations. For further information, call JUDSON REAMY. agent, 1122 N. Irvine st.. Arl„ Va., CH 0800. After 6 pm . GL. 1686. —28 GROCERY STORE—Excel, uptown n.w. location. This store has been neglected by the owner, is doing about *700 per wk.: business can be substantially increased by exper. grocery man; Is priced less than cost of equipment and stock, and only *7.',.no: could be approved for GI loan 9 to 9 daily. CHAPMAN REALTV CO.. Realtors. —28 BEAUTY SALON. S.E.' — Modern, fully equipped, in new and Progressive shop Ping center; 4 wet booths; weekly income, *400: price. *:i.500; cash. Si.000: excel lent opportunity. SCOTT SANDERS, at 8Caplt°l st„ TR. 7563. —28 ERIEi?~nw- location: only *.S.50<) cash; living quartets. For details. '£11 Mr- Baron, OE. 6833, with HARRY SHENK, Broker, RA. 2200. _"6 PROSPEROUS INN in Prince Georges County—This old established on-off sale liquor, restaurant, machine buslnesa for sale because owner's contracting business now requires his full time. Price includes l‘/a-st°ry mod. brick bldg, with 4-rm. and bath apt on 2nd fl.: ’a-acre narking space with 225-ft. frontage on main hwy. and perf. fixturee and equip.; did *85.000 last yea/, now doing *1,800 wk.; can be increased with proper management. A opoor.: *15.000 down, ??'■ S?8?, mo- at *‘A%. Act at once. Cali NA 2557. Exclusive, JOHN H. MILLER, Jr. & BRO., 1812 K st. n.w. BEAUTY SHOP, Georgetown; equipped °for 5 operators, must sacrifice. OWNER, after 5 p.m.. HI. 709':. RESTAURANT-LIQUOR. Pa ave. s e air conditioned: seats 240: gross. *2,loo week ly: 85e„ beverage: rent only *185; r> Jf*r ®**» by appt. only. GERBTCH. MI. 404 /. oG* ffSnn corner: gross over $5,000 wkly.; good deel for operator of larger bust ness: 10-year lease. GERBICH. MI. 404 (. os* WOULD LYRE TO MAKE contact for busi ness property Have 2 house* on L st for exchange. Box 76-E, Star. 28 i RESTAURANT and FILLING STATION, on main hwy in nearby Va.: a money maker for right party; will take *26.000 cash to handle FAIRFAX REALTY CO.. Falls Church, phone FA. 1578. 27 i SywRuT STORE—Lovely store doing «snnS°i *n,nu*Uy; »P‘. available: over Jo dean stock: veteran owner se-: 11 and ,w|l consider offer for fair I -2Pp.0of * lifetime. SAM ; !jHAntkER 4s CO., 2602 Conn, ave., NA 8ro*ery »"d delicatessen buyers—We are fortunate, just having “'"led several grocery and delicatessen stores doing from *600 to *4.000 weekly and many can be purchased for small dgP',0 payment. SAM CHANTKER A CO 2602 Conn. ave.. NA. 3934 yffi. B-E v,oLD—Price reduced: nearly *4,000 weekly gross; grocery store, in oM.^?y ¥d'i J* .bids with lovely living |re. *Grab P?t. 'cal^ now^^r Real 0E^teW^AO:!9?-;.ZANT2INGER' *'■ 9¥. 1 HIGHWAY—Bar and restau ,! UtL aDt; Kr°wm* business: lot 300x .9JeD Information call MRS ?rROLCR"7'!°r MR' VINCENT- WA. jLSlti BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS—Opportunity' to purchase going business, fine central io-’ overhead: S3.000 cash en titles you to Profits from several toia< ir> iurmture and fixtures valued $1,000, and highly trained sales staff: > in®tructlon. help to get nt„,oe<L,^.d . allow «se of present license ls obtained. MR. BALDWIN, vU. >»Y . oti GIFT SHOP—Desirable n.w. section "with wffh Wrw0W d,is,play sp!ce; well stocked *,lt5 pl,c<Lhvarlety merchandise; desirable f,5* neighborhood store, with a few addi tional lines; or alteration, cleaning and S?palr ,dfBt- ran be purchased for cash Imperat ive!'VoodUXnias iff"*'*1 ca11 na dm^/ri<9iiALLEfY,?—2n modern, air-con lnl0tfne ^J?ys’ fpJ|y equipped and operat mj-..'or sale, with long-term lease: sub , stantial cash required; good terms can be !oSynEBox:!7'-Vb|ta?Pn by apop!ntm.n. nM-SH«,EKT OWNER—Established route l^ut vend,nK machines for cash I and £eason ,for wiling will be fur BOONE. DCE8VsVJnlRES' 3 :10 ,n '„*?* hivh S SANDS—Engineers report 5*?oVor0each. Cff.1>13^UPmPnt IlS^' Immediate buyer for bungalow in sliver Spring or Bethesda; can pay cash Call TORPINCr' EX' 3333' YOONG * PAS HAVE CASH PURCHASER for 2 or 3 bed rm. house in Woodslde Park or desirable j Mg &PAsfoRMINCP*St0r' =535; SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY STORES. Laun derall equipped: reasonable investment kood returns AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO . ME. 5569 ESSO GAS STATION and restaurant. 850 ft, frontage on Route No. 1, 13 mi. south of Alexandria. Va. Gross Income. $80,000 a year, A substantial down payment re quired Place known as the Friendly Tav ern. Inquire at same. !• ROOMING HOUSE or apt. house wanted— I have $1,500 as down payment for lease and business: no brokers. Phone CO. mss 28* RESTAURANT and delicatessen: liquid carbonic fountain; Milles ice cream and custard machine; alt new equipment. A fast growing store in. fast growing com munity. A fine store for 2 GL; 15-mtn drive from D. C. ANNANDALE GRILLE, Aon?irt!-!'\ Va AT,fx 0520 ."0 ON NEARBY MILITARY RESERVATION: restaurant serving beer, soda fountain with magazines and sundries; *25.000, 'i cash; extremely interesting. Particulars, Box 219-H. Star 29» ROOMING HOUSE and property for sale. 18th st„ near Columbia rd.. 1st com: 7 bedrms. plus 3-room apt.; good furni ture: 2’4 baths, large basement and 2 car concrete garage; suitable for any other business; oil heat. OWNER. CO. 0976. O0» OWN YOUR OWN GROCERY business for $2,000 complete: business doing nearly $600 a week. Apply In person, attorney’s office, Thurs. and Fri., 9:30 to 1, Suite 207, 412 5th st. n.w —26 BEER PAR.LOR, 7 miles from Washington on Lee hwy., doing excellent business, serves 75?* beer 250. food. 3-yr. lease to go. and $125 per month, music box and pin ball machines pay rent, lease stock and equipment go for $5,500; reasonable terms METZLERS OFFICE. GL. 6593. or GL 7533 —28 26 MILES D. C„ NO 1 hwy.. Lorton, Va — | Combination restaurant and store, gas sta I tion, which hgs income of $450 per mo ; 15-rm. bungalow. 600 ft. back from busi ness; modern kitchen, bath porches, shade ! chicken house. This property Is situated on 2V> acres with a wide frontage on Richmond hwy. Owner selling due to : Illness. L. McGEE KING. 1561 Wilson I uw., GL. 5273. CH. 5508. OX. 0300 —28 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE and 3-rm. guest house along with a small oarn and beauti ful shrub situated on approx 1 acre of ground, conv. located on Main hwy 2, miles from D. C In a nice community This place would make a lovely tourist home. Price. }15.000 adUi attractive terms. UNIVHMAL REALTY. CH. 1179. CH. 3953. —27 Washington, D. C. C—5 !6, 1947. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEsT^ IOTEL AND ' RESTAURANT—Furr.liheJ ind licensed for rent on 16th st.; re Mon itor. Now doing business; owner has >ther interests, write for appointment. Jox 68-E Star. _ —29 IROCERY STORE ON WHEELS—Com iletely equipped bus with frozen food re. Tigerstor; meat display case and com. iressors and motors; also meat cutter and :rinder; Chevrolet paneled truck for mar :et use Included. This business is vourz iroviding you take over the G1 loan which s he|( paid off A small down payment rives you this opp. Excl. with MILTON G. SMTTH. Realtor, 4219 Wilson blvd OW. ’20(1. —27 UDGE REALTY OFFERS: Restaurant Jest buy in Washington area, beautiful nodern equipment: showing excellent net; ocated in fast-growing section; priced or quick sale. Food mfg. olant located in Washington irea: replacement cost of equipment ,15.000, a going operation: excellent iroduct with enormous possibilities; busi less can be bought for $17,500. lock, itock and barrel. Country general store; splendid op lortunity; lust 45 min. out of Washington: ioing $1,000 per wk.: living quarters; ‘hows 30 Der cent to 35 per cent net; iriced extremely low. Grocery doing $1,500 per wk : con veniently located: mixed trade; low rent! inly $12,000, lock, stock and barrel. Delicatessen and iunchonette—First ■ate n.w. location, doing $600 to $/00 ler wk.-. shows excellent net; priced for mmedlate sale. RIDGE REALITY CO. 1018 Vermont ave. n.w. RE. 1578: after i P.m.. AD. 3398.—26 DELIC. cortier. cld. transit trade, over f i. ,vrv/\> wren, 11U, ill icki, »na • tTQl. »pt.; lease; price rea*. 2. Deltc. corner, white transit trade: jppos. carbarn: over SI.000 week, food profit from pinball mach , price reas., *'ith lease. 3. Deltc., white trade: soda foun . sand, and hot dogs; over SI.000 week: rent reas., with lease; good profit from pinball mach. EMBASSY REALTY CO. MI. 18TO; eves., Mr. Asha._TA._7175. 2fl* MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ACCESSORIES for your camera, darkroom >r movie outfit; largest selection of cam eras, projectors, enlargers, electric expo- _ sure meters, flash guns, carrying cases. w range finders, films, color films, photo bapers. chemicals, photo books and 1.500 nore items. We buy and trade. See usl BRENNER PHOTO CO.. 933 Pa. ave. n.w. Dpp. Justice Dept. Catalog free! RE. 2434. ACCESSORIES, by Private party—One veek-old Philco radio-phonograph com bination, retailed $99.50, latest model, t>75: a $112 Remington Rand noiselesg portable typewriter, used 8 times. $55; i new $13 Manning-Bowman electric iron, plus $5 ironing board, both $10. Ml* <104 after 6 p.m. —26 ACCORDIONS, clarinets, saxophones, trum pets. cornets, drum sets, guitars, etc., at ow prices. Phone Mr. Jones at National 1223. JORDAN PIANO CO., 1015 7th it. n.w. —26 ADDING MACHINE, almost new. R. C. Allen. 10 bank electric; pvt. party. Call MA. 7540. —2ft ADDING MACHINES, used Victor, Bur roughs electric desk model: new 10-key Remington-Rand adding machine, many pthers. See at 1431 Eye st. n.w., THE EXECUTIVE STORE ADDRESSOGRArH. model 1100. used: 2 itencil cabinets, and 2,500 stencil frames. Jail MRS. SCOTT. DI. 4148. Mon. —28 AIR COMPRESSOR, spray cars and fur titure. $14.50; spray gun. $4.96. ELEC rRIC EQUIP. CO . 2473 Sherman ave. n.w. AIR CONDITIONERS sharply reduced: immediate installation, with guarantee and 'ree service. BISHOP EQUIPMENT CO., • OR. 3687. —27 ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS for steel casement windows, never before has there been a storm window like this; beautifully designed to fit. any steel or wood casement bpening. For free estimate phone WI« 3333 or WA. 6116. ANDIRONS, everything for the fireplace; irery low prices. Open Sat. all day. week days from 4:30 to 5:30. 3032 M st n.w. —28 antique furniture, jewelry ana gun»; materials and clothing. 6693 Barnaby st. n.w. —28 ANTIQUES — Lge sofa and armchair, ebony with brass beading, in Duncgn Phyfe design, perfect cond. Phone OR. 1511. —26 ANTIQUES—Colonial cradle with hood. $50; 2 old rag rugs 9x12, perfect condi tion. f,25 each: 2 silver-plated ccflee and tea sets. old. perfect condition. $30 each* diamond ring. carat, $40, tuxedo. 36 short, $15. After 6 p.m.. OR. 1511. —27 ANTIQUES—2 marble-top Victorian chests. Doth with mirror;. $35 each, spinning wheel, rocking chair. $15 OX. 0532. * AQUARIUM SUPPLY CO.—Large selec tions of tropical fish and supplies. Open weekdays. 1 to 9 p.m.; Saturday. 10 to f> p.m Sunday. 2 to 5 p.m. See this Saturday' special. 3827 Georgia ave. n.w. —28 AQUARIUM and exotic fish, supplies, liv# food daily: special this week. Neons. Ras bora. and fancy cats. MINIA TURE TROPICAL AQUARIUM. 3908 12th st. n.e.. HO. 6311. Open weekdays. 1 to 9 p.m. Sundays, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed Tues days. ARMY ENGINEER CHESTS, trunk type, new’, lift top. metal bound. Ideal ior stor age. tools, etc. Desirable sizes, choice. $4.50. Also surplus hardware and paints, low prices. GRUVER MFO. CO.. 8001 Conn, ave., Chevy Chase. Md., daily and Sunday to 9 p.m. BABY CARRIAGES; $15.95. Seabert's qual ity $21.95. Thayer's famous make; full spring suspension, squeak proof wheels, enrone pusher handle. 2 position back. Also Headstrom’s carriages at $24.95 end $29.05: all brand new. BERGER'S. 3412 14th st. n.w., DU. 3444. Juvenile furnitur* exclusively. Open evenings. —28 BABY CARRIAGE. Slorkline. excellent condition. ME. 0540. Ext. 625. —28 BABY CARRIAGES, well-known makes, at 20'< discount for immediate sale. IDEAL BEDDING CO. 622 E st n.w. BABY CARRIAGE, like new. Kroll Pullman, oriccd to sell: owner moving. Call GE. 3364 between 6-9 n.m. —28 RARV r.ARRTAGF. Tbaver. collapsible; was $44. sell for $20. Also floral uphol stered love seat. $8 AT. 2110. —27 BABY CARRIAGE, twin, Whitney, with mattress. $20 DU 4729. —28 BABY CRIBS. $22.05. maple finish, all steel spring, one drop-side, automatio lock; wet-proof inner-spring mattress to fit: $9.95: also 20 other styles in stock, variously priced, with adJustab e springs. Large selection of w’hite cribs. BERGER'S. 3412 14th st. n.w.. DU. 3444. Open eve nings. —28 BABY CRIB, maple wood, w-aterprool mat tress. steel spring, new condition. $20? play pen. baby scale CO. 4746. —28 BABY FURNITURE — Leaving country, must be sold at, once: all in good condi tion; being sold at, v2 original cost; crib and Kant, Wet mattress, 4-drawer chest, play pen and pad. Pal baby walker, ehif fercbe, red leather Thayer folding high chair. Collyer-Keywerth carriage and pad, training chair. May be inspected daily until 7 p m. at 4813 25th rd., N Arl., Va. —28 n 4TUTIDC K ft Knilt • n nan, a n ri ,. »A ■ basins, toilets. showers, stalls. pipe. BLOCK'S, ::05« M st n.v,-.. MI. 714] —30 REALTY SHOP EQUIPMENT—One Rilling perm, wave machine, 4 dryers, 1 shampoo chair. 1 showcase. 2 manicuring table* and chairs, 1 couch, 3 chairs and table, 1 ersh register, 3 dresseretts and L dress ing table. Going out of business. 58(H) Lee hwy., Arlington. Va. —28 BED, Murphy, double, inner-spring mat tress, perfect condition; 550. WI. 2562. BED. double, walnut; box spring and mat tress: also bureau; in good condition. EM. 3X75. —28 BED, Hollywood, double, complete with mattress; good condition. OL. 3925.-28 BEDS, lowest, prices in Washington; dble.-deck; beds, complete with 2 springs, $5; spec, designed wooden ladder and guard rail. 51.50. We deliver, small charge. FAIRHAVEN MANUFACTURING CO., 3043 K st. n.w., 1923 N. Y. ave. n.e., NA. 1680. —29 BEDS <2). Hollywood inner-spring. 511 each; other miscellaneous articles. Phone HO. 0500. Ext. 712. after 6 p.m. 26* BED LEGS—Make a modern Hollywood bed from your old springs, we install. SL. 4371. * —28 BEDRM. FURNITURE. Just arrived; fln* quality, mahogany bedrm suites at a rea sonable price Dbl. bed. dresser with mir ror and chest, only 5139 Also beautiful maple bedrm. suite of dbl. bed. dresser with mirror anri chest on chest. 5129. Open till 9 Terms ANSELL * SANFORD, 4520 Lee hwy.. Arlington BEDROOM. LIVING ROOM, dining room, dinette, electric refrigerator, radio, washer. Turner’s. 923 G st n.w . has on display 3 floors of brand-new furniture and elec trical appliances for your inspection at the lowest, available prices Shop Turner s and be con\inced that you are getting the most for your money; your credit is good at Turner s Open an account no finance charges; all payments made in the store. Special for this month: 3-pc. bedrm. suites. 559: baby cribs. 59.95 inner-spring mat tresses, 510.95: upholstered occasional chairs, spring construction, 59.95. table lamps with shades. 55.95; studio couches and sofa beds, all-spring construction, re duced, 520: end table, 54.95: porcelain di nettes. complete with 4 chairs. 549.95: 3 f»c. upholstered liv. rm. suites. 599, regu« ar price. 5169: walnut dining room suite, 10 pieces, reduced. 575: mahogany veneer Duncan Phyfe drop-l^af table. 539.95; bunk beds, full twin-size with springs, rail and ladder, 549.95, can be made into 2 twin beds; twin or full size beds as low as 514.95: vacuum cleaner, reduced, 520; maple, 6-drawer chest. 519: pillows. 53 & pair, standard m?ke automatic combina ton. reduced. 520. A!! merchandise sold at Turner's is brand-new and guarantee. Turner's knownlngly will not be undersold. We r7:1 tvI:at wi* advert sr. Shop at Tur Ton't forget, your credit, is good at Tur ner'. : no finance charges for credit: all payments are made in our store. Open evenings and Saturdays until 7 p.m. We arc open Monday and Thursday for your convenience until 9 p.m TURNER S, 923 O si n.w.. NA. S157. BEDROOM—3-plece solid maple set. *79.50: 3-piece modern walnut set. *79.50: extra-fine Arcassian wa.nut double bed. chest, dresser, vanity and bench; *249,50. worth SI.000; mahogany chest. *19.50. walrut chest, *22.50; large mahogany chest, *16 50: dresser and mirror, *22 50; metal double bed. spring and sterilised mat tress, *24.50 Ask about oureasy pay ment plan. GREAT RAPIDS FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 907 7th at. n w One of Washington's largest and most complete used furniture stores. EX 0742 BEDROOM SET. 5 piece, walnut finish. In cluding Simmon? spring and lnner-eprlrr mattress. SL 7505 BEDROOM, living room, chlfforobe. rugs. Hollywood beds, vanity, kitchen cabinet, sofa bed, chairs. FDELMAN. 3303 Ga^ave. REDRM. SUITE, metal beds, wardrobes, chests, chairs, rugs, bookcase. siud.o couches, end tables, reasonably priced. MI 975b 1379 Irving si n v —2b BEDROOM SUITE, maple. Inner-spring mattress, box spring' dresser, dressing table; *S5 or sell individual piece.'.. CK. lP.'HI * ' BEDROOM SUITE, mating.. iMh Century. 2 matching. 0-drawer chest-on-chests, vanity, mirror, bench 54-in poste- bed. This suite never used; no bedding, sacrl* flee *300. OX 0532 BEDROOM SUITE, walnut bed. dresser, vtrit.y find chest of drawers. $16?S rashl prewar, good condition RA 4329 —2* BEDROOM SUITE, s pc twin, curly msple, dust proof construction, excellent eondi» tlon. 8150 LU 4809._ _ (Continued on Next fc.