OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 26, 1947, Image 51

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1947-09-26/ed-1/seq-51/

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tkNlTtUtt FOR UTIL ITT apartment—
ettee, 2 large chairs, chest of drawers.
end tables, cocktail table; excellent
sndltion; *145 cash. Can be seen at
nytime. Apt. 602, 1020 19th st. n.w. •
URNITURE—3-piece living room suite
ith slip covers; also 2 end tables: all for
35. TR. 4813.
URNITURE—Living room, kitchen and
edroom. like new; sacrifice. See at 319
hepherd st. n.w. 26*
URNITURE — Bedroom suite, 8 piece,
lodern walnut; dining room suite. 10
iece, walnut: chrome breakfast suite,
nieces. 5024 No. Capitol st. —28
URN.—Maple knee-hole desk, chest, dl
ette chairs, misc. articles Reasonably
riced. Cali ML 8022. 1471 Irving st.
w, Apt. 4. —27
URNITURE of 1 -room efficiency apt., new,
lodern turn, of interior decorator leaving
iwn; apt. available in modem apt, house
ear 14th st. and Park rd. AD. 9000. 2S»
URNITURE—Tables, chatrs. phone table
nd chair, single bed. bureau. 2 straight
»ck chairs, table lamp, drapes, book
ise, picnic kit. 8L. 3921. —28
URNITURE—7-way floor lamp. $14.95;
immons hotel special mattress, single,
39.95; Sampson card tables. *3.95; Law
jn sofa, red leatherette. *150; Regency
Ufa, gray maialasse. *190; unpainted
ookcases, $10; baby carriage. *43.50;
lne studio couch. *40: 3-pc. maple bed
nom suite. $130; 3-pc. walnut bedroom
Hite, vanity, chest, poster bed, *225;
aby crib, *22.50; crib mattress. *11.50;
ed spring, single, *12. double. *16.95:
awson love seat, *85; Lawson sofa, blue
illle stripe. *99; red plastic-leather sofa
ed. *76; boudoir chairs, assorted, *18;
assocks. *7.60; Duncan Phyfe mahogany
rum table, *29.95; mahogany end table
nd magazine rack, $12; fireside chair,
35; baby high chair, *19.60, Rollaway
ed, *18.75: vanity benches, $5; Duncan
hyfe mahogany drop-leaf tables, *50;
orcelain-top breakfast sets. *55; solid
laple comer cabinet. *49: lime oak tea
able and tray, $39.60; tuxedo sectional
ofa, $150: green leatherette club chair,
69; maple console table, *22.50. HOFF
I ECO RA TORS, 1711 14th st. n.w. Con
enient terms. Phone AD. 0741. Open
ves until 9. —28
URN., twin-bed room, dinette, living room
cu wmi ruuumn cuuiu. ueueiu/ii, aute
ew. RA. .3913 between 2 and 6. * i
URNITURE—Bedroom. Windsor bed. book
sse, chiffoniers, antique hall seats, mlr
ars, ■ lamps, chairs, tables, rugs, brass
oles. blankets, sheets. NA. 8096. —27
URNITURE—Library table, mahogany.
Colonial, 30x48, $50. Ordway 3699. —27
URNITURE—2 dble beds, mahogany and
laple, $25 ea.: 2 sgle. beds, $20 ea.: all
iciude springs and mattresses: mahog.
hest of drawers. $30: baby's white crib,
Dring and mattress. $15. TR. 5114. -—28
1ARDEN TRACTORS, nationally advertised
lake, in stock for immediate delivery.
!uy now and prepare for spring planting.
. R. PENDLETON & SON, 11770 Ga. ave.
:6th st. n.w
ood condition, for furnace having 16-in.
r larger icebox; 200,000 BTU hourly
input.; $95 cash Phone OR. 2535. ■—27
IAS-FIRED HEAT, Bryant, Janltrol, etc.,
or hot water, steam or warm air; also oil
urner and stokers: immediate lnstalla
ion; FHA, 36 months. EM. 3142, SH.
IAS RANGES, apt. and other sizes; new,
sed; city or bottled gas. ACME STOVE
O. 1011 7th st. n.w. NA. 8962.
IAS RANGES, new, used, all sizes: $14.50
p; trade-ins accepted PEERLESS SALES
JO., 2237 Georgia ave. n.w.. DE. 6670
IAS RANGE. Chambers, with thermowell
nd insulated oven with control for bot
led and natural gas. Phone ME. 4541
aturday a.m.
IAS RANGE, Welbilt, white porcelain,
able top. 4 automatic ton burners, stor
ge space, oven and broiler, good clean
ondition; $65. Rockville 2881. —28
•AS RANGES—City or bottled gas: im
lediate delivery; brand-new Magic Chef,
appan, Norge, Crosley. Crown. Quality,
•rand, Estate; low prices and easy terms.
Iberal trade-in allowances. Select your
as range from Washington’s largest selec
lon of nationally famous standard brands.
nd H sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9
.m. LI. 2983. LI. 8741.
IAS RANGE, 4 burner. $15: also small
itchen «lnk. $5. Call GE. 7946.
IAS RANGE, Real Host, new and unused,
-burner, oven, broiler, storage compart
ient. $110. WI. 2561. —27
1RNERATOR8-STARTERS, *7.50 UP. teat,
ssort.; install, immed.. small charge; elec,
epairs: 33rd year CARYY. 1608 14tb
iOLF CLUBS, men’s steel set with fine
;mner oag. jacues, part, steel, 3*23.
ickory, $18. ME. 4646. •
^OLf CLUBS, reg. $100 set; Kroydon.
ten’s woods, 6 months old; $66. Call
VI. 9317 after 5 p.m. —28
GREETING CARDS—Selling out entire
tock, fixtures and cases at a sacrifice,
lust dispose of by Oct. l. EX. 6898,
05 11th st. n.w.
(BINDER. bench type. h n., 6-lnch!
rheel with tool rest and guards; new;
35. WO. 6917.
rUiTAR, Hawaiian. ‘Oriole. Kalamazoo,”
dth case and instruction book; condition,
ew, hardly used; $20. 1907 37th st. n.w.
imerson 8845. 28*
IUNS—Browning auto., also Savage, like
ew, shells, $75 each, or best offer under,
810 14th st. n.w\
[ARDWARE—10,000 hinges, locks, door
nobs, nails, chrome trim, etc.; as much
s H off; some slightly fire damaged; all
lust go. Open daily. 8-6 p.m. until sold
•rive out Leesburg pike (Rt. 7), 5.2 miles
ast Tysons Corner to W. B. KERN FARM
n right: opposite the old mill.
[EATERS—New and used; oil pot type,
as. kerosene, coal, wood, electric-steam;
irge stock and variety. ACME STOVE
O., 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. 8962.
lOLLYWOOD BED, single, complete; will
rade for complete double Hollywood bed.
all WO. 9195. —27
dth controls, oil burner, pipe and radia
ors. CH. 2821. 5212 12th st. 28*
CEBOXES. new and used. ACME STOVE
■O., 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. 8952.
NTERNATIONAL oil heating stove, like
ew; original cost. $154; will sacrifice.
:H. 4895. —28
RONER, Thor, 26" roll, fold-away. floor
lodel. like new condition, sold for well
ver $100; sacrifice for $60. RE. 3366. .
RONERS. Bendix. Conlon G. E. and Apex
Dr immediate delivery: some used floor
lodels at special prices: terms. ELEC
RICAL CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w. NA.
.ITCHEN CABINETS, linoleum sinks, work
dps. GRUVER MFG. CO., 8001 Conn, ave.,
hevy Chase. Md.
[ITCHEN FANS—Installed In walls, win
ows and transoms. All other types of fans
vailable including attic and restaurant
<haust far RELIANCE. AD. 4576.
JTCHEN SINKS — Immediate delivery;
rand-new, complete stock of kitchen
nks, base and wall cabinets; low prices
nd easy terms. Select your kitchen sinks
rtfi rfthinet.ft frnm Wa.chinatnn’e laro-oct
‘lection of nationally_famous standard
O., 10th and H sts. n.e. Open every eve
11 0 p.m. LI. 2083. LI. 8741.
NOTTY PINE SHELVING, kiln dry, 12-ln.
idth. GRUVER MPG. CO., 8001 Conn.
ve., Chevy Chase. Md.
[ONEL O-GAUGE TRAIN. 6x10 ft. plat
>rm, transformer, track, station, bridge,
ater tank, two switches, in good condi
on. $60. TR. 37C9. —28
[VING ROOM—Solid mahogany Duncan
hyfe sofa, full-spring construction,
SO.60: club chair, $7.50: oak lid desk
ith 3 drawers. $12 50: lady’s writing
;sk. $7.50; solid maple sofa with spring
instruction. $27.50. Ask about our easy
URE EXCHANGE. 007 7th st. n.w. One
Washington’s largest and most complete
>ed furniture stores. EX. 6742.
IVING ROOM SUITE, 3-pc. maple, good
jr.dition. EM. 3108. —27
IVING ROOM SUITE. 3 pcs . velour, all
Dil spring construction, reversible cush
>ns, wine and blue, brand new; $165.1
ave 45%. CO. 1382, WAREHOUSE FUR
hyfe sofa, mahogany frame, matching
aannel back lounge chair, beige tapestry,
11 spring construction, reversible cushions,
rand-new; $135: save 50%. CO. 1382.
IVING ROOM SET, 3 pieces, $40; 5-plece
edrm. set, $45; 8-piece din. rm. set; 7
iece reed porch set; single bed. spring
nd mattress, $15; porch chairs, old
ressers and single beds. 1887 Monroe
n.w. —26
IVING ROOM SUITE. 3 pieces, walnut.
50; also baby’s bed. Iron, $10. Call
et. 7-9 p.m.. TA. 1191. —28
IVING ROOM SET, maple, 7 pieces; like
ew. ME. 0564. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.;
at. and eves.. CH. 3000. Ext. 3177. 27*
UCKERS. STEEL. 72. 24x18. aood conril
on: 1. 3 and 4 In a row. ¥6.60 each door.
ew York ave. n.w. —2 j
UMBER—-Pine, direct mil! shipments.!
■uck load lots, immediate delivery: also!
ave some hardwood flooring, steel win-!
ows and other millwork. CATLIN LUM
ER CO.. GL. 8888. —27
UMBER, trim and molding: 200,000 bd.
as much as % off current prices; some
erfect. some slightly Are damaged; all
lust go. Open daily, 8-6 p.m. until sold.
re deliver. Drive out Leesburg pike <Rt.
i 6.2 mi. past Tysons Corner to W. B
ERN FARM on right; opposite the old
HOROSCOPES, all types, amateur, stu
ents, professional; new and rebuilt: all
ncondltlonally guaranteed. Visit our
Jmplete photographic dept. MICRO
[ART. 412 10th at. n.w.
[OTORS repaired and exch, Large stock,
uick service. Brushes, belts, pumps. ELEC
RIC EQUIP. CO . 2473 8herman ave. n.w.
OTORS. several reconditioned, fractional
p.; reasonable prices VETERANS' A8
3CIATED. 1400 Ogden st. n.w., HO.
100. —2
OVIE PROJECTOR—Victor 16mm sound
ith microphone attachment; ¥225. 3716
Ith st. n.e, 26* ,
FFICE FURNITURE — Reconditioned i
;sks. chairs, filing cabinets, tables, etc.
29 9th st. s.w.
IL BURNERS. Petro: boilers, radiators!
id gas boiler units. Install now. MAY i
omplete heating installation; 3 year*’
i21 Georgia ave.. GE 6259. GE. 6065.
IL BURNERS, standard, gun-type with
M-H controls, wholesale and retail; I
125; in stock GENERAL OIL BURNER
ERVICE CO.. 3320 M st. n.w. • —28
IL BURNERS. PETRO. all sizes: also
filer burner units for immediate delivery;
irvlce and installed by factory distributor:
HA terms, no down payment. 3 yrs. to
ly; free survey* and estimates by com
stent engineers; 24 yrs. In D. C. AM
ASSADOR CO., 1773 Columbia rd. n.w.,
E. 2233. —28
RGAN. Chaplain. Call at 3104 Que st.
w. or phone CO. 0325 after 6 p.m. 26*
iANO — Baldwin-made Acrosonlc spinet
insole, apartment-size upright models;
iceial rases In mahogany, walnut, light
ik. prtma vera and ebony finish. See and
■ar these outstanding instruments; trade
s accepted: easy terms. Exclusive at
UGO WORCH. 925 G n.w. Dependable'
nee 1879.
[ANO—We have a Whitney apt. upright,
.oroughly reconditioned. This is an un- I
lUSl bargain st ¥495. We cordially invite
lur inspection of this beautiful lnstru
ent. Conv. terms may be arranged.:
AMPBELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n.w.
[. 8464. —27 I
ANO—If von are interested in a good
ed console piano, we suggest you inspect
Kimball that we now have on display
lis instrument is in excel, cond. and
iced very reas. CAMPBELL MUSIC. CO.,
08 G st. n.w. DI. 8464. —27
1ANOS FOR RENT—At Jordan’s. 1015
;h st. n.w.. you can rent a latest-model
ilnet or console model piano, and. if you
■clde to buy It later, the money paid as
ntal will apply on the purchase price,
lone National 3223. JORDAN PIANO
3.. 1015 7th at. n.w. (Just above the
irary). —26
PIANO, Brambach baby (rand: $400; per
fect pitch, perfect eond. Phona OW. 0171.
PIANOS—Campbells' are the exclusive
representatives for new Steinway, Kimball,
Gulbranaen. Sohmer. Jesse French, Cable
and Conover pianos. Prices range from
$505. We cordially Invite you to come In
and Inspect our line display of these In
struments. Conv. terms may be arranged.
CAMPBELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n.w.
DI. 8464. —29
PIANOS—If you are Interested In a Bald
win concert grand, thoroughly recondi
tioned and priced at a very reasonable
figure, call Mr. Leonard at CAMPBELL
MUSIC CO., 1108 O at. n.w., DI. 8464.
PIANO, large upright, good condition, $75;
6-cu. ft. Norge refgr., new unit, $126;
Zenith short wave portable radio, $50;
child s bed with mattress. $10. OV. 1559.
PIANO, excellent tone, upright; no reason
able offer refused. Call any time, 4244
Foote st. n.e.. Apt. 1. 28*
PIANO, medium-size upright, very good
condition, tuned to 440; $95. OV. 4627
evenings or AT. 7286 days. —27
PIANOS—For reconditioned Stcinway
Grands, come to Campbell's. We have sev
eral very fine Instruments which have been
thoroughly reconditioned by our expert
piano technicians. This display Includes
sizes ranging from 5 ft. 7 to 9 ft. Concert
Grand. Conv. terms may be arranged.
CAMPBELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n.w.
DI. 8464. —27
PIANOS—The Jordan Plano Company Is
the only local agent for new Mason &
Hamlin. Chicicering, Lester. 8tory & Clark.
Musette. Winter' & Co.. Marshall & Wen
dell. George 8teck. Huntington and H. M.
Cable pianos. Visit our store and save on
your piano purchase. Phone National
3223. IORDAN PIANO CO.. 1015 7tli st.
n.w. (Just above the Public Library). —26
PIANOS-^—Phone Republic 6212 If you are
Interested In a slightly used spinet or
console. Lauter. $345: Starr. $425;
Wurlitzer, $475. Also several others.
KITT S. 1330 G at. n.w. (Middle of the
block.) —26
PIANOS—Be sure and see our selection
of new Dianos before you buy. Choice of
such makes as Knabe. Wurlitzer, Fisch
er. Estey, Ivers & Pond. Poole. 8tarr,
Weber. Jannsen. etc. Terms and an al
lowance for your piano. Phone Repub
lic 6212, HITT’S. 1330 G st. n.w. —26
PIANOS, Wurlitzer Spinet, Cable apt. uprt.,
apt. grand made by Chlckering. several
medium-size uprts., Lawson and Golibart;
in American Storage Bldg.. 2801 Georgia
ave.. AD. 5928. day; RA. 0491. night. 26*
PTA\OS Ra p dpb T.ottor mir and
console models at Jordan's, 1015 7th st.
n.w. You can buy a new Lester for only
$60 down, the balance payable on long,
easy terms. Phone National .'{223. JOR
DAN PIANO CO., 1016 7th st. n.w. (lust
above the library). —26
PIANO, spinet console, cabinet bench:
bargain, $.325; private buyer only. Box
■348-H. Star. 28*
PIANO, spinet grand, mahogany case, brass
casters, made 1801 by Robert Nunns.
Clark it Co., New York. $750. Also beau
tiful black show pony. 13 hands, saddle
and bridle, $250. 14-year-old saddle
mare, very gentle, $200. FA. 2849-W.
606 E. Columbia st., Falls Church, Va—28
PIANO, upright: good condition. TE.
3498. —28
PIANO, Aeolian Weber, parlor grand, ma
hogany; good condition. SL. 7505.
PIANOS—Why pay high prices for used
pianos when you can buy a new spinet or
console for usually only a very little
more? We are dealers for such makes
as Knabe. Wurlltzer, Fischer, Ivers &
Pond, Poole, Estey, Starr, Weber, Jann
sen, etc. Terms and an allowance for
your piano. Phone Republic 6212,
KITT’S, 13.30 G st. n.w. (Middle of the
block.) —28
PIANO, Steinway, baby grand, style L, I
cannot be told from new: a real bargain.
Also a most beautiful mahogany Knabe
baby grand. Compare these values before
you buy. RATNER’S, 736 13th at.-n.w.
RE. 2490. —27
PIANOS—If you are looking for a real
value in a slightly used spinet or console
piano of a good make phone National
.3223, JORDAN PIANO CO.. 1015 7th st.
n.w. (Just above the Public Library). —26
PIANOS—We have several completely re
conditioned fine grands on sale. Choice
of such makes as Mason & Hamlin, Chick
ering. Steinway, etc. Phone Mr. Purcell.
National .3223. JORDAN PIANO CO„ 1016
7th st. n.w. (Just above the Public Li
brary!. —26
PICTURE WINDOWS, aluminum and
steel casement sash, aluminum door
canopies, free estimate. VI. 1640. —2
PIPE, structural steel angles, channels,
radiators (used). WASHINGTON RAG it
BAG CO.. 215 L st, s.w. DI. 8007.
used, fittings, valves, etc. BLOCK’S, 3056
M st. n.w., MI. 7141. —.30
PRINTING PRESS. 8x12 C. & P.: motor.
oO cases type, sticks, furn., racks, pad
press, chases, etc. TA. 4862. •
pleten presses; paper cutters; flatbed
hand fed and automatic presses; 2 color
Miehles: Perfector press: 8, 16 and 48
cage newspaper presses, flatbed and
stereotype; automatic all electric Verko
type embosser and all kinds of bindery
machinery. LU. 4872, 1211 4th st. n.e.
PULLMAN COUCH, 6 ft. 8 inches, “and
armchair; $60. Phone Dupont 1300, Ext.
69. 10 a m. to 6 p.m —27
RADIATORS, used, guaranteed; all sizes;
furnace, Arcolas. PEERLESS SALES CO.,
2237 Georgia ave. n.w., DE. 6670.
RADIATOR COVERS. Are you redecorat
ing without getting an estimate on good
looking grille front steel radiator covers?
6066, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. —27
RADIO, Philco combination. 1201, practi
cally new: reasonable. TA. 1730. —28
RADIO. Philco. car. model "936,” good
condition, excellent tone; $28.60. Call
MI. 6637. —27
RADIO, 1947 Farnsworth comb, chair
model. OW. 6369 after 6 p.m. —27
RADIO, $12.96 complete, newest model
Teletone, a.c., d.c. compact; also Air King,
reg. $17.95 list. $14.88 complete; new 1947
model. APEX RADIO, 14th and New York!
ave. n.w.
RADIOS—Clearance sale brand-new sam-!
pie sets up to 4074 off; wide variety of
makes and types. APEX RADIO. 14th
and New York ave. n.w.
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combination, new
Philco. automatic record changing: $100
set. will sell for $76. MI. 8104 after 6
RADIO - PHONOGRAPH, Hallicrafter.
S20-R, 9 tubes; broadcasts 3 SW bands:
Admiral automatic record changer: both,
$50. Telephone VI. 2160. —26
RADIO-PHONO. COMB.. reg. $119.95
value. $75 cash; floor model with auto,
changer; also table model, reg. $69.95
value, $46 cash. APEX RADIO, 1319
New York ave. n.w.
RADIOS TRADED; liberal allowance for
your old set on new 1947 models: $6 to
$10 allowance on many new small sets
listing at $26 to $30. APEX RADIO, 14th
and New York ave. n.w.
RADIO-PHONOGRAPH comb . Zenith pre
war model, good condition; $60. VI. 8465.
prices deep on a few floor samples and
slightly used combinations; standard
makes. Phone Republic 6212, KITT’S.
1330 G st. n.w. (Between 13th and 14th
sts.i —26
Kelvinator. Westinahouse, for Immediate
delivery; terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER,
514 10th st. n.w., NA. 8872.
RECORDS, 5c to 50c, pops, swing, Jazz,
titles 1915-1947. 890 Hemlock n.w., 2nd!
door from 7400 blk. Ga. ave. carstop. 28'
RECORDS—Clearance shopworn and over
stocked numbers % to 14 off; thousands to
choose from; many popular and classical
albums Included. APEX RADIO. 14th
and New York ave. n.w.
REDSKIN'S, 3 season s passes. Phone FR
2762 —28
REFRIGERATORS—Gas and elec., a.c.
and d.c.: rebuilt and guar.; lmmed. del.;
bargains; these refrigerators are prewar
Learn what is inside before you buy. 1318
14th n.w., DE. 3610. We service any make.
REFRIGERATOR. 6x6 walk-in box; new;
with electric motor: priced for quick
sale. $950: can be used for storage.
Cali AD. 8607. •
REFRIGERATOR, gas. 6-ft., $75; 8-talrror
vanity, library table, couple end tables.
OW. 7982. —28
REFRIGERATOR. GE, 6 cu. ft.; excellent
condition. SL. 3921. —28
REFRIGERATORS — New Weitinghouse,
large family size; delivery early October.
Also used refrigerators. P. O. SMITH SALES
* SERVICE. INC., 1344 H st. n.e., LI.
2545, LI. 6050.
REFRIGERATOR, Frigidalre, 6 cubic ft.,
fine condition, $100 cash; also kitchen
sink. WO. 4480. —28
REFRIGERATOR, 16-cubic-ft., recondi
tioned, 3 glass showcases- one meat block;
$20(1. Must sell today. 105 D st. n.w. *'
REFRIGERATOR—(i cubic ft. de luxe, elec
tric. with vegetable door on inside; $75
or best offer. Rug, 9x12, green. $50. OW.
2531. —28
REFRIGERATOR. General Electric, about
6 Vi cu ft., several years old, good shape.
$110. NO. 7560 eves. —27
REFRIGERATOR. 1946 Hotpoint, 7 cu. ft.,
$175; in storage. Can be seen at 218
D st. s.e. •
REFRIGERATOR. $60: chest drawers,
$7.50; porcelain top table, $8: cedar chest.
$12.60; clock, $5; bedrm. suite, $50: 9x12
rug. $17.60; maple vanity dresser and
bench, $35; lge. pressure cooker. $10: etc.
1013 No. Kentucky. Arl., Va. GL. 3145.
REFRIGERATORS — Immediate delivery;
brand-new 1947 Servel gas refgrs.; all
sizes; lowest prices and easiest terms.
and H sts n.e Open every eve. till 9 p.m.
LI. 2983 and LI. 8741
REFRIGERATORS—2 Frigidaires. Kelvina
tor. General Electric. Mayflower; apt. sizes. I
A-l condition. Also compressor and 6
Frigidaire boxes, easily converted to Ice
refrigerators. 1404 Harvard st., DU. 3677.!
—26 I
REFRIGERATORS. Kelvinator. 3 ft., good
rondition. Call CH. 9213. 846 N. Harri
son st.. Ad.. Va. —38 !
REFRIGERATOR, Serve!, good condition; j
Pullman sofa, large chair; reasonable. OV.
9581. —26
REFRIGERATOR, Norge, $40. 619 F st.
n.e.. TR. 8095. - —28
RIFLE, Savage model 19, target, new con
lition in and out. Redfield front, factory
■xtension rear; 6X Fecker, Si-in objective
scope; $70. Will sell less scope. TE. 2391.
RING, lady's diamond wedding, set with
> large full-cut finest-quallty white dia
monds; used very little; reasonable. CARL
PETERSEN it. SON. Jewelers, NA. 0633.
REGS and furniture—Blue wool Alex.
Smith. 9x12 rug; 3 living room chairs, $30
each; 3 tables. $35; table lamp, floor lamp.
Picture, dresser, draperies and cornices,
Vf. B. electric clock. HO. 3109. —28
RCG, 9x13, all wool, reversible broadloom,
alue: used 8 months; $45. SL. 2976. —27
RCG. Chinese Oriental, excellent cond.,
approx. 9x12; also dark blue broadloom
:arpeting, 13x21 over all. WI. 6110. —28
RCG8. new. one 9x15 rose beige Wilton,
$159.50' one 9x22'7". rose floral Axmln
!ter. $157; also other rugs and carpets of
1011008117 known makes. Call MUMMA'S.
5520 Conn ave . WO 8758.
used, in good condition; suitable for hotel
or apt. bldg. EM 3781. —26
SAILS, new and used, very lge. selection.
Uso new money chests and wall safes, i
3everal desirable used safes, marked low;
loor space needed. THE SAFEMASTERS
2304 Penna. ave. n.w.. RE. 6011.
SANDER, disc “Milwaukee " portable elec-■
rlc extra sanding discs and polisher. $45
1907 .'(7th st. n.w. EM. 8845. 28
SECRETARY, solid mahogany, Gov. Win
throp, 7 ft. tall, 4 drawers with locks.
ABBOTT & LANDON, Taylor 2112, 9 to 9.
. —26
SEWING MACHINE, Western Electric:
oortable: electric; in excellent condition;
>ome attachments. Cull L0. 1557. —26
SEWING MACHINES—Singers, elec, port
»b e» and consoles; also 31-16 power ma
chine; immed. delivery: terms low as 56
a mo., 6-yr. guarantee on all machines.
Open ev es, till 8, NO. 2100. 2414 14th st.
SEWING MACHINES—Reduced prices lor
Tnurs., Frl., Sat. on all nice sewing ma
chines. Singers, elec, console, 589.50;
elec portable. 549.50; Singer, drop head,
treadle, 549.50: all perfect; your old
treadle made into an electric for 527.60.
Repairing, renting. 3812 Lee hwy., Cherry
dale. CH. 4914. 26*
SEWING MACHINES, elec. port.. $35;
tailor elec . mfg.; shoe patch. $45; rentals,
repairs. $1.50 up. 3299 M n.w. DE. 7457.
SEWING MACHINES, 525 up. Machines
rented and repaired. 3337 Conn, ave.,
EM. 4244.
Immediate delivery. Singers and other
makes: rent or sell. SEWING MACHINE
EXCHANGE, 2412 18th st. n.w. —4
SEWING MACHINES. 81nger electrics;
sale or rent. Immediate del. Open eves.
3109 14th st. n.w.. CO 2221.
SEWING MACHINE, Singer console. A-l
condition: $100. 3718 24th st. n.e. 26
SEWING MACHINES — Treadles. $27.50
up: elec.. $39.60 up: rentals, repair spe
cialists; macb. electrified. PENNA. AVE
SEWING MACHINE CO., *149 Pa. ave.
n.w.. NA. 1083. —28
SEWING MACHINES, Immediate delivery.
Singer desk models consoles and port
ables. Renting and repairing all makes.
Have your old sewing machine electrified.
SERVICE, 3508 Conn. ave. n.w., EM. 4556.
SHOTGUN, Rem. auto., 12 ga., 6 shot,
30" full choke; $100. TA. 6303. 28
SHOWCASE, glass, 48 inches high, by 48
inches wide, $30. HENDERSON S GRILL,
735 14th st. n.w. See manager. —28
SINKS, new and used, all sizes: faucets,
pipe, fittings, showers, etc. BLOCK'S,
3056 M st. n.w., MI. 7141. —30
SODA FOUNTAIN, Flischmen, 6V4 ft.
Phone RA. 7389. 29*
SOFA-BED. ros. good condition, $20.
Phone Ordway 6209. —28
automatic record changing pick-up; 18
records. 10 books of lessons, 3 operating
manuals, 1 Spanish-English dictionary. 1
leather carrying case; all new; $50. GE.
1766. —26
SPRINGS for twin beds, excellent condi
: TMir o-oii _ f * n.nn _ ,sn>
STENOTYPE MACHINE, used, In excellent
cond. Phone DE. 2072 before 8 a m.
weekdays, any time Sat. or Sun.; cash
only. —28
STOKER, coal, take care of 600-800 ft.
radiation, practically new. sell '/a orig.
price. Gaithersburg 782-W, HO. 9413.
STOKER with complete control, for Iron
Fireman. Almost new. Phone AD. 8024.
STORE FIXTURES—Complete self-service
store fixtures, meat cases, dairy boxes,
frosted food cabinets, beverage coolers,
reach-ln refrigerators, walk-in coolers,
scale, choppers and slicers. H. S. DUDLEY.
1767 Columbia rd., CO. 0368.
STORE FIXTURES for sale: fam. cash
register; will consider any reasonable
offer. Apply 712 K st. n.w. —28
STOVES, new, apt. size: gas or elec,
thermostatic control; In stock. BLOCKS,
3056 M st. n.w., MI. 7141, —29
STOVES—Oil pot type, coal, kerosene,
elec., gas, wood; large stock and variety.
ACME STOVE CO.. 1011 7th at. n.w..
NA. 8952.
STUDIO COUCH, 3 pillow back. In good
condition with tailored Blip cover and one
pair of matching drapes. Call AD. 3631.
STUDIO COUCH and cover, $20; over
stuffed chair, $10; and radio, console RCA
model 60. $10. 4514 Chestnut st„
Bethesda, Md. WI. 8683. —26
STUDIO COUCH—Good condition; opens
to double bed. $15. CO. 7337, 9-4.
STUDIO COUCH, transformable to bed;
purchased 5 mo. ago; perfect condition.
Call CO 9445
SUITCASE, saddle leather; new, never been
used; was $41; sacrifice; reas. R. DUN
CAN, 2132 Wyoming ave. n.w. after 7:30.
District 6436 or SPruce 0899-J. 28*
TABLE, large Chippendale, living room: 6
old Chippendale chairs. Telephone MRS.
CAMPBELL. NO. 1240. —26
TOASTMASTER. 4 slice, 2 small gas grid
dles, one 6-ft. steam table. Ice water cooler.
Cocoa Cola cooler and one electric silver
polishing machine. ART'S RESTAURANT,
839 Bladensburg rd. n.e. —26
TUXEDO, size 38; worn twice. GE. 1766.
TYPEWRITERS, fine for practice typing;
Underwood, $39.50; Royal, $42.50; many
other bargains; magic margin Royal and
new portables. See at 1431 Eye st. n.w.
16th st. n.w., OE. 1883. Und. 3 mos In
adv., $7.50; 6. $13.50: no del.. $5 ad dep
TYPEWRITERS—A large selection of all
makes and models, for the student going
back to school; new and rebuilt: with 1 yr.
guarantee. Our 37th year. AMERICAN
TYPEWRITER CO., 1431 East Capitol st.,
LI. 0082. 8:30 to 6, iocl. Saturday
TYPEWRITERS for rent, various makes:
delivered to your home or office. Victor
9292. _7
TYPEWRITER, Underwood, stand, model,
just 'like new, $55. RE. 3366.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $32.50, up;
Underwoods, $39.50: L. C. Smith and
otners; also Magic Margin Koyai, stand
ard. Portables for Immediate delivery.
14111 Eye st. n.w., THE EXECUTIVE
UNIFORMS—Major U. S. Marine Corns,
complete drese uniform. Including cape and
cap; excellent cond.: will fit officer weigh
ing 170 lbs., approx. 5 ft., 10'/a in. Call
SL 18°2 _28
Premier, Rcyaj. etc.: some floor demon
strators at special prices; terms. ELEC
TRICAL CENTER, 614 10th st. n.w.
NA. 8872.
VACUUM CLEANERS—See us first for a
new or rebuilt vacuum cleaner; Euereka,
like new. $29.50; Hoover, $24.50; others.
Repairing. 3818 Lee hwy. CH. 4914. 26*
VACUUM CLEANERS, new Singer, floor and
hand types. Immediate delivery. Allow
ance for old cleaner or sewing machine.
Conn. ave.. EM. 4244. —3
VACUUM CLEANERS—Immediate delivery,
brand-new Eureka. GE, Westinghouse,
Royal. APex. Cadillac and many others;
low prices and easy terms: liberal trade
in allowances; select your vacuum cleaner
from Washington’s largest selection of na
tionally famous standard brands. STAND
ARD TIRE & BATTERY CO., 10th and H
sts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9 p.m. LI.
2983. LI. 8741.
VACUUM CLEANERS—Brand new Eurckft
upright with attachments and floor pol
isher; reg. $107, now $79.50; limited
quantity; cash or terms. GARY APPLI
ANCE CO., 2375 Rhode Island ave. n.e.,
DU. 2300; open evenings. —28
VACUUM CLEANER. Hoover, late model,
perfect condition. SL. 6384.
VACUUM CLEANER, upright model. $15:
hand vacuum cleaner, $7, excellent for
cleaning car. Phone ME. 4541 Saturday
VACUUM CLEANER. Electrolux. 1939;
motor rebuilt. Call Elmwood 659. —27
VARITYPER, 20-inch justifying model,
completely rebuilt six months ago. excel
lent cond.; cash or terms. Pnone LU.
4216. 28*
VENETIAN BLINDS wasned, repainted, re
laoed. recorded. PARK AVE. VENETIAN
BLIND CO.. UN 1345
WASHERS—Bendix. Thoi, Maytag. GE,
etc.; some for immediate delivery; easy
terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER, 614 10th
st. n.w. NA. 8872.
WASHERS—immediate delivery; brand
new automatic Bendix washers; trade in
four old washer; easiest terms. STAND
ARD TIRfe & BATTERY CO., 10th and H
5ts. n.e. Open every eve. till 9 p.m. LI.
2983. LI. 8741.
WASHER, Electromite. apt. size, portable;
practically new. ME. 0540, Ext. 625. —28
WASHERS, apt. size, capacity 8 gals, water,
uuimm *-iu. waan, auui icquucu,
16x16x30 In. high. MALONEY'S. INC.,
B126 Ga. ave., SH. 3330; eves.. GE. 1231.
WASHING MACHINES—Brand-new, wring
er type and Bendix automatic; liberal
trade-in. caah or terms. GARY APPLI
ANCE CO., 2376 Rhode Island ave. n.e.,
DU. 2300; open evenings. —28
WASHING MACHINE, GE wringer, late
model, guaranteed. Sensible price. MARY
LAND ELECTRIC CO., WA. 1076. 27*
dryer, good cond. WO. 2896.
WASHING MACHINES — Immediate deliv
ery brand-new 1947 Ringer-type washer
and ironer combination; lowest prices and
easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE AND
BATTERY CO., ltlth and H sts. n.e. LI.
2983. LI. 8741. Open every eve. 'til 9 p.m.
WASHING MACHINE, Easy, recently re
conditioned: must sell Saturday, available
for inspection after 9 a.m. 1619 34th st.
n.w. Phone HO. 8486.
cellent condition; nrice. Si50: power lawn
mower, *140. OR. 4232 or WI. 5867.
water HEATERS. 42-ga!. twin element,
nationally famous water heaters. *99.50:
also for immediate delivery, 30. 62 and 88
gal. GE. Westinghouse and Hotpolnt water
heaters; easy terms. ELECTRICAL CEN
TER. 514 10th st.. NA. 8872
WATER HEATERS, gas. electric, all sixes.
"Water Heater Specialists for 30 Years."
Expert Installation. JOHN G. WEBSTER.
627 F st. n.w., EX. 4615. WO. 2220.
WELDING OUTFIT, acetylene "Prest-o
weld" guages, goggles, attachments, weld
ing rods and portable tank stand (without
tanks); *50. 1907 37th st. n.w. EM. 8845.
WOOL SUITS. (4). size 14: one fur coat;
iery reasonable. GL. 8220.
RUMMAGE SALE, garage, rear of 1755
Church st. n.w.—Coats, dresses, shoes, hats, i
Beds, curtains, rugs. misc. DE. 8450. —27;
1.000 FT. B M. KNOTTY PINE panels ax ■
sight cents a foot B. M. Call WI. 7H92,1
—28 i
SO-G ALLOX oil-burning, hot-water boiiler
;or sale reasonable. MORRIS YOCHEL-!
SON. Clinton. Md.. phone Clinton 09. —28
PRACTICALLY NEW single bed. maple;
Beautyrest mattress and springs, 840.
Phone DU. 9549. 27* (
'ond.. price. $40. WALTER GLENN, Apt. I
11 at 711 49th st, n.e.|
FURNITURE CO.. 622 E at. n.w. National
ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, calcula
iora. bought an6 sold and rented, re. 1177.
ANTIQUES. aDverware; in any condition:
rat 14th and O at*.) MS 6079
ANTIQUES—Furniture, bric-a-brac, china,
slaarware, rugs, silverware, paintings;
highest cash prices paid. Call MURRAY,
ravlor 3333
BEDROOM SUITES, dining room suites
tvmg room pieces, rugs, gas ranges and
jorch furniture In any amount wanted at
>nc«: will pay highest possible prices. No
natter what yoti have to sell, please call
oday. MR. GRADY. NA 2620
BEDROOM, dining room or contents of
tomes; will pay cash or sell on commis
•ion, we do moving, storage. TA. 2937.1
scriptions. We need your books. Highest
possible cash prices paid. DISTRICT
BOOK STORE. 721 9th st. n.w.. ME. 6996.
CAMBEAS, all typea, movie equipment, all
accessories bought at highest prices.
BRENNER PHOTO CO.. 933 Pa. ave. n.w.,
apposite Dept, of Juitlce., RE. 2434.
CAMEEA8 and equip.—Get our free ap
praisal before you sell. SOMMER’S CAM
ERA EXCHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS — German camera and lenses
"foment wanted. SOMMER’S
ave. n.w.
CAMERA WANTED—High quality. Also
S2fi* camera, projector Ask for MR.
WEISS from 9-fl. RE. 2434.
CLOTHING, used, good condition: men's,!
children. Bring to BUSY BEK,
oW'S Georgia ave. n.w., 10-7. —28 j
CJ'CJEHC'G—Highest prices paid lor men's
used clothing BERMAN'8. 1122 7th it
SLAwmiSL.87®7 .Oom eTeI WUl call.
DiAMpKD8 and old cold, diamond vatdMi
“C discarded ’ewelry. Cash paid. BUISHr
syRJ-inc . 6i4 i3t»» n.w. di. rrr!
DIAMONDS, silver, gold. We pay highest
■rice. ^Ask lor MR. OPPRNHE1MER. 9*7
DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD, diamond pocket
and wrist watches, initial, blrthstonet, dia
mond wedding rings; other Jewelry pur-!
JEWELRY^CO^ 71Hf7thas?.' nf Y<§RK j
PIU TANKS wanted at once: pay
good price; 100 to 300 gal. size. Call HI
.->450 anytime. •*«
FUEN. AND ELECT. APPL., house or «fle. i
Pieces; highest cash prices; prompt re
vai^we do moving. DU. 4429
FURNITURE—Living, bedroom and dining
i room suites, odd pieces, all of the better
£jfffii»JB5;..7904* DE. 2019. 27*
FURNITURE—Bedroom and dining room
! iuriiHure; also good used piano. Call
evenings, RE. 3672. 28*
FURNITURE and household effects of the
better kind wanted at once: will buy suites,
odd pieces or entire home. Please call
today, MR. GRADY. NA. 2620.
buy entire contents or
odd pieces; best cash prices: buying and
I £° years we do moving.
HOPWGOD8. Sth and K ats. n.w., ME.
t 52o7
1 FURNITURE—Highest cash prices for en
tire contents or fair-sized portions of
homes or &DtS : rpflnprt rnnrtpn.it
For best results phone MR. DUFFY at UN
into anytime up to 9 pm. _30
FURS—Highest prices paid lor old or used
Persian and muskrat coats. 626 F st. n.w.
GAS RADIATOR, large. Call NA. 0730.
GOLD—Bring your old gold, sliver, plating,
teeth, discarded, jewelry. We pay cash.
A KAHN. TNC . 65 year: at 936 F st. n w
NAILS, all sizes, all types. Call MR.
COX, NA. 8962. —28
per 100 pounds: books and magazines.
<oc per 100 pounds: house rags. $3 per
100 pounds. Delivered to our warehouse.
ACE JUNK CO., 2220 Georgia ave. n.w.,
AD. 5457.
per 100 pounds; books and magazines.
75c per 100 pounds; house rags. $3 per
100 pounds. Delivered to our warehouse.
st. s.w. DI. 8007.
furniture, china, etc. Also antiaues.;
Bought for cash. EM. 4205.
PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, classical. 1404
New York ave. n.w.. RE. 4290
for pianos. AD. 5928 day; RA. 0491 night.
PIANOS, grand, upright, spinet or apt.
size, any size, any condition; will pay
cash. SL. 6264.
pays highest cash prices. Phone NA. 4870
for courteous appraisal.
PLUMBERS’ BRASS, scrap iron, scrap cop
per. lead, scrap aluminum. Highest prices
215 L st. s.w DI. 8007.
REFRIGERATORS, any size or make: best
prices for late models in working order.
1318 14th st. n.w., DE. 3610. —28
steel, $1 per 100 pounds; auto batteries,
$1.50 each; house rags. $3 per 100 pounds,
delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices
paid for scrap iron, scrap metals, house
rags and auto, batteries. If you cannot
deliver your accumulations, please phone
L st. s.w.. DI. 8007.
SCRAP IRON WANTED—Scrap iron and
steel. $1 per 100 pounds; auto batteries.
S1.50 ea.; house rags. *3 per 100 pounds,
delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices
pair for scrap iron, metals, house rags and
auto batteries. If you cannot deliver your
accumulations, please phone us. ACE
CO.. 2220 Georgia ave. n.w„ AD. i
6457. j
SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types:
repair hemstitching, buttons covered.
Pleating. 917 F at.. RE. 1900. RE. 2311.1
CO.. 1011 7th st. n.w. NA. 8952.
TRUNK, large packing: clean, good condi
tion. Call after 7 p.m.. WO. 3417. —26;
WASHING MACHINE with wringer; very
good cond. Call after 7 p.m., WO. 3417.
WASHING MACHINE, any size, any make.!
ers. AT. 7005. day or night. —27 j
WE PAY TOP PRICES for old gold. allver.
Jewelry, diamonds, firearms, men's cloth-1
Ing. luggage, photographic equipment, mu
sical instruments, engineering Instruments
and what have you? Will call MAX
rvr.io sons. 937 d st. n.w me siis
WANTED—Better grade of household fur
niture. antiques and office furniture. NA.
5529: evenings, GE. 6447
WANTED—Your old jeweiry; we pay high
cash prices for your old gold, silver, watches, |
■diamonds, bric-abrac. etc. TINY JEWEL
BOX, 1327Vi G st. n.w,. ME. 9035.
AM INTERESTED in ouying emu, silver
ware, brie-a-brae. figures, old Jewelry.
DORA MILESTONE. 1335 Q st. n.w. (at
Uth and O stg.) ME. 6079
FIELD, Clinton. Maryland, Spruce 0888.
STINSON (165) Voyager. 4 mos. old, 76
hours total, perfect condition. See WEAVER
at Beacon Field lor demonstration, or call
RE. 5020.—27
JAMES FEED STORE. 619 K st. n.w..
ME. 0089—Baby chicks, feed and poultry
HORSES BOARDED; tpccel. box stalls,
tight stable; tfareful feeding and groom
ing. Rockville 2564. —26
REG. ABERDEEN Angus bull, 2la yrs. old.
weight approx. 1,100: price, $350. Hel- j
bik Farms. 2 mi. south of Clifton, Va., or
ca:l W. P. HELLEMS, Wash., D. C.. LI.
9584. —27
single or double. 7 years old; 1 pure bred
Guernsey bull, 20 months old, ready for full
service. TB and blood tested, not regis
tered; 1 brood sow and 4 pigs; one spotted
Polin China boar, 1 year old. Call FA.
856-J-2. —27 1
COWS. 5, fresh, excellent dairy cows, all 1
good milkers; others to freshen soon. Also
pigs for sale. Phone Vienna 177-J-l. —28 '
BLACK 4-yr.-old mare, hunter type, has
been ridden and Jumped by 14-yr.-*>ld girl;
priced reasonably and can be seen at
RUSSELL STABLES. 1428 Rock Creek Ford
rd. or call GE. 4878 —28
ANGUS CATTLE—Fine registered herd
of Aberdeen Angus cattle to choose from,
bangs free, and t.b. tested; sell whole
herd or any part. Phone RE. 1388 week
days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. —28
PONIES of excellent breeding: various
sizes and prices; new lightweight team of
well broken, young work mares. ALLO
WAY FARMS. SH. 6959.
FIREPLACE WOOD, seasoned; get orders1
in early for prompt delivery. CATLIN j
LUMBER CO., GL. 8888. --27
FIREPLACE WOOD, thoroughly seasoned,
oak and hickory; cut to order any length,
desired; also stove wood; deliver anywhere.!
OAK cut any length, delivered; also saw
logs. Call DENSON. NO. 19.26. —28
TRACTORS and everything for the farm,
trucks, trailers; must be sold in 30 days;
new OWNER. PA. 3180 after 6. oc3* !
garden traotor of 100 uses. Phone OK. 3300
for demonstration. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN.
118 Carroll st.. Takoma Park. D. C
FLAGSTONE WALKS, terraces, fireplaces,
rock gardens, fishponds, retaining walls. ;
F. MARCUCCIO. Route 4, Horners lane, 1
Rockville. Md. Phone Rockville 3588. —1 ,
GOOD BANK RUN, gravel and cinders for ,
roads, streets and driveways; delivered and
spread by trucks. Phone WA. 3217. 3*
WILL SACRIFICE new 16-inch Papec silo i
filler and hay chopper; for Immediate sale. <
SH. 2114. ME. 1234. —26
BEHNKE’S FAMOUS PANSY seedlings, j ]
$2.25 per 100: African violets. $1 and!)
$1.26 each: hardy phlox In bloom, 65c ea.|,
See Sunday ad, this column. BEHNKE
NURSERIES. Wash.-Balto. blvd., Beltsvllle, ! •
Md. Tower 6284. —28 1 i
shipment of excellent bulbs; large selection j,
of choice varieties, lncldg. seme of the j,
rarest and newest, strictly top grade, j
tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, narcissi, crocus, j
snowdrops, madonna lilies and a wealth of ;
others. We want many new customers, I ■
come out and visit us: make your own1,
selection. Ask for price list and we ll 11
put you on our current mailing list.:,
BEHNKE NURSERIES, Wash -Balto. blvd .
Beltsvllle. Md. Phone Tower 6284. —28 i
JUST ARRIVED—Redman As Roth Garden
King tractors with cultivators, plows and
sickle bar attachments. STANLEY H.!
HORNER. INC., Trailer Center, 6th it. and!,
Florida ave. n.e. PH. 1221.
MOWERS, five-gang "Toro' models fori;
bles? Make them our troubles; work done ■
by lawn experts; free estimates. Call ,
Sfi. 7875. —28 ;
100 LOADS black too soil, reasonable price. '«
TEMPLE MOTOR CO.. 1810 King st., Alex- i
andria. va ALex. 3055. —28 ,
LANDSCAPE SERVICE, sodding, seeding,
grading and planting, lawns renovated; <
sod. topsoil and manure delivered. Ask ■
operator for Ashton 2182. —28 .
FOR SALE—42 James Way dairy bam j
stanchions: good condition, make offer.1,
Vienna 68-J. —20 j <
APPLES for sale, approximately 100 bu.. j
several varieties, must be picked immedi- ; ]
ately. Telephone Marlboro 3553. —26 |
AZALEAS, for fall planting, all sizes and ! ■
colors. 2510 17th st. n.e. —28 ! ]
STRAWBERRY PLANTS, all varieties, 94 U
per hundred. JOHN BURDOPT. Coles- i
ville. Md. R. P. D. 2, Silver Spring. Md., t
Box B. Ashton 3846. —9 i <
TOP SOIL from famous Ayrlawn Parm; I
in Bethesda; immediate delivery. WI. i
6400, 9 to 6. —27 !
—-1 - ... 1
HOLLYWOOD KENNELS—Boarding, bath- '
ing and grooming: cocker spaniel puppies, 1
champion cockers at stud. TO. 5130. '
DOGS AND CATS boarded, week ends or 1
longer: air-conditioned kennels, pickup i
service: veterinary supervision. BIDE-A- i
WEE KENNELS. 4215 Conn, ave., WO. 0224 1
females AKC registered. 1044 Bladens
burg rd. n.e. LU. 7105. —27 <
SKUNK, deodorized, unusual pet. MINIA- <
st. n.e.
MONT. CO. ANIMAL SHELTER has puppies i
and other fine dogs. Priced $2. Adopt a :
dog and save a life SL. 5183. Open week-: I
days 9-4 Sat. 9-12,
COCKERS—Black, red, particolored; male. <
female; vet inspected; wormed, inoculated.
tKC reg.; studs at serv. Rockville 3750.
IAMESE KITTENS. Sealpoints. 9 weeks
old, eligible CFA registry. Phone Rock-1 j
1 i
DOGS, PETS, ETC. (Cont.l.
ENGLISH BULLS, reg.; white female, sire
it Man O' War; also her 2 pups. 8 wks
male and female, fawn, black mas)
lealthy. good prospects. 4658 Lacey an
s.e. Hillside 3629. —26
COCKERS, bargain: reg.: males and f«
nales. all colors and ages. Trycobbs. Bru
:les, Trycobb Pinefalrs. Nonqultts. Pox
ipan Legacy, sons of CH. at stud till sole
1658 Lacey ave. s.e. Hillside 3629. —2
COCKER PUPS, beautiful. AKC registeres
it very low price; sire and dam she
vinners; have to make room for litter c
Irish setters. Call Rockville 2628, 26
iVANTED—Live, healthy domestic rabbit:
CORP.. Bowie 3177. —27
:able, white and black, male and femali
mod dispositions, $10. ALLOWAY FARM
leute 29. SH. 6959. —28
’OINTERS. registered pups and traine
logs: Village Boy and Spunky Creek Bo
ireeding. FA. 844-J-l. —28
(IBERIAN HUSKY puppies. AKC reg., ch
rtock; various ages: papers with sale
P100 to $300. KABKOL KENNELS. ;e(
5L. 9355. 410 Circle ave., Takoma Park
!4d. —26
ENGLISH SETTERS, puppies. 4 wks. to 1
nos.; papers; $20 and up. Also broke
logs. Gaithersburg 790-W-2. 28*
KITTENS, big and little, free to goo
tomes. Telephone HY. 5337. •
SIAMESE KITTENS, seal point, pedigree!
jeautiful with long straight tail. Phon
Hillside 4424. —28
ENGLISH BULL PUP. female, good possi
3ilities; reg. AKC. Glebe 0746.
1IANT CHINCHILLAS, beautiful rabbit!
Torn pedigreed stock, healthy, clean, fror
>anltary hutches; wonderful pets and mea
oroducers; age 10 to 16 weeks; pair. $lt
Phone Tower 5024. No Sunday calls.
3ies sired by Asgards’ Champion Lache:
ton Grafmar. CD. ASGARD KENNEL
fReg.i Phone Daieview 830-W-12. 12*
t BEAGLE HOUND puppies, 6 months old
xlso, one 3 years old. 1908 No. Station
st.. OX. 0229. —28
COCKER SPANIELS, all black. AKC reg
Istered. 11 weeks old. Call VI. 4369, 332
D st. s.e. —28
SIAMESE KITTENS, sealpolnt, pure bre!
Intelligent, affectionate. 638 C it. n.«
_ —28
AL CO., 6135 Georgia ave. GE. 304<
GAR WOOD 16-ft. utility boat. 92-h.i
Chrysler marine engine; America's mos
beautiful utility boat; $2,427, delivered
guaranteed; easy terms. Call Mr. Blanl
ARCADE PONTIAC CO.. 1437 Irving s
n.w.. AD. 8500.
WE SERVICE all makes of outboard me
tors; price is reasonable. S. E. SALE
CO.. 737 11th st. s.e.
MARINE SUPPLIES, paints. rODe. Art ea
tinguishers. outboard motors, Scnpps mi
rine engines. 60 to 300 h.p.; fishing tackl
»t. s.e. LI. 4493.
WANTED—Outboard motor, regardless c
use or condition; cash for same. 73
llth st. s.e
£6-FT. CABIN CRUISER, 1946 mode
sleeps 4. Chrysler motor; painted an
/alves ground last week; awning, bottle
jas. mast, insulated; price, $3,750. OI
■<601. —29
FAMILY SAILBOAT with outboard. 18 ft
sturdy; $350; sloop rig. lge. cockpit; 9.7
i.p. outboard, new cond. OV. 2428. —2
equipped, extra Northil anchor, spar
propeller, fuel pump, etc.; $3,000. Ca
Hon. through Pri., VI. 8562. —28
SAILBOAT. Chesapeake. 3 6-ft. Flyin
Cloud. $400 WI. 4728 after 7 p m. —2
FISHING PARTIES, day or night; Chesa
Deake Bay, Eastern Bay, Gooses; reserva
tion only. Call 6 to 9 pm., CAPT. AN
THONY KING. WA. 43 92. —7
nonths; must be livable, for couple; per
manent Washington residents. MF
3REIG 1322 3 5th st. n.w. —26
CRUISALONG, 3 917—New cond; sleep
2; $2,000 or best offer. Call AD. 099C
Sxt. 9. —26
"HRIS CRAFT. “The Hobnobin.’* 17’z-ft
le luxe runabout: Chris Craft engine
ike new. very fast; sacrifice, $950. Ml
2219 or MI. 1448. —26
OUTBOARD MOTOR and Neptune 2 h.p
n good condition. See Mr. Friel a
•’RANK SMALL. Jr., INC.. 215 Penna. ave
i.e.. LU. 4343. —27
u/$iu.7r, muiun 'cnernng'. j iu
i.n., 11 rpm.: twin ignition, twin car
^oration with all electrical connections an
jropellor. propellor shaft, bearings an
/arious other parts. Original cost Just be
fore war. $4,000: used very little. Ca
31. 6436 or Spruce ()609-*J. 28*
REGISTERED penguin-class sailboat, ex
cel. cond. Can be seen at Buzzard Poin
Boathouse. MAJ. BUFORD, HO. 7495. —2!
CUSTOM-BUILT pleasure and work boats
Juilt to order at reasonable prices, on
ised 40-ft. workboat for sale at NIEMAI
BROS. BOATYARD. Shady Side. Md. Phon
West River RJ-F-2. —2
CABIN CRUISER. 24-ft.. 85-h.p.. V-H
stove, icebox, 2 bunks, radio; $500 or bes
offer under, prior to 1st Oct. See 1
-AYCOCK, Crampton Boat Yard, George
town. Sat. or Sun. —28
MOTOR-SAILER. 36-ft., haul built 193?
nahog. and teak, sleeps 4. new power plan
Dec. 46. new tanks. shlp-to-shore
RDF spares, wheel and shaft, spare en
tine parts. International signal flags, flare!
:ife jackets, china, complete in all respects
ready for Florida: quick sale, cash only
relephone OWNER, WI. 4686, 0 to 10 a ir
laily. —28 '
U. S. ARMY OFFICER being transferred
nust sell at once, 1942 Owens 32-ft. se
lan-type cabin cruiser. May be seen a
[Corinthian Yacht Club. For information
call GL. 8579. —28
I8!4 BY tt FT. INBOARD with 2-cylinde
Kermath marine motor, large utility cab
n. windshield: a good boat: $550. Dockei
lear Shady Side. Md. Call WO. 0747 o
West River, Md., 240-M. —28
notor. 4-point, 2-h.D.; best price, $139.5C
Call SL. 3441,—28
Mil ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Large fron
room, exceptionally nicely furn,: pvl
lome; gentleman, $50 mo. CO. 7051
518 H ST. N.W.—Clean. nicely furntshe
■ooms; phones, maid service, elevator
iaily, $1.50 up; weekly. $6 to $8 pe
lerson. RE. 1086.
LEAN. OOL’BLE ROOM: pvt bath: qule
leighborhood; $50. to nonsmokers. Phon
or appt., please. GE. 1193. 27*
1AYTONIA. 1513 16th st. n.w.—Clean
vlth elec, fans; single. $2: double, $3 pe
lay: w^kly rates. 27*
THE CHURCHILL. 1740 P n w.—Lovell
lean, front twin-bed room: inner-sprin
mattress, $10 and $12; dble. bed. run
tiing water, lnnerspring. $9 and $1(
NO. 9868. —28
lOWNTOWN. 1242 21st st n.w—Fron
iingle, private entrance. $6 per week
ATT 0>7
S3I9 13th ST.—Double room. pvt. bath
>orch. twin beds, laund. privils.: gentll
idult family. 2 girls. GE 1607. —2
rIOTEL EMERY, 1812 G st. n.w., two blk?
vest of White House—Singles. Sl.75-S2.60
ioubles. S2.50-S4: tile floor baths: elevk
:or; phones In all rooms. RE. 1812.
1750 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Young man t
share large, front, airy room with anothe
nan: maid service and laundry privileges
922.50 per mo —28
1750 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Girl to share rn
with another girl; $22.50 per month; mai
service and laundry privileges includec
!007 O ST. N.W.—Don Carlos Hotel, nea
Dupont Circle—24-hr. office: phone li
oom. maid service: inner-spring mat
resses, all-wool blankets; 15 tub-showe
>aths; courteous employes, refined atmos
)here, clean, quiet, comfortable; from $1'
single, $15 double, weekly —30
HJPONT AREA. 1747 18th st. n.w.—Love
y clean room, single, double, available
entlemen preferred. DE. 9658. —26
751 QUE ST. N.W., “The Kennert”
(ery desirable single and double rooms
'25 to $40 monthly —29
224 MASS. AVE. N.W., downtown
ficely furnished front single rooms. $!
md $6 weekly. —26
535 N. HAMP. AVE. N.W., “The Pane
nanian"—Beautifully furnished single am
win-bed rooms, $28.50 to $45 monthly
►329 42nd ST. N.W. — Corner room, til
lath and shower, pvt. home; $40 per me
)R 0225. —29
;520 37th ST. (cor. Porter)—Young lad:
o share bedroom with another yourn
ady; home and surroundings must be seei
o be appreciated; $30 mo. OR. 0674
rHE MAURY. 19th and G sts. n.w.
>owntown, .3 blocks from White House
lean furnished sing c. double and twim
>ed rooms, with hot and cold water ii
ach. together with maid service: dail:
ates, $2. $2.50 and $3 per day; weekl:
ates quoted upon application. ME
•680-9681. —29
1600 GARFIELD ST. N.W.. near Ward
nan Pk. Hotel—Attractive 2nd-floor fron
ledroom. semipvt. adj. bath, l.h.k., t(
usiness cple. —27
’RIVATE ENTRANCE; close in. near 14tl
it. carline: newly decorated room, next t<
VD. 9662. —26
164 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Splendid room
or girls or men in quiet, refined surround
ngs: ideal for students (large stud/ halli
•ingle, doubles and triples Reasonable
,nd convenient. DU. 6063: eves.. NO
i715. —29
•21 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—Clean double
m.. twin beds; also 2 singles, lnner-sprini
nattresses; near all conv., in gentile home
or refined, employed men. TA. 9852. —2!
315 DELAFIELD PL. N.W.—Room for i
oung men in lovely, detached home
hower: $22 per mo. each TA. 9512. —2i
iCOTT CIRCLE. 1521 R. I. ave.—Fron
Ible rm . run. water: sgle. rm.; every con
enience of home: reasonable. Gentlemen
SEVENTEENTH ST.—1226 17th st. n.w -
Vacancy for young lady, share room wit]
nother young lady, twin beds: $20 mo.
lewly decorated; 1 blk. from Mr. Pleasan
arline. 2 blks. from Mayflower Hotel. —21
HEVY CHASE, near Conn. ave. bus: 2<
nin. to downtown; $14 a week 1 gentle
nan only. 3816 Military rd. EM. 2123
ROOM. 1 h k„ couple or gentlemen pre
erred; next to bath: conv. transp. FR
364. —26
509 13th ST. N.W.—Lit. front rm.. twii
eds. Call TA. 0390. —28
916 1st 8T. N.W.—Nice dble. rm.. twii
eds, $45: also sgl. rm.. $30; express bu
nd phone. Call eves RA. 9446. —30
224 F ST. N.W.—Pvt. baths, hotel terv
ce; near new 8tate Dept. Bldg, and G. W
Jniv. Singles. $2.50; doubles. $4. Rm?
nth running water, near showers. $9 ti
110.60 per wk. Doubles, $13 to $1«
►hone EX. 2224. —30
37 PARK RD.—Newly decorated, insu
ated. ventilated basement room; 1 person
eflned. with refs; sleeping only; $28 i
nonth. —26
emiprivate bath: vacancy for girl in dble
617 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Call DI
1949. —26
■EOF.GETOWN AREA (just off Wis ave
—Studio room, nicely furnished, the pr:
ac.y of an apt. and the economy of i
oom: gentleman. OR. 4232; eves., W1
•867. —26
lFECIAL—Captain’s cabin on lge. yacht
gith iron hull, docked nr. 14th st . al
onv., incl. phone, $15 a week. RE. 6260
iPECIAL—On lge. yacht, docked conv. t<
4th st.. stateroom avail, now to man o
tigh standard; $12.50 wk.; all conv.
qcI. phone. RE. 6260. —26
LOSE HOTEL. 928 New York ave. n w —
Weekly and daily for gentlemen only; neai
■reyhound station; small, clean and quiet
IE. 9136. —30
rWTN-BED ROOM, 3rd-floor apt.; 35 each
:al after 6, HO. 1701. —26
ROOMS fURN.—NoithwMt, fCoirt.).
i, CHEVY CHASE—2 Kiris, twin beds, large
. room, 2 exposures. semiprivate bath: close
■! to bus. WO. 7425 _28
. i DUPONT CIRCLE, 2110 R st. B .w — Large
front room for two: nicely furnished: $20
■ mo. each: single. $35. 7*
- 1828 LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large rm.. twin
- beds, new furniture, maid service, laun
■ I dry privilege: girls. —30
i; CHEVY CHASE. D. c.—3st-fl. comer bedrm.
.;m pvt. home: recently decorated, cheerful
v Quarters with full-length mirror: phone and
f laun. prlvils.: $40 for 1 empl. person: $50
* for 2. OR. 6221. —26
. 1754 PARK RD. N.W—2 girls, share with
i another girl, large, light, comlortable sep
arate beds, closets, laund. prlvils.: close to
. transp - $20 each. CO. 6999. —26
, MAXWELL HOTEL, 1927 Q st. n.w , NA
. 2185: single rms.. running hot and cold
'■’e.ter. 24-hr. switchboard service: $10.50,
' i $14. $17.50 weekly: also lge. rms.. for
' i families, reasonable rates: next to O. W U.
I 1615 RIGGS PL. N.W.. Just off 16th st —
;! Beau, twin-bed rm, first floor front, $50:
. also single. $25; empl. adults. DU. 8863.
' i 1460 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Bale. rmTaulel
S man. $7 wk. CO. 1163.
rm, $10 per week. DE. 8495. —1
i MT. PLEASANT. 3114 18th st. n.w.—Rm.
for 2 girls, twin beds, large closet, elec,
■ sewing machine, kit. and home privileges.
? Call after 7 P.m, CO. 9331. —27
2215 nth ST. N.w—Dble. rm. next bath.
- prlvil, for 2: $5 per wk. ea. DU. 0034
all day Thurs. and other times after 6.
. t —26
1 1611 VARNUM ST. N.W—Master bedrm.,
t twin beds, southern exposure, shower and
. bath, in pvt, home. RA. 3187. —27
DBLE. RM, n.w. exposure, fine Ylew. next
bath; $45. AD. 7542. —27
. 1201 JUNIPER ST—Pvt. shower bath,
i lge. master bedrm, well turn, 4 windows,
i 2 closets: modern det. brick home: good
transp. GE. 3163. —27
, FRONT ROOM, suitable for 2 or 3; 1 block
I from Central H. s.. good transp.; near
14th st. car line; $30 each. NO. 7853.
i 3065 ORDWAY ST. N.w.—Front rm. for
rent, with twin beds, nicely furn, for $
ladles: Drivate hnm* 97
. «*>!» macomb ST. N W.—Cheerful front
i room for employed lady in nice home, near
: ; Cathedral and Wis. ave. carlme. Call
i WO. 9719 after 5 p m. —28
1 tth AND SPRING RD. N.W —Attrac. dbl#.
7, front rm. and incl. pch.; twin beds; shar#
- bath; 2 or 3 adults. CO. 3778. 28*
• 637 EYE ST. N.W.—Single and double
; rooms. newly decorated; all Improvements;
. single. $J0 double. 28*
r j 3804 VEAZEY ST. N W.—Single room. nr.
.(bath, for lady; private home; transporta
. j tion excellent. WO. 8504. _2
17032 ALASKA AVE. N.W.—Beautiful rm.,
pvt. bath: suitable 2 girls: Jewish home.
- Ideal location with convenient transporta
5 tion. *GE. 6024 _28
770 PRINCETON PL. N.W.—Private- single
- room; no other roomers; Jewish family;
■V telephone privileges. TA. 4585. —28
•* 3423 16th ST. N.W.—Large front room,
9 twin beds; suitable for couple. Conv. lo
' cation; unlimited phone. CO. 9500.
f 2110 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large, warm#
r; single room; 1 h k. if desired. —28
• 2112 19th st. n.w—Single room, newly
j decorated home; semlpvt. bath; gentleman
1 only; maid service, unlimited phone; $40
a month. DU. 6577. —2
j NEAR WARDMAN PARK — Attractively
• i/urn. room for man; pvt. adult home.
- semlpvt. bath; conv. transp. MI. 1092.
5 DBL. BEDRM. private modem apt.; good
' transp.; suitable to ladles; reference*. DU.
; 9071. —28
1 1820 KENYON ST. N.W,. Mt Pl#a,ant—
Large 2nd-floor front rm.. pvt. bath, lots
• of closet space; bus stop In front: gentll#
• home; I or 2 employed ladles. Du. 8720.
- .3010 WHITEHAVEN PKWY. N.W.-Iiirg#
• studio room, twin beds and private bath;
aundry privileges; unlim. phone. EM. 8188,
- 1416 PERRY PL. N.W.—Single room. In
quiet, pvt. home next to bath; very clean;
$25 a mo.; gentleman; 14th st. transporta
, tion. LI. 1565. —2
, 1354 INGRAHAM ST. N.W.—Comer room,
next to bath., double bed. inner-spring
mattress: conv. transp.; laundry prlvils ;
; oil heat, hot water. RA. 3371. —28
16th AND LONGFELLOW. 5619 Colorado
ave. n.w—Master bedroom. 3 large win
dows: telephone service. TA. 8869. —2
J 5512 9th N.W.—Second-floor front, double
. and single; family of two, no other room
N. CLEVE. PARK. 431? 37th N.W.—Single,
adj. bath: quiet det. home; gentleman;
1 garage. EM. 0437. 27*
i CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE—Single bedroom,
. enormous closet: excel, transp ; $7.60 per
1 wlc.; gentleman only; gar. avail. EM. 1629.
TWO LGE. RMS., for 2 girls; next to bath,
: Inner-spring mattresses; 14th st. carline.
I NO. 7615. —28
• 500? 1st ST. N.W.—lge., airy front rm.
; with pvt. bath for 2. twin beds, excellent
, transp. facilities. RA. 9821 after 11 am.
HOTEL PARK HOUSE. 909 13th st. aw.
. 2 blks. Greyhound—Sgles . $10; dbles., $16
: wk.; trans. rms., $1.60-$3 day. EX. 0566.
; dows. semipvt. bath, detached home, ex
clusive neighborhood; man preferred $40
mo. sgl. GE. 0929. —28
; i LGE. DBLE. RM.. pvt shower also sgl. rm.
for men only. 4713 Kansas ave. n.w.
JVHITESTONE HOTEL, across Statler, cor
; 16th and L n.w.—Weekly rate* singles.
$14: dbles., $21: children accepted; rates
for family groups. RE. 0440.
' 1608 R ST. N.W.—Lge., front dbl. rm .
, single beds: newly papered and painted;
. Ideal location: $60 mo. —28
L GAY S GUESTHOUSE, 1720 R. I. ave. n.w.
, —Beautiful spacious rms. hotel service;
$2 up each dally: apeclal weekly rates;
r transients only. EX. 0144. —2
■ DOWNTOWN, 916 H st. n.w.—Large house
l keeping room, front: business couple or 2
• gentlemen: $12.50 weekly. 27*
PETWORTH SECTION. 6002 Third at. nw.
I —Attractively furnished room. GE. 6964.
’ 3918 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Single room.
: semiprivate bath; gentleman; $40 a mo.
EM. 7571. 28*
SETTLED LADY will share nice home with
► congenial unemployed lady under 55; very
conv. location. Box 219-E. Star. —28
• CHEVY CHASE, D. C. — Attractive room
■ and bath, for employed lady; $30 month.
. WO. 8543. —27
1 4113 3rd ST. N.W.—Nice. comf. rm. In
pvt. home for 1 or 2 adults, gas heat; next
to bath; laun. privil.; nr. transp. TA.
t 2661. —27
; NICELY FURN. ROOM, with twin beds.
' suitable for 1 or 2 girls; unlim. phone,
laundry privil.: conv. transp., garage avail
l able. TA. 9462. —26
GEORGETOWN. 3044 Cambridge pi. n.w.
—Large room with *mall family. adJoin
t ing bathroom, suitable for university stu
: dent. DE 8530. 27*
. ROCK CREEK PARK—Double room with
sleeping porch, semibath, shower: bus aer
i vice; couple or girls. 3217 Adams Mill rd.
. n.w . AD. 5965. 26*
. lge. attr. 2nd-fl. room, twin bed*, lounge
‘ chairs, desk. uni. phone; gentlemen; $40
7 sgl.. $4K double, references. CO. 3592. 27*
. 1521 N. H. AVE. N.W. — Huge rm. for
: couple or 3 girls; with pvt. bath; telephone
■ and maid service. CO. 6657. —27
d $40 mo.: young lady to share room with
r; another lady, twin beds; $20 mo.; 1 blk.
; off Mt Pleasant carline. 1226 17th n.w.
. DOWNTOWN, nr. Statler. 1104 Vermont
4 a\ia T no rm tmi,. V, a ♦ W
.! weekly ea. ME. 5102. —27
3 HE ALTITRAS HOTEL. 150P 10th ft
1 I n.w.—Single and double rooms; $1.50
i night up; dining room in building. NO.
■ 8145.
■ 1723 IRVING 8T. N.W —Dble. rm . pvt
■ screened porch, cple. or men also »lngle:
> lovely home; buses and cars nearby: laun.
privil., free phone. AD. 2002. —28
■ 1353 INGRAHAM ST. N.W.—Single room
■ for young lady, in pvt det. gentile home.
$30 mo. Conv. to 14th st. car and buses.
■ GE. 0102. —20
1318 EMERSON ST. N.W—Olrl to ihar.
large room with another girl; twin beds.
■ 2 closets; ft blk. to 3 4th it. earline: $6.2ft
► Per week. GE. 0700. —1
PRIVATE BATH, large, comfortable room
■ in private home; excellent transportation.
I TA. 7020. 131 Varnum st. n.w. —28
1800 WYOMING AVE. N W.—Clean, front
room, quiet, twin beds, inner-eprlng; Mt.
■ Pleasant car; $45 mo. MI. 0404. —28
OFFERING a lovely master bedroom for
2; all the comforts of a real home; rea
sonable GE 4273. —28
DUPONT CIRCLE. 1302 Conn ave—Large
1 rm. twin beds, Ige. closet; nicely furn.;
maid serv.: $25 each per mo. —2
5000 KANSAS AVE. N.W.—Large room,
double bed; 1 person only; $35 mo. RA.
2447 —28
004 WEBSTER ST. N.W.—Large, furnished
,froom, twin beds: 2nd floor, bath on same;
, ronv. transp RA. 0773. —27
1030 17th ST. N.W.—Large front room,
twin beds; completely furn.; well-appointed
! home. —2
1021 18th ST. N.W., Farmington Hotel,
near Dupont. Circle, large rm*, twin
i beds. 24-hr. office and switchboard; phone
in room, maid service; clean, quiet and
. comfortable; $10 50 up, single; $15 dble.,
weekly. DE 4750. —P
! 1027 CONN. AVE.—Attractive studio room,
single. 2 closets, newly decorated, semipvt.
bath: $35 mo. HO. 2011. —28
423 MI88OURI AVE. N.W.—Lge. dble.
,! bedrm.. next to bath, suitable for t men
THE ALABAMA APTS.. 1016 N st . Apt.
707—Nice quiet dble. rm.. $36 per mo ;
also 1 girl to share rm with another girl.
$17 50; walking distance downtown CO.
, 67R3. —27
1013 OTIS PL. N.W —1 dbl*. rm., twin
bed". »continuous hot water, unlimited
, Phone; $30 for 2 and $20 for 1. AD.
0244. —23
ItfW* PARK RD N.W.—Large. el<*«n
double room, with little cooking; $« 50
per week. Can he *een 4-7 p m
. NORTHWEST Studio rm for girl In 3.
, im., bath apt.; Jewish: light VO prlvil.,
ph.. elec, washer Box 30S-H. Star •
1723 P ST. N.W.—Doub’e front rm . 2nd
; floor. $55 mo., ladies only.
| DUPONT CIRCLE. 1735 Riggs p —Small
single studio room in clean, quiet house.
$23 a mon*h: ’-eferen'-es required. —2$
3733 MORRISON ST. N.W. at Conn —
, Large mom. private bath or semiprivata
bath; gentlemen WO. 7030. — 2fi
4433 FESSENDEN ST. N.W.—Lovely laraa
. I front room for 2. twin beds. 2 closets, %d
j Joining bath, no other roomers; on bus
. I line. WO 5017. —28
PETWoRTH. 212 Webster St. n w.—Brich*
' im.. twin beds. 1 or 2 trtrls; adl. porch:
gentile home: privlleces. Near express
uses and car. TA. 8058.
■ | 45 BREANT ST. N.W.—Larce front rm..
;! double or triple; l.h.k. If desired. —28
i PRIVATE HALF BATH, studio room. nice
1! ly furn.. for gentleman: excellent trass
! portation GE 4364.
! SINGLE RK.. one. person. $fl wk.1 mar
' rled couple, $10 wk.; next to bsth. AD
k 7R1 R
; ATTRACTIVE ROOM, lovely home. Cleve
■ i iand Park. conv. transp ; share bath with
one employed lady. $36 WO. -.81,-—27
2140 N ST. N.W.. Apt 5—First floor,
single room, double bed. settled employed
1 lady, nonsmoker: .use unlimited nhone.
■i laundry prl. lieges: adult family. DI. 08.7.
•M»I0 28th ST. N.W. <1 blk w of Coen,
ave. i Rm with semlpyt. bath: eenti.e
■ home gentleman only. AD. 4120. —28
decorated, next to bath l»dv $30 »
month: white home. Phone CO. 0303.
i Near Col. rd. . . —/ $.
1 COLORED—Double room, next to Data.
. suitable employed couple, no children;
.*5.50 per wk. ea., some prlvil. RAJ570.
I Room to rent, sultsbie for one rounc^i^m.
• (Continued as Next Pact.)
SrtHlOOM SUITE. 9 pcs., high quality,1
walnut, twin beds. Inner-spring mattresses,
leatherette Inlay headboards, perfect con
dition, $175. LU. 4869 !
washing machine, standard make radio;
new 245 pieces for $149. Atlas has a new 1
house full of furniture, all brand-new,
*» consisting of 245 pieces for $149 Save
in every way and make it easy in every
way always at Atlas. Atlas Includes in
this outfit a complete bedroom suite, a
bed (modern or Jenny Lind style), with a
beautiful chest and dresser and mirror to;
m*tch; » full-sised spring and mattress
with two pillows. You must see this suite
to really appreciate these unusual values.
Tot a living room, Atlas furnishes a
lovely divan of inner-spring construction
with 2 chairs (beautiful,y upholstered) ;
3 end tables and lifetime guaranteed
mirror plus 2 landscape pictures which
will enhance the beauty of the living
room. For the dinette, a table and 4
matching chairs, upholstered in various
colors. To complete this outfit, we add a
103-piece china set. a 35-Piece silverware
set. a beautitm 31-piece refrigerator, milk,
cheese and butter set, a radio and 2-slice
toaster, a table-model electric stove, a 4
plees crystal set 3 all-metal smokers. 2
tablecloths, 16 napkins and an 8-piece i
distinctive water tumbler set, and In addi
tlqs, we will give you a standard-make
wgghtng machine, all complete, all brand
nejr: 245 pieces for $149. Be sure to look !
lor the name, Atlas, and the number, 921
on.-our door. $5 deposit reserves your I
purchase. Atlas sells at deep-cut prices
anq makes buying at Atlas easy on the
purse. Open daily and Saturday -until 7,
P m., Mondays and Thursdays until 9 p.m.
Save in every way and make it easy in!
every way always at Atlas. $5 deposit re
serves your purchase. Every day more
people buy and save at Atlas. To be sure
for the best values, always—and in all
ways—be sure you are in Atlas. Our one
and only entrance is directly underneath
the large Atlas neon sign. ATLAS FURNI
TURE. 921 G st. n.w., DI. 3737, DI. 3738.
DI. 3739.
BEEB COOLERS (2). new condition, stain
less steel, electric. 32-case capacity. 8ee
Mr. Tastyn. OFF BEAT CLUB, 1849 7th
st. n.w.. DE. 9603.
BICYCLE, girl's; S6-inch. Phone Temple
3197. —26
BICYCLES (2), girls', good cond.; $20 and
$15. Cali TW. 8228. —27
BICYCLE, girl's. 26 inch, good condition;
$20. Call VI. 0611.
RirvriF man's *'X" frump
Sood condition. $35. GE. 4091. —28 j
ICYCLE—Lady's 28-in . practically new.
$32 50 or best offer under. Weekoays only,'
after 5:30, FR. 1971. —28
BICYCLE, lady's 26", reasonable. RE.
0497. —28
BICYCLES, one boy's Schwinn racer type,
good tires, built-ir lock. $25: one boy's, !
28 in. balloon tires, completely recondi- :
tioned. $25. WO. 3180. —37
BIKE—Boy s, 28-in., like new. $30. TR.
3769. —28
BINOCULARS, opera glasses, field glasses,
sport glasses, telescopes, etc., new and
rebuilt; many types and styles: trade-ins
accepted. Visit our complete photographic
dept. MICRO-MART. 412 10th st. n.w.
BINOCULARS—Army 6x30 and case: in
good cond.; weekdays only, after 4:30.
FR 1971. —28
BLOWER, coal, aquastat and themostat.
Call EM. 8404. —27
BOOKS, 2.000 old books, 10c each.
Mostly nonfiction, histories, economics,
religions, etc. BROWN S BOOKSELLERS
TO ARL., 1213 N. Highland at.. Arl. —5
BRICKS — 500.000 clean bricks. ACE
CO., 4002 Minnesota ave. n.e.. at Banning
rd . LI. 7022. - —26
BRICKS, used, clean, hard: $20 m. de
* livered on orders of 10 m. or more.
ARROW, 1100 8. Capitol st., LI. 2546.
BRICKS—Finest face brick from the Shen
andoah Valley: one or one million. Call
7700. —7
BUFI-ET, mahogany. “Berkey and Gay”
Sheraton. 65 in. by 20 in.. 2 deep drawers.
Inside silver drawer, 2 cabinets; $40. OX.
BUICK 1946 Super 2-door sedanette: all
accessories and foglights: black; excellent
rubber: low mileage; owner driven; $2,550.;
Sail RF 0391. —26 |
all kinds, new and used. Open daily and
all dav Sats. and Suns. ROBINSON'S,
1239 Kenilworth ave. n.e. Phone TW.
oKitiumu ixcms->vc iijuxic spi'cxax
millwork of all kinds. RUCKER LUMBER
CO., 1320 Wilson blvd.. CH. 0660.
BUILDING MATERIAL^ oZ all finds, new
and used. HECHINGER CO., 4 stows, open
daily and Sat 8 to 5;3o Phone AT 1400
BUILDING MATERIAL, sheet rock. For in
formation, call HO. 8249. day or evening.
BUILDING MATERIAL, lumber, all sizes,
priced to sell fast, large amount of steel
beams. 10 in.. 32 ft. long; 8 in., 16 ft.
long. 10-in. channels. Doors, complete with
Jambs, windows, bathtubs, toilets and tanks,
basins, modern radiation. Cellotex. sash,
drain tile, pipe and fittings, cast iron pipe
and fittings, steel basement windows, space
heaters. Open all day Sat., free delivery.
CO., 4002 Minnesota ave. n.e., at Benr.ing;
rd. LI. 7022. —26 1
derosa pine inside doors, all standard
sited; also few squares while asbestos
aiding. OV. 2368 or OV. 2369. —29
used brick, lumber, pipe fittings, radia
tions, I-beams, plaster board, Celotex,
> marble, steel sash. B-X doors, sash. etc.
Hundreds of bargains from Washington's
largest wrecking job. A visit will pay
dividends. ARROW, 1100 S. Capitol. Li.
' 2602.
BULLDOZER. Cletrac and 6!2-yd. Baker
carry-all hydl : good condition, working;
$4,000: separately. S2.500-$l .500. MR.
AESHER or BOND. RE. 2727. 30•
BULLDOZER, Cletrac BD with Baker dozer,
completely rebuilt, $4,200: also Clark with
dozer, less than 1 year's use, $1,250.
Phon» Richmond. Va., 69080. —28
CAMERA—Don t sell your camera before
you get our free appraisal. SOMMER’S
CAMERA EXCHANGE. 1410 N. Y. ave. n.w.
*AMERAS and equipment repaired; 24
hour service. SOMMER'S CAMERA EX
CHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w
CAMERAS — Leica, Contax. Rolleiflex,
Speed Graphics for sale. SOMMER'S CAM
ERA EXCHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
. CAMERAS—Ansco and Eastman color film
* in stock. SOMMER‘8 CAMERA EX
CHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERAS, darkroom developing, printing,
enlarging equipment. SOMMER'S CAMERA
EXCHANGE. 1410 New York ave. n.w.
CAMERA FANS, if you have a camera
problem- see Charlie Adams, now at the
PARKER WHELEN CO.. 827 14th Ft. n.w.;
a wide variety of movie and still cameras
in stock: time payments arranged. Phone
RE. 6222. —5
CAMERAS—Visit our complete photo
graphic dept, for those hard-to-get items:
all types and makes of cameras, bought,
gold, exchanged. Also in stock: Microscopes,
binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses, etc
MICRO-MART. 412 10th 8t. n.w
CAMERAS—Bargain in used cameras, en
largers. movies, projectors, lenses, binocu
lars and other photographer equipment. We
V.11 tt onH coll TlecH r’o rv-vnro ri.vicinn 'DTTr'7
CAMERA. 809 : th st. n.w.. RE. 8293.
CAMERAS—Many types avail., simplest to
finest: movie cameras, projectors, new and !
used: fully guar.: trade-ins; largest stock
of all photo articles; free technical advice;
finest film develop : own repair shop.
BRENNER PHOTO CO . 933 Pa. ave. n.w
Opp Justice Dep\ Catalog free! i
CAMERAS AND EQUIP., 815 20th Rt. n w.
Movie and still: repairs: projector rentals.
CAMERA FANS see Charlie Adams at
Parker-Whelan Co.. Inc, for all of your,
camera needs: plenty of new movie and;
still cameras on hand; also several clean
used cameras including automatic Rol
lieflex Klne Exakta. etc. Time payments
available. PARKER-WHELAN CO.. INC.,
827 14th st. n.w. RE. 6221. —28
CAMERA8—Complete line photo supplies.
Used 6x7 Elwood with Goerz lens, $85:
Pako Jr., contact printer. Curtiss color
printer. Marshall Densitometer; Kodak
vollenda. $65 and others. Let us sell your
camera and equipment for you on commis
sion basis. You set the price PORTER
Church. FA 2953. —28
CAMERA, Micro. 16. $20. Call Sligo 1982.
coupled range finder, case, flash attach
ment. shade adapter ring, filter pius GE
master II meter, almost new. all for $80
cash. CaLl MOXLEY. RE. 7400. Ext. 2048,
before 4:30 p.m.
CARRYING CASES, new brass trim,
leather handles. $2 ca.; also waterproof
metal utility boxes, new. $1 ea. GRUVER
MFG. CO. 8001 Conn. ave.. Chevy Chase.
Md.. daily and Sunday to 9 p.m.
CASH REGISTERS, one with 4 totals: ’
one with 2 totals. $99.99 ringup. detail
tape: never used: a real system for any
business; no dealers. Phone NA. 0600.;
CASH REGISTERS—Immediate delivery of
new machine. $140 up. AMERICAN BUSI
NESS MACHINES CO., 1431 East'Capitol;
at., LI. 0082. 8:30 to 6. inch Saturday.
CASH REGISTER—National: $50 total;
Visible tape: excel, cond.; $125. EMPIRE
LIQUOR STORE, 1/20 14th st. n.w. —26
CEDAR P03TS—Lot of 600 for $300. or
If selected, large, 75c each; medium. 60c!
each: small. 50c each. Call District 6436!
or SPruce 0699-J. 28*
CHANDELIER, lge. crystal. 8 arms. $250;1
•ntiq. Early Am. cupboard. $150. 2-pc.!
rose liv. set. new. $165; curio cabinet,
$65. LORRAINE. 3520 Conn., Apt. 21,1
WO. 3809.
CHILDREN’S SWING SET. also 1 boy’s and
1 clrl's mat amt IaccItick K#»t Kir.** fi anH
fix. Call ME. 4541 Saturday 6.m
CHINA CLOSET, lge. oak. and round oak |
tab's: best offer. SL. 5622. —2fi
CLOTHING—Boy's navy blur overcoat ard
hat. Best & Co . size T. Ladles' suits, silk
and wool dresses, size 12. This year's
length for 5-ft. 4 or under. Shoes, size 1
fi!s-AA. I. Miller: Jan mink jacket: all in
excel cond. Phone WI. 7247. -—26
CLOTHING—Men s suits and toorcats.
#7.50, $8.50. $12.50 up. all shades, colors.)
styles and sizes in stock; out-of-pawn
clothing means bargain prices. DIXIE
n.e Open to 7:30 p m
CLOTHING, girl's, sizes 12-13; coats, 2!
suits. 1 skirt, dresses; good condition,
reasonable GE. 3457 after 4:30. —26
CLOTHING, coat, black, beaver trimmed;
also dresses, size 14; good cond. RA. 2005.
CLOTHING, dresses and blouses, sizes 16
and 18; shoes, black, brown, white. 6-AA.
SL. 6384.
CLOTHING. Junior and misses, sizes 12
18. coats, suits, skirts, dinner dress, va
riety of colors; reaeonable. 7538 13th st
n.w. GE. .0418.
CLOTHING—Coats, suits, dresses, 14-16:
good condition; very reasonable. Call
TW. 8300. Ext. 603. 10-6 Sat. and Sun.
COAL STOKER, like new; very reasonable.
Call OL. 6896. —27
COAT, black: silver fox collar: size 14-16:
$5<>; good condition. TW. 1193. 27*
COATS, black, skunk. $75: black Chester
field. $15: both size 14: excel, cond. 0.11
after 7. AT. PO?f> —26
COAT. Berkeley, gray Persian Le.mb trim,
tuxedo: perfect condition, suitable short '
14: $60. OR. 2795.
COATS—Red wool, beaver trim, size 12.
^ith matching beaver hat: dressy black
wool, new ballerina style, size 12. OR
COATS. Woman's, black winter, size 18.
$26; size 16. $15; excel, cond ; man's top
coat, size 42. good cond.. $15. OR. 6209.
COAT, black Forstmann; si^e 16: silver fox
foliar; perfect condition. Victor 1894.
ecfrrEE TABLE, round, walnut, glass top.
E12.50 and couch, modernlatic; both good
condition; *20. Can be seen Bat. and Bun.,
MSA 14th gt. n-a. MI. 7451.
CUT GLASS. 20-pc. collection, various pat-1 ■
‘-tns, excellent cond. reasonably priced.1 ,
LU. 4800. ! '
COUCH, 4 CHAIRS—Used separately or J
together; gas range; all brand new. OR.! i
•>415. j l.
DAY BED. with mattress, prewar, excel- s
lent condition. *20 cash. Hobsrt 8788, ,
Apt. 67. evenings. 28* ;
DELTA LATHE, never used. Call Vienna r
68-J. _27 I s
DESKS. 5 office. $12 to $22: 8 flies, metal. Z
$18 to $22: portable typewriter. Corona. n
*45: o home desks. $5 to $15. 18 7th £
st. n.e., LU. 6767. —27 £
DESK, kneehole. good condition, suitable *
for child, 8-14. $17. RA. 2005. £
DIAMOND, special. Finest blue-white color, j
weighing over 1 carat, for $595, tax in- ;
eluded. See MR. BROTT, 917 F st. n.w. i
_07 r
DIAMOND BARGAINS that are impossible £
to duplicate—Man’s y. g„ ct.. $125: £
lady s y. e.. J4 ct., $125; lady's w. g., :
7« ct.. $lo0; man's y g„ l'/, cts., *225: !
lady's plat,. l’/« cts.. $.350: lady's y. g.. J
1 cts., $375; lady’s plat., emerald cut. J
2 cts.. $400: man's w. g„ lli cts., $500; s
man's y. g.. perfect, 234 cts.. $650. These J
extrem. ly low prices are made possible by 1
our vast purchases of exceptionally fine 7
gems from estates, banks, bankruptcy and r
sacrifice sales. You don't pay fancy prices '
or overhead here. LIVINGSTON & CO. t
1423 H st. n.w ME. 3440. —27 *
5 beautiful blue sapphires. 15 diamonds, f
Roman gold setting; cost $1,800; to close t
estate will sacrifice; never worn. MRS. 1
COOL. SL 2450. —28 c
DINETTE SUITE, junior, mahog. finish. 3
extension table, 48x32. extra leaf, 4 chairs, J
upholstered seats: modern china closet, t
built-to-floor; crcdenza style buffet; new. 1
never used. J125 complete. OX. 0532. • I
DINEtTE SUITE, 6 modern pieces: toasted r
rock maple, extension table, 4 blue leath- t
erette seat chairs, china cabinet, brand 3
new. $116; dinette suite, 7 modern pieces, S
curly rock maple, $165. brand new. CO. I
DINING ROOM—Marble-top wash stand, e
dresser and table; 10-piece small oak I
dining room set. $98: 2 china closets, s
$35 each: 2 kitchen cabinets, large, $22 1
each.; 8 dining room chairs, manogany, F
$'.50 *»ch: 3 buffets, $10 each; 2 kitchen c
sets. $15 to $38. 18 7th st. n.e., LU. r
6/67. —n7 l
DINING ROOM SUITE. 6 pieces. solid~ma- I
hogany. $85: piano. Miller upright, rose- i <
wood. $75; paisley shawl, llxftVa It., per-! I
feet condition. $85. WO. 3767. ! r
DINING ROOM—10-piece mahogany din- i i
ing room set. $159.50: mahogany Duncan 1 c
Phyfe extension table with 2 pedestals, I s
So9.50: solid maple hutch cabinet. $59.60: i <
snlln mania HmsMs cru cm sr\. .. j •
mahogany server with drawer, $12.50. 1
Ask about our easy Dayment plan. GREAT a
»th st. n.w. One of Washington's largest I <
ana most complete used furniture stores. I s
fix. «42. I (
DRAPERIES—-2 pr., custom made, extra : i
long, 1 rose and 1 blue: practically new: (
840 lor both. EM. 1690. I j
DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, engineer's new (
set. 20 Pieces. AD. 8631 eves. 28* t
DUPLICATORS——All makes, stencil or :
fluid, new and used. Sales, rentals, re- (
pairs and supplies; our 37th year. AMERI- t
Last Capitol st., LI. 0082. 8:30-6 dally (
er, toaster, iron and clock. SL. 3921. <
ELECTRIC ICEBOX, perfect condition, e
apt. size. JA. 2126-W. 1039 20th st. t
so.. Arlington. Va. 28* £
ELECTRIC IRONERS, immediate delivery <
brand-new, 1947, Thor and Simplex, ail t
sizes: priced from S49; easiest terms, e
10th and H Sts. n.e.. LI. 2983, LI. 8741. <
i?p£n_ly.ery eve- until 9 p.m. <
ELECTRIC MOTOR, % h.p.. 3 phase. 220 1
volts, new condition: $25. OL. 5220. —28 <
ELECTRIC MOTORS, rubber mounted, Vt *
h.p. and *4 h.p.; two each available. RE. f
6345. • —27 t
ELECTRIC MOTORS, new, y«. Vi and V4 £
horsepower. Also fence posts, 6‘4-ft., 1
steel. NA. S962. _28 ]
ELECTRIC RANGES—Immediate delivery; J
brand-new 1947 General Electric, Norge, J
Gibson, Universal and Admiral. Lowest ’
prices, easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE 4
& BATTERY CO., 10th and H sts. n.e. '
LI. 2983. LI. 8741. • <
new, worth $229 new, sell $150 Irom 1
storage. WI. 5627. • <
ELECTRIC HEATERS. Immediate delivery, !
brand-new 1947; General Electric: Arvin, 1
Prilmont infra-electric, Comfort Air. Elec- <
trie Steam: priced from $8.70; select your >
electric heater from Washington's largest ]
ca antlnn ^ f n.tine.ll,. *-- -a_i_i (
CO., 10th and H sts. n.e.; open every eve. ’
’tii 0 p.m.; LI. 2983, LI. 8741. <
ELECTRIC STOVE—White enamel AB 1
stove, apt. size; late model; perfect con- 1
dition: $75 1510 33rd st. n.w. —28 1
violin, 2 bows and case, $75; wicker taby '
carriage. $10. UN. 3766. —28 1
ELECTRIC RANGES—Hotpoint. de luxe )
and semi de luxe models: cash or terms. <
GARY APPLIANCE CO.. 2376 Rhode 1
Island ave. n.e.; open evenings, DU. 2300. 1
_28 1
1947 copyright get, unused, good buy. s
OV. 2659. og r
FANS, window, attic, wall, desk and ~ped- I
estal; closing out all nationally known t
brands; 20Ci off. RELIANCE.- AD. 4675. c
FILE CABINETS, 4-drawer legal and letter 1
sized steel, full suspension, with and with- t
out locks. $25 and up; wood. 4-drawers. 1
oak, walnut and green, $10 and up; lge C
stock to choose from. MANHATTAN OP- 1
PICE EQUIPMENT, 639 New York ave. n.w. t
FREEZER—See the new International 11- (
cu.-ft. freezer. Victor 18V2-cu.-ft„ $521: 1
special price, $475 installed. MALONEY'S. '
INC-. 8126 Georgia ave., SH. 3330; eves., 1
GE. 1231. —8 1
FREEZERS—Immediate delivery, brand- (
new 1948 Phlleo. Norge, Deepfreeze and 1
Amana freezers; the lowest prices and 1
easiest terms. STANDARD TIRE & BAT- <
TERY OO.. 10th and H sts. n.e. Open k
every eve. 'til 9 p.m. LI. 2983, LI. 8741. r
FREEZERS—G.E , Philco, Hotpoint Kel , (
etc.; for immediate delivery. Some floor:1
models at special prices. Terms. ELEC- 1
TRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w., NA. r
8872. j 7
FRIGIDAIRE, 6 cu. ft., good running con- ! £
dition. $35. 213 R st. me., .3rd floor 27* I
drastic reductions. 6 cu. ft.: formerly 1
72,6; now, $200; 20 cu. ft., formerly I
$350: now $450, delivered and Installed, c
n.w. HO. 7400. 27 e
FUEL TANKS (580 gallons)—2 for $100 I
or $60 each. Call District 6436 or Spruce b
0699-J. 28* s
FURS, red fox scarf. $25: black fox scarf, a
*25; brown cloth coat, $16. size 38-40; a
brown cloth coat with fox collar, $10. s
size 12-16. Phone WI. 8034. b
FUR COAT, beautiful china mink, excel. C
condition: size 16. Phone FR. 7284. —27 t
FUR COAT, brown caracul paw. size 9. 1
good condition. $100. NO. 6481 after v
8 P-m. —26 a
.. ' '■uu, blur -1 yz--i c, L»cUCUL A.
condition. $76. AX. 3988. 26* 9
FUR COAT, Somali leopard: new. never w
worn: reasonable price. Box 343-H. Star, t:
28* L
FUR COATS, like new, gray Krlmmer, P
tuxedo style. $85: dyed muskrat. $95. $
Both, size 14-3 8: bargain; owner moving v
to Florida. EM. 3170. d
FUR JACKET, lady’s, cross silver and red c
fox. SI25: excellent condition, Custom P
Motorola. Golden Voice, for any 194(1-47 T
Chrysler. $70. AT. 8215. —28 o
FUR JACKET, exquisite silver fox (Erie- u
bacher’s). new: cost $680. must sacrifice; l
$250: size 14-16. TE. 1937. —26 c
FURNACE, hot water coal. 550 ft. of radia- I
tion: in A-l condition; priced $75. AD. c
6654. —27 i
FURNACE, hot air. some duct work, 20- £
inch firebox. Can be seen from 7 to 9 1
pm.. 3449 24th st. s.e., Shipley Terrace, I
D. C. —26 F
FURNACE, American Radiator Co. Ideal c
Areola No. 4, 7 sections; very good con- a
dition. Phone WA. 1091 after 6 p.m., b
all day Sat. and Sun. 27* t
FURNACE. American Red flash, hot water; I
Ideal No. 6. Call EM. 2469. —28 b
FURNACE, coal, electric motor for hot p
air: will heat five rooms; excellent eon- a
dition; $50. GL. 9240. • d
FURNACE, Arcoflash Am, .Ra. Co. Even- *
heat, buckwheat blower aiW switch; Lion I
heater and tank: ton of coal; best offer. S
Telephone TE. 4064. 28* b
FURNACE. Lannox. coal fired, warm air l
with blower and >e-h.p. motor: $45 r
317 Wesmond dr.. Alex., Va. TE. 2393 S
—28 ! I
FURNACE, coal. hot. water, complete with t
blower, room thermostat, aquastat. good 5
condition; 3 tons buckwheat coal. WO.I F
1249. 27* ^ I
FURNISHINGS for 3-room apt,, reason-: t
able, must sell. Apt. 2. 3715 Shepherd st.,! b
Brentwood. Fri.. Sat. and Sun. —28 Id
FURN.—Hollywood beds, sofa beds and i E
beds comp., $12.95 up; dressers, chests, 11
dinettes, Duncan Phyfe chairs and tables; f
liv. rm. sets: used mattress, steril.. D. C. n
lnspec.; terms; free D. C. delivery. 2622 n
14th st. n.w. Open ’til 9. V
FURNITURE—Save up to 40 per cent on 7
brand new bedroom, living rm.. dinettes, a
tables, lamps, desks, rugs, lounge chairs, n
etc. Lowest prices on lnnersnrine mat- m
tresses, dox springs, studio couches, sofa 5
beds, roll-away beds, HOWARD S. HEID. i
5832 Georgia ave. n.w.. RA. 9010, terms, e
□pen eves •
FURNITURE—Living room. bedrooms. >
kitchen set. lamps, tables, chairs, radio, c
Victorian rolltop desk and marble-top i
washstand. wal. and maple knee hole w
desks: many odds and ends. Including h
rocking chairs, odd dressers and chests s
□f drawers; reas. TE. 8311. 30* 7
FURNITURE—Save ud to 50% on all new a
furniture. Specials on acfa beds, studio v
couches, bedroom, living room and dinette •>
suites See us before buying. Easy terms .,
THE CROWN CO . 827-820 7th st n.w
FURNITURE—2-piece living room suite, 4
walnut dining room suite. Singer sewingj A
machine, treadle type. VI. 5816 after',
7 p m —27 1 i,
FURNITURE SALE, some from storage. ('
some unclaimed new turn, for bedrm,, din. #
rm.. dinette, liv. rm.. at great savings.1 }:
ave. n.w., 10-6: Sat. until 4. RE. 4310. n
FURNITURE—4-Pc. 1. r. suite. Hollywood □
bed; chest drawers; kitch. outfit, red leath- «
er chrome; 3 mos. old; leaving town 835 s
51st st. s.e.. Apt. 3. 26* n
FURNITURE—Mahogany. Gov. Winthroo b
desk. 30x42". $60; maple, kneehole desk s,
and chair, $25; walnut chest. $17.60; f
single metal wardrobes. $8 ea.; 5-pc. n
chrome dinette, $35: platform rocker, $25: n
maple child’* wardrobe. $20. LO. 4860. p
FURNITURE—Victorian *ofa, new uphol- r
stery, $78: 4 Hollywood beds. $7 each: 0
8 Chests, mahogany, maple, walnut. $8 to n
$22. 18 7th st. n.e.. LU. 6767. —27 p
FURNITURE!—Complete furnishings for 1- &
rm- apt. call RE. 2868. Ext. 809. —28 si
FURNITURE — Miscellaneous furniture, o
living room, bedroom, studio couch, floor K
lamps, chairs, kitchen table, etc. Gas n
range. Can be seen between 1 p.m. and h
8 p.m.. 2321 20th st. n.w. —26 ?
4->t 507. AD. 3136. —28 t>
FURNITURE—9-pc. mahog. Dun. Phyfe. u:
A-l cond.: bedrm. suites; mahog. desk. ;yi
drum table, secretary, crib. cor. cabinet. 5- ir
pc mahor. dinette, etc. ABBOTT & C
I.ANDON. Taylor 2112. 9 to 9. —26 jD
FURNITURE—2-piece liv. rm. suite, divan P
and chair, wine colored, friese, good con- u:
dition: reasonable. MI. 4419. —28 ja
FURNITURE—Hollywood bed. 3 large liv.; T
rm. chairs, chaise lounge. 2 bedrm. chairs, pi
-offee table, rugs, blankets and spreads. 1
1316 Euclid st. n.w.. Ant. 34. Can be p
seen from noon until 6 p.m. —27 7
rURNITURE—Dinette set. genuine curley 8]
maple with 6 rush bottom chairs. Chinese d
lacquer cabinet, pair satinwood eom- ri
modes, coffee table to match, all in perfect p
condition; club chair* reaaonable. EM. C
SI 65. • 11

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