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ROOMS RURN.--Nwrt.wert. (Cont.>. COLORED—PRIVATE ROOM, rent-free for colored lady over 50 years old for part time companionship after 7 p.m. with eld erly lady: modern home: good health and refs, required. AD. 1329 from 7 to 9 p.m, 28* COLORED—RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, newly opened for colored In n.w. section: fur nished rms. for single men and women and married couples. For appointment, call NO. 9785 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, or 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Ask for MR. WILLIAMS. —27 COLORED—744 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.— Room for couple or 2 girls. AD. 8048. 28* COLORED—1305 22nd ST. N.W.—Fur nished room, light housekeeping: also other rooms: no children. ROOMS FURNISHED—ftoHfcoo*. 1012 BRYANT ST. N.E. — Nicely furn double and single rooms. Call after 2 p.m. 26* 304 E. CAFITOL ST.—Rms. for bus. men only; In nice, clean home; transp., Vi blk from door. AT. 6527. —26 * 2336 14th ST. N.E.—Nicely furn. rm. in new home: restricted neighborhood; sgle . S30- dble , $40; girls only. HO. 2853. —29 3613 28th ST. N.E.—Single or double room In new home, l'.i blocks from transp. DE 2513. —30 LINCOLN PARK, 1314 E. Capitol—Gentle men, 2 dbl. beds. 4 lge. windows, lge closets: eonv. transp LI. 1953. 14VO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, furnished front rooms. Call after 4 p.m., 408 A st n.e. • 300 T ST. N.E.—Single room for gentle man; running water; on carline; close to bath; $6.50 wk. • 120 3rd ST. N.E.—Large, front room, 4 bay windows: li sq. from Supreme Court; for gainfully employed couple; elegantly furnished, $45; also single room with glassed-in porch, $36. 27* 329 W ST. N.E., Vi block to transp. and ttorea—1 single. $25; 1 double, men or employed couple, $45. —28 636 F ST. N.E.—Front room, on 1st floor, near bath, twin beds; 2 men or employed couple. FR. 0165. „ —28 1750 E ST. N.E.—Single room, for gentle man, two windows, large closet; owner s home. LI. 3211. 28* COLORED—APT.. I rm.. kit., refg., heat and elec. LI. 2866 after 3:30 p.m. —26 COLORED—1 RM.. gentleman. Call Lin coln 2866 after 3:30 p.m. —26 COLORED—N.E.—2 rms., use of kit. and bath 1st fl. Call between 6-9 p.m. before lOiCjn.. VI. 1270, _—28 ROOMS FURNISHED—S.t. and S.W. 1414 18th PL. S.E.—One single room, in nice home. $25 ner mo. AT. 3493. —27 1526 RIDGE PL. 8.E., near Navy Yard— Single room for gentleman, clean, private home; reasonable. TR. 2449. —30 425 6th ST. S.W., nr. Govt, bldgs; lge. rm.. ' ”UCV1D, A ei Cinyi. ttUUitb, 900 mu. ME. 9811. —26 122* B ST. S.E.—Lovely, large front room with twin beds, for 2 or couole; phone and aundry privileges. AT. 7242. —27 1811 FT. DAVIS ST. S.E.—Dble. front rm.. newly furn.: conv. to Suitland and Andrews Field; lor cple. or 2 young ladies. _Og FURN. ROOM. s.e. section, for refined woman, over 25 yrs. of age: kit. privils., semipvt. bath. Telephone Twining 8679. REFINED. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN’’ ‘ to share room with twin beds with another businesswoman; full kit, privils. Phone Twining 0266. _26 NEAR CAPITOL—Large front room, twin beds, men only. No drinking. TR. 1465. *?• 1822 16th ST. S.E.—Dbl. rm.. twin beds, next to bath; gentlemen preferred. —28 16 4th ST. S.E. (4 blks. from Capitol)— Available Sun., Oct. 5: lge. front rm., 2nd floor, 5 windows: suitable for employed couple: $40 one, $50 two; available now, large room, southern and eastern expos ures; gentlemen only; $36. LI. 3912. —28 1609 19th ST. S.E.—Gentlemen preferred; attractive rm., next to bath; conv. location, near bus stop. LI. 4965. —28 COLORED—MAN TO SHARE ROOM with another man; twin beds; $5 per wk. LU. 5357 after 4 p.m. —26 1 ROOMS FURMISHED—MO. and VA. 1227 NO. UTAH 8T„ ARL.—Attractive It. rm.: modern home, oil heat, 1st fl„ city fare: $30. Hdme Sun. and after 6 wkdays. _ —27 BETHESDA, 4330 East-West hwy.—Clean front room, radio, unlimited phone; $40 per month single, $50 double. WI. 4752. 722 CHESAPEAKE AVE—Nice, wann sin gle room: pvt. home; $30. SL. 4974. —26 ALEXANDRIA—Room for military officer: 3 exposures, woodsy atmosphere, good transportation. OV. 0531. —26 ARLINGTON—Single room for gentleman, next to bath. GL. 9007, 804 No. Filmore, Arlington. Va. —26 CHEVY CHASE—Lovely home, rm. for one or two young people; share kit. if desired. OL. 6603. —29 305 EAST MASON AVE., Alex., Va.—Base ment rm., next to bath, $25 a mo. Call TE. 5799. —26 15 MINUTES FROM PENTAGON on Semi nary Hill—Newly decorated single rm. and bath: refs, reauired. Call OV. 1.378. —28 ARLINGTON, 4905 N. 17th st.—Large bed living room. pvi. nome. suuaDiP 1 or « gentlemen or employed couple. CH. 4769. —28 FOR QUIET REFINED GENTLEMAN, lovely private room in new home: 15 min. down town or Pentagon: $25 per mo. GL. 7062 or GL. 0658. —1 ARLINGTON — Large front room, new home. Vs block to bus. Glebe 5,359. —28 ALEXANDRIA—2 newly decorated single rooms, adjoining private den. for young Christian gentlemen; $8 a week each. Phone TE. 8082. —28 1407 NO. DANVILLE, Arlington. Va.— Single room for gentlemen; convenient to busline. CH. 676.3. —28 MT RAINIER—Nice furn. rm. and kit. privileges; reasonable. Call WA. 5091. 27* EXTRA LGE. RM., radio, twin beds, new furniture, bus by door to Navy and Penta gon; employed couple or girls; kitchen privileges. OX. 0042. —28 ARLINGTON—2 dble. rms.. kitefcen and home privileges. 10 min. bus service; conv. to Pentagon and stores; private home, large grounds; $42.50 and $,35. Box 1K2-E. Star. —27 SILVER SPRING—Attractive single room near bus line and shopping center. SH. 8889. _28 ARLINGTON—1st floor rm. and pvt. bath in pvt. home: twin beds. 2 closets: 2 em ployed girls or cple.; $52. CH. 0692. 2 SINGLE ROOMS, private bath; for gentlemen; entire floor cf house; conv. to Sfntagon. National Airport. 20 min. to £>. C.. express bus at door; $40 each. Overlook 0750. —28 SOUTH ARLINGTON. VA.—Nicely furn. rm., next bath, for 2, twin beds. CH. 6556. —28 DOUBLE ROOM FOR RENT. pvt. bath: convenient transportation. TE. 6084. —28 ALEX.. VA., 2604 Davis ave.—Comfortable room, for gentleman, semipvt. bath; conv. .transp. TE. 5397. 28* 2921 2nd ST. N.. Arlington. Va.—Single corner room, next bath, in Christian home, near Ft. Myer; $27.50 per month. Chest nue 0188. • FOR GENTLEMAN, in home of auiet couple, no other guests: 5 min. Pentagon; parking and bus at entrance. TE. 4981. —1 ROOMS FURN. OR UNFURN. 2 ADJOINING ROOMS, newly dec.; down fown area. MI 9283,—27 ROOMS WANTED. NAVAL OFFICER, permanently assigned, desires furnished room with private bath or small apartment. Box ,333-H. Star. 27* FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM, refined young woman; nice locality; near transportation. Box 321-H. Star. 26* U. INSTR. desires bright, comf. rm.. In rustic neighborhood. Mass.-Conn. aves. area; privacy; not over $40. TA. 5845. WANTED—Sale. rm. by university girl student. Willing to baby sit some nights for reduced rent. Box 320-H. Star. 28* MOTHER WORKING NIGHTS needs room for self and son. 6 yrs.; in nice home; also care and board for child during day. CO. 0691. Ask for MRS. PARIS. • YOUNG GENTLEMAN art student, sober, refined, needs comfortable single room, reasonable rent, near G. W. U. or close-in n.w. section, near good transp.; willing to share suitable apt. Phone DE. 7893 28* MOVING, PACKING STORAGB VETERANS—Moving and hauling; new trucks, responsible help: cargo insured; estimates cheerfully given. MI. 6188. PERRY’S TRANSFER. Moving and hauling. Any time. Crating and shipping. Also storage. AD. 0560. ARMY VETEBANS—Light loads, trunks and luggage hauled: very reas. rates; all white help. GE. 1375, 8 a m. to 6 p.m. —2 MARINE VETERANS MOVING CO_24-Br Mr rice furniture moving and hauling; trunks and baggage AT 2759 or FR 0386 VETERANS, starting business, will move ?ou day or evenings: reasonable rates: tght hauling.a specialty. GE. 4651 WANTED—Load or part load to and from California; 16-day service by van. PYRA MID VAN LINES. U. 3725. 29* EDELMAN’S MOVING * STORAGE CO.— Reas, rates: will accept your surplus fur niture as part payment on vour moving, storage; local, long dist. moving. TA. 2937. 27* MOVING BT VETERAN of experience with new truck, careful handling. Call any time: reasonable rates. MR. COOK. GL. 5137. ROOMS WITH BOARD. NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE—A few vacan cies in this popular guesthouse. 1712 New Hampshire ave. n.w. —30 1 »01 10th ST. N.W.—Large, double for girls; girl to share with another girl; good meals, switchboard; reas. rates. FOR MEN or women. 1 triple room, $50 each: 2 men to share in $51 rooms; good home cooked meals. Phone AD. 8024. —26 1610 NEW’ HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W., 1 □ ik. iron uuponi circle: renneu guest home; well prepared, balanced meals: vacancy. —27 DUPONT CIRCLE. 2013 Macs. ave. n.w— For young men and women. In exclusive guest home We are known lor our de lightful food and excellent service. DE. 9798. —1 2*17 39th ST. N.W .—Single room, pvt. family, convenient transportation: good food. Call WO. 4145. —28 IN ALEXANDRIA—For married couple with no children or 2 gentlemen; both working. Call TE. 6179. —27 ROOM FOR 2. excellent food, homelike atmosphere Phone Qlebe 6385. —2 1234 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Lovely, quiet and homelike; good food; cples., men or young ladles. EX. 6867. —28 1356 OTIS PL. N.W—Dble. rm., twin beds; 2 young men; 2 meals dally. AD. 0722. 27 1706 16th ST. N.W—Dble. rm.; other vacancies, good meals, bus at door. —1 WILL GIVE ROOM AND BOARD for elderly lady; 3 meals daily; 1st fl. front; *25 per week. HO. 2975. —28 COLORRD—2214 tat ST. N.W—2 re fined persons; twin beds. 2 meals; *15 week. After 5 weekdays; all day Sat. and Sun 28* 1774 MASS. AVE. N.W., Dupont Circle— Vacancy for 2 girls, twin beds, semi private bath: *6 each month. —28 ROOM WITH BOARD WANTED. lfED. STUD, and empl. wife desire rm. and board and day care for 10-mo.-old child; n.w. pref. RE. 0706 after 8 p m. 27* GENTILE. NONDRINKING STUDENT de Srea room and board In private home (2 ieals); have good reference. Call TW. •300. Ext. 167 after t p.m. 26* i 1 ROOM WITH BOARD WaiWod (Coni.) SOLE. VETERAN STUDENT, desiring room and board. In exchange lor doing duties about house or any other duties. Please help me finish my education. Box 430-E, Star.-—28 APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 1432 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—1 room and lge. kitchen; gas range, elec, refgr. Adult couple only; refs. $50 month FOR SINGLE PERSON with car—Off Mac Arthur blvd. In Maryland—Small house keeping furnished apt., semiprivate bath, screened porch, pvt. entrance; garage; *50 per mo.: refs. WI. 4172. 28 3021 CAMBRIDGE PL. N.W.—3 rooms, bath, utilities, linen, dishes. Prigidalre; couple, no pets, children or parties; $130. MI. 2757. 2 1326 ORREN ST. N.E.—Ladv to share X-room apt. with another lady; $30 mo AT. 0181. 28 2-ROOM APT. furnished, with prfvate bath and entrance; all new; convenient transportation; $125 mo. 1841 lfith rt. n.w. —28 122 MISSISSIPPI S.E.—2-room furn. apt., restricted neighborhood: utilities lurn. Call alter 6:30; $75 mo. FR. 8456. 2001 UPSHUR ST. N.E.—1 or 2 young empl. gentlemen or students; nr. C. V.; comb, bedellv. rm., kit., GE refgr., pvt. bath, for light housekeeping: S>5 mo. GIRL TO SHARE APT. with another girls, age 58-35; $35 mo. 1465 Colum bia rd.. MI. 1755, Apt. 32. 3 ROOMS. 'KIT. AND BATH, sun porch, furn; $200. Call MAJ SMITH. Conn, ave. nr. Brandywine, RE. 6700, Ext. 73445. Box 375-E. Star. DOWNTOWN, 1635 L st. n.w —1 rm. and kitchenette: $18 wk. Ideal for young couple. 2-rm. and kit.. Ideal for 4; $7.50 ea; also furn. aleeplng rm:.; reas DI. 7888. WILL EXCHANGE furnished 2-rm. apt In Silver Spring for housework bv woman half day, no washing, no cooking. SH. 3380. —28 RIVER VIEW, overlooking city—Roof deck, fireplace, attractive living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath: 5 minutes downtown; to share with one other woman; $50. Phone GL 4475 after 6. —27 3061 IDAHO AVE. N.W.—Wanted, refined lady to share 2-rm. and bath apt. with an other lady; breakfast privileges; *55. After 6 call EM. 7874 and all day Sun. —28 NEWLY DECORATED. corner studio; lnner-spg. sofa bed. gas. elec . refgr.. auto, h.-w.h.: refined employed couple, $67.50 per mo. 437 Park rd. n.w. —26 TWO GIRLS desire clean, congenial girl to i snare .j-rm. apt.; 3,20 mo. 2422 14m 5t. n.w.. 3rd floor. 26* NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA BD.—2 young men to share apt. with GI student; private 1 bath, all utilities furnished: $37 each per month. Phone MI. 7691, Box 30-E. Star. —26 NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA RD —2 girli between 20 and 25 yrs. old. to share apt I with 4 Government workers: $33.33 each | per month. Phone MI. 7691. Box 29-E. Star. —26 ■ HOTEL 2100 16th ST. N.W.—Nonhouse ketping suites now available: living room, twin-bed room and bath; each. $200 and $250 per month; full hotel servfte. CO, 7200. —1 ONE LADY will share 4-rm. apt. with all conveniences; good transp.; $46. 610 Irv ine st. n.w.. Apt. 25. TA. 6207. —1 ATTRACTIVE APT., Conn, ave., near Wardman Park, woman will share with employed woman of refinement. 2-bedrm apt., kit. privileges, utilities; $65; refs, ex changed. AD. 0967. Box 417-C. Star. • BACHELOR WISHES to share attrac. light housekeeping apartment in pvt. home with another man: $50 Der mo. Phone RE. 2347 or RA. 3317. 571R 1st st. n.w. 2R» 2604 CONN. AVE. N.W.—Two gentile girls to share apt.: $27.50 each. Call after 7 p.m., NO. 5255. —27 NEWLY DECORATED, pvt. bath. pvt. en trances: convenient transp., stores, churches: one employed lady only; no subletting: immediate occupancy; $75 mo Hyattsville 0261. • WANTED—] or 2 girls to share attractive large apt.; $35 each. 70 Galveston pi. n.w., Apt. C. PR. 2657. —27 CHFVY CHASE. MD.—Delightful apart ment for nurse, with emnl. husband. NA. 0043 Fri. until 3 p.m.; WI. 3173 Fri. eve.. Sat. and Sun. 28* COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT and rooms, private baths; weekly or monthly. Wiscon sin 2666. 28* ATTRACTIVE small apt. for girl to share -with other girl, not over 30; refs.: $30 mo 14.31 Montana ave. n.e.. Apt. 913-B. AD 0539. —28 TWO-BEDROOMS, two baths, living room, library, full dining room, kitchen and hall, outstanding ant. bldg., near Cathedral with ! secretarial service: luxuriously furnished; I sublease available from Oct. 15. 1947 to j. 1*7 if, i iiiviiiu. MjUMitnuai financial references required. TA. 0862 or write Box 360-H. Star. • 705 H ST. N.E.—4 rooms and bath to share with a couple or 2 or 3 girls; $35 mo. each. After 6 p.m. or Sun. * STUDENT, 22. will share 3-room downtown apt with naval officer or student: pref erably one who speaks fluent French: $3/.50 mo. RE. 0548, Box 466-E, Star. I OR 2 YOUNG MEN to share 6-rm. furn. house with 2 other men; in good n.w. section, conven. transp.; maid, meals, laund., all facilities; $90 ea. Call RA. 4487 weekdays after 6:30. Box 327-E, Star. 1407 MORSE ST. N.E.—Bedrm , kit., semi pvt. bath, all utilities furnished. Frigidaire; employed refined couple; $15 wk.: no drinkers. _og ARL.—-Nicely furn. front rm., conv." lo cated, limited use of kitchen: excel, transp. Call after 6 p.m.. CH. 9381. —28 12614 UNIVERSITY PL. N.W.—Large bed I room, complete kitchen, private : bath, utilities; $67.50 to employed, quiet couple. 5 OR 6 GOVT. GIRLS: 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, private bath: utilities furn.. no linens or dishes; $150 to $180 per month: new furniture. TE. 8139. —28 1 BEDROOM and 1 bed-liv. rm.; kit. privils., closets, busline, restricted: 2 or 3 girls, $28 each. HO. 2429, 209 V n.e. —28 CLOSE TO PENTAGON, transportation and shops, vicinity Falls Church: 5-room apt., completely furn., consisting of living room, fireplace, dining room. 2 bedrooms, tile bath and kitchen on 1st floor; lge knotty pine recreation room in basement; $175: this home is situated on corner lot with nice lawn. Phone FA. 2439-R. —29 CONGENIAL GIRL. 28 and over, to share npt. with one other girl; $40. Call VI. 2819, 1741 28th st. s.e. —28 APT. $50 MONTH; middle-age couple, no children, where wife doesn't work, tc act as assist mgr. rooming house. 1 block Dupont Circle. Write Box 374-E. Star —28 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. CO-OPERATIVE APT., $1,000 down; excel ent location; one of the most desirable bldgs in town; move in immediately; low monthly payments. Shown by appt. Call VICTOR WICKERSHAM, 4625 41st st. n w. OR. 2100. _og 3-RM. APT., Electrolux Icebox, stove, Vene tian blinds, pvt. phone: next to bath: $65; employed couple. Also large front rm.. next bath, 4 windows, Ven. blinds. 445 Jeffqj-son st. n.w., after 7:30 p.m. —26 VETERANS OR SERVICEMEN, investigate i our co-operative apt. purchase plan and learn how easy, how much more economical i running a house and how much safer than rrntine it is to buy your own ” i J V v • ** G ~ x units I or I and 2 bedrooms in a brand-new [modem apt. building, excellent n.w. loca ition: prices range from $6,950 to $9,900. * monthly carrying charges, including all utilities, $50-$ <5. and cash down payments I from $1,580 to $2,190. For appointment | to inspect, call NA. 9141. FREDERICK W. ! BERENS SALES. INC., 1528 K st. n w. ' Office open from 9 to 9. —1 ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR, 2 bedrms , liv. rm„ kit. and bath: Electrolux, electric and gas; $90 mo. 718 Jefferson st. n.w. Call ■ after 7 p.m. only for appt., GE. 0174. —28 O ST. N.W., OFF 16th—Mrd floor. 2 large rooms, bath, new GE refrigerator, grill privils;. available about Oct. J 5: employed acults preferred; $67.60 mo. lncl. utilities; also gtrage for storage, $7.60 mo. Box 967-H. Star. • COLORED—628 PRINCETON PL. N.W.— 4-room apt. in private home: refined em ployed couple: no children; reference; $65 per month. Call TA. 0956. APARTMENTS WANTED. RETURNED VETERANS and other em ployes of Capital Transit Co., who have families, need private apts. and houses. If you have a house or private apt. to rent to a family, call MI. 6363. Ext. 672, Monday through Friday, 8 a m to 6 p.m ; must have private kitchen and bath and rent under $7r> MILITARY PERSONNEL stationed Andrews I Field need furnished or unfurnished apts. 1 or houses. Hi. 3200, Ext. 93. 8 to 5. —30 MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE, good references, desires 2-bedroom apt., unfurnished: per manent Call TR 6917. “’O’ CLEAN QUIET J4AVY COUPLE and baby desire bedroom, bath and kitchenette un furn. apt.; prefer s.e.; approx. $60 mo.; wili pay 4 mos. in advance. Box 112-H. Star. !• PROSPECTIVE SON with accompanying mother and naval officer father, needs 3-4 rm. furn. apt. Call LT. ADAMS. AD. 9566. Apt. 315. 27* TEMPORARY, lor three to six months, fur nished apartment wanted by businessman and wife. WALTER H. BUECHNER, Hotel Burlington. District 8822. 29* DECORATOR, wife and child, desire utility apt. in or near S.E. Call Hillside 6395. 29* NAVAL OFFICER and law student desire 2-bedroom, modern furnished apt. Call Adams 0524. between 12-3 p.m. 26* MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE desire one-bed room modern apt.; no children, no nets. North 58S4. 26* PERMANENTLY Government employed woman desires small apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Randolplf 6767. 26* Vnl'vr T inv j,-;_ apartment with private bath, kitchen: fum. or unfurn.: refs. Box 231-H, Star 28* STUDENT VET and empl. wife need turn, apt., n.e.. conv. to U. of Md. Call MRS. DOYLE. EX. 6400, Ext. 6100, 8 am. to 4:30 p.m. 26* 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APT. by veteran, wife and child, 2V4 yrs. old; furn. or unfurl* PR. 3370. 26* SMALL, FURNISHED, suitable for 2 ladles over 30; Va. pref. Call between 0 a.m. and after 6 p.m., ALex. 2000, Ext. 328. EXEMPLARY HABITS; employed gentile couple, no children, nets. Call 9 to 4:30. Mon. through Pri., NA. 3120. Ext. 608. 28* NAVY CHIEF, wire and 2 babies need 2 bedroom house or apt. NA. 8140. Ext. 236. 26* G. W. U. PROFESSOR and wife, no chil dren, desire unfurnished nouse or apart ment. CO. 3665. 26* COUPLE desires to sublet furnished apart ment for three months, starting October; no children; no pets. WO. 0361. 30* HYATTSVILLE or vicinity—Two-bedroom apt. or house, not over $90 per mo., in cluding utilities. Call MR. CREECH. WA. 4441 after 6:30 p.m. WA. 8165 26* YOUNG CATHOLIC VETERAN and wife, just transferred permanently to Washing ton. Junior executive for national corpora tion. no children, no pets, quiet, reflned, desire 1 or 2 bedroom unfurnished apart ment in D. C., Maryland or Virginia; references. Box 202-H: Star. 26‘ 2 GOVT. GIRLS, -perm, empl . desire one oedrm. apart, furnished: prefer Arlington. Wk. days. 8-4:45, RE. 7400, Ext. 61127; after 6 p.m. and week ends, GL. 9461. G-219. . 30“ APT. DESPERATELY NEEDED by staff sergt., wife and baby; up to $90 a mo. Phdne GL. 1541. 30* COUPLE with year-old baby urgently need turn. apt.. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. RA. 6124, 6 to 8 p.m. 26* VET. AND WIFE and 2 children desperate, need of unfurn. apt . bedrm. llv. rm., kit : willing to pay $66: n.e. or s.e. pre ferred. VL 8730 between t and 8:30. if I *" S * l (THESE WOMEN —By Gregory d'Alessio I Mfi " = 1 ===== = ==i '-» . j ‘‘Hmph! I was never so insulted! You heard her say my hat was lovely, and every one knows she has no taste!” APARTMENT* WANTED (GOM.7 YOUNG NAVY COUPLE desire 2-3 room furn. apt., pvt. bath; no children or pets. EX. 9829. 8 a m. to 4 p.m. —26 APARTMENT OR HOUSE, unfurnished. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath for adult family of 3. MRS. 3CHLEPPIE. DI. 2200, Ext. 3412, bet. 8:30 a m. and 6 p.m.; GE. 8715 after 6 p.m. 29* AN UNFURNISHED apartment in quiet house for Army capt. (WAC). and sister; no children, no pets. Telephone RE. 6700, Ext. 3195. 26* VETERAN AND WIFE, employed college grads, perm, no children or pets, want apt, furn. or unfurn. OR. 6155 before moon or evenings. 29* QUIET WORKING COUPLE want lurn! apt, pvt, bath; in vie. s.e, n.e. Call TR. 3175. —27 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER and wife de sire efficiency apt. or rm. with kit. privils.; must be in refined surroundings in n.w. section, west of 16th st. EX. 6061 bet. 9 and 5. —26 PHARMACIST and wife need apt.; veteran, no children: excel, refs,; either Wash, or suburbs. OR. 6889. —28 BACHELOR EX-NAVY LT. desires to share rent, or sublet your apt.; s.e. preferred; will sign lease; exchange refs. VI. 8260, Ext. 420. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. —26 BACHELOR EX-NAVY LT. desires to share rent, sublet your apt.; pref. s.e.; will sign lease; exch. refs. VI. 8260. Ext. 420, 5:30 to 8 p.m, except Wed, Sat, or Sun.; or write Box 146-E. Star. —27 AFTER A VAIN 2-year search, quiet, pleasant young married couple are still seeking a 2 or 3 rm. apt. in order to un pack wedding gifts. TO. 6710. Box 317-H Star. 28* VETERAN, getting married Oct. 12, needs 3-rm. unfurn. apt. by Oct. 1. Call RA. 7207. 9-6. _ 27* • iiuvoei ui ayai uncut m Alexandria area; Marine officer, wife and 4-yr. son. TE. 2652 *ny time. Urgent. 27* NAVY CAPTAIN, son 13, desire 1 or 2 bedroom apt., n.w. section, furn. or un furn; must be clean, light; will sublet. RE. 6700, Ext. 72951. day; CO. 2000. Ext. 574, eve., Sat.. Sun., or Box 233-H, Star. 28* j VETERAN AND WIFE urgently need mod-1 erate size apt. , no pets or children. MR. I SAMPSELL. After 6 p.m. at RE. 4027. 26* j QUIET, RESPONSIBLE young woman, perm, empl., desires small apt., furn. or; unfurn : pref. conv. to G. W. Univ. RE.! 7400, Ext. 5044, 8 to 4:30 p.m., or DI. ' 8614 after 5:30 p.m. 26* j VETERAN employed in House of Repre sentatives and Georgetown U. student and wife desire furnished or modified apt.; per manent. Call LU. 5336. 27* AAF VET, single. 30, col. grad., perm emp. VA, desires bach, apt., furn. or unfurn., vie. Georgetown or Dupont. Call after 6 p.m., DI 7551. 28* REGULAR ARMY It. col.. War Department, 6 mos. minimum, 3 adults only, owner care guaranteed: 2 b.r„ compl. furn. apt.; Va. preferred; to $150. TE. 5859, GILLETT. 26* FATHER AND DAUGHTER. 15. desires apt., furn. or unfurn.; preferable con venient to Kramer School. TR. 1682. 26* PROFESSOR, wife and 11-year-old daugh ter desire 1-2 bedroom furn. or unfurn. apartment or house. Decatur 7539. 27* TWO OR THREE ROOM furnished apart ment by Regular Army master sergeant and wife: no children: back from over seas, won't you make it possible for me to have my wife Join me. Xylose to Walter Reed preferred but not necessary. Write M/SGT. JAMES E. EWING. RA. 18129415, 6901st T SU-SGO, Det., Walter Reed, Washington 12. D. C. 28* 2 OR 3 RM. APT. wanted anywhere in D. C. or nearby Virginia, or Maryland. MR. GEORGE QUINN, 1607 17th st. n.w. —27 j PROFESSIONAL MAN and his mother de ■ sire small apt., n.w. preferred. Call MI. |4517. —28 | NAVY DOCTOR and wife desire liv. rm., bedrm., bath and kit.; up to $90 furn.; i $75 unfurn.; no children or pets; Friend ; ship Heights, Chevy Chase. Bethesda area, j OL. 2500, Ext. 529. 8:30-5. % —27 I FURNISHED. 1 or 2-bedroom apartment j for couple and school age daughter. Up Saturday and Sunday, HO. 6565, Ext. 210. —29 NAVAL AVIATOR desire* 2 or S bedrm. turn., unfurn. house or apt.; Oct. to Mar.; n.w. prefer. OR. 3804. 26* FURN. OR UNFURN., for prof, woman, by Oct. 1; rent or sublet. DE. 7300. Ext. 325, weekdays; MI. 6446. Ext. 403. eve. and week ends. 26* WANTED. OCT. 31—2 perm. empl. women, excel, housekeepers: 1 bedrm.,Hv. rm.. kit., bath; unfurn. to $70; furn.. twin beds, to j$85; no subrent, no share: n.w. pref., sub urbs acceptable. Box 12-H, Star. 26* TWO-THREE ENSIGNS need 1 or 2-bed rm. apt. Must be completely furn.; n.w. ; or Georgetown Box 303-H, Star. 28* i EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, furnished or | unfurnished; in northwest section. Call 1 TE. 8012, MISS SUSSLIN. 28* , ARMY OFFICER, returned from overseas, desires 2-bedrm. apt. or house, so he may; l be rejoined by wife and two daughters, | ages )0 and 13. Box 330-H. Star. 28* FURNISHED, 2 or 3 rooms, kitchen, bath.! Up to $115 mo. Prefer n.e. Adult fam I ily: best references. WA. 3821. 28* VETERAN AND WIFE, both working: no j children, desire 1-bedroom apt. TA. ! 3193. 28* QUIET, reliable, permanent Govt, em ploye and wile; no children, no pets; urgently desire 1 or 2 bedrm., furn. or unfurn. apt.: n.w. prefer. AD. 9282. 28’ APT. WANTED by veteran, wife and 4-year-old son: will consider anything. Call MRS. CRAWFORD, RE. 4027. • COLLEGE GRADUATE, wife and 5-year old son, quiet and refined, permanently employed, desire 2-bedroom unfurnished apt.; not over $80. WA. 8254. 28* CHRISTIAN WOMEN. 21 permanently em nloyed. desire 2-room kitchen and bath. ; furn. or unfurn. apt. in apartment build ing; best care assured: excellent refer ences. Box 335-H. Star 28* MATURE, quiet employed woman wants small, clean, pvt. apt.; up to $05. MISS HARRIS. EX. 6360, Ext. 574. 28* WORRIED about your furniture? Well take good care of It if It's in a 3-4 rm. , apt.: urgently needed by naval officer, wife. LT. ADAMS. AD. 9566. 27* i MIDDLE-AGED ARMY MEDICAL officer desires bachelor apt: must have pvt. ibath, entrance and refgr.; prefer. Va.. | but In any case conv. to Pentagon by coml. transp. Box 36°-H Star. 29* l DISCRIMINATING COUPLE—Unfurnished bedroom apt., studio-living room. f flre I place, balcony, garden, or what have you, i to SI00. AD. 1305. —28 i ! URGENT—Unfurnished 3-rnom ant. nr house, in Washington or vicinity. Call AT. J277, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; AT. 1738 after 9 p.m. and Sun. —28 VETERAN, wife and 5-vr.-o!d child, ur gently need 1 or 2 bedroom unfurn. apt. WA. 7042. —28 DESPERATE—House sold, must have un furn. 3-rm., kit. apt. at once; conv. to public schools; not over $60 mo. Call MRS. 8HAW after 7 p.m., Fri. or Sat. FR. 0698. —27 VETERAN, permanent resident, desires 2 or 3 bedrm. unfurn. apt. or house; . n.w. or nearby Va. or Md. OL. 4127. —2 VETERAN, wife and baby, urgently need ! apartment. GL. 1702. —28 AMERICAN WIDOW of London physician, traveled, cultured, seeks apt. or fl. of house, 2 or more spacious rooms, kitchen, bath, utilities: permanent; substantial sum advance. PL. 0566. 26* DENTAL STUDENT and employed wife de- . sire studio bedrm.. kit. and pvt. bath, or J unfurn. ant. same size- quiet, nondrinkers: up to $70. WO. 7000. 10-4. MR. SOLO MON. • 28* GOVT. EMPLOYE and employed wife desire 2-room kitchen and ba:h apt.; best care assured: excellent refs. RE. 7400. Ext. 6°444, 8 to 4:30. 26* UNFURNISHED APT. urgently needed by couple; no children or pets TE. 6532. —28 TWO YOUNG WOMEN urgently need 1- i bedroom apt.: private, n.w.: American Red Cross and Chinese Govt, employes. RE. 8300. Ext. 199 or WO. 7760 or WO. 9891. _og ROOM AND KIT. wanted by medical ~stu-' * dent and wife, in D. C.. Arlington. Fairfax; will pay about S50. Call JACK LEE. MI. 1085 between 7 and 8. —28 SMALL APT. with kitchen and private bath. Young married couple, no children or pets, must by Oct. 1st. NA. 9683, Ext. 508. 4 to 7:30 p.m. 27* BY ARMY OFFICER and quiet family, un- , furn., need 3 bedrms.; will lease. Prefer suburbs. Phone Adams 6122. 28* i UNFURN.. 2-bedroom apt., n.w. preferred; ■ refs To *100 per mo. GE. 7520. 28* YOUNG EMPLOYED COUPLE desire one bedroom furnished apartment. DI. 7200, Ext. 236, cr Box 325-H. Star. 27* FRENCH It. comdr., wife and 2 children of !) and 3 wants furn. apt., 2 bedrms. Cal! WI. 3149 after 8 p.m. 28* ONE OR TWO ROOM furn. apt. with cooking facilities. Both vets, no chil dren. NA. 8510. Ext. 718. Box 329-H, Star. 28* COLONEL, wife and adult daughter, perm., i assigned University of Maryland, desires i unfurnished 2-3 bedroom apt.: no pets. < Phone CH. 7500, Ext. 202, 6-8 p.m. 26* i URGENT—Furn. apt. or hsekeeptng rm., I for quiet empl. cole. Ph. MR. 8HALTRY, : CO. 9771 between 7 and 9 p.m. 28* ] FURNISHED 3 or 4 rooms, second-year Georgetown law students; vets. Pay $25 ' per person. Leave messages for R. SUQH- ; RUE at Adams 2400. COUPLE, returned from diplomatic serv. abroad, now assigned State Dept. desires 1 : or 2 bedrm. apt., furn. or unfurn.: perms- l nent or temporary basis. No children or i pets. RE. 5600, Ext. 2287. - 28* I APARTMENTS WANTED, t-ROOM APT., pvt. bath; n.w. section, 1st alphabet. Refined lady; daughter in ligh school. Reply P. O. Box 1030, D. C. 28* ^ET STUDENT desiers to share or rent apartment: n.w. preferred. Phone SH. 1004 or SL. 7566. • Ft'RN. APT., 2 bedrms., liv. rm., kit., bath. or 2. single apts., same bldg.; for 2 em ployed fesponsible women. RA. 6417. 28* SOMEWHERE there must be a landlord who can remember that he was once a child and will rent us a plkce for our 5 year-old son to live. We have struggled three years to save his life and now must be separatetd from him unless we And uuarters to live. Would like close to school and church. Parents have good ncome, are quiet, respectable. Call Chestnut 2790. • VET. WIFE, BABY want l.h.k. rm. or rm with kit. Drivil. Rent or day care of child tor rent. Other offers considered. Reply So Box 346-H Star. 27* I OR 2 BEDROOM APT., furn. or unfurn., n D. C., for employed mother. l>4-year >ld boy, with care of child If possible. TA. 1992. —28 PERM. EMPLOYED GOVT. COUPLE ur sently need 1-bedroom, furn. or unfurn. »pt.: nondrinkers; best refs. Call CO. 1360. 27* VETERAN, airline employe, wife and son, prefer unfurn. 4-room apt. with private Jath, but will appreciate any calls; pos session by Oct. 1 essential. TE. 7936, MR. STREET'. 28* WANTED by middle-aged couple, kitchen, sath. living room and bedroom, unfurn. Box 364-H. Star. • APT. WANTED—(Single lady) have sold sice home in Hillcrest; want one-bedrm. unfurn. apt. Call AT. 2239-2299. —28 AIRLINE PILOT, just transfered to Wash ington, urgently needs one or two bedrm. »pt. Call Temple 0170. 28* WANTED—-Unfurn. 2 or 3 bedrm. apt.; near transportation; all adult family. Phone Adams 3507. 28* WANTED—Immediately by couple, both veterans, nonsmokers, small apt. or l.h. rms. in n.w.; preferably furn. with kitchen; $60 to $70. Box 355-H, Star. 28« rouPLE urgently needs n w. or downtown jnfurn. apt.; excel, refs. Please call, RE. '404. Ext. 400. • YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE urgently seeds a furnished apartment; suburban rrea preferred. Falls Church 1795. ;;«■ » rooms KIT awn U 1TM .. ...--.„ ieeded by two reflned, perm. empl. sect aries; furn. pref. (no 6hares). DE. 7300, 5xt. 675, or ME. 2566. 28* BY PROF. WOMAN—1-2 r., k.. b. apt.: iref. unfurn.; no sharing. Box 361-H, 3tar. _ 28* SCIENTIST AND WIFE. middle-aged, wmanent Navy; no children, no pets, irgently require quiet, modern, unfurn. 1-bedrm. ant.; references. TA. 9459, after d P.m. 28* rWO-ROOM furnished apt., with Frigldaire, by married couple. Answer to P. O. Box 1382. Washington 13, D. C. 28* BACHELOR AND MOTHER—One or two bedroom, unfurnished, uptown n.w.; no bets, no drinking: excellent care guaran :eed EX. 2113 weekdays. 9 to 5. 28* REFINED. QUIET. MIDDLE-AGED couple reed twin-bed room, kitchen, bath; prefer jnfurnlshed; best references. RA. 0263. 28* YOUNG, EMPLOYED FBI COUPLE desire turnished apartment, private bath. Call be tween 7 and 9 p.m.,,TA. 5489. 28* YET AND WIFE need an apt.; both work ing; will consider any 2 vor 3 room apt. AD. 9706. H. OLMSTEAD. 28* FBI COUPLE desire furnished bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath; quiet, non drinkers, no chHdren; Friday after 6:30 o.m., call GE. 7630; Sat. and Sun., all day. MR. AND MRS. MATWEY. 28* COLORED—1 OR 2 RM.. kitchen and bath apt. needed by employed couple: furn. or unfurn.: no children or pets. Call week days after 6:30 P.m.; all day Saturday and 3unday. NO, 3234.—28 APARTMENTS EXCHANGED. WASHINGTON, D. C., for New York City —3-bedrm. house for the same or apt. in N. Y. c. or vie. Call LI. 0513. —1 id ILL EXCHANGE unfurn. 4-room, sun corch apt. n.w., lor 5-rm. house or apt. Write Box 306-H, Star. 28* i-RM. APT., N.W.; very reasonable rent, lor suitable 1-room-vicinity 18th and Co. rd. to 14th n.w. Box 401-H, Star. 28* UNFURNISHED 1-BEDRM. APT., central y located n.w.; children permitted: 1st door for same upper floor, or large 1-room vith dressing room. Box 382-B. Star. 28* V. Y. AREA FOB WASH.—Modern 2Va :oom studio apt., beautiful grounds excl. section E. Orange for one or two bedroom, :lean modern apt. in n.w. EX. 2113 week iays 9 to 5.__28* CO-OPERATIVE APTS. FOR SALE YETERANS OR SERVICEMEN—Investigate bur co-operative purchase plan; for a cash down payment of $1,580 to $2,>90 a vet :ran or serviceman may purchase a one dr two bedrm. apt in a modern new apt. bldg.; located in an outstanding n.w. loca ton: carrying charges which Include heat, naintenance and all utilities, are only $50 ;o $60 monthly, for a one-bedrm. unit, tnd from $60 to $75 monthly, for a two learm. unit; occupancy ot some units will start about Nov. 1st. For appt. to inspect, :all NA. 9141. FREDERICK W. BERENS SALES. INC.. 1528 K st. n.w. Office open :rom 9 to 9. —29 CO-OPERATIVE APTS. WANTED AANTED IMMEDIATELY—Good neighbor hood. CaU TA 3396. RE. 6700, Ext. 12053.. _—1 APT, HOUSES FOR SALE. )NE-ROOM APTS, convenient, clean, com brtably furnished; 8 kitchenttes, 7 baths, >il vapor heat, garage; tenants pay utili ses. To inspect, call L. H. MAURY, AD. *926, PI. 3346. APARTMENT SITES. \TTENTZON, BUILDERS* — Large apt. louse site, over 30 acres, suitable for FHA Inancing; nearby Md.: priced at less than *c per ? q. It. For information, call 3REISEN-FREFDMAN. SL. 1700. —27 i FINE APT. HOUSE SITES, upper Conn, ive.—Each a corner with 100-ft. front age on Conn. ave. To inspect, call WO. .’300 until 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES & 20., INC —27 HOUSES FURNISHED. CHARMING HOUSE for rent, furnished; 10 miles from Washington. 10 miles from Warrenton. CaU DE. 5212. —26 SEAR ANNAPOLIS, within commuting dis tance of D. C.; 4 rooms and bath, fur., [as. electricity, telephone, oil heat, large awn; $65 a month. UN. 0239. —26 HEAR CENTERVILLE. VA.—4 bedrooms. 3 >aths. modern stone house, 45 min. from 3. C.; $200 per mo. for 1 yr. furn. CaU ilr. Smith, DE. 4101. FRANCES POWELL SILL. 1608 20th st. n.w. —27 IHEVY CHASE. MD.—Attractively furn. nodern det. home: 3 bedrms., 2 baths. >11 heat, garage. WI. 6765. —26 'ALLS CHURCH—Brick home, fuUy'turn., ■adio and piano inci.; ltv. rm.. firepl.. lin. rm, kit. rec. rm., 2 bedrms.. tiled lath, oil heat: $190 mo., inci. utilities: l mnt ppnt in arivAnr* PA ‘’i.'lfl.R I LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. In the vl :inity of Rockville—$70 per month. Call 1A. 0824 Friday after 8. p.m. and Sat. rom 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. —27 JWNER WILL RENT 6-room furnished louse In Arlington for 6 months to re ;ponsible counle: no children: all utilities >atd: 2 to 3 months rent in advance: II. 15 a month. OW. 6139, 3709 S. Jour dile dr., Arlington. Va. SINGLE HOUSE in Chevy Chase. Md.— Lav. rm., din. rm., kit.. 3 bedrms.. 2 lathrms., single-car garage, laund. room: ivall. immediately: S176 monthly. Call 3L. 3019 or RA. 6793 after 7 p.m. —28 1TTRACTTVE, MODERN, det furnished louse in Chevy Chase. Md.—4 bedrms. and 1 baths: avail, immediately: 1-year lease ;o respopnslble tenant: rents $250 per nonth. For appointment to lnsppect. call 3E. 6624. —28 SETHESDA, MD.—2-bedrm. house fur lished; oil h.-w.h.; no children; $100 a no.. 6 mo. rent in advance. OL. 2749. HOUSE TOO SHARE with single profes ional woman; lovely house in Chevy thase, D. C.; lge. sunny rms., semlpvt. lath; conven. transp.; 1 person in house. >50. Call EX. 6500, Ext. 3271 weekdays; :ves. and Sun., WO. 6405. Box 141-E Star, —26 HOUSES UNFURNISHED HT. VERNON BLVD.—9 rms.. 3 baths, to lonprollt organization: modern air cond lumidlCed oil heat: acre: lovely view if river; boating privlls.: good bus service: it Wellington Villa. 3 mi. below Alex.: 15 nlns to airport: $275 mo. TE. 9381. —27 >PEN DAILY. 1 TO 9 P.M.—New. never ecupied. 6-rm.. lMi-bath det. brick: lge. aluable lot. located on Jones Bridge rd.. Ihevy Chase. Md.. 2nd house to Conn, ave.; i-yr. lease. $250 monthly, or will sell. >22,500; $5,000 cash. $150 monthly. TILTON R. GORDON, 1427 Eye st. n.w., >X. 5230. Brokers, attention! —29 iEW HOME. Just completed, never occu iied: 2 bedrms.. modern kit., lie. lot; ease to reliable tenant: $175 mo.; approx, ■i mile of Falls Church. Call bet. 4 and 9 >.m.. OV. 3542. I-ROOM FARM HOUSE; electTictty; 45 alnutes from Capital: $50 per mo. Box 147-H. Star. • \ HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURN. EMERGENCY—Due to business, owner must leave town for approx. 12 mos.; win rent roomy fl-rm. house In quaint Chev erly, furn. or unfurn., for $165; refs, re Sulred; 3 mos. rent In advance. FR. 540 after 4 p m. CONV. U. OF MD., White Oak. Md — Efficiency bungalow; 3 rms., bath, car., elec, range, new auto. h.-w. heater, oil furnace; suitable 2 or 3 only; $45 mo. Box 200-A, Star. 4-BEDROOM BOUSE, oil a.-c. heat. 2-car far.; 1 acre; 15 min. drive Pentagon; 9 or 1 mos. FA. 2023, Box 223-E. Star, HOUSES EXCHANGED AIR-CONDITIONED 1-bedrm. unfurn. apt., conveniently located n.w., for unfurn. 2 bedrm. apt., with dining rm.; business hours. DI. 5261; after. RA. 6413. 28* N. V. CITY FOR WASHINGTON, 3 rooms unfurn. uptown New York City, for 3 or 4 room unfurn. apt.. Wash, or nearby. Write Box 324-H. Star. 28* COLORED—NEW YORK for Wash., D. C„ 3-rm. modern apt., tile bath. Refs.; rea sonable rent for 3-room apartment. Call Ludlow 2669 after 6 p m._—28 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. TELEVISION ENGINEER needs 2-bedroom house with place for 2-yr.-old to play: permanently employed In city. RE. 7816. 1 YEAR'S RENT IN ADVANCE—Bureau of Standards executive needs 3-bedroom un furnished apartment or house. GL. 4322. 28* WANTED by employed widow and son now in service, four-room unfurnished house or apartment. Box 341-C, Star. 27* ABOUT NOV. 15. 2 or 3 bedroom house or apt.; nice conv. location, moderate rent; responsible party. Box 188-H, Star. 6* NAVAL DOCTOR desires 3-bedroom house, unfurnished; local Prince Georges or Montgomery County. UN. 7122. —29 RELIABLE government employe, wife. 2 children, returning to Washington, need house or apartment by Dec. 1; prefer Va. area. Call OL. 4479. —29 RETIRED DUTCH NAVAL COUPLE desire small house or 2 bedroom apartment, out skirts n.w. or suburbs of Maryland. 7114 Alaska ave. n.w. —28 SMALL. UNFURNISHED HOUSE, by re fined couple; no children, pets, drinking or smoking; best of references. Box 226 H. Star. 126* ARMY OFFICER desires 3-bedroom, un furnished house with yard, In Arlington, Alexandria, or vicinity. Call LT. COL. L. N. PALMER, Franklin 9000, Ext. 228. 26* r «MiL x w **, ex-major in army, return ing to Washington, wishes accommoda tions in n.w. or Montgomery county for 4 months while own house is completed. Call MR. FURMAN, DI. 0122. —26 UNFURNISHED, partially furnished or furnished, 3 or 4 bedroom house in n.w. section by the president of one of Wash ington's oldest Arms; 1 to 3 year lease: price open. DI. 8260 MR. WILSON, 9 to 6. —26 RELIABLE CHILDLESS COUPLE need 4 or 5-room unfurn. house; maximum $100; good ref. ALex. 8621. 30* WILL DECORATE and do minor repairs for small home D. C. or 10-mlle vicinity. J. O'BRIEN. FR. 5894. 26* BY PERMANENT, quiet. Army ofllcer and family; 3-bedrm. unfurn. or part furn.; will lease. Phone Adams 6122. 28* AAF COLONEL, wife, 2 children; needs urgently 3-room unfurn. house; Arlington preferred; up to $160 mo. JA. 2048. 1* SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE wanted, 2 bedrooms, living room and dining room: t.c.aii.05„..Nortf!wcst- Call NORWEGIAN EMBASSY, Ordway 1000. Ext. 37. —28 2 OR 3 BEDROOM unfurn. house, by Regu lar Army It. col. permanently stationed in Washington. VI. 8112. 28* JUST RETURNED from S. America, need 3 to 4 bedroom house in Arlington or Falls Church. Please call CH. 2318. —28 4-BEDROOM, 2-bath house, furn. or un furn., in D. C.; employed mothers and young children. TA. 4992. —28 WILL PAY UP TO $200 for house or apt. in vicinity Conn., Macomb or near. MRS. RIEFFER, DU. 6639. —28 VA. OR N.W.—Army ofllcer. wife and 2 children, oldest 4 years, desire rent 2-3 bedroom house or apt., furn. or unfurn Phone OR. 4339. 28* WORLD BANK OFFICIAL needs house or apt . furn or unfurn.; rent about $100. Call NO. 4443. 28* UNFURN. 2 TO 3 BEDRMS. HOUSE or apt., up to $100 per mo.; 3 responsible adults. COLLINS. WO. 9823 evenings, week end. op* SOMEWHERE there must be a landlord who remembers he was once a child and will rent us a suitable place for our o-year-old son to live. We have struggled 3 years to save his life and now must be separated from him unless we And quarters close to schools end church: parents have good income, quiet and respectable. Call CH. 2790. • A REGULAR ARMY LT. COL., wife, and 2 chi dren (10 and 8) just arrived from Haw;ali would appreciate assistance in locating two or three bedroom house in nearby Virginia area: unfurnished or semlfurnished preferred; Episcopalians; will probably remain assigned at Pentagon two or three years. Please call TE. 6698. AUSTRALIAN SERVICE OFFICER re quires 2 or 3 bedroom, furnished house for J3rif,?*wJ,aughter (2 yw.) and self. RE. 7400, Ext. 61014jcycg., CO. 4422. 28* HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. CAN BE ARRANGED AS 2 APTS, (at a reasonable cost). Mt. Pleasant, near 17th and Columbia rd: n.w. Brick, practically new: only $13,350; $5,850 cash required, balance. $56.25 per month. ME. 1717 eves., CO. 9324, CO. 8414 or TA. 7511 _20 PETWORTH—Open dally, 2 to 6 p.m. 4909 Kansas ave. n.w. 22-ft. tapestry brick, side-hall-entrance home with 3 bedrooms, lva baths, 2 glass inclosed porches, all concrete porch on front, new gas hot water heating plant, detached garage, full dry basement. Owner desires immediate sale. Price reduced. Leaving city. Ex clusive with E. R. BOYNTON CO.. 4626 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. OR. 0800. Evenings, Mr. Bedel:, CO. 6385. —28 BRIGHTWOOD: 51,000 down—6-rm. brick: h.-w.h., porches, large yard: neaT schools, T^o‘.ndRir8l?06 lll'95°- KAY^L HOME OR INVESTMENT, 215 Cedar st n.w.—3-family detached bldg., oil heat: income, $227.60 per mo.: priced right. See this right away. KAY REALTY CO.. RA. 3200. oa BARGAIN—N. Y. and N. J. aves. n.w.— 2 stories, 6 rooms; lst-com'l tone. 40 ft., parking; lot 17x92 to alley, surrounded by film exchanges; easy walk to business downtown. Price, $4,950. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H st. n.w. DI. 7877. —26 NEAR MASS. AVE. AND 37th 8T.—Won derful semidet., modern brick home: fine for large family. Other Interesting possi bilities include several families or group of transferees taking over on co-op basis Fine address and most accessible to every thing. House contains 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, oil h.-w.h., 2-car garage. All per fect. Owner asking $26,000. Phone Mr. English, NA. 2657. Glad to show any time. JOHN H. MILLER, Jr., & BRO.. 1812 K st. n.w. —26 HOME WITH INCOME; only $13,500; V st., y> block off North Capitol st.— 3-story and bsmt., 8 large rms., reception rm., 2 baths; oil h.-w.h.; hardwood floors on the first floor and halls: stove and refgr.: easy terms. HAMPTON REALTY CO., EX. 6660: eves., GE. 4884 —27 BEST SECTION OF PETWORTH—A real family. 2-bedrm. home. In most conv. location of Petworth; priced $2,000 below the market. Shown by appt. Low down payment and small monthly payments. Call VICTOR WICKERSHAM, 4625 41st st. n.w., OR. 2100. 26 THE SWEETEST HOME IN TOWN—2744 Woodley pi. n.w. Beautiful 8-room and lVi-bath, semidet. brick home: fireplace, refgr.. oil heat, maid's quarters, garage. A neighborhood second to none. Newly decorated, vacant. Very large rooms, front porch. This Is truly a beautiful home. Let us show it to you. Priced at only $18,500. JOSEPH E. BRUNO. INC.. Real tors, 903 H st. n.w. NA. 1260. —28 NO. 7 W ST.—Jamison-built row brick home, 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. 2 Inclosed rear porches, built-in garage, concrete front porch. Call until 9 p.m., R. A. HUMPHRIES. Realtor, 808 No. Capitol st.. NA. 0730. .—2R GBPU a.on rm a n u 1 n • > n.w. (near 18th st. and Columbia rd.)— Vacant and immediate possession: title search ready lor prompt settlement within •10 days: 8 large rooms and spacious closets, 2V4 baths, oil h.-w.h., built-in ga rage. recreation room, maid's room and attic: suitable for conversion to 4 ants. Call Mr. Holloman. RE. 7104: eve.. VI. 3264. ALLEN L. KAY, Broker. Room 704. Albee Building. —26 ROCK CREEK FOREST—Attractive de tached brick, 2 bedrms. and bath on 2nd n.; lav. on 1st fl.: maid's room and bath tn basement; screened porch, gas air conditioned heat: $20,760. THOMAS L. PHILLIPS (Realtor), WO. 7900 until 9 p.m., 3518 Conn. PRICE REDUCED for quick sale: brick det., center hall, new-house condition; a.m.t., oil h. w., 2'/i baths; two fireplaces; large lot; 2-car garage. OWNER, TA. 4167. 28* NEAR WALTER REED HOSPITAL—De tached all-brick home, on large, nicely landscaped lot with detached brick garage. First floor has living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen: 3 large bedrooms. 2 tiled baths on second floor. Recreation room, oil hot-water heat. Slate roof; thoroughly Insulated and weatherstrlpped: $4,000 cash required, balance in one trust at 477. A real buy_Phone Mr. Northern, Sligo 1689, with BEITZELL. DI. 3100. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Semidetached 6 room frame. Newly decorated, new gas unit, painted walls, under $10,000. See this low-priced house in the finest of loca tions. Can be purchased with small down payment and reasnoable monthly terms. Mr. Ruark. VI. 6428, with BEITZELL, DI. 3100. JUST WEST OF WISCONSIN, near West ern ave.. D. C.—Semidet. brick. 6 rooms, beautiful kit. gas heat; recently redeco rated; $15,750. J. NOBLE BOAZ. 7424 Wls. ave. WI. 7500 until 9 n.m. THIS CONVERTED 4-APT.. semidet. home, with 4 complete apts. and private en trances, will pay lor Itself: poss. of 2 with title: 40-ft. lot. This home is a bargain at $16,450; reasonable down payment and terms; oil h.-w.h.. porches, gar. JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS, 615 East Capitol st.. LI. 0129. ? 11,750—Georgia ate. extended. 5 miles rora D. C. line. Frame Cape Cod of 5 rms., k. and b., fullr basement, bullt-ln garage; level landscaped V«-aere lot. Im mediate possession. Terms. EDWARD F. tSIPPLE (exclusive agent), ME. 4249, VI. 090. • IPPEr 16th ST. N.W., Rock Creek—De isched stone of English arcl#tectural de sign. First floor has spacious sen-down living room, dining room, but'.er’s pantry, kit. and powder room. Second floor. 4 bedrooms. 2 bath: servants’ quarters with bath. Nicely landscaped level lot 75x150. with detached 2-car garage. Truly a love ly home for gracious living. Inspection b» appointment EDWARD F. SIPPLE, ex clusive agent. ME. 4249. VI. 4090. • CHEVY CHASE. D. C_II you want a beautiful modern detached white painted brick home, in perfect condition. I so. west of Conn. ave.. within walking dis tance of public and parochial schools, here's what we have to offer: First floor, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, lav. and screened porch. Second floor, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths: finished room ir. attic: knotty-plne recreation room with built-in bar: Bendix washing ma !chine; large lot, detached brick garage; oil a.-c. heat, weather-stripped, insulated, copper gutters and downspout. Appt. to inspect, call Mrs. Cogswell, AD. 4.350, with HENRY E. TRIPP. Realtors. exclusive agents, 1311 L ft. n.w., HA. 6706. —27 k HOUSES FOR SAU—N.W. (Cent.). SHEPHERD park, west of 16th »t. n.w.— Detached brick, center-hall plan. 10 years old, In immaculate condition. Plrat floor 5“ Jl™,*. r°o® that open* on screened porch, dining room, kit., breakfast room WLiavatory. Second floor, a bedrooms, 2 baths, with finished attic; level lot; built-in garage, oil h.-w.h. For details and in spection. call EDWARD F. SIPPLE? ex StfS&U9!SB,U VI. 4090. • IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — Completely furnished; near Connecticut ave., about 2 ulocks from Chevy Chase; 8-bedroom. Spanish-type corner home; suitable for elaborate entertaining; 1st floor has 2 story living room with overlooking bal conies, oval-shaped dining room with mir sunroom, patio, breakfast room- kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; sec ond floor has 4 bedrooms, bath and space for additional bath: lower levels have huge ballroom, clubroom. bar, maid's room and bath and 2-car built-in garage. The moderate price Includes all furniture and furnishings, including grand piano, marble statuary, rugs, etc, Inspect by nppoint onlf- GEO. J. MOSS, Realtor, SH. 2800. »«• KENSINGTON MD.. *15.500-^Just re conditioned: den and powder room. 1st floor; a nice bedrooms, bath. 2nd floor. * n«£nlently located on a lot with frontage of 83 ft.: prompt possession: favorable financing at 4fi. To inspect, call WO. 2300 till 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES tc CO., INC. 07 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Very close to Conn. *v'- end all conv.: prewar constr.: 3 ex cellent bearms.. 2 baths, finished 3rd fl.; Insulated garage. To inspect, call WO. 2300 until 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES CO., INC._ 27 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Close to Chevy Chase Circle and all conveniences; pre war construction, about 7 years old: all brick, complete in every respect: 4 nice bedrooms, finished 3rd floor: 1st floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, den and powder room, nice recreation room; gas air-conditioned heat: 2-car built-in ga rage: large lot, fenced and well planted. To inspect, call WO. 2300 till 9 p.m. ggW H JONES & CO . INC. —27 BETHESDA—An excellent value at $18, 760: very reas. terms; preway constr.; all brick Colonial, nice corner lot: liv. rm., din. rm., kit., powder rm., 1st fl.: 3 nice bedrms. and bath. 2nd fl.; garage; oil a.-c.h._To inspect, call WO. 2300 until 0 P.m. EDW. H. JONES CO.. INC. —27 DET .BRICK in Chevy Chase section—You will like this home at the low price quoted; 3 bedrms., 2 baths, marvelous recrea. rm. with fireplace, maid's rm., parquet floors; lst-floor paneled den and lavatory, oil heat. Call 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. except Sat. and 8un. OUY WHITEFORD. INC., 1426 K st. n.w. RE. 6346. —2H BEAUTIFUL DETACHED brick home locat 'v vi, vimuu, on iumi si■ 11.w., large front porch, side entrance hall, beautiful living room, mirrored fireplace, large din ing room, den, completely tiled powder room and spacious size modern kitchen on 1st floor; 4 master size bedrooms. 2 mod ern tile baths qn 2nd floor; finished play room on 3rd floor; beautiful recreation room and bar in basement; complete maid's room and bath. This home is in immacu late condition; newly carpeted from wall to wall; 2-car detached brick garage; of fering exquisite living in better homes; substantial cash required. Shown by ap pointment only. Exclusive. MAURICE B. BERENTER & CO., DI. 9234 till 8 p.m. —26 SHEPHERD PARK—An exceptionally at tractive detached brick home, with land scaped lot, 60x125, 2-car garage; living room, dining room and kitchen are all large bright rooms: 4 bedrooms and 2 baths; prewar construction and in excel lent condition. $24,950. Excellent terms can be arranged. Call Mr. McFaddcn, with C. FRED KELLEY, WI. 8646; eves., OL. 4569. —26 BURLEITH—Vacant: only $11,500; brick: five rooms; inclosed, heated porch: de tached garage. Call HO. 5663, HEANEY & CO. 27* NEAR WALTER REED—Attractive prewar brick; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, dining room, kitchen and dinette: stairway to attic; perfect condition; oil h.-w.h.; close to shopping, schools and transportation; priced right: immediate possession. Call Mr. Olennon. MI. 4311; eves., FR. 6379. JAMES L. DIXON & CO„ 1739 Conn. ave. —26 PHYSICIANS, large brick building, ex clusive section Georgetown; now available for conversion to offices. Priced low at $27,500. Excellent terms. Call Mr. Bris coe, eves., CH. 5832. TABLER, INC., RE. 5020. —26 ONE BLOCK from 16th st.—Corner brick, 4 bedrooms, full attic, gas heat, electric refrigerator; vacant; $15,950. Call OWNER, GE. 1213. —28 SILVERSPRING—A most charming Eng lish-type brick home, features center-hall entrance, lae. sunken living rm. with flre pl., nice size dining rm., lovely kit., bsmt. with lavatory and built-in gar. heated. On 2nd floor, 3 nlce-size bedrms. and nice closet space. On 1st floor it has big screened porch that you enter from 2 en trances. If some one wishing a bedrm. nuu until uu a at. iiuui it line iiuoaiuiutico. Prewar construction. Slate roof, all the finest features, very fine neighborhood. Close to all conveniences. Shown by appointment. please. WORTHINGTON REALTY, SL. 3700. 8427 Georgia ave. If no answer, call SH. 1913. —26, BRIGHTWOOD—This delightful semldet. brick, situated near Sheridan Theater, con venient to everything, consists of 6 lovely rooms, plus 2 inclosed porches. l'A baths, gas heat, garage. Owner occupied. Priced low for Immediate sale. Call GE. 2270 or TA. 9770, BRIGHTWOOD REALTY CO. —26 NEAR PETWORTH SCHOOL—Splendid 4 bedroom row house, large porches, long lot, oil hot-water heat, 2-car garage. Priced only $12,760. THOMAS E. JARRELL CO., Realtors. 721 10th st. n.w. National 0765. Evenings and Sunday, Georgia 4355. TAKOMA D. C., near 6th and Butternut sts., with excellent express bus service— One of those charming, large, well-con structed detached homes on lot 65 ft. wide; contains 6 large run., reception hall, bath, oil burner, hot-water heat; attic with space for 2 rooms. Priced to sell quickly. Ar rangements may be made to inspect Satur day and Sunday. Eve., phone Mr. Owen, Georgia 5883. L. T. GRAVATTE, Realtor, 729 15th st. n.w. NA. 0763. NEAR WARDMAN PARK—Semldet. home in excellent location, conv. to schools, shopping and transp.: suitable for large family or income: 4 large bedrooms and 2 baths, automatic oil heat. Priced reas. Shown by appointment only. Exclusive with CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO.. 4420 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1800 until 9 p.m. ROCK CREEK FOREST—nits lovely red brick center-hall home is in perfect cond.; 1st S. contains recep. hall, exceptionally large liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. and GE-equipped kit. with breakfast nook; 2nd fl. contains 3 nice-sized bedrms. and 2 tiled baths; gas a.-c. heat, attached garage: large wooded lot. Excellent terms can be arranged. Call CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO.. 4420 Conn. ave. ii.w„ EM. 1800 until new”'cape COD BUNGALOW ready for immed. occupancy—2 bedrms. and bath on 1st fl.: 2 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl. For further information, call Mr. Lueck, AD. 0021: eves., WO. 6732. SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD. Realtors. —28 1401 KENNEDY ST. N.W_Open Sun., 1-6 p.m. Contains 13 rms., 4 baths, com plete 3-rm. apt. with pvt. entrance on 14th st.. lavatory In each 2nd-fl. bedrm. In new-house cond. Ideally arranged and located for doctor, dentist. For further information, call Mr. Hudson. AD. 0021: eves., NA. 7160, SHOCKEY & MOOR HEAD, Realtors. —28 6815 6th ST. N.W.—Open Sun.. 2-6 p.m. Brick English type: 1st fl., large liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit., breakfast nook: 2nd fl., 2 large bedrms., 1 small nursery rm. For further information, call Chester C. Stept, AD. 0021; eves, and Sun., TA. 9037. SHOCKEY & MOOR HEAD. Realtors. —28 of Conn, ave. is this excellent value in a detached English brlck-and-stucco house, with 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, de tached garage, oil heat: on a lot about 85x140 ft. Possession with deed. Call ME. 1143 until 9 p.m., J. WESLEY BU CHANAN, Realtor. > UPPER 10th ST. AREA—Two unusually fine homes in exclusive 16th st. area; priced on *50,000. For details call Mr. Levin. OL. 1075 with WAKEFIELD REALTY, OR. 2357. —28 GUESTHOUSE, nr. 14th and Columbia rd. —Without question one of the best income Investments on the market today; 3-story brick and finished English bsmt.; complete apt., Just installed in the light, airy bsmt.. with Ige. studio liv. rm., bedroom, kit. and bath: complete 3-rm. apt. on 1st fl. with lee. ultramodern kitchen. 6 large rms. and 2 baths on two upper floors, easily con verted into 2 additional apts.; oil h.-w.h.; bldg, completely redecorated and in beau tiful condition: most of excel, furniture in cluded in purchase price; income very large, showing wonderful return. Reason able cash required. Call NA. 9797 till 9 p.m. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO., Real tors, 925 N. Y. ave. n.w. NR. CENTER OF BETHESDA—Cape Cod: 2 bedrms., detached brick; garage: gas heat; *15.750. J. NOBLE BOAZ. Realtor, 7424 Wis. ave., WI. 7600; eves., Helen Bakhtiar. WO. 8276. —28 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—Attrac tive 3-bedroom, 114-bath, detached brick home: contains living room, dining room, kitchen, screened porch with awnings, full basement, gas heat, slate roof; may GI. Call J. R. TRENCHER CO., AD. 2644 until 9 p.m. —27 SILVER SPRING—Fine Colonial brick home in excellent location: has large liv ing room with fireplace opening on side porch, dining room, den, kitchen, lavatory: 2nd floor, 3 large bedrooms, tile bath: full dry basement, gas heat, finished recreation room, lavatory: slate roof: *22.000. Call J. R. TRENCHER CO.. AD. 2644 until 9 p.m. —27 KIRKSIDE—This property has Just been reconditioned and is in new-house eond.;, prewar constr. of the finest materials: j immed. poss.: bedrm. and full bath on 1st fl nip* hprirms . '! hath* f’nrl fl i oil : a.-c.h.: nice level lot with 70-ft. front age. To inspect, call WO. 2300 until 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES CO.. INC. —27 MASS. AVE.. near Wisconsin ave. n.w.—I have this beautiful semidetached brick house designed for gracious living or as an income. Large living room with fire place. dining room, modern kitchen, den, pantry, screened back porch. Second floor, four large bedrooms with two tiled baths, finished attic with one bedroom. Basement with full bath, oil h.-w.h. Built-in 2-car garage. In new-house condition. Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. Payne, MI. 4280, Ext. 611, with BEITZELL. DI. 3100. —27 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARR area. I blk. from Western ave. in Md.—New homes. 6 rms. and bath and larger; priced $17,600 and up; some ready for occu pancy, ethers In about 30 days. CHARLES 8. GUNN, 326 Penna. ave. s.e., PR. 1206; eves., WO. 8617. —27 NEAR 16th AND COLUMBIA RD., 1741 Harvard st. n.w., exhibit home (Mt. Pleas ant i; overlooking Rock Creek Park; oniy 3 years old; brick: a.-c. heat; bargain: one available at $12,950: also semidetached at $14,960 (27 already sold); open dally ; ft-9 p.m. Call ME. 1717; eves.. CO. 8414, CO. 9324 or TA. 7Sl 1 —26 [HOME AND INCOME—Semldet. 3-story brick apt. bldg, with full basement, nr. [ 14th and Harvard sts. n.w. All Just re conditioned. With or without furn. Priced right. Invest of $6,000 may be recovered in approx. 4 years from net rentals. Owner's apt. free. Worth whi.e looking into. Phone Mr. Milner. NA. 2557. Ex clusive. JOHN H. MILLER. Jr., & BRO., Realtors. 1812 K st. n.w. —26 BETHESDA. MD.—Brick home in fine resi dential neighborhood; 1st floor consists of living rm.. din. rm., den, bedrm., kit., laun. rm.. furnace rm. and tiled bath; 2nd fl., 2 large bedrms., 2 small bedrms. and tiled bath: barbecue pit in rear yard, small frame bldg.. Ideal for children's playhouse (no basement); oil h.-w.h. Priced $18,250. Exclusive with LEWIS REALTY OO. RE. 8415; avgg., OR. 1934. —18 4 nwvw rvs jhlc—normwtn. 4000 BLOCK ILLINOIS AVE.—Brick home with Income; 11 rm*.. 2 bath*. 3 porches, bsmt, h.-w.h., stove and refgr; early pos session. To see call ’til 8. ACE REALTY CO., 1214 Pa. ave. s.e.. PR. 7717. —27 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK, 4601 But terworth Pi. n.w.—Beautiful red brick Colonial, 3 bedrooms. 2 Mi baths, finished, papered 3rd floor' recre. room, sas a.-c.h. Price, $28,960. Call OWNER for appoint ment. OR. 1432. —30 CLEVELAND PARK—*18.950—Det. frame home, close to Conn, ave.; has 8 rooms. 1 bath, oil heat: a very excellent value; close to schools, shopping and transportation. Will sell quickly. Call us now. Exclusive agents. P. A. TWEED CO., 6504 Conn, ave. EM. 1290 til! 9 p.m. —27 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. (at Lafayette 8ehool) —Det. brick on nice sized lot offered to day for first time. First floor has liv. rm. with open fireplace, din. rm., breakfast rm. and lge. kit.; 2nd fl. has 3 twin-sise bed rms. with 2 baths. Also finished rm. In attic that can be used as extra bedrm. Two-car det. garage, oil heat. Priced Ier7 re>v »t $23,000. Exclusive with P. A. TWEED CO., EM. 1290 until 9 _p.m. BRIGHT WOOD—Brick, semldet., about 9 years old. Near Quackensbos st. n.w. This home Is In very fine cond. First floor has llv. rm., din. rm, mod. kit. with gas stove and relrg.; 2nd fl. has 8 bedrms. and tiled mod. bath. Bsmt. has recr. rm. with built-in garage. House Is heated by gas. Priced teas. P. A. TWEED CO.. EM. 1290 until 9 p.m. _07 CLEVELAND PARK — Lge. det. Colonial brick home having 22 rooms. 6M, baths, suitable for embassy or guesthouse is avail able now. If you need a home and Income property call us for appointment to see Ihls lovely home. Can be financed, priced st SPO.OOO. Call P. A. TWEED CO . EM. 1290 until 9 p.m. _27 BUSINESS PROPERTY, Ga. ave. n.w.— Large 3-story house with room for 2 stores to front; lot 37 by 70 to alley; price $17,000, clear, on fast-growing busi section: Immediate possession. HOW. REALTY CORP., 1418 H st. n.w., DI. 7877. _26 * LOT OF HOUSE for you money—Nr. st. Ann s Church, situated on a lovely corner lot; contains reception tiall, large i X^tig room with fireplace, dining room, — .— *sg»***w uu uwi, » ucu rooms. 2 baths on 2nd: 2 rooms on 3rd: full basement; oil h.-w.h., 2-car garage; property Is priced for quick sale at $25,000. 3. R. MARTIN & CO., exclusive Realtors, DU. 5366. _26 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Brand-new, all brick Cape Cod Colonial; contains large living room with fireplace, dining room, de luxe kitchen, lavatory and screened porch on 1st floor; 2 beautiful bedrooms and bath on 2nd; built-in garage, gas a.-c. heat. Don't wait. 8ee this one now. Price. $18,950. S. R. MARTIN & CO., Realtors, DU. 5366. —26 "FIRST OFFERING”; 20-ft. row brick, in excellent location, on Varnum st., east of ] 6th. This spacious home has 8 large rooms (4 bedrms.), 2 modern baths, oil heat; deep yard; newly redecorated; vacant: the price is right, so call now for appointment to inspect. RUDDEN & COHN, INC., EX. 5705. Open till 9 p.m. OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK6— Exceptionally well located semidetached brick In perfect condition; consists of six rooms, bath, very attractive recreation room with fireplace and lavatory, built-in garage, gas heat, two screened porches and one open, all In new-house condition; an unusual value at *15,750. For further detail, call Mr. Clarke, SL. 2830. with BEITZELL, ROOMING HOUSE, 18th and Columbia rd. area—Vacant; huge brick, 11 rms , 2 baths. English bsmt. Can be purchased with or without furniture; reasonable terms. Call till 9 p.m., RE. 3531, FIRST NATIONAL REALTY CORF., 905 16th st. n.w. —27 BETHESDA AREA—*14,500; Cane Cod brick. 5 generous rms. and tiled bath, full basement; close to everything. For ap pointment, call NORTHWEST REALTY, OL. 6887. —29 7336 14th ST. N.W.—Drastically reduced for quick sale. Open for Inspection, Sat. and Sun., 1 to 7 P.m.; corner det. brick, 6 bedrms., 2Vi baths, den and dinette, rec. rm.. lot 72x125, A-l cond.; owner leaving for Florida; possession In 2 wks. Call RE. 5224 or RA. 3790, "PENNY” APOSTOLIDES REALTY CO. —28 CHEVY CHASE, MD.—Beautiful, 3-bedrm. 2-bath detached brick: 1 bedrm. and bath 1st fl.; spacious llv. rm., din. rm. with picture window, one open terrace and 1 covered porch; exceptionally lge.. beautiful, wooded lot: built-in garage J. NOBLE BOAZ, Realtor, 7424 Wis. ave.. WI. 750U; eves., Helen Bakhtier, WO. 8276. CHEVY CHASE—Impressive white Colonial In excellent condition In a quiet and se cluded setting, on an attractive and very large corner lot. Contains large rooms, Including center hall, living room, dining room, sun parlor, kitchen, breakfast nook. 6 bedrooms. 3 baths end 9. sun rip.-lrs: maid s room and lavatory in basement. Oil haat, garage. W. C. & A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO., Builders and De velopers of Wesley Heights, Sumner and Spring Valley, 4830 Mass. ave. n.w. OR. 4484. NORTH CAPITOL and Rhode Island ave. n.w.—Home and Income; substantial brick, 6 rooms. 2 baths: apt. in basement; gas heat; excellent cond.: possession; terms. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., 1224 Eye St. n.w., EX. 3400- eves., GE. 6711. GLOVER PARK—Just listed, a perfect English row brick home, built by Trooner, with 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, base ment recteation room which could be used for an apartment: gas a.-c. heat, built-in garage, range and refrigerator, Venetian blinds, storm windows. 2 open fireplaces. This house Is in perfect condition and convenient to everything. Owner leaving city, wants Immediate sale. The price is right. Call ME. 1143 until u p.m., J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, Realtor. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PK.—Built by an architect for his own home 7 yrs. ago. this fine brick residence incorporates every luxury and conv. that could be desired. For example; 2 beautiful oak paneled dens 11 on each fl ), 4 lovely bedrms., 3 full tile baths, gorgeous screened porch entire width of house overlooking lovely backyard; built in wardrobes and cabinets; ultramodern ef ficiency kit.: one of the finest recreation rms. in the city; maid's rm.; 2-car det. brick gar.: in fact, the unusual features are too numerous to mention. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Priced very fairly and avail, for possession. Call NA. 9797 until 9 p.m. for details, CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO., Realtors, 925 New York ave. n.w. MICHIGAN PARK—A delightful modern brick home that will please any buyer who is looking for a real postwar house. It Incorporates all the latest improvements and innovations; lovely picture windows and light and cheery. Room size is excel lent and equipment the very best; 6 beau tiful rooms and tiled bath, oil a.-c. heat; beautiful landscaped lot. Priced surprising ly low. Call NA. 9797 'til 9 p.m., CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO., Realtors, 925 N. Y. ave. CHEVY CHASE—This outstanding home, in one of the most desirable sections on a lge. wooded lot. is of brick construction, center hall, 4 lge. twin-sized bedrms., 2 colored tiled baths on 2nd fl.; bedrm., colored tiled bath on 1st fl.; modern kitch en with breakfast nook, screened porch, attached garage, oil a.-c. heat; terms. Call OR. 0048 till 9 p.m., REALTY BROK ERS, INC., 5506 Conn. ave. UPPER 10th ST.—-This lnvelv home In excel, cond. has a large hall, llv. rm., din. rm., modern kit., breakfast nook, library, large porch, twin-sized bedrms., 3 tiled baths, full basement, maid’s rm. and Vi bath, oil heat. 2-car garage, and situated on a large wooded lot. Call OR. 0048 until 9 p.m., REALTY BROKERS, INC., 6506 Conn. avc. HOME AND INCOME, must be sold—Excel ,ent 3-story row brick rooming house; 10 sunny rms., building and furniture in cluded. Near 16th and Newton; $350 mo. income. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE CO, Realtor, SH. 1103 till 9. MASS. AVE PARK.—A spacious det. brick home in this very convenient location; 1st door: Very lge. liv. rm.. fireplace, din. rm.. den, and kit.; 2nd floor: 4 bedrms., 2 baths; 3rd floor; 2 bedrooms: garage; 011 heat: lovely grounds: price. $26,600. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 3380 till 9 p.m. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—1st fl.: bedrm. and bath in this modern brick home, close to parochial, public schools and stores; 1st fl. also has liv. rm., fire place. paneled den and kit.; 2nd fl.: 3 bedrms. and bath; gas heat: porch; garage; nice lot; quick posses. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 3380 till 0 p.m. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—Modem det. brick, close to St. Ann's Church and Wilson High School: 1st fl. has llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit., powder rm.; 2nd fl. has 3 nice-rized bedrms., 2 will take twin beds; tiled bath; screened porch; slate roof: gas a.-c. heat; priced at $19. 950. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 3380 till 9 p.m. AMERICAN %'NIV. PK.—Reduced for a quick sale. Prewar 6-rm. det. brick, excel, cond. Near schools, shopping and transp. A real bargain. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE CQ.. SH. 1103 till 9. ROSEMARY HILLS—Eight lovely homes in this beautiful subdivision, off 16th st. ex tended. fl-rm. det. brick and frame, gas heat, side porch, fireplace; $16,250; $2,500 down. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE CO.. SH. 1103 till 9, 10-RM. BARGAIN, Takoma Park. $15,950. made into 2 apts.; oil heat; excel, cond : large lot. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE CO.. BH. 1103 till 9. SILVER SPRING SOCIAL—Owner trans ferred. Cape Cod, 6 generous rms.. bed rm. and bath on 1st floor; 2 bedrms. and UBVU Ull —HU uuuj . n vitau. vwuiiui snuiv home, built 6 yrs. ago. Recreation rm.. screened porch; large lot: near transporta tion and schools. For details, call NORTH WEST REALTY. OL. 6867. —26 NEW DET. BRICK HOMES. Nebraska ave. n.w.—6 attractive rooms. 2 baths: fairly oriced on today's market. Inspect with Mr. Herman, evenings, WO. 5330. TAB LER. INC.. RE. 5020. —26 CONN. AVE. EXTENDED—Detached frame home in setting of beautiful treeE. Living room, dining room, unusually pleasant kitchen, hall bath (plumbing roughed in for shower), and study on lat floor; 3 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor. For in formation about fine homes, please call INEZ CUBHARD, 4839 Wls. ave.. OR. 4232; eves., WI. 5867. —26 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. 1st time offered, this lovely pre-war detached brick home is a very good value at $23,500: includes large porch with awnings, recep tion hall, living rm. with fireplace, large dining rm., excellent kitchen 7-eu.-ft. Servel (as refrigerator: 3 bedrms., 2 baths on 2nd floor: plastered heated attic rm., suitable bedrm. or playroom: automatic heat: detached garage: unusually nice level lot. 175 ft. deep, with victory garden; very convenient transportation, shopping, etc. Possession with title. Eves, call WO. 5576: BURR Ac YOUNG. Realtors. DI. 2328. —26 HOME AND INCOME—Ten furnished rms . 2‘/s baths, oil heat, excel, cond.: good n.w. section: now operating as rooming house: rent from 8 rms. $275 mo.; payment on trust, $86.25 mo . lncl. pr. and lnt.: price reduced to $17,600 for quick sale. NA. 1798 daytime, or WA. 1915 after 7. —27 GLOVER PARK—Semidetached, brick home in this convenient, close-to-town area liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, large recreation room. 3 bedrooms and bath, cas heat: reasonably priced. INEZ CUSHARD. OR 4232: eves.. WI. 5867. —28 NEAR WALTER REED HOSPITAL—De tached brick home containing living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedreoms. 2 baths: attractively finished 3rd floor: recreation room with fireplace, garage, ol! heat: at tractive garden. INEZ CUBHARD. OR. 4232; evea.. WI. 5867. —28 EMERSON ST., corner: first offering of an Immaculate corner brick home of 7 rooms, containing a den. 4 bedrooms. 2 garages, nice lot. oil heat, center-ball plan; prompt possession; reasonable terma. Hurry! 1OT0HKLL QUICK. DI. 2831. until 0 P.m. • I HPUSt5 FOR SALE—Wgjthwg*. BURLEITH; $12,460; first offering of a conveniently located 6-room and bath 5.9E0&.. on exceptional terma. MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831. until 9 p.m. • CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Nr. Wlaeonaln: 6-rm. aemidet. brick; 2 snail rear porches nice front porcb; good condition; oil h.-w.h.; prompt possession; *14,960 terms. ROBERT MAGEE. RE. 7740 until 9:30. • UPPER BRIGHT WOOD—Possession with cash payment; prewar det. brick, inaxeel lent cond.; contains llv. rm. din. rn. equip, kitchen. 3 bedrms.. tiled bath with tub ana shower; full basement with lav. oil heat, slate roof, nice yard; 1 blk. to express transp. and shopping. Call DI. 1015 til 9 p.m., WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC. — 2-FAMILY HOME, near N. Capitol and Hawaii ave.—Only 7 yrs. old; upstairs apt. rents for $75 per mo.; excel, cond.; possession of one or both. WM H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. —28 BRIGHT WOOD, near 2nd and Kennedy— 6 rms. and bath, plus compl. apt. with separate entrance to basement; 10 yrs. old. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m.. WM H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. _■>« NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—Attractively're modeled property. Vacant; 2-room, kitch en and, bath apt. on 1st. 2nd and 3rd Boors: 1-room and bath apt. In basement, oil heat, garage: reasonably priced. Tor lSi2Im*,1o>‘ about line homes, please call INEZ CU8HARD. 4839 Wls. ave. n.w„ OR. 4232: eves . WI. 5867. —26 CHEVY CHASE—Detached brick 4-bedrm. home; conveniently located; oil heat: 2 car garage; price. *22.500. For informa '*^3 'bout line homes, please call INEZ CUSHARD. 4839 Wls. ave.. OR 4232; eves.. WI 5887. —28 ,$10;600 "If? only *2,300 toL tfils lovely semldet. 3-bedrm home, idetlly located for family with children: storea. schools and city busline , ,rms length" away: white asbestos snmeie construction, deep concrete foun dation. new asphalt roof and new cas not-water heatine KYst»m Mav* in ■ruv. aown payment, invest balance like rent. wnnei«2^*y;hffR- HKRCUX. OL. 3700 or WO. 3643 this evening. _20 BEST ROOMING ROUSE LOCATION. Sear Si‘rh0n.h£lrcieii 14-room building J”™. Eull baths and an extra lava tory, hot-water heat with fas furnace, electric refrigerator: excellent condition Ojroughout. Priced to sell at only $23,500. SnM ^ri JS' ”143' ’"'ith SHAN NAN°345LDCHS CO’ 1505 H 8t n'w,• VETERANS, attention—New detached ta, h^.~e„SlJ,nHtheiClleV3' Ch8Se ar'a' n0W S' Mr.^cflements. “4o°n,idl9>SS& SHANNON & LUCHS. 1506 H street D* cc~Th* ideal home for the large family seeking a good home at a reasonable price; two-story detached brick construction with JO rooms (6 bed 52S2S2*-?nd b-- b,at?sJ oil beat* electric re frigerators, insulated roof, hardwood floors and 2-car garage: close to public school -net tr*nsporptation. a real value at $22. Mr Evans, wo. 0290. with SHANNON A LUCHS CO.. 1505 H st. n.w" EgjJ{1AR JETWOETH AREA—An excep ;!S?,flS.fc*itractlv,e 6-room (3-bedroom). »i°»o3ii?23i2me'.ln ,an *xc*!lent location: refrigerator, 1 open and 2 screened Porches, built-in garage: convenient to schools, stores and transpoprtatlon; worthy your inspection. Phone Mr. Schwab. °584.' wlth SHANNON A LUCHS CO., 1505 H st. n.w.. NA. 2345. SVjSAS AVE. N.W.. near Buchanan st— Attractive row brick; 6 rms., 1 bath, oil P*atJ detach garage; near every conven ience Call till 9 p.m.. LEO M. BERN pftw^wvSP'w1415 K 8t- D W- ME.5400. ,.Kan588 ave. n.w.—Substan ,tJ8} row brick; o rms., bath, gaa heat. 2 inclosed porches, built-in garage; near schoois. shopping and transit line. Call ‘J1, LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO , it‘3A.8.1 n w ■ ME- 5400. di.LIhSX. S7\JiW- nSa£ J3th st—Seml d*L brtek: 4 bedrms., 2 baths, den. maid's ™" 2-car garage, oil h.-w.h.; truly a distinctive home: priced for immediate s^e. Call til B p.nm.. LEO M. BERNSTEIN * CO., 1415 K st. n.w.. ME. 5400. B ST. N.W., off Conn. ave.—Beautiful 4 story home, near Embassy row; Ideal for private organization, fraternities or doc tors; consists of 12 rms., 4 baths, etc.: ln perfect cond.: will sell furnish.; priced for ™-|nedlate sale. Call 'til 9 p.m., LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO.. 1415 K st. n.w.. ME. BUNGALOW with hio> lot k> 1 c*> 5 rooms and bath..fruit trees and good garden. Areola heatf buses pass the door; g real bargain: price. $9,000. HOWKN p,?EIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H st. n w„ Ul. Vo 4 4 . _OP IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4711 Georgia ave. n.w—Seven large rooms, automatie gas heat, tiled bath, storage attic, four bedrooms, large living and dining room, lovely kitchen, large recreation room, cedar-lined storage closet, many extras; vacant, open; $18,600. See this immedi ately. GAUSS, Georgia 1122. 28* NEW D. C. DETACHED HOMES—These 6 room, 2-bath, all-brick houses are located in the Chlllum Hgts area. Just off New Hampshire ave., and are built of the finest materials; 22'/j-ft. living room with flre B!?ce’ dining room, modern equipped kit with breakfast space. 2 tiled baths on 2nd floor; full basement, gas a.-e. heat, lavatory, outside entrance: prices range from $18,500 to $19,500; $6,000 cash re nuired; held for veterans. WOOD-CON 21? Pershing dr.. Silver Spring, SL. 5,00, SH. 0015 till 9 p.m. —27 SHEPHERD PARK—Very attractive Dutch Colonial on large, well-landscaped lot: 30 ft liv. rm. with flreplace. opening to huge side porch; 2nd fl.. 4 bedrms. and 2 baths, stairway to attic for storage space: full bsmt.; oil h.-w.h.; slate roof; 2-car det. ga rage: unusually well financed at $24,950. WOOD-CONI,EV CO.. 913 Pershing dr.. Silver Spring. SI. 5700, SH. 0016 until 9 p.m. —27 *3.°°0 DOWN, bal. like rent—1-yr.-old, , det. all-brick, cor. home; center-hall en trance. fi rms.. 3 bedrms., 2 tile baths, lge. back porch, maid's rm. in bsmt., auto matic a.-c. heat: Venetian blinds: insul. weather-stripped screens: close to schools, churches, shopping, transp.; $25,600. Call LEWIS BROWN, NA. 5740; eves.. EM. 9551. —28 FOREST HILLS. D. C—Beautiful French Normandy home, brick and atone con struction; homesite nearly V4 acre; large living room, stone flreplace, dining room, porch, den. modern kitchen, V, bath: 2nd fl . 4 bedrms.. 2 tiled baths: 2-car garage; trees. LESLIE D. MEASELL, WO. 5221. _ 27* CHEVY CHASE, MD.—The stpne home TOW have been looking for; first floor, 26'-ft. living room, stone fireplace, dining room, kitchen strictly modern with tile walls, Sowder room, porch: second floor, 3 large edrms.. 2 tiled baths: basement, large recreation room, stone flreplace, V. bath, tile wails, bedroom, full tiled bath with ti'e walls, oil burner, h.-w.h.: two car stone garage: Venetian blinds; lot 60xl00i LESLIE D. MEASELL. WO 5221. 27* DISTINCTIVE SPRING VALLEY home— We Invite your inspection of an unusual home: beau iful center-hall Colonial on a picturesque and beautifully landscaped lot. outdoor flagstone terrace, barbecue pit: first floor, large living room, flreplace. screened porch, dininc room, de luxe iwbiucn, puwu'.t roor1. ^na noor. * iara« bedrooms, 3 tiled baths: basement has a beautiful recreation room, maid’s room, bath: detached garage: trees, shrubbery. LESLIE D. MEASELL. WO. 6221. 27* 4113 OLIVER ST.. Chevy Chaae. Md. Open Sat. and Sun., 1 p.m. to darx. Beautiful brick home: homesite 60x126; first floor, living room, brick fireplace, large kitchen; second floor. 3 bedrooms. H tiled baths: recreation room, brick flre f»lace: gas air conditioned; trees; vacant; mmaculate. LESLIE D. ME A SELL, WO. 5221. LOCUST HILLS ESTATES—Beautiful cen ter-hall Colonial home: first floor, bedroom. Va bath, living room, brick fireplace, screened porch, dining room, de luxe kitchen; 2nd floor. 3 bedrooms. 2 tiled baths; gas air-conditioned; 2-car brick ga rage: homesite 70x160; Immaculate condi tion. Your inspection invited to a real home. LE8LIE D. MEASELL. WO. 5221. 27* LIKE TREES? Well-located Bethesda brick home of six rooms and bath; pos session at settlement; price. $15050. JOHN ZIRWES. INC., RE. 6345. —27 LOOKFXr; FOR A HOME that can offer you an income? We have several 2-fam. houses that are. Just what you want. SURETY REALTY CO., EX. 7944 until 9. —27 NEAR 1 lib AND PARK RD.—Semidet.. 0 rms. and bath; h.-w. heat. coal. elec, and Colonial front, porch, priced. $13,500. For information, call Joseph L. Donnelly, associated with J. LEE DONNELLY, NA. 3317. —26 BETHESDA—Vacant red brick on nict lot; 1st fl. contains liv. rm. with flrepl . din. rm., fully equip, kit., side screen porch. 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl.; full bsmt.: oil a.-c. heat; close to schools and transp.: $15,950. S. R. MARTIN & CO. Realtors. DU. 5366; eves., OL. 4400. Ext. 135 —27 EMBASSY SECTION — Only $18,960 for this vacant, redecorated brick townhouse; Just off Mass ave. n.w.; liv. rm.. din. rm.. kft., 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; an exceptional value for this section. Call HO. 5663, HEANEY & CO. 27* PETWORTH—Vacant: 6 lovely rooms and bath; 2-story. 20-ft. brick: 2 rear porches, full basement, h.-w.h., coal; detached ga rage, large yards; A-l condition; priced to details, call until 9 pm. weekdays. Bun. 13 to 5. WM CALOMIRIS PROPERTIES, INC-. 1012 17th st. n.w. DI. 1656. —27 ADJOINING CRESTWOOD — Beautiful home of stone construction. 16-ln. walls. Liv. rm.. din. rm. and beautiful sun par lor. 4 bedrms.. 2 bfths. spacious 3rd floor; 2-car attached earase, beautiful lot BOx 170. Offer will he conside-ed. REALTY ASSOCIATES. INC. EX. 1523 'til 9 rvm. —26 BRIGHTWOOD AREA—Row brick. S rail.. ail large sice, entrance halL lull bsmt.. gas heat; house in excel, cond., poss. date of settlement. Call GE. 9302 until 8 p m. —26 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK, between 44th and 43rd on Alton pi.—14 new de tached brick homes, GI approved, built by Barkley Bros.; 3 bedrms.. liv. rm.. din. rm., kit., bath and Vi. electrical refer., gas stove, screens throughout, gas heat; near schools, churches, stores, transp. For information, call MR. NOLAN. NA. 9250; nights. DU. 5637. No brokers. SILVER SPRING—Very nice brick bunga low with liv. rm.. din. rm.. 2 bedrms and tiled bath; upstairs finished off in knotty nine; full basement with outlet, aaa a.-e. heat. Priced to sell Immediately. Call R. J. SCOFIELD, 8L. 6300; if no answer, PL. 0883 . —29 WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL, 5615 Kirk side dr. n.w. (new sample home)—A truly lovely home, located on a large corner lot. in a beautiful section. Contains living rm.. dining rm,. kitchen, breakfast rm , Ist-floor library with full bath (lst-flccr bedrm. if desiredl: 3 lovely, large bedrms. and 2 baths upstairs; unique reereatidn rm.. semifinished attic roughed in and ready to finish. 2-car attached earaee. and all the newest of features in this home. To reach: Out Conn. ave.. around Chevy Chase Circle, then toward Wts. ave. on Western ave,. turn right off Western on Kirk'ide to home. Open daily. 2 unt‘1 dark. PAUL P STONE, Realtor. NA. 7379 —27 CLEVELAND PARK—Price slaahed for quick sale. Owner will take *10.090 cash for equity, bal. in first trust. Spacloua center hall, large liv. and dining rms.t 3 bedrms. 2 baths on 2nd floor; 2 bedrms. and bath on 3rd floor. Large airy baae ment with maid a rm. and bath. Beau tifully landscaped lot. WM seUqulckly. To inspect, call RE. 6660, COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO_ —27 _ (Continued on Next Pace.) i