Newspaper Page Text
SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW) *10.600—In a; attractive suburban community; w« havi this lovely home lor aale; there are llvlni room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedroom; and bath ell on one floor; lull basemen with gas automatic heat, and outside en trance. It la vacant, immediate possession To Inspect, call MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson blvd., GL. or OX. 2784. —2t WAVERLV HILLS—This beautiful brlcl bungalow Is in a very attractive close-li section. It has living room with fireplace dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and till bath; stairway to finished room on 2n( floor; basement with oil a.-c. heat. MAN NAS REALTY CO., 2116 Wilson blvd. GL or OX. 2784. —26 WAKEFIELD FOREST, nr. Annandale — High elevation, on Vi-acre wooded lot. Thl: new. beautiful, 3-bedrm., brick Colonia home; liv. rm. with fireplace, full din. rm. lge. kit. equipped with electric range; bsmt with recreation rm. and fireplace; price *16,860, terms. For further particulars call MANNAS REALTY CO , 2116 Wiisoi blvd.. GL. or OX. 2784. —26 2301 N. GEO. MASON DR., Arl. Va.—*18, 300; new stone-and-brlck, 2-story, 6 rms. 2 baths, oil heat, copper plumbing, screenec porch, fireplace, finished gamerm.; posses sion 60 days. Call OV. 4767. 28* *10,500—TREES ON H ACRE; 2 bedrooms expansion attic, oil hot-water heat, sum mer-winter hookup: direct from owner Riley ave., next to last house on left. Rile: Subdivision, opposite high school, just ot Lee hwy., Fairfax, Va. See evenings aftei 6 p.m., any time week ends. 28* COUNTRY CLUB SECTION — Charmini and well-built 2-bedroom white brick Cape Cod; large rooms, slate roof; large beautifully landscaped grounds with tal trees; fireplace. OW. 7807 or FA. 1508-W *11,250—Nearly new 6-room house or 4 Vi acres. This Fairfax County propert] has living room with fireplace, dinlns room, kitchen with cabinets, range anc ret., and bedroom and t)led bath on thi first floor and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Ther< is a full basement with fireplace and ar oil-fired hot-water heating plant. Abou an acre is tillable and a brook rum through the wooded portion. 15 miles t< Washington. *2,600 down. MASON HIRST Annandale, Va., at the end of Columbii pike. Phone ALex. 6812. Cloeed Sundays LVON VILLAGE SPEC1AI^-Ue. liv. rm. fireplace, 4 lge. bedrms., det. garage. 76: 140 lot; close to schools, stores and bus *18,500 on terms. Call ’til 8. OX. 0017 HARRINGTON REALTY CO. —27 NEW BRICK COLONIAL; 3 bedrms , ! fireplaces, full bsmt., gas heat, lVi baths uuut-m garage. Deer or cunsirutuun, cup per plumbing, etc.; priced right with las poss. Call 'til 6. OX. 0017, HARRING TON REALTY CO. —27 NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, Fall* Church Close to public and parochial schools; I nice rooms and expansion attic, lull bsmt. gas heat; poss. at once; priced right, oi terms. Call 'til 9. OX. 0017, HARRING TON REALTY CO —27 4-BEDROOM BRICK CAPE COD, consist Jng of living room, dining room, kitchen 2 bedrooms and bath, den or extra bed room, 1st floor; 2 bedrooms and bath 2nd floor; full basement, oil heat, built in garage; close in and convenient; $16. 860. $8,000 cash. ALDEN J. KIEFFER OX. 0836, GL. 7116. —27 NORTH ARLINGTON, Country Club area For 4 weeks I have been looking for thi house to sell, I believe it represents th maximum value on today's market; i center-entrance brick home, in a delightfu neighborhood. A large living room wit! fireplace, a secluded, side screened pore! and. of course, a dining room and kitchen '* bath on the 1st floor; upstairs we hav< a laree bedroom and 2 other sood-size< bedrooms and a bath; in the basement you will find a recreation room in addi tion to a maid's room and full bath with an outside entrance through i really lovely yard; detached garage. Th' price is $21,000 and it's well worth it good financing. For further details, i any. please call LELAND D. BRECKEN RIDGE. Realtor, TE. 3776. —27 SERVICE PERSONNEL—If my 18 year of real estate experience, sandwiched li between 2 wars, will help you in locatini a suitably priced home for your tour o duty here. Just call LELAND D. BRECKEN RIDGE. Realtor, TE. 3775. —28 LEE HWY. BRICK—New. Southern Co lonial. built of the best of materials ant workmanship with 4 bedrms., 4 baths, 1 rec. rms , gas heat, built-in garage; oi lovely lot; priced right, on terms an< poss. at once. Call 'til 9, OX. 0017 HARRINGTON REALTY CO. —27 BRICK BUNGALOW, vacant—Living roon with fireplace, dinette, equipped kitchen 2 bedrooms and bath; 2nd floor can be fin lshed into 2 rooms; large lot. JOHN B MILBURN. OW. 7978. OX. 1304. OPEN TODAY 2 TO 6—Attractive nev bungalow, within 12 miles D. C. line; *, bedrms., tile bath, fireplace in llv. rm. gas range, full bsmt. with outside en trance, oil heat. 160-ft. frontage; $10,350 reasonable terms. Out Lee blvd. (Routi 50). 1V* miles beyond Falls Church Ai: r aiK, mm icu un iwuie odu | waiui iu. sharp right turn), l1/-* miles to open sign JAMES E. MAHONEY, Woodward Bldg. RE. 2411. —28 OPEN 4 TO DARK—Lyon Village, beautifu brick bungalow; large living rm. witl fireplace, nice dining room, equipped kit., t good size bedrms.; if you are looking fo a home that has everything, here's when your search ends; price, $17,900. T< inspect go to Wilson blvd. and Custis rd. then to 2512 Custis rd. and our opei sign. DWYER & CARTER. 1513 No. Uhh St.. OX. 2980, CH. 4184. NEAR ALEXANDRIA—A real opportunit; to buy a modern 4-rm. bungalow, fur nlshed; stairway to expansion attic t< where 2 more rooms may be added DWYER & CARTER, 1613 No. Uhle st. OX. 2980. CH. 4184. CAPE COD BUNGALOW, white masonry— 3 bedrooms, full basement, large fencet level lot. in lovely North Arlington com munity; close to bus, shopping and schools $10,900. HOME REALTY, NA. 6748 eves., GL. 0658 or GL. 7062. —2 ONLY $1,600 CASH will buy this whit< masonry. Colonial, 2-bedroom home in Arl 'ngton’s popular Columbia Forest; nlcelj landscaped lot. oil heat; total price, $9,450 HOME REALTY. NA. 6748; eves., GL 0658 or GL. 7062. —28 ARLINGTON FOREST—By owner; 3-Ded room brick, in desirable location, nea public and parochial schools; occupanc; Nov. 1; $15,500. substantial cash re quired. Box 468-E. Star. —28 FIRST TIME OFFERED: one of the fines homes in Beverly Hills; conv. to Penta gon and Army-Navy Country Club; - bedrms., 2Va baths, rec. rm., 16x24-ft. liv rm., maids rm., built-in garage, carpet and draperies inch; owner leaving, mus cell. Call ’til 9, OX. 0017, HARRINGTOl REALTY CO. —27 FAIRFAX COUNTY—Nice 5-rm. whiti frame bungalow, with 2 chicken houses 1 lge. barn, situated on approximately i acres of land, 330-ft. frontage on mai: hwy.; $16,000. with $1,600 down payment For further Information, call METTZLER’l OFFICE. GL. 6593 or GL. 7533. —28 VICINITY OF FALLS CHURCH High Scl —White frame bungalow; liv. rm, dir rm, modern equipped kit., pantry, bedrms., bath, 1 fin. rm. on 2nd fl acreened-in front and back porches, ful bsmt., oil heat. Venetian blinds, plent: of closet space, garage; lot 50x125 $13,500. For further information, cal METZLER'S OFFICE, GL. 6593 or GL 7533 —28 ARLINGTON’S BEST RESIDENTIAL are; —We are offering this 4-bedrm. Colonla home; spacious rms., high ceilings family; auto, heat, weather-stripped, in sulated. basement, laundry trays. 1 ful bath and 2x/a baths; well landscaped: 75 ft. frontage; garage on alley; x/a blocl from schools. 2 blocks from buslines ant shopping. L. McGEE KING. 1661 Wil son blvd., GL. 6273, CH. 5508, OX. 0300 —28 20 NEW 2-STOBY BRICK Colonials tha are now being sold; consisting of li\ rm., din. rm.. kit. and x/a bath o: 1st f! ; 8 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl gag a.-e. heat; can be bought with o without gar. UNIVERSAL REALTY. CH 1179. CH. 2963. —27 MARYSVILLE—Cape Cod: white frame on a beautiful knoll: liv. rm. with flrepl din. rm.. kit. equipped; x4 bath; 2nd fl 3 bedrms.. double closet In each rm. an< bath; a full basement; roughed-in rec rm. with flrepl.. lge. lot with garage JOHN B. MILBURN, OW. 7978. OX. 1304 FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 baths, on 2 acres beautiful shade, fruit and dogwood trees charming surrounding country, well-buil house. 2-car garage. 8 miles to DC. convenient to everything: $20,760. smal down payment. OW. 7997. Falls Churcl 1508-W NEAR COUNTRY CLUB—3-bedroom. 2X4 bath. Colonial brick; truly charming 521.000. First trust of $13,000 at 4% OW. 7997 or Falls Church 1608-W MeLEAN—A charming white frame (Calif redwood siding), spread type homes cus tom built; 7 yrs. old; first floor spaciou living rm. with fireplace, side covered porch dining rm. 13x14, two twin-size bedrms. full bath, modern, well-equipped kitchen 2nd 'fl. two additional bedrms. and hal bath, large storage rm.; full basement, oi hot-water heat: 2-car garage, beautiful lo 160 by 130 ft.; price, $16,850. For ap pointment. call E. H. IRWIN, NA. 159f or Elmwood 648. —28 MeLEAN—For those who fought, a nici home an Investment. This one is arrange< .as two apts., separate entrances. First floo: Jeontains spacious living rm. with fireplace din. rm.. rear screened porch, two bedrms and bath; 2nd fl. three rms. and bath fin ished in knotty pine: 2nd-fl. apt. rent; •40 per month, tenant pays own utilities Basement, furnished heat: over one-hal acre ground; immediate possession. Foi appointment call E. H. IRWIN, NA. 159! AT* rimwnnH HA Q OO BRICK BUNGALOW—$1,000 down. $121 mo. Beautiful brick bungalow, located li choice neighborhood of N. Arlington. Larg, living rm. with fireplace, dining rm.. kitch' en. 3 bedrms.. tiled bath: detached ga rage. Large wooded lot. $1,000 down am owner will hold balance in one trust bear ing Interest. LYON PARK REALTY 2702 No. Washington blvd . OW. 5200 - O O .VIRGINIA FOREST. Falls Church. Va — view brick rambler bungalows. Open fo inspection. Friday. 5 till dark: Sat. an: Sun.. 3-0 P.m. Price. $17,250. Direc tions: Over Memorial Bridge and out Le blvd. to Seven Corners, bear right oi Hillwood ave. to Lee hwy., left to Virgin!: Forest sign at Rosemay lane, right 3 blks. right to house. STEWART & WEEKLEY exclusive agents. OW. 7811. —28 TOP BILLING RATED by this Eng. brie: home, because of Its strategic close-in loca tion. its artistic design and prewar uualit const.: bedrm. and bath down, 2 bedrms and bath up; you'll also find s den, screene, porch, rec. rm. snd Va bath. Venetiai blinds, attached gar. This merits immedi ate Inspection! THE BRANT CO.. 233 Wilson blv<L, OX. 0520. GL. 4210. —-^0 IRA AND CRUMPETS most appropriate 1 this brick and timber Eng. home, in ver nice sec., close to shops and schools frightfully nice are such extras as panele den. sun parlor and Ua bath on 1st fl.; bedrms. and bath up; rec. rm. in bsmt. fenced lot; reasonable cash payment. TH! BRANT CO.. 2334 Wilson blvd , OX. 052( OL. 4216. —2« FAIRFAX COUNTRYSIDE — A beautifull restored Colonial farmhouse, in a settin of century-old trees: liv. rm. with ope: stairway and fireplace, din. rm.. den wit! picture windows, viewing the beauty of th Virginia countryside: well-appointed kit with another view window; bookcases an, open cabinets in all rms.. plus a powde rm . complete the 1st floor: 3 bedims, an, full bath on 2nd ; dry stone bsmt.. oil h. w h : within corporate limits of Fairfax with city water and sewer: walking distanc to stores and schools, bus st door: situate, on 1 acre, more land available. Shown b appt only Exclusively. CAROLYN CUFF SH. 4034 and JA. 2498-J. —27 Y OWNER, 4 BEDRMS., It4 baths, asbet to* shingle Cape Cod, on s hill; bull 1942, excel, eond.. Ige., level lot; nea thing, price, *9,650. terms. A^ei A SURBURBAH SALI—VIRGINIA. | SOUTH ARLINGTON, near Shlrlington. i Shopping Center—Corner brick. 6 rooms. gas heat', immediate possession; *10.500 , with *2,000 down. Call DI. 1015 till 0 p m., WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC. —28 310 KENTUCKY AVE., Alex., Va.—Owner built and occupied, this splendid prewar house, of stone and brick. Is well planned and Immaculate. 2 bedrms. and 2 baths. . lots of closets and windows; 1st A. has generous liv. rm.. din. rm., excel, kit. and delightful liv. porch. ,A de luxe recrea. rm with bar, la paneled and baa fireplace; . the attic, suitable for studio or another bedrm., good stairs lead up; the grounds are well developed. Including outdoor flre Blace and stone terrace. The stone work In ouse and wall is outstanding. Call Mrs Way for price and appointment to Inspect PRANCES POWELL HILL, DE. 4101 or EX 5650. 1808 20th st. n.w. —27 EXCELLENT brick. 3-famlly, 2 bedrrms. each apt. All modern oil h.-w.h., nice lot; good Income. CASSATT, GL. 5310. ■ 28* *10.500—6-room frame house; has 3 bed rooms and bath, oil hot-water heat, gas range, electric refrigerator, plenty cabinets; house has some age but kept in good con dition; on nice shaded lot, about a block from Wilson blvd., shopping, schools, churches nearby; quick possession. Shown by appt.; $2,500 down payment. RUDA CILLE REALTY CO., 1118 N. Hudson st„ Arlington. OX. 4161; eves., CH. 2745. —26 YATES GARDENS, Alexandria.—7-year old red brick town house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths; conveniently located to shops, schools, churches and transp.; this home Is In excellent condition and complete In every detail Including attractively inclosed front, side and rear garden areas. 2 fire places, screened porch, oil a.-c. heat. Call Mr. Sylvester, with ROBERT L. McKEEVER Co., Realtors. Shoreham Bldg., NA. 4750; eves., TE. 1122. —27 ALEXANDRIA—Brsddock Heights section —Prewar custom-built, center-hall brick home In this desirable location; excellent living room with fireplace and adjoining screened porch; fine dining room and! modern kitchen with dinette; master bed-i room and bath and 2 additional bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor; beautifully land scaped lawn of approximately Vi acre; oil h.-w.h.: detached brick garage; a superbly; constructed property that must be seen to appreciate; reasonable price and terms,! Call Dr 1015 till 9 p m.. WM. H. SAUN DERS CO.. INC. —26 N. ARLINGTON—6-year-old red brick j home, on lot 80x165, with large trees. ; i This 7-room house has 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, paneled study, living room with flre ; \ place, dining room, screened porch, kitch en, attached garage and full basement; ventently located to shopping facilities.! schools, churches, buslines and the Lee hwy. for easy commuting into Washington. Call Mr. Sylvester, with ROBERT L. McKEEVER CO., Realtors. Shoreham Bldg., NA. 4750; eves., TE. 1122. —27 LEE HEIGHTS—Brick, 2-story Colonial. 1 Va baths. 3 bedrms., built-in gar., lge. wooded lot with 132-ft. frontage. Va cant. $18,950. J. MAYNARD MA GRUDER, Realtor, Radio Bldg., OW. 7000. —27 A NICE MASONRY HOME; has liv. rm, din. rra., dinette-kit., 2 bedrms. and bath. ! utility rm.; nice lot: $1,500 cash will . handle. Shown by appt. only. WRIGHT REALTY. INC., Realtors, 4701 Columbia • pike. CH. 4800 —27 1 4-BEDROOM CAPE COD In lovely Hill- ! 1 wood ave. section. Living rm. 16x20 with 1 flrepl., dining rm. complete kit., screened porch, 2 bedrms.. full tiled bath on 1st ■ floor. Upstairs master bedrm. 15x18, other [ bedrm. 11x18 and full tiled bath; full ■ bsmt. with Va bath and outside entrance. ' Det. gar., lge. Jot. Beautifully landscaped. This is an exceptional buy. HALL REALTY ■ CO., exclusive agents, Courthouse sq,. ! Arlington. Va. OW. 5858, OX. 1007; ; nights, OX. 1492. —27 ; 2-BEDROOM SEMIDET. BRICK. South Arlington; convenient to shopping center \ and buslines: close to Pentagon and Navy l Annex. Oil heat: nice lot. Price. $10,750; : financing good. R. W. MULLEN. 3111 Co lumbia pike, Arl., Va. OX. 1882. Open eves, until 9. 3-BEDROOM BRICK COLONIAL, North Arlington. New. Living rm. with flrepl., , dining rm.. fully equipped kit. on 1st floor; : 3 nice bedrms. and tile bath on 2nd floor. Pull bsmt. with Va bath: gas heat and hot [ water: $3,400 cash required. R. W. MUL LEN. 3111 Columbia pike, Arl., Va. OX. 1882. Open eves, until 9. DESIGNED AND BUILT by owner.—You’ll look the second time at the outside of this brick and stone Colonial home with at tached gar. and slate roof. The inside is even nicer. 6 lge. rms , lVa baths, glassed in porch and stairs leading to lge. attic. J Pull bsmt. with toilet and outside entrance.! Oil a.-c. heat; substantial cash required BICKLE REALTY CO., GL. 2056, OX. 1732. Call us or see your broker. OPEN SATURDAY, 1-5, North Arlington, vacant. 2611 North Powhatan street— Shown for first time, this attractive brick and clapboard home is in splendid condi tion and has 5 larger-than-average rooms and tiled bath and is located in Allencrest, [ one of Arlington’s newer home communi i ties only 2 sas. from bus with shopping : center and schools nearby. It has lovely family-sized dining room, large equipped! kitchen with metal cabinets and dining j space on first floor, with real master bed room and one of average size plus tiled rath and ample closet space on second floor. There is living poTch, full base ment with oil heat, copper pipes, space for gameroom and outside entrance and dandy level lot with fenced rear. Built Just pre war. It is priced for immediate sale at $13,760. with substantial cash, and If in terested we suggest and early inspection, so better plan on driving out today. To reach: Over Key Bridge, right on Lee hwy., or over Memorial Bridge, right on Lee blvd. a few sqs. to first right turn up river to Key Bridge, and out Lee hwy. about lVfe miles beyond traffic light at Glebe rd. to Powhatan st. and our sign, right 2 sqs. to 2611. KEITH D. BRUM BACK, exclusively, Realtor, Chestnut 3527. • NO. ARLINGTON—3 bedrms., 1% baths, brick,; beautiful living rm, fireplace, porch, family-sized dining rm., attractive bay window, lge. kitchen equipped with cab inets, range, 8-ft. refgr, tiled Va bath: j 2nd floor, 2 lge. bedrms. and 1 medium; full basement, outside entrance, fireplace, auto, heat; weather-stripped, insulated and • furred walls. This house was constructed by top builder of the best material and workmanship. Price right. L. McGEE ; KING, 1561 Wilson blvd., GL. 5273, CH.1 1 I 5508. OX. 0300. —28 VICINITY SHIRLINGTON—5-rm., brick ! semidet. in good residential neighborhood; close to transp. and million-dollar shop ! ping center; liv. rm., din. rm., equipped kit., 2 bedrms. and tiled bath; full bsmt., * auto, heat; fenced-in lot; ideal for children. 1 A good buy; convenient terms. CAPUTI , REALTY CO., FA. 2122; eves., OV. 3130. 5 —29 CLICK! For $16,500 and $4,000 cash, you can move right into this 3-bedrm.. ; Dutch Colonial in excel, eond.; spacious ' rms. throughout; oil h.-w. heat. det. gar., ; grade, high school, shopping and transp. easy walking distance: lge. trees, land scaped lot. LES. FARNTJM, 4632 No. . Washington blvd., OW. 1004. ARLINGTON, $11,000: 2-story brick home ‘ j consisting of 5 lge. rms.. tile bath, full t bsmt , oil heat, near shopping center. This I house is only 5 yrs. old. LONGACRES, Realtors. OW. 6313, OX. 101G. —20 ; ALEXANDRIA. VA.—Handsome old brick ! town house, in an excellent neighborhood; I 4 bedrooms, bath: space for additional , bath: oil h.-w.h.: house has been com pletely redecorated: win* of house has [ i been converted into charming apartment bedrooms and bath; priced, $28,500: terms. ' Shown by appointment only. LYLE KEN ► NEDY, Exclusive Broker, OR. 4600. —28 ARLINGTON DETACHED—If you want a j truly lovely home, this is it. 24-ft. living rm. with fireplace, sunroom, nice-sized din 1 ing room, modern kitchen on 1st floor, 4 bedrooms; modem bath on second; atairs to insulated, spacious attic; beautiful paneled ; recreation room in basement with full , bath, also work rm., utility rm., wine cel . lar. oil automatic heat; detached brick ga 1 rage. This brick and stone home is on one . of the loveliest corner, beautifully land . scaped lots in Arlington County. Reduced . to $22,500 for immediate sale. Possession. Exclusive with HEANEY <fe CO. Call HO. . 6603. 27* A GIANT OAK TREE, on the boundary line of this lovely three-quarter-acre es tate, has 150-ft. frontage on a quiet i paved street; is just one block off Lee blvd. and about 15 minutes’ drive from downtown. The grounds extend back over 200 ft. from the street, giving the proud owner abundant room for gardens, flowers and playroom. The fine detached brick home contains 6 rooms, breakfast nook. 2 baths, a lavatory on first floor and an ; attached garage facing the street. All 3 bedrooms are large, the master room has private bath and there is another bath ' conveniently off the hall. The living room r is over 21 ft. in width, has a fireplace and bookshelves. In the full basement is a finished recreation room with fireplace and asphalt tiled floors, a separately in closed laundry room, has outside entrance and also contains the oil-flred heating , plant. It’s attractive, convenient, in a ; neighborhood of bomparable homes, and 1 is worth your immediate check. The price. $21,500. KELLEY & BRANNER, DI. 7740; evenings. GL. 1379. —27 TWO-STORY BRICK. $11,976: near Lee hwy. and Glebe rd. intersection; 5 rms., tiled bath, full basement, large porch; fine level lot in beautiful residential com munity. Call Mr. Rees at CH. 5883. or PRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. —28 WEST OF FALLS CHURCH, off Lee hwy., in restricted Lee Manor—A beautiful de * tached 6-year-old home of white cinder l ututR. vuiiatiutiiuii. Una ^o-xoofc living room, •: cheerful dining room, kitchen and bath on list floor: 3 bedrooms (master bedroom 34x14) and bath on 2nd floor; the full I basement has a nice recreation room with | fireplace, oil h.-w.h.: electric refrigerator. , attic: located on a half-acre lot with 30 large oak trees, plus 15 dogwoods, shrubs and flowers: excellent bus service: general store 300 yards; privacy, charm and com ■ fort: just 20 minutes from Memorial Bridge. Phone Mr. Thompson, Palls Church 925-J-l, with SHANNON & LUCHS CO., . 1505 H st. n.w„ NA. 2345. ; IN BEAUTIFUL PINECREST—1'/a a . 6 rms and bath, convenient to transporta tion: lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm.. equipped kitchen: 2 bedrooms, sewing room and tile bath, 2nd floor: ample storage; • full basement, h.-w. heat: insulated and . weatherstripped; excellent landscaping; , only $14,700, PENTAGON REALTY CO.. Fairfax 396. —28 i SPACIOUS, COMFORTABLE, for the larger [ family, in Fairfax. Va.—This prewar 4 . bedroom house has oversired liv. rm. with [ fireplace, dining rm., kitchen, built-in cabinets. 2 full baths. )4-a. lot, h.-w. heat. , copper plumbing, storm sashes, double ga , rage; Immediate possession. PENTAGON REALTY CO., Fairfax 396. —28 i SEMIDET. BRICK, near Wilson blvd. and > Glebe rd—5 rooms, tile bath, full base ment, oil heat; excellent condition: owner E wants an offer. Call Mr. Rees. CH. 5883. , or FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. —28 FALLS CHURCH, VA.—Immediate posses r slon; 2 new bungalows on large wooded i lots. In good neighborhood: 2 bedrooms. II tiled batn. modern kitchen, living and , dining rooms, full basement, unfinished ■ I Attic, for 2 additional rooms: oil a-c. . heat; hardwood floors; priced to sell, with 1 g»OQ financing. COMMONWEALTH REAL • TY CO.. 2606 Wilson blvd., OW. 5500., OX. |! 1259; eves., ALex. 0836. . CAPE COD BRK. BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, , modern in every way. gas air-cond. heat. ■ fireplace: all materials flrst-class: room I for 2 add. rooms on 2nd floor. Through r Falls Church, out Lee hwy. to Greenway , blvd , east to 309 11th. $12,000 to $13, 500: large lots; terms. WO. 2728. 28* LYON VILLAGE — Colonial, 5 stories. 5 : rms.. 1>4 baths, paneled rec. rm. On at • tractive corner lot. J. MAYNARD MA . GRUDER. Realtor. Radio Bldg., OW. 7000. —27 DOUBLE TROUBLE —By Bill MocLeon V'WANNA GUESS WHAT 1 JOHNNIE WEIGHS FOR AJ ^LOIUPLOP?^ SA World rights reserved. Copr. 1947, King Features Syndicate, Inc., SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. OPEN 10 TO G SUNDAY, Sept. 28—Near Tysons Corner, built in 1941. This im maculate 7-room house is convenient to stores, transportation, school bus. Large liv. rm. with fireplace and bookcases, dining rm., equipped kitchen with built-in cabinets; 4 large bedrms., linen closet and bath; basement with fireplace and laundry tubs, h.-w. heat, nice landscaping, fruit trees; $14,700. To reach: North on Broad st. (Leesburg pike), through Palls Church about 4 miles to sign on property, 200 yards south cf Tysons Corner. PEN TAGON REALTY CO., Fairfax 396. —28 ASHTON HEIGHTS—Owner built, prewar brick construction, slate roof: on well landscapped cor. lot with picket fence; conv. to transp., sehs. and shopping cen ter; 1st fl., center-entrance hall with closet, liv. rm. with lge. brick fireplace, din. rm., knotty-plne study with */a bath and large closet, lge. de luxe kit. and dinette with tiled walls, lge. screened porch with hand hewn oak timbers; 2nd fl., 2 large bedrms.. 4 closets and lge. storage space, bath with colored tiled walls and fixtures; full bsmt.. recreation rm., laundry rm. and storage rm.: oil h.-w.h.; $21,500. OWNER CH. 6216. —28 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. In this brick home, adjacent to Lyon Village, 2 blks. from the center of Clarendon; oil heat, built-in gar. Bring an offer. REAL ESTATE SERV ICE. INC., Lee hwy. at Glebe rd. OX. 2586, GL. 0561. —26 5-ROOM BRICK, near Fort Myer. $11,500; liv. rm., din. rm. and equipped kit. on first floor, 2 bedrms. and bath on second: stair way to floorjed atic, storm windows, cop per plumbing, gas a.-c. heat; xk_ block to transp. and shopping. Call MH/TON G. SMITH, exclusive agent, 4219 Wilson blvd., OW. 7200. Open until 9 p.m. —27 DOMINION HILLS—This home is a bar gain; it is a brick Colonial consisting of liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kit. on first floor: 3 bedrms. and full tile bath on 2nd floor; full bsmt. with gas a.-c. heat, laun dry tubs, copper plumbing, in-and-out en trances: see it today. MILTON G. SMITH. 4219 Wilson blvd. OW. 7200. —27 NEW HOME to be finished shortly. 2 bed rms.: gas furnace, lge. lot; full price, $8,750, with $1,250 cash; no realtors, please. TE. 2832. —28 BEAUTIFUL BEVERLY HILLS—Redeco rated prewar brick, on a lovely, large hill side lot, terraced and snrubbea, tennis court, studio-type living room, beamed ceiling, fireplace, French doors to screened porch, ample dining room, equipped kitch en, large bedrm. and tiled bath on 1st floor; 2 large bedrms. and bath on 2nd; full basement, built-in garage. 2 maids rooms and bath, oil h.-w. heat, recess radiation: slate roof, copper gutters and plumbing; a really fine home. R. L. RHINE REALTY CO.. 607 Prince st.. Alex andria. TE. 8426; eves., ALex. 6911. TE. 4168 or ALex. 3862. —27 FRANCONIA. 5 miles from Alex., close to Shirley Memorial hwy. clover leaf—Attrac. brick Cape Cod bungalow, 8 yrs. old, Va acre corner lot, well shaded and fenced yd.; living rm. with flrepl., kit. and dinette combination, 1 large bedrm. and bath, 1 small bedrm., inclosed back porch, screened front porch, stairs to unfinished 2nd floor large enough for two more rms. and bath; utility rm., oil circulating heat; large storage shed: price. $7,950; terms. R. L. RHINE REALTY CO.. 607 Prince st.. Alex. TE. 8420; eves., ALex. 3852 or TE. 4168. —27 ARLINGTON, VA., Lyon Village—Lge. 2 story Colonial home, featuring lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, lge. kit.. 4 bedrms., 1 Va baths; oil heat, gar., nice yard; at tractive neighborhood: price. $19,950. For complete details, call JUDSON REAMY, 1122 No. Irving »t., Arl., Va., CH. <>800. SCARCE! Bungalow with 3 bedrms7*on one fl.; nr. Ft. Myer and Lee blvd., only 6 min. to D. C.: bsmt., has oil heat; nicely decorated; priced for quick sale by Army colonel at $11,760. THE BRANT CO., 2334 Wilson blvd., OX. 0520. GL. 4216. —26 NOT A MISPRINT—Sparkling Williams burg brick home, in country club area, with 3 bedrms., 2 tile baths on 2nd fl.: uniquely designed and cleverly planned on adequate 100x100 plot: possession 15 days. THE BRANT CO., 2334 Wilson blvd., OX. 0520. GL. 4216. —26 TRIPLE BLENDED for eye appeal, quality and conv. in living is this smartly dec orated unusual brick home; only 1 blk. to shops, bus, theater; built-in bookshelves in liv. rm., very spacious din. rm., Magic Chef and 7-ft. Servel in brightly enameled kit.: 3 family bedrms. You’ll not find anything nicer at the price. THE BRANT CO., 2334 Wilson blvd.. OX. 0520, GL. 4216. —26 OPEN HOUSE. 2:30-5 evfcry day—5 bed rooms in this comfortable, conveniently located home; 2 bedrooms on 1st floor, ex cellent cioset space; full basement, oil heat; double garage; corner lot: excellent condi tion. Exclusively. ELIZABETH W. ROSEN, OW. 1877, CH. 6442. —26 SACRIFICE! Another 3-bedrm. rambler, on Va acre: full bsmt., has partial rec. rm.. oil heat, Va bath; owner in a tight spot, will take $9,950; nr. Falls Church. Call early, THE BRANT CO.. 2334 Wilson blvd.. OX. 0520. GL. 4216. —26 ALEXANDRIA, VA.—Home with an in come: comp,ete 2-bedroom apartment with plete living quarters with tiled bath, full basement, outside entrance: nice lot. 2-car garage, and priced at only $14,76(1. ARLINGTON REALTY CO.. 2204 Wilson blvd.. GL. 1900 or OX. 4123. —26 A NEW DUTCH COLONIAL brick home in Palls Church: has liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kit., bedrm. and Vs bath on 1st fl.: 3 bedrms. on 2nd fl.; full bsmt.: outside entrance: nice lge. lot. Shown by appt. only. WRIGHT REALTY. INC.. Realtors. 4701 Columbia pike. CH. 4800. —27 JUST OFF SHIRLEY HWY., bus service, all conveniences—Pine semidetached brick home. Immaculate condition; 1st floor, liv ing room, dining room, modern kitchen: 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, tiled bath; a.-c. oil heat; price. $11,600, Includes range and refrigerator; $3,700 cash, balance $50 mo. For further Information, call Mr. Berkey, MI. 4311; eves , GL. 3382. JAMES L. DIXON & CO.. 1739 Conn. ave. n.w. —26 A NEW COLONIAL BRICK HOME—Has living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, full basement, oil air conditioned heat: near Tysons Corner. Shown by appointment only. WRIGHT REALTY. INC., Realtors, 4701 Columbia pike, CH. 4800. Open 9 a m. to 9 p m. __ *1.750 CASH AND *63.60 MO., which includes taxes, interest, principal and in surance. will buy this 5-rm. semldet. home; full bsmt.: in S. Arlington. If interested, phone MANNAS REALTY CO . 2118 Wilson blvd., Arlington, Va. GL. or OX. 2784. —26 NEAR ARLINGTON COURTHOUSE—Three bedrooms, 2 baths; this is an exceptional opportunity for a family desiring the ut most in convenience to buy a very desirable home; living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath and den on the 1st floor: 2 bedrooms and bath up; full basement, also attached garage. To inspect, call MANNAS REALTY CO.. 2116 Wilson blvd.. GL. or OX. 2734. —26 DISTINCTIVE HOME of English design. If you are interested in a home with charm by all means see this. Liv. rm. approximately 22 ft. long, wood-burning flerplace: step-up din. rm., equipped kitch en. tile sink: 3 bedrms. and colored tiled bath upstairs: full basement, oil h.-w.h.: beautiful lot with large toweling oaks: 1 car det. garage ARLINGTON REALTY CO . 2204 Wilson blvd., GL. 1900 or OX. 4123. —26 SUPER 6-ROOM BRICK HOME, close’to all conveniences. Large liv. rm. with fire place. beautiful din. rm., large bright kitch en. 2 huge bedrms. and tiled bath upstairs; full basement, outside entrance. 'A bath. The entire home is immaculate. 1-car det. Ktrrage. beautiful lge. fenced lot. 1 oak tree over 150 years old. ARLINGTON REALTY e~T» «•)«! TXJilcnn Kh'H /IT 1 Ooo /"»V 4123. —2ft CLOSE to Westmont and Arlington Til lage. Corner lot; 3 bedrms.. tiled bath; liv. rm. with fireplace, din rm. and kitch en, 2 porches; 1-car det. garage. Priced at $13,950. ARLINGTON REALTY CO.. 2204 Wilson blvd.. GL. 1900 or OX. 4123. _2 Q EAST ON THE ETE8! Easier to live in is a 2-story brick home 2 biks. off Lee blvd. Ir. close-in North Arlington. Color fully decorated in the smartest papers are liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kit.. 2 bedrms. and tiled bath. Full bemt. has clean gas heat. Art Ideal home you should see without fail. THE BRANT CO.. 2334 Wilson blvd.. OX. 0520, GL. 4216. —26 FALLS CHURCH—Huge lovely landscaped yard. 6-rm.. prewar, Cape Cod style cedar shingled bungalow. A place you will love to call home: price. $14,950. Call Mr. English every day 9-5. NA. 2557, JOHN H. MILLER, Jr„ & BRO., 1812 K st. n.w. —28 NEAR COUNTRY CLUB — Planned for entertaining and comfortable living, this brick Colonial home has 6 lge. rms., half bath on lit floor; full bath on 2nd floor: recr. rm . maid's rm. and another full bath in bsmt.: screened porch, oil h.-w.h., det. garage: very, conven. location. $13,000. first trust. GANTT REALTY CO . 10th at. at Highland. Arlington, OW. 7916. —26 CHARMING 6-BOOM BRICK bungalow. with 2 bedrms. on 1st floor; 1 on 2nd floor: fireplace In liv. rm.. lota of storage •pace, full bsmt.; conven. to bus. $12,650. GANTT REALTY OO- 10th at Highland, Arlington, OW. 7916. —26 1 SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. < FREE—THE REALTY BULLETIN — Gives full description and price of all types of houses. OW. 7997 or FA. 1508-W LYON VILLAGE—Vacant; brick Colonial. A charming 3-bedrm. home, with gas heat, screened porch, equipped kit., det. garage; exclusive and very desirable location. 'Priced right. GANTT REALTY CO., 10th ; st. at Highland. Arlington, OW. 7910. —20 THE YOUNGSTERS, will enjoy this grand yard, and you will love the beauty of this 5-rm. older Colonial home; 2 excellent lots, close-in location; tastefully decorated. Priced at $9,950: $2,000 cash required. REAI, ESTATE SERVICE, INC., Lee hwy. at Glebe rd. OX. 2685, GL. 0561. —26 ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BRICK bungalow, with fireplace In liv. rm., unfin. attic, full bsmt., gas heat. $12,660, total price. GANTT REALTY CO., 10th st. at High land, Arlington. OW. 7916- —26 ROOM FOR EXPANSION—2 bedrms. and full tiled bath on 1st floor; full bsmt.; space for 2 rms. and bath, with plumbing already roughed in on 2nd floor. Priced to sell at $11,600. REAL ESTATE SERVICE, INC., Lee hwy. at Glebe rd. OX. 2586, GL. 0561. —26 CLOSE-IN PARK LOCATION— U block to schools, shopping and bus; 3-bedrm. home, in perfect condition. Substantial cash. Owner will hold balance in one trust. REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC., Lee hwy. at Glebe rd. OX. 2585, GL. 0661. —26 YOU WILL BE ONLY 1 BLK. from shop ping, schools and transp. in this brick Colonial; 21-ft. living rm., flrepl.; dining rm., 2 Ige. bedrms., full tiled bath. Own er transferred to Seattle. Must have quick sale. Priced to sell at $14,700. REAL ESTATE SERVICE, INC., Lee hwy. at Glebe rd.. OX. 2585, GL. 0561. —26 SEEING IS BELIEVING—See this snow white bungalow and we believe you will agree its more than a dream. Lge. pleasant living rm., flrepl., a dining rm. that will » iuii act ui luuiuuic. /v aicy sbvuik kit., 2 master-sized bedrms. with excel, closets, full tiled bath; 125 ft. level land scaped lot; flagstone terrace and perma nent construction. Priced to sell at $12. 950. REAL ESTATE SERVICE, INC.. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd. OX. 2585, GL. 0501. —26 ; FOUR - BEDROOM CAPE COD, built in ! 1941, located 5Va miles south of Alexan | dria. 2 full baths, oil heat, screened-in ! porch, large lot. Substantial down payment I required. For appointment to Inspect. | call JACK MAIZE AGENCY, 121 8. Royal st. Alexandria, Va. ALex. 6888, or eves., OV. 3288. —26 NORTH ARLINGTON—3 bedrms., 1st floor; near schools; asbestos shingle bungalow, with living rm.. lge. dining rm. and fully equipped kit.; full bsmt.; screened front porch; det. garage; lot 60x126 ft., located 3 blks. from Clarendon shopping center; 15 mins, to D. C. by bus. price, $12,760. HICKS REALTY CO., Realtors. 3706 Mt. Vernon ave., Alexandria, Va., OV. 3835. OV. 3967. —27 9 VACANT HOMES—We ask you to make an offer. All styles and descriptions; full bsmts.; oil heat; brick construction; extra fine condition; move in with deposit on some of them. We invite your inspection. LONGACRES, Realtors, OW. 6313. OX. 1016. —26 3 BEDRMS., BATH8. vacant, brick home-, on lot 108x184; flrepl. in living rm. and rec. rm.; extra-lge. rms. throughout; liv. rm. is 25x15. This house must be seen to be appreciated. Priced very low; con ventient terms. LONGACRES, OW. 6313, OX. 1016._—26 VACANT, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — $10,250, brick bungalow having space on second fl., for extra rm. Large lot, nice neighborhood. $14,750, brick bungalow with 5 large rms., incl. equipped kit., oil heat, large yard (fenced). Close in. $14,750, 3-bedrm. brick with flrst-fl. j bedrm. and half bath; 2 more bedrms. and 'bath on second fl.; oil heat; garage; large I nrr>v r, a oc?B»i"i ■ t~\n -e — —26 COFFEY OFFICE — 4-bedrm., lVa-bath home, on 1-acre corner lot; bealtiful shade and fruit trees; oil h.-w.h.: near parochial and public schools, transp. and shopping; $18,600, substantial cash re quired. •Lge. fenced lot surrounds this 6-rm. Cape Cod; newly decorated, full basement, oil a.-c. heat, beautiful outside fireplace: close parochial and public schools; a good buy at $16,750, easy terms to substantial purchaser. Other attractive listings in and near Falls Church; some with acreage; reason ably priced. Discuss your housing problem with COFFEY REALTY, Falls Church. AX. 3632 or FA. 2090-W. .—28 SUBURBAN RENT—VIRGINIA. 6 RMS., OIL HEAT, gar.; Wilson blvd., r.oned commercial; lease; $150. OX. 0623. —27 COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALfeT MD., RIVER FARM'—Amidst very large estate, just completed; attrac. New England type bouse. 4 bedrms., 2Vi baths, oil h.w.h.; on 4 acres with view fof miles across Po tomac; 30 min. out River Road. Phone Rockville 2425.—28 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. LARGE HOUSE of 13 rms., 2 baths, 3 kitchens, In Olney. Md.. Ashton 2281. —29 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. K ST. N.W., between 18th and 19th sts* 1st commercial; 3-story brick store and offices; also large garage in rear used as 2nd commercial. Don’t miss this opportu nity if you desire this wonderful location. Call Mr. Jolles. ME. 5400 until 5 p.m. Sunday and eves , TA. 8979. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w. —26 VIRTUALLY A GOLD MINE in this com bination business and home near Warren ton. Va., on approx. 2 acres, with 300-ft. frontage on a U. S. hwy.; business con sists of a combination service station lunchroom. with on and off sale beer, along with a seperate and independent modern erocery store; home is a modern 1 7-rm. stucco Colonial with oil h.-w.h . a 2-car gar. and tenant house which is rented: business now doing well over $50,000 annually and increasing; in cluded in the purchase price is service station bldg., store bldg., all stock and equipment, dwelling and tenant house; buildings alone could not be replaced for the complete purchase price of $39,500; substantial cash required. DOMINION IN SURANCE & REALTY AGENCY, Realtors, KJLi. 0.100. UA. OFFICE BUILDING, yielding excellent in come: best downtown location; new con dition throughout: present lease 2 yrs. to run; $86,000. Ask for Mr. Rea. HENRY J. ROBB, INC., 1024 Vermont ave., DI. _28 BLADENSBURG RD.—1st commercial: 2 tracts of land in the most desirable n.e. section, one with 56.000 sq. ft. and 164 ft. front on Bladensburg rd. and another with approx. 52.000 sq. ft. and over 200 ft. front: ideal for auto agency, stores, warehouse, etc. Priced to sell. R. G. DUNNE. AT. 8500: eves, and Sundays, Mr. Curling. HO. 7768. —26 6015 BALTIMORE BLVD., 1st commercial —This wonderful location, fronting on 2 streets, with approx. 4,600 sq. ft. in one of the most progressive sections of subur ban Washington: priced to sell. R. G. DUNNE, AT. 8500; eves, and Sundays. Mr. Curling. HO. 7768. —26 SPECIAL BARGAIN—11th st. s.e., nr iPenna. ave. First commercial. Attention plumbers, radio men. printers. Excel, op portunity for any repairmen. Small store and 7-rm. and 2-bath house, h.-w.h. and electricity: 2-car gar.: on wide alley, pos session with title. Act today! RE. 6216. —1 COMMERCIAL CORNER, excellent loca tion: now improved by large liquor-res taurant and parking lot. GERBICH. MI. 4047. 28* SECOND COMMERCIAL, nr. 20th and L sts. n.w—Lot 30_by 100 to an alley; price, $28,600. THE ZIRKLE CO., RE. 7338. 1246 20th st. n.w_—28 BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED. APPROXIMATELY 4,000 sq. ft. required for showroom and stock, choice downtown location, store or 2nd 11.: a long lease; reputable firm. Box 263-B, Star. —1 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT ON 20th ST., near K st. n.w —Vacant; 3 story and bsmt. brick: h.-w.h.. front en trance to bsmt. RUTH I. POWELL. 420 Bond Bldg., NA. 9646. EM. 1880. —27 THREE-STORY, new, modern building: ex cellent downtown location In the heart of department store district; suitable for any type of business. Call EX. 7496. —29 2nd COMMERCIAL. 426 Hth st. n.w.— 4-story semldet. brick building: gar. in rear. Inquire 810 P st. n.w., Room 19. MANUFACTURING and office space. 5.000 sq. ft. on one floor. In modern masonry building; conveniently located; about oue half now in alr-conditloned offices, bal ance can be air conditioned: excellent work shop, •dental lab., research, engineering; combination office and manufacturing; pos sibility add. 3.500 aq. ft. In shop, garage or warehouse space; avsllable Nov. 1. Bee Mr. Norrla WEAVER BROS.. INC.. Wash ington Bldg., DI. 8300; eves., CH. 9238. A BUSINESS PROP. FOR RENT (Coot.). 2- 8TORY BLDG, for rent, 30x80. suitable for mfg., storage, etc. MORRIS YO CHELSON, Clinton. Md., phone Clinton 69. 28 CENTRAL D. C., 1st commercial; vacant; 3- story brick corner, about 23.600 sq. ft. space, freight elevator, heated. A. M. ROTH. NA. 7936 NEW JERSEY AVE. N.W., 408V*-410: 1st commercial: brick dwelling and parking lot' easily remodeled; rent reasonable. Call OWNER. WO, 3109. __—28_ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. BRICK ROW HOUSE, on lot 20x130; lo cated next to corner, on 12th st. n.e., at streetcar terminal; 1st commercial, fast developing 4 commercial area; ideal for store front and 2 apts.; house in perfect condition; attractively priced at $22,000. Call for appt.. EDWARD C. HOLME AD, Realtor. SH. 6200 till 9 p.m. —27 CENTRALLY LOCATED, Falls Church Fronting main hwy., running through to street in rear, serving lge. area and popu lation: ideal site (over 66.000 sq. ft.), for shopping center, sports, amusements and professional office bldg.; attractive offer to responsible party. Phone FA. 2123, C. LCIJIS CAPUTI. Realtor. 121 8. Wash. st. (Lee hwy. at Broad st.). —29 6-ROOM, 2-BATH, modem brick house, adjacent to Wilson blvd.. Colonial Village and Arlington Courthouse; excellent ar rangement for offices, with 4 rooms and bath on 1st floor, 2 large rooms and bath on 2nd floor; full basement with lavatory; hot-water -heating system with oil burner; detached garage; now vacant: immediate possession may be obtained. GEORGE MASON GREEN CO., -exclusive agents, 2840 Wilson blvd.. Arlington, Va., CH. 3838: eves.. GL. 3838. —27 WILSON BLVD., between Clarendon Cir cle and Courthouse—Approximately 8.000 square feet with 55-ft. frontage on Wilson blvd; 15-ft. alley in rear; $3 per square foot. GEORGE MASON GREEN CO., ex clusive agents. 2840 Wilson blvd., CH. 3838: eves., GL. 3838.—27 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT BEST LOCATION STORE in new shopping center, adjacent to Peoples Drug Store. Acme Super Market and other large busi nesses; over 1,000 sq. It. oi floor space; 10-year lease; $250 per month. DI. 4244. —28 COMMERCIAL GROUND FOR SALE. 3 ACRES of commercial ground 300 ft. front on U. 8. No 1 at Dogue Creek. 4 rm. cottage and small stable. $11,260; terms. Virginia Daavid Wiley, Exclusive Agt. AX. 3747. BROWN REALTY CORP., Realtors. DU. 8568. OVER 10,000 SQ. FT., 2nd-commercial ground, fronting on D st. and Indiana ave. n.w., in center of retail trade: nr. 7th and D sts. n.w. DUCIRCO. INC., P.U, __ IN DJJ STRjA LPR OP.F 0 RS A LE._ BROOK LAND—Zoned industrial: ideal for ! manufacturing or warehouse: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad siding adjoining property; over 12.000 sq. ft. Priced for immediate sale. R. G. DUNNE, AT. 8600; eves, and Sundays, Mr. Curling. HO. 7708. —20 ABOUT 70.000 SQ. FT., off Kenilworth ave.: over 600 ft. on the railroad; around 50c per ff.; I would advise an immediate call on this, as it is a real bargain. Also about 83,000 ft. in Takoma Park, D. C. area; good r.r. frontage at $1 per ft.: surrounding ground asking $2 a ft.; this is another excellent buy. Mr. Grogan, with SANDOZ, INC., DU. 1234. —26 INDUSTRIAL PROP. FOR RENT SURPLUS LAND, railroad sidings available. zoned industrial; both in D. C. and nearby Maryland: small or lance acreage: long or short-term lease. PEEBLES CHEMICAL CO. Qfflce^JJN. 2625; res., EM. 8750. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. CONNECTICUT AVE.—6-story, elevator, oil-heated office building: long leases to prom, tenants; will realize 10% net re turn. Direct from OWNER, OR. 6508. ALEXANDRIA, VA. — 4 - family flats, 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath each; only 6 years old; all brick construction; 1st trust of SI6.000 at 4Va%: shows gross income of $2,800 annually; an excellent Investment. For complete information, call BEITZELL, 1515 K at. n.w.. DI. 3100. —27 K ST. N.W.—1st commercial; excellent downtown location; 2 newly remodeled bldgs., modern offices: fully rented; annual Income. $12,720; estimated expenses, ap prox. $3,300 per annum; price, $75,000. well financed. Call Mr. Jolles, ME. 5400 until 5 P-m., Sunday and eves. TA. 8979, LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1416 K st. WE ARE OFFERING a building, 2 doors off of Scott Circle, at a price which will permit the purchaser to spend $50,000 more in remodeling, and enable him to earn $2,000 per mo. income, and still not exceed a total cost of less than 5 times its annual rental income. The price is $05,000 as is. No one can afford to miss this op portunity in a market commanding prices In excess of f> times gross rental. We also have a small apartment house of 8 effi ciency units showing a gross income of $4,320 per year, which can be purchased for $27,000. This property is also located in a section commanding 100% occupancy. Call A. H. DANIELS, GL. 4060, GL. 7335. _27 N.W. APARTMENT, excellent location: convenient to transportation and shopping: 40 units at prewar rentals; entire property in excellent condition; automatic elevator; priced at less than 8 times annual In come. Evenings. R S. Matthews, TA 2205, W. SCHUYLER MATTHEWS AND CO.. DU. 6023. —28 DETACHED FRAME. 7 rms.. h.-wh.. bath; monthly tenant: near Govt, bldgs. Price. $7,950; first trust, $5,750. Call Mr. Engle, evenings, GE. 5883. TAGLER, INC., RE. ■ 5020. —26 GEORGETOWN—Ideal home for restora tion. 7 rms., bath, gas h.-w.h. At $15,050 (this is a real buy. Call Mr Thompson, i DU. 8372. TABLER. INC.. RE 5020. —26 j NEAR 13th AND G STS. N.W. Approx. I 60x100. with 4-story bldg.; $200,000. Can I be financed, so only approximately V4 of purchase price necessary. FREDERIC L. PATERSON. EX. 5072. If informa tion wanted Sunday, call OR. 4242. —26 SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE forces immedi ate sale of excel, downtown property. An nual income over $30,000. Opportunity I tor right person to take advantage of I this choice property. Call Mr. Lieblina. DAVID R. WALLACE & CO., Union Trust Building. RE. 3070-4040. —28 ARLINGTON APT. AND COML. LAND— i Zoned and Improved for immediate con ' structlon: will finance building. Owner, i McCLAINE PROPERTIES, CH. 3300. —30 i NEAR 13th AND RHODE ISLAND ave. n.w. ] —4-story brick, arranged into 8 apts.; I fire excapbs. All modern 4 brick garages. House on alley; monthly rentals. $236.60. Priced at $15,000 to close an estaate. Mr. Seipel. CO. 6774. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO.. 1224 14th st. n.w., DI. 3346 1700 BLK. PENNA. AVE. N.W.—'Two 8 i story bldgs., stores, offices and apts., good I downtown location, rapidly Improving sec , tion. Priced right. Call OLIVER T. CARR, NA. 2865. —26 4-UNiT APT. BLDG., can be handled with j $5,000 cash, in a very convenient location. | Wilson blvd., GL. or OX. 2784 —30 COLUMBIA RD.—12 rms. converted Into 7 apts., completely furn.; oil h . Income. $4,800 year; low overhead, well financed. An excel. Investment. HO. 1864. —28 N.E., NEAR LINCOLN PARK—Two-family house, in good cond.: oil heat. 2Mi baths, 2 kitchens, not converted. One apt. rents, furn., $85 mo., tenants pay gas and elec.; one apt. vacant. Price, $15,000, terms Mr. Prentice. NA. 9300: eves, and Sun., NO. 0004, BOSS <fc PHELPS, INC., 1417 K st. n.w. —26 N.W.—Excellent first commercial and apartment site. 90-ft. frontage on promi r.ent avenue, 260-ft. depth; $5,000 cash, balance first trust, will subordinate. Call Mr. Fisher, evenings, GL. 4400. TABLBR. INC., RE. 5020. —26 ROOMING HOUSE and housekeeping apt. completely and beautifully furnished, in cluding 6 refgrs., gas stoves; fireproof. Complies with all regulations. Income, $5,400 year. Can be increased. Excep tional value at $31,500, well financed. Inspect with Mr. Thompson, evenings, DU 8372. TABLER, INC., RE. 6020. —20 FENTON ST. N.E., 2nd commercial—5-rm. brick, suitable for machine shop, etc. C. W. SIMPSON CO., INC., 1024 Vt. ave. n.w. ME. 6700. —27 COL. RD., NR. ONTARIO—2nd com’l bldg in top shape; store on main floor would be available to purchaser; bldg, shows good return. RIDGE REALTY CO., 1018 Vermont ave. n.w. RE. 1578. After 6 p.m., AD. 3398. —26 18th ST., NEAR COLUMBIA RD—First commercial, 10 rooms. 2 baths. 2-car built in garage, oil hot-water heat; can be used for any business; an excellent in come-producing property. Call Mr. North ern, SL. 1689, with BEITZELL, DI. 3100. | —27 4-UNIT CORNER APT., $21,500; 2 apts. have 2 bedrms.; rent $201.50 mo. A real ; buy. SAM ROSEY, AD. 2700. —28 ! NEAR MASS. AVE. and 12th st. n.w.—Lge home arranged into apts., income of $360 per month, over and above owner's quar j ters; property contains 13 rms., 3 baths. : firs., modern kit.: furnishings and busi ness included: perfect cond. Call Mr. i Mott, with FRED A. SMITH. Realtor. 1113 17th st. n.w. RE. 6661, TE. 9050. —26 FOR SALE OR TRADE, subdivision of about 90 lots; near G. ave.. Forest Glen rd. I am Interested in trading same for a medi um-size apt. house. OWNER, GE. 1204 —28 $6,900 YEARLY INCOME—Building, room ing house business and furn. included. Nr 10th and L; always rented. $15,000 down RAFFELL REAL ESTATE, SH. 1103 till 9 OPPORTUNITY for small investor—2 story brick semidetached house. Arlington; pays approx. 17% annually on $1,225 cash investment. No realtors, please. TE. 2832. j —28 DOWNTOWN APARTMENT, suitable for i remodeling into hotel or institutional office ! building; plans available. Mr. Slater. KARL W. CORBY & CO., RE. 3126; eves., i WI. 95.85. —27 INCOME PRODUCING—Arranged as six furnished housekeeping apts., this 3-story ; brick building brings an annual income of over $4,300. Six electric refrigerators, oil heat. This property is located near George Washington U., in the heart of the best renting district in Washington. Only $25,000. Phone Mr. A. Cay ton. WO 2521. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO., 1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2345. FOUR-FAMILY APT. HOUSE on 16th St nr. Park rd.—With substantial income; for details, call Mr. Fitzgerald. AD. 0021: eves, and Sun.. AD. 4033. SHOCKEY & MOOR HEAD, Realtors. —27 OVER $3,500 YEARLY INCOME—Several 4-unit apts. furn. nr. 14th and Park rd. Price. $23,500 each. Call Mr. Bessell or Mr. Miller, AD. 0021; eves., TW. 0355 or NO. 7560. SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD. Realtors. —28 COLORED—APARTMENT HOUSE, close-in n.w. section, conv. to shopping and transp. Contains 20 units. Priced at 7 times i annual income. Evenings, Bob Matthews. TA 2205. W. SCHUYLER MATTHEWS & CO. DU. 6023. —28 COLORED — DETACHED J -M. shingled bungalow, fi rms.. 1% baths, oil h.-w.h, ,2-car garage. Possession. $9,450 cash. Call Mr. Thompson, evenings. DU. 8372. jTABLER. INC., RE, 5020, —26 INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED. HAVE CLIENTS for your property; nothing too large or too small. What have you? HARRY COHEN, RE. 4771. GE. 0286. —26 ATTENTION BUILDERS, owner ha, 18 acret ready for subdivision, water in. sewer at door; in the heart of Silver Spring: want, to trade tame for 12 to 18 unit apt. WEMANN PROPERTIES, INC.. CH. 6101. — £8 1 INVEST, PROP. WANTED (Cent.) HAVE CLIENTS. Including Insurance eom pany contact, who want atorei. ants.; send listing; wIU charge 6% commission; broker Box 185-H. 8tar. —2R WANTED 4-8 UNIT APT. HOUSE; all cash; no brokers, please. Box 145-E, Star. —27 WANTED, lor clients, modern 4 to S unit apt. bldg., well located In D. C.. Md. or Va.; also apt. In $100,000 to $400,000 range, must show good returns and be priced under 7'/a times rental; also sound commercial Investment In Northwest D C from *100.000 to *300,000. A ' H DANIELS, GL. 4000. GL. 7335. —27 APT. BLDG. UP TO 16 UNITS, from own er, or land on which to build commercial or apt. Box 70, Rt. 2, Vienna, Va. Phone Vienna 131-J-4. 1 HAVE CLIENT with *30,000 to invest, preferably in reasonably priced apartment. Call EDWARD E. CALDWELL, NA 7379. . —28 LOTS FOR SALE, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PK.—2 adj. cor lot; 50x127Va ft. ea.; all imp. in.; 2 blks. buses, shopping cent.. Apex Theater, Gar finckel; $,1,500 ea. OR. 6508. 1-ACRE BUILDING SITES in nearby Springbook Forest, where careful planning and protective restrictions assure lasting values and freedom from encroachment: a perfect setting for your future home. 2*.a miles from Woodmoor shopping center, in | Silver Spring area. 25-minute drive from downtown Washington; priced as low as I $1,650. including fine paved roadways, with no assessment of any kind; cash or and P'at on request. GEORGE J. MOSS. Realtor. SH. 2600 26* BEAUTIFUL WOODMOOR. Silver Spring s most appealing community, the perfect lo cation for your future home, where over 200 individually designed dwellings reflect &e.hlg?!,character of development; sites ‘Of® ]25„fe<Lt wide as low as SI.650: all utilities. Woodmoor snooping center is bus terminal; plats on request. GECRGE J MOSS. Realtor. SH. 2600. 26* LANHAM PARK, just east of Lanham, Md — Defense highway.) Lovely lots available for Immediate building. Roads water, electric, phone, schools, etc. Owner will co-operate with responsible builders, arranging attractive method of payments for lots. THOMAS P. HALLEY, phone Union 7649 or Warfield 8638. —26 WE HAVE A NICE selection of lots In D. C. and nearby Maryland suburbs with as little as $50 down. KAY REALTY CO RA. 2200. _26 LANHAM PARK. Just east of Lanham, Md — (Out Defense highway.) Beautiful wood eu numcsues avaiiaoie in one oi the fastest growing communities in Prince Georges County and where you can still I get nearly */» acre of ideally situated land for $760. 78 lots sold since January l, 1947. 8 compelling reasons: Large wooded lots—many with beautiful trees: pure city water; phone service; fast bu* and train connections; roads already in stalled; close to schools, churches, etc.; low county taxes. Lovely lots. 100-ft front, 170 ft. deep, only $750. Con venient terms if desired. Directions Bladensburg rd. to Peace Cross, turn right out Defeqse highway 4Va miles to Pennsyl ! vania Railroad overpass, cross overpass, continue Va mile to large sign, "Lanhann Park." at office on left side of Defense i highway. Office open daily and Sunday 112 noon until 8 p m. THOMAS P. HAL LEY, phone Union 7049 or Warfield 8038 —20 OFF 16th ST. N.W.t near Primrose rd (Shepherd Park)—Large corner and inside lots for beautiful detached homes (finest location), 60 to 100 ft. frontage, an? desired depth: price, $2,750 up. SHAPIRO, INC.. ME. 1717; eves.. CO. 9324 or TA 17511. —26 UNIVERSITY PARK, MD.—Corner lot; 40th and Tennyson; 70x105. OWNER. HY. 0536. —29 ROLLINGWOOD—This lot contains about 3. of an acre and is particularly adapted for a rambling-type home. Thli is one of the best subdivisions and" you are in vited to call WO. 2300 till 9 p.m. for full details. EDW. H. JONES tc CO., INC. —27 FOR SALE—5 lots, including corner. Pth and Garfield, Arlington. Zoned apts. UN. *»g->9 _23 EXCLUSIVE RIVERWOOD ESTATE—This property is being developed lor persons who are desirous of obtaining a homeslte in a refined community. These lots are mostly wooded, arranged from 14 to 1V4 acres, and are priced from *4,500 up, in cluding all improvements. Drive out Lee hwy. to Cherrydale. turn right on Military rd. to 25th st. and then turn right and follow sign to property; salesman on prop erty Sunday, 2 to 7 pm For further information, call MR. BROWN. CH. 0542. _28 HOMEMAKERS—Beltsville, Md.; 73x325; near school and transD$1,250: term.* m cash. Call UN. 0700; UN. 2173 eves. —27 HILLCREST, near 30th and W sts. s.e.— Beautiful lot, 60x100, with all Improve ments In: out-of-town owner anxious tc sell. Call Mrs. Puchetti, NO. 6737, with PASQUAL REALTY CO.. EX. 8280. —26 QUE ST. S.E., just off Minn. ave.—75x140, idpal for homes or apt. Exclusive with GEO. S. KING CO.. Est. 1896. Real Estate and Insurance. 2110 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 2501. Realtor. . —28 BETHESDA, MD.—Beautiful building lot i on the corner of Sonoma rd. and Oneida ! lane; 62x170; all improvements; $2,760. L. G. WHITE. WI. 7600. 26* SILVER SPRING—Several choice lots in Woodside, Woodmoor and other sections, ranging from $1,200 up. For further de tails and appointment to inspect, call WORTHINGTON REALTY, 8427 Ga. ave., SL. 3700. —28 MOST EXCLUSIVE SECTION of Arlington, near country club: very large wooded cor ner lot; $4,200. CH. 3521. —28 IN BRADMOOR SECTION of Bethesda is e beautiful, large, level lot measuring 57* 133, for which owner will give deed in con sideration of $2,500; lot is clear, has ai: utilities and is ready for the home you’ve been planning. Phone today, OL-. 3700; oi WO. 3643 this evening. —26 ARLINGTON—Owner sacrificing lot 60? I 120 on N. Illinois st., off Wilson blva. Cal I GL. 3715. —26 BETHESDA MD., on Old Georgetown rd. 80x340; at bargain price, $3,000; on terms WILLIAM J. MARTIN, NA. 2014: eves. HO. 9167. —28 LEVEL WOODED LOT in excellent rest* , dentlal neighborhood, in JefTerson Park Alex., Va.; conveniently located: size 50x100; priced at $1,850. Call Mr. Mptt with FRED A. SMITH, Realtfir, 1113 17th st. n.w., RE. 6661; eves.. TE. 9050. —26 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE—Wooded, leve lots (2), adjoining, on built-up dead-enc street; total" frontage, 178 ft.: can be bought together or separately; several feel above street level. YELLOTT Si CO., NA 0484, exclusive broker. —26 $500 LEVEL I.OT—3 short blks. to bus 40x100; no increase in price for terms tc responsible purchaser; Hillside, Md., nr D. C. line. ADELBERT W. LEE. 3211 Pa ave. s.e., VI. 1000. —26 *4-ACRE LOT IN VA., restricted residential subdivision; partially wooded; excelleDtlj oriented: $800. 8H. 3620. —27 I ATTENTION, HOME LOVERS! Do you want a nice lot for that rambler you an dreaming of building soon? I have what you are looking for. a nice lot 26.631 sq. ft.; corner Sleepy Hollow and Ridgt ids Take Lee blvd. to Seven Corners Falls Church, left on Sleepy Hollow t( '28* j LOVELY WOODED LOTS. 100x200 ft., re stricted. near Clinton. Md.: lo mi. D. C.; 1*395: terms. Call TA. 3232. FAIRFAX HILLS—Lots of 1 acre or more, gravel streets already in; many nice homes built and occupied; high rolling land with pretty views; 9 miles from Washington, on main Virginia hwy.; liberal terms. TERRY B. SIMMS, owner, GE, 7037. —28 VIRGINIA BUILDERS GROUP—8 restrict I ed lots at cost; lVa miles from Key Bridge; 'all improvements; average $1,600 lot; I $15.000-$20,000 neighborhood. MS'. Slater, KARL W. CORBY & CO., RE. 3126; eves.. I WI. 9535. —27 BEAUTIFUL WOODED BLDG. SITES ir well-restricted Wakefield Forest, subdivi sion located on hard surfaced main hwy. only 2 miles west of Annandale, 12 miles from Washington. Lge. lots 100 feet front by 200 feet in depth. Priced at $800 or terms of $100 cash and balance payable $20 per month. Let us show them to you B. M. SMITH, Realtor, 2408 Columbia pike.. Arl.. Va„ OX. 2038. —26 HYATTSVILLE—Zoned for 5 units, 75* 120; transp. at door; close to stores and schools; $4,950 for quick sale (list No 1335). HYATTSVILLE INVESTMENT CO. 5303 Baltimore ave., UN. 4040. Open eves THE BUILDING SITUATION, is look ins up. and good lots are going to be at t premium, so don't wait until demand ha; increased cost; we have some beautifu lots, with high elevation nr. Old Dominioi dr., within 6 miles of Memorial Bridge these lots are large and reasonably pricec now. with attractive terms. UNIVERSAI REALTY. CH. 1170, CH. 2953. —27 CRESTWOOD—2 large building sites, wit! a total of 165-ft. frontage, on Argyle ter. in this lovely restricted subdivision. Cal for appointment. PAUL P. STONE £ EDWARD E. CALDWELL, Developers NA. 7379._—28 NICHOLS AVE. S.W., fronting Darrlngton Nichols, Elmira sts.—All utilities, zoned for apts.; 87.034 sq. ft., $52,500. Xenia st., cor. 2nd st. s.w.; 75x100 all utilities; $3.800. Texas eve., near Pa. ave. s.e.; 50x126 all utilities: $1,050. 18th and V sts.. Anacostla; 8,732 sq ft.; opposite Gov. Park; all utilities; zonec for apts.: $3,750. Forest Heights, Just over D. C. line; ex cel. homesites 60x125 each; all utilities $1,500 each. 4th and Atlantic sts. s.e.; 6,221 sq ft. zoned for apts.: $3,000. 4th and Condon ter. s.e.: 9,190 sq. ft. zoned for apts.: $6,500. Md. Pk. Ter., cor. 65th ave.; neai schools, shops: level: utilities; $650 SCOTT SANDERS. 3919 8. Capitol st.. TR 7563.—28 rniADE-n btttt ntvn t atb _n „*iii ties in; plans and permits furnished foi immediate building; for sale at a sacriflci price, as owner must sell at once. R. G DUNNE. AT. 8500; eves, and Sundays Mr. Curling. HO. 7708. —20 COLORED—LOT 50x115. located on 47tt st. n.e. Call AT. 3530 any time aftei 7 p m.—26 LOTS WANTED. RECORDED SUBDIVISIONS or lota read] for imed. construction ol moderate-prlcec homes; sewer and water must be avail, will pay all cash and give prompt answer Box 373-E, Star.—28 REAL ESTATE WANTED. SELLING? We need properties of al types, homes, small and large Invest ment properties, acreage, building lot; in groups, commercial ground and build ings. Mary clients waiting and ou; sales force is equipped to handle am deal. We can deliver a complete pack age—the aale and the financing FRED ERICK W. BERENS SALES. INC.. 1521 K st n w.. NA. 9141. CASH BUYERS for homes, bungalows farms, acrease and lots; In Silver Spring Md. and nearby. H. P. BIEBER, SH. 8585 —26 LIST YOUR PROP. WITH US—We hav< cash buyers for residential and commercia property: we also will assist you in re financing your prop. WEIMANN PROPER TIES. INC., 2420 Wilson blvd., CH. 6101 —28 OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. DATTONA BEACH, FLORIDA—To clog an estate: 8-unlt apt. house. 6-vm. uni; contains 30-ft. llr. rm, fireplace: faclnt beach. In center of most excluslvt resi dential section; year-round resort; prlcec st leas than 5 times annual gross rental 855.000. WILLIAM CORCORAN HILL CO. 710 Jackson pi.. Lafayetts Square .DI 1283. —M M THE EVENING STAR _FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Out-of-Town Rial Estate (Cent.), i “BBT NOW- for your future home in the I*nd O' Sun—One of Florida Gulf Coast's fastest growing restricted communities of i*r* y°u 1 to ft acre homesites as low as £300. $45 down. $15 mo.; over 400 sold; hard rds.. elec., guar, title For beautiful illustrated free booklet, write or phone f»ul E Harrison. 1732 K st. n.w.. ME.: : 1143. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, Realtor. FOR RENT—Apartments—Miami Beach Surfside. block from ocean; efficiencies,' hotel rooms, completely furnished; adults; | selected; seasonal rental November 1 to May 1, OWNER. WI. 0813. _ j ACREAGE FOR SALE. 2J. ACRES, suitable for subdivision: run! shot from Washington Golf Club; offers invited from brokers and builders. JAMES W. SOMERVILLE. Attorney, EX. 5555 : <GL. 8H04 nights). —23 ACCOKEEK. MD.—50 acres. Just off old Indian Head rd.- ideal possibilities for subdividing; priced to sell. Exclusive with GEO. S. KING CO., est. 18P5. real estate and insurance. 2110 Nichols ave. s.e.. LI.« 2501. Realtor. —28 1 SEE GLEN HILLS and choose a beautiful site for only 2 to 3 cents per sq. ft.; live in surroundings of natural beauty where' you can enjoy privacy and spaciousness; drive through Rockvile 2*4 miles west on Route 28. turn left on Gien Hills rd. CLINTON, MD.. vicinity Clinton Bank—, 101* acres, electricity and well; owner must sell. Exclusive with GEO. S. KING VPr„ e®A* real estate and insurance.; 2110 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 2601. Realtor.; _28 I SILVER SPRING—ll acres, all or part < one block of old Bladenburg rd., on East Wayne ave ; part faces Northwest Park way. also stream: suitable for homes or apts ; $2,500 acre. H. F. BIEBER. SH. boon. _i 2 - ACRE wooded TRACT. In Fairfax County—2 biks from highway with bus service, about 10 miles from Wash., neigh-! borhood already built up; not isolated; price. $1,600; other pretty tracts of 1 acre or more. Phone GE. 7037. —28 ACRES, level, wooded, school bus. telephone; Waldorf, Indian Head rd . 15 miles D. C.; $1,200; terms if desired. Call Mr. Eames, CO. 1615. JAMES E. MAHONEY, Woodward Bldg., RE. 2411 BCRTONSVILLE—5-acre tract, near bus BURDOFT, Colesville, Md. Cail Ashton (Md.i 384«. r APPROXIMATELY 190 ACRES, right for subdivision, close in; SfiOO per acre. AL DEN J. KIEFFER, OX. 0R3fi. GL. 71 itt. ZONED FOR APARTMENTS. 2 smalftra'cts containing approximately 90,000 sq. ft , water and sewerage available. ALDEN j KIEFFER. OX, 083d. GL. 7110. —27 _ACREAGE WANTED._ ACREAGE OR LOTS wanted, D. C or near by. Give particulars and price. Box 307-H. Star. 28 WANTED—160 to 200 acres quickly, vie. Clinton. Waldorf or 10-mile range of Capital. Call Mr. Bedford. WA. 49R4. any time. HYATT8VILLE INVESTMENT CO.. INC., 6303 Baltimore ave., UN. 4040. Open evea. __ STORES FOR RENT. 3418 M 8T. N.W.—Excellent location, ap proximately 20x60, $116 a mo. Immedi ate occupancy. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w., ME. 6400. —26 15th AND H N.E.—Busy corner. 2*id floor; ideal location, cheap rent. 1496 H st. n.e. —27 DRUGSTORE LOCATION, corner bldg, now under construction, large lst-fl. store with offices above for doctors and dentists; large n.e. colored shopping center; available soon. Apply leasing dept., LEO M. BERN STEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 6400. —26 12th ST., BET. F AND G—2nd and 3rd floors; business locations. See MR. RITZ, 618 12th st. n.w. —3o DESIRABLE CONN. AVE. SHOP—Phone MI. 8877 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. —26 4,800 SQ. FT. street level space, addl. space In basement for storage, etc.; va cant; located in the heart of the business OCLUyil All UUWIHUWH YVRSimiKlUU. f Ol further details apply leasing department, LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO , 1415 K st, n.w. ME. 640(1. —26 LARGE BEAUTIFUL STORE, approxi mately 31x60 ft., excellent downtown lo cation, 9th and F sts. n.w. EX 7496. —°9 7th ST. N.W.—Over 4.000 so. ft., 60rft. front bsmt.: 2 apts. above. In one of the busiest blks. in town suitable for retail or wholesale business. LEWIS BROWN, NA. 5740; eves.. EM. 9551. —28 APPROXIMATELY 2,500 sq. ft. floor space and offices on 2 levels In Center Market Bldg.. 6th and K sts. n.w. Separate en trance on L st. Suitable for wholesale vegetable, laboratory, print shop, distri bution or service business requiring cen tral location. Rent reasonable. LEO M. BERNSTEIN CO . ME. 5400. —1 1 307 7th ST. N.W—2 stories and basement. 1 opposite Kann's, sine 20'x40'; excellent for (jewelry, hosiery, millinery, etc.; Immediate possession. See Mr. Norris, WEAVER BROS . INC., Washington Bide. DI. 8300; evenings. CH. 9238. —28 NEW STORES FOR RENT, ready for occu pancy about October 15, adjoining Peoples Drug next to Calvert movie, 2336-38 Wls, ave. n.w. Call NA. 7024. —2 SEVERAL SHOPPING CENTERS to be built; drugstore, delicatessen and other shops still available. Call MILTON F RUPPERT, 405 Investment Bldg.. DI. 5015; evenings, EM. 5407._—28 STORES WANTED. i HABERDASHERY location for better-type I shop; responsible lessee. HO. 8917, —30 OFFICES FOR RENT. DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE—Two fron. i suites, excel. F st. location: reasonable rent: building service. Call EX. 0313. ! DOCTOR’S OFFICES and apt. combined: prom. apt,, vie. of Wis. and Mass, aves.; will remodel to suit tenant. OR. fi50h I J928 EYE ST. N.W.—Attractive seven ; room office suite available for immediate > occupancy to well-rated organization. J. xx. xx.i'* uuu-t ui xvuueii w. Qavn«i', nil Union Trust Bldg. NA. 3630. —26 14th AND G STS. N.W.—Large and small suites available; will be remodeled to suit your requirements; 10-stoTy office bldg.; heat, electric, elevator and char service included in rent. App.y leasing dept . LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. 1416 K st. n.w. ME. 6400. —26 2137 K ST. N.W.—1st floor; 1 large room; excellent location: display window. Apply leasing dept., LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1416 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —26 DOCTORS AND DENTISTS—Large and small suites avail, for immediate occu pancy; 11-story modern bldg., in the heart of the medical center. 2 blocks from the new George Washington Memorial Hos pital; 24-hr. switchboard and elev. serv ices. Apply Park Lane Bldg., 2025 Eye st. n.w\; RE. 1400, or call ME. 6400 for details. —26 STREET FLOOR OFFICE SPACE—4.800 square feet of space on 1st floor of 10 ; story downtown office bldg.; addnl. space in basement for storage, etc.: can be sub divided; vacant. Apply leasing dept., LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w.. ME. 5400. —26 DESIRABLE SPACE AVAILABLE in 10 story downtown fireproof office bldg., equipped with passenger and freight ele vators; ideal for combination of office and workroom or light manufacturing; imme diate occupancy: reasonable rentals. Apply loosing dept., LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —26 14th AND K N.W.—Large and small suites, newly remodeled; occupancy Oct. 1. Call LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO., 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —26 STORAGE OR LIGHT manufacturing space, fronting on wide alley, downtown; approx. 400 sq. ft. Call ’til fl p.m., RE. 3531, FIRST NATIONAL REALTY CORP., 905 15th n.w. —27 SOON TO BE COMPLETED, office apace in new bldgs., adaptable for schools, in stitutions or lge. business organizations desiring space in excess of 7,000 ft. on 1 fl.; unlim. parking facilities: cross ven tilation; open floors; will divide. LOUIS BURMAN, RE. 1768. —1 OFFICES FOR RENT—1737 De Sales st. n.w., 3 floors, approximately 3.000 sq. ft. each floor, will rent in whole or part. Please call Mr. Doe, with FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. —26 25.000 SQ. FT., 2 fls . rent all or part ; In 12-story Conn ave. bldg . Dupont Circle area DUCIRCO, INC., AD. 3200. —20 ,1 SUITE OF 2 lge. rms., 2nd fl.. front., dble. exposure, modern building. 11 lo 13th *t. n.w.; low rental. HENRY SALUS. 020 New York ave. n.w. NA. 1262. —27 2 ADJOINING OFFICES, newly dec., park ; ing lot; downtown area. MI. 9283. —2 7 DOWNTOWN—One large, cheerful room with 4 windows, $50 per month: one small room, furnished with desk and chairs. $25 a month. BROWN REALTY CORP., Real tors. DU. 8558. CONN. AVE.—2,000 sq. ft. in modern ele vator office bldf., divided in 7 rms.: will rent half char, and util. furn. OR. 6508. 14th ST., near Park rd. n.w.—Three lge. rooms, app. 800 sq. ft., 2nd fl.; separate entrance: ideal for dentist ME. 1130. —29 nviT pen wnvTU space in convenient downtown location: desk space and telephone service also available. For further information, call KAY REALTY CO.. RA. 2200. —26 j 12th ST., BET. F AND G—2nd and 3rd fl I business locations. See MR. RITZ. 618 j 12th st. n.w. —30 i LARGE ROOM In downtown office bldg., ground floor location, size 21x42. outside ! light, excellent for insurance office or any other high type business. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. INC., Realtors. 738 15th st. n.w.. DI. 6830. —3 DOWNTOWN WASH.—Ready for immedi ate occupancy; rents ranging from $20 to ; $75 per mo.: parking facilities in immed. ! vicinity. For inspection call GERALD I REALTY CO.. 412 5th st., DI. 5005. —27 11th AND G STS. N.W— 2 rms. pvt. i toilet. Venetian blinds, indirect lighting; ; 2nd floor, elevator bldg.; available immed. I NA. 8630 —28 j SUITE OF 2 RMS. and bath in desirable | location; facing Conn, ave., utilities and shower Included in rent. FRANCES POWELL HILL, 1608 20th st. n.w. DE. 4101. —27 NR. PENNA. AVE. AND 3rd ST. S.E.—Two rooms, approx. 275 sq. ft. area, newly re decorated; corner brick office bldg, for pro fessional use. LI. 5444; evenings. CH. 8110. —28 1610 EYE ST. N.W.—Inspection by ap pointment only: excellent downtown loca tion. entire building containing 14 foom*. lavatories, bsmt. and garage; available October I; rent. $400 per month. H. L. RU8T CO., 1001 15th st. n.w., NA. 8100. i —26 ENTIRE 4th FL., more than 2.000 so. ft.. ; lge. bright offices: elevator service: Centra! i National Bank Building. 631 Penna ave. n.w. Inquire. 810 F st. n.w . Room 19 4th ST. 8.W.—Newly reconditioned bldg . ideal foP professional. real estate or execu ! tive offices. RIDGE REALTY CO . 1018 Vt. ave. n.w., RE. 1578; after 6 p.m . AD. i 3398. —*36 ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR of 810 13th st n.w., available at once, thorough ventilation: may be inspected any time during day, $110 mo.: 2nd and 3d floors may be rented as a whole for $200 per mo. HENRY J. ROBB. INC., 1024 Vermont ave., DI. 8141. DESIRABLE DESK SPACE available^ In busy Clarendon; secretarial and telephone service, private offices available: immedi ate occupancy, reasonable rental. Apply 941 No. Highland st.. Arlington, Va. Phone GL. 5668. _ —1 BUSY CORNER* Ga are. and Kennedy ft.. 4 rms . foyer, both; modernised; all or part. GE. 2948. —28 A , Washington, D. C. C—9 U, 1947, _ OFFICES FOR RENT (CONT.I. CENTRAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION, mod ern office bldg : desk space avail, for 1 or C-all EX^ 0319 or EM. 3769 evea. —27 ONE SUITE OF 4 ROOMS—One of Wash ington's most desirable office spaces, the "e» Ring Building. Conn, and M st. Call RE 6044. MR. MORRIS. —26 HALF OF LARGE, modern office, near lsth and Columbia rd. n.w., $65. Phono DU. 1154. 28 1764 K ST. N.W.—l office, all facilities, reasonable rent; GI opportunity. MR. LEP3. NA. 2984. —28 DOCTORS- OFFICES, near new Oaorga Washington University Hospital. 3 rooms, about 600 sq. ft., in modern apartment building; $loo a month. Call resident manager. RE 0692. _28 IfflS I3th ST. N.W —Basement with street entrance. $75 per month; 2nd fl. extra large front rm . $65 per mo : both In excel, cond. JOHN F DONOHOE A SONS. Real Pa. ave. s e LI. 0084. STREET FLOOR—1.000 sq. ft. professional office space; attractive: modern. 1830 Jefferson p!.. off Conn, between M and N. Inspection invited. 26* DENTIST DESIRES physicians or lawyerg to Share office space; excel location. Conn, and Calvert st n.w Ml. 5533 eves. —30 SMALL OFFICE, lurnished. centrally lo cated, suitable 1-man operation. NA. 1400 for appointment. DOCTOR'S OFFICES FOR RENT In choica Maryland suburb of Wash., D. C. Writ# P. A. McCOLE. 7349 Wisconsin ave , Be thesda. Md.. or phone WI. 3356. —2 OFFICE. PVT., ground level. 4 doors off Conn.. 2 large rms. U smalll. bath, gar den: ideal for doctor, lawyer or other pro fessional. Might be used as combined living quarters and office. Can ba seen Sat . 1820 Jefferson pi. n.w. Phone EX. 2617._—__ OFFICE AND SHOP SPACE— 1 room ---_$25 up 2 rooms --_$50 up .1 rooms - . _$75 up , Also 2o,009 tq. ft. In modern office bldg., in whole or 9art Call till 9 p.m.. RE. 3531 FIRST NATIONAL REALTY CORP.. 905 15th st. n.w._—27 COLORED—2-STORY and basement office building, directly across the street from Howard Theater: immediate occupancy. Call LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO., 1416 K st., ME. 5400. COLORED—DOCTORS AND DENTISTS— Offices available in new medical bldg, in larep shnnninfT renter _§ one._?f finest colored residential area* in Washington. For further details apply I.e.afin£.dept- LEO M- BERNSTEIN A: CO., ME. 5400._—;e _DESK SPACE FOR RENTC DESK SPACE In attorney s suite: reason -voun« lawyer or accountant. r. A. 1004. _oft DEM SPACE, including private office, with use of front office; located in real estate business; suitable for lawyer, privil. of having name on front window; $25 per m0- S. GUNN, .‘{20 Penna. av*. s. e., PR. 1200. o MAIL AND TELEPHONE SERVICE—ACCU rate and conscientious—in downtown office. ME ._0095-0096. _ p FARMS FOR SALE. STROUT’S FALL CATALOG—Just out! Farms, homes: over 2,800 bargains; mailed ifarH REALTY, 711-A, Wood aard Bldg., Washington, D. C., Metropoli tan 7o48. »*,NCHESTE* VA lfi mL we»t of Winchester on paved hwy., approx. 130 acres, includes substantial house, barn, orchard. timber; $5,950 Call MR lipsDEdi Ami 4234* or FRANK s- phil BUY THIS beautiful, fertile 290-a salt water front farm and pay for it with the pulp wood on the property. There are <»o a of it. or 2.000 to 3,000 cords that should net $16,000 to $24,000- level land. 3 springs; pasture fields; 20-a’ corn field; peach orchard; hunting, fishing. 8 rm. brick Colonial house with splendid acre lawn; old oak trees. $19,950 with stock, equipment, including 4 cows. 9 hogs. roust sell immediately. OW 7997 or FA. 1508-W. FARM Fauquier Co., near Broad Run. Va . ;>0 miles from Washington-—Large Colonial stone hpuse. overlooking rolling country side. original portion built in 1792 by Physician to George Washington, with elec tricity, running water, central heating; 150 acrcjs,.«haR in orchard in productive condition, yielding over $25,000 in last three years; stable, apple barn, cider barn hydraulic press, spring house, other outbuldngs: 0 natural springs feeding into pond; spray outfit and other implements price, $30,000 reasonable terms to right party OWNER, call Sunday after 10 am. ni,nua,T.-) ttiLCt T1 D-ITl.. L-fl. IMIIf). Sw IN NEARBY MD.—We have several farm! ana quite a few tracts of ground from 5 to 15 acres. For information, call Mr. AUnu^with R. J. SCOFIELD. 8413 Georgia 175 ACRES—Tobacco and general farm: 40 a. cleared, balance in woodland with considerable pulpwood and marketable tim ber: new. modern 2-bedroom dwelling, new tenant house, tobacco barn, numerous poultry buildings and yards. 70 pullets, poultry equipment; 5 h.h. tobacco. 7 acres ^nrWr.!!!h outfit; Price. $22,000 CHARLES F. LEE. Annapolis, Md. —20 «I ACRES on hard road near Rockville— ^fi-room house, fine location, for home or to subdivide; priced $27,000. For appoint njnit. call David, WI. 2022; eves, WI. 1800. EUGENE B. GINGELL. 754* 9.fSmetown rd- Bethesda. Md. —27 230 ACRES—Large frame house, tenant bank, barn. 2 barracks, other out buildings: all nice level land, good timber, stream through property; well-fenced and an good land, commuting distance from D-. C. This farm is well worth asking price of $25,000. Also a number of good buys in dairy and stock farms. Montgom Laughlin, WI. 2022; eves . WI 1800 B: GINGELL. 7543 Georgetown rd.. Bethesda. Md. _J>7 J^,hA,C;—;S' Gom Washington: good toad, modern 4-bedrm. house, beau tiful grounds, oak shade, many outbid*,. A real bargain at *18.000 cash for ouiclc MiTe.‘iCwTrTy 'iP " reduction In price. H. B. v1.T-Ci^S-L' Herndon. Va.. nhone 135. —'.’8 VACANT— ,-rm. country home stock farm; 85 acres of very fertile land, stream. 8 acres of wood, fruit, on highwav close-in. batn. electricity. 2 wells, larga barn with other outbuildings; possession at JOHN BURDOFT. CoTesville. Md! Call Ashton (Md.) 384H. r *7.500; FREDERICK COUNTY, near Em mitsburg. Md.—88 acres, very fertile and cropping farm; 8 acres In timber, lovely 8-room brick home wdth large bank barn and all necessary outbuildings, sparkling well water. Montgomery County—Poultry close-in; all modern; for layers and broilers; 5*2 acres, on hard road, with ff10derP..l!v- Quarters: terms easy. JOHN Colesville, Md.; call Ashton 3840. —a POOLESVILLE—100 acres, equipped 8 room country home, very modern, 4 larga bedrooms, oil heat; includes, elec, range, | Frigidaire, new Ford tractor, many farm implements, some livestock, growing crops; all fenced; Po acres, all level, very pro ductive land, some fruit, good water; property has nice approach, fronting on highway. JOHN BURDOFT. Colesville, ^•...CaIIASLUo* (Md > '« .^MALL EARM. 5 acres with 7-rm. house; ideal ror chickens or sheep; bam. chicken house and other outbuildings; full-grown fruit trees; priced at $7,000 for immediate ^alowTS‘,rnls ,can be arranged. MILTON G. SMITH, 4210 Wilson blvd., Owens 7200. —°7 58-ACRE POULTRY FARM—A bargain: Montgomery County; fronts on hwy.; in fo1; house, bath, heat; 5 brooder houses; •} laving houses; very fertile land, some fruit and shade. JOHN BURDOFT'. Coles Asf>t°n (Md.) 3846. —8 COMMUTING DISTANCE, 9 acres; all modern. 8-rm. bungalow, oil heat, larga hv. rm . lovely fireplace; Inclosed back porch, lull basement. 2-car garage; many -—v. iucm iuj uucsrn or nog farm On hard road. Possession in da/s- JOHN BURDOFT, Colesvllle. Md. Call Ashton (Md.) 3840. _0 DAIRY FARM OF 120 ACRES—New cin der block barn of 20 stalls, dairy house partly equipped, milking machines and litter carrier: 7-room frame house, In beautiful setting of shade trees: 30 ml. D. C. PENTAGON REALTY CO., Fair tax 300. _28 SMALL ESTATE at Gaithersburg, Md.— Over s acres with approx. 700-ft. frontaga on Stale highway, about 30 minutes by auto from downtown Wash, and only 3 squares from transportation: old remodeled' larmhouse. now a rambling home of about 8 rooms and very large sun porch: barn and cnicken house: watered grounds, pro lusion of beautiful trees and shrubbery; could be made a real showplace. aiso suit able for tcarotm or a convalescent horn": illness of owner forces sale. Phone Mr. Abbe, WI. 38(10. with SHANNON & LUCH9 CO., 1605 H st. n.w.. NA. 2345 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, near Damascus :—Modern dairy farm. 73 acres. 30 stanch ions. excellent buildings, young orchard: 1 good 8-room house: l’/i-mtle hard-road [.frontage. Call Mr. Eames. CO. 1616. I JAMES E. MAHONEY. Woodward Bldg., RE. 2411._ —28 50'i A., 7 R„ water, elec, and phoneT. j hard rd.; 20 ml. to D. C. line: *15.000. Va cash. 4>/j a : tile house, 0 r. and b.. h.-w.h., i oil burner: *13,000, terms. 0 a., good land: 8 r. and b., h.-w.h.. garage and henhouse, beautiful place; *15,000, terms. DR. B. L. POOLE. Hern do n.Va , Phone 21. 5W-ACRE POULtRY“FARM7~ciose-lnTi!l ; modern, for layers and broilers; possession at once; on hard road with modern living | quarters: terms easy. Vacant, Howard County: 8-rm country home on hwy.; 18 acres of very fertile land. elec, pump ar ' bath, shade, plenty of outbuildings, al1 fenced. Howard County .°n-R. stock farm, now grazing 200 cattu., all fenced: nice coun ■ try home with all necessary outbuildings. .*100-acre stock farm with 2 sets of farm buildings, very reasonable. Frederick County, on Route 40. dairy i farm. 148 acres; very nroductive: me« location wun large «-rm country home. | iarge frontage on Route 40. JOHN BUR DOFT, Cotesvllle, Md. Call Ashton (Md.) 3846.—6 _FARMS WANTED. TOBACCO and general, vicinity of Largo, ; Bowie. Davtdsonvllle; Haxwood. Upper Marlboro. Prince Qecrges county. Call . WI. 1046 or write Box 233-E. Star. —28 WATERFRONT PROPERTY—SALE. 6 ROOMS AND BATH, newly decorated, t i block from water. Call PA. 1868-J CAPE LEONARD—Something different In waterfront property: an environment un , surpasseed on Atlantic Seaboard: reasons: sunerb nat. beauty; blue lake-llke wide ! expanse, calm and aulet salt water, on majestic St. Leonards; two naturally pro tected harbors against storms, and boat i ins opportunity throughout the year; no danger losing your beat because of storms (or inability to use it any time because of I turbulent water; th* combination of the St. Leonards, lower Ratuxent river within sight and Chesapeaksatay 4 miles distant, offers every possibiraw for any kind of Ashing, boating, sallip:, from ocean-going (yacht to canoe: a world-famous fishing grounds of Potomac and Solomon's Island, on the lower Patuxent only 4 miles distant; (3rd section being opened upon popular demand: lots are exceptionally reasonable, i some large ones at $695. To reach: East through Upper Marlboro to Solomon's Is land rd and over same through Prince Frederick to Broome's Island rd Pollow signs. CAPE LEONARD, INC , 816 16th st . Bowen Bldg , Suite 800. phone NA. _. (Continued on Next Pace.) A