Newspaper Page Text
Wcfrfront Prop, for Sold (Con't). near Annapolis—Bay front KTa?™V ,r0iPn.'i bungalow-type home; 3 5s?”5?i 1 bsih' kit. Uv. rm. and lge. E'K EorcA gn " : 3 bedrms. and f.2Ll. u' 0,1 hfat- e'eo. stove and refer., drage, ghower bath house; $13.9o0 'Ml INEZ CUSHARD, OR. 4232 or "^napoliE, Bay Vista 3341. —26 ba,h cottage, furn., large screened porch, electric stove; refined com v SAUST’ good roads, near stores, school, church. $4,o00, terms. BOND. ME. 9510. wa,er-front property — Lots •o£i70 It- overage on big creek, near bay. |800 up; Fair Haven Cliffs, It, sq. to bay. front. $4,950: 3 Epping Forest, ®4?o. terms, bargains. N. E. RYON CO., GE. nl46. WILLOWS BEACH COLONY. "Chesa peake Bay’s different resort”—Property owners at Willows Colony are building nomes now for next season. See the five homes now being built. You will find g they are much better than average beach nouses. This is concrete evidence of how ou.r ntotective covenents sre working to * **t;ablffl’ high value for properly owners at„.Widows. You will also find that Wil lows Colony is a much better than aver a*e. development. See the new bathouse with its modern toilet and shower facili f*®6- ...Every property owner is a member of Willows Beach Club. (The bathhouse is the first, unit to be built for the beach club. Future plans include a community house, boat harbor, golf course and play ««£*•> Though you may not, plan to build at Wlllggs in the near future, your family is assured a comfortable means of ‘l»e bdthing. boating, hunting and SSL9*. at jllfl® restricted resort. Large wooded and open building sites, all with good views of Chesapeake Bay. are still available at predevelopment. prices. Gen erous terms, requiring 20r- cash, offered for time purchase. Reoresentatives on property every day. Come as our guests ?F*ve t0 Marlboro, then take Routes 4. 418 and 260 td Chesapeake Beach. Turn right there on 8hore rd. 5 miles to entrance sign. Entire develop roads IIC*^ S",*!county grade gravel WATERFRONT PROP. FOR RENT. Colonial BEACH—Modern cottage, $50 *°I ,wJnter months. Phone Lorron 60. MRS. BAKER. —28 * WAREHOUSES FOR REN1 NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING, industrial zoning,, railroad siding; ia.000 sq. ft., on one floor: high ceiling, boxcar and truck loading dock, heavy duty, elec,, factory office; located Alexandria; possession 90 days; available long lease. See Mr. Norris. WEAVER BROS,. INC.. Washington Bldg., DT. 8300; eves , CH. 9238. —28 KfcAL ESTATE LOANS. 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS'— Prompt and courteous service. Before borrowing call COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO.. 817 9th st. n.w RE. 6650 MONEY ON SECOND TRUST — We will buy second-trust notes, D. C . nearby Md. or Va. Reasonable rates. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP.. 1312 N Y ave n.w National 5833. CASH FOR 2nd TRUST NOTES; quick set tlement. FULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w., DI. 5230. Brokers, attention. MONEY on first and second trusts; prompt action, reasonable rates; nearby Maryland. Virginia or D. C. property. THE AMERI CAN CO., 807 15th. NA 8032. SECOND TRUST NOTE for sale, secured In D. C. property. Call MR. MARTIN. RE. 3531. —27 1st, 2nd. 3rd TRUST LOANS, nearby Md.. Va. and D. C.; mo. payts. lowered. ADAMS REALTY CO. 905 N. Y. ave. n.w.. RE. 1612. RE. 1613. 30® 2nd-TRUST LOANS. D C , Md.. Va. prop.: lmmed. service, low rates, MAURICE B. BERENTER & CO . DI. 9234. 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real estate In D. C., Md. and Va. MR. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 4157. WE HAVE A VERY desirable first and second trust note for sale on well-secured property, reasonable discount allowed. Foi further Information, contact Harry Shenk, KAY REALTY CO . RA 2200. —26 1st, 2nd AND 3rd TRUST LOANS. Cash in 24 hours. Also financial aid to builders. METRO REALTY CO.. EX. 5498 _MONEY WANTED. WANTED. $7,500 from private source on short term trust, covering Virginia resi dence property; conservative estimate of equity. 5 for 1. Call MR. HARRINGTON, RE. 7137. —28 AUTO LOANS. IF YOU ARE PLANNING to buy a car from a private party or dealer, it isn’t necessary to pay cash. Our easy payment plan will conform with your budget. Call us before you buy. Our staff of experts will be glad to appraise the car for fair market value and mechanical condition and assist in procuring title and tags. No obligation. Telephone Republic 1200, NOLAN FINANCR CO., 1102 New York are. n.w.. Greyhound Bus Terminal Bldg. __ w AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. AUTO LUGGAGE! TRAILERS—Immediate delivery; new shipment just arrived; the neatest one you’ve ever seen; suitable for merchants, farmers, fishermen and tour ing Low priced at ARCADE PONTIAC CO,. 1437 Irving St. n.W . AD. SfiOO. Wnshinc. ton s Largest Pontiac Dealer. PONTIAC OWNERS, ATTENTION! We carry a large stock of good-quality seat covers In popular colors. They will also fit other models of General Motors cars. Prompt and neat installation if desired. ARCADE PONTIAC CO., 1437 Irving at. n.w. AD 8500. SPEED AGE—The auto racing thrill maga zine; action pictures, stories, big cars, midgets, hot rods and stock; now at news stands. 25c. • NEW-TYPE TIRE RECAPPING by the lat est safety process; beautiful tread; 2-hour service; electric-treated sections if your tire is cut. See your tires being recapped at ARCADE PONTIAC CO . Washington’* Largest Pontiac. Dealer. 1437 Irving st. n.w AD. 8600.' Quick, efficient service PLYMOUTH 1941 de luxe 2-door with all steel and Inclosed luggage trailer. Motorola radio, heater, new tires: 81.495. Call ori glnal owner -at QV, 3408. —27 MOTORCYCLES. INDIAN CHIEF. 1947: full dressed; Hartley controls. $875, Can be seen any time after 6 P.m,. 3301 Nichols gve. s.e, AT. 3316. INDIAN CHIEF 74. 1,800 miles: $550 or best offer. SL. 4773. —26 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER 1943; com plete $60 overhaul: perfect condition; $175. Call WA. 3230. —26 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, 1946; $900 or best offer Under. Call CO. 7200, Ext. 32 27* HARLEY-DAVIDSOV 1937. good running condition, $300. SH. 3183. —26 1817 A. J. S.. perfect condition: must sell Immediately; best offer. 1038 17th st s., Arl . Va.. JA, 1705-J —26 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER. A-l condi tion; just been overhauled. With sidecar. Call Laurel 468-J. —2 MOTOR SCOOTER. Cushman. 1846, new paint, jumbo tires, windshield. 2 speed transmission, all accessories: like new! Price. $250 or best offer under. SL, 6155. SCOOTER—1946 Cushman, balloon tires, sidecar, perfect condition; $225 cash. Adams 5726. • MOTOR BIKE. German built. Marcia Vic toria model, 4 cycles. SACHS MOTOR, reasonable. GL, 5220.—28 GARAGES"FORSALE: Steel and aluminum garages and mill buildings: engineered and erected. DUPONT IRON WORKS, INC.. 1166 18th at. n.w. —27 GROUP OF 10 GARAGES, nr. Dupont Circle: reas. priced. Mr. Hunter, NA. 9300; eves, and Sun., GL. 5288. BOSS & PHELPS, INC.. 1417 K st. n.w. —27 GARAGE—Metal, approximately 10x20 sliding door; good cond. TE. 2832. —28 10 METAL GARAGES; Income. $45 per rno : price. $2.950. TR. 2020. —28 GARAGES WANTED ftARAGE WANTED, single car; vicinity of 19th and P sts n.w. Call EX. 3050. PHIL LIPS PETROLEUM CO. —29 GARAGE WANTED—Single: monthly or hlnrtrc i nrvri t r i ro 1 e SIMPSON. DI. 2200, Ext. 3175; evenings, MI. 2317. 20* 8 TO 12 CAR GARAGE, vicinity Dupont Circle, for parking Canadian army staff cars. Phone EX 7071. Ext. 33 —2 PRIVATE GARAGE wanted, vicinity of 10th and Mass. ave. n.w. Call Dl. 1405 after 6 p.m.__ 27* AUTO PAINTING. COMPLETE JOB, $35 up; work guaran teed. GILBERT, 4102 Pa. ave. ext. a.e, VI. 3539. Phone 5 to 7 p.m. only. AUTO PAINTING, $39; beat materials used; Immediate service: body and fender work 3510 Ga. ave . GE. 8842. - AUTO PAINTING — Complete Job. $00; eelect your color; work guaranteed ADDI SON CHEVROLET, 1522 14th st. n.w.. HO. 7500. AUTO PAINTING, any color, $45 Work guaranteed: body and fender work. Call for and deliver. AD. 9450, —2 TRAILERS. koVING AND HAULING made easy and thrifty when you rent one of our luggage utility trailers and boat trailers by the day. week or month. AMERICAN TRAIL ER CO., INC . 4030 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Phone WO. 3231. SPARTAN MANOR, latest model, aluminum channel-type ribs snd exterior, thoroughly insulated, elec, refgr and bottled gas. BOULEVARD TRAILER SALES. U. S Route 1, Berwyn, Md., phone Tower 6162. Only authorized dealer bet. Baltimore and Richmond. CURTIS WRIGHT FLAGSHIP — Your apartment on wheels; light-weight alum inum de luxe trailer coach; sleeps 6: combination electric and ice refrigerator, hot-water heater, complete bathroom with shower. Also the famous Trotwood de luxe trailer; electric refrigerator. Butane cook stove; sleeps 4: $1,595. The Trot e wood economy; $1,295. See ABC TRAILER SALES. INC.. 9001 Wash.-Balto. blvd., tJ. 8. 1. Berwyn, TO. 4949 1 NATIONAL TRAILERS, 1947. now on dis play C FRED PAINTER, 6009 Baltimore ave.. Rlverdale. Md. Phone WA. 4903 GLIDER 1947. announces the arrival of several more model 88-B's with hot and cold running water, stainless steel kitchen, large elec, refgr.. shower, and flush toilet. The best trauer on earth. 12, 18, 24 months' financing. COLIE TRAILER CO.. f200 Georgia ave. n.w.. SL. 8200. or SL 201. , A SELECTION of the finest home trailer f coaches built. Howard, Schult, Zimmer. American and Travelo. Trailer Darts and accessories, bottled-gas stoves and fittings. Open daily and Sunday, P a.m. to 9 p m. AMERICAN TRAILER CO.. INC.. 4030 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Phone WO. 3231.; ONE OP MAEILAND'S LARGEST trailer t coach daaler invites your Inspection of their outstanding variety of trailer homes tn slumlnum and masonite constructed by America's lesding msnufseturers. Prices and sizes to meet every need. Also Higgins campers and utility trailers RICHTER TRAILER SALES U. 8. Route I, Berwyn. Md. Phone TO. 6035 LA SALLE HOUSE TRAILER. 27-ft.. 1946; $2,500 cash: excel cowl : bargain. Call £etween^8 and 8 p.m. VI. 5641. LT. B. V 1 TRAILERS (Cent). IF YOU WANT the BEST In trailers, tee OTANLEY H. HORNER. INC.. Trailer Cen ter, 5th and Fla. ave. n.e.. FR. 1221. Just arrived, the new Palace Majestic (all alu minum'. with Frigldaire: also all-aluminum Vagabond with comb. ice. and refgr.; both have bottle gas ranges: Royal Comdr.. Royal Windsor. Alma, Platt and Palace Wolverine trailers bought and sold. LOB BED TRAILER—Ideal for bulldozer; 8 to 10 tons; priced to sell. Call WI. 8600. —.30 PALACE HOUSE trailer for sale. *600; completely equipped. 5349 St. Barnabas ; rd.. SP. 0619-W. —28 MARTIN, de luxe model, pvt. bedrm. with Simmons twin beds, large liv. rm.. wiih front view glassed in like observation car. Davenport sleeps 2, 2 dressers, built-in cabinets. 2 clothes closets, 2 linen and quilt cabinets, beau, rugs, draperies. Vene tian blinds, extra folding chairs with large liv,-din. table, 4 eye broiler-oven gas stove with bottled gas equipped, large kit. cabi nets. ho» and cold water with auxiliary water tank, large elec, refrg , elec, power Plant, invisible neon lighting throughout, bookcases, sliding tables, bpau. folding chairs. Complete apt on wheels with 2 w’heel dolly to let. load off car. extra size 8-piy new' tires. Trails easy. Used only short time. Considered most beau, and finest ever seen in Washington. Will sell for less than cost. Can be seen at TRAILER SALES. INC., 2800 Jefferson Davis hwy. in Arlington. —8 HOWARD late 1947. all metal excel, refgr., bottle gas. de luxe bed and sofa. 82.995. Lot 36, WASHINGTON TOURIST CAMP. —1 50-FT. HOUSE TRAILER, *400. Blandy Trailer Court, Rockville pike, Rockville, Md. ..PAUL J. CARRIN. —28 TRAILER \k TON. complete with spare wheel and tire, side racks, car hitch and tarpaulin; *140. Call OW. 7186. —28 _AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. FORD 1941 l'/i-ton stake: very best con dition: $890; terms, $300 cash. "ROPER” MOTOR CO., 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 27* BROCKWAY 1941 3-ton truck. 1941 114 ! ton Ford truck. 1949 1'/i-ton Interna tional truck. 1940 1'i-ton Chevrolet truck. These trucks are being replaced by a new : fleet and are In various stages of repair. ! Come out and see them. No reasonable offer refused. MR. FREEDMAN. 4725 j Bethesda ave., Bethesda. Md. —29 ■» FORD .1947 stake-body trucks; less than n.000 miles; for sale. See daily, 8-6 p.m. , Drive out Leesburg pike (Rt. 7). 5.2 miles past Tysons Corner to W B. KERN FARM on right, opposite the old mill. CHEVROLET 1940 pickup: 19.000 miles; excel cond.: 2 new tires: $1,500 or under. : CO. 9034 from 8-10 a.m , or 5-7 p.m —29 'ATTENTION. DEALERS—X'i-ton Dodge j truck with crane, like new, less than 3.000 1 miles: will trade for new car or sell, pre | fer Chrysler product. STEELE'S GARAGE, : ir»i. .in in i. ave. n.w.. kk. ypuu. ;«r CHEVROLET 1937 1 Vb-ton, long wheel base cab and chassis. $176. Can be seen at 122 G st. n.w. EX. 0738. 26* DODGE 1947 whax ’47 with lC-ft. elec, refgr. body and Kold-Hold plates; will sell as a unit or separately; below cost. TR. 1**10. CHEVROLET 1939 lib-ton panel; best con dition: $496; terms. $196 cash. ‘ ROPER” MOTOR CO., 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 27* , TRI CK 1937 Chev.; fair cond., ^4-ton body; lib-ton body can be put on. As is .$200. LI. 4167, 1109 6th st. s.e. —26 t GMC's and International s, K-7 1942 dumps and tractors; 2-speed rear; excel lent condition; easy terms. RICE MOTOR CO., 1731 Bladensburg rd. n.e. —30 CHEVROLET 1946 Vb-ton panel; 13.000 miles. DU. 8675 or DU. 8188. BRENT WOOD MOTOR CO.. 1717 Rhode Island 1 ave. n.e —27 FORD 1942 1 Vb-ton truck. 158-inch wb.. ; dual rear wheels and tires. Has insulated van body (removable), fine 6-cylinder mo tor. new clutch and new battery. Only ; $695. Terms TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R I. ave. n.e.. DE 6300 FORD 1940 34-ton panel, a one-owner 1 truck and shows it: special price for 3 days only. $796. JET MOTOR SALES. 2719 Nichols ave s.e . LI. 0336. —28 3 K-6 INTERNATIONAL dump trucks with 2Vb-cu.-yd. Garwood steel bodies and hoists, ready to work; $1,500 each. Call HO. 6575. —28 FORD 1940 pickup, half-ton, good condi tion. good tires; $650. 9505 Baltimore blvd.. Berwyn. Md. —28 CHEVROLET 1942 1 lb-ton truck, 158-lnch wheelbase, dual rear wheels and tires, in sulated van body (removable); only $595. terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. I. ave. n.e.. DE. 6300. 1939 FORD 2-ton. 134-inch wheelbase, chassis cab; a ready worker: only $375. FRANK SMALL. Jr.. INC., Pa. ave. s.e., LU. 4343. —28 1911 CHEVROLET, dump chassis, new motor only 3 months old: ready to work: only $475. FRANK SMALL, Jr., INC.. Pa. ave. s.e.. LU 4343. —2S FORD 1947 2-ton stake. 2-speed rear end, 1,600 miles. Call FR. 3166. 27* DODGE 1942 panel truck, ex-ambulance; i $675 or best cash offer under. CH. 6776. INTERNATIONAL 1939 1'4,-ton dump: food tires, good running condition. R. CORBIN. 3103 M st. n.w. BODY, stake. 13 ft. practically new Phone UN. 4217 between 4 and 0 p.m. —26 ] 29-P.4SSENGER BUS, equipped as store, i suitable for mobile market or house trail er: $750 cash. GL. 3925. —28 CHEVROLET de luxe '/a-ton panel delivery: $275. terms. $95 cash. "ROPER" MOTOR CO., 1 <30 R. I ave. n.e. 27* DODGE 1942 34-ton, f.w.d., new engine, rubber, winch, spare wheel, excellent con dition: $1,000. Call WI. 3144, —28 CHEVROLET TRUCK, good condition. TEXACO SERVICE STATION, N. Y. ave. ; and Bladensburg rd. n.e. —28 I 1939 CHEVROLET panel truck, $340. Call i WI. 7890. 27 PANEL TRUCK, Chevrolet, $350 cash. 1400 Ogden st. n.w.. HO. 7400. —2 FORD 1947. 134-inch wheelbase, cab and : chassis, dual rear axle: list price, [$1,937.35; immediate delivery; cash or terms or trade. COLIE MOTOR CO.. 8232 Georgia ave., SL. 2242 or SL. 4871. —28 FORD PICKUPS, brand new; immediate delivery; cash, terms and trade. COLIE MOTOR CO.. 8232 Georgia ave., SL. 2242 or SL. 4871. 28 TWIN COACH used panel truck in good condition; $500 or make offer. DI. 9791. _28 KEO 3 946 1 '-a ton, 12-ft. stake body: Ford 1947 2 ton. 12-ft. stake body: Studebaker 1941. 6x6, 34-/t, flat body: Chevrolet 1942, 4x4. 12-ft. stake body; all in excellent con dition. WA. 8896._; CENTRAL MOTOR CO., GMC truck dealer. offers 40 trucks at special sale. Pickups, panels, metro bodies, stakes, dump, furniture vans, refrigerated trucks. 15 and 29 pass, buses, tractors, chassis and cabs, semitrailers. Army surplus cargoes and dumps, 4x4 and 6x6. half track*, bridge constructors, ducks, amphibious jeeps, sterilizer vans. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. GMC truck dealers. 3200 Lee hwy.. Arlington. Va, CH 7000. daily, 8 a m. to 9 p.m.. Sun. 10 to 3. To reach; Out M st. through George town, cross Key Bridge, torn right on Lee hwy. (U, s. 29 and 211): drive l't, miles. _AUTO TRUCKS WANTED. No DEALERS—Panel truck, good condi tion. '27 to '42; must be good buy. CO. 5360. —26 TRUCKS wanted to hire. We wish to hire. several pickups or other small trucks to haul coal for us in bags. Good pay. BLUE RIDGE COAL CO.. INC.. 1107 Jef ferson-Davis hwy.. Arlington, Va. Phone ME. 3545 or JA. 1900.' AUTO TRUCKS FOR HIRE. VETERAN desires household moving, gen eral hauling: vans, stakes, panels; white help: reas. rates VI. 8260. Ext 72 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY—1947 Chev vans, stakes, panels and pickups: for hire by day. week or month. PUBLIC SERVICE DRIVE-UR-8ELP. ME. 7011 1* VAN TRUCKS, large or small jobs; experi enced help, prompt service; reas. prices; local and long distance. TA. 2937. 27* All advertisement* offering ante mobiles for sale mast inelnde aetnal selling price of oar. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BRITISH AUSTIN 1937 "7" sedan; excel lent condition throughout: completely overhauled, repainted: 30 miles per gal.: spection. ready to go: $475. Call WO. 694 7 or see at .3905 Jocelyn st. n.w. —38 BCICK 1941 limousine; by private party; excellent condition, low mileage: price. $1,700. Sren at 726 19th st. n.e.. FR. 1709 all day Sunday and eves, after 4:30 p.m. —28 BCICK Super station wagon, brand-new: radio and heater. Will sacrifice same for original cost if owner can get a desirable General Motors car In trade, or will sell outright. Submit us an offer. Transaction being handled by BARNES-SANDERS MO TORS, 1300 14th st.. cor. N. NO. 1111. —29 BCICK 1946 Super 4-door sedan, beauti ful light green, fully equipped; carefully broken in by owner; perf. cond.; newly porcelainised: $2,495. AX. 3341. —28 BCICK 1942 Roadmaster black 4-door se dan; owner driven; body and motor In ex cellent condition; $1,675. WI. 8399. —28 BCICK 1940 Roadmaster convertible se dan; beautiful Inside and out; perfect run ning condition; $1,400 or best offer under.: DU. 6634. • —28 i BUICK 1941 Super conv. coupe: r. and h.: private owner, $1,495. 728 North Henry st.. Alex.. Va. OV. 2457. —26 BCICK 1938 2-door: $800 cash. No dealers. Phone SH. 7493 eves. —28 BCICK 1947 Super sedanette. 3 months; old. fully equipped. $50 slip covers; spot less: $2,950. Evenings. AT. 1620. 28* ! BCICK 1941 sedanette; 1 day old: compl.,! all extras lncl,. Foamtcx seats: must sell' today: $3,000 or best offer under. CO. 4088. —28 BUICK 1947 sedanette; 1 day old; compl.. all extras lncl.. Foamtex seats: must sell today; $3,000 or best offer under. CO. 4088. BCICK 1947 Roadmaster convertible; fully equipped, perfect cond : will trade at. list price. $3,062. for smaller ’47 car and cash difference. CH. 0863. .—28 BCICK 1947 convertible Roadmaster: ap prox. 2,000 ml; fully equipped, blue: $3. 550. TW. 0251. 28* i BUICK '36 coupe, r and h.: In excel ! cond.; looks ana runs good; $395. Call HO. 9867. —28 BCICK 1939 sedan: 32.000 miles, de luxe equipment, white side-wall tires; supreme cond.; cash or trade. $1,150. DE. 6978. after 6 p m. Ask for MR OROS. —27 BCICK 1938 convertible sedan: new top. radio, motor recently overhauled: good tires; $750. After 5 p.m., 2800 O st ! s.e.. Ant. 7. 27* ' BUICK 1941: original owner, low mileage, | excel, cond.: $1,595. WO. 2787. —28 BCICK 1947 4-dr. Roadmaster: dark green, fully equipped: approx. 1.300 mi.: $3,300 or best offer under. DU. 7536. 29* BCICK 1936 4-door sedan, appearance excel.: motor good: body In A-l shape New seat rovers, good tires. $650 or best offer under. Call WI. 6366 or PL. 8503. —28 BCICK 1941 8uper 4-door, black sedan: good, clean condition: original owner: i $1,450. EM. 6158. —27 1 BCICK 1940 4-dr sedan, beautiful condi tion. radio and other extras: must be seen to be appreciated $1,150. terms arranged. NOLAN FINANCE GO.. 1102' New York ave n.w. —28 BCICK 1937 4-door trunk sedan; excellent running condition, new seat covers and. floor mats, attractive inside and out. waled1 beam light*; #476. RB. 8366. ft. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (Cont.). BEICK 1939 Special conv. club noun,: r and h., new tlrea, excellent condition; S95P *380 down. 1810 14th st. n w. BOCK 1940 Super 4-dr.: r. and h.; passed 41 D. C. inspection; one owner; special price 3 days only. *995. JET MOTOR SALES, 2T19 Nichols sve. s.e., LI. 033d. _Ofl BUICK 1938 4-door Special: dark green; radio, Stewart-Warner heater; new tires; i excel, cond.; price, $985; pvt. owner. EM. •>6 > 6. CADILLAC 1941 4-door sedan, radio and heater; private owner: excellent condition; $1,795. Call GL. 9181. —26 ! CADILLAC 1941 Town model 62 sedan; hcafer. radio; pvt. owner, HI. 7875. $2,385. CADILLAC 1935 7-pass.; motor overhauled last year by Capitol Cadillac; new rings and bearings: 6 wheels, chromium discs; e*«&00d look,n* car; $495' cash. WA. 8627. oa« CADILLAC 1941 61 4-dr : r. and h.; if you are looking for a clean car in the ?.ad}I:1c class. *^re It- is- •• days only. $l.i9,R. JET MOTOR SALE8, 2719 Nichols l"*- LI. 0336. —28 CHEVROLET 1942 2-dr.; finish, interior. U£es like new special. 3 days. $1,345. JET MOTOR SALES, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e . LI. 0336 — CHEVROLET 1939 4-dr., heater: original black finish shines like new: new tires: special. 3 days. $695. JET MOTOR SALES. 2«19'Niehols ave. s.e.. LI 0336. —28 CHEVROLET 1947 6-passenger cpe.: ex tras. like new; $2,095. or good 1940-1942 car and $975. Private owner, SL. 1609 —27 CHEVROLET de luxe sedan: $195, full price; terms, $95 cash. $15 month. •ROPER.” 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* CHEVROLET 1941 coupe, very elean: r. and h.; new tires with white wheel rim. This owner rated beauty will afford many years of comfortable transportation. 30 day warranty. $1,095. LOGAN MOTORS, 3540 14th st. n.w. —29 CHEVROLET 1946 Fleetmaster 4-door; two-tone paint, heater, seat covers, original 5,000 miles; $1,875. cash or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn., WO. 3249. CHEVROLET 1946 black Aero sedan; like new. less than 5,000 mi.: radio, seat cov ers; $1,995. Call CO. 6343, Ext. 316. —26 CHEVROLET 1938 sedan; good transporta tion and priced to sell quickly at $485. NOLAN FINANCE CO., 1102 N. Y. ave. n.w. —28 CHEVROLET 1941 4-door Special de luxe: perfect condition. Radio, heater,-hew seat covers; $1,195. MRS. LANDIN, ME. 7512 28* CHEVROLET 1939 Master de luxe 2-door; radio: $925 or best offer under. DULANY, at EX. 5530 after 6 p.m. —27 CHEVROLET 1942 Fleetliner 2-dr. sedan: , new two-tone paint, original color: motor i and interior in excel, cond.; 30-day war ranty: $1 375. FRANK SMALL. Jr., INC., -15 pa. ave. s.e.. LU. 4343. —28 CHEVROLET 1941 4-dr. sedan, new paint, 1946 motor, excel, body and rubber; 30 day warranty; priced for quick sale. $1,040. FRANK SMALL, Jr., INC., Pa. ave. s.e., ! LU. 4343. —28 CHEVROLET ’47 2-door; radio, very clean, 400 miles; $2.095, cash, trade or terms. MARKS MOTORS. 4432 Conn . WO. 3249. CHEVROLET 1939 2-door; good condi | tion; just passed Va. insp.; $900 or best : offer under. AX. 3467. 302 West ! moreland rd., Falls Church, Va. 28* CHEVROLET 1936 de luxe coupe; $375 Also trailer. 4x8, stake body. 2146 North Pollard st., Arl., Va., after 6 d m. CHEVROLET 1936 coach: body and tires excellent; needs motor work and some ! glass: $245. WA. 4807. —28 CHEVROLET 1947 club coupe: beautiful. ! black; low mileage; $1,995. cash or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS. 4432 Conn., WO. 3249. CHEVROLET 1938 master de luxe: radio and heaterj good mech. cond.: $600. After 9-30 P.m.. AMBASSADOR BARBER SHOP, 2438J/2 18th. st. n.w., AD. 9318. CHEVROLET 1941 Master de luxe 4-door sedan: r. and h . very quiet, motor: $1,095. rash or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn . WO. 3249. CHEVROLET 1947 4-dr. sedan; no mile or trade: $2,196. ACTION AUTO SERVICE. <19 M st. n.w. —28 CHEVROLET 1946 2-door sedan; 8.000 miles, original owner; $1,960. MI. 0189. ——*?8 'CHEVROLET 1941 Master de luxe coupe, i new seat covers, original black finish; this I5„a. e car and Priced to sell at $1,045. FRANK SMALL, Jr„ INC., 1301 Good i Hope rd. s.e. _28 ' CHEVROLET 1945 4-door Fleetmaster, low mileage, $1,950 or best offer under. 1A. 7643. —27 CHEVROLET 1940 FleetUne 4-dr.; radio, extras, $1,995. HAW KINS MOTOR CO., INC., OW. 7900, CH. i 884S. _28 , CHEVROLET 1942 2-door sedan, special de luxe; mechanical condition and ap pearance far above average; terms or i trade; $1,295. MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., 7th and R sts. n.w., DE. I CHRYSLER 1941 New Yorker: A-l condi tion; new tires, uses no oil; $1,295 or best cash offer under. 1209 N. Capitol 1st. n.w. EX. 5915. —29 CHRYSLER 1941 ’‘6”: new motor; will sacrifice; $1,395. LI. 3565. —28 £PRKvSLEP 1042 New Yorker Highlander; 38,000 miles, excel, cond.; radio, heater, prac. new tires; $1,675. OR. 2651. —27 CHRYSLER 1937 Imperial, new seat covers, good tires, heater: good cond.: pvt. owner. Can be seen Esso Station, corner of ] Lth and Rhode Island ave. n.w.; $465 or best oner under. _28 CHRYSLER 1939 coupe, radio and heater: good condition throughout; private owner; JSs&ri!?!leavln* city. LU. 3025. 28* CHRYSLER 1941: r. and h.; one-owner car; exceptionally clean; good motor; $1,295, cash or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn., WO. 3249. CHRYSLER 1942 Saratoga 4-door sedan; an exceptional car. perfect in every de tail; very low mileage; fully equipped; 30-day guarantee; only $1,895. BENDALL PONTIAC, 1C11 King st., Alexandria. Va. OV. 1600. _29 CHRYSLER 1941 Royal 4-door: excellent Unicom, «>x,oou. AD. 1 *>40. CHRYSLER 1941 4-door sedan: black, radio, heater, spotlight, white rims: ex cellent condition; $1,395 or best offer be low. WA. 8444. —28 CROSLEY 1947 sedans, convertibles and pick-up trucks: immediate delivery; $957 up; fully equipped. HENRY MILLER MOTORS, 1133 18th St. n.w. RE. 5252. _O0 CROSLEY 1941 convertible: recent paint Job and motor overhauled; $440 cash. CH 2728. —28 CROSLEY 1947 sedan: low mileage: guar anteed; $795. JACK PRY MOTORS. 16th and Pe. ave. s.e. —2 CROSLEY 1942 convertible, good condi tion, $400. Eves. MR. PERRY, LI. 1053. _Ofl DE SOTO 1946 club coupe: radio and heater, beautiful black finish, perfect throughout; *2,260. A & S MOTORS, 4515 !4t.h st. n.w. —26 DE SOTO 1935 4-door sedan: recondi tioned motor: new tires and radio: ex cellent condition: $350. MAC'S ESSO STATION, 3150 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w.—28 DE SOTO 1941 Custom 4-dr., r. and h.; finish and interior shows little use; 4 new tires: special. 3 days. *1.295. JET MOTOR SALES, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. —28 DE SOTO 1942 custom conv. coupe, fluid drive, new tires, very low mileage, clean throughout; *1,745, terms or smaller car. HO. 9565, • DE SOTO 1937 2-dr.; A-l cond., clean in terior and good tires; $495, terms and trade. BILLHIMER ft PALMER MOTOR CO., Queens Chapel rd. and Hamilton st.. Hyattsville, Md.. WA. 0900. DE SOTO 1946 late-model Custom con vertible club coupe: radio, heater and spot licbt, perfect condition, black: *2.525 or best cash offer under; private party. Phone DU. 3101. —28 DODGE 1939 black 4-dr. sedan, excellent condition; 1 owner, *975 cash, WA. 6810. —26 DODGE 1941 convertible: radio and heater equipped, new top, new leather upholstery; motor recently overhauled: In perfect con dition; *1,496 or best offer under. 3345 M st. n.w. —26 DODGE 1938 4-door sedan; orig. through out. one owner; $695. cash, trade or terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn., WO. 3249. —28 DODGE 1936 4-dr„ r. and h.: original finish and interior shows excellent care; special. 3 days, *395. JET MOTOR SALES. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e.. LI. 0336. —28 DODGF 1942 fluid drive: r.. h., defroster, seat covers, fog lighls. 27,000 miles, pvt. owner; must sell at once; *1,325 cash. CO. 0720. —28 DODGE i 946 custom sedan; less than 17.000 miles; heater, seat covers; 6 tires and tubes; D. C. inspected; *2.125. Private owner. AD. 0961 after 6 p.m. —28 DODGE 1946 3-passenger coupe; about 4.000 miles, radio and heater; will sell outright or trade; *1.995. A & S MOTOR SALES, 4515 14th st. n.w. —26 DODGE 1941 convertible coupe; motor, tires and top excel. Bargain at *1,095. JACK PR* MOTORS, 16th and Pa. ave. s.e., 1R. 7203. —28 DODGE 1941 sedan: black: good motor, excel, tires. Bargain at *1.045. JACK PRY MOTORS, 16th and Pa. ave, s.e,, TR. 7203. —28 DODGE 1947 2-dr.: air-conditioned seat covers, directional signal, grill guards, locking gas cap: low mileage: 3-day spe cial. $2,395. JET MOTOR SALES, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. —28 Had $500 overhaul In past year, plus new paint and slip covers. Clean and reliable. Dial FA. 1B03-M. 26* DODGE 1941 fluid drive: motor Just over hauled and new clutch, radio, heater. 2 new tires, excellent mechanically, clean inside and out; a buy at $1,075. WI. 7660. DODGE 1937 coupe, radio and heater, 55.000 actual mileage, good tires, $600. Axminster 4464. 2S* DODGE 1937 black 4-door sedan: $550 cash: good tires and upholstering; 79.000 miles: 1 owner. WA. 3905. 27* DODGE 1941 4-door sedan, r. and h . new tires: 2-tone maroon and gray: 1 owner: ; low mileage; excel, motor: $1,195. STONE, 1617 14th st. n.w . AD. 7363. DODGE 1946 4-dr de luxe, $2,195. WAHL COUPLING CO.. 2nd ave. and Colesvllle 1 rd.. Silver Spring. DODGE 1911 Luxury Liner 4-door sedan; fluid drive, radio and heater: $1,095.) cash or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn., WO. 3249. FORD 1942 Super de luxe Tudor: radio and heater; looks and runs like new. clean throughout; texms; $1,275. HO. 9565. * FORD 1942 2-door; new motor, clean in terior This Is truly a nice automobile: SI.165. FRANK SMALL, Jr., INC., 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. —27 FORD 1946 Super de luxe $ Tudor; excel, cond.. low mileage, radio, heater, defrost er. seat covers, snare tire, extra set of rims: $1,795. Call WA. 3900. 26* FORD 1936 Tudor sedan, in good cond.: $315. Tower 6551. —26 FORD 1942 Tudot sedan: beautiful ma roon lacquer finish: fully guaranteed: terms or trade: $1,295. MANHATTAN AUTO ft RADIO CO., 7th and R sts. n.w., DE. 6262. —27 FORD 1946 Super de luxe Tudor sedan: like new. perfect condition, 1 owner; $1,750. Phone Laurel 52-W. —27 FORD 1942 Fordor: radio and heater, new tires and paint, good condition, 46,000 miles. $1,275. Inquire H. C. MUNRO, Lot 60. Temple Trailer Village. Alexandria. Va. 26* FORD 1941 Tudor aedan: heater, new, tires and battery: $1,200: one owner.; Call NO 0142 Thursday or Friday. —26 FORD 1P36 de luxe coach: $2P5. full price: terms. $100 cash.**27 month. 'ROPER.", 1730 F I. ave. n.e. 27* FORD 1939 de luxe 2-door sedan: bargain j at $595. JACK PRY MOTORS. 16th and Pa. ave. s.e., TR. 7203. —28 FORD 1942 station wagon: low mileage:! perf. cond.; $1,046. EDGEMOOR MOTOR CO., 8301 Wli. ave., Betheada. lid.. WI. 1270. —98 M AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, FORD 1942 Super de luxe sedan coupe; r. and n., perf. cond.; one-owner car; only *1,195. EDGEMOOR MOTOR CO.. 8301 Wis. ave., Bethesda. Md. WI. 1270. —26 FORD 1940 de luxe Tudor sedan: motor and tires in A-l condition; $1,160. Tele phone RE. 1538; or after 7. HO. 6920. —27 FORD 1946 convertible club coupe; radio and heater, low mileage; this car can not be_told, from new; *2,050. A & S MOTOR SALES. 4615 14th st. n.w. _ FORD 1941 de luxe Fordor: heater; 1 owner: 41.000 miles; ortg. black finish; yjIS,.cJ? f"r »*>ove average: guaranteed: *1,250. terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. I. ave. n.e.. DE. 6300. FORD 1946 “8” Super de luxe Fordor se dan: low mileage: 9 mos. old: perfect cond : genuine Ford heater, seat covers orl5.!nS1„owner: St-800 'ash- Call all day until 8:30 p.m.. TA. 8779. _"8 FORD 1938 Fordor sedan: *585; can be seen Saturday. TW. 1423. FORD 1937 Tudor, black: radio, two extra tires: $325. Call MI. 2317. • FORD 1946 4-dr. Super de luxe: 4.000 actual miles; $1,095. WAHL COUPLING CO... 2nd ave. and Colesvllle rd„ Silver opnnsr. FORD 104ft conv. coupe, r. and h.: this is a low-mileage car. priced below' market C A T f0F,ASaIf- ° n1 ?' $2,095. JET MOTOR SALES. 2 <19 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0390. »Fg FORD 1947 Super de luxe club coupe; heat er and seat covers; low mileage; special. 3 d?ys only. $2,095. JET MOTOR SALES. ave. i t., LI. 0336. —28 FORD 1941 de luxe Tudor: almost like a new car; radio and seat covers. You will ^Sie.toJhurr£j9r this c&r: *1.195. terms S'SU'-e BILLHIMER & PALMER MO TOR Ca. Que'ns Chapel rd. and Hamilton at., HyattsviHe, Md.. WA. 0900. FORD 1940 Tudor sedan; new '46 motor, Ulciis.h or trade and terms. MARKS MOTORS. 4432 Conn., WO. 3249 FORD 1947 brand-new Super de luxe 4 S°°rn ,5edan^ w‘<,h .*11 extra equipment. $-.105. COLIE MOTOR CO., 8232 Georgia ave., SL. 2242 or SL. 4871. _Og FORD 1946 business coupe: heater; color iblack; tires, motor, paint, everything per ect: $1.6,0. WO. 5330. —18 ,ORD 1941 Super de luxe Tudor sedan nne tires: excellent paint: motor nice: *1.175. Greenbelt 5441. ->8 ' FORD 1942 Fordor; black finish, good rubber; heater; good running 6-cylir-der motor, guaranteed; *1,175, terms TRI ANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. i. ave. u, DE. n«>00. F’ORD 1940 coupe: very clean, low mile *!«■„ 3,°;day .warranty; *795. Vs down. 1810 14th st. n.w. 27 FORD 1940 convertible club coupe, radio. utatci. niiiue wneei rings, tan top; motor is excellent; this is a clean car and frank small. Jr., INC.. 1.101 Good Hope rd. s.e. — FORD station wagon: needs some repairs: *200 cash. 1400 Ogden st. n.w. HO. FORD 1939 convertible coupe, black~top, two-tone paint: ready to go: 30-day war ranty- priced lor quick sale, $695. FRANK ?Sv^,LIr, Jr-- INC-, 21o Pa. ave. s.e.. LU. TOTO. rtfl ^38 ,Judor de luxe: heater:' 1st *'195 tafM MORGAN. 1810 14th at. FORD 1941 de luxe Tudor; heater and seat covers; very good cond.; one-owner ?nr: Sn. y *1,-045. EDGEMOOR MOTOR 8301 Wis. avf., Bethesda, Md. WI 14.0. Oft l?',,,?,,}940 p°rd°r sedan; this car"has beautiful new blue lacquer finish; D c inspection guaranteed; terms or trade-' rn'°V MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., ,th and R sts. n.w., DE. 6262. _27 cfshZE7. Manha11an; $2,795 down; S' * i .V’.'u term,s- Save approx. Jhl-8,v st- S.e.. TR. 3886. 26* HUDSON 1940 Super 2-door sedan n^hia«S5^B<’r' ra,dl°- heater, mirrors, tog i fights, etc., excel, cond.; $1,890. TA. 6814. : ‘T 4-door sedan; radio, i condition; for sale to private party. 2? HO. 9200r’l-5:'30SH' 6808 *“« ^ HUDSON j 947 Commdr coupp: r. and direStfoV VindiVca<tor,m under end'mornings: LU' 7966 afl" «• or 4T,|?nn>™ii194n 4-door: radio and heater. motor. and front end recently ^erhauled, new tires and paint,;- just 2?5Sned ,.VirS!nia inspection; $950. GL ,•142 after 6:30 p.m. — ?C?nd>!h Ia««on19^2, 4-passenger coupe; r. and h.; $690. OR. 2963. _28 Willys. 1946; 9.000 miles: all cur talns and seats; power take ofl; $1,250; same sells now for $1,650. DU. 3653. ^%^,SKyr°S5!l15vr»fe | b'argain0latd'|97d5ableHLeC4?53!iCal JEEP 1946 station wagon; car Is like So^hd-hcw: $1,995. COLIE MOTOR CO , 8232 Georgia ave. SL. 2242 or SL. 4811. m^r.nAL,'Ei 1939 4-door: r. and h.^im maculatc. low mileage. 3 original tires; st n wtrad' °r tCTms- *995- 1810 14th J-A SiALEE 1938 4-dr. sedan; tires "and .in. good cond.: $750. Call OX. 122.. Ask for MR. SMITH. —28 LA SALLE '37 2-door trunk, black. Excel tant maclwiiiMl condition. Clean body and upholstery. Seat covers, heater, good tires: *'~f>.- SH. 9669 before 6; GE. 2471 alter n. _.»•** Tn 00 V, v’ 5eaan; must Be seen to appreciate, really snappy car, in excel iC£hf-:«S5rte:wa11 tirea* r- an<i h. and spot . and trade. BILLHIMER rri ^*5,® motor CO., Queens Chapel and Hamilton st., Hyattsville, Md., WA. UNCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 sedan; original treen, very clean, runs perfectly; new tires; 565-_131.1 14th st. n.w. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 sedan; Va In spected: many new parts: good tires; *390. Phone Vienna 284-W-X, or write Box 74-E, Star. _o & LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1936 4-door sedan; new rear axle, generator, coils; *345, terms. S&wiemonstration, call SH. 3367. —26 MERCURY 1947 convertible, all acces sories. *2,700. GE. 1000, Ext. 144, _2 fi MERCURY 1941 sedan coupe; a perfect 1 owner car; driven less than 40,000 miles we get cars like this very rarely. It is ratl’^a.rl.d carries 30-day warranty; *1.296. LOGAN MOTORS, 3540 14th st. n.w. oq MERCURY 1939 sedan couple; r. and very good rondition; recently re nnlshed and checked; private owner; $9,5. EX. 1081; eves., WI. 1120. —28 MERCURY 1941 4-door sedan; new paint; interior in excellent condition; mechanic ally good and must be seen to be ap Sercl8 PRANK SMALL. Jr., INC.. 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. —28 MERCURY 1946 club coupe; $2,000. RE. 6b00, Ext. 3133: after 6. DE. 7544. _27 MERCURY 1939 4-door sedan: in A-l fond, throughout; private owned; *875, WA. 2021. 27 MERCURY 1941 2-door; new motor, new paint, radio, heater, and defrosters. This ln, A-l condition; *1,236. FRANK SMALL, Jr., INC., 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. NASH 1942 de luxe sedan; beautiful car; ?nly *1,095; consider terms. "ROPER" MOTOR CO., 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* NASH 1946 4-door sedan; low mileage; perf. cond., same as new: only *1.595. EDGEMOOH MOTOR CO., 8301 Wls. ave , Bathesda. Md. WI. 1270. —* 6 NASH 1941 4-dr. sedan. This car is in immaculate cond. throughout, 4 new tires, mechanically perfect. Va. inspection stick transp; *385. COOK MOTOR CO.. 2201 L st. n.w., ME. 8824. _*»8 NASH 1941 club coupe, 2 to choose from; s?*®1,?1’,*1’,096 JET motor SALES, 2 <19 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. NASH 1946 de luxe 600 series; Weather ly®-, heater; perfect cond.; pvt. owner; $1,750 cash. No dealers. OL. 2855. OLDS 1941 “66” 2-door. Hydra-Matic; heater; perfect motor; excel, tires; very £ill?iv-in^erior terms or trade. STONE. 1617 14th st. n.w., AD. 7363. OLDS 1941 coupe, Hydra-Matic; new tires, battery, heater; excellent condition; $1,300. ALex. 3640. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 “76” de luxe sedan ette, r. and h., Hydra-Matic drive; this is a one-owner car with 38.000 actual JPjtes; sP?ciaj •'* days, $1,495. JET MOTOR SALES, Z <19 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. OLDSMOBILE 1947 Hydra-Matic drive 76 series 4-dr. sedan; black with red wheels: radio, heater, seat covers; mileage, 3,000; careiully driven by orlg. owner; $2,975. Call GE. 8 <14 after 5 p.m. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1937 4-dr. de luxe; radio, heater: new-car condition; complete motor and front end overhauled; new tires, bat tery, carburetor and paint job: actual mileage, 66,000; $^50. VI. 7700, Ext. 1404. _28 OLDSMOBILE 1940 convertible; radio, heater: good buy at $995. DE. 4572. —30 OLDSMOBILE 1940 “8” 4-door sedan: black finish; custom seat covers; radio and heater: 4 new tires: must sell; $1,029. 6503 Georgia ave. GE. 3833. —30 OLDSMOBILE 1940 4-dr. trunk sedan; J.aoio. heater, good tires; $925. OWNER, OLDSMOBILE 1937 "6" 2-door sedan; radio, heater, excellent tires; motor re cently overhauled, new clutch; low mile age; original owner; $650; no dealers. Sligo 7070. 27* OLDSMOBILE de luxe sedan; $295. full price; $100 cash. $28 month. ROPER” MOTOR CO , 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* OLDSMOBILE 1046 98 sedan: Hydra-Matic. fully equipped; $2,600. or will accept trade; private owner. UNion 0040, any time. 28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 club coupe. This car is in good condition and the motor was just recently completely overhauled: $1,095. NOLAN FINANCE CO.. 1102 N. Y. ave. n.w. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1940 4-dr. sedan, excellent condition. The motor was just completely overhauled by Oldsmobile dealer: $1,175. NOLAN FINANCE CO.. 1102 New York ave. n.w. —28 OLDS 1942 (6) 06 Hydra-Matic sedan: original two-tone finish; runs perfectly: r. and h.; $1,485. 1313 14th st. n.w. OLDSMOBILE 1933 8-cylinder coupe: clean, good transp.: only $175. FRANK SMALL. Jr., INC., Pa, ave. s.e.. LU. 4343. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 ”66" club coupe, new paint job. r. and h.. good cond., $1,200. OW. 5731. after 5:30 —27 OLDSMOBILE 1941 convertible coupe: Hydra-Matic drive; r . b, white-wall tires: excel, cond. throughout: one-owner car; $1,205. COOK MOTOR CO., 2201 L It. n.w., ME. 8824. —28 PACKARD 1947 custom touring sedan: radio and heater, electromatic clutch and overdr.: mileage. 1.825. Will sell at list price. $3,862, or *best ofTer under. OV. 0970. —l PACKARD 1940 8. 4*door 120, $1,200. Can be seen Sat. and Sun. at CAPITOL HEIGHTS ESSO SERVICE. 5915 Central ave.. Capitol Heights. Md. . —28 PACKARD 1947 4-door sedan. 5.000 miles, perfect condition; $2,600. Tel. HO. 9182. after 7 p.m. 28* PACKARD 1947 super Clipper custom club sedan: all extras, driven 2.000 miles; $3,650: will trade. Can be seen at WEST CHESTER APTS.. Old B Garage, between 8 a m. and 7 p.m. See Coulbert. garage attendant, or eall EM. 5371 same hours. —26 PACKARD 1941, 120. A beautiful owner: rated job. This most popular of Packard ! models runs like a dream Performs to, satisfy the most discriminating buyer. 30 day warranty; $1,395. LOGAN MOTORS, 3540 14th st. n.w. —29 PACKARD 1948 new conv. coupe: a beautiful ear. will sell or trade: $4,250. BRENTWOOD MOTOR CO.. 1717 Rhode: Island ave. n.e . DU. 8575. or DU. 8186:1 open till 9 p.m. —28 ) PACKARD 1940 "120” 4-door dt luxe Mdan; good condition; tl.050. SH. ^65.1 L AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PACKARD 1940 6-cylinder sedan; motor, V.r” and Paint excel. Bargain at $895 TR 7203,OTOR6, 16th and PllnacVf PACKARD 1941 *'110’* convert, coupe. This is one of the snappiest cars on the nJ£SL heater; 3 days only. SI .295. JET MOTOR SALES, 2719 Nichols ave s e . u 0338. —28 PACKARD 1940 “110” club coupe, r. and n ; here is the answer to your transporta «jPA_5^nhlem: special. 3 days. $1,095. JET MOTOR SALES, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 03.0). _ _.)« PLYMOUTH 1941 station wagon, de luxe; pvt. owner; perfect condition; only 38,000 actual miles; $1,495. Call TE. 2931. _28 PLYMOUTH 1941 4-door trunk sedan; de luxe, mechanics>ly perfect, owner has to sacrifice: $1,095. or best offer under, cash or financed. 1804 Isherwood st. n.e., Apt. 3. LU. 4928. _28 PLYMOUTH 1941 ex-cab; painted brack, ^e1-, 0c,?.nd” $900 or best offer under. DU. 1829. _»>8 PLYMOUTH 1942 conv. coupe: an unusual opportunity to obtain a fine car with new' ™ot°rE and tlres: r- and h.. spotlight: $1,595; owner purchased Cadillac. 3109 Monroe st. n.e. NO. 0084. _27 PLYMOUTH 3 939 cOnv. coupe: A-l cond. throughout: r. and h.: guaranteed: $895 w£2^S.n$Urade BILLHIMER & PALMER MOTOR CO.. Queens Chapel rd. and Ham »^w«w,TJ?.yatlsville' Md • WA. 0900. PLYMOUTH 1941 4-door Special de luxe sedan, with heater; color, aviation blue: excellent condition inside and out, low mileage: only one owner; $1,195 or best offer below'. Phone Vienna 177-J-] _28 PLYMOUTH 1948 Special de luxe conv. coupe; radio, heater, spotlight; excellent cond.; $2,225; by OWNER. Call RA. 5302. ***7^**OUTH 1937 de luxe coupe: leather upholstery; r. and h.; body, motor and o.?n.?00d cond : Private owner; $500. TR. 3333. ofi PLYMOUTH 1941 2-door Special de luxe. See this car at $995; real buy. HO. 9585. • PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe coupe, good run Rlng condition, newly painted; $375 takes it. HO. 9o85. • PLYMOUTH 1942 Special de luxe 4-door sedan, heater and defroster; like new; $1,300 cash. H. E. CLIPPER. Phone GE 5881, 438 Ingraham st. n.w., after 5 p in. PLYMOUTH 1938 4-dr: radio and heater, 4 new tires, runs good; $295, *3 down l.Slo I4tli st. n.w. PLY'MOUTII 194 1 de luxe convertible consider trade or terms. “ROPER ’ MOTOR CO.. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 28* PLYMOUTH ’47 2-door: very low mileage' heater, seat covers: $2,095, cash, trade or terms. MARKS MOTORS, 4432 Conn., WO. 3249 rLiMoiiH 1941 4-door sedan; interior completely gone over, new fiber seat covers, floor mats. etc. Good running condition (ex-taxicab); D. C. inspection guaranteed: $t,4o. MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., 7th and R sts, n.w., DE. 6262. —27 PLYMOUTH 1 969 trunk sedan: origina ysint- runs fine, new tires; price. $7 65. i.ll.l 14th st. n.w. PLYMOUTH 1946 Special de luxe 4-doOi extra equipment. $1,795. COLIE MOTOR CO.. .8262 Georgia ave., SL 2242 or SL. 4871. —28 PLy^IOlTH 1947 Special de luxe; 7 miles; $ L29,i. COLIE MOTOR CO , 828" ave SL. 2242 or SL. 4871. —28 PLYMOUTH 1987 4-door; motor and front end completely overhauled; new tires, paint, seat covers, heater; $609. Call RA. i 240. _<)u PLYMOUTH 1941 de luxe 2-dr ; heater; I owner: low mileage: original green fln in?ew^.£1Ptch' e00d tires: guaranteed: $1,195. TRIANGLE MOTORS, 6010 R. I ave. n.e.. DE. 6600. PLYMOUTH 1940 4-door sedan: new tires, ?<:,r.L,.motor excellent condition; $850. IjU 3294. ■{<> PLYMOUTH 1941 2-door sedan; low actual mileage; one owner: mechanically perfect: paint, interior and tires perfect: $1,150 or best offer under. MI. 8104 after 6 p m. fnSVIOrTH s*dan: Rood condition 193, motor, heater; $375. Call HI. 7541 after 0 pm./ _ PLM. 4-door 1941: best, condition, nearly new tires; $950; inspt.; guaranteed. 33 N. Y. ave. n.e., RE. 2727. 30* PONTIAC 3 939 4-door sedan: motor re cently overhauled. 4 new tires; $695. cash !?5of,ra5e and terms- MARKS MOTORS. 4432 Conn.. WO. 3249. 4-door sedan; radio and heater Good cond., $500. EX. 9749, 40J H st. n.w. 07* PONTL%C 3947 2-door sedanette; r.. h . other accessories; low mileage: perfect throughout. Price. $2,450. Taylor 8575. Can be seen Saturday afternoon and eve ning. <>7* PONTIAC 3 936 8-clyinder 4-dr. sedan, less than 40,000 miles; owner driven: passed D. C. inspection June. 3947. Clutch, gears overhauled this year; new starter, gene 7u ’ , ««ucw, t iwca ana tubes, less than 4,000 miles: needs paint job, $800 cash. Call CO. 3615. 28 PONTIAC 1942 4-dr. sedan. This car was a taxi lor two months. It is now painted black and has a nice finish: $1,195, terms arranged. NOLAN FINANCE CO. 1102 New York ave. n.w. 28 PONTIAC 1942 sedanette. looks like new; h-- new tires; real nice; $1,345, terms. rivJ. • PONTIAC 1947 convertible fully equipped1 white sidewall tires: $2,850 or best offer under or will trade for 1947 Buick seaanette. RA. 0121. _ PONTIAC 1940 sedan; 6 cyl., r. and h white wheel discs, fine motor: $895, $29o down. FRED L. MORGAN, new loca tion 1810 14th st. n.w., DE. 9604 PONTIAC 19.35 4-dr. sedan: four new Goodyear tires and tubes, brakes relined, motor and body in good condition; $500 cash. WI. 6,3.39. PONTIAC 1942 Streamliner sedanette; this car is like new, for a good buy, luxury, appearance and performance; under $1,600. Call ALex. 5356. PONTIAC 1947 Streamerline “8”: royal blue, $325 extra equipment, brand-new, pyt. owner; $2,076 or best offer under. EM. 1422. PONTIAC 1942 Torpedo “6’' 4-dr., r. and h.; finish and Interior shows excellent care: 3 days only. $1,395. JET MOTOR SALES, 2d9 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. —28 PONTIAC 1947 Streamline 8 4-dr. sedan; approximately $400 extra equipment; 2.000 du 8575 or DU- 8i«*s BRENTWOOD MOTOR CO., 1717 Rhode Island ave. n.e. 07 PONTIAC 1939 de luxe cpe.: mechan. perf., clean car; price. $875 or befft offer under; see at 131 Irving st. s.w„ Apt. 1-B, at end of Nichols ave. s.e. STUDEBAKER 1947 latest 4-dr. sedan. $100 radio, air conditioner, heater, original nnish, like new; low mileage; cannot be told from new car; $2,205; trade and terms. METROPOLITAN MOTORS. New York ave and Biadensburg rd. —29 STUDEBAKER 1942 Champion 2-door. This price can’t be beat, but don’t let it fool you. This one is really excellent. Owner rated cars of this type move quickly. 30-day warranty. $1,095. LO GAN MOTORS. 3540 14th st. n.w. —29 STUDEBAKER 1942 Champion 2-door se dan: fine mechanical condition, excep tionally clean; terms or trade; $1,095. MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., 7th and R sts. n.w.. DE. 6262. —27 STUDEBAKER 1941 Champion club coupe, heater. If you are looking for a clean, economical car. here it is; special, 3 days. $1,145. JET MOTOR SALES. 2719 Nichols ave. *.e., LI. 0336. 28 STUDEBAKER 1942 Commander, Skyway; less than 45,000 mi.. $1,275. Gaithers burg 782-W or HO. 941,3. —27 mo, auiuu o seaan; orig inal black finish, runs fine, good tires; $365. 1313 14th st. n.w. STUDEBARER 1942 Champion 2-dr. sedan; good condition; $1,100 or best offer below. RE. 7400. Ext. 3705.. 27* STUDEBARER 1937 de luxe coach: $335: terms. $135 cash. $28 month. ‘•ROPER,’* MOTOR CO.. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* - STUDEBARER 1937 2-door: good running condition; body and tires in good shape; $345. Call SL. 8137. after 6 p.m. Can be seen 602 Lincoln ave., Takoma Park, Md. - STUDEBARER 1940 2-dr. sedan. This car is in good condition, except for several bad incertsr $650. NOLAN FINANCE CO., 1102 New York ave. n.w. —28 STUDEBARER 1942 Champion club coupe, good condition, new seat covers and heater: $975. Call HO. 0133 bet. 3 p.m. and 6 P.m. —28 STUDEBARER 1941 Commander 4-dr.; an exceptionally good car. excel, paint, clean interior, r. and h.: guaranteed; $1,395, terms and trade. BILLHIMER & PALMER MOTOR CO.. Queens Chapel rd. and Hamilton st., Hyattsville. Md., WA. 0900. STUDEBARER 1941 Torpedo sedan, radio, heater, original black finish, $995 HO. 9565. • STUDEBARER 1947 4-dr. sed.: low mile age; radio, climatizer. overdrive, hill holder signal light. elec, clock, seat covers; $2,250. Phone RE. 8022 week days. FA. 2481 eves.. Sat. and Sun. —28 STUDEBARER 1940 6 Champion coach: original black finish, runs fine; good tires; $795. 1313 14th st. n.w. STUDEBARER 1947 Champion 2-door se dan with heater: excellent condition; low mileage. Owner going abroad, bargain. $2,200. Ordway 0083. —27 STUDEBARER 1940 Commander 4-door sedan, excellent motor, new paint; radio, heater, electric windshield wipers; prided special this week end at $1,065. FRANK SMALL. Jr., INC., 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. —28 STUDEBARER 1941 club coupe. Champion model, sparkling new appearance through out. with excel, tires and good engine. $895. R. I MOTORS, 1620 R. I. ave. n.e.1 WILLYS 1940 sedan; good running condi tion; looks good; a real buy; $496. HO. 9565. • i WILLYS 1941 4-door de luxe sedan, with radio, heater, excellent tires, brand-new paint and real nice interior. Excel, me-1 chanically: $845 R. I. MOTORS. 1620: R. I. eve. n.e. VETERAN’S CAB. Ford, 1946 model, r. and h., excel, cond.; pvt. owner; $1,500: PUC license till March 31, 1948. Call HO 7181 after 4 p.m., “SPIRO." —27 i «TU auction—Hell or buy a car the modern way: sell only if bid is satisfac tory; total fee. $5. You won't go wrong buying or selling a car here. Big auction sale every Tues. eve., 7 p.m.. 111.'! Va. ave. s.e. or 1100 11th st. s.e. LU. 3666. —30 ORIGINAL AUTO AUCTION—-We will buy for cash or sell your car at your price, i Auction sale every Friday night. 8 pm. Bring your car (new or used) early Thurs. or Fri. for listing. First come, first served. Open daily. !> to 5. WASHINGTON AUTO AUCTION, 8511 Colesville rd. SH. 4400. —30 COMPARE THESE PRICES— 947 Ford Tudor, r. and h. _$2,195 1940 Ford conv., r. and h._2.195 1940 Chevrolet Fleetline . 2.095 1946 Ford Super de luxe Fordor __ 1.775 1946 Ford Super de luxe Fordor_1,750 1942 Chevrolet 2-door _1,146 1936 Buick 6-wheel 4-door __ 595 DISTRICT AUTO SALES. Cash, trade or terms. Open Sunday. 49 Mass. ave. n.w„ EX. 2863._—28 1916 FORD Fordor. r. and h._$1,895 1946 Dodge 4-dr., de luxe _2,150 1946 Cadillac "62," r. and h. ___ 3,895 1946 Pontiac Streamliner, 4-dr_2,195 1946 Plymouth 4-dr_ 1,895 1942 Ford Tudor _ 1.250 1941 Chevrolet 2-dr_1.150 1941 Plymouth 4-dr. 1,195 1941 Olds ‘'98'’ club coup#_1.195 1940 Chevrolet 2-dr _ _ 995 30-day guarantee with all car*. HAWKINS MOTOR CO.. OW. 7909, CB. 8848, —28 HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY 43 Dodge de luxe 4-door__..._$1,245 '41 Chrysler station wagon. 4 dr._ 1.545 41 De Soto custom 4-door_ 1.345 ♦ 1 Plymouth 4-door __1,175 41 Ford PuDer de luxe Tudor. 1.195 39 Buick Special 4-door 945 MOORE-DAY MOTORS, INC.. 6503 Georgia ion. §JoJ?lt72¥.?£ 8241 _§r i ! CROSS-WORD PUZZLE HORIZONTAL. ! 1 To marry j 4 Mongolian desert ' 8 Premium 12 Part of "to be” 13 American statesman 14 Fabricated 15 Tavern 16 Person who engages In a fierce controversy 18 To get and i bring 120 Force 21 Chopping tool 22 High note 23 Auroral : 27 Wire measure 29 Dread 30 Object of art 31 Half an em 32 Pastry 33 Distant 34 Note of scale 35 Shrill sound 37 Electrified particle 38 Pale 39 Robert Louis Stevenson character 40 Devilkin 41 Colloquial: mother 42 Moist 44 Particular 1 47 To destroy utterly ■ 51 Color j 52 Levantine ketch !53 Ardor 54 Epoch 55 Let it stand 56 To loan | 57 Law: things VERTICAL. 1 Homeless i child ; 2 Sea eagle 1 3 Pertaining to the teeth 4 Vincent Van - Dutch painter | Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle. 27 Network 23 Black 29 To be sick 30 Is able to 32 To foretell SS’ Dandy 36 Fundamental mass of life tendencies 37 To fence In 38 Ring for tightening a Joint 40 To incite ! 41 Greek letter '43 Land measure --; 44 To parry 5 Nocturnal 10 Artificial ; 43 Certain bird 11 Poetic: above 46 Affirmative 6 Mace-bearer 17 Preposition 1 votes. 7 Asiatic 19 110 47 Worm country j 22 Female sheep 48 Indian 8 Nonprofes- 124 Conjunction memorial post sional ! 25 Opera by 49 To equal language | Verdi 50 To become 9 Ship channel I 26 Midday brown Points tor Parents —By ED1T1I THOMAS WALLACE Finding and remedying the cause of undesirable behavior is I the most wholesome way of attempting to change it. [ ' This | Not Tli isf "•A Mother—Mary cries far too easilj If you do not. find a physical caus for this we must look for other pos sible causes. . | Daughter—The girls all call me a ?! cry baby. ■ j Mother—I don’t blame them. You cry far too much for a girl your age _AuiwmuBiLtj ruK bale. SEE LITTLE JIMMIE for big values now 1847 Oldsmobile 4-dr. 7R, r. and h„ hydramatic _ - $2,59£ 1047 Pontiac sedanette, r. and h , no miles _ __,_ 2,49f 1848 Olds 78, r. and h. _ 2,39c 1948 Plymouth Special de luxe 4 dr., heater__ _1,89? 1948 Chevrolet 2-dr., r. and h._1.89? 1942 Buick super, r.-and h. ___ 1.59£ 1942 Chevrolet club coupe, r. and h.. special de luxe _ 1,04? Many others from $150 up. Cash, tradt or terms. Dealers, we wholesale. PLAZA AUTO SALES, 43 Mass. ave. n.w., RE 8839 T__ FALL SPECIALS, 617 Mass. ave. n.w — 48 Packard convert. 120 club cpe. $1,745 '42 Buick Super 61 sedan _ 1,845 '42 Olds club 08 Hydra, coupe _ 1.395 '41 Packard 120 Clipper sedan __ 1,395 '41 Buick 88 S Century sedanette _ 1,395 '41 De Soto convert, club coupe _ 1.345 '42 Chev. club coupe _ 1,295 '42 Chev. Aero sedanette . 1,195 '41 Plymouth Special de luxe sedan 1.196 ! '41 Ford Super de luxe sedan _ 1,195 38 Terraplane sedan. 295 i Most cars have r-dio and heater and are in good condition. Cash, terms o: trade. WELCH MOTOIJ CO.. RE. 9Hi4 OVERSTOCKED. PRICES REDUCED— 1940 Hudson 4-door, r. and h. . ..$1,79? 1948 Hudson 4-door, r. and h._1,79? 1942 Hudson 4-door, r. and h. 1,19? 1941 Pontiac 4-door 1,45( 1947 Chevrolet coupe, r. and h. _ 1.99f 1942 Buick Spec., r. and h. ...__ 1.49? 1941 Packard 4-dr. 110, r. and h. 1.04E 1940 Buick Super 4-dr„ r. and h. 1,22? 1941 Olds 4-door 1,09? 1941 Buick Spec. 4-door, r and h. 1,49? 1942 Olds 2-door. r. and h. _ 1,29.! 1949 Chevrolet 2-door _ 1.051 1987 Buick 4-door _ ._ 72; 1940 Olds club coupe __ 89i KENNY MOTOR SALES. 15th and Rhodi Island ave. n.e„ DE. 9894._—27 SCHLEGEL A- GOLDEN— (1942 Studebaker Champ. 4-dr. $1.17? ,1942 Chrysler Royal 4-dr. sedan_1,44? 11948 Pontiac sedan 1.39? J 1941 Chrysler Royal 4-door . _ 1.27? 11941 Pontiac sedanette, r. and h. 1,27? : if’ti rjymoum ~~uoor j.,Uic ;1941 Buick Special 4-door _ __ 1,27;' 1941 Dodge 2-door __ _ l,17.c 1940 Cadillac Fleetwood sedan _ 1,795 .1939 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan_ 875 '1938 Plymouth coupe ! 1938 Chrysler 2-door sedan. ! 19*38 Packard club coupe . __ i 1938 Ford Tudor de luxe sedan ! 193s Dodge coupe ; 1038 Buick 4-door sed., r. and h. 1938 Ford FOrdor sedan 1937 Dodge 2-door SCHLEGEL & GOIDEN. 257 Carroll st., Takoma Park, D. C. GE. 3302. Open Sun. ALL CARS GUARANTEED— 1947 Buick Roadmaster conv. _ $3,650 ; 1947'Studebaker club coupe 2,450 1947 Plymouth Special de luxe sedan 2.195 1947 Pontiac "6” Streamliner sedan 2,595 1947 Chevrolet conv. club coupe _ 2,495 1947 Studebaker pick-up_ 1,750 1941 Buick Super sedan.._1,295 1941 Pontiac “8” sedan_1,195 1941 Pontiac "8M 2-door_1,145 1940 Pontiac convertible _1.095 1940 Buick Super convertible_ 1,145 1939 Buick convertible __ 895 Open eves, and Sun. CALVERT MOTORS. INC., 2611 Lee hwy., Arl.. Va., 1 mile from Key Bridge, OW. 71 66._—27__ 194 7 BUICK convertible coupe $3,550 1947 Chevrolet convertible coupe . 2,450 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster sedan _ 1,950 1941 Buick convertible coupe _ 1.550 1941 De Soto convertible coupe 1,475 1941 Chrysler sedan 1,375 1940 Plymouth 2-door__ . 950 1940 Dodge sedan 1.025 All cars fully • equipped. ARL. AUTO EX CHANGE. 1620 Wilson blvd., Arl., Va., OW. 7888.__ —27_ DOUBLE CHECK THESE VALUES: 1941 Pontiac custom "8" sedan $1,295 1941 Oldsmobile "76” sedanette, hydr. _ 1.395 1941 Buick Super sedan _ 1,450 1941 Buick club conv. _ 1,495 1942 Buick Super sedanette 1,695 1946 Oldsmobile ”78” .sedanette, hydr. _ 2.350 1946 Buick Super sedan ... 2.595 1947 Chevrolet Fle«tliner sedan 2,295 1947 Ford Super de luxe "8” sedan, new, over $350 in extras 2,295 1947 Mercury club conv. 2,595 All cars equipped with radios and heaters: ready to go: cash, trade or terms. wunrt MiJiuKcs, t-tn ana is. sis. n.w., EX 5562,—27 BUICK 1942 sedan; r. and h. $1,595 Chrysler 1941 sedan; New Yorker 1,195 T.lncoln 1941 club coupe _ 1,095 Hudson 1941 coach _. _ 995 Hudson 1939 panel delivery_ 445 Pontiac 1938 sedan _ 495 Chevrolet 1934 coach _ 195 DUNGAN MOTOR CO.. 5806 Georgia ave.. TA. 0238._ —27 1916 PONTIAC "8" station wagon. $2,795 1946 Buick Super sedanette 2.595 1946 Pontiac "8" 4-dr. sedan _2.395 1946 Pontiac "8" sedanette _ 2.395 1946 Dodge 4-door sedan __ _ 2.275 1 942 Ford de luxe station wagon 1,495 1941 Hudson ‘‘8” convertible coupe. 1.095 1941 Lincoln-Zephyr 4-door sedan 1,095 1941 Plymouth de luxe 2-dr. sedan, 1.095 1941 Mercury conv. club coupe _ 1,395 1941 Pontiac ‘'8” 2-door sedan.-. 1,295 1940 Buick sedan 1.195 1939 La Salle sedan _ 1.095 SIMMON'S MOTORS, 917 M st. n w.. NA. 2786. —28 PRICES SLASHED— 194B Olds cl cpe.; Hydra; r.; low mileage _ _ $2,295 1946 Plymouth 4-dr.: r. and h.: low mileage ... . _ J .795 1942 Olds club coupe 1,385 1941 Buick Century 4-dr.: like new 1,445 1941 Buick Special 4-door J 1.245 1941 Dodge 2-door _ 1,295 1941 Plymouth 4-door_ 1,195' 1941 Chevrolet 2-door _ 1,145 1941 Cadillac "61” 4-door __1,695 1941 O.dsmobile sedanette; Hydra. 1,245 1P40 Plymouth 4-door ,_ 945 1940 Buick Special 4-door_1.175 1940 Dodge 4-door ..._ 1.095 1939 Dodge 4-door _ 895 1939 Chevrolet 2-door _ _ 895 LISH-KEEFE MOTORS, INC.. 310 Florida ave. n.e.. TR. 0601. Open dally. 9 am. to 9 p.m.: Sun., noon to 5 p.m. Ca«h. trade, terms._—28 _ AUTOMOBILES WANTED. MUST HAVE '39, ’40, '41 clean automo bile; one only. I have cash. Call MR. D. J. SMITH. RA. 97*1. -- PVT. FAMILY needs 2-door sedan. ’39. In excellent condl I I ! AUTOMOBILES WANTED (Cont.). CASH FOR YOUR CAR—Fords, Chevrolet! and Plymouths. Phone Atlantic 5800 8TEUART MOTORS. 3rd and H sts. n.e 'WILL PAY CASH lor clean cars, any yea' or model; appraisal made anywhere a | your convenience. DISTRICT AUTO SALES 140 Mass. ave. n.w.. EX. 9101. —3 WILL PAY ALL CAH for '39, '40, '41 Buick, Olds, Pont.. Chev., Chrys., Dodgi or Plym. Please call WO. 3249. —26 BUSINESSMAN needs '46, '47 sedan o; conv.; willing to pay top cash; immedl ately. EX. 4249, days; QL. 6272, eves. 6 to 10 p.m. —28 HOLD IT JUST A MINUTE to get hlgl cash price for your 1946 or 1947 car anc older if clean. Drive In or call DU, 2877 BRENTWOOD MOTOR CO., 1717 Rhod( Island ave. n.e.; open 9 a m. to 9 p.m. "WIN WITH WINN"—Top price for youi car: never too new, never too old: will come to your home or offloe: plenty parkins space. Open eves.. S a m to 9 p.m. WINN* MOTORS 159 Florida ave. n.e.. EX. 2698 3720 Georgia ave. n w.. RA. 7422. FAIR, HONEST APPRAISALS on all makes of rars are asaurcd at McKEE-PONTIAC. I 1828 L st. n w . ME. 0400 i 100 CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. '37 to '47; will pay your price for clean cats Come to or call LIVINGSTON MOTORS. 123 O st. n.e.. HX. 5809. CHEVROLET*—Cash for your car, no red tape SCHLEGEL At GOLDEN. 257 Cnrroll st., Takoma Park. D. C. Georgia 3800. FORDS—Cash for your ear. r.o red tape. SCHLEGEL At GOLDEN 257 Carroll at., Takoma Park. D C. Georgia 3300. PLYMOUTH—Cash for your car. no red tape SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. 257 Carroll st.. Takoma Park. D c Georgia 3300. BUICKS. Chevrolets, Fords. Pontlacs oi i any make of car that has had good care ! We need them and will pay the highest ! market value. SI HAWKINS. 1333 14tl st. n.w.. DU. 4455. I NEED 50 CARS, any make or model, at 1 once, for GIs. No limit for what I wil 1 nay. Ask for Mr. Hixson, COAST-15 I mu hi sjiwu nojjp ra. s.e. i_»per evenings till 0. Phone LI. 0670 FIRST VALUE used cars. WHEELER. INC. Chrysler-Ply mouth dealer, 4800-4820 Wis consin. EM. 4800. 8:30 a m. to 6:30 pm SELL ME THAT CAR you don’t need, fo; immediate cash. Call Mr Thompson STEUART MOTOR CO.. AT. 5800; eves. TW. 8300. Ext. 116. SELL OR TRADE YOUR CAR at Horner’ Corner. STANLEY H. HORNER. Buick Fla. ave.. 5th to 6th sts. n.e.. AT. 6404 PONTIACS WANTED—We will pay higl cash dollars: any year, any model. WIL LIAMS AUTO SALES. R. I. ave. at 20th st n.e. AD. 8344 CHEVROLET* WANTED—W’ill pay hlgl cash dollars: any year, any model. WIL LIAMS AUTO SALES. R. I. ave. at 20th si I n.e. AD. 8344. i BUICKS WANTED—We will pay high cast i dollars: any year, any model. WILLIAMS i AUTO SALES, R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. AD. 8344. FORDS WANTED—We will pay cash dol lars; any year, any model. WILLIAMS AUTO SALES. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. AD. 8344. PLYMOUTH* W ANTED—We will pay high cash dollars: any year, any model. WIL LIAMS AUTO SALES. R. I ave. at 20th st. n.e. AD. 8344. CASH AT ONCE—Top-dollar prices al COAST-IN PONTIAC. 407-423 Florida ave. n e« AT. 7200 Open evenings IMMEDIATE CASH, no red tape or hag gling: we ned 50 cars right away and will pay more than your car is worth If it can be had right now. RHODE ISI*AND MOTOR CO., 1020 Rhode Island ave n.e. Phone MI. 0774 CASH for your Nash- also ary other make; highest price paid WILLIAMS & BAKER. 2810 M st. n.w.. HO. 8700 I WILL PAY ALL CASH lor clean cars, new or used. Call us today or drive by. GENE CASTLEBERRY. 1040 Benning rd. I n.e.. FR. 5231. | GET TOP CASH PRICE for your car Quick deals, no red tape. Phone DE. 6300 for a buyer to call or drive to TRI ANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. I. ave. n.e. WE WANT CARS REGARDLKtia KfT PRICE —Don't trade on a new car or sell to any one until you get our big prices. Need 100 cars—1936 to 1947 Absolutely high cash price If car is p|iid for will give you cash Tf car is not paid for, will pay on balance and pa* cash difference. BARNES-8AN DER3 MOTORS. Washington’s oldest ex clusive used-car dealers. See Mr. Barnes for appraisal. All cash or certified check Only one location. Drive in open lot 1300 14th, corner N st n.w. Open 8:30 to 6. cmi,m*v n 11 SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. POHANKA SERVICE. 1126 20th st n.w. DI. *141 WE ARE IN DESPERATE need of good used cars, sell your car for cash to s.e. exclusive Ford dealer. Drive In or phone FRANK SMALL. Jr.. INC. 215 Penna. ave. s.e., LU 4343 or 1301 Good Hope rd, s.e., LI. 2076. MUST PURCHASE dependable used car Immediately; will pay all cash. Call HO. 6070 till 9 o.m. ARMY OFFICER In hospital, urgently needs 1947 car In good cond.; will pay all rash. Cal! SH. 9815. —25 I REALLY BELIEVE you can get a higher price for your car by calling “ROPER." Dunont 9765. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 86* HUDSONS WANTED. 1986 to 1940; will pay highest cash prices. Call “ROPER." Dupont 9765. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* PACKARDS wanted, 1936-1940; will pay highest cash prices. Call “ROPER.” Du pont 9765. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 26* OHEVFOLETS wanted, 1936-1939: spot cash; best prices. Call "ROPER,” Du pont 9765. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e 26* CHEVROLET. Ford or Plymouth—I need a good used car Immediately; all caah. Call EX. 3870. —30 LOOK! Top dollar cash for your car; any year, any make, any model; drive to either of our 2 convenient locationa, or phone us. FRANK SMALL. Jr.. INC.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e., LU. 4343 or 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e.. LI. 2076. VETERAN NEEDS a clean used car for business, will pay all cash to pvt. party. Please give me a chance to buy your car today. Cal! AD 8430. Ext. 7-B —8 PRIVATE PARTY will nay cash for Chev rolet or Chrysler product 1939-41. in very good condition: no dealers. Call SEELIG, RA. 2534 after 5 p.m.'_28* WANTED FOR CASH—Up to these pricer 1941 1940 1939 1938 Buicks ... *1.300 $1,000 $850 $650 Pontlaci - l,2on 1,000 800 600 Olds 1,200 950 750 600 Chrysler 1,200 800 750 600 Dodges - 1400 900 750 600 Chevrolets . 1400 900 750 600 Plymouths _ 1,100 900 750 600 Fords 1400 900 750 600 Big premium prices Paid for 1946 and 1947 cars BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS. All cash or certified check Drive In open I lot, 1300 14th st., corner N at n.w. Open 8:30 to 8:30. Closed Sunday. 1 Goren on Bridge Both vulnerable. South deals. * KQ2 <2974 0 A85 * 109 6 3 * J 9 7 5 4 „ * A 10 3 763 it «■ <?852 0 3 W - K 0 J1094 ♦ KQJ84 B *752 * 86 AK Q J 10 0 K Q 7 6 2 * A The bidding: South West North East 1<? Pass 1N-T Pass 3 0 Pass 3 <2 Pass 4 * Double 4 0 Pass 5Pass 6 9 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: King of clubs. A neat performance In both bid ding and play was presented to view when this hand came up in the recent sectional tournament at At lantic City. Few teams reached the slam contract of six hearts and only one declarer succeeded in bringing home 12 tricks. The play has a spe cial appeal to me because of its absolute simplicity. South elected to open with a bid of one heart though several of the !; Players who held it chose to make ;|a demand bid. It is a very close ; i choice. Were the suits both majors ' U would insist upon an opening bid ' of two; even the addition of the jack of diamonds would make if nn ;; obligatory opening two-heart bid. j;North responded dutifully with one ! i no-trump and. South made a game forcing jump shift of three dia | monds. North chose to return to 11 the first suit. Facing a two-suiter i i he was reluctant to regard his club [ holding as a stopper and abandoned ' the no-trump idea. South realized that even with a . mild holding in the North hand a slam might be available and tempo rized by bidding four clubs (hearts 1 had presumably been agreed upon and this was intended as an ace showing bid). North’s bid of four (diamonds was clear cut and then South overbid the game with a call (of five hearts. North properly con strued this as an inquiry into the nature of his spade holding and realized that South could not em j bark upon a slam for fear that two (tricks would be lost in that suit. (Since he could promise to lose only one spade trick North accepted the invitation. The king of clubs was opened. South won and took only two rounds of trumps, leaving one at large. He then played the ace, king and queen of diamonds and ruffed a small one with the nine of hearts in dummy, establishing the suit and conceding only one trick to the ace of spades. The election not to pull all the trumps is sound. If diamonds do not break, it will do no good for de clarer to draw the trumps since he (will have to lose one trick in dia monds. If diamonds do break it will he safe to play two rounds of the suit. If both opponents follow the j last trump is drawn. If one of them (show's out. declarer has the hope that- the player who has no more diamonds (West in this case) also has no more trumps. It’s a remote uimncc, uut it uuou> nuuuu^ tu viy. (Copyrlrht. 1P47, by Charles H. Ooren.) Take My Word for It By Frank Colby WHAT’S THE ORIGIN? Q. When ia a ditch a "borrow ditch”? Until I uw It In print I thought It was called “bar ditch.” —Mrs. B. I. N. A. The customary term U "bor row pit.” In the field of highway and railroad construction, a borrow pit Is that part of the right of way from which earth is taken (bor rowed) for the purpose of building up the roadbed In low stretchee of land. • Q. Will you please trace the ori gin of the word wake, as of a ship?—G. C. A. This particular word wake Is of Scandinavian origin. The word first meant a space of unfrozen water In an otherwise frozen sea; hence, by extepsion, the track made by a ship sailing through frozen water, and. by extension, that which follows after, as the wake of war, the wake of a storm. Q. Will you please explain what Is meant by the Texas "panhan dle”?—©. C. A. A panhandle Is that part of 'j a State which is so long and nar 1 row as to resemble a handle, as i the handle of a frying pan. Sev 1 j eral States have panhandles, notably : Texas, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Idaho. Q. What is the significance of j the letters “INRI,” which are shown I over Christ’s head on crucifixes?— T. M. W. A. The initials stand for the | Latin Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iuda | rem (Jesus of Nazareth, King of } the Jews). A guide to the proper usage of "affert and effect’' hae been devised by Mr. Colbv. Leafflet C-l gives a clear, concise wav to learn the meaning of these troublesome words. To obtain a copy, send 6 cents in coin and a stamped, self-addressed envelope I to Frank Oo!by. Star r, O. Box 89. Station i G. New York 19. N Y. ! (Copyright, the Bell Syndicate, Inc., 1847.) Word Game Find 35 or more common English words In DERANGE, meaning, “to displace, disturb." Av erage mark is 32 words. Time limit, 25 minutes. Rules of the Game—1 Words miut be of four or more letters. 2. Words which acquire four letters by the addition of "s." such as "bats," "cats.” are not used. 3. Only one form of a word la used. ♦. Proper names are not used. A list will be published to morrow. Answer to POLEMIC. Pile lice mope aole poem lope moll Sons Dole epic Impel cops polios mile clip compel limp mice ellme eomplle lime mols clop coil Boer War Camps Recalled Concentration camps were in stituted by the British military au thorities in the Boer War in 1901, with the object of disheartening fighting troops by collecting non combatants. MOPSY~