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TINNing m EXTEEIEN c11. tCHANICS Takoma Shaet Motal Works '"SSTofiff S0..-" GEor,i. FLOOR MW* L T. FOLK Worthy 0»« ARTISTIC ENGRAVING ON JEWELRY AND SILVER WHILE YOU WAIT VOGUE JEWELERS OSS 11th ST. N.W. .-WANTED— I SCRAP IRON I Highest Prices Paid I ACE JUNK CO. payasyou SHOOT LIBERAL TERMS KODAK FILM DEVELOPED AND PRINTED .^ - ANT4BE • OR t EXP. ROLL L 1 REPRINTS tIP TO AND INCLUDING 616,4 C ONLY 2 STORES eil 12th K.W. • 809 7th N.W. - *te<«n U Bolllmar* <md Atlantic Oty I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ LOTS—COTTAGES 1 CABINS—GARAGES ♦ $395.00 up ♦ Caah—or—T erma ♦ BEACH HOUSE, $987.75 2 Limited eeentltr. 20x2* Gable f reel. Three etrlee. Oiler NOW T (or thie eee.on’e nee. ? (Erected en Teer Lot et T Smell Additional Celt) >ral Industries, Ine. H9 Jeff Davis Highway 4 S. Ho. 1) Arlington, Vo. < A. 2164-1720 • \ Svo., 7 to 9. Sun., 10 to 5. | - ■ . — JET-PROPELLED RACERS—These boys enthusiastically watcn their small racing cars—propelled by carbon cartridges—during a practice run at Police Boys Club No. 10, Fifteenth and Harvard streets N.W. The youths (left to right), George Delcher, 11, of 1434 Harvard street N.W.; Joe Gregory, 10, of 1362 Irving street N.W., and Charles Sweeney, 15, of 1323 Irving street N.W., will be among 300 boys expected to enter midget racers in a contest to be held at the club October 2. —Star Staff Photo. Recluse, 85, Dresses as Woman; I ndifferent to Longer Ski rt Styles By the Associated Press CHARLTON, Ontario, Sept. 26.— The current controversy over skirt lengths does not worry Nellee Jes see Reid, 85, a bachelor who has worn ankle-length skirts, bustles and bonnets all his life because his mother decided to raise her sixth son as a daughter. Mr. Reid has worked as a lumber j man, farmer, construction hand, and j railroad fireman. But he has always stuck to the same style of feminine attire—that of the 1890’s—refusing to doff his long skirts, frilled sleeves and crocheted cuffs. Now a district pensioner, he bicy cles once a month the 4 miles from his lonely, tarpaper shack to the post office in this Northern On tario village near Englehart. On a recent trip, he wore a woman’s cream-colored gabardine suit, with bustle and pleats. The Anti-Peron Newspaper Closed Again by Police By th» Associated Pres, BUENOS AIRES, Sept. 26.—Police yesterday closed the printing plant in La Plata which for two weeks has published Argentina Libre, a weekly opposing the Peron regime. Two weeks ago the newspaper’s publishers had been told the Buenos Aires plant they used no longer was available to them. Police charged the La Plata shop’s installations did not comply with municipal regulations. jacket was lavishly trimmed with pearl buttons, white lace medal lions and purple bows, and the skirt was protected by a red-checked apron. A red bonnet topped with a band, bow and tails and high, laced black rubber boots completed the ensemble. His hobby is * laking his own clothes from illustrations in a big collection of old department store catalogues. Myj? ^7OlpfjtZ* y v ❖ y Happy are / The Boys and Girls Who wear "Pedicraft" Shoes for their feet are comfort ahle and easy in them— they're built for young feet, giving maximum of wear for the hard usage which the youngsters subject them to. Mothers will find comolete assortment of styles—natu ral leather, brown and white elk, brown and white saddle oxfords, plain toe and shark skin oxfords. i s5 -*650 | Complete Line of Infanta’ Shoea % Pedleroft shoes are especially designed and built for young feet "from the cradle to college." i l ; BOYCE & LEWIS Custom-Fitting Shoes 439-441 SEVENTH STREET ^.W. Complete Line ef Nurses' Oxfords—Complete Line of HIGH SHOES STORE HOURS—9:S0 A.M. TO 6 R.M. Open All Day Saturday V ’ •* k j Maryland Youth Gets Milk Judging Award Albert Torbeck of Brookline, Md., was awarded second place in a milk judging contest at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Mass., last week. Young Torbeck and Theodore Burton, students at Sherwood High School, Sandy Spring, won the pre liminary contest for Maryland at College Park last‘May. They were accompanied to Springfield by H. H. Thompson, their Future Farmers of America adviser. Enroll Now tor CUuei gtortlnr Oct. 1 FRENCH GERMAN, SPANISH The Berlitz Method Is Available Only at THE BERLITZ SCHOOL of LANGUAGES 839 17th St. (at Eye) NAtional 0270 LUMBER For Lumber, Call Our Number ifcaatoyyfi, £■“ AT. 1400 HEAR A JEW PREACH CHRIST Metropolitan Baptist Church 6th and A Sts. N.E. Subject Tonight, 7:45 P.M. "The Inescapable Nan" GREAT MASS MEETINGS CONSTITUTION HALL, Sun., Sept. 28. ULINE ARENA, Sun., Oct. 5. Noonday Service, 12:10 P.M. Chantilly Room, Hamilton Hotel ___________ / a name to remember STANTON all-wool suits FOR COMFORT • STYLE • ECONOMY After many months of planning and careful consid eration, Herzog's adds the name "Stanton" to its long list of famous names in men's wear . . . and no name could be more worthy of the company it keeps. Stan ton Suits ore precision tailored for comfort and style, expertly woven to guarantee many seasons of won derful wear. Choose from single and double-breasted models in SHARKSKINS, COVERTS, FLANNELS— chalk stripes and pin stripes . . . complete size range. EXCLUSIVE WITH HERZOG'S 55.00 Charge Accounts Listen to Invited Claude Mahoney * ... and Hie Newt, Use Our Convenient Mon., Wed., Fri., 7:40 Lay.Away Plan a.m.. Station WTOP. 4 4 / BELL Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats *39.50 AND $44.50 Despite rising prices—the BELL policy of greater value must go on. Big volume and small mark-up maintains the high standard of quality you expect of your Bell Clothes ... at the popular prices you want to pay. We are confident that whether you pay $39.50 or $44.50 for your new Fall Suits, Topcoats or Overcoats, you will find by honest comparison that your money buys more at Bell. All sizes for regulars, longs, shorts, stouts and short stouts. Also Cadet Shorts for the extra short man. Hundreds of Fine Quality Hard Finished WORSTED SUITS *39.50 AND $44.50 I Single Breasted, Double Breasted in Neat Stripes, New Plaids in new Plain Sharkskns, Fancy Sharkskns, Silk Mixture Worsteds, New Blue and Brown, Shadow Weave Worsteds, New Twist-Sheen Worsteds and Her ringbone Worsteds. Regulars, longs, shorts, stout* and short-stouts, all the newest shades and pattern* are here. Try on YOUR BELL SUIT TODAY! * CHEVIOT & TWEED SUITS j Regulars, longs and shorts in all a a p sizes ... the newest patterns and W J II shades. - Now U the Time to Buy Your Bell ALL WOOL TOPCOAT AND OVERCOAT $39.50 AND $44.00 Single Breasted, Double Breasted . . . Button Through, Flyfront Models, Box Models, Raglan Mod els and Balmaccans. The new materials are Coverts, Gabardines, Calvary Twills, Handwoven Harris Tweeds, Fleeces, Velours, Hard-finished Diagonal Worsteds, Hard-finished Herringbone Worsteds, Melton Cloth and Worsted Cheviots. Regulars, longs and shorts in all sizes ... the newest patterns and shades. ggjg| Egx; K&m. VA'Wt. VPixt* resgga msaa. sessa ssss&s Kassa a*5*s ess* taa *K*as« sw^-a eejbs kh mam mmmm mmmi USE YOUR BELL CHARGE ) * months to pay weekly, semi-monthly . __ A..L, < or one-third each month. No interest ACCOUNT OR OPEN ONE! | or carrying charge on your Bell account. BELL CLOTHES 916 F STREET N.W. HH HHI HHI HIH HHB Hi HHI HHI HHI HHI. HHi IHH HH IHH H&& HH H^i HIH HHI « ^ ' | l