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flje fturning j&faf With Sunday Morning Edition. WASHINGTON, D. C. Publithod by Tb« Evening Star Newspaper Company. PRANK B. NOYES, President. B. M. McKELWAY, Editor. MAIN OFFICE: 11th St. and Pennsylvania Avo. NEW YORK OFFICE: 110 East 42d St. CHICAGO OFFICE: 435 North Michigan Avo. DoKvorod by Carrier—Metropolitan Area. Doily and Sunday Doily Only Sunday Only Monthly __1.20* Monthly 90c 10c per copy Wykly 30c Weekly _ 20c 10c per copy *10f additional when 3 Sundays ore in o month. Also 10c additional for Night Final Edition in those sections where delivery is made. Rates by Mail-*-PayabU in Advance. Anywhere in United States, fvening and Sunday Evening Sunday 1 month _ 1.50^ 1 month 90c 1 month 60c 6 months _ 7.50 6 months 5.00 6 months 3.00 1 year _13.00 i year . ..10.00 1 year 6.00 Telephone NAtional 5000. Intered ot the Post Office, Washington, D. C., os second-class mail matter. Member ef the Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of ali the local news printed in this newspaper, os well os all A. P. news dispatches. A4 *_FRIDAY, September 26, 1947 A City Program Prerequisite A comparison of the series of* local budget requests with Engineer Commis sioner Young's six-year civic improvement plan shows that, by and large, depart ment heads have followed closely the pri ority program suggested in that broad study. It is evident that the various municipal departments are seeking to give effect to the Young plan through routine budgeting procedures. But the staggering grand total of these spontaneous and un co-ordinated requests makes it clear that the program of urgent capital improve ments laid down in the Young report can never be realized in six or even sixteen years through a normal pay-as-you-go process. Engineer Commissioner Young’s pro gram, as a matter of fact, has not received the approval of Congress and hence lacks the authority of law. Congress has pro vided no over-all means of implementing the program by the necessary appropria tions. It is, however, an up-to-date catalogue of the more imperative needs of postwar Washington and, as such, is a valuable guide for the budget estimators. To attempt, however, to adhere closely to the priority schedule recommended in the Young report is to dump into the lap of the Board of Commissioners a collection of estimates far beyond the ability of the • already overtaxed local taxpayers to sup port. The $144,196,000 total of the current budget requests, as compared with the $95,500,000 appropriated for this fiscal year, indicates the unreality of such a piecemeal approach to the Young plan. The evidence is becoming plainer every day that if the Young plan is ever to be come a reality—and especially if it is to become a reality within a reasonable span of years—some special means of financing It, apart from the annual balanced budget ,eystem, must be found. The alternative to paying as you go is to borrow what is urgently needed and pay off the debt In budgeted installments. The District has borrowed before and has paid off its obli gations. The time has come to borrow again, so that the improvements regarded as immediately necessary to the public wel fare can be started today. This is a priority that overrides all other priorities i of the municipal improvement program to be presented to Congress. Italy's Colonies Issuance of invitations by the British Foreign Office to a conference in London on the future of the Italian colonies fo cusses attention on another thorny prob lem of the postwar settlement. The invited poyers are the United States, France and the Soviet Union. The first two have prd-mptly accepted for the suggested date, September 30. Although no reply has yet been received from Moscow, the supposi tion is that the Soviet government will not find it in its own interest to absent itself from the discussions. This is not the first time the question of the Italian colonies has been raised. The first occasion was just a year ago, during the first meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers in London. On that occasion, Soviet Russia threw a diplomatic bomb shell into the conference by demanding a Soviet mandate for Tripolitania—some thing absolutely unacceptable to the other participants. Since that preliminary impasse, the question of the Italian colonies has been laid on the shelf, with Britain remaining in possession of all the colonies in Africa ' as a result of their wartime conquest by British arms. However, the recently rati fied peace treaty with Italy provides that Italy's colonies should be definitely dis posed of within a year of ratification, which means on or before September 15, 1948. The British government appears to be taking time by the forelock in starting the discussions at an early moment. Italy’s colonial empire was considerable. Its first acquisitions occurred not long after lie dlloinmAnl n# noHnnol nnll« in 1 Q*7fi These were Eritrea, on the African side of the Red Sea, and a belt of territory on the African coast facing the Indian bcean, known as Italian Somaliland. An attempt was soon made to enlarge these bits into an East African empire by the subjugation of Abyssinia or Ethiopia, the ancient Chris tian kingdom which lay between them. However, this attempt ended disastrously, and Italy tried no further empire building until its war of frank aggression against the decadent Ottoman Empire in 1911, which resulted in Italy’s acquisition of the enormous but barren Turkish dependency of Tripoli (rechristened Lybia), lying be tween Egypt and Tunis on Africa’s Med iterranean coast, plus a group of highly strategic islands off Asia Minor. Mussolini carried Italy’s empire building to a pre carious climax by his conquest of Ethiopia in 1935 and his protectorate over Albania on the eve of World War II. All this imposing edifice soon crashed to ruin in consequence of Mussolini's rash entry into the war on Hitler’s side* after the latter’s Conquest of France in June, (1940. It is generally conceded that the Aegean Islands off Asia Minor shall go to Greece, and of course the Albanians are free of Italian dominance. The real problem is ' the disposition of Italy's African colonies. Ithiopia has put in a strong bid for Eritrea and Somaliland, which would give it ample access to the sea and end its long isolation from the outer world, although British in terests must be. taken into account and Egypt has expressed concern over Eritrea, which abuts on the Sudan. However, the biggest contention arises over Lybia. The natives of that country, all Arabs, were oppressed by the Italians and have been given assurances by the British that on no account would they be handed back to Italian rule. What the Lybian Arabs want is independence and membership in the Arab League, which strongly supports their claims. This how ever, raises the strong opposition of France, solicitous about pan-Arab agitation in its North African dependencies. Britain presumably would like to retain control over Lybia. Both powers, plus the United States, strongly oppose Russian claims to a mandate, which might open up all Africa to Communist penetration. The Food Emergency President Truman’s statement and the report of his Cabinet Committee on World Food Programs leave no room for doubt that the problem of hunger abroad is even worse now than last year. They make clear, moreover, that the most important single measure to be taken in meeting it is that the American people resort to a vol untary “conservation” campaign under which all of us w'ould make a particular point of being “more selective” in buying key foodstuffs, especially meat. Stated in simpler words, what is needed is that we eat things like choice beef a bit less fre quently. Many an American, psychologically, worn down by more than two years of post war emergencies, may be prone to resist such an idea. Yet the fact is that we are at a point where self-restraint in our eat ing habits during the weeks immediately ahead will be synonymous with the self interest of every one of us. Humanl tarianism aside—and this Nation would be violating one of its finest traditions if it neglected that—economic and political sta bility abroad has a direct bearing on our own well being, but it cannot be built on a foundation of widespread hunger. Ac cordingly, to the extent that we act to prevent such hunger, we shall be serving ourselves. Over and above that, if we do not act affirmatively, our currently in flated food prices will almost certainly go higher and higher! The situation is bad today for several reasons. First, storms, drought, early frost and other harsh acts of nature have hit overseas harvests so hard that the food-deficit countries are substantially worse off than they were a year ago. Second, while the demand abroad thus has grown greater, adverse crop developments in North America have decreased supplies in the surplus-producing countries— notably our supply of corn. Third, our wheat has not suffered, but with our corn short and its price very high, farmers will be strongly tempted to feed more wheat to livestock, instead of making it available to humans in dire need of it. And fourth, unless we reduce our extraordinary con sumption of choice beef and the like, the farmers' temptation will be harder than ever to resist, and the combined domestic and foreign demand for grain will be so great that the hunger menace will be in adequately met, and there will be more ninauon in our own country. The problem, of course, calls for more than self-rationing in relatively abundant America. It calls for the full co-operation of all nations, the needy and the surplus producing ones alike. It may call, too, for legislative action to limit the use of grain by millers, brewers, etc.—a possibility the President will discuss at his Monday emer gency meeting with congressional leaders to weigh the advisability of a special ses sion of Congress on stop-gap aid to cope with the over-all European situation, which involves more than a critical food shortage. But both he and his cabinet com mittee have emphasized that the immedi ate need is for a national conservation program designed to satisfy minimum foreign requirements and "at the same time relieve the upward pressure of prices at home.” Since the revival of OPA seems admin istratively and politically out of the ques tion, any effort at conservation will have to be carried out on a voluntary basis along lines to be defined by the President’* newly appointed Citizens’ Food Commit tee. What is necessary, above all, is a Nation-wide realization that the situation abroad is urgent and that the individual American has only to curb his appetite a trifle to save lives and serve his own best interests. The task of leadership now is to drive that point home to every one. Tension Over Trieste There appears to be a connection, as indubitable as it is nminmis Hptwper* Nikola Petkov’s execution and the fresh provocations against our troops and au thority in Trieste. The Communist-domi nated regimes in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia seem to be vying with each other in arrogant defiance of the United States. There can be no reasonable doubt that this parallel conduct is not accidental but forms part of a pattern inspired by Mos cow. The current kidnaping of an American patrol along the border of the newly created Free State of Trieste by Yugoslav troops is merely the latest of similar outrages committed against American and British soldiers. Although the victims have ultimately been released after protests by the Allied authorities, the Yugoslav gov ernment has in no case offered a satisfac tory explanation or adequate apology. While these kidnaping incidents may be classified as “pinpricks,” they are com pounded by mounting Incidents of a potentially graver character within Trieste itself. The workability of the Free State arrangement set up by the United Nations is being sabotaged by Soviet Russia’s refusal to agree to any candidate for governor whom America and Britain could approve. The result of that obstruction is that the Anglo-American occupational authority has been extended informally, with attendant perpetuation of uncer tainty and unrest. That unrest, in turn, is being deliberately aggravated by the local Communist element, which has called a series of labor walkouts culminating in a “general strike.” The dual aim of these tactics is clearly to paralyze Trieste's eco nomic life and flout the authority of the * ). occupation:.' minorities at one and the same time. Furthermore, this tension over Trieste concurs with similar Yugoslav provocations along the adjacent new border with Italy. All this logically raises the question how much longer we can maintain technically amicable diplomatic relations with regimes so obviously bent on flouting us and dis crediting us in the eyes of their own people and of other European nations. Unless this provocative trend is reversed, the moment must surely come when more posi tive action will have to be taken than protests “for the record.” The State De partment has just suggested as much in a new protest warning the Tito regime that its “irresponsible actions” are “ex ceedingly dangerous” and likely to lead to “most serious consequences” unless stopped. A War Reminder The Japanese mines washed ashore near Fort Pierce, Florida, by the hurricane are a grim reminder of the dark days when enemy submarines roamed the Atlantic Ocean, sinking ships and strewing mines in stealthy forays in American waters. And they confirm predictions of naval authorities that antishipping mines, strewn by Allied and Axis submarines, surface ships and planes in mahy seas during World War II, will remain a menace to shipping for years to come. The finding of Japanese mines in the Atlantic may be accounted for by the fact that some Japanese submarines are known ' to have ventured into those waters. Two such vessels were destroyed in the Atlantic by United States antisubmarine forces in the spring of 1944. They were the RO-501, sunk by a destroyer on May 13 of that year, and the 1-52, a large experimental fleet submarine, sunk by carrier planes on June 24. Either might have been used for mine-laying purposes. Ever since the close of the war mines have been tossed ashore in various parts of the world by storms and tides, despite the far-ranging mine-sweeping operations which have been going on steadily in the Atlantic and Pacific areas. The mine clearance work is being done under the general supervision of the International Mine Clearance Authority in London. Each nation has the responsibility for sweeping its own waters, although the bulk of the job in the Pacific has been done by the United States Navy. All principal ports and channels now have been swept, although an occasional overlooked mine, broken loose from its moorings, appears in shipping lanes. The hunt for mines continues especially in European and Mediterranean waters, where mine war fare reached its apex. To locate and destroy every one of the hundreds of thousands of mines laid dur ing the war is an impossibility. Drifters and hidden mines will imperil ships prob ably for another decade. By that time most of the mines should have deteriorated until they no longer are dangerous. Until then, however, mariners will remain wary of strange objects seen afloat at sea. The urban population is aghast to learn that unfavorable weather leads to a scar city of groceries. Always, the true city denizen has felt that food is found, not raised. This and That By Charles E. Tracewell "CHEVY CHASE, Md. "Dear Sir: "I recently witnessed a dramatic three-way battle in my back yard. The participants were a golden garden spider, some yellow jackets and a redbird. "One day there appeared in a shady corner of our garden a vertical, orb-shaped spider's web. At the center of it was the female spider, her yellow back markings contrasting with her brown legs, waiting head down for visitors. "One Sunday afternoon I noticed a number of yellow jackets buzzing angrily around the yard in the vicinity of the web. As I ap proached I could see that the wreb was the center of the disturbance. "Before long one of the yellow jackets flew close to the spider, flitted away, flew through the web once, and then returned, becoming momentarily entangled. Before he could free himself, the spider had scuttled over and cov ered him with a network of heavy, white threads. The yellow jacket, completely en meshed, ceased his struggles as the spider clamped her jaws on him, and a moment later the spider returned to the center of the web, leaving her victim still and lifeless, suspended cocoon-llke In his white shroud. "This process was repeated time and time again, and when a shower dispelled the swarms of insects, 10 of their number had been caught. "The next morning I looked to see if the battle had been resumed—but now a female cardinal was flitting about the wtb, and I was just In time to see her fly directly at the spider and take it in her bill. "The bird hopped about in the bushes for a minute, and I could hear the crunch of the spider’s shell as the cardinal’s meal was com pleted. "As she flew away across the yard the re mains of the spider’s web trailed after, and ensnared in it were a few twigs and leaves, as well as the bodies of the 10 nisects which had perished. "Sincerely yours. H. M. B., jr.” , * * * * "So pass the glories of this world away." Man has been killing other living things for lciiilu iea, mm jiow, not sausnea, ne is getting ready to do a bit of mass killing on himself! Unless he comes to his senses, he will find himself no better ofT, in the end, than the cruel garden spider, and the equally cruel cardinal, and the buzzing yellow jackets. Somehow, in the foregoing tale, the poor yellow jackets are our heroes, if any heroes can emerge from such stark tragedy. Let us turn to the contemplation of the yel low garden spider. We had the pleasure of seeing one of these the other day, perched between the leaves of a marigold plant in a pot. That pot and all it contained was the spider's little world, which could be transported from neighbor to neighbor, as was done. The spider, a perfect match for the flowers, did not mind in the least, just as long as the web was not touched. The body was almost round, and made such a match for the flower petals that newcomers, looking at the group, were unable at first to spot the spider. When they saw it. finally, there was always a slight gasp of surprise. * * * * “ALEXANDRIA, Va. “Dear Sir: “Your interesting writings on birds and small animals are most enjoyable. We moved lip from Atlanta last November and I have been so happy to find many wildbirds here that I knew only through pictures in my native North Georgia. Maybe I just didn’t look in the right places there, or at the right time. "You must possess a wonderfully kind nature, for you always look for the good traits in even the lowliest Insect. You make the wild creatures of all kinds sound almost human, and I feel sure they are more like us than we suspect. “Thanks for championing the common spar row. street, urchin that he is, his personality is unsurpassed. "Sincerely, R. T. B." Letters to The Star wny v^rime i^eveiops Ts tht Editor of The Star: I wonder If the fact that Washington is one of the worst crime spots in the country could have anything to do with its lack of recrea tional ^facilities and wholesome outlet for peo ple's energies? Also, could it be because when many people are forced to live in crowded, unwholesome, abnormal conditions they nat urally become unwholesome and abnormal? When are legislators going to have the simple common sense to spend less money on million dollar marble memorials and buildings and more on bettering human living? As for sex criminals, the only thing to marvel at is there aren't more! Everywhere we look our senses are deluged with sex-stimulating pictures and literature. Why don’t our lawmakers do some preventive work by making these illegal? Why don’t our educators (both formal and informal) present the beautiful and normal approach to sex, as an antidote for the abnormal one? J. M. Franklin Park Forum To the Editor of The SUi: The social ingredients that flavor a metrop olis range from the fashionable to the squalid. If the former is more publicized it is not always because it is more significant or colorful. The preference, we suspect, is gov emeu Dy a squeamish re gard for con vention. For tunately, ob servers of dis tinction have not seldom ig nored the well dressed bar barians of the boulevards to concentrate atten tion upon the life of the purlieus. A recent example is provided by the scholarly critic, Edmund Wilson, in his memoirs of "A Roman Summer,” which appear in the current num ber of Horizon. The forlorn grandeur of the Eternal City is only a minor lament in his moving 'description of the ubiquitous black market and brothels which animate its ghastly decay. Similarly, albeit on a more wholesome scale, London is not less interesting for its Hyde Park, nor New York for its Union Square, nor Chicago for its Newberry, or Bughouse Square. But a tomblike obscurity envelops Washing ton’s recent achievement of parallel stature with the hectic flowering of free speech in Franklin Park.. Our refrigerated mausoleums of art, our frightfully austere auditoriums al ways command a good press; a press almost unctuous in its deference to these monuments Letters for publication must bear the signature and address of the writer, although it is permissible for a writer known to The Star to use a nom de plume. Please be brief. our country now stands, so weak in concerted efforts that we cannot cope effectively with thjs hideous menace? Honorable behavior as regards patriotism is quite as important in every citizen as in the Federal employe. The Taft-Hartley Act does not go far enough. It should require that no union be permitted to exist unless none of its officers and mem bers are Communists—a condition to which all individuals concerned should be made to swear. Such oaths of course would mean nothing to the malefactors but would offer a basis upon which to rest action for perjury. Are we sure that even now there does not exist a clan destine communistic army in this country as in France and Italy, with appointed mobiliza tion centers and caches of arms? Must we look to Turkey which was reported to have rooted out this scourge, to show us how to oust these traitorous elements from our com monwealth? Must we suffer a red militia to run riot in this country as in Italy? How, for instance, would Russia handle such a situation? How long do you think anything contrary to the Moscow ideology would last there? We want no police state but our only salvation is going to depend upon a severe policing of the Communists here. We are, in fact, already in an undeclared war with an implacable foe whose avowed intention is to extirpate us from the face of the earth, and yet we remain supine in the face of this momentous danger. Possibly we before long w'ill awaken to find that the dollars we now so freely pour into Europe—contrary, I believe, to constitutional authority—have .deprived us of the power to prepare adequate stockpiles of war materials or sufficient armament to protect ourselves in the coming Armageddon. If such results of our generosity occur, will we not then con clude that we have condemned all the world to misery, including ourselves, through our shortsightedness? GEORGE H. MORSE. so caviare to the general. But who knows, or cares, about such a poor relation as Franklin Park? The zestful meeting of minds that goes on there, from midday until way past midnight on Sunday, is a refreshing relief from the boiled shirt oracles who dispense culture with a cap ital C under more exclusive auspices. The transient visitor will be entertained, if not instructed, by the park's advocates of faith, hope and rhetoric. He will hear. In accents redolent of John Bunyan, of the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, and that life here is but the tedious delay of an expected felicity. From others, the sheltered and complacent will learn that there are problems not yet solved by democratic societies; or that our own social structure is, strange to say, still less than perfect. Like some journalists, Franklin Park's cham pions of religion, science and heathenism oc casionally disdain to curb their imaginations for the sake of mere accuracy. Others discourse with a learning and judgment nostalgic of those calm heights where the intellect sits en throned. Unwary philosophers, boasting ex pensive academic pedigrees, have been known to pause for a brief encounter only to retreat in confusion and dismay. William Green, president of the A. F. of L., who lives nearby, is not a rare spectator. Some of us wonder if he isn’t sampling the latest ideological novel ties among the proletariat, conformist and dissident? Nor is the level of oratory in our park always lush or vulgar. Frequently it is inspired with a cadence worthy of a less ephemeral recording. Last Sunday we were delighted by the soulburst of one who declaimed: ‘‘In this war-wounded and tormented world, a world in which even the nightingale must sing with a throb of pain, we all of us at times feel desolate and dreadfully alone. From the agony of such circumstances • • *” Alas, the discussions are not always so mellifluous, mounting at times*to an apoplectic pitch. Wasn’t it the wise Plato who, reflecting on his own open air discourses, observed that political arguments are a sure way to shorten life? For better or for worse, Mr. Editor, our age is committed to the social climate of the masses. So give a plug for the boys and girls of Franklin! „ JULIUS DAVIDSON. Test for Christian Nations To the Editor of The Star: , The hopes and prayers of war-exhausted mankind are focused on the General Assembly Deplores Brutal Sports To the Editor of The Star: I want to express my entire agreement with every word of Miriam S. Lampton's letter in your Issue of September 11, under the heading ; “Her Sympathies Are With the Bull.” In reading the ac count of Man uel Rodriguez’s death, my mental com ment was that he got a dose of his own medicine, which served him right. We read of heroic toreadors bravely defending themselves against being gored by infuriated bulls, but honestly now wouldn’t you feel like goring a tormenter who was sticking knives into your quivering flesh for no reason except his own amusement? And I also agree most heartily with Carl W. Rednam’s suggestion, in his letter of Septem ber 18, that the writer in question should turn her attention also to some of our own cruel sports, including prize* rings “where a couple of guys undertake to beat each other into in sensibility for the enjoyment of the assembled and hysterical multitude.” Brutal sports in our Nation and in other countries should be discouraged by every means possible, and in this, many readers would like to see our Star take the lead. GERTRUDE E. MACKENZIE. Prophecies and Their Interpretation To the Editor of The Star: I wish that every thinking person in this world would read your editorial, “At the End of Our Tether?” The words of Jesus Christ grow mightier by the day in this atomic age. Let us again peruse them. In Chapter 24, 15th verse of St. Matthew: “When ye therefore *fcall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand).” T f Iho otnmln hnmh hopfovinlAn-ionl ii'o vfnvn oi tne united Nations. Here the healing teach ings of Jesus confront cynical atheists of communism men who openly mock God and persecute truth and human freedom and Christianity’s derisive aggressors. Terror, treachery, slavery are their ruthless weapons. Opposing these berserk outlaws is a trusted soldier and statesman who champions the Christian community of nations’ sincere as pirations for peace. He braves their calculated bullying and rowdyism without the police pow ers lawless gangsters most fear. We alone truly have disarmed and renounced military might as the final arbiter of right. Yet it is within our power to arm Secretary Marshall with a weapon that will defeat the devilish purpose of these evil men who mock God. That weapon is food for the starving and dependable ways and means to produce and distribute it more abundantly. Twenty centuries after the sacrificial death of Jesus a hate-torn world sees the practical wisdom of His formula for peace. It is “feed the hungry.” We realize this when we recall God's indictment against men and nations in the last judgment. The damned are those who fail to feed the hungry, clothe the naked or to minister to those sick or in prison. Sharing our food with the hungry is the first moral law of practical Christianity. It is the only realistic method w’hereby we can beat swords into ploughshares. The victorious sword repeatedly has failed us. Either we feed the hungry or the cynical atheists of communism will declare we are a Christian nation In name only. Let our col lective ingenuity contrive to feed the hungry so that we will be on God’s right side on that solemn day of final judgment. THOMAS E. MATTINGLY, M. D. Wants Sterner Resistance to Reds To ;tte Editor nt The Star: I ask you, in the name of all that is rational, since we must now screen out the Communists from our Federal service, by what logic do we continue to permit them to execute here orders originating in Moscow, engage in subversive propaganda under our very noses, run schools, print and distribute literature, operate movies and engage in radio broadcasting, all with the basic intent of disrupting our constitu tional way of life? Are we so naive, so lacking in comprehension of the jeopardy in which r t t and the other modern arts and devices of hell do not constitute "the abomination of desola tion,” then the meaning of that phrase is too profound for humanity’s understanding. (Sher man didn’t see anything.) Again, these are His words: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of Heaven, but My Father only.” However, we can know when events are buildnig up to that day of God Almighty, for, consider these words: "Now, learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh.” The atomic bomb is referred to also in Reve lations, chapter 13: "And He doeth great won- j ders so that He maketh fire come down from \ Heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” This is the second beast, servant unto the first beast, which is war, violence, human conflict. In the last years, when the human race is using the last of the rope given to it by the Creator, science will become degraded in the hands of an atheistic nation, with “the feet of a bear.” Science has always seemed benign, "like a lamb.” But in those days, not too far off, it will "speak as a dragon.” The first beast rises up out of the sea. The sea (waters in Chapter 17) are "people and multitudes and nations and tongues.” The second beast comes up out of the earth, the source of uranium, plutonium, steel, petroleum and all the muscles and sinews of war. A degraded science is the "second beast.” « L. S. Terrorism Is No Solution To the Editor of The Star: Miss Dorothy Thompson's column regarding the Stern gang and the questions she asks are both penetrating and thought-provoking. I recommend it to those who have not read it. I am a naturalized citizen of the United States. When I took the path of citizenship, I forcolro 1 mro 1 ftr to otVior or onrl my ancestral groups. I pledged myself to abide by the laws of the United States. Rabbi Baruch KorfT, accused of plotting to bomb London, took the same oath of citizenship to forsake loyalty to others and to abide by the laws of the United States which, among other things, stipulate that decisions regarding military action against a foreign government are the exclusive function of the United States Congress. It is not the duty of a United States citizen to go abroad to engage in plots against other nations, thus creating discord between .others and ourselves. Such conduct becomes more reprehensible when we realize that Rabbi KorfT and his "Political Action Committee” represent an organization which the vast majority of the Jews themselves regard as terrorists. When Rabbi KorfT took the oath of American citizen ship, he should have realized what principles that citizenship involved. Terrorism and Amer icanism simply do not go together. If naturalized and native-born citizens of the United States should Jollow_Rabbi Korfl's example and take the law into their own hands to support their racial, religious or ancestral groups in other countries, we would get into trouble with every nation in the world. Ours would then be an anarchy and the United States Government, as we know it, would cease to exist. WORLD WAR II VETERAN. / Sea's 'False Bottom' Due To Jet-Propelled Squid Findings of Antarctic Expedition Support Scientists’ Hypothesis By 7 homas R. Henry The seas “phantom bottom," which rises at sunset and sinks at sunrise, probably is due to great hosts of Jet-propelled squid ex tremely sensitive to light. This hypothesis is supported by findings of the Navy’s Antarctic Expedition last winter v<hich took thousands of sonic depth measure ments in the far southern ocean where, It Is known, there is a very large squid population forming a large item in the diet of sperm whales. The ocean’s false bottom, which has led to numerous mistakes on navigational chart® In the past, was discovered by Navy scientists during the war but the finding Immediately became a top secret because it involved im portant underwater sound experiments. When the sonic depth finder, which determined sea depths by the time taken for the return of echoes, is used a bottom often is found at night at depths of about 2,000 feet in water supposedly about 10.000 feet deep. Such bot toms have been recorded as “shoals." tops of undersea mountains, etc. The curious fact was that they always were recorded after sun set, never in full daylight. Records Now Under Study. Thus, it was assumed, they must be due to some enormous mass of solid material which rose and sank with variations in light. In the Navy expedition soundings the false bot tom phenomenon disappeared completely when the ships entered the region of perpetual day early last January. The records now are being studied at the Navy Hydrographic Office. In Antarctic seas, it is explained, there are two super-abundant forms of life which are well-known and which make these waters the earths richest pastures for marine life. One of these life-swarms is composed of diatoms almost invisibly minute, glass-shelled, one-’ celled plants which exist in countless quadril lions. They, in turn, form the chief food of tiny red crustaceans, the krill, which occur in vast fields, coloring many square miles of wa ter blood-red. These are the chief food of sperm whales. But both these forms of life are essentially without means of self propulsion. They float passively with the" currents and seem to occur in equal abundance night and day. They seem to have no particular aversion to sunlight. Adapted To Twilight. Fish, while plentiful, do not occur in large schools such as would constitute solid masses capable of returning sound echoes over a con siderable area. But, Hydrographic Office sci entists point out, the squid and closely related smaller octopuses, fit nicely into the pipture. It is known that whales, seals and penguin feed on them. They are creatures adapted through millions of generations to life in the darkness or perpetual twilight of abysmal depths and It is quite likely that even mild light is painful to them. Besides they have a mechanism for moving up and down very rapidly. Their ancestors, about 400,000,000 years ago were the original inventors of jet propulsion and this has been improved by the squid family ever since. They could descend a mile or so In a very few min utes. Also, they are known to exist in large schools. Perhaps the flight from light is a means of escape from animals which hunt in t.hp riavtfma Actually very little is known of the gquld population of the Antarctic since few scientific specimens have been recovered. But this would have been expected if they spend all daylight hours at great depths. The “phantom bottom’’ now has been re ported over most of the world, and squid art distributed through all the oceans. Questions and Answers Please inclose 3 cent* for return postage.' By THE HASKIN SERVICE. Q; Is there any record of the first baptism performed by the English in this country?— D. C. A. According to American Guide Series Book for North Carolina, the first baptism performed by English-speaking people in the New World took place on Roanoke Island on August 13, 1587. The convert was the Indian Manteo. and his baptism was followed a W'eek later by that of the infant Virginia Dare. L Q. Does the sugar beet differ from the ordi nary beet used as a vegetable?—B. P. O. A. Sugar beets resemble giant, silverv white parsnips, quite unlike the dark red beets used as a table vegetable. Q. Were most of the colonial homes painted white?—L. L. A. House paint was an innovation of the 18th century. White was probably not much used In’ this country before 1800. The outer walks, when painted at all, were red, yellow or gray. An 18th century house was colorful and cheerful. Q. Who is the youngest man ever to be ap pointed Chief of Staff?—G. R. A. A. Gen. Douglas MacArthur. He was ap pointed Chief of Staff in 1930 at the age of 50. Q. Can telephone conversation be carried over electric power wires ?-*-C. T. R. A. Seven experimental power-line carrier systems for telephone communication have been installed in various sections of the coun try. Operation of these will be studied for some time before large-scale installations are made. Q. Is the use of aluminum for cooking uten sils prohibited in European countries?—D. R. H. A. The Department of Commerce says that the sale or use of aluminum for cooking pur rvirOC ic r r\t In Fiivnnnnn .. Q. What happened to a resolution once In troduced in Congress to impeach Andrew Mel lon. then Secretary of the Treasury?— N. S. N. A. Representative Patman introduced a resolution to impeach Andrew Mellon on Jan uary 7, 1932. It was charged that he used official influence to negotiate a concession for the Colombian Petroleum Co. The House Judiciary Committee studied the charges, but the inquiry was dropped about February 11. In the meantime, Mr. Mellon had been appointed Ambasador to Great Britain, and the appoint ment had been confirmed Q. Is Campobello Island in the United State* / or in Canada?—P. L. E. 1 A. Campobello Island is an island of New Brunswick, Canada, near Eastport, Me. A House Is Building A house is building straight across from mine. ' They put the shingles on the roof today. I sighed to watch them cut the gray scrub pine And long, green grasses salt winds used to sway. That field it was afforded me my view Across the valley and far out to sea— But now, I thought, in this inglorious way, An ugly house would shut it off from me. Such were my fears before I’d seen the pair— (Soon to be three!) who’ll be my neigh bors when That little house is finished over there. I’d not be wanting just a field again. My only problem, these days, is to think Whether to make a crib robe blue—or pink. VIOLET ALLEYN STOREY. 1 I