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Chest Worker Urges Oversubscription of $3,900,000 Quota Calling for an oversubscription of the Community Chest Federation's campaign goal of $3,900,000, Norman H. Barnes, sales manager of the Potomac Electric Power Ço. and a veteran of 18 Chest campaigns, said today there is "no better way to build a better community." Mr. Barnes, who has served as a volunteer Chest campaigner since 1929, called the campaign the "best method of meeting human needs through private welfare services" and said there is "no finer expres sion for the deep-rooted urge to help others less fortunate than we are." The campaign to support 125 Red Feather service agencies in the National Capital area begins No vember 12. Mr. Barnes will serve as chairman of the public utilities area of Business Unit No. 1 of the campaign organization. Granville Gude is chairman of the unit Asks Oversubscription of Goal. "From the point of view of a businessman, I see the work of the Community Chest Federation as an eco^gmical enterprise in which each of us can and must share respon sibility which no one else can dis charge for us," Mr. Barnes' state ment said. "This year, with needs for all types of guidance and assistance increas ing rapidly, we must oversubscribe the $3,900,000 goal by generously in creasing our gifts. The coming year's necessary welfare services cannot be supported adequately unless we give more than we gave before." Mr. Barnes is a member of the Board of Directors of the Optimist Club and of the Board of Trustees of the Washington Building Con gress. He is a Mason, a member of the Washington Board of Trade and chairman of the special Activities Committee of the Sales Executives' Club. He is commander of the Pepco Post 43 of the American Legion. Military District Plans Support. The Military District of Wash ington is formulating plans to sup port the campaign "to the fullest extent," In accordance with a re quest of Secretary of the Army Royall, It was announced yesterday. Brig. Gen. C. B. Ferenbaugh, com manding general, has named Lt. Col. William F. Nee, public Infor mation officer, as representative for the district In the campaign and has requested district units to select their representatives. In a letter to Gen. Ferenbaugh, Secretary Royall said: "In past years, the War Department's con tribution to similar campaigns has been outstanding. Now I ask your aid this year In carrying on under our new title as the Department of the Arnyy. "The need for assistance con tinues and I urge each officer and employe to do his fair part In help ing to make this campaign a suc cess." Weir Declares Europe Can Help Itself More By th· Associated Prttt PITTSBURGH, Oct. 3. — The United States should not undertake to meet all European demands for food and materials "unless It be comes clear that Europe is attempt ing to help itself," says Ernest T. Weir, chairman of the National Steel Corp. Mr. Weir, who recently returned from an inspection trip to Europe to investigate conditions there, told newsmen yesterday, after a confer ence on steel production, that "it seems to me some European coun tries can help" themselves more than they now are doing." As an example he cited British coal production, which he said has fallen from the prewar 240,000,000 tons annually to about 180,000,000 tons annually at present with the "same miners, the same mines and the coal still there." Asked about steel production, Mr. Weir said his company is start / ι in g a program expected to Increase ingot production by more than 20 per cent, adding that this phase oi a $100,000,000 construction program answers labor critics who "accuse the steel Industry · · * of plotting to reduce capacity." Men Have Hair Curled, Dyed in South Africa Hairdressers of Bloemfontein, South Africa, revealed that many men in that city have their hair curled regularly—and are very "fad dish" about it, too. "Some," they are quoted as saying, "are not at all satisfied with the natural color of their hair and resprt to a more attracive hue—especially middle aged men. The hair Is dyed because they dread to have it known that it has turned to silver. Men are not ashamed of having their hair curled but it seems they are somewhat dif fident to let it be known that they have it dyed. Cuba Expected to Release More Dominican Rebels By th· Associated Press HAVANA, Oct. 3.—The Cuban Supreme Tribunal was expected tc release today approximately 70C members of an expeditionary force captured aboard two ships off the Cuban coast before they could par ticipate in an abortive plot to over throw the Dominican government of President Rafael Trujillo. Only the leaders will be held, Cuban officials said. Yesterday the tribunal freed 376 other expeditionaries found by Cu ban forces stranded on Guinchos Cay off the Cuban coast, where they I had been left by the msftn body of ι the revolutionary army after refus ing to go on with the plot. * With a 2,485 - mile coastline Chile's average width is only 11C miles. Dr. J. Κ. FREIOT, DENTIST PLATE SPECIALIST Plate· Repaired While To· Wait 407 7th St. N.W. HA. 0019 see REO first! get REO prices! I ! Investigate RIO service ! \ I ALL MAKES AND MODELS! !^îreow"c"„i",s;0" SALES <nd SERVICE | 1331 HALFST. S.E. Lincoln 7402 I Trucks · Traclo-'s · Coj'hts · Srhoo· Busei ■ I SPORT-CENTER · 8th & D Sts. I Boys' & Girls7 Gym Outfits BOYS' OUTFITS 1 Gym Shorts, school colors, 1 grey or white $1.25 Basketball Shorts $1.95 Tee Shirts 85c Sweat Shirts, grey $1.95 Sweat Pants $1.95 Supporters s 75c Gym Shoes, hi top, black, $2.50 Basketball Shoes, canvas, $4.95 Athletic1 Socks 50c / GIRLS' OUTFITS Gym Suits, bloomer Ifeg style $2.95 Shorts, navy blue $2.95 Gym Shoes, hi top $1.95 Gym Shoes, low $2.50 Athletic Socks 50c JUST RECEIVED! Large Lot Girls Gym Suits Shirt style, bloomer insert 3.95 8th & D Sts. N.W. · RE. 2545 Free Parking Few Doors Up 8th St. on Steele's Lot FOR GRACIOUS LIVING ★ By Reed and Barton Graceful Modern Five-Piece Tea Ser vice in Fine Silver Plate by the fa mous REED & BARTON Silver Company ... at Schwartz, a great Name in Jewelry in the Nation's Capital. *175. ★ By Frank M. Whiting Handsome, Hand-Chased Five-Piece Tea Service in Solid Sterling Silver by the Frank M. Whiting Company ... at Schwartz, a Great Name in Jewelry in the Nation's Capital. i *500. ★ By International Silver Co. Beautiful Four-Piece Tea Service in Fine Silver Plate ... by the Inter national Silver Co. at Schwartz, a Great Name in Jewelry in the Na tion's Capital. •8280 SILVER CLUBS and BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED You are invited to make u»e of our Convenient Lay-a*Way Plan for your Chrittmas Gift Selections. \ I * V * 1305 F ST. —' PHONE EX. 1305 DIAMONDS FOR 58 YEARS'" / ' · * Φ Ά ^ " Qui standard is so important to Men respect'our label because we make no compromise. Fine clothing is the only kind we know, the only kind we carry. Before the Saltz F Street label is sewed into a suit, whether its price is $65 or $125, it must measure up, in every way, to our standard of quality, design and tailoring — the highest standard. As a result our label has special significance to men who spend wisely. It is your safeguard, your guide to sound clothing investment. Our collection at $65 is an excellent illustration of the Saltz F Street standard. Here are sharkskin, worsted and'cheviot suits of definite distinction, fine quality fabrics, tailored with traditional Saltz F Street perfection. SALTZ F STREET suits, $65 ΓίΤΤΓ ^ Χ 31.1341 F STREET THE fastest growing store in fast growing Silver Spring sets the pace with this unusual sale! Hundreds of items for the home must be moved tov make room for a new and more extensive line of radios and appliances. In just a few weeks, Capitol Tires will be ready with a bigger and bet ter store to serve you . . . right now, don't miss this great jale! RADIO VALUES Reg. 39.95 Five-Tube Table Mod el Radios 19.95 Reg. 39.95 Record Players, 29.95 Reg. 36.95 Six-Tube Table Model Radios 24.95 Reg. 119.95 Table Model Radio Phopograph Combination--89.50 Reg. 16.50 Child's Electric Rec ord Player 9.95 WALL Cabinets Reg. 12-95 18x30-inch Wall Cabinets 8.9$ Reg. 14.95 24x24-inch Wall Cabinets 10.95 Reg. 40.85 60 inches of Wall Cabinets, using- (2) 18"x30" cabinets and (1) 24"x24" cab inet 28.85 Reg. 595.00 Mijrphy Cabrinette Kitchen, gas . 495.00 Reg. 645.00 Murphy Cabrinette Kitchen, electric 545.00 * The above mtrchandii· il ■ partial lift of tht many items re duced for this giant tale . many are nationally known prod' uctt, floor and window samples. Come in today ι.. see for your self how tremendous this Ex pansion Sale really is! ( Opto Monday thru Thursday 1:30 AM. to RANGES AND SINKS Reg. 198 00 Porta-Bilt Sink, ,]60-inch Size 129.50 Reg. 219.00 44-inch Stainless Steel Sink 169.50 Reg! 129.00 54-inch Porcelain Sink 99.50 Reg. 199.50 Formica Top Sink, mother-of-pearl or black, 149.50 SMALL· Appliances Reg. 10.95 Automatic "Selwin" Electirc Irons 5.95 Reg. 10.95 Napco Electric Irohs Automatic 6.95 Reg. 11.95 Cookers 4Vz-qt Pressure 8.95 Reg. 59.95 Vacuum Cleaners, 44.95 Reg. 10.95 Samson Single Burner Hot Plate 1_ 7.95 KITCHEN FURNITURE Reg. 69.50 5-pc. Chrome and Porcelain Dinette Sets 44.50 Reg.. 6.95 Kitchen Stools, red or blue 4.49 Reg. 8.95 Aluminum Kitchen Chairs, leatherette upholstered seat and back C. 5.95 MISCELLANEOUS Reg. 4.95 Door Chimes 1.98 Reg. 22.50 Famous Casco Electric Craft Sets 14.95 (MË& ft «Ilflll CAPITOL 8527 GEORGIA AVE. SILVER SPRING, MD. S P.M. · Friday and Saturday 'til f PM. -s TIRES RADIOS APPLIANCES J* I }