_MONEY WANTED._ 1st TRUST NOTE for sale, earning interest; on D. C. property. Call Mr. Mil ler mortgage loan dept . LEO M. BERN STEIN & CO . 1415 K st. n.w, ME. 5400 “Washington’s Complete Real Estate In stitution.” —28 *2,300 SECOND TRUST morteage securec on D »C. property; payable $40 per mo TA $2*2.* AUCTION SALES. __TOMORROW._ ADAM A. WESCHLER Sc SON, auctioneer* Large sale of new and used household mnc office furniture, small safe, flies, radios pianos, washing machine. Canton anc Limoges china, crystal, ornaments, ne* 12x18 rug. etc. By order Leighton C Taylor, executor estate Joseph H. Bishop "War Activity Organization; Richard L Tedrow. Trustee in Bankruptcy and othei consignors. By auction at WESCHLER'S *06 E st. n.w . tomorrow commencing *:3C a m. and continuing until late afternoon Ne.w furnishings include: commodes: lounge occasional and side chairs; bookcases table and floor lamps, mirrors; end. oc casional lamp and cocktail tables; breakfast and dinette groups, unusually fine ode sofas, etc.; also substantial used groups for dining, dinette, living and bedrooms: secretary, kneehole and fall front desks baby carriages, hi-chairs. gas and electric ranges, books, metal wardrobes, utility and kitchen cabinets, new gas space heater odd beds, box and coil springs, felt, and Inner-spring mattresses, dressers, chests of drawers, vanities, tables, chairs and other personal effects. _ THOS. J. OWEN Sc SON, auctioneers, 436 Bouthern Building.— Trustees' sale of valu able two-story brick dwelling now oper ated as a ropming house and being known as premises No. 320 B st. s.e., Washing ton. D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated April 24. 1947, and recorded May 2. 1*47 (instrument No l*-? *>; among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on Tuesday, the ~Xth day of October. A.D. 1847, at 2 o'clock p m , the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columb a, and designated as and being lot fifty-six (r>6i In Arthur W. and Bertha D. Kaldenbach s combination of lots in square seven hun dred and eighty-eight ITXX). as_ per plat recorded in* liber 58 folio 4o of the Records of the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $8.0 335 1942 Chev. l’/a-ton cab and chassis 795 1942 Chev. 1 Va-ton panel*_ 875 1939 Ford 3 V2-ton (12 ft.) _ 495 1941 GMC lVfc-ton C. O. E. van <14 ft.) _ 875 1941 Dodge lMi-ton pickup 535 55 other trucks, panels, pickups, trac tors. dumps, stakes, also semitrailers, vans and Army surplus 4x4 and 6x6. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. GMC truck dealer. 3200 Lee hwy., Arlington, Va.. CH. 7000, 'tlaily & a.m. to 9 p.m.: Sunday. 1<) to 3, AUTO TRUCKS WANTED. HALF-TON PANEL TRUCK, clean. 1936 to 1938; no dealers. If no answer, call after 5 p.m.. SH. 4235. —28 All adTertisenenw offering auto mobiles (or ante most include actual selling price of ear. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BUICK 1942 Roadmaster 4-door; r. and h.; this 1 owner car shows perfect rare, orig. white wall tires; special 3 days, $1, 595. JET MOTORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e.. LI. 9336. —27 BUICK 1942 Super, series 51, 4-dr. sedan, average mileage, good condition: R. Ac H.. new tires; $1,495. Call MI. 3913. after 10 a.m. Sunday, or after 6 p.m. weekdays. —27 BUICK 1940 Super 4-door. R. it H : 1: owner, passed '47 D. C. inspection: priced lar below market value for 3 days at £995. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —37 BUICK 1941 Special, 4-door; R. A H.. narocn finish, mechanically good special t days. SI.295. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —27 3UICK 1942 Super conv. with power top; 1947 motor never used: car completely iverhauled, perfect mechanical condition; £1.975 or best offer under; this week only; ivt. owner. SH. 4572. —28 j BUICK 1942 sedanette super, recently1 ;ompietely recond.: heater and radio: :ash, grade or terms; $1,495. MITCHELL'S MOTORS. INC.. 222 2nd st. n.w. (2nd! it. and Const, ave.i. —28 j BUICK 1949 Special 4-dr. trunk sedan: •. and h„ spot and fog lamp, immaculate: , £1.096; also Bulck 1941 sedanette at $1} «5- cash, trade or terms. REPUBLIC; MOTOR SALES. 18 M st. s.e.. FR. 1563. 29* IUICK 1942 Super sedanette: radio and lea ter, original finish, good uphoistery; j SI.295. Call Spruce 1176-R. IUICK 1937 4-dr. sedan: in good shape; lew tires; $675. Greenbelt 4273. IUICK 1947 Roadmaster. black 4-dr.: ompletely equipped; low mileage: *3,400 r best offer under; trade accepted. SH. 362. —30 IUICK 1941 4-door sedan. Special model 1; radio and heater; condition far better ■ . __I.. mt ogjc /n < nTmAT ! :ADILLAC-OLD8MOBILE CO ! 1222 22nd t. n.w.. NA. 3300. Closed Sat.. Sun. .nd evenings. —28 lUICK 1946 Roadmaster convertible coupe; quip, with U. S. Royal Air-ride tires and iafety tubes: run less than 6.000 mi.; qua] to new: cash, trade or terms: $3,250. MITCHELL’S MOTORS. INC.. 222 2nd ;t. n.w. C-nd and Const. ave.). —‘*8 lUICK 1947 station wagon: 2 weeks old. ill extras; $3,200. MI. 5600, Apt. 704. lUICK 1947 2-door Roadmaster sedanette: 1-tone: radio, heater; 4 weeks old; asking 53.100. UN. 4505. —27 lUICK 1939 Special 4-door: radio, heater. 5850. HI. 4179. —27 lUICK 1941 4-door super-sedan; engine, •lutch. transmission and front end re cently overhauled; r. and h. olastic seat covers: price. $1.49»; spotlights. For ale by private ownc . Esso Station. Wis. ive. and Q st. —27 lUICK 1941 Special sedanette: we have >nly one of these popular models; it sur >asses our high standards of owner-rated ars: in every respect will satisfy the most liscriminating 30-day guarantee: r. and i.: $1 „?95. LOGAN (Ford). JSth and L ;ts. n.w,. DI. 5800. lUICK 1940 Special 4-door sedan: owner ated: radio and heater; black finish: new eat covers; motor recently overhauled: 10-day warranty: price. $945. LOGAN MOTOR CO. (Ford Dealer). 2017 Va. ave. i.w.. ME. 2818 One block below 21st and S sts lUICK 194" Special 4-door: still another ■sample of our honest efTort to push irlces down: car looks and performs like tew: it is highly owner-rated; radio and leater included in equipment: 30-day uarantee: SI.549 LOGAN (Ford), 18th nd L sts. n.w., DI. 5800. lUICK 1940 Special 2-dr: a standout; ■ear for Buicks and this is one of the i lest: sanitized interior; clean originri; ilack finish: it is ownei-rated and thor mghiv reconditioned: 30-day guarantee; erms or trade accepted: Si,149. LOGAN Ford'. !8th and L sts. n.w.. DI. 5800. lUICK 1941 Century 4-dr.: smooth, easy o-hcndle power: sanitized interior: r. I :nd h ; w. s. washers at no extra cost;' lean original black finish: we guarantee his car for 30 days at a price below pres nt market: SI.275. LCGAN (Ford), 18th nd L sts n.w.. DI. 5800. lUICK 1941 Super convertible: an owner ated "cream puff": maroon finish: top nd leather upholstery excellent: motor just horoughly "tuned” In our shop: a car eadv to go. with 30-day guarantee; il,S95. LOGAN (Ford), 18th and L sts. i.w., DI. 5800. lUICK 193fi coune; a pric« that cannot ie beat in Wash.; clean; excellent trans lortation to fit the pocketbook: S299. XX3AN (Ford), I8th and L sts. n.w., DI >800. lUICK 1941 owner-rated Special 4-dr.: inly S495 down for this Persian gray >eauty; smoothness and power combineo n thi3 most popular of Buick models: radio ind heater Included in extra equipment: 10-day guarantee; $1,249. LOGAN >Ford>. 8th and L sts. n.w , DI. 5800. _ 0 | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (ConK). BUICK Roadmaster 4-door sedan: deliv* i ered last of 1946: fully equipped: vers little use. new condition; price, $2,600. OL. 7682. —27 BUICK 1938 Roadmaster 4-dr. sedan: heater and radio, all new tires; recently reconditioned; $700 for quick sale. VI. 8880. • _27 BUICK 1941 Super convertible coupe, i perfect mechanical cond.; new custom j top. radio and heater, all extras; $1,695 | or best offer under. AD. 0271. —27 CADILLAC 1937 60 sedan; $660; r„ h., good tires; 1 owner; good condition i Phone after 1 p.m. Mon., NA, 9744. —27 CADILLAC 1940 sedan, the popular 60 Special model, radio and heater, excel, mechanical cond. as well as appearance; price. $1,595. CAPITOL CADILLAC-OLDS MOBILE CO., 1222 22nd st. • nw., NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and eves. —28 CADILLAC 1947 5-passeryter Fleetwood sedan. Model 75: this truly custom-built car is almost n*w and is eouipped with radio, heater and Cadillac Hydra-Matic drive. Price quoted here is less than new car list; $4,945. CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO., 1222 22nd st. n.w., NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and eves. CHEVROLET 1!)41 Special de luxe 'club coupe: heater, seat covers; excellent me chanically: body needs some work; good tires: $800. GL. 3200. Ext. 307. between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mon. or Tues. only. CHEVROLET late 1946 club coupe; perf. I cond.. low mileage; has everything, r.. h,. i fog lights, custom seat covers and spare I tire: quick sale. $1,800. EM. 6401. —28 CHEVROLET 1947 club convertibles $450 extra equipment. 2,400 miles, gun metal finish with black top; special 3 days, $2,495. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e.. LI. 0336. —27 CHEVROLET 1946 4-door; heater, black finish, 8,000 miles, like new in every re spect: special 3 days, $1,895. JET MO TORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. —27 CHEVROLET 1946 Fleetmaster 5-pass, coupe, low mileage, very clean car; price, $1,850. WA. 4329. —29 CHEVROLET 1946 4-door sedan. Style master; black, gas heater, defrosters, seat covers, excel, cond.. not a scratch, 13,000 miles; $1,825 or best offer under. Call GL. 6782 after 5 p.m. —28 CHEVROLET 1940 2-door Town sedan; "lean- $850. Call NA. 2210, MR. ARM STRONG. i CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetmaster 5-pass. ! cci'pe; 8,000 miles; $2,000 cash. Call OX. 3814. —29 CHEVROLET 1930: pxcel. cond. through out: $395 or best offer under. PL. 1071. Call after 7 p.m. —28 CHEVROLET 1942 5-pas. roupe: maroon: heater: passed Va. inspection: $1,245. Call FA. I174-J. —2 CHEVROLET 1942 Special de luxe 5-cas senser coupe; good shape; heater; $1,200. OV 4111. —29 CHEV. ’47 taxi: must sell. pvt. owner; low mileage, like new: $1,950. 5101 Crit tenden st., Edmonston, Md., near Hyat.ts ville. 1* CHEVROLET 1940 2-door; r. and h • fog lights, black finish and interior shows little use; special 3 days, $1,895. JET MOTORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0336. CHEVROLET 1937 2-door: radio ~and heater: as Is. $250. FA. 1191-R. —27 CHEVROLET 1942 2-.door. heater; original black finish, clean Interior; passed ’47 D. C. inspection: special. 3 days. $1,345. JET MOTORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —27 CHEVROLET 1941 2-door. R. DODGE 1942 club coupe, new tires ana in pcrf. cond. throughout: fluid drive: :ash. trade or terms: $1,295. MITCHELL’S; MOTORS. INC.. 222 2nd st. n.w. <2nd ;t. ancrConst. ave.). —28 j [)ODGE 1.947 4-aoor Custom sedan; radio, leater and slip covers: less than 5.000 ni.; cash, trade or terms: $2,350*. MITCH ELL'S MOTORS. INC. —28 FORD 1941 club conv.: a one-owner car purchased from this company new; just; received on a new car: powerful V-81 motor: top and leather upholstery excel lent: r. and h.; 30-day guaran*?e: owner-, rated; $1,249. LOGAN (Ford), 18th and L sts. n.w .. DI. 5800. FORD 1940 Fordor: only $280 down for this owner-rated: mechanically fine: paint black and in good condition: compare: no one approaches our price of $725. LOGAN (Ford) 18th and L sts. n.w., DI. 5800. FORD 1941 Tudor de luxe: radio, heater and defroster; an exceptionally clean car: motor recently overhauled, new battery; S095. SL. 9038—27 EjoKiN^roFANTI^^ I GIRLS LOST POOCH, I >UR 6ANG.THERE’S A S' * EWARO. I'M TRAILING ) • rU5T IN CASE HE c^rr - FINDS IT FIRST...f-Jl = w////, mbzi~ri you've got to *\a f—47LOOK IN BACK YARDS Jf3 -r AND PLACES. LOST I ZZZIZ > DOGS DON'T STICK l —j-\to mm^street^ B 0 W FOR ALL we) rfij\ KNOW THAT 4 MIGHT BE HIM.I fAJi t HOW CAN WE/ fjkp* 1 CHECK ON Jtrtr •V"" .. CP?£..• ‘* '• •*** •*<#•, , ■iil-; ^T"" ‘_AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD 1942 Sup. d. 1 Fordor; it's perfect original black Ford paint; heat and music seat covers since new: has had only on owner; 30-day guarantee on this owner rated: a steal at $1,245. LOGAN (Ford) 18th and L sts. n.w., DI. 5800. FORD 1946 V-8 club convertible: r. an< h.: this low mileage car is in perfect con dition; special 3 days. $2,095. JET MO TORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e., LI. 0330 FORD 1941 Tudor: clean, economica transportation of the best in the low priced field: a powerful, snappy V-8 motor the buyer of this car will be proud am satisfied; it is owner-rated and guarantee! 30-days; $1,095. LOGAN (Ford). 18ti and L sts. n.w.. DI. 5800. FORD 1941; immaculately clean; $1,195 $200 below market: new motor, good tires OX 2505. 3414 Columbia pike. —27 FORD 1946 de luv* Tudor; Derfect in ever: respect. $1,695. WILLIAMS. 20th ant Rhode Island ave. n.e., AD. 8344. —28 FORD 1936 Fordor; new motor ant clutch, good rubber; $450. Call Laure 161-M. —27 FORD 1938 station wagon; new tires am in wxcel. mechanical cond. Cash, trade o terms; $40(*. MITCHELL'S MOTORS INC., 222 2nd st. n.w\ (2nd and Const ave.». —28 FORD 3 947 green suoer de luxe V-8 heater, seat covers, radio, fop lights; fac torv guarantee: $2,050. CO. 5648. —1 j FORD 1947 V-8 Super de luxe Tudor radio. beater, scat covers; $1,950 cash OV. 0479. i FORD 1939 convertible coupe; r. and lh., pood tires: $800. AD. 8166. —29 FORD 1938 business coupe; excellent me chanical condition; heater; passed Va. in: spection; $350 or best offer under. Mus sell immediately. Call LAWRENCE SMITH Chestnut 4065 after 5 p.m. 28* FORD 1946 maroon convertible with radii and hotter: in excel, cond.; small dowi payment; price, $2,300. TR. 8956 after 4 —29 FORD 1946 convertible coupe; blue, radu and heater, white wall tires, solid tar leather interior and a brand-new top Priced below original list. $2,385. CAPITOl CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22n« st. n.w.. NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. an< evenings. —28 FORD 1941 V-8 super de luxe Tudor newly painted, heater, seat covers, me chanically perfect: guaranteed 30 ds^s $1,145. ALEXANDRIA NASH CORt*.. «0( Montgomery st., Alex.. Va. —28 FORD 1936 Fordor sedan, fair condition needs seme repair, $325. Call RA. 4885 —28 FORD 1947: radio and heater, slip cover: ! and other accessories; car unused; $2,05( cash. GL. 7(162 or GL. 0658. —28 FRAZER 194 7 Manhatten 4-door: over i drive, air-cond. unit. 2-tone green finish 2.000 actual miles; priced under list fo: 3 days at $2,595. JET MOTORS. 2711 i Nichols ave. s.e.. LI. 0336. —27 i FRAZER Manhattan, company offlcial'i car; $2,700. $300 off list price. FRIEND SHIP MOTORS. Kaiser-Frazer sales anc i service, 7320 Wis. ave., Bethesda. OL. 8225 —31 FRAZER 1947 4-door sedan: radio, heat ! er, original light* green finish, excellen condition; $2,300, or best offer under GE 3833 FRAZER. MANHATTAN 1947: radio heater, etc.; brown and beige with up holstery to match; approx. 2.000 miles $2,696. DI. 8007 before 5:30 p.m. or RA 0857 evenings. —27 HUDSON 1946 Commodore de luxe “6” r. and h.; price. $1,800. $900 cash and assume payments on bal. due. Call DU —27 HUDSON 1946 coupe super six: this low mileage car has been carefully broken in by refined lady and is sparkling new in appearance and condition; with custom heating unit: at a savings af about $156 under cost; $1,595 cash, or $595 down. $84.50 monthly. R. I. MOTORS. 1620 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —27 HUDSON 1946 Super 6 sprian. radio and heater, appearance and condition very good; priced for Quick sale. $1,685. CAPI TOL CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and eves. —27 HUDSON 1939 coach: little 6 with custom radio, shiny green flnsh, exquisitely tai lored upholstery, heater, new battery, prac tically new tires, good engine; genuine oar gain at $645 cash, or $245 down, $43.8f monthly. R. I. MOTORS. 1620 Rhode Island ave. n.e. 27 HUDSON 1947 brougham: heater, seat covers; $1,975. See at 4662 Homer ave. s.e.. Apt. A. eves. —28 LINCOLN 1947 4-dr. sedan; fully equip.: excel, cond.; $2,600. Call AT. 5353 or DT. 5427. —27 LINCOLN 1947 4-dr., dark blue; radio, heater, seat covers and accessories; low mileage; $3,600 or best offer under. CH 4356. —28 LINCOLN 1947 4-door model 76-H sedan: 80 miles: twin heater, radio; $3,575; will accept trade ALEXANDRIA NASH CORP., 600 Montgomery st., Alex., Va —28 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1942 4-door sedan: custom radio, heater, defroster, new cus tom plastic scat covers, new tires, new Lincoln battery: immaculate inside and out; excel, mechartical cond. Price, $2,600. Phone AT. 7917. —31 LINCOLN 1946 4-door sedan; light blue, radio and seat covers: very reasonably priced: $2,565. CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w., NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and eyes. MERCURY 1942 4-dr.: new' paint, clean interior; excel, cond. throughout: special. $1,145. FRANK SMALL. Jr.. INC.. 1301 Good Hope rd. s.e. —26 MERCURY late 1946 convertible, maroon with black top; radio and heater, outside mirror, dome and front floor lights, spot light and fog lights, tire chains, fire ex tinguisher. low' mileage; $2,375 or best offer under. TE 6670. —2 NASH 1936 4-dr.: engine recently rebuilt, new rubber, body good: no dealers. $550. TA 4986. NASH 1948 600 4-door; heater; $1,495. VI. 8583. • —27 NASH j916 4-door sedan: attractive two tone finish Weather-Eve heatfntr system w'ith defroster. This car is vifry clean and has a new-car appearance: price. $1,945. CAPITOL CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO., J 222 22nd st. n.w .. NA. 3300. Closed Sat.. Sun. and evenings. —28 NASH 1941 600 club coupe, heater, light blue finish, completely overhauled. 1 owner; special. 3 days. $1,095. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —27 NASH 1941 Ambassador ‘'‘6” club coupe; r. and h.. green finish, completely over hauled: special 3 days, $1,145. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e,. LI. 0336. —27 OLDS 1946 98 4-door sedan: r. and h Hydra-Matic: 10 mos old; $2,495 or best offer under. RA. 0135 —27 OLDSMOBILE 1946 Hydra-Matic de luxe equipped model 76 club sedan: 2-tone blue; 1 owner; excellent condition; $2 106 cash. Phone CH. 2784 between 6-7 P.m. —30 OLDSMOBILE. 1941. Hyd. custom 4-door sedan: new tires, paint and new battery: hydramatic: completely overhauled; $1,350 TR. 2585. —27 OLDSMOBILE 1938 4-door sedan: r. and h.: good cond.; privately owned: $750. UN. 6725. —31 OLDSMOBILE 1947 model 98 4-dr sedan: black; hydramatic. radio, heater, com plete with new seat covers; 3.000 miles; for sale by owner: $2,800. Call RE. 1796, MR EMORY. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1940 Hydra-Matic sedan: radio; heater: sacrifice: $956. Terms $356 cash. $49 month. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. • OLDSMOBILE 1947, model “98” Hydra Matic, black 4-door sedan, r. and h., seat covers: beautiful car. perfect cond.. 7.000 mi.: $2,750. MI. 8037. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1936 4-dr. sedan; heater, running condition, fair tires; drive it away; onlv $195 cash. SL. 1509. OLDSMOBILE 1941 5-pass, coupe, series 98: r. and h.; A-l condition; $1,350. Call SH 6984. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1947 4-dr. sedan, r. and h.. hydramatic. 10 mi.: cash, trade or terms: $2,650. MITCHELL S MOTORS. INC.. 222 2nd st. n.w. (2nd st. and Const, ave ). —28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 club coupe 66: new Hydramatic: perf.; cond.; $1,295. Phone AD. 1237. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 4-dr.: extra clean: original black Duco- sanitized interior; heat and music provided in this ideal fam 11 v ra nwnpr-rfitpd nnri guaranteed .‘10 days; passed 1947 D. C. inspection; $1,249, LOGAN (Ford), 18th and L sts. n.w., DI. 3800. OLDSMOBILE 1946 model “98'’ 4-door se dan: Hydra-Matic. radio, heater, seat covers: like new. low mileage; beautiful black finish with white tire rims: $2,595. Sun only. GE 7252; weekdays. SH. 1851 \ —28 PACKARD 1937 4-door sedan; dean in side and out: radio and heater, good tires: car shows excel, care taken by pvt. owner; $550 or best offer under. Can be seen 1300 blk. Clifton st. n.w.. CO. 7744, Ext. 105-W. —27 PACKARD 1941 "6" convertible coupe: heater, new cream finish, new tires, me chanically OK: special .1 days. $1,245. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e.. LI. 9330. —37 PACKARD 1937 4-door sedan: excellent condition: $600 or any reasonable offer under: new motor, 5 new tires. LIJ. 5707. PACKARD 1940 ‘0” club coupe: radio, overdrive; new blue finish, good tires; special 3 days. $995. JET MOTORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —27 PACKARD 1948 convertible, extras: low mileage; price, $4,000. Call ME. 5623 bet. 9-4 p.m. —27 PACKARD 1940 4-door: very good eondi-i tion; r. and h.: $900 br best offer under. TA 5542. Ere at 4212 7th ft. n.w. —29 PACKARD 1947 4-door Clipper 110; r uid h.; perf.: $2,350. JA. 1787 weekdays; 1 to 5:30 UN. 3799, eves,. Sat. and Sun. PACKARD 194 0 "6” club coupe, radio, averdrive: new blue finish, good tires, spe cial, 3 days. $995. JET MOTORS. 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —25 PACKARD 1940 110 club coupe: r. and h.. tires good, motor has just been completely overhauled; $850 or best offer under. Call 5H. 3437. —27 j PACKARD 1938 4-dr. sedan: chance to ouv a good car cheap: cash, trade or terms: $400. MITCHELL’S MOTORS. INC.. 222 2nd st. n.w. (2nd st. and Const, aye.). PACKARD 1937 "8” sedan; just passed D C. Inspection: new tires, brakes, etc.: radio, heater: $545. WO. 6886. PACKARD 1947 limousine; 7 passenger, brand-new: $3,000. CO. 8936 bet. 6 and 8 p m. —'29 PACKARD 1937 de luxe sedan: splendid car: $485. Terms, $185 cash, $34 month. ROPER. 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. * PACKARD 1936 sedan. 1400 series: this car has recently been refinished; tires are excellent: has radio and heater. Here is s real bargain in dependable transporta tion . Price. $495. CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO . 1222 22nd st. n.w., NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and eves. PACKARD 1942 Clipper 6 black-gray 4-dr. sedan: 32.000 mi.: heater, seat covers; excellent condition: $1,500. DU. lo.,0. weekdays. MRS. DE AGRO. —38 PACKARD 1942 4-dr sedan: good condi tion. excellent tires; $1,100. Phone OW. 5843 after 5. , , —28 PLYMOUTH 1937: clean car, heater, seat covers: S600 or best offer under. TW. 2777, 8 a m. to 6 p.m. —2< PLYMOUTH 1941 4-dr. sedan: heater, 2 lew tires, motor just overhauled: looks jnd runs good: $895. Call HO. 986,. —28 PLYMOUTH 1936: good cond.. good tires: £350. Phone GL. 3232, Mon. through Sat.. 9:30 to 6. . , , —27 PLYMOUTH 1942 coupe: original owner; ictual 26.000 miles only: beautiful black finish, spotless interior: a real buy. $1.19o. WILLIAMS. 20th and Rhode Island aye. i e„ AD. 8344. , —28 PLYMOUTH 1939 sedan de luxe 4-door eitb custom radio and heater; this dandy 'unnlng little car hag good tires and fine ;ntine and is ready for trip anywhere; 1795 cash, or S345 down. $48.49 monthly. I L MOTORS. 1820 Rhode Island ave. l.e. —27 CROSS-WORD PUZZLE HORIZONTAL. 1 Changeling 4 Toward the stern 9 High moun tain 12 Greek letter I 13 To misrepre ! sent 14 Female ruff ' 15 Floor covering 17 Elan 19 Encountered 20 To rebuke 21 Bacteriolo [ gist's culture 23 Symbol for samarium 24 Flat, round plates 27 Wrestlers’ cushion 28 Small carry j ing case ' ! 30 Pertaining to I hearing 31 Part of “to be" . 32 Driftage 34 Preposition 35 Yugoslavian 1 premier 37 Troubles [ 38 CordeS cloth 1 39 To accustom 41 Faeroe Islands' wMndstorm i 42 Fop 43 Crowlike bird 45 Pronoun 46 Deep valley 48 Winding turn j 51 Poem 52 Birds of the hawk family 54 Song 55 Poetic: above 56 Redacts ' i 57 Female sheep VERTICAL. 1 Granjpus 2 Exclamation of triumph 3 Makeup of a publication 4 To encourage 5 Wager Answer to Yesterday'* Pmole. c|r|a|s|h| |r|a|o|e|d ££illl] [h _0 _E_A _V K Y|E|0 MAS AC U J4 E _N A D A 0 I ~01Ib1a1t b|l[0 Cl^ INCH o o m1b|d REE L YWp I ? A D1PIR A B L jp^pfc D R ,-r—r- W R AIT IMc 0| X| H bIaIqM'o R|3 d l a 2.ZJLZZ® sosa t|a SC A HEj] |h|A T R E D hIaUikIsI iNI 0|Ml A|~D 6 Mulberry 7 Cold-blooded vertebrate 8 Lukewarm 9 To take into custody 10 Wreath 11 Favorite 16 Through 18 Characteristic form of ex pression 20 Wariness 21 Italian violin maker 22 Urchin 23 Walled portico 25 Quoted 26 Ranee 28 Colloquial: elevated rail way 29 Alt 32 To pillage 33 While 36 Gymnast 38 To tousle 40 To summon forth 42 Faint 44 Wife of Geraint 45 Sibilant sound 46 Dove's cry 47 American humorist 48 Moist 49 Regulation 50 To watch 53 Note of scale Points for Parents “By DVTH Thomas WALLACE Complaining about the cost of medical care for children makes them feel guilty and unloved. Not This IO--Z7 1*47. Th* IU0atnr and Trfbur* Syndicate Mother—How fortunate we are to have such excellent dental care ! now-a-days. In my day if your teeth were crooked, they stayed crooked. Mother—Shots for hay fever, new glasses just last month and now braces for her teeth! Jean is cer tainly costing us a lot of money. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH 1941 club coupe; finally here ! it is; we have an excellent convertible; new i fop; the finest leather upholstery, r. -and h.; mechanically she lives up to the best ! of our owner-rated standards; terms or trade: 30-day guarantee: $1,249. LOGAN tFordL 18th and L sts. n.w., DI. 5800. PLYMOUTH 1940 4-dr. sedan: black; 13. 000 miles: heater, seat covers: excellent cond.: $1,800. DU. 1530 weekdays. MISS MAZZA. > —28 i PLYMOUTH 1939 2-door sedan, original Lowner, mileage 14.600. excellent condition: F$1200 cash. Can wa 4191 after 6:30 : week days. —28 j PLYMOUTH 1941 coupe de luxe model’ with custom radio, heater and defroster, nearly new tires, sparkling new' paint, ex- ! cellent engine: original upholstery like new: very low mileage; by conservative ladv: $985 cash, or 8385 down. 851.76 mo. i R. I MOTORS. 1620 Rhode Island ave.1 n.e. —27 PLYMOUTH 1937 4-dr. sedan: good run- i ning cond.: $295 full price. WILLIAMS, i 20th and Rhode Island ave. n.e. AD. 8344. —28 i PLYMOUTH 1942 sedan: sacrifice: $950. Terms. $350 cash. $49 month. ROPER, ! 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. * PLYMOUTH 1947 de luxe 4-dr.: r. and h.: defrosters: 7.000 miles; taxicab; used part- i time by pvt owner; $1,950. TW. 8251.' PONTIAC 3 947 2 - tone gray. 2 - door Streamliner; fully equipped: 5.000 miles: $ 1,350 cash, take over payments, balance $1,000. OR. 3509. —28 PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. “S" Streamliner sedan: fully equipped, excel, cond.; $2,295. VI. 0631. —29 PONTIAC 1938 4-door sedan; unusually good condition; radio, heater, good tires, paint, etc.: price $695. CAPITOI CADIL LAC-OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w.. NA. 3300. Closed Sat., Sun. and evenings. —28 PONTIAC 1947 de luxe station wagon: fully equipped: 1.900 miles.^.$2,950; a bar gain. DR. ORCHARD. NO. 4740. PONTIAC 1942 Torpedo 6. 4-door: R. & H. This clean car is priced below' market value for 3 days, at $1,395. JET MOTORS, j 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI 0336. —27 PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. Streamliner sedan; | r. and h.. custom seat covers, low mileage; 1 j car like new; $2,100 or best offer under, i Harding Esso Station. Carroll and Cedar | sts. n.w'.. Takoma Park. D. C. —27 , I PONTIAC 1937 club coupe 6 cyl. with, .heater; excellent tires and good engine: ; first-class transportation: this one, $395 i cash, or $145. $30.30 monthly. R. I. i MOTORS. 1620 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —27 1 i PONTIAC 1938-1939 business coupe; gear on steering wheel: just passed Va. ’ inspection: original paint, not a dent; i price. $750. CH. 0432 any time. —27 PONTIAC 3 946 4-door sedan. Streamliner 8-cylinder: 2-tone gray: low mileage: radio. I heater, seat covers, fog lights, plus other1 accessories: 30-day guarantee: only $2. 295. BENDALL PONTIAC. 1611 King st . j Alex.. Va.. OV 1ROO. —27 ! PONTIAC 1934. motor good, new’ battery. $225. M£ 0434. —27 PONTIAC 1946 2-door streamliner: r. and, h.: 82.150 or best offer unde**. Call OV. 5152. —27 i PONTIAC 1941 8-cyl. 2-dr.: priced low enough for cash deal, but we cannot ac cept trades or finance: this owner-rated, has new Lincoln gray paint: seat covers;! r. and h.: mechanically excellent,, and car-: rics 30-day guarantee: only $1,125. LOGAN (Ford), J 8th and L sts. n.w.. DI 5800. PONTIAC 1935: good mechanical condi tion: $295 cash. UN. 0339. —29 PONTIAC 1936 6-c.vlinder black 4-door seaan: r. and n.. recently overnauiea: 54.00. UN 0024. —1 PONTIAC 1040 station wagon. $050: good condition. Can be seen at 711 O st. n.w. Adams 1845. 27* PONTIAC J 041 8-cyl. club conv.; an out standing one-owner car; original black finish, with low mileage; not used dur ing war; top and leather excellent: motor just tuned in our shop: 30-day guarantee and it's cwner-rated; trades accepted on ! this reduced price of $1,340. LOGAN. (Ford). 18th and L sts. n.w.. DI. 5800. SIMCA 1947: a newr car at only $1,095 de livered: a modern up-to-date small car; economical to operate with such outstand ing features as hydraulic brakes and in dependent front wheel suspension. See it, at the MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., both sides of 7th at R sts. n.w. —27 ; STUDEBAKER 1030 de luxe club sedan, splendid small car; sacrifice $005; terms. $250 c8Sh, $30 month. 1 *30 R. I. ave. n.c. • STUDEBAKER 1942 Champion 4-door se dan; D C inspection guaranteed; priced below market value: $9A5: cash, terms or trade MANHATTAN AUTO AND RADIO CO.. 7th and R sts. n.w. —27 STUDEBAKER 1040 4-dr. sedan: radio, climatizer and heater, motor recently over-; hauled: very clean, $800. MR PARKER. AT. 8819. —27 STUDEBAKER 1947 4-door sedan: Nile green, seat covers, heater like new; $2,095. Also. 8-window club coupes, 2 door and 4-door; $2,295. Convertible coUDes_ Immediate delivery. METRO POLITAN MOTORS, New York ave. and Bladensburg rd. —87 STUDEBAKER 1938 Commander 4-door sedan: looks good, runs good, good tires; bargain. $535. ALEXANDRIA NASH CORP. 600 Montgomery st., Alex., Va. —28 STUDEBAKER 1940 Champion sedan: perf. shape, original black .finish; driven 44.000 miles: priced $795. $315 down. WILLIAMS. 20th and Rhode Island ave. n.c., AD. 8344. —28 STUDEBAKER 1940 Commander club se dan: excellent condition, radio, climatizer. overdrive, hillholder, overhauled engine; $950. TE. 8635. —27 STUDEBAKER 1940 Champion. 2-door; [ R. A H.. original *blue finish, clean interior, I A real buy at $895. JET MOTORS, 2719 Nichols ave. s.e. LI. 0336. —27 ORIGINAL AUTO AUCTION—We will buy for cash or sell your car at your price Auction sal* every Friday night. 8 p.m. Bring your car (new or used) early Thurs.: or Fri for listing. First come, first served. Open daily. 9 to 5. WASHINGTON AUTO AUCTION. 8511 Coles v Hie rd SH 4400 BARGAIN SPECIALS—See these outstand ine values before buying your used car. \ OldSmobile 1936 4-dr. sedan $ 295 j Plymouth 1941 2-dr. sed., r.,. h.,— 985 j Hudson 1941 4-dr. sedan, r., h. 895 i Studebaker Champion 1941 2-dr. 4 sed., overdrive, heater... __ _ 945 Studebaker Champion 1942 4-dr. sed. radio, heater, overdrive _ 1.385 c Studebaker Champion 1946 2-dr. sedan, heater - . - 1.445 ’ Crosley 1947 2-dr. sedan __ 79o < Many guaranteed-to-pas* Virginia and ; D. C. inspection. Good t^s, clean mer- ] chandise. USB D. BUTLER, INC-. 1121 i 21st sf. n.w., DL 0110. —28 i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ WILLYS 1941 4-door sedan; a chance to buy this economical car at a low price; rash, trade, or terms: $695. MITCHELL’S MOTORS, INC., 2nd and Constitution ave. —28 better buy bendall— 1938 Chrysler 4-dr. _ $ 695 1939 Oidsmobile 3-dr. _ 695 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. 79;, 1939 Ford Tudor_ 895 1939 Buick 3-dr. 8:*5 1940 Chrysler 4-dr. _ 9 So 1940 Studebaker 4-dr._ 99.) 1940 Dodae -2-dr _____ 995 1!I4'| FcfrdPTucfor . ..‘Ljl_ on:. 1941 Pontiar 3-dr_ 3.195; 1942 Ford Fordor _ 1.195 1941 Mercury 4-dr__ 1,25o 1941 Pontiac 4-dr. ... _ 1.350; 1941 Chrysler club coupe_ 1.350 ! 1946 Studebaker 2-dr. _ 1.595 i 1 946 Ford Tudor _ i ,o95 j 1946 Pontiac 4-dr. 2.295) Open evenings to 10 p.m.. BENDALL-1 PONTIAC, 1611 King st., Alexandria, OV. 1600. —27 1937 PONTIAC sedan . __$195 1941 Oidsmobile coupe- _ 990 1943 Nash sedan . 99o 1938 Buick sedan __ _ ... __ 590 1937 Oidsmobile sedan, 8-cylinder.. . 290 j 1936 Studebaker sedan . _ 190 1934 Plymouth coach . _ 185 1937 Plymouth coach - 35o 1940 Buick convertible _ 5951 1940 Buick sedan _ 800' TRUCKS— 193!) Chev. J*2-ton chassis and cab $600 1941. Chev. panel . 290 1939 Ford dump truck 425 1935 Chev. J ,/2-ton chassis and cab 375 Others to choose from. JOHN S. REECE. 1114_Half_st._s. w.____ _ 3 7J_ AUTOMOBILES WANTED. see us before you sell, pohanka SERVICE, 1126 20th st. n.w., DI. 9141. PRIVATE PARTY desires good used car. Will pay all cash: must be reasonable. Please call CH.^ 8045. —6 NO LIMIT TO WHAT WE WILL PAY—We urgently need at once 100 used cars. lor; which we will pay top dollar. Must be clean and in good mechanical shape. Ask for Mr Henry. COAST-IN PONTIAC CO.. 1 7th ana Good Hope rd. s.e. LI. 0679. CHEVROLET or Ford sedan, 1935 to 1940. with good body, fenders, paint and upholstery, all cash. EM. 4859. —27 I WILL TAY CASH for good used car. , 37-43 model. Phone HO. 6079 before 6 P.m. TRADE OR SELL your car: high cash dollar offered. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.,! Ford dealers, 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e., op posite Sears. AT. 0200. —31 FAIR. HONEST APPRAISALS on all makes of cars are assured at McKEE-PONTIAC, 1828 L st. n.w ME. 0400 “WIN WITH WINN"—Top price for your car; never too new, never too old: wil’ come to your home or office, plenty parking space. Open eves.. 9 a m. to 9 p.m. WINNS MOTORS. 159 Florida ave. n.e.. EX. 2698. , 1730 Georgia ave. n.w.. HA. 7422. L-’HEVROLETS—Cash for your car. no red ape. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. 257 Carroll ;t., Takoma Park, D. C Georgia 3300. rOilDs—cash lor your car, r.o r<*a tape SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN 257 Carroll at., rakoma Park D C Georgia 3300 PLYMOUTH—Cash for your car. no rea ape. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN, 257 Carroll ;t. Takoma Park. D C Georgia 3300 WE WANT CARS REGARDLESS UF PRICE —Don’t trade on a new car or sell to any one until you get our big prices. Need 100 < cars—1936 to 1947 Absolutely high cash jrice. If car is paid for will give you cash i rf car is not paid for. will pay on balance; tnd pas cash dinerence. BAicrijss-oapi GER3 MOTOR8. Washington’s oldest ex-1 Uusive used-car dealers. See Mr. Barnes lor appraisal. All cash or certified check Only one location. Drive in open lot. 1300 ' 14th, corner N st n.w Open 8:30 to 6 Hosed Sunday NO. 111J HOLD IT JUST A MINTTE to get higp :ash price for your 1946 or 1947 car ar Oder if clean. Drive in or call DU. 2* ■ 3RENTWOOD MOTOR CO . 1717 r .ode ] stand ave. n.e.: open 9 am. top .m. 100 VARS WANTED IMMEDIATE^ . 3V to , 47; will pay vour price foi..-r -an cart. 1 Come to or call LIVINGSMT MOTORS. 123 O st n.e.. EX 5809. GET TOP CASH PRIfljr .or your car. [ Suick deals, no red 18,-e. Phone DE. > 6300 for a buyer to call or drive to TRI- * INGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. I. ave. n.e. BUICKS, Chevrolets. Fords, Pontiacs or any make of car that has had good care. We need them and will pay the highest, market value. SI HAWKINS, 1333 14th it. n.w.. DU 4455. CASH AT ONCE—Top-dollar prices at 'OAST-IN PONTIAC. 407-423 Florida ave ; n.e. AT 7200. Open evenings _j FIRST VALUE used cars. WHEELER. INC .: Chrysler-Plymouth dealer, 4800-4826 Wis-1 ■onsin. EM. 4800. 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m SELL OR TRADE VOUR CAR at Horner s Corner. STANLEY H HORNER. Buick. Fla. ave.. 5th to 6th sts. n.e.. AT. 6464. I WILL PAY ALL CASH for clean cars, | new or used. Call us today or drive by. GENE CASTLEBERRY. 1640 Benntng rd. n.e.. PR. 6231. IMMEDIATE CASH, no red tape or has sling; we need 50 cars right away and will pay more than your car is worth if It :an be bad right now. RHODE ISLAND MOTOR CO , 1620 Rhode Island ave n.e. Phone MI. 9774. CASH for your Nash: also any other xaake: highest price paid. WILLIAMS & BAKER, 1819 M st. n.w., HO. 8700. FORDS WANTED—We will pay cash dol ars; any year, any model. WILLIAM AUTO SALES. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e., AD. 8344. PLYMOUTHS WANTED—We will pay high ash dollars: any year, any model. WIL LIAMS AUTO SALES, R. I. ave. at 20th 5t. n.e AD 8344 BUICKS WANTED—We will pay high cash lollars: any year, any model. WILLIAMS AUTO SALES. R I. ave. at 20th st. n.e . AD. 8344. CHEVROLETS WANTED—Will pay high ■ash dollars; any year, any model. WIL- , LIAMS AUTO SALES, R. I. ave. at 20th st l.e. AD. 8344. >ONTIAC* WANTED—We will pay high :ash dollars: any year, any model. WIL LIAMS AUTO SALES, R L ave. at 20th st l.e. AD 8344. d 'ROM PRIVATE PARTY, wanted lmmedl- , tely. good used car, 1939 through 1942: « •refer Chevrolet. Ford. Dodge or Plymouth; mh original paint, fine motor, low mile- r .ge. Will pay all cash. Call TR. 2635. I T NEED NOT BE the very latest model, ve are looking for all types and model ars for customers who need transports- r, ion. Phone NA. 3300 or drive to 1222 ’2nd st. n.w. to sell your. ear. CAPITOL t, 1ADILLAC-OLD6MOBILE CO. Closed Sat., p lun. and eves. —29 •RIVATE PARTY urgently needs 5 or 6 fi •ass. car; up to S800 cash. Call LU. 1264 - fter 6 P.m. • V j'i » \ Goren on Bridge THE WEEKLY QHZ. Q. 1—As South you hold: AA 64 2 t?AK3 0 A 9 *AQ9S; The bidding has proceeded: 11 South West North East ; 2 NT Pass 6 * Pass : ? What do you bid now? A.—We suggest that you go whole hog ; with a bid of seven clubs. On the surface*' 1 this may run counter to our usual recom mendations. The hand contains only ths - minimum of 5!2 honor tricks prescribed for * a two no-trump opening. Actually, it has' a point count of only 21, which Is one short of the technical reaulrement. But’ . there are facts present which do not appear on the surface. First, the queen of clubs . has become promoted by reason of part ner s; bid of that suit. Secondly, the double ton diamond may have Important value at clubs If partner has three of that suit. Third, the possession of all four controls should induce you to adopt a more aggres sive attitude than the count warrants. At this point, I might break down with the confession that my count tends to do a slight fractional injustice to the ace. which ‘S not visible to the naked eye except when all the aces come together. Q. 2—As South you hold: *52 <7 Q J 9 7 0 A 6 5 4 2 *73 The bidding has proceeded: West North East South 3 * Dbl. Pass ? What- do you bid? A—This is a takeout double and the choice lies between showing the diamonds . and the hearts. Our choice is for the four card major, which offers a better chance, for game if partner can support it. Q. 3—Opponent opens with one. club and you hold: ♦ KQ10 3 K Q 6 3 OQJ10 2 *7 What do you bid? A—Double You are a little light on the honor trick side, but you have the ideal distribution and strength in the majors. Some action by you is obligatory and it would be pointless for you to guess what suit to bid. Q. 4—As South you hold: ♦ A K 4 3 10 5 2 0 A 6 3 * Q 4 3 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West Pass Pass 1 * Pass 2 Pass ? What do you hid now? A.—With a passing partner, you should abandon hope for game and play for what' appears to be a comfortable part score. . Pass. Q. 5—As South you hold: ♦ Q 10 9 3 <7AQ843 0 — *KQJ3 The bidding has proceeded: East South West North • Pass 1Dbl. Pass 2 * Pass 3 0 Pass 3 * Pass 4 * Pass Pass ? What do you bid now? A.—There is very little doubt that you can punish the four-spade contract and there is consequently a strong temptation to double. However, such action would indicate a doubtful business acumen. West has very probably supported his partner with only two trumps. If he had held three, it. is probable that he would have supported his partner's jump response rather than show his own minor suit. If you double, West will very probably recon sider his decision and go on in diamonds, in which it* appears that he has great : length. You have no assurance that you can defeat a minor suit game. A pass in order to obtain a sure profit is proper, (Copyright, 1947, by Charles H. Goren.) . Take My Word for k By Frank Colby ' Some Matters of Pronunciation. Overheard on a news commenta- . tion: “The viv-ASH-uss Evita Pe ron." The adjective vivacious, “live- : ly, spirited, animated,” was useet ; correctly, but the pronunciation Is : not good usage. In standard Amer ican, the first syllable rhymes with ■ “by, my." The "a" in the second: : syllable Is long, as in “bay, day.” . Better say: vy-VAY-shuss. Overheard on a murder mystery-; program: “She is Madame Salinai,! the noted OCK-ul-tist.” Tire word*; occultist, “one believed or professr ; ing to have occult powers,” waff : used correctly. The pronunciation 1 is erroneous. Both occult and oc- ; cultist are correctly accented on th« second syllable, thus: uh-KULT; jh-KULT-ist. (Some speakers say ih-KULT and ah-KULT-ist. This is permissible, but neither should be accented on the first syllable.) The word “incognito,” “with the dentity concealed,” always insists!! bn coming out of my radio receive : mg set as “in-kog-NEE-tuh.” The. : recent should fall on the second syl-. [able, and the last syllable should rhyme with "hoe, woe," thus: in-. KOG-ni-toe. Milwaukee: During the sum-” mer's prolonged dry spell, I heard ‘drought" or "drouth" variously pro-,' bounced in news broadcasts to; rhyme with "bout,” “south” and ‘bought." What’s the good word, Pancho?—R. P. M. Answer: Both spellings, “drought" and “drouth.” are correct. It’s a natter of choice, although the spell ing “drouth” seems to occur more frequently in American usage. There is no sanction for pronounc ing either form to rhyme with ’bought.” The proper vowel sound is “ou,” as in “rout, south’” Drought is pronounced “drout.” Drouth is pronounced “drouth.” The only dif ference in the two words is that the first ends with the sound of “t,” the second ends with the sound of “th.” Coshocton: Is the second syllable bf “encylical,” “a papal letter,” pro lounced “sick” or “sike”?—M. D. B’ Answer: Encyclical may be pro lounced either en-SIK-ll-k'l or en 3Y-kli-k’l. I prefer the latter. “Th'; CONDITIONAL use of was and pvere is onp of grammar's chief trouble makers," says Mr. Colby In his leaflet. '’To obtain a copy, send S c-nts In coin* [nri a stamped, self-addressed envelope o FRANK COLBY carp Washington Star' O. Box ftp. Station G. New York 1W. 4 Y Copyright. The Bell Syndicate. Inc., 1947J word Game Find 21 or more common English vords !«• FRUITION. .leaning, "realization.” Average nark is 20 Words. Time limit, 20 ninutes. Rules of the Game—-I. Words must be of our or more letters. 2. Words which acquire our letters by the addition of "s." such s “bats.” “cats.” a-e not used. 3. Onl” ne form of a word is used. 4. Proper ames are not used. A Hat will be pub shed tomorrow. Answer to MOVOCLINICA1. mall nail cool War main noon colon local mall nominal coil loan mica call coin loam mill calm coon loin ■ moan canon coma loom moll claim colonial ioon moon clam laic Icon oilcan clan lain anil ■ olio tonal limn anon onion coal lion anion .IFE'S LIKE THAT : f" 1 " " jtrrriri'' 27-*7 "We pay the phone company three; ollars a month extra for the serv e . . . but it’s worth it!" >. C. Youth in Air Reserve ; John DuMont, 2800 Woodley >ad N.W., is among 133 students srt le University of Texas who are irollad in the new Army ground >rces reserve qfficer training corps rogram. t