Finn Delegates Called Back From Moscow Get New Instructions By th« Associated Press HELSINKI, Finland, April 3.— Finland’s leaders decided today, after a week of deliberation, on their answer to the security pact requested by the Soviet Union to complete the Russian chain of alli ances from the Black Sea to the Arctic. The cabinet met with President Juho Paasikivi at the presidential palace in what «ras described by responsible sources as a decisive session. An official statement said addi tional instructions were approved which will be sftnt to the Moscow delegation that has received a Soviet draft of.a proposed friend ship and military agreement. Delegates Returning to Moscow. Urho Kekkonen and J. O. Soe derhjelm, the two delegates who returned here from the detailed discussions, will go back to Moscow on a Russian plane tomorrow and take the new instructions with them. The 78-year-old Paasikivi ap peared very tired and strained after the lengthy consultations with cabinet, parliamentary party chair men and personal advisors, in formants said. The cabinet session was deferred until afternoon, be cause he was too worn to receive the ministers in the morning. Responsible sources said he had drafted a preliminary reply to Mos cow in mid-week, but hever sent it. Military Agreement Approved. His original reply was said to have agreed that Finland would defend her borders in the event of an at tack directed against the Soviet Union, but that Finland would be free to determine when such an at tack threatened and when military co-operation with the Russians should begin. Whether the final directive fol lowed the same line could not be learned. Earlier, most of the parliamentary groups were against any military agreement at all. One of the main reasons for bringing the two delegates back from Moscow, it was reported, was to determine at first hand how far Finland culd go in limiting the scope of the proposed military clauses. A threatening Communist press campaign against the majority of parliament which opposes military clauses continued. The Communist organ, Tyokansan Sanomat, de clared: "This rubbish element must be wiped out of history, at least in the next elections if not earlier.” The hewspaper said there are “dirty intriguers who imagine by trying to postpone a solution they can still discover a way to Join the imperialistic war camp.” Berlin ^Continued From First Page.! linking this city behind the iron curtain with the western zones. English-speaking Russian guards checked Ajsengers’ flWbments'l* usual. Thty were qgfefc in thfif checks and pleasant. The 50 or more American military police who closed in on the block square Soviet Reichsbahn building In the American sector Friday mid night maintained their siege throughout yesterday. The Russians were occupying the building, which they call their military railroad * headquarters, when the British, Americans and French moved into Berlin nearly three years ago. The Russians never gave it up, although It is in the American sector. There was speculation whether the British would take similar ac tion against the broadcasting head quarters of powerful Radio Berlin. This station, although in the British sector, has been occupied by the Russians ever since they conquered the city and daily pours out Soviet propaganda. Yesterday, as every day. a Russian guard was posted in the' lobby with a tommygun. Armed with carbines and sidearms, American military police let Ger man employes into the railroad building, and there were about 1,100 there. They let out all Russians who wished to leave, but they barred all Russians who attempted to enter. 40 Russians Turned Away. Among the 40 Russians who AMERICAN SOLDIERS MAN ROADBLOCK IN U. S. BERLIN SECTOR—Two- American MPa stood by with submachine guns as a German policeman checked papers of an automobile driver at a roadblock in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee yesterday. The roadblock was set up on the main highway leading into the American sector from Potsdam in Soviet-occupied territory. sought to enter and were turned' away were a number of supervisory officials and about a dozen others who brought food for those remain ing inside. All the food was in spected by the American guards before it was taken inside by Ger [man police. The Americans them I selves could not enter the building i because two Soviet guards with guns and bayonets stood just inside the entrance. When the guards arrived the Russians asked, “Are we being evicted?” ‘If you leave you cannot get back," replied the colonel In charge. “You will have to judge for your self. These are my orders.” “We don’t want to starve them out,” was an American’s answer to why food was permitted to go in. Col. Frank L. Howley, head of United States Military Government in Berlin, said the building was cor doned off because the Russians had been sending in guards there “after dark.” It was explained that the United States could not permit Soviet armed guards to take over territory or buildings that are under Ameri can jurisdiction. Soviet Protest Considered. Col. Howley said Gen. Alexander Kotikov, Russian commandant in Berlin, had protested. Gen. Kotikov was said to have explained that the Soviet guards had been sent In be cause of reports that "criminal” ele ments were plotting to destroy rec ords in the building. Col. Howley said Gen Lucius D. Clay, American commander in Ger many, would take Gen. Kotikov’s protest under consideration "at the earliest opportunity.” He bluntly declared, "if there is any building in our sector that needs protection we feel we are adequate to do it without Russian help.” He said the telephone to the building had not been cut off and there were no plans to dislodge the Russians remaining inside. “If they want to live and work tpre.MfeH right:fath us,*3$ said, Wt “ro^-ill notf Admit a|fy'*other Russians until this thing is settled.” No Explanation of Blockade. There was no explanation of the blockade of the Potsdam road that was established by an American officer! six soldiers and two German policemen at -11 a m. yesterday close to the Soviet boundary. It did not create much excitement, as the Russians began diverting their traffic to other routes as soon as they got wind of it. It appeared the American move was an outright counter to the establishment two days ago of tem porary Soviet road blocks along the edge of their sector in Berlin. Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, British chief of the imperial stall, arrived in HeUe today to see Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, British com mander in Germany. He was non committal about the Berlin crisis. Italy (Continued From First Page.> chiefs, Russian military berets and other military material in five small towns near the city of Catania. The uniforms and equipment were stored for use by Communist-led Garibaldi brigades which planned to COMPLETE CUSSESVi Siiiflo Vision or Bifooals with Examination As Illustrated COMPLETE 2-HOUR SERVICE ON NEW GLASSES~| MATE, All Eyeglasses Are Manufactured _ - V " * In Our Own Laboratories. HILLYARD OPTICAL CO. 2 Convenient Location* / lenses > 521 H St. ME. SsS I Duplicated J 711 G St.N.W. Tmc':Z>,y I Open AH Day Saturday—9 a.m.-6 p.m. Innor discount 20% w REAL DIAMOND VALUES Typical Examplet Diamond, weighing over I Vi i carat—blue, white, American i cut. Was $750 NOW $600 J Diamond, weighing over Vi I carat—excellent color, Ameri- t can cut. Was $450 P - now $360 I Prices include tax i! DIAMONDS APPRAISED—NO CHARGE j Tour Diamond! Raaet WhUo Tou Walt I j$w-Qppenktim~ nwtusi rox over sa tears 917 F STREET N.W. Maj. Gen. Alexander S. Kotikov, Russian commander in Berlin. —AP Wirephotos. frighten voters away from the polls, the newspaper added. 8,000 Rifles Found in Ship. At Molfetta, near Bari, customs officials found 8,000 rifles and 4,000 cases of ammunition in the hold of a 400-ton ship from the Yugoslav port of Fiume. Six Russians and a Yugoslav political agitator were reported arrested. Pre-election disorders continued in Southern Italy. Within the last 24 hours nine Communists, two Monarchists and a Socialist have been wounded by gunfire. Police arrested 10 persons accused of belonging to the Arditi follow ing the armed ambush near Naples of a car full of Communists. Among the nine passengers wounded was Eugenio Reale, former Italian am bafgador to Poland, The Arditi is a fascist group bent on "poljtttcgl reUnge. w • Communists battled monarchists in the streets of Petrona in Calabria prbvince. Two monarchists were gravely wounded. Four persons were arrested. Deputy Mayor is Shot. At Sinopoli, near Reggio Calabria, Deputy" Mayor Rocco Simonin, a Socialist, was shot and wounded. Leftist newspapers said a Christian Democrat did the shooting. The chamber of Labor in Sicily’s capital city of Palermo called a 10-minute strike today to protest the machinegunning of three labor leaders two nights ago. At Tarante in Southeastern Italy, United States Ambassador oames C. Dunn warned the Italians against "propagandists who seek to turn the Italian people into the adventure of totalitarianism.” Mr. Dunn spoke Col. Frank L. Howley, head of the United States military government in Berlin. to 200 dock workers in the Commu nist-governed port city on the ar rival of the 500th American ship carrying food and relief supplies to Italy. In the northern city of Sesto San Giovanni, Italy’s No. 2 Communist, Luigi Longo, attacked the Marshall Plan. Without this program of American aid, he contended, Italy could give work to its 2,000,000 un employed and ship goods to Eastern Europe. His audience was srpall— only about 2,000 of the industrial city’s 40,000 workers. D'Alesandro Urges Drive . To Get Out Italian Vote BALTIMORE, Apr. 3 (JP).—Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro, national chairman of the Committee for Italian Democracy, today appealed to Americans to urge friends and relatives in Italy “to vote*and work against communism’’ in the Italian election, April 18. Thougn his appeal was directed particularly at Americans of Italian extejjction. -Mr.- D’AIjgandro ;urged “attour citisahs, regardless of rase, creed or colbr, to writ# dr telegraph friends and relatives • • • urging them to save their families and homes from atheistic and Com munistic dictatorship.” Human Welfare Meeting Ljsts Durr as Speaker Clifford J. Durr, of the Federal Communications Commission, will be principal speaker at the spring luncheon of the Southern Confer ence for Human Welfare Commit tee for Washington at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in the YWCA Building, Seventeenth and K streets N.W. His subject will be “Freedom of Speech and National Security.” The position of the conference on this matter will be summarized by Dr. Joseph L. Johnson, chairman of the committee. 1 CLEANED or RETRIMMED 9 IMPORTED and DOMESTIC I HAT TRIMMINGS 1 FLOWERS, FEATHERS, II RIBBONS, STRAW II BRAIDS and VEILINGS. TO ORDER I) HAT FRAMES t*$ Easy to Maks 2 f Your Ovm Hats : | MILLINERY o : a SUPPLIES UNTRIMMED || HJrrLIM HATS IN ALL || PANAMAS CLEANED STYLES k> , xT » -,>: *■ ■• - * ■ . - - ’■< -WWiiW* -: „JJ::: ;.&*■$# ' -»• V jr»> ' Tontine; 0; ■ «». 1 Hi! I s May We Estimate? »^ . * Immediate Service an All Colors % 1 - ■*• ■■ ...- ■ THE SHADE SHOP • Since Jl 902 • . ' * America’s Largest Retail Window Shade and Blind Shop i 830 13th St. N.W. ® REpublic 6262 W. Stokes Sammons Catholic Men's Group To Elect Officers The National Council of Catholic Men, meeting here in a two-day business'' conference which began yesterday, will elect officers and a board of directors today. The 45 representative* of various Catholic men’s groups throughout the country will hear reports of the executive secretary and resolu tions for action at this evening’s session. Meeting at the religious group’s headquarters here, 1312 Massachu setts avenue N.W., delegates yester day heard John W. Babcock, of Detroit, president, declare in his annual report: "In no time prior to the present, when secularism has invaded, per vaded and apparently controlled the Judgements, policy and expressions of various of the branches and de partments of our Government, has there been so much compelling reason for vigorous and persevering effort to preserve Christian tiviliza tion and to extend the kingdom of Christ upon earth.” Philip Demarls, alumnus of the University of Minnesota, executive secretary of the national Newman Club Federation, and John Simons, executive secretary of the National Catholic College Students Federa tion, discussed activities of Catholic college students at the afternoon session. Dr. George R. Ellis, Washington dentist and past president of the Holy Name Union here is repre senting the District in the confer ence. , Pvt. Cowan Will Receive Fidler Award Today Pvt. Oliver A. Cowan, director of the Junior Police and Citizens Corps, has been chosen to receive today’s "Americans in the News” award presented by Jimmie Fid ler. With the award goes a gold watch and a savings bond, as well as recog nition on Mr. Fidler’s program, to be heard at 10:30 o'clock to night ovpr Sta tion WMAL. The policeman, whose organiza tion has grown to 13,000 boys Pvt. Cowan, and girls In Washington, was selected for the award by Andy Russell, radio and screen star, ac cording to a telegram Pvt. Cowan received yesterday. This is the second award in two weeks for Pvt. Cowan. On March 22, the Le Droit Park Civic Associa tion held an appreciation service at Banneker Junior High School and presented a plaque to Pvt. Cowan for his work in preventing and con trolling juvenile delinquency. Entries Open to May 10 In Sight Poster Contest . Entries by alASteUr 'artiSU. com peting in the Sight Saving Poster Contest sponsored by the District Society for the Prevention of Blind ness will be accepted until May 10. .Judges announced., yesterday by Miss Helen Demary" agency direc tor, are: James Berryman, cartoon ist for The Star; Duane Johnson, commercial artist; Dr. Prank D. Costenbader, opthalmologist; Her bert Gill, member of the society, and Mrs. Hazel Markel, educational di rector at Radio Station WTOP. Further information about the contest may be obtained by calling Republic 0378. Cash prizes are of fered. • Wallace Denies Writing Piece iq Italian Paper Henry Wallace did not write an article critical of- American policy which appeared in an Italian Com munist newspaper under his byline on Friday, his New York office said yesterday. The article, a column long, ran in the Friday morning edition of L’Unita in Rome. It was under a byline reading “By Henry Wallace” and was signed at the bottom "Henry Wallace.” Mr. Wallace’s New York office! the presidential candidate Ibiew Nothing about the article. He hadj reoeived no request from L’Unita for such an article and had not' communicated with the paper. The office said further that Mr. Wallace I had never said anything like the quoted matter dealing with the com ing Italian elections. The. article contained among other statements, an allegation that the United States “will intervene mili tarily’' in Italy if the Italians vote wrong in the-national elections. Charge Against Stagehands ; Dismissed by NLRB Counsel Robert N. Denham, general counsel of the National Labor Re lations Board has dismissed the com plaint of feather bedding brought by the Children's Museum of Wash ington against the stagehands union. John H. Dorsey, attorney for the museum, disclosed this yesterday and charged that a major defect of the Taft-Hartley Act had prevent ed the museum from even obtain ing a hearing before the NLRB. He said Mr. Denham’s action on the complaint is final. The dispute arose last fall when the museum sought to dispense with the hiring of union stagehands for a presentation if “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” at Lisner Audi torium. The union — Theatrical Stage Employes Local 22, AFL— had been supplying nine stagehands at a wage cost of $262 for plays sponsored by the museum. Hie union claimed it had an oral agreement with George Washing ton University that only union stagehands would be employed at the auditorium and said it had re duced the number of stagehands from nine to six. The complaint filed with the NRLB by Mr. Dorsey charged the closed shop and hiring hail sections of the Taft-Hartley Act were being violated, as well as the feather bedding section. Taft Blames Democrats For Rise of Communism By the Associated Press ST. CHARLES, Mo., April 3 — Senator Taft of Ohio, Republican presidential candidate, said today the “wavering and uncertain” for eign policy of the Democratic Party and its “coddling of Communists” is responsible for the spread of com munism in the world. He addressed a meeting from the balcony of the St. Charles County Courthouse. The Ohio Republican spoke earlier at a mock Republican Nationalj convention of student delegates at Lindenwood College. The Senator's personal appear ance at the convention did not win him the' “nomination.” After his speech the delegates retired and nominated Senator Vandenberg of Michigan on the first ballot. Former Gov. Harold E. St&ssen of Minnesota on the first ballot. Former Gov. Harold E. Stassen of Minnesota was nominated for Vice President. Democratic student delegates at their convention nominated Presi dent Truman on the fifth ballot. Former Gov. Ellis Arnall of Georgia was selected as.his running mate. The mock sessions were attended by delegates from colleges in 14 Mmidwestern and Southern States. ^*65 CASH Paid for your old SINGER SEWING MACHINE Highest Price Paid in the ANY CONDITION City and as much as fl 00 far Electric Machines. CALL RE. 1900 . RE. 2311 Sundays and Evenings, Call CO. 0025 Price Paid Depend* on Aft, Model and Condition of Machine ——1 ' — ■■■■ I ————» ^Console i Combining painstaking workmanship and fine materials, Everett gives you a piano with un usual depth and quality of tone . , . easy, re sponsive action. Compact in size and grace fully beautiful in design, this is an instrument for the home lover as well as for the musically inclined ... for those who want beauty for today that will last for many tomorrows. Pictured is a graceful classic-modem console —at home in any setting. Convenient Terms foM (Between 13th and 14th Streets) Phone REpublic 6212 Indiana Officer Changes Mind on Wallace Pallet ■y »h« Associated Oran INDIANAPOLIS, April $.—Adjt. Gen. Howard Maxwell announced today that “there will be no inter ference” with the scheduled Henry A. Wallace meeting at the Indiana National Guard Armory here Wed nesday night The Indiana Cltizens-for-Wallace Committee had said Gen. Maxwell had told it that “certain individuals” should not appear on the platform with 'the third party presidential candidate. Mr. Wallace’s campaign manager. C. B. Baldwin, said in New York that he hMl wired a protest to Gov. Ralph F. Gates of Indiana. After a conference with the gover nor, the adjutant general announced: "The Wallace group will be per mitted to use the armory for its meeting. There will be no inter ference.” Gen. Maxwell said this decision was reached before the governor re ceived Mr. Baldwin’s telegram. The Indiana Wallace Committee’s statement said Gen. Maxwell had objected to the appearance of Paul Robeson, Negro singer, and that he ashed that Dr. J. R. Shannon of Terre Haute, the committee’s chair man, and Willard B. Ranson of In dianapolis, its treasurer, should not be permitted to take leading parts in the meeting. Mrs. Lotito Attacked And Slain, Police Report By th* Associated Pros* NEW YORK, April 3.-Mrs. Vera Lotito, 36, was criminally assaulted before she was strangled in her midtown apartment last Tuesday, a police official said today. This was revealed several hours after Julio Ramirez, 35, an ex convict with a record of rape and mail thefts, was held in $50,000 bail as a material witness. Mrs. Lotito, a travel agency part ner, was stabbed and then strangled with her husband's neckties in their apartment at 144 East 55th street. A police official said “we are not satisfied with his (Ramirez) alibi that he was home Tuesday after noon. Ramirez was seized by a detec tive yesterday when he entered a pawnshop carrying a raccoon coat which police said was stolen from the slain woman's apartment. He was arrested after a fierce battle; with the detective and the owner of the pawnshop. Police said he admitted pawning! other clothtng and jewelry which! they said was stolen from the Lotito apartment. Alabama Alumni Dinner Set Dr. George Hutchinson Denny of Lexington, Va., chancellor and for mer president of the University of Alabama, will be the guest of honor at a dinner of Washington alumni of the university at 7 p.m. Wednes day in the Hotel 2400. Charles Bernier, director of alumni affairs at the university, and more than 300 alumni are expected to attend. Vermont Alumni Reunion The annual reunion meeting of the Washington chapter of the Uni versity of Vermont Alumni Associa tion will be held at 6 p.m. Tues day at the Washington Club, 1701 K street N.W. Officers for the year will be -elected following 4 dinner. Mercury solidifies at 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and boils at 675 degrees. PENS REPAIRED while you wait A uthorited Sheaffer—Parker Evershorp—Waterman D. J. HUGHES PEN CO. 503 14th St. N.W. Oppoaite Willard Hotel Red Cross Appeals & For Gifts by Mail ^ , An appeal to Washington are^j; residents who have not yet contribu* * * ted to the IMS Red Cross fund to do so immediately by mail was is sued today by fund drive leaders. ,rr Reporting an upsurge of mall do-."' nations, Randolph G. Bishop, cam paign director, said even more art needed to assure success of the drive'' by Tuesday, when a final “victory’* luncheon is scheduled at 12:30 pin,’ in the Chamber of Commerce Build-’" ' ing. six Some potential contributors ma]f/ have been overlooked by solicitors, * Mr. Bishop pointed out. He urged " that they mail their gifts to Joseph C. Grew, general campaign chair- - man, oampaign headquarters, 1730 ' E street N.W. At last week’s luncheon, when the * campaign had been scheduled to * close, solicitors still were $58,72* short of their $1,080,000 goal. Sixteen Washington residential^ areas achieved 100 per cent or more , of their quotas to bring the resident ., tial division to the top in the drive, leaders reported yesterday. Last week the division, led by E. K. Mor- ' ris, already had 131 per cent of its ~ overall quota. " " Mr. Grew commended unit chair-' * men for continuing their effort* r even after achievement of quotas. U. N. Organization Assails. Wastage of Resources * ly th« Associated Pross The United Nations Food an hr NEWSONOTONE "OUT-A-SIGHT" EARTIF FOR PLEASURE IN HEARING I ;;; Hay* you hesitated to wear • hearingald because of embarrass* ment? The new Sonotone “OUT A-SIGHT” Eartip completely takes away the little “button’* from the ear—that midget re ceiver so important to better hearing—and puts it out of sight under your collar! Fastens It un‘ der your hair, if you ere a woman! :r. Investigate this revolutionary .: development. NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL HEARING AID USERS r.fx 901 WASHINGTON BLDG. - 15th St. fr N. Y. Avs. N.W. ” District 0921 _ PIANOS | at REDUCED PRICES Consoles Spinets Grands Apartment Uprights Don’t miss this opportunity to huy that piano you’ve always wanted, at a savingl On sale at reduced prices are dozens of consoles, spinets, grands and apartment uprights; many of the latest and fyost popular models of the makes listed. Some are used, some have been out on rental, some are new and some are floor samples, but each and every one is a real value at the prices we’re asking during this sale. Such make* as: FISCHER • MASON & HAMLIN CHICKERING • STIEFF STEINWAY (used) • MUSETTE LESTER "Betsy Ross" • KNABE IVERS & POND • H. M. CABLE HUNTINGTON • STORY tr CLARK WURLITZER JORDAN'S 1015 Seventh St. N.W. fTemporary Address — We will soon be in our new building on the corner of 13th and G Sts.) NAtional 3223