Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS FO* SALE (Cent.). IKTABIM, noiseless, else, standard ila top, 18 In. dlaraetar; a.e. current ». 115 volts. 60 cycles; carries 160 i closing out at $15 ea. NA. 8961. ___ —6 •vXEDO. finest matarlal: custom made: "ja 36 medium. $26: extra silk vaet, $4. t. 682971927 K n.w. • JXEDO, sise 42. worn ones, $40. Call .-ITERS—Genuine bargains In all makes, standards and Dortabies. We rent, repair. trade STANDARD TYPEWRITER CO., 910 O st. n.w.. NA. 3682. —10 TYPEWRITER. Standard, lust overh.. $35: washing machine, fine cond.. $50: refer., elec.. A-l cond.. $60. OR 0929. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS—Royal stand ard, A-l shape, only $39.50: Royal porta ble with carrying case, $36; cash or terms. Bee weekdays. 1309 14th st. n.w. —6 TYPEWRITER. Underwood. 26-in carriage, $45; excellent condition. RA. 3963. TYPEWRITER. Underwood. Elite type, late model. In excellent cond.; $86. SI. 0171. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, reconditioned: while they last. $29.50 ui. CIRCLE 1112; 14th st. n,w. DI. 7372. TYPEWRITER. Remington portable, good! cond., $20; also baby scales, Detecto, good oond , $5 Call 8H 5438 TYPEWRITER, new 1948 Royal, quiet de luxe portable model, elite type; will sell for *85 cash. Tower 5272. —4 TYPEWRITER, Corona portable: lust over hauled; complete with case. A real buy. $82-50’ DU. 2976. • TYPEWRITER, Underwood: equal to new: will sacrifice; owner leaving town. 1101 15th at. n.w.. Apt. 201. ST. 9848. —6 TYPEWRITER, Underwood standard port abla. with carrying case; excellent condi tion; $36. EM. 8472. TYPEWRITER, Remington, noiseless, fins condition, factory rebuilt. See at 25 Syca more ave . Takoma Park. Md. TYPEWRITER, portable Corona, tabulator model, good condition, $30. AL. 8661 TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. 5718 16th at. n.w., OR 1883 Und. 3 moa. In •dv.. $7.60; 6. $13.50: no dal.. $5 ad. den. TYPEWRITER. Underwood, late model. used very little: price. *85. Glebe 6686. TYPEWRITERS, new portables, all makes: standards, portables, rebuilts. Today. CO. 4626; week. DI. 7372. 1112 14th st. n.w. —8 TYPEWRITERS—Standards and portable*, new and rebuilt; 1 yr. guar., $20 up. Terms. Our 38th year. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO., 1431 East Capitol at.. LI- 0082. 8:30-6 inel. Sat. TYPEWRITERS—Underwood. No. 6. $25: also Remington. ltd. model, pert. cond.. M5. DE- °4.'i5 after 11 a m VACUUM, Eectrolux; complete aet attach ments. Excellent condition. $35. Call PA. 7780. VACUUM CLEANER. Hoover, model 28: complete with attachments; perfect condl tion;$72.50 or best offer. CH. 1096. VACUUM CLEANER. Electrolux model; prteed reasonably. EM. 0846. VACUUM CLEANER, Hoover, used: also wing-back chair, needs recovering; rea sonable PR. 5058. VACUUM CLEANER Eureka, with all at tachments; pert cond. 1910 Kslorama rd. n.w.. HO. 0062. VACUUM CLEANERS. Westinghouse elec tric. one upright and two hand, all for $35. Call DI. 7740; eves , RA. 7402. VACUUM CLEANER, all attachments: new cond.: excel, buy. 3L. 2383. —4 VACUUM SYSTEM, Industrial type. 1-h.p. motor. AD. 1804 —6 VEGETABLE CASE, new Hussmann. com pletely open type, self-service case. 7-11 ft. long with fluor. lights and mirrored back, storage space in bottom: immed. de livery guar. S. L. PRICE REPGR. CO , 1124 9th at. n.w.. RA. 3863. • VEGETABLE CASE, new Hussmann. com pletely open type: extra wide porcelain ease with storage compartment in bottom: oomes In 10-ft. length, can be made any1 length you desire as one fixture with one set at ends; fluor. lights ana mirrored back- come In and see for yourself this excellent lob; can build to order to match any alas wood dry stand. 8. L. PRICE RBPGR. CO.. Hussmann dlst.. 1124 9th St. n.W.. RA. 3863. • VEIL, wedding and bridesmaid dresses, alee 9, never worn. HO. 2928 eves or Sun. _ 10* VENETIAN BLINDS washed, repainted, retaped, recorded. PARK AYR VENETIAN BUND 0O„ UN 1845 VICTROLA, genuine RCA Orthophonlc; 1 floor model. Bargain. $20. TA. 1845. VIOLIN, beautiful Instrument, tone excel-; lent; bargetn: bow and case: $40. Apt.: 506. 1301 Mass sve. n.w. VIOLIN, old, $65 cash. 6645 Ga. eve . j Apt. 206. Call GE. 8323. • WALK-IN BOXES. Dutcher. vegetable, all alumn., 6x8, 8x10 Hussmann in stock.) with or without blower; machines guar 1 S. L. Price. PRICE REPGR. CO., 1124 9th ! st. n.w. RA 3863 • ! WARDROBE TRUNK, several pieces hand luggage. 1516 Wisconsin ave., 2 to 6 on Sunday. NO. 7750. WASHES. Maytag, round, prewar, wringer type. $40 or best offer under. WA. 5050. WASHER, fully automatic, by Prlgidalre. "similar to OE," 2 mos. old, absolutely perfect. 6L 7313. —4 WASHER. ABC. spinner, good condition. $60. After 6 p.m. Set. and all day Sun day, 6407 Conn, are., Chevy Chase. Md. OL 5382. —4 WASHER. Hsndyhot portable, and wringer, new condition. $26'. OW. 9400. Ext. 434. —5 WASHER, Bendix automatic, good running condition. $80; living room divan. Karpen upholstery, prewar construction, *30. CH. 8176. WASHER. Hotpolnt. with pump; excellent condition. $30. Phone Sligo 3881 after 6. * WASHER. Kenmore Pour Star; excellent condition, *50. Bmall blond mahogany 3-drawer chest, $20. WI. 9401. —4 WASHER. Bendix. apt. slae. $40; Hoover vacuum cleaner and attach., $25: blue and rose Axminster rugs, 9x12, and pad, $30, UN. 8167. WASHER, GE. rlnger-type with pump and Ironer: good ooerating cond.; $50, or beit offer under. TW. 9542. —4 , WASHER, apt. size, with wringer, good condition: $25. 1741 Lanier Pi. n.w., Apt. 31. Call MI. 5958. WASHER—Launders!! automatic washer; new machine, in original carton: owner unable to Install: will sell for $235. RE. 2868. Ext. 607, Sunday; TA. 7740 wkdays. WASHER, new 1948 model, completely au tomatic, cost $300; will sacrifice for $240 cash: can't use In our apt. Call between 1 and 6 p.m.. GE. 7262. —5 WASHERS—50-60 sale, the first 50 pur chasers of a completely automatic washer will receive a $50 trade in on their old washer or Ironer; choose from Laundersll. GE Bendix. Frigidaire. Hot Point, ABC Automatic. Simplex: no reasonable offer refused; specializing In sales and service for 30 years. HILL APPLIANCE CO , 8127 Georgia ave., SH 1851, Sligo 2232. —7 WASHING MACHINE, apt size; Handy Hot: Just like new; used very few times: $28. WI. 6195. • —5 WASHING MACHINE, apt. sise: originally $34 95. now $22.50: good cond. Call Sun. morning and eves.. UN 2894. WASHING MACHINE. Easy, spinner type: recently reconditioned. Misc. items. Call OR. 3720 WASHING MACHINE, electric, 'a size, good condition, $25. Call FR 1590. WASHING MACHINE. Maytag, in good condition LI 4684 WASHING MACHINE, portable, good con dition. $15. MI. 5777. —5 WASHING MACHINE, l-yr.-old QE wring er-type with pump. $95. Call OL. 1621. WASHING MACHINE. Westinghouse. spin ner dryer, new working order. WO. 4605. WASHING MACHINE. Apex, spinner. A-l condition. *76; gilder, without cushions; summer rug. blue. Sligo 4949. 4* WASHING MACHINE, ABC Spinner; good working order $50. Child s roll-top desk; $10. VI. 6424. —6 WASHING MACHINE. ABC, ringer, with pump, 6 yrs. old; good cond.; $60. LU. 3188. 408 Orange st. s.e. WASHING MACHINE. Easy, with spinner: large, 6-sheet sise; $46 or best offer. BL. 4P60 ’ l WASHING MACHINE. Buy. white. pump; I perfect condition: $.35. UN. 3330. WASH. MACHINE. Bendlx. late model, like ; new: will install. ul 6328 WASH. MACHINE. ABC. good condition, reasonable. LI 6328. WASHING MACHINE. Easy Spin Dry: good condition; $25. 4107 18th st. n.e.' DU. 1382. WASHING MACHINE. Voss, excellent, con dition; $50 RCA radio console. Webster sutomstlc record changer. Both for $60.. DU. 2891. WASHING MACHINE. Naxon. large ant. else, 1 year old, excellent condition. $30. TR 0543. • WASHING MACHINE, late model, large wringer type, excellent cond; $85. AT. 7396. WASHING MACHINE. Easy washer, cop per tub. m good running condition; $25. j 3417 Eastern ave. n.e. WASHING MACHINE. Bendlx de luxe. 3 wks. old: reason, owner selling bldg.; first $200 takes It. Call DI. 5024. —6 WASHING MACHINES—OE wringer. $38; Easy Spin Dry. $48; guar.; new auto mata; take trades. STEPHENSON, DI. WASHING MACHINE. Hsndy Hot. portable, with wringer. $27. GL 4400. Ext. 904. WASHING MACHINE, apt alie Naxon; ex eellant condition, used veils little; $25. Call GL. 5821 WASHING MACHINES—ABC, automatic wringer, needs repairing. $22; Easy. $22; Prlma. $22, 13th and Pa. avd. n. back of market, drive In alley at garage; be tween 10 and 1 today. WASHING MACHINES—GE Spinner, re duced 4o $99: Hot Point Spinner, reduced to $185: ABC semiautomatic, reduced So $89: Simplex ironer. table-top model, floor sample, reduced to $69. HILL AP PLIANCE CO . 8127 Georgia ave . SH. 1851. Sligo 2332. —7 WASHING MACHINES. Maytag. Thor. Norge. Bendlx and others: immediate! delivery, easy terms. LIVINGSTON AP PLIANCE & RADIO CO.. 4409 South Capitol st.. TR. ;i856. —7 WASHING MACHINE. Apex, spinner, good condition. RA. 4055. 236 Longfellow st. WASHING MACHINE, Bendlx. factory re built, $89: one de luxe demonstrator. $189. Many others priced equally low. DISTRICT HARDWARE CO., 2148 P at. n.w.. DU. 5800. —5 WASHING MACHINE, spinner type, Prima: good condition; $30. Call EM. 0769. 4* WATCHES—Bulcva, Elgin. Benrui. Hamil ton, other makes; unredeemed pawning; guaranteed perfect; $7.60 up. Alto dia monds at half original coat. S. it W. EXCH- 3157 Pa. ave. n.w. Open till 8 p.m. WATCHES—ROSSLYN LOAN CO —Bulova. Elgin. Hamilton. Benrus. other makes: unredeemed pledges, fine condition: $5 up. Also a large selection unredeemed dia monds at less than halt of original cost. ROSSLYN LOAN CO . Rosslyn. Va. WATCHMAKER, must sell at once. 12 drawer master cabinet with crvstal b.b.. tools; very reasonable. Sunday after '1 p m . EX 2804 • WATER COOLER, bottle type. 5 gals.. Kelvlnator rebuilt, like new also several hsed refrigerators. 4; 18 Belhcsda ave.. eiethf'da. Md.. WI. 4S2J. —6 Water HEATER am* 30-gal. tank, coal burning good condition. *12 for both. CH. 8915. WATER HEATER. 40-aal.. "Hotstream." automatic, oil burning, $20. Call CH. 8079. —4 WATER HEATER, in crate. Sears 30 gal lons. glass-lined. $90: reducing machine. *75i oil paintings. OE. 3048. WATER HEATERS, new. various siaet; ■ sturaT bottle gas. oil. aloe.: 36% to 50% Inc. BLOCK’S. 3056 M at. n.w.. 111. 7141. WATER HEATERS, gas. •Metric, 4U anas. WATER HEATER. Rheem, 20-gal., unused; 0m reasonable offer. 8122 Draper lane, •ilver Spring. • a I ' '‘ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAUL WATER HEATS*S, elec.. 30-50 White; aSo elements, controls. tanks, assemble 3-120 sal. CARTY'S. 1808 14th st.. NO 0224. WATER BEATER. 60-tal Hot Point; Bat Point range; in cood condition. QH. 2168. WATER TANK. 80 gallons galvanised, pressure and water gauge, electric pres sure switch; good condition. 8L, 0263. WEDDING BAND, 50 small diamonds, $250 or best offer; also dinner ring. RA. 0700. WELDING SET. heavy duty, used once, complete with new gauges, tips holds, etc. Cheap. May be seen Sunday. 10 a.m-2 p.m, 2916 Georgia ave. n.w. WHAT-NOT WALL PANELS, $5 pr.: mahog. tea cart, $35: antique clock, $25. 3751 Northampton st, Ch Ch, D. C. * WILD MINK COAT, size 16, for sale very reasonable because owner 1* moving South. Cali EM. 5511 Sunday. 11 to 4 only WINDOW SCREENS, bronsc' good cond. 17 screens, standard sizes. EM. 7429. WIRE RECORDER and microphone; slight ly used; $400. Call Monday, EX. 6250. —5 WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS, one black and one gray, new cond, sise 11, orlg. $90 each, sacrifice. 6409 13th st. n.w. GE. 8164. WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT—Lathes., shapers, planers, bench saws, portable electric hand saws, drills, paint spray equipment. See our large stock before you buy ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO, 247.3 Sherman ave. n.w, NO. 3 919. • WOODWORKING MACHINES—See the new Reypo combination woodworking ma-i chine, 8“ bench saw. 10” lathe. 12” drill and wire brush attachments; this machine; has Timken roller bearing. On display at POWER MACHINERY & RADIO CORP,! 1498 H st. n.e, TR. 7348. —6 WOODWORKING MACHINERY — Bench saws, shapers, lathes, band saws, drill presses and accessories. See us before you buy. POWER MACHINERY & RADIO CORP, 1498 H st. n.e, TR. 7348. —5 WOODWORKING TOOLS—I have four Delta power tools with many attachments, the use of which I will share with home crafter who will supply suitable work space where I can use them occasionally. Box 236-T. Star. 6* BREAKFAST NOOK, table linoleum top. 2 benches, red and white, like new. SH. 7593. —4 "LOCK8EAM" BCG, 9x7.8 ft, neutral color; kneehole desk. 2 "step" end tables.; chest drawers, lamp table, coffee table; (all bleached); mahogany “Berta" twin box apgs. and mattresses on legs. 2 green lounge chairs. "Duran." (never used); draperies. Manning electric broiler. EM. 0661. —9 LET US MAKE your old living room or chairs like new. Large selection of ma terials. We make your slip covers to order. PAUL CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY. EX. 9289. FOOD STORE WOODWORKING work done. Let us completely modernize your store or build your new store for you. We are equipped to fioor-plan your store free of charge and are in a position to help you with latest Ideas ra merchandising. Call on us for any help you may need toward self-service or otherwise. S L. PRICE REPOR. CO . 1124 Hth st. n.w, RA. 386.3.• ABELL'S RADIO AND ELECTRONIC de partment is now open for "hams," radio servicemen, etc, at 4633 York rd, near Rex Theater. Baltimore. Maryland. Open Monday. Wednesday and Friday nights til I 9 p.m . Saturday 9 to 5:30 p.m. Bargains! for all. • METAL BED. walnut finish, spring and matt. May see any time Sunday after 1 P.m. Tel WA 2021. 4225 30th st. Mount Rainier. Md 4* SEEBCRG AUTOMATIC RECORD changer, new; plays 12 10-ln. and 10 12-ln records Beautiful portable case. Phone WO. 8772, MR. RADFORD. 4” 1 HOUSE SOLD—Must sell fl rms. of fur Initure; no dealers. 726 Somerset pi. n.w. —4 DO YOUR OWN SPOT REDUCING at home; easy as ABC; safe; priced reason ably. Phone FR. 0358. FOR SALE—Lawn mower. 19-in, alumi num. sharp and perfect. $12. WI. (1320. II CASEMENT WINDOWS, $2 ea ; 1 roll rim bathtub, $15: I roll rim sink, $5; I chrome mixing faucet, $5. TE. 8291. 30 TROPICAL FISH. 22-gallon stainless steel aouarium. light and stand, thermo stat heater, filter and pump: 3 extra aquariums and other mlse. items: $125 complete. EM. 9005. MY STOCK OF GROCERIES, meats and fixtures, with lease on store building with 6-room apt. above: one reach in electric1 meat box. dump truck with extra bodies, one gas engine and air compressor, one tree saw. electric motors and other mis cellaneous articles. Write Box 385. Indian Head. Md, or call Indian Head .3130. • TWO 4-TRACK MILLER major presses, late style, new-press guarantee. Immedi ate delivery. Also lob presses, paper cut ters. stitchers, perforators and punches, and 1 complete small Job shop. 1211 4th st. n.e, LU. 4872. —5 LEAVING CITY; brand-new musical saw. .34 Inches, good make. $6.50: 2 very well made twirling batons, rubber on each end, 31% Inches long. $9.60: Yankee Clip per almost-new sled. 64 inches long, $4.50. Call SL. 3021 after 4 p.m. 200-AMPERE FUSE BOX and twitch, single phase: recently installed, like new. DE. 6892 between 5-7 pm. _ SEWING MACHINES, used, some specially priced. Standard treadle _$25.00 Singer treadle_ .35.50 Wilcox & Gibbs portable elec. _69.50 New Willard console elec. . _ 69.50 Others to select from. 8INOER SEWING MACHINE CO, 3337 Conn, ave. n w MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT, !r8—Small bulldozer for fight and back-fllung. TR. 7799. —-li JAL BEDS. IDEAL BEDDINCJ AND ITUSS CO.. 622 E st. n.w. National ' MliCtllAKtWJS WANTED, ADDING MACH, typewriters, calculators. resb retts. office equipt, any kind: top price. ME. 7236; CO. 4625 eves, Sunday. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, eaiculs tors, bought and sold and rented. HE. 1177. UNITED TI PEW RITES CO, 813 14th st. n.w. ADULT FAMILY WILL STORE PIANO for use. DU. 4009. ANTIQUES—Furniture, china, glass, deep type picture frames, old tuns, steins, music boxes, clocks. CH. 8500. 1-6 P.m. ANTIQUES—Furniture, orlc-a-Brac, china, glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings; highest cash prices paid Call MURRAY, Taylor 3333 BABY CRIB, good eond, reasonable. Call MI. 4522. BATHTUBS, toilets, basins, sinks, radia tors. pipe; used. Any used lumber, win dows and doors Clean out your base ment lor spring now. TW. 9820, 8 a m - 5 p.m —6 BEDROOM, dining room or contents of home, will pay cash; we do moving, stor-; age TA. 2937: after 7 p.m, GE. 1416. 4* BEDROOM SUITES, dining room suites, j living room pieces, rugs, gas ranges and i porch furniture In anv amount wanted at i once. Will pay highest possible prices i No matter what you have to sell, please' call today MR. GRADY. NA 2629. i BEDROOM AND DINING RM. SUITES, glassware, Frigidaire. ruts, radios, office furniture. Anything you may have to sell.! Call DU. 0613. BICYCLE, girls’ 20-lnch site; In good con dition. Call CH. 1095. BOOKS—Highest prices paid for good books, any quantity. BARGAIN BOOK SHOP. 808 9th st. n.w. Dl. 6007. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD, ol all de scriptions. In any quantity; books removed at our expense. DISTRICT BOOK STORE. 721 9th st. n.w, ME. 5996. CAMERA WANTED, high quality: also movie camera, projectors, lenses. Ask for MR. WEISS, from 9-6. RE. 2434. CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all accessories bought at highest prices. BRENNER PHOTO CO, 933 Pa ave. n.w, opposite Dept, of Justice, RE. 2434. CIVIL WAR BOOKS, re: military campaigns of Chattanooga. Chickamauga. Look Out Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Also any early history of Chattanooga. Tenn. Please state what Is available and price asked. Box 347-S. Star. CLOTHING—Used men's suits, pants, shirts, shoes Children's clothing. Bed spreads, drapes, linens, entire households. Bring them In or phone. RE 9835. We pick up. GOOD NEIGHBOR STORES. 931 5th st. n.w. CLOTHING—Used men's and children's clothing. Women's clothing In sire 18 end larger. Bring them in or phone MI. 9349. We pick up B & A EXCHANGE.’ 649 Florida ave. n.w • CLOTHING Highest prices paid tor men’s I used clothing. BIRMANS. 1122 7th it; n w. JMZ.8787 Open eves. Will call CLOTHING—Donate or sell at a small; orice vour discarded clothing (a good deed today). We pass it. along at a tiny price i to the needy. We pick up. GOOD NEIGH-! BOR THRIFT SHOP. Phone BX. 9616.; 625 4th st. s.w. COINS, stamp collections, Ivories, auto graphed letters. Void, silver bought. HOBBY SHOP. 71# 17th st. n.w. Dl. 1272. COINS. American, foreign; old gold, diver, antiques, cameras; highest prices paid. HEPNER. 402 12th st. n.w. Dl 2686. DIAMONDS, old sola and sliver; diamond watches and discarded jewelry. Cash paid. ERNEST BURK. INC, 614 13th it. n.w. DIAMONDS, silver, gold. We pay highest Prices. Ask for Mr. OPPKNHMM1R. 917 r st. n.w. DRUG STOCK WANTED, prescription and front merchandise; also 2 or 3 floor show cares. Sterling 8769 after 6 p.m. • FURNITURE—Highest prices paid for all children's furniture. NORTHEAST FUR NITURE EXCHANGE. 1425 H It. n.e. TR. 5673. —7 FURNITURE and household effects of the better kind wanted at once: will buy suites, odd pieces or entire home. Please call to -day. MR. GRADY. NA. 2620. FURNITURE—Will buy entire contents or' odd pieces; best cash prices; buying and selling for over 50 years. Wp do moving. HOPWOOD'S. 8th and K sts. n.w, ME 5287. FURNITURE—Will pay highest cash prices for entire contents or lair slxed portion of house or apt.; refln-d. courteous ; service. For best results, call MR. DUFFY at UN 1910 any time up to 9 o.m. —8 FURNITURE—House, apt. amgle piece; top price: prompt removal. (We do mov ing.) TR. 9272. DU. 4429. FURNITURE—We want your entire house hold contents or odd pieces; highest prices. 8. E. TORN EX, AT. 0685. —8 FURNITURE—Household, all kinds: also good plar.o. Highest cash prices paid. Cali evenings, RE. 3672. 8* FURNITURE WANTED —Don't sacrifice your household goods hastily and regret later. Store with us In individual eom oartments at reasonable rates. If you de ; sire, we have the facilities to sell vour i household effects at prices set by you. Over a Quarter century experience in all phases of handling furniture. Our furniture con sultant wi 1 9ladle call or you without rbligatlon. SAFETY STORAGE h TRANS FER CO, dial TS. 5188 or OW. 2911 GIRL'S OUTGROWN SXOWSUIT, Sise 8 Or '0. tv I 6551. GLASS PANEL DOOR. 36 to 46 in. wide, aiprox. 7 It 6 itr. hieh. with or withou1 iron trill. Iron window guards. 31x6.3 in.; also 36)2X63 in. Call AD 1616. GOLD—-Brine vour old gold, silver, plating. '.“©1 jywMjW .J*w*lr7 we cash. 4JKABW. Wtrt^yearg at 936 rst n.w. INDOOR SHUTTERS, wooden. WO. 7342. NEW8PBPER8 WANTED—Highest prices paid lor newspapers, books, mat seines and houae rags. WASHINGTON RAO to BAO CO, 315 L st. s.w. Dl 8007. KODAK. Speed Qraphic* Argus, Zeiss. Rollelflex and other cameras or meviee wanted BRENNRR 938 Pa ave. n.w LAWNMOWER8. any condition; also wash ing machines. AT. 7005. MISCELLANEOUS WAWTiP (Cut.) MAC0OT iroOLS for home workshop, used; small metal lathe and drill press, etc. GE. 2877 and XX. 1892. MOVIE CAMERAS, movie projectors, sound and silent; lenses, editors, etc., wanted. ERENNKR. 933 Pa. are. n.w.. RE. 2434. NEWSPAPERS WANTED—Richest prices paid for newspapers, books, magazines and house rags. ACE JUNK CO- 2220 Georgia ave. n.w.. AD. 5457 OFFICE FURNITURE, all kinds: Office mtchinea. any kind, top prices paid. Call ME. 7238 Eves, and Sundays. CO. 4625. OLD-FASHIONED picture frames, clocks; also antique turn., china, firearms, curios, PHONOGRAPH RECORDS^n'ei^and used; classical albums bought and sold. THE MUSIC BOX. 1404 N. V. ave.. RE. 4290. PIANO—Will store piano for use of same: excellent care; references furnished. Call NO. 0791. —4 PIANO. i:sed spinet cr console, reason able: by private party. RA. 3451. —4 PIANO, srand. medium size. SH. 8483 PIANO—Cash for srand uprt., spinet. AD. 5928 day; RA. 0491 night. 30* PIANO, baby grand, err small upright. In good cond. Will store In home in return for use. Will give excel, care. WI. 9023. PIANOS, grana. upright, spinet or apt sixe, any size, any condition; will pay cash SL. 6284 - PIANOS WANTED—COLONIAL PIANO CO. pays highest cash prices. Phone NA. 4870 afterlO am. for courteous appraisal. PLUMBERS' BRASS, scrap Iron, scrap cop per. lead, scrap aluminum. Highest prices paid. WASHINGTON RAO A BAO CO.. 215 It»* *■»•• DI. 8007. PRINTING PRESS, hand or treadle. Sx8 In. or larser. Chestnut 5650. 8 to 6 Sunday. • RIFLES, pistols, shotguns, ammunition: we uuy sell or trade. LYNCH OUN SHOP. 9ns 11th st. n.w. NA. 0509. ROYAL TYPEWRITER wanted. Will come to your office or home and pay good cash price. Telephone SH. 6283 or AD. 5242. Monday. • SAXOPHONE, tenor, gold, Buscher or Conn. Call WA. 1300. —8 SCRAP ISON, cast Iron. $1.75 per 100 pounds: auto batteries. $2 each; house rags, $4 per 100 pounds, delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices paid for scrap iron, scrap metals, house rags and auto batteries. If you cannot deliver your accumulations, pleaae phone us. WASH INGTON RAO A BAO OO- 215 L it. g.W.. DI. 8007. SCRAP IRON WANTED—Highest prices paid for scrap iron, scrap metals, house rags and auto batteries. If you cannot deliver your accumulations, please phone us. ACE JUNK CO- 2220 Georgia art. n.w.. AD. 5467 SEWING MACHINES—We pay highest prices for old machines, any model. 3400 R. I. ave. n.e. UN. 7300. —6 SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types; repair hemstitching, buttons covered, pleating. 917 F st- RE. 1900. RE. 2311. STOVES for heatlim and cooking, and Ice boxes. ACME STOVE CO., 1011 7th ft. n.w., NA. 8962. AM INTERESTED In buying silverware, any condition, jewelry, glassware, bric-a brac. china. DORA KRUP8AW MILE STONE, 1335 O st. n.w., Sterling 74961 WANTED—Better grade ot Household fur niture. antiques and office furniture. NA. 5589: evenings. OB. 6447. INDIVIDUAL needs extra strong springs and mattress for double bed. Also small radio, porch glider and lawn mower. EM. 4150 before 10 or after 6. —4 WE WILL BUY yohr old Singer machine, at the highest cash price. Phone or write, OV 2121. 924 King st- Alex. SIN CERE SEWING MACHINE CO. —6 WE WILL BUY your old Singer treadle or electric. We made it. we know it's true value. Estimate free. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., 6111 Georgia ave.. OE. 6111. —6 WE PAY TOP PRICES for old gold, itlyer, Jewelry, diamonds, firearms, men’s cloth ing. luggage, photographic equipment, mu sical Instruments, engineering instruments and what have you? Will call. MAX ZWEIG SONS. 937 D st. n.w- ME. 9113. WILL BUY RUGS. 9x20. 9x12. 9x10, 9x9; 2 end tables, lamps, other misc., excel, cond. TA. 5379. Call all week. WILL STORE PIANO or organ, for use of same; excellent care in new home guaran teed. Call SH. 8166. —6 FARM and GARDEN. GARDEN TRACTOR, used. lH-h.p. Planet Junior garden cultivator; first-class con dition; $125. JAMES J. RUPPERT. 1021 7th st. n.w. —-5 EVERGREENS, all kinds, special spread ing yews. 18 to 24 Inches: prices below wholesale: from l to a truckload. *3.75 each; the best buy in town, please compare; also hardy blooming pansies, geraniums and lilac bushes. ASHTON NURSERY. 6510 Georgia ave. n.w. at Underwood. —4 2-YEAR ROSEBUSHES. 20 varieties. $3.50 per bundle; 6 assorted bushes. 4 bundles. 20 different roses: all good name varieties; best rose buy in town. FLOWER BASKET. 1305 Wilson blvd , OL. 2280. Free delivery. —5 GARDEN TRACTORS, 'Planet Jr." and Garden Aid, with equipment. MALONKY8. INC., 8128 Ga. ave.. Sliver Spring. SH. 3330. —16 HARDY AZALEAS, all sites and colors, for wholesale and retail. 2510 17th xt. n.e. —7 ROTOTII.LEB. Choremaster, garden trac tors. power mowers, farm mchy- trucks. Free demonstrations. CENTRAL MOTOR CO., £200 Lee hwy.. Arl.. CH. 7000. ORCHARD SPRAYER bean. 200-gal sap.; $260. 4-wheei trailer on rubber; *75. FRED K. BRIGGS. OakhlU rd„ SpencervlUe. Md. Ashton 3766. COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE, repairs, seeding end fertilising. F. At W. LAWN IMPROVEMENT SERVICE. 8H. 8514. —6 FLAGSTONE WALKS, terraces, fireplaces, rock gardens, fish ponds, retaining walls, pipe drainage, all kinds cement work. P, MARCUCCIO. Rt. 4, Horners lane. Rock., McL, Rockville 35S8. —iT JOHN DEER 2-bottom plow, A-l shape R. T. THRIFT, Bo* 180, Route 1, Clinton, Slower SALE—Friday. Saturday and I Sunday only, at 2335 Bladensburg road n.e. fnext to Frozen custard stand), and at 2615 Pa. ave. s.e. (next to Highland Theater!. Ail potted plants; hydrangeas. 1-5 blooms. $1 to $1.50; hydrangea plants. 76c: cinerarias. *1; gardenias, with buds. $1.50; rose bushes, *2; gernanlums, 40c; tulips. *1.25. —4 RHUBARB. MCDONALD RED. Productive, very tender and succulent, new cut stalks a year sooner than old style green-stalked varieties: free delivery. Phone your order. Union 7441. ROSELAWN NURSERIES. Seabrook. Md. FOR SALE—Well rotted stable manure; $8 yrd.; 22 bu. delivered. OX. 3789 and CH. 9073. WEEPING WILLOWS, 4 to 5 ft., *1.50. MEREDITH CAPPER. Falls Church 1617. CAPITAL EARTHWORMS are nature's soil builders. Now Is the time to start them working for you. They will help you grow finer, more disease-free flowers, vegetables and fruit. For further particulars write, phone or visit us and be convinced of their outstanding merit. CAPITAL EARTH WORM FARM, 2514 4th st. south, Arling ton. Va. CH. 4121. SPECIMEN BOXWOOD. heavy. thick plants: 2VS ft., $10: 3 ft.. $15. MERE DITH CAPPER. Falls Church 1617. MAGNOLIAS, evergreen specimens, sises 6 to 10 ft. MEREDITH" CAPPER, Falls Church 1617. ; CUT-LEAF WHITE BIRCH. 10-ft. trees, well shaped, heavily branched. $10 deliv ered. $12.50 planted. MEREDITH CAP PER. FA. 161 >. RHODODENDRONS, specimen plants, from : 3 to 6 ft.: also a few large hybrids. MER 1 EDITH CAPPER. FA. 1617. ASSORTED DAHLIA ROOTS and Cana lily bulbs, red with bronze leaves; several bushels of each; reasonable. ANDREW GSMKNY. UN. 4208. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 25 yra.’ experi ence. available for consultation. Land scape work of any kind planned, esti mated or supervised. WI. 0375 evea. * GRAPEVINES, red. white, blue; Caco, Portland and Concord: plant enough for the table and preserves. Free delivery. Phone your order today, UN. 7441, ROSE LAWN NURSERIES. Glenn Dale. Md. POTTED TOMATOES, get them now, plant when ready; zinnias, larkspur, asters, 10c ea., $1 doz. Plants from flats. 35c dot. Potted cannas. 6-in., 26c ea.. 5 for *1. Em. 1015 after 7 p m., all day Sat. and Sun. 8NYDER'8, 5064 Sherrier si. n.w. GORGEOUS FRENCH LILACS. 4 colors, red. white, blue and pink; free delivery; phone your order today. Union 7441. ROSELAWN NURSERIES. Glenn Dale. Md. BLOOMING PRIMROSES, 25c; African violets. 50c and $1. RA. 1761. COW MANUR* OR TOPSOIL—If you are ; looking for high-quality genuine cow ma ; nure, free of coarse trash, corn stalks, corn i robs. etc., good, clean manure, thw kind : you have a right to expect and will get. Homestead Dairy Farms will supply your needs. Either manure or topsoil, delivered in Wash, at not less than ton lot. $15 for single ton. $65 for 5-ton load. Call L. R. SABINE. Gaithersburg. Md. Phone Galth ersbuij 680. TOPSOIL—Are you looking for rich top soil We have It. 50c per bushel. $13 ger yard, 5-yards. 950. HINES LAND CAPING. CO- 8236, any time 5* VISITORS WELCOME—You are cordially Invited to look over our 45-ecre nursery end 4 greenhouses, all filled with plants. No salesman will bother you. You may wander at will. Open 7 days week. MERE DITH CAPPER. PA. 1617. WANTED—Desire to purchase small green house If it can be moved. Box 48-T, Star. • TOP SOIL. 22 bu . $8; flllinx-ln dirt. 22 bu..a$5: well rotted manure. 22 bu.. *10. DE. 6337. STARK BROS. NURSERIES—Orders being taken until Mar 15th for spring plant ing; trees, dormant and guaranteed to live or replaced free. J. Y. E. ALLEN, authorized representative, 433 3rd st. n.e.. FR. 3297. • FERTILE GARDEN PLOT wanted by ex perienced gardener; approx. V« a . prefer ably fenced, water, tool shed; n.w. D. C. or close-tn Md.: consider larger plot farther out If reasonably protected by owner. Box 8-T. Star. *. THIS WEEKS SPECIAL — 5-tn-l apple trees. 5 varieties on one plant: heavily ibranched: 96 each. MEREDITH CAPPER. Falls Church 1617. LILAC BLOSSOMS, reasonable: purple, white: come, gather them; 2 miles west of Ladysmith Star road 639. CLARA SMITH. Croxton. Va. • • COLLECTOR’S ITEM, weeping beech. 5 ft. tall. *15. MEREDITH CARPER. Falla Church 1617. NUT TREES—Chinese chestnut. English walnut. Japan walnut, filbert, butternut, many others: red mulberry, white mul berry, persimmon. MEREDITH CAPPER, STRAWBERRY1 PLANTS. 12 best varieties; regular varieties. *3 per 9100; cverbear lng varieties. 96 per 100. MEREDITH CAPPER. Falls Church 1617. BIRD BATHS, vases, benches, made In reinforced cement. TR. 3805. 304 ^D STRAWBERRY PLANTS, strong, healthy, j ever-bearing: also few boysen berry plants. SH 4^02 POWER MOWER. 5-h p.. Gravely tractor with 6-11. rotary mower, sickle bar and 'snow o’iOW. FA. 7976 YOUNG AFRICAN VIOLETS. 35c: home grown and potted in cood soil: blue, pink, ire", white. CO- 8484 LANDSCAPE SERVICE—Pruning, planting, 'transplanting, sodding, lawns made, ren .ovated. tree work, flagstone walks, cement ! walks and driveways. W. C. WALKER, i Shepherd 3290. TRACTOR AND PLOWS, McCormick-peer ing. on steel with dble. 14-in. plow, *850. ME. 1234, SH. 2114. —6 GARDEN SEEDER, lime spreader, lawn mowers stable manure, garden Plows, hose, forks and thovela. farming implements. GARDEN7 TRACTOR*. ltt, SM,. 5 hjj.. plow, eulti, cutter bar: 6-h.p. Milwaukee pillars, power lawn mowers. .Sunday S to I p.m., 106 No. West at.. Alan.. Va. FARM b GAKDiN (Cmt). MALONEY’S, INC.. 8126 DA. ave.. Silver Sprint—All new equipment, wagons, *200 And up; manure loaders, posthole diggers, scoop and bulldoaer blades for All mAke tractors, lime spreaders, hammer mllla com shellers. hay loaders, dump rakes, bale loaders, conveyors balling wire, baler twins, binder twine, Myers A Farquhar power sprayers cattle sprayers dusters one and two row transplanters spike har rows grain binders,, cream separators milkers, tractor covers. Ezey-IUd seats, fence posts wire, full line of tractor tires and tubea; 1 Vi and 2 ton trueks. Interna tional. new and used. —13 ■RADY GARDEN TRACTOR, with turn plow, cultivator, etc. 0.8. MASON. Route d. Popklns lane, Oroverton. Va.. ALex. 7181. AZALEAS and other plants 50c up. 6104 Ridge dr.. Broolemont. Md.. out Mac Arthur blvd. a garden plowing—For listing, call eves., SaRdIn TRAZORS—Taking orders for famous Huskl garden tractors for delivery In April. Prices *166 up. Call MR. MITCHELL. ALex. 5187. —A LOVELY AFRICAN VIOLETS, guaranteed disease and pest free: *1, *1.25 and S1.50. Bee our beautiful exhibition In our own greenhouses, over 40 varieties. Also giant field-grown pansies, hardy ever-blooming rosebushes. perennials annuals asaleas. Free price flit. BEHNKE NURSERIES, Wash.-Balto blvd.. BeltsvUle, Md. TO. 6284. —7 SPRAYING, tree removal, pruning, fertllii tag: free estimate. Call COLUMBIA TREE SERVICE CO., SH. 8188 or WA. 6616. —7 PRIVET HEDGE; heavy, bushy plants, 3 ft-tall, *20 per 100. delivered. MERE DITH CAPPER, Palls Church 1617. COW MANURE, well rotted, *7.50 per 15 bu.: $5 per 10 bu., delivered; topsoil; plowing. WA. 4593. —4 TOP SOIL—Very good top soil for lawns, green houses, etc. For Immediate de livery In truck loads only; priced reas. TR. 7799. —5 GARDENS PLOWED AND HARROWED— Quick service; low standard rates; go anywhere. Call WI. 0695. —5 ENGLISH BOXWOOD. 8 bushes. 8 ft. tall, over 150 years old: SI60 ea.; moved very reasonable. WO. 6519. 4* RICH TOPSOIL for salt, for lawns and gardens. Will deliver. Call PR. 6941 after 6 p.m. —4 ORCHIDS, large plants, many kinds: Af rican violets, rare cactus and other house Plants; reasonable price. LOWRY RIGQS. end South Washington st., Rockville. Ho. LANDSCAPE PERFECTION—As the "artist brings out every detail of a beautiful painting, we also constantly strive to solve your Individual problem with a service so general as to cover every phase of your need. Grading, preparation of lawas. seeding, rolling, special manured topsoil, acid woods earth; well-rotted cow manure. $10 22 bu.: Wopdergro. *16'; specimen yews, asaleas, holly, rhododen dron. magnolia, dogwood, pyracantha, bamboo, all types of conifer and broad leaf evergreens, shade, ornamentals, flowering shrubs, perennials, roses, vines; ground covers, selected plants locally grown, hardy; dug. delivered, planted same day; grading, drainage, maintenance, tree pruning, surgery, transplanting, removal; fencing, brick, stone, flagstone; cement, cinder block walls, steps, walks, terraces; pools, designs, plans advice, and esti mates. LI. 4225. OV. 6005. 4* FARMALL CUB, plow, mower, double disc, all new: » rolls 32 in. hardware. *18 roll; 75 cedar posts. 75e each. AD. 2325. —5 PANSY PLANTS, also fine selection of hardy perennial plants, ready to go; lowest prices. LOWRY RIGOS, end South Wash ington st., Rockville. Md. —4 FOR GARDEN PLOWING In Arlington and nearby, call OW. 5594. —4 FOR RENT, large back yard, suitable vegetable garden; low price. Call LU. 0118. —4 GARDEN TRACTOR, new 1948. lVi h.p., with slow, S1S3.60; cultivator, aickle bar, lawn mower, etc.; avail.; demonstration. Phone WI. 8332. —4 DOMESTIC BOXWOOD8. six fast tall; reasonable. 636 25th st., South Arlington, Va. 4* MANURE, topsoil, mulch, flowers, peren nials. flowering shrubs for sale. Tree surgery, landscaping and sodding. Call EM. 9888, 5304 Wla. ave. n.w. —4 GARDEN TRACTOR, the Garden King. 5 h.p. worm drive with Timken roller bearing. 6 plow cultivator attachments, bought new lest May. *400; aell for *300 if sold this week. Phone Pleasant 0573. —4 THIS IS THE TIME to plant grass seed— Rich topsoil; 3 bu. *2.25, 5 bu. *3. de livered. Call MI. 7052 after 6 p.m. —4 INTERNATIONAL model 20 farm tractor, excel, cond. OV. 1424. —4 GARDEN SPOT NURSERY—Display lot now open at Oa. .ave.-East-West hgwy.; evergreens, shrubs, asaleas. complete landscape service; compare our price*. Call SH. 1620. LANDSCAPE SERVICE, sodding, seeding, grading, pruning; sod. top soil and manure delivered. Ashton 2182. —6 ONE HORSE PLOW, harrow, 3 cultlvatore, etc.; very reasonable; also milking, brush and pet goats. FA. 73K8. 6* PETUNIAS AND PANSIES In bloom, shrub perennials, annuals: bring containers, please. GREEN, 10722 Ga. ave. «xt. CLETRACK CATERPILLAR TRACTOR, one HO 68; good condition. Phone CH. 2926. TREE TRIMMER. experienced. with knowledge of shrubbery pruning; tteady work. Call RA. 7979. after 6 p.m. —6 GARDEN PLOWING. modem tractor equipment, specializing In group plowing. Phone WA. 4337. GOOD BANK RUN GRAVEL for roads, streets and driveways; delivered and spread by truck. Phone WA. 3317. 17* CUT WHOLE GRAIN Into 3 separate sites tor efficient poultry and livestock use with Silver Creek Precision Corn, cereal cutter. Agent: Country Gardens, Rt. 3. Gaithersburg. Md.. Phone 34RX. 14 mile north of town on Hgwy. 340.^^^^ DOGS, PETS, ETC SHETLAND SHEEP DOGS (miniature cod lies). AKC reg. BEECH TREE FARMS, Annandale rd.. FA. 0281. —4 COCKER SPANIELS—We breed for show quality: our puppies are superior. WI. 3064. COLLIES, pure bred, strong, healthy, baaut. marked. 11 wks. To see them is to lore them: wormed: reas. FA. 4767. CANARY, perfect singer; must sell Im mediately: will sacrifice .bird and all equipment. Call SH. 3483 Sat. or Sun. —4 WELSH TERRIER, female. 11 mos.: inocu lation and AKC papers: training well advanced: affectionate, axoallent for chil dren. Marlboro 9811. —5 COCKER PUPS, blond and reda, 8 wks. old, reg.: #20 aa. Call WA. 3260. —4 AT STUD—Thoroughbred red Dachshund, AKC (D) H-31607. MR8. CARROLL, 1511 Conn, ave., NA. 8781 or AD. 6011, Ext. 302. —9 MALE, part shepherd, gray. 18 mos., wants r.ood home, must have fenced yard: gentle, but Is good watchdog. Box 207-S, Star. ■ 4 COUNTRY COLLIE, female, black with white on chest and white pawa; 2 mos.: very cute: gentle home required. Box 20S-S. Star. —4 TWO ENGLISH BULL PUPS. reg. AKC: fawn female and brindle male: excellent bloodlines sired by champions: may be seen at MEADOWS KENNELS, 6700 Marl boro pike s.e. Here are a couple of bar gains for some one who wants a first-class bulldog pup. 4 4* S LITTLE PUPPIES, good pets for children, reasonably priced: mixed breed; mother, miniature collie. WO. 3679. —4 COCKER PUPS, 8 weeks, black, cham pionship stock. AKC registered. Phone WA. 4767 or RE. 1000. ft* SCOTTISH TERRIERS. 10 wks. Old; AKC, 460 Lebaum st. s.e., FR. 2133. —6 PARAKEETS, blue, green, yellows; selling out; bring cages. 2611 Key Wvd.. Arling ton. —4 CANARIES—Harti Mountain and Red Fac tor. true mated pain: breeding cages: parakeets, young tebra finches. GEORGE BLACK. 805 7th st. n.e. —4 SIBERIAN HUSKIE PUPPIES, beaut.: come and see them; AKC registered. Phone OR. 4897. —4 COCKER SPANIEL, pedigreed, male, blond. 5 mos. old: housebroken; $50. 119 Fair mont st.. call FA. 1014. —4 ENGLISH SETTER, black and white, reg istered and pedigreed housebroken: per fect health; 2 yrs. old. Taylor 10$0. 4* GREAT DANE, chamDion blood strain, registered: brlndle. ME. 1292. —6 BRUSSELS GRIFFONS, little dogs with monkey faces; also chihuahuas. Pek ingese, Pomeranians. Manchester. Miss Hunt, ROSEDERE KENNELS. FA. 1490. 4* SHELT1E PUPS (miniature collies): healthy, nicely marked. AKC: reasonable. Phone Vienna 284-WX or Box 353-L. Star. IMPORTED miniature French poodle, black female, 1 year old. wonderful pet. excellent pedigree; must see to appreciate. OE. 6286. DACHSHUNDS, best In show, champions at stud: puppies. DR. LEWIS A. CORNET, NO. 1270. BOSTON TERRIER STUDS — Champion American Ace. Royalty Kid Ace. American Aces Jeep; producers of the best. TA. 6819. 4201 4th st. n.w AFGHAN PUPS—AKC registered. 11 weeks old: price reasonable. Phone LI. 1773. 2300 Good Hone rd e.e. • ENGUSH SETTER PUP. A months Old. fe male: registered; a beauty. Name. "Best Marroco " *45. HI. 3896. SHEPHERD POLICE. 1 year, small site, trained watchdog, gobd with children; $25. Call TA. 5570. BEAGLE PUPS—AKC litter reg. tired by Field Champion Rolcap Smokey, Also 1 male Beagle. 1 yr. old. AKC reg. Call Bun. bet. 9 and 5 p.m.. Wl. 6437. COCKERS, blond, thoroughbred. 7 wks.; also father; $15. 816 Flower ave.. Takoma Park. Md. MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA- lor atud service only 2521 University iS., n.w. NO. 9341. DALMATIANS (3). females, mother 2 yrs. and 2 pups. » mos. Can be seen at 3336 D st. s.e. *25. KITTENS. 3, to give to good home. Call Taylor 7021. IRISH SETTER PUP, 5 mos. old. fust right for spring training: also custom-built dog house. Cell MR. BONNER. AD. 9662. TOY POMERANIANS, orange and red. male and female. 3 and lo mos.. AKC registered (Reasonable.) OL. 7913. SIAMESE KITTENS. 3 mo. old: pedigreed, house broken: reasonable. Call chest nut 2189. COCKER SPANIELS, registered AKC: silver and gold. 3708 30th pi. n.e. Robert 2681. • BEAGLE. 3 yrs. old: AKC reg.: running; not gunshy: Fd. Ch. bloodlines: Mack blanket; bred to reg. airs; 14 in.; $45. WA. 2836. • RED COCKER PUPPY. $30 or best offer under: female; 4 months: AKC: 12 champs in 4 generations; Brucie-Nonouitt strain. PARAKEETS floee birds), young, easily trained; friendlv birds: beautifully col °red;_$4 each. *7.50 s pr. 1716 B »t. s.e._FR. 2148. SHEPHERD COLLIE PUPPIE. 8 wks. old: male; $10. UN. 3839. HONEY BEES, 30 hives; good condition. CH. 2122. .MIXED FOX TERRIERS, pups. $5. Cltn j ton 609-.I ■MIXED CJLLIE PUPS. $5. Clinton 509-J.j SIAMESE KITTENS, pedigreed seal coin:: Best .blood line: smart and Interesting. Cali Teaipie 8554. COCKERS. 9 eks., light red. buff. ch.' Brack- strain: real beauties; AKC reg.; $20 I and *25. OX 1268. • WANTED—Stud service, matron. RomOna'g Nipper of Wild Oaks. AKC: puppy in re turn for service. OX. 3652. POINTER, bUck. male. 2)4 ns. Md. V4 broken, for $50; the parents have papers. 2205 Lawrence at. n.e. BEST OF CARE for your dog. In most > separate euUide rant, reg.. Aieg . Va . Duke ^adjoining Quar male and fen^a. v DOGS, NTS, ETC (Coat.). RNGtrair jaini.1. ink,.' .YYS. inoculated. AKC registered. *50. 613 Tulip ave , Thtoma Rrtt. Md. SB. 7441. DACHSHUND PUPPIES, male and female. COCKEB SPANIEL, black and white, mala 9 weeks eld, excellent bloodUnt, registered AKC. Woodley 1416. • BEAUTIFUL DOGS—Welsh terrier. 3 year* old. others, for sale and to tive away to good homes. Sunday. 1361 8th tt. n.w. * SCOTTY PUPS, 3 mos.. ch. atoek sired by son of Diehard Ashton; excel. In every respect. U. 3086. MRS. A. H. DAVIS. • COCKER PUPS. AKC. sired by son of eh. Heavy Coats; little beauties. Alio some fine grown stock, sale or lease, some with 32 ch. In pedigree. PA. 1860. BOXRR PUPPY, all papers; best blood lines; completely inosculated, D. C. tags. Can be seen at 2516 13th st. n.w.. Apt. COCKER SPANIEL pups, black: AKC reg.; owner ill, must sell immediately; 616. LI. 6311. COCKER PUPPIES, children s pets: black. 4 months; S6 and $10 for quick sale. WI. POINTER, liver and white, field broken, ^ood range; will sacrifice very rea*. 8L. CANARY, beautiful singer, fine cage. $18; also ot^paintlng, expensive frame. $15. COCKER SPANIRL puppy, out of champion porters; red rote, country raised, healthy, vaccinated. Phone Laurel 782-3-6. • RABBITS, white Flemish Giants, rsg. and ed. stock; lab. animals and meat. Vlsl rs welcome Sat. and Sun.. WHITKHOUSB RABBITRY. Fairfax. Va.. 20 ml. on Route 211. Phone Fairfax 360-J-2. COCKER, blonde male. 18 mo.; AKC: suit able for stud: paid $100; will sell for $60. 8L. 6024. OCKER PUPPIES. AKC. 2 mo : black and blond; $20 and_S26. GL. 602*. COCKER SPANIEL puppies, black, blond and partis: AKC reg. and pedlg.: reason able. DAILEY, 2025 R. I. ave. n.e. RABBITS FOR 8ALE—Several does and bucks and some bunnies. CO. 4299. 737 Fairmont st. n.w. PERSIAN, 8 mos.’ old: female. WA. 2278. DOG. St. Bernard: female: 9 mos.* old; reasonable. PR. 2924. PERSIAN KITTENS, pure bred beauties: silver blue; 1 female. 2 males; 1 black male: $10 and $15. MI. 1786. COCKER SPANIELS, reg. AKC: bealthy. well bred: 2 males. 1 female: $25 each. Also proven studs, blacks or bufr. Clinton 607, 5490 Auth rd. s.e. (turn 6000 Branch ave. s.e.) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, different ages: AKC registered. PRANK ONIA KENNELS. HI. 7866. COCKER PUPS, AKC reg.; black; m. and f.; $20 and $26. Also bull brood matron. Stockdale breeding. DU. 0950. —10 FOX TERRIER PUPS. 8 weeks’ old; black and white; small type; females. V0S8, TO. 6240. • SCOTTY, -4 mos.’ old; pedigreed. Owner leaving town. Sale reasonable to good &Xc*SH$ND38pUrPIES, male* and ’fe males, champion stock, AKC registered; dark tan. <5. L. COOMBS. R. P. D. 3. Box 106. Vienna. Va. Phone PA. 8335. KITTENS, Persian and Blamese: also stud service, Persian and Siamese. MRS. HOAG, GL. 2127: if no answer. Ashton 4133. DALMATIAN PUPPIES. 7 wks.. $20 and $30. Out Branch ave. s.e. to Camp Springs, right on Allentown rd. to 6700. left on Lanham lane to 5th house and sign. (7 miles from D. C.) COCKER PUPS, red and white, parti colored. malts, 9 wks. old, wormed and AKC registered, $25. PL. 9770. BOXER, male, fawn, 5 months old, Ch. sired. Call GE. 2536. COCKER SPANIEL, 6 months old. male, pedigreed, housebroken, obedient, good with children; reasonable. OL. 6748. SCOTTY, you Inquire about my new look? I use Sunday Shower, the quick dot clean er. It makes me look like blue ribbon clast. It also rids me of Hems and ticks and keeps them off 7 days. Get it at drugstores and pet shops. Your friend, BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, reg.. beau tifully marked, males and females. 261 North Barton st., Arl.. Va., CH. 6558. SPITZ PUPPIES, purebred. After 11 a.m., RA. 3590. 2 DALMATIAN PUPPIES, males, $25 saeh. PL. 8478. POX TERRIERS. 1 male, 8 mos.: 2 males. 1 yr.; reasonable. LANDOVER KENNELS, WA. 6084. POMERANIAN, male: beautiful tiny orange sable, AKC reg., exoel. watch dog and stud; *35. Pleasant 1141. SUBURBAN HOME with fenced yard want ed for year-old male mixed wire terrier; good with children. WI. 3281. AIREDALE TERRIERS. Pups and grown stock: raised with children: Ideal com panions and guard dogs. CH. 0872. • BOXER male pup, 11 mos.: beautiful speci men. well trained, perfect disposition, AKC reg., best bloodlines: $100. Call OR. 1214. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies 'from internationally known breeding: chant AKC registered. PA. 2380. CANARIES, males and females: reasonable; selling out. overstocked with more than I c»n care for. SH. 4802. PEKINGESE pedigreed puppies, registered AKC: sire of litter In dog snow at Armory Saturday »nd Sunday. Call LI. 0687. poos—Mixed breeds: wirehalr terrier, beagle, police, collie, spit*, hound: $6 each to people in country or who hare fenced yards. And cats, housebroken. pets and iPpusers TA 4434 after 11 a.m CANARIES—Border fancy and Harti Mountain hens; beautiful singers. Sightly u»c'l breeding cages. 217 Channtng tt. n.e. NO. 0741. COCKER, black, 1 years, well trained, excellent paper*, $45. Sligo *070. Call in morning. WIRE-HAIR PUPPIES, champion aired: aic^i8tered- 21 ^ st* COCKER SPANIELS for sale, $ wk*. old: whit?' M 8307* WhM*’ai*n *$2. ,9 P&’S, S months *en rolled, all papers; beautiful blue and orange Ron; just right to start training, oi. COCKER PUPPIES, ail colors. AKC~r*t. 3HORKHAM PET SHOW. 2627 Conn a ", AD. 8607. Open evenings; Sundays, 2-5. E?aSbiPstM ***&■ KS&"&-Sft!srtisfftjsa •s&s eere^J^vtterlnary supervision. B1DB-A GREAT DANE PUPPPIES, large type, fawn and brlndle. R D. LINDSEY, cSlkvduS Md. Silver Spring 0398. ®OX*R PUPPIES, champion tired; $76. CANARIES. Harts Mts., color bred, bor “to® oVio s*™*1**- *00 Lebaum DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPPIES-^ideal pet and watch dogs. Choice of the U. 8. Marine Oorpg. "The doge with the human brain. Litter AKC reg.. pedigreed with ~® Ptons in 4 generations. Show possibilities Home raised with every scientific attention to health and diet by M.D. hobbyist Both sexes, red and tan or black and tan. Call OL. 3586 week ends and nights; NA. 2320, days. COCKER SPANIEL, male, black. 1 yr.: blue-ribbon winner, champion sired; AKC registered. $75. HO 307B —4 PEKINGESE PUPPIES, little beauties, ped. and reg AKC; reasonable. 6005 Addison rd, Kenilworth n.e. HI. 455(1._4* COAL, WOOD and FUEL OIL. ANDIRONS, fire tools, screens and all flre CATTLE fr LIVE STOCK. OPPORTUNmr—Aquestrlens wanted, 2 or 3 girls or married couple to share country home In Virginia, modern, with business lady; use of 2 riding horses included; car essential. Box 464-R. Star. • SHETLAND MARE PONT. 4 yrs., bl. and white; Palomino mare pony, 13 h., 3 yrs.; fi-galted saddle stallion, 16 h„ 6 yrs.; see all day Sunday. W. M. LEDBETTER. 6 ml. south of Alexandria, No. 1 hwy.. take Rd. 626i at Linda Cabins, first bouse on right.* MARE, dapple gray, wt., 1,600 lb«.: 8 yrs. old. 6601 Oxen Hill rd.. Md. » WESTERN PINTO, parade type, reasonable to good home. 1814 Fairlawn ave. a.t. Phone LD. 1466. • WHITE-FACE HEREFORD stock steers. 38 head; choice quality; vaccinated and de horned; reasonably priced. ME. 1234, SH. 2114. —6 HORSE VAN for hire. Call QL. 2298 or GL. 4610. —4 PONIES of excellent breeding, reas. priced: 1 8-yr. gelding. 13 hands; one 2-yr. gelding. 2 yearlings. ALLOW AT FARM. SH. 6969. HOLSTEIN AND GUERNSEY heifers for sale. WARREN J. WILLET. ForestvlUe, PRIVATELY OWNED well-bred gentle young gray saddle horse, often ridden by 11-year-old girl. Priced right. Come and see her at Ashland near Wells Corner on Chesapeake Beach rd. Marlboro 3584. 4* WANTED—Lady's 6-gaited pleasure horse, over 6 yre.; reasonable. CO. 3600, Ext. 620. 4* WANT TO BUT Black Angus bull, must be ready for use; also Interested In buy ing ten Black Angus bred heifers or young cows: must be registered. Call Sunday between 9 a m. and 3 p.m., Bllgo 5334 or weekdays Michigan 2400. —4 THOROUGHBRED HORSE, will ride and drive. Call QL. 2298 or GL. 4610. -=-4 TWO COMBINATION WORK and riding horses, extra well broken. If you are looking for a work horse or mule. I have your kind and price. Two 8-gaited saddle horses, several straight gaited horses; registered Palomino stallion at stud. HILLTOP FARMS, Fisher rd.. Temple Hills, Md Bptuce 0104, Mr. Hicks. —5 PIGS FOR SALE (18), 9 and 11 wks. old; Call District 2069. ONE LARGE and one small pony for sale. Apply BOWMAN'S GULF STATION, Nor beck. Md. —4 WORK AND RIDING MARE, saddle and bridle gentle with children; $90 for all. Whitehall <)27R. —4 FAMILY HORSE, used by children: hunt ing experience; work to any vehicle; bay gelding. 15 hands, age 8. $150. Set of pony harness, black. $20: set of new pony harness, tan. $25; 3 pony saddles. $8-$io each; 1 pony bridle. $5. Call SH. 9366. HOGS, FIGS, sows with pigs: bred gilts and sows: can deliver. Bowie 3129. • MULES-—Pair young, matched, $400; pair medium slae. $150 pr.: fresh Holstein heifer, $175; McD. all-steel manure Spreader. $230; new Idea side delivery rake, $230: McD. corn planter. $60; rid ing corn cultivator, $30: 2-borse McD. mower, $40; lime spreader. $60: feed grinder. $10. DONALD NASH FARM. Oa. ave. extended, 1 ml. beyond Brookevllle. JERSEY COWS (2), fine, young. Ideal fam ily cows, both milking, one lust freshened, other due Bept. 1: beauties; $250 ea. 1816 Bryant st. n.e. Phone NO. 0660. MILK GOATS, Toggenburg, 2 does, first kidding, milking approx. 4 auarts daily; $40 ea WA, 2024. after 2 p m. JACK, 5-yc.-old Kentucky-bred, very gen tle: does own teasing: sell or exchange for cattle. CH. 6126 after « p.m. HORSES BOARDED, new box stalls, run-! nlns water and electrcity, all inside: ' exercise paddock and schooling ring being erected, on Military hwy., 12-mile bridle path: f-0 per month HI. 5453. 5* GENTLE SADDLE HORSE. 6 yrs. old. bridle, saddle, for sale. HI. 6082. —6 BLACK MARES, pair, work any harness; 1 good single line leader. T. M. VEIRS, Rockville. Md. Phone 2568 ONE LADY broke saddle l Pala mlno stallion. 1 m Md. gapers: l new Wsurtem i Western saddle. 2 English BUBUKVtmv. « Sq7lsme£t^mart#tt. our eitabUsSd ESrrd name included. PA. 7888. r A CATTLI «n4 LMtSTOCK (Com.) 14 HOS, *12.60 apioco for the lot. Cali af ter8 a m. Monday. NA. 1545. SPOTTED SHETLAND PONT, ride Or drive; very centle: S125. Block Shetland mare, being ridden by 4-yr.-old child. >128. Elmwood 313. OOAT8—\ does, 1 buck. Bowie 4817. COW AND CALF for sale. Telephone MR. DUNCAN, Fairfax 181-J-ll. PONT, Shetland, reasonable: aaddle blan ket. bridle and halter. Call OL. 8276. ENGLISH SADDLE) will trade for small English pony saddle. Call Hickory 9072. HORSE, _torrel saddle mare: 7 yra.: aound. Will tell at sacrifice. WI. 3149. CHESTNUT HORSE, about 16 hands, very gentle; suitable for children or young people, riding or will pull a cart: ntver worked: priced $100, sell to some one giving good home. Phone Brandy wine 2261. —6 12SiJlntJPa1'' *2° TO. 5796'. —4 HORSES FOR SALE, ride or work. Spotted pony at atjid. Hay and straw for sale Of the bale. Horses boarded. EDGE WATER RIDING ACADEMY. 2514 O at. n.w., RE. 9608. —4 FOR SALE, a registered Black Angus bull. 2 years old. Write or contact J. T. SIMP SON, Clifton. Va. 4* HORSE TRAILER SERVICE, anywhert. anytime. Phone LU. I486. • HAY, 10 tons, alfalfa, timothy, clover and lespadlsa. no weeds,-cured without a drop of rain, loose: reasonable; haul It yourself at H0RATS FARM. 4 ml. from Sliver Bog, Md, ar White Oak. AT STUD—Pure-bred Welsh stallion, out standing. quiet disposition: fee. >30, re turn 1 season. ALLOWAY FARM, BH. 6969. PALAMINO STALLIONS at stud: jumper and mares; colts for sale. P. BOSWELL, Thorpland Farms. Marlboro 3878. REAL BUY—1 Morgan brood mare and 1 Morgan stud colt, 2 yrs. old. Both are S registered. Can be seen at 6430 Marlboro Ike s.e. or call HI. 6839. -YR.-OLD by One’s Enough. One 4-yr old dapple (ray half bred. One 8-mo.-old halt bred gray colt. Will trade for work or riding horse. Several riding horses and pontes; one team of work horses, cows and heifers, toats: farming Implements: 1 and 2 horse wagons, pony cart, horse carts, racing sulkey, saddles, bridles, collars and halters. Whatever you want, call FA. 7917. FOR SALE—1 rei. short-horned bull. 1 year old. Phone FA. 1172. POULTRY oi.d EGGS JAMES FEED STORE. 619" K at. n.w, M±. 0089. Baby chicks, feed and poultry sup BABY CHICKS, brooders, poultry feeds, remedies and equipment. F. W. BOLOI ANO * CO, INC, 411 N. Y. ave. n.e, Washington. D. C. COWAN CHICKS—Md, V. S. ap. Pul lorum dean. Hatch evey Tues. We breed for more profit. COWAN FARMS, Bowie. Md. Phone 2341. CHICKS—Blood-tested Barred Rocks, N. H. Reds, White Rocks. Rod-Rock Crosses, $6.96 per 100. Limited quantity. Rush your order for Immediate delivery. Ship c.o.<L PEERLESS CHICKS,' PleasantvUle. CHICKS—Heavy breeds. *7.85 per 100: barnyard mixture. *5.86: assorted. *4.86; broiler or fryer cockerels, *3.95: Minorca X cockerels, *3.96: AAA Leghorn or white Minorca pullets. *13.75. KRYDKR’S CHICKS. Blackwood, N. J. Phone 8-0682. QUALITY CHICKS—-U. S. approved, pul lorum controlled. Barrad Rocks. New Hampshlres, Hamp.-Rock crosses or white Leghorns, £7.96 per 100: heavy breeds, assorted. *6.96 per 100; Leghorn pullets, *13.95 per 100; light and heavy assorted. $4.96 per 100. Mail orders filled. Live delivery guar. OEM POULTRY, 1631 Vine st, Phlla. 3, Pa. • 30 HENS. 8 mos, white giants, laying. Call WA 3840 PULLETS, 400: choice New Hampshire Reds, ll weeks old. Fairfax 467-W. • BREEDING COCKERELS, New Hampshire Red. blood-tested and ready for service, $3.50 ea. Phone Gaithersburg 676-M. CHICKENS—45 Leghorn laying hens, elec tric brooder, electrlo Incubator: *100 or will tell separately. Tower 5706. • HINES’ CHICKS—Pullorum passed. Md. U. 8. approved. Hatches every Friday, closed on Sunday. HINES HATCHERY, oinay. Md, Ashton 3031. ORA88T KNOLL CHICKS, pullorum passed and Va, U. S. app.; New Hampshlres. barred crosses: hatches Tues, Frl, GRASSY KNOLL HATCHERY, R. 3. Alex., Va, ALex. 0300. • 600-CAPACITY elec, chick brooder, like new. *30; also 500-capaclty elec, start ing Jmttery, good condition; *65. Owens AVIATION. LOCKHEED LODESTAR —New engines. ship completely overhauled and refinished: just licensed. N. C. Must sacrifice. Phone WO. 8900. —5 AURORA CHIEF, like new; *1,200; must sell. WT 7739. —4 ERCOUpKs. ’46s and '47s. must be sold to make room In our school for new '48 Ercoupes; bargain prices, ranging from *1,600. SANDERS AVIATION, INC, Erco Field. Rlverdale. Md. Phone UN. 144i. —7 NOW IS THE TIME to get that aircraft or engine work done for spring use. Con tact JOHNNY DORR. Maryland Airport. Pomonkey. Md. We alto specialise In cus tom fabric and dope work. Indian Head 4331. WILL TRADE Globe Swift airplane, li censed day and night till March. 1949; Aero-Matic prop. 2-way radio, etc, for 1946 or later Cadillac or 1947 or 1948 Buick convertible. WA. 9136. 3437 Hatt ern ave, Mt. Rainier, Md. —4 PROSPECTIVE OWNERS—If you are plan ning to buy a plane thia spring, take ad vantage of experience, get Information which plane best fits your needs and purse. Used planes appraised for condition and value by experienced A. and E. mechanics and pilots. AERO CONSULTANT SERV ICE. Phone Rockville 3634. 1947 PIPER CRUISER. 63 hrs. total time; list price of this ship is *3.495; can be bought for *2,295. This is the buy of the year. Also 194S Luscombe, 90 h.p, ferry time only. Can be seen at Alexandria Airport all day Sat. and Sun. Ask for MR. BAKER. Pnone TE. 2333. —4 FAIRCHILD. PT-26; 200-h.p. Ranger; 220 hrs, since new engine; starter, landing lights, battery, intercom.; fully equip, for Instrument flying; $795, or best ofTer. AD. 0700. Ext. 211-F. —6 AIRLINE PILOT will ferry your plane to West Coast or Intermediate points. MR. THOMAS. PA. 7861. WILL ACCEPT light plana In trade to ward Piper Super Cruiser. ALex 8342. WANT TO HEAR from s good flying club in^retsrds to membership In ssme. Phone CONTROLLING INTEREST (H Interest). P. T. 19. excel, eond, newly pointed, low time, *760: or trade with '41 Packard conv. for new conv. OL. 9849 before 12:30 or after 6 pm. BOATS. SKIP-JACK. 30 ft.. Mils and engine; hull and eng. completely overhauled. SI,000 or best offer under. DU. 9029. —4 CABIN CRUISER. 30 ft.. 2 cabins, sleeps 8. galley, head, clothes and storage lockers, bridge deck partially Inclosed, 50-gal. water tank. 260-gal gas tanks. 122-h p. motor. 10-ft. dinghy; selling account of Illness; $2,000 or best reasonable offer under. TE. 0036. —i MOTOR, Firestone. 3*4 h.p.: very good cond.: $75. WI. 7184. —4 OUTBOARD MOTOR. Johnson. 32 h.p.. $175; also 10-h.p. motor. $85: mahogany boat. $85. MI. 1448. —4 OUTBOARD SPEEDBOAT, mahogany. 22 h.p. Evinrude motor: $195. Ml. 1448. -—4 i CHBI8CRAFT SPEEDBOAT, mahogany. new engine, all extras: $1,976. MI. 1448. —4 SEDAN RUNABOUT. SlxTti ft,, light four; Gray marine engine; good fishing boat. Located at Shady Side Boatyard. Shady Side, Md. Price. $950. LI. 2447 daytime: eves, and Sun.. AT. 8073. —5 1948 EVINRUDE outboard motor 9 7 h.p. For Mle or will trade for smaller motor. GRUMMjiN* #Af?oIsT' dinghies. Neptune motors for sale; enjoy paddling, sailing and outboardins. OL. 2714. —4 INBOARD RUNABOUT, 23' long. 8' beam, seats 8 comfortably; 85-h.p. 8-cylinder Marine engine. By Flagship Motors of Baltimore Boat not year old yet, $1,800 or best offer. Call NA. 5348-9 between 9 and 4 weekdays. -r4 DINGHY. 8 ft. 9 Inches; c'bd. trunk. WT j comp. A sturdy boat, like new; $125. Call CO. 3211. —4 ATLAS ROYAL OUTBOARD MOTORS. 6 h.p : r.p.m , 4.000; alternate firing; twin cy!.; weight 48 lbs.: price. $136 Phone EX. 1515. BARBERS ESSO SERVICE, loth and Maine ave. s.w. —8 17-rr. PLYWOOD BOAT built for out board motor; new 7-ft. beam; $150. EM. 3454. —4 LATE 19-16 RICHARDSON utility cruiser.; 116-h.p. Chrysler Crown motor: many! valuable extras; located Hartges Yacht! Yard, Qalesville. Md: priced low for quick sale. Call J. T. BAKER, Cabin John. Md.. WI. 3034. —4 OUTBOAD MOTOR. Johnson. 10 h.p.; 1946 model; excellent condition; used very little; $225. 119 6th st. n.e., Sat., Sun., April 3rd. 4th. LI 4657. 4* MARINE SUPPLIES, paints, rope, fly* ex tinguishers. outboard motort, scrlpps ma rine engines. 50 to 800 hj>.; fishing tackle PRANK DKL^VDCCHIO * SON. 1213 lltb CHRIS -CRAFT 22-ft.. 7-passenger sport - model; $2,600 or beit offer under. PR. 2378 WANTED—Outboard motor, regardleeg ol sixe or condition; cash for Mint. 737 11th st a e OUTBOARD MOTOR. 16-h.p. Neptune: recently worked over; $140. TA 2086. RICHARDSON ‘ LITTLE GIANT” cruller, Chrysler Crown: will demonstrate; A-l cond.: fully eguiooed; $3,000. GE *486. BOAT SANDERS for sale or rent; marine finishes. MODERN FLOORS, AD. 7676. ! 2*31 18th st. n.iw. EVINRUDE and! Blto outboard motor*: Thompson boats, new and used: service and parts, used parts: factory representa GASOLDfi, WAtIr TANKS made to meas. Stainless steel sinks, hoods, drainboards, trim, kick plates. GICHNER. NA. 4370. I5-FT. RUNABOUT and Johnson 22-hj>. outboard, excel, condition, very fait. $300 boat and motor. Call Ensleside 81-J-ll. • BOAT REPAIRING, many years' experience In bulldlns, re finishing and repairing. AT. 14^T^ivAGXNiiAMir &oh£rm«, new 1947: mahogany deck newly painted, black and white: perfect: ready for water; 8 cushions, oars: also prac. new Weterwitch motor Included: $350. 81. TSOI. —* IMS EVINRUDE light four. 9.7-h.p.. Ilka new: run only a few hrs.; $346. Clinton 97-W. OUTBOARD KOTOR. Water Witch. 9K, slightly used; $140 cash or best offer. Call GE. 3891. —6 RED WING gasoline snd Diesel engines for all types of boats: immediate delivery on most models. Emerson 4648. • CONTINENTAL Commando engines, good, condition, complete with shafts, propellers; snd remote control; used power bllse; pumps and steerers. Emerson 4643 • EVINRUDE. 1947 mode:. 3'4-h.o : Simolex starter; also small sailboat; complete; both for $200. Oxford 2810. ( APT. JACK, sailboat specialist, offers sev eral boats: reasonable. Rear 900 Main* latest model. 2.8 h.p.. used 20hours, brand-new condition, ?-1N°^«^llM«0nMO^R.42S1\-h.p.. 'gSfe % 38-ft. canvaa boat cover, naads repairs, ■M **aaol?ne-drt»ea. 18-volt, ith st. n.a. IX 7481. • •OATS. (Cam.) snsnp KOTOR in new condition. Johnson flee Horn. 6.2-h.p., de luxe, with Pull-o-maUs sterter; used few hours; rea sonable. Call Sllao 1895. * MARINE ENGINE. 2-crllnder, 2-eyele. heavy-duty, 10-h.p., rebuilt, never run; water-cooled muffler; *185 cash. UN. 1T*1. CABIN CRUISER. 37-ft.. In cood condi tion. completely overhauled last year; new motor, (as tanks; all chrome lltiints; ready to to. Washing too Yacht Club, 15th and M its. s.e. TR. 8210, TR. 4085. • LIGHT, CHARGING PLANT. 6-v.. Delco, with self-starter, ammeter and muffler, air cooled. *100; 6-v. Zenith radio. *25: 2 gold metal chairs, *15 pr.; v,-hp, 110 a. c. motor and pump, rigged aa bilge pump, *25. R. N. KING. DI. 85107 TRUSCOTT 24-ft. cabin cruiser, de luxe SDor Pisherman: 7-ft. beam: Kernath Sea Prince engine. 6-cylinder. 93-h.p.; makes _5 mp.h.; forward cabin sleeps 2: •helter cabin, bead, gaiter, etc.; large cockpit; boat less than 12vmos. old. 1947 model: used less than 260 hours; perfect condition, never damaaed: white oak. ee dar. mahogany; no plywood: would cost to replace, today s market, with equipment. *5,600: aril).take $3,800. on terms. Can be seen « Edgewater Beach at foot of concrete bridge on South River, five 9?Ue.* irom Annapolis, at dock of Capt. & A. Brown, c*Ti MR NORWOOD BIM MONS, owner. Evans Bldg., Washington. D. C. Phone DI. 4/80. 'Reverse charges. « rTt!S?U,2..**OTO* J»<2. for boat eon veralon; water pumn. 1 propeller and 5hSJ°wer 5179. • 5-PAB8ENGER R V N A B O U T—Steering wheel and lights, 22-h.p. Johnson Sea horse; very fast: *885, complete outfit1 Towert6*t790rlnthI*!1 Y*cht OT 9^°°' OUTBOARD' MOTOR. Sea King, 5 hV: Simplex ttarter, propeller, clutch; excel. EkSdiy C*U S78* ”"<> INTERESTED IN A FINE outboardf 13 ft. V-bottom of exceptional design and construction: sturdy but light with oak frame and trim; marine plywood plank ing and chrome fitting; only best material used throughout. Can be seen In the rear, 704 Alabama ave. a.e. PLYWOOD — Guar, waterproof: mahog. „t0. lePyth to 20 ft; below Sun* till C2 U WCHY®* NA- 1580. Open OUTBOARD MOTOR, Bendlx. 6 h.p.: ex «llent condition. SI 0512. WANTED—USED 14 OR 16 FT. outboard runabout. Call OX. 0680 after 8 pom. Sunday or any day next week. *• * for demonstration. _11 SO-FTTcaBIN CRUMER, ready to cruise: *1,800..or will trade for late model car. boat at Buxzards Point, named 'Linda June" Phone HI. 7260. ENGINE, marine. 5 h.p.; water cooled; oosfifr CLASS^SLOOP. verTtest: bronze sssr «d.R5^.*^:D*rieot “nd; jgw »:? &fii OUTBOARDS—7 to 14 ft. Y bot., light, strong constr.; fast; 7 models; special modeTa for racing and heavy duty-br re inswap1 ■>Th/1.U cedarJ,r»m'* CH. 5732. CRUISER, 31-ft.: raised deck; sleeps 3 to 5, 40 h.p.; speed, 12 ml.: completely §«&/*!& IfeV^^ ^o01 EVINRUDE, light 4 motor, 9.7-h.p„ bought in Feb.. broken in by dealer, call WIUt44155 br*' *22s> Sunday only, 1946 WHEELER de luxe. 40-ft., sun lounge with all the extras, perfect con dition: shlp-to-shore radio: coat. $23,500; sacrifice at *16,500; will finance. GL. 6251. • STAINLESS STEEL GAIXEY. fuel and «water tanks made to order. W. 8. JINKS : SONS. NA. 0848. BUI8ER. Rosa Grey, 18 ft. 8 In. Iona, «-ft. beam. ti-ln. white cedar hull, ma hogany cabin. 68-h.p. Karmath motor, leatherette upholstering. 2 bunks; In new boat conditional,400. GE. 4463 Sun day ^weekdays. PR. 4.300. Can be seen at Woodland Beach any time. 38-FT. CABIN BOAT, 4-berth, marine toilet. Chrysler Crown forward controls; less than 2 yrs. AT. 1203 after 5 p.m. PENGUINS—Popular Rhodes design 12 ft. sailing and racing dlnghys: finest ma terials and workmanship: standard. #315 de luxe, *346: less sails: nylon or Egyptian sails. $45 and up. Also hulls only, for home completion, $150 Call OW. 6623, Sunday, 9:30 to 2, 7:30 to 9:30; week days. 6 to 9 p.m. BOAT—22-ft. sedan runabout, custom built In 1943. recently reflnished. Priced for quick sale. Can be seen at 8th and Maine ave. s.w. ail day Sunday. 36-FT. CABIN CRUI8ER. Gray 6-70 h.p ; 42-ft. Deadrlse, Lvcomlng engine: 46‘,-ft. Deadrlse. H.D. Palmer 18 h.p.; 38-ft. Log tar.oe, Harris 12 h.D.; three new 16-ft rowboats. DAWSON 8 BOATYARD. Mayo, Md. « JUST ARRIVED, the new Correct-Craft, Jr.. 1514 It. of the trimmest and fastest speedboat for all outdoor sports; a few of these boats are available for 10 days' de livery; we also carry a complete line of outboard boats and motors. MAYPLOWRR MARINE SERVICE. INC., 1800 Maine a7? »w„ NA. 0326. —4 JOHNSON. 15 h.p.. excel, eond.; *125. 4317 Newark rd„ Colmar Manor. Md. —4 CRUlS-ALONG 20-ft. cabin cruiser. '47 demonstrator; 4-cyl.. 46-h.p. Gray marine: 20 hrs.’ operation, in storage atnce Dec.; completely reflnished and equipped; S1.900 Lyman outboard runabout. 16 f»„ '47 model; used 1 week; completely reflnished: *3/5. Pull line 1948 Century 11. 13, l4 ft. outboard hulls. Johnson 8ea Horse outboard motors, parts and service. 14-ft. rowboats, white pine or cypress. Plot-A Way boat trailers, marine supplies 9hBKRRY MARINE sales. Solomons/Md! Phone .2781. , 4* SAILBOAT, snipe, dry. painted last sum* $275. 69'M1* C‘'lnln* *nd HW*» MOTOR. 414 h.p., water cooled. Neptune outboard motor, completely overhauled. CIH DE. 4262. G*T IN THE SPRING RACES With a vf* *iSLeed Condition racing comet No. 2465. Inspect It yourself. TO. 5833. STERLING MARINE MOTOR, 110 h.p., twin Ignition, twin carburatlon: all electrical pu„ propellor, prop ahafts. otc., almost new. DI. 6436. • MOTOR. 4-cyllnder Ford, *80; perfect condition. -CO. 9254. • XKW 14-FT WOtVKRINE de luxe run Jtiout, windshield, steering whcql. leather GRAY MARINE ENGINE. 126 h.p.. ready to go, $496. MI. 2219. 1*47 STEELCltAFT de luxe sedan cruiser with dinette and accom. for 4; 93-h p Chrysler engine, run less than 40 hrs ; over $400 worth of extra equip lncl Venetian blinds; boat and equip, cost $4,635 new, will sacrifice for *3.400. ME. 4ff-H.P. CHAMPION OUTBOARD motor, hardly used; leavlna country; reasonable. CH. 7491. JEEP ENGINE, 60 h.p.. completely rebuilt; bargain, $75. MI. 2219 DELCO GENERATOR. 32 volt. Just over-: hauled; sacrifice, $25. MI 2219 BOAT MOVING and hauling, prompt, de pendable service, snvwhere. any time; rea sonable rates. CH. 7166. 4* BOAT. 13 ft. long; also 4-h.p. Sea King motor. 2 yrs. old. good cond., $148. OR. 1719. OE 6314. —4 RACING HYDROPLANE and Elto 22-hp outboard; will sell separate: special price If purchaser buys both Also 3 other outboards. DON MANTZ, 355 Cedar St n.w. TA. 4221. 4* 36X11 CONVERTED LANDING CRAFT with new Chrysler Crown with 2>4-to-l reduc tion, marine toilet, canony top. anchor, lines and life preservers; ready to go; for towing or fishing or conversion to sturdy houseboat-erulser; $1,500. Phone ALex. 1256. 4* SEMIROUND-BOTTOM BOAT, new, 12-ft.. stainless steel, $190 cash. Pleasant 0325. —6 OUTBOARD AND INBOARD motor boats, utility boats, rowboats and dinghies: see our boats under construction and com pare quality and price before buying your new boat. CADRL CREEK BOAT WORKS. Carr’s Wharf road. Mayo. Md Open week days 8 a m to 4 p.m ; Saturday and Sun day. 1 to 4 p.m. • BOAT, 13<4 ft . and trailer: outboard mo tor: all in excellent condition: $210 takes: all three. Clinton 561-J • 14-FT. OUTBOARD RUNABOUT. 4 2-h p : Champion motor, used less than 10 hrs: price. $160. 31 Locust ave.. Annapolis. Md.! Phone 261 tv_ 10-H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR. 4-cyllnder ! Evinrude, excel cond ; only used In fresh water; *175. OL. 4400, Ext. 397. 38-FT. MATTHEWS. 3-cabin. Chrysler : Rova; engine: sleens 7 to 8; exeel. eond . j *7.950 OL. 3345. 22-H.P. JOHNSON SEAHORSE, will dem ■ onstrate: *185. or trad* lor 16-h.p. motor. LU. 2551 Dolor* noon. _• NEW BOATS—Delivered prices: 21-ft. Davis CrulsAlong de lux*. $2,595: speed. 20 miles 24-ft. Truscott sedan, aleeps four: Chrvsler Crown. 11-hp ; speed. 28 m p.h.;' $6,278. 13-ft. Lyman outboard, *375. 16-ft. Lyman outboard, $410. Used boats: 1947 20-ft. Davis CrulsAlong. *2,000. 1947 24-ft. Truscotteer, *3.704. 1942 32-ft. Richardson sedan. *7.995. 31-ft. tailing sloop: can be bad for un paid balance finance co.: *1,063. Many others, all sixes: bank financing, marine Insurance. Gulf marine gas. Mer cury outboard motors, 314, 714 and 10 h.p. NATIONAL MOTOR BOAT SALES. 800 Maine ave. a.w,_ _ SELECTED LISTINGS— 30-ft. Chris Craft cabin cruiser, beauti ful condition; owner transferred, must sell quickly; a barcaln at $4,000. 30-ft.I Owens sedan, new Chrysler enzine. reduced to 93.500. Late 1940 Owens cruiser in beautiful condition. 95.400. 48-ft. cruiser: a biz. eturdy bay boat with a new Packard marine enzine: liqui dator^ partnership, priced very low at 34-ft. bay boat, shelter cabin: fine hull, new Chrysler Crown; an unusually zood buy at 92.200. Many other food listlnzi of a wide variety. Let us have your requirement! and zet on our mailtnz list for descrip tions of current listlnza SHADY8IDB BOAT YARD. Shadyzlde. Md. 19-FT. HIGGINS runabout, used 10 hr*.. *2.500 38-ft. Oabln Crulaer, equipped for Jwmjr 30-ft Day Cruiser, maboz., Oray 4-45, *1.800 80-ft. Owens Sedan, 1941, Crown 115, *3.75(1 42-ft. Double Cabin Crulaer. 1933, *3.800 12-ft. Alums Craft, delivered S 282 27-ft. Style Craft Bedan. June dehvjr^ All type* used Sail and Power boats ! in Washington and Bay area. HUGH 1 ALEXANDER. INC Yacht Brokers, Ma rine Insurance. «15 Maine ave. aw.. ME. 5352 ; ROOMS FURNISHED— NprtRwpzf. LARGE EM., in baaemtnt apt., private entrance, cooktnz privilezes. unlim. phone, suitable for couple or 2 Zirla. RA. 7981. t.veo 14th ST.. Apt 35—Larze. attractive slnzlt, *35 mo : breakfast and laundry privllezea, zentlle home. AD 6209. 1332 MASS. AVE. N.W.. Cumberland. Ant ^(downtown)— Larze front room, double .rnenr bath: zentfeman . . _* WNTOWN, in the. beautifully kept Can terbury Apts —Ue front, brizht, bay win dow room and bath,.private entrance: tt. B.W. < ROOMS FUHH." Mufcwt. (C—M, 3&% ?71t ^LT^^D N.W., Apt. *02— front room, tor quiet girl*; genUle 3Sn‘ 14th ST. N.W_Lam., front rm, twln bed*, single or double: will rent reas.i use of phone _Call OB. 0733. ■ 1300 UTTENHOUSE 8T. N.W.—Large rm. with twin beds, aemipyt. bath. OS. LOVELY ROOM for gentleman: no other roomers; Jewish home. RA. 7*89. —6 LARGE. COMFORTABLE, bsmt. rm.; ladF preferred; uni. phone, express but at aor ner. RA. 9364. ATTR. LARGE combination light house keeping rm. for 2 or 3; near bus. Bilge DOWNTOWN—Newly dec. rm*., *6 and up; kitchen prlvlls. if deairad. 414 6th st. n.w. ME. 7248. _—8 *021 O ST. N.W.. nr. Dupont Circle— Small sgl. rm., clean and euiat; conv. transp.; $18. AD. 9801. • —10 BEAUTIFUL MASTER bedrm.. pvt. bath; no other roomers; refined gentleman only. TA. 5854. MT. PLEASANT (20th and Park rd.)— Croaatown bus line; huge knotty pine clubrocm. pvt shower bath, comfortably furn.; suitable 2 or 3 young men or empld. couple. AD. 4598. —8 APT. 805. 1101 15th st. n.w.—loe. a. ex posure rm. to empl. ltdy. *35; rtf. ex changed ; walking dlst. 1834 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Men., egle., *7 wk.; dble., *6.50 wk. ea.: clean, comfort able. separate beds; e.h.w. AD. 4330. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2110 R at. n.w—Nicely furnished front room for two: twin beds; *20 mo. etch; single. *35 mo. 518 B ST. N.W.—Room, phone, elevator, meld service; nicely turn., lnneraprlng matt.; daily. *2 up; wkly., *8 to *8 per person. RE. 1088. ALTUEAS HOTEL. 1509 18th at. n.w.— Newly redecorated single and double rms., *1.50 per night and up; dining room in building. NO. 8146. LARGE. ATTRACTIVE RM.. 3rd floor, next to bath, south and east exposures. 3 windows with Venetian blinds, fluoreacent light; reflnished; single. $50; double. *60 mo. 1722 N at. n.w. 1661 PARK RD. N.W, Apt. 41—Large double room, two ladies, twin beds, un limited phone. 12-5 fiunday, after • Monday end Tuesday. —8 5319 13th ST. N.W.—Sale. m.. porch; nr. ftSiy-Trl" GEn,16'orr; IN CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Clean, dry. com fortably furn. bsmt. room with private in refined home, for gentleman only; WILSON• a8tH!*1822 18th at. n.w^Kx cel. double rooms. *30 and *22.60 each. 2«ift KALORAMA RD. N.W., the WUaon House—Excel., lge.. front double rm.; *22.60 each. CO. 9722. 7 1883 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Newly furn. and decorated; 2nd. front: twin beds; nondrinkers. Phone Du. 0611. —7 1476 MERIDIAN PL. N.W.—Large front room, newly decorated: also single room with quiet, private family; for men. non drinkers. CO. 4787. —4 4»p HAMILTON It. N.W—Large front rm. in quiet, pvt., gentile home: no oiOcr roomers: nicely furn.. twin beds: excel, trens.; rent Mngle or dbie. to aen Hepqatt only; no drinken. Phone GE. CLIFTON AND 14 th STS. N.W—Urg* lin*5® b*droom’ *45 • Baontb. Phone NO. 1 i 1?>h EE. N.w.—Across from sutler Hotel. Ideal down town looatlon. Rooms for young ladles. *• 1701 PARK RD. N.W.—Attrac., quiet, single, next bath; excel, trtnsp., pvt. apt.; employed women. AD. 3372. 4 5611 4th ST. N.W.—Large front double room, well furnished, pvt. lev, unllm Phone; conv. to transp. OK. 5060. —4 **** Q ST. N.W.—Second floor single room, southern exposure, suitable for gentleman, quiet. 4» FETWORTH—Pleasant single front room, gentleman, $20 mo.; e.h.w.; conv. transp. TA. oo40. 5 NEAR WARD MAN—2nd floor front, twin beds, large closet, semipvt. bath; *45 a mo. for 2 employed. AD. 1342 194* CALVERT ST. N.W—Lge front rm, nicely furn, suitable for couple or two persons: near bath, 2nd floor. m?im*HN9I'K Hiw.—Master bedrm.. sunrm, feeing R. c. Pk, pvt. bsth; bug »( door; private home. AD. 2066. DOWNTOWN, 930 O pi. n.w—A single scntlemen, *4.60. GENTLEMAN—Large single room, gentile Pyl home. I other men uses bath. 2705 Woodiey pi. n w. AD. 4984 after 1 p.m. * 1912 BILTMORE ST. N.W—Nicely furn . lge. twin-bed rm.. 2nd-fl. front; phone; ®ost i^conv. neighborhood and transp. SINGLE ROOM for refined gentleman; no privileges. NO. 5682. • 1343 QUINCY ST. N.W—Large front I?°“: private bath, employed gentlemen; 22-JT.t.*!5 TA. 6276 • CL£y,fLlrAND PARK’ 3118 Rodman st. n w. —Double room, twin beds, adjoining bath; men or couple WO. 7975. 1918 BILTMORE ST. N.W_Single room for gentlemen seeking auiat home; adjoin ing bath; maid service: *30 mo. to non Srte&f-.J8i!3. and Columbia rd. 2 DOUBLE ROOMS for settled ladleg who desire nice, oulet home: convenient to SteffwoKeKSSP”. Ca!1 Monday. Na. 0686. GEORGETOWN—Rooms furn. or unfurn, with pvt. Jewish family, half block o& Wisconsin aye. MI. 0846. —11 894 aoth ST. N.W.—Large single room, pvt. home; available April 15; young gen “•BMkijSjent or Govt, worker. RE. 3703. BUCHANAN ST.—Large room, next .9i\,.for„2oyt;-.f®Ployad gentlemen; *ood traps. GS. «137. DESIRABLE FRONT BOOM, for aoupta: ofi°«, n,lei excellent transportation. AD. 2448, FEYwORTH, 415 Oelletln »t. n.w —l clean, comfortable rm., in oonv. Protes tent, refined home of 3 edulta, next to bath with shower, tor 1 or 0 men or ladies: laund. prlvlls.; good ous service at cor.; unllm. phone. GE 4605. 57*0 3rd PL. N.W.—Two communicating rooms, in private hogpr. tor employed ladles only. OB 4969^ 5716 3rd ST. N.W.—Lge. frt rm, twin beds. 2 closets, pvt. bath; gentile femur: express bus_ RA. 6809 VfRT ATTRACTIVE EM, . In apt., for empl. lady, opposite Meridian Pk, 16th st. bus; ref. AD. 3617. 1694 LANIER PL. N.W—Attractive front nn.Vi 1 hlk. 1.9th st. but and Mt. Pleasant carline. DE. 8180. 1352 MERIDIAN PL. N.W_Jewish home; lge. rm, twin beds, single or double; re fined. CO. 2823, 5400 4th ST. N.W.—Empl. gentleman, non drinker: sgle. rm, modern, turn.; pvt, clean home; conv. trenap.; $30. TA. 8588 5324 COLORADO AVE—Pvt. home; front dble. rm.; brkfst. end dinner; I Wk. but *5? streetcor; 2 gentlemen or epic. 3746 W ST. N.W.—Studio rm, twin beds, pvt. entrance end bath EM. 4217. VIC. OF WESTCHESTER — * rms, pvt. batb. Home eU day Sunday OR. 6391; weekdays alter 1 p.m, NA. 2424. KNOTTY PINE STUDIO basement room, pvt entrance, pvt. bath, very attractive end unusual: also lge. front rm, 3 expos, semipvt. bath. excl. transp.; will reduce considerably in exchange for occasionsl help with household duties. WO. 3949 1344 UNDERWOOD ST. N.W. — Beautiful furn. rm. and pvt. bath for empl. couple or 2 men; conv. to bus and atreetcar; $66 month. _5 *005 KALORAMA RD—1 blk to Columbia or Conn, ave.; large bedrm. with edJ. bath, door opening onto porch; nicely furn ; *10 per wk. AD. 8613. J-6 NEAR 11th AND PARK rd. n.w.—Large, bright front room, twin beds, specious closet, extension phone in room. CO. 4289. • MAN OR WOMAN—Attractive front room In desirable n.w. location; good transpor tation; private entrance; *36 month. OR. 4794 WYOMING AVE. MANSION—Single beau tiful basement; 1 blk. Conn. ere. ear. $30 mo.; man. DU. 8183. —5 3733 MORRISON ST. N.W.—Large double room, twin beds, communicating batb; *35 each per month; gentlemen. WO. 7039 after 1 p.m. —6 1729 Q ST.—Housekeeping room, nmnln# water and gas range stove and pvt. en trance: large closet 1445 PARK RD. N.W, Apt. 203—To em* ployed lady: close transportation, (hop ping and restaurants: nicely furnished 1715 HOBART ST—Well-furn front room. 2 closets, twin beds; for 1 or 2. CO. 2342. 65 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Large fdont. room. 14 windows, twin beds, unllm phone: 10 min. downtown; bus end eers st corner. ; $50 mo. MI, 2659. —11 1617 R. I. AVE. N.W, 1 block from May flower Hotel—Nice triole room. also ve i cency for gentlemen In double. Before 4 p.m. sundav I 1931 Ifllh N.W.—Nice single room, next batb: Inner-spring matt.: bus at door; 1*22.50 month. MI. 9730 • 1621 VARNUM ST. N.W.—Master bed : rm . twin beds. pvt. shower: eonv. tram: I ’Jhlim, phone. RA. 2343. I YOUNG LADY, substantial reduction In ! rent fot staying some nights with chil dren; pvt, upstairs rm. EM 0446. ! 817 LONGFELLOW 5T. N.W—2 nr S ! ladies, or couple, without or with children lover 10 years: fine rooms and horn* prlvielges in private house, rent. *20 a month each (no rent for children): rent secondary to refined people. For appt, call GE. 9777. 8 a m. to 7 p m DESIRABLE RM. in Jewish home, excel, residential neighborhood sgle. woman or young lady; conv. to l«th st. and Qeor i&TheMd wj VA?® keeping rms for couple; twin bedrm.; 2nd fi; large bsmt. rm. as dmlng-kit. Bit, lavatory, gentile home. OE. 012*. OWNTOWN, 1410 M at. Apt 508— Lovely, clean room, near bath, for gentle man, $.18: 8x12 rug: elevator. ATTRACTIVELY furnished front room; half sauare of bus. cars: quiet home; employed ladies. Call EM. 0107. a m. or after 6 p m. mil IMh ST. N.W.. Apt 33.—Li t. rm., : no objection to children MI 5004. —5 I 1220 I7th ST.—Vacancy for 2 young ladle* In triple room. #20 mo each; twin i Hollywood bed*. 1 block off Mt. Pleaaant ! earllne; 2 block* Mayflower —5 ISA* WTO. AVB.—Large 3-window room, twin bed*, negt to bath: laundry privileges; maid service; *25 each. III. 0784. —4 488 BUCHANAN ST. N.W.—Newly deco rated. 2 double rooms. $35 eacbi 1 single, #25. eonv. tranap. TA. 6736. —5 1410 M ST. N.W.. Apt. 205—Attractive •ingle room: ept. best downtown tec. Desire refined, employed person. DI. 0220. 4* 388* WOLBUDGE PL—Single room and adjoining room tor study, fog gentleman, convenient to transportation. MI. 3686. _ _ —5 1345 OUINCY ST. N.W.—Large and light front rm.. rwin bads. 2 closets; next to bath: suitable for 2 refined People; girls pref.i $43 mo. TA. 1053. —4 A4«l ILL ATE.—Front room In private home: tingle nr doable; eonv. to.Os. eve, end Kennedy *t. transp. TA. 5845. —4 I tea SPRING ED. N.W.—Large back room porch. Single front room. —4 IDEAL N.W. PVT. RES.. 2 adjoining beau, tlful lge rm«. 3-4 empl. gentlemen: m nei-spring matt., next bath: refs. RA. ti026. 3207 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W., opp. Rock Creek Park—Oentile home; studio rm., heated eleepins porch, twin bed*. adj. bath; empl couple or two men. DE. 6381. —7 MAN AND WIFE have large apt.: will rent one room to a gentleman. Albemarja Apt*., cor. of 17th and T *ts n.W. HO. NEWLT DECORATED room with use a* kitchen; reasonable. DU 7758 after 7:00 pm. or any tuna Sunday 4* 1300 BLOCK SHERIDAN ST.-—Largs dblo, room, pvt bath, unllm phone; Weal tranap Suitablt for employed eoupl*. 8*54 B*fiio4^T RD. K.W.—1 or « peopiae lge. dole rm. aemipvt bath; elean «nS comfortable; c h-w. heat —4 _ (Continued on Hast PtfO) y