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(Harbg rtf uJt|anka £§&&&& PHELPS wbhes ?o express their appreciation to all our fMends 2nd neighbors for all kindnesses shown us urine our bereavement and for the many Beautiful flowers, cards, telegrams and other expressions of sympathy. THE FAMILY. • , OBEEN. BETTY T. The family of the late BETTY T. GREEN, wish to express Its sincere thanks to the pastor and members of the Mount Airy Baptist Church, the Elks Lodge, No. 422; the Queen Deborah Household of Ruth, the Charity Club, the Emergency Club, the Missionary Circle, relatives and,friends, for their kindness and floral tributes, during their period of bereavement. Seatijn 1tf'S.w2: beloved husband of Abl Elisabeth Araka. Service* at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 iChapin it. n.w.. oh Tuesday. April 6. at 0 a.m. Interment Washinston National emeterr. . ARCHER. LOUISE R. On Thursday. April l, 1848. In Lincoln Hospital. Durham, N C.. LOUISE R ARCHER ol 216 Florida •ye. n.w., wife of R. C. Archer, Jr.: sister of Pearl R. Lewis. Rebecca R. Fuller, J. Emory and John H. Reeves. Many other relatives and friends also survive. After 2 P.m Monday, April 5. friends may call at Praaler'a Funeral Home. Inc.. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. April fi, at 1 P.m., from the 3ohn Wesley A, M. E. Zion Church, 14th and Corcoran sts. n.w . Rev. 8. G. Spottswood officiating. Interment 4£jlg£ton National Celhetery 5 CHER. LOUISE. Officers and mem bers of the James E. Walker . Unit. No. 26. American Legion bAuxiliary, are hereby notified to ■attend the funeral services for Sour departed member. LOUISE rARCHER, at the Fragler Funeral _ Parlor, 389 Florida ave. n.w.. Monger. April 6. 1948. at 6:30 p.m. sharp. HATTIE MOTEN. President. PAULINE J. EGGLESTON. Secretary. 5 BANKERT. CAPT. SILAS M. On Fri day, April 2, 1948. at Naval Hospital, CAPT. SILAS M BANKERT of 1343 Clif ton st. n.w.. husband of Alice G. Bankert. father of Harry E. and Robert Milton Bankert. Mrs. Alice B. Darnell of Wash ington. D. C.. and Mrs. Irene O. Graham of Pasadena. Calif. He is also survived by five grandchildren. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funersl Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Services at Fort Myer Chapel. Fort Myer, Va.. on Wednesday. April 7. at 3 pm Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 BARNES. JOSEPH A. Suddenly, on Saturday, April 3, 1918. at Casualty Hos pital. JOSEPH A. BARNES, beloved son of Alfred and Jane Barnes. Notice of fu neral later. •Arrangements by the Better Funeral Home. Family may be seen at 1426 C st. s.e. * BERRY. MINNIE ». On Sunday. April 4. 1848. at Arlington Hospital. MINNIE M. BERRY, ol 3816 8. Sixteenth st.. Ar lington. Va., beloved wife ol John A. Berry, mother of Mrs. Dorothy C. Seeds. Leo C. Berry and Mrs. Mary Hanle of Marine City. Mich. Services at Rochell Christian Church. Rochell. Va. on Wednes day. April 7, at 2 p.m. Interment Church Cemetery. 6 BEVERLEY. M. COL. EDWARD P. On Saturday, April 3. 1848, at Walter Reed Hospital, LT. COL EDWARD P. BEV ■ BRLEY. Medical Corps. U. S. Army, re tired. of Broad Run. Va.. beloved husband of Vesta C. Beverley, father of Richard C . Edward P, Beverley. 1r.. and Mrs. Mar caret Beverley Nethcrlend: brother of R. H. C. Beverley, Mrs. Milo C Pratt. Mrs. May Beverley Malmo and Mrs. Rich ardette Beverley Kllley. She Is also sur vived by two grandchildren. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home, 2847 Wilsdft blvd.. Arlington. Va., until Wed nesday. April 7 at 9:30 a m. thence to Fort Myer Chapel where funeral services will be held ai 10 a.m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. , 0 BRADLEY. ANNA r. On Wednesday. March 31. 1948. at Lenox. Mass., ANNA P. BRADLEY, wife of the late Joseph H. Bradley and mother ol Mrs. C Law Wakins. Services will be held at Christ Church, 31st and O sts. n.w., on Tuesday, April 6, •t 10 a.m. Interment private. BURROUGHS. GEORGIA L. On Sun day. April 4, 1948. at her residence. La Plata, Md., GEORGIA L. BURROUGHS, beloved wife of Everett B. Burroughs, sr.; mother of Everett B., jr„ and Harry D. Burroughs, sister of Edwin G. Jones, Mrs. Viola E. Bestor, Mrs. Eva Bradburn and Mrs. Margaret E. HoOner. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. a.e., on Wednesday, April 7. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. u BUTLER. RAYMOND LEON. Suddenly. On Saturday, April 2. 1948. RAYMOND LEON BUTLER of 4523 39th pi., Brent wood. Md.. husband of Lenora E. Butler, father of Raymond L, 1r„ and Edith M. Butler, son of Richard and Mary I. But ler. brother of Alice Mayo. Janie Reed. Elizabeth Brewer. Ruth Owens. William. Edward, Richard. Arthuf and Bainbridae Butler; son-in-law ol Elmira Davis. He also leaves other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Butler may be viewed at the above residence after 5 p.m.. Tuesday. Funeral Wednesday. April 7, at Brent wood. A. M. E. Zion Church. Brentwood. Md.. at 1 p.m. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Services by Stewait's. 6 CARTER, MARY DAISY. On Saturday. April-3,-4848. MARY DAISY--CARTER of 6821 V at. n.w.. aunt of Dr. W. B. Carr of Point Barrow. Alaska, and Edward R. Carr ot Washington. D. C. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. ir.w. Services at the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church. 900 Mass achusetts ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. April t>. at 11 a.m. interment private. CONNER. BAZEL. On Saturday. April S. 1848, at her residence. 219 Sheridan st. n.w.. HAZEL CONNER, sister of Mrs. H. P. Johns ot Honesdale. Pa.; Mrs. J. J. Mc Connell of Washington. D. C.; Mrs. G. Saltzer of Northumberland. Pa : Miss Laura Conner of Washington, D. C.: Gor don Conner of Roanoke, Va., and Arthur Conner of Florida. Remains at the S. H. Hines Funera Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., until 10 p.m Monday. April 5. Services and Interment Shamokln, Pa.. Wednes day am. .——-1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. VTLSPEARECO. Neither successor to nor connected with the origin*! W R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. Wttlopnh.r,Ma J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th end Mess. Ave. N.E. LL 6-00 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N.W. HObart 2326 - NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St. N.W. Established 1851 In Cate of Death Call PhamlteM One at the Largest- Undertakers In the World Complete Funeralt $95 to $2,000 four Larte funeral Hornet Phone CO. 0432 FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPREBSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA OlOfl CorMth&Eye^g^ FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop. Funeral Designs Special1 $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10. up to $200 —--CALL PhwnfoH CO. 0432 CHACONA* FLOWERS Boanti(a) FLORAL PIECES. SB.M end a* DELIVERED M— 14th St. N.W. Phone DP. 7181 GUDE BROS. CO. lattrldaally designed Wreathe and Spray* Charge accounts opened by phone 1818 F St. N.W.—NAttonal 4876 AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES i DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 0432. One at the finest fleets in the world. Rates: tit up to lt mfle radius. Expert attendants. PhambeM CALL CO. 0432 SratJja CONNOLLY. LUTHER. Departed this iUSSVh ifOSSS husband of Mamie Connolly, loving father of Edith Connolly, Marion Brown. Elsie Gibson. Mildred Morris and Wilfred Con nolly. Also surviving are eight grand children and two brothers, John Cecil Connolly of Milford. Conn., and Leonzle Connolly of Grand Cayman. British West Indies. After 4 p.m. Monday. April 6. friends may call at Frazier's Funeral Home. 386 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Tuesday. April 8 at 2 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. CRAWFORD, MOSES (DYKE?. On Sunday, April 4. 1948. MOSES (DYKE) CRAWFORD of 117 E st. n w.. the de voted husband of Irene Crawford. He is also survived by one brother, one sister, many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at Barnes A Matthews Fu neral Home. 614 4th st. s.w Notice 'of funeral later. DOWLING. SUSIE BRACKETT. On Sun day. Apr! 4, 1948, SUSIE BRACKETT DOWLING, of 3603 14th st. n.w., beloved wife of Harry W. Dowling. Services at the Geier Funeral Home. 3605’ 14th st. nw.. on Tuesday. April H. at 2 p.m. Inter ment Oak H1U Cemetery. 6 DUEHRING. LILLIAN W. GLASCOCK. On Friday, April 2. 1948. at Doctors Hos pital, LILLIAN W. GLASCOCK DUEHRING of 207 Elmira st. s.w.. mother of Miss Mildred D. Glascock of Washington. D. C.; sister of Mrs. Lula Croker of New York citv. V Y.: Mrs. Grace Keen and Clar ence E Wilson, both of Washington. D. C., and sister of Joseph Wilson of Helena, Mont. Services at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2801 14th st. n.w.. on 1 Tuesday. April 6. at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 5 FRANKLIN, THOMAS E. Suddenly, on Thursday. April 1. 1948, at Detroit. Mich.. THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, son of Thomas A. and the late Phllllpnina Franklin and brother of Andrew N. and Weems L. Franklin. Services' at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. April 7th at 12:30 p.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 FRANKLIN. THOMAS E. Officers and • members of The Bureau of En graving and Printing Post No. 23. American Legion, are no tified of the death of Comrade THOMAS E FRANKLIN and are requested to assemble on Monday. April 5. 1948. at 7:30 p.m. at Hines Funeral Home. 3601 14th at. n.w., for Legion services con ducted by the National Guard of Honor. By order of VINCENT MANCO. Comdr. FRANKLIN. THOMAS E. Voyageurs of t Grande Voiture 174. Forty et. Eight, are hereby notified of the death of Voyageur THCMAS E. FRANKLIN in Detroit. Mich . on April 1. 1948. Services will be held at the Hines Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., Mon day. April 5. at 7:30 p.m. GERALD LAWLER. Grand Chef de Gare. DAVID KISLIUK. Grand Correspondant. FRANKLIN, THOMAS E. A special communication of Hope Lodge, 1 V JAMES M. BARNARD, Master. Attest: PAUL B. ELCAN, Secretary. 6 t GILLIS, ARCHIE A. On Sunday. April 4, 1948, at the Suburban Hospital, ARCHIE A. GILLIS of 3000 39th s . n.w.. beloved husband of Glady A. Gillis. father of Jayne A. Gillis. brother of Donald A. Gillis and Mrs. Catherine Crow of Boston. Mass. Re mains nesting at the 8. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until 10 p.m. Monday, April 5. Please omit flow ers. Services and interment, Boston. Mass. HAGAN, JOHN DAVID. Suddenly, on Sunday. April 4. 1048. JOHN DAVID HA 04N, beloved husband ol Blanche F. Hagan and father of Mrs. Herbert West. John David Hagan, jr.. and Nancy Hagan, and brother of James W„ William M. and Waymon O. Hagan. Mrs. Bessie Kellman. Mrs. Lila Berry an* Mrs. Ollie Pratt. Services at the W. W. Deal Puneral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Monday. April 5. at 8 p.m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Union. S. C. HARDING. LORMAN M. On Sunday, April 4. 1048, LORMAN M. HARDING, beloved husband of Qertrude Harding (nee Curtisi of 1418 Morse n.e., and father of Mrs. Thomas Foley. Melford T. Harding and Mrs. Dorothy Cosh. Funeral services from the above residence on Wednesday, April 7, at 2 p m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relative! and friends invited. 6 HASSEL, JOHN. On Saturday. April 3. 1048. at the residence of his daughter. 1812 N. Quantico st.. Arlington, Va.. JOHN HASSEL. husband of Annette Hassel and father of Mrs. David Klein. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson bivd.. Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held Tuesday. April 8 at 10 a m. Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. (New York City papers Please copy.) HEINER, LELA ELIZABETH. On Mon day, April 5. 1048. at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. LELA ELIZABETH HEINER. wife of the late Robert D. Heiner and sister of Mrs. Mary E. Dawson, Clar ence E. Brewer. Raymond E. Brewer, all of Hagerstown. Md. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2801 14th st. n.w; Services and interment Hagers town, Md. HENDERSON. WILLIAM (WILL). On SliSSMt A?nl„ 1848. WILLIAM HEN DERSON of 680 B st. s i He leaves his wife. Janie Henderson; one son. Paul Hen derson; two grandchildren, one daughter in-law, all of Washington. D. C.; one sis ter. Annie Henderson and five brothers, George. John. Arthur. Samuel and Joseph Henderson, all of Salisbury. N. C., and other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Eugene Fora. , LEOLA. On Sunday, April 4, fesidence, 3250 T it. s.e., MRS LEOLA HILL, beloved wife of Mr. William S. Hill. Remains resting at Hysongs Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w. Funeral services and Interment will be held I at Hendersonville, N. C.. on Thursday, April 8. 6 JONES. EDWARD. Officers and mem-, bers of Morning Star Lodge No 40. I. B. P. O. E. of W.. are requested to attend session of sorrow at the Elks Home. 15th and O sts. n.w. at 8:30 p.m.. Monday. Anrll 5. 1948, to ar range for the funeral of our late brother. EDWARD JONES, to be held : at Mount Moriah Baptist Church. 3rd and i L sts s.w., Tuesday. April 0, at 1:30 p.m. j REECE C. SCOTT. Exauited Ruler. STEPHEN W. JONES.* Fin. Secy. I JONES. GRACE ELIZABETH. On Sat urday. April 3. 1948. at her residence, 3948 S st. s.e., GRACE ELIZABETH JONES, beloved mother of Leonard E. Jones. Grace V. Jonea and Mrs. May J. Poole. She is also survived by brothers and sisters in and about Washington, D. C.: New Jersey and New York. Funeral services will be held at Hysong s Funeral Home, 1300 N st. n.w.. on Tuesday. April 0. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 5 JONES. JAMES EDWARD. Passed into the Great Beyond on Thursday, April I. 1948, JAMES EDWARD JONES of 383 M *t. s.w. He leaves to mourn their loss one sister, Kstella Johnson; one niece, Elnora Dorsey; three nephews, three great-nieces, four great-nephews, other relatives and friends. Remains may be seen after 4 o’clock Monday at his late residence Fu neral Tuesday, April 8. at 1:30 p.m., from Mount Moriah Baptist Church. 3rd and L sts. s.w., %ev. J. Harvey Randolph, pastor. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. George B. Clarke Funeral Service. 3.5* JOYCE, LAURA. On Saturday. April 3. 1948, LAURA JOYCE, mother of Vera Burton and John Washington, grand mother of Nathaniel Taylor. Lillian Brown. Delores Benton. Asbury Taylor, Jr.: great grandmother of Juander Jones, mother-in law of Royal Burton. After 5 p.m.. Tues [ day. April 6.. friends may call at Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc., 38o Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be i geld on Wednesday. Aoril 7. at 1 p.m : Rev. R. c. Scot; officiating. Interment Payne s Cemetery. 6 SOL LOUIS. Member! of Post No. 08 Jewish War Veterans of the United States are requested to attend funeral services for their late comrade. SOL LOUIS KASDON. at the Ber nard Danzansky & 8on Fu neral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. April 8. 1948, at 11 a.m. LOUIS, LUCK GOLDBERG. Comdr. MAX L. PECK. Adjutant. KASDON. SOL L. The ofl&cers and legionaires of Cooley-McCul lougb Post No. 22, the Ameri can Legion, announce with deep regret the death of their beloved comrade. SOL L. KAS DON. Remains resting at _ Danzansky Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w. until 11 a.m., Tuesday. ! April 6. DONALD A MOLER. Comdr. GEORGE W. KEFAUVER, Jr.. Adjutant. KASDON, SOL LOUIS. A special com m munlcation of Osiris Lodge No. RK 26, F. A. A. M.. is hereby called j tCn , for Tuesday. April <1. 1948. at i eJlIv m a.m. at the Masonic Temple, 13th and New York ave. n.w.. f ^Cy to conduct Masonic servicea at . the funeral of our late brother. SOL LOUIS KASDON. ALTON S. BRADFORD. Wor. Master. RAYMOND E. OABLE, Secretary. KLEIN, CATHERINE E. On Saturday. April 3. 1948. at Georgetown University Hospital. MISS CATHERINE E. KLEIN, of 1457 Park road n.w. She is survived by a nephew. Joseph R. Fitzpatrick, of Washing ton. and two nieces. Mrs. Louise Corridon and Mrs. Marie F. Corner of Norwalk. Conn. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home. 2901 14tfc st. n.w., on Tues day. April 6. at 9:30 a.m. thence to Shrine of Sacred Heart. 16th and Park rd. n.w. where the holy aacrlflce of the mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. LATTA. MAURICE C. On Saturday, April 3. 1948. at the United States Med ical Center. Betheada. Md.. MAURICE C. LATTA. Remains resting at the Bbthesda Chevy Chase Funeral Home of. William Reuben Pumphrey. Betheada. Md. Serv ices Tuesday. April 6. at the Washington ! Heights Presbyterian Church. 1862 Kal orama rd. n.w., at 2 p.m. Interment pri vate. 5 LESTER. WILLIAM H. On Saturday. April 3. 1948. at his residence. 1316 You st. n.w.. WILLIAM H LISTER (Metro Solitan Police, retired I. He is survived y one daughter. Mrs. Jennie R. Horn- > beck of Olefin. N. Y. and a devo.ed friend. Mrs. Lucy J. Sanford and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray A Son. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • LEVY, ELIZABETH. On Sunday. April 4. 1948. ELIZABETH LEVY, of 8000 33d st. n.w.. beloved wife of Lawrence Levy, and devoted mother of Stanley Stephen, Morelym Ann and Adrienne Levy. She is also survived bv a sister. Mrs. Rebecca Silberman, ol New York, and two brothers, Louis and David Bromstein of Baltimore, Md. . Funeral aervicea at the Bernard Dan zansky & Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. April 8. at 2 p.m. Interment Washington Hebrew Congrega tion Cemetery. Please emit flowers. / Bfatlj* LEWIS, MAGDALENE M. On Sunday, April 4. 1048. MAGDALENE M. LEWES of 3001 20th at.. So. Arlington. Va. No tice of funeral later. Arranaementa by Frailer'* Funeral Home. Inc. LIFFINCOTT, GEORGE. On Sunday. April 4, 1048 at Marine Hospital. Balti more, Md.. GEORGE LIPPmcOTT, be loved husband of Mable Lippincott of San Diego. Calif., father of Mts. Claire Mitchell, Mrs. Beryl Robinson and Mrs. Marjery Robertson. Funeral Wednesday. April 7 from the Zirkle Funeral Home. 510 C st. n.e.. at 0:30 a.m.. thence to St. Joseph’s Church. 2nd and C sts. n.e.. where requiem mass will be said at 10 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Inter ment Congressional Ceme.ery. Relatives and friends Invited. Services by Ferry Walsh. magruder. Margaret waters, on Saturday. April 3, 1048. at her home, 2029 N st. n.w., MARGARET WATERS MAGRUDER. wife of the late Walter F. Masruder and mother of Charles B. Ma gruder and the late Lewis H. Magruder. Friends may call at the Birch Funeral Home. 3034 M st. n.w., where services will be held on Wednesday. April 7, at 11 a.m. Interment Oak HiU Cemetery. 0 MARTIN. MARIAN. On Sunday. April 4. 1948, MRS. MARIAN MARTIN of 3525 Davenport st. n.w.. beloved sister of Mrs. Henry Howard, Mrs. George T. Barnsley. Mrs. Julia V, Thornton and the late Josiah W. Jones of OIney. Md. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesdiy, April 0. at 9 a.m., thence to the Blessea Sacrament Church. Chevy Chase Circle, where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 0:30 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery, OIney, Md. MATNARD. FANNIE LEE. On Satur day. April 3. 1948. FANNIE LEE MAY NARD of 4*04 Jones Bridge rd., Bethesda. Md. wife of the late William H. Maynard, mother of Mabel M. Helland and Miss Sarah Frances Maynard, grandmother of Bruce M. Helen. Services at the 6. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 1,4th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. April 8. a. J1 a.m. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 6 MERCER, LAURA, on Saturday. April 3. 1948. at Freedmen s Hospital. LAURA MERCER, of 723 Harvard at. n.w.. beloved sister of Mary Henderson. She also leaves many other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 U st. n.w.. after 5 p.m. Wednesday. April 7. Funeral services at the St. John's Baptist Church. Arlington, Va.. Thursday. April 8. at 1 p.m. In terment Oddfellows Cemetery, Arlington, Va. 7 OATES, MARGARET GOODE. On Monday. April 5. 1948. at the residence of her daughter. 3339 17th si. n.w.. MAR GARET GOODE OATES of 114 W. Mon mou h st.. Winchester. Va.. wife of Clatus L. Oates, daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Goode and the late A. R Goode, mother of Mrs. Frank M. Hardy and Mrs. Hazel O. Payne. Grandmother of John T. Payne. Jr.: sister of Mrs. C. B. Larnck and Mrs. Mamie Michael of Winchester. Va.. Mrs. H. E. J. Oates, Petersburg. W. Va., and Mrs. Turner Lockhart of Core. Va. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st .n.w. of funeral later. PACE, LILLIAN TRAVIS. Departed this life Sunday. April 4. 1948, LILLIAN TRAVIS PACE of 3528 10th st. n.w.. wife of Alfred Pace, loving mother of Travis, Hortense and Elaine Pace: sister of Mrs. Beatrice Tucker of Atlanta. Ga., Mrs. Cynthia Macon. Mrs. Annie McCamy, Mrs. Mary Rogers of Washington. D. C.. Wil liam and Rev. Thomas Beecher Travis of Martlnsburg. W. Vs; cousin of Mrs. Corelia Johnson, grandmother of Linda and Travis Pace. Jr. Other relatives and friends also survive. After 5 p.m., Tuesday. April 8. friends may call at Frasier’s Funeral Home. Inc., 380 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. April 7 at 1 p.m. trom the Asbury Metho dist Church. 11th and K sts. n.w. Re mains will He in state at church the hour preceding funeral. Rev. R. M. Wil liams officiating. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. 6 PEACH, JOHN FRANKLIN. On Sunday. April 4. 1948, at Prince Georges General Hospital, Cheverly, Md., JOHN FRANKLIN PEACH, husband of the late Eliza Barber Peach and son of the late Dr. John Peach and Betty Wellford Peach. He Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Quentin Foster, Miss Betty Wellford Peach and Mrs. John William Helm and three grandchildren. Surviving also are sisters and brothers, Miss Mannle Peach. Mrs. Miriam P. Roane. Herndon Peach. S. Marvin Peach and Preston Littlepage Peach. Funeral services from his home. Forest pl„ Mitchellville, Md., on Wednesday. April 7, at 3 p.m. Interment Mount Oak Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. RICE, LEO. On Friday, April 2. 1948, at Emergency Hospital. LEO RICK ol War renton. Va.. formerly af Washington. D. C„ beloved husband of Inei A. Harvey Rice. Funeral services will be held at Sudduth's Funeral Parlor. Warrenton, Va., on Mon day. April 5. at 3 p.m. Interment War renton Cemetery. & RICH. NORRIS S. On Sunday, April 4, 1948, NORRIS S. RICH of 3555 6th st. n.w.. husband of Gwendolyn Rich; father of Mrs. Sylvila Holmes. William Edwin. Thomas, Malcolm and Donald Rich, and brother of Robert and Marie Rich. No tice of funeral later. Arrangements by Malvan * Schey. • RICHARDS. JANET. On Sunday, April 4. 1948. at her residence in the Wyoming, JANET RICHARDS. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Low reouium mass will be offered at 10 a m. from St. Matthews Ca thedral on Tuesday, April 6. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery., RIDDELL. ALMA IRENE. On Monday. April 5. 1948. ALMA IRENE RIDDELL of 4702 Harrison st., Chevy Chase. Md., beloved wife of Lawrence A. Riddell. She Is also survived by her mother, %frs. Jessie Cramer, her sister, Mrs. Mary Stutsman, and three brothers. Kenneth and Ralph Cramer of Pittsburgh. Pa., and Edgar Cramer of Youngstown. Ohio. Services at Chevy chase Funeral Home, 5103 Wis. ave. n.w., on Tuesday, April 6, at 8 p.m. 6 RINNE, ALEX E. Suddenly, on Satur day. April 3. 1948. at Orangeburg. S C.. ALEX 6. RINNE. beloved husband of Wii helmlna Rinne and father of Hilda Mil ler, Edward Rinne. Alii Salmela. Solo Rinne and Elvi Kanenan. Friends may call at the Talcoma Funeral Home. 25'4 Carroll st. n.w.. Takoma Park. D. C„ where services will be held on Wednesday. April ,. at 11 a m. Interment George Washington Memorial Cemetery., 6 ROY, NAOMI. On Friday. April 2, 1948. NAOMI ROY. wife of Elmer Rov! sister of Mrs. Mary V. Clayton. Joseph end Jerome Smallwood and mother of Ruth, Gloria. Elmer, Joseph and Shirley Roy. Friends may call at the W. Ernest JarvLs Funeral Church. 1432 You 4t. n.w. where services will be held Tuesday. April H at 2 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery H SHEERIN. CHARLES W. On Monday. April 5. 1948. at his residence. 2312 Tracy pi. n.w., the Rev. Dr. CHARLES W SHEERIN, husband of Maria Skelton Wil liams Sheerin. father of Charles W. Sheerin, jr.. Maria Ward and Elisabeth Lewis Sheerin. Services will be held at the Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G st. n.w., on Wednesday, April 7 at 12 o clock noon. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. 6 SHEFFIELD. LUCIUS. On Sunday, ijjt1?’ »t Preedmans Hospital, LUCIUS SHEFFIELD, ol 1245 23d st. n.w.. husband of Lucille Sheffield. Notice el Funeral later. Services by Stewart. _ SMITH, REV. CHARLES H. On Satur day, April 3, 1948, the REV. CHARLES H. SMITH of 5301 Central ave V.e?be loved husband, of Ann Fleming Smith, nephew of Adeline Barnet. He also leaves many nieces, nephews add a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may rail at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church, 14,>2 You st. n.w., after 5 p.m. Tuesday. April «. Remains to lie In state at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Florida ave. between 6th and 7th sts. n.w, after lo a.m., Wednesday, April i. Funeral service at the above church at 1 p.m.. Wednesday, April 7. Rev. R. L Rollins officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 8 SOUPOURAS, GEORGE. On Sunday, April 4. 1948, GEORGE SOUPOURAS. of 1638 14th st. n.w., beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Zenon A. Soupouras. brother of Helen. Bessie and Doris Soupouras. all of Washington, D. C. Services at the S. H. Hines Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday, April 8, at 1:30 p.m., then to St. Sophias Greek Orthodox Church, 8th and L sts. n.w., for service at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. SWEENEY, CAROL ANN. On Sunday. April 4. 1948, at her residence. 124 Rit tenhouse st. n.e., CAROL ANN SWEENEY, beloved wife of the late James Sweeney, mother of John A., Caroline. George A.. Rebecca and Elisabeth Sweeney. Services and Interment Pottstown. Pa. Arrange ments by Huntemann Funeral Home. THUMSER, GEORGE E. Suddenly, on Friday, April 2, 1948, at his residence, 1774 Montpelier st.. Baltimore. Md.. GEORGE E. THUMSER. beloved husband of Gertrude Chaney Wilcox Thumser. Services at 2 p.m. at Sanders Funeral Home, N ave. and Broadway, Tuesday. APTil 6. Interment Parkwood Cemetery, Baltimore, Md. WATSON. LILLIAN C. On Monday. April 6. 1948. at her residence, 1734 P st. n.w., LILLIAN C. WATSON, wife of the late Alexander J. Watson, and be loved mother of L. Adelaide Watson. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday, April 8, at 8 p m. Interment Elam. Pa. 7 WILUAMS, JOHN THOMAS. On Sat urday, April 3. 1948. JOHN THOMAS WILLIAMS, the beloved brother of Mrs. Mary C. Schombert, Mrs. Margaret Pettit and James Williams. Prayers at Cham ber's Funeral Home, 3072 M sti n.w., Wednesday. April 7 at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be offered at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 36th and N sts. n.w., at 9 a.m. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. 6 WILSON, GEORGIE M. Suddenly, on Saturday, April 3. 1948, GEORGIE M. WILSON of 2116 K st. n.w., beloved wife of Zackary R. Wilson, mother of Cordelia M. Kenney. Delstphme E Foxx, Zacqueline M. Lyles and Zack R. Wilson. Jr.; grand mother ol Cordelia L. Kenney. Maxine Johnson and Florretta Foxx. Also sur viving are other relatives and many friends. After 4 p.m, Monday friends are Invited to call at the residence of her daughter. 631 14th st. n.e. Requiem mass will be celebrated at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. New York and New Jersey aves. n.w.. on Wednesday, April 7, at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. 6 YOUNG. RUBY ESTHER MOSELEY. On Sunday. April 4. 1948, at Emergency Hos pital. RUBY ESTHER MOSELEY YOUNG, the beloved wife of Asa Thomas Young, mother of John H. Cameron. lr.. and Ed win D. Young. Services at Chamber's Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Monday. April 5. at 5:30 p.m. Interment, Crawfordsvllle. Ind. In. Memnriam . BEAN, GRACE C. In loving memory of my sister end aunt. GRACE C. BEAN, who departed this life one year a«o today. April 5. 1947. She bade no one a last farewell. She said good-by to none; The heavenly gates lust opened wide, A loving voice said "Come." God Saw that she was suffering. That the hills were hard to climb; So he closed her weary Ayes. And whispered "Peaeefbe thine.’’ HER LOVING SISTER AMMON, NIECES AND NEPHEWS. fit Dr. Sheerin, Rector. At Epiphany Church, Dies of Heart Attack The Rev. Charles W. Sheerin. 50, rector of the Church of the Epiph any since February, 1942, died last night at his home, 2312 Tracy place N.W., of a heart attack. Dr. Sheerin became ill Saturday night and was not able to preach at the Sunday morning service. He telephoned the church three and a' half hours before the 11 aih. service to report his illness, and said he felt better than he had during the night and expected to be all right. During his service as rector of the Epiphany Church, where Mrs. Tru man and her daughter Margaret fre quently worship. Dr. Sheerin worked to transform the church into a downtown city church rather than a residential neighborhood one. He lengthened the hours the church doors were kept open each day to from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. so persons could come in and pray at all hours. He informally referred to the edifice as the "Church of the Open Door.” Doubled • Sunday School. Dr. Sheerin doubled the enroll ment in the Sunday School by changing its hour from 9:30 to 11 a m., so children could attend Sun day school while the adult members of the family attended church. During World War II Dr. Sheerin offered his church as the Wartime Prayer Center sponsored by the Washington Federation of Churches. Thousands of persons attended the center. • Another of Dr. Sheerin’s projects was co-ordinating the work of the women’s group in the church under the United Women of Epiphany group. He also raised the age limit in the Young Adults Forum, a for mer teen-age organization. Dr. Sheerin was bom in Pitts burgh and attended St. Andrew’s School at Concord, Mass., and ken yon (Ohio) College. He received his A. B. degree at Columbia University; his B. D. degree from Virginia The ological Seminary, Alexandria, Va.t in 1924, and an honorary doctor of divinity degree from the University of the South in 1936. Served in Virginia. He was assistant minister of St. Thomas’ Church, New Tfork, in 1924, and was rector of Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, Va„ from 1925 to 1928; St. Paul's Church, Waco, Tex., for a year in 1928; Grace and Holy Trinity Church, Richmond, Va., 1929 to 1935; St. Paul’s Church, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1935 to 1938, and exchange preacher to the Church of England in the summer of 1938. He was vice president of the National Council of the Prot estant Episcopal Church in New York before he came to the Church of the Epiphany in 1942, shortly after the church’s 100th anniver sary. At one time he was director of the Southern Churchman Co. and editor of the magazine published by the company, and was former regent of the University of the South, St. Paul Polytechnic Institute and Bish op Payne Divinity School, the theo logical seminary for colored clergy. At the time of his death he was trustee of the Virginia Theological Seminary, president of the Episco pal Service for Youth, member of the Board of National Conference of Christians and Jews, Washington Mental Hygiene Institute, Speakers’ Bureau of the Washington Chest Federation, Board of Directors of the Washington Federation of Churches; social service department of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, and president of the National Council of Church Mission of Help. He was deputy to the General Convention of Protes tant Episcopal Churches from 1937 to 1946. Funeral Wednesday. Survivors are his widow. Mrs. Maria Williams Sheerin; a son, Charles, jr„ student at the Uni versity of Virginia; two daughters. Misses Maria W. Sheerin, student at Stephens College, and Elizabeth Lewis Sheerin, 13, and two sisters, Mrs. Benfield Pressy, Hanover, N. H., and Mrs. Theodore Lay, Long Island, N. Y. Funeral services will be held it noon Wednesday at the Epiphlny Church. 'Die Right Rev. Angus Dun, Bishop of Washington, will officiate. The vestry will act at pallbearers. The place of burial has not been announced. Mem bers of the family have requested persons to donate to the Virginia Theological Seminary campaign building fund instead of sending flowers. Oil Executive Dies CHICAGO, April 5 {fP).—Norton H. Weber, 76, .a pioneer in the Nation’s oil industry, died last night of a heart attack in a suburban Evanston Hospital. He was vice president and a former director of the Pure Oil Co. Documentary records of the Eng lish language extend back more than I, 200 years. In fflrnutrtam EDELIN, MARIA L. In loving memory mfiUmd“r1.,IIe end mother, MARIA L. EDELIN, who entered into eternal life thirteen years ago today, April 6. 1838. H »U the world were oura to give. We would give the world, yea and more. To tee the face of our loved one. Come amlllng through the door HER DEVOTED FAMILY • LUSBY, LENA BEYER and LEMUEL F. A token of love In memory of my dear “fh"v.UpA BEYER LUSBY. who left fwMrrSn'wP .l&Ui. *ni! my d**r father. August 5,' l94 S.BY> Wh° l0ll0Wed h" on Memories are sweet treasurers . To have and to hold. LOVING DAUGHTER. VIOLA L. SOBHY. • MURRAY, BERTHA B. In sad but lov 5?* JSSSIV* ®ur d,»r mother. BERTHA B. Murray, who passed away one year ago today, April 8, 1947. Peaceful be thy silent slumber. Peaceful in thy grave so low: Thou no more will join our number, „ Thou no more our sorrows know. Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of Ufe is fled: In heaven with Joy to greet thee, _Where no farewell tears are shed. YOUR BELOVED CHILDREN. JOSEPH. MARGARET AND JENNIE. EAGINg, DANIEL. In loving memory of our dear husband and father. DANIEL RAGINS. who departed this Ufe two years ago, April 8. 1946. Let us think of him today. Sleeping, resting, just away: Resting where no shadwos fall. Only waiting for ua all. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • RAUM. ELIZABETH M. In memory of my mother. ELIZABETH M. RAUM. who passed away thirteen years ago today. April 5, 1938. Remembered. DAUGHTER MABEL. * RAUM. ELIZABETH M. In loving mem ory of my mother. ELIZABETH M. RAUM. who passed-away thirteen years ago today, April 5. 1938 Sadly missed. DAUGHTER LENA. SHAW. EDWARD BERNARD. In loving remembrance of EDWARD BERNARD SHAW, who departed thia life one year ago today. April 8. 1947. HI4U5,i|r£,I.ZFrrA SHAW AND TWO 818 TraB-lN-LAW, THELMA ANDERSON AND ALICE LEE. * TRACEY, REBECCA JANE. In loving memory of our dear mother. REBRCCA JANE TRACEY, who died three years ago today. April 6. 1948. TUI memory fades and Ufe departs. You will live forever in our hearts. HER DAUGHTERS ESTHER AND MABLE. A DR. C. W. SHEERIN. . —Harris-Ewing Photo. Miss Janet Richards, Women's Club Leader | ■ And Lecturer, Dies Miss Janet E. Richards, 89, who was known as “the dean” of woman lecturers here and the “mother” of woman’s club columns in local pa pers, died yes terday at her home in the Wy oming Apart ments, 3022 Co 1 u m b i a • road N.W., after a 10 day illness. For more than 40 years Miss Richards spoke on domestic and foreign issues be fore women’s clubs, organiza tions and social groups from Miw KJeha'4.. Maine to Flor ida, as far West as Honolulu and before audiences in six European capitals. After graduating from Eden Hall, a convent school for girls in Phila delphia, she became a member of various literary and cultural clubs that were beginning to organize. As her activities increased she thought the idea of writing about the meetings and taking her reports to a newspaper. With these brief reports she began what was to be a two-year job on the Washington Post writing under the head, “Among the Clubs.” Started Active Courses. Writing book reviews for that paper led Miss Richards to start lecture courses in current events as a profession for women. Her first lecture was in the Universalist Church at Thirteenth and L streets N.W. and told of her visit to the Passion Play at Oberammergau in 1890. During the Spanish-American War she originated public lecture courses on politics. They were held here and in Baltimore, New York, Phialdelphia, Boston and other Eastern cities. Her interest in world affairs led her to European capitals every summer for many years. During that time she had interviewed Mus solini, former President Benes of Czechoslovakia. Aristide Briand, former Premier of France, and Sir Austin Chamberlain of England. Miss Richfcrds held many foreign decorations, among them one pre sented by the head of tty; old Rus sian Red Cross in Sofia after she contributed to the Russian relief work in the Near East. She also was decorated by Bel gium, France and Italy. One of Miss Richards’ last trips before she retired from public life 10 years ago was to Honolulu where she was Invited by* school principals to talk to children representing about eight different nations. Her last lecture was at the Sulgrave Club in 1937. Native of Ohio. Miss Richards also was prominent in the woman’s suffrage movement and was delegate to the Interna tional Woman's Suffrage Alliance at Amsterdam in 1908, Stockholm in 1911 and at Rome in 1923. In 1916 she spoke at the first Woman’s Pan American Congress here in 1916 and at the Quinquennial International Council of Women held in Rome in 1914. She was a native of Granville, Ohio, and had lived in Washington since the Civil War. She was a charter member of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, No. 133, and claimed descent from four genera tions of grandparents who fought in the American Revolution as officers. She attended every one of the first 50 DAR congresses and was honorary chairman of the Golden Jubilee Committee in 1940. She had served as historian, regent and secretary of the Mary Washington Chapter of Washington and was a delegate and speaker at annual DAR conferences. Miss Richards was a member and founder of the Woman’s City Club. She has no immediate survivors. Requiem mass will be said at 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Matthew’s Ca thedral, with burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Korean Voting Put Off One Day Due to Eclipse fty the Associated Press SEOUL, April 5.—Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge today announced a one day postponement of the election to form a South Korean government because of a total eclipse of the sun on the scheduled polling date, May 9. The Army commander in the United States zone gave no reason why the eclipse should prompt the change. Koreah sources, however, suggest ed superstitious country folk might shun the polls. Korean Christians had objected to voting on Sunday, anyway. Seoul Police Chief T. S, Chang said six or seven men considering running for the National Assembly had received death threats. He at tributed the threats and attacks to Communists who are opposed to the election. Two registration places in Seoul and five in Kwangju, Southwestern Korea, were attacked by gangs which smashed furniture and car ried off registration material. Five arrests were made. Gen. Hodge said the United Na tions commission supervising the election had concurred in the post ponement. Previously it had re fused to reschedule the election for May 25. Iowa Editor Dies at 78 HUMBOLT, Iowa., April 5 UP).— Frank Jaqua, 78, editor of the Hum boldt Republican and Humboldt Independent here for 55 years, died today at a Fort Dodge Hospital suffering a stroke at his home here yesterday. “ Mrs. Rockefeller Dies Of Heart Attack at Home in New York ■r rtw Associated Press NEW YORK. April 5.—Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, jr., 73, died today at her home of a heart attack. Mrs. Rockefeller was the former Abby Green Aldrich, daughter of Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island. She married the present head of the famous Rockefeller family in 1901. They have five sons—John D. Ill, Nelson, Laurence, Win throp and David—and a daughter—Abby. Mrs. Rockefeller was a sister of Win throp Aldrich, the noted banker. She died at 9:15 am., at her home, 740 Park avenue. Had Huge Art Collection. Mrs. Rockefeller’s husband, con sidered one of the Nation's wealth iest men, has an estimated personal fortune of between $250,000,000 and $400,000,000. But she avoided pub licity and her name rarely appear ed in the news. One of her main Interests w^ an art collection valued at $200,000. She presented the major part of it to the Museum of Modern Art in New York several years ago. One of Mrs. Rockefeller’s most in teresting collections of Americana was at Williamsburg, Va„ where her husband furnished heavy financial support for restoration of the town, the former colonial capital of Vir- ' ginia. The collection includes many ob jects that have disappeared, such as sailing ship figureheads, weather vanes, hitching posts and American household utensils. Met Daring University Days. Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller first met While he was attending Brown Uni versity at Providence, R. I., from 1893 to 1897. Her family also possessed great wealth. Her father for years was one of the most powerful members ; of the Senate. Mr. Rockefeller and Miss Aldrich ' were married four years after his graduation. As her husband gradually took over dispersal of much of the Rocke feller wealth in huge philanthropies, she joined him in planning these activities. ' Mrs. Rockefeller cared for her five sons and daughter herself, delegat ing little to servants. She helped give them their early education and watched over them in Illness. 4 Frederic C. Torrey _ a Of Landon School Dies Frederic C. Torrey, 80, genealogist and mathematics teacher who was known as the "Mr. Chips’* of Lan don School for Boys, died yester day in Glen Cove, Jf. Y., where he had been living since last fall. Mr. Torrey taught mathematics at Landon School from about 1931 to 1942 and because he was so well liked the upper school classroom, Torrey Hall, was named for him.: A natice of Montclair, N. J., his grandfather, Mr. William Torrey, was a founder of Lakehurst, N. J., and of one of the earliest railroads in Eastern New Jersey. TTie line later merged into the Central Rail road of New Jersey. Mr. Torrey was graduated from Princeton University and taught mathematics in the engineering school for about five years. He was principal of a New Jersey school and taught about 12 years at an Episcopal academy in Phila- ( delphia before he came to Washing- . ton to teach at Landon. After he retired in 1942, he tutored the boys at the school and at his George- I town home, 3104 N street N.W. I Mr. Torrey was president of the National Genealogical Society for two years and was author of three 1 books in the field, one of which was ‘ entitled the “Torrey Family in America.” He is survived by his widow, Mrs. 1 Anna Torrey, and a daughter, Mrs. Theodore Budlong, of New York, ! ■authoress and magazine writer. Funeral arrangements have not . been announced. : Births Reported (Prom D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.) ] Mendel and Janet Raker, boy. , Fred and Smma Barnbardt. boy. David and Mary Bell, boy ] Hugh and Nancy Clark, boy. , Glen and Njle Camp. boy. John and Lillian Dawes, girl. 1 Ray and Xllsabeth Dilllon, boy. Donald and Roberta English, boy. David and Evelyn Farber. boy. Leonard and Olorla Flaom. girl. I Charles and Harriett Fisher, girl. Harland and Dorotha Fraley, girl. Clarence and Ruby Garven, girl. James and Eleanor Grab), boy. Harold and Ina Harrlgan, boy. Manuel and Annette Horwltg, boy. James and Vivian Johnson, boy. Charles and Ceclla Keller, girl. John and ue Keogh, boy. Alexander and Elizabeth Kepler, boy. Jack and Mary Killan, girl. Israel and Shirley Kiahter. girl. Seymour and Shirley Korn. boy. Murrell and Carolyn Leach, girl. William and Mary Lowery, girl. Nicholas and Clarisse Milroy. boy. Ralph and Carolyn Miller, boy. William and Annie Murdock, girl. Ely and Ruthe Nadel, boy. Charles and Agnes Nye, boy. John and Glsella O'Neill. boy. Eugene and Marjorie Paquin, boy. Arnold and Dorothy Rasmussen, girl. Jack and Marie Ruehlman. girl. Howard and Martha Sorrows, girl. Samuel and Esta JBtrasberg, boy. Alfred and Pauline Suracl. boy. Albert and Jeannette Suggman, girl. Clifford and Mary Walsh, girl, Donalo and Helen West. boy. Melvin and Anne White, girl. Melvin and Eleanor Wilson, boy. Donald and Theodora Allen, boy. Charles and Clara Bailey, boy. Joseph and Bernice Bailey, boy. Edward and Mercedes Bundy, boy. V. C. and Bertha Burgin, girl. George and Joyce Clay, girl. Kelly and Gertrude Edwards, girl. Jack and Jessie Ford, girl. Clifton and Audrey Ford, girl. Charles and Patricia GaTris, girl. Thaddeus and Mary Green, girl. Robert and Alice Green, girl. Andrew and Evelyn Jackson, boy. Charles and Doris Jefferson, girl. Hewitt and Birdie Johnson, boy. John and Alberta Lee, boy. Joseph and Gladys Nolan, boy. William and Mary Norris, boy. Samuel and Juliette Oliver, boy. Liston and Inez Thomas, boy. Raymond and B. Ruby Washington, boy. V. Clarence and Dorothy Wade. boy. William and Dorothy White, girl. Leroy and Jannle Wilson, girl. Clarence and Geraldine WUeher. girl. David and Cleo Wooten, toy. Deaths Reported {From D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.) Daniel McAfee. SO, Soldiers’ Borne. Mary H. Wingate. 86, 1803 Kearney st. n.e. PannieO. Campbell, 82. 1623 Webster st. Jesse Shallcross. 79, 733 7tb st. s.s. Uriah Elliott. 74. 133 E st. n.w. Mary E. Mtnnlck, 73. 4807 Byers st. a.e. Herbert S. Mcllwaln, 68. 8oldiers' Home. Grace E- Jones, 67, 3948 S st. s.e. William P. Dudley, 66. Soldiers’ Home. Marcu Richardson, 64. 4401 3rd st. s.e. Myron Taylor. 63, 416 Oneida pi. Leo Rice, 61, Warrenton. Va. Georgue Pressiy. 61, 59 Forrester st. s.e. I Albert Springman, 60, 2243 Prout st. s.e. Alfred R. Betts, 64, 1806 Massachusetts ave., s.e. Ralph T. Scott. 60. 4437 Warren st. Eugene H. Bogel. 44. 3800 Porter st. Robert L. Brown. 86. Blue Plains. D. C. Cassie Randall, 76, 1604 D st. s.e. Edna F. Thompson. i76. 3234 Warder st. Mary Young. 63. 28 Virginia age. s.w. John H. Lomax. 51. 15 Lamond pi n.e. Cora Porter. 48, 490 Casey Set. s.w. Willie MeCalough, 48, 1233 9th st. James Thompson. 47, 1024 O st. n.e. Robert Chase, 46, 620 K st. n.e. Marion Harley. 43, 1530 Church st. Estella Brora. 43. 1100 3d st. George Poston, 39, 1233 9th at. Haskell Davis. 35, 1109 Harvard st. Helen M. Jackson. 17. Woods Corners. Md. | Edward P. Beverley. 72. Virginia. Lillian W. Doehiring, 66, 207 Elmira st. Hazel'Conner, 49, 219 Sheridan st. n.w. Edith Blades. 43. 618 6th st. n.w. SturatfeWtiiS"-” il A Mrs. Blanche Upright Author, Playwright, Dies •y ttw Auaciatad fmi PALM SPRINGS, Calif., April 5.— Mrs. Blanche Upright, 68, novelist and playwright, died of a heart ail ment in a theater here Saturday night. Mrs. Upright, who lived in Los Angeles, was here for a vacation. She was born in San Francisco and began her writing career on a news paper there. She wrote four ndvels, including “The Valley of Content," fire plays and many motion picture scenarios. The writer, a widow, is survived by a son, David, and an adopted son, Ernest Ferguson. Walter White Scores Foes of Civil Rights fty tH« Associated Press BICHMOND, Va., April 5 —Wal ter White, executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said here yesterday that the state ments of the Byrds and Tucks are “most effective propaganda for Communism.” “Their disloyalty is dangerously close to treason,” he said in an ad dress here at the opening of a drive for 10,000 members for the Rich mond branch of the NAACP. “People like Senator Byrd and Gov. Tuck,” he said, "are proclaim ing that democracy must move backward, not forward; that the world must go back to racial bigotry, is proclaiming white supremacy.” Mr. White said the “Southern Governors” were aiding the spread of communism in Europe. Russia, he said, is waging successful psy chological warfare among the op pressed peoples by offering them freedom from racial and religious discrimination. The NAACP will continue its fight against segregation, disfran chisement, lynchings and the caste system through the courts and'by keeping publicity “focused on this evil of bigotry and hatred,” Mr. White said. De Gaullists Appear Victors in Algeria ■y th* Auoyoltd Pratt PARIS, April 5.—Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s party appeared today to have won Algeria’s strife-tom elec tions. Dispatches to Paris said De Gaulle candidates already have won 22 of the 60 seats in the balloting for Algeria’s first home-rule Assembly. They still have a chance at 20 other seats, to be filled in run-ofT elec tions. Socialists and Radical Socialists won only two seats each. Seven Arab Nationalists were killed in a voting booth riot yes terday, the dispatches said, when the Arabs mobbed police guards at Aumale, inland from Algiers. A number of Nationalists were arrested for making anti-French statements. The first college of the Assembly is composed largely of European French. The.second college, which also has 60 seats, is to be composed of Arabs. The Assembly is only a consultative body. Arabs have criticized its creation because 500,000 European French elect 60 deputies to their college, while 1,200,000 Arab voters elect the same number to theirs. There are 9,000,000 Arabs and 1, 000,000 French in Algeria. Body of Man Recovered From Potomac Channel The body of a man identified as Charles William McSweeney, 50, of 1203 Potomac avenue S.W., was recovered from Georgetown Chan nel yesterday after being in the water at least a week. Dr. Richard M. Rosenberg, deputy coroner, will hold an autopsy today. The body was discovered about 500 feet upstream from Highway Bridge by Harbor Precihct Pvts. P. F. Clark and S. J. McKimmie. Identification was made at the Morgue by Ralph Hartman, of the same address, police reported. Mr. McSweeney was a tin worker and is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, they said. Two prewar German films Just exhibited in Chile proved unpopular. Mrs. Susie B. Dowling, Mother of Admiral, Dies After Long Illness Mrs. Susie Brackett Dowling, 78, wire of Harry W. Dowling, 3608 Fourteenth street N.W., and mother of Rear Admiral George B. Dowling, 17. S. N. Medical Corps, retired, of Alexandria, died here yesterday after long illness. Mr. Dowling is head of Thomas Dowling & Co., auctioneers, of 831 H street N.W. He is president of the Class of 1886 of the old Wash* ington High School, now Central High School. • Active in club work, Mrs. Dowling was associated with the Society of New England Women, Daughters of American Colonists, Staff Officers Club, American Red Cross, and was a past regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was a member of the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church. A native of Minneapolis, she was educated in Boston and New York, majoring in music. Mr. and Mr*. Dowling were married in 1892 at tha home of her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brackett of Minneapolis. They lived for many years at 614 E street N.W. Survivors, besides her husband and Admiral Dowling, include three daughters, Mrs. John P. Halsted of the Fourteenth street address, Mrs. Patterson Bayne of Alexandria, Mrs. Ninian Beall, 3404 Dent place N.W.; eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at > p.m. tomorrow at Geier’s funeral home, 3605 Fourteenth street N.W., with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Archie A. Gillis, 63, Union Official, Dies Archie A. Gillis. 63, assistant sec retary-treasurer of the United Asso ciation of Journeymen and Appren tices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fit ting Industry. AFL, died yesterday at Suburban Hospital after a heart attack. Mr. Gillis, who lived at 3000 Thir ty-ninth street N.W., came to Wash ington in 1945 to take the union past. A native of Belmont, Mass., Mr. Gillis joined the union in 1911 and was an organizer from 1924 until 1945. In his career as a labor leader he served In numerous executive po sitions. He received law degrees from Suf folk University Law School and from Blackstone Law School, and In 1941 was given an honorary degree of doctor of laws by the Blackstone school in recognition of his pioneer ing work in adult education as a member of the Workers’ Education Bureau of the AFL. Recently admitted to practice be fore the District bar, Mr. Gillis also was a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and had been ad mitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Funeral services will be 'held Thursday in Boston. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gladys Gillis; a daughter, Miss Jayne Gillis, a senior at Hood Col lege; a sister, Mrs. Catherine Crowe of Lynn, Macs., and a brother, Don ald A. Gillis of Boston. Dr. Clarence Comstock, Retired Professor, Dies ■y tho Associated Press PEORIA, 111., April 5.—Dr. Clar ence E. Comstock, 81, last member of Bradley University’s original fac ulty, died yesterday. He retired as professor of mathe matics In 1938, but had served as marshal of academic processions since then. Bradley was founded in 1897. Dr. Comstock held degrees from Knox College in his native Gales burg, 111., Johns Hopkins University In Baltimore and the University of Chicago. IQ^QNUMENTS M T *40 up II JL ,MARKERSM5*p H FALVEY ■ ^GRANITE CO. INC ml Wk£sfabh,h*d50Ytmrx 11^209 UPSHUR ST.NW. NttrAtt* Crrt* Crmrtny The Finest Costs No More The name Gawler has been known to represent the utmost in dignified fu neral service in the Washington area, j j yet this service is available to all at S | cost® within every means. \ j I I Phone NA. 5512 •‘"Gmiks** 1750 PENNA. AVE. N.Wr j j Just West of the White House Funeral Spray* ' and Flower» May Be Ordered Until 11 P.M. This night phene service is for your convenience end we'll be glod to open a "Memo Charge" if you so desire provided yea bore listed in the telephone directory. Funeral Sprays, $5.00 end up Until 8 p.m, phene Diet. 1300 8 p.m.-11 p.m. phene j WIs. 3980 1407 H ft. N.W.