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Spring’s Harbinger Arrives With News About Glen Echo By Harry MacArthur Open-Air Department: A sure harbinger of spring came striding into the office the other day. There was a chill on the air outside and only the bravest of buds had emerged to survey a frosty world. Spring was here, though, we knew the moment its messenger walked in the door. The harbinger was Ernest S. Johnston, who represents other things during the rest of the year, but4 who is spring’s man once annu ally. Let others await the robins or take note of the stirrings within them at the sight of a new pretty girl. , We know that the winter is done with again when Mr. John ston walks in and announces that Leonard Schloss is about ready to open the gates at Glen Echo Park once more. Next Saturday at 1 p.m. is the date set for the start of the park’s 38th consecutive season under Mr. Schloss’ management. From then on, it will be open daily from 1 pjn. to midnight. The winter at, Glen Echo has been spent in paint-1 lag and reconditioning, according to I the announcement Mr. Johnston laid on the desk, and in the add ing of "a magnificent structure erected to house additional at tractions.” “Glen Echo will be modem in every way,” the message continues in a breathless sentence, “with its new skeeball alley, shooting gallery and ‘Sportland’ offering the latest equipment in arcade pleasure-giving mechanical devices, also a modem photograph studio, Mme. Selena, palmistry parlor and many small at tractions, along with the old favorite rides, including the Coaster Dips, Carousel, World Cruise, with new scenes, the Whip, Flying Scooter, ■ txc/ujiv# Distributors of WV Prali & lombort Products B 2 Rain or Shine, Today? K Whichever it is, your roof needs some "thinking about.’' When the B ^B tun shines you will wont "roof beauty," and when it's raining . . . K B well, then you're going to be worrying about "roof deterioration." B B Tell us your roofing problems and let us recommend the right paint ^B M to beautify and preserve your roof- Just phone ME. 0150 today! | BUTLER-nWM [ B Over o Canfay of Specialization K 3 609 C St.. N. W. • MEtropolitan 0150 £ it 4 °t° LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICY CASH VALUES Utilize this service—to refinance an existing indebtedness or to provide additional funds The plan is simply this: An assignment of the policy is made to the Bank, a note for the desired amount is executed (limited to the cash value of the I policy), and you pay interest of $10 every three months for each one thousand dollars borrowed. Inquiries invited. Bank of Commerce & Savings ‘ 7»h of E N.W. IBrightwood Branch * _ H Street Branch h>nl« at Wnay Branch H at North Capital "Specialists im Life Insurants Loans" ( Mr Home Owner- a Perma Stone Surface / 1 is an INVESTMENT not a COST ( ■ m Thousands . . . yes, thousands of home owners are proud of their investment in the stone surface that offers more beauty . . . better fitness against weather conditions . . . more dura bility. Can be ap-^ plied to any surface. A HANDSOME PERMANENT STONE FINISH THAT MAKES YOUR HOME Brand New * This low monthly cost means all weather insulation, beauty and permanence, economy and com-' fort plus an increase in the value of your property. Owners of homes with Perma-Stone sur faces who invested ten years ago still look with pride on their homes’ beautiful exteriors. Ask for a free estimate this week. DERMA-STONF I 414 SIXTH STREET, N. W. RE. 6074 Xj .). * i Dodgem, Cuddle-up, the Joyride and Firefly.” * * * * Fine Start Department: Dick Skinner, who has assumed guidance of the Olney Theater’s affairs, an nounces that the season there will be launched Importantly by the ap pearance of Helen Hayes as the first star. Miss Hayes will start the the ater’s season May 38 by appearing for 11 performances, with her daugh ter, Mary Mac Arthur, in J. M. Bar rie’s comedy, “ Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire.” John Williams, who played the lead ing role opposite Miss Hayes two seasons ago yhen she and Miss Mac Arthur did the comedy on the straw hat circuit, also will appear in' the Olney production. Redge Allen and Evelyn Freyman, two of the Olney’s postwar found ers, remain as co-producers with Mr. Skinner. * * * * Hillbilly Department: Oene Autry and his movie horse, Champion, are to be featured In the singing cowboy’s own Western Variety Show, which will be staged next Saturday and Sunday at Uline Arena. Mr. Autry will be accomp anied by his Melody Ranch Hands and such people as Rufe Davis, hillbilly comedian: the Pinafores and the Cass County Boys will also be on hand. There will be four performances, at 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. each day of the local stand. Constitution Hall, of all places, will be the scene of hillbilly doings on Friday night when Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Beys stage their show there. Mr. Acuff, ac cording to those who would know about such things, is a man of con siderable stature in the field of hillbilly entertainment. His local appearance is sponsored by Connie B. Gay. * * * * Homecoming Department: Lynn Allison, the pretty lyric soprano who was an established part of the Capitol Theater’s entertainment program for five years, returns Thursday for a week of appearances with Sam Jack Kaufman and his orchestra. It was some two years ago that Miss Allison gave up the life of a singer to concentrate on the life of Mrs. Joseph McCoy, housewife. She likes that so well that one week was the longest Gene Ford could tear her away from, it. * * a a Pronunciation Department: Hop ing to get the word before film fans in time to avoid confusion, the local Warner Bros, office sends along a note about the new Warner Star Viveca Lindfors, who makes her American debut in the forth coming “To the Vi:tor.” If you knew Miss Lindfors well enough to call her by her first name you’d say VlV-ekah. Not Vi-VEE-kah. The necessity for straightening this out has reminded the Warner people of a number of other play ers whose names have been con fusing. Sir Cedric Hardwicke, they point out, is Sir Seed-rick and Bette Davis is Betty, never Bett. Lana Turner is Lannah, Charles Boyer is Shari Boyay, and it is Seen-ya Hasso, Claudette Col bear and T’rone, not Tie-roan, Power. The moral of this is; Never ask Warner Bros, how to pronounce the name of an M-G-M star. Lana Turner’s mother, who ought to know best, calls her Lahnah, not Lannah. Versatile Set ,. Sy the Aueciatad Press HOLLYWOOD. Economy rears its head in Holly wood. The set that was a plushy Bahama Island beach home In "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid” has be come a lakeside pavillion in "One Touch of Venus,” which has its setting in New York. NOT TO BE STOPPED—Susan Peters has triumphed over the shooting accident which has kept her confined to a wheel chair to star in the new film drama, “The Sign of the Ram.” It is the next attrac tion on the Metropolitan’s schedule. . j Hollywood: Miss Taylor May Get to Play Queen Bess By Sheilah Graham Elizabeth Taylor for "Young Bess,” not Deborah Kerr? That is the plan now cooking at Metro where Lizzie Is testing to play Eng land’s most famous Queen Elizabeth when she was a girl of 16—Miss Taylor’s age today. This will be the first picture to be made in Metro's lavish London’s studios. They’ll probably use an Englishman for the Earl of Essex role. But for Miss Taylor it will be the real turning point of her career and make her a star overnight. Van Heflin is wanted for the professor role in “Little Women,” but he says "no.” He feels he isn’t old enough and doesn’t have the right accent for the part. In that case why don’t they use Paul Lukas, Where and When Current Theater Attractions and Time of Shewing Stage. National—"An Inspector Calls”; 8:30 pm. Screen. Ambassador—'"April Showers”; 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25 and 9:40 pm. Capitol—"Three Daring Daugh ters”; 10:30 am., 1:25, 4:20, 7:10 and 10:05 pm. Stage shows: 12:40, 3:35, 6:25 and 9:20 pm. Columbia—“The Bride Goes Wild”; 11:10 a.m., 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:25 and 9:30 pm. Dupont—"Panic”; 11 a.m„ 12:40, 2:30, 4:20, 6:10, 8 and 9:50 pm. Hippodrome—“Volpone”; 3, 3:55, 5:50, 7:45 and 9:40 pm. Keith’s—"I Remember Mama”; 10:40 am., 1:25, 4:10, 6:50 and 9:35 pm. Little—"Wilson”: 10:45 am., 1:20, 4, 6:40 and 9:20 p.m. Metropolitan—“Relentless”; 11:25 am., 1:30, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 pm. Palace — “Gentleman’s- Agree ment”; 10:30 a.m„ 13:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:35 and 9:40 pm. Pix—"Golden Boy”; 3:25, 8:40 and 9:5Tpm. «**’ Trans-Lux — News and shorts. Continuous from 10:15 am. Warner—“April Showers”; 10:45 am.. 1:05. 3:15, 5:25, 7:40 and 9:50 pm. _ _ AMUSEMENTS lifts WILSON' | WIONESOAY LESLIE HOWARDM scarlet!! . MMPERNEL0ggfiWjff mm Matin*** HaliHavt WmI S8S® 17TH & KAIORAMA ROAD N.W. Parking in tha Building NEXT SATURDAY AT ONE THE FUN Starts at 40-Acre New Buildinga and New Attraction* Ready EVERY DAY, 1 TO 12 P.M. Paul Kain Ork. of 12 mnd STARLET HELEN MARTIN AT THE BALLROOM BEST MUSIC AND MOST REASONABLE PRICED DANCING IN THE EAST FROM * TO MIDNIGHT NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS LADIES GENTLEMEN 40c 60c 1 who played the role originally with Katharine Hepburn? Miss Hepburn, incidentally, won’t be making a movie until the fall. Then it is a complete change of pace for her—a modem comedy, “Experiment in Lov." Katie is cur rently in New York. Greer Garson’s set is closed again because they say they don’t want the press to see Greer doing her dangerous acrobatic stunts, which, the studio reports, she is doing all by herself. That’s the kind of thing I have to see to believe. Red Skelton is a busy boy. He has to do another week of extra scenes for “The Southern Yankee” and is also getting ready to start “Nep tune’s Daughter." Red tells me “I’m still a very unhappy character because Metro won’t agree to my making only one picture a year for them. I guess they just don’t care if I’m not happy.” * * * * Buster Keaton, old-time straight faced comic, is working on Red’s “Southern” picture and he explains to me why he canceled eight very profitable weeks of personal ap pearances in Sweden this summer and a picture he was to make in Italy. “I don't want to be stuck there,” says Buster, “when the Rus sians seal up all the roads in Europe.” Robert Taylor, by the way, will not decide on whether he is going to Italy until after the up-and coming Italian elections. If the Communists win, Bob will not be going over there to star for Clar ence Brown in his remake of “Quo Vadis.” Tyrone ’Powers picture, “Prince of Foxes,” would also be made in Hollywood in that event. No pic ture company wants to be stuck in Italy if the Commies take over. Anne Baxter is a traltoress to her sex! After hearing that John Hodiak was going into “Command Decision,” an all-male movie, she cracked, “The best movies are those without women”! Clark Gable, star of “Command Decision," is back in Hoyylwood AMUSEMENTS M NOW . . . Open 10:13 |M Mac! 111 Jana POWELL \ SI MAJOR BOWES OraJiatH j I1NNY mrSON pies > Inti »•(« ■i Jl——-TMKDIY IgA m*i im Uietti riKi tiittn «iw i ■I SITTING PRETTY" J n\mer* Micnurus- / _ V'AK UTC MM - MUM MAW A 9 f=L] C L, mil NOW ■ . . Open 10:13 1 wl He Academy ( * I Award Picture | V I GREGORY FECK m I DOROTHY McGUIRE II JOHN GARFIELD m^MKI FITZGERALD Start* Thursday Loew's Palace ■* MMiHOWARB DUFF‘DOROTHY HART * OQH TAYLOR sa^'er.iSsHE&fs with bis leg still a little stiff, but it wont matter if he limps a bit for his role as a general. What a cast this picture has! In addition to Gable and Hodiak, there are Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Tom Drake and Edward Arnold. * * * * Gene Tierney gave out another intriguing statement before die took off for Sun Valley fra: her picture, "That Wonderful Urge.” ‘Tm not sure,” said Gene, "whether I really want to make my divorce from Oleg final.” Margaret O’Brien is thinking of bringing a lawsuit against the publi cation which listed her next birth day as being her thirteenth. Maggie says she is only 10 now! Cary Grant is the talk of the town since the Masquers’ dinner to Brit isher Sid Fields. Cary played a stand-in in a skit, took custard pies on the kisser and was thrown to the flow by four men who practically turned him inside out. At the end Cary was still smiling. (Revis'd by North Americas Newspaper Alliance.) AMUSEMENTS I *917773 I vuidiy l Doors Open 10:45. PrtHck Hoyoi fnwiiti ■■■ RUDOLF Pianist SERKIN Thareday. April 8—8:30 P.M. Canctltatisn Ball Ticket*: fl.90. $1.80, $8.40, $3.00 Sbcw CcBcert Barcaa BE. 443$ 1188*0 St, N.W. (Campkcll’c) If rri'JTJ 141W99 “R j miT pVVAMS^. l F/II CARSON f mb SQTHERN um j MTnRQfflQQBn3QQ9 stiiw I'ni iiiiiiiif ri ,au l-"" Violence. Love...Sudden Death in the Old West! ROB T YOUNG MARGUERITE CHAPMAN •» Cohsmbtt SVfcia* 'RELENTLESS' coto. .. TECHNICOLOR Coining THURSDAY I _[- . ■TO THC VICTO* | GOES This WOMAN’-' J—* - -T] A MIGHTY FINE PICTURE COC—POST V%M#'4\:'1STH ■ ■ AT DOORS OPEN TODAY ImflV ° 12:30 NOON KEITH’S ^ 20 YEARS OF ACADEMY • AWARD WINNERS i 4 Really Not So Bad. By rit* AtMctafad Frau HOLLYWOOD. Jane Wyman and David -Niven knew each other only by reputation until they met formally on the set of “A Kiss in the Dark." The pleasantries of introduction disposed of, they went into their first scene. Miss Wyman’s initial words in the script: "You stinker! You heel!" Afterward, Niven sent her flowers and a note reading, "Please don’t believe the script. I’m really not such a bad guy.” AMUSEMENTS DIttlllAtiMMliM ftp pwgr n waacm ****»••» ■»' Nm •tm"**** m vim not* imm; a«n* AMUSEMENTS ......■> ”OREAT FUN I FROM FRANCE” 1 Ntw Yorktr H P^iJCsTixi I TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES CAROLINA "*‘u*,.SJr7 “• mCRF**1* qum.f 2103 Pa. Ava. N.W. Rl. 01(4 JEANNE CRAIN. DAN DAILEY. OSCAR LEVANT In "YOU WERE MEANTFOR ME." at 8. 7:50. 0:40. DUMB ASTON ’** Av Laat Day, James Fanimor* Cooper's "THE LAST OF THE REDDEN ' (In Color) With JON HALL. MICHAEL O SHEA. EVELYN ANKERS. BUSTER CRABBSi Also TALK ABOUT A LADY." FAIRFAX THEATEX Baataa 50. SB. XI1—Proa Parkin. Walt Disney * BAMBI” (in Teehnieolor). Alao 5 Cartoons. CBTPWB|t|l|T Oreoobeh, Md. OR- 2222 BETTY OBAMA DAK DAILEY In MOTHER WORE TIOHTB” (In Taehnl eolor), at 7:15. 8:S0. LITTLE >th(t. Above > "WILSON.” At 10:45. 1:20, 4, 5:40. 0:20. Illll 2402 Mt. Yarn. Ava., Del Ray, Alax. ‘ JMT* OV. 3540 Cant, from 4:30 P.M. "I COVER BIG TOWN,” Pin* "DEVIL ON WHEELS.” Also Ntws. WALDOBF THEATRE 7 and 0 PM. WALLACE BEERY In "ALIAS A GENTLEMAN." —SIDNEY LUST TREATERS-, DRIVE-IN °" ul,° rik* 5 Mln Past U. af Md. TO. 5R00 Two Hits. Open 6:30. Individual In ffigrfjRWkgW ^ Todtr^ Tomorrow. CONQUEST.’” at fc:56.~ HIPP0BRM1E ^ _"VOLPONX' iflj ~|& Wit. Ave. A l.-W. Hwy. ■“ *J-111 Wt. 2(4( or >434 , Free Parkin*—Open 6._ Today. Tomorrow. T,I KNOW WHERE I'M OOINO.” Direct from 10 Record Weeks at the Hippodrome. WENDY HILLER, ROOER LIVXSEY, at 6:15. 8. 0:60. MILO Phene Reck. 2434 List Dev. "ALBUQUERQUE," RAN DOLPH SCOTT, at 7:12, 8:25 KAYWOOD Free Parkin*—Hearinr Aids Last Day. "THE BI8HOPS WIFE.” CARY GRANT, LORETTA YOUNG. DAVID NIVEN, at 6:40. 0:10: Laat Day, M-G-M Newareel Shota of Easter Era Hunt. _ CAMPfl Ml. Rainier, Md. tsilCIWI WA. >744. Twe Mitt! Last Day. Dianey Supertoon Show, Walt Disney's "BONO OF THE SOUTH” (in Technicolor). Plus Walt Dlsney'a "FUN AND FANCY FREE” (In Techni color). Last Complete Show 8:06. HTATTSTKLE ES7S" _ Hyatta. 0662—Free Parkin*. Today, Tomorrow. "YOU WkRI MEANT FOR ME,” DAN DAILEY. JEANNE CRAIN, at 6:15. 8:10. 10:06, Today, Tomorrow, M-O-M Newsreei 8hota of Eaatcr Etc Hunt! OKTERIT TSXTEV Today. CT0m^rr,^k,"BWOF'8 WIFE” LORETTA YOUNO. CARY GRANT, DAVID NIVEN, at 6:65, 0:10. MARLIDBO Uppw M*r,bor°, Md. * Merl. X75 Last Day. ‘THE FABULOUS TEXAN." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, ANDY DEVINE, at 7:18, 8:20. HEED '*** Kin* **' AUjc. 3449 Pork in* Spocn. MARGARET O'BRIEN, OEOROE J f MURPHY In -TENTH AVENUE AN >. I GKL "_ j* ymciMiA u’ * iSWog^s-i^?^ c6uu" f | RICHMOND Doublo Future, "WOLVES OF THE J* BEA," "JAWB OF THE JUNGLE 1 CEWT1E Polrlington, Vg. | VU1BL TEmpio 1000 S "CARY AND THE BISHOP'S WIFE." I C*«Y GRANT, LORETTA YOUNG. 3 SmUMGTOH "THE EXILE.” DOUGLAS FAIR BANKS. Jr . MARIA MONTEZ. 1TBTV PhotM foil. Church 13S3 amiii Shewi 7 l • P.M. "CARY AND THE BISHOP'S WIFE." CAST GRANT, LORETTA TOUNO. * PP A Irogt for tho Entlro Family 28 UL show. 7 * * P.M. "LAST ROUNDUP.” GENE AUTRY. if5 ULBtm ™ If’otSn Shi "YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME,” ®jT JRANNE CRAIN. DAN DAILEY. m WttlOH ’XToT s .. C^YTORANTnLOR^TAtT8OUNO*’ 3 o *cornu jim wn.on nvd. □ S AanlUn Phono Oxford 113* 3s “CASS TIMBERLANE'' SPENCER 2 TRACT. LANA TURNER._ Si BUCHHG1AM SS^Mi Ok 'YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME.” fo, JEANNE CRAIN. DAN DAILEY. wi n nr tiso no. atoso m. Bo ■"■■■ Proo Parking. Oxford 434* •*} j Soaring Aid.. H £ "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE." TT ■ « ROWE POWER, JEAN PETERS. *~IYHD 7* 1BPT 43th A Mou. Avo. N.W. ““ WO. 4400. Cant. 1-11 P.M. CART GRANT, LORETTA TOUNO in “CARY AND THE BISHOP'S WIFE," §»t 1. 3:10. 4:30, 7:30, 3:44._ in If 1331 H St. N.E. ATIoAa 0#ub|. FMt. Opon 13:30 CARY GRANT, 8HIRJJY TEMPIX. MYRNA LOT In THE BACHELOR m AND THE BOBBY ■OXER”: JUNE U ALLYSON. PETER LAWFORD In §g ••POOD NEWB.”_ C CrMlTHB Minn. Avn. at tanning p IfiBATUB . M n.e. tb. 2*00 §m coni. 1-11. CARY GRANT, LOR . ETTA TOUNO In "CART AND THE M BISHOPS WIFE." *t 1:16. 3:30. i 4:24. 7:38. 8:33._ NAYL0B * AvlT5oA¥,‘ “■ DAN DAILEY. JEANNE CRAIN In •YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME, At 7:30. 0:36. I WAIOTX BROS.' THEATEBS T%*fterlaDWift a/ViliTxtfuine^titi "M»w Brea. Path* Now* ttm. Thaaiare Hstlnf Matin*** IMtimiMB 1 iTh A Cal. R4.Pi.W. luwuaiurva C0.3S»3.M*t.1 P.M. Jack Canon, Ann Sotharn In "AsMl Showers." at 1. 8:10, 6:20. 7:26, 9:40. 1EYE1LY isSTTSi; UTiHI II. JJ00. Mat 1 tM. Cary Grant, Loretta Yount, The Blab op's wife." 1. 3:06. 6:20. 7:80. 8:40. tkl VniT 3324 Wh. Av*. N.W. VfUsYUlI wo 2345 Mat , fM Cary Grant, Loretta Yount. "Hit Blab ops Wife," 1. 3:06. 6.16. 7:24. 73i. rran ii 425 »ih *». n.w. *IMM| MI. 2841. Open 10>43 AM. Randolph Scott In "Albuquerque," at 11, 2:30, 0. 9:36; Robert Ttrlor fa “High Wall." at 12:50. 4:26. 7:66. KEHMEDY Nr. 4th n.w. ■Utnu/I „A 44Q0 Mat. 1 P.M. Dana Andrews, Merle Oberon fa Nitht Bont." at 1:20. 3:20, 6:26. 7:30. 8 30. Pm t« Av*. *t 7th IT rutlt II. 5200 Mat. 1 P.M. Cary Grant, "The Bishop’* WUe." at 1:10. 3:16. 6:lj7 7:20, 9:25. raramair' <*« *v- a 9UUVHR ,A J400 , pj* Tyrone Power fa "Captain Prom Css tlle." at 1:20. 4, 6:40. 9:26. tnVTR Av*. A Catatvlll* Pike •UsTUI tH 5300 M.,. , p.M. Tyrone Power fa "Captain Prom Caa* tile," at 1:20. 4:06, 0:60. 9:36. TTVfll l 14<h A Pork N. N.W. I IT Vls3 co 1100. M*t. 1 P.M. Cary Grant, Loretta Yount. 'The Btab op'i Wife," 1:10. 3:16. 6:16. 7:20, 8?36 nprnvi Conn. Av*. A Newark WrIVW" WO. 3400. Mat. 1 P.M. Cary Grant, Loretta Yount. "The Bish op s Wile.” 1, 3 OB. 6:16. 7:26. 9:36. Theater* isttsi Iw»ln fsrttnuseie APULLO t24nH^ aVlLAN 3412 C«nn. Av*. N.W. ATfUtVn wo 2500 Tyrone power fa ‘‘Captain Proa Cas tile,” at 0:35. 9:20. mfikAMD Tim Holt, Nan LoaUa fa "Wtrtara Haritate.’’ at 0:35. 8:18. 19. C0LQVY 4931 0**<’*i< av*. H.W. ’ > wvawsi a oi. 4300 gpencer Traoy, Una Turner fa "Oaas Tlmberlane." at 0:46. 9:18 HOME 1230 C It. N.t TR. lilt MltAty Rooney fa “Killer McCoy - at 8.18. 8:20; Penny Blntleton. Arthur Lafce in ‘ Blondit > AnniYt^«^ry,,, 8:1ft. Mie ARTHUR4,39 $°kcA^r ,u-. Jeanne Crain, Dan Dailey In *’Yeu vVere Meant lor Me." at n. 7.45, 8:40.’ SAVOY *030 i4th I.r^w; •ATVI CO. 496t Berry Sullivan, Bellta In "The Oant cter." et 8:16, 8. 8:80. SEC0 *144 ®°- Avs., Silver Spring SH. 2340. Parking Spec* William Eythe. Barbers Britton In 'Mr. Reckless." at «:16. 8:80. Leo Oortey fa “Antels' Alley." 7:20, 8 66. TAKfiMi 4*1* * lutternut Sts. IHBBPUI Q| 43,2 Porkin# S(MC. Bpeneer Tracy. Una Turner In "Can Tlmberlane,” at 8:40. 8:16. YAW Ow- Av*. and Quahac PI. N.W? ■ RA. 4400 ay stv.&vfo00'in TumutE >»vi “THE BISHOP’I**' Wllx." CARY GRANT. LORETTA YOUNG f HEWTON }2\k, NN*;tc* (3 ‘•YOUP*wraEh A&£k*JS;" P JEANNE CRAIN. DAN DA1IXY. ' 5 jesse H Double Feature* *“QRia§? ' DOLPHIN C STREET." LANA TURNER. VAN HEFLIN: "CAMPUS HONEYMOONJ" a- LYN AND LEE WILDE, ADEL* MARA_ ICYI V AM 3a* 3t. A R. I. Ave. N.W. • I Is V All Phone NOrth P68P 1 •ALBUQUERQUE" RANDOLP* SCOTT. BARBARA BRITTON THl VILYAM *707 Mt. Varnon NIW vAmIiWII Ava, Ala*., V*. One Black Fram Freaidential GarRea*. Phan* ALaa. 2424. "THE BISHOPS WIPE." CART m GRANT. LORETTA YOUNG. m ACADEMY 7 C Double Feature. "THE E X1 L E" S DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Jr . MARI* ® MONTEZ: “UNDER THE TONTp •4 MM." TIM HOLT. Mat et 1 PM mm Double Feature. ’HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS.” ROBERT CUMMINOR BRIAN DONLEVY: "PHILO VANCE RETURNS ” WILLIAM WRIGHT, _ TERRY AUSTIN _ .1.11 1 n —*1 FairUwa Aauc. Co. Tkoaton nicelano “* Tr^r,A - <%%ninSF,£kjJttNrc&AJ&- 2, 1:18, 8:06. 9:85. ATLANTIC m Av* %Y,°WR/SrHA0P,i0«' mt 6:55. 9:26.__ - CONCUSS «' "I?*.™ “ TYRONE POWER In "CAPTAIN PROMt CAgrrnj" (In Technicolor). 6:26. 9:066 r»nuinr““rr,»S'“-”-, Double Feature. GALE SHERWOOD lift ! "BLONDE SAVAGE." at 8:40, 9 10.* RICHARD D E N N I N O, BUSTER CRABBEia "CAOED FPRT," 7:40. 10. LAUREL laurel, M. laurel 113 a I l=r§S^wolK5uJrMin*T4SuSin.y. U6C9RU iyUfiMS Dflllu CART GRANT. IgRTITA TOPWO 1» • CART AND THE BISHOPS WIFE." at 1. 3:06. 6 10, 7:16. 9:26. , CAPITOL <^ «•*&** . WMSFftStfFNW* 2. 8:25. 8:05. 0:46. Il-BETEBDA '“V" CART GRANT. LORETTA TOUNO la “THE BISHOP’S WIFE. * At §:45» T:45, f :4f FM. I t'