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ROOMS FURN—Narttiw**. (Cm*.). MT. PLEASANT, 3120 18th it. n.w.—Dble. tl«L. *7.60 wk. CO 5148. —5 DUPONT CIRCLE AREA, 2111 8 st — Beaut, front rm. for 3. newly decorated: 2 large closets: *26 ea. mo.: double rm.. twin beds. *6 per wk each. —8 EUCLID ST., near 14th—Front semibase ment rm.. southern exposure; special price to refined settled girl. To Inspect, call CO 7856. —6 Ml 3 MOZABT PLACE—Double room ad joining bath; Inclosed porch: one or two ltdles; *45 or *60. Call NO. 4471 be tween 8 and 7 p.m. 6* MT. PLEASANT—Single room for gentle man. with semiprivate bath: close to trsnsp. Call after 6. CO. 8223. —6 14031 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Extra large parlor bedroom fo> 3 or 4 refined girls or young men: 6 large windows, all newlv furn.; entertslninejprlvlleges. RA. 0036. —6 DUPONT CIRCLE AREA. 1702 Que st. n.w. —2nd floor front, one master bedrm., twin beds. 4 bay windows, Venetian blinds, gas heat, nicely furn.. near bath, $60 per mo. Same thing 2nd floor rear, twin beds, 2 windows, gas neat. Venetian blinds, next to bath: $50 Der mo. Same as above. 3rd floor rear. *44 per mo. Call CO. 6800. Ask for MR. GOODMAN —7 Sift EJTTENHOUSE 8T. N.W—Large front room, employed couple or girls; unlimited phone: *45 month. TA. 0616. —6 1764 KILBOUENE FL—Large front room, twin beds; splendid transp. CO. 9238. ■ 6 *000 16th 8T., Apt. 60—For men; clean, cool rm., facing 16th st. Decatur 1696. —6 2121 R ST. N.W—Single or double room: In private home; for professional woman; references required. —8 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING KM., near Conn, ave. bus and stores: *14 wkly. 3816 Mili tary rd., Chevy Chase, D. C. EM. 2123. 8* 1748 LANIER PL. N.W., CO. 1852—Room, with twin beds: *35 single; double, $40; 2 other rooms, *32 and *40, with kitchen privileges. —6 COLORED—3630 13th ST. N.W—2 fur nished rooms for employed couple or man, all privileges. Double. $12.50; single. *8. HO. 9269. —5 COLORED—3«ftl 13th ST. N.W—Room for working girl to ghare another. HO. 0375. —6 COLORED—142 8 8T. N.W—2nd-floor room, nicely furnished: for gentleman preferably. HO. 3307. COLORED—FURNISHED single and double room with home privileges; prefer man or couple: in oulet family. DE. 0483. .—6 COLORED—3523 13th 8T. N.W_Nice rm. for 2 girls, twin beds, furnished; conv. to trsnsp Phone DE. 4676. —ft COLORED—NICELE FURN. rm. for girl. *5.50 week. 1713 Corcoran st. n.w. •—ft ROOMS FURNISHED— Northoort 606 E N.E.—Large double rm.. next to beth; 1 or 2 empl. people. LI. 3710. —9 124* DELAFIELD PL.—Pvt. beth. lge msster bedrm. with twin beds, desk; in new house with new furniture: ',4 blk. transp. in Michigan Park; 2 men: $27.50 •ach mo., or $50 for 1 man. DU. 1830 —5 638 C ST. N.E.—Large clean l.h.k, sink, double bed. for 1 or 2 employed adults; no drinkers. —9 1316 NORTH CAROLINA AVE. N.E.—Dou ble bedroom, with blond furniture: redec orated; pvt. home; laundry privils. Call after 6 p.m. except Sat. and Sun. AT. 8754. —5 THE MARICK. 138 B st. n e.—Comfort able rm.. newly decorated, new furnish ings. laundry facilities: triple and doubles, $22.50 to *27.50; single, *37.60. TR. PI 54. —8 22nd ST. N.E., 3204—Newly decorated •ingle or double front room, next to bath; convenient to atreetcars and shopping. DE. 3061 —6 9009 S. DAKOTA AVE. N.E.—Por gentle men. a nice rm, southern exposure, next to bath, telephone outside of door. DE. 3114. 5* 4005 CLAT PL. N.E., right oft Minn, ive — Large room, next to bath; suitable for 2 men or employed couple; *35 single. $40 double. —6 3961 CLAY PL. N.E.—2 unfurnished rooms, next to bath; kitchen privils.; new home, 1 block from bus stop. Cell TW. 8548 alter 5 P.m. 2712 6th ST. N.E., Apt. 3—Front room for 2 congenial girls; one other uses bath; Unlim. phone, full kit. privils. HO. 6584 after COLORED — 1807 GAULT PL. — Living room, bedroom for refined couple, or two refined men. VI. 3817. • R. I. AVE. N.E.—Bedroom and living room, garage, private home. $45 month. Call before 1:30 Sunday or after 7 p.m. Sun day. weekdays before 9:30 am. or after 7:30 p.m DE. 5373. —6 MASTER BEDRM., extra lge. closet. 4 win dows. in private home: limited kit. prlvil.: excel, transp.; unlim. phone; for couple or 2 empl. girls. HO. 7690. —5 COLORED—LARGE PRONT ROOM, furn ; employed persons; kit, priv. All day Sun day. wk. days after 7 p.m. 5050 Just st. me. 6* COLORED—EMPLOYED PERSON; near busline: single or double room. LU. 3 484. COLORED — 638 CALLAN ST. N.E. — Furn. rm, for nice couple; no cooking; *10 per wk. ROOMS fURmSWEE—S.t, .a4 S.W, 1625 H ST. S.E.—Lge. master bedrm.; beautifully furn; next to bath; use of pvt. porch. Franklin 2990. —5 035 EAST CAPITOL—Large front room on 2nd floor; nicely furnished twin beds; also single room, maid service. TR. 9754. —9 717 10th gT. S.E.—Bright double rm.; kit. prlvil. Apt. 6. —6 801 B ST. S.E.—3nd-floor front single room in private home: nicely furnished: excel, transportation. FR. 4862. —5 FORT DUPONT ST. S.E.—Large, comfort able room: new. private home; 2 gentle men. TW. 1062. —5 200 4lh ST. S.E.—Newly decorated: nicely furnished; with or without kit. privileges. TR. 9001. _ ROOMS FURNISHED—Md. fr V«. KENSINGTON—Rm., kit privileges if de sired; women pref.: close to transp. Call eves, after 7 or Sat. and Sun., PL. 9762. —6 BUS TO PENTAGON and Navy Annex: 2 rooms and private bath: kltch. and laun dry privileges; till June 10. TE. 3535.—5 ALEXANDRIA. VA.—Large front room: ideal for employed couple: with kitchen privilege. ALex. 6271. —5 ALEXANDRIA-—Room, twin beds: private home: ood bus service Pentagon and Washington. TE. 1245. —6 FOR GENTLEMAN: 10 min. Wash.. 5 min. Pentagrr. Navy Annex, buses; parking at entrance; no other guests, TE. 4981. —8 SILVER SPRING—Large bedroom in new private home Call SL. 4927. —8 ALEXANDRIA. VA.—Sgl*. bedrm.. next to bath, in nvt. home: 10-cent busfare D. C.; also use of den. ALex. 5773. ROOMS UNFURNISHED._ 441A GA. AVE. N.W. — .'1 unfurnished rooms in private home; semiprivate bath. —fl COLORED—LNFURN. ROOMS for rent, 74S Hobart pi. n.w, _—5 ROOMS WITH BOARD. CALVERT HOUSE. 1401 16th st. n.w — Well-appointed residence! for business people; newly decorated rooms; selected menus, switchboard. —15 1754 MASS. AVE. N.W., Dupont Circle— Attractive dble. for girls; vacancy to share, for girls and men; pvt. bath: good food. VIC. WARDMAN PARK Hotel — Vacancy for girl In double room: nice clean home, unlimited phone. DE. 5867 or LU. 7697. 6* ARLINGTON—Lge. sunny rm.. home-cooked meals; conv. transp. downtown and Pen tagon; daily maid service; parking avail able. OL. 8910. —6 1826 BILTMORE ST. N.W. — Near 18th and Columbia rd.; several vacancies for young people: free narking. —10 WENDELL TERRACE, 1827 Belmont rd. n.w —Plan now for a comf. summer: light girv rms. to share: lge. porch, spacious lawn: superior meals: excel, transp.; maid service: 845 mo. MI. 9435. —7 NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE. 1712 New Hampshire ave. n.w—Newly decorated dble. rms . single studio beds, daily maid aervice, switchboard; good food. NO. 2266 DOUBLE AND SHARE RMS., for men and women, 2107 S'st. n.w., NO. 8134 . > —8 1776 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Attractive triple rm. avail : excel, meals. DU. 9557. —5 COMPLETE CARE for small child, by wk or month, in licensed (2nd yr.) private home: fenced yard. FA. 3486. —6 NR. BALTER REED—Cor. front, nice home, excel, meals, to empl. adults. 0906 Sth st. n.w.. OF. 068.1. —6 1325 16th ST. N.W—Nicely furnished rooms, for young ladies and young men; running water; telephones in rooms; show ers: elevator: excellent board. 7* COLORED—1251 OATES ST.—Clean rm. with board: desirable, convenient loca tion: employed person, AT, 4293. —5 ROOMS WANTED. BUSINESSWOMAN desires room with bath: accessible to National Institute of Health, Bethesda. WI- 9878, MISS KNAPP, after 6 p.m. • MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN desires clean, comfortable, quiet, single room in good location, n.w. or s.w.. convenient to down town area by May 1. State price. Box 223-T^Star. _* | APARTMENTS FURNISHED. CLEVELAND PARK, 3727 Van Ness st. n.w.. just off Conn. ave.. nr. Bureau of Standards—2-rm. and kit. apt.: very charming, modern home: bus stoo con venient: 2 reliable gentlemen pref., or couple: 512.50 wk. eg, EM. 4746. —5 ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED APT., bedrliv tnr room bath, kitchen: 3 refined girls *30 ea 5406 7th st. n.w.. OE. 7871. 5* DOWNTOWN—1-rm. studio apt., place to cook for 3- share bath: *70. Call EX. 3682. Box 44-S. Star. —9 CHILLUM. N.W.—5 rms. In modern det. home. pvt. entrance; euitable up to 4 adults; *160. GE. 2943. Box 128-S. Star. —6 TAKOMA PARR, on bus line: pvt. en trance. liv. rm.. 2 small bedrma.. kit., bath, new rrigidaire: $72.50 plus gas and elec. Box 400-S. Star. —6 FOR 2 GIRLS—Nicelv turn., utilities and linens inch: transp. at door: *65 per mo. 4608 Ga. ave. n.w. RA 4370. —8 WANTED, GIRL between 20*7 to share 2-bedrm. apt.: on buslines; *25. 8169 MacArthur blvd. OR. 5066. —5 STUDIO APT., with kit. and dinette. 2 closets; refgr.. gas and elec.: semi-pvt. bath: *70. Sober empl. couple. 437 Park IN VIC OF CLIFTON ST. N.W.—Vacancy the 15th for 1 girl between 23-25. to share large apt with 3 other girls: give ref.: Govt. empl. preferred; *30 month. Box 89-S. Star. —6 38-29 KANSAS AVE. N.W.—2 dbl rms.. kit.: each rm.. *50; adults only: nice sec tion: conv. transp. TA. 4S45. —6 *53 MARTLAND AVE. N.E.—Two Urge rooms, first floor: ouiet married couole. both employed: *18 per week —5 ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom apt.. Glover Park section: beautifully and completely fur nished. available April 10. for 6 to S months: *165 mo.: no children or pets. Call RE. 0800. Ext. 21 tor sppt. Box 285-8. Star. *446 14th ST. N.W.—Entire 3rd floor. 2 Urge rooms, kit., dinette, bsth. Prigldaire. eh.w: *115 mo. For Inspection, phone OE. 4762. *39 E ST. N.W—Desirable 2-room apt., t 1st floor, front; *20 wk. —7 , 6*16 3rd ST. N.W.—Large one-room X basement, apt . pvt. entrance, pvt. bath, |sew refgr., elec., gag; *60. APTS. FURNISHED (Cwit.). 16th AND R STS.—Suitable for responsible couple with children, or 4 adults: owner's personal apt.: leaving Wash.; indirect light., air-cond. fan: 3 full new bedrms., 2 com pletely new colored tiled baths, lge. liv. rm.. 6-ft. windows, unique dinette and modern kitchen; avail, immed.; including utilities, dishes, silver, etc., $276. 1636 R st. n.w. 11* 3-RM. APT., near 18th and Columbia rd.. for empl. eple.; refs, red.; S72.S0 mo. DE. 1726. Box 321-8. Star. —7 REFINED, SETTLED GIRL to share cozy 3-rm. apt. with another girl: all conven iences; nssr Highland Theater, s.e.i $35 mo. VI. 2991; call after 4 p.m. Box 322-8. Star. • 1317 IRVING 8T. N.W_Bachelor’s one room, l.h.k., efficiency; refer., next to bath: 1 quiet, sober man; $10 week. AD. 0359. —11 ATTRACTIVE 3-room furn. apt.. Venetian blinds, pvt. entrance: beaut, grounds; 14'/a miles from White House, in Va.. 1 block from Safeway; $130 mo. Phone Vienna 207- J. —11 2- BEDRM. APT., bright and sunny rooms, nicely furn.; $150: 2 months rent adv. DE. 5420. Box 319-8. Star. —6 NICELY FURNISHED, bed. living room, kitchen, bath apartment: all pvt. utilities furnished: one block from bus: $95 a month. Takoma Park. Md., 8L. 5269. —6 45* G ST. S.W.—Two-room apartment: $40 month. —7 ARLINGTON APT., close In: liv. rm. 14x21, fireplace, kitchen, bath and closets: smell rear yard: middle-aged person only. CH. 5330. NEAR WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, on Conn, sve.—Exceptionally spacious 2-bedroom apartment: huge foyer, large living room, modern kitchen and bath: beautiful antique furnishings; only careful, discriminating adults will be considered: available by April 15; 6 months' lease: $175 per month. AD. 1349. Box 46-8. Star. 1231 OWEN PL. N.E.—Two rooms, all housekeeping conveniences; Immediate possession: $55. Call FR. 0399. • 1334 VERMONT AVE. N.W.—One-rm. ant. for 1 or 2: $38 mo.: maid aervice: good location. CO. 5004. • APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE* II so. you may have immed. occupancy of an apt. in nearby Va. Write details to Box 439-8. Star. —5 3- RM. UNFURN., share bath: pvt. home: newly decorated. Furnish own stove snd refrlg: young couple desired; $75 2224 1st st. so., Arlington, Vs. —6 41* 15th ST. 8.E.—Three unfurnished rms.: stove furnished: $50 mo. LU. 1980. COLORED—NR. NORTH CAPITOL snd Florida ave.—Two rooms, kitchen and semlpvt. bath: $72.50 per mo. Phone DU. '1512 between 6 and 8 p.m. Box 140-8. Star.—6 APARTMENTS EXCHANGED. 1- BEDROOM APT., nice section, at $63. per mo. including utilities: for a 4-bedrm. nouse at $100 mo.: University Park or Mass. ave. extended: executive, permanent; 2- yr. lease minimum. Cali OR. 1971. —11 NEWTORT. R. I.. FOR WASHINGTON—1 - bedroom apt., furnished, $75; excellent location; available June 1; for 1 or 2 bedroom apt., furnished or unfurnished; pref. in Arlington or Alexandria. Box 208- T. Star. _7* APARTMENTS WANTED. OFFICES. VETERAN, wife and child, urgently need fum. or unfurn. 1 or 2 bedrm. apt. or house; to $86; n.w. D. C. or Va. RE. 6700, Ext. 72758 or FR. 4704. 6* REFINED WIDOW In business, just moved here,from out of town, needs unfurn. 1 bedrm. ant.; prefer Northwest vicinity, Chevy Chase or Bethesda; conv. to trarsp. WI. 0753. —6 MOTHER-IN-LAW IB NICE, but cple. and baby need own apt. or house. Call MRS. ORR. CH. 7918. —7 BASEMENT AFT., furn., pvt. bath, en trance and kitchen: couple, no children; begin May lit; n.w. preferred. Box 467-R, Star. 5* UNFURNISHED 2-BEDROOM AFT.; n.w. or nearby Md.; permanent Government of ficial with child. OL. 4155. 9* FURNISHED APT. for mother and three employed girls: ref. DE. 7913. 5* APT., furn. or unfurn.; apt. bldg. oref. Box 460-S, Star. —5 CONGRESSIONAL SECRETARY desires furnished apartment for 2 or 4; preferably n.w. Randolph 2781 . 6* l-BEDRM.. FURN. APT., n.w. sec. oref : $loo| to $125 mo. Eknoloyed. responsible couple. Call Monday or Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6. H. SARGENT. DI. 5200. 5* FURNISHED APARTMENT. 3 or 4 rooms, by 4 adults, non-drinking. Box 56-T, Star. _ 5* TWO QUIET, employed girls, desire un furnished. inexp.. basement apt. or rooms for studio use. P. O. Box 3215, Col. Hats. Station. 6» YOUNG COUPLE, to be married, desire to rent 2 or 3 rm. furnished apt. with private bath, by April 15: n.w. or N. Arlington; will furnish ref. GL. 5107. —5 WILL PAY from $175 to $200 monthly for unfurnished apartment with 3 or 4 bedrooms and 2 baths: must be in apart ment building in n.w. section, preferably on or near Connecticut ave.; for couple with 2 children: permanent residents; best references. Box 213-T, Star. 6* AIR FORCE OFFICER, family 2 small children, 2-3-bedroom apt. vie. Congress Hghts. FR. 9000. 4408. day: BOQ404, night: leave message. CLOWARD. 6* COUPLE wants unfurnished 1-bedroom apartment, k tchen and private bath; no children; no rhares; prefer Md or n.w. Monday through Saturday. EX. 2415, MR. EVAN8. 6* DECORATING WILL BE DONE by business man for possession of unfurn. apt. What have you that could be made into living ouarters in n.w ? Box 276-T. Star or call DU 428(1 in evenings 6* MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE, no drinking, no nets, no children: 2-bedrm. unfurn. apt.: good neighborhood. District or nearby Md. and Va.. neor tiansD. Warfield 4830. 5* GOVERNMENT SCIENTIST and wife, no children or pets, desire furn. 2-bedroom house or apt.; prefer n.w. area, Bethesda, 8ilver Spring. TA 7621. —5 OWNERS, MANAGERS—Brand-new 5-cu. ft. Philco freexer chest and brand-new 7 cu.-ft. Philco refrigerator, given (n ex change for 1 or 2 bedrm . unfurn. apt., in desirable n.w. section. Box 379-S, Star. FURNISHED APT. desired by quiet, young couple in n.w. section. Phone Adams 6931. 5* PHYSICIAN desires attractive unfurnished 2 or more bedroom house or apt. in n.w. VI. 3804. 18* BEDROOM, living-dining room. kit. and bath; pvt. furn.: quiet, employed couple: small, well-behaved dog: prefer suburbs near bus line: $60-$T5 mo. MCDOWELL, Victor 3738 or Victor 7315. 5* TWO-BEDRM. unfurn. house or apt.. Govt, empl.. wife. 2 children: will do own repair ing and painting. Call HI. 6838. MRS. ZADOBUS 11* BUSINESSMAN, young, sober, wants very nice, quiet, small furn. apt. In n.e. or s.e. section; reas. price: must have phone or extension. WI. 1425. —6 YOUNG COUPLE with 8-mo. baWf living with in-lsws, desperately needs 1 or 2 rm. unflirn apt. Phone AD. 4336. —in MOTHER and daughter have furniture but no home: need 1-bedrm. unfurn. apt., n.w. section preferred: both empl.; best refc. UN. 2216. —5 FURN. APT. or house in Arl. or Falls Church. Cal! GL. 5627. —5 COUPLE, middle-aged, employed, no chil dren. desires unfurn. liv. rm.. bedrm.. pvt. kit. and bath, nearby Md. or D. C.; $75 mo FERRELL. UN. 1254, Sunday and after 7 p.m. weekdays. —6 YOUNG COUPLE needs 1 or 2 room, kitch en. bath apt.: have ref. Call NICK, RA. 0036: Sun and eve., HO. 0994. —5 BUSINESSWOMAN. Government-empl.. re cently ret d Far East, desires small furn, apt., n.w. section; $76. RE. 6600, Ext. 2836. weekdays. —6 VETERAN AND WIFE, both employed, quiet, settled, urgently need a 3-room un furn. apt. In D. C. or Va. Box 231-T, Star. 8* *500 ADVANCE RENT for acceptable 1 or 2 bedroom apt., by reliable Southern Rail way employe. VI. 3248. 5* UNFURN. 1-BEDRM.. liv. rm.. kit. and bath by 2 permanently empl. Govt, girls; references. AT 9281 Sst. and Sun.; weekdays EX 2543. 5* BUSINESSMAN AND FAMILY desire 7 hedrm. unfurn. apt.: up to $100 Call LI 3422 bet. s and 5:30. —9 BUSINESSWOMAN needs furn or unfurn. apt : kitchen and pvt. bath essential; rea sonable. LU. 7952. 5* 2 CHRISTIAN GIRLS desire fum. *6t. with bedroom kitchen and private bath: in n.w. see. MI. 3953 after 6:3d p m. 5* DISABLED VETERAN-STUDENT desires apt. furnished or unfurnished; near G W. U. Franklin 6752. 5* BUSINESSMAN. WIFE. SON (151. daughter til), desire 7'or 3 bedroom, unfurn. apt. nr house. MR. HARMON. TA. 8500. 5* ARMY COL. and wife desire nice house or ipt.. unfurnished: assure excel, care. OV. 6747. —7 SUMMER SUBLET—Northern outskirts; now to Aug.; house or apt . suitable for Navy Ileut.. wife. 16-mo.-old son.; no shares. Glebe 7170. 8* QUIET FURN. AFT. sought, n.w.. by worasn employe of British mission, and mother; ref. exchanged. CO. 6880 or EX. 2020, F\t. 44. —8 VETERAN, wife, no children, quiet, excel lent references. MRS. ATKINSON only. Mon. thru Friday.'ST. 9200, Ext. 3664; Sat.. Sun.. HO. 964/. 6* QUIET. TOP-FLOOR APT. desired: refined Jewish young woman: or will share; n.w.: $35-840. MARION. EX. 2040, Br. 61509. * PENTAGON M/SERGT.. wife and 8-month daughter desire furn. or unfurn. apt, TE. 9359 dr RE. 6700. Ext. 3597. 7* COUPLE desires furnished apt. or house for three months, pref. April 15. must have by May 1: consider care of home for vaca tionists after Mav 1: rent limit. $90: references furnished. Box 7S6-T. Star. 0* COUPLE, about 40 yrs. old, no children or pets, desire furnished or unfurnished apt., n.w. section: must have private kitchen and bath. Box 784-T. Star. • HUBBY AND I could really enjoy this new-fangled marrlue business If we had a 3-rm. unfurn. apt. Can you help us? Mrs. A. Salemme. NA. 4815, Ext. 353. un til 4 p.m.: OL 5420 after 5. 7* NICELY furn. or unfurn. apt , for 2 Government girls. Call RE. 6700. Ext. 2240. bet. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; ask for MISS MARABLE —6 1 OR 2-ROOM APT., kit., pvt. bath, furn.; vet student, working wife; Dupont Circle area preferred; excellent care assured; $65-$75, Box 282-T. Star. 7* REFINED EMPL. COUPLE desire 1-bedrm. apt , unfurn.: n.e or n.w., for occupancy beginning June: max.. $60. LI. 3706. • GOVT. - EMPLOYED WOMAN. veteran, permanent status, deairea unfurn. apt. or house: no children or pets; limit, $65. LU. 0563. 7* YOUNG WOMAN. State Dept, professional employe, desires unfurn. 1-rm.. kitchen ette and bath apt, n.w. section from Wardmao Park Hotel, south; references exchanged. Box 280-T. Star. 7* BUSINESSWOMAN desires 3-room apart ment. furnished: accessible to National Institute of Health. Bethesda. WI. 9876, MISS KNAPP after 6 p.m. • TWO-BEDROOM APT., unfurn., vie. G. W. U. or n.w ; no children: will redecorate; $55 to $70. NO. 7887 after 2 p.m. 7* VETERAN AND WIFE, permanent resi dents, desire 1-bedroom, pvt. bath, un furn apt. Call MRS, CROCKER. RE. 5600, Ext. 2552; after 6. OR. 6462. 7* MOVING, PACKING aa< STORAGE VETERAN, Just out of the service, will move or haul anything, night or day; no job too small. Call KARLK. AT. 4951. 7* SMALL JOBS—BIG JOBS—day or night: low rates: white driver; baggage, pergonal effects, *2.80 per hr. LU. *90*. a MISTER BREGER —By Dave Breger MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE,HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. (Cont.». (Con't.) MOVING AND STORAGE—Avoid sacrifice of household goods by storage in individ ual compartments at reasonable rates. We have the facilities for selling your furniture at prices set by you if desired. Estimates without obligation. SAFETY STORAGE * TRANSFER CO.. Dial TE. 5188: after 5 P.m., OW. 2911. WANTED—Load or part load to and from Washington. Pittsburgh. Cleveland. Detroit. Chicago. St, Louis. Kansas City, Denver and Calif.: immediate service. NORTHERN VANLINES. INC.. AT. 9243, LI. 3725. 10> MARINE VETERANS MOVING CO.-24-hr. service: furniture moving and hauling: trunks and baggage. AT. 2,59 or FR. 0386. MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the country sate storage in separate rooms: expert packing. Phone NO. 0104. UNICN STORAGE CO . INC . est 1906 LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING—Fast service, low rates; no job too small; exper.. white help. EM. 2329. MOVING BY VETERAN of experience, with new van; careful handling; reas. rates. Call any time, MR. COOK. GL. 5137. —12 edelman moving and storage CO.— Reas, rates: will accept your surplus fur niture as part payment on your moving, storage. TA. 2937; after 7 P.nt., OE. 1416. ==================B====Ji= CO-OPERATIVE APTS.—SALE. INVESTORS. ATTENTION—Brick 4-unlt apt., only $4,500 down, balance on long term: FHA title 608 1st trust; most un usual opportunity to buy an apartment bldg., with little equity and realize approx. 10r„ minimum net return: each unit con sists of 5 lovely rms. incl. a fully equip, kit. and tile bath with shower. Azalea Garden Apts, is a new 116-unlt co operative apt. development, most conven iently located in s.e., D. C.. bet. Southern ave. and Barnaby rd. and 4th and 6th sts. s e. Larger bldgs, containing 6 and 8 units also available. Completion ex pected within 12 mos.; splendid resale opportunity available to preconstruction investors. We are open evenings for your convenience. ROBERT MAGEE. Real Es tate, Room 508. Bond Bldg., RE. 7740. DE LUXE APT., in exclusive bldg., near Meridian Park; large foyer, 35-ft. liv. rm., din. rm.. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths, three exposures with excellent view; immaculate condition: $28,000. Call Mr. Cavin, with H. G SMITHY CO., NA. 5903: res., DU. 4770. —5 DUPLEX APARTMENT. $3,375 each apt.; $1,000 cash, small monthly payments; consisting of living and dinette 12x16, bedroom 12x12. large closet, kitchen 9x6; no baths; plumbing can be Installed for $840; terms; 4 of these for sale; 62nd and L sts., Hillside. Md.: near transp. and school. Call MR. BEECH, TW. 1515. —6 HOUSIS FURNISHED. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY — Delightful private residence in Silver Spring: 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, generous entrance hall and den. oil heat, built-in garage: excellent for entertaining or for sizable family: year's lease. R. P. RIPLEY, Realtor, SL. 61111 weekdays. —6 LOVELY ROME, located in Fail-haven. Md., on Herring Bay. 3(1 miles from downtown Washington, consisting of 8 rooms. 2Vi modern baths: flowers, shrubbery and trees; completely furnished with modern, upto date furniture. Call Mr. Hill. FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO., 816 New York ave. n.w.. NA. 7416. —5 BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, mod. house, back from street: 6 bedrooms, :i baths, very large liv. rm.; *295 mo. SL. 2150, 8H. 7842. Near N. H. and East-West hwy. —10 COLORED—t RMS. and bath, elec.' and gas; no children; empl. epl., S126. 1004 3rd st. n.e.—5 HOUSES UNFURNISHED. ESTATE. 2 acres, Glover Park section; house, main floor, liv. rm., d)n. rm.. 2 bedrms.. bath, kitchen and built-in gar. Lower, floor has '/a bath, maid’s rm.. laund. and storage space: coal h.-a. heat; grounds include rose arbor and beds, fruit trees, goldfish pond, outside patio, flagstone walks: $176 per mo. to one willing and able to take care of grounds. Call NO. 2113. Box 381-S. Star. —6 LARGE BRICK BOUSE. 8 rms.. 2 baths, laundry, oil heat, garage: Fairfax Heights, on Trailway bus. FA. 4167. —7 BERWYN. MD—3 bedrms., 1V4 baths; near school, transp.; $100 per montR. J. C. LEWIS. Broker, WA. 2813. —6 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. ENGLISH COUPLE, daughter aged 2Vj. re quire unfurn. house, 2 or 3 bedrms.. gar den. n.w. area. Careful tenants. PELL, HO. 1346 or OR. 6934. —5 MARINE OFFICER, wife and 2 children de sire 2 or 3 bedrm house or apt.; fum. or unfurn. Phone SH. 4133. —6 CLIENT WILL PAY TOP PRICE for fine small unfurn. home in good n.w. location; best of refs., and will consider short or long-term lease. Call MR. DIXON. EX. 6760 (agent). —5 ARMY OFFICER, wife. 2 small children desire 2-3-bedroom unfurnished home be ginning May 10; Md. or n.w. WI. 3591. Call morning or after 6. 10* NAVY COMMANDER and wife; perma nent duty Washington, want 2 or 3 bedroom house, furnished or unfurnished Virginia. No children. Phone OW. 3784 evenings. 5* NAVAL OFFICER desires three bedroom house: preferably unfurn; two-year lease: fair rent; good care. EM. 6643. 5* WANTED TO RENT unfurn. house in North west section of Washington: responsible party; 6. 8 or 10 rms.; will glee long lease; Immediate occupancy deMked. Call WO. £291 6* FBI Agent needs 3-bedroom unfurnished house. Adams 4043 weekdays after 7:30. 5* BRITISH EMBASSY OFFICIAL, wife and daughter, require furnished house, on outskirts of District, Chevy Chase. Bethes da or Silver Spring preferred: rent about $130-8140 s.g.r. Decatur 9000 weekdays, or DE. 4400 Sunday. 6* . RESP. YNG. AIR FORCE COLONEL and wife desire to rent modern, unfurn.. 2 b.r. house or apartment, in s.e.; no chil dren: stationed at Andrews Field; prefer Bolling Field. Ft. Davis Park or Fairfax Village district. Phone HI. 3100, Ext. 3278. days. 5* RETIRED NAVAL OFFICER desires un furnished 2-bedrm. house, preferably in nearby Arlington or Maryland: ren: to $110; 3 adults and 8-yr.-old boy. Phone NA. 2185 eves, and weekend; ST. 8398 weekdays. H. FOLLIEN. • ADULT FAMILY OF 3, no children, urgently needs 2 or 3-bedrm. unfurn. house nr. bus, carline RE. 4142, Ext. 2996. 18* U. S. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER, re turning to Washington, needs unfurn. house. 3 or 4 bedrooms, pref. n.w. sec. WO. 6999. .">• NAVY DR. AND WIFE desire bungalow, tenant house in country. DR. LAWRENCE, OL. 2500. Ext. 581. Leave number. PLEASE HELP US! Transferred to Silver Spring and separated from my family. Will some one rent us an unfurnished house so wc can be together. Silver Spring. Bethesda or radius of 15 miles Call MR. SPERRY of S. S. Kresge Co., SH. 5640. WELLESLEY GRADUATE- needs roof, will care for house Tn n.w. and dog while you vacation. Ordway 0286. —7 COLORED FAMILY in need of 6-room house; willing to pay $60 to $70 a month. Call AT. 2694, all day Monday and Tuesday.6* HOUSES FOB SALE—Northwest. SPECIAL BARGAIN, doctor's attention! This is a select location for doctor's guest house or home. 3423 16th st. n.w. 30-ft. front. Georgian Colonial, center hall. 13 rooms. 2 baths: will be vacant May 1. 'Look at the outside and call us for ap pointment to see through. Act today. Attention brokers. RE. 5216. —7 3461 MACOMB ST. N.W.—Vacant. 7 bed rooms. 4>/a baths;-new condition: $24,950. Open Sat. and Bum 1 to 5. CO. 2675. V —14 GEORGETOWN—3 bricks, on corner lot: $22,000; ideal for conversion into one dwelling. CaU RUDOLPH SHILLIN. CO. 1619. —6 FOXHALL AREA—$14,950: new. det.. all brick o. excel, const.; 5 rms., full bsmt.. gas air-cond. heat. Call WA. 8625 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. —8 GEORGETOWN: VACANT—Open from 2 to 5 today. See 2706 Olive avc. n.w., 1 blk. south of N st.: beautiful location, ideal for entertaining: double liv. rm.. fireplace, entrance hall with fireplace. 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, maid's rm. and bath with pvt. entrance. Eves.. Mr. Audette. NO. 2,05. JOHN LIPSCOMB * CO . MI. 0600. —5 BETHESDA—A delightful and most un .usual residence, featuring 26-ft. living room. 4 bedrms.. 3 baths, oil h.-w h.. won derful screened porch, plus open flagstone terrace. 2-car garage, about 7/10 acre with 188-ft. frontage. Shown by appt. oriy. Call Mr. Harper this week end. WI. 1575. H. J. KORZKNDORPER CO., INC.. OL 5336. —5 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK — The home you've been waiting for. Brick Co lonial with liv. rm , dm. rm.. kit. and pow der rm. on 1st fl.; 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd: full basement, gas heat: beaut, lot: in the most conv. n.w. section, close to schools, shopping and churches; $2,500 cash. GI approved 4% loan on balance. Shown any time by appt., J. R. TEN CHER CO . INC.. AD. 2644. —5 BRICK, semidetached—6 large rms., full msement. oil heat; lor quick gala: $11,950; with $2,500 cash. 1471 Meridian pi. n.w. Inspection by appt. only. HENRY SALUS. NA. 1262, 1104 Vermont avg. n.w. —6 BEAUTIFUL BABNABY WOODS—Home ln perfect condition, with spacious living and dining rm., den, 2-car gar., rear porch la screened: 3rd floor ideally finished for library or study: 3 bedrms. and 2 baths on 2nd floor; must be sold, owner leaving city. Priced at *30,000. CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO., EM. 1800 till 9 p.m., 4420 Conn. ave. —6 GEORGETOWN—Home and Income: no remodeling necessary. Yields *200 per mo. net. 812,000 cash reouired. Call RUDOLPH SHILLIN. CO 1619. —5 BAKNABY WOODS, *25.000—Detacned brick home with 3 bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl.; liv. rm., din. rm., kit. on 1st fl.; attic; maids rm. and bath in basement; home ln excellent cond. and is beautifully located. Call us now. F. A. TWEED CO., EM 1290 until 9 p.m. —6 CHEVY CHASE GARDENS—See this un usual brick, in excellent home section; center hall, large liv. and din. rms.. den. modern kit.: 2nd fl., 3 lovely bedrms., 2 tiled baths: basement has oeautitul knotty Pine rec. rm., maid’s rm. and bath; house is in immacuiate condition and well ap pointed: priced to sell immediately: owner has purchased larger home: a real good value: outside grill, beautiful landscaped lot: near transp.; possession with settle “ent. A. TWEED CO., 6504 Conn., EM. 1290 —6 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. — New offering: brick, detached, center-hall plan, situated on a beautiful lot of 14,000 sq. ft. of land; 1f,t ?■ 1,iv- rm • din. Jm • den, de luxe all-electric kit. -and screened porch: 2nd fl. has 4 bedrms., 2 baths, stair* to fin ished attic: bsmt. has rec. rm. and bath; lots of storage space: storm windows: truly » «!»■ J32.960. Exclusive. F. A. TWEED CO., 6504 Conn, ave., EM. 1290 till 9 p.m. CHEVY CHASE, D. C., *22.950—Beauti ful custom-built and perfectly appointed 2*t*ched home. Just oil Conn ave.; center hall plan; 4 bedrooms and 2 tiled baths, attic, deep lot. garage: truly a charming and graclqus individual house worthy' of yoHr_J“mediate Inspection. To Inspect, '*'> FM l’JOll until 9 p.m. F. A. TWEED CO . 5504 Conn. ave. _6 am„e«*CAN UNIV. FARE, 2 short blocks 5® < Va ley shopping center—Modern, prewar brick Colonial, containing side reception hall, large liv. rm. with fireplace, kitchen with breakfast nook, cement porch on 1st floor: 3 twin-sized Hr?nrnlrm b£,hsi 011 ~nd floor; recrea rm. .with Are place: built-in garage: excellent level lot with large inclosed rear rVlP; an ryao'ff eDti05,al vaIue at *23,950 DX 1 14?i 4"'14 °r FRANK B. PHILLIPS, nf 3 wbatb!: *23.950: In heart Strt5eSS!*™./irk: fln'st clapboard con fih ““ « ZONED FOB APARTMENTS — Oood-look inErrh*.?eetry f)rlck- 7 rooms plus 2 heated SP«P?.*tS.’i*pacioiIS ro®ms- Ownei; could use d^ustairs and make 2 apartments up Coi1umht.GVrf,h '^h’ N**r 0ntarl0 Columbia rds. To Inspect, call L. H CO^&L^I93*’ MARaHALL J’ WAPLE f’^OOVER BUILT this 22'4-ft. home: j*Jg* r.m " <Un. rm.. kit., breakfast futi' hsrn*t4 ni?°E’ f bedrms,. 1 >/i*baths: full bsmt. oil heat; owner must sell. Oall BEiTZELLham’ D1‘ 3100 0r DI’ 4704’ 9i S,t/-£4rg* row krick house op G„w- u. campus: excellent frater condiMnr, ^?ithln m I50145* 'nnation; excellent oBHm! nr E,i improvements; possession non ’ Driced under *30. ?• 3 "n7i?0«?WnA5D * NORRIS- Realtors. «vel.-GL 0952° * RE’ 65861 Suna?d lT2!£* mak* a lively 5J21R*«llthiR°°® incom«; only 7 years old. condition like new; 6 rms. 2 baths ° *a*arhati£P.t8e: lul]y «qVippcd kit., rec rm.: «ghw^-..^b5tantla' ca,sh needed: near 5WB,h,r* a—~Ca11 co- 3333 or stEne341 s’ PECK co- 3408 18th —Clean, cozy front room. mCc?»ry.»-JjanlP':i ^aun5ry Privtl.; employed, 655‘[ed COupl€ *>r*f«rred; 510 wk. AD. 1446 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Rooms, conv to 9?8f?P‘' downtown shopping center. AD. 5504' 7th ST. N.W., Apt. 23—Large~bed woman!1 Ta! 9^53 *“ Brlvlle"*’ e0UBl‘ or room. prtvate’ba”' emptoyed'Yentleman; n'»r transportation. TA. 6278. • i®31 UALfEBT ST. N.W—Beaut. front .runnln* water, shower; good neighborhood: conv. transp.: 2 re fined gentlemen or married eple. HO. 9345. CHEVY CHASE. D. C., 1 blk. to Conn. ave. bus—Lar*e master bedrm , 4 windows, pvt. bath; pvt. home, nicely turn.; one gentle man preferred; 530. EM. 9661. _7 1006 J8th ST. N.W.. across from Statler Hotel—Attr. furn. room, for young lady; reas «* DETACHED BFICK—6 yrs. old. like new; large lenced ytfrd, everything modern, occupancy with title. Near Calvin Coolldge High scnuoi: nont’ miss seeing this home; owner moving from city; substantial cash required. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th st. n.w.. DI. 3346. —8 MODERN 9-YEAR-OLD BRICK HOME, in the heart of Brlghtwood; immediate pos session; has e attractive rooms and mod «r„1-.bath’. "creation , room with parquet floors, auto, heat; nice rear yard; con crete covered front porch; extras, such as storm windows, Venetian blinds; priced l?—?.*11 t0 first. visitor at $17,250 RUD gFN * COHN. INC., 1424 K at. n w„ EX. o?05 till 9 p.m. • 14,950. WITH A FIRST TRUST of ap wnl/nJ1 0-8,l° payable *86 per month,; Including insurance, principal and Inter-1 est at 4,„; provides an opportunity for some one needing a home. Semidetached, Ln 9lJXrVf5JLp*r,!- 6 bedrooms. THOS. 351 RIConnP8' W°‘ 7900 untU 9 Bm CLEVELAND PARK. It* blocks from crosstown bus. conveniently located to Uptown Shopping Center—First-floor den and lavatory, 3 bedrooms, oil heat, bullt Call Mr. Smith, OL. 0829, »!th THUS L. PHILLIP*. PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCBOOLS are within easy walking distance from this detached bricx. This home, less than 8 years old, has 6 splendid rooms, full 5a*'fl'/flt' living porch, oil a.-c. heat: *16,950: terms. THOS L PHILLIPS. W°. .900 until 9 o.m.. 3518 Conn —6 Mae ARTHUR BLVD.—*13.600—Semldet., 6 rooms, bath, full bsmt., gas h.-w.h.; de tached garaje. nicely landscaped lot; owner occupied. Call Mr. Northern, SL. 1089. with BEITZELL. DI. 3100. —6 CHEVY CHASE—4 bedrooms. 2 baths; under *20,000: 1st offering of this de tached home, located close to Chevy Chase: 1st floor has large reception hall, living room, open fireplace, esftra-large dining room, kitchen; 2nd floor. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths; stairs to attic: will sell quickly. F- A. TWEED CO., 5504 Conn. ave. n.w., EM. 1290 until 9 p.m. —6 FIRST OFFERING—Peabody st. n.w— Lovely semldet. brick home in this most desirable section: 7 rooms, gas h.-w. heat; det. garage: full bsmt. Cal till 9 p.m., FIRST NATIONAL FEALTY. 906 15th at. n.w., RE. 3631. • WOODLEY PARK—Detached brick, facing Into a large estate; a pretentious town house of Seven large rooms, 2 baths, maid’s room and bath: oil burner, hot-water heat; Inclosed sleeping porch: lot 75x132. Owner, who is out of the country, has reouested a drive to make a 0"ick sale of it. Eves. or Sum;_phone Temple 1T88, L. T. GRAVATTE, Realtor, 729 13th at. n.w., NA. 0753. “CHEVY CHASE, n. C.“—Vacant. This detached home is situated about 1 blk. west of Conn. ave. in a splendid residen tial area. 1st fl.. large liv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen, pantry, den and lavatory: 2nd ft., 4 large bedrms. and 2 baths; finished rm. in attic: numerous large cedar-lined clos ets: 2-car built-in garage: needs redeco rating. but Is reasonably priced and ideal for large family. Call ME. 1143 until 9 p.m.. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, Realtor. NEW DETACHED BRICK, Chevy Chase. D. C.—Well-constructed, center-entrance plan home. Six rooms and 2 baths; such modern features as large storage attic, slate roof, copper gutterinc, copper water pipes, air-conditioned heat with gas fur nace. garage and electric refrigerator. ■These homes arc felling fast, because the price is only S*13.500: only 2 left: be sure to see them today Phone Mr. Clements. WO. 3514. With SHANNON A LUCHS CO., 1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2346. Open eve nings until 9 p.m. STONE AND BRICK HOME. 7 yra. old: in one of Washington's most desirable and attractive suburban communities—Home contains, center entrance. 23-ft. living room, study. >.* bath, large dining room, moorrn electric kitchen an-1 side porch on 1st floor: 3 twin-bed size bedrooms, • batns ?nd sun dec1' on 2nd floor; storage attic, gameroom with fireplace, ma.ds rocm, bath, utility room and 2 r*r. b’dlt-in rava-e in basement: there is a large fenced • ln lot and outdoor fireplace, property is priced substantially below the reproduction cost today. For additional information and appointment, please call INEZ CUSHARD. OR. 4232, or WI. 5867. —7 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—Attrac tive brick and frame home of 6 large rooms. 2 baths, insulated attic, screened side porch and oil heat: the rear yard Is fenced and there Is a detached garage; this Is a splendid buy. Call our Mr. J._A. Powell for further information. EDW. H JONES * CO., INC.. WO. 2300 until 9 p.m. I NINTH ST,, bet. Jefferson and Ingraham— 16^rooms.^brick. yards, gar.; terns. OWNER, HOUSC ran SAU—Nwrttwwt. CHEVY CHASE—Don't min this brick custom built. 8 rms., 4 bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl.: 1st fl.. library and powder rm., screened porch; full banment, oil heat, (trail and situated on a lane. «d 1&A^BR&^IN^885$ Conn. ate. _ —7 A REAL BUY. CHEVY CHASE—$7,250 down payment, balance 4 lift. 20-yr. 1st trurt. Lovely 7-yr.-old. 4-bedrm. brick, on quiet, shaded street; lane Uv. rm. with cornices and mirrored fireplace, unusually larke din. rm., sun porch, modern kit., breakfast nook, lane rec. rm.. open Replace. 2% beaut, baths; Vermont alate roof. For further in formation. call Ted Balr, «X. 6780: eves., SL 5322. Exclusively with JAMB T. DIXON A- CO. —a 3919 nth 9T. N.W.—Zoned lat eomm'l 2-story brick home of 8 rooms, bath and garage: house can be readily remod eled into desirable store with apt*, above. Shown by appt. only. PLANT A GORDON, nte.. exclusive agents. 1374 Park rd, n.w., CO. 0837. —5 BRIGHT WOOD—Two 2-bedrm. arts., row brick: recreation rm., laundry rm., front and rear yds.; $4,000 will handle. JOHN ZIHWJS, INC. 2008 K it. n.w.. RJL 8345 and EX. 5656. —5 4-UNIT BRICK AFT. HOUSE. 1319 Harvard at. n.w., furn. Good loc.. teas, priced. Call Mitchell. RA. 9489. Ex clusive with JAMES L. DIXON A CO.. 1022 17th st. n.w., EX. 5760. —8 3919 14th ST. N.W.—Zoned lit eomm'l.. 2-atory brick home of 8 rms., bath and garage: house can be readily remodeled Into desirable store with apts. above. Shown by appt. only. PLANT A OORDON. INC., exclusive agents, 1374 Park rd. n.w., CO 0837. —5 NEW BRICK HOME, under $19.000-^0ut standing value. A den, powder rm.. hall, fireplace, picture windows and porch on 1st fl.; 2nd fl.. 3 bedrms. and colored tiled bath; full basement, gas a.-c. heat: large lot? completely sodded; terras. Call OR. 0048 till 9 p.m., REALTY BROKERS. INC., 5506 Conn. ave. —7 COLONIAL VILLAGE. 1b Rock Creek Park. Superb, large center-hall Colonial brick, located In an area of fine homes, on a inpcioui landscaped lot; large Uv. rm. with fireplace, oversized din. rm.. fine den. pow der rm. with vanity, large kit. and break fast rm. and screened porch downitaira; 4 lovely bedrms. find, master bedrm.) and 2 Hollywood baths and porch upstmlri; came rm. with fireplace, maid's rm. and bath, oil h.-w.h. If you are seeking a splendid true Colonial, see this home at once. Call NA. 9797 until 9 p.m., CAPI TAL VIEW REALTY CO., 925 N. Y. ave. 515 JEFFERSON ST. N.W.—Vacant— Brlghtwood. Beautiful 2-family, semidet:; one apt. vacant: oil heat, full bsmt.. lge. yard; $10,950. $1,500 down. LISS REALTY CO., RE., 8264. —11 N. H. AVE.. AT EITTENHOUSE 8T—New det. brick homes, quality construction; 6 lie. rms.. first-floor lavatory, gas heat. 7-ft. de luxe iefgr.. Venetian blinds and screens. Only S18.500; terms. Buy now and pick your decorated scheme. WASH INGTON REALTY CO., GE. 8300. —9 SHEPHERD PARK—'! good brick homes. Owner moving. 3 bedrms., 2 bath, hard wood floors, h.-w.h., slate roof, full bsmt.. 2-car garage and nice lots. Shown by appt.. 9 to 9. ROBERTS E. LATIMER. Realtor. 7733 Alaska ave. n.w., OE. 1270; eves.. OE. 4635. FOXHALL AREA—close to transportation; re-done small row brick. Dutch Colonial; living rm.. dining rm., kitchen. 2 Vi bed rms.. 1 bath; baaement. oil h.-w.h.; yard. Priced right. 8. R. MARTIN A CO., Re altors. DU. 6368. Eves., OR. 4836. —5 SILVER SPRING—9006 Eton rd.—12 min. D. C. line. AU-brick det., brand-new, completely finished, concrete side porch, full bsmt. First 11.. recep. closet, living rm., dining rm., complete modern kit. Sec ond fl.. 5 cloeets. 3 lg. bedrms., colored tile bath-shower: gas heat; sodded terrace, finished road: Z-8 bus on Flower ave.. 2 blocks west, between Wayne and Schuyler; near schools. 4 blocks super-shopping cen ter. Pcssesslon at settlement: $14,950; $2,600 down. Owner builder. MRS. PRICE. RA. 3863. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—In sight of Lafa yette School, 1 blk. frbm 2 buslines: det. brick home: contains living rm.. dining rm.. lge. bright kit., front open porch; 2nd floor. 3 bedrms.. 2 til&baths; finished attic, daylight rec. rm. wRh flrepl : good yd.: gar., oil heat; owner has purchased larger home and must sell at once; early poss. CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO , EM. 1800 till 9 p.m., 4420 Conn. ave. —5 DUPONT CIRCLE—11 bedrooms; a real mdney-maker. In chpice n.w. location; low priced at $21,950 Includes real estate and furnishings: a going business for the price of the property alone; priced at less than 4 times potential gross income. Exclusive with WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., DI. 1015. —6 9-RM. ROW BRICK, $10,950: excel, loca tion. nr. N. Capitol and Bryant; 3 storlei, 5 oedrms.. new oil burner. Call WA. 8825 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. —8 JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN looking for. a prewar built brick 6-room home, modern In every way. facing beautiful Sligo Park. Give us a call to see this property. Reasonably priced. SL. 1570. SH. 4666. 5« GEORGETOWN—1st commercial, Just off Wis. ave.. excellent location for exclusive shop; 3-story brick, at present rented In modern studio apts., completely furn.; rental. $475 a mo.: must sell for personal reasons; substantial cash required. Direct from owner. Call AD. 3946 after 6 p.m. —10 STONE FRONT HOME In Silver Spg., only few houses from bus line; six very well 8tinned rooms, full bath, Vi bath on 1st oor. lav. in bsmt., log-burning fireplace, oil heat, screened porch, fully equipped kitchen and many refinements: excellent ^neighborhood of scientists and professional people: a quality home in every way for $22,950 R. P. RIPLEY. Realtor. SL. 6111. ilf no ans. ask operator for Green belt 3773. Mr Davis.) —7 TOWN HOUSE—Most desirable loc.. re stricted residential; ideal for doctor's home and office. Lge. rms., generous closets. 2 cir gar., oil h.-w.h. Excel, cond. Shown by appt. only. Call ’Mr. Baldwin, with JAMES L. DIXON A CO., 1022 17th at. n.w., EX. 5760; eves., GL.-4400, Ext. 3. —6 4816 7th ST. N.W.—Open for inspection Sunday 2 to 6 p.m.: row brick, 8 rms., gas heat, recently decorated: possession. See Mrs Haralanpldes on premises or cal! SH. 3137, RA. 3790. RE. 5224. with ‘•PENNY” APOSTOLIDE8 REALTY CO. _14 KENWOOD—A lovely home on a very large plot of land In the heart of this delightful suburb; the well-built house is in excel, cond. and early possession can be had: large central hall with circular stairs, appealing liy. rm. with adjacent porch, spacious din. rm. with beautiful view on 2 sides: 1st A., lavatory, break fast rm.. mod. kit.: there are 4 lovely bedrms. and 2 baths, servant's rm. and bath on 2nd 11.; excel, bamt. with playroom; can be bought at less than reproduction cost. To inspect this and similar homes, call JAMES E. SCHWAB. OR. 5800: Sun. and after 5 p.m.. call WO. 1408. —5 5th AND PEABODY STS.—8-rm., aeml det. brick home, arranged as two 2-bedrm apis.: conveniently located: garage, oil h.-w.h.: 2nd-fl. apt. will pay for house; M6.500. reasonable terms. Call RE. 1988, GOLD'gTEN BROS,. 1429 I st. n.w. —5 ONLY (1.600 CASH DOWN will purchase this attractive 2-story brick home in nearby Md.: 5 rooms and tiled bath, log burning fireplace, modern kitchen with stove and refrigerator: $11,960. R. P. RIPLEY, Realtor, SL. 6111. (Week ends and eVes. ask operator for Greenbelt 3773, Mr. Davis.) —7 OWNER JUST MOVED AWAY and left his lovely Silver Spg. home for us to sell: tapestry brick exterior: 6 rooms and bath, equipped kitchen, fireplace, oil heat, extra generous screened porch, built-in garage: lot mostly fenced: a most desirable resi dential location; $17,950 asked. Keys at our office. R. P. RIPLEY, Realtor, SL. Hill. (Sun. and eves, ask operator for Greenbelt 3773, Mr. Davte.) —7 FLORIDA AVE. at intersection of 22nd and Maas. ave. n.w.—A three-itory and baae raent semldet. brick: 9 rooms, 3 baths, oil heat; excellent location for rooming house or suitable for remodeling; price, $17,500. WOODWARD te NORRIS, exclusive agents, 723 20th at, n.w., RE. 6585; evenings, call Mr. McCarthy, WO. 5228. — J 10tb 8T. N.W.—3 houses for the price of one—2-story frames, downtown 1st com mercial rone. No trusts. Well rented. You can buy all for $9,250 Bssy walk to business section HOWEN8TEIN REALTY CORP.. 1418 H st. n.w. DI. 7877. —6 NEAR ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL—Semi detached brick, 6 rooms. 2 baths. 2 In closed porches. Reasonably priced. Call Mr. Lewis (eve. WO. 4070) with WM. M. THROCKMORTON. Realtor, DI. 6092. —8 ARKANSAS AVE.. near Buchanan—$2,500 down. Vacant. Semidetached 2-story brick, 7 lovely rms. and bath, 4 large bedrms., Colonial front porch, full, detached brick garage: large yard: com pletely redecorated. Priced to sell this week. For details, .call till 9 p.m. week days. Sun. 12 to 5. WM CALOMIRIS PROPERTIES, INC., 1012 17th It. n.w., DI. 1655. —6 DETACHED ENGLIgH-TYPE BRICK—7400 blk. Plney Branch rd.—Vacant. 10 yra. old. Reception hall, large hying rm. with fireplace, dining rmi, breakfast rm.. large modern kitchen and all-tile powder rm.; 2nd floor. 3 large badrms. and 2 modern tile baths: oil h.-w.h.; large lot, 56x180; Immaculate condition. Priced to aell with convenient terms. Por details, eall till 9 p.m. weekdays. Sun. 12 to 5. WM. CALOMIRIS PROPERTIES, INC., 1012 17th st. n.w, DI 1655. —6 KIRKSIDE—Excel. 8-rm. brick home. 4 bedrms., 3 baths (1 bedrm, bath first floor); $25,000 first mortgage. Sale price, $39,500. Eves . Mr. Harper. WI. 1575. H. J. KORZENDORPER CO, INC, MT. “ pleasant—3-family row brick; ■ priced at only $19,950; this desirable, well-loc. 3-apt. bldg, is a definite value at the price offered; Insulated, weather stripped. oil heat: must be seen to be e "predated. Phone eves, till 9 p.m, DRURY REALTY CORP, 1737 K it. n.w, RF. 1).".::. LIVE HERE WITH INCOME—An excellent value in a 6-room row brick, with 2 In closed porches; location and home in good condition. Mr. Williams. U. 1072, MAR SHALL J. WAPLE CO, DI. 3346. SILVER SPRING. MD.—One block from Indian Spring Country Club is this lovely corner detached brick, perfectly kept. Nicely landscaped ground. Living rm, mirrored fireplace, dining rm. with mirrored rear wall, modern kitchen fully equipped, break fast nook, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath and shower, sun deck, side screened porch, fun bsmt, maid’s rm, lav, attach, brick ga rage. Oil air-ccmd. heat. Should be seen. Call till 9 p.m. LEO M. BERNSTEIN Ac CO, 1415 K st. n.w, ME. 5400. POTOMAC HEIGHTS—Pulton at. n.w, just off MacArlhur blvd. ’is this reasonably priced semidetach. home consisting of 6 large rms, bath, full bamt, porches, deep lot. oil heat. etc. Close to shopping, schools and transp. Vacant. Immediate occupancy. Call till 9 p.m. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO, 1415 K st. n.w, ME. 5400. UNDERWOOD ST. N.W.—Nr. 14 th at. Better section of upper Brightwood is this 2-yr.-old detached brick, owner occupied. Ccusists cf center half, lovely living rm, dining rm. kitchen, solarium. 1st floor powder room. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, full bsmt. gas heat. Convenient residential area Call till 9 p.m. LEO M BERN STEIN & CO, 1415 K it. n.w„ Me. 5400. CLEVELAND PARK, just west of Connecti cut ave, near everything: a modernistic white brick heme, about 8 years old. dis tinctive dpslgn and room arrangement; 6 rooms. 2 baths and paneled recreation room, air-conditioned heat with modern gas furnace; owner has left the city and is anxious to sell. A home that la truly different, for only $29,500. Phone, Mr. Evans. WO. 0290, with SHANNON * LUCKS CO, 1505 H at. u.w„ NA. 2345. Om rrtnlnfi until • ».hl 1 HOUSES POt SALS N—♦fcwut. COLORADO AVI. N.W—Delightfully situ ated in a finer residential section is this lovely detach, brick consisting ot 10 rooms, 3 baths, full bsmt., oil heat: *5,000 down. Near all facilities. Can be seen. Call til 8 p.m. UO M. BERNSTEIN A CO.. 1416 K st. n.w.. MB. 6400. NEiiR NEW GEORGETOWN V. Hospital— 0-room semidet. brick home, fireplace in liv. rm., sas heat. det. garage, lge. yard: *14,500; substantial cam required. Call RE. 1888. OOLDSTEN BROS.. 1438 L *71* MASS. AVE. N.W.—Vacant: unart town house, redecorated throughout: 8 rms.. 2 baths. 2-ear garage: opus 1-6, Saturday and Sunday. Information. Sligo 7228 or WO. 1112. *• BARNABT WOODS SECTION—Det. brick, immaculate eond. throughout. 3 bed rms., finished 3rd floor: roc. rm.. auto, heat; price, *22.760. Call Joseph 8. Rutley, H. O. SMITHY CO . 811 16th St. n.w.. NA. 5803 or EM. 6270. —6 SHEPHERD PARK—1st time offered, beau tiful English-type home, Breulnger-built; large lir. rm. with fireplace, famtly-sise din. rm., breakfast nook, ds luxe kit.. 3 specious bedims., 2 baths, ample elosete. cedar closets on 3rd fl.: gas h.-w.h., gar.; on a beautiful landscaped lot, close to schools; priced to sell immed. LOWERY A MELTON. Realtors. SH. 8200; eves.. Mr. Adams, QE. 8084. —6 CORNER 16th AND OAK STS. N.W—Pos session. Corner 2-story modern brick: 6 lovely rms. and 2 baths; recreation rm.. gas h.-w.h.; immaculate condition; owner leaving city and must sell. Pot details, call till P p.m. weekdays. Sun. 12 to 5. WM. CALOM1RIS PROPERTIES, INC.. 1012 17th st. n.w., DI. 1666. —6 BUREAU or STANDARDS. Reno rd. sec tion—Modern detached brick of 6 rooms. 2 Hollywood baths; exceptional condition: recreation room, sas heat, built-in ssrsse. Call Mr. Clarke, with BEITZELL, Dl. 3100. SL. 2830. —6 DUPONT CIRCLE—In this fine, relatively modern 23-room and 10-fuH-batb resi dence, a foreign mission or nonprofit or ganisation Is presented with s real op portunity to acquire s home. Priced under *70.000: *25.000 caeh. Phone Mr. Terns, with SHANNON A LUCHS CO., 1506 H st. n.w., NA. 2341. Open evenings until 8 p.m. _ —5 18 NEW. DETACHED, brick homes; Amer ican Unlv. Pk.—OI approved, on Alton pi. between 43rd and 44th. just 2 blocks from Sears Roebuck on Wisconsin ave.;,-Hear schools, churches, stores and transp.; 6 rms.. bath and half, see heat, screens throughout, elec, refer., gas stove. Por Information, call MR. NOLAN or MR. KNOX. NA. 8260. or nights. DU. 5637, Ext. 304. House open at 44th and Alton Saturday and Sunday. 23rd AND EYE STS. N.W—Large 3-story brick dwelling, 12 rooms. 3 baths, fully furnished and equipped for rooming house or apartment use; newly redecorated: pos session with deposit If desired; very rea sonably priced on terms. WOODWARD A NORRIS. Realtors. 723 20th st. n.w. RE. 6585: Sun. and eves., GL. 0962. .—6 CHEVY CHASE. D. C,. one b k. off Conn, tve., nr. Chevy Chase Circle—Det. home, very desirable for lse. family; contains spacious reception hall. liv. rm. with fire place. unusually lse. din. rm. with exposed besms, ultrsmod. kit. and powder rm.: 7 excel, bedrms. and 2 baths above the 1ST fl.: oil h.-w.h.: level lot. ear.: excellent financing. DURANT - HILLAND - WHITE CO . EM. 6600 till 9 p.m. —6 NEAR CONN. AND NEBRASKA AVES.—4 bedroom. 2'A-bath. all-brick home, just ’A block west of Conn, ave.: reersatlon room, bar, bulb-in ssrsse. This Is an unusual value. Call BEITZELL. DI. 3100. —« NEW HOMES—Beitzell presents ssveral groups of new homes at prices ranging from *16.350 up; finest quality construc tion; locations vary from near Walter Reed Hospital to several new developments in nearby Md. and Va. Our Walter Reed homes feature 6 spacious rooms, 2V* baths. Call BEITZELL, Dl. 3100, for Inspection. CHEVY CHASE, D. C.t 5601 32nd st.; open Sat.'and Sun.. 1:30 to 5:30—We Invite your inspection of the perfectly condi tioned 4-bedrm. house, on lafte cor. lot, in splendid residential section. There is a fireplace in liv. rm. and large screened porch off din. rm., a bkfst. rm. and well equip. kit.: there is a storage attic, a full bsmt. with toilet and oil h.-w.h. heat ing plant and a 2-car garage: quick pos session. Out Conn. ave. to McKinley st. and rizht to 32nd st. M. p. SHOEMAKER, Jr., PL. 1146: eves.. OL. 0467. PL. 0129. FOXHALL RD. SECTION. S66.006—An unusually fine home in one of the finest residential sections of suburban Wash. On lovely large lot. most attractively land scaped; wide entrance hall faces liv. rm. with adiacent sun rm. with tiled floor. Beautiful large din. rm. overlooking ter race: paneled library with fireplace, lge. porch, lge. pantry and thoroughly mod. kit. 2nd floor has big master bedrm. with pvt. bath. 3 other line bedrooms and bath. Charming 2nd floor hall, 2-family bedrms. and bath, storage and cedar closets on 3rd floor; bsmt. has rec. rm. with fireplace and bar, servant's room and bath, air conditioned heat. A really well-built and Elanned home in a. restricted neighbor ood. To Inspect, call JAMES E. SCHWAB. OR 5800: after 5 p.m. call WO. 1408. —6 LARGE HOC8E near Dupont Circle—21 rms.. 7 baths, new elevator: leased at $1,000 per month, less Ulan 7 times yearly rental. JOHN ZIRWE8, 2000 K at. n.w., RE. 6345 and EX 5656. —5 NEAR SOLDIERS’ HOME. Petwerth—$11, 500: large six-room semidetached, in good condition; immediate possession: full basement, new o.h.-w. heat: an excellent buy. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m., WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. —6 BETHESDA—Bungalow. Near new Naval Hospital and Health Institute. Brick: 6 rms., 1 bath; 2nd fl. finished in knotty nlr.e: det. garage; gas h.-a.h.: corner fenced lot. Owner transferred: house is priced to sell. Por details, call NORTH WEST REALTY. OL. 6867. —8 BETHESDA—6 rms., 1 bath. J.-M. shingle house: all rms. are lge. Built to order in 1940 for present owner: full bsmt., porch, lge. lot Por details, call NORTH WEST REALTY. OL. 8867. —6 BETHESDA—$23500. 2 beautiful new homes: l with 4 diedrms. and 2 baths, 1 with 3 bedrms. and 2 baths. Each has a lge bedrm. and bath on 1st fir.; garage attached: lge. screened porch: lge leveled lot. If bought n6w purchaser can se lect paper and eolor scheme. Gas h.-a.h. For details on financing and appt. to show, call NORTHWEST REALTY. OL. 6867. —0 HOME AND INCOME! Wardman Park area—Semidet. brick, 8 rms., 2 baths: in nice condition: can be bought on excel, terms SENATE REALTY CO„ 1109 Eye St. n.w.. EX. 3270. —6 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Immaculate, ex ceptionally well-built detached brick, in quiet, convenient location; fireplace in large living room, family-sized dining room, modern equipped kitchen and powder room on 1st floor: 3 large bedrooms and 2 tile baths on 2nd: large finished room in double insulated attic: full basement, gas heat, slate roof, copper plumbing, built in garage. Call DI. 1015 till » p.m.. WM H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. —0 CLEVELAND PARK, near Bureau of Stand ards—8-room corner brick, in excellent condition: 4 bedrooms, 2 tiled baths, flre placer full basement, oil heat: slate roof, copper gutters, detached brick garage; convenient to everything: on transporta tion. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m. Exclusive with WM. H. S SUNDERS CO.. INC. —0 COLORED—NEAR 1st AND T—Attractive row brick, 8 large rooms and bath, oil heat with summer and winter bookup; soace for garage. Priced $16,450. WM. R THOROWGOOD, 7024 R. I. ave. n.e DE 0317; evenings. MI. 3363. —6 COLORED—2140 WARD PL. N.W.—2 family brk.. 2 baths, 2 kits., oil heat; $9, 450; $1,500 down. LISS REALTY CO., RE. 8264. Eves., TA. 6366. —8 COLORED—739 QUEBEC PL. N.W.—A 6 bedrm., 2‘4-bath home in fine cond.; oil h.-w.h., full bsmt. with front and rear entrances: exeel. for conversion into sep arate apts: priced at $18,600: substan. cash required; 30 day poss. Open Sun. from 1 to 6 P.m.. Mr. Burke on premises. LEGUM & GERBER REALTY CO.. AD. 7800. —5 COLORED—3625 16th ST. N.W., near Spring rd.—6 lge. rms., brk.. full bsmt., oil heat: immed. poss.: $12,950: $2,000 down. JLIS8 REALTY CO., RE. 8264. —8 COLORED—6 ROOMS. BATH, brick, base ment house in 1400 block of Florida ave. n.w.: gas. elec., h.-w. coal heat: for sale to acceptable colored on reasonable terms. F. M. Chives. Agt.. VI. 6893. H. S. GOTT, Colorado Bldg. RE. 2555. —5 COLORED—HOMES, all sections of city; new homes. $700 down. DU. 3243. Mrs. Brown. TW. 2086. HUSIE CROSS. —7 COLORED—417 1st ST. N.W.—First com mercial: lovely row brick home, contain ing 6 rms. and bath: h.-w.h. poss.; this is priced very ress. and will not last long. Call today for an appointment. Ives., HO. 9056. JOSEPH E. BRUNO. INC., Realtors. 903 H st. n.*. NA. 3411. —6 COLORED—1412 CORCORAN ST. N.W.— $5no down, easy terms: 5 apt. units. 3 baths: semidet. brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vinnick. with A. M. DFAISNER, 1404 L st. n.w.. NA. 8036: home. OB. 0397. COLORED—HOME AND INCOME. $1,500 income: vacant: 10 rms., 2 baths ana full bsmt. in this tapestry brick home with Colonial front porch. This won’t last long! 11 rma., 2 baths In a semidet. brick home with full bsmt. This is cheaper to buy than to rent. - SURETY FEALTY CO., HX. 7944: tVea., TR. 4627 or SL. 2050. —9 HOUSKS FOR SALE—Northowt. 3-FAMILY BRICK. a lovely home with income, only 7 years old; 2 separate apts, 6 rooms. 2 baths, rec. rm., eas heat, equip, kitchens. Shown by appt., call CO. 3333 or OE. 9341 eves., PECK CO. 9 3817 4th ST. N.E.—2-family apartment, Individual (as heat. Live in one. keep the other rented. Priced $13,500; $3,000 cash, balance monthly. NA. 3:183. —5 NEW DET. ROMES—8 rms.. 2 baths. hl(h ly desirable and conv. location. Price, $20,500 to $21,500: 30-day purchase to veterans. Sample house 1704 Mlchtsan ave. n.e. Open Eat. and Sun., 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekdays by appt. 8TEUART BROS.. INC., 1012 5th St. n.w. DI. 2434. VACANT and newly renovated: 811 10th at. n.e.—6 rms. and bath, oil heat. elec, refrr. porches: $2,500 cash required; balance like rent. NEWSOM. 1110 H st. n.e. LI. 2071. —« NEAR LINCOLN PARK—8-room row brick: 8rice. $10,000: $1,000 down. Call J. H. :nox. office of ROBERT W. SAVAOE, 514 Union Trust Bids.. NA. 3630. _—5 NEAR NORTH CAPITOL AND BUCHANAN —7-year-old row brick; 6 rooms, bath, full basement: (as air-conditioned heat; per fect condition; a real value. Call Mr. Northern, Also 1689. with BEITZELL, DI. 3100. _ —6 TWO-FAMILY SPECIAL close-in n.e.— First ofTerin* of an exceptionally clean - cut opportunity. Act promptly. MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831. (Teninsa RA. 3418. * RESTRICTED N.E. LOCATION — Modern semidetached brick only 8 veari old. com olete with furniture. 2 spacious bedrms.. liv. rm.. din. rm., kit., automatic heat: priced $11,050 on terms. CaB CO. 3333 or OE. 9341 eves. PECK CO.» 3408 18th 318-330-333 AND 334 QUACKENBOS st. n.e.—New. six-room detached bricks; im mediate Dosses.-ion: $18,600: considerable cash required: veteran's preference. LAND WEHR. HO. 3804. * OWNER NEEDS QUICK SALE—All-ma sonry. 8-rm. det. house on So. Dak. ave.; recommended for larxe family or home and Income; a real oppor. at $13,900. with $2,000 -cash down considered. Call RE. 6650 'till 9 p.m., COLONIAL INVEST - OWEN PL N.I.. near W. Va. avC—Only $13,960 will buy a line 2-family Colonial row brick home in the best el eond.; 6 Ice. ruts.. 2 bath*. 2 kit*., oil heat and (ar. A nice home for o small family who ean use the income from the 2nd apt. 4 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.l. (CowO. CLAY ST.—Brick. S rm*.. bath, o.h.-w.h.: excel, cond.: near all conv.; $8,950, terms. ACKREALTY SERVICE. Realtor, FR. 7717 SPECIAL. 48th ave, near Cheverly—De tached, 7 large rooms, fnrn. home: llrtplace in liv. rm, large din. rm, 3 bedrms, large tiled bath, bant, o.h.-w.h.: lovely cond. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Realtor. PR. 7717 till 8. MICHIGAN PARR—Detached brick. « Ige. rms, 1*4 baths, rec. rm, 2 fireplaces, ga rage. its heat, all axtrae; $21,600. ACE REALTY SERVICE, Realtors. PR. 7717 tin 8. COLORED—NEAL ST. N.E—Lovely 8-rm. row brick, 3 Inclosed, heated porches; 2 kitchens. 3 modern full baths, full base ment with 3 entrances, back yard, 3-car garage, oil keat, concrete front norch. Close to all conveniences. Cell until 9 pm, LEO M. BERNSTEIN dl CO, 1416 R_it. n.w.. ME. 5400. NR. lStt AND EMERSON STS. N.E_This attractive 0-room. semidetached brick home, near Catholic University, consists of I5t4xl7-ft. living room with picture window, dining room and ultramodern kitchen: 3 bedrooms and tiled bath on 2nd floor; full basement with very nice recreation room, toilet and outside en trance. gas a.-c. heat: housa about 1 */i years old and very well built: reasonably priced at $18,750: $5,000 cash and pay ments $89 per month including taxes and Insurance. Call Mr. Jackson, NA. 8300; eves and week ends. WI. 2933. BOSS * PHELPS. INC, 1417 K st. n.w. —7 8IX-RM. BOW BRICK. 1 bath. rec. rm.; in Terr good shape; long lot. Inspection by gppointment only. Cali J. J. O'Connor, DI. 5252, eves, AD. 6886. —6 WOODRIDGE SPECIAL, on Rhode Island ave.—Large 7-rm. home, ideally located; automatic heat; must be seen to be ap preciated: first come, first served. See MR. MAYNOR at 2002 Rhode Island ave. n.e, NO, 4338. —7 18th AND E STS. N.E.—Lovely brick home, on longjpt: « rms.. 1% baths: 2 ranges, 2 rtfgiYT can be converted into 3 apts.; hardwood firs.: gas heat: 10 Trie old; pots. Call tlU 9. AUERBACH ft CO, DI. 6501. ~-8 RIVER TERRACE, N.I.—Attractive S room brick, In lovely condition; tiled bath; gas heat; fenced yard; terms arranged. CaU CO. 8333. or RA. 6693 eves, PECK CO, 3408 18th st. n.e. —7 409 BLK! QUACKENBOS ST. N.K.—Semi detached brick. A-l cond.: 3 bedrms, mod ern kit, full basement, gaa heat, nice lot: priced under $12,000; $2,000 cash will handle. Mr. Jeter with JAMES L. DIXON A CO, 1023 17th atf n.w. EX. 6760. RA. 2068 eves. —5 UNDER $16,MO—5-rm. row brick, only a few yr«. old. let-class condition: has all conveniences, transp, shopplnt center, etc. SENATE REALTY CO, 1109 Eye st. n.w, EX. 3270. —5 NORTH WOODRIDGE—The most attrac :ive custom-built brick bungalow we have had to offer. Liv. rm with fireplace, din. rm, beautiful mod. kit, paneled den. 2 bedrms, tiled bath. rec. rm . oil heat, lifetime slate roof: level landscaped lot; det. garaae. This home is perfect in every detail. H. L. BROWN. DE. 8835. WOODRIDGE BARGAIN—Lovely 2-7tory det. home; cloee to R. I. ave.; oil h.-w.h.: Ige. level lot: det. garage: priced for tamed, aale H.L. BROWN. DE. 8636. —5 I rJ7?E..TEI?B^CE, N-R—Modern 6-room brlek. tile bath. 3 lovely bedrms, com pletely redecorated, full bsmt, quick pos session: owner leaving town: priced for ouick sale. CaU CO. 3333 or OE. 9341 eves.lPECK. CO, 3408 18th at. n.e. —8 LARGE BRICK CORNER, 9 rms, 2 bath*, vacant. JOHN ZIRWES. INC, 2006 K at. n.w.. RE. 6345 and EX. 5656. —5 6-ROOM BRICK, priced for Immediate eale: 13,?8.SSIM?IkST- *f interested, call MANNAS REALTY CO., 2116 Wilson bird. QL. or OX. 2784. Brokers’ co operation Invited <60-401 _8 LOVELY DETACHED BRICK HOME with 6 unusually large rooms <3 bedrooms), recreation room, screened porch, oil h.-w.h.; garage: good location: priced for ouick sale. RUB YE M ACKEN. Sligo *060. Sligo 7433; Sunday and evenings, Mr. Reed, Adams 1456. —8 go.000 CASH will eecure 4-»pt. house: two 5-room and bath apts. and two 4-room and bath apt*.: all private entrances; va cant lat-fioor 5-room and bath apt, flre P'xt*' Price, $20,000. balance monthly. Inquire 3601 Eastern eve. n.e. —6 COLORED—NEW HOMES. N.E, at low as $700 down. Clarence Berry. TR. 2311; NORMAN HALEY. EX. 4280. —7 COLORED—A BEAUTIFUL HOME, ar ranged for 2 families; 2 large kitchens, equipped with stoves and refrigerators: 1st and tad floor income. $140 per mo.: 2 nice, large rooms in basement, nice back yard with 2-car garage. Call Mr. i*MOORET' 0530 °r H°' 6715—wlth R COLORED—CLOSE-IN N.E.—Attractive* 8 room home with oil heat; first offering; terms. MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831. Eve, RA. 3418. • COLORED—NEAR LINCOLN PAKK—Large 9-room brick, 2 baths, beautiful condi tion; for lane family or rooming house: immediate possession. Call CO. 3333 or OE. 9341. Eves, PECK CO, 3408 18th st. n.e —8 COLORED^SUITABLE for doctor or den tist. corner brick. 10 lovely rdoms. oil heat, garage, large lot. hardwood floor*. $10,000 handles. OWENS REALTY, ME. 0486. _6 COLORED—1400 BLK. TRINIDAD AVE.— 8 rooms, bath, automatic gas heat, hard wood floors, built-in garage. $2,500 down, easy terms, cell MR. SHEPPARD, DE. 1161: eves, DE. 2818. 5 COLORED—BROOKLAND, 2900 blk. 10th st.—Semidet. brick. 6 rooms, bath, oil heat, hardwood floors, front and rear porches, garage. $3,000 down, balance in easy monthly payments. See this home today! Call MR. SHEPPARD. DE. 1161; eve*, DE. 2818. —5 COLORED—*3.000 DOWN—Owen pi. n.e.; very desirable 6-rm. brick home, gas heat: best buy in this location. Eves, call Mr. Abel, RA. 8942 or Mr. Cono. OE. 2829. KAY REALTY CO, RA. 2200. —5 COLORED — NEW-HOUSE CONDITION; near 5th and M its.; 20-ft. row brick, with 8 large rooms, bath, full bsmt, h.-w-.h, colonial front porch. Venetian blinds, storm windows and dOors, screens: owner occupied; $2,000 down. bal. like rent R. A. HUMPHRIES, Realtors, 808 N. Cap, NA. 6730. —7 COLORED—OWEN PL. N.E_A splendid, modern brick, located In the highly desira ble Trinidad area; 6 large, attractive rooms, with eorapl. eauipped kit. and tiled bath, plus 2 screened porches and front porch; full bsmt, h.-w.h, b.l. gar.; house in excel, cond. and a wonderful buv at the greatly reduced price now offered. See this really line property today. Directions: Ogt Fla. ave. n.e. to 12th st. n.e, left on Montello 4 blocks to Owen pi, right to open sign. Call NA. 9797 or LI 3549 un til 9 p.m, CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO, 925 N. Y. ave. COLORED—OATES 8T. N.E—An extreme ly attractive and very clean modern brick home: avail, for quick poss. The area is the best, with every conv. nearby; 6 large rooms and tiled bath, with compt. equipped kit, full bsmt, h.-w.h. Don't miss seeing this splendid home today. Reasonable cash down payment, Direc tions: Out Fla. ave. n.e. to 12th st. n.e, left on Montello 3 blocks to Oates st, right to open sign. Call NA. 9797 or LI 3540 until 9 p.m, CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO, 925 N. Y. ave. COLORED—212 PARKER 9T. N.E_$350 down, easy terms; 5 rooms, elec.; row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vin niek, with A. M DRAISNER, 1404 L st n.w, NA. 8036; home. OE. 0297. HOUSES FOR SALE—Southeast. ONLY *1,800 DOWN and move into a vacant bungalow; coir and cute; 5 rms.. 3 bedrms.. tile bath. auto, h.-w.h.. basement: near bus. movie end shopping. *9,950. *09.50 mo. T. D. BUROE88. VI. 2802 till 8. —7 ONLY *1,150 CASH—Nearly new bungalow in nearby Md.: 5 rms. and bath, oil h.-w.h., 2 bedrms. Great value. *9.950. T. D. BURGESS. 2524 Penna. ave. e.e.. VI. 2802 till 8. —7 FACING PA. AYE. st 8th It. Is this Im posing lge. 8-rm. and 2-bath home. Would make 4 Ideal apts. Lge. yd., rees. priced terms. HERBERT * SONS. Realtors. 515 E. Capitol *t., LI. 0129; eves.. WO. 0080 NEAR CORAL HILLS. MD., shopping cen ter: close to D. C. line: lge. brick bunga low. 8 rms.. tile bath. 4 bedrms., full bsmt.. oil a.-c heat: lovely kit. with din ing nook. auto, dishwasher and garbage disposal. fireplace: fenced yard: only *15. 950: reas. terms. T. D. BURGESS. VI. 2802 ’til 8. —0 HILLCREST AREA—Open Sat. and,Sun.. 1 to 5. 1505 35th st. s.e.. 1 j block off Carpenter st. s.e. New, 8-rm.. detached brick home, with tiled baths on 1st and 2nd floors: fireplace In living room, modem kitchen with stove and refrigerator, light in closets, Venetian blinds, copper plumb ing. gas a.-c. heat. Call for details, A. A. CAROZZA CO., 2327 Pa. ave. s.e. AT. 8941: eves.. VI. 1922. —5 ONLY *1.500 DOWN will buy this prewar brick house near Galllnger Hospital, now used as 3 apts. with the income of *115 per mo. Pull price, only *13.500. and well worth it. Further details. SHOCKEY k MOORHEAD, Realtors, AD. 0021. Open ’til 9 p.m. —8 VETERANS—Two ex-servicemen with *800 cash each can own a 4-family, modern brick apartment building, only 5 years old: both occupy separate apts. The rent you receive from the other 2 apts. helps to pay for the property. All 4 apts. have living room, dinette and kitchen, large bedroom and tiled bath with shower; Ve netian blinds, hardwood floors, kitchen fully equipped. This is Important: Two of the apts. are furnished, which is In cluded In the price. This buildinr is located In excellent section of Metropoli tan s.e.: 1 block to bus, larte shopping center and school. Priced *17.480. Down payment, *1.800; balance carried in two veterans' loans. Phone Mr. McOinniss. NA. 9141 for details. Mr. McGinnl** will be pleased to explain. FREDERICK W. BERE.N8 SALES. 1528 K at. n.w. —8 FAIRLAWN VILLAGE, 1934 S st. *.e — Semidet. 5-nn. brick bouse, with 2 con crete porches with rm. under each porch, full baaement: awnings for entire house. Sas heat. Priced *13.500. Open 4 to 8. at.; 5 to 8, Sun., or by appt. In eve. TR. 4588. _ _ 5 BRICK BUNGALOW, luat over D. C. line: 5 large rooms and bath, atairway to un finished attic: finished apt. in basement. ACE REALTY SERVICE, Realtors, PR. 7717 till 8. NR. CAPITOL on North Carolina ave. s.e.— *1.000'down, possession with settlement, good terms. Six rooms, 2 baths, o.h.-w.h.. row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vlnnick. with A. M. DRAISNER, 1404 L St. n.w.. NA. 8038. OK. 0207 80S PORTLAND ST. S.E.—*750 down, oasy terms. Six rooms, bath, o.h^w.h., row stucco. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vlnnick. with A. M. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w.. NA. 8038; home. OE. 0297. NEW 7-ROOM BRICK—Just over D. C. line in Md.: bedroom and tile bath on first: 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs: full basement, gas heat: storage room attic. A bargain at *14.100,- terms. ROBERT MAGEE RE. 7740 until 9. * . CONGRESS HEIGHTS — Semidet. brick home. 5 large rms.. tiled bath, gai beat, full bsmt.: nice lot; close to transp. and shopping: price, *11,600; terms. SOUTH EAST REALTY CO.. 1211 Penna. ave. s.e., PR. 6080. PR, 7328. —7 FAIRLAWN—Immediate possession; nice semidetached brick. 8 rms., tiled bath, front porch, gas heat, close to transp. and shopping. SOUTTIEABT REALTY CO 1211 Pa. are s.e.. PR. 0060. PR. 7326. —7 WOMEN WANTED, gtho can appreciate a fine home—Corner brick, lust a few yrs. old in Congress Height* with 8 ma., bath; plastereo ree. rm. and lav. In basement; gas heat, screened porch; the euteit house in the neighborhood; beaut, landscaped tot with lhrubberr and Anchor fence. Owner leavlng towy g SSRJf. i HOUSES FOR SALK—S.I. (Cm».) CONGRESS HEIGHTS—Brick. A rms.. 1*4 'oaths. all h.-w.h.: Urge lot; lovely cond.: tiblk. from stores. ACE REALTY SERV ICE. Realtors, FR. 7717 Ull 8. NEAR NAVY YARD—This row brick has been completely reconditioned; liv. rm , dinl. rm.. kit.. 2 bedrms. and bath, brand-new automatic gas h.-w.h.; rea sonably priced at #7.750 with 91.600 down. #85 mo. This house la a good buy. EDWARD J, KYLE. Realtor. 180? Eye at. n.W;, DI. S717. —7 FORT DUPONT— $12.950 with $9,100 1st trust, payablt $60 mo.. Including principal, interest, taxes and insurance—■ Semidet. brick with llv. rm.. din. rm.. efficiency kit. on 1st fl.; 2nd fl. has, 2 bedrms.. dsn with built-in bookshelves end tiled bath with buflt-ln tub and shower, linen closet; other features In clude full, deep, dry bsmt. with partially completed rec. room; hardwood floors throughout, natural trim, weather stripped, insulated, large, rear, fenced jot: in new-houae cond. R. A. HUM PHRIES, Realtors. 80S N. Cap.. HA. 0730. H1LLCEEST—Nice bungalow with 5 rm»., bsmt.. large lot. eonv. transp. and shop ping: priced for Quick sale: $11,500 with terms SOUTHEAST REALTY CO.. 1211 P»_ ano s.e.. PR. 8080, FR. 7328. —7 6-ROOM ROW BRICK. 2 baths, oil h.-w.h.; small down payment: suitable for rent ing rooms. Cell OWNER. AT. 5147 after 6 p.m. —7 BRICK SEMIDETACHED. Vacant: about 1 yr. old. 6 large rms.. 2 baths, rec. rm., beaut, kit. Deep lot. concrete front porch, gas auto. heat. This is one of the better built hornet In s.e.. This home has every thing you could hope for and more. Priced under $15,000 with reas. terms. 1227 Sa vannah st. s.e. Open Sun., 1 to 5. Di rections: Out Nichols ave. to Congress rd;, left on Alabama ave. to 12th at., right i.A1sLl0JB*vgnn*11 and home. HENRY 8ALU8, NA. 1262, R104 Vermont ave. n.w, SEMIDET. BRICK—6 rms.. tile bsth~'fuU bamt., gas heat: ready for occupancy In d*ys. .Today's best buy at $12. 500. SENATE REALTY CO., 1109 Bye st. n.w., EX 3270. —5 VETERANS—You ean own a modern 4 tamlly apt. bldg. and occupy 1 apt. rent free. The Income you receive from the other 3 apts. helps to pay for bldg. All 4 apts. are beautifully designed end finished, each has large llv. rm.. dinette, kit. hag *!*e-wr*I«r- »nd stove, spacious bedrm., tile bath with shower. Located in Con areas HU. section of s.e., 1 blk. to bus and lerse shopping center. Conv. to schools, close to Bolling Pleld end Novel Research Laboratory. Price. $21,500; terms. $2,500 JOPJV b»l- In veteran's loan. Phone Mr. - McOlnnias, NA. 9141 for details. Mr. J'JlLb,*d explain. FRED ERICK W. BEREN8 SALES, 1528 K st. n.w. OWNER MUST SELL this fine, vacant, lse. 2-family home in new-house cond., near the Capitol, l apt has 3 lie. rms., kit. and balh. The other has 2 larte rms . kit. and bath. Cellar with laund. facilities and toilet; oil h.-w.h,: nice yd t reas. priced: terms. HERBERT & SON8. Realtors. 515 E. Capitol st., LI. 0129" eves.. WO. 0060._—5 ' WE RECOMMEND these 2 grand buys. In spection invited— $11.950—Arranged if desired for 2 apts. with separata baths 8 rms . oil h.-w.h , stove, refgr.. screens, storm sashes: In viting front porch, full bsmt.; conv. loca tion. 1423 You at. #14,750—Complete basement apt., sep arate entrance. rents for $55: B-rm. semi det. brick, in immaculate cond.; stove, refgr., screens, storm sashes: garage gae heat; eapecially desirable neighborhood. 1609 22nd at. Bxclualve. GEO. S. KING A8,95- Real Estate and Insurance. 5110 Nichols ave. i t., LI. 2501. Realtor. ---—.5 COLORED—EXCELLENT LOCATION—Six rpom brick. 2 baths, recre. rm.; in 1st elass condition. Easy terms. SENATE REALTY CO.. 1109 Eye at. n.w. EX 3270 COLORED—1429 A t ST. S.E.—sT.OOfl down. Beaut row brick, oontalnint 0 lovely rms. and bath, full bamt.. h.-w.h.. WS: front porch. 2 lie. rear porches. «ley in rear. Call us for further in formation. Eves.. HO. 9050. JOSEPH E. BRUNO. INC., Realtors, 903 H st. n.w. NA. .141 J. _fl COLORED-ON 17th 8T. S.E.—Nice loca tion. 3 apts., with furn.; owner will sac riflce^ MR DAVID. RA. 0912. 8* COLORED—9850 TO *7.000 DOWN—Pvt. home, or with income, s.e.. n.e. or n.w. For details, call ACE REALTY SERVICE, Realtors. FR. 7717 till x. COLORED—KENTUCKY AVE.—Brick, in come property; 4 apts.; $1,760 down; house will pay for itself; oil h.-w.h . de awot&-J*r£ge',. porches. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Realtors. FR. Y717. COLORED—VACANT—1526 E st a e ; possession with full down payment; good terms: 5 rooms,' bath, c.h.-w.h : brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vtnnick. with A; M. DRAISNER. NA. 8036; home. GE. COLORED—859 SO. CAE. AVE. S.E.— $760 down, easy terms: 8 rooms, bath, c.h.-w.h.: row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vinnlck, with A. M. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w.. NA. 8036: home. OE. 0297. HOUSES FOR SALE—Southwest. COLORED—VACANT; bargain; $300 down, $40 a month: 1223 Union at. s.w.; 2-story brjck. 6 rooms, gas, electricity, water. EX. 3900: eves., HO. 0325. _8 COLORED—1010 2nd ST. S.W. — $350 down, easy terms; 0 rooms, elec.; row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vln nick, with A. M. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w.. NA. 80.3fi: home. GE. 0297. COLORED—1234-1238 2nd ST. S.W_ $295 down, easy terms; 4 rooms, elec.; row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vlnnick. with A. M. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8036: home. GE. 0297. COLORED—115 9th bT. 8.W.-^$500 down, easy terms; 9 rooms, bath: row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vlnnick, with A M. DRAISNER. 1404 L at. n.w., NA. 3030: home. OB. 0297. _ HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. WISH TO BUT HOME with 1 acre or more in Rockville or Potomac section; please give price. Box 10-S. Star. IS TOUR HOME FOR SALE? II so. you n.ay have immed. occupancy of an apt. in nearby Va. Write details to Box 439-S, Star. —5 WANTED. 3-BEDKOOM BRICK HOME, in Silver Spring that can be bought for $3,000 down and monthly payments not to exceed $75 per mo.: price must be reasonable; have customer waiting. Call Banks Murray, 8L. 8114. with SHANNON dc LUCHS CO.. 1505 H at. n.w.. NA. 2345. Open evenings until 9 p.m. —5 HAVE CASH CLIENTS waiting for home* in Woodridge. Michigan Park and Prince Georges County. Call Mr Blackwood. NO, 8597. with SHANNON £ LUCHS CO.. 1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2345. Open evenings until 9 p.m. —S 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS in good location of n.w. or Montgomery Cc. suburbs; under $20,000. Conv. to trans and schools. MR BARTLETT. DU. 8558 or eves, LU. 2040. IMMEDIATE ACTION—We will buy your home for cash or sell to clients waiting. Free appraisal MITCHELL QUICK. DI. 2831: eve., RA. 3418. 10* DIRECT FROM OWNER—I am in need of a 3 or 4 bedroom house in a nice location. Will pay all caah. No agents please. Box 298-8. Star. —lo4 DET. BRK.—3 bedrms., 1 st-fl. powder rm„ rec. rm.; east of 18th and north of Mili tary rd.: about $24,000. Box 47-S, Star, —5 WE HAVE READY CASH BUYERS for homes in D. C., Maryland or Virginia, from $10,000 to $30,000; if vou arc in. terested in selling, we will be glad to give you, without obligation, our prompt opin ion. aa to the market value of your hous# backed by our 42 years of continued real estate service. SHANNON £ LUCHS CO., 1505 H st. n.w.. NA. 2345. Open evening* until 9 n.m. —5 WE ARE INTERESTED in buying your house, lot, acreage or farm In D. C. or Md.: prompt action. Established 65 jeer*. HERBERT £ SONS. Realtors. 515 E. Capi tol st.. LI. 0129: eves.. WO. 006o. —7 HOUSES IN D. C., MD.. AND VA.—Quick sales are the result of our proper ap praisal and experience In selling home properties. Eve. or Sun., phone Georgia 2900. L. T ORAVATTE, Realtor. 72» 15th st n.w.. NA. 0753. —5 I PAT CASH FOR HOUSES—White or col ored. Any section; any condition. MR. B LI88. RE. 8264: eves.. TA. 6366. WILL PAT CASH for houses, white or colored, any condition or section. DE. 0885. SELLING TOUR HOME? Why not con tact us? We hsve a list of buyers for *:l types of homes in D C . Va. and Md. and may Jse able to give you a quick top price contract. Phone NA. 2557 weekdays. JOHN H. MILLER. Jr.. £ BRO , Realtors, 1812 K st. n.w —7 WILL PAT CASH for your property, at.f section or condition: quick settlement. J. CARROLL. TR. 0111: eves.. TR. 0425. WE WANT TOIR HOUSE, apartment, store or unimproved land for sale; we have the client*. Call Mr. Boucher. DRURY REALTY CORf ORATION. 1737 K RE 1183. IP PROMPT ATTENTION to the isle of your home, boslneas or Investment prop erty Is what von detire, call R. A. HUM PHRIES. Realtor. 808 North Caoltol. NA. 6730. Pree appraisals Results since 1919. CHARLES I. GUNN ha* client* waiting to nurehai* hvotes in any section of Wash, ana nearby Maryland PR. 1206 DO TOU WANT 8PEEDT ACTION? Lilt ycur house with us. Have cash buyers who will pay top price. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., 1224 Eye at. n.w. EX. 3400. 60 TEARS’ SERVICE to local property owners guarantees results. List your prop erty with WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., Realtors since 1887. 1519 K st., DI 1015. ROW BRICK HOUSES, suitable for room ing house or conversion to spts.. wanted; any section. WALDO HARRIS. LI. 0919. MB. 1234. —7 VIRGINIA HOMES WANTED—Have cash buyers in urgent need of immediate hous ing: can pay up to $20,000, and will tuarantee Immediate action. Pleaie phone Mr McCauley. CH. 3547. with SHANNON * LUCHS CO. 1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2345. Open evenings until o p.m. FOR A QUICK CASH SALE of your D. C. or Mdy property, call NO. 7204._ ABE TOU THINKING OF BELLING? It so. you should know— 1. How to sell to your best advantage, 2. The present market value. 3. Difference bet. various listings. 4. The purpose of 1st and 2nd trust!. 5. If any tax; on selling price. ?. When must possession be given. . If there Is sn appraisal fee. These and many more questions will be gladly answered (without any obligation whatever), by calling FORD E. MORGAN. Sr . RR. 4910; eves., TR. 6262. SUBURBAN SALE—MARYLAND I HATE A DREAM HOME in nearby Md — 5-room detached, full bamt, oil heat; all modern cony* ; large fenced yard, shade trees. Priced to sell. Owner coin! abroad Call Mrs. Olllespl. PR 11 Ob JAY REALTY CO. , — ’ LIVINGSTON RD. 8.E.. 3 miles past Dis trict line—Modern 6-rm aftd bath shin gle bungalow, plus '/» acre land: equipp-S kit., refgr. oil heat: $7,500 SCOTT SAN DERS. 3919 So. Capitol., TR. 7593: eve*.. VI. 0990 . - 5 RIVERDALE HEIGHTS—5 rms. and batR, partially finished attic, hot-air heat, full bsmt.; nice-alze lot: close to bus. store* and churches. Rrlced. »Lt ,500. C*ll WA. 3309 for appt. ARTHUR T GRAN HOLM. 6419 Quintanna st., Riverdale^Md. SILVER I PR RCNGALOW. frame. 700 block Gist are.; 7 rms. and 3 baths, flrepl.. built-in gar., niee lot. Call Mr. Morninf star, WA. 3M8. with PORD E. MORGAN. Sr- EE. 4910._ —3 Kksttmsad or Hmr PaoS