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Coal Strike Question Hinges on Respect For Court Order Judiciary Branch of U. S. Will Be Seen as Failure If Lewis Ignores Writ By David Lawrenct If the Truman administration pursues in good faith the strategy it began in the courts by asking for an injunction to end the coal strike, a question of transcendent impor tance in the history of Industrial relations may be decided. It is whether a labor union is af fected with a public interest and can be subjected to commands of the law Just as is a corporation. The injunction just issued requires that John L. Lewis order the miners to go back to work. Is this contrary to the rights of the individual? Obviously no man can be compelled to work against his will. That would be involuntary servitude. But on the other hand when a labor union functions, it is engaged in collective and not in dividual action. Not an Individual Affair. The right of a labor union to issue strike orders is not an individual affair. It is the action of a collective entity, the same as the action of a corporation. The Congress has full power to regulate labor unions and their activities. This was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States when, in 1935, it upheld the constitutionality of the Wagner Labor Relations law. That decision put into effect compulsory collec tive bargaining. It ordered em ployers to sit down and talk with representatives of the employes. The degree of compulsion is not as per tinent as the fact that congress has power to compel certain actions by employers and employe representa tives. The Taft-Hartley law was passed on the theory that if Congress al ready had power over employers it had similar power over employe organizations. The corporation and the union stand in the same re lationship to congressional power. When Mr. Lewis, therefore, re ceives a command to order the work ers of his union back to the mines, it is true that as individuals they can disobey his command, but if it be found that his instruction was not issued In good faith or that It was accompanied by secret word to disregard the order, there can be a contempt proceedings against the union as well as its chief. Con certed work stoppages now are amenablp to legal restraint nc matter how they are Initiated. There has been some talk that the administration would wait be fore asking for punishment on the contempt charges, it being assumed that the issues might be settled meanwhile by negotiation. It is obvious that the Truman adminis tration would like to avoid the po litical complications of a contempt proceeding when the presidential campaign is so near at hand. Court’s Dignity at Stake. But respect for Congress requires the administration to follow through on its petition after a reasonable length of time has elapsed for Mr. Lewis to comply with the court order. That might be a day or two or it might be a week but in the end it is difficult to see how Mr. Lewis’ failure to order the strikers back to work can be ignored by the court itself, which could summon the miners’ official and ask him what he has done if anything to,carry out the court’s wishes. If nothing has been done, a fine can be im posed and, while the litigation may be long drawn out, the risks of losing some more of the money paid in as dues by the miners are substan tial. There are many people, especially in the ranks of labor, who feel that a union is Immune from court or der as long as the law says that the right to strike shall not be im paired or that individuals shall not * work unless they are able and will ing. Neither of these points is at issue now. The problem is whether the miners’ union, before exercising the right to strike, followed the pro cedure set forth in the Taft-Hartley law and whether, after issuance of a temporary restraining order, the wishes of the court are being ful filled. In a sense, the main issue is not unlike w'hat it was last year when Mr. Lewis defied a court order. The real question turns on respect for a court order. If Mr. Lewis can ignore injunctions, the judicial branch of the Government will be looked upon as having failed to uphold both its dignity and its authority. (Reproduction Right* Reserved.) your Classified Telephone Directory -for Theaters, Storage, Welders or alaoat anything *1m i . Today's Quote— From Poor Richard "Little Stroke*, Fell Great Oaks.” —Benjamin Franklin'* Almanack Likewise . . . Regular Systematic,’ Little-By-Little Savings Conquer Financial Handicap*. You are invited to phone District 2370 for Information about a Savings Account in any amount from IS up at FIRST FEDERAL SAV INGS ASSOCIATION—610 18th Street N.W., between F and G. j This Changing World - 95 Per Cent Romanian People Reported Suffering Under New Red Order Rule By Contantine Brown % Americans and Romanians who have just arrived in Washington from the Russian satellite country tell a harrowing tale of the suffer ing Of 95 per cent of the pop ulation under the Soviet's new order. As in all other satellite coun tries, the “Sigu ranza” (secret police) has been thoroughly trained by ex pert MVD offi cers and has shown surpris i n g efficiency in tracking down opponents Of the C»nit*ntin» Brown, regime and blackmailing others who attempt to remain nonpolitical citizens. Most of the prominent members of the Nazi Iron Guard have been accepted with open arms by the government, which is domi nated by the Moscow-trained Com munist, Anna Pauker. The officers of the new army in Romania have been trained either in the U. S. S. R. or in Romanian schools packed with political com missars. Very few old-time officers have kept their jobs. They were dis missed from the armed forces and are earning pittances as porters or peddlers of black market goods. Underground Arises. As in other states behind the iron curtain, a strong underground has arisen in Romania to plague the Communists. Its activities are con fined principally to smuggling out of the country those who are able to pay—in dollars or Swiss francs—the price of getting out of the country. This has brought into the organ ization a number of ex-convicts and criminals who charge between $1,200 and $2,000 for transportation from Romania to the western Allied zones of Austria. The number of persons attempt ing to get out of the Communist heaven averages about 300 a day. But less than 10 per cent ever manage to reach safety. The others are captured and summarily exe cuted, either In Romania or Hun gary. Yet any one who has man aged to hoard hard currency from the days before the iron curtain descended prefer to take the chance rather than die slowly of starvation. The "economic reconstruction" of Romania is proceeding full speed. Before currency reform the dollar was worth 3,000,000 lei. Then the great financial coup occurred, un beknown even to the Communist minister of national economy. On orders from Moscow the cur rency had to be exchanged for new paper money, valued at 140 lei to the dollar. Every one had to turn in all old currency, but the national bank allowed each person to ex change only 3,000,000 lei of old currency—*1 worth—for new cur rency. The unredeemed part of a person’s wealth—regardless of how many billion lei it totaled—remains temporarily in the hands of the government for "safe keeping.” This measure hit not only the landowners and merchants, but also the millions of peasants who had just sold their crops to government buyers at high prices, not knowing that the ax would fall soon after they completed their transactions. Estates Divided. Estates—large and small—were divided up among the peasantry. The trouble was that the parcelling out of land gave the head of each family not more than five acres. And with only 140 new lei—the maximum they could get in cur rency reform—they did not have sufficient funds to buy seeds, fer tilizer and agricultural implements. Romanian farmers can satisfy their needs, however, on credit from the government, provided they Join the strictly Communist-controlled co-operatives and thus adopt the new system of production as it Is practiced in Russia, where crops must be surrendered to the govern ment, which decides how much the peasant can keep for his own up keep. Since the currency reform the cost of living has increased consid erably. The 140 lei allowed each citizen can purchase a meal in one of the good restaurants, which still exist for the benefit of the Rus sians, the few foreigners who com prise the diplomatic corps and the members of the Communist Party. Communication between foreigners and Romanians is strictly forbidden, unless the Romanian agrees to be come a secret police spy. Arrests and deportations to Russia continue with monotonous regularity. As in the U. S. S. R., it is dangerous to inquire as to the whereabouts of friends who disappear. Problem of Tactics Anti-Truman Democrats Over Nation Attempting to Make Convention Plans By Doris Fleeson Anti-Truman Democrats from all over the country are here this week establishing contact with one an other and trying to make conven tion plans. They include three former Senators and are from the West, East and Midwest. All bluntly insist the President can’t win but they still have no answer to the major di lemma: Who else? Like the other dissidents they are wist ful about Gen Doris Fleoson. Eisenhower and have as little real information to go on. One thing they have done: They have rechecked Southern opposi tion which has been reported as weakening, and they say it is not. A part of that story is that the President’s gay companion, Missls sippian George Allen, has been as signed to take over the Southern sector from National Chairman Mc Grath and make peace. Physician or Jester? Regarding this one Southern Sen ator commented: “'Some people send for a physician when they are sick; others send for a jester.” It appears also that Senator Me-' Grath has annoyed the Southern ers afresh in a defense of President Truman in Butte, Mont., in which he compared Southern attitudes to ward Negro voting with Russia’s treatment of the Czechs and Finns. That will be placed in the Congres sional Record with appropriate comment, one Senator promised. The present trend among the dis senters is to soft pedal the Eisen hower talk and wait until close to convention time. They appear to believe that as the Russian situa tion gets tougher, the Eisenhower boom will take on an air of in evitability. A part of the Eisenhower legend in the Democratic camp now is that, he is tremendously opposed to Gen.) ^— -. -.---= i TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 460 New York Ave. N.W. NA. 1070 Export Packing OUR SPECIALTY * Golf shoes and R. W. ATKINS' own beautiful custom shoes for ladies and gentlemen. ATKINS SHOES I 914 G St. N.W. NA. 4785 Wa$hinoton'$ Outttanding Quality Shoe Shop MacArthur as President. There 1* no proof, but they repeat it con stantly and their argument runs that as the International situation gets worse it improves Gen. Mac Arthur’s chances and makes it easier to draft Gen. Eisenhower to run against him. Porter Believes In Delay. Among those that believe the best hope of snaring Gen. Elsen hower lies in delay is Paul Porter, an influential voice in Americans for Democratic Action. ADA Chair man Leon Henderson has been veering toward immediate indorse ment of the general. This question will be thrashed out Sunday in Pittsburgh when chairmen Of the State chapters meet to reconsider their position. There will be no voices raised in Mr. Truman’s defense; the prob lem will be one of tactics. The President’s circle professes to be unworried and describes pres ent agitation as “only a big blow.” They can point to a stand-oil in the big cities; MaJ. Frank Hague of New Jersey, pro-Truman, against Chicago’s Jacob M. Arvey, anti Truman. Except for the South erners, the Democrats in Congress are quiet. The White House also is profiting from a feeling in some circles that it is unwise in view of the international situation to wage a contest which would damage the prestige of the President of the United States. Bricker Due to Address Masonic Lodge Tonight Senator Bricker, Republican, of Ohio, will discuss freemasonry and its relation to world conditions at a meeting of Barristers Masonic Lodge at 7:30 o’clock tonight in Stansbury Temple, Georgia and Missouri avenues N.W. The Washington Centennial Lodge will hold a banquet at 7:30 o’clock tonight in the Masonic Temple, Thirteenth street and New York avenue N.W. LOUIE _L (CHECKROOM —By Harry Hanan I 1 CHECK ROOM I 1 » ,-IH—— [CHECK ROOM [check room I On the Record Russian Leaders Persist in Cherishing False Illusions About American People By Dorothy Thompson The closer Americans are to dan ger, the more calmly they behave. We are a highly strung, turbhlent Nation whose chief characteristic is dislike of authority. This always has given other peoples the impression of a state liable mo mentarily to fall apart. The direst pre dictions attend ed our birth. In every great crisis we have given the rest of the world the im pression of im minent Dreak down. The ques- Dorothy Thompson, tion always has been asked: “Will America stand?"—with overtones of doubt. We blunder into dangerous situations through congenital over optimism and lack of foresight. But in showdowns our various parts fly together. A Nation which so greatly resents being pushed around by its own Government, resents much more bit terly being pushed aroundby others. It is disastrous that the Russians appear to misunderstand this. What ever object they had in mind by their behavior in Berlin, the re action of the American occupation forces (and their women and chil dren) was normal. The American slang phrase “You and who else?” is typical. Leaden Should Study. Russia understands little of any people, imprisoned as her leaders are in a set of dogmatic theories which rule out recognition of na tional characters. In the end this lack always proves fatal. It would be useful if Stalin (or whoever else rules Russia) would de vote himself to a study of American poetry and novels. Whitman would tell him that there is no language Americans better understand than "the old, great language of resist ance,” and that there is no people anywhere "more susceptible to a slight.” It would be useful, too, for him to read that Incomparable American autobiography, "The Education of Henry Adams,” especially the part dealing with the greatest of all American crises—the Civil yfar. Washington, then, was in a condi tion which makes the present ad ministration seem brilliant by com parison. The newly elected Lincoln showed not a scrap of the quality of leader ship that eventually emerged. Young Mr. Adams, meeting him once only, was more moved than impressed. Adams saw In him "the painful sense of becoming educated and needing an education” (the same sense and pursuit that had eluded Henry Adams himself through school, Harvard College and European studies, and that vexes us all), and thought that “no man living needed so much educa tion as the President but that all he could get would not be enough.” Yet he got it, though by the hardest way. But the great powers never thought he would get it. The "great minds” in Britain and Prance did not give the Union a chance. Mr. Gladstone made a speech: “The people of the Northern States have not yet drunk of the cup • * • which all the rest of the world see they nevertheless must drink of * • * There is no doubt that Jefferson Davis and other leaders of the South have made an army; they are making, it appears, a navy; and they have made what is more than either, they have made a na tion.” Then the retreats of the Federal Army were horrendous, the errors in Washington incredible, and the Copperheads in the North noisy and ominous. But the ostracized American Legation in London was calm—as calm as Gen. Clay in Ber lin. And Henry Adams serving his father, Ambassador Charles Francis Adams, as private secretary, had one overwhelming impression of the “great” Europeans—unbelievable stupidity about America. Stupidity Persists. That stupidity persists today in Russia, whose leaders do everything conceivable to stiffen American re sistance. It is too bad, for the people of the United States have every virtue except patience. It is dubious, also, whether we are a “peace-loving” people. There is little in our past behavior to prove it. We are a “freedom-loving" peo ple, which is not the same thing. Russia is seriously in need of education about the American char acter. The picture she has built up of a bloated, comfort-loving bour geoisie, slavishly serving a Wall Street bent on conquest for bank ers’ investments, atop a Nation about to split at the seams, just could not be more false. Others have cherished similar il lusions. History has received their bones. (Uele&Md by th» Bell Syndicate, Inc.) - HaU. • t II Hat* 1 111 Reaeaata^ I DELUXE I| A'eo^ / 1 ■DRY CLERRWfip^s,.. -s® 1 DY EXPERTS! Iz-n^ ,/? m§k •Fo,t s*fYict i, J P (MILWAUKEE. Shriimil MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL . 5 H«1 U MIL I SEATTLE.15 hr h mil SAVt 10%...Bvy HOUND THIF tkkmh NORTHWEST 0** AIRLINES I McLemore— Willing to Allow Playboys to Play By Henry McLemore I said yesterday that today’s story would come from Dallas. It is, and it is going to be about what I consider a tremendous injustice done by a tional p i c t u r weekly to sev eral T whom nitely about. This maga zine portrayed them by picture caption and inference as t r e m e n d ously wealthy p 1 a y boys. To 99 per cent of Ameri cans the word 'playboy” means ■««** McUm«rt. but one thing—loose-living, ex travagant men who do not work for a living and do not care about the problems of the world. Let us consider one of the men who to my mind was pilloried, Karl Hoblitzelle. A picture implied that his chief concern in life was buying $20,000 automobiles. The truth is that Mr. Hoblitzelle’s chief concern in life is philanthrophy. Texas has produced few men who have given more both in money and energy toward the betterment of their citizens. It is absolutely true that Mr. Hoblitzelle is rich, but it is Just as true that he made it the hard American way by work and is spending the evening years of his life by giving it away to those who need it most. Repeatedly through the years, Mr. Hoblitzelle has been recognized by the entire Southwest as one of its really worthwhile men. Crime to Have Fun? Two of the men in this unfair estimate of leading Texans were Col. E. E. (Buddy) Fogelson and Mr. Dick Andrade III. These two men probably got the roughest treatment of all. They were shown at a table in the Clpango Club about to eat crepes suzette and were labeled as millionaire playboys. There is no denying that both Mr. Andrade and Col. Fogelson enjoy life, but when did it become a crime for a man who has worked hard for his money to have a litle fun spending it? When I first knew Col. Fogelson he was an oil field laborer who was usually searching his pockets for an overlooked quarter. Today he is still an oil field worker. He took his gambles and won them. What is un-American about that? Noth ing. That's what this country was founded on and what it rests on today. Col. Fogelson's war record isn't too bad either. He had five years of it and was so much of a playboy that he served with SHAEF, was a member of the Moscow Rep arations Commission, served as an adviser at the Potsdam Conference, and before that was Herbert Hoover’s first assistant on Finnish relief. So much for playboy Fogel son. Mr. Andrade came to Texas 25 years ago with a hundred dollars in his pocket. Three hundred days a year he’s in his office by 8:30 in the morning and quits around «. The people who know him from Los Angeles to New York City will tell you there isn’t a man in the country who spends so much time doing helpful things for other peo ple quietly and effectively. He’s made a little money, sure. But since when has this country ceased to be the land of opportunity? In cidentally, neither Mr. Andrade nor Col. Fogelson eat crepes suzette. He Made Money, Too. I want to mention another man,: Mr. James Abercrombie, who was described as an ex-milkman, the implication being that he stepped off the milk route and through no help: of his own fell into the big chips. As a matter of fact, Mr. Aber crombie is one of the world’s lead-' ing inventors and manufacturers of, oil field equipment, and a distin guished pioneer in the field of oil: exploration. When oil is vital 'iS, this country's safety and progress,; why try to throw mud at a man who knows where and how to And it? Sure, he made some money, too, during 40 years of unceasing work and study. Col. D. H. Byrd was depicted as a man who was having unreason able fun in Mexico City. A man; who has worked as hard as Col. Byrd, and has done so much foe. his 8tate and community, deserves! a carefree holiday occasionally. Ho; is wing commander of the civil air petrol of Texas and has giveni liberally of his time and money to' this important project. The story I am referring to ap peared in the April 5 issue of Li/e magazine. (DUtributcd by McNsught Syndicate, Inc.) . ..» ' SOLVE YOUR ^SCREEN and SCREEN DOOrV W Problems ■ ■ with 1 I ALSCO I 1 ALUMINUM 1 ^Combination Windows and Doors A Phone for Ull^ Home Demonstration -—— , Rustproof—Foolproof Not for a “Lifetime” But Good for a “HOUSETIME” \ Mado from 100% * AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM From MANUFACTURER to YOU Thit Meant— >< Prompt, Aitttred Delivery. Expert, Guaranteed Installation. Greater Savings. . j More than 2,000JOOO Installations in the Past 2 Yean g . •• ‘ jt.< £t:U . , ‘ ? 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