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D. C. Red Cross Ends Drive With $ 1 r 145r302 106 Pet. of Quota The District Red Cross wound up Its 1948 campaign yesterday with a total of $1,145,302 contributed through 285,947 gifts—$65,302 over the quota of $1,080,000. Joseph C. Grew, general cam paign chairman, announced the successful completion of the drive at a final report luncheon yester day in the Chamber of Commerce Building. The meeting was attend ed by more than 350 volunteer workers, headed by District Red Cross Chapter Chairman J. C. Folger and Campaign Director Ran dolph G. Bishop. Milwaukee 113 Per Cent. The 106 per cent subscribed for the drive placed Washington second in the Nation' of cities oversubscrib ing their quotas. First place is held today by Milwaukee, Wis., with 113 per cent, but complete returns may put the District on top. Last year Washington was second in the country at the final report luncheon, but took first position when all the returns were in. The city raised $1,260,513 for a record 160 Der cent of its quota.’which was $787,560. All 10 divisions reported more than 100 per cent subscriptions. The residential division, E. K. Morris, chairman, led with 140 per cent subscriptions, or $117,806. This was $33,806 above its allotment of $84, 000. Second in the divisions was Ar lington County with 118 per cent, or *28,467. Carrington P. Stahl Is chairman. Sums of Other Divisions. Sums raised by the other divisions are; Montgomery County, $42,938, or 113 per cent, Mrs. James Nolan, chairman; Fairfax Country, $16,996, or 112 per cent, Charles Pickett, chairman; City, $57,068, or 106 per cent, O. H. Ritenour, chairman; General Business, $329,804, or 105 per cent, H. Randolph Maddox, chairman, and Prince Georges Coun ty, $19,624, or 104 per cent, Percy L. Wolfe, chairman; Alexandria, $20, 371, or 102 per cent, Charles M. Jones, chariman; Booths, $17,200. or 101 per cent, Mrs. Charles E. Bohlen, chairman, and Government, $495,247, 100 per cent, Edward F. Bartelt, vice chairman. A special citation from the Amer ican Red Cross was presented to Mr. Grew in recognition of his outstand ing leadership in the drives last year and this year. It was presented to Mr. Grew by Mr. Folger. Both Mr. Grew and Mr. Folger expressed thanks to the volunteer workers for their efforts in bringing the campaign to a successful con clusion. Fairfax Court Orders New Voting Precinct An additional voting precinct for Fairfax County at Bailey’s Cross roads was ordered yesterday by Judge Paul E. Brown, following a hearing in Circuit Court. The new precinct brings to 27 the total number in the county and will relieve congestion at Annandale, Falls Church and West End pre cinct^ ADVERTISEMENT. Miserable because of “CHANGE of LIFE”? Du’t Make Others Suffer, Too! If goa, like oo many middle-aged women, aaffer from the funetional distress of “Change of Lift”—days of feeling weak and tired, nervous and depressed—*/ you’re reeking ethers miserable, foe...don’t waste a minute! Start now —take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Taken regularly, this remarkable medicine acts as a tonic to help baild up resistance and ealns jittery nerves. In a recent clinical study of women under going ’’Change of Life”, $S% of those who took Favorite Prescription reported real relief from nervous tension. Try it! Look for real benefits 1 35 tablets, 50f. Big 8ft ox. bottle, only $1.00. At your druggist’s. Dr. PIERCE’S ■■.Sc”™. ADVERTISEMENT. Gel Welcome Relief From Distress Caused by Upset Stomach Do you feel bloated and miserable after every meal? If so. here la bow you may rid yourself of this nervous dlstre«. Thousands have found It the way to be well, cheerful and happy again. Everytlme food enters the stomach a vital gastric Juice must flow normally to break-up certain food particles; else the food may ferment. Sour food, acid Indi gestion and gas frequently cause a mor bid, touchy, fretful, peevish, nervous condition, loee of appetite, Underweight, restless sleep, weakness. To get real relief you must Increase the flow of this vital gastric Juice. Medi cal authorities, in Independent labors- j tory tests on human stomachs, have by ‘ positive pfoaf shown that SSS Tonic la amaalngly effective In Increasing this j flow when It la too little or scanty duo ! to a non-organic stomach disturbance. This la due to the SSS Tonic formula which contains special and potent actt voting Ingredients. Also. SSS Tonic helps build-up non- i organic, weak, watery blood in nutri tional anemia—so with a good flow of this gastric digestive Juice, plus rich red Mood you should eat better, sleep better, > feel better, work better, play better. Avoid punishing yourself with over doses of soda and other alkallxers to counteract gas and bloating when what you so dearly need Is SSS Tonle to help you digest food for body strength end repair. Don’t welt! Join the host of! hsppy people SSS Tonle has helped.! Millions of bottles sold. Get a bottle of SSS Tonle from your drug store today.j ■88 Tonle helps Build Sturdy Health. 1 r Bacas Denied Petition For Apartment Zoning Of Chevy Chase Tract The Montgomery County commis sioners yesterday denied the con troversial petition by John H. Bacas for apartment house zoning of ap proximately five acres at the inter section of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and Jones Mill road, just north of the Farmington subdivision in Chevy Chase. The petition was one of 10 re jected by the board, including two which contemplated erection of nearly 1,500 apartment units at an estimated cost of about $21,000,000. Five other petitions were approved and action on one was deferred. Action on the Bacas request was taken after strong opposition had been voiced by nearby residents, in cluding former Republican Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota. The tract adjoins property of the Chevy Chase Land Co., which was rezoned to an apartment house classification in January. Other petitions denied included: Colonial Village, Inc., residential A to C of approximately 97 acres at Goldsboro and River roods, Be th&da, on which construction of 970 apartment units at a cost of about $13,000,000 was proposed. Forest Glen Homes, Inc., residen tial A to C of about 40 acres on the east side of Georgia avenue near Forest Glen road, Silver Spring, on which was planned approximately 500 apartment units at a cost of nearly $8,000,000. V/ar M. P. Seized In North Carolina Slaying in 1935 An Alexandria resident who served in that town as an Army military policeman during the war was arrested last night on a charge of killing a man in 1935 in Winston Salem, n: C. The accused, who now uses the name of Robert Peterkin, 80, col ored, was arrested at his home; 410 South Royal street, by Alexandria Policeman Robert Jones on a war rant from the North Carolina town. Peterkin, now a chauffeur with the Veterans Administration, was Identified as Joe Pickett when bis fingerprints, taken when be got the Job, were sent to the Federal Bu reau of Investigation for routine processing, Sergt. Jones said. The warrant charged Peterkin with killing Tom Davis, also colored,i with a brick during a fight. In 1942, while serving as a mill-; tary policeman, Peterkin shot and: killed another soldier who had gone I berserk and was shooting up a tavern, according to Sergt. Jones. A verdict of Justifiable homicide was reached in the case. 5-PC. BREAKFAST SET, $49.95 Regularly priced at $79.95—Nee-endor9ed quality plus Nee’s new low price means a real bargain for you. The table has a de luxe porcelain-enamel finish, moistureproof, burn proof, rustproof, with felt-lined silverware drawer. Top is an attractive plaid design. Chrome-framed chairs covered in red Duran. Only 36 sets available at this price. * '4£ '■ i ■ ' a mmiiuiMiiang -■ . .— H 1 ' 1 ; SEE AND HEAR ALL THE WASHINGTON SENATORS HOME GAMES RIGHT IN YOUR LIVING ROOM Look at These Features At Such a Low Price if 10" Picture tube if RCA Victor eye witness picture synchronizer if RCA Vietor automatic station soleotor. Makes tuning in as simple as push button tuning if Golden throat tone system if Cabinet handsome walnut finish *325 Plus $1.60 Tax and $55.00 for fit stallatlon and One Vear9s RCA Victor Owner9s Policy ^ IP 1111 ■ IWT I II IHI IIMB I ■ m i ^ w V > ^ NO MONEY DOWN TAKE A LONG TIME TO PAY 816 F Street N.W. 7217 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, Md. 1111 H Street N.E. 801 King Street, Alexandria, Va. 3923 Minnesota Ave. N.E. 1410 Good Hope Road S.E. 5614 Baltimore Ave., Hyattsville, Md. 629 Pa. Ave. S.E. Corner Wilson Blvd. and Irving Street, "at the Circle," Clarendon, Va.