OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 07, 1948, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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LEO A. ROVER, Attorney,
_ . SM Southern Building.
_ States for the District of Columbia,
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70.625. Ad
ministration. — This is to Give Notice:
That the subscriber, of the Dlatrtct of
Solumbla. has obtained from the Probate
ourt of the District of Columbia, Letters
Testamentary on the estate of Frank A
Callan. late of the District of Columbia,
defeased. Ail persons having claims
agglnst the deceased are hereby warned
to t exhibit the same, with the vouchers
thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub
scriber. on or before the 12th day of
March. AT). 1019. otherwise they may
by'law be excluded from ail benefit of said
eskte. Given under my hand this 12th
da| of March. 1948. P HENRY COATES.
6504 ,'JOth Pi. N.W tSeal.) Attest:
ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Reelster of Wills
for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the
Probate Court._mh24.31.ap7
J PAUL B. ELCAN. Attorney. _
States for tife District of Columbia.
Hading Probate Court—No. 70768, Ad
miiistratlon.—This is to Give Notice:
Tlmt the subscriber, of the District of Co
lumbia. has obtained from the Probate
Court ol the District of Columbia. An
cillary letters of Administration, C. T. A.
on the estate of William S. Merchant, late
of the State of Virginia, deceased. All
persons having claims against the de
ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the
same with the vouchers thereof, legally
authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be
fore the 12th day of March, A.D. 1949:
otherwise they may by law be excluded
from all benefit of said estate. Given
under my hand this 12th day of March,
1948 PAUL B. ELCAN. Columbian Build
ing. 4 Id 5th St. N.W. (Seal.) Attest.
ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Register of Wills
for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the
Probate Court. mar24,31-apr <.
MARBURY, Attorneya.
States for the District of Columbia
Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Mary
Patten Godding. Deceased.—No. '^•77'*'
Administration Docket 149.—Application
having been made herein for probate of
the last will and testament of said de
ceased. and for letters testamentary on
said estate, by The Washington Loan and
Trust Company, it us ordered this otn day
of April. A.D. 1948.. that the unknown
heirs at law and next of kin of Mary
Fatten Godding, oeeeased, if any. and all
others concerned, appear in Mid Court on
Monday, the 17th day of May, A.D 1948.
•t 10:00 o clock A M., to show cause why
such Application should not be granted.
Let notice be published in <he ■ Washington
Law Reporter ’ and The Evening Star,
once in each of three successive weeks be
fore the return day herein mentioned, the
first publication to be not
days before said return day Witness, the
Honorable BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Justice
of said Couri. this 6th day of April. A.D.
194*. (Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J.
MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills foi
the District of Columbia, Clerk of the
probate Court._
GEORGE M. McKEE. Attorney,
1503 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W._
States for the District of Columbia,
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70,6.0. Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice.
That the subscriber, of the District of
Columbia, has obtained, from the Probate
Court of the District of Columbia, Letters
Testamentary on the estate of Ellen
Brewer Gassaway Fisher, late of the Dis
trict of Columbia, deceased. All persons
having claims against the deceased are
hereby warned to exhibit the same, with
the vouchers thereof, legally authenti
cated. to the subscriber, on or before the
11th day of March, A.D. 1949: otherwise
they may by law be excluded from all
benefit of said estate. Given under its
hand this 25th day of March. 1948 THE
Vice President and Trust Officer. (Seal.)
of Wills for the District of Columbia,
lick of the Probate Court. mh3i.ap7,14.
GEO. H. CALVERT, Jr., Attorney,
507 E St. N.W.
States for the District of Columbia,
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70,783. Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice:
That the subscriber, o( the State of
Maryland, has obtained from the Probate
Court of the District of Columbia, Letters
of Administration on the estate of Frank
I Winant. late of the District of Columbia,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the deceased are hereby warned
to exhibit the same, with the vouchers
thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub
scriber. on or before the 22nd day of
March. A D 1949. otherwise they may
by law be excluded from all benefit of
said estate. Given under my hand this
22nd day of March. 1948 HOWARD B.
WINANT. 4309 34th 8t.. Brentwood. Md.
Register of Wills for the District of
Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.
mh.'il,ap7,14. _
1100 Investment Bldg.
States for the District of Columbia.
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70550. Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That
the subscriber, of the State of Michigan,
has obtained from the Probate Court of the
'■ -ttiilnct of Columbia. Ancillary Letters of
Administration on the: estate of Albert
J Berres, Jr., late of the State of Michi
gan. deceased. All persons having claims
against the deceased are hereby warned
to exh.blt the same, with the vouchers
thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub
scriber. on or before the 12th day of
March. A.D. 1949: otherwise they may by
law be excluded from all benefit of said
estate. Given under my hand this. 18th
day of March, Y0484JrAi A. BERRES,
478 St. Clair A**TUieM»rog*« Polnte. Midfe
(Seal. Attest: ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy
Register of Wills for the District of Co
lumbia. Clerk of the ProbatA Court.
811 Woodward Building. _
States for the District of Columbia.
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70.810, Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice:
That the subscriber, of the State of Mary
land. has obtained from the Probate
Court of the District of Columbia, Ancil
lary Letters Testamentary on the estate
of Fanny D. Wakeley. late of the State
of Maryland, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the deceased are hereby
warned to exhibit the same, with the
vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to
the subscriber, on or before the 22nd
day of March A D. 1949; otherwise they
may by law be excluded from all benefit
of said estate. Given under my hand this |
22nd day of March. 1948. BENJAMIN ;
HANCE. Prince Frederic::, Md. (Seal.) j
Attest: ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Reg- |
later of Wills for the District of Columbia. !
Clerk of the Probate Court._mh31.ap7.14, j
DANIEL W. O'DONOGHUF. Jr.. Attorney.
Union Trust Building.
States for <he District of Columbia
Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Con
way B. Hunt. Deceased.—No. 70.488. Ad
ministration Docket 148. — Application
having been made herein for probate of
the last will and testament of said de
ceased. and for letters testamentary on
said estate, by the Union Trust Company
of the District of Columbia, it is ordered
this 5th day of April. A D 1948. that J.
Conway Hunt and Frederick Drum Hunt
and all others concerned, appear in said
Court on Monday, the 17th day of May.
A D 1948. at 10:00 o'clock A M., to show
cause why such application should not
be granted. Let notice hereof be published
In the "Washington Law Reporter" and
"The Evening Star," once in each of three
successive weeks before the return day
herein mentioned, the first publication to
*e not less than thirty days before said
return day. Witness, the Honorable
BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Justice of said
Court, this 5th day of April, A.D. 1948.
(Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES.
Deputy Register of Wills for the District
of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.
1317 F St. N.W . Wash.. D. C.
Filed April ti, 1948. Harry M. Hal!. Clerk.
United States for the District of Colum
bia—Ingrid Klintberg Larson. 505 18th
Street N.W.. Plaintiff, vs. Nils Geron Lar
son, Non-Resident. Defendant.—No. 772
48.—The object of this suit is to obtain
from defendant an absolute divorce on the]
grounds of desertion for more than two I
years. On motion of the plaintiff, it is
this Oth day of April. 194S, ordered that!
the defendant Nils Geron Larson cause!
his appearance to be entered herein on or i
before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sun
days and legal holidays, occurring after!
the day of the first publication of this
order; otherwise the cause will be pro
ceeded with as in case of default. Pro
vided. a copy of this order be published
once a week for three successive weeks in
the Washington Law Reporter, and The
Evening Star before said day. (S.) T.
Attest; HARRY M. HULL, Clerk, By EDITH
M. FOX. Deputy Clerk._apT. 14,21 j
States for the District of Columbia.
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70870, Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice; That
the subscriber, of the District of Columbia
has obtained from the Probate Court of
the District of Columbia. Letters Testa
mentary on the estate of Margaret E.
Krichelt, late of the District of Columbia,
deceased All persons having claims
against the deceased are hereby warned
to exhibit the same, with the vouchers;
thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub
scriber. on or before the 22nd day of
March. A.D. 1949: otherwise they may by
law be excluded from all benefit of said
estate. Given under its hand this 2nd
day of April. 1948. NATIONAL SAVINGS
President. (Seal.i Attest: ELLA A.
BROWN, Deputy Register of Wills for the
District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate
Court-_ ap7.14.2I
Attorney at Law, Investment Building.
Washington Ft, D. C.
rate name.—Re: American Trade Rela
tions. Incorporated.—It having been duly
resolved that it is advisable to change the
name ol American Trade Relations. In
corporated. a body corporate organized
under the laws of the District of Columbia
(Tit 29. Sec. 2. D. C. Code, as amended),
it is hereby certified to by the undersigned
that more than two-thirds of the stock
holders have voted in favor of such a
change of corpoiale name to Public Rela
tions Research, Incorporated, in accord
ance with law governing the same. In
Witness Whereof we have hereunto affixed
our seals and signatures this 4th day of
February. 194S. RAYMOND W MIl.LER
Secretary. District of Columbia ss.:
I Mary B Beach, a notary public in
and for the District of Columbia do here
by certify that Raymond W Miller and
Edna Gilbertson parties to a certain cer
tificate of change of corporate name bear
ing date on the 4th day February. 1948.
and hereto annexed personally appeared
before me in said District, the said Ray
mond W. Miller and Edna Gilbertson being
personally well known to me as the per
sons who executed the said certificate and
acknowledged the same to be their act and
deed. Given under my hand and seal
this 4th day of February, 1948. UJeal.)
MARY B. BEACH. Notary Public. T> C.
By commission expires May 15, 1948.
Goldsborough Warns
Of Undue Nationalism
In Naturalizing of 50
District Court Justice T. Alan
Goldsborough stressed the im
portance of the “conception of
united nations” in addressing more
than 50 citizens who became nat
uralized Americans yesterday.
“If the idea of nationalism is
pressed unduly in an atomic age,
it will result in destruction of civili
zation,” he declared.
“It will result in a destruction
of democratic government; of
everything that has brought you
here today to become citizens of
the United States.”
Point* to Creative Ideals.
Justice Goldsborough said he wa?
certain the new citizens, along with
all the other citizens of this coun
try, would "feel, and assist in, this
conception of united nations,”
which, he added, means not de
struction, but national effort along
the lines of peace and plenty, good
living and creative ideals.
Among those naturalized was Mrs,
John C. Henry, wife of the Sunday
editor of The Star. Mrs. Henry,
the former Jacqueline Nina Pem
berton, was born in London and
lived there during the war. She
and Mr. Henry, who served in Lon
don as an Army colonel, were mar
Attorney. 1015 15th St. N.W.
States lor the District of Columbia,
Holding Piobate Court.—No. 70,800, Ad
ministration—This is to Give Notice:
That the subscriber, of the District of
Columbia, has obtained from the Probate
Court of the District of Columbia, Letters
of Administration, C. T. A. on the estate
of Victor Leyklng. late of the District of
Columbia, deceased. All persons having
claims against the deceased are hereby
w,.rned to exhibit the same, with the
vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to
the subscriber, on or before the 12th day
of March, A.D. otherwise they may
by law be excluded from all benefit of said
estate. Given under my hand this 12th
day of March, 1948. KATHERINE L.
SEDLMAIER. 1743 L St. N.W. (Seal.) At
test: ELLA A. BROWN, Deputy Register of
Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk
of the Probate Court. mar24,31-apr7.
States for the District of Columbia,
Holding Probate Court.—No. 68178. Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice:
That the subscriber, of the 8tate of Mary
land. has obtained from the Probate
Court of the District of Columbia. Letters
of Administration. D. B. N, C. T. A, on
the estate of Kate Sheil. late of the Dis
trict of Columbia, deceased. All persons
having claims against the deceased are
hereby warned to exhibit the same, with
the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated,
to the subscriber, on or before the 12th
day of March. A.D. 1949: otherwise they
may by law be excluded from ail benefit
of said estate. Given under my hand this
12th day of March. 1948. JOSEPH A.
CANTREL. 127 W. Bradley Lane. Chevy
Chase 15. Md. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE
COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the
District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate
Court._ mh24,31 ,ap7.
States for the District of Columbia,
Holding Probate Court.—No. 70.808. Ad
ministration.—This is to Give Notice:
That the subscribers, of the State of
Florida and the District of Columbia,
respectively, have obtained from the Pro
bate Court of the District of Columbia.
Letters Testamentary on the estate of
Charles D. Rhodes, late of the District
of Columbia, deceased. All persons having
claims against the deceased are hereby
warned to exhibit the same, with the
vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to
the subscribers, on or before the 22nd
day of March. A.D. 1949; otherwise they
may by law be excluded from all benefit
of said estate. Given under our hands
this 22nd day of March, 1948. CLARENCE
H, DANIELSON. 103 Chauncey Ave, E.
Bradenton 2, Florida THE WASHING
BERNARD L. AMISS Asst. Trust Officer.
Register of Wills for the District of
Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court.
810 Colorado Building. _
-•MBtaaiw (u& the District of Columbia.
Holding a Prbnate Court.—Estate of Olevla
S. Schulz Anderson, also known as Olevia
S. Schulz, Deceased.—No. 70.877, Admin
istration Docket 149.—Application having
been made herein for probate of the last
will and testament of said deceased, and
for letters testamentary on said estate by
Christy Anna Goldman, it is ordered this
6th day of April. A.D. 1948. that Bernice
H. Stull, in care of Mrs. Ethel McCutchan,
The Home Hatchery, Atwmter. California,
and all others concerned, appear m said
Court on Monday, the 17th day of May,
A.D. 1948. at 10:00 o’clock A M, to show
cause why such application should not be
granted. Let notice hereof be published
in the "Washington Law Reporter” and
"The Evening Star." once in each of three
successive weeks before the return day
herein mentioned, the first publication to
be not less than thirty days before said
return day. Witness, the Honorable BO
LITHA J LAWS. Chief Justice of said
Court, this 6th day of April. AD. 1048.
(Seal I Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES.
Deputy Resister of Wills for the District
of Columbia.,Clerk of the Probate Court.
ried here October, 1945. Their home
is 5451 Forty-second street N.W.
Also talcing the oath was John
D. Cordes, a former German citizen,
who attended court in a wheel chair.
A resident of Soldiers’ Home for the
last 10 years, he was injured at
Corregidor in 1913 while serving
with the Coast Artillery on a mine
inspection study detail. Eight men
were killed in the accident, he said.
Regains Citizenship.
Mrs. Adelaide Roberts of the
Wardman Park Hotel, who became
a British subject automatically be
cause of the nationality of her hus
band, Capt. Frederick Rockhurst
Roberts, whom she married at Lon
don in 1916, regained her American
citizenship in the ceremonies.
Mrs. Roberts, mother of John C.
Breckenridge of Washington, said
she will live in California after a
three-month visit to England.
Others naturalized included:
Mrs. Monique Pauline Weislitz
Lewis, 1731 New Hampshire ave
nue N.W.; Robert Cuyugan Pun
salan, 1930 Eighteenth street N.W.;
Daniel Orville Spence Herron, 402
Columbia road N.W.; Godofredo
Oliverio Calawor, 2438 Second street
NB.; Mrs. Polyxeni Mellonas, 1503
Thirtieth street N.W.; John Ben
dik, 3301 Thirteenth street N.W.;
Manuel Ventura Sacdalan, 1216 D
street SB.
Also Miss Audrey Anne Foryth
Hadow, 2905 Cathedral avenue
N.W.; Kenneth MacDonald Hadow,
2905 Cathedral avenue N.W.; Miss
Maria Corina Cargnelli, 4413
Georgia avenue N.W.; Miss Andrea
Antonio Spagnolo, 638 F street
S.W.; Ernst Kitzinger, 3709 S street
N.W.; Miss Roza Alberta Appel, 931
G street N.W.; Joseph Leo Batters
by, 401 Michigan avenue NB.; Mrs.
Claudia Fraulco Klepp, 1630 Bel
mont street N.W.
Also Miss Lillian Goldstein, 1339
Half' street S.W.; Antonio Torna
tora, 725 Sixth street N.W.; Mrs.
Mary Riola, 21 Cargo Green S.W.;
Mrs. Gladwin Hope Richardson,
2301 Connecticut avenue N.W.; Mrs.
Odette Eveline Helene Ahrens, 5246
Forty-second N.W.; Frank Wash
ington Wielgus, 2148 O street N.W.;
Miss Caroline Rios, 2733 Thirty
fifth street N.W.; Benami Bendor,
808 Twentieth street N.W.
Also Frederick Garfield Song,
I wan! a thick,
lender, juicy steak
. . . so I'm going to Costin’s
I feel like eating aome good old
fashioned Sauerbraten
... so I'm going to Costin’s
I want aome wonderful Fried
Jumbo Shrimp
... so I’m going to Costin's
I have a yen for a fine Wiener
Schnitzel—with buttered noodlea
... so I’m going to Costin’s
I’m juat in the mood for aome
good Fried Chicken, Golden and
. . . so I'm going to Costin's
I’m hankering for aome German
Potato Pancakea
. . • so I'm going to Costin's
I could eat aome teal Hungarian
. , . so I’m going to Costin's
A piping hot bowl of French Onion
Soup for me
. . . so I'm going to Costin’s
There ia only one place for real
■Hungarian Paprika Chicken, and
how I love it
; . . to I’m going to Costin’s
Spoelsl tosktill Honrs lilO—I P.M.
~tuh& in
10 P.M.
A full Half Hour of fun (
You’re in for double delight
tonight as America’s top
singing personality and top
dancing star team, up in a
riotous, rhythm-packed pro
gram. They dance! They
sing! And they put their
heads together to compose a
brand-new song hit you
won’t want to miss! Listen!
3517 Quebec street N.W.; Nicholas
Fotis Karousatos, 2233 Eighteenth
street N.W.; Pete Ferro, 729 Quebec
place N.W.; Vgo Chiavaccini, 3339
Massachusetts avenue N.W.; Michele
Zurzola, 1601 Twenty-eighth street
S.E.; Mrs. Lotte Weiss, 931 Long
fellow street N.W.; Miss Elaine
Wiles, 4022 Thirteenth street N.W.;
Saleem Shama. 1409 Morse street
N.E.; Mrs. Sofia Barbara Smith,]
125 E street N.W.
Also Mrs. Jean Anderson, 1§30;
Irving street N.W.: Miss Anna Rat-!
ner, 1746 E street N.W.; Vittorio
Vidi, 213 E street N.W.; Steve Ro
zakis, 618 I street N.W.; Miss Bes
sie Rachootin, 2702 Wisconsin ave
nue N.W.; Mrs. 'Maria Elizabeth
White, 1243 Oates street N.E.; Mrs.
Pharialde Maria Leathers, 1916 Cal
vert street N.W.; Evaristo Oculto,
1203 Twentieth street N.W.; Miss
Alice Hubertina McLeod, 1322 Mon
roe street N.E.
Also Mrs. Teodora Pugliese, 1458
Columbia road N.W.; Mrs. Vittoria
Giovanna Petrini, 4006 Garrison
street N.W.; Mrs. Alexina Massie
Simmers, 325 Thirteenth street S.E.;
Joseph Ferrari, 4130 Legation street
N.W.; Mrs. Julia Just, 1632 Newton
street N.W.; Mrs. Aspasia Sakes,
314 East Capitol street; Mrs. Mee
Ong Ng, 817 Upshur street N.W.;
Miss Evelyn Miller Douthat, 4450
Verplanck place N.W.; Mrs. Dora
Aronson, 413 Kennedy street N-W..I
and Miss Amelia Maria Natalina
Cusumano, 207 Thirteenth street
Dorn to Oppose Maybank
In Carolina Senate Race
Sy the Associated Press
Representative Dorn, Democrat,
of South Carolina has announded
he will run for the Senate seat now
held by Senator Maybank, also a
Senator Maybank has announced :
for re-election. He was elected to*
the Senate in 1941 for the unexpired|
term of James F. Byrnes, who had j
resigned to become a member or
the Supreme Court. Senator May-*
bank formerly w£s Governor of j
South Carolina.
Mr. Dbm, who will be 32 on April *
14, is serving his first term.
Britain is testing the use of|
helicopters for delivering mail.
. ' ftwii
Douglas to Be Chairman
Of Conference Dinner
Supreme Court Justice Douglas
will be dinner chairman Saturday
at the second annual Washington
Conference on Government and
Business Relations in the Wardman
Park Hotel.
The dinner, at 7 pm., will con
elude an all-day program sponsored
by the Harvard Business School
Club of Washington. The speaker
will be Assistant Secretary of State
Willard L. Thorp. He will discuss
the effects of the European Recovery
Program on domestic business.
Prof. Myles Mace of the Harvard
Graduate School of Business Ad
ministration will speak on "Prob
lems of Opening a New Business”
at the 9:30 am. session.
77me Change
Frank Black and the International Harvester
Orchestra and Chorus is now broadcast...
WTOP -9:30 P. M. „*.

International Harvester II
Home for Sole
Alexandria, Vo—Beautiful Capa Cod
brick, featuring lst-floor bedroom, bath
and paneled dpn. 2nd fl. 3 twin-sized
bedrooms, bath and sundeck, built-in ga
rage, recreation room and other features.
Dwyer b Carter, OX. 2980, CH. 4)84
plus liberal
earnings are..
(Unto* to you
ad you*
We will gladly handle your
savings account by mail . . .
no need for you to make
trips in person to our office.
6940 Wisconsin Ave.
Chevy Chase, Mi. Wl. 24SS
Dresser teg
Mirror V
NOW! You Can Make VP
Your Own Bedroom Suite!
3 Pieces Priced as Low as...
Choose just the pieces you need and SAVE on these low Hub prices!
Popular Colonial style is cheerful and cozy, maple finish is colorful,
solid hardwood construction is lasting. Use your credit! Get yours
Double Bed_$19.95 Vanity & Mirror.$34.95
4-Drawer Chest _$29.95 Dresser & Mirror, $34.95
Easy Terms at The Hub! Pay Only $1.00 Weekly
I Vonity
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3-Piece Maple
Sofa Bed Suite
Gay-colored plaid and cozy maple
give you a striking color combina
tion . . . and the sofa opens to a
double bed. Frames are sturdy, solid
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You get sofa bed, platform rocker
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Pay Only $1.50 a Week!

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