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ABA Leaders to Hold Council Meeting at French Lick in April By Edward C. Stone Leaders in the American Bankers’ Association will meet at French Lick, Ind., April 18-20 for the spring council meeting, the most important session of the year aside from the national convention. Washington banks will be repre sented by Robert V. Fleming presi dent of the Riggs National and for mer presidents of the ABA, and by A. Scott Offutt, vice president of the Union Trust Co. and the Dis trict Bankers’ Association member of the Executive Council. Thomas J. Groom, president of the Bank of Commerce & Savings, a member of the ABA Commerce and Marine Commission and chair man for the District of the Treasury Savings Bond Committee, will at tend, as will W. J. Waller, presi dent of the Hamilton National, a member of the ABA Federal Legis lation Executive Committee and former ABA treasurer. Others attending from the Capi tal will be Treasury Undersecretary A. L. M. Wiggins, D. J. Needham, general counsel of the ABA, and J. O. Brott, assistant counsel. Re ports will be presented on bank ing policies, business conditions, Treasury finance and the Savings Bond drive. Peoples Drug Sales Slump. Net sales of Peoples Drug Stores, Inc., for March totaled $3,85.0,081 against $3,850,432 in March a year ago, a decrease of $40,351, or 1 per cent, W. H. Churchill, treasurer, reported today. Sales in the first quarter amount ed to $10,861,639 as compared with $10,929,917 in the first three months of 1947, a decrease of $68,278 or 0.6 per cent. During March the company op erated 136 stores as compared with 133 in March, 1947. J. O. Brott, assistant general coun sel of the American Bankers’ Asso ciation, will address the auditors’ section of the District Bankers’ As sociation at a dinner meeting at the Burlington Hotel tomorrow evening on ‘The Reserve Method of*Ac counting for Bad Debts.” Mrs. Margaret S. McClure will preside. Members planning to attend the 13th Eastern Regional Convention of the National Association Bank Aud itors and Controllers, in Pittsburgh next week, will be listed. The Second National Bank had deposits of $28,897,770 on March 31, compared with $30,067,516 on De cember 31, 1947, the latest statement shows. Howard Atkinsson has been ap pointed steward of the Willard Ho tel, Douglas A. Stalker, vice presi dent and manager, announced. Anacostia Braneh Bank Opens. The Congress Heights Branch of the Anacostia National Bank opened for business today, getting away to a good start, John M. Har ris. manager, said. The branch has three tellers. Mrs. Ella Andrews, Mrs. Diana Lott and Hilbert A. Cor ley. Robert T. Koontz, jr„ is assist-, ant manager. The bank is located in a rapidly growing section of the city. During March 8,344 shares of Po tomac Electric Power common stock changed hands an the Washington Stock Exchange, closing at 13 v«. Washington Gas common was the next most active stock, on a turn over of 1,044 shares. Business Briefs Iron Age estimated that 600,000 tons of steel will have been lost by the end of this week as a re sult of the coal strike. This almost enough to support the first year re quirements of the first year of the European Recovery Program. Edison Electrical Institute re ported electrical power output de clined in week ended April 3 to 5.036.788.000 kilowatt hours from 5, 064.555.000 kilowatt hours the pre vious week. This was 7.3% above the comparable 1947 week. New York Stock Exchange re ported average price of all shares listed increased to $35.06 from $32.76 at the end of February. International Paper Co. for 1947 earned $54,396,550 or $15.02 a share vs. $31,179,048 or $8.50 a share in 1946. Houston Lighting A Power Co. in year ended February 29 earned $4, 546,853 or $3.88 a share vs. $3,353, 219 or $2.86 in previous year. Empire .Millwork Corp. in 1947 earned $1,229,792, or $2.14 a share vs. $1,215,739 or $2.11 in 1946. Howard Stores Corp. In 1947 earned $1,962,580 or $4.58 a share VS. $1,865,435 or $4.35 in 1946. Graham-Paige Motors Corp. re ported net profit of $123,766 in 1947 against net loss of $4,357,542 for 1946. New sales were 16% ahead of a year earlier. Rayonier, Inc., reported first quar ter sales of about $15,400,000 vs. $11, 821.000, indicating quarterly earn ings of $2.16 a comman share vs. $1.49. Delaware & Hudson Co. reported net income for 1947 of $6,163,283 vs. $4,441,119 for 1946, an increase of 38.78%. Chicago. Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. was authorized by ICC to issue $2,640,000 of equip ment trust certificates. California Electric Power Co. re quested authority to issue $7,000,000 In promissory notes before Decem ber 31, 1949. Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. (N. Y.) received authority to issue unsecured notes up to a total of $16,000,000. The company is a sub sidiary of General Public Utilites Corp. Sean Roebuck & Co. reported March sales of $194,524,475, an in crease of 28.2% over last year. Sales In first two months of fiscal year, February and March, totaled $334, 468,571, an increase of 25.6%. Montgomery Ward & Co. sales In March totaled $107,102,599, a climb of 98% from a year earlier: for first two months of company’s fiscal year, February and March, total was $182,733,935, or 8.3% above the simi lar period last year. Alaska Packers’ Association earned $3,207,784 or $58.01 a share in 1947 vs. $625,142 or $11.53 the previous year. The company is 87.6 per cent owned by the California Packing Corp. F. W. Woolworth Co. reported March sales of $52,329,610, an in crease of 19.1% over the March, 1947. figure of $42,921!330. First quarter sales were $132,783,202. up 12.5% the first quarter last year. W. T. Grant Co. reported March ■ales of $18,664,843. an increase of 14.2% over a year ago. Tumovei for the first quarter was $43,727,788, a climb of 12% over last year. H. L. Green Co. reported March sales of $8,107,195. up 19.7% from last year: total for first two months was $13,691,873, an Increase of 14.6% over last year. hi. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Famished hr the Associated Press.) Sales— Stock end Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low. 2:30. edge ABBOTT LAB'Ja 4 71 70* 71 + * A C F-Brlll Mot C 3* 5* 9*4* Adams Exp S5t 8 17* 17* 17* 4 * Addresso-Mult 2 9 34* 34* 34* 4 * Admiral Co .lit 3 8* 8* 8* Air Reduction 1 33 26* 25* 25* Alaska Juneau 6 3* 3* 3* Aldens Inc 1 * . 2 18* 18* 18* 4 * Alleghany Coro 23 3* 3* 3* — * Alleghanv Co nl 16 45* 45 45 AllegLudStl 40e 6 31 30* 30* Allied CADye 6a 9 187* 186* 187* 41 Allied 8trs 3 31 30* 30* 30* 4 * Allis Chaim 1 60 36 39* 38* 39 4 * Allis Chal of 3V« 2 92* 92* 92* Amal Leath ,20e 2 5* 5* 5*- * Amerada Pet 2a 4 105* 105 105 -2 Am Agflcul 3a 4 49 4UA 48* - * Am Airlines ..54 9* 9* 9*- * Am Alrl of 3* 1 67V* 67* 67* 4 * AmBankN 1.60a 2 22* 22* 22* •Am Bnk Nt 013 50 62 62 62 4 * Am Brk 8b 40e 4 38* 38* 38* Am Cable A Rad 5 4* 4* 4* 4 * Am Can 3 6 81* 80* 81 - * •AnvCan of 7 210 172 171* 171* 4 * Am CarAFdy 3g 4 40* 40 40* - V* Am ChACbl 1 40 6 22* 22* 22* 4 * Am Chicle 2a 3 50* 49* 50 4 * Am Coltyp 1.20a 1 18* 18* 18*-* Am Crvs SI 20a 1 18 18 18 4* AmCranemld la 22 39 38* 39 4 * Am Distillers 2 3 29* 29 29* - * Am Ene Tile V,t 1 5* 5* 5* 4 * Am Export L 2 16 18 17* 18 4 * Am A Frgn Pwr 13 2* 2* 2* - * A APT S7 pf 1 %k 1 71 71 71 41 AmAFP epfllik 4 63 61* 63 4 * AmAFP 2d of 2 8* 8* 8* 4 * Am-KawaliSS 3 1 38* 38* 38* AmHide A L bit 4 6* 6* 6* AmHomePr 1.20 15 25* 25 25*4 * Am Ice 60e_ 2 6* 6* 6* — * Am Loco 1.40 19 21* 20* 21 4 * Am MchAFd 80 4 17* 17* 17* - * I »AnlMAF Pf3 1)0 40 82* 82* 82* ; Am Metal V.e 18 31* 31* 31* - * Am Molass .30e 1 7* 7* 7* — * j AmNewsCo 1 *a 1 32 32 32 4 * 1 Am Power A Lt 89 9* 8* 9* 4 H Am PALSGpf 3k 3 92* 92 92 42 APAL S5pf 2 Vak 5 81* 81 81*41* Am Radlat .20e. 46 14V. 14 14*-* ‘ Am Roll Mill 2b 20 29* 28* 28* - V. ! Am 8a f Razor l 6 10* 10* 10*— * ; tAm8hioBldg le 90 44* 44* 44* - * Am 8meltlng le 18 58* 58 58* 4 * •Am Sm&R of 7 x40 152 151 152 43* Am Steel Fdry 2 4 29* 29* 29* - * Am 8tores 1.40a 2 23* 23* 23*- * Am Sugar R 4e 1 39* 39* 39* 4 * Am Sugar of 7.. 1 125 125 125 -1 Am Sum Tob 2. 2 18* 18* 18* Am Tel A Tel 9 23 150* 150* 150* Am Tobacco 3a. 6 59* 59 59* 4 % Am Tobac B 3a. 14 59* 59* 59* 4 * tAm Tob of 6 120 135 134* 134* - * Am Viscose 2a . 6 58* 58* 58* — * Am Water Wks. 6 8 7* 8 Am Woolen 6... 14 43* 43* 43* Am Zinc lOe 17 8 7* 7*-* Anaconda C %e 32 36* 35* 36 — * tAnac Wire bit xll40 38* 38 38 4 * Anchor Hock 2 5 31* 31* 31* •Anchor Hk pf 4 10 101* 101* 101* 41* Anderson Clay 2 1 52* 52* 52* — * Ander-Prlch O 1 43 26* 26* 26* - * A P W Prod */.e. 2 5* 5* 5* Arch-D-M la 1 29* 29* 29* - * ArmourACol.20 38 13 12* 13 4 * Armstrng C 40a 4 49* 49* 49* - * •Arm CorkS4pf4 3 110* 110* 110* 4 * •Armstng pf 3* 70 94* 94 94 — * Artloom Corp 1 1 13* 13* 13* — * Asad Dry G 1.60 36 15* 14* 15* 4 * •Asso D G 1 St 6 20 105 105 105 41 •Asso D G 2nd 7 80 99* 98* 98* 4 * Assoeiat Inv 2.. 3 27* 27* 27*4 * Atch T A S F 6 18 101* 100 101 Atcb TASF of 6 1 101* 101* 101* AT Fine *e .. 1 15* 15* 15*4 * Atl Coast Lina 4 5 50* 50 50* Atl GAW Ind 3g 11 39 36 37 41 Atl Refining I* 45 36* 36 36*-* •Atl Refln pfA « 170 107 106* 107 42 •Atl Ref ofB3* 50 94* 94* 947* _ * Atlas Corp 1 60 4 23* 23* 23* • Atlas Pwdr Vat. SO 62V. 61* 61* - * •Atlas Pow pf 4 . 50 105* 105*105* Austin Nichols . 2 6* 6* 6* — * Autocar Co V.e - 1 14* 14* 14*4 * Auto Canteen 1 1 3,6* 16* 16* 4 * Avco Mfa ,20e . 28 5* 5* 5** Avco Mfa of 2 V* 3 40 40 40 -1 BABBITT 1.20 2 14 14 14 - * Baldwin Loco Ig 16 14* 14* 14*-* Balt A Ohio 31 11* 11* 11*4 V. Balto Sc Ohio of. 33 19% 18% 19% + % BangorAArostk 1 19% 19% 19% — % tBant Sc Ar pf 5180 68 68 68 Barber Aaph le. 2 44% 44% 44%+ % Barnsdall Oil 2- 19 39% 39% 39% - % Bath Iron Wka. 12 13 12% 12% - % Bayuk Cil l'ia. 3 19% 19% 19%-% Beaunlt Mills 2. 2 19% 19% 19%+ % Beech Aircraft.. 6 12% 12% 12%+% Beldinc-Hem 1- 1 15 15 15 + % Bendlx Ariat 2 37 34% 33% 33% - % BndxHomeA 1 % 11 18% 17% 18% - % Benef Ind 1.20a 8 24 23% 23% — % Best Foods 2 -. 3 29% 29% 29% - % Beth Steel .OOh- 32 34% 34 34% Beth BtMl pf f_ 1 132% 132% 132% Biaelow-Sanf 4 1 62% 62% 62%+% BrmnxhmK 1.20 4 12% 12% 12% Blaw-Knox V.*- 10 15% 15% 15% + % Boeing Alrpl le. 25 27% 26% 26% - % Bohn Alum Vie- 5 33% 32% 33% Bond Stores 2 . 7 24% 24% 24% Borden Co .60*. 6 41% 41% 41% - % Branlff Air .. 6 8% 8% 8% - % Brldgept Brass 4 11 10% 11 + % Briggs Manufg 3 2 31% 31% 31%+ % BrlggsftStra la. 2 29% 29% 29%+% Brlstol-My 40e 7 32 32 32 - % tBristl-M pf 3Vi 130 99% 99% 99%+4 Bklyn On Oas 4 16 15% 16 + % Bucyrus-Kr .35* 16 20% 20% 20% BuddCo.lOe .. 9 10 9% 9%- % tBudd Co pf 5 . 50 67% 67% 67% - % Buff Forge .45*- 1 35 35 35 Bullard Co Vie _. 2 18 18 18 — % Bulora Wtch 3a 1 33% 33% 33% — % BurllneMills lVi 11 19 18% 18% tBurllng M pf 4 40 85% 85% 85% +1% Burr Add M 80 32 14% 14U 14% - % Bush Term Vif 1 8 8 8 — % tBushTB Pf2’ik460 84% 84 84% Butler Bros 3 11% 11% 11% Butte C Sc Z 2 3% 3% 3% - % Byers A M Vie . 2 19% 19% 19% + % CAUFPKG 2Vi 5 31% 31 31%+1% CalumetAH .1 Oe 4 7% 7% 7% Can Dry GA .80 25 13% 13% 13% + % Canad Pac Vie 99 12% 12% 12*/a + % Cap AdmaA 80s 1 13% 13% 13% + % tCaro C A O 5-. xlO 105% 105% 105% + % Carrier Coro 17 16% 15% 15% — % CarrAGen 20a 3 7% 7 7 — % Case JI Co 1.20* 1 41% 41% 41% - % CaterpllTract 8 4 60% 60% 60%-+ % Celaneae .40*—. 30 27 26% 27 + % Celotex lVi 3 26% 26% 26%-% Cen Agutr 1.60a 4 17% 17% 17%-% Cent Pndry Vi* 4 7% 7% 7% CentHudOas 62 x 4 8% 8% 8% + Vi Cent R R N J • 35 12% 11% 12% + % Cent Rib M 60a 5 8% 8% 8% Cerro de Paa B 3 28 28 28 + % Certn-tdPd 60a 12 16 15% 15% + % Chain Belt .40*. 1 28% 28% 28%- % Champ P AF la 2 20% 20% 20% + % Ches Sc Ohio 3. 45 41% 41% 41% - % Chi Corn .40 x72 12% 11% 12 + % Chi As East 111 4 4% 4% 4% Chi * East III A. 5 9% 9% 9% + % Chi Great West 16 7 6% 6% - % Chi Grt West pf 37 15% 15 15% - % Chi Ind Sc L A 20 10% 10% 10% Chi Mil St PAP 101 9% 8% 9 + % ChlMSPAP nf4e 15 31% 31% 31%+ % Chi Sc N W Vi* 23 16% 16% 16% + % Chi AN W of 5. 6 37% 37% 37% - % Chi Pneu T Vie- 2 32% 32% 32% - % Chi R I A Pac _ 55 34% 33% 33%-% Chi R I A P of 5 58% 58 58 - % Chi Yello Cab 1- 2 11% 11% li%-% Chrysler 4 _ 29 60% 59% 59% Cln Oft E 1.40 5 25% 25% 25%+% Cln Mill M 1 40 . 2 25% 25% 25% + % C IT Flnsnce 2 11 39% 37% 37%-1% City lee A F 2H 6 30% 30% 30% City Stores 1 20 3 19 18% 18% ClevEl 111 l.lOe 13 38% 38% 38% CleveQraph .40* 3 33% 33% 33% + % CIlmaxMol 1 20 18 17% 17 17% — % Clinton Ind 2 40 4 27% 27% 27% - % Clopay Corp 70 5 8% 8 8% Cluett Pbdy He. 12 34 33% 34 + % Cluett 2nd of 4 4 87 86% 87 + % Coca-Cola 4 3 160% 160 160 -1% Colvate-P-P 2a 14 44% 44% 44% + % Collins A Aik 1 2 21% 21% 21% Colonial Mills 1 4 19% 18% 18%- % Col Fuel A Ir 1 9 14% 14% 14% tColoASo lit pf 90 13% 13% 13%-% Col Broad B He 3 26% 25% 26% + % Colum GAE1 .60 42 12% 12 12 - % ColumCarbon 2a 1 34 34 34 + % Coml Credit 2.60 4 41% 41 41 - % tComl CpfS.80 7 91% 91 91 + % Coml Soly He 7 24% 24% 24%+ % Comwl Ed Is 1 40 15 27% 26% 27% + % Comwl A South 20 2% 2% 2% CmlthASo pf 6k 6 105% 104% 104% +1% 'onde Nest 1 5 9% 9% 9% - % Cong-Nairh 1%. 5 33 33 33 -% Cons Cop ,36k 15 5% 5% 5% Cons Edls 1 60 33 22% 22 22% - % Cons Edison of.l x 8 104% 104% 104% - % Cons Nat Gas 2 11 49% 49 49%+% Cons RRCubs pf 9 23% 23% 23% + % Cons R Strs .70e 2 11% 11% 11%-% Cons Vuitee 55 15% 14% 14% - % Contain Corp 2a 2 40% 40% 40% - % Cont Baking 1 6 11% 11% 11% + % Cont Can He 16 35% 35 35% - % Con t Dls Fiber 1 2 11% 11% 11%+ % Cont Insurances 6 54% 54% 54% + % Cont Motors 38 7% 7% 7% + % Cont Oil Del He 25 59% 59 59%+ % Cont 8teel He . 13 16% 16% 16% + % Cooper-Bets 1 5 25% 25% 25% + % Coprwld Stl 30e 5 15% 15 15 'ComExch 2 80190 52% 52 52 Corn Prod 1.80e 5 66% 65% 65%-% Cornell-D E 80 5 11% 11% 11% - % CornintOless H 2 19% 19% 19% - % Coty Inc 20c 3 5% 5 5 — % Crane Co 1 60a 12 33% 33% 33% - % CreameriesAm 1 4 10% 10% 10% Crown Cork Hh xl6 21% 21% 21% + % Crown Zel 1 20e 18 29% 29% 29%+% Crucible Steel 2 25% 25% 25% — % tCuba R R pf 80 29% 29 29 - % Cub-AmSuclHe 2 13% 13% 13% - % CudahyPaek 60s 5 12 12 12 Curtis Publish 9 8% 8% 8% + % Curttss-Wr He 34 6% 6% 6% Curtiss-W A He 4 23 23 23 - % Cutlr-Hm I 20a 7 26% 26% 26% + % DANA CORP He 15 23 22% 22% + % Davega Strs la 2 14% 14% 14% + % Davtn PAL 1 80 6 28% 28% 28% Dayton Rub 1 20 2 14 14 14 Decca Records 1 6 12% 12% 12% - % Deep Rck Oil He 3 37% 37% 37% - % Deere A Co 1 5 40% 40% 40% - % Deere pf 1.40 . 2 32% 32 32 Del A Hudson 4 10 43% 43 43%+ % Del LAW He _ 60 9% 8% 9 + % Den A ROW le. 8 23% 23% 23%+ % 4*nARGWpfl0e 6 40*4 39% 39% - 4} Sale*— _ . Stock and Add _ Het Dividend Rata. 00. High. Low. 2:30. ehge. Detroit Ed 1.20 12 20% 20% 20%-% DetMlchSto 80a x 2 11% 11% 11%+ % Dla Match 1 >ia 5 40 40 40 +1 DiaMtch pfl %a 3 43 43 43 + % Diaia T Mot la 2 18% IS 18 - % Dial Co-Sea 80 14 18% 16 16 — % Dixie Cup 1 - 2 35% 35 35% + % Doehler-Jar 1 % 8 35% 35 35% Dome Mines Vie 5 16% 16% 16% — % 'Douglas A 2Vig. 7 60% 59% 60 Dow Cbem ‘it.. 9 41% 41 41 — % Dow Chem of 4 1102% 102% 102% +1% DowCh 2d of3% 3 100% 100*+ 100% + % Dresser Ind Vie 7 25% 25% 25% - % i Ounhlll Inti 1 , 12 16% 16% 16% + % Duplan Vib _ 1 13% 13% 13% DuPont de N 2e 12 175% 175% 175% - % Du Pont pf 4*/a x 1 118 118 118 + % tDno Light pt S 1113% 113 113 — % DWG Cigar Vie. 3 13% 13% 1J% + % EAGLE-PI 1.80 8 23% 23% 23%-% Eastern Air Line 15 19% 19% 19% — % East State Steel 5 18% 18 18 - % Sastm Kod 90e 13 44 43% 43% Eaton Mfa 3 2 56% 56% 56*+ —1 Ekeo Prod 1 20 13 14% 14% 14% Elas Stop N Vie. 1 7% 7% 7% E> Auto-Ute 3 3 50 49% 49% - % Elec Boat 1 . _ 20 15% 14% 15 - % E) Power St Lt 24 18% 18% 18% El P&LS7pf3*ik 1 152 152 152 -1 ElalnNatW 60a 2 15% 15% 15% ElPasoNGs 2 40 4 64*+ 63% 63% - *+ Emer Elec Ml. 4 15% 15% 15% Emer Radio .80 1 11% 11% 11% - % Endlcott-J 1 BOa 2 31 30% 30% - % Eoult Oil Bldg 4 4% 4% 4% - % Erie R R 1 . 61 11% 11 11%+% Erie R R pf A S 1 55% 55% 55% - % Eureka Will Vi 6 6% 6% 6% Eversharp ’if . 9 9% 9% 9% Ex-Cell-O 2 61 6 46% 45% .45% + % Exch Buffet 15b 2 6Ve 6% 6% - % FAIRBANKS tie 9 45*+ 45 45 - *+ FaiardoSug 1 Vie 2 27% 27% 27% + % Farnsworth 25 6% 6% 6% + % Pedders Qul 80 7 13% 13% 13% Fed-Mogul 1.60 1 18 18 18 - % FedMoTruck 40» 1 10% 10% 10% + % Federat D Strs 2 39 27% 27% 27*+- % tPed D S pf 4 Vi 210 97 97 97 +1% Pelt &T 1.40a 2 20% 20% 20*+- % FerroEnam 1.40 2 22% 22% 22% - % Pid Pnoenx P 2a 4 59% 59% 59% + % Pirestone T&R 1 3 49%. 49 49*+ + % Plintkote 2a 6 36% 36% 36Vs Plor Stove *ie__ 1 30% 30% 30*++ % Florida Pow i 6 14 13% 13% — % Flor Pow rt wi 177 Vie Via Via Follansb Stl Vie 11 26*+ 26 26%-*+ FoodPalrSt 40b 7 9% 9% 9% - % Food Mach 1 Vi. 7 39% 39 39 -% Foater Wheel 1 3 31% 31 31% — % PreeportSul 2Vi. 1 41 41 41 — *+ Fruehauf Tra 1. 2 20*+ 20 20 GABRIEL .10e- 5 8 8 8 - % Gair Robt .40 .. 15 8% 8% 8% + % GalrRpf 1.20.. 1 18% 18% 18%-*+ Gardnr-D 1.40. 2 21% 21% 21% + % Gar Wood Ind.. 44 7% 7 7% Gar Wood pf 5 34% 34% 34% + % Gaylord Co 1%. a 22 21% 21%-% Gen Am Inv .40 7 14% 14% 14%+% Gen AmTrns 3a 5 57 56% 56% — % Gen Bakina .60 8 9% 9% 9% - % Gen Bronte_ 3 13% 13% 13% — % Gen Cable Vie 6 12 11% 12 + % Gen Cable$2pf 2 1 39 39 39 + % Gen Cigar la ... 6 22 22 22 Gen Elec 1.60 . _ 52 37% 36% 36%-% Gen Foods 2 . 7 37% 37 37 — % Gen Kill* 1%.. x 5 49 48% 48% - % Gen Motors 3 . 43 57 56% 56% - % Gen Motor pf 6. 2 122% 122% 122% - % Gen Mot Pf 3%. 2 97% 97% 97% Gen Out Advt 1 10 15 13% 14%+1 Gen Port C V«e. 2 19 19 19 Gen Precis Ea 1 3 16% 16% 16% GenPubSvc ,20c 2 3% 3% 3% + % Gen Pub Ctll 80 65 12% 12% 12% - % Gen Ry Slknal 1 3 24% 24 24% + % Gen Realty&Ut 6 4% 4% 4% Gen Refract Vie 4 26% 26% 26% + % Gen Shoe 2 Vi 1 27% 27% 27%+% tGenTimepf 4 Vi 10 99 99 99 + % Gen TireAtR la 1 25 25 25 - % Gillette Saf 2 Viax46 36% 35% 35% - % Gillett SfRl Pf5 1 92 92 92 - % Glmbel Bros 2 x 9 20% 20% 20% GliddenCo 1 40a 8 23% 23% 23% - % Glidn cv pf 2 Vi 1 53 53 53 +1 Goebel Brew 6 5% 5 5 — % tGoId Stk Tel 6 50 116 116 116 Goodall-Sn 1 Via 3 23 23 23 Goodrich B Fie 9 54% 54 54 - % Goodrh BP pf 5 2 96% 96% 96% - % OoodyearT&R 4 20 42% 41% 41% - % Goth Hos 1.60a. 3 18% 18% 18% - % Graham-Palae 34 4% 4% 4% QranbyCM 60* 3 7% 7% 7% Grand Union 2. 6 33Vi 32% 33%+2% GranCityStl He. 4 22% 22 22% - % Grant <WT1 la 4 28% 28 28 tGrantWT pf3H 70 94 93% 94 + % Grayson-R Vie. 2 10% 10% 10%+% GtNI Or ct 1 Vi* 4 13% 13% 13%-% Gt Nor Ry pf 3 28 44 43% 44 + % GtWstSu* 1.60a 2 21% 21% 21% Green H L 2a 4 35% 35% 35% - % GreenfT&D 1.20 2 16 16 16 G.-evhound 1 42 11% 11% 11% + % Orum Aire E 3c 7 39 38% 38%+ % GuantanSuc V«* 2 6% 6% 6% Gulf MobAO He 46 16% 16% 16% Gulf Oil 3_ 48 66% 66% 66% Gulf Sta Util 1 3 15% 15% 15% + % Harb-Walker He 2 24% 24 24% + % Hayeslndust Vie 2 7% 7% 7% - % Hayes Mf* .30e. 37 8% 7% 8 -% Hazel-Atl 1.20a 7 24% 24% 24%-% •Heinz pf 3.06 50 99 99 99 Hercul Pdr ,35i. 8 56% 55% 56% - % Hershey Cb lVi. 4 30 29% 30 + % HeydenCheml. 2 22% 22 22 Hilton Hotels 1. 4 12 12 12 Hires C E 1.20.. 1 23 23 23 -1 Holly Suaar 1 . x 4 21 21 21 + % Homestk Min 2. 17 37% 37% 37% - % Hooker El ,30e 2 32% 32% 32% - % Houd-Hersh V4e 7 17% 17% 17% Household Fin 2 2 31% 31% 31% + % Houston Oil 1* 28 28% 27% 27% - % Hwrd Store l%a 3 21% 21% 21% +1% Howe Sound 2 4 41% 41% 41% Hudson A Man 3 5% 5 5% + % HudsonBM&S le 6 39% 39% 39% - % Hudson Mot 40 12 17% 16% 17 - % Hupp Coro 4 3% 3% 3% — % IDAHO PW 1.80 4 33% 33 33% + Vi II' Central . 143 32% 32% 32% + % HI Central pf 5 70V4 7Q% 70% + % III Term RR .72 x 1 10 10 10 + % Indust Rayon 3. 2 49 49 49 + % In*er-Rand 0a 3 132 131 131 -1 Inland Steel Vie 16 39% 39% 39% + % Inspira Cop Vie. 9 18% 18% 18% - % tnsuranshC 20a 1 7% 7% 7% + % Interchip 1.20e. 1 45% 45% 45% — % Intercon Rub . 4 3% 3% 3% + % Inter Iron 1.20* 14 14 13% 13% Int Bus Mach 4. 1 142% 142% 142% Int Harvest 4a. 5 90% 90 90% — % •Int Harvs pf 7. 10 163% 163% 163% + % Int Hydro El A. 7 6% 6 6% + % Int MACh 1 60 6 29% 29% 29% IntAiinin* . 4 4% 4 4 Int Nickel 1.60. 36 29% 29% 29%-% Int Paper 3a . 99 52 50% 51% +2% IntRvCenAm 4 11% li 11% + % Int Shoe 1 Vie _. 2 42% 42% 42% + % Int Silver 2Vie_. 2 53% 53 53% + % Int Tel* Tel . 34 12% 12% 12% - % Int T&T torn ct 1 12% 12% 12% Inter Dep Strs 2 4 21% 20% 21%+% Isl Ck Coal ,60h 4 34% 34% 34% - % JACOBS PL 4 77* 7V* 77* + V* Jewel Tea 2.40a 6 44 4374 4374 - 74 Johns-Min .3Sa 17 387* 387* 387* - 7* JohnftJohn ,20a 1 26 26 26 — 7* •JohnsonAJ pf* 50104 104 104 Jones ft L Stl 2 15 337* 33V* 337* + 7* Jones ft L pf A 5 1 92 92 92 +17* Joy Manfg 2.40a 24 3874 377* 38-5* Kan City South 27 297* 287* 29 Kan City So pf4 3 52 517* 517*- 7* Kayser J la x 1 16 16 16 Kel-HayW B Tie 3 1874 1874 18**- 7* KennecottHe 51 537* 537* 5374+ V* Klmbrly Cl 1.40 11 227* 217* 22 + 74 •Klmb-Clrk pf 4 40 99 987* 99 +2 Koppers Co 1 80 2 33V* 33 33 - H Kresie 8 8 Vie.. 2 3574 357* 357*+ 74 Kress SH 2a ... 4 517* 517* 517*+ 74 Kroger Co 60e 2 44 44 44 —1 LACLEDE O 20 22 5 47* 5 - La Cons pf 86 2 107* 10)/* 107* - 74 Lambert Co 174. 3 227* 2174 227* + 7* Lane Bryant 1 15 137* 137* 137* + 7* LeeRub&Tire 2a 6 397* 397* 397* - 7* Lee ft Sons 1.40 1 2474 2474 24V* + 74 Lehigh C ft N 1 11 1074 107* 107* LehPortCem IV* 1 3574 35)4 3574 + 74 Leh Val Coa! 6 27* 2V4 27* Leh V Coal lpf3 3 2074 20 20 - V* Leh V Coal2pf7* 1 8V* 8V* 87* - 7* Leh Valley RR 18 5V4 57* 574+ 74 LehmanCrp ,60e 4 47 47 47 + V4 Lehn ft Pink . 1 1074 1074 10V. + 74 Lerner Strs 1V* 3 197* 19 19V* Ltb-O-P Glass 2. 7 5174 51V* 5174- 7* Lib McN A L If. 15 97* 97* 97* Ligg ft My 4a.. 2 857. 85 85 - V* Lily Tulin IV* . 1 4274 4274 421/4 + 74 Lima Hamll .60 16 11V* 107* 107* - V. Lion Oil 2 _ 18 407* 3974 40 - V* Liquid CarbP 1 9 207* 207* 2074 + V* LiquidCar pf3V4 2 807* 8074 8074 - V* Lockheed Aire 12 197* 197* 197* + V* Loew’s Inc 1V* 23 197* 1974 195* LoneStarCe8V4a 6 657* 6574 657* Long-Bell 2 30* 1 267* 26V. 267* - 74 Lorlllard P1 5 197* 195* 195*+ V* LouisvilAN 8.62 9 4474 447* 447* + 7* LowentnftSl V*a 2 26V. 26V4 2674- V* •Lowenstn pf4V« 20 94 94 94 - 7* MCK TRUCK 1* 2 5174 51V* 5174 - 7* Macy R H 2 .. 4 34 34 34 + 7* Mad So Oar 1.. 2 1374 13 13 Magma COP 1.. 5 237* 237* 237* Magnavox 1_ 6 1374 13 137* Manatl But 17*f 3 874 85* 874 ManhShlrtl .40* 1 23 23 23 + >4 Marac 011 .10* 4 7 7 7 Marathon Crpl 6 22 2174 22 + 7* MarineUidl 20* 16 7 67* 7 •Mark St Ry or. 9 167* 167* 167* Marsh Field 2.. 6 257* 25V* 255* Martin OL _ . 25 2074 195* 195*- 5* MartlnParry .80 1 18V* 18V* 187*+ V* Masonite Co la 2 577* 577* 5774+ 74 Master Elec 2.40 4 215* 217* 21)/* - v* Math Chem 1 Via 1 30V* 30V* 307* - V* May Dept Str 3 9 4274 42 42 'May Dept pf.3H 50 86V* 86V* 86V* + 7* •MayDept3 40pf 20 787* 787* 7874-174 Maytag Col 2 107* 107* 107* McCroryS 1 40* 6 3174 31 31 hTTS McOraw Elec 2a 1 407* 40V* 407* - 74 McGraw Hill la 1 277* 277* 277* - 7* McIntyre 2.01a 2 50 SO 50 McKessftR 2.40 2 327* 3274 3 274+ V* McLellan Str la 2 227* 22V* 227* Mead Corn Vie 10 2074 20 2074 + 74 I •Mead Cp P! 47* 10 86 86 86 +1 Melyille Sb 1 80 2 225* 225* 225* - 74 Mereant Strs 1 2 147* 147* 14V* - 7* Mesta Mach 2 Vi 1 40 40 40 - 7* Miami Cop He 11 1774 17V* 1774 + V* Mid-ConPet 1 Tie 12 475* 47 47 - 7* •Mid Steel lpf 8 20 1327* 132V* 1325* - V* Mlnn-Hon Re 2a 4 53 53 53 I Minn Moline 2 127* 127* 127* •Min-M pf lHk 90 113 1117* 111V* -IV* ^JinftStL Ry Via 3 14 14 14 Stock and Add Met Dividend Rate. 00. Hleb. Low. *:30. cbie. If SPASJDfA le i 9% t% 9% — % Minn Min A If 2 1 <3 63 63 tMlnn MAM Bit 20 102 102 102 MllsIonCp lVie 15 61% 60% 60%-1 Mo-Kan-Texaa 12 3 4% 4%- % Mo-Xan-Tex of 28 20 19% 19% - % Mohawk Crpt 2i 2 37 37 37 - % Moiuti Hoe .80. 9 10 9% 10 + % Monsanto Ch 2 13 58% 57% 57% MonantoCh pfB 3 112% 112% 112% Mont* Ward 2a 13 56% 56% 56% - % M-McCLin lV4a 20 16% 16 16 - % Motor Prod le .. 1 25 25 25 - % Mot Wbeel .40e. 5 20% 20% 20% - % Motorola Vie . 5 13% 13% 13% + % Muel Braes 30e. 7 21% 21 21 MulllnaMfl .90s 6 21% 21% 21% tMulline of 7 .. 30 102% 102% 102% - % Munswr Inc le. 5 12% 12% 12%+% ‘Murphy pf 4%. 50 110 110 110 Murray Coro 1 3 14% 14% 14% - % NASH-XEL 35e 24 16% 15% 15% - % Nat Acme 2a .. 4 27% 27% 27% Nat Airlines . 3 8% 8% 8% - % Nat Auto Fib 80 7 9% 9% 9% Nat Aviation Vix 1 15% 15% 15%-% Nat Battery Vie 3 34 34 34 NatBiscult 1.20s 8 28 27% 28 + % Nat Can_ 4 7% 7% 7% Nat Ca,h Retie 8 38% 38 38%+% Nat City Line V, 6 6% 6% 6% - % NatContain 1 20 12 13 12% 12%-% Nat Cvl Oat .80. 4 12 11% 12 + % Nat Dairy 1.80 26 29% 29 29% + % Nat Dent Stria 4 16% 16% 16% + % Nat Distillers 2 X22 20% 20% 20% Nat Gypsum Vie 12 17% 17% 17% Nat Lead la 10 35 34% 35 + % Nat Linens 80 4 6% 6% 6% NatMAStlC ,15ex 1 19 19 19 Natl Steel 4 9 68% 87% 87%-% Nat Supply 1 25 23% 23 23%-% Nat Sup nf 4% 150 88% 87 88%+% Nat Tea 17b 4 28% 28% 28%+% Nat Vul Fibre 1. 1 14 14 14 Natomas Co 1 . 1 10% 10% 10% NEngEISystl. 8 11% 11% 11% Newmont U ‘be 6 51% 51 51% Newot Indust 2 2 25% 25 25 -1 Newot NewsS 2a 5 27% 26% 26% - % NYAlrBrake Vae 2 39% 39% 39% N Y Cent R R 127 14% 141+ 14% + % N Y Chi A St L 29 55 54 54% +1% NYCAStL ol 3k 14 134 133 134 +1 NYC Omnibus- 3 13 12% 12%+ % N Y N H A Hart. 13 8% 8% 8% NYNHAHul 10 25% 25% 25%-% NYShipbldglTbf 1 18% 18% 18%-% Noblltt-Sok 1.60 1 22% 22% 22%-% NorfAWestern 3 5 58% 58% 58% - % ! No Am Aviation 17 11% 11% 11% Nor Am Co lb 40 16 15% 15% - % No Nat Qas .40e 11 29% 29% 29% - % North Pacific le 66 21% 207* 20%+ % Northwest Atrl 14 15% 15% 15% NrthwAir pll.16 9 25% 25 25 - % ’Northwn Tel 3 60 35 35 35 - % Norw Phar .60.. 2 12% 12% 12%+% OHIO EDIS 3 1 33 33 33 - % tOHI ED P14.40 20 100% 100% 100% + % Ohio Oil la . 68 35 34% 34% - % Okla OAE pl .80 2 17 16% 16% - % Oliver Coro 1.. 6 25% 25% 25%-% ’Oliver pl 47b-- 20 97% 97% 97% Omnibus Corp 13 9% 9% 9% + % ’Omnibus of 8 80 90 90 90 - % Otis Elevator le 10 30% 30% 30% - % Outb MAM .3Se 2 18% 18% 18% - % Owens 111 Ol 3 - 5 60% 60 60% - % PAC AM FSHle 5 15 14% 15 + % tPac Coast 1. . 10 12% 12% 12%-% tPac Coast lpfS 20 71% 71% 71% -1 ’PacCoast 2pl 4 160 42% 42% 42% Pac Gas A Elc 2 28 32% 32% 32% Pac OasAEl rt __ 52 % % % Pac Lighting 3.. 12 49% 49% 49%+ % Pac Mills 3b ... 8 37 36% 37 +■ % Pac Tin Cons -.48 6% 6% 6%- % Pac West Oil 74* 2 55 54% 54% - % Packard M .lSe 52 4% 4% 4% Pan AmAlrw 74* 6 9% 9% 9% — % PanhEPLS 6 55% 54% 54%- % Panh PAR .18* 83 8% 8% 8% + % Param Piet 2 .. 46 23% 23% 23% - % Park Utah .10e.' 19 3 2% 3 Parke Dav .70e x 9 29% 29 29%+ % Parker Rust 27b 2 27% 271+ 27% - % Parm Trans .80. 1 7% 7% 7% Patino Mr.s 74* 62 12% 11% 12%+ % Penick A F .40e 1 34 34 34 Penney (JCi 2a 17 42% 41% 42% +1% Penn-Cent Airl 1 7% 7% 7% + % PennCoalAC 7b* 10 14% 14 14% + % Penn-DxCem Vie 5 18 18 18 — % Penn PAL 1.20 7 18% 18*+ 18% + % Penn R R Vie _ 132 1974 18% 19%+% Penn Salt .30e . 1 46% 46% 46% Peoria A Eastrn 3 13 13 13 + % Pepsi-Cola 70* 115 16%' 16% 16% - % Petrol Coro .60* 4 11% 11% 11% Pfizer CACo 2a 2 57% 56% 56% - % PheluhsDdge le 43 50% 49% 50 ’Phil C 6% ol 3 110 52 52 52 + % tPhil Co S6 pl 6 110 98% 98 98% - 7b Phila Elec 1.20 5 22% 22% 22% ’Phlla El U14.40 x20 110 109% 110 +1% Phil Elec 013.80 x 2 99 99 99 +1% PhllARdg CAI2 21 16% 16% 16% Philco Corp 2 6 32% 32 32 - % Philip Mor 17b* 18 26% 26% 26%-% Phillips Petrol 3 25 65% 64% 65% + % PlttCok&Ch 60* 3 14 14 14 ’Pills Mills 014. 10 99 99 99 Pitt Con Coal 2 9 31% 31% 31%+1 Pitt Pl Glass 74* 30 38 37% 37% + % Pitt Screw .lSe. 3 8% 8% 8% Pitts Steel 4 13 12% 12% - % ’Pitt Stl Snf %k 20 84% 84% 84%-.% ’Pitts or pl 5% 10 74 74 74 -1% Plttson A Co 2_ 27 40% 39% 39% Plough .60 ... 3 10 10 10 Plym Oil 1.60. - 17 50% 49% 49%-% Pond Cr Pie .. 2 34% 34% 34% + % Poor A Co B la 7 14% 14% 14%+)% Pot Elec Pwr 90 33 13% 1374 13% Pressed Stl Car - 10 9% 9% 9% - % ProeterAGam 3 5 64% 64% 64%- % PubSvcCol 2.20 5 36% 36 ~”/«+ 74 Pub S N J 1.40 9 23% 23% % + % ’Pub SvcNJ pl 8 320 134 133 1,4 +1% ’Pub SvcNJ Pl 7 220 118 117% 117% + % 'Pub SvcNJ pl 6 100 105% 105 105 + % ♦PSNJtSoft 80 937b 93 93 + % Pub Sac EAG wl 1 23% 2374 23% + % PubSvEAG pf wi 6 28% 28% 287b + % 'Publlcker nl47i 30 86 86 86 - % Pullman Tbe_ 4 48% 48% 487b + % Pure Oil la . 61 33% 32% 33 - % PuritvBak 2.40a 2 27% 27% 27%+ % RADIO CRP.SOe 32 9% 9% 9% - % Radio-K Or .30e 1 9% 9% 9% + % ’RR Sec I C Stk 40 30% 30% 30% + % Raybestos 17ie 2 31% 31% 31% Rayonlerlnc Tie 27 28% 28% 28% + 7b Reading Co 1 3 19% 18% 19% Real Silk H ,60a 1 11% 11% 11%+ % RellableStl.60a 1 23 23 23 + % Reliance Ml* 1. 2 11% 11% 11% Rem Rand lb 11 13 12% 13 Reo Motors 27ba 2 27 27 27 + % Ren Aviation 12 10% 10% 10% - % Repub Steel 1 a 34 26% 26% 26% Rep Steel pf A 6 1 105 105 105 + % Revere C A B 1 9 19% 19% 19% + % ’Rev Cop pf6 Vi 20 92 92 92 +2 Rexall Drug .. 16 6 6 6 Reyn Metal Tie - 6 25% 25% 25% - % Reyn Tob B .45* 24 37% 36% 37 Rheen Mfgl 60 1 22% 22% 22%+ % Richfield Oil la 21 19% 19% 19% - % Roan A Cop .33* 3 574 5% 5% - % Rob-Ful Con.60 3 7% 7% 7% RonsonArtl 20* 1 17% 17% 17% - % Royal Type 1.60 4 19% 19 19 - % Ruberoid Vat_ 4 64 63 63 -1% Ruppert J la ... 2 15% 15% 15% - % SAFEWAY ST 1 14 18% 18% 18% - % St Jos Lead Tie. 9 55 54% 55 +1 St L San Fran . 52 9% 9% 9% + % St L San F pf 6- 15 39% 38% 39%+ % 'St L Southw 5e 10 88 88 88 - 7b St Regis Pap 60 18 10 9% 9% Savage Arm Tie. 3 10% 10% 10%-% 3chenleyDistll 2 40 30% 30 30 Scott Paper 2 .20 1 43% 43% 43% ’Scovill pf 3.66 240 93% 93% 93%+ % Scranton Elec 1 x 8 14 14 14 — % Seab Air Line 25 17% 17% 17% - % Seab Flnan .70e 2 15% 15% 15% - % Seabrd Oil 1.60- 7 44% 43% 44 - % Sears Roebck la 28 37 36% 36%-% SeegerRefr .40e. 3 11% 11% 11% servei me .3ug / xu% xuvt iov* — % ShamrockO 160 12 31% 31% 31%-% Sharon Steel 2 . 2 33% 33% 33% - % Shattuck FO la 6 14% 14 14 ShellUnOI! 2 >4a 40 35% 35% 35% + % Sheraton Cp 40 *6 6% «% 6% - % Silver Kina Col. 8 6% 6% 6% + % Sinclair Oil la 96 19% 19 19% SkellyOH2%* 3 134% 132 132 -3 Sloss-S St! .40e 1 21 21 21 + % Smlth(AO) Cp 1 1 58% 58% 58%+% Smlth&Coron 2 2 22% 22% 22% - % SmlthASonl 40* 3 33% 33% 33% Socony-Vac 1 83 17% 17% 17% Sou AG&P .20*. 3 4% 4% 4% So Caro E&G % 3 6% 6% 6% - % So P Rico 8u*4a 1 41 41 41 + % SeaatGreyL 1.60 3 14% 14% 14% SouCalEdls 1% 5 27% 27 27 - % Sou Nat Gas 1% 1 22% 22% 22% Southern Pac 4. 39 51% 50% 51% Southern Rwy 3 16 40% 39% 40 Spalding la ... 1 16 16 16 - % Sparka-W .10e 3 4% 4% 4% Sperry Crp l%g 24 26% 26% 26% - % Spiegel Ine ..12 9% 9% 9%- % Souare D Vie 8 19% 19% 19% - % tSqulbb&S pi 4 60 101 100% 101 + % Stand Brands 2 15 25% 24% 25 - % Std GsftKl $4of 38 22% 22 22%+ % Std G&XS7pr Pi 3 105 104% 105 +1 Std Oil Call* . 17 63% 63% 63% Std OH Ind 2 40 44% 43% 44%+ % Std Oil N Jer 4* 51 78 77% 78 + % S d OilOhlo 1% 39 28% 27% 27% - % Std 8tl Spr* Via 11 13 12% 12% - % Sterling Drug 3 8 36% 35% 36%+ % Stevens J P 2a 6 31% 31% 31%+ % Stewart-War%e 8 13% 13% 13%+ % Stok-V Camp 1 4 15% 15% 15% + % Stokley-V C pi 1 2 17% 17% 17% Stone & Web lg 23 13% 13% 13% + % Studebaker %e. 36 18% 18% 18%+ % Son Chem .60 . 4 10% 10 10% - % Sunray Oil .80 136 11% 11% 11% Sunshine Blse 3 3 37% 37% 37%+ % Sunshine M .60. 14 11% 11 11 Superheater la. 11 23% 23% 23%-% Sun Oil Cal le . 9 202 199 200 +2 SwlIt&Co 1 60a. 8 33% 32% 32% - % Swllt Inti .40e . 8 17% 17% 17% - % 3ylvan dec 1 40 6 20% 19% 19% - % Symlng-Gould.. 6 5% 5% 5% - % TON CORP.6&* 2 17% 17% 17% Texas Co 8 18 59 58% 58% - % TexGUlfPro .86* 16 21% 20% 20% - % Tex Gull Sul 2a 5 59 58% 59 + % Tex Pac C&O 1 a 37 50% 49% 49% - % Tex Pac LT 70e 39 36% 35% 36% +1 Tex & Pac Ry 4 18 56 53 55% +3% 'Thermod pf2H 40 43% 43% 43% Third Ave Trana 2 8% 8% 8% + % Thomas Stl 1 60 3 21% 21% 21%+% Tnomp J R 15e 2 9% 9% 9% ThmpsonPr 1V«« 1 52% 52% 52%-% '’’hom-Starrett 3 3 • 3 3 Tide W Oil 1.20a 52 24% 24% 24% - % fTide Wat pf3% 30 101% 101% 101% - % Timken Axle %e 9 19% 19% 19% + % Timken R B %* 8 51 51 51 + % rmsamerlca %a 5 11% 11% 11% Tran* ft W Air 19 20% 20 20% + % Transue&W tie 1 17 17 17 Tri-Con Cp %g 17 7% 7% 7% tTrl-Conti pi 6.190 101 100 101 +1 Many Leaders Decline In Profit Cashing; Few Rails, Oils Gain By T. E. Applegate Associated Press Staff Writer NEW YORK, April 7.—Recent gains by many stock leaders were trimmed by profit-cashing sales in today’s market. A few favorite rails and oils nego tiated further advances, but offer ings elsewhere depressed a wide list of issues. Dealings proceeded at a better than million-lhare pace de spite occasional slowdowns. Near the fourth hour fractional declines were well scattered. Picketing of the exchanges by striking employes contfhued but had little effect on the handling of transactions. Aside from technical factors, con cern over the .extent of the coal deadlock provided a restraining in fluence, with potential disruptions in affected industries mounting daily. Anticipated expenditures for rear mament and European recovery con tinued to provide a basis for some bidding. In lower ground much of the day were General Motors, Youngstown Sheet, Republic Steel, American Can, Johns-Manville, Woolworth, Good year, Owens Illinois, Mission Corp., Boeing, Commonwealth Edison, Santa Fe and Northern Pacific. Ahead were Superior Oty of Califor nia (touching a new 1948 high), Nickel Plate common (also at a new top for the year), International Paper (responding to pleasing earn ings), Penney, American Smelting and Allied Chemical. Railroad bonds improved. Com modities were narrow. Washington Exchange _ , „ SALES., P#SHa aPt°T3?r~75 “ 13V" 100 Woodward & Lothrop com—25 at 37 Potomac Elec Pow 3.60% pfd “A”—0 at 44. Potomac Elec Pow com—75 at 13>/a. Oarflnckel com—1° at 18, 26 at 18. 100 *“» iu at is. Garflnckel 4*/a% pfd—5 at 21V4 Ca®ltalA Transit 1st ref 4s—Si,00 at 80, $i.uoo at 00. Wash Gas 4.60 pfd— lat 102%. Garflnckel 6%% pfd—5 at 23%. Capital Transit Co—13 at 13% Wash Gas 4.50 pfd—1 at 102%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. *® T 4 T e» deb 2% 1957 109% 7l0% Am T & T cv deb 2% 1961 104 104% Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1964 89% 90% City & Suburban 5s 1948 _ 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 6s 1961 110 Pot gee Pow 3%s 1966 104% S?} _ftec Pow 3%s 1977 108 _I" Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 103 Washington Gas 5s71960 120 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel & Tel <B) __n50% Capital Transit _ jn is N & W Steamboat 04) — 150 Pot Elec Power com (.00) ].-(% lni/. PEP 3.60% pf -A” (1.80). 43% 44 P E P 3.60% pf "B" (llo) 44 44% Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) 23% 24% Wash Gas Lt cu pf (4.25) 97 100 Wash Gas T.t cu cv pf (4.60) 10” BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) *30 32 Bank of Bethesda (tl.50).. 40 Capital (.90) ____ 3” 3« Com * Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8)_ _ «IB Lincoln 05) - _ 330 - Natl Sav Tr (8.00) ' 420 450" Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 30 Riggs (12) *3 in Ann Union Trust (tl.OO) """ 35 MSo 200 ‘ AmerK? 06,° ™^ANCK"" Columbla (t30) _ 13 '15“ Flremen’g (1.40) _ SI National Union (.75)_15 l» ‘ Real Estate (t6) 195 205 _ , _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 31 |s' Garflnckel com (1.50)-.. 17% list «%% cu cv pf (1.376) ”3% ||% "(fu6oc?01 {im M if Sfnston3 MmoCU(™.00) <S™ |f* Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) 74 49 Nat’l Mtge & Inv pf (p.45) 7% Peoples Dr St com 01.60) 37% 39 Security Storage (t5) .-.*115 m Ter Ref As Wh Corp (3) . 50 _ ffidwd & Loth com 02.00) 36 38 Wdwd * Loth pfd new (5) 104% * ’ • Ex dividend* b Book* closed* t Pirn pPa*d°1947tr“' * Plld *° Ur “*» ”** Botany Mills, Inc., reported net income for 1947 of $3,547,371 vs. $3, 802,548 in 1946. _ Sales— _ Stock and Add Met Dividend Bate. 00 High. Low. 2:80. ehge. Twent C-Fox 2 14 24% 24% 24% - % 20thC-Fxnf lli 1 35 35 35 'Twin Cty pr2Vs 30 29 28% 28% - % Twin Coeeh 1 10% 10% 10% UNDRWOOD’ie 2 53% 53% 53% UnAsb Ac R 70a 1 11% 11% u% Union Bag 2a . 17 32% 31% 32 . - % Union Carb 2e 13 104% 104% 104% + % Un Oil Cal .70e x62 26% 26% 26% + % Union Pac 8e . 2 175 174% 175 +1 Un Pacific pf 4 1 100% 100% 100% UuTankCar 2.60 1 36% 36% 36%+ % Unit Air Lines 27 18% 18% 18% - % Unit AlrLof 4% 1 89% 89% 89% +1% UtdAircraft 1 Via 26 28% 28% 28% Unit Biscuit la. 3 21% 21% 21% - % Unit Carbon 2 6 32% 32 32%+ % Unit Cigar Whal 8 3% 3% 3% + % United Corn _. 103 2% 2% 2% Unit Coro of 8 1 44% 44% 44%+ % Utd Elec Coal 1. 38 21 20% 20% + % Unit E At P Vie.. 4 40% 40% 40% - % United Fruit 2a. 11 54% 54% 54% Unit MtMli 17 16% 16% 16%-% UBAcPorSecl 8fig 18 21% 21% 21% U S Freight la.. 3 18% 18% 18%+ % U 8 Gypsum 8 . 2 97% 97% 97% -1 US IndCbm l’/se 1 40 40 40 + % U 8 Leather Vie. 3 6% 6% 6% US Lines SVi >3 19% 19% 19% US PloeAtP 2.80. 5 46% 45% 45% -1 USPlayCd 2a. 1 50% 50% 50% + % U S Plywood la. 3 30% 30% 30% - % S8 Rubber 2e . 12 42% 41% 41% - % S Rubber lpf8 2 127% 127% 127% + % US Sm RAtM le. 19 49% 48% 48% - % U S Steel iy«e.. 31 74% 73% 73% US Steel pf 7- 7137% 137% 137% - % U S Tobec 1.20. 11 18% 18% 18% Un Btrs 2dpf lg 6 10% 10% 10% Utd Wallpao V.t 8 4% 4% 4% UnivLab 4 4% 4% 4% + % Unlv Leaf Tob 1 5 20% 10 20%+ % Urlv Piet l .. 4 1) 15 15 VAN NORM Vie. 1 14% 14% 14% - % Van Raalte Vih. 3 24 24 24 — % Vanad Corn Vie. 2 20% 20% 20% - % V.ekChem 1 20a 2 25 25 25 - % VlctorChem ,40e 2 44% 44% 44% Va CarollnChem 38 9% 9% 9% Va ElAePwr 1.20 12 17% 17% 17%+ % ’Va El At P pf 6. 20 114% 114% 114% Va Railway 2H. 1 35% 35% 35%-1% VisklngCorn2.. 2 34% 34% 34%+ % WALDORF la . 1 13 15 15 Walker Hlrl Via 10 21% 21 21 - % Walworth Co Vii 2 10% 10 10 - % tWard Bk pfSVa 110 90 89% 90 +2% Warner Bro 1 Vi 25 13% 13 13% Warren Pet .80 . 39 28% 27% 28% Wash GasLt 1 Vi 1 24% 241% 24%+ % , WavneKntt 85e 2 18% 18% 18%+% Wayne Pump 2 1 25% 35% 25%+ % 'Wesson Oil pfd 50 83 83 83 - % Wit IndSuglVia 5 23% 23% 23% West Pen El Vie 65 16% 16 16 *Ws Penn El pf6 10 106 106 106 + % WVaCoalAtC.35e 14 17% 17 17%+ % WVa PuloAtP la 4 41 40% 41 + % WesternAlr Line 2 7% 7% 7% - % WestAutoBun 8 5 40 38% 40 + % Western Md 10 10% 9% 10% + % West Md 2nd pf 2 28 27% 27% - % West Pac pf 6 . 1 69% 69% 69% - % West Un Telle 15 22% 22% 22% - % West Air Brk Vie 11 37% 37 37% + % Westing Elec 1 21 29 28% 28% - % 'Wat El pf A 3Vi 80 94 93% 93% -il Westvaco 1.40 7 37% 37% 371%-% tWestva C pf3Vi*110 90% 90% 90% - % Wheel Steel 2 . 10 42% 41% 42% - % white Motor la * 22% 22% 22%-% White Sewing M 12 13% 12% 13%+ % Wilcox Oil ,20a 15 13% 13% 13% Wlllxs-Overland 8 8% 8% 8%+ % Willys Ov pf 4Vi 2 57 57 57 - % WllsonAtCo 1 Vie 24 15% 15 15% Wilson-JonesVle 2. 15% 15% 15% Wllson-Jones rt. 3 Ms % Ms +VSs Wise Elec Pwrl 8 16% 18% 16% - % Woolworth 2s 8 47% 47% 47% - % WorthlngP&M a 1 21% 21% 21% tWPMcvprnl4Vi 80 87% 86% 86% - % t Wthng prpf4Vi 40 78 77% 78 + % TALE AT Vie.. 4 32 31% 31%-% TorkCorn Vi . 3 12% 12% 12%-% TorkCppfSVs. 2 40% 40% 40% - % Young ShAtT 4a 15 76% 75% 76% - % YngstStlDoor la 13 18% 18% 18% - % ZENITH RA le 5 25% 25% 25% - % Zonite Prod 10a 4 6 5% 6 Hearty Sales jen the Eaehaage Today: 11:00a m 370000 12:00 noon 590000 1:00 p.m. 810000 2:00 D IP 940 000 tUnit of trading. 10 shares. *ln bant ruptcy or receivership, or being raorgantted under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Sates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarter!: or semiannual declaration Unlets other wise noted, epeelal or extra dividends art not Included. xEx dividend, xrix rights t Also extra or extras b Plus stock dlvl dend. d Cash or stock e Declared or paid so far this year, t Payable In stock, esti mated cash value ou ex dividend date c Paid lest year, h Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock spllt-up. k Aeeum mated dividends Mid or declared oils year, x Payable in Mock, exact eaab value uada termined on declaration data. \ ft 12-Year RFC Extension Doubted by G. 0. P. Leader iy the Associated Press A House Republican leader ex pressed doubt today that tlie House will agree to a 12-year extension for the Reconstruction Finance Corp. The Senate approved the exten sion late yesterday by voice vote, but voted to curb the RFC lending pow ers while keeping It In business un til June 30, 1960. The present RFC law expires this 'June. The House leader, who asked not to be identified, refused to predict how long an extension the House would approve. But he said 12 years seems too many. N. Y. Bond Market _ 8 EXACTED LIST OP ISSUES. (Famished *y the AmdstM Proa.) WORLD BAMS Q M&o 2044 B 60V* IntBRAD2 v«67 97 13|HudAM rfSs 57 61V* NEW YORK CITY HudAM In 5* 67 >14* 3* 80.lOSWI C 4V«S 88_ 824* FOREIGN 2:30 ICC 8tL 5> 88 A 8444 Australia 6* 56 *74* IntHydreE16s44 Cl Braz 34«s 23 ter 32V* Leh Val 4s 2003 31V* Canada 4s 60 .104 M-K-T6s62A. 73V* Chile 6a OOasd . 224* Mo Pac 5',4s 49. 13 Colombia 3s 70. 42 Mo Pac 6s 77 P. 80 Denmk 6Vis 55 71 Mo Pac 6s 81 I 794* Ork 6s 88 pt pd 5V* Mo Pac «n 4a 76 36V* Norway 4s 63 .. 71 Nat Dairy 2V170100V* Peru 1st 6s 60 16 NOTM5V4S54 33 Sao P St 7s40st. 744* NYC rf 5s 2013 . 76V* DOME8TIC 2*3fi irrc *'(4s2013A 704* AmAP P 5s2030 ®»“<4 S **£ Am TAT 24*85? 110V* 3J»* 99 i Am TAT 24is81104V* NYNHine4V4s 22 384* AmTobaceo3s621014* ** 37 Hi? A T a P 4s 05 122V* J,*28®7 ®** Atl Cl 1st 4s 52 104V* NTWB 4V4s 48 13 Balt&Oh 5a75B 34V4 ^orflkSo 5s2014 3ev* Balt&Oh 6SM96 63V* £0T £ BAO CV 4V42010 33V4 £**£** 3* 7* BaltAOhio4s75A 894* £*eT*^ 3£*87-1?iH Best Me 4 Vis 70 36 PennCtAlr3V4s60 46 BumochAP67st 61 Penn PALt 3s751O0V* Can Nat 4 VisSl 107 £*nn£* *?,®s®3 Can Pac 4s pern 674* PcooRRsiViieS 105 Cent Oa 5s 69C 7V* PennRR4Vis84E 39 Cent Qa cn5s45 4*5 £«*«« 84*1,80101V* Cn RR NJ 5a 87 43V* £5!!* J2XJ Cn RH NJ 4s 87 384* £dUa El 244* 67100V* ChampPAF3s65 96 ?»4* 37 C&O 3Via 96 E. 104V* £££**£SF'St'H ChlAE I lnc 97 33V* PCCBtL 3Hs 75 67 COW 4Vis 2088. 64V* OuakerO 2Hs64100 ChilAL lnc4*83 37V* gtlAP 4Vis2022 364* CM8tP4V4s2O10 70V* 8tLaanPm4s97 «*5V* CMBtP4Vis2044 36V4 8tL 8W rf *» 90 96 CMANW 4V4S99 «14* S««J> »n4Vi.2016 CSV* CRIPin4V4k2019 76 Shell Un 2V4s71 94V* C R I A P 4S 94 1054* ,!?* CCCStL 4 V*s 77 714* 8ogelII*T 3,79 “1 Col A So 4 V4s80 56 SoPaciflc4Vis81 *3 Col G&E3V.S71 99V* 8oPtc4VisOr77 88 Comwl Ed 3a 77 104 8oRy*n4s56 . 93^ ConsEd 2%s’72. 99V* Texas Corp 3S661054* Cons P 2’/.* 75. 994* Third Ave 5s 60 47V* Del LAW4s2042 61V* Third Ave 4s 60 73V* DARGW8-4S93 67 UnPac2V4«91. 92V* DAR In 4V42018 58V* West Md 4s 52. 100 ElPasASW 5s85101V* West Un 5s 61 96V* PlrestnTAR3s61103V* Wise Cent 4< 49 704* Ooodrlch24'«Sb5100V* Wle Cn 4s 368D 41 N. Y. Curb .Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED IS8UE8 CHANGED FROM PREVIOUS CLOSE. „ *:,M0 Lone Star Gas I 20% 1 e0*- LouisLstia ie% Alum Ltd . 43% MeClanahan OU 1% Am Gas & El lb 34% Menasco Mfs 2% AmLlght&T.58e 16% MdBPAvtcl.UOe 22% Am Maracaibo 4% MldStPB vtc y«e 7% Am Republc y,g 21% MldWestCoro 81 8% A® Superpower % MldwestOll .90a 20 A '3°e 6% Mid west Refln 2% Ashland Oil 1 _ _ 16% Mining Cp Can _ 3% Atl Coast Fish __ 3% Monogram Plct. 3% Atlas Corp w w. 3% Mt City Copper. Ms Barium Steel . 3% Nat Bellas ,20c 2% Blue Ridge 40g 3% NatMallFabl.60 13% Brag Tr L&P 2_. 13% N Jers Zinc 'At 67 Breeze Corp ^ 11 New Uex& Arts 7% BrwnFDlst ,80a 23 Niagara Hud Pr 8% %» NomaElecl.SOa 13 Gad *E'Prd 10g 3% No Am Lt & Pwr 7% Calllte Tung — 2% Northeast Alrl.. 3 Carr Con. Blsc.. 4% Nor sta Pwr A,. 37 Catalln Am 7% NorthropAlr y«g 10% Cen&SWCp .70 #% Pantepec 1.28 . 14 Cessna Alrc 20g 4% Pennroad 40g 5% Cities Service 2. 41% pep Bovs_’ 4% Claude Neon .. 1% Papperell Sa-IT 58% Colon Develop 3% Pioneer Gold... 2%. ColSand&St .40 6% Piper Aircraft . 3% Colts Mfs l%g 36% Pitney-Bow OOa 12% CnCarNVar ,08e 2% Producer. C^ 1% Copner!%nge34g 10% R-K-O opt War. 2% Cocden Petro — ®M» Raytheon lift 7\k Sownjfnt'&t *1% ^ownDrug.osa 3 SaltDomeO l%f 9% Diana Stores % 6% Savoy 011 3% DomlnStl&C % 14 Schulte (DA).. 2% El Bond&Sh y<g 11% Select Indus ... 2% El Pw A Lt ww. i 3% Sherwln-WmJH* 69 < Equity Corp ... 1% Solar Aircraft.. 13% Eureka c Ltd... 1% Stand Dradge... 3% Fairchild ISA 3 Std Thom Corp. 3% FansteelMet'/4g. 13 Sterling Eng % FordMFran 02g 1% SunRavDru .06# 6% Goldfield Coni. % Technicolor lg 13% Haxeltlne V.e... 16 Texon O&L .40. 14% KeclaMlnl .. 12 Trl-Contl w w.. 2% Humble Oil %a_ 74% unexelled Chem 3% Imp Oil Ltd 'A- 13% UnGasCan ,20g. 7% Int Petrol 11% Unit Alrc Prod 4% Int Products 1.. 14 United Corp ww Ms Kalser-Frazer.. 9% ut Lt&Rys .32e. 19% Kirby Pet .20g_ 17% u 8 Radiator... 16 Lamson Corp lg 8% Venz Syn .05# . 3% Leonard Oil Dev 1% Wlckes Crp .15e 7% Le Toffrncau 20% Wilson Bro ,30a 3% Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, April 7 f/P) (USDA).—Sal able hogs 7.000, total 7.200; market slowed with most early advance lost on butchers; however, good share of tun sold at 25-50 advance: most sows 25-60 highei: early top. 23.00: late top, 22.50; bulk good and choice 170-240 pounds. 21.75-22.75: 250-270 pounds. 20.50 31.50:; 200-300 pounds. 19.50-20.50; 32o-3!S pounds. 18.25-19.50; weights over 400 pounds, around 17.75: most good 350-550 pound sows. 10.60-17 50 Salable cattle. 8.000: total. 8.000; salable calves 50o. total 500: generally active; slaughter steers and heifers 25-50 higher; most advance on yearlings; cows scarce, strong to 26 higher; bulls steady except fat beef bulls at 25 or more lower; bulk "rood and choice fed steers and yearlings. 27.00-30.00; several choice loads. 30.25 •*1.60. including X,405-pound weights at 30.75: ton 31.50 for two loads 1,111 pound weights; load lots medium grade steers 24.50-25.50; good and choice heifers. 20.25-28.60: load steers and heifers mixed. 29.25: good cows up to 23.00; canners end cutters. 14.60-17.75: weighty sausage bulls up to 23.60: good »2<I choice veslers scarce. Arm at 24.00 28 00: lower grades slow, weak. Salable ,sheep, 8,000: total, 8.000: slaughter lambs unevenly higher; early top 65 above Tuesday’s peak price but trade slow at advance; around three loads wooled lambs unsold; early top 24.85 for one deck good to choice 105-pound wooled lambs: few losds and decks medium and good woolsklns, 22.00-23.00; still asking 24.00 and above for few loads wooled lambs; load medium to choice 81-pound No. 1 pelted lambs. 21.50; deck food and choice 103-pound fall-shorn, 22.75; slaughter ewes scarce, nominally steady. Market Averages BONDS. 30 15 15 SO „ . Indat. Ralls. Util. Stks. Net change- —.1 + .1 unc. unc. Noon today-90.R 39.2 40.0 05.8 Prev. day- 90.9 39.1 40.0 66.8 1948 high-.. 91.5 39.1 40.8 06.0 1948 low_I. 83.3 34.2 38.0 00.3 BONDS. 20 10 ‘10 1010 Low Rails. Indst. Util. Fgn. Yield. Net chance unc. unc. unc. 4-.1 —.1 Noon today 89.8 101.3 100.1 01.2 109.4 Prev. day. 89.8 101.3 100.1 01.1 109.5 1948 high 90.1 101.3 100.1 00.9 109.5 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98 0 60.2 L07.2 (Complied by the Associated Press.) New York Cotton NEW YORK. April 7 (A*.—Cotton fu tures turned firm today following early easiness. Covering by trade houses against export business, along with local buyini met only limited hedge selling and profit taking. Some leading spot houses were sellers on balance. Most traders held to the sideline until the foreign aid program actually starts operating. In export circles England was reported seeking cotton here. Late afternoon p rices were 80 to 1.55 a bale higher than the previous close. May 35.90. Ju)y 35.21 and October 32.19. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, April 7 (/Pi.—Price changes in grains were confined mostly to frac tions today. Wheat was a little lower, oats a, little higher and corn mixed. Lard showed some strength on reports ^d Government was inquiring for re . At noon wheat was unchanged to % lower: May, 2.44%; corn was % lower [to % higher: May, 2.19; oata were %-% {higher: May, 1.12%, and soybeans were 3 cents higher; May, 8.80. Lard was 5 to 28 cents a hundred pounds higher; May, 23.36._ Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. April 7 I/P).—Foreign ex change rates follow (Orest Britain in dol lars. others in cental: Canadian dollar In New York open mar ket. 10 per cent discount, or 90 United States cents, unchanged Europe—Orest Britain. 4.03%. un changed; Prance (franc). .32% of a cent, unchanged: Italy (lira). April fixed rate. .001742: March. .001745: Sweden (krona). 27.85. unchanged: Swltserland (franc) (commercial), 23.40. unchanged. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. April 7 OP).—Dividends de clared: Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate. riod. record, able Nat Malllnson Pab 40c.. 4-16 4-30 Regular. Calif Water * Tel- 80c Q 4-15 6-1 3en Shoe _62%e . 4-16 4-30 Olobe Onion In ...20c Q 4-20 4-30 Interchemical Corp_60c. 4-20 6-1 i Nat MalUnaon Pab ...40c O 4-16 4-80 Pleasant Valley WU»e~10e . 4-15 4-301 Ra rosier Inc _26c Q 4-30 6-14 Sierra Pacific Power Co. requested authority to issue $3,500,000 worth of first mortgage bonds. INSURANCE a* 1700 EYE ST. N.W. WASHINGTON ME. 3996 Do You Want . . . Information on AVIATION STOCKS We will be glad to send you our letter on the outlook for the Aviation Iudustry and our sugges tions for investment in this field. Write for letter S.l H. M. Byllesby and Company (Incorporated) 744 Jackson Place N.W. Washington 6, D. C. NA. 6252 Chicago Now York Philadelphia Minnoa t Pittsbv _ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Vulm plans, including long-term monthly payments, at faeorablo rat*. FUST DEED OF TRUST ONLY* RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ays. N.W. * NA. 0050 TRUST I NOTES Reasonable Pates Prompt Service lilt IDill buy Second Trust Notes Secured or Improved Property NATIONALMORTEAGE & INVESTMENT CORF! 1312 N.Y. AVE..N.W.-NA 5833J If you’re looking for the BEST in COLUMNAR BOOKS jSuilit will give perfect satisfaction i 2 Columns to 36 Columns ISO paces - - 300 paces SUPERIOR LEDGER PAPER Warp-Proof Laminated Binding Board Sizes 14%x9 Ya 10%x84 141>ixliya 13x15% ERASURES CAN BE MADE WITHOUT INJURING SURFACE OF PAPER STOCK ETT FISKE CO. Retail Stationers 919 E ST. N.W. FINANCING FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS The satisfaction of an up-to date home is well within reach through the Equitable. > See us abput necessary funds. .W3G-2J SfiOJCRfiv.-v: • . ft 9* - EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION 915 f STREET ORGANIZED 1879 IPUT your idle cash in these FIRST MORTGAGE INVEST MENTS for fair return with safe, sound investment. These notes are secured on owner-occupied or income producing properties in D. C., Maryland and Virginia and are available in limited amounts. 0 B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th ST. N.W. NATIONAL 2100 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT—LOANS—INSURANCE SEEKING MORE ADEQUATE INSURANCE COVERAGE . Mortgage Loan Correspondent— Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Washington Blrfg., District 8300 * Realtors since 1888 •