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Outsids Whits, $4.50 Oal. With Spring, come. th« defir* to paint up and clean up. Firat off you'll want to get your paint lob under way —and the best way to begin, is make a trip to one of the Winslow associated stores tor that good quality Winslow’s Outside Faint in white and popular colors. Mad* of linseed oil. sine and Titanoz—It gives top performance. aew Chase Faint * Hardware C*. ver Spring Faint 4 Hardware 0*. Bethesda Faint * Hardware C*. Takem* Faint * Hardware C*. Becker Faint * Glass O*.. Georgetown local Faint and Hardware Co., Hyattsvliic 922 New York Avs. (1) NA. 8610 Open Men. thru Sat., T t* 5:80 # ■ - iO *5 ■k^.viuei ROOMS Mjjrapr vm two knStOWt *»»■■■ Itothm for 1000 «••*• HOTEL [ iViiVistauAul CHESTERFIELD ,«• Wat* 4ftfc f mat, Now fork wttn rot musTtATto iookkt MADAMS ACCOMMODATIONS ✓ ( CANADA ) ) fe ( l iv J ll, / a Inspiring and symbolic . . . M ■ Just one ol the many beautiful ■ ■ paintings you'll set bedecking ■ M the malls at the MAYFAIR, 0 M Cafe ot All Nations. ■ I ,And just as inviting os the 1 • cosmopolitan atmosphere are I ■ the many tine dishes, at m ■ economical prices. For in- I I stance: 1 V Pork Chop Platter 1 \ Two (2) Pan Fried M V Pork Chop* ■ § Baked Idaho Potato i ■ Applesauce. Chef* Salad M m Bread or Roll* and Rutter V I Coffee Tea Milk 1 II $1.25 | I I Enjoy o tasty luncheon or I M Dinner, or a Delightful, re- ■ M freshing Cocktail at the 1 I MAYFAIR . . . Washington s I 1 best. Come enjoy the en- ■ ■ chanting music of SAMMY ■ I SEYMOUR and his Trio I M daily. . 1 I No Cover, No Minimum, No Tax 1 ) ZMayfalr I M cafe of au / In at ions m I 527 13th $t., H.W. near F 1 V U.S. Fights U. N. Seats For 5 Red Satellites, Backs Entry of Italy ly th» Associated Press NEW YORK. April 7.—The United States opposes admission of five Soviet satellites to the United Na tions, but insists Italy be taken in immediately, hgih sources said today. Whether the United States wofald go so far as to exercise her first .Security Council vetoes to block Albania, Outer Mongolia, Romania, Hungary and Burgaria could not be ascertained at this stage. This development came as the five big powers scheduled morning and afternoon prviate sessions in efforts to unravel Palestine and membership problems. Both meet ings were listed for the Park Avenue offices of Warren R. Austin, Amer ican delegate. Russia and hte Soviet Ukraine are expected to boycott the morning meeting on the American trustee ship plan for Palestine. They in sist that the U. N. stick to its 194J partition decision. Both spurned an invitation to a similar parley Monday. 15-Point Holy Land Program. Mn. Austin then laid a 15-point Holy Land trusteeship program be fore Counil delegates. Today’s meet ing was called to get reaction. One of the major unanswered questions pivoted around which na tions were expected to move armies into Palestine. Mr. Austin suggested only that certain nations be desig nated by special agreement. The week-end appeal of the United States, Britain and Prance for re-examination of membership applications from Italy and Trans jordan, twice vetoed by Russia, was the original item for the afternoon meeting. However, the issue was complicated yesterday, when the Ukraine suddenly asked for recon sideration of Finland, Outer Mon golia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hhngary and Italy. The step was an obvious counter move to the effort to force Russia to veto or accept Italy before the Italian elections. It was believed that Russia’s Andrei A. Gromyko would attempt to dodge by return ing to his old proposal that all ex-enemy countries be admitted simultaneously. On this move, the United States probably would support Finland, but is turning thumbs down on Ro mania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Formal Bid to Czechs. An unexpected American chal Jlenge to the Communist-dominated Czechoslovak government to state its case was approved yesterday by the Council. The Council voted, 9 to 0, to ex i tend a formal invitation to the Czechoslovak government to put forward a representative who would take part in the United Nations de bate on the February Communist coup ift Czechoslovakia. It ad journed the case until Monday to hear Prague’s reply. Mr. Gromyko, Soviet deputy foreign minister, and Vassily A. Tarasenko, Soviet Ukraine, ab stained from voting. They have bitterly opposed hearing Chile’s charges that Russia helped the Communists gain power and inter fered in Czechoslovakia’s internal affairs. The ^ Council voted after, Mr. Austin , expressed wonder .that Czechoslovakia has been reluctant to appear before the Council and asked: “Can it be that the Czechoslovak government is afraid of partiA&at ing in an open debate? Is it ap prehensive that its case will not stand up before world opinion following open and free dloate in this Council?” Vladimir Houdek, new Czecho slovak envoy to the U, N., sat in the chamber when the vote was taken but refused to comment. He said he had not received the invita tion. He told the press several days ago he would not take part in the debate. Metropolis View Citizens Plan July 4 Celebration The Metropolis View Citizens’ As sociation already is making plans for its annual Fourth of July cele bration, featuring an athletic “field day” for thte children in that area. M. A. De.Broske, vice president, and the presiding officer at the meeting last" night, said such a pro gram has been sponsored by this association for the last four years. The program will take place at the Edgewood Playground, Third street and Lincoln road N.E. F. W. Hyde, a representative from the Fairfax Biological Laboratory of Virginia, stressed the importance of controlling the Japanese beetle menace by use of the “milky dis ease.” Tribute was paid to the memory paid KTlOH 3 YEARS TO PAY \ ^ur °° 1 l time to cou S O'l >'*today. We will gladly make l . onvemence a free survey of l 'n ^ your present heat* L tng plant IRON FIREMAN SALES CORP. 1812 M St. N.W. NA. 4241 of Franklin G. SartweU, a member of the group, who died last week. Mrs. SartweU is president of the association. The meeting was held at the Crosby Noyes School, Tenth and Franklin streets NJ. MacArthur Boulevard Votes To Stay Out of Federation The MacArthur Boulevard Citi zens' Association last night voted to stay out of the Federation of Citizens’ Associations. Gordon Atherholt, appointed by the group to investigate the ques tion of re-affiliation with the Fed eration, said a "well oiled political machine controls things at the Federation” and that the North west section does not get attention commensurate with the number of citizens it represents. The group withdrew from the Federation in 1944. In other business, the association appointed a committee to investi gate recreational facilities for teen agers in the area. It also went on record opposing any sales tax on food and medicine. Before the regular business meet ing, the group enjoyed a perform ance of “A Mathematical Problem,” a one-act play staged by the teen agers of the Palisades Playground. The meeting was held in the Palisades Field House, Sherrier and Dana places N.W. HOME FOR SALE Charming 4 bedroom Cape Cod In one of N. Arlington! finest neighborhoods. The type of home when driving by. which makes you stop to admire it. DWYER fr CARTER CH. 4184OX. 2980 ""telex| World's Finost Precision Hearing Aid. Sales and Service Suite 713, 1406 G St. N W. Call EX. 1595 For Freo Trial ALL 12'x20'-1 CAR-$400.00 20'x20'-2 CAR-$600.00 F.O.B. Plant STEEL AND ALUMINUM BUILDINGS FOR ALL PURPOSES Dupont Iron Works, Ine. 1166 18th St. N.W. NA. 3766-6529 pniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii; (MILLWORKs = BOOKCASES § RECORD CABINETS I MADE TO ORDER I WI. 3233 lEISINGER! | BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO. | MILL it? 7327 Wisconsin Ave. 77* BETHESDA, MD. ,, AT ITS BEST! From Oar Own Modern Plant Supervised by Mrs. J. ELLIS . . . lormoeir «l Bessons. ^NCSW hI delivery I _ FAT FOLKS EAT ' PLENTY, YET LOSE weight with amazing food candy plan Have a more slender, graceful fig ure. No exercising, laxatives, drugs. This simple AYDS Food Candy Plan is A DOCTOR’S AMAZING DISCOVERY. You don't cut out any meals, or all the things you like. You simply take AYDS before meals which auto matically curbs the appetite. The result is you eat less, lose weight. Absolutely harmless! No Dieting! PROOF POSITIVE! Eminent physicians supervised clinical tests and report quick and safe losses with over 100 users. WHY EXPERIMENT? Get AYDS Today. Only $2.89 for a full 35-days supply—possibly more than you will need. Your moruy refundtd on the very first box if you fail to lost wtifkl. Come in, phone or write. VITA FOOD STORES 803 12th St. N.W. 8040 14th St. N.W. Between E * F CO. 2080 Four Policewomen Seize 2 Suspects In Shoplifting The spectacle of four policewomen bearing down' on them from all directions in a department store was enough to subdue two shop lifting suspects, one of whom yes terday was sentenced to 4S days in jail for stealing from‘a counter. Policewoman Pearl Phythian tes tified before Judge Walter J. Casey that she had trailed the pair from Lansburgh’s to Hecht’s. She nabbed James IJ. Morgan, 21, colored, an amputee with a crutch, in the act of taking a tube of toothpaste, while his companion stood by. Then she asked a clerk to summon help. She said she was as surprised as anyone els* when all the reinforce ments turned out to be store detcc f Season V \ Soup to plsasa a man with tancrv ~ J * 1111 ^ nA NEEDED AT ONCE AO students ta learn ta operate Comp tometer. Adding and Calculating Machine. Good position! open in Washington area. Get Ready lor Next Civil Serviet Examination. Enroll Now in Washington Comptometer School Comptometer operators are always In demand. Right now there are over 50 positions open in Washington area. Sal aries are good. The course is short and tuition reasonable. Classes morning, afternoon and evening. Graduate oper ators are entitled to free lifetime place ment service in any of our 145 schools. The Washington Comptometer School is the only school In Washington oper ated by the manufacturers of the Comp tometer Adding dr Calculating Machines. You are invited to visit our school. Washington Comptomatar School 338 Mansey Building District 0503 1330 E Street N.ty. District 3300 Do you iilit DOGWOOD? [ Sto the ««w«t | NORCROSS' Signaturo Notos' \ J N 1 America'* lust-loved Greeting Cards! NOXCXOSS INC. 244 MADISON AVI. N, Y.( Girls! Thrilling New COMPLEXION LOVELINESS Starts in just 7 daysl The seeret-lather-maaeage with Cuticura Soap twice daily, It's sci entifically medicated — different 1 .3e« Then, to help remove blackhebda, relieve fr lWXjj externally caused (64 pimples, apply ■♦‘V emollient Cuticura jt * te* 1fj Ointment at night. " jY /) Buy at your drug |PL~^-yY gist today! • ON SALE THURSDAY AT FOGEVS! I __ M Ocean City ml Reel and Pistol a Grip Steel Rod m ■ .« at a New Low ' ■ • Jr Price! jf ' * One at the greatest fishing q This Is It * values ever offered here to Washington! 4>/2-foot tempered steel, 2-pc. rod with pistol grip and offset reel seat, plus Ocean City 100-yd. level wind bait-casting reel, pre cision made and quadruple multiply ing! Both for the sen sational price of 4.95! • A NEWER AND LARGER Uvea of her own eex. Morgan, who had tossed his crutch aside and started to hop away, was captured by Miss Phythian. Her three assist ants caught the other man, who gave up after a brief chase. He was identified as Robert Rol lins, 21, colored, of the 1000 block of Seventh street N.W. Judge Casey granted him a jury trial at a Iatei* date and set (300 bond. Homo for Solo Arlington Forest. Beautiful 6-room brick house 'that hos everything. Schools, churches, markets in walk ing distance. First time offered for sale. Dwyer 4 Carter, OX. 2080, CH. 4U4 24-Ounce Baby Dies NORWICH, England, April 7 <**— A 24-ounce baby girl born to Mrs. Irene Prescott Sunday died here today. » SEE OUB NEW HOMES In Oak Springs Subdivision Brgnchville Section of'College Park, Md. 7 . - RHODE ISLAND AVE. AND BLACKFOOT ROAD i Spacious living room, dining room, modern kitchen, S splendidly arranged bedrooms with beautiful tile bath. Large brick porch, fully screened! coat closet downstairs. Solid brass hardware, beautifully finished Interior. No. 1 grade of oak flooring. Aluminum combination storm windows. Complete kitehea euuipment consisting of 7-ft. Kelvlnator do luxe refrigerator, built to-order cabinets. Magic Chef range. linoleum covered sink top. broom closet. Fireplace. Linen eleset upstairs. Gas a.-c. heat. Copper plumbing. .70- g a 1. hot- w a ter heater. Large lot completely sodded. Shrubbery. Vene tian blinds. Old English electric light fixtures. Laundry trays. Pull dry basement. Full insulation and weather stripping. F114-Veteraa Approved. Open Daily and Sunday - To reach: G Street car marked Branchville takes you within t blocks of house. By auto north on Baltimore Blvd. to tnd tragic light port Md. Uni versity, turn ritht to carline, turn left.t blocks, then left to subdfpftion. NORTHEAST DEVELOPMENT' CORP. 9031 49th Ava., College Park, Md. Office on Sito TO. 6137 It’s time to have your home painted and papered! When Spring housecleaning is underway— you’ll want to set the stage with fresh paint outside and all of your yvalls redecorated inside. Whether it’s paint or paper, we urge you to place your order now—avoid the later rush. We have the time, materials and help to give you prompt and efficient service. Call our Manager aad make arrangements now. The Eberly Plan takes care of everything— even the financing—if you so desire. . r ? A. Eberly's Sons 1108 KStiwt N.W. DI.6557 OUR 99*YEAR-OLD CREED: Promise only w>•' what you-xatt do; always do what you promts*. .-H ERZO G'S " v Brighten Your Shirt Life With ARROW r M»-—> WTiite SHIRTS THE HULL, with long collar-$3*50 THE DART, with conventional collar, $3.50 THE DALE, with conventional collar, $4.25 { | Let Herzog's light your way to real shirt comfort with the newest Arrow White shirts, available in three popular collar styles. Laundering won't faze their detailed style, their perfect fit or their anchored buttons. Of course they're Sanforized. Sizes H to 17Vi; sleeve length 32 to 35. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT \ ' . * • | j * « | This local thrift and home financing 1 institution is always ready to help you. I.. Whether it be to assist in planning a ft l savings fund with which to purchase o 1 | home ... or to explain our method of I monthly repayable home loans. Stop in I today. 1 SAPOLIN HOUSE PAINT 8K.40 •Jgal. Treat your house to a new spring “outfit” ... a protective, beautifying coat of Sapolin paint! Yours in a choice of eight shades: white, ivory, cream, buff, cottage tan, yellow, tobacco brown, Pompeian red. Quart size, $1.60. . ' HOUSEWARES, THIRD FLOOR _ *fff? *w* of the Mode ? Can’t blame folks in a spic and span neighborhood for glancing reproachfully at a house that’s streaked and dusty. Especially when it‘s so simple to tr*ufom it—with the right paint! # \ 11/ ,1/ A / fjavfe the whitest, brightest bomt in town, with Sapolin Moose flint ! You add new charm to your house—and lasting protection—^ when you use Sapolin Paint. Made from rare, costly pigments— , whiter whites and brighter "brights”—carefully ground in purt^ processed oils. Every particle of pigment surrounded with pro tecting oil—to brush on smoother, cover better, stand up longer. Specify Sapolin House Paint today-for lower cost, longer life, better appearance! HOUSE PAINT Made by tbt makers of Sapolin Speed Enamel, Interior Finishes and other Sapolin products SAPOLIN HOUSE PAINT AND OTHER SAPOLIN PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY THE FOLLOWING DEALERS: in---I IBobb's Hardware 5803 Lee Highway GL. (175 Arlington, Virginia Candey Hardware Co. 1118 18th St. N.W. NA. 5(75 George M. Casper 1013 N. Carolina Are. S.E. . LI. 0159 Circle Paint b Hardware 259 15th St. S.E. LI. 5256 M. Cohen b Son 4813 Georgia Arp. N.W. RA. 1999 I Cooper Hardware 1502 14th St. N.W. DU. 9791 Dismer's Hardware 3119 14th St. N.W. CO. 0531 Frager's Hardware 1113-15 Penn. Are. S.E. LI. (157 Haas Bros. 8545 Georgia Arenac SH. 5580 Silrer Spring, Md. S. Kann Sons 8th b Pena. Are. N.W. Dl. 7200 Miller's Hardware 800 King Street. AL. 1157 Alexandria, Va. J. B. Nye 1828 First St. N.W. NO. 7330 Petworth Hardware 821 Upshur St. N.W. TA. 4477 Marc G. Phillips'Hardware 2416 18th St. N.W. CO. 5510 George B. Steven's Hardware 2759 Nichols Are. S.E. LI. 4327 Stein's Hardware 903 H St. N.E. AT. 1751 D. Weinberg Hardware 530 4th St. S.W. NA. 8590 Wolf dr Bordow Hardware 1002 N. Capitol St. RE. 2902 Youngblood's Hardware 341 Cedar St. N.W. GE. 3481 I M. Zevin Hardware 1742 7th St. N. W. NO. 2190