OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 11, 1948, Image 28

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-04-11/ed-1/seq-28/

What is OCR?

Thumbnail for A-13

Lacy’s Best Seller! *
$149.95 Famous
An amazingly low price at Lacy’s.
Launders an 8 lb. load in only 3 to
13 minutes. Balloon-type wringer
rolls with super-sensitve safety re
lease. Sealed-in-oil gears with life
time lubrication.
On Sale Monday at Lacy’s 3 Stores
Nationally Famous
$49.95 Tavern
Floor Polisher
Includes Wax Applicator
By the makers of Tavern Wax. Has Uni
versal motor, finger-tip control on-and-ofT
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this polisher does all the work. Light
enough to carry up and down the stairs;
guides easily.
On Sale Monday at Lacy’s 3 Stores
Nationally Advertised
$74.75 Premier
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Thousands have been sold at their regular
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On Sale Monday at Lacy's 3 Stores
Sorry. No
Mail, Phone
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A Pageful of Best Sellers!
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All Great Values at Lacy’s
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24 88
Complete with Fresh Batteries
Greatly reduced! Your choice of
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nics, mountains, seashore, fishing
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Your choice of these nationally
famous make radio-phonographs
at less than half price. Both
have superhet circuit radios and
automatic record changing
phonographs that play up to 12
records on a single loading. Shop
Monday at Lacy’s and save
many dollars.
On Sale at All 3 Lacy’s Stares
Orig.' $32.90 Garod
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Complete W/»iA Batteries
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On Sal* at All 3 Lacy's Stores
Greatly Reduced at Lacy’s! Lustrous plastic
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