Soap Box Derby Veteran, 14, Confident He'll Win This Year Robert Cutshaw. 14, feels sure he will be the 1948 Washington Soap Box Derby winner. He is a veteran of two Derbies, •sd has been getting better each time. In 1948 he won two preliminary heats before losing the next qualify ing round. Last year, in a new and speedier car, he wound up in second place in the "A” division. Right now he is hard at work on still an other car. This is the one, he thinks, which will take him to Akron, Ohio, and a crack at the four-year college scholarship offered the national winner. Built In Basement He is building the vehicle in the i basement of his home, 713 Crois sant place S.E. There he built the other cars. There, also, his brother, Otis. 21, built two cars which he raced in prewar coaster contests. An eighth grade student at Kra mer Junior High School, Robert—or Buddy, as he is known to his family —plays center field on the baseball team there. Other Derby developments yester day Included an announcement by general chairman Howard P. Bailey th%t the first showing of the Soap Box Derby film would be at 8 pm. Wednesday at the 5th precinct. The film, which reviews high lights of the Washington and Akron Derbies, will be previewed before a comittee planning a parade in the Southeast section the night before the seventh Derby. Contestants to Parade. Marching in the parade, which is sponsored by various Southeast civic and businessmen’s organiza tions, will be all contestants in the next day’s big race. The film will be shown at most District high and junior high schools during the next two months. Or ganizations wishing to obtain the film may make arrangements with Mr. Bailey at The Star. Gail T. Judd, director of racing, also announced yesterday that a meeting of the commanders of the 60 American Legion posts in the District Department will be held at Downtown Headquartert for SPRED FLAT SPRED LUSTER & GLIDDEN PAINTS PYUS ADAMS 1119 9th St. N.W. Phone NA. 2402 Prompt Free Delivery Free Parking Alexandria Headquarters for SPRED FLAT SPRED LUSTER and CUDDEN PAINTS FAGELSON HARDWARE 1311 King St., Alexandria, Va. Phone OV. 4040 for prompt. FREE, delivery Oaen Until H p.ra. Weekdays and JO p.m. Saturdays Make TUROYER your headquarters tor ^ ^ *° PM. Incl. Saturday WisJubover Ty^l LUMBER * millwobk * BmpgG iwmim' M-£^S5 IS PA ED "j/udZ&V First and only top ~ quality wall enam el of its kind; unexcelled hard, smooth, lustrous finish; goes on in half the time; sensationally odor-free; quick drying; washes like a china plate. Perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, halls. Glfdden's special process lets you mix with meter—save money! You get an extra quart of genuine oil-resin enamel from every gallon. 2CLuxury finish for living S*** rooms, dining rooms, bed rooms. One coat covers most surfaces, includ ing wallpaper. No painty odor; dries in 30 minutes; easily cleaned. Buy this highest qual ity oil-resin paint and save! Mixes with water; one gallon gives you 6 quarts. 3'jP/^y* Now — for walls that OCcnffr must stand repeated washing but where you want a soft, suede-like finish —use Glidden's newest painting sensa tion! Just mix 1 quart of SPRED-Luster with 2 quarts of SPRED-Flat. 8 p.m. Friday. The department co-sponsors the Derby with The Star. Mr. Judd said the Derby chairman of each Legion Poet would also at tend the meeting at the ballroom of the Legion Club, 2437 Fifteenth street N.W. Additional Entrants. Additional Derby entrants in clude: Donald E. Rogers, 12, of 1217 Thir tieth street 8.E.; Junius A. Young, 15, of 2022 Savannah place S.E.: Dennis R. Conger, jr., 12, of 608 Sheridan street N.W.; Harry Brown, 14, of 422 Jefferson street N.W.; Charles W. Buck, jr., 14, of 109 Longfellow street N.W. Carl Frandsen, 13, of 6713 Second street N.W.; Bobby Yates, 12, of 106 Westmoreland avenue, Takoma Park, Md.; Johnny Hargitt, 14, of 3415 Allison street, Brentwood, Md.; Ray Ulmer, 13, of 4103 Fifty-third place, Bladensburg, Md. Also Joe Rose, 13, of 7724 Garri son road, West Lanham Hills, Md.; John Buckley, 14, of 4212 Twenty ninth street. Mount Ranier, Md., and John T. Pullen, 13, of 5903 Queens Chapel road, Hyattsville, Md. Read The Star for Derby News. THE MODERN EASY WAY for lasting wall beauty ...SAVE MONEY TOO! Glidden' s REVOLUTIONARY PAINT DISCOVERIES! SPRED^^ — SPRED-Lustr 14.98 a gal. (Mild, rw 1*125% m*r*) SPRED-Flat $ 1.13 a qt. («UW, y*« (tt $0% m«r*) -77wUr it 0/ SPRED dMto,nun«",=== ENDURANCES is a statement of FACT! GLIDDEN’S FAMOUS HOUSE PAINT IS MORE ENDURING THAN EVER . . . BiCA USE 1- More Heavy.Bodied Linseed Oil I 2. Controlled Penetration! 3. Factory Balanced-Blend, Oils-Pigments I 4. Tough, elastic Film Thickness! 5. Self*Washing—Stays 'New Looking* Longer I , 6- Greater Coverage—Greater economy I 7. extra Years of Beauty—Protection! H B^^B m Ymiow paws roe IIB V I I I I I I V • B | eupomPSAtsAi Soap Box Derby Guide The Washington Soap Box Derby is a coaster car race for boys sponsored by The Star and the District Department of the American Legion Boys, 11 to 15, inclusive, and those reaching their 11th or 16th birthdays in the period from June 1, 1946, to August 15, in clusive, are eligible. Official rule books and driv ers’ licenses are issued on reg istration with a Chevrolet dealer in the Washington area. Entry blanks must be signed by a parents or guardian. The coaster cars must be built by the boys racing them, at a cost of not more than $6 each in addition to the amount spent for wheels and axles. These maximum limits are prescribed: Length, 80 inches; width, 42 inches: height, 28 inches (windshields of any kind are prohibited); weight of racer, 150 pounds combined weight of racer and driver, 250 pounds. Officials will disqualify any car which, in their opinion, was not built by the boy who entered it in the race. Shiloh Baptist Church To Mark Tuskegee Day A Tuskegee Institute founder’s day observance will be held at 11 a.m. today at Shiloh Baptist Church, Ninth and P streets N.W. The Rev. A. Joseph Edwards of Zion Baptist Church will be guest speaker, and Jesse O. Thomas of the American Red Cross adminis trative staff will preside. Census of Librarians in D. C. Area Planned The District Library Association is planning the first census of libra rians, it was announced yesterday. Questionnaires will be mailed to a preliminary list of 2,300 library employes in the Washington area this week the announcement said. It is believed the area, including the District, Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax, Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, has the world’s „ greatest concentration of librarians for an area of compara ble population. The association hopes to reach 1124 Florida Avi. N.1L every professional librarian in the area in compiling the census. De velopment of a program based on librarians’ interests and problems as reflected in the replies is planned. Washington area librarians who do not receive a questionnaire are urged to contact Miss Lucile Morsch at the Library of Congress. 'PLAZA SPORT SHOP' Men’s Wool Gabardine 10.95 to 12.75 i U* ^ ADVERTISED gobordine slacks (properly labeled os to wool content) . . . perfect team motes for your sport coots, sport sh rts and sweaters. Every pair is beautifully tailored with pleats end smoothly operating zippers. Choose from blue, tan, gray, green and brewn Also included in the lot ere seme hound's toefh cheeks, glen plaids and striped patterns. Sizes 28 to 50. Perfects and slight imperfects in the lot. Everything for Your PET FOOD S—T O Y S TROPICAL FISH SCHMID'S. Inc. Wm«k. OliMt ud Larrwt Pat Ska. 941-943 Eye St. N.W. MEt. 7113 AT OUR NSW ADDRESS No Money Down 3 Yeors to Pay Be smart .. . modernize your heat ing equipment with a fuel-saving oil burner. Depend on Central for expert installation and the tops in service. Cjtut*00 All Installations Under the Supervision of James Raskin mu • Many California Stylet with Saddle Stitching • Many with Continuous Waistbands • All Hove Fleets and Zippers • Snap Fastener Waistt As Advertised in Esquire Open Doily to 6:15 • Saturday to 7 • Phone RE. 2545 • Free Forking Stor Ploxo I ! I I I I i I r-l H I 9-1 I |*i k f — 1 IBB i I 1 I I I rfli i i 1 I I H j m I I — lialJkilf a rmi: i 1, LrM i 111 i LklUC—Hk * 1 210 STEEL COILS SIMMONS UNIT OUR A IR VENTS FOUR HANDLES WOVEN STRIPE TICKING 1 ROLLED BOUND EDGES HEAVY SUPPORTING BORDER WIRE MAIL THIS COUPONl J THE NATIONAL 7Hi and H Sts. N.W. Washington 1, D. C. Please send me Simmons Mattress □ Double Size □ Single Size | □ Full Payment Enclosed □ Add to my account | □ Full Payment C.O.D. □ I wish to open an account | □ I wish to reopen my account I I Name _ | Address- - I ___ State- I -r.-------- r—J