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Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 16, 1948, Image 1

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Weather Forecast
Mostlv sunny and warmer today, high in low
70s. Fair tonight, low near 52. Tomorrow
sunny and cooler, high in 60s. (Full report
on Page A-2.)
Midnight _47 6 a.m-43 Noon -60
2 a.m_44 8 a.m_49 1 p.m-63
4 am.43 10 a.m- 54 2 p.m-64
Late New York Markets- Poge A-15.
Guide for Readers
Amusements ...A-24
Comics .C-12-13
Editorial _A-8
Editorial Articles A-9
Finance _A-15
Lost and Found..A-3
Obituary .A-10
Radio .C-13
Society, Clubs_B-3
Where to Go-P-7
Woman's Page^jC-S
An Associated Press Newspaper
96th Year. No. 107. Phone NA. 5000. ★★★ WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1948—SIXTY PAGES. Sunday"$1*30.' 'Ni*ht*nn«<Mitionf$i$3o *nd $1.40 per Month. 5 CENTS
Charter for ERP
Signed in Paris
By 16 Nations
Allied Zones of Reich
Also Join in Setting
Up Permanent Unit
(Charier Text on Page A-22.)
By the Associated Press
PARIS, April 16.—Sixteen na
tions and Germany's western
zones unanimously adopted to
day a convention binding them
selves into a permanent European
organization of economic co
The nations are those talcing part
in the European Recovery Pro
gram. The organization is to as
sure efficient use of the $5,300,000,
000 the United States has pledged
in the program.
The 28-article, 3,000-word con
vention was adopted and signed at
a conference of Foreign Ministers
and others in the French Foreign
“A strong and prosperous Euro
pean economy,” says the preamble,
“will contribute to the maintenance
of peace.”
The chairman, British Foreign
Secretary Bevin, put the charter to
the delegates at 12:25 p.m. There
were no objections; so he declared
it adopted officially. Annexes and
protocols also were adopted.
Gruber First Signer.
The delegates then attached their
signatures. The first signer was
Austrian Foreign Minister Karl
Gruber. The last was Gen. Sir
Brian Robertson, British military
governor for Germany and repre
sentative of the British and Ameri
can zones.
The plenary meeting opened in
the Clock Room and moved to the
adjoining Hall of Peace for the
signing. . ,
In closing it, Mr. Bevin declared,
“the structure of the new organiza
tion is one which leaves room for
development and for expansion to
include all European countries who
will genuinely subscribe to the aim
of the organization."
Before the morning meeting ad
journed, the conference unanimously
adopted a resolution to send thanks
to the United States for its "gen
erous response in assisting Europe
in its present critical state.” This
was proposed by Irish Foreign Min
ister Sean MacBride.
The delegates approved Mr. Bev
in's suggestion that they reassemble
in a closed meeting at 5,p.m. (11
am, EST). Their deputies are to
meet 45 minutes earlier to prepare
this afternoon's agenda.
This will include choosing a sec- j
retary general, two assistants and j
other officers and selecting a perma
nent headquarters for the organiza
Contracting Powers.
The document names these con
tracting powers: Austria. Belgium,
Britain, Denmark. France, Greece,
Eire, Iceland. Italy, Luxembourg,
Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Sweden, Switzerland. Turkey and
the French, British and American
tones of Germany.
They .agree to try to get back on
their economic feet as quickly as
possible in order to be able eventu
ally to dispense “with any foreign
aid of an exceptional character.''
They promised to "augment their
production, develop and modernize
their industrial and agricultural
equipment, increase their exchanges,
reduce progressively barriers to
mutual trade, encourage full em
ploy ment of their manpower.'’
They recognize “the generous in
tention of the American people" in
supplying the dollars with which
they hope to meet their goals.
In Article 1. the Nations “assign
themselves as their immediate task
the setting up and execution of a
common recovery program.” To this
end they “hereby institute a Euro
pean organization of economic co
They pledge themselves to bet
ter use of “the resources at their
disposal in their homelands and in
their overseas territories.”
They will set up within the frame
work of the organization "programs
of production and of the exchange
of goods and services,” the charter
Seek to End Restrictions.
They will seek, it adds, to abolish ■
restrictions "on their exchange and
on their reciprocal payments.”
"They will pursue their studies
now in course on customs unions or
analagous systems such as zones of
free trade.” the document goes on.
The nations agree “to co-operate
— (See ERP, Page A-3.)
Court Weighing Fate
01 Tojo, 24 Other Japs
By tht Associated Press
TOKYO. April 16.—The interna
tional war crimes tribunal late today
began deliberating the fate of Hideki
Tojo and 24 other Japanese wartime
Arguments in the two-year-old
trial were completed by the prosecu
tion with a ringing declaration that
all of the defendants—for whom the
death penalty has been demanded—
were responsible for Japanese ag
gressions between 1928 and her sur
render in 1945.
As the 11 Allied judges recessed
Indefinitely to make their decision,
former Premier Tojo and his co
defendants were led to their heavily
guarded cells in Sugamo Prison.
A verdict is expected within two
Associate Prosecutor Frank S.
Tavenner of Roanoke, Va„ ended
the prolonged arguments with a
scathing denunciation of the de
fendants. He asserted they knew
that Japan's acts were illegal.
Tojo and his co-defendants are
charged not only with responsibility
for the Pacific war. but with ag
gressions earlier in Asia.
Reds Intended 'Second Bogota'
In Arms Blast, Rio Police Say
May 1 Reported Date for Communist Revolt;
26 Declared Implicated and Arrested
By the Associated Press
RIO DE JANEIRO. April 16.—
Federal police declared today
the explosion of an army
arsenal, fatal to 23 persons, was
intended as the beginning of a
Communist plot for a “second
Bogata” here May 1.
The police said the Communists
intended to kill the Brazilian war
minister. Gen. Canrobert Pereira da
Costa, who left the vicinity of the
arms depot 50 minutes before
yesterday's blast.
The official account said Da
Costa was saved only by an un
explained delay in the explosion.
Bodies still are sought in the
debris of the Deodoro Arsenal. The
injured are estimated to number
100 to 200.
Twenty - six Communists have
been arrested so far. the police
statement said, and "directly impli
cated” in the explosion. The plot
was attributed to the a high leader
of the Communist Party, which is
outlawed in Brazil. Police with
held his name, but said his arrest
was expected soon.
Firemen still are seeking 12 girl
employes who were trapped and
possibly killed in a nearby textile
Folice said one person was caught
carrying grenade caps. Seven wom
an Communists were arrested for
distributing Communist pamphlets
immediately after the blast.
Authorities also became suspicious
after hearing reports that a small
airplane had flown over the area
just before the first of fiva heavy
Police said unidentified persons
in the central railway station had
warned passengers earlier against
boarding trains which would pass
the military arsenal.
Damage was expected to exceed
Walls crumbled for a mile around
and many workers in nearby fac
tories were injured.
5 Soviet Ships Reach
Canal for Repair, but
Remain Outside Port
Fishing Craft Reported
Under Surveillance From
Launches at Cristobal
By the Associated Press
BALBOA. Canal Zone, April
16.—Lt. Gen. Willis Critten
berger, commander of United
States armed forces in the Carib
bean. said today five small
Russian ships had arrived un
announced at Cristobal Harbor
in need of repairs.
The vessel, described as fishing
craft, were believed en route from
Leningrad to Vladivostok.
The repair work will be done out
side the port and the ships will not
come alongside the wharves.
Gen. Crittenberger said this would
prevent them from cluttering up
harbor facilities. Usually, ships
which put in at Cristobal for repairs
are berthed at the docks.
When asked whether this was the
first instance wherein such precau
tions were taken, Gen. Crittenberger
"We take precautions always.”
Some of the repair work on the
Soviet ships, chiefly to compass and
radio equipment, will require moving
the ships, so their crews will remain
The vessels arrived Wednesday
morning. Well-informed sources
said Panama Canal authorities andi
an intelligence official boarded them
ihat afternoon. They have been un
der surveillance from launches,
these sources said.
A naval official described the ships
as the Barkentine type belonging to
the Russian fishing fleet. They are
about 125 feet long.
Thomas Reports Big Influx
Of Russians Into Panama
NEW YORK, April 16 UP).—Repre
sentative Thomas, Republican, of
New Jersey reports what he terms
a "startling influx” of Russians into
Panama since early in 1947.
He claims “there is reason to be
lieve that their chief interest is in
the * * * Panama Canal Zone."
Fifteen Soviet ships “of the fish
(See SHIPS. Page A-4j
Police Find Explosives
In 'Young Scotland' Raid
By the Associated Press
GLASGOW. April 16.—A police
raid on headquarters of the extreme
nationalist "Young Scotland” move
ment today netted two truckloads of
explosives and sheaves of docu
Three men were arrested and
charged with unauthorized posses
sion of explosives.
A woman caretaker next door told
reporters: "They seem to be a nice
bunch of lads. They often had
singsongs.” __
Communist Outbreak
Is Possible in U. S.,
Congress Is Warned
Intelligence Chief Reports
Advance Data on Bogota
Were Given Marshall
By the Associated Press
An open warning and a guarded
hint that Colombia’s blood-spat
tered revolt pattern may be used
in the United States spurred a
congressional committee today
to dig deeper for facts.
For one thing, the lawmakers
want a complete explanation of the ;
reasons why the State Department
went ahead with the Pan Ameri
can Conference at Bogota despite
definite word that the Communists
were plotting trouble there.
The department itself said Secre
tary of State Marshall scornfully
rejected any motion that "a hand
ful of Communists” could intimi
date the American republics.
But Representative Brown. Re
publican, of Ohio saw the situation
in a different light.
Brown Demands Answers.
“Why,” he asked, "did they tde
partment officials) go blindly into
this conference knowing there j
might be trouble? Why did they
permit themselves and the country j
to be put in a ticklish position?”
Mr. Brown said he wants the an
swers to those questions and will
try to get them at hearings to be
set later.
He is the chairman of a House
committee set up to look into the
background of the destructive
Bogota uprising — particularly to
learn whether this country’s Central
Intelligence Agency had warned
Gen. Marshall there might be trouble
in the Colombian capital.
Yesterday's hearing brought evi
dence of a number of such w arnings.
Afterward the State Department
j volunteered that it had been fully
I aw-are of the situation itself and
that Gen. Marshall had commented
“saltily” the American republics
were not going to be intimidated by
Communists or anybody else.
Gaitan Likened to Wallace.
But the thing that stood out in
sharpest focus was the double ad
monition in Congress that trouble
may be ahead in this country.
First. Rear Admiral R. H. Hillen
koetter, head of the CIA, told Mr.
Brown's committee that "conditions
in Colombia are similar to those in
the United States except that they
are advanced a couple of years.''
Admiral Hillenkoetter said Jorge
Gaitan, the Colombain liberal lead
er whose assassination touched off
the revolution, was a figure "like
Henry Wallace in our country"—a
man who played along "with the
extreme left and the Communists."
Mr. Wallace was not immediately
t SeeCO LOM BIA, PagFA-3.)
Mrs. James Roosevelt Suffers
Overdose of Sleeping Tablets
Condition 'Excellent;!
Doctor Says She Got
Medicine by Error
By th# Associated Pres*
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., April
16—Mrs. James Roosevelt was hos
pitalized today for an overdose of
sleeping tablets. But her doctor
said her condition was ‘ excellent”
and added:
"She can go home any time today
or tomorrow'.”
Dr. Blake Watson, her physician,
said she took "some'' tablets acci
dentally, but added that he did not
know how many. He said she took
the sleeping pills in the mistaken
belief they were headache tablets.
Beverly Hills police, who listed
the case as "accidental poisoning,”
quoted Mr. Roosevelt, eldest son of
the late President, as saying that
his wife had beei\ taking sedatives
since the birth of their third child
last January.
Mr. Roosevelt refused to talk with
reporters, but his secretary said he
might have a statement later.
Dr. Watson, who already was at
St. John’s Hospital. Santa Monica,
on another case when Mrs. Roose
velt was brought in, gave this ac
He said Mrs. Roosevelt. 32, awoke
about 5 a m. with a cold and a
headache, reached for a box of pills
on a bedside stand. She thought
the pills were headache tablets. In
stead, she swallowed several sleeping
! pills. She quickly awakened hei
j husband, who called police. She
was rushed to Emergency Hospital,
ithen to St. John's Hospital in near
jby Santa Monica.
1 Mrs. Roosevelt it the former
—AP Photo.
Romelle Theresa Schneider, a na
tive of Independence. Wis.
The Roosevelt's daughter, named
Anna Eleanor, was bom January 10.
They also have two sons, James, 2,
and Michael. 16 months.
Mrs. Roosevelt, who was a nurse,
cared for Mr. Roosevelt when he
was ill at the Mayo Clinic. Roch
ester. Minn . then came to Califor
nia with him during his convales
cence. They were married in April,
Hoffman Names
FitzGerald as
ERP Food Chief
Appointee Called
Leading Authority
On Procurement
By Chalmers M. Roberts
Dennis A. FitzGerald, former
secretary general of the Inter
national Emergency Food Coun
cil, was named today to run the
food division in the European
Recovery Program.
He was described by Paul G.
I Hoffman. Economic Co-operation
! Administrator who made the ap
pointment. as “probably the great
est authority in the world on food
procurement.” '
Mr. FitzGerald had recently been
recalled by the Agriculture Depart -
| ment, which he had served for
;many years, to become director of
j the Office of Foreign Agriculture
; Relations. But. Mr. Hoffman said.
Secretary of Agriculture Anderson
agreed to release him to take the
ECA post.
He will continue to aid the Agri
culture Department, with which he
will work closely in his new position.
May Fill Top Posts Soon.
Mr. Hoffman said reports that
the recovery program was being
delayed because he had refused to
take in State Department person
nel were “nonsense.”
The ECA head said President
Truman has before him a "list of
several nominations" for both the
deputy administrator and roving
ambassador posts in the new agency.
He said he thought the jobs would
be filled shortly.
Mr. Hoffman denied that Daniel
W. Bell. Washington banker and
former Undersecretary of the Treas
ury, had turned down the deputy
job, but admitted it had been re
fused by one man on doctor's orders.
The administrator indicated he
will not fill other jobs in the or
—AP Photo.
ganization until men for the top
pasts are chosen. At present, the
ECA has only 12 or 15 employes out
side of administrative personnel,
while there are 14,000 job applica
tions on hand.
Mr. Hoffman and one of his as
sistants, Wayne Chatfield Taylor,
said ECA now is obtaining "letters
of intent” from the 16 European
nations to be aided and from China.
These letters are a pledge by the
foreign nations to negotiate agree
ments on terms of the aid program.
One nation already has replied
favorably and the others are ex
pected to do so by Tuesday.
It was made clear by another of
Mr. Hoffman's assistants, Richard
Bissell. jr., that no money is being
spent by the State Department
under the program, although the
department is helping wdth "paper
work" and will do so for another
two weeks. Mr. Bissell said the de
partment is performing "no opera
tions whatever in the legal sense"
as far as ECA Is concerned. ,
Not Involved in Politics.
When asked if any grain ship
ments would leave for Italy before
the Sundav elections, Mr. Hoffman
replied, "We haven't been involved
in the Italian political situation.”
He said the first shipments under
ECA, already announced, are going
to France because the need is great
est there.
The administrator indicated it will
be some time, probably several
months, before items other than
food will begin flowing to Europe
for the economic recovery of the
16 nations.
British Steel Prices
Reduced $4 a Ton
By the Associoted Press
LONDON, April 16.—A reduction
of sheet steel prices of $4 a ton.
effective Monday, was announced
by the British Iron and Steel Fed
eration today.
The current price is $106.20 a ton.
After Monday it will drop to $102.20.
The decrease is a result of in
creased efficiency in numerous Brit
ish plants, the announcement said.
The Ford Motor Co. Ltd., also an
nounced a reduction in prices in
line with the Government’s cam
paign to fight inflation and increase
The company's general meeting
was told by Deputy Chairman Sir
Rowland Smith that prices of auto
mobiles, trucks and tractors for
export, would be cut Monday by £7
to £18 ($28 to $72). -
U. S. Attache Pays $625
For Accident in Soviet
By the Associated Press
MOSCOW. April 16.—Col. Charles
Shepherd, assistant American mili
tary attache, left Moscow by train
with his family today, en route to
the United States. He has just paid
5.000 rubles ($625 at the diplomatic
rate) damages for an accident in
which a car he operated struck a
Russian boy.
Col. Shepherd was given the bill
early this week as he prenared to
leave after finishing his tour of duty
here. The Army Department in
Washington authorized the payment.
.FIFTH? j—'
University Women Here Begin
Court Actions to Halt Ouster
District Group Fights Threat of Penalty
For Refusal to Admit Colored Member
The Washington branch of
the American Association of
University Women today filed
suit against the national asso
ciation and its officers to prevent
; being ousted from the associa
I tion and evicted from its club
At the same time the branch filed
a motion for a preliminary injunc
tion to prevent the national organi
zation from taking action before the
case comes to trial in October.
The suit is based on what the
branch called an “ultimatum" from
the national board, giving the
Washington branch until May 6 to
decide whether it will change its
membership rules or be excluded
from the association.
John A. Croghan. associate of
Donald R. Richberg, represented
the Washington branch. He said
the motion was filed on the assump
tion that the forthcoming referen
dum of members of the Washington
branch will indorse its position that
the branch has the right to choose
its own members. The national
board has ruled that a degree from
an approved institution is the sole
requirement for membership.
The court action is the latest de
velopment in a controversy which
began more than 18 months ago
over the branch's refusal to admit
Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, colored,
widow of a former Municipal Court
judge and a member of the national
In asking for a preliminary In
junction. the motion said it could
be anticipated that after the May 6
deadline the national group will pro
ceed immediately to exclude or expel
the Washington branch from mem
bership and exclude the branch from
“further use and enjoyment of the
Such action, the motion con
tended, would divest the branch
members of their property and
vested membership interest and
cause “irreparable injury.”
The clubhouse is located at 1634
I street N.W. The suit said that
since 1934, the branch had defrayed
49 per cent of the expenses of op
New York Democrats
Commend Truman and
Hi! Wallace Hard
State Committee's Action
Viewed as Committing 98
Votes to President
By the Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 16.—The
State Democratic Committee
unanimously commended Presi
dent Truman today in a resolu
tion viewed as committing New
York's 98 national convention
votes to his candidacy.
The resolution slapped hard at
' Henry Wallace for accepting Com
munist support and praised the
; President for vhis veto of the Taft
Hartley Act, his civil rights pro
gram and his “far seeing vision'' in
| sponsoring the European Recovery
The committee differed with the
President on Palestine Policy, how
ever. urging that partition of the
Holy Land be effected without
delay. But the Palestine section
was considered to be very mild.
Flynn Saw President.
The resolution of commendation
was presented bv Edward J. Flynn,
former national chairman. Mr.
Flynn and State Chairman Paul E.
Fitzpatrick conferred with Mr. Tru
man in the White House earlier this
week and the President said at his
press conference yesterday that
they went away happy.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said after today's
meeting that the Flynn resolution
would stand for itself and no fur
ther comment would be made on
whom the delegates will support at
the national convention.
Before the meeting there had
j been speculation that Mr. Truman
would not be mentioned because of
opposition of some committee mem
bers to the administration's stand
on Palestine.
The committee elected 16 dele
' gates-at-large to the Democratic
1 National Convention but no effort
j was made to instruct them for Mr.
i Truman. Each delegate-at-large
has a half vote. The other 90 dele
gates w'ere chosen at the recent
Language on Palestine.
On the Palestine question, the res
olution asserted:
"We recognize that the only solu
tion to the Palestinian problem is
the establishment of a Jewish dem
ocratic commonwealth within the
Holy Land as contemplated by the
partition program of the United Na
tions General Assembly. We urge in
the interest of justice and W'orld
peace that the partition program be
implemented without delay as the
best solution of a critical problem.”
All the committee's officers, headed
I by Chairman Fitzpatrick, were re
Senate Delays Action
Pending Careful Look
At 70-Group Air Force
Draft Opponents Begin
Presenting Case Before
House Committee
By J. A. O'Leary
Senate leaders decided today
to call time out for a careful
look at the $3,198,100,000 money
bill to start a 70-group Air
Force, which zoomed through
the House yesterday over Presi
dent Truman's opposition.
The House vote was 343 to 3,
with only one Democrat and two
American-Laborites voting "no.”
The vote came a few hours after
the President had taken a firm
stand on the side of Defense Sec
retary Forrestal for only $2,376,000,
000 at this time to develop a 55
group Air Force.
The House vote was an over
whelming victory for one of Mr.
Forrestals subordinates, Secretary
of Air Symington, who has con
tinued to declare his belief in the
need for a bigger Air Force, even
since Mr. Forrestal's overall defense
plans were submitted on the basis
of 55 groups.
Bridges Noncommittal.
Chairman Bridges of the Senate
Appropriations Committee was not
ready today to commit himself, but
described the issue as "highly con
troversial” and promised his com
mittee will look into all the facts.
Chairman Gurhey of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, said he
sees no need for hasty action on
the 70-air group fund. Senator
~iSee DEFENSE. Page~A-4.t
Free Entry Is Urged
For All News Writers
At Editors' Convention
None Should Be Barred
Except for Security,
ASNE Official Says
By Francis P. Douglas
An officer of the American So
ciety of Newspaper Editors
j urged today free entrance into
the United States of any news
correspondent unless it consti
tutes a real danger to our se
The speaker was Erwin D. Can
ham, who returned yesterday from
the United Nations Conference on
Freedom of Information at Geneva.
Mr. Canham, editor of the Christian
Science Monitor, is first vice presi
dent of the ASNE and will succeed
to the presidency Saturday.
He urged the society to adopt a
j resolution supporting his stand for
admission of any "bona fide, full
i time news correspondent.” He said
this would enable us to strive for
world-wide freedom more effectively.
Freedom at Home First Task.
Mr. Canham, however, said that
preservation of freedom here at
home is still the editors' first task.
"We have prevented efforts at
encroachment in the last few
months and weeks.” he said. "We
must keep up the watch on the
Pctomac .”
Mr. Canham also proposed that
the society co-operate with news
papermen in Western Europe who
are trying to organize an interna
tional federation of associations of
editors. He also urged co-opera
tion with other American news
paper organizations to study pro
posals for an international insti
tute of press and information. He
said this would do internationally
some of the things the American
Press Institute does here.
In his address, before the ASNE
convention at the Hotel Statler. Mr.
Canham said the atmosphere at the
Geneva conference “was far more
favorable to us than it has been at
any other United Nations meeting
since 1945.”
Sees Victory in “Cold War.”
| “We are winning the cold war,”
he said. "Our long-range weapons,
| which are based on a practical ap
plication of the ideals of freedom,
!are making solid and steady head
; way.”
The convention today took up the
program of accrediting schools of
journalism which the organization
jhas been studying. A panel dis
j cussed this subject under chairman
ship of Dwight Marvin. Troy (N. Y.l
! Record, chairman of the American
Council on Education for Journal
! Mr. Marvin said 520 schools at
tempt to teach journalism and that
questionnaires had been sent to 120
of these which give a bachelor of
journalism degree. He said interest
had been stimulated in the accredit
ing program by a court decision
which held that newspapermen were
! not recognized as members of a
learned profession.
Dr. Norval N. Luxon, dean of the
’ School of Journalism at Ohio State
University, said 48 journalism
' (See EDITORS. Page A-2.»
General Practitioner Scores
'Men at Top' i n Doctor Shortage
By th« Associated Press
CUMBERLAND, Md., April 16.—
Dr. Richard J. Williams of Cumber
land today blamed ‘‘men at the top"
for the doctor shortage and.sharply
criticized views expressed Wednes
day by Dr. Charles S. Maxson. pres
ident of the Medical and Chirurgical
Faculty of Maryland.
Dr. Williams told Dr. Maxson in a
letter today that the shortage of
general practitioners "is in part your
Dr. Maxson had said in Baltimore
that a public which finds it difficult
to obtain physicians may lean
toward socialized medicine, which
most doctors oppose. He pointed out
that doctors of today “take then
week ends and their evenings. Some
refuse to make any night visits and
make it impossible to get a tele
phone connection with them in the
Dr. Williams replied. “The few
doctors of us here in Cumberland
who do general medicine are work
ing night and day. We often refuse
calls because we are Just too
exhausted to go.”
He said the shortage of general
practitioners had come about be
cause "organized medicine encour
ages young men to spend years spe
cializing and they., on account of
the high fees to be had thereby, are
not hard to encourage.” Dr. Wil
liams ts county physician for Alle
gany County.
the strongly-worded letter he
went on: "I think it is high time
Sthat the rank and file of the medi
cal profession staged a grass-roots
revolt against such incompetent
leadership and ignorance of the
facts which you display.
"No man is fit to specialize in
anything until he has had at least
10 years of general practice. That
is a fact and you know it. Unless
you men at the top very speedily
mend your ways and stop trying to
shift the responsibility on to the
shoulders of the few of us who are
doing general medicine, then the
public will rise up and give us state
medicine whether we like it or not.” I
Assembly Opens
With Plea for
Holy Land Truce
Immediate Cease-Fire
Demanded by Brazil
In Special Session
By the Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 16.—The
second special Palestine session
of the United Nations Assembly
was opened today with a re
newed appeal for a Jewish-Arab
truce in the Holy Land.
An immediate cease-fire was de
manded by Joao Carlos Muniz of
Brazil, who presided over the 57
nation Assembly in the absence of
its Brazilian retiring president, Dr.
Oswaldo Aranha.
In a somber speech recognizing
a possibility of U. N. failure to
solve the Palestine problem, Mr.
Muniz said:
"Only the total suspension of
hostilities can create the favorable
atmosphere which will enable the
Assembly to find a solution capable
of conciliating the existing antag
onism through a broad formula of
Truce Chance* Fading.
The session opened in what Mr.
Muniz called "a disheartening at
mosphere" caused in part by th#
fading chances for a Jewish-Arab
acceptance of the truce formula now
awaiting action in the Security
As the Assembly opened the flag*
of the 57 nations were flying out
side at half-staff in mourning for
President Manuel A. Roxas of th*
Philippines who died yesterday.
The Assembly elected Dr. Jos*
Arce of Argentina to serve as per
manent president during the ex
traordinary session, which is expect
ed to last anywhere from two to
eight weeks.
The vote was: Arce, 31; T. F.
Tsiang of China. 18, and Sir Carl
Berendsen of New Zealand, 2.
Liberia and Brazil received one vot*
each as nations. Twenty-seven
votes were needed for election. Four
countries did not vote.
Dr. Arce is Argentina's regular
delegate to the Security Council.
He immediately took the chair.
Council Meets Tonight.
The Security Council continued
its labors on the truce problem a*
Assembly delegations met at Flush
ing Meadow Park.
The Council meets at 9 o’clock
i tonight at Lake Success to act on an
[America-sponsored cease-fire pro
gram which also called for a politi
cal standstill in Palestine.
! Some delegates still believe th*
[Council will adopt th# truce plan,
| but the steadfast refusal of both
Jews and Arabs to yield on vital
'issues raised serious doubts th*
Council's order would halt the fight
ing in Palestine.
The special Assembly was called
to reconsider the partition plan
adopted at the regular Assembly
session last November 29. No alter
nate plan has yet been submitted for
consideration, but the United States
has announced it will press for a
temporary U. N. trusteeship.
The only formal document before
the delegate as the session opened
was a special report of the five
member U. N. Palestine partition
commission. This called on the As
sembly to consider a number of
urgent measures, Including sending
troops to the Holy Land to restore
Gromyko Ask* Delay.
It had been expected the truce
o.uestion would be disposed of
! yesterday by the Security Council,
but Soviet Delegate Andrei A.
Gromyko proposed a 24-hour post
ponement to allow time to study a
' series of amendments suggested by
j the Jewish agency.
American Chief Delegate Warren
R. Austin said all the Jewish pro
1 posals already had been considered
[in the Council’s informal meeting*
[ this week, but said he was willing to
study them further,
i Moshe Shertok, head of the Jewish
Agency’s political department, told
! the Council the Jews could not agree
to a halt in Jewish immigration to
Palestine. He also declared that
withdrawal of Arab bands from
j other countries must be an essential
condition to any truce.
On the other hand, Faris #1
i Khoury of Syria and Mahmoud
Fawzi Bey of Egypt, speaking for
: the Arabs, refused to agree to either
of these conditions. They expressed
| willingness to accept the truce plan,
| with reservations.
Sunday Reading ...
America's once- powerful
chain of air and naval bases
in the Caribbean and South
Atlantic is now little more
than a collection of rust
thinned links. Stall Writer
Jerry O’Leary, jr., who ob
served this defense cordon at
its wartime best, recently re
visited the scene. He describes
the deterioration of the chain
in Sunday's Editorial Section.
At the moment, Harold E.
Stassen appears to be running
harder and faster than any
other entry in the Republican
Presidential Stakes. On early
form, as the handicappers
say, he could take it all.
Gould Lincoln, The Star's
political analyst, examines
Mr. Stassen’s chances in an
other Editorial Section article.
These and many other
timely features, plus the
colorful Pictorial Magazine,
pages and columns on the
new books, amusements,
music, sports, art, society,
chess, camera and dog notes,
stamps, etc., supplement the
usual thorough and accurate
news content of
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