Newspaper Page Text
B?alba ARTHUR. ANNA JANE. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948, ANNA JANE ARTHUR ol 6.525 Jay st. n.e.. mother of Marie Vaz queztellez of New York City and Josephine Thomas of Washington, D. C. She also is survived by eight grandchikNen and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington & Sons' Funeral Home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e., after 6 o.m. Friday. April 18. Funeral Saturday. April IT. at 2 p.m. from the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, M st. between 15th and 18th sts. n.w. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. ARTHUR. ANNIE. Members of the aa. Queen of Sheba Household of Ruth, IR No. 29, G. U O. of O. F.. are re Vjl quested to attend the funeral serv Ices for Sister ANNIE ARTHUR, on (1)1 Saturday. April 17. 1948. at 2 jjgj P.m.. at the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, M st. between 15th and I a lath sts. n.w. ESTELLE WORMLEY, M. N. G. . HARRIET E. TYLER, W. R. BARNES. JOHN WESLEY, JR. On Thursday. April 15. 1948, at his residence, 285 Kentucky ave. s.e.. JOHN WESLEY BARNES Jr., the beloved son of John W. ar.d Pearl B. Barnes. Services at Cham bers’ Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e., on Monday. April 19, at 2:30 p m Inter ment Washington National Cemetery. 16,18 BARNSLEY. LAURA E. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948, at her home, 120 South Adams st., Rockville, Md., LAURA E. BARNSLEY, beloved wife of the late Sam uel G. Barnsley and mother of the Misses Effle and Bessie Barnsley. Remains are resting at her late resideace. where fu neral services will be held Friday. April lb, at 11 a.m. Interment St. John's Episcopal Church Cemetery, Olney, Md. -16 BOYS, REV. GEORGE. On Thursday, April 15, 1948, at the Church Home and Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Rev. GEOP.GE BOYS, rector of St. Paul’s Parish at Baden and Aquasco. Md., beloved husoand of Emmy Lou Sheltman Boys and father of Mrs. Mary Springer of New York City. Mrs. Clark Taylor of Ithaca. N. Y„ and the late George S. Boys. Funeral on Sat urday. April 17. from St. Mary’s Chapel, Aquasco. Md.. at 11 a.m. Interment in church cemetery. 18 CAVE, FRANCES ST. CLAIR. Sudden ly. on Wednesday. April 14. 1948, at her residence. 4107 53rd ave., Bladensburt, Md.. FRANCES ST. CLAIR CAVE (nee Saunders), the beloved wife of Rumsey £• Cave, mother of Robert H. and William S. Cave. Mrs. Thelma Peacock. Virginia Bowers, Mrs. Evelyn Pope, Mrs. Frances Wray and Catherine McEntee. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 5801 Cleve land ave.. Riverdale, Md., on Saturday, April 17. at 10 a.m. Interment Washing ton National Cemetery. (Luray, Va. pa pers please copy.) 16 CHAPMAN, EDITH MAE. On Wednes day. April 14, 1948, at her home. 910 Grandin ave.. Rockville. Md., EDITH MAE CHAPMAN, beloved wife of Marion L. Chapman and mother of Mrs. Eleanor B. Atwood. Mrs. Dorothy C. Cornwell, Mrs. Ruth V. Stachura. Mrs. Marjorie A. Mooney. Ellis L.. Grayston W„ Robert H,. Albert H. and William L. Chapman. Re mains resting at the Colonial Funeral Home of Wb. Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville, Md. Services on Saturday, April 1,. at 2-30 pm., at the Free Methodist Church. Rockville. Md. Interment Forest Oak Cemetery, Gaithersburg, Md. 1< CURTIS. LLOYD H. On Wednesday, April 14. 1948. at Freedmen s Hospital. LLOYD H. CURTIS. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Frazier's Funn-al Home. Inc. 18 DALY, RICHARD A. On Thursday. April 15. 1948. at the Alexandria Hos pital. RICHARD A. DALY, beloved hus band of Alice L. Daly, stepfather of Mrs. Mildred Burnette of Cleveland. Ohio, and Mrs. Jean Roberts of Oakton. Va^. and brother of John A. Daly of Silver Spring. Md Friends may call at the" Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held Saturday. April 1/, at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. 16 DAVIS, LOUIS. Entered into eternal rest on Monday. April 12, 1948, LOUIS DAVIS of 939 Golden st. s.w., the de voted husband of Mrs. Rosa Davis, loving brother of Mrs. Katie Moody of Richmond. Va.: brother-in-law of Mr Fletcher Moody of Richmond. Va.; uncle of Mrs. Rosa Brown of Richmond. Va.; cousin of Mrs. Mattie L. Jonathan of Washington. D, C. Other relatives and many friends also mourn his departure. Friends may call on Friday. April 18. at 3 p.m.. at the John T. Rhlnes & Co. Funeral Home, 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. where funeral services will be held on Saturday. April 17. at 1 p.m.. Rev. Elmore officiating. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. 18 DENISON, IRVING INGERSOLL On Thursday, April 15. 1948. IRVING INGER SOLL DENISON, beloved husband ol Agnes Garvey Denison. Funeral from 5815 Chevy Chase parkway n.w. on Saturday. April It, at 8:45 a.m. Requiem mass at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament Church at 9:lo am Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 DORRY. ERNEST. Departed this life suddenly, on Tuesday, April 13, 1948, ERNEST DORRY He leaves three sisters, Mrs. Maggie Contee, Mrs. Mamie Lomax and Mrs. Gertrude Dyson: one brother, Daniel Dorry; one aunt. Ella Montgomery; many other relatives and friends. Friends may call Ftiday after )0 a.m. at the Fu neral Home of Alexander S. Pope, 414 15th st. s.e., where funeral services will be held Saturday. April 17. at 1:30 P m. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 14.1b EVERS, EDITH. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948, at her residence, 1907 Park id. r w . Mrs EDITH EVERS, beloved mother of Mrs. Edith Tutwiler. Remains resting at the above residence, where services will be held on Saturday. April 17. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to at tend. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. _ J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th an< Mats Ave N.E. LI. 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St, N.W. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St N.W _Established 1851_ In Case of Death Call One of the Largest Undertaker* in the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Tour Large Funeral Homee Phone CO. 0432 VTL SPEARE CO. Neither auccessor to nor the original W R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. National 28S2 * funeral designs. Ml FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop. Funeral Designs Special! $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10. up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 CHACO NAS FLOWERS Beautiful ^OKAL^IECES, *5.00 and ». *500 14th St. N.W. Phone Dll. 7181 GLIDE BROS. CO. Individually dealaned Wreathi and Spran (hirer aceounti opened bj nnone 1212 F St. N.W ■—XAttonal 42.6 GEO.'C. SHAFFER, Inc. KBBBSPn^nBOTP o£S Cor. 14th & Eye ^and Sund»* * AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 0432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: $10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. Ghamfet1* CALL CO 0432 ' CEMETERY LOTS. SOR SALE—Cemeterv lot. 4 grave sites in eaut. National Memorial Park Lot S3, iection H Listed at $395. Leaving town, will sacrifice for $'195 or best offer under. Call GL. 7-161._-lb MUST SACRIFICE—4-slte lot In beaut. National Memo'ia! Park at original cost, of $395; present value. $700. Call CH. •40b. —1» Bfatljfl FERGUSON. SAMUEL. On Wednesday, April 14. 1948, at bis residence. 528 Okla homa ave. n.e., SAMUEL FERGUSON, hus band of Fannie Ferguson, father of Thel ma. Alonzo. Eugene. Ernest and Ralph Ferguson. He also leaves other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Ferguson may I be viewed at the above residence after 4 p.m. Friday. Funeral Saturday. April 17, at 1 p.m . from the First Baptist Church, , Glen Arden. Md. Interment church ceme tery. Services by Stewart. 16 FIELDS. MISS MARY MARGARET. On Wednesday. April 14, 1948. Miss MARY, MARGARET FIELDS of 104 West Mont- i gomery ave.. Rockville. Md. Remains rest ing at her late residence. Services Sat-■ urday, April 17. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Rockville, Md., where requiem1 mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Interment i St. Mary’s Cemetery. 16 GALOTTA. EDWARD JOHN. In March, 1945. on Iwo Jima, EDWARD JOHN GA LOTTA, ARM 2/c, U. S. N. R.. beloved j husband of Mrs. Mary R. Galotta of) Lowell, Mass. Remains will rest at the Hysong Funeral Home, 1300 N st. i.w., after 0 p.m. Friday. April 16. Prayers will be said at the above funeral home on Saturday. April 17. 1948. at 10:30 a.m.: thence to St. Martin's Catholic Church. 1900 North Capitol st., where requiem mass will be sung at 11 a.m. for the re pose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 16 gable, GUY. On April 15. 1948. at the Emergency Hospital. Annapolis, Md.. GUY GABLE, beloved husband of the late Ella J. Gable (nee Feldmeyer). Funeral Monday. April 19. at 3 p.m., from the Hopping Funeral Home. 172 West st.. An napolis, Md. Interment In St. Ann's Cem etery, Annapolis. Md. 18 GALLOWAY, DAISY. On Thursday. April 15. 1948. DAISY GALLOWAY of 732 2nd st. s.w. She leaves one brother. Rev. Emmett Starks: one aunt, Bessie Nelson: one niece, Evelyn Jackson: two nephews. Raymond and Emmett Jackson: other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed Monday, April 19. after 4 p.m., at Eugene Ford's Funeral Chapel, 1213 4th st. s.w., where funeral services will be held Tuesday. April 20. at 1 p.m.. Rev. J. H. Randolph officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 10.18.19 GALOTTA. EDWARD JOHN. Members of the National Honor Guard of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will assemble at the Hysong Funeral Home, 1300 N st. n.w., at 8 p.m. Friday, April 16, 1948. for funeral services for Comrade ED WARD J. GALOTTA. CHAS. M. HOLMES, Captain. GRAVES. STEVEN. On Thursday. April 16. 1948, STEVEN GRAVES of 1521 12th st. n.w., devoted father of Emma Contee. brother of Lucinda Wadlington and Ellle Graves of Pennsylvania. Other relatives and friends also survive. Friends are in vited to call at the Taft H. Williams Fu neral Home. 1702 12th st. n.w,. after 4 p.m. Friday, where services will be held Saturday. April 17. at 1 p.m. 16’ GRECO. JOHN THOMAS. On Friday. April 1.6, 1948, at his residence. 4705 10th st. n.e . JOHN THOMAS GRECO- beloved husband of Mary C. Greco and father of Anna Greco. Mrs. Ida Carosella. Mrs. Clara Berlinsky. Daniel R. and Victor J. Greco. Friends may call at Wm. J. Nalley's Fu neral Home. 3200 Rhode Island ave., at Eastern ave. n.e. ’Notice of funeral later. HALL. EDWARD L. Suddenly, on Thurs day. April 15. 1948, EDWARD L. HALL, beloved husband of Annie A. Hall, father ! of Wilbur R. and Edward A. Hall. Friends | may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Fu I neral Home, 131 11th st. s.e., where serv ices will be held on Monday. April 19, at | 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 18 HARPER, REV. WILLIAM OLIVER. De parted th’s life on Thursday. April 15. 1948, at his residence, 4944 East Capitol st., Rev. WILLIAM OLIVER HARPER. He leaves to mourn their loss four daugh ters, Mrs. Ethel V. Gray, Mrs. Marie Bowling, Mrs. Louise Jordon and Edna R. Harper; one son, James M. Harper, and other relatives and friends. Funeral and interment in Youngstown, Ohio. Arrange ments by Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc. HASTY, HELEN. On Wednesday, April 14, 1948, HELEN HASTY, wife of James H. Hasty, mother of Marjorie Gibbs and Lloyd George Murphy; sister of Atfnie Simms, John H. Mills. Annie L. Selden. Roosevelt Mills. Elizabeth Hodges and Hazel Carroll. A host of other relatives and friends also survive. After 5 p.m. Friday. Anril 16. friends may call at her late residence. 438 21st st. n.e. Funeral Saturday. April 17, at 10 a.m., from the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 16 HAWKINS. AGNES LOUISE. On Wed nesday. April 14. 1948, AGNES LOUISE, HAWKINS of 1541 8th st. n.w. She leaves; one daughter, a father. Eugene Hawkins; ! five sisters. M. Edna Simms, Susan Boston, j Catherine Hawkins, Eleanora Jenkins and Jennie Brooks; five brothers. William, Alexander, Leo, Thomas and Charles Hawkins; seven aunts, six uncles, a de voted friend, Edward "Brooks, and many other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed Sunday, April 18, after 12 noon, at Eugene Ford’s Funeral Chapel. 1213 4th st. s.w. Funeral services will be held Monday. April 19. at 1 p.m., at the First Baptist Church, 27th st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w.. Rev. T. E. Hopkins officiating, j Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 18 j HAWKINS, JOSEPH HORACE. On April ; 15, 1948, at his residence. 416 Virginia j ave. s.e., JOSEPH HORACE HAWKINS. ! brother of Aline Harrod. Della Holt, Flor- i ence Holt. Bernard Hawkins and David H. ! Brown. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by Rollins. • HENSON, MARIE T. On Tuesday, April 13, 1948, at her residence. 1330 South Capitol st.. MARIE T. HENSON, devoted mother of Christine Samuels. She also i* survived by one sister, Anna C. Carroll; two aunts. Mary Taylor and Annie Young; two grandchildren, a devoted friend, Thomas N. Watkins, and many other rel atives 'and friends. After 5 p.m. Friday, April 16, friends may call at her late resi dence. Funeral services Saturday. April 17. at 1:30 p.m., at Allen’s A. M. E. ! Church, Alabama ave. s.e.. Rev. Joseph Grant officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements by the Robert G. Mason Co. 16 HOLLAND, JAMES M. Suddenly, on Tuesday. April 13, 1948. at his residence, Emory Grove. Md., JAMES M. HOLLAND, beloved husband of Mrs. Ollie Holland. Also surviving are three daughters, five sons, three sisters, five brothers, three aunts and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at his late resi dence after 5 P.m. Friday. April 16. Yu neral Saturday. April 17. at 2 P.m., from the Emory Grove Church. Emory Grove, Md., Rev. Wallace officiating. Interment churcn cemetery. Services by Sftowden & Davis. HOWARD. DR. JOSEPH T. D. On Thursday. April 15, 1948, at his residence, 223 North Cherry st.. Falls Church. Va.. Dr. JOSEPH T. D. HOWARD, husband of Florence S. W. Howard (nee Wander) and father of Josephine T. Forest, K. F.. Car rol and Robert W. Howard He also i§ survived by three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Remains resting at Pearson’s Funeral Home. 472 Washington st.. Falls Church. Va . where funeral serv- i ices will be held on Saturday, April 17, at lo a m. Interment East View Cemetery. Salem. N. J. HOW ARD. WILLIAM REA. On Feb- ( ruary 22. 194H, at Santiago. Chile. WIL LIAM REA HOWARD of .1906 Ingomar st. n.w., son of Alice Rea and the late William Rea Howard, beloved husband of Gua colda Howard, brother of Mrs. Carolyn Howard and Miss Mollie Rea Howard. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w . on Saturday. April 17. at 11 a.m. Interment private. JACKSON. JAMES. Suddenly, on Tues day, April 13. 1948. at his residence, 1410 9th st. n.w.. JAMES JACKSON. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mrs. Hattie Jackson, and many other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after 6 p.m. Friday. April 16, at the George W. Lewis & Co. Funeral Home. 1225 21th st. n.w. Funeral Saturday, April 17. at 1:30 p.m., from the above-named funeral home. Rev. R. E. Johnson officiating. inter ment Payne's Cemetery. JENKINS. THELMA McBROOM. On Thursday, April 15, 1948, at Freedmen's, Hospital. THELMA McBROOM JENKINS, j Funeral and interment Greensboro. N. C. I Arrangements by Frazier’s Funeral Home, j Inc. KEYS, SAMUEL A. On Wednesday. ; April 14. 104x. at the Naval Medical Hos-! pital. Bethesda. Md.. SAMUEL A. KEYS; of 9417 Sherman ave. n.w., beloved hus-j band of Minnie Blackwell Keys, devoted ! father of Eudora and James Keys and stepfather of Mrs. Thelma Blackwell Aus-, tin and Roland Blackwell. Also surviving are one brother. Richard Keys: a sister. Mrs. Irene Harding: other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 16 LIPPOLD, CHARLES W. On Thursday April 15, 1948. at his residence. 5809 Oth! st. n.w.. CHARLES W. LIPPOLD. the be loved husband of Mary C. Lippold (nee Ruppert) and father of Charles R. and! Doris K. Lippold, Mrs. Mary L. Brannock and Mrs. Frances L. White. Prayers at i the above residence on Monday, April 19.! at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be offered at the Nativity Catholic Church. 13th and Pea body sts. n.w., at 9 a.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Services by Chambers. 18 MARTIN. DOROTHY. On Thursday. April 15. 1948. at Martinsburg. W. Va., DOROTHY MARTIN, beloved wife of John S. Martin, mother of Donaldeen Mosher, sister of Rosalie, Erwin. John. Walter and William Wade, and Mrs Mildred Cole: aunt of Capt. June Brown. Remains rest ing at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. after 0 p.nj. Saturday. April 17. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Monday. April 19. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 18 McCarthy. M. DENIA. On Tuesday. April 13. 1948. M DENIA MCCARTHY of 018 F st. n.e„ beloved wife of the late Stephen E. McCarthy and mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Amiss. Funeral from the Tim othy Hanlon Funeral Home, 641 H st, ne.. on Saturday. April 17. at 8:3o a.m. Re quiem mass'at St. Joseph’s Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 MINOR, GEORGE. On Tuesday. April 13, 1948. GEORGE MINOR of 1703 10th st. n.w., beloved son of the late George and Corine Minor, devoted brother of Mrs. Marlon Colbert and nephew of Charles Jackson. Also surviving are other relatives and friends. After 10 a.m. Sun day friends are invited 10 call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. where services will be held on Monday, April 19. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 MOREY, COL. LEWIS SIDNEY. On Thursday, April 15. 1948. at Walter Reed Hospital. Coi LEWIS SIDNEY MQREY. beloved husband of Irene M. Palm Morey. iFuYieral gervices Monday. April 19. at 3 ;pm.. at Fort Myer Chapel. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 NELSON, NELL VIRGINIA. On Thurs day. April 15. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital, NELL VIRGINIA NELSQN of 1111 6th st. s.e., the loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nelson, sister of Rosa A. Adams, i Mrs. Alice Topkins. William. Joseph apd Leroy Nelson. She also is survived by two aunts. Mrs. Dora Holmes and Mrs. Ada Hope; one uncle. Mr. Joseph Harrison; other relatives and many friends. Re mains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s w. Funeral and interment Petersburg, Va. 16 Beatlju O’BOYLe, RICHARD M. Suddenly, on Tuesday. APlil 13, 1948, RICHARD M. O'BOYLE ol 5631 Western ave. n.w., be loved husband of Sarah O'Boyle (nee Pealy) and father of Mary, Martha, Kath leen and Eileen O'Boyle. He also is sur vived by his mother, Mrs. Lillian M. O’Boyle, and two sisters, Mrs. Claire Grimm of 3708 Oliver st. n.w. and Mrs. Genevieve Weber of Pasadena. Calif. Fu neral from the above residence on Satur day, April 17. at 9:45 a m. High requiem mass at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacra ment Church at 10:15 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. OGLE, CHARLES D. On Thursday. April 15. 1948, at his home. 5221 42nd pi.. Hyattsvllle. Md., CHARLES D. OGLE, beloved husband of Mary M. Ogle. Fu neral from the Etchison Funeral Home, 100 East Church st.. Frederick. Md.. on Saturday. April 17. at 3 p.m. Interment In Mount Olivet Cemetery. Frederick. Md. PRATT, LOIS C. On Thursday. April 15. 1948, LOIS C. PRATT of 815 4th st. n.e.. daughter of Marie Pratt. Services private. Interment Kinston. N. C. ROLLINS, FRANCES MABEL. On Tues day. April 13. 1948. FRANCES MABEL ROLLINS, beloved mother of Mrs. Hazel Carr and Mrs. Clara Plttington. grand mother of Betty Cross. Services at Cham bers' Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e.. on Saturday. April 17, at 11:30 a.m. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 10 ROSIN. SEAMAN J /c MARVIN A., U. S. N. Killed June 1. 1945. in battle of Iwo Jimo. Seaman 1 /c MAR VIN A. ROSIN, beloved son of Mrs Esther Rosin and the late I r Samuel Rosin. He also is sur vived by three brothers. Joseph. Leon and Marlowe, and one sister. Miss Irene Rosin, all of 923 Farragut st. n.w. Seaman Rosin rests at the Goldberg Fu neral Home. 4217 9th st. n.w., where services will be conducted by Washing ton Post, No. 58, of the Jewish War Veterans on Sunday, April 18. at 2:30 ip.m. The National Guard of Honor of the American Legion will render mili tary honors at the grave in the Ezras Israel Cemetery. 18 SAMPLE. OLOLA MARTHA. Suddenly, on Thursday. April 15. 1948, OLOLA MARTHA SAMPLE of 3016 Tilden Gardens n.w., beloved sister of Miss Lillian Sample of 3100 Conn. ave. n.w. Services and Interment Hartselle, Ala. SCHRIDER. JOHN THOMAS. On Thurs day, April 15. 1948, at his home, 607 Sligo ave.. Silver Spring. Md., JOHN THOMAS SCHRIDER, beloved hdsband of the late Clara Jane Schrider, father of William Earl Schrider, Mrs. Mary Abell, Mrs. Marion Tyler. Charles T. Schrider and John Schrider: grandfather of Charles T. Schrider, jr.. and Margaret Jane Schrider. Mr. Schrider rests at his late home, where prayers will be said on Sat urday. April 17, at 10:30 a.m.: thence to St Michael's Catholic Church, where mass,, will be offered at 11 a.m. for the repose | of his soul. Interment St. John’s Ceme-: tery, Forest Glen, Md. SCOTT, JOHN. On Tuesday. April 13. 1948, after a short illness, JOHN SCOTT of 414 Virginia ave. s.e., the devoted hus band of Mrs. Aleitha Scott, father of Mrs. Mary Smith. Mrs. Nellie Green. Theodore and John Scott, jr.; brother of George. Walter, Glenn. Daniel, Samuel and Charles Scott and Mrs. Agnes Shea; stepfather of Beulah Brown. Ruth Turner and John Tutt. He also is survived by other relatives and friends Remains may be viewed at thp Barnes & Matthews Funeral Home. 614 4th st. *.w., after 4:30 p.m. Friday. April 16. Funeral Saturday. April 17. at 2 p.m.. from Mount Jezereel Baptist Church, 5th and E sts. s.e.. Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. SCOTT, PERCY R. On Friday. Ai>ril 16, 1948, at Georgetown University Hos pital, PERCY K. SCOTT of 3513 13th st. n.w., husband of Helen G. Scott, father of Mrs. Eloise M. Gunther and Mrs. Helen E. Beaver, both of Washington, D. C. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. SOKOL. 2nd LT. LEONARD, U. S. M. C. R. On March 3, 1945, on Iwo Jima. 2nd Lt. LEONARD tjBs SOKOL. U. S. M. C. R., beloved l^aa son of Josephine and Henry If Sokol and brother of Robert and • Ernest Sokol. Reinterment at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday. April 20. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends are invited to attend. 17* SL'BIDO. RICARDO. On Thursday, April 15, 1948. at Walter Reed General Hospital. RICARDO SUBIDO of 2101 Conn. ave. n.w. Remains resting at Cham bers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., until Saturday. April 17, at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be offered at Walter Reed Chapel at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. SWANSON. CARL V. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948, CARL V. SWANSON, be loved father of Nils M. Swanson and Mar guerite L. Lanning. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Friday, April 16. at 3:30 p.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. Please omit flowers. TECKLENBURG, DEBORRAH SOPHIA. On Thursday, April 15, 1948. at the Baptist Home. 3248 N st. n.w.. Miss DEBORRAH SOPHIA TECKLENBURG. aunt of several nieces and nephews. Fu neral services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday, April 17. at 2 p.m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 THOMAS. GERTRUDE PENN. Sudden ly. on Tuesday. April 13. 1948, GER TRUDE PENN THOMAS, beloved wife of Raymond Thomas, devoted mother of Mrs. Hilda L. Swann. She also is survived by a son-in-law, Elmer Swann: a niece, Mrs. Matola Holmes; a cousin, Mrs. Jessie; Slaughter, and other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 12 o’clock noon Friday. April 16, at the «Allen & Morrow, Inc., Funeral Home, 1326 V st. n.w., where funeral services will be held Saturday, April 17, at 11 a.m., Rev A. A. Birch of ficiating. Interment Manassas, Va. 16 THOMPSON, THELMA A. BLOUNT. On Friday. April 16, 1948, at her residence, 2920 Stanton rd. s.e.. THELMA A. BLOUNT THOMPSON, beloved wife of Clifton B. Thompson, devoted daughter of Joseph and Henrietta Blount, loving sister of Joseph, jr., and Charles Blount. Also sur viving ate many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar-! rangements by Walter E Hunter Co., 2512 i Sheridan rd. s.e. 17 TOWERS. 2nd LT. FRANCIS F., U. S. M. C. Private funeral services for 2nd Lt. FRANCIS F. TOWERS, U. S. M# C.. will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, April 19, 1948, at 11 a.m. 18 TRACY, JOHN E. On April 15, 1948, at his residence, 42 R st. n.w., JOHN E. TRACY, retired employe of The Evening Star. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife, four sons, five daughters, two broth i ers, five sisters and a host of other rela 1 tives and friends His remains may be seen at his late residence after 11 a.m. on Sunday. April 18. Funeral from the Randall Memorial Church. Browning pi. near Sheriff rd. n.e. on Monday. April 19, at 1 p.m., Rev. Garrison officiating. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrange ments by the Better Funeral Home. 18* WHITE, JOSEPH W. On Saturday, April 10. 1948. at Bay Pines. Fla , JO SEPH W. WHITE, beloved husband of Alice A. White, father of Mrs. Margaret Hoover. Mrs. Mildred Hairston. Ruth E.. Edward W. J. and Woodrow W. Whitt, and Jimmie Kilpatrick; brpther of Mrs. Ethel E. Parr. Meade and Hody White. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th si. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held Monday. April 19. at 10:30 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. ^ 18 WHITE, JOSEPH W. All members of the D. C. Taxi Post. No. 51, American Legion, are hereby notified of the death of our member, JOSEPH W. WHITE, at Bay Pines Veterans’ Hos pital. Bay Pines, Fla., on Set _ urday, April 10. 1948. Amer ican Legion services, with the National Guard of Honor officiating, at 8 p.m. Sun day, April 18. at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. Burial Ar lington National Cemetery at 11:30 a m. Monday April 19. A. T. KEETING. Commander. RAYMOND WARRENNER. Adjutant. 18 WILDY. HOWARD. JR. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948. HOWARD WILDY. Jr., of 800 New Hampshire ave. n.w.. beloved son of Howard Wildy. sr.. and the late Flossie Wildy; brother of Theresa. Newman and Mondell Wildy: Elsie Wilkerson and De lores Hewlett. He also leaves many other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence after 4 pm. Friday. April 10. Funeral services Saturday, April 17. at 2 p.m.. at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. 19th and Eye sts. n.w.. Rev. Jerry Moore officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. 16 W'lLEY, RACHEL E. On Wednesday. April 14. 1948. RACHEL E WILEY, be loved wife of the late William H. Wiley and cousin of Mrs. Annie E. Dyer, Mrs. Bessie Iden and Mr. Lester Follin. Re mains resting at the home of Mrs. Annie E. Dyer. Vienna. Va. Funeral Saturday. April 17. at 2 p.m., from Andrew Chapel Church. Interment church cemetery. 16 ZEBLEY. MINNIE MAY. On Wednes day, April 14, 1948. at her residence, 207 3rd st. n.e.. MINNIE MAY ZEBLEY, be loved mother of George J. Zebley. Mrs. Nona Pierce. Mrs. Hannah Olsen and Mrs. Tillie Pomeroy. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Sat urday. April 17, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 16 ZEBLEY, MINNIE MAY. Officers and members of Esther Re tt A bekah Lodge. No. 5. I. O. O. F., 'V—I arei requested to meet at Chambers’ )53\ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. 11 on Friday. April ] 6. 1948. at 8 y«3T P m • for the purpose of conducting //Tl Rebekah funeral services for our [f J] latp sister. MINNIE MAY ZEBLEY. 'kjr EFFIE CROCKER. Nable Grand. EUGENIA M. BILLINGS, Secretary. 16 Itt f®?mnriam BOWMAN. BELLE C. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear mother. BELLE C BOWMAN who passed away thirteen years ayo. April 1.3. 1935 . HER LONELY DAUGHTER. MARGARET J. KINO. COLE, EMMA HALL. A tribyte of love and devotion to the memory of our beloved mother, EMMA HALL COLE, who departed this life eighteen years ago today. April 16. 1930. She had a smile for every one. A heart as pure as gold: To tl)ose who knew and loved ner. Her memory will never grow old. HER CHILDREN. • GILROY, MAKY. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother. MARY i GILROY, who departed this life thirty-one years ago today April 16. 1917. Anni versary mass at Sacred Heart Church. May her soul rest In peace. HER LOVING CHILDREN. * HARGROVE, CHARLES E. In sad but loving remembrance of our beloved hus band and father, CHARLES E HAR ; GROVE. who passed away twenty-one years ago today. April 16, 1927. We cannot say. we must not say That he is dead, he is Just away THE FAMILY. • Miss Mary Fields, 97, Rockville Resident, to Be Buried Tomorrow Requiem mass for Miss Mary Mar I garet Fields, 97, whose family owned the Montgomery County Sentinel for 77 years, will be said at 9 a.m. to morrow in St. Mary’s Church, Rock ville. Burial will be in St. Mary s Cemetery. Miss Fields died at a Rockville rest home Wednesday after an ill ness of several months. A native of Rockville, she was the oldest and last survivor of the six children of Matthew Fields, who founded the Sentinel in 1855. Miss Fields herself was a copy and proof reader there until she was past 80, assisting her mother and two broth ers in the publication. The Sentinel was sold in 1932 to P. G. Stromberg of Ellicott City. Miss Fields was interested in genealogies and had a wide knowl edge of local family histories. A member of St. Mary’s Church, Miss Fields was also a charter mem ber of the Janet Montgomery Chap ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, a member of the Colonial Dames, Daughters of the Confed eracy, Society of Lords of the Manor and the Historical Society of Mary land. Surviving members of her family are four nieces and a nephew. They are Miss Rebecca Fields, Rockville; Mrs. William Waters, Washington Grove; Mrs. Samuel Wimsatt, Mrs. Claude Tschiffely and George Fields, all of 3721 Alton place N.W. John I. Schrider Dies; Silver Spring Grocer John T. Schrider, 77, lifelong resident of Silver Spring, died ye* terday at his home, 607 Sligo ave nue, after a long illness. f Mr. Schrider operated a grocery store on Sligo avenue for more than 20 years. Following his retirement he served as a civilian patrolman and was stationed in front. of the Takoma Park High School for about five years. He was a member of the Holy Name Society of St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Silver Spring. Surviving are three sons, William E., 615 Sligo avenue; Charles T., Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and John D., Colesville, Md.; two daughters, Mrs. Mary F. Abbell and Mrs. Marion C. Tyler, both of 607 Sligo avenue, and two grandchildren, Charles T. Schrider,.jr„ Fort Lauderdale, and Margaret Jane Schrider, Colesville. A brother, Thomas Schrider, 3800 Eastern avenue N.E., and a sister, Mrs. Susan Pyles, Cabin John, also survive. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at St. Michael’s Church. Burial will be in St. John’s Cemetery, Forest Glen. Reburial Set at Arlington For Marine Leo J. Hayes Reburial services for Marine Pvt. Leo Joseph Hayes, jr., 19, who was killed March 16, 1945, on Iwo Jima, while serving with the 4th Marine Division, were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Arlington Cemetery Six days before his death, Pvt. Hayes rescued a wounded comrade of his engineer squad who had fallen in front of a cave occupied by three Jap snipers. For “boldly advanc ing ‘despite sniper fire” and carry ing the Marine to safety, he was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star. PvJ. Hayes was born in Washing ton and was attending Central High School when he enlisted in the Ma rines in 1942. He was overseas two years before he died. Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Kathleen Gott Hayes, 3435 Brown street N.W., and a brother, Thomas Leonard Hayes, of Arlington. _ In fUrmnriam HASKELL. EDYTHE LOUISE. In lov ing remembrance ol my dear wife. EDYTHE LOUISE HASKELL, who departed j this life six years ago today, April lb, HER" HUSBAND. HARRY S. HASKELL. • HAWKINS. IRVING E. In loving mem orv ol our dear father, son. brother and uncle. IRVING E. HAWKINS, who left US ten years ago today. April 16. 1J38. When the leaves come out in the sprlng • time, ... . . With their green and delicate hue, We breathe a sigh for the years gone by. We keep on loving you. And when they turn in the autumn A mingling of green and gold. We love you still and always will, As we did in years of c. - THE FAMILY. • JONES, WINSTON L. (TOMMY). In . loving memory of WINSTON L. (TOMMY) JONES, who passed [MBS away three years ago today, April j«S3 10, 1945. LOVING WIFE, FLORENCE. AND SON. TOMMY. Jr. JONES, WINSTON L. (TOMMY). In memory of my dear father. WIN STON L. (TOMMY) JONES, who MSSSi died in Germany in the service SgS of his country three years ago today. April 10, 1946. God called you home. It was His #11, But in my heart you linger still; Your memory is as Iresh today As in the hour you passed »way._ LOVING DAUGHTER, MRS. BETTY CAROL VILLIOTTE McCONCHIE, PHILIP B. In loving re membrance of jny dear husband, PHI-jIP B. McCONCHIE, who departed this life one year ago today, April 16, 194 <. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes long past, Time rolls on. but memories last. HIS LOVING WIFE, ANNIE GOLDEN Mc CONCHIE. McCONCHIE. PHILIP B. In sacred ITn™e0npHIfLI0pUrBdMrccSrNChHeui:nwP d1£2 one year ago *^^11^194,. . OBERY, LOUISE VASHTI. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother. LOUISE VASHTI OBERY. who left us three years ago today, April 16. 1945. Today is the day of remembrance And many sad regrets; A day we shalfc all remember When the rest of the world forgets. | Some may think we have forgotten When at times they see us imilc. But little do they dream of the heartaches That the smile hides all the while. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nights are past. And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet a^la^ Three sad and lonely years have passed Since my great sorrow fell; The shock I received that day * I still remember well. Days of sadness still come over m*. Hidden tears so often flow; Memories keep you always near me. t Though you left three years ago. Some day. mother. I hope to meet you, Some day. I know not when: But I shall clasp your loving hand In a far and better land. BELOVED DAUGHTER. LOUISE E. i perry. BOSE, WILLIAM H. In sad but loving memorv of our husband and father. WIL LIAM H. ROSE, who left us one year ago Today. April 16. 1947. He had a smile lor every one. And a heart as good as gold. And those Who knew him loved him. So his memory will never grow old. HIS WIFE. JULIA. AND CHILDREN. OLIVE, GLADYS, MILTON AND CATH RYNE. * TAYLOB. FRANCIS LEO. In sacred memory ol our beloved son. brother and 'nephew. FRANCIS LEO TAYLOR, who 1 died six years ago today, Friday, April 16, i 1942. I In life we loved you dearly. In death we do the same MOTHER. FATHER, SISTERS. BROTHERS AND UNCLE AL. * | WILLIAMS. MILLIE J. CARTER In loving memory ol our dear sister. MILLIE J. CARTER WILLIAMS, who ielt US two j years ago today. April 16, 1946. Till memory fades and life departs. You will live forever in our hearts. HER DEVOTED FAMILY. • C. C. Cappel, Former Manager Of National Symphony, Dies Baltimore Orchestra Official Maintained Concert Bureaus Clarence C. Cappel, 60, manager of the Baltimore Symphony and well-known concert manager here, died early today in Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, where he had been ill with a heart ailment for more than a week. Mr. Cappel for nine years was manager of the National Symphony Orchestra until 1941. He maintained concert bureaus here and in Balti more and was manager of the United States Marine Band. He accepted his post with the then newly organized Baltimore Symphony in 1942. Mr. Cappel was cited for his serv ices to American music by the Na tional Association for American Composers and Conductors in May, 1941, in New York. The association commended hidi for encouraging the performance of American works and giving all-American progress in all parts of the country. It also noted his efforts for crea tion of American music by per sonally interviewing composers. His resignation as manager of the National Symphony at the end of the 1940-1941 season was ac cepted by the Board of Directors with regret after he cited the pres sure of personal business. At that time, L. Corrin Strong, as board president,- declared Mr. Cappel’s services ‘‘have been of in estimable value to the orchestra’s existence. His hard work while with the symphony and his prominent role in its development have brought him many commendations in musical circles here. Mr. Cappel was an accomplished pianist and for many years was a professional musician. He also was a talent director for one of the largest Chautauqua bureaus, which was located here. In promoting the National Sym phony, he spoke at numerous meet ings here. For five consecutive years, he spoke at student assem blies in every junior and senior high school in Washington. One y6ar he spoke at 65 Parent-Teach er Association meetings in Wash C. C. CAPPEL. —Underwood Photo. ington and nearby Maryland and Virginia. He also acted as commentator at many student concerts in Washing ton and in other cities during the orchestra’s tours. He directed the financial cam paigns for the orchestra sustain ing fund until expanding duties because of the organization’s growth made employment of a special cam paign director necessary, His experience in traveling with such organizations as the Chau tauqua and Lyceum groups and the Marine and Army Bands gave him a wide background for developing the National Symphony tours. Mr. Cappel is credited with help ing to develop the location for the Water Gate concerts and helping to design and plan the orchestral shell and barge. Mr. Cappel is survived by his widow, the former Helen Ware, a concert violinist; two sons, Andor Ware Cappel, an artist, of New York City, and E. Dan Cappel, a student at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hud son, N. Y., and two daughters, Mrs. Will Geer of New York City, an actress, and Miss Helen C. Cappel, a student at Bennington College in Vermont. Also surviving are four sisters who live in Ohio. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Charles Lippold Dies; Former Policeman Charles W. Lippold, 64, former policeman and insurance agent, died yesterday at his home 5809 Sixth street N.W. He had been in ill health for several years. Mr. Lippold was a life-long resi dent of Washington. He was a graduate of the old Business High School, now Roosevelt High School. From 1911 to 1918, Mr. Lippold was a member of the Metropolitan Police force. Later he was an agent for the Prudential Life Insurance Co. and also worked for S. Freed man & Sons Paper Co. Mr. Lippold was active in the Holy Name Society of Nativity Catholic Church, Thirteenth and Peabody streets N.W., and in the Association of Oldest Inhabitants. Surviving Mr. Lippold are his widow, Mrs. Mary Ruppert Lippold, whom he married in 1909; a son, Charles R. Lippold of Cleveland, and three daughters, Mrs. Mary L. Brannock, 116 Barron street, Ta koma Park; Mrs. Frances L. White, 613 Rittenhouse street N.W., and Miss Doris K. Lippold of the Sixth street address. He also is survived by a brother, John Lippold, 3816 Fifth street N.W., and three sisters, Mrs. Annie L. Jones, 3922 Illinois avenue N.W.; Mrs. Dora L. Jenkins, 4212 Suitland road S.E., and Mrs. Barbara L. Higbee, 4232 Suitland road; in addition, five grandchildren survive. Requiem mass will be celebrated at Nativity Church at 9 a.m. Mon day following prayers at his home. Burial will be in Washington Na tional Cemetery. Thomas H. Jones, 60, Dies; i Glenn Martin Co. Secretary By the Associated Press FREDERICKSBURG, Va„ April 16.—Thomas H. Jones, secretary arid a director of the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Co., died here Wednesday night as he was returning to his home in Cleveland after the com pany's annual meeting in Baltimore. He was 60, a son of an Ohio Su preme Court justice, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Ohio State in 1911, and captain of that year’s-Ohio State football team. Mr. Jones became counsel for the Martin company when it moved from the West Coast to Cleveland during World War 1. When the company moved to Baltimore in 1929 he stayed on in Cleveland and headed a law flnji there. He was a director of many corporations, in cluding the%Cleveland Trust Co. He is survived by his widow, two sons, Thomas H. Jones, Jr., and Brooks M. Jones; two sisters, Mrs. Harold G. Mosier of Washington and Mrs. William C. Cockley, Cleveland, and a brother, Eben H. Jones of that city. ’ • Funeral services will be at Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, tomorrow. What is believed to be the world's largest rosebush is located in Tomb stone, Ariz. A white Banksia about 50 years old, it has grown from one trunk over 40 inches in diameter and has an estimated 150,000 blooms cover it in May. Bishop Richard Loring Dies in Springfield, III. By the Associated Press SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 18 - Bishop Richard T. Loring, 46, of the Springfield Episcopal Diocese died today at his residence. He had been ill several days. Bishop Loring, was Installed as head of the Springfield diocese last October. The diocese includes 53 Central and Southern Illinois counties. , Before his election as bishop, he served as rector of St. David’s Church, Baltimore, and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Waban, Mass. He underwent an operation six months ago at Johns Hopkins Uni versity at Baltimore. Physicians said death apparently was caused by a cerebral hemorrhage. Bishop Loring was ordained dea con in 1928 and priest in 1929. His brother, the Right Rev. Oliver Lor ing, is Bishop of Maine.' His father, the late Richard T. Losing, was a priest of the Massachusetts diocese. The Bishop was a ministerial counsellor to Johns Hopkins Univer sit in the department of psycho therapy. He had been working on a pro gram to combat divorce, which he said was caused by “sexual malad justment” in three of every four cases. He had planned to begin instruction of parish priests in giv ing a marriage rating test to par ishioners contemplating matrimony. Rites Set Tomorrow For Mrs. Edith Evers Funeral services for Mrs. Edith Evers, 87, life-long resident of the District, will be held at 2 pjn. to morrow at her home, 1907 Park road N.W. Burial will be at Oak Hill Cemetery. . Mrs. Evers died Wednesday at her home after an illness of several months. She was the widow of Thomas Evers, a clerk in the War Department, who died in 1925. Sur viving is her daughter, Mrs. Edith Tutwiler of the Park road address. Senate Group Approves Foreign Airline frill By the Associated Press The Senate Finance Committee yesterday approved a House bill ex empting foreign airlines from taxes. The bill provides for a reciprocal arrangement with other nations and is retroactive to December 31, 1945. Chairman Milliken said the bill would "exclude the earnings of air craft of foreign registry from tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations.*’ CIAGETT* MEMORIAL C<y 502 New hampj h ireavej ■%w: Vu IT- OU R" DUPLAY *f~ MEMORIALKOR- 4 Immediate- Erection * In-all-Clmeterilj-.. - Opcn-Junpay/ - Funeral Sprayt and Flowers May Be Ordered Until 11 P.M. Until 8 p.m. phone Diet. 1300 8 p.m.-11 p.m. phone Wl. 3980 You'll find flic unusual in "Funerol Sprays" and flowers for every occasion here—May wo have fha pleasure of serving you? Funeral Sprays, $5.00 and up 1407 H ST. N.W. Flood Stage Reached Above Chain Bridge Swollen from recent rains and overflows from upstream, the' Potomac was several inches over; flood level above Chain Bridge this! morning, but experts expected the water would begin receding this! afternoon. Only high, thin clouds will inter-; fere with the sunshine today, the1 District forecaster predicted, with temperatures in the low 70s. It will be partly cloudy tonight, with a low of about 52 degrees, he §aid. Tomorrow will be sunny, but some cloudiness is expected, and it will be a few degrees warmer than today, according to the forecast. The Leiter Gauge above Chain Bridge recorded 10.6 feet of water in the river at 8 a.m. today. Flood level is 10 feet. The Weather Bureau expected little change this morning, and a slow dropping off this afternoon. Harbor police saw no cause for alarm, and said the main causes for caution are the strong currents and logs afloat in the river. Yesterday’s high temperature was 60 degrees at 3:54 p.m. The low mark this:’morning was 42 at 5:10 o’clock. John E. Tracy, 79, Dies; Star Employe for 32 Years John E. Tracy, 79, an employe of The Evening Star for 32, years, died yesterday ^t his home at 42 R street N.W. He had been in poor health for several years. Mr. Tracy was born in Cowpens, S: C., in 1869, but came to Washing ton 44 years ago. From 1908 until 1940, when he retired, he worked at The Star as a paper handler in the press room. Surviving him are His widow; four sons, John A., William E. and Joseph W. Tracy of Washington and Virgil A. Tracy of Detroit; five daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Allen, Mrs. Marie E. Turner, Mrs. Anna F. Crawford, Mrs. Dorothy V. Hill of Washington, and Mrs. Olive A. Quander of Arlington; two brothers and five sisters. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at Randall Memorial Church. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Meyer Adelman Dies; Midwest CIO Official By tht Aisociottd Pres* MILWAUKEE. April 16.—Meyer Adelman, 51, director of District 32 of the United Steelworkers, CIO, and a stormy figure in Midwest labor affairs in the last 10 years, died last night. He had been in poor health for some time. Mr. Adelman was active in the early organizational days of the CIO. He was bom in Poland, came to the United States before World War I, and in the middle 30s became busi ness agent of a Chicago AFL cooks and pastry cooks union. He also was a member of the Legislative Committee of the Chicago Federa tion of Labor and vice chairman of its Grievance Committee. Mr. Adelman became allied with the CIO in 1936 and a year later was named director of District 32, which includes Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Before coming to Milwaukee in 1937, Mr. Adelman took part in or ganizing the s^tdown strike at the Fansteel metallurgical plants at Waukegan, 111. In connection with the stryce, he was found guilty of contempt of court and was sen tenced to eight months in the Wau kegan jail. He served 240 days. Rites in Aquasco Set For Rev. George W. Boys Funeral services for the Rev. George W. Boys, 67, rector of St. Paul’s Church in Baden, Md., and St. Mary’s Church in Aquasco, will be held at 11 aun. tomorrow at St. . Mary’s Chapel. Bishop Angus Dun will officiate. Burial will be in tht church cemetery. Mr. Boys died Wednesday at tha Baltimore Church Home and Hospi tal. He entered the hospital for a major operation shortly after con ducting Easter services at his church. He had been in ill health for a year. M1. Boys was born in Manchester, England, and received his theolo gical education at Canterbury. H# came to the United States in 1913 and held pastorates in Bellevue, Burnt Hills, Saranac Lake and Plattsburg, N. Y. He was with tha Christ Church at Coudersport, Pa., from 1938 until 1942 when he went to the Maryland parish, which is part of the diocese of Washington. Survivors are his widow of Aquas co and two daughters. Mrs. Clark Taylor, Ithaca, N. Y., and Mrs. Mary Springer, New York. Rites Set for R.A. Daly, 63, Greyhound Bus Mechanic Funeral services for Richard Alfred Daly, 63, who died Wednes day night at Alexandria Hospital shortly after suffering a heart at tack while driving from Washington to his home in Alexandria, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Lee funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.E. Burial will be in Port Lincoln Cemetery. Mr. Daly was a member ofva family which had lived here for several generations. He was the son of the late Dr. Frederick Francis Daly, Washington dentist, and the late Mrs. Lucy Norman Daly. He was graduated from St. Joseph’s College, Baltimore, and lived in Texas for many years. He returned to Washington about 12 years ago. Since then he had been a mechanic for the Greyhound Bus Co. here. Before moving to Alexandria recently he lived in Herndon, Va. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Alice Daly; a brother, John A. Daly, Silver Spring, Md., and two stepdaughters. Mrs. Jean Roberts, Vienna, Va.. and Mrs. Mildred Burnett, Cleveland. Should Get Pupils' Vote BINGHAMTON, N. Y. (>!*».— Fourteen-year-old “Mayor” Nathan Bloom, the city’s chief executive for a day, has a solution for the housing problem. Nathan, elected ‘Mayor” in a Boys’ Club contest, suggested that schools be turned into apartments. “There are too many schools, anyway,’’ he said. (MONUMENTS *40 up MARKERS USn* FALVEY (GRANITE CO. INC Estabhthtd 50 Krcn 209 UPSHUR STNW NwHck Crnk Ctnrttty ltAvlor iiqo Chester H. Gibbons Dies; Metal Testing Authority By the Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, April 16.— Chester H. Gibbons, 58, an author ity on the testing of metals, died yesterday in Presbyterian Hospital, after a short illness. Mr. Gibbons, an application en gineer at the Eddystone plant of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, had been associated with the company for more than a quarter of a cen tury. Born in Marion, Ohio, he was well known in the field of stress analysis and last year conducted a survey of European methods of testing for the company. ... If determine# by the fornishinss selected. The same personal service Is always rendered. Will the selection of YOUR Fomily Burial Site BURDEN - There are only two situations under which Family Burial Property is acquired: Either 1: . . . of the time of death when grief ond sorrow preclude a wise or considered decision-. . a decision that two times out of three the WIDOW must moke . . ond ot a time when finances of the fomily estate are sorely strained. OR 2: . . BEFORE NEED . . . when husband and wife can make the selection together . . . calmly and intelligently . . . when costs or# less . . when purchase can be mode out of income in convenient monthly .payments ond when the owners can enjoy the peace of ; mind that comes with knowing tbof this vital and inevitable family obligation—like insurance ond o will—bos been fully ond satis factorily met. FORT LINCOLN'S NEW MAUSOLEUM, which will b« WASHINGTON'S FINEST, is now on it way to completion ... and offered NOW at PRE-CONSTRUCTION prices . •. on long easy terms to BEFORE NEED purchasers. NEW LOT SECTIONS are being developed and offered NOW at PRE-COMPLETION prices on the some easy terms. Send Today For Important Free Booklet MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY GENTLEMEN: I am interested in knowing about your BEFORE NEED plan for purchasing □ mausoleum crypts □ grave sites. Please check. stint Signed Address—.---None. fort Washington's largest and finest Cemetery 3201 BLADENSBURG ROAD N.E., WASHINGTON 1», P- C