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OFFICIAL NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. April 19. 1948.—A public hearing having been held by the Commis sioners of the District of Columbia in the matter of closing certain street area and public alleys in the District of Columbia, as hereinafter described, and. as the said Commissioners are of the opinion that the street area and alleys referred to should be closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under date of April 9. 1948. they have prepared the following order: "Ordered: That pursuant to the provisions of Public Act No. 307, approved December 15. 1932, the street and alley areas as shown In green on plats Bled in the office of the Surveyor of the District of Colum bia. and numbered as maps 3379. 3380. 8381. 3382. 3383, 3384, 3385, and 3386. are hereby ordered CLOSED: same to take effect on and after MAY 17, 1948; the title to the land comprised in said areas so closed to revert to the abutting prop erty owners as shown on said maps: the said closings to take effect jointly or sepa rately by subsequent order or orders on the effective date aforesaid, according to Items 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. and 8, described as follows (H Closing of 32nd street N.W.. south of Chesapeake street: (2) closing of Lafayette avenue N.E, between the westerly line of Montana avenue and the easterly line of Parcels 143/53 and 143/54; also the closing of Paine street H I., north and south of Lafayette avenue: (3> closing of 8th street N.W north of Barry place and closing of public alley in Square 2882; 14) closing of public alley abutting Lots 50 and 6L in Square 701: 15) closing of part of a public alley abut ting Lots 175 and 834 in Square 1244; f«> closing of a public alley abutting Lots PR to 103 in Square 859; (7) closing of public alley abutting Lots 47. 48. 73 to 91 in Square SR08; and abutting Lots 801. 823. 824. 830. 831. 888 to 892 in Square 6807; (8) closing of Blaine street N.E.. •as; of 61st street, abutting Lot 800 in Square 6271, and Lot 19 in Square 5278, •nd Parcel 189/21." Any and all parties interested must file, in writing, with the Commissioners, D. C.. objections, if »ny, to these closings, or as to any item provid ing for the closing listed above, before MAY 17, 1948: otherwise said closings ■hall become effective on and after that date. In accordance with the provisions of Public Act No. 307. approved December 15, 1932. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG. GUY MASON, GORDON P-. YOUNG. Commis sioners of the District of Columbia. apl 9,20.21,22,2.3,24,26.2 7,28,29.30.myl, 3.4 Ar* you tormented with itching of eczema, psoriasis, rashes, athlete's foot, rough lands or face, infections, rectal itching or other externally caused skin troubles? For quick relief and good results, use VICTORY OINTMENT. Developed for the bovs in the Army, now offered to the folks back home. White, greaselea* anti aeptic, contains lanolin, safe for children A name tou cannot forget, VICTORY OINTMENT, the finest, jars and tubes, fold by leading drug stores everywhere. ADVERTISEMENT-_ NOW SHE SHOPS CASH AND CARRY* Without Painful Backaeho Many sufferers relieve nagging backaeho bnickly once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people eliminata about Z pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permit# risonous matter to remain in your blood. may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains. leg pains, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan’* Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over BO years. Doan’s give happy relief and will help the 18 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous vasts from pour blood. Get Doan’a Pills. Course of Previous Races Urged As Permanent "Derby Downs' j Nearly all the residents of the 3300 and 3400 blocks of Pennsylvania avenue S.E., site of several Wash ington Soap Box Derbies, today peti tioned The Star and the District Department of the American Legion to name the location as permanent “Derby Downs.' The course, which stretches from Branch avenue to Alabama avenue on Pennsylvania avenue S.E., has been acclaimed by Derby officials as "the fastest, under ideal safety con ditions,” in the city. A request that the location be named as the permanent race course also came from the Randle High lands and the Fort Davis Citizens’ Associations. The action of the Pennsylvania avenue property own ers was reported during a recent meeting of the Greater Southeast Derby Parade Committee. This group, composed of repre sentatives of seven citizens’ associa tions in the area, members of the American Legion and local business men’s organizations, is sponsoring a parade the night before the Derby. All entrants will march In the pro cession, and many Southeast organ izations are planning to enter floats. Action Appreciated. Appreciation of the action of the citizens in requesting the naming of the permanent site came from Soap Box Derby Guide The Washington Soap Box Derby is a coaster car race for boys sponsored by The Star and the District Department of the American Legion. Boys, 11 to 15, inclusive, and those reaching their i 1th or 16th birthdays in the period from June 1, 1946, to August 15, inclusive, are eligible. Official rule books and driv ers’ licenses are issued on registration with a Chevrolet dealer in the Washington area. Entry blanks' must be signed by a parent or guardian. The coaster cars must be built by the boys racing them, at a cost of not more than $6 each in addition to the amount spent for wheels and axles. These maximum limits are prescribed: Length, 80 inches; width, 42 inches: height, 28 inches < windshields of any kind are prohibited); weight of racer, 150 pounds; combined weight of racer and driver, 250 pounds. Officials will disqualify any car which, in their opinion, was not built by the boy who entered it in the race. Howard P. Bailey, general chairman of the race; Owen C. Holleran, Dis-: trict Department commander of the j Legion, and Gall T. Judd, director of j racing. Mr. Judd said the Derby com mittee shortly will announce the site of the 1948 Derby. Meanwhile, registrations still are being received in great numbers by The Star, Indicating “the largest number of entries in history," ac cording to Derby officials. Five students at the Chevy Chase Elementary School signed up for the race. They are: Robert Galkin, 12, of 2721 Wash ington avenue; William T. Hills, 11, of 4411 Leland street; Clark P. Chandler, 11, of 4315 Elm street; Stewart Meyers, 11, of 6413 Oak ridge avenue, and William Reyer, BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. IN HIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia, Bankruptcy Division—In the matter of Philip Zachary Cohen, bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. 44B0—NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS.—To the cred itors of Philip Zachary Cohen, of Wash ington, D. C„ a bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that said Philip Zachary Cohen, has been duly adjudged a bank rupt on a petition filed by. (or against) him on April I. »)4X. and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy, .".'.’l Tower Bldg . 14tn and K sts. n.w . Washington, D. C., on April 27, 1H4X, at o'clock p.m.. at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their cltims, appoint a trustee, appoint a com mittee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Washington. D. C. April 14. 1»4X. JOHN A. BRESNAHAN. Referee in Bank ruptcy__ SPECIAL NOTICES FOR PRESIDENT, which man is needed now for peace? ' Information free from a sponsor. Box 187-T. Star. 22* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by any one other than myself. ROBERT J. CITRANO. 5810 8th st. n w. 20* INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared; experi enced accountant. MR. SAUL S. SOBER. 2132 Pennsylvania ave. n.w., ME. 0431. ACCOUNTANT, expert. Books started, kept; part time; tax returns prepared, etatements. audits: reasonable OR. 2074. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY WANTED—Highest cash prices. Free appraisal. ARTHUR MARKZL. 940 F it. n.w.. NA. 0284. GAS WATER BEATERS, 20. 30, 40 gal. automatic: no cash needed: small monthly payment: immediate installation. THOMP SON Ac STANSBURY CO.. INC.. LI. 3029. DIAMONDS, old lewelry and sliver wanted. Expert appraising free. LIVINGSTON Ac CO 1423 H st n w VI 3440 NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts contracted by any one other than myself. DANIEL WINSTON. 1029 3rd st n.w. 20* ARMY EMERGENCY RELIEF notice of annual meeting—The annual meeting of members of Army Emergency Relief will be held at 3:30 p.m. April 28. 1948, in Room 3E-005. the Pentagon, Wash. 25, D. C. —22 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for debts contracted by any one other than myself. WM. SXSTEK. 422 17th st. s.e. * CLOSE-OUT SACRIFICE—Greeting. Xmas cards, stationery and other items: 65'! inventory value. HOLLAND, DI. 1003 BUTTONS"cOVERED. buckles and button : holes made, supplies for tailors and dress ' makers. 1824 20th st. n.w., DU. R039. 24-hour service._ 22* 1J, of 6737 Pomander lane, all In j Chevy Chase. Other* Register. Registrations also have been re ceived from John Appel, 14, of 4969 Butterworth place N.W.: Charles H. Bauman, 14. of 3547 Quesada street N.W.; John Belftore, 13, of 5518 Chevy phase parkway N.W.; Roy C. Tuerke, 11, 5725 Wilson lane, Be thesda, and Donald N. Carpenter, jr., 13, of 5421 Nevada avenue N.W. Also, Parks Steed, 12, of. 516 Maple Ridge road, Bethesda; Robert Arm strong, 11, of 513 Goddard road, Be thesda; Justin A. Shook, jr., 12, of 6902 East lane, Bethesda; Erwin J. Snyder, jr., 12, of 5511 Lambeth road, Bethesda; William H. Holmes IV, 12, of 4607 Harling lane, Bethesda, and PROPOSALS._ COMMISSIONERS. D. C. Washington. April 15. 1948—Sealed proposals will be received ai Room 509. District Building ; 14th ana Pennsylvania avenue n.w.. Washington 4. D. C.. until 2 o'clock p.m.! E. S. T.. April 23. 1948. and then pub licly opened lor surfacing the existing concrete roadway in rear of Hospital and Administration Building within limits of the District Training School at Laurei. Md., with approximately 100 tons of asphaltic concrete surface, or alternate. Apply Room 427 District Building, for proposals and specifications, aplo, FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY, Public Buildings Administration, Washington, D. C„ April 19, 1948—Sealed bids in dupli cate for furnishing all materials and peformlng all work required for a com plete elevator plant in the warehouse laundry and shops buildings at St. Eliza beth’s Hospital, Washington. D. C.. will be received until 1 p.m.. atandard time, on May 21, 1948. in Room No. TOlfi, Federal Works Agency Building, Washington, D C., and then publicly opened in Room No. 7004. Bid guarantee is required. If *fle amount of the contract exceeds *2. 000, U. S. Standard Form No. 23, Con struction Contract, will be used and per formance and payment bonds will be re quired. Upon request one set of prebid documents and one set of drawings and specifications will be supplied without charge to each general contractor in terested in bidding on the complete proj ect. all of which must be returned. Upon request and in discretion of the under signed one set of drawings and specifl- < cations will be furnished to builders’ ex changes. chambers of commerce and other similar organizations, with the understanding that the set will be re tained on their premises and made avail able for Inspection by any interested sub contractor or material firm. W. E. REYN OLDS. Commisioner of Public Buildings, Federal Works Agency, —21 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. Public Build ings Administration, Washington, D. C.. April 13, 1948.—Sealed bids in duplicate for construction (except elevators) of warehouse, laundry and shops building at St. Elizabeths Hospital. Washington, D. C.. will be received until 1 p.m.. Standard Time, on May 21. 1948. in Room No. 7016, Federal Works Agency Building, Washing ton. D. C.. and then publicly opened in Room 7004. Bid guarantee is required. If rhe amount of the contract exceeds $2,000. U. S. Standard Form No. 23, Con struction Contract, will be used and per formance and payment bonds will be re quired. Upon request one set of PreWg Documents and 2 sets of drawings ana specifications will be supplied without charge to each general contractor Inter ested In bidding on the complete project, all of which must be returned. Additional sets of drawings and specifications may be obtained by general contractors at a charge of *15 per set, which will not be refunded. Checks offered as payment must be made payable to the order of the Treas urer. U. 8. Upon request and in the dis cretion of the undersigned, one set of drawings and specifications will be fur nished to builders’ exchanges, chambers of commerce and other similar organiza tions. with the understanding that the set will be retained on their premises and made available for inspection by any in terested subcontractor or material firm. W. E. REYNOLDS, Commissioner of Public Buildings, Federal Works Agency. 21 : K Here's Comfort and Value! I A Special Selling of SiMMlOlAS I i 1 No matter where you look you • Hundreds of won't find a mattress value to Steel Coils beat this special price event! You get famous-name quality at ®" o below-the-morket price! Check • Twin or Full Size these features. They're worth * „ , , 1 every bit of this price. Get your* ^n*>€ now! Ticki"9 • , Budget Account Terms I Jeffrey Wenger, 12, of 4918 Tilden strict N.W. Also, Earl T. Brach, jr., 12, of 120 Linden avenue, Bethesda; Frederick A. Willcutt, 12, of 6934 Thirty-third street N.W.; Robert J. Tastet, 13, of 4415 Burlington place N.W.; Ralph S. Hisle, jr., 15, of 4514 Davenport street N.W.; Leroy Corcoran, 12, of 4614 Chase avenue, Bethesda; James Burdette, 11, of 20 Russell avenue, Gaithrsburg. Md., and James A. Joy, 14, of 3412 Quesada street N.W. (Read The Star 1or Derby News.) flowers ARE DAILY ■ FRESH, FRAGRANT ALWAYS AT CHAMBERS • anniversaries | weddings birthdays parties socials DELIVERED FREE 2428 14th St. N.W. CALL CO. 0432 - 0433 - 0434 - 0435 • LOVELY SPRAYS FROM S4 TO $7 UP • The Smartest Way to "BA" Warn The "Overnight Express" to Buenos Aires ^ via Balboa, Lima, Santiago TV* rout* «( El IntwAmoricanow th* »mort«»t way to Buonoi Alrot II ^ ANEW DAY has dawned in luxurious ek transportation between . the Americas. El Inter Americano, flying out of Miami over the routes of Pan American and Panagra (Pan American-Gract Airways)# goes all the way to Buenos Aires in 21 hours. It’s the smartest, most modern way to "BA,” via the age-old West Coast cities of Balboa, Lima, and Santiago. It’s extra fast—extra fine—and there’s *• extra fart. El Inter America no has many other exclusive advantages 1II It’s air conditioned—in flight and on the ground. It seats 52 in delightfully comfortable, foam-rubber cushioned chairs. It offers tht | Sky Sleeper* and Sky Club . . . the finest of foods, table-served ; ... the finest of personal service en route. Isjt any wonder that Panagra—the only U. S. airline flying the West Coast of Sooth America—rolls out the carpet for every flight of El Inter Americano? For prompt reservations, including convenient air connections to Miami, call your Travel Agent or— REpublic 5700. Sew—The "Sky Slooper." Rea! bed-sized berths adjoining luxurious "new-look” dressing rooms. You Ms breakfast in bed on El InterAmericano! •Betra charge tar berths Bunnot Aims, fashionable Capital and charm spot of Argentina—is now less than a day away when you go by El InterAmericano—the smartest tray to "BA." Par American World Alrways Par Amerlcar- Grace Airways Ticket Office: 1109 Connecticut Avenue