OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 20, 1948, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-04-20/ed-1/seq-7/

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in Eight Weeks
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U. S. Follows Wallace
1944 Policy on China,
Kohlberg Tells Truman
United States policy toward China
still follows a line laid down by
Henry Wallace four years ago, ac
cording to Aired Kohlberg, vice
president of the American China
Policy Association.
Mr. Kohlberg late yesterday- made
public the text of a letter he wrote
last Friday to President Truman on
the influence of the third-party can
didate and former Vice President
on our Far East relations.
"We feel,” Mr. Kohlberg wrote,
"that continued implementation of
Mr. Wallace's recommendations
will lead to a Far East defenseless
against communism, an untenable
Korea, a Japan just strong enough
to be a second Bataan.”
Failure to back the phiang Kai
shek government strongly in its
struggle with Chinese Communist
forces also will lead, said Mr. Kohl
berg, “to a Communist-ruled slave
state of 800.000,000 human being in
East Asia, regardless of the success
or failure of our efforts to stop
communism in Europe.”
Speaking for the association, of
which Mrs. Clare Booth Luce is
president, Mr. Kohlberg urged
President Truman to make public
immediately the secret report made
to the late President Roosevelt by
Mr. Wallace shortly after his return
from a trip to China in July, 1944.
"Since in his campaign for the
presidency Mr. Wallace claims
superior ability to conduct our
foreign affairs, release of this report
will permit the American public to
form its own conclusions to his
modest claim to omnipotence," Mr.
Kohlberg wrote.
At the same time, however, the
letter cited a long list of develop
ments in American Chinese rela
tions. continuing to the present day,
which Mr. Kohlberg said stemmed
from Mr. Wallace’s report. He did
not explain how Mr. Truman could
use the report against Mr. Wallace
without tarring his own administra
tion with the same brush.
He vigorously attacked the State
Department and its Far Eastern
Division for seeking to induce the
Chinese government to compromise
with the Communists.
Mr. Kohlberg. Just returned from
the Orient, said he understands
• «•
Steep (fj^) 5 Minutes
for Full Flavor
• *
1 that, despite a recent announcement
that Army surplus material on the
Pacific islands would be made avail
able to China, the word “surplus”
has been defined to mean-unservice
able stuff of no further use by our
This interpretation has limited the
Chinese, he added, to 32.000 tons
(three shiploads) of small arms and
Mr. Kohlberg repeated for report
ers his earlier charge that the State
Department's Far Eastern Division
is "completely dominated” by left
wing thinkers. It was they, he said,
who advised Mr. Wallace to take the
line he did in his 1944 report.
"You can't blame Wallace,” Mr.
Kohlberg said. "He spent four days
in Chungking—mostly handing out
seeds, playing ping-pong and exer
cising in the daytime and attending
banquets at night. Then, for 10
days, he visited our airbases and
did his exercises in front of the
troops. He doesn't know any better.
It’s those other fellows I blame.”
Audience of 1,200
Pays $100 a Plate
At Wallace Dinner
By th« Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 20.—America’s
“pseudo two-party system,” Henry
A. Wallace says, is moving toward
| "that preliminary type of police
state which smiles on unofficial vio
lence from the right.”
The third party presidential as
pirant spoke at a $100-a-plate fund
: raising campaign dinner last night
attended by an estimated 1,200 per
sons. The former Vice President re
ceived an ovation when he was in
troduced by Rexford Guy Tugwell,
former Governor of Puerto Rico.
Mr. Wallace disclaimed any sym
pathy for communism, but declared
that “while the propagandists set us
to looking under our beds for Com
munists, we are being plunged on
1 the road to fascism."
Wallace States Objectives.
Communism, he said, is spreading
because “the policies of Truman,
Stassen, Martin and Dewey are pol
icies which run counter to the needs
of people everywhere.” Mr. Wallace
“We of the new party deplore the
tendency to divide the thought of
the world into just two camps, fas
cism and communism. We seek
enough planning, control of big bus
iness and Government ownership to
enable this nation to survive as a
democracy and not as a plutocratic
refuge of Nazi-fascism.”
As for the Soviet government, Mr.
Wallace declared, many “just accu
sations” are leveled against It “but
there is no action of that govern
menta which we can correct through
force, arms and intimidation • • *.
Our present leadership has made
our own country guilty of nearly
eveijf charge we level against the
He said advocates of American bi
partisan foreign policy are “witting
ly or unwittingly • * • out to en
slave the world.”
Mr. Wallace shared the speaking
platform for the first time in New
York with his running mate. Sen
ator Taylor, Democrat of Idaho.
Dinner Neil >100,000.
The dinner netted an estimated
>100,000 for the National Wallace
for President Campaign Committee.
Senator Taylor in his address
charged that “those in power in the
Nation today—you can’t call them
a.' .<<> : I
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leaders—are taking us down the
same road that Hitler, Goebbels
and Goerlng led us.
“When Henry Wallace Is elected
President there are going to be
more secret policemen looking for
honest jobs than any one has seen
up to now,” he said.
Among those attending the din
ner were:
Aline McMahon, movie actress:
Ira Hirschmann. former inspector
general for UNRRA; Dalton Trumbo,
one of the Hollywood movie writers
cited for contempt of Congress: J.
Raymond Walsh, radio commen
Eugene Reynal of the Reynal &
Hitchcock publishing firm, Margaret
Bourke White, photographer; Lee
Sabinson, producer of the Broadway
hit, "Pinian's Rainbow”; Jo David
son, sculptor, and Leonard Bern
stein, orchestra conductor.
Phone: STERLING 9000
or your Travel Agent
Robert Craig, 3, Son
Of Movie Actor, Dies
By tbe Associated Press
VAN NTJYS, Calif., April 20.—
nim Actor James Craig’s 3-year
old son, Robert, died In a hospital
yesterday. The child suffered an
acute kidney attack yesterday and
died a few hours later.
The actor has two other children,
James, jr„ 8, and Diane, 12 months.
I l“" ‘ ‘ 'j
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Get Everything from
A—Aluminum Windows N—N. C. Pine Stepping
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1320 Wilson Blvd. CHestnut 0660
Three Meeks frem Key Bridie, Arllmtem Oven T:80 te »i Clesed Retarders
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C.** A—7
__TUESDAY, APtll 30, l»4g. _
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Modern Successor To Ordinary Bakers' Bread
Nellie Procter Hewitt, the
baking champ from Silver
Spring — baker to the na
tion’s peat—is the mother
of 9 children; member of
, the Orchid Society, does
t volunteer hospital, Red
I Cross and Fat Salvage work.
Made Under The
Supervision of
The First Baker To
The Nation’s Great
"Mrs. Maryland”
Baking Champ
from Silver Spring
Nellie Procter Hewitt on a tour of the County
Fair Bakery which she personally inspect* to
insure the perfect flavor of County Fair Bread.
For Prize-Winning Freshness and Flavor
— Get County Fair Bread Today! —
Miss Mary A. Burnham, well-known home
economist and writer, says: "I changed
td County Pair Bread because County
Fair Bread is delicious! Mrs. Nellie
Procter Hewitt must really know what
she’s doing!” ,
Why County Fair Bread Is
Different And Better
Step right up, folks, and try the modem successor to
ordinary bakers' bread—County Fair Bread.
The bread that all Washington loves. Because first for
freshness. First for flavor. First for downright goodness.
It’s different!
County Fair Bread is as different as a country lane
from a city alley. As different as lilacs fresh-washed
by warm rain from the paper kind in the VH store.
Because County Fair Bread is made the way a woman
who really knows how to bake bread says to bake it^
That’s Nellie Procter Hewitt—the baking champ from
Silver Spring.
Yes, smells better and tastes better. Like a Saturday
morning baking on the farm. .
And say—this new County Fair Bread is enriched
with Vitamins and Minerals for better health.
County Fair Bread is selling like farm eggs. So get
your grocer to save a loaf for you.
So come on, folks, for better eating, get County Fair
Bread. Costs no more—so no reason not to have it.]
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Get County Fair Bread at
your grocer’s today. It’s fresh as a daisy.
Coniuitnlal Baking Co., 1 ne.
Mrs. Daniel D. Swinney, 2706 Holly Street,
Alexandria, Va.,* active church worker
and member of the Mt. Vernon P. T. A.,
says: "County Fair Bread has ‘homemade’
taste—plus nutrition we mother* want.”*
Mrs. Kssnstli Morrow, active in the
League of Women Voters and mother of
three, says: "Mrs. Nellie Procter Hewitt
must be a fine baker, for County Fair
Bread is really delicious."

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