Newspaper Page Text
251 Large-Scale D. C. Area Projects to Provide 17,492 Apartments Are Listed D. C. Building Permits Increase of $129,750 Reported in Week Building permits issued during the last week by Robert H. Davis, District inspections director, were valued at $443,388 a jump of $129. 750 over those in the previous w:eek. Among permits issued were: Reno Land Corn., owner. 1129 Vermont avenue N.W.; Prank & Frank Construction Co., builder, same address; Leon Brown, architect; to erect 10 two-story brick and cinder-block dwellings. 3623-55 Avon place N.W.; to cost $115,000. Cory Construction Co., 927 Eighteenth atreet N.W., owner and builder; George T. Bantmyers, 2209 L street N W . architect; to erect 15 two-story brick and cinder block flats, 30 units. 1712 to 70 Gales atreet N.E.; to cost $90,000. K P. Walker, 4210 Argyle terrace N.W., owner and builder; George T. Santmyers, architect; to erect three 3-story brick and cinder-block apartments, nine units, 1642 42a-1644 -44a-1646-46a Montello avenue N.E.; to cost $40,000. Mrs. Katherine E. Byron, 2127 R street R.W., owner; William H. Brooks. 5432 MacArthur boulevard N.W... builder: Eimer Cappelmann, Arlington. Va.. architect: to erect one 2-story brick and cinder-block dwelling. 3539 Williamsburg lane N.W.; to cost $50,000. David Kushner. owner. 4.>13 Dave*port street N.W.: Joseph Hopkins, builder. 4HOH Western avenue: Fred E. Taylor, architect. Silver Spring: to erect one 2-story brick and cinder-biock dwelling. 2921 Aioemarle street; to cost $28,000. Samuel Goldberg, 1440 Tuc'cerman. street N W.. owner: builder not selected: H Clay Ashby. 9405 Russell rd.. Silver Spring, architect: to erect one 3-story brick and cinder-block dwelling; _ 1.j46 Northgate road N.W : to cost $15.,o0. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Berman. 1416, Saratoga avenue N.E . owner: builder not selected: Milton J. Prassas. 173, Harvard street N.W., architect; to erect one I story stone, brick and cinder-block dwell ing, 1400 Hamilton street N.W.; to cost; *15.000. The Hecht Co.. 7th and P streets N W., owner; James L. Parson. Jr.. Homer Build ing, builder and architect; to construct elevator hatchway and foundations, 613 G street N.W'.; to cost $15,000. Home Gadgets— New Aluminum Storm Window Now on Market By D. M. Derwin Condensation during the winter months has resulted in almost com plete destruction of all inside paint finishes on metal casement win dows, not to mention the general nuisance value of flaking paint fall ing on rugs and floors and the constant mopping up of wfet win dow sills. Unless steps are taken to cor-; rect the causes, the home owner is faced with eventual sill rot and yearly paint jobs. A new aluminum storm window for metal casements has just been placed on the market. This alumi-: num frame storm window covers the entire metal residence casement; on the Inside and provides perfect dead air insulation. Effectively reducing the dissipation of heat to give a warmer home with up to 35 per cent less fuel, they also give control of condensation. Designed in a choice of two styles ; of storm panels, ventilated and fixed types, both allow full opera tion of the casement ventilator. Stocked in standard sizes, they j have extruded aluminum construe-; tion, with rubber weather seal around the entire perimeter. They are glazed with double-strength glass. ! These storm windows are easily Installed from the inside with sim ple attachment clips. The panels: are light and easily stored for the summer in a minimum space. They eliminate maintenance cost, as no painting is required. Water Putty. This period of tfye year finds cracks developing which will need filling and plugging. A water putty that does not shrink when it dries has been placed on the market. Adaptable for numerous house hold uses, such as plugging floor holes and cracks, reseating screws, mending furniture, repairing tile, stone, plaster, masonry and metal, or restoring picture frames, this water putty is a dry pow'der product and is simply mixed with water to a paste of the required consistency, for the job to be done. It Is pressed into the hole or crack or other surface indenture with a putty knife or glazing tool and after drying is simply sanded down level with the surrounding surface. It may be painted or var nished Immediately upon drying When hardened, this water putty may be tooled and finished just like w-ood. Nails or screws also can be driven into It without dan ger of Its cracking. In case a certain shade Is de sired, it can be colored by the sim ple addition of dry color to the paste mixture. The use of lime proof colors is recommended. (For further information on ^products mentioned, please address Room ?‘M. Star Building, inclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope.) (Released by Consolidated News Features, Inc.) $80 Rental Housing Tops Veteran Demand Houses and apartments that rent for less than $80 are in greatest de mand by veterans who seek housing at the District Housing Center, ac cording to Waldron R. Leonard, di rector of the center. • He said today a “spot check" of the incomes o’f 500 veterans who re cently applied for housing shows <the average income was $2,860 a year. Real Estate LOANS TO BUILD | TO BUY TO RE-FINANCE ;jj In Washington, D. C. and § nearby Maryland or Vir ginia. A discussion of |.i your requirements is cor- L: jji dially invited. Consult Mortgage Loan Dept. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. j 816 14th St. N.W.—RE. 6161 ► _____---— Compilation Shows Location and Number Of Units in All FHA Rental Jobs Here By Robert J. Lewis Real Estate Editor of The Star f On June 28. last year, The Star printed a list of large-scale rental apartments for which FHA fi nancing had been arranged. On that list were 62 projects having a total of 5,824 apartments. A second list, brought up to date, was printed November 1, last year. By that time, 101 projects having 10,450 apartments had been approved by FHA. Today, a new up-to-the-minute list, compiled from FHA records, is being printed on this page. Projects now total 251. They will provide 17,492 apartments with a total FHA mortgage value of $138,808,500. Some have been completed. Others are under way. Still others remain to be started. The list, showing name of person FHA lists as “sponsor,” address, amount of mortgage, number of apartment units in each project, and percentage of project completed so far, follows: Pet. ! Address of property. Sponsor. Amt Unu‘. p°“i. i Bradley Blvd.. III. 6701 Hlllendale rd., Chevy Chase-£ibJ:lL - £5 in!! I Savannah Apts.. 13th and Savannah sts. it. -sard Zupn;tic - 4o»piH) 04 i n Blair Park. Eastern ave. and Kaimi* rd., Silver Spring-Morris Miller -- i?n too 22 77 gSUTSS. ?m/y*SBranf.h ~ rd., Takoma’ ^-""““""IIIIIlgSaiASSgSSn-et'a r~-~ZZ-- l| » 1 g! »yreB^sivfin«%iBrHar„drA- rTdakocTevyPa&..e :Kn|S8S* “ e* ‘ :lifftlg iff ft Dominion Garden. Old Glebe rd.. Alexandria -Filippo > Antonio Baldi et al-J" *1.® * p 'Rock Creek Gardens. Sec. 1. East-West hwy--Sam Eig ... --- T-i-L ! §.‘.5 ■< Rock Creek Gardens. Sec. 2. East-West hwy. -Sam Eig - - 1 'tma'x ! Ti" u Filmore Gardens, Sec. 3. S. Filmore and tun sts.. Arlinaton -J. S. Burka et al - ?7l ftun T-I nu Palisade Gardens, N. Scott and N. 21st sis.. Arlington -Howar. Roach & Croom - mii'imii i.l5 JiiT Winchester Properties. Manor Circle. Takoma Park -Joseph E. oimth et al —- Sin '!!!!!! 118 lilo FTrst* WAshtnaton Bandeni’.eer8APts.. Wash, and Lee blvds.V "Arlington Alvin L. Aubinoe - lin'oim 1“? jjln P^ce^dftbW.. Arllnkton^ajihl1*^^.., I !'• --- iJo.Tjm 3l £ iChevy Chase Apt.. Bradley Hills. Chevy Chase - E. P. Knollman et al - ’mm! '« ini 'Park Vista. 13tli st. and Mississippi ave. S.E— . Joseph and Charles Stuart- *>rl ?,, , j.i Antonetle Gardens. Benning and Boone Hill rds.. Prince Georges County.. Felix and Ami Marchagiani- JJ| JiV Zi Frederick Courts, Columbia pike and S. Frederick st Arlington Jesse Johnson - i,J.V? •Greenwood Terrace. Greenwood and Donier aves.. Takoma Park Wnliam Richardson et al- 5i Parkalen Apt.. Columbia pike and Arlington Mill dr.. Arlington . . Je-sse Johnson - 2 Iruim! 300 42 Hich Point Apts.. Wheeler rd. and Barnabv st. s.e. . _ _ Eduald Zupmk . -7‘j.,7-,-4 q., Queenstown Adis , Sec. A. Queens Chapel and Chillum rds., Mt. Rainier..Hyman Go dman et al -!'m>4 8 iho 34 Queenstown Apts.. Sec. B -gy‘™n go dman et a-TfeiTJo! lift ft oiippntinvn Ants fipr E _ _Hyman Goldman et al---, -if, iK,Sr^rrAa5tLv‘B^vninV'Vd'nd.ni3tl ll: 1:1 ?Ut. C,:::;::::: §*».$* u« ™ <SS& pike a^rSeo^^ason dr:.-Arlington-::::: geM. ge LashmuH et f Greenlawn Ants.. Chillum rd. and Eastern ave.. Prince Georges County..Sadie Milestone et al- 60 Pollard Gardens. N. Pollard st. and Fairfax dr.^ Arlington-WesWTer Inc. et a- $ 7 00 44 10 : Caylor Gardens. Mason ave. at 7th st.. Alexandria -' & .t*.?-1406 700 216 21 Silver Hill Ants., Suitland rd.. Suitland - -,-?.e.r”Sn^Co5f?i*'t &1-*• osa ill!! :i* 100 University Gardens. Rhode Island ave. and Knox rd., College Park —{o?5f,£llt*1- 1 TO 000 *>4 too Kkk Si1™ aSS:. no. a ™,mb* S s::::::::::::::::: g g;« pt!k Gien ftfc SS: ^ I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::g £ ::::::::::::::::: « If g lilt Glen Poll: No! JoLson ““"“—I JTO.OOO 24 100 Poll ay?rAH&hS,-A#»ti:.-1Sth-Vt. and’ Scott Aorth. Arlington:::":Emerson O.ReTn.cH ^'et 3P4.2MO 33 «1 Terrace Apts.. No. 1. 23d and Congress Sts. s.e--Kh.u PomLl, et'.!- 5706 0 36 100 GreenwcSo "Terr^e*b203t*Hartwefll°rd..' Takoma Park’ WSrdV'.t si::::: 3&000 51 47 Westmoreland Terrace. Fort Mver dr. at N. J4th st... Arlington-A Joseph Howar - P-w ?$ Sligo Terrace Apts. No. 2, Manchester rd.. Silver Spring -Wade K Grainger et al- fto'400 8 30 Colonial Terrace. N. Ode st. and Colonial ter., Arlington.-E. M Dawson et al-- 200000 40 66 | Walter Reed’GaVdensTd13*li at*'and Walter Ree3 ^dr.^south.-Arlington-. Martin Bros, et aj-- -y'xillft!!!! P« J? Belle View No. 1. Alexandria. Mount Vernon blvd., Fairfax County-Landreth & Rupley et al- -ft'? !! ’7 « Greenhill Gardens. 4430 Nichols ave. s.e. -SorK°„rt Jie„nn/ldy-r- »•> "8 I Southern Hills Dev. Corn., 3d and 4 th sts. at Chesapeake st. s.e- M Rodman et al - ® mVo 14 74 Neal K House. Princeton ave.. College Park — -S: Nelson - x-L’aHn oj« u Hamilton Manor. Queens Chapel rd and Hamilton st , Hyattsville- S. H. Hoamgsworth et al-l idft'n "Oft ** Riggs Manor, Riggs and Aeer rds., Prince Georges County. Berman et at- i't!?’!! ! jU 'Lord Calvert Apis.. College Park -Walter Green et al-1’iho-?!m! ‘4 300 1 Louis Richman. 76 Forrester st. s w . — tfouis. ^‘Chman - JlS'j H 2$ Forest Glen Apts,, Georgia ave. and Forest Glen rd.. Montgomery County. Ezersky « al «$ o !! « lOo Randolph Court. 1017 N. Randolph at., Arlington . Egbert M. Collard et al- 0$-' ! 1P Parkland Village, Suitland rd. and Marlboro pike, Prince Geo. County.. Myer Shapiro -c-1. - i.i.o Ifto Parkway Terrace, Sec. A. Suitland ..- - -rLe» A. Minskoff et al- u‘m’i! ! S ?™e! !ec: C 1 “o« ll ll1 j«S Parkway Terrace. Sec. D . x- -Leo A. Minskoff et al- *8o'too 38 40 Richmond Apts.. 12th st. and Trenton pi. R f. -Louis Richman -^-« sSS’tnn - Tyler Gardens Corp . 301 W. Broad st . Palls Church -Horowitz et al -- ioq«m!5 4A« q2 Glenelsc Apts., Lee hwy.. Wavne st., Arlington ..Potter «&: MacPherson- 2° Templeton Manor Apts., Sec. 1. Edmonston rd., Prince Georges County_.Levin & Jau?e -- oJ-’•)!!!» {.15 Templeton Manor Aots., Sec. 2. Edmonston rd., Prince GeorgexS County Levini & Taube - m {«« • ~ Inwood Corn., 23d and Alabama ave. s e. .—Ian Woodner - 'liJ'J , Lloyds Apts., Sec J. Cameron Mills rd. and Tennessee ave., Alexandria Cohen et al -{ { {«« 1 r,iovd'K ADts Sec 2 __ __Cohen et al -jhh Emerson Gardens. 43d and Emerson sts.. Hyattsville ^a5f Zi?kin eKfc al- SAs'V'n!! lio Templeton Apts., Sec. 3, Edmonston rd. and Browning lane, Pr. Geo. Co. Levin Sc Thnbe- £ , Templeton Manor Apts., Sec. 4 . .. -Levin & Taube - o nla Ann pan Queenstown Aots., Sec. C. 33d ave. and 33d pi.. Mount Rainier_Zupmck et al -7.648.41 24(1 Queenstown Apts , Sec. F - _ - - -?uPnl£? *L „-i’n-S'n!!! 5v' 1r. Culmore No. 1. Leesburg pike at Carlin Spring rd., Fairfax County-John N. Campbell . . -',', ! ! 7«n 11 Chillum Heights Apts.. Sec. D, Chillum rd. and 16th ave.. Mount Rainier-Dr. Alexander Chase et al-Hv '.1,!!! }'’! Chillum Heights ADts., Sec. E.. ... - -gift Alexander Chase et al-1il8,,A22 in* ft Columbia*Heiehts, Sec. 1. S. Greenbrier st. and Columbia pike. Arlington . Hoge, Hines. Harwood _ - 8n,-.i I 6 HJ* o Arlington Courts. 16th rd. south, Arlington . .. — V . O. Schinnerer et al- ft .-. H > «« Bn Greenlawn Apts., Sec. 2. Chillum rd. and Eastern ave.. Prince Geo. County. Mileston et al --! l L Randolph Court No. 2. 101ft N. Randolph st.. Arlington - .. Collard et al - 1ft2 Magnolia Gardens. 51.31 Columbia pike. Arlington £dw- Williams et al - uiioXn in? " Kirkwood Village. Sec. A, Nicholson si. and Aeer rd., Prince Geo. County. Herman Hertzberg et al- ; ! J-h Kirkwood Village, Sec. B - — - - -Herman Hertzberg et al- « .1.21 0 3-U Park View Ants.. 38th st. near Queens Chapel rd.. Hyattsville-Goldstein Bros. .. - 4U-.160 < Bethesda Gardens. Clarendon rd.. Bethesda . --.Charles F. Miller - , US Oxon Park Apts., Southern ave. and Military rd.. Prince Georgpa County. .Jerry Maiatlco et al---- .>2!, non Boone Hill Road Apts., Bonne Hill rd. and Southern ave.. Pr. Geo. County A. Carozza -,--- „„ Shapol Gardens, No. I. Ridge rd. and E st. s.e. _ . .— • Dan Pollin . - 2c!*»!mi sJ et Caylor Gardens. Belmonte and Commonwealth ave.. Alexandria -J. E. Spaulding et al- , x Mount Vernoir. Bashford ^and Slaters lane,. Alexandria -John Loughran et al- 3.«!HMm»' .am Elmar Gardens No. 1. Edmonston rd. and Hamilton st... Pr. Geo. County. Dekelboum et al- .,,c!'ci!!!! « 2 Lorcom Arms. Woodrow and 21st sts. north. Arlington — _T. J. Broyhill -— i i-Vi'!!!!il i;:« ’ Belle View, Sec. 2, Eye st. and Mt. Vernon Memorial hwy. N. Alexandria. Landrith et al - I.IHMIOU Job Oglethoroe Apts., 42d ave and Oglethnrp st.. Hyattsville _Edward Zupmck - 52?.'Ann « 1 - Shapol Gardens, No. 1. Ridge rd. and E st. s.e-Dan Pollin - i,~!ii!!n S, The Lynwood, 1330 Missouri ave. n w. . . . ---Morel* Pollin — - HJ'S 1 Darson Ants.. Sec. 8, Sligo Park Hills. Montgomery County_Arthur BDarton et al- a* S'Inn *n i VirEinia Gardens. S. Taylne and 16th at. south. Arlington-Philip S. Bowie et. al- 586.O0M KM 1 Quincy Gardens. 1002 N. Quincy at.. Arlington _McBride & Burke- ?;i’! n 60 Norbert. 1110-1112 Savannah st. s.e. . -A. Ritzenberg - mn' 00 34 Atlantic Gardens ADts.. 4th and Chesapeake sts. s.e._Samuel J. Rodman- ink'niin !•> *7 Flower Properties. North Piedmont st.. Arlington _.. .Carlos M. Flower - 1 Oo.ilPO 1- 2. - (See APARTMENTS, Page B-2.) _j I I WE HAVE. m DESIRABLE PROPERTIES • QUALIFIED PURCHASERS • • John R. de Sibour & Co. • REALTORS • IT DITONT CIRCLE MI. 6300 • __ | J. NOBLE BOAZ | V' Realtor ;§ §i ... !r Specializing In % j! Homes £; v; Since i 1926 I j] 7424 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda V* Wisconsin 7500 II _ - I I i ‘JlMCfo For Home Improvement Loans for Home Im provements, without* mortgaging yoif property, will be ar ranged promptly to: • Enlarge • Repair • Modernize • ‘Renovate For details, call, write or phone District 2370 FIRST KDflMl savidgs add Loan USSOCIHTlOf) Conveniently Located: ill 13th St. N.W. (Bat. F A G) (No Branch Ofees) , I FENCES 1 JjCONTINENTAL CHAIN LINK| | WOOD —IRON 1 1 Easy terms arranged I Sold and Erected by HJ 1 LANE & MacBRYDE, Inc. | ra9th & Evarts Sts. N.E.—HO. 6600(| MONEY TO LOAN I 1st Deed of Trust Only j Minimum Interest Rates G. CALVERT BOWIE Suite 404-8. Washington Bldg. 15th and N. Y. Ave., RE. 7121 Correspondent—The Mutual Life ' Insurance Company of Hew York SALES RENTS INSURANCE A. S. Gardiner & Co. Realtors 1631 L ST. N.W. NA. 0334 We will buy de ferred purchase money second trust notes se cured on im proved prop erty. COLUMBIA MORTGAGE COMPANY 916 Woodward Bldg. RE. 7330 Jl Office Building Management Our wide experience in managing all types of property can be of great service to you. Let our representative explain the advantages of Smithy Co. „ management.. H. G. Smithy Company 811 11th St. N.W. ST. 3100 Mortgage Representative—Travelers Insurance Co. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT—SALES—LOANS—INSURANCE I DDflDFDTY If for profitable ^| 1 mvrcnii u MANAGEMENT m ^0WN«s£=, I ^“WEAVER^ Washington Bldg., District 8300 • Realtors since 1888 • i \ Broken line in map by Star staff artist shows area of Dis trict FHA office’s jurisdiction. Figures within political sub divisions show number of rental projects approved in each area. Elaborate Program Is Planned For National Home Week Here ■ District area home builders will observe National Home Week, be ginning September 5, with an elaborate program. Clarence W. Gosnell, president of the Washington Home Builders’ Association said today. The Washington celebration will be held along with a Nation-wide observance of the week and will' serve as a prelude to the opening of the annual home show at the | District National Guard Armory, beginning October 16. On the program will be on-site demonstrations of modern home building methods used by the In dustry, completed houses, tours of laige-scale housing projects and exhibition of homes and apartments in all phases of planning and con struction. * The observance is being sponsored elspwhere by associations affiliated with the National Association of : Home Builders. It is being arranged by the builders to dramatize the high volume of construction achieved in this country to. meet the demand for housing. A spokeman for the District builders’ group said detailed plans now are being made for the ob servance h efe. Nationally, the home builders’ association points out that "no country on earth has undertaken a; program of postwar housing the equal of that in this country." £uprjjtljtng in 2Ual Halale Select the time for a consulta tion of your Real Estate prob lems— Whether it’s Listing, Purchasing, Re-financing, Property Management, Insur ance — our advice for the asking. Phone Mr. Hill or Mr. Hannan for Appointment—ME. 4100 • II ■ .■ ■ 11 I District Rental Housing Picture New applications for housing re ceived during the last week at the District Housing Center, 1400 Penn sylvania avenue N.W., totaled 364. Reapplications by those who had not previously re-applied within the last month totaled 160. | In the same period, 71 dwellings i were listed for rent, and 148 persons were reported to have received hous ing through the center. Applicants were classfiied as fol lows: v fi'-t New Reap • pplica- plica- To tiona. tions. tals. Just arrived__ 50 7 57 Separated from families 39 15 54 Unreasonable distance to commute _— .1 7 2 Evictions 58 10 68 Desire to move from public housing_ 10 1 Present housing inadequate _ 215 127 342 ' Total _ 364 160 524 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Various plans, Including long-term j monthly payments, at favorable rate. FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ava. N.W, NA. 0350 1 ■ ■ ■ ■1 ™ ™— """ TRUST I NOTES Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Uie Mill buy Second Trust Notes Secured on Improved Property NATIONAL M0RT6AGE & INVESTMENT CORR 1312 N.Y. AVE..N.W.-NA 5833J i ; RENTALS K •. K REAL ESTATE S LOANS ■ * B COMPLETE ■ INSURANCE S COVERAGE m —MEan .. . Offering Fair L Return 1? With Security I B Amply secured on Real Estate of sound value, * R these desirable first Mortgage Investments are recommended for fair Return and Se- 1 curity. We offer them in limited amounts. I a B. F. SAUL CO. i Ft PROPERTY MANAGEMENT—LOANS—INSURANCE 925 15th ST. N.W. NATIONAL 21* , j D.C. Building Program 'Amazes' Latin American Housing Experts Two Latin American housing experts who visited Washington this week said they were "amazed” at the number of homes and apartments being built in the District area. , , Adolfo Zamora, director general of the Mexican National Bank for ___ , • Urban Mortgages and Public Works, Attic to Cellar— 'Be Cautious But Don't Be Afraid' By Betty Trexler A few years ago the average fam ily used either modem or period furniture, but were afraid <o mix the two. Today, however, modern and per iod furnishings are being combined successfully. Some amount of caution should be used of course. An extremely! modern coffee table of bleached | wood, for instance, is not exactly suitable in front of a handsome, carved antique sofa covered in red satin. But many things will go well to gether. Take Mr. and Mrs. D’s home. Mr. D. likes modern paint ings. His wife loves Early Ameri- j can things. They compromised! when furnishing their new home,; and the effect is excellent. Both Early American and modem fur nishings have a big thing in com mon—simplicity of design. Mr. and Mrs. D are happy. Mr. D can gaze at his modem paintings, while his wife admires her old pine corner cupboard. Mr. and Mrs. R. were fond of both modern and period furniture and couldn't decide which to use in their home. They hit on the idea of having the rooms furnished with different periods. Their living room is full of love-' ly antique pieces. The dining room is completely modern. And there is no reason why tra-j ditional furniture can’t be used in a house of extremely modern archi tecture. We know an interior decorator whose house of very modern de sign is filled with period pieces. He likes the “cluttered, homey” look and feels you can't have that if severe modem furnishings are used. It’s nice to have a home filled with precious antiques where even! the ashtrays are authentic old glass or china pieces. And modem tfomes are fine. Nevertheless, we're glad that more and more people are blending the two. Just remember to use discretion. A room can look mighty “choppy,” indeed, if too many different woods and styles are used. Be cautious, , but don't be afraid. 67,000 Dwelling Units Begun in U. S. in March The Bureau of . Labor Statistics today reported a “marked seasonal 1 upswing” in housing activity in March, when builders started 67,000 i new permanent nonfarm dwelling units. This is an increase of 20,000. or 43 per cent, from those in February and exceeds by 8,600 the number started in March, 1947. said he thought District builders were “doing a very fine job.” Fabio Robledo mehiber of an engineering firm in Bogota, Co lombia, said he was surprised at the great volume of home build ing, “especially when you con sider the cost”. Down in Co lombia, he said, a bricklayer earns $1.50 a day while here a Mr. bricklayer earns as much as $3.50 an hour. Both men were Interviewed in the’office of Jacob Crane, assistant to Housing Administrator Raymond M. Foley. Mr. Zamora said he was in this country at the invitation of the State Department. His purpose in coming here, he said, was to visit United States housing projects and ob t a i n housing information which could be helpful to Mex ico. In Mexico the housing shortage is se vere, he said. Mexico City alone needs 80, 000 new dwell ings to meet new demands and replace out- Mr- RBbl'd# worn structures. The chief difficulty in undertak ing an adequate housing program in Mexico and other Latin American countries, he said, is the inadequacy of capital to do the job. He said he believes there are many opportunities open in Latin America for American capital to make a profit in this field. During the war, many luxury-type apartment buildings were built In Mexico City. Rentals are extremely high, and as a result many now have a high vacancy rate. The need in Mexico, he said, la for low and mediui* rent projects, of which there are only a few under% ! way. Mr. Robledo said individual houses can be built in Colombia for me dium-income families for about $4,000. Publicly built housing is under way, he said, for sale to low income families on the basis of 8 per cent mortgages. The Interest rate on privately built housing, he said, is as high as 9 per cent. Fire Chief's Home Burns CONWAY. Ark. o<P).—Shannon ! Whitten served 15 days as Conway’e 1 first fire chief before there was a fire to fight. Then his first alarm j sent firemen to Chief Whitten’s own i apartment house where a blaze 'caused $300 damage. Real Estate Sales—Rentals Insurance Mortgage Loans Property Management Randall H. Hagner & Company - INCORPORATED Realtors 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 I Real Estate Sales j Residytiol or^ Commerciol Ownership ijfi UML Insurance *war 11 Every type of Insurance 1(B<| 1 |ij»| 1 f) j:f; Building Loans (j ‘it/i. Short ond long term loons. »»,»( ,- Dunlop jS? 1st Mortgage Loans . J 'ikf FHA or Regular loans. ,nc- («|l —-- »t7{ e—— r M,‘* Real Estate Management 1200 1 5th St. *, Residential or Commerci MW *1 *,* District 0222 1J*}