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rX'XX'X'X'Z'&X'i Open 1 P.M. Till Dark 5. Saturday and Sunday 4503 Arkansas Ave. N.W. % (N>»r 1500 I tth St. N.W.) j*, $. 1. New look—vacant 2. Completely redecorated g 3. Semi-detached brick i< 4. Hall entrance plan 5. 7 rooms gr j' 6. Detached brick garage $i 7. Large landscaped lot *! 8. Easy terms—See at once & I J. H. Nicholson. ME. 1234 | WANT TO LIVE in a modern masonry rambler 8 Mi. from D. C. on Vi to 1 acre lot. Potomac Section of Montgomery County 3 bedrooms, bath, living room with fireplace, Alum inum (corner windows, 5-ft. picture window, steel flush doors throughout. Radiant oil heat, large recreation room, 21-ft porch. Every thing post war except the price, $15,950 and up. Owner and Builder, WI. 3891 I “Near Wakefield” || 3957 Fessenden St. N.W. 4 Detached home with 6 5 roorrfe, 3 bedrooms, modem ;< bath, which has just been 5S remodeled including picture S window in living room, all electric kitdhen, Bendix 3$ washer, GE dishwasher. To S appreciate this home you must inspect THE IN- *j TERIOR. | POSSESSION I Neor All Three Schools Open Saturday and Sunday, 39 I P.M. to Dark gj Out Conn. Ave. to Fes- 5| tenden. lelt to house. Sj J. WESLEY BUCHANAN Exclusively g) 1732 K St. N.W. ME. 1 143 1 _RmsLUi;iy. TSTWafyland I 7509 16th Ave. REAL CHARM . . . and good taste impress you all through this 6 room home; a sparkling kitrhen, both bed rooms generous in size, colored tile bath; fireplace and auto matic heat, of course. OPEN SUN., NOON TO 5:30 *11,950 ONLY $1,600 CASH To reach- Go nut N. H Are. extend ed I 2 Hi mi. vast D C line to Erskine St. (With white brick pil lars', right i blncks tn nth PI., left 1 block to home with our OPEN sign. R. P. RIPLEY Realtor 8403 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Morylond SL. 6111 (If No Answer, SL. 4290) Open Sunday 1 to 5 P.M. 10004 Lorraine Ave. Silver Spring, Md. To Reach: Ovt Colesville Rd. to Lanark Wav, Ictt t blocks to Lorraine. Are. Lovely detached brick home contain ing six rooms, bath. auto. heat, side porch Other outstanding features are Venetian blinds, picket fence, fire place in living room, storm docTS and screens. Lot 50x100. 5317 42nd PI. N.W. Attractive detached brick home con taining six rooms and bath, oil heat Finished recreation room and tiled shower room in basement. Possession at settlement, only $17,950. Shotcn for the First Time 6435 13th St. N.W. This beautfiul corner detached brick containing six rooms and two baths, oil heat, side porch, in one of the finest Northwest sections near shop ping and schools, transportation. RUDDEN & COHN, INC. 1424 K St. N.W. EX. 570S Reserve Officers Urge' Selective Service in Adopting New Policy Immediate enactment by Congress of a selective service program was urged last night by the District De partment of the Reserve Officers' Association. Delegates representing some 1,300 local Reserve officers passed the resolution in the course of its an jnual convention in the Army and •Navy Club. The resolution represented a de parture from the previous stand taken by the association, which had been strongly behind universal mili tary training but cool toward selec tive service legislation. The resolution stressed recent developments of world affairs which, it said, "make necessary an immedi ate increase in the armed services.” It was passed only after eliminating from its language any possible im plication that the group opposed ' eventual passage of universal mili j tary training. Other Resolutions Passed. Among other resolutions passed by |the convention were: 1. Urged the integration of Army, Navy, Marine and Air Reserve Asso ciations. 2. "Respectfully petitioned'’ the Army Department to establish a program for the promotion of officers and enlisted men of the Reserve forces on a basis equal to that estab lished for the Regular services. 3. Urged passage of bills pending in Congress concerning retirement benefits for Reserve officers. Lt. Col. King Elected. Elected president of the District department was Lt. Col. Thomas H. King. He succeeds Col. Sidney Morgan, who is secretary to ,the United States Tariff Commission. Other new officers are Col. Paul S. Anderson, Lt. Col. Daniel F. Boone, Capt. Thomas J. Marcel lino, Col. Howard G. Hill, Lt. Col. William F. Kraemer and Capt, Myron G. Erlich, U. S. N. R., all vice presidents; Maj. Richard H. Love, judge advocate; Capt. Victor Gondos, jr„ historian; Maj. Milton B. Crist, chaplain, and Maj. Philip A. Stebbing, surgeon. OPEN 1-5 SUNDAY 4406 N. 20th St., Arlington Attractive Cane Cod with 5 rooms and hath 1st fir.; 2 more bdrms., den and bath on 2nd. Beautifully shrubbed lot. Ideal neighborhood. To inspect: Out Lee Hwy. to V Utah St., left to 20th St. and open sifn. Dwyer & Corter, OX. 2980, CH. 4184 CAA Files Protest as Helicopter Flies Low Near White House Bombarded by telephone reports that a helicopter was flying. low around the White House grounds and other downtown areas, the Civil Aeronautics Administration yester day filed the first complaint ever recorded against that type of craft. The complaint charged that the plane, owned by Roto-Wing Air Service, Inc., and piloted by Roland Roelofs, had violated regulations by flying too low in a restricted area. "Our inspectors reported that the craft appeared to be nearly in the streets part of the time yesterday afternoon," a CAA official said. He explained the company was given permission to fly at 1,000 feet except over the White House and Capitol to take color photo graphs for National Geographic Magazine. J. Robert Fischel, Roto-Wing president, said there apparently had been a mixup in arrangements with CAA. He said the 1,000-foot waiver was granted by the New York r-- '”1 | Aluminum Windows j j ALL sizes, immediate delivery. | | RUCKER LUMBER «•j j 1320 Wileon BlVd. CHestnut 0660 j regional office and that later he ob tained permission from a CAA as sistant administrator to fly under provisions of CAR-60. This regulation recognizes the un usual landing capabilities of the helicopter and permits flying at any altitude from which the craft can land with a dead engine, Mr. Fischel said. The closest the craft flew to the White House was three blocks, he added. Mr. Fischel said he thought the matter would be straightened up Monday when the CAA considers all angles of the case. The CAA, how jever, was proceeding with the com ~~ 3900 Tunlaw Road On the fringe of Georgetown A beautiful rambling house 12 rooms, 4 baths. Also 1% acres of terraced gardens. One of the loveliest in the city of Washington, and all of this ground zoned for apartment. OPEN SUNDAY, 11 'TILL DARK HARVEY L. JONES SANDOZ INC. DU. 1234 A Group of New Houses i n little Jforest Chevy Chase, D. C. In this incomporable location, at the intersection of 29th and Kanawha Streets, close to Rock Creek Park, we are offering the first group of four houses, one of which (2909 Kanawha Street) is completed. Center-hall plan with 1st floor lavatory, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, and a finished third floor providing the equiva lent of two additional bedrooms. You will agree, after seeing this development, that these houses are very reasonably priced at $28,000 arid $29,000. THEY ARE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION To Reach: At McKinlev and 29th Sts. tone block from Utah Ave.), turn south a short distance to our development. JACOBSON BROS. 01. 2126 Owners-Buildert Wl. 3539 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1 to 5 PRIVACY , \ ALL HERE: On a knoll 500 ft. from Rockville Pike, surrounded FACE HE APPF^C^ ) by beautiful trees on a 23A acre site, only a few minutes from EAdE Ur MvwEeO^^ / gg^esda. Not too big but generous in all proportions. Its 5 ELBOW ROOM bedrooms and 2Vi baths, its beautiful large living room, its study AEAIITV I or music room, its 30 ft. tiled and screened porch all blend into BEAU I T ^P* I fl wonderful Colonial atmosphere of beauty and charm creating VALUE / a value far in excess of asking price. IMPORTANT THINGS TO CONSIDER: 1. Only S10.000 cash required. Balance will be carried by owner at S165.00 per month. . , 2. Four building lots could be sold without disturbing main house, garage and' grounds. _ 3. Besides being a wonderful place to live, an ingenious person could find many profitable and enjoyable uses for this estate. 4. Estates like this, so close to everything, are practically impossible to find nowadays. , . .. Directions: Out Mis. Ave., pass the Naval Hospital and 1 mil e beyond Concessional Airport to our open mo on leu. Exclusive Listing—Will Co-operate ksv'nw JOHN H. MILLER, JR., & BRO., Realtors 5*7 * _„„„„„„_--,„^-,^immm-nrnrnr=ir=ir=ir=iRnr=innnnGnrrirnf=ifrimrararafi3rnlTOra'7Crafn3fn3ff3nOri Home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Quinn Shaughnessy ANOTHER OF THE BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN of Miller Controlled Community In its delightful environment of natural beauty, you will find homes of Miller de sign and Miller construction . . . creating a community of distinction and delight ful residence. Homes of varying types and sizes, com pleted and nearing completion, where the purchaser may exercise individual taste in the selection of decoration, are available for inspection. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISfT SUMNER Exhibit House, 5601 Wood way, Open Saturday and Sunday, 11 to 6. To Reach: Motor out Massacluisctts Avenue about % mile beyond Westmoreland Circle, turn left onto Fort Sumner Drive immediately after going through the overpast. W. C. AND A. N. MILLER ' DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Builders and Developers of Wesley Heights, Sumner and Spring Valley. 4830 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.,«ORdway 4464 Evenings Telephone EM. 3698 plaint before the Civil Aeronautics Board. Maximum penalty for the violation is $1,000 fine and suspen sion or revocation of the pilot’s license. 4 Chinese Teen-Agers Executed as Communists By the Associated Press HONG KONG, April 24—The Rung Sheung Daily News said to day four teen-age students werei executed just outside this British crown colony by unidentified men ;who accused them of being mem bers of the Chinese Communist Army. The newspaper said the four were j seized shortly after they crossed the border into China. Their bodies were found later by the roadside at Shawan, 5 miles north of the British border. Their teachers said they were bonaflde students, not members of the Communist army’s “small devils company,” as their ac cusers charged. OLNEY ACRES We still have a few choice parcels left at only $385 per acre in the gently rolling country of nearby beautiful Mont gomery County, 1 mile west of Route 97, only 12 miles from the District Line. Low down payment ' Balance to suit your budget Directions: Out Go. Ace. '/j mile beyond Norbeck to 1st bluestone road on left, turn left 1/10 mile to sign, turn right and follow bluestone road approximately 1 mile to Oiney Acres. See our siOn. Or drive to Oiney. turn left on Lavtonsvillc Rd. 1 mile. See siOn on left. O. L. MURDOCK Representative on the around Sunday. Kensington, Md. Dial PL. 1105 “CLEVELAND PARK” Only seven years old this modernistic de tached brick and stone comer home has six rooms, three large bedrooms, two baths, lst-floor lav atory, recreation room, gas air-cond. heat, garage, sun-deck and many extras. On one oh the highest eleva tions in the city and 3901 Yumo St. N.W. 7^“'” „ Possession at Settlement Priced to Sell Today OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1 P.M. TO DARK Out Wisconsin Act. to Yuma St. N.W. (Tenleg Circle); right one'block to house. J. Wesley Buchanan 1732 K St. N.W. Exclusively ME. 1143 2 MASS. AYE. TOYY1YHOLSES / i Heart of Embassy Row—For Sale or Lease at Long Rent Suitable for private dwelling, embassy, chancery or Washington representation. 2523 Mass. Ave. 4-story brick with commodious Otis elevator, drawing room 32x22, stately dining room, ground-floor library, marble floored hall, wrought iron stairway rail to top of house, terraced garden, turn around driveway, 2-car garage, awnings, 2 kitchens, 5 master bedrooms, 5 baths, 2 powder rooms, servants' quarters. Built for owner, a judge, in 1931 with modern accessories. Now occupied as residence by ambassador of European power. Available in Sept. Price $87,500 for sale only. 2346 Moss. Ave. 4-story brick, 50-ft. frontoge. Once used as an embassy and regarded as one of Washington's most distinguished houses. Ground-floor library 20x30, 2 other large rooms adjoining; drawing room 20x30, large air-conditioning unit, gas heat, large garden overlooking Rock Creek Park. Now used as headquarters by National Medical Group. House equipped with indirect office lighting. Available 1st July, 1948. Price, $89,500. Rental, $850 per month. Both Properties May Be Seen by Appointment SANDOZ, INC. 2 Dupont Circle N.W. Exclusive A tents DU. 1234 COUNTRY LIFE ... for city folk ... in beautiful Ever had a longing for the country life . . . yearned for the tranquility of a peaceful home apart from everyone else . . . your own piece of this earth, out where the air is fresh and the freedom of living is limitless? North Springbrook . . . one of the four combined Spring brook communities compris ing more than 800 acres, of planned acreage homesites . . . was conceived, planned and became a reality because its developer had a single objective in mind—the cre ation of small estates in a location convenient and ac cessible, with an alluring nat ural beauty, in an environ ment that achieves the ideal for those who would, in a modest way, be of the landed gentry. The beautiful acres that comprise North Springbrook offer the perfect setting for a home ... a spot where neighbors with kindred in terests might build modest es tates ... where sylvan beauty would become part of a country atmosphere, with horses and dogs, summer and winter sports, and all the advantages of country life. You’ll find the unexpected in North Springbrook . . . real country, historic ground with reminders of days long ago .. . unspoiled natural beauty . . . bubbling brooks . . . tree shaded streams. And all this lies within a 30-minute drive of the heart of the city, mak ing possible a home in. the country for year-round living within easy access of down town. Homes planned show the high standards which, the developer will maintain in North Springbrook. There will be no crowding . . . homes cannot be placed close together. This unique community prides itself in its winding lanes and genuine rustic set ting. And, by rigid restric tions, high standards always will be maintained; desir able and congenial neighbors always will be yours. So, if you would have your home give you not just shel ter, but lots of pleasure, too, decide on North Springbrook ... or one of the other Springbrook communities. North SPRINGBROOK on Clenmont -Colesville Road . . . just beyond Silver Spring Homesites of 1, 2, 3 or More Acres Select your plot now for present or future building. Complete plan ning, architectural, financing, and building services may be arranged through our office. Not only are permanence and enhancement of values in North Springbrook assured by careful planning and the covenants and restrictions recorded against all parcels, but enhance ment is further increased by the comparatively low prices. Many parcels averaging more than a full acre in size are priced between $1,800 and $2,500—including paved roadways without charge or as sessment of any kind against the purchasers. Larger parcels are pro portionately higher. Payments may be spread over a period of three years if desired. APPEALING CALIFORNIA RANCH-TYPE RAMBLERS ARE NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT HOME-4 BEDROOMS-2 BATHS Rambling more than 100 feet in width, this appealing dwelling was designed for gracious and comfortable living. The eight rooms, all on one floor, are of unusually generous size, tastefully decorated, and ideally arranged for entertaining. Servants’ rooms partially com pleted above 2-car garage. Recreation room in basement.. Rear pic ture window. Oil-fired hot-water heating system. Another similar plan now under construction. OPEN SUNDAY, 1 to 7 P.M. Inspection other days by appointment only. Drive Out Sunday W MAfifii 1005 Bonifant Street GTjO. I. Silver Spring, Maryland . Realtor SHepherd 2600