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Church Federation Annual Meeting at Constitution Hall Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo will be the principal speaker at the 28th annual meeting of the Washington Feder ation of Churches on May 3, at 8 p.m. Dr. Sizoo, formerly minister of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, is president of New Bruns wick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. The meeting will be held at Constitution Hall. An invitation has been extended to all churches of the Washington area. The official representatives of the 200 member-churches will be seated in a reserved section of the hall and a brief period will be given to items of business and the election of new officers. Admission will be by ticket, but free of charge, and may be secured from pastors of churches or the federation office. _> 'The Methodist Church' Topic of Dr. J. R. Rustin Dr. John R. Rustin, pastor of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church, will give the fourth in his series of sermons on "The Methodist Church” tomorrow evening, with the subject, •‘The Doctrines of Methodism.” The young adult "school for Christian living” will continue at 7 p.m. Miss Margaret Fletcher, a repre sentative of the British Ministry of Information, will talk to the forum tomorrow morning on "Life in Brit ain Today.” — Rev. A.J.du Bois Delegate To English Convention The Rev. Albert J. du Bois, rector of St. Agnes’ Episcopal Church, has been named as one of the delegates to the International Convention of Priests of the Anglican Communion to be held at Famham Castle, Sur rey, England, from June 21 to June 25. During the month of July, Father du Bois will be priest in charge of St. George's English Church in Paris, France, and the rector of that parish will supply at St. Agnes’ in Wash ington. Glathnlir ST. MARY'S | 5th St. Between G and H Sti. N.W. I Sunday Masses, 7, 8:30, 10:15, 1 1:15, 12:15 MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Ever? Monde? Masses 8 atid 10 A.M. Devotions at 11:30 A M.. 12:05. 4:00. 4:30. 6:00. 5:30. 6:00, 6:30. 7:15. 8:00. 8:45 and fl:]5. 8:00 Broadcast Over WWDC. A Lesson For the Week By William T. Ellis The Bible’s old-fashioned teach ings of personal righteousness are bound to become a vogue. A reali zation of God, whose will for man kind is clear, will accomplish what reformers have failed to effect. There is noth ing new or sen sational in this simple truth. It is as old-fash ioned as sun light. In all its rugged and in exor able sim plicity it was proclaimed, thou sands of years ago, by the wm. t. Eiiis. o 1 d Testament prophets. These old prophets were no fools. They were not sequestered, | unworldly hermits, interested only in personal piety. Their vision was supremely statesmanlike, and dealt definitely with the aflairs of na tions. The ancient prophets saw more clearly than kings or officials the international stiuations of the day, and they fearlessly proclaimed the remedy. Zechariah, the prophet whose writings engage our attention to day, was no exception. He was a priest, and along with the layman Haggai he had shaken the Jews out of the lethargy into which many of them fell after their return from the Babylonia Exile, and had persuaded them to rebuild the tem ple. Whereas the layman Haggai pounded his contemporaries, Zecha riah tried to persuade them. Be tween them they got the temple built; which makes plain the truth that every man must be allowed to approach his tasks in the way that suits him best, and that the only prerequisite to success is sin cerity. Out of the religous shortcomings i of the Jewish nation sprang all the i evils of open sin. The people who had been well enough satisfied to go along without a temple had fallen into injustice and every evil way. j When they turned their backs upon God and began to caper in the groves and high places of idolatry, they at the same time turned their backs upon the pure, stern morality of the Mosaic law. The Sunday school lesson for April 25 is “Zechariah Pleads for Right eousness.” Zechariah 1:1-4; 7:8-14; 8:16-17. (flatfrolir ST. DOMINIC'S Sixth and E Street! S.W. SUNDAY MASSES: 8. 8:46, 7:30. », 10. 11:15. 12:15. DAILY MASSES: i >7 8‘30 Holy Hour. Wednesday Evening. 7:30. Roeary Every Evening. 7:30. ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH 10th and G Streets N.W. SUNDAY MASSES-^-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12:15. Solemn—1 0 A.M. WEEKDAY MASSES—7, 7:30, 8, 12:10. Daily Exposition from 12:30 to 5:30 P.M. Daily Rosary and Benediction at 5:30 P.M, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Eighth and N Streets N.W. SUNDAY MASSES: 2 o.m., 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10, 10:45, 1 1 :30 and 12:1.5 Noon. SERMON TOPIC: "Education and tha Right* o# tha Church." MIRACULOUS MEDAL AND ST. JUDE DEVOTIONS EVERY THURSDAY AFTER 12:15 NOON MASS. SORROWFUL MOTHER NOVENA—FRIDAYS, 7:45 P.M. DAILY WEEKDAY MASS AT 12:15 NOON, NEW COURSE OF INSTRUCTIONS IN THE CATHOLIC RELIGION By THE REV. JOHN S. SPENCE ST. MATTHEW'S CATHEDRAL CLUD 1814 N St. N.W. Every Tuesday and Friday Evenings at 7:00 Beginning Tuesday, April 27 Non-Catholics and Catholics Welcome (Tljr (Cmtgrrgattnnal GUjurrljfB LINCOLN TEMPLE 11th end R Streets N.W. ROBERT W. BROOKS, Minister "A Hearty Welcome to All Racial Groups" 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. "Facing the Dilemma of Right and Wrong." Dr. Brooks preaching. 5:00 p.m.—Dr. John W. Rustin, Pastor Mt. Vernon Methodist Church, "It Is Hard to Pioneer." Otis Holly, Soloist. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 10th and G Street* N.W. Carl Heath Kopf Hubert S. Beckwith Whitford L. Hall 11 A.M. Rev. Hubert S. Beckwith will preach on “CAN WE AVOID HYSTERIA?” 8P.M. “A DOUBLE-MINDED MAN” 9:45, Church School 6 P.M., Youth Groups Silver Spring JOHN F. MCCLELLAND, Minister All Service* at Montgomery Blair Hifb School. .501 Dale Drive 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. "A Fixed Heart. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. PEOPLE'S 631 M St. N.W. 9:30 a m.—Graded Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. "Puttine Lite Cnder Pressure." Thursday. 8 p.m.—Midweek Service Preparatory to Holv Com munion. Arthur Fletcher Elmes. Minister. "The Friendliest Church in the City" CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell St. N.W. ALFRED WESLEY HIRST, D.D., Minister. 9:40 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Topic: ''The For ward Look," Rev. P. M. Widenhouse, New York City, Guest Preacher. Nursery for Children. 6:30 p.m^-Young People. A FRIENDLY CHURCH OF WORSHIP IN ARLINGTON. The ROCK SPRING CHURCH Rock Serine and Little Falls Rd. North 36 Years of Community Service. _PAUL R. HUNTER, Minister._ Mount Pleasant 1410 Columbia Road N.W. Ministers FRED SHERMAN BUSCHMEYER, EDMUND ROBERT STRAIT. 1 1 :00 A.M.—Morning Worship. "HOW CHRISTIAN CREED AND ORGANIZATION GREW." Charlotte R. Watkins," Soloist. Adult Study Group meets »t in o clock PLYMOUTH 17th and P Sts. N.W. L. Maynard Catchinrs. Minister 0:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:60 a m.—Worshio Service. 8ermon sub.iect: ‘By God's Grnee.‘ Thursday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Praise 8ervtce COME, ^ORSHIF WITH Ul. Churches in Washington . St. Paul's Catholic Church Was Organized In 1885; Msgr. James F. Mackin First Pastor mmmmZtrv'■ . — . Edifice at Fifteenth and V streets N.W. One of a series of sketches by Star Artist Leslie Bontz. By Caspar Nannes The history of St. Paul’s Catholic Church at Fifteenth and V streets N.W. is chiefly the story of two priests. The first gave 40 years of his life to creating and establishing the parish on a firm basis; the sec ond spent 20 years in building fur ther on the solid foundation erected by his predecessor. Msgr. James F. Mackin started to organize the parish in 1885. He had come in October that year as as sistant priest at St. Matthew’s Church, with the prescribed task of creating St. Paul's Parish. On October 3, 1886, the corner stone for the new chapel was laid. On May 19, 1887, the chapel was dedicated and on September 1, 1889, the parish was formally established. Work on the present church was started September 18, 1893. The first mass was celebrated by Father Mackin Christmas Day 1894 and the church was dedicated five days later. Prior to the erection of the chapel the parishioners worshiped at St. Matthew’s Church, from which par ish the new parish was taken. Father Mackin organized fhe Sun day school in 1887. A year lat^r the parish schools were founded and placed under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Cross. The Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society was started in 1889 and 11 years later the Sodality and the Holy Name Society were formed. The pastor was elected to the I rank of domestic prelate to the ! Pope in 1908. He continued to ! build the parish until his death in 1925. The Sacred Heart Shrine in the church is a- memorial to him. ! Msgr. Mackin was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas McGuigan, who died two years later. He, in turn,! was followed by the Rev. Cornelius J. Dacey, who began his 20-vear i pastorate in July, 1927. He died August 25, 1947. Many of the present parishioners have served St. Paul’s Church for many years. John R. Brown, head usher, has been with the church since 1893. Charles W. Plunkett was born in the parish in 1892, made his first communion there and has National (Eabgrttarlg Concluding Services of a Great Campaign The NATIONAL TABERNACLE Georgia Ave. N.W. at Piney Branch Rd. Rev. D* LOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 AM.—Worship Service Broadcast Over Station WOOK ' Evangelist Guthrie's Sermon: "No Mon Cared for My Soul" \ 7:45p.m.—Great Evangelistic Serv ice of Sermon and Song. Rev. Robt. D. Guthrie Evangelist Guthrie’s Sermon: "The Blind Man From Jericho" Instrumental and Vocal Music by "The Two Stans" You Will Never Forget Don’t Miss These Great Services flUturrfr of (flfrrint (Cfrnrtfr of (flltrigt THE ASTONISHING DOCTRINE OF CHRIST NO. 3 It is doubtful if any doctrine taught by Jesus was as astonish ing to the people'as the doctrine of eternal punishment. The teaching that the W'icked would ba cost into "the furnace of fire," into "everlasting fire," with resulting "everlasting pun ishment" (Matt. 13 : 49, 50; 25: 41-46; Jude 6), was then— and is now—objectionable to many who read these scrip tures (Mat. 13: 54). However, only a casual reference to the many passages which deal with this matter will service to convince the honest person that God made the place called Hell for the "devil and his angels." But those who follow the devil will iikewise be punished with an everlasting punishment from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power. Astonishing? Yes: to those who won't accept the teaching of the Bible; to those who are unwilling to do what God demands in order to reach Heaven, as well as to the ones who will not accept the fact that the power is in the Word of God. 1 SILVER SPRING, MD. New Coexit, Office BniMing. 85)2 Colesville Rood. Bible Stud,—10:00 a m. Morning Worship—11:00 a m. Evening Worship—8:00 p.m. ARLINGTON, VA. 20 North Irving St. HARRY PICKUP. Sr., Minister. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a m. and 7:45 p.m.— James Finney. Philadelphia, Pa., Guest Speaker AVALON HEIGHTS^ 28th and Oouglot Streets N.E. At Bladentburg Rood HARRY PICKUP. Jr.. Minieter. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 e.m.—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Young People’s Meeting 8:00 pm.—Evening Service. MT. RAINIER 3321 Vi Bunker Hill Reed O. L. 8TOUT. Minister. 10:00 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 e.m.—Sermon 8:00 p m.—Sermon. Wed.. 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Lee Room,'George Mason Hotel Hugo McCord, Minister 11:00 a m.—“Our Rich Priest.” 7:00 p.m—Training Class. 8:00 p.m.—' Demis and Luke.” FOURTEENTH STREET 3460 14th Street N.W. C. E. MeGAUGHEY. Minister. 10:00 e.m.—Bible School 11:00 ajn.—Morning Worship. 7:00 pin.—Young People Meet. S OOp m.—Brangelistie Serrlee. 1 I been an ushey since 1916. Many of the members have been associated! ! with the church since 1900 or be fore. Among those whose efforts aided: the church during the years were ' John D. Leonard, John Coughlin,; Patrick H. O'Farrell, George E.! Hamilton, James A. Cahill, Charles! A. Dunn, J. Maury Done and Wil liam L. Solean. Ambassador Jules. Jusserand of France and Mme. Jus serand also were active. The main altar was donated by Mrs. Marshall Field of Chicago. The white marble altar rail is a me morial to the late Senator Thomas Carter of Montana. The Rev. Edmond J. Fontaine was appointed pastor last month by the Most Rev. Patrick A. O'Boyle, Arch ; bishop of Washington. He had been acting as administrator of parish | following the death of Father Da cey. He served as assistant pastor | in 1924 under Msgr. Mackin, hold ing assignments in Maryland until his return to St. Paul’s as assistant pastor In 1945. Organized Bible Classes By Dr. Page McK. Etchison Dr. Wilbur LaRoe, Jr., moderator of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., will be the guest speaker at the Men’s Bible Cliass of New York avenue Presby terian Church. The Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall will participate in the program. All the adult classes have been invited. The Burrall Class of Calvary Baptist Church will have Miss J e n nie Reilly, missionary from India, as guest speaker. The class banquet Dr- Etchison. will be held Thursday evening with Mrs J. B. Calkins, President, Inter national YWCA, as the speaker. The Bell Class elected Dr. Viola E. Reece, teacher; Mrs. James C. Craft, co teacher; Mrs. John A. Smith, presi dent; Mrs. Zula Stockard, vice presi dent; Miss Hattie McGeorge, re cording secretary. Miss Sara A. Lytle, assistant; Mrs. F. C. Mc Clockey, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ada M. Greene, treasurer, Mrs. W. M. Hayward, assistant and Mrs. Nettie E. Brail, hostess. The Vaughn Class-will hold an executive committee meeting Monday evening at the home of Dr. Nelson M. Drake. Election of officers will be held at 8 p.m., Friday. Richard Arens will be the guest speaker at the Trinity Men's Class of Trinity Methodist Church. The Templemen’s Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church will be taught by Norman Sandridge. The Rainbow Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will be taught by Miss Ruth Thompson. Mrs. Morton L. Ring will present the devotional message to the Sus annah Wesley Class and Mrs. Broadus Wright will teach the les son. The Rev. Leonard T. Edmonds, director, social welfare department, Washington Federation of Churches, will be the guest speaker at the Rustin Couples class'. Miss Marg aret Fletcher of the British Min istry for Information, will speak to the Forum. The Fellow Workers Class will meet at the home of Dr. Enattrjdtral attii CONCORDIA evangelical I 20th and G Sts. N.W. CHARLES ENDERS, D. D., Pastor. • 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship with Sermon: •'We Can With God." 6:30 p.m—Youth Fellowship. Nursery Purine Service Eserybody Welcome; GRACE REFORMED 15th and 0 N.W. REV. ROBERT OLEWILER. Pastor. The Notional Reformed Church 9:40 A.M. Church School. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. "Postscript to Piety." 6:30 P.M. Christian ; Endeavor. FIRST REFORMED1#*.*. TftT REV. F. NELSEN SCHLEGEL. Pastor. 9:45 a.m.—Smiday School. 11:0 l a.m.—worship and Sermon. ncTuci 4347Risd., DLlntL Arlington, Va. REV. LEE A. PEELER, D. D., Factor. 9:46 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"Chnreh Union.” * (flfrrtgtiatt Qlfrurrfofi (Bteriplgg) COLUMBIA HEIGHTS „ 5L. 10:50a.m.—Sermon: "Sailing Successfully." 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. THE NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thomo Circle J. WARREN HASTINGS Minister MYRON W. CHRISMAN Associate Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School 10:50 a.m.—Morning Worship "Love Reborn." Dr. Hastings I _____ 7:00 p.m.—Young Adult Fellowship. Ninth Strut Christian Church 9th & D Sts. N.E. J LLOYD BLACK. Minister. RHODES M. ARTZ. Associate Minister. 9:30 a m.—Bible School. 10:50 a m.—”Givinif God a Chance.” 7:45 p.m.—“Buildini Anew.” Rhodes M. Artz._ PARKVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Eastern Ave. & 12th St. N.W. One Blk. West of Georsia, Alaska Term. George Martin Anderson, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 1 1 :00 a m.—Morning Worship. 7 :00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. FIFTEENTH STREET 1Mb St. and Kentucky Are. S.E. Verral L. Smith. Minister Pro Tem. 9:40 a.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—“A Race for Life.** 7:oo p.m.—Youth Fellowship. MT DA Illicit 33rd St. and m I ■ nAinien Bunker Hill Rd. P::to a m.—Bible School. 10:45 a.m.—Chaplain Harold G. Elsam. “The Power of Purpose.” 6:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 7:45 p.m.—“The Prophet Iaalah.’*_ WILSON BOULEVARD Wilson BM. ot N. Piedmont St. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA GLENDALE BURTON, Minister. fl:45 a.m.—Church School. ll:0(la.m.—MorninR Service. Broadeaatinr Over WEAM (1390) 11:00 a.m.—Junior Church. 4:00 p.m.—Chi Rho Fellowship. 6:00 p.m.—Christian Youth Fellow ship. 7:00 p.m.—Young Adult Forum. Hutheratt (Missouri Synod) ONE YEAR to LIVE 'The doctors give him only one more year to live." Whot would you do if you knew that this yeor wos your lost? Nothing could be more importonf than getting right with God. This involves two things. The first is a fronk con fession of our sins and the second is a firm reliance upon the atoning death of Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Whether we have one yeor to five or fifty, this is the most important thing for us right now! LUTHERAN SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 9:45 A.M CHRIST (D. C.) IMMANUEL (Alexandria) __16th and Gallatin. Eev. Wm. F. L80’ Kj1*"1} 1 R*V> Wiln*r Bruenine. 8:31) and 11 a.m. D Menalne, 11 a.m. PILGRIM (Westgate, Md.) BETHLEHEM (D. C.) Srrkr^BcS&erfl1 .St 2407 Minnesota 8.1. Rev. *. C. FIRST LUTHERAN R,kow CHURCH FOR THE DEAF OUR SAVIOUR (Arlington) Christ (D. C l 5101 16th St., I" x.vlnr Rev N W. Rev. W. A. Westermann. Ninth *n<1 fl,h . l0T‘ K* ' 11:15 a.m. Paul Kavasch, 11 a m. Ascension (Lapdover Hills) P-459 Z°rnh ATe ' ReT- E' PlePl0W MOUNT OLIVET . (D. C.) FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30. ISd 11 a*®”' (Hyattsvflle, Md.) 38th and Lonefellow. Rev. E. PAT VARY (Silver Sprint) Pieplow, 10 a.m. Sundar School LALVARI tsnver apiiuj; fl a m Jr Hleh School. Second Ave. Green belt Mission MSEJIj'.”: At sehnnl 1S:3U Rev. E. Pieplow. Sunday School. 11:30 a m. TRINITY fl» D TRINITY (Mt. Rainier) v ™ .30th and Bunker Hill. Rev. X. Pourtb and ® w ”u*° Pieplow, 8:30, 11 a m. and 8 p.m Hennig. 11 a.m. Tupa In "The Lutheran Hour” 12:3ft, WOL and 2:30 WOOK i I—' ■—^——1— land Mrs. Arnold Scott on Monday evening. Judge A. Judson Findley will be the guest teacher of the Pinkham Bible Class of National Baptist Me morial Church. The Mispah Class will hold a business meeting Tues day evening. The Fidelis Fellowship Class of the Brightwood Park Methodist Church will have Mrs. Emma L. Boss of the Jaynes Class. Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church, as guest teacher. The Mr. and Mrs. Bible Class of the Ninth street Christian Church joined the Organized Bible Class As sociation. Officers are Mrs. Claire Colsten, teacher; Mrs. Frank Per egrim, president; Walter Jowers, vice president; Leory Eroh, secretary and Harold Snell, treasurer. The L. F. O. Class of Brookland Methodist Church elected Mrs. Claudia Hildebrand and Mrs. Bernice Carlton, teachers; Mrs. Alma Marshall, president; Mrs. Grace Ross, Mrs. Helma Jones, vice presidents; Mrs. Pearl Stackhouse, treasurer, Mrs. Della Keller, assist ant; Mrs. Madeline Hoagland, cor responding secretary and Mrs. Pearl Leusenkamp, recording secretary. Mrs. Hildebrand will teach tomor row. The Homebuilders Bible Class of the Washington City Church of the Brethern will hold a dinner to morrow at 1 p.m. * Representative W. M. Wheeler of Georgia will be the guest teacher of the Harrison Bible Class of St. Luke’s Methodist Church. The Calvary Crusaders Class of Calvary Methodist Church will have charge of the joint adult assembly. Dean of Chichester At Epiphany Church The Very Rev. Arthur S. Duncan : Jones, dean of Chichester, England, will be the guest preacher at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Church of the Epiphany. He is the son of a clergyman. The young adults’ forum will meet at 6 p.m. for supper, to be followed by discussion on methods of bringing about better understand ing between different racial groups in this community. The Young I People's Fellowship from Immanuel ion-the-Hill, Alexandria, will be guests. Rev. T. M. Steen to Speak At Foundry Methodist The Rev. Thomas Steen of th* Washington Federation of Churches will be the guest preacher at S pjh. tomorrow at Foundry Methodist Church. The University of Christian Living of the Foundry Forge will be con tinued through May 23. Catholic Evidence Guild The Washington Catholic Evi dence Guild will sponsor a religious forum in Franklin Park at Four teenth and K streets N.W., on Sun day from 3 to 5 p.m. The forum will be under the direction of the Paulist Fathers and several speakers from St. Paul’s College will appear on the program. All are invited to attend and take part in these informal discussions. aUtigiuurf Eftttrtfttmt Ctntar of Raligiaut EdmattM 1SSS tlth 8L N.W. ■eaier. April S»—S:S# aad • ML JAMES W. McGUIRE . „ “Lifting Life to Lofty Levels MINA 8. SPAULDING “Browning, Poet of Mysticism Frt.. e seas t«ta ■t,.H.w.t Apt. SOS. Lillian T. "klnwn. ; Jfrm Jrruealrm n. aSSWiwr a, ]Ath St. Ak*« O N.W. *EV. WILLIAM r. WUNSCH. Mlnlftar. 10:00 a m.—Church School. 10:18 a.m.—Adult Bible Chn. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worihl*. 'The Close of the Age." flUfrlrtaftflplfUm Christadelphian Ecclcsia 8. 8. 10 a.m. Serrice. 11 a m. 1012 Oth St, N.W.. 3rd PI. Public Invited. intfrftfnominat tonal (Sljf (Blpirrlf ©f tiff &aotour • An Ecumenical Church. Hat.. 1707 19tk 81. N.W. Tel. Ml .**— NEWTON GORDON COSBT. MlnlaUr. Sunday Worihip, 11 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Children'! Hour. 4:30 p.m. School of Chriatlan Living. Pridayi Supper 7.30 p m- Claates, 8:30 pjn. Broadctst. Sunders, » to 9:18 am. _WEAM. 1390.__ _ ffirgabgtman NEW YORK AVE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (13th and H Streets N.W. at New York Avenue) Presents MtJSICALE SYMPHONY—CHORE S—ORGAN Sunday, April 25 At 8:00 P.itf. Organ Concerto No. 7- Handel Clarinet Concerto Psalm 86 (Choir and Orchestra). Holst Fugue in G Minor Oberon Overture-Weber ORCHESTRA OF 30 WILLIAM WATKINS, Organist CHARLES DANA BEASCHLER, Conductor _ Cutfrgrati Church of Che Reformation 212 Eott Capitol Street Capitol Hill Dr. Otcar F. Blackwelder Rev. James G. Hern Rev. Arnold F. Keller, Jr. Patten. Jula O. Zabawa, Minister of Music. 8:30 am—MATIN SERVICE. Sermon: "B1INQ SWIFT TO HBAR." Feetor Bora. 8:30 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL. 8 45 pm—LUTHER LEAGUES- _ 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP Sermon: “THE BEATITUDES: II. THEY THAT MOURN," Dr. Blackwelder. 8 00 pm_EVENING SERVICE. Sermon: "TELLING BIGHT FROM WRONO." Dr. Blackwelder. The Pablle la Cordlallr Invited.__ teller jHetnotial Maryland Avenue end Ninth Street N.I. DR. CARL R. SIMON, Pester 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Doer of Deeds." 8 :00 p m.—"Come Let Us Sing." The Homelike Church <§race 16th and Varnum St*. N.W. Garhard E. Lantki Palter. 9:45 A.M. Church School. ; 11:00 A.M. "God’a of Comfort.” Pastor Lenslcl. i 8:00 P.M. Vespers— "Headed for ! . What?" Pastor Holle. AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., east of 16th CLARENCE T. NELSON, Pastor 'llBifwmpT 9:45 A.M. ' Church School. ") A 9:45 and 11 A.M. • ^ "My Friend*." 6:00 p.m.-» Fireside. j FAITH Lee Bled, at Jaeksan St. ARLINGTON, VA. BOBEBT W. LONG. Paatar. 8:30 and 11 am—"The Jot of Jjelnr— For Poor Children.' 9:40 a.m.—Church School _ ST. PAUL'S Conn. Ave. at Everett St. N.W. HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D.. Minister 9:30a.m.—Church School. 11 :00 a.m.—"The Man With the Second Chance." 7:00 p.m.—Luther League._ GOOD SHEPHERD Braddock Read or Luray Ave. ALEXANDRIA, VA. REV. A. E. GYSAN. Paator. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday 8chool. 11:00 a.m.—Momln* Service._ ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN Lather M. Sehnlie. Pastor. | 9-30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worahlp.___ atonement No. Cap. and K. I. Ave. Rev. Paul L. Raasar, Pu*tar 9 00 and 11:00 a.m.—Worahlp and Sermon. »:00 a.m.—Children * Sunday School. 10:00 a.m.—Adult Sunday School. ' 7 00 p.m.—Luther Learue. tBLSLV&Z & Arlington—Resurrection (United Lutheran Church In America)| AOOO N Wash. Bled, at Powhatan DANAILJOHNSON, Pnstw. 8:30 and 11 :00 Is.jn. ‘•GOD S GOSSIP.” Nursery During Service ZION N*WR?r?D^RiniBiLEV.*PMUrKW : 9:40 a m —Sunday School „ 11:00 am.— Let Your Lisht 3* Shine. Friday. April 30—8 no P.M. Lutheran World Action .Film, "March of Faith."_ , Gtorgttown Lutheran Churah (Found'd 1799) Wisconsin Ava. and Volte PI. N.W. HAROLD K. BEATTY, Paator. 9:48a.m.-»und.fnr^hogl.pMrt(^-ln 11:00 a m —“The Melody of the dalrlL" 7:00 o m.—Lather League Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Bsrvlct. Note the Sign—The Old Boll HOLY COMFORTER 3319 Alabama Avo. .S.i, R. LUTHER RHODES. Paster. 9:45 a m.—Churtfh School for All Agei. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. (Nursery During Service.) J:00 p m.—Luther League.__ LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas Circle, Nth and N, N.W. L. RALPH TABOR, D. D., Paator. JAMES M. SINGER. Assistant. 0:43 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—The Service: Broadcast Over WINX "ON KNOWING THINGS WORTH WHILE” ft P.M. Oraan Recital and Vesper* “BELIEVING THOMAS” « and 7 P.M. Supper and Youth Martina* I’UIIItiT Of Bethsada 1/HnIS 1 Chevy chase Old Geersetown Read at Glanhrsak. REV. OTTO C. SCHCETZE, Paator. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. TAKOMA LUTHERAN Seventh and Dahlia Sts. N.W. /Three Blocks East of Walter Reed* New Church Site: S.W. Corner 13th St. and Eastern Av«. N.W. 8unday School at 9:45 a.m. t Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: “Let’s Sing a New Seng." Hl-T Luther League, 7:00 p.m ST. MARK'S AND THE INCARNATION 14th «nd Gollotin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synod, United Lutheran Chnreb) REV. HENRY MANKEN. Jr.. B. »•• Pastor. 9:48 a m —Bible School, all a*as. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon 11:00 to 12:00 a.m.—Church Time Nurs 7:00 p.m.—Youn* Paopla’a Luth or Leaaue. ST. MATTHEW’S Kentucky Ave. at ISth S.E. REY. T. RENE MEYER. Paata*. 9:30 a m.—Sunday .School. 11-00 a.m,—Sermon by the Pastor , , (Nursery durino 11 o clock service) _A Cordial Welcome to All- I fet. lube Corner Colosvillo Rood and Highland Drivo, Silver Spring. REV. ROBERT E. LEI, Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 1 00 a.m.—"Th# Needed Aft of Worship." Pastor Lee preoching. Nursery for Smell Children 7:00 p.m.—Luther League. Th* Friendly Chureh With the Red Own. 4