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Boys' and Girls' Week Will Open Today at Capital Churches “Bois’ and Girls’ Week," spon sored here by the Council of Social) Agencies and proclaimed by the) District Commissioners, begins to day as members of many youth organizations in the city are sched uled to attend churches as groups. The seven days of activities honoring youth has been com-; mended by the Rt. Rev. John J. j Russell, director of Catholic Chari-) ties, and the Rev. ’Leonard Ed-) monds, director. Social Welfare de-i partment, Washington Federation of; Churches, and many other civic and; religious leaders. The period dedicated to youth is sponsored nationally by the Boys and Girls Weeks Committee of the United States. The theme has been announced as, ‘‘Youth—Key to the Future.” In proclaiming the week in Washington, the Commissioners called for emphasis on the theme to "focus public attention upon boys and girls, their potentialities and their problems.” Gen. Harry Vaughan, presidential aide, will, on behalf of the President and the American Legion, present miniature American flags to a group of boys and girls from Community Chest agencies at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The ceremony will be televised on station WNBW. Beginning at 8 a m. tomorrow, boys and girls from vari ous agencies of the Council of; Social Agencies will be interviewed on Station WWDC. The week's schedule follows:) Monday, Youth Day in Schools;) Tuesday, Family Day; Wednesday,; United” Nations Day; Thursday, Career Day; Friday, Recognition Day, and Saturday, Health and Recreation Day. Margarine <Continued From First Page.1 | ■- i will add a fillip to the tax repeal! drive. Representative Anderson, j California Republican, who heads the subcommittee, is expected to of fer at tomorrow’s meeting a sub- j stitute but similar measure for that of the two original sponsors, Mr. Rivers and Representative Mitchell, Republican, of Indiana. The Rivers bill—the one which will come to the House floor to morrow—^would end all Federal taxes and license fees. At present, there is a 10-cent a pound tax on colored margarine and a quarter cent tax on the uncolored variety.1 Federal license fees are $600 for manufacturers of either type, $480! for wholesalers of colored margarine | and $200 for white, $48 for retailers of colored and $6 for white. Compromises Expected. Several comprimise measures are expected to be offered on the House floor, both by members who signed the discharge petition and by oppo nents of any tax repeal. Most likely of adoption, if the! complete repealer does not carry, I is one expected to be offered by Representative Corbett, Republican of Pennsylvania, to set the tax on I all types of margarine at a quarter cent a pound. The Corbett bill also would, in effect, levy a tariff of 10 cents a pound of imported cocoa nut oil by putting a 10 cent tax on margarine made of other than do mestic oils. Chief domestic oils now used in margarine come from cottonseed and soybeans. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Rivers said yesterday, however, they will fight for complete tax repeal and hope to win it. Fate of the tax repeal measure in the Senate, if it passes the House this week, is uncertain. Backers are hopeful, however, that the recent indorsement by Senator Taft, Re publican, of Ohio will guarantee the j measure’s reaching the Senate floor | for a vote. Barring a filibuster by j dairy State Senators, they are cer-; tain they can win a majority vote. Lobbies Press Battle: Last night, as a final battle of the mimeograph machines in butter and margarine lobby offices w'hirled to a finish. Mr. Mitchell let loose a blast at the Cudahy Packing Co. Cudahy, through its president, F. W Hoffman, had come out for re tention of the margarine taxes. Mr. Mitchell said Mr. Hoffman’s state ment was not “fooling any one,’ that he is only protecting his in vestment "in a newly acquired pat ent which allegedly makes it easier for Mrs. Housewife to color her mar garine at home.” The House member was referring to the plastic bag container now used by Cudahy and some other, but not all, margarine manufacturers. He said Mr. Hoffman’s action would not “endear" him to distributors,. retail grocers or consumers and that j if he. Mr. Mitchell, were chairman | of Cudahy's board of directors he would cali for the president's resig nation. Boy; 11, Hanged in Game Of Cops and Robbers By the Associated Press WATSONVILLE, Calif.. April 24. —A game of “cops and robbers” ended last night in the accidental death by hanging of 11-year-old Merlin K. Tweedy of Corralitos. Merlin was playing with his 7 year-old brother, Vern. The younger boy said Merlin told him he would demonstrate how “bad guys” are hanged. He placed a sliD knot around his neck, climbed a tree and fastened the other end of the rope to a branch. Then his feet slipped and he fell. His mother cut him down. He died in her arms, his neck broken. I | jsg Here's your opportunity to become a H confident, popular partner at low cost. You'll be delighted to see how quickly | and easily you donee the Fox-Trot, I Waltz, Rumba, Tango and Samba when j!ij you have instruction from Leroy Thayer •£ experts. Classes ore limited . so enroll tomorrow. Studios open 11 A M. I to 10 P M. ■S Closing Enrollment Dates April 26 and 27th ( LEROY THAYER STUDIOS I 1644 Connecticut Ave. », - i COMMUNITY LENDS A HAND—Into the window of the Public Library’s Chevy Chase branch at 3815 Livingston street N.W., go more of the books donated by residents of Chevy Chase. The books are destined for the library branch’s expanded quarters in the old E. V. Brown School, now being converted into a library-recreation center. Shown fixing the window display to boost the donation of books are, left to right; Miss Mary Jean Dooley, Miss Edith Ray Saul, branch librarian, and Mrs. Esther M. Klaphaak. The library is seeking classics, reference works and special interest books of all types from gardening to applied science. » —Star Staff Photo. House Press Gallery Supervisor To Mark 35th Year in Post William J. Donaldson, jr„ will celebrate his 35th year as superin tendent of the House Press Gallery at a party at the National Press Club May 3. ! Arrangements for a buffet sup i per in his honor ! are being made by a joint com mittee of corres pondents headed [by James L. j Wright, chief of the Washington bureau of the Buffalo Evening | News. i Mr. Donaldson has been keep | ing track of pol iticians and Mr. Donaldson. newsmen since May 17, 1911, when [ he was appointed a House page by | former Representative J. Charles Coal (Continued From First Page.l attention by the “exempt” men [themselves. The operators figure ! this obligation would add from 4 1 to 5 cents per ton of coal to the cost of the pensions and other wel fare benefits. Police Still Rounding Up Virginia Mine Rioters GRUNDY, Va., April 24 (/Ph—State police tonight still were rounding up the 166 miners charged with maim ing as a result of a clash with work ers at a nonunion strip mine. Commonwealth’s Attorney Isaac M. Lambert said he was not certain how many have been arrested so far but reported a "large number” were brought in and posted bond today. At least 11 were arrested yesterday and posted bond of $1,500 each for appearance at a hearing June 1, be fore Trial Justice W. Clyde Dennis. Sheriff Ishmael Fletcher said no j miners have been jailed so far. All have posted bond, he said. President Proclaims May 16-22 Trade Week President Truman yesterday is sued a proclamation designating the i week of May 16 as World Trade Week and calling for general ob servances that would center atten tion on the importance of inter national trade. He urged national and State offi cials to co-operate in the observ ance along with trade associations | and other groups which, he said, should have displays and exhibits illustrative of trade activities. ... jt DIAMOND i BARGAINS I That Are Difficult to Duplicate S f LADY'S SOI JT A IRE ’•> CT. ‘ $125 i f- LADY'S % CT. ... $150 g f LADY'S BLUE WHITE CT. | $175 | 1 LADY'S ~k CT. _$250 * | LADY'S NICE PLAT. 1 CT. g ... $300 1 F LADY'S FINEST COLOR 1 CT. | $350 I MAN'S 112 CT. . $350 « : LADY'S PLAT. AMERICAN 1 | CUT 1>4 CT_$475 | § 1>4 CT. -- $475 f | LADY'S FINE COLOR PLAT, f m 2 CT. _$675 I 1 LADY'S PERFECT 3 CT. $1,250 % if Above Price* Do Not Include Tax g f§ These extremely low prices are g ft made possible by our vast purchases of exceptionally fine ferns from =g g estates, banks, bankruptcy and sac- j ft rifice sales. You don’t pay fancy g | prices for overhead here. S LIVINGSTON & CO. I 1423 H ST. NW. 1 ME. 3440 ME. 2905 ? | Linthicum of Maryland. He was im i mediately assigned to the House ! Press Gallery and was elected super intendent of the gallery two years: later by the Standing Committee; of Correspondents. Thirty-seven years ago. when he ; first entered the press gallery serv ' ice, Champ Clark was beginning his career as House Speaker. At! that time the House Gallery had but j | two telephones, with only one for' outside calls. More than 800 cor respondents are on hand at the present time to ask him questions. Mr. Donaldson's "quiet please" j has quieted reporters on many tur bulent occasions. He has served the press at every national party convention since j i the Democratic conclave at Balti ! more in 1912. He will be on hand at the party conventions to be staged this year at Philadelphia. He also attended the United Na tions charter sessions at San Fran cisco and other noted gatherings. The Donaldsons live at 3730 Brandywine street N.W. The buffet will run from 6 to 9 p.m. Arrangements are being han dled through the National Press Club and the House and Senate galleries. Poland, Sweden Sign One-Year Trade Pact By the Associated Press WARSAW, April 24.—Poland and Sweden signed a one-year trade agreement today, effective May 1. Under it Poland will send 4,000, 000 tons of coal, coke and other ex ports to Sweden, valued at 280,000, 000 Swedish krona ($77,840,000). She will receive from Sweden cel lulose, iron ore, machinery and horses valued at 150,000,000 krona ($41.700.000). "PEAKE SERVICE" FOR THE TOPS IN SERVICE TAKE YOUR CAR TO PEAKE • Newest Equipment • Fast Service • Reasonable Prices la.ialt aai> MoPar PARTS DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH Direct Factory Dealer Wisconsin Avenue of Albemorlo ORdway 2000 Every man should own one... Ask your sweetheart, wife or sister! Is there any suit in which a man looks better than in a gray flannel? The answer is,plain! Look at the distin guished men in Washington! Every so often you will see them in gray flannel. For this suit is as important as bread-and-butter and roast beef— an essential factor in the wardrobe of a well-dressed man. Cambridge .Grey Flannel Suits Single and Double Breasted $68.50 to $130 Lewis & Thos. Saltz 1409 G Street, N. W. Executive 3822 Not connected with Sxlti Broi. Inc. Lana Turner, Topping Set For Wedding Tomorrow By the Associated Press HOLLYWOOD, April 24.—Actress Lana Turner and Bob Topping, tin plate heir, vacationed in Palm Springs today while the movie col ony awaited their wedding Monday. The way was cleared yesterday for the marriage when Arllne Judge, the 34-year-old Mr. Topping’s third wife, divorced him in Bridgeport, Conn., charging extreme cruelty. Mr. Topping was her fifth hus band. The marriage, the blond actress' studio said, will be solemnised by the Rev. Stewart P. MacLenhan, retired pastor of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church, at the Bel-Air home of William R. (Billy) Wilker son, Hollywood trade paper pub lisher. Mr. Wilkerson will be best man. Matron of honor will be Sara Hamilton, a magazine writer, and Miss Turner’s 5-year-old daughter, Cheryl, bom of her marriage to Stephen Crane, will be flower girl. Miss Turner was twice married to Mr. Crane and once to Artie Shaw, band leader. Miss Turner, 28, has ordered a $30,000 trousseau. Juel Park, lin gerie designer, said that Miss Tur ner’s order includes $5,000 worth of silk panties and nighties, with embroidered mottoes. “I can’t say what the mottoes are,” he added. Miss Turner and Mr. Topping plan an extended honeymoon in New York and Lon don. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION Qualified through practical knowledge to supervise the Estimating, Purchas ing. Accounting and actual field work of an organisation. Thorough knowl edge of mechanical trades. Capabili ties gained through practice, not the ory. Able assistant to busy executive. Presently employed. Prefer employ ment with more aggressive organisation. Box 480-V, Star 1 Plumbing—Healing We Specialize in New Construction—Remodeling Baths—Sinks—Showers Water Heaters—Boilers » 5 Expert Installations EASY PAYMENTS Free Estimates P. G. O'BRIEN For Prompt Service Phone SH. 6138 MALCOLM SCATES' 13th STREET STORE ONLY 4-piece Limed Oak Bed room Suite, consisting of Dresser and Mirror. Chest, Nite Table and 4-6 Bed. Was $*^85.00. Reduced to ~ ^"•^ONLY 35! ONE-OF-A-KIND BEDROOM SUJTES PRICE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Here's an opportunity to save! 35 one-of-a-kind Bedroom Suites in Malcolm Scates Washington store have been reduced 50% for Monday and Tuesday quick clearance. All brand-new merchandise.- Every -suite in this clearance is of the traditional Mal colm Scates quality. Our OPEN EVENING policy permits shopping "after hours" until 9 P.M. EACH EVENING. We advise early selection because items will be on sale only as long as the limited quantity lasts. Listed Belotc Are But a Feu Bedroom Suites From Which to Choose ‘ „ ... • -> • ' 6-piece Mahogany Hepplewhite Bedroom Suite. Dresser and Mirror, Vanity and Mirror, Chest, Nite Table, Bench, 4-6 Bed. Was $289.03. Re duced- to_ -$144.50 Chippendale Mahogany Suit£ consisting of 4 pieces. Dresser and Mirror, Nite Table, Chest, 4-6 Poster Bed. Was $425.00. Reduced to $212.50 'Gracious 6-piece Mahogany Hepplewhite Bed room Suite with Dresser and Mirror, Vanity and Mirror, Chest on Chest, Nite Table, Bench, 4-6 Bed. Was $475.00. Reduced to.. -$237.50 6-piece Chippendale Mahogany Suite with Dresser and Mirror, Vanity and Mirror, Chest on Chest, Nite Table, Bench and 4-6 Poster Bed. Was $525.00. Reduced to_ -$262.50 Traditional 6-piece Sheraton Mahogany Suite. Twin Dresser and Mirror, Vanity and Mirror, Chest, J\lite Table, Bench, 4-6 Bed. Was $395.00. Reduced to... _ $197.50 Modern 4-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite consisting of Vanity and Mirror, Chest, Bench, 4-6 Bed. Was $279.00. Reduced to..—-$139.50 4 - piece sunny, rich Limed Oak Suite. Dresser and Mirror, Chest, 4-6 Bed, Nite Table Was $359.00. Reduced to_$179.50 Sparkling, modern 6-piece Bleached Mahogany Suite. Dresser and Mirror, Vanity and Mirror, Chest, 4-6 Bed, Nite Table, Bench. Was $395 00. Reduced to - $197.50 6-piece modern and handsome Suntan Mahogany Suite consisting of Twin Dresser and Mirror, Van ity and Mirror, Chest, Nite Table, Bench, 4-6 Bed. Was $550.00. Reduced to.— -$275.00 Sturdy, 3-piece Silver Oak Modern Bedroom Suite. Dresser and Mirror, Chest, 4-6 Bed. Was $279,00. Reduced to- -$139.50 • ALL SALES FINAL • NO PHONE ORDERS • NO C. 0. D • NO MERCHANDISE HELD FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Charming 4 - p i e c e solid Mellow Maple Suite. Dresser and mirror, chest, 4-6 bed. nite table. Was $285.00 Reduced to $142.50