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Federation Asks'Equal Rights’ Clause in U. N. Declaration n n . i _ oy nuin uean 4 i Tire District Federation of Wom en s Clubs voted yesterday to re quest the United, Nations Commis sion on Human Rights to insert in the declaration of the international bill of rights and the covenant on human rights the phrase that “the rights of men and women be equal m all fields.” Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, legislation: chairman, introduced the resolution at the monthly meeting at the1 Hamilton Hotel, and announced the request would be forwarded im mediately in a letter to Mrs. Elea nor Roosevelt, chairman of the commission, which will meet in1 Geneva next month. The action was taken as the District Federation took up a num ber of resolutions scheduled to be presented before the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs at the annual convention next month in Portland, Oreg. The local organization voted to ask the General Federation to defer action on a resolution on the inter national bill of human rights, which requests that the United States “promptly ratify” the document as well as the treaty for its imple mentation. It was pointed out that these two documents are not com pleted and the federation does not know what their contents will be. Mrs. Wiley also urged adoption of a counter resolution to one sug gested by the General Federation .calling $*•r "immediate reform” of the Office of Indian Affairs. Ob jecting to the wording of the Gen eral Federation resolution as pre sented by the national Indian af fairs chairman, Mrs. John J. Kirk, Mrs. Wiley declared “the Indian Office needs help, not condemna tion.” The counter resolution, passed by the local group, urges “that the policy of the United States with regard to its Indian population, should have as its objective the en couragement of Indians to assume full management of their own re sources and affairs and full par ticipation in American life, without being required to relinquish exist ing guarantees to the inalienabil ity or tax exemption of their land or other property.” The resolution also calls on the1 Opening Soon Jcxaw erf* 1100 Connecticut Avenue Fashion for discriminating women Conn. Ave at L St, Jflertdith 16 E. 52nd St.. New York 22 PLaia 5-0572 AUCTION On The Premises At: "FRIENDSHIP” HOUSE WISCONSIN and R STS. Georgetown—Washington, D C. Telephone — Adams 0088 Estates Of Evalvn Walsh M^LEA.X and J. R. MCLEAX By Order 01 JUDGE THURMAN ARNOLD. Executor and AMERICAN SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, Executors ★ Fabulous collection of Por celains, Paintings, Enamels, China, Glassware, Silver, Furniture, Silk Rugs, etc, Tapestries, Linens and Laces, Draperies, Diamonds and Antique Jewelry, Bibilots, Marble Statuary, etc., Louis XV Steinway, Knabe Pianos, etc, Two Holmes 35 MM Motion Picture Proiectors with sound, Air Conditioners. EXHIBITION DAYS: May t, 2, 5. 5, 5. 6 and 7. Sat. thru Fri. —10:00 A M. to 5 :00 P. M. May 2 (Sunday) — 12 Noon to 5 :00 P. M. * SATE DAYS: May 8 (Saturday) — 12 Noon and 8 00 P M May 10. II. 12 and 15 at 1 :00 P M. May 16 (Fri.) and May 15 (Sat ) at 1:00 P M. and 8:00 P M. * ADMISSION TO EXHIBIT AND SALE BY CARD ONLY Sale Conducted hr STANLEY SOLON ADVERTISEMENT. Get Welcome Relief From Distress Caused By Upset Stomach Do you feel bloated and miserable after every meal? If eo. here la bow you may rid youreelf of thle aervoue die tree*. Thousands have found It the way to be Well, cheerful and happy again. Everytlme food eaters tht stomach a vital gastric Juice must flow normally to break-up certain food particles: site tba food may ferment. Sour food, acid Indi gestion and gas frequently os use a mor bid. touchy, fretful, peevish, nervous condition, loco of appetite, underweight, restless sleep, weakneaa. To get reel relief you must tnareaae the flow of this vital gastric Jules. Uedl sal authorities. In lndepandsnt labora tory testa on human stomachs, htve by positive proof shown that SSS Tonlo la amazingly effective In Increasing this flow when It Is too little or scanty due to a non-organlc stomach disturbance. This Is due to the SSS Tonic formula which contains special and potent acti vating Ingredients. Also. 8SS Tonic helps build-up non organlc. weak, water; blood In nutri tional anemia—so with a good flow of this gastric digestive Juice, plus rich red blood you should eat better, sleep better feel better, work better, play better. Avoid punishing yourself with over doses of soda and other alkalizert tc counteract gas and bloating whan what you so dearly need la SSS Tonic to help you digest food for body strength and resplr. Don’t wait! Join the host of •appy people 888 Tonic has helped, Millions of bottles sold. Oet a bottle ol SSS Tonic from your drug store today, •88 Tonic helps Build Sturdy oureau oi xncu&n Anairs to organ ize its legislative and administrative program and re-organize its staff so as to bring these objectives to early accomplishment. In answer to the objections of Mrs. Leslie B. Wright, national legislation chairman, who defended the original resolution, Mrs. Horace J. Phelps declared the use of the word “reform” was "misleading” and that if the Office of Indian Affairs seemed at times to be inefficient in operation, it was because it has be come “a political football.’’ Two resolutions approved by the local federation call for establish ment of an international police force by the U. V. Security Council and request the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act which expires this June. The group also indorsed a con vention resolution deploring "the promotion of drinking through in creasingly intensive national’ ad vertising by radio, newspaper and magazine, and inclusion in motion pictures of drinking scenes which do not further the plot of the story.’’ In another action, it voted its sup port of a resolution protesting a “trend” in current literature which "frequently offends the good taste and sensibilities of the average reader and tends to lower the moral sianaaras and merary appreciation of our youth.” The District group also put Its. support behind a resolution which asserts that women are not receiving due recognition in Government ap pointments and protests to the President of the United States "against such discrimination.” Mrs. E. Morgan Pryse. vice presi dent, presided in the absence of Mrs. Edward C. Madgeburger, who was unable to attend because of illness. The all-day meeting concluded with the presentation of the annual "Penny Art Fair” and poetry con test awards. Mrs. Wilbur H. Youngman, chairman of the line arts department, was in charge of the program. The three prizes in the art contest were all won by members of the Club de Liaison des Femmes de France, first prize going to Mme. S. de Ferluc, second prize to Mme. Jean Chatel and third prize to Mme. L. de la Marlais. Poetry contest winners were: Mrs. J^inie Esmond Wright, Political Study Club, first prize; Mrs. Inez Sheldon Tyler, Sunshine and Com munity Society, second prize: Ida Elaine James, Women's Christian Temperance Union, third prize; Isabel Wright, Petworth Women's1 Club, fourth prize, and Agnes Wright, Columbia Heights Art Club,1 j fifth prize. The program also included choral selections by the Choral Club of the Takoma Park Women’s Club and a book review by Mrs. Louis R. Bour nett of the Takoma Park club. > » Swissknit A QO Diapers |,5,° Very soft ft Reg. $3.50 Seersucker Gowns and jQC Kimonos f V Reg. 98c Percale Sheets A dQ Reg. *1.98 42x72 1 <<"« »<■* 3 1.00 long ond Short ■ sleeve, double- FOR I ! breasted. Reg 49c ■ Infant Binders 4 1.00 Reg. 3?c FOR I Quilted Pads J"7c 17x20 Cm M Reg 79c * " Many other items too numerous to mention also on sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Phone or Mail Orders Accepted on Three or More Items _ Littl* Tot’a Haberdaahery - GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY YEAR! Ready Tomorrow— ellef f s ■ t \ \ / I ( | *' ~.. Its a Wonderful Upportumty 380 Just-arrived Spring Womens I Misses 1 Juniors I 180 Coats were_*39.75 85 Coats were_*45.00 115 Coats were .... *49.75 • All at ... Spring season drawing to a close prompted manufacturers to release coats still on hand at prices that enable us to offer them at $10 to $20 savings! 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