Newspaper Page Text
D.C. Men Given Places On Savings and Loan League Committees By Edward C. Slone Twenty-three building and loan executives, members of the District Building and Loan League, have been given important committee ap pointments in the United States Savings and Loan League, according to announcement by President Ralph M. Smith, The national as signments follow: Wilfred H Blanz American Building As sociation. Committee on Examination. Supervision and Audit: Carl C. Smuck.1 Anacosfia Federal. Advertising and Busi ness Development: William E Poulton. | Columbia Federal. Cup Contest: Clarence; E Kefauver. Columbia Federal. Federal Section F Wilson Camp. District Building A Loan Association. Chamber of Com merce. William N Payne. Jr., Eastern Building A* Loan, Trends and Economic Policies. Martin A Cook. Enterprise. Government Housing. Eduard L McAlecr. Equitable Co-operative. Fidelity Bonds and Insur ance. Edward K Jones. Interstate, Invest ment and Investment Policies C. Clinton James. Jefferson Federal, vice chairman Legislative Committee: Frrd A Smith. Jef ferson Federal. Public Relations E M Emmerich. Liberty. Personnel Policies. R E Buckley. National Permanent. Additional Service* S 6 Symons Northeast Building. Guar antee of Mortgages and Excess Credits. Howard S Gott, Northwestern Federal. Insured Section Houston Jones. North western. Management: Chapin B Bauman Oriental. Attorneys' Committee Edward C Baltr. Perpetual. Legislative Committee: William H Dyre. Perpetual Loan Pro cedures- Thornton W Over.. Perpetual. Arrraisal Policy and Building Practices. William H Rippard. Perpetual Account ing Elmer J Carlson. Prudential Mutual Savings Bank Operation and FDIC In surance Carl J Bergmann. Washington Permanent, United Sstates League Con stitution Washington Gas Net Soars. March net income of the Wash lngton Gas Light Co totaled $269,105 against $200,556 a year ago. an im-j provement of $68,549. officials re- j ported to the Public Utilities Com-j mission. For the first quarter, earnings j were sharply increased by the I greater use of gas for heating and full time natural gas operation, net amounting to $951,432, compared with $537 080, aji increase of $414,352. Consolidated net earnings, includ ing Maryland and Virginia subsidi aries, registered an increase of *631.286 over the same 1947 period. Meters in the District increasd 2.119 in the past year to total 170,993 at the end of March. Bryarly Wins Third Prize. William Bryarly. Riggs National, representing Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, won third prize in a hotly contested in f.ersectional meet at York. Pa , Sat urday night. Hugh Ferguson. Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh, won first place. J. Delafield DuBois. secretary of the J. P. Morgan Ac Co., has been elected a director of Seaboard Surety Co. From 1933 to 1936 he was assistant counsel to the Federal Re-, serve Board. Raymond G. Marx, controller of the Riggs National Bank, was re elected chairman of organization of the Eastern Regional Conference of the National Association of Bank Auditors and Controllers, at the; meeting in Pittsburgh. Many high Treasury officials are attending the fiscal agency confer ence sponsored by the Federal Re serve Bank of Boston, at Swamp scott, Mass. The meeting Is to dis cuss Reserve Bank operational prob lems. Business Briefs % I Commercial and Industrial Fail ures rose to 106 in the week ended1 April 29. highest in six weeks, and i compared with 100 in the previous week and 70 in the like 1947 week— Dun Ac Bradstreet. Consumption of New Rubber In March increased about 6.000 tons over February because of the larger number of working days, but aver- ; age daily consumption was slightly I lower—Commerce Department. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. offering of $100,000,000 of 35-year 3V1 debentures was quickly over-j subscribed when marketed by Mor- | gan Stanley Az Co. at 1021 ^. Southern California Gas received j a high bid of 104.356 for $15.000.0001 of first mortgage 3‘4% bonds, duel 1978. from Lehman Brothers and as; sociates. Fajordo Sugar Co. declared a dlv- i ldcnt of $1 a common share, payable June 1. raising payments for the1 year ended July 31 to $4.50 vs. $1.25, in the previous year. Lever Brothers announced pur-1 chase of Ravve Creme Shampoo and j Hedy Wave Home Permanent from William R. Warner Co. It will market the products henceforth. Owens-Illinois Glass Co. has pur chased the Blair Veneer Co. of North Troy, Vt.. and its subsidiary, Vermont Plywood, Inc. Coca-Cola Co. profit for the March j quarter was $5,718,233 or $1.39 ai share vs. $3 449.535 or 84 cents a year earlier. John D. Goodloe, for- 1 mer RFC chairman, was elected secretary. American Viscose Corp. earned $7,057,446 or $3.30 a share in the j March quarter vs. $4,030,894 or $1.82 a year earlier. General Public Ltilities Corp. and subsidiaries had net income of $4, 602,384 or 61 cents in the March quarter vs. $4,879,408 or 64 cents. Abbott Laboratories profit for the March quarter was $3,400,768 or $1 82 vs. $3,629,787 or $1 94. Amerada Petroleum Corp. earn ings for the March quarter were equal to about $4 a share vs. $2.07 in the same 1947 period. Maytag Co. earned $2,123,644 or $1 16 in the March quarter vs. $1, 141.353 or 55 cents a year earlier. Houston Oil Co. of Texas had net Income of $1,695,603 or $1 54 in the March quarter vs. $883,510 or 80; cents in the same 1947 period. Colorado Fuel & Iron Corp. earned $1,449,231 or $1.17 in the March quar- I ter vs. $1,712,323 or $1.40. Vick Chemical Co. profit for nine months ended March 31 was $3. 735,119 or $2.63 vs. $4,125,663 or $2 91. Texas Gulf Producing Co. earned $1,074,936 or $1.06 in the March quarter vs. $539,326 or 52 cents a year earlier. General Cable Corp. profit for the March quarter was $1,072,799 or 46 cents vs. $1,628,297 or 74 cents. Scott Paper Co. earned $664,191 or 75 cents in the March quarter vs. $572,272 or 65 cents. American News Co. net for the March quarter was $815,592 or 97 cents vs. $822,992 or 98 cents. Elliott Co. earned $633,862 or $1.73 in the March quarter vs. $387,341 or $1.10. TechjgJcolor. Inc., profit for the March quarter was $402,750 or 44 cents vs. $254,786 or 28 cents in the same 1947 period. Marion Power Shovel Co. earned $386,068 in the March quarter vs. $211,638 a year earlier. American Colortype earned $96 - 000 or 38 cents in the March quarter vs $197,057 or 78 cents a year earlier. Federal Screw Work* net income for nine months ended March 31 was $435,033 or $2.36 vs. $375,720 or $2.14. Ik N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Furnished hr the Associated Proas.) Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 00 High Low 2:30. chge. ABBOTT LABlia 2 740a 7*04 7434 -1 A C T-Brlll Mot. 1 534 5*4 534 Acme Steel 4a . 1 52)4 5234 5234 + H Adams Exp **5g 8 19 18(4 It Adams-Millis le 1 44 44 44 +114 Admiral Cp 15e 12 934 9 904 + 34 Air Reduction 1 16 2 53* 2534 2504 - 34 Alaska Juneau 3 334 304 3*4 — 34 Aldens Inc 1 ‘4.. 1 18*4 18*4 18*4 Alleghanr Corn 15 4 334 334 Alleghanv Cp pf 14 4734 4734 4734 + 34 AllegLudStl too 6 30 2934 30 + 34 Allied CADre 6a 7 189 187*4 188 + 34 Allied Sirs 3 16 33 32*4 33 + *4 Allis Chaim 1 60 11 3 7 3 63* 37 + 34 Amerada Pet 2a 9 114 113 114 +1 Am Agrlcul 3a . 7 47*4 47 4734+1 Am Airlines .. 24 9*4 874 9 Am Alrl pf 3*4 8 63 61>4 63 +1 AmBankN 1.80a 14 2374 23*4 2334 + 34 Am Bosch 3ig _ 2 11*4 11*4 11*4 + ‘4 Am Brk Sh 40e 3 3934 39*4 3934 + *4 AmBrkShoe pf t 2 106 106 106 1 34 Am Cable 4c Rad 37 5*4 434 434 — 04 Am Can 3 1 88 88 88 + 34 ♦Am Can of 7 60 173*4 173*4 173*4 - >4 Am CardcPdr 3i 5 43*4 43 43*4 Am Ch&Cbl 1.40 1 22*4 22*4 22*4 Am Chicle 2a 5 49 4834 49 + >4 Am Coltro 1.20a 7 1634 16*4 1634 - 34 Am Crvs 8 1.20* 3 18 18 18 AmCranamld la 31 38*4 38*4 38*4+ *4 Am Distillers 2. 2 27 27 27 Am Ene Tile 04* 3 6*4 53* 6*4 Am Export L 2 10 17*4 17 17*4 + *4 Am & Pren Pwr 5 2*4 2*4 2*4 Am&FP 6pfl*/ak 1 63 63 63 Am ft F p I'd pf 4 9% 9% 9% - % AmHide & L Vaf 4 6 6 6 AmHoraePr 1.20 4 24% 24% 24% - % Am Ice .60e _ _ 4 7 7 7 Amlnternat.55* 4 13 12% 13 + % Am Loco 1.40 _ 20 23% 22% 23 Am Lolom pf 7 1 105 105 105 A» Mcta&Fd 80 15 18% 18% 18% + % Am Metal V«e 20 34% 34 34 %+ % AmNewsCo 1 %a 1 30% 30% 30% 4- % Am Power & Lt 16 8% 8% 8% 4- % Am P&LSOpf 3k 1 86% 86% 86% 4- % AP&L Sftpf 2Vak 4 78 77 78 4-1 | Am Radiat 40e 206 15% 14% 15% 4- % ♦Am Rad&S pf 7 10 170 170 170 Am*Saf Razor 1. 6 10% 10% 10% Am Seating lg 4 21% 20% 20% - % Am Smelting le. 15 58% 57% 58 4* % ♦Am 8mAR of 7 80 152% 152 153% 4-1 Am Steel Fdry 2 7 32 31% 32 4- % Am Stores 1 40a 1 26% 26% 26% Am Stove .ROe _ 2 18% 18% 18% Am Sugar R 4e„ 2 38% 38 38% 4- % Am Sum Tob 2. 2 18% 18% 18% - % Am Tel & Tel 9 18 153% 153% 153% 4- % Am Tobacco 3a. 22 58 57% 57%-% ♦ Am Tob pf 6 3 136 135 136 4- % Am Viscose 2a 24 65% 64% 65% 4-1 I tAm Viscose pf5 30 118 118 118 i AmWatWks 30e 2 7% 7% 7% 4- % ; Am Woolen 6 ... 60 51% 50% 51% 4- % Am Wool pf 7 1 100% 100% 100% Am Wool pr pf 4 4 103 101% 103 4-2% Anaconda C %e 35 37% 36% 36% 4- % tAnac Wire %e 230 37% 37% 37% - % Anchor Hock 2 3 33% 32% 33% 4-1% Ander-Prich O 1 14 29% 29% 29% A P W Prod Vie. 5 6 6 6 Armco Steel 2b 29 29% 29 29% 4-*% Armour&Col .20 54 12% 12% 12% - % Armour pr pf 6 4 100 100 100 4-1 Armst Cork ROe 4 51% 51% 51% 4- % Artloom Coro 1 8 14% 14% 14% 4- % Asad Dry G 1.60 12 17% 17 17 4- % ♦ Asso D G 1 st 6 70 110 110 110 tAsso D G 2nd 7 10 97% 97% 97% 4- % Atch T & 8 F 6 x25 107 105% 106% 4- % Atch T&SF pf 6 5 103% 102% 103% 4- % A T F Inc %e . _ 1 15% 15% 15% Atl Coast Line 4 7 58% 57% 56% 4- % Atl G&W Ind 3g 5 36 35% 36 4- % Atl Refining 1% 54 42% 42% 42% 4- % ♦Atl Refln pfA 4 70 110 109% 110 4- % TAtl Ref pfB3% 130 95% 95% 95% 4-1 Alias corp 1 «u. « zj>* 23** 23* — * tAtlas Pwdr Vie. 1 56>i 56* 56* + Vi Austin Nichols 3 6* 6* 6* - Vi Austin N pi 1.20 1 1« 14 14 + Vi Autocar Co Vie 6 13* 13 13* + * Auto Canteen 1. 2 17* 17* 17*+ * Avco Mfg .35e . 52. 6* 6* 6* - * Avco Mfg Of 2Vi 6 42* 42* 42*+* BABBITT 1.20 1 15* 15* 15*+ * Baldwin Loco 1* 1# 14* 14* 14*- * Balt* Ohio . #8 14* 14* 14*+ * Balto & Ohio pf 12 23* 25* 23* - * BangorAArostk 8 27* 27* 27* Barber Oil le 14 50 49* 49*+* Barnsdall Oil 2. 24 43* 42* 42* - * Bayuk Cig 1 >ia. 6 18* 18* 18* - * Beatrice Fds 2a. 4 37* 37 37*+* Beaunlt Mills 2. 1 21 21 21 +* tBeck Sh pf 4* 70 88 88 88 -1* Beech Aircraft . 6 13* 13* 13* + * Belding-H 1 70 2 18* 16* 16*+* Bell A Howell Vi 2 22* 22* 22* - * Bendlx Aviat 2 30 34* 34* 34* + * BndxHomeAl* 9 16* 16* 16*+ * Benef Ind 1.20a 3 24 23* 24 + * Best A Co 2 ... 1 27* 27* 27*+ * Beat Poods 2 7 33* 33* 33* Befh Steel 1 20h 67 35* 34* 35*+* Beth Steel pf 7. 2 134* 134 134 -1 Bigelow Sanfn 3 32* 32* 32*+* BrmnghmE 1.20 7 11* 11* 11* Blaw-Knox *e 22 16* 16* 16*4 + * BllssALaugh Via 1 15* 15* 15* - * Bliss ■ W 2 . 20 32* 31* 31* - * Boeing Airpl le. 26 27* 27* 27*+ * •Bon Ami 4 4a 1 80* 79* 80* +1 Bond 8tores 2 7 24* 24* 24* BordenCol 20e 3 41* 41* 41*+ Vi Borg-Warner 3a 12 54* 54* 54*+ * Boston A Me _. 6 4* 4* 4* Branlfl Air _ 17 8* 8* 8* + * Brldgept Brass 8 10* 10* 10* Briggs Manufe 2 3 29* 29* 29* Bnstol-My 40e 3 32* 32 32*+ * Bklyn On Gas 3 17* 17* 17*+ * Bruns-Balke *e 1 19* 19* 19*+ * Bucyrus-Kr 35e 17 21* 21* 21*+ * BuddCo.lOe .. 12 10* 10* 10*-* Bullard Co >ie 5 20* 20* 20* - * Burnt,gMllls 1 Vi 36 20* 20* 20* + * Burl Mis cvpMVi 1 87V* 87* 87*+2* Burr Add M 80 36 16* 15* 16 + * Bush Term Vif 10 9* 9 9* + * Byers A M V'*e . 20 21* 20* 21*+1* CALIF PKO 2Vi 3 J4* 34* 34* Callahan Zinc 17 2* 2 2* CalumetAH 10a 1« 7* 7 7* Campbell Wy le 4 29* 28* 29* - * Can Dry GA .80 17 14 13* 13* - * Cansd Pac Vie 84 15* 15 13* + * CannonMls l»ie 1 43 43 43 +1 Cap Ad ms A ROg 3 13* 13* 13* + * CaroPwrAUS 2 29* 29* 29* Carrier Coro 10 16* 16* 16* + * CarrierCorp pf2 1 37* 37* 37* — * CarrAGen 20a 20 7* 7* 7*i + * Case JI Co 1 20t 8 44* 44* 44* - * CaterpllTract 3 4 63 63 63 Celaneae ,40e... 56 28* 28 28*+ * Celotex 1 Vi 2 28* 28 28 + * CeD Agulr 1.80a 2 17* 17* 17*+* Cent Fndry Via 3 7* 7* 7* + * CentHudGas 62 10 8 77+ 8 - * Cent R R N J • 62 26* 25* 26 + * Cerro dePas’,e 14 25* 25 25*+* Certn-td Pd- 60a 13 16* 16 16* Champ Paper la 8 23* 23 23*+ * Ches A Ohio 3 55 39 38* 39 + * C A O pf 3 *_ 1 83* 83* 83* + * Chi Corn .40 _ 23 12* 12* 12*- * Chi A East 111 4 6* 6* 6* - * uni ol nasi III A. 3 11% IS IS Chi Great West 11 9% 9% 9% + 14 Chi Grt Weat rf 23 17% 16% 16% - % Chi Ind A L A 40 12% 11% 11% Chi Ind & L B ..12 7% 7% 7% Chi Mil St PAP 32 10% 10 10 - % ChlMSPAP nf4e 8 32% 32% 32%+ % Chi A N W Hg 20 18% 17% 17% - % Chi A N W pf 8 . 15 40*4 40 40 ChIPneuTHe 4 34% 34% 34%+ % Chi R I A Pac . 43 35% 34% 34% Chi R I A P Df 8 61% 60% 60% - % Chlckssha 011 1 2 16% 16% 16% Chrysler 4 . 56 59% 58% 58% — % Cin G A E 1.40 35 25% 25% 25% - % Cln Mill M 1 40 3 25% 25% 25% + % C I T Finance 2. 15 41% 40% 40% - % City Ice A P 2% 4 29% 29% 29% - % City Invest .60 32 8% 8 8% + % City Stores 1 20 1 17% 17% 17% + % Clark Equip 2 . 2 34% 34% 34% — % ClevEl 111 l.lOe 12 38% 38% 38% CleveGrapb 40g 10 29% 28% 28% ClimaxMol 1 20 15 16 15% 15% Clinton Ind 2 40 3 25 24% 24% -1 Clopav Coro 70 3 8‘4 8% 8% + % Cluett Pbdy Ha. 5 34% 34% 34% Colaate-P-P 2a_ 6 42% 42% 42%+ % Collins A Aik 1. 5 21% 21% 21%+ % Colonial Mills 1. 23 23% 22% 23% +1 1 Col Fuel A Ir 1 16 15% 15% 15% + % Col FuelAIr of 1 3 17% 17% 17% ’Colo A 8011th 2250 16 14% 15%+1% ’ColoASo 1st pf 890 16% 15 16% +1% Col Broad A He 2 28% 28% 28% - % Colum OAEI 60 44 12 11% 11% - % Colum Plct Hf 11 11% 10% 10%-1%! ColASoOh 1 40e 2 41% 41% 41% Coml Credit 2 60 5 44% 44% %4% + % Coml Solv He 11 24% 23% 24 + % Comwl Edls 1 40 24 27% 27% 27% + % Comwl A South 80 2% 2% 2% CmlthASo pf 6k 1 104 104 104 - % Cong-Nairn 1%. 2 32 32 32 Cons Cigar 2 __ 2 30 30 30 + % cons COD .35g . 7 5% 51% 5% + % Cons Edls 1 60 25 23% 23% 23%+ % Cons Edison pf5 2 105% 105% 105% — % Cons Grocer" 1 1 16% 16% 16% - % Cons Laundry 1. 1 9% 9% 9% + % Cons Nat Gas 2 6 49% 49% 49% Cons RRCuba of 1 22% 22% 22% + % Cons R Strs ,70a 13 13% 13% 13%+ % Cons Vuitee 17 14% 14% 14% + % Consum Power 2 1 34% 34% 34% Contain Corn 2a 2 39 39 39 +1% Cont Bakina 1 3 11% 11% 11% - % Cont Can He 10 36% 36% 36% Cont Dla Fiber 1 4 11% li 11%+ % Cont Insurances 20 55% 54% 55% + % Cont Motors 15 7% 7% 7% Cont OH Del Ha 20 61% 61 61% - 14 Cooper-Bess I 8 28% 28 28 + % Coprwld Stl ..30a 17 16% 15% 16% + % Corn Prod 1 80a 13 60% 60 60% + % Cornell-D E 80 4 12% 12 12 CornlngGIass H 5 19% 19% 19% + % Coty Int 20g 7 2% 2% 2% Crane Co 1 60s 8 34% 33% 34% +1% Creameries Am 1 2 10% 10% 10% + % Crown Cork Hh 8 22% 22% 22%+ % Crown Zel 1,60e 8 30% 30% 30%+ % Crucible Steel 2 24% 24 24% + % CudahyPack 60a 3 12% 12% 12% Cuneo Press la 10 16% 16% 16% — % Curtis Publish 35 9% 9% 9% + % Curtlss-Wr Hg 42 814 8 81% + % Curtlss-W A He 4 23% 23% 23%+ % Cutlr-Hm 1.20a 5 26% 26% 26% +1 DANACORPHe 4 23% 2 3% 23%+ % Davison Chem 1 6 23% 23% 23% + % Daytn PAL 1 80 6 30 29% 29% - % Dayton Rub I 20 2 13% 13% 13% Decca Records 1 30 10% 10 10 - % Deere A Col 7 41% 40% 41%+ % Del A Hudson 4 11 46% 46% 46%+ % Del LAW He 159 10% 10% 10% + % DcnARGWle 12 27 26% 26%-% DenARGWpflOe 6 44% 441/4 44% - % Detroit Ed 1.20 33 21 20% 21 k sain— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rat*. 00. Rich. Low. 2:30. cute DetMichSto 80a 11 12 12 12 Dia Match 1 t*a 4 43% 43 43%-% DlamTMotla. 1 IB 18 IS - % Dtlt Co-8ea 80 14 17% 16% 16% + % DIvco Corp 1.20 3 15 15 15 + % Doehler-Jar 1 % 15 34% 33% 33%-1 Dome Mines %* 7 16% 16% 16% Douilas A 2 Vie. 2 65% 65% 65%-% Dow Chem Vie. 12 41% «i% 41%-% DowCh 2d pf3V« 2 101% 101% 101% + % Dresser Ind %*. 11 27% 27 27 - % Duplan V*b_ 4 15 14% 15 + % DuPont de N 2e. 14 175% 175 175% + % Du Pont of 4% 2 118% 118% 118% -1 DuPont3%pf3% 5 96 96 96 — % DWG Cliar >/«e. 2 13% 13% 13% EAGLE-PI 1.80 4 23% 23% 23% Eastern Air Line 28 19% 19% 19% + % East State Steel 3 18% 18% 18% Eastm Kod 90e 4 43% 43% 43% - % Eaton Mft 3 . 2 58 57% 58 + % Edla Br Str 1 %a 2 18% 18% 18% + % Ekco Prod 1.20 5 14% 14% 14% El Auto-Lite 3.. 5 50% 50 50%+ % Elec Boat 1 .. 11 15% 15% 15% + % Elec Boat pt 2 .. 1 36% 36% 36% - % El A Music .16i 5 1% 1% 1%- % El Power A Lt 19 19% 19% 19% - % El P&Lt *0pf 3k 1 142% 142% 142% —1 81 StoraceBat 3 1 53% 53% 53% + % ElelnNatW 60a 2 15% 15% 15%+ % EmerElecMl . 22 17% 17 17%+ % Enter Radio .80 4 11% n% n%+% Endlcott-J 1.60a 1 30*% 30% 30%-% Eoult OH Bldi .10 4% 4% 4% - % Erie R R 1 .52 13% 13% 13% + % Erie R R pi A 5 1 60% 60% 60% + % Eureka Will %. 3 6% 6% 6% + % Evans Prod % . 2 18% 17% 17% - % I Eversharp 3«f . 10 9V 9V 9V + V FAIRBANKS 1 e 4 48V 48V 48V 4- V FajardoSug 2Ve 5 29 28V 28V Falstaff Brew 1. 1 23V 23V 23V— H Farnsworth 23 8V 8V 8V I Fedders Qul 80 3 13V 13V 13V | Fed Min & S 1 e. 2 39V 39 39 - V | Fed-Mogul 1.60 3 17V 17 17 I PedMoTruck 40a 5 9V 9V 9 V Federat D Strs 2 10 27V 27V 27V + V Felt &T 1.40a 2 20V 20V 20V j PerroEnam 1.40 2 21V 21V 21V - M Fid Phoenx F 2a 4 60V 60 60V + V Firestone TAR 4 4 46V 46V 46V 4- V First Nat Str 2e 2 S3V 53V 53V -1 ! Firth Caro 1.20 « 18V 18V 18V 4- V Fllntkote 2a 5 36V 36V 36V - V tFllntkote pf 4. 50 99V 99 99 - V Florida Pow 1 18 13V 13V 13V 4- V FIorsShoeA .85e 19 15V 15 13 - V Follansb Stl V* 7 27V 27V 27V FoodFalrSt 40b 2 9*4 9V 9V 4- V Food Mach IV 3 42V 42V 42V - V 'Food Mch OI3V360 100V 99 99V 4- V ; Poster Wheel 1 1 32V 32V 32V 4- V FreeportSul 2 V 2 43V 43V 43V - V I Froedt GAM Via 5 11 10V 10V 4- V FruehaufTral 15 22 21V 21V- V 'Fruehauf T pf4 40 80 79V 80 + V GAIR ROBT 40 14 8*4 8V 8V - V Gardnr-D 1.40. 3 19V 19V 19V 4- V Gar Wood Ind.. 20 8V 8V av Gar Wood pi _ 1 41 41 41 4. V i Gaylord Co IV. 52 26V 25 25V 4- V Gen Am Inv .40 6 15V 15V 15V 4- V Gen AmTrne 3a. 2 59 59 59 4- V Gen Baking 60 4 9V 9V 9V - V Oen Bronse .20* « 14V 13V 13V - V Gen Cable Vie 12 10V 10V 10V - V 'GenCable lpf 4 20 74 74 74 - V 'Gen Cigar pi 7 10 137 137 137 -1 Gen Elec 1 60. _ 50 35V 34V 34V Oen Foods 3 . 11 38V 38V 38V 4- V Gen Instrumt 1. 11 10V 10V 10V Oen Mills IV . 6 46V 48 48V 4- V 'Gen Mills pf 6- 10 125V 123V 123V -IV Gen Motors 3 _. 42 56V 56V 56V 4- V Gen Mot of 3V- 2 97V 97V 97V - V Gen Motor of 6. 1 122V 122V 122V - V Oen Out Adrt 1. 4 14V 14V 14V Gen Precis Ed 1 8 16V 16 16 - V uenruoovc .till* * yse + vv I Gen Pub Util 80 29 13 12% 12% - % ! Gen Ry Signal 1 14 26 24% 26 +1% [ Gen Realty&Ut. 1 5 5 5 — % {Gen Refract Ha. 2 27% 27% 27% + % Gen Shoe 2%... 3 26% 26% 26% ! Gen Teleph 2 1 27% 27% 27% + % Gen Time 1.60a. 3 29 28% 29 + % Gen Tire&R la 8 25% 25 25 - % tGn T&R pf4V« 30 88% 88 88% +1 Gillette Saf 2Ha 13 35% 35% 35%+ % Glmbel Bros 2 . 14 22% 21% 22% + % GllddenCo 1 40a 20 23 22% 23 Goodall-8n 1 Ha 8 22% 22% 22% - % Goodrich B F la 5 55% 55% 55% - % GoodyearT&R 4 19 44% 43% 44 + % Goth Hot 1.60a. 2 18% 18% 18%-% Graham-Palge.. 28 4% 4% 4% - % Granby Con Ha. 7 8% 8 8 OranCltyStl He 6 24% 24% 24% - % Grant <WTI la 8 27% 27% 27%-% tGrantWTpf3*320 93% 93 93 -1 GtNI Or ct l'/ag 2 13% 13% 13%+% Gt Nor Ry pf 3 40 47% 46% 47% + % GtWstSug 160a 2 22% 22% 22% Green HL 2a 11 34% 34% 34% GreenfTAD 1.20 2 16% 16% 16%+ % Greyhound 1 _. 62 11% 11% 11% Grum Aire X 3g 5 40% 40% 40% + % GuantanSug V4g 6 6% 6 6% + % Gulf Mnb&O Ha 23 18% 17% 17% - % Gulf 011 3 29 73% 73% 73% + % Gulf Sta Util 1 23 16% 15% 15% - % H AML WATCH! 1 1 14 14 14 - % Harb-Walker la 3 25% 25% 25%+% Hayes Mfg ,30a. 44 8% 8 8 — % Hazal-Atl 1 20a. 3 22% 22% 22%-% HechtCo 1.60_. 2 24% 24% 24% Hercules Mot 1. 7 20% 19% 20 + % Hercul Pdr ,36a. 11 52% 51% 52% +1 HersheyChlH. 1 29% 29% 29%+% Hewitt-Rbns la. 7 25% 25% 25%+ % Heyden Chem 1. 2 27% 27% 27%+ % Hilton Hotels l. 6 11 11 n — % Hires CX 1.20.. t 11% 21% 21% - % Holly Sugar 1 .. 5 24% 24% 24% + % Homettk Min 2_ 3 38% 38% 38% - % HookerXlec ,60a 4 35 35 35 Houd-Herah He 11 16 15% 15% Houston OUlg. 24 32% 31% 31% - H Howe Sound 2 _ 4 46% 46 46% Hudson A Man. 7 5% 5% 5% - % Hudson Ae M of 1 13 13 13 -1 HudsonBM&S la 4 43 43 43 HudsonMot ,40a 35 19% 19 19% + % Hunt Foods 1... 1 16% 16% 16% Hupp Corn_ 3 3% 3% 3% IDAHO PW 190 6 31% 31% 31%-% II' Central ... 37 35% 35% 35%+ % 111 Cent pf3e . 1 76% 76% 76%+ % 111 Term RR 72. 18 10% 10% 10%+ % Industrl XI Mex. 2 13% 13% 13% — % Indust Rayon 3 . 5 50% 50% 50% + % Inland Steel le 8 42% 42% 42% — % Inspire Coo He 15 20% 20 20% + % Interchem Crp n 4 21% 21% 21% tlnterem of 4%- 10 96% 96% 96% -1% Intercon Rub .. 3 3 2% 2% — % Inter Iron 1 20g 9 14% 14% 14% Int Bus Mach 4. 9 142% 141% 142% + % Int Harvest 4a. 14 96% 95% 96 + % 'Int Harts of 7. 1 166% 165% 166 -1 Int Hydro XI A . 14 7% 7 7 + % Int MACh 1 60 4 32% 32% 32% Int Mining ..4 4 4 4 — % Int Nickel 1 60. 63 29% 29% 29%-% Int Paper 3a . 18 56 55% 55% Int Ry Cen Am 22 10% 10 10% + % ♦IntRyCApf'JHk 20 93 92% 93 + % Int Salt He .. 1 57 57 57 + % Int Shoe lHe... 2 41% 41% 41%+ % Int Silver 4e_ 2 58 58 58 — % Int Tel* Tel 72 13% 12% 13 + % Int TiT lorn ct l 13V* 13V* 13V* + 4* Inter Den Strs 2 6 26 244* 25V* -41 I JACOBS PL 6 84* SV* 8V* - V* Johns-Man 3fte 58 384* 38 38V* -4 V* Johns-M pf 31 a . 1 109V* 109'* 109'* -2V* Jones & L Stl 2 21 33V4 32V* 33 —4*1 Joy Manfg 2 40a 7 38V* 38V* 384* - V* 'KCPALt Df3.R0 40 96V* 96V* 96'+ -4 V* Kan City South 35 374* 364* 364* Kavser J I a 2 154* 154* 154*+'* Kel-Hay W B Vie 1 18'* 18‘* 18>* - 4* Kennecott »«e 24 55 544* 55 Kern Land ls«e 7 49'* 48V* 48V* —14* Keystone 8 2a 6 39 384* 39 — V* KimbrU Cl 1.40 4 21'+ 21'* 21'* + V* KooDers Co 1.80 9 35 34V* 34V* — V* Kresge S S le._. 3 37>* 364* 364* Kress 8 H 2a 1 51 51 51 - V* Kroger Co 1.20e 2 43‘* 43'i 43'* - V* LACLEDE O 20 13 54* 5'* 5'* La Cons of 8ft . 1 10 10 10 + i* Lambert Co IV*. 2 21V* 21'+ 21'*- 4* lane Bryant I . 4 124* 124* 124* + 4* LeeRub&Tire 2a 1 40 40 40 Lee & Sons 1 40 1 25 25 25 LehlRh C & N 1 7 11>* 114* 114*+ 4* LehPortCem 144 « 33V* 33'* 33V* + 4* Leh Va) Coal 38 3‘* 3 3—1+ Leh V Coal lnf3 1 23 23 23 - V* Leh V Coal2of V* 4 94* 94* 94* - V* Leh \'alley R R 40 7V* 64* 7V* + V* LehmanCrn 80* 11 50'* 494* 494* - 4* Lerner Strs IV* 10 204* 19>* 204* -4 V* Llb-O-P Glass 3 U 49'* 49 49 - >* Lib McN&L 4*e_ 15 9'* 9>* 9<* Ligg* My 4a.. 4 S*4* 844* 844* Lily Tulin 14* _ 3 434* 43 434* + 4* Lima Hamll 60. 22 114* 114* 114* - v, Lion Oil 2 _ 5 464* 46'* 464* - V* Lockheed Aire.. 13 21’* 214* 214*- v* Loews Inc 14* *3 18V* 17'+ 17V* -1>* LoneStarCeSV,* 8 66'* 65'* 66‘* +1V* Long-Bell A 80k 3 28V* 28 28V* + V* Lorlllard P 1 . 3 19>+ 194* 194* - V* ’Lorlllard pf 7 . 20 148V* 148 148 - V* LoulsvilftN 3 62 11 48'* 48 48 Lowensteln 2a . 24 30’* 30‘* 30’+ + 4* MANDifl'il 5 37'* 37'* 37'*- 1+ Mack Trucks lo 14 2544 25V* 25V* Macy BKt ... 3 36'* 36>* 36>* - 1* Magma Cod 1.. 2 214* 214* 214*+ >* Magnavox 1 . 24 144* 14‘* 14'* + 1* Manatl Sux 1 Vii 6 9 84* 84* Mandel Broa '»• 1 9>* 9>* 9>* - v* ManhShlrtl 40a 5 22'* 22 22 -1 Marac 011.1 Ox 5 7'* 7'* 7V* - 4* Marathon Cm 1 14 204* 20V* 204* Marinaltidl 20# 17 64* 64* 64* - V* ’Mark St Ry nr. 3 164* 164* 164*+ V* Marah Field 2_ 12 25'* 25 25>* + V* Martin OL . 8 204* 20>* 204*- >* MartlnParry .60 3 17V* 17V* 17V* + V* Masonite Cn 1* 1 59 59 59 +4* Master Elec 2 40 5 224* 22V* 22V*- V* MarDentStrS 11 46'* 45>* 46 - >* ’MayDem3 40nf 20 82 82 82 Maytag Co 1... 51 11V* 10V* 10>* + 4* Maytag nf 3 ... 1 40'* 40>* 40V* + V* McCall Corn 3.. 6 36 3544 36 +1 McCrory8 1 40a 9 33V* 33 33>* - V* ’McCrory of 34* 10 100 100 100 + V* McGraw Elcc 2a 1 394* 394* 394* McGraw Hill la 2 284* 284* 284* 4- 4* McIntyre 2.01a 2 52 51>* 51'* -1 McKessA-R 2.40 1 33 33 33 - 4* McLellan Str la 7 234* 23<* 234* + 4* Mead Com le . 10 20V* 20 20V* + 4* Melville Sh 1 80 1 22V* 22>* 22V* Menxel Co la .. 1 174* 174* 174* + V* Mercant Stra 1 _ 8 17 164* 17 + V* Merck &Co2.40a 2 5644 564* 564* + V* MerrlttC&Sl 80 3 3 244* 24V* 244*+ V* Miami Con »ie 6 16’+ 164* 164* 4- V* Mid-ConPet 1 V*e 86 624* 61V* 62>* + 4* Mlnn-Hon Rc 2a 5 49'* 49 49V* - V* ’Minn H of 3 20 60 98 98 98 Minn Moline 13 15 144* 144*+, 4* ’Mtn-Mo nf.T.k 90 116 116 116 - M Mln&SlL Ry Vat 7 14’+ 144* 144* + V* MSPASSMAlt 19 114* UH ^44+ V* ' R Sues— Dividend*Rate. %?)d Hlth. Low. 8:80. th«e MlaslonCp 186*. 11 65 64 64 - 84 Mo-Kan-Teiaa 1* 6*4 6 < Mo-Kan-Te* pf. 16 23‘4 2284 2)84 - 84 Molud Hoa .80. 3 1284 1284 1284 - 84 Monsanto Cb • 20 5484 9884 9*84 + 84 MonsntoCh pfB 3 111 111 111 + 84 Monta Ward 2a 23 3986 5684 9684 M-McC Lin 184a 90 1784 *784 1784 + 84 Motor Prod le . 4 27 2684 27 Motor Whl 80e. 4 2184 2184 2184 + 86 Motorola V«e 2 1384 13 13 - 84 Muel Brass ,30a 1 2084 2086 2086 MulllnsMla ,90a 3 24 2384 24 + 84 Munswrlnelt- 5 12 12 12 MurobyOC 184a 2 3784 3784 3784 + 84 Murray Coro 1 1 1484 14*4 1484 + 84 NASH-KKL 3Se 90 1684 1684 1684+ 84 Wash CdcStL la 60 2684 26V. 2684 + >4 Nat Airlines . 13 684 784 684 + 84 Nat Auto rib 60 4 1084 1086 1084 Nat Aviation V4* 9 13 I486 13 - 84 NatBlseult 1.60a 1* 2784 2784 2 784 - 84 Nat Biscuit of 7 1 170 170 170 NatBond&S 60a 2 2384 2386 2384 Nat Can _ 3 886 6 884+ 84 Nat Cash Red la 11 40*4 3*84 4084 + 84 Nat City Line *4 10 784 784 784 NatContaln 1 20 20 1384 13 1384+ 84 Nat C7l Qas .80. 1 1184 1184 1284 - 84 Nat Dairy 1.80 . 8 2784 2784 2784 - 84 Nat Dent Stria 2 16 1784 1784 - 84 Nat Distillers 2 46 1*84 1* 1984 + >4 Nat Gypsum 84* 23 1784 1684 1784 + 84 Nat Lead la . 6 3384 3384 3984 + 84 tNat Lead pfA 7 90 17184 17184 17184 +1 NatM&StlC 15e -3 2284 2284 2284+ 84 Nati Steel 4 7 *584 9 2 84 9384 +186 Nat But Ref le- 4 2384 2384 23*4+ 84 Nat Supply 1 20 2 184 2 184 2 184 Natomas Co 1.. 3 1084 1084 1084 Nat Tea 184_ 1 27 27 27 + 84 Nat Vul Kbre 1- 3 13 1 284 1286 - 84 Nehl Coro 1 1 1786 1784 1784 weisneruro »ua * ib% ib ib — % Newberry J J 2 1 33% 33% 33% tNewberry pf3% 30 93% 93% 93% NEngEiSystl. 3 11% 11% 11% Newpt Indust 2 2 23% 23% 23% + % Newnt NewsS 2a 18 29% 29% 29%+ % NY Air Brake le 4 39% 39% 39%+% N Y Cent RR . 97 16% 16% 16% NYChthStL 26 69% 68% 68%-% NYChStL pi 3k 2 142 142 142 +2 NYC Omnibus. 6 19% 19% 19% + % N Y N H & Hart 11 10% 10% 10% - % NYNH&Hpf 5 29% 28% 28% - % tNYPhL pf 3 90 10 92% 92% 92%+ % NY Shlpbldg fee 8 19% 19 19% + % Northwestern 3 1 59% 99% 99% + % No Am Aviation 43 12% 12 12% + % North Am Co %b 23 13% 15% 19% NoNatOas.iOe 12 33% 33% 33%+1 North Pacific le 208 24% 24 24%+ % INoStPw PI3 60 110 88% 88 88 - % Northwest Alrl 45 15% 19% 15% + % NrthwAlr pfl.lft 41 29% 24% 25%+ % Norw Phar 60.. 3 12% 12% 12% + % OHIO ED1S 3_ 2 33% 33% 33%+ % Ohio Oil la . 25 36% 36% 36%+% Oliver Corn fee. 19 30% 29% 30% + % tOllver Pf 4% . 80 109% 103% 109% +2% Omnibus Com 1 6 10% 10% 10% + % Oppenhelm Col 2 20% 20% 20% - % Otis Elevator 1 e 19 29% 28% 29%+% Outbrd Mot .70e 18 19% 18% 19% + % Owens 111 G1 3 16 63% 62% 62% - % tPAC COAST 1.350 11% 11 11% - % IPacCoast 2of 4 10 39 39 39 +1 Pac Gash Elec 2. 14 33 32% 33 Pac Lighting 3.. 12 30% 90- 90%+% Pac Mills 3b ... 4 39% 39 39 Pac Tin Cons .. 5 5% 9% 5% + % Pac West Oil feg 4 98*% 97% 37% - % Packard M .lSe 30 4% 4% 4% - % Pan AmAlrw V4g 48 9% 9% 9% + % PanhEPLS . 5 53% 33% 35%+ % Panh par 15a 7 9% 9% 9% - % Paraffine C .30h 3 29% 29% 29% tParaffine pf 4. 10 101 101 101 -1% Param Plct 2 . 240 23% 22% 22% -1% rarse uav .vue . ? z»ve Z9% + % Parker Rust 2V4 1 28% 28% 28%+ % Parm Trans .80. 1 7% 7% 7% + % Patino Min %e 1 11% 11% 11%+% PenlckAF.40e 1 30% 30% 30% Penney (JC) 2a 10 43% 43% 43% + % Penn-Cent Alrl M 7 8% 7 + % PennCoalAC %g 2 13% 13% 13% - % Penn-DxCem V.e 5 16% 16% 16% Penn Gla 8 1.60 1 34 34 34 +1% Penn PAL 1.20. 6 19% 19 19 -% Penn R R Vie_56 19% 19% 19%+ % Penn Salt ,30e 4 43% 45% 45% + % tPenn Salt pf3H100 115 115 115 -1 Peo G LAC 2V«e 1 93% 93% 93% - % Peoria A Eastrn 5 13 12 13+1 Pepsi-Cola 70a 86 17% 16% 17 - % Petrol Corp 60( 11 14% 14% 14% Pfeiffer Br ,36e. 2 16% 16% 16%-% Pfizer CACo 2a 2 58 57% 57%+ % PnelpblDdie le 18 53% 52% 53% tPhil C 6V. Pf 3 170 53% 53% 53% + % tPhll Co S6 pf 6 20 102 101 102 +1 Phlla Klee 1.20 7 22% 22% 22% - % * Phlla K pf4.40 120 109% 109 109 - % tPhlE14.3pf4.30 50 105% 105% 105% Phlla El SI pf l 4 25 24% 25 + % PhllARdg CAIS 7 17% 17% 17% - % Phlleo Corp 2 8 33 32% 32%-% Philip Mor lVia 11 27% 27% 27%-% Phillips Petrol 3 18 69% 69% 69% + % tPills Mills of 4 140 99% 99% 99% Pitt Con Coal 2 7 31% 31% 31%+% Pitt PI Glass V.e 11 36 35% 36 + % Pitt Screw ,16e. 6 8% 8% 8% Pitts Steel .. _ 5 16 16 16 tPittSt 230 93 91% 93 +l%i Pitts A West Va. 6 24 23 23 - % PlttSton Co 2_ 7 43% 42% 42%-% Plrm Oil 1 60... 24 70% 69% 69% - % Pond Cr Pie... 4 39% 39% 39%+ % Poor A Co B la . 1 15% 15% 15% + % Pot Klee Pwr 90 6 13% 13% 13% Pressed Stl Car. 5 9% 9% 9% ProcterAGanuS 7 67% 67% 67% + % Pub Sec Col 2.20 4 37% 37% 37%+ % Pub 8 N J 1.40 24 23%" 23% 23%+% tPub StcNJ pf 8 1 140*% 139% 139% - % tPub StcNJ pf 7 20 123 123 123 - 1% tPub StcNJ pf 6 90 108% 108% 108% - % tP S N J 55 pf 6 340 97 96% 96% - % PubSvEAG pfwl 11 29% 29% 29% - % Publlcker %f . 7 24% 24% 24% - % tPubllcker pf4>/« 80 91 90% 91 + % Pullman %e_ 8 48% 48 48 Pure Oil la ... 56 34% 34% 34%+ % Pure Oil of 5 1 107% 107% 107% PurltTBak 2.40a 2 28% 28% 28% QUAK STA 70e 3 25 24% 24% + % RADIO CRP.S0e216 10% 10% 10%+ % Radio Cp pf 3% 1 71 71 71 -1 Radio-K Or .30e 65 9 8% 8% - % RaybestoslHe 2 32 32 32 Raronter Inc Vie 31 29% 28% 29%+1% Reading Col .. 20 22 21% 21%+ % Reading 2 pf 2 1 35 35 35 - % Real Silk H 60a 1 13% 13% 13% Reeses Bros 1.9 14% 14% 14% Reliance Mfg 1. 1 12% 12% 12%+ % Rem Rand lb . 35 13% 13% 13%+ % Reo Motors 2 %a 5 24% 24% 24% Rep ATlatlon 33 12% 11% 11% Republic Picture 7 3% 3% 3% — .% Repub Piet pf 1. 3 9% 9% 9% Reoub Steel la 29 27% 27% 27%+ % Rep Steel pf A 6 1 105 105 105 Resere C A B 1. 5 19% 19% 19% + % Reiall Drug ... 55 6% 6% 6% + % Reem Metal V.e. 6 27% 27 27 tRey Met pf 64* 30 100‘/« 100 100 +1 Reynolds Spring 3 9>* 94*' 9‘* + '+ ReynTobB SOe 30 37 364+ 37 + '+ Rheen Mfgl 60- 6 21'4 214* 21'*-4+i Richfield Oil 2 - 39 244* 244e 244* + '+ Roan A Cop .3.1* 75 544 54* 54* + 4* Rob-Ful Con.60 53 944 94* 94* RbtshFlpf 1.184* 3 244* 244* 2444 - 1+ RonsonArtl.fiOa 12 21 204* 204* - i* Royal Type 1.60 2 21 21 21 Ruberofd 1 >e_3 6V 64 64 + 4* Ruppert J 4»e _. 5 144* 14'* 144* SAFEWAY 8T1 21 194* 19'+ 194*+ 4* St Jos Lead 44*. 12 57 564* 57 - 4* t8t L South w 6* 10 125 125 125 St L San Fran _ 52 12'+ 114* 12 St L San F pf 6 9 454* 45 454* + 4* St Regis Pap 60 76 114* 114* 11'*+ 4* Savage Arms 4ie 5 114* In* 114* SchenleyDittil 2 19 30 29>* 294* - 4* Scranton Elec 1. 2 14'+ 14'+ 14'+ + '+ Seab Air Line _ 54 204* 194* 20'+ SeabAlrL pffi'+e 3 56 55'+ 56 + 4* Seabrd Oil 1.60 7 54'+ 54 54 + 4+ Sears Roebck la 48 394* 38’* 384* - 4* SeegerRefr 40*. 3 104* 104* 10’+ Serve! Inc SOg _ 28 11'* 104a 114*+ 4* tServel pf 4’+ _ 20 96 954* 96 +1 Sharon Steel 2. 17 36'* 354* 354* + 4* Sharp & Doh 1 . 17 264* 264* 2644 + '* ShellUnOl) fiV.g 29 40'+ 40 40'/* Sheraton Cp 40 6 6 54* 6 Silver King Col. 2 6 54* 6 Simmons Cole. 1 32 32 32 Sinclair Oil la. 100 22'+ 2244 22'+ - V* Skelly Oil 2'+g 3 146 146 146 tSmlthAS pf3‘* 10 864* to'+ 88'+-1 Socony-Vac 1 255 194* 19»+ 194* + 4* So Am Gold 4*e x 3 44* 44* 44* So Caro EAG 4* 8 74* />+ 74* So P Rico Sug4a 1 404* 404* 404* + 4* SeaatGreyL 1.60 2 15 144* 15 + 4* Sou Cal Edls 14* 4 2644 254* 254* - 4* Southern Par 4 40 554* 54** 55 - 4* Southern Rwy 8 13 434* 454* 434* + «, Spalding la ... 1 174* 17’+ 174*+ 44] Snarks-W ,10e . 4 5 44* 44* - 4* Sperry Crp 14*g 48 29 28'+ 284* + 4* Spiegel Ine . 17 114* 114* 114* ’Spiegel pf 444. 140 71 704* 704*+'+ Square D'/te ._ 12 21'+ 21 21 - 4* Squibb A Sons 1 3 224* 22 22 tSqulbbAS pf 4. 10 103 103 103 Stand Brands 2 4 26'+ 264* 264* Std GsAEl $4pf 5 224* 224* 224* Std GAE$7pr Df 1101 101 101 +144 Std Oil Calif fie. 40 68 674+ 674*- 4* Std Oil Ind fia . 35 464* 464* 464+ - 4* 8td Oil N Jer ib 56 794* 764* 784* - 4* S d OilOhto 14* 18 31 304* 3044- 4* Std Stl Sprg 'ie 13 134* 134+ 134*+ 4* Sterling Drug 2 15 354* 35 33'++ 4* Stewart-War4*e 3 1344 13'+ 134* Stok-V Camp 1. 8 13 144* 15 + '* Stone A Web lg 6 134* 134* 134* - <+i Studebaker 4*e. 92 234* 234+ 23'+ + >*1 Sun Cbem .60 __ 5 104* 104+ 104++ 4*! Sun Oil lb ... 6 624* 604* 624* +24*! Sunray OU .80 101 134* 134* 134* - '+ Sunshine Bisc 8 9 3 8 3 74* 38 + 4* Sunshine M .80. 7 104* 104* 10>+ Superheater la. 2 234* 234* 23'+- 4* Sup Oil Cai 1* . 1211 211 211 +2 Sutherld Pap fia 4 414* 4U+ 41'+ - 1* SwiftACo 1 60a 7 334* 33 334* + 4* Swift Inti .40e . 17 17 164* 164* - 4* j Sylvan Elec 1 40 6 22>+ 214* 22 +4* Srmlng-Gould.. 11 64* 6 64*+ 4* TEXAS CO 3 . 30 594* 594* 594*- 4*! TexGulfPro .36* 27 244* 234* 234*- 4*1 Tex Gulf Sul fia 8 61 604* 604+ + 4* Tex Pac CAO la 18 52>* 514* 524* + 4+ TeX Pac LT 70e 6 464* 454* 454* - 4* Tex A Pac Ry 4 6 584* 58>+ 584+ + 4+ Textron 144f . 22 164* 16 164*+ 4* Thermoid 4*f .. 4 84* 84* 84* — 4+ tThermod of2 4* 30 4244 424* 424*- 4+ Third Ave Trans 6 104* 104* 104* + 4* Thomas Stl 1.80 5 204* 194* 204*+ 4* ThmpsonPr 1V«* 6 544* 53 5444+14* Tide W OU 1.20a 28 284* 28 28 ’Tide Wat pf34* 80 102'+ 1024* 1024* + 4* Timken Axle <+* 39 194* 184* 19 - 4* Timken RB4*e 2 52 514* 514*-'* rrnaamtrice 4*a 9 114* 114* 114*+ 4* Trans AW Air 20 204* 194* 20'*+ 4* Tri-Con Cp 4*g. 34 78* 74* 74* + 4* TTri-Contl of 8. 20 103 103 103 1 Gains of Fractions To Point Prevail On Stock Market By Victor Eubank Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK, May 4.—Further buying demand kept today’s stock market generally on the upgrade, although many leaders faltered. The business outlook, based partly on big Government spending, still provided the main bullish incentive. There was more profit-cashing on the lengthy upswing attributed to the belief the rise may have been overdone. Labor situations, notably the threatened railway strike, re mained as a cautionary element. Dealings quickened at intervals after the start and gains of fractions to a point or so prevailed near the fourth hour. Better performers were Santa Fe, Southern Railway, Union Pacific, United States Steel, Youngstown Sheet, Goodyear, United States Rubber, Boeing, Western Union, Anaconda, Du Pont, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, Montgomery Ward and American Woolen. Backward most of the time were Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Loew’s, Twentieth Century-Fox, Standard Oil of New Jersey, South ern Pacific, Schenley, Owens-Illinois ,and United States Gypsum. Bonds held to a narrow course. Washington Exchange SALES. Union Trust Co.—6 at 38'%. Garflnckel common—100 at 18. Potomac Electric Power common—60 at 134%. Washington Gas S4 25 preferred—10 at 1004%. Peoples Drug Store common—5 at 36. in at 35. Potomac Electric Power 3 60T„ preferred • A"—100 at 45 Washington Gas common—ion at 25'%. Woodward & Lothrop 5% preferred—10 at 104a%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid. Asked. Am T&T cv db 24is 1967_ 1124% 113 Am T&T cv db 24%s 1961 10fi4a 1074% Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1954 90 93 City & Suburban 6s 1948 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5a 1901 110 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%%* 1900 1044% _ Pot Elec Pow 34%s 1877 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 __ 102 __I_ Washington Gas 5s 1950 1004% _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel & Tel (9)_153'% 154 Capital Transit __ 154< 17 N & W Steamboat (t4) _150 Pot Elec Power com (.90) . 13'/« 134% PEPCO 3.6117. pf ‘A' (1.80) 444a 45(% PEPCO 3.60% pf 'B' (1.80) 444% 454S Wash Gas Lt com (1.501 _ 24% 26 Wash Gas Lt cu pf (4.25)_ *994% 101 Wasn Ga Lt cu cv pf (4 50) *103 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) 30'% 314% Bank of Bethesda (tl.60)_40 . . _ Capital (.90) _ 83 *6 Com & Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8) _81* Lincoln (t6) _880 Natl Sav Tr (8.00)_._ 420 450 Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 80 _ Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 38 40 Riggs (12) _ 318 335 Washington (6) 185 200 Wash Loan & Tr (12)_ 330 FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (t6) _160 Columbia (t.30> _ 124% 134% Firemen's (1.40) _ 31 National Union (.75)_ 15 19 Real Estate (t6) _ 196 206 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 30 35 Garflnckel com (1.60)_ 18 19 Garfl 5'/a<v„ eu cv pf (1.375) 234% 24'/% Garfl 44%% cu cv pf (1.125) 21 22 Hecht Co (1.80) 24 28 Hecht 34%% cum pf (3.78). 86 88'% Lanston Mono (2.00) . 22 23'% Mergenthaler Lino (a.76) 60 63 Nat’l Mtg & Inv pf (p.46) 74% Peoples Dr St com ft 1.80) 35 37 Security Storage (t6) _110 126 Ter Ref & Wh Corp (3) 50 Wdwd & Loth com (t2.00) 36 87 Wdwd * Loth pfd new (5) 104'% * Ek dividend, b Books closed, t Phi* ektra or ektras. a Paid so far thla rear, p Paid 1947._ Simonds Saw & Steel Co. declared a dividend of 70 cents a share, pay able June 15. The company paid 60 cents last March 15 and 70 cents a year earlier. Sale*— _ Stock and Add Met Dlrldend Rate. 00. Hlth. Low. 2:30. cbge. Truax-Tra l.ZO 49 16* ‘19* 16*+1* Twent C-Pox 2 10* 23* *1* 31* -1* ZOthC-Fxpfl* 7 35 35 33 - * Twln'Clty RTr. 1 6* e* 6* + * ♦Twin Cty nr2* 30 J7* 27* 27*+ * Twin Coach_ 9 11* 11* 11*+ * UDYLITE1 . . 1 10* 10* 10*+ * Underwood Vie. 9 34* 34* 54*+ * UnAab St R 70a 3 14* 14* 14* - * Union Bag Za . 27 33* 34* 35*+* Union Carb 2e 14 113* 113* 113* + * •Un El Mo pf 4* 10 109* 109* 109* + * Un Oil Cal .70e. 30 29* 29* 29*+ * Union Pae 8e... 3 100 179*179*-* Un Pacific of 4 2 100* 100* 100* + * UuTankCar 2 60 3 37* 37 37* Unit Air Unac 10 10* 17* 18 + H UtdAlrcraft 1 V«t 15 29* 29* 29* - * Unit Blaeult la. 6 20* 20* 20*+* Unit Carbon 2 4 34* 34* 34*+ * Unit Clear Wha) « 3* 3* 3* + * United Corn ... 36 3* 3 3 Unit Coro of 8 4 45 44* 44* — * ♦ Utd Dye pflVek 10 80 80 80 -2 Utd Elec Coal 1 2 23* 23* 23* + * UtEngAFdr 1 Vie 10 42* 42 42*+ * United Fruit Za 15 59* 35* 33*- * UtdOaalmp 1.30 1 21* 21* 21*-* Unit M A M la 44 18* 17* 18*+* USAPorSeel 8Aa 19 24* 24* 24* + * ♦US&FrSpf4Vi 10 94* 94* 943+- * U 8 Freight la.. 1 19* 19* 19*+* U 8 Gypsum 3 14 101 99*101 + * US HofT Mch v«t 4 13* 13* 13* - * US IndChm 1 Vie 2 38* 38 38 -1 U S Leather Vie 2 6* 6* 6* US Leath A 1 v,e 1 30* 30* 30* + * U 8 Lines ZVi 21 19* 19* 19*+ * US Plue*P 2.80 53 50 49* 50 - * US Plywood la 17 33* 32* 33 + * ♦U8 Plywd pf.IVi 20 92* 92* 92* -1 U 8 Rubber 2e . 24 44* 44* 44* + * US Rubber lpf8 1 129 129 129 -1 US 8m R&M la. 4 54* 54* 54* + * US Smelt of 3*. 1 69* 69* 69* -1* U S Steel 2V,e.. 41 77* 76* 76*+* US 8tee! of 7 . 7 137 136* 136* -1 ♦ U8TobpflVi. 50 41* 41* 41* Un Strs 2dpf It 12 11* 10* 11*+ * Utd Wallpao V«g 2 5* 5* 3* - * Unir Lab 3 4* 4* 4* Un!v Leaf Tob 1 11 20 19* 19* - * Urlr PU i 1 . 19 13* 13* 13* - * ♦Unfr Pic pf 4V» 50 67 67 67 VANRAALTlh. 1 24* 24* 34*-* Vanad Corp Vie. 2 20* 19* 19*- * Vert-C Sugar 2. 3 13* 13* 13*+ * V.ckCbem 1 20a 2 24* 24* 24*+* VlctorChem 40a 4 42* 41* 41*— * Va CarollnChem 46 11* 11* 11* + * Va El&Pwr 1 20 32 17* 17* 17*- * ♦Va El ft P pf 6. 10 113*113*113*-* Va Railway 2*. 1 37* 37* 37*+* Va Rail pf 1*_. 1 34* 34* 34*-* Viskint Corp 3 2 37* 36* 36* -1* WLGREEN 1.60 3 32* 32* 32* Walker Hlr lVia 9 24* 23* 24*+* Walworth Co Vie 10 10* 10* 18* Ward Bak ,16e 19 13* 13* 13*+* ♦ Ward Bk pfBVi 20 87* 87* 87* + * Warner Bro 1 * 164 12* 11* 11* -l* Warren Fndry . 2 29 29 29 Warren Pet 80 20 31* 30* 30* + * Waukesha Mot 1 1 18* 18* 18* + * Webster Tobac 2 5* 5* 5* - * Wesson 0*8 le. 3 46* 46* 46*- * •Wesson Oil Pf4 20 83 82* 83 + * WstlndSual Via 12 24* 24* 24*- * West Pen El Vie 27 16 15* 15* • vv reiirw pitri ^ WVtC*C.70t. 14 171/* 17 17 W7i PulpdtP la « 43 43 45 + V* WesternAlr Una 3 75a 75* 75* 4- V* WeatAutoSuo 3 4 40 3*5* 40 4. v* Western Md - M 1354 13V* 13V* 4- 'A West Md 2nd of. 8 34 33 34 4-1V* West Pacific 3 .. 1 33V4 33V4 33V*- 5* West On Tel le. 10 225* 22V4 22V* + V* West Air Brk 2_ 11 38V* 38>* 38V4 Westing Klee 1 38 285* 28V* 28‘A - V* tWst El Df A 3V* 30 945* 945* 945* WstngElpfB.'t 80 I 1005* 1005* 1005* 4- 5* Westvaeo 1 40.. 2 38V* 385* 385* 4- V* Wheel Steel 2-_ 2 441* 44V* 44V* 4- V* tWheemtl prpf6 80 88 87>* 87V*- 5* White Motor la 10 225* 21V* 21V* - 5* White Sewing M 36 155* 15 15V* 4- V* Wilcox Oil ,40a 12 16V* 16 16 - V* Wilijs-Overland 18 95* 9V* 9V* Willys Or pf 4V* 5 575* 37 37V* - V* Wilson&Co l**e 11 13 145* IS 4- V* Wilson-Jones 5*a 3 16V* 155* 16V* + V* Wise Elec Pwr 1 5 16 135* 155* - V* Woolwortb 2a 8 465* 46 46 — V* Worth Pump Vib 4 21V* 205* 21V* 4- V* Wrlgley W Jr 3a 1 65 65 63 -1 WyandWor 40a 12 105* 10V* 10V* YALE & Tlf V*e. 11 31 30V* 30V* - 5* York Coro V*__ 3 12V4 12V* 12V4 Young8pr4tW 1. 4 19V4 19 19V* 4- V* Young Sb*T 4a 13 7 7 765* 765* 4- 5* Yngst8tlDoor la 3 175* 175* 175* + 'A ZENITH B 154*. S 25V* 245* 245* - 5* Zonite Prod 10* 4 55* 55* 55* Hourly Bales an cha Exehana* Mar: 11:00 a.m. 340 000 12:00 poop 650 000 1:00 p.m. 900 000 2:00 D.m. 1 090 000 tumt of trading. 10 aharea "in Dang, ruptcy or racelTerablp. or being raorganiaed under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies Hates at dividends in the foregoing table an annual disbursements based on tbs last Quarterly or semiannual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends an not included, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rlghta. a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or atock. • Declared or paid so far this vest, t Payable in stock, aetl m a ted cash value on ex dividend date, a Paid last year, h Declared or paid after •lock dividend or stock spUt-up. k Accum ulated dividends paid or declared this year a Payable in stock, exact cash value trade term in ed oa declaration data. RCA Profits Boosted Sharply Above 1947; Television Helps By th« At toe rated Pratt - NEW YORK, May 4.-Proflts of Radio Corp. of America for the first quarter of this year ran 23 per cent ahead of the like period of 1947, stockholders were told at the 29th annual meeting today. Increased sales of television sets played an im portant part. David Samoff, RCA president and board chairman, said net profits for the first quarter totaled $5,764,498 or 36 cents a share. This was $1,084,433 more than for the first three months of last year, when earnings amounted to 28 cents a share. RCA began 1948 with a $100,000. 000 backlog of unfilled orders, said Mr. Samoff. Crude Oil Production Off Slightly in Week By th. Attociattd Pratt TULSA, Okla., May 4.—The Na tion’s production of crude oil dropped during the week ended May 1 to a daily average of 5,429,870 barrels, 1,115 barrels less than the previous week, the Oil and Gas Journal reported today. Major decreases were: Illinois, down 1,600 barrels to 169,900 barrels; Kansas, off 4,300 to 296,400; Missis sippi, down 4,900 to 117,835; Wyom ing, 1,600 to 139,970. Greatest Increases were in the Eastern area, up 2,350 barrels to 65, 250 barrels, and in Oklahoma, up 7, 900 barrels to 417,300. N. Y. Bond Market SELECTED LIST OF ISSUES. (Furnished by the Associated Press.) nvnuu DOita IntBRftD 3(72 99 5 NEW YORK CITY 3s 80 _109 FOREIGN 2:30 Australia 6s 65 97V Bras 3Vis 19 aer 94V Canada 3 Vis 81 104V ChllMB6Vis57 a 23 El Balvdr 4s 76 64V ItalCCns l-3s77 16V Norway 4 Vis 56. 77V Peru 2nd 6s 61. 14V DOMESTIC 3:30 AmftF P 6s2030 36 Am T&T 2Vs67112V Am TftT 2Ais81 106V Am TftT 2Vis80 93V AmTobaeco3s69102 AT8F4S 96.-121V B ft O 6a 96 J _ 72V BaltftOh 6s75B. 99V Balt&Oh 5sG95. 64 B&O ct 4Vi2010 91V B ft O T C 4s 85 84V Bost Me 4Vis 70 54V BufRochftP57st 63V Can Nor 4 Vis 66112V Can Pae 4s pern 93V Cent Ga 6 Vis 69 8V Cent Ga on6s45 97 Cent Oalst5s45 76V Cn RR NJ 6s 87 56H Cn RR NJ 4s 87 90 CftOSVis 96 D_ 104V CblftEI tne 97. 44 CblftL Inc4s83 . 62V CM3tP4Vis2019 71 CMStP4Vis2044 96V ChlftNW 4Vis99 64 CRIPln4Vis2019 81V C R I & P 4s 94 106 CCCStL 4 Vis 77 79V Cons P 2%s 78 101V □el ft Hud 4s 63 94 Del LkftW tn93 98V DftR In 4'i2018 61 DenftS L Inc 93 80 Erie 4Vis 2016 . 70V GenReftUt 4s89 84V Hud Coal 6s 62a 90V HudftM r( 6s 67 66V HudftM in 6s 67 23V I C 4s 63_100V I C 6s 55_ 106V ICC StL os 63 A 9534 Int G N Ist6s52 58V» Int Ot No5i66B 5534 IntHydroElHs44 62 LehV*1434s2003 3734 Leh Val 4s 2003 3434 Lou OAE 334(68106 M-K-T adj 6s67 6434 Mo Pac 634s 49. 2434 Mo Pac 6s 77 F 7934 Mo Pac gn 4s 75 3634 Mor&E3 34S2000 5934 Nat Steel 3s 65 104 N O Term 4s 53 10334 NYC rf 6s 2013. 0134 NYC 434S2018A. 7434 N Y C con 4s 98 6834 NYNH&H 6s 40 7834 NYNHlne434*'22 4034 NYNH&H 4s 57. 1834 NYNHH 4*2007 6734 NYOW rf 4s 92 934 N Y O W g 4s 55 41/4 NY Tel 3y«s 78 1041/4 NYWB 434s 46. 19 NorflkSo 6S2014 6734 Nor Pac 4s 97 1041/4 PacT&T 334s87 10134 Pac T&T 234*85 9334 PennRR gn5s68 10834' PennRRg4 34s6510434 PennRRg4V«s81100>/4 PennRR 3i/*s52. 9934 PeoAE Inc 4s90 1634 StLSF 4 34*2022 59 StL8anFrn4*97 8734 Seab ln4 34*2018 6834 Shell Un 234*71 9534 9oeonr-V234s76 9434 SoPaclflc434s81 9234 Sou Pac 434s 69 94 8oP*c434sOr77 101 So Rr gn 4s 56 9334 8tdOilNJ234s71 9434 Third Are 5s 60 59 VaEl&Fw3 V.s6310834 Va E1AP 234s 76 973* Wabash 4 V4s 9 1 8434 West Sh 4* 2381 6934 West Md 4s 52. 10034 West On 5* 51.. 98 West Un 5s 60 . 9234 WheelStl 334*67 9734 Wise Cent 4s 49 7134 Wls Cn 4s 3630 38 N. Y. Curb Market] LIST INra.CDU ONLY SELECTED ISSUES I CHANGED EBON FEEVIOUI CLOSE. 1:*0 Aero Supply_ 23* AirWay XI A. 60 6'* Alum Ltd 2_44 Alum Co Am 2 . 613* Am Bantam Car 13* AmCPLB.ld « Am Oaa Sc XI lb 38 Amlalaht&T.&S* 16 Am Maracaibo . 43* Am Republc '** 233* Am Superpower. >3* Apex Klee .40* 113* ArkNatGas .20e 73* ArkNOaa A .20* 73* Ashland OH 1. _ 173* Atlaa Corp w w 93* Barium Steel 93* Basle Refret .40 73* Blue Ridge ,40g 33* BrwnF Dlst .80a 243* Brown Rub .20e 11 Bnk Hill & 8 3as 223* Burma Ltd... >W» Cab XI Prod .10* 63* Carr Con* Bite. 43* Catalin Am _ 63* CtaScB W Cp .70 93* Cities Serrle* 2. 50 Clauds Neon... 23* Colonial Airline. 73* ColSand&St .40 63* ColPuel&lrww 434 Colts Mfg l*4g 3434 ConsGEBalt.3 00 64'4 Cons Gas Util 3* 93* Cont Fdy*M 1 13'/* CopperRange3«g 13 Cosden Petro 83* Creole Pet 90e 4634 Croft Brew 13* Crosley Motor . 7 Crown Cent Pet 73* Dennison A 40e 103* ’ Diana Stores 34 6** East Gas&Fuel 53* El Bond&Sh '4* 123* Elliott Co 241* Eauity Corp_ 2 Eureka C Ltd'.. lMa Fairchild X & A 53* FansteelMet34g. 143* Gen Build S .30 43* GenPlywood .40 63* Glen Aldsn C 2. 223* Gray Manufact. 83* Heela Min 1 . 123* Imp Oil Ltd 14% Int Petrol Vi_11% Jeanette Glass 6% Kalaer-Fraxer.. 10% Kirby Pet 20* _ 17% LakeyFd&M Vie 8% Leonard OH Dev Ms Lionel Corp la 28 Lone 8tar Oat 1 21 Long Island Ltg. % LoulaL&Kla 19% Lud Baumann 1 13% McClanahan 011 1% McCord Cp 3.1e 34 McWill Drdg .60 10% Menasco Mfg ... 2% Mesabl Iron_ 6% Md8PAvtcl.20e 28% Mid West Crp 61 9% Mid-West Refln 3% Nat Fuel 0.80 11% i New Pk Min in 1% Niagara Hud Pr 8>« Noma lied.20a 16% No Am Lt & Pwr 7% NorthropAlr '«g 11 Pantepec 1.28-. 16% Pennroad 40g_. 6% Pepperell3a ... 61% Pioneer Gold 2>vu Pltney-Bow ,60a 12% Pitt Metallu .80 15% R-K-O opt war_ 2 Raytheon Mfg _ 8 Richmond Rad 3% SaltDomeO l’«f 11% Segal Lock_ 2% Select Indus 3 Solar Alrc ,15e_ 13% Sonotone .40. .. 4% Soss Mfg 1 8% Std OilKy 1.40a 28 Std Power * Lt 1% Starrett Corp 4% Sterling Eng 1% Sterling Inc Vi 5% SunRayDru OSe 6 Technicolor 1 g 14% Thor Corp 1 b 19% Trans Lux .15e_ 5% Trl-Contl w w _ 2% Unit Aire Prod 4% United Corn ww Ms Ut Lt&Rys 32e 19% UtShoeMac 2 Via 59% U 8 Int Sec 3 Wlckes Crp ,15e 10 Chicago Grain CHICAGO, May 4 UPs.—Grain futures were steady to firm in today’s session at the Board of Trade. Prices advanced on mill buying, an increased threat of a rail; strike an <fa lower estimate of winter1 wheat production by private sources. Soybeans led the advance, reaching thel daily limit of 8 cents a bushel during the morning session. Nearby contracts advanced more sharp ly than deferred deliveries on short cov ering. In the event of the rail strike present low visible supplies would make deliveries difficult. At the finish wheat was ]*4 to 3% higher than the previous close. May 2.4H-4fly«: corn was % to 2% higher. May 2.21 %-22; oats were >/* lower to 2%» high. May 1.11a«-%. and soybeans were unchanged to 7 higher. May 4.04. Chicago Cash Market. Wheat, none. Corn. No. 1 yellow. 2.32% 33Vi; No. 2. 2 30-33%; No. 3. 2.28>/4-3la4; sample grade yellow. 1.98%-2.07%. Oats., No. 1 mixed. 1.20V4; No. 1 heavy white, i 1.24%: Ne. 1 while. 1.22; No 2 white. I 1.2034. Barley, nominal; malting, 2.25 |50; feed, 1.75-93. Soybeans, none. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 SO Indst. Ralls. Util. Stka. Net change_ +.3 ^12 —.1 +.2 Today noon_ 92.2 42.9 40 5 67 9 Prev. day_ 91.9 42.7 40.4 67 7 Week ago_ 91.7 41.7 40 4 HT.2 Month ago_ 90 9 39.1 40.0 65 8 Year ago_ 88.3 31.2 43.(1 62 6 1948 high_ 93.1 42.7 40.8 88 1 1948 low_ 83 3 34.2 38 0 60 3 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Ralls. Indst. Util. Pgn Yield. Net change unc. unc. -t-.l —.3 —1 Today noon 91.4 101.5 100.6 61 5 109.5 Prev. day _ 91 4 101.5 100.5 61 8 109.8 Week ago - 91.1 101.5 100.8 62.3 109 5 Month ago. 89.8 101.3 100.1 61.1 109 5 Year ago . 92.8 103.7 105.8 74 4 116 l 1948 high. 91.4 101.6 100.6 66.9 109 9 1948 low 87.7 99 8 98.0 60 2 107.2 (Compiled by the Associated Press ) New York Cotton NEW YORK. May 4 MV—cotton futures were firm in fairly active dealing* today. Replacement commission house buying, along with short covering and mill buying, met only scaleup offerings. Traders at tributed the advance partly to technical reasons following Monday's sharp sellofT Washington reports that Southern Con gressmen will press for early House action ! on the $150,000,000 revolving fund cover- j ing cotton and other commodity purchases , for Japan, stimulated some buying. Liquidation in nearby May following 1 the Issuance of 44 additional May trans ferable notices was readily absorbed. Late afternoon price* were $1.20 to, $1.00 a bale higher than the • previous close. May, 37.05; July, 36.47; October, 32.83. _ Odd-Lot Dealings The Securltie, snd Evchsnee Commis sion reported today these transactions bv customers with odd-lot dealers or special ists in the New York Stock Evchange (or May 3: 4 379 purchases involving 136.673 shares: 5 277 sales involving 151.579 shares. Including 44 short tales Involving 1.700 shares. % Dividends Announced NEW YORK. May 4.—Dividend* de clared: Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. record, able, lrreaalar. Slmond* Saw * 8tl 70c .. 5-19 8-15 Crown Zeller_40c _. 8-14 7-1 Pajardo Sugar... . $1 5-15 6-1 _ Extra. Serrlck Corp B. 15c.. 5-25 6-15 Initial. William*, J B. new 15c .. 5-4 5-14 Rernlar. Amerex Holding Corp 70c 8 5-17 6-10 Archer Dan Mid ...25c 5-20 6-1 Chilton Co-20c 4 5-3 5-13 Cocamela . SI 4 5-20 8-1 Chilton Co-20c Q 5-3 5-13 Coca-Cola .. $1 Q 6-11 7-1 Coca-Cola A -SI.50 8 6-11 7-1 Coca-Cola Inti_S7.50 6-11 7-1 Coca-Cola Int A_ S3 8 6-11 7-1 Collin* ti Alkman_25c _ 5-21 6-1 Gen Motors 75c.. 5-13 6-10 Inti Nickel. Can. Ltd.40c 5-25 6-21 Lane Well* .40c Q 5-26 6-15 Ohio Seamless Tube.-SKie 6-4 6-15 Pitney Bowes. -15e Q 5-26 8-12 Serrick Corp A-22c Q 5-25 8-15 „,Do .25c Q 5-25 6-15 flvyer Stl Cast-25e .. 5-10 5-21 Std Oil Ohio-37V4c__ 5-24 6-15 T**art corp-15c 6-14 6-1 Vick Chem .30c Q 5-14 6-1 West Auto Supply-75c Q 5-17 8-1 Winnipeg Elec . -5»c .. 5-14 6-30 Youngtown Stl Car.-15e.. 6-22 8-3u Atlas Imp Diesel _ ,*ng Pf_ -58V,e 4 6-16 6-30 Boston Wor Hose & Rub 50c 4 5-14 5-25 Eastern Util Assoc . _ . 50c 5-8 5-15 Bocony Vacuum _25c 4 5-14 6-15 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, May 4 1.4*1 (U6DA1.—Sal able hoas. 10.000: total. 10,500; fairly active, 25-50 cents higher on all weights butchers and sows; bulk of run sold or. that basis, but market closed slow with part or all of advance lost on butohers: top. 22.00; bulk good and choice 170-2.30 pounds. 21.00-21.75: 240-260 pounds, 19.00-20.60; 270-290 pounds. 17.50 18.75; 300-400 pounds. 16.00-17.25; most OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT 4-room suite. Ideal for trade association, law office or corporation having Wash ington representative. Well known office building located in the financial district. Box 466 V, Star LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ! p1*m. lneladinr lonr-term monthly payments, at favorable rate. FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana A»«. N.W. NA. 0350 r ^ First Trust LOANS On Real Estate P. J. WALSHE, INC. 111B Eye St. N.W. NA. 6468 L A Builders Construction Loons Good Locations in the District of Columbia and Maryland L*ans Made for 20 Tears and 6 Months Immediate Service Set Mr. Phillips Phillips, Canby & Fuller, Inc. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 food. 350-600 pound sows. 13.50-14.75 Salable cattle. 6.500: total, 6.500: aal. able calves, 700; total. 700; medium weight and weighty led steers steady to 2o cents lower: market muchless active on kinds scaling 1,150 pounds upward; all grades light and long yearlings steady; heifer yearlings. 25 cents higher: beef cows strong to 50 cents higher: can ners and cutters steady to strong: bulls and vealers steady to weak; average choice. 1.275 pounds Colorado-fed steers, topped, at 31.76: most good and choice hr.-id— 28.511-31.00: good and choice yearlings, 28.00-31.00: choice 975 pound Colorado yearlings topped at 31.50: bulk goc.i anc. choice heifers. 27.00-31.00; r,»t*-r rows, 19.00 down: most beef cows, 19.50-24.00: high-good fed cows, 26 00: gnu-age bulls, 24.So'mown; vealers, 30.00 down. j Salable sheep. 2.000; total. 2.500: ac tive: slaughter lambs strong to mostly 6o cents higher; ewes scarce, steady to strong; three loads good and choice 90 100 pound fed wooled lambs, 96.50: most medium to good woolsklns. 23.00-26.50; suoplv common to medium 19.00 22.00; shorn Iambs scarce: small lots lust goo.. trades with No. 1 and 2 pelts, 24 00-24.50; few good and choice shorn slaujhtcr ewes. 11.26-11.50; comparable grade wooled ewes. 13.00 down — ./5unix/€riber IbBIM PIONEER OF DISC DICTATION * Dictating * Telephone Recording * Conference Call or Writ* TELEVISION ENGINEERING CO., INC. 1341 L St. N.W. RE. 4050 MR HENRY IN CHARGE Fonnarl; oi th* MoyfloweiHot*^^^ A Budduuf | B&RBBft SHOP I 18th & M Sts. N. W / Phone STerling 9333 Mbkratt Pnct".. Here'S comfortable ' sitting for the office employee! A genuine Do/More chair that’e individually fitted to the user, to aid posture _,and help relax tension, make work easier. All mttal construction... I upholstered aeat and back. See It in ,our store or'phone for free trial in your office. / STOCKETT FISKE CO. Ratail Stationor* 91* ■ St. N.W. Planned sa vings work Magics tuild your dream bouse On small amounts loved regular// under Interstate's system of planned savings. Drop in at our convenient office and let us explain bow to make some of your financial dreams come frve. ^ me »t I** BUILDING ASSOCIATION Washington Building 15fh St. and htow York Atok District 8300 R.C.AUen ADDING MACH^E A low-cost machine delivering swift, accurate, lifetime figuring power • 8 columns add and list to $1,000,000.00 • Hand-operated desk-type model • Direct subtraction printed in red • Repeat, correction and non-add keys • Visible dials, automatic ciphers and dear signal • Full, flexible keyboard R. C. ALLEN BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. ADDING MACHINES bookkeeping 1311 G STREET N.W. MAPHINF^ calculators NAtional 8582 CASH REGISTERS 4