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SUBURBAN SALE—VA. (Cent. CLOSE IN—A very attr 3-bed rm frame bungalow that is in new-house condition newly redecorated full bsmt . ml heat nice lot and attractively priced CFCIL B LUPTON. Realtor. Owens 533.3. OX "*50 and eves. CH 757 7. —5 ARLINGTON FOREST—If you want a fi rm modern brick home in a most con venient location call me about th^se homes Built prewar and priced reasonaoly MR MALCOLM OW 3024 or DU. 0407. THIS ATTRACTIVE and unusual home, close to all conveniences, including schools, ■hopping, bus and also very close to Pentagon and Navy Annex 3 lovely bed room* and bath, plua large center hall, tiownstaira. nice living room, china c:oset space in dining room laige k.tchen with adjoining utility loom Venetian blinds including 2 large porches ba•■rment for oil h.-w.h unit large fenced lot with ample shade and ahrubs In addition to all this there U an attractive gue.sthome or plavroom on rear of lot priced for immediate sale at, + 16 76" with approx. Sll OOO worth of financing already on proper!'- ARLINGTON REALTY CO. 7704 Wilson blvd. GL lpt»0. OX 4173. R MIN TO PENTAGON—A spacious 2 •tory brlrk and frame home in excellent condition Cen'er entrance hall plan con tain* living rm with log-burning fireplace »nd ad.tolnln* sunrm dining rm and equipped kitchen There are .3 bedrooms t'wtn *:zei with ample closet space and tile bath on the 2nd floor Full bsmt with nil a -c heat Large, level lot 'fenced' with det garage One block to school and bus MALCOLM REAL ESTATE. OW 3 074 DU 0407 COUPLE OF CRONIES ran lire aide by side in these two new brick semidet house' 5 rms . bsmt. stairway ?o attic storage, eauip kit., automatic heat on each side, excel residential .oration sparkling tream in rear "4 nun t ash down payment buy a both houses. J FULLER GROOM REALTY CO. OX 44M - 4 ARLINGTON FOREST I s an unusual buy al +13.6041; 3-bedrm unik Colonial, fully equipped elec git . full basement. MILTON G. SMITH. 4 7 114 Wilson blvdv OWL 7200 - 4 NORTH ARLINGTON Qualitv First offer ing Quality 1 0:s real qua.ny built per fectly kept, quality home of 7 spacious rooms. 2'-j baths including ]st-fl den. lavatory and beautiful recreation room is a real opportunity. Ca.i and inspect it todav. It wont last Jong. MITCHELL QUICK DI 7831 e\es . RA 341*. HOW MICH IS ENOUGH? Do vou know 'he current market value oI youi home' Are our services worth ‘cooing abou' 0 A'g our *eiler* A«k our buyers If you wan* to sell or buy consult us After ah that * what were driving at DO MINION INSURANCE A- REALTY AGEX Cv Realtor*. 31t*3 ]"th si, no., Arling ton GI fi-53* OX 17 ,U HALF-ACRE LOT. plus a 3-bedroom Colo nial home, h -w h 7" mm to D C COLLARD-AKRE REALTORS. 73"" Wilson blvd., CH. fi27fi, CH. 7073. eves, til! t». - 5 t BF.DR.MS . large ground* with shade • ree* block from bis section of large home* in No Arlington +3 uim down. +00 mo REALTY BULLETIN. OW 7 !#f»T I OUF-BFDRM stone front. Cape Cod n a section of reai beauty; l1* baths, den; children's playhouse. beautfully anoacapeo garden, priced under +2t» 4MM». "14.0041 1st trust REALTY BULLETIN OW 7P3~ —fl < APR COD BRICK I*rge llv. rm with fireplace, family-sized din. rm 7 bedrms . »d bath, equipped kit. on 1 *♦ fl Ige unfinished 2nd fl full bam* . oii hea' garage lot *5x17fi REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC , Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL 45«l OX 2585 —« » m,i s i m nt h sum—rurmsnea ounga 'n' on large lot. 5 rooms ba'h detached sarage. on a -c. heat, and equipped kit ; 'or immrdia e sale price FIA.50O. WIL LIAMS REALTY CO . ;i»06 Witaon blvd . OW hi Hi. —H WAVF.Rl.Y HILLA Home with income — Two complete apartments in one of No Ar.mgton a most at*racti\e sections, lge " ooded lot. detached garage possession with settlement inspection by appoint ment WILLIAMS RFALIY CO. 3Mmi Wilson blvd. OW. HIHi. .—H OAKCREST —1This brick home located In on# of Arlington s better residential sec tions. has such features as den or bed roc m on l*i floor, with full bath; 3 bed ims., sew mg rm. and full bath on '!nd floor: large 1 iv rm with fireplace equip ped k.’chen oienty of cio*ei space, stor age aclc. f 41 bsmt attached gaiage oil heat, screened flagstone front porch slate roof show n ov appt only *AH ;><>" terms. CEO H RUCKER. CO. Realtor. 1403 No Courthouse rd . OX 0197. —H I.YON VILLAGE- Attractive Cape Cod brick, in excellent condition consisting of living room with Colonial fireplace dining room, kitchen and A bedioorns on 1st floor There Is a very large dormi tory room and full bath on And floor Oil heat, deiached brick garage and lovelv landscaped lot Price *AA50n. $.*» <MM» casn will handle. Call Mr Boswell. NA 3300; eves and week ends QY 3A5o. BOSS ii PHEI.PS, INC . 141 7 K at n w. FALL* CHI RCH Modern home on fl acre*, beautifully landscaped conveniently loca ed large living room dining room unusually large kitchen, hail, 4 bedroom*, bath. roomy basement, full attic with A cedar-lined closets, garage and other out building* prewar construction. This is a home you will enjoy owning You must see it to appreciate it. Exclusive with EASTMAN A SEAY. Realtors FA ?HA". LOCATION AND CONVENIENCE Attr fl-im brick in one of North Arlington'! mr-st desirable neighborhoods and cone to everything This horn# is really priced for immed sale DWYER A CARTER OX Af»80 and CH 4 184 VOI R HUSBAND WILL LOVE IT Spar klina white Cape Cod with spare for a workshop in huge full basement. 3 bed rooms. living room with fireplace total price. J|8 05o COLLARD-AKRE PEAL TORS. fl.floo Wilson bhd, CH. H’.’fld. CH. 7f»’\3 eve? fill 8. —5 UNBELIEVABLE! An Arlington Forest home on a nice fenced lot for only * 14 - do" and with a flr'i trust of approx fll 1 AMi. A very unusual opportunity to acquire a eood 3-bedroom home in this popular location Make your cull* early rrh:s horn will sell qu.« kiv Exclusively with ARLINGTON REALTY CO A A "4 Wilson blvd. GI. ipoo OX 41 A3 OAKCREST. Aurora Hills nr Army-Navy Country Club—-Lovely 5-bedrm red brick Colonial home built p yrs ago with dis criminating taste 1st fl center-:iali en •rance <ls’-fl. bedrm and full tiled bathe lge. din rm ha* closet, fully equipped kit . huge 11 v rm with built-in book shelves by flrepl. nice screened porch entrance to Iiv. rm and kil \'nd fl . master bedrm with flrepl and bookshelves. 3 smaller bedrm* full tiled bath, wa.k in cedar closet bsmt. ha* lge game rumpus rm. and bath, gas a -c. heat, laun dry trays, outside entrance and many xurious fea'ures such a* an abundance of electric wall sockets, manv lge closets «»orate a:tir. copper plumbing nicely 'andscaperi lot: rlo-e to school shopping and transp FRED GEOROF Realtor. 137 N. Glebe rd Call GL. H777 pi OX 0141 - « FALLS CHURCH -A !o\ ely home in im maculate condition throughout A prewar house planned for informal living The .nustial kitchen and sleeping poi.h 111 'h’.s house are worth the price asked for •hia property The owner-occupant says *•11 todav Investigate home then s*k the price You will be happily sur priaed. EASTMAN A SEAY, Realtors. FA •'iv'O. Ml ON ONE FI OOR Brick bungalow 5 room* and bath ree apace del gm ?ear W and L Hish School COIIARD AKRE REALTORS A300 Wilson blvd . CH. flflflfl CH 7BA3 e\es till 8. - 5 on LEESBURG PIKE, near Falls Church, within ease commuting distance of D C Modern 3-bedroom home with large clos e’s. hair, large living room music room den dining room, kitchen and screened-in dark oorch: full basement with shower, fruit cellar, laundry room and utility room ’-car garage 3 acres of nicelv 'andsraped i.*t d fruit trees and ’ove v shrubbery Weil Untuned EASTMAN A SEAY, Realtors. FA "fl’-’fl ill LI WOOD AVE- An outs landing ne gh hnrhood of finer home*: center-hall Colon 's!. lge liv. rm . fireplace and connecting Men. banquet-sized din. rm lge equipped kit. on l't fl And floor has master bed rm with walk-in closet and pvt bath. A more lge bedrm* mid another bath. 3rd fl completely finished fl more rm* full b«mt . 0 h -w h garage excel lot < 'a II REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. 058! OX A5H5 — 8 XV FNl M AT S I 0>E FRONT house On approximately 1-acre lot in one of Vir ginia's finest subdivisions. You enter sn °X''optional;* nice foyer To the left ts aree living room < Mx'.’i" with Colonial fireplace, ‘hen dtninc room overlooking garden To the right.' kitchen and 1st floor lavatory The ’’nd floor has 3 room* bedrooms *’ bath* Maid's room and ba h: oil hea’ attarhed gaiage The price of 500 Is very reasonable and we urge your inspection Ca l Mr Bo* wel NA 9300: exes. OV 3\’50 BOSS A PHEl.P INC. 1417 K st nw ^ « A HOME PH'S AN INCOME 13 looms 3 baths. •’ fireplace* Can be used for 1 or 4 families 3 apts now renting a' Blfln per mo Present owner now occupies 5 rm Mt-floor apt This property is located in heart of Arlington Va . near schools churches and stores If you desire a large home or wish to make a good In vest men' see the above before you buy *• ‘lie low quick sale price of fl9.750 RAY FARN'FY A SON Vienna. Va. Open e\e« until S pm Vienna *!13. --6 ONI y |5 MIN TO PFNTAGON A nire 3 bedrm bungalow situated on a nit e corner o* w;'h beaut lawn and shrubbery Equipped kit nice !iv rm with fireplace, o'l hah gar. garden space, lawn lncl wi’h good fence This home is a d *ndv for the w orking family. *!-rmn walk h'.'imf Call i.s now for full details RAY BARNEY A BON Vmnna Va Onen exes until s P in Vienna Ml*. —5 ° STORY BRIER home, in excel rondi * op new’y decnra'ed. near King Con ♦s-.ns nue living rm full-sized dimnr rm . large equir kit. and full bath on Is* flonj 3 bed rm* . tnciosrd sleeping port h * '! hath on ‘!nd floor screens basement w.h h wh Full price 314 000 terms <*n he arranged AL BAKEft A SON INr . Realtor* 1 1 o So S' A*aph st Alexandria, v • Open eves and Snndav* for vour r< t xenieme PE 7343 A!.ex 8844. Alex 3 • non DOWN BALANCE SH5 per mo: »om asbestos-shingle home 30 min * oDC large «oinei lot COLl ARD AKRF REAL,TOR? *.’300 Wilson hlvd . CH «•'•■*« CH 79*!3. exes till M - 5 13 ACRFS WITH 10 ROOM HOME, lo ra»ed on mam line of Southern Railroad 3<* miles from Washington I^rge stoie rm post office, brick garage *?i> bv 4n railroad aiding ideal for residence or bn*iness priced at «10 9t»0 See C 8 SHTLLINGSBCRG. exclusive agent 4815 Lee hwy OX *?«*!4 —8 3 BEDROOMS AND DFN This house is htiilt of brick and is about ft vrs old. in an excellent community m North Arling ton It has living room wrh fireplace large dining room nicely equipped kit and den on 1st floor Jnd floor, has 3 n’.ce-sized bedrooms and tiled bath: attic fans to keep house cool in summer full basement. oil hea: Venetian blinds throughout Brick detached garage and many other features Priced at fl9.*!oo JNO J LOFLIN. Loflln Bldg . \’4u» Wil •on blxd , GL 43 1 • RAMBLING HOi’SE on 7'j acre; owner built and in nea condition this M8-t» rambler has a 43-ft. living dining room. 3 beurooms. bath. lavatories with ihower and a large above-ground mira tion room which ran oe used for a 4'h bedroom other attractive features include oil hot water heat, modern kitchen and a concrete basement room that can be Trade into a walk-in refrigerator price. f’9 5«wi See MASON HTRRT Nnnandale. Va . s* ’he end of Columbia Phone FA. 7447. Cosed Sundays. ! SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. $ 11.950. $2,500 DOWN. $71 mo incfud in«- taxes and Insurance, buys a 3-bedrtn brick Colonial rorner lot. >i acre. Call REAL ESTATE 8ERVICE. INC . Lee hwy at Glebe rd GL 0561. OX. 7585 —6 BV OWNER-BIILDER. Va Highland*— * 13.850. 5-room bungalow, new tiled bath, copper tubing a -c h . modem kit.. expansion space on 2nd floor, stone front, full basement 30x25 large living room with stone fireplace, steel casement sash with screens insulated, now under con struction. will be ready in about 3 weeks, convenient to Pentagon. Airport and shop ping selection ot paint or papering. JA 1 501 -J or CH 7761 —5 ONLY $11,500 New 3-bedroom home; on corner lot 150x700: lull basement, oil heat CAROLINE L CAMPBELL. 4411 tee hay . GL 8046 OW 8347. VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS. VA, located just a ci oss the Potomac and especially con venient to the Pentagon Building—A large detached home having 6 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room gunroom and bright, roomy kitchen all modern conveniences, oil heat Present owner occupani derives an excellent income from this property and at the price asked it represents an unusual home-investment proposition 3 sdjoining 50-ft. lots can also be purchased together or separately. Price for the house. $12,950; liberal terms Cal! Mr Boothby 'evenings EM 3348t. with THOS J FISHER <fc CO- INC Realtors DI. 6830 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION—Brick bunga low with 4 bedrms and tiled bath. liv. rm . fireplace, din. rm . lge. equipped kit full bsmt . oil heat lot 50x150; close to schools and shopping. $14950. M. L ALVIG CH 190 1 I ASI FALLS ( HIR( H Arlington Co — Wide green velvety Itwns and old trees uuva«\ and seclusion featuring den and powder rm . a kit which is any woman s ill-am come true. 4 bedrtn.v and 2 baths. o:l hen gaiage. $22,500. M. L. ALVIG CH MM 11 ARLINGTON FOREST $2,000 cash for 6 -1m buck immaculate; kitchen equipped full bsmt . oil i -c h Aral trust $17,000 total price. $15,950. PROVIDENCE REALTY CO FA 3343 -6 CAPE COD 2-story brick and frame on wooded lot lovely home in quier street, with bedroom and l3 bath on 1st floor Imne loom with fireplace, dining room modern kitchen, screened porch; 2nd floor has 2 bedrooms and bath: tas air-condi rioned heat very reasonably priced at $16,500 Call Mr Jackson. NA 9300. e > s . WI. 29.33. BOSS & PHD.PS. INC , 1 4 I 7 K st. n.w _5 1-1R -OLD BUNGALOW, vacant, contain ing 6 rins *3 bedrms*. full bsmt and side-front porch; close-in Arl . conv. to .schools bus. tranap . etc : price only M 7 95o with liberal terms. Call Mr. Snowman. FA 7976 eves., TE 7807 RAVEN WOOD REALTY CO. ARLINGTON FOREST We ve Just listed this attractive Dutch Colonial brick home with 6 lovely mis and tiled bath, on level wooded lot onlv 7 gqs from bus amt chop ping center and made immediately avail bv Naval officer-' transfer For de'ails and appt to inspect, call KEITH D BRUM BACK, exclusively. 2(»5| Wilson blvd . OW 1 **4 e\ es., KK 6*14 9 HISTORIC ALEXANDRIA Bv owner Eighteenth century 17-room house mori ernized. walled garden, oid paneling. Box 1 64 -Y Star p* $11,950; small down payment—3-bedrm Colonial frame home acre, splendid grounds In a tree-aheitered neighborhood that is beauty and cool comfort excel lent location in N. Arl . block from shop g'.nr L' minutes to D. C. REALTY BULLETIN OW 7997 « mi. AKU.Ntiio.N Modem fl-room brick: *14 5o<*. this excellent home jusi re duced *1.000 for quick sale Is* floor, living rm . full dining rm modern kit ‘-‘nd floor, 3 bedims . tiled bath; full basement, oil hea* tubs: better step on 'he ga^ Cali CLARENDON REALTY CO OX 1907, CH. S34rt. 3134 10th at. No in Clarendon Open till n pm - 4 CONVENIENT. PLUS GOOD FINANCING makes this home very desirable *9 5uo. trust: 3 bedrooms lull basement, -•rue lot brick Colons:. COLLARD AKRE REALTORS 33oo Wii&on blvd., CH. H33tL CH. 7933. eves till .V - -5 AKLING1 ON. Va. *•!* 150 -Five rooms and bath masonry home. $1,500 rash balance easy monthly payments this is a good buy Call CLARENDON REALTY CO. OX 1907. CH *540 3134 10th st No. in Clarendon. Open till 9 p m - 4 DEI. RAY SECTION Brickie* home wvh - complete apts , situated on large lot I Oox-.’oo. com to schools buses and shopping Pii si-floor apt contains 5 ims and bath- 3»d-floor apt has 3 rms and bath new roof, oil heat Cal! us todav for appt Full pine *13 f>uo Terms tan be a: ranged AL BAKER & SON INC. Realtois. I Iti So S: Asaph si . Alexandria. Va Open e'es and Sundavs for your convenience. TE 7 343. ALex «0 44, ALex 004 5 EXCLUSIVE NO ARLINGTON o« a ion 3 bed'oonis and ’tied baths ups airs. • *4-ft living loom, forma dining room large equipped kitchen including exhaust fan side porch. 1-car tr (ached garage, full basement with bath slate roof copper piumbmg. Clipper downspouting. Venetian o tnds ample closet space. 1 cedar closet the best of everything ARLINGTON RFAT/IY CO. Wilson blvd . GL. 19<»0. OX 4 133. STUCCO CAPE COD BUNGALOW on 1 j acre of ground, located in a growing com munitv. only 1 block from grade school, bus transp and stores Consists of li\. rm with fireplace din rm . equipped kit . *- bedims and bath on 1st floor, stairs leading to a ‘.’nd floor has 3 ronghed-ln bedims full basement, outside entrance laundry trays, oil heat Full price $10. 95o Terms can be arranged AL BAKER A- SON INC Realtors. 1 | rt So S Asjidh si Alexandria Va Open eves and Sun da vs for your convenience. TE 7343. ALex 0044 AI*ex 0045 3-BEDROOM. I *5-BATH Cape Cod In beautiful netghoorhood Screened porch. K»s heat, fireplace loveiv closet apace CAROLINE I, CAMPBBU.. 44 !1 Lee hwv GL *04 0 OW K34 7. PROPERTY WITH INCOME P2-story 3-bedloom brick with ami in lmmacu iHf condition with approximately 3‘a acre*: over .300-ft. load frontage oil lee hwv 3ii, beyond Camp Washington priced to sell shown by appointment only. OL. 857 3, OW 434 1. H A DARNE I-OR('OM LANE A quiet section of pros perous home owner? *17 950; easy terms 3 bedims Colonial brick home planned for a permanent inves meni in beauty and durability; all rms are attractive and spacious lge. cheerful liv. rm wlih cheery fireplace, family-sized dm rm arge equipped kit nice-sized screened porc h full bsm' . play room with fireplace. 'j baih. outside entrance : turned, posa REALTY BULLETIN OW 7997 CHEBR1 DALE - *3 t»Oo down One min walk to the bus line and shopping, and 'et in a quiet section That belongs to all the family home this 5-rm all-on-one-fl bungalow :s immaculate and designed To save steps full bsm* oii heat 75x135 io a fertile field for your landscaping Ulema: REALTY BULLETIN take TWO AND r*E ONE AS INCOME Semldet home. 3 available *11.450 earn IM trust COLLARD-AKRE REALIORS. ?3o0 Wiison blvd, CH. 0**30. CH 7 933. eves till H. . *5 WRGINlA TORVST wnere warbling birds wake you and wind-swa.ved *rees lull ieep 3 bed rms Cape Cod of unusual charm, built to the speciflcations of your dreams; the lot. 75x150 with it's firm :<wn. dog woods and white poplars make a beaut, seeing for tms gracious home, garaae REALTY BULLETIN. OW 7997. ARLINGTON. 5 minutes to Pentagon — Five-rm Cape Cod brick, immaculate. 'astefully decorated krlottv-pine pla- rm w’fh built-in bar. large corner lot owner must sell; small down payment make offer. REALTY BULLETIN. OW 79«7 NEW 3BEDRM BUNGALOW with ex pai'Sion 3nd floor- full bsm' shaded lot. r lose-in loc ation on bus line near school *15 ,.><». «3.5(»o down. REALTY BULl E TIN. OW. 7 997. OAKTON 3 4 acres: fl-rm frame, one na-n. oh-a hea* several out bldgs JUDSON REAM V * SON. 1133 No Irving S! Arlington Ya C'H okoo. _ rt THINK ABO| T THIS bungalow with I*;*!** ov rm . 3 bedims 13 4x9 4 and 1dinette 13x.s and kitchen 8xK. »nn nil’ li,mt and is, wooded lot. on hard sin faced street tn Fairfax Count* about 4 mi. from Falls Church: I need Hi good families to join with me tn set these built for ftl j.'i” Box -fK'.’-Y. Star. - 4 BK smart: Save time Select a house Horn your armchair t.hrouth our treted REALTY BULLETIN It s free A Dtrture of each house, full descrmtlon and price. Just call OW. 7!»»T but do it now MlilTARi RD . in No Arlington, is a nice P ace to live and 'his house which we offer Particularly nice in its arrangement. 1st floor has a very unusual living rm with ft rep] and den. a dining rm suffi cient for any furniture a mce-size kit with pan*ry. A bedrm-* are upstairs, with bath bsmt is full, oil h -w h . steel beam construction lot ;s unusual wi»h sufficient shade CECIL B UPTON. Realtor. OW OX OR59 eves CH _4 ID DROOM AND HUH on 1st fl. plua nice liv rm with flrepi. full din rm wtfh ex. el equipped kit large bsmt ‘1 bed mis. and tiled bath upstairs dose-in No Art location outstanding value at $l« MMi ARLINGTON REAI TY CO. 2204 Wilson bivd. Gl. 1900. OX 41 A. ARLINGTON Ati excellent rt-rm Colonial type residence offered for sale for the first time this week There is on the first floor large living room with wood-burning fire place. dining room and equipped kitchen. *nd floor 3 excellent bedrooms and fully tiied bath full basement: auto hot-water heat wen landscaped lot Asking $14 P50. excellent financing WM W JOHNSTON weekday* OW 4422. Sunday afternoon and evenings. CH 310° _4 JEFFERSON VILLAGE—Cape Cod and Pj-story homes. 3 bedrms $12*00 and $12.0.70 To reach Out Lee bivd . Route 50. >« mile nasr Jefferson Village Shopping ('enter to Jefferson Village office. Lee bivd and Westcott sr —7 THE I AST WORD in construction and modern heating plant: 4 bedrooms. 2 full baths ;n convenient North Arlington ©cation total price. 92 1.500 COLLAR D AKRE REALTORS '.'.tun Wilson bivd . C'H 0220 CH. 7023 eves, till H 6 l>ET BRICK COLONIAL Two bedrms equipped kit full bsmt . auto heat, cop per plumbing gutters and downtpouts wooded level lot, com. located priced at '12 rum V. .7ot* ( ash JNO J IXJFI IN 1 ottin Bldg. 24 20 Wilson bivd GL. 4312. ALEXANDRIA—Brick bungalow Del Ray set tion. on Monroe a« rt tin* 3 bedrms hardwood fls large lot OV J. T MOTON REALTY Open evenings —7 BUNGALOW. Groveton $1.<H»0 down: 5 rms. 2 bedrms. expansion attic. large lot Gl wants someone to take equity. OV 5»on J T MOTON REALTY' Open evenings __7 BRICK BUNGALOW. Lincolnia. 91.500 down 5 rms 2 bedrms . hardwood fls oil h^at. large lot OV. ftpoo. J T MOTON REALTY Open evenings —7 BEAUTIFUL BRICK and clapboard. I tr old living room with fireplace spacious d.ning room drapes and rugs included Youngstown equipped kitchen hdw floors throughout, full basement auto gas heat: corner iot approx HOxMO Anchor fence Cash aboie first tru<t of $1 1 don at PASTOR -LUTZ INC. EX 25*15 —4 NEW ARM BRICK COLONIAL—3 bed rooms. modern Kitchen, range and refgr m' » *c heat $ Tetms Very ex cellent buy. Cal! RIcKEK PROPER! ITS Com (house rd ana Wilson bivd. CH 447fl Evenings. OW 8020 —6 1st-Fl<00R BEDROOM and bath, ige liv. rm with fireplace full sized din rm . equipped kit . 1st fl : 3 bedrms . tiled bath and plenty storage. 2nd fl full bamt oil heat: !»e. level lot., good neigh borhood other feature? priced oniv $19. P50. Ca1! REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC . Lee hwy. at Glebe rd., GL. 06*1. OX. 2586. —8 { FROM NINE TO FIVE - *** —By Jo Fischer i 1 I \ to wy I I - ^ ^ Y » “Cooking for my husband Is easy, Deleria. I fix one meal for him and then he lives three days on bicarbonate of soda.” SUBURBAN SAJ.E—VIRGIN I A. LGE. SUBURBAN CITY HOME on 2'i acres: transp at door, center-hall plan. In. rm. J5x76 with fireplace. 4 spacious bedrms . 3'2 baths, rec rm with fire place. this home has the makings of a fine estate; see it and you will buy. •MILTON G. SMITH. 4719 Wilson blvd. OW. 7 700 - 4 *7.500 DOWN. *90 4 MONTH: com to ' Catholic Church, sihool* and transp 7 I bedrm-n 2 lull oaths den. Mr. Bowman. IJUDSON REAMY Si SON. 1122 N. Irving st . Arl Va CH. 0800. —6 HERE IS VOIR COLONIAL home with bath on 1st floor. Plus 3 bediooms and tiled bath upstairs: large living room, din ing room and equipped kitchen: full base men’, outstanding neighborhood and con venient No Arlington location ARLING TON REALTY CO.. 2204 Wilson blvd . GL T. On OX 4122 NOT HIM-DRlM -Thi* home cheerfully decorated, through hall: 3-bedroom brick Colonial good elevation, wooded. COL LARD-AKRE REALTORS. 2200 Wilson blvd., CH. 6726, CH. 7923. eve*, till 8. —5 NEAR 8HIRLINGTON—$1,500 cash and approximately $65 per month buys this semidetached home, built on several levels and containing 5 nice rooms. 2 bedrooms fully equipped kitchen, full basement, h -w. hea’ Shown by appointment. AD .’o 4 4 J. R TEN CHER. INC 4 NORTH ARLINGTON Ya<ant. Immediate occupancy. 6-rm brick. 2 bedrms* cony, to bus, schools shopping price. $15 950. terms JUDSON REAMY Si SON, 1122 N Irving s: Arl . Va . CH 0800. — ri COZY BRICK B( NGALOW for a small family, inclosed with white picket fence, nicely landscaped lovely flowers, large stiawoerrv bed. grapevine, fruit trees deiached garage pleasant living room with Venetian blinds, equipped kit with dinette. 2 bedrooms full bath, storage attic, full oasemen!. oil hea well financed SEWKLL REALTY CO . 14 So Glebe rd at Lee blvd OX 071 GL. 1878, GL 9574. Open eves 5 A BUNGALOW WITH AN INCOME is of fered you. with 4 bednns bath, comfort able I:v rm dm rm. and equipped kit. on one fl full bsnit with apt sep entr . income of which will almost take care of your monthly payments. Very conv. to transp. close to Clarendon nice wooded lo* Shown bv appt oniv. SEWE1.I REALTY CO 14 South Glebe rd. at I*e blvd OX. 0217. GL. 1878-9574. Open COUNTRY CLUB AREA—An atmosphere of quiet dignity located in the beat arc surrounding the Wash Golf and Country Club. 7 lae. rms :<1 a baths. 2-car at tached farage. acreened porch 2 sun decks complete servants’ quarters and recreation rm flagstone terrace 12 acre beautifully landscaped, priced at $34 000 Your inspection u invited Shown by ap pointment only Cal! Colonel Pippmin. VICTOR WICKERSHAM. OR 2100. 4625 41st at n.w. Open till Ppm. NEAT LITTLE BUNGALOW —A lovely 2 bedrm home in Falla Church, immaculate with beautiful Ige landscaped lot. $10. 75o LURIA BROS. 2046 Wilson blvd OW 850o. _ft AMAZINGI Y LOW—Not manv 3-bedrm Colonial homes on today s market at $14 5oo, so don't wait. Cali now to see this remark* ole value LURIA BROS 2046 Wilson blvd . OW 8500 —6 ARLINGTON Six-room brick: bedrm. *a bath on 1st floor 2 bedrms full bath on 2nd knotiy-pine recreation room '2 bath in basement built-in garage range and refgr ; large lot. 1 blk :o 2 buslines, nr shopping (enter; $18,500, terms MAC LINDSEY. 75 N. .Glebe rd., CH. 6<»90 OX 2711. PA ’4 46 11 LYNNHAVEN $10,750 for thia ft-rni cor ner brick home ret rm In bsmt . oil heat, atorni windows, covered front porch Call RE 5 988 till 9 pm GOLDfi TEN BROS 14 79 L st n w - -7 WESTOVEK Detached brick. 3 bedrooms rec room beautiful location. $15 850 Call GL 6386 —7 L$ ON VIIXAGE If a first-floor bedrm and ba-h is a must with rou. see this attractive brick home with n lovelv rms 1 ' t baths complete with fireplace, full osmt . equipped kit . oil h.-w.h . acreened porch garage, slate roof built prewar Available unmed See It todar by calling KEITH D BRUMBACK. Realtor, 7061 Wilson blvd . OW 4347; eves , KE 6649 BRICK CAPE COD. in North Arlington, with 7 lovely rooms and tiled bath just redecora’ed and oniv $14 950. It has large oedrootm and bath on 1st floor, fireplace, equipped kitchen full base ment. h -w oil heat dandy level lot built jus; prewar, near Westover shopping • enter, bus and schools, priced foi im mediate sale and May 15 occupancy It won t las* long, so see It bv calling KEITH D BRUMBACK. exclusively. 7061 Wilson blvd. OW’. 4347; eves KE 6649 COI I MBl 4 PIKE. Giebe rd section New . beaut and reaoy 5 ims and bath bunga low close to schools, shopping and transp ; priced at $13,750 shown bv app; Phone AIT 7«44 till 9 pm, J. R. TENCHER CO.. INC. _ — 8 Gl. ATTENTION! — $8 700. 10% down 2 bedroom masonry bungalow oil heat equipped kitchen excel, location in Falls Church close lo new shopping center, ige lot REALTY BULLETIN. OW 7 997. -H ALEXANDRIA— Bungalow. Del Ray sect-on >150o down On Maple st 5 rms all on one floor 2 bedrooms hardwood floors, large lot. oil heat OY. 590o. J. T MOTON REALTY Open evenings. —7 ALEXANDRIA Bungalow Del Rar sec tion. on Burke ave 6 rms, 3 bedrms. oil heat. lot. 75x120. OV 5900, J T MOTON REALTY. Open evenings —7 MU vie HUH income. complete 5-rm apt upstairs 1st fl plan of this ail-brick home includes liv. rm with fireplace, din r equip kit.. 2 bedims and bath, full nsmt , pine paneled recreation rm with 'u bath; screened side porch. 2-car garage. Excel. No Arl location, conv. to everv thing Price $23,500. Substantial ca*h required. Shown by app>. onlv Call STEVE G. YEONAS. 1518 N. Uhl# st . CH. 1146. OX J 243. —« FALLS CHI RCH — 5-rm. modern bungalow wi;h oil heat and bunt furnished, lot • 5x150. with fruit trees and room for gardpn $10 500 Don't overlook this bargain opportunity. Call CH. 8311 for appointment A HOME BETTER THAN NEW in a seating of unusual beauty 6 rooms, including large glassed and screened sunroom 2 semi finished rms. in attic, bsmt . 26x34 oil h - w.h . rock wool insulation: near bus. shopping and school Priced for quick sale A M CRAIN GL. 8753. FALLS CHl'RCH. 206 Little Falla at one of the charming older homes in a magnificent setting «appro\ 1 *, acres*; 1st 11 !gr liv. rm with firepl. Ige din tin with bay window, aii-elec kitchen. j ba h ige screened porch 2nd fl . 2 very ige bedims . 2 smaller ones, sleeping porch 2 full baths, bsmt . oil h auto h -w . 2 ? blks ^rom school and transp •>'><>• LUCII.IJE COOK. FA 3272. FA. 4 n o 4 _— QUAINT OLDER HOME - Over */ acre or beautiful grounds, new streamlined kitchen, liv. rrn fireplace, den. din rm . bedrms and bath, oil heat it's daintv /v-unu'u*,ly COTy Ideal location L ALVIG. CH 1901 ARLINGTON. VACANT—Two-st orv brick hom'• located in beautiful Lyon Park liv rm large enough for grand piano. 1 full-tiled bath and 2 half baths 3 master hedrms rec rm det. brick gar., oeautiful landscaped lot. near everything, omy $18 950; 5 min. to D. C LONG ACRES. OW. 5813 Jl BRICK BINGALOW. $12,500 -A beauti ful home with an extra large liv rm and din rm fully eauipped kit with GE dis posal unit. Youngstown metal kit. cab inets: full bNrnt . large bedims . tiled baih. storm windows, copper plumbing sa' heat onlv $2 500 down maybe less, immediate possession near e\eiy thing IiONGAcRES. t>X 1016. OW 5313 5 LVON VILLAGE Beautiful 3-bed100m stone and brick Cape Cod Consists of spanous living loom, fireplace, has renter hall entrant e lovelv dining rooui. large equipped kitchen with breakfast nook, huge screened rear por»h; 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, ample closet, tiled bath and shower, sun deck full basement, auto matic heat, half bath, slate roof, in moat convenient location. Lee Height*- A much-wanted 3-bed room Cape Cod brick, full basement, oil heat 2 blocks to acbool. shopa and trans portation. North Arlington, close 1n—4-bedroom white brick consists of large living room, fl.epiace. banauet - sue dining room, screened living porch and bath, equipped kitchen: 2nd floor has 3 master i sixe bedrooms with sun deck, beautiful : tiled bath and shower with built-in dress ing table and mirror, studio room on 3rd floor; pine-paneled recreation room with flreplate. tiled floors and beautiful built in bar h-w- h. oil. attached garage copper plumbing slate roof prewar built Por appointment, call L McGHEK KING. 1561 Wjlsou bl' rt . C»L 5273. CH 55u* COLORED—PROFESSIONAL gentleman— Big brick Colonial home. *28-ft liv. rm fireplace, dining room equipped mod kitchen center hail. m*»t*r bedroom with dressing room and pvt bath 2 other big bedrooms with another tile bath Stair way to 3rd fl Full basement: oil h.-wh. Sit* on 2 acres. 1 blk off Lee highway. Fall* Churrh area. $!*9on with >16.060 1st trust Your opportunity. HROVI DENCE REALTY. FA. 3343. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. CEDAR GROVE SECTION—Lovely rt-rm house; bath. heat. Ige. garden, chicken house, gar . school bus passes door not over 1 child; rent. $66. Box 5-Z. Star •—4 BE.A l I'll I'L NEW rt room and bath, com pletely furnished rambler in Vienna recreation room and 3-iar ga/age. 3 acres of ground, 3-year lea'e for S'.’IX* a month Available June i. Telephone MR. SEAY, FA 3820 ATTRACTICE 3-ROOM AND B AI H. com pletely furnished (Ottage, 1‘a miles from Falls Church Will lease for a year $00 a month Ca li_ MR 8E A Y. FA 2830._ SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTID. ARLINGTON COUNTY—Will pay cash for 2 or 3 bedrm home direct from owner. EDWARD COOK. CH. 464d. —6 BRICK Bl’NGAl/OM, In nice section of North Arlington, close to bus; level lot. CAROLINE L. CAMPBELL, OL. 8048. OW 834T._ BUSINESS PROPERTY POR SALE. SECOND COMMERCIAL. Southwest loca tion. has many opportunities. Apply Box 211-Y. Star —4 COLONIAL BEACH. VA. For sale, grocery store and apt, completely furnished, lo cated on water front a complete line of groceries, marine hardware, paints of all kinds and marine railway equipped for repairing all boats: shop under one bldg. See MR. FRED OLIFF. Colonial Beach. Va —4 NEAR Rth AND G STS. N.W —Bldg, suit able for offices Near “7th and M sts. n w Store suitable for any business. Also have investments in api houses. 4 to 5<» units Cali HARRY COHEN. RE 4771. OB 03 MH -—4 12 TOURIST ( ABINS, service station, two restaurant', four apartment dwelling* 338 ft fioniage on Richmond hwy . 38 mi. of D C Present income with approx one-third in operation is $06<i per month, an estimated Income of $3.o0o monthly in full operation 111 health forces this on the market, and priced for quit k sale MILI.S REALTY CO . Annandale. Va Falls Church 7387. Brokers protected — 8 SPECIAL BARGAIN, builders and chain stores, attention — 1st commercial corner in the ne. 100x100; O-rin . bath hou'e. rented $100 per mo : 2 residential lots. Act today to secure this valuable 1st com property; 1st time advertised. Price, $28,600. Call RE 521 8 —6 1700 BLK PA. AVE. N W.—Two 3-story bldgs . stores apts . offices: downtown location good future. Cali OLIVER T. CARR. NA 2805. —5 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. ENTIRE BLDG., consisting of store, base ment and 2 upper floors <Indiana ave nr 7th st. n.w »: oil heat, freight elevator, entrance on two sis . reas rent. Leasing agent. LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO. J415 K at n.w . ME. 54«m. •—7 7 RMS . BATH, brick business bldg 8 rms and bath, brick. Pa. ave . near Washington Circle $100 per mo: reason able lease WOODWARD St NORRI8. 7 23 20th at nw. RE 0586 _- 5 ■ USIHtSS PKOetKTY WANTED PROPERTY, in or out of D. C . for cash or terms, from owners only. State facts Box 403-X. Star —12 OCR CLIENT WII.1 PAY CASH for small downtown office bldg or large home in first tommeri ;a! area convertible to offices Call MR. DIXON at EX. 6 7 80 tBiokert. - 5 Ol R CLIENT will pay cash for building located in n.w. area embracing approx 3(MMMi eg ft Call MR. DIXON at EX. 67 *50. «Btoker • —4 HAVE MANY CLIENTS looking for store* and o’her comml. properties including out-of-town chain store companies list your properties with us for quick action Call Mr Kiely. LEO M BERNSTEIN dr CO. 14 15 K st nw. ME 6400 —7 YES, WE DO SPECIALIZE" in the sale and leasing ol commercial properties, listings solicited HARRY 1. FRIEDMAN Broker JWuoawaid Bldg . RE 1180 _ INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. l.'Th AND I. STS. N.W.—Furn. apts. and rooms zoned commercial: present inrome. $0,300. not in< hiding owner a quarter*. if entire building were rented, income would be $7,738 gloss: price. $36 000 furnished ARLEDGE BROS . 2623 Wilson bvd. OW. 4448, OX. 4333. eves. FA 1070. —7 1211-13 I. ST. N.W.—2 ad5 brick houses, one heating sysiein 14 rms. 2 baths Tenant’s lease has expired and can vacate Mav soon go 1st commer. Call Mrs Raley MI 1144. with FORD E MORGAN. Sr. RE 40JO —A 4-FAMILY UNITS, Alexandria Each apartment has large living room bedioom. kitchen, dinette and bath Fully equipped only 8 years old Present rent is better than $3,800 a vear. This is a fine oppor tunity for investment or home with in come Excellent location. Call BEITZELL for appt DI. 3100 —8 ON G.A. AVF.—8 stores and 3 apts; an ex ceptional investment Call HARRY COHEN, exclusive RE 4771. OE 0288 —4 SIX-UNIT BRICK APARTMENT. 2 rooms kitchen, dinette and bath each, good ne location; building in splendid condition priced to sell; substantial cash required. Call Mr Aoen. with J A WEINBERG CO. Realtors, NA. 5500. or evenmgs. EM 0038. . 8 ( »■*> -»oo 4-ramilv nat, near Lincoln Park; 2-story brick. 1-bedrm apis with individ ual heating plains income over $1,500 yearly net Call Mr James till 8 p rn weekday W\l. CALOMIR1S PROPERTIES INC. 1012 17th st. n.w DI 1655. 4 1318 IRVING ST N.W. We leel that this is the best investment In town We offer a semi-det brick bldg which contains 4 apts . which are complete with refrigera tors. 2 separate rms The bhig. Is equipped with fire escape.1', fire alarms, oil burner aud has a return of $31 o per month The price is only $19,500 and the down payment is surprisingly low. Call us for further Information. Eves . DE 08*5 JOSEPH E BRUNO INC , Realtor*. 903 H st. nw. NA 344 1 —4 300 NORTH C AROLINA AVE. 8.E.- Lovelv corner, consisting of 3 apts showing a return of $179 per month, rtn be pur chased on easy terms at a price of only $14,950. For further details call us Eves DE 0885 JOSEPH E BRUNO. INC Realtois. 903 H st nw. NA 3411. 4 36 UNITS N W.— Income approx. $18,000 a yr. ilow rents*. Price approx 8 times rent Call Mil 9 pin FIRST NATION A l, REALTY CORP. 1428 K st. n w. RE 353 1. UN 07 59 4* WE HAVE FOR SALE 3 mod fireproof apt bldgs priced not more than 71* tunes the annual income. All located in u w Wash ington. For particulars call Ray Morse. SH 8300 with BROWN REALTY CORP Realtois. DU 8f>58 WILL TRADE business property including a Safewav-DGS and a 15.000 so ft. ware house plus cash for a large modern apt bldg, with a minimum income of flOO.OOu Please call Ray Morse. SH 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP. Realtor*. DU WE HAVE SEVERAL 4-family units in n.e. and s e . and one 9-family unit in se Investors call Mr. Holloman, with ALLEN L. KAY RE 7104 or VI. 3264 SECOND COMMERCIAL. 10th st *w. approx 50xlin. consists of 2 row houses ideal for warehouse site or other business: complete. *18.500 Cali Dell. EX. 2555. PASTOR-LUTZ. INC. I-FAMILY APT.- Each apt. contains liv ing rm . bedrm. equip kit. and 'lie bath: conveniently located and excellent loca tion for doctors office. SMITH REAL ES TATE CO. CII 9007 GL 0494 SKMIDLT BRICK DUPLEX. 4-family apt excel lie. location About lo vrs old Showing good return. Price right foi quiti salr I? T RANIXH.PH TR 7285 4 APIS. FUR.V. splendid n.w area good net ln«uni~ pined below the market for quick s* !e *5 .»«»«♦ down, bal eas\ LIPS COMB REALTY CO. NA. 2444 eves. NO 837’.. —5 *-UNIT FURNISHED APT., completely re modeled apt . well located nr. Govern ment bldgs, in sw. area: priced for quick sale at less than 8 times Income, income. *532 per mo Call Mr Levine, exclusive. VICTOR WICKERSHAM 4825 41st st nw OR. 2H>0. Open till 9 pm. —5 *35.000—Det . 8 apts—Tenan’s pay heat, elec and gas rents over $3,600 mo . brick const.: excellent location nr. Lee blvd close-in Arlington KELLEY A BRANNER. DI 7740: eves.. OR. 5286 or WI. 8344. ATTENTION. LARGE INVESTORS! We have severs, extremely good buys avail able In large apt houses and other types of investment property Included are some very modern and extremely well loc bldgs and trades <* your smaller properly iur any of these may be tonsidered Consult Mr Fisher JESS FISHER A CO. INC. Realtors. 1420 K sr. n w . RE 3060 —5 IT S A BEAUTIFUL CORNER BLDG ' Is what you will say when you »ee this lovely del bldg situated in an excel. D. C loc The best ultramodern construc tion details are incorporated in this prop erty. which contains 14 apts The rental rate is very moderate, making for a good long-term investment Income approx. $ yearly and priced less than any comparable property we have recently sold. JESS FISHER Ar CO- INC- Realtor*. 1420 K at. n w.. RS. *060. t INVEST. PROP. POfi SALE (Cm*.). 1614 AND l6u Q IT. 8.*.—'Two-Umlly apt*.. Ideal for home and income; let fl., 3 room*, kitchen and bath; 2nd fl . 2 rm* . kitchen and bath, these apts. are near schools, transp and shopping center can be shown by appt. only. J. DALLAS GRADY & SQN. DI. 3750; eves., Wl. 0321. __—5 MT. PLEASANT, west of 10th st.— 3 apartments, unfurnished. $21,800. 3 apartments, furnished. $23,000 3 apartments, furnished. $26,000. Residence. 1 1 rooms. 5 baths. $26,500 MR SHARPER. AD. 3236. Sun. and eves . DU 1000. Ext 021 _ INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED. NORTHWEST—We have cash buyers in terested in 4-family units, apt. houses and grocery store properties Call JOSEPH GJNBERG RE 4380 or RA. 3826 “1ES. WE DO SPECIALIZE" m the sale and leasing of commercial properties: listings solicited. HARRY I FRIEDMAN. Broker. Woodward Bldg., RE 1166 APT. HOUSES FOR SALE. PROVEN WAY TO RETIREMENT—No need to worry about the future if you are for tunate enough to be the purchaser of this modern four-unit apt. building Located just off New Hampshire ave. n.w . in the Bnghtwood area Contains two 2-bedroom apts and two 1-bedroom aots. You may occupy one apt. and let the tenants pay for your building. To inspect call HARRY DRE1SEN. NA 7772 or NA. 7708. —4 MODERN CORNER apt bldg., containing 13 units: most desirably situated ;n an area of detached homes income. $8.7(10 per year. A fin**, clean investment for some one with $40.0nu in cash Phone Mi Terns. EM otii.O, with SHANNON A LUCKS. ,1606 H st ii * NA 2345 APARTMENT SITES FOR SALE. 14tb AND LUZON 8TS. N.W 100x125 »plendia location adjoining W lurhester Luzon Apts $.‘5,000. SIDNEY 8 BROWN, 112D Vermont ave. NA 5740. GOOD HKIGHTWOOD CORNER. 4 um/*q ft level lot, reasonable Mr Moser. TA 8881^_ KAY REALTY CO . RA 12(1(1. —7 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. DOWNTOWN 13th ST N w! 1st comm . 8 rms . 3 baths, auto gas heat, newly decorated inside and out: parking space in rear for 8 cars: mav consider leasing Phone NO 83 14 or WO 510 7 —4 .»Y OWNER leaving town will sacrifice 37‘a-fi. frontage. 3 families: :-car gar rm for store improvement RA 7365. —H VACANT; 8 rooms, 3 baths parking space for 12 cars: completely redecorated ex cellent location for agency or organiza tion needing parking facilities located on 17Mh st . near M st n * easv terms Call Ray Morse. SH 8300. with BROWN REALTY COKP Realtors, DU 8558. ARLINGTON Attention Investors and builders! About Rimuki sq ft of commer cial ground for shopping center develop ment. located in the heart of one of the largest apartment building concentrations in Arlington For complete details, call Mr Lendgraff. DU. 0407. with CALCOLM REAL ESTATE. OW 3024 BUNGALOW' on 6 250 gq. ft. of commer cial giound: oil heat, garage: excellent location on main thoroughfare and 2 side streets this property can be bought cheap. MR MALCOLM. OW 3024. DU 0407 COMMERCIAL GROUND ^OR^SALE. SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF 2nd corn! land In New York ave section to trade for inv. property. A M. ROTH. RE. 7.T10. MT. VERNON AVE.—BB-ft front by~l% it to & 20-ft. alley; fast growing sec tion over 80.000 sq. ft. sold, reasonably priced, good term*. A M. ROTH. RE j 880 _ _ _ _ _ 4 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 2nd COMM. BARGAIN —2 44 sq ft brk~ bldg 24x86; $8,000 or rent $85 per mo. JESS LOEB, Southern Blag , NA. 2014. __ __—0 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT CORNER B1.0G., In heart of busy chop ping section, showroom and workshop downstairs, living quarters upstairs rea sonable rent,. Call Mr. Kieiy, LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO, 1415 K st. nw. ME 5400 __4 .-BEDROOM BUNGALOW. In busy shop ping section 'Kennedv st nw 1 suitable for medical profession reac rent Call Mr. Kielv. LEO M BERNSLEIN & CO. 141,» K si nw. ME 6400 —4 ** N.W., near New Hampshire—2nd coml fine for small manufacturers, sign painters, etc 8 floors, lavatory and toilet each floor utilities furnished remodeled, in ext client condition. Will rent as whole or separately. K st. n w near 20th—Modern store or offices with display windows on 1st floor 1 800 sq ft immediate possession Call Mr. Hunter, NA. 9800. eves and week ends. GL. 5285. BOSS & PHELPS. INC, M17 K st n w_ _A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WANTED. "YES, WE DO SPECIALIZE" in the sale of. commercial properties, listing solicited HARRY I FRIEDMAN, Broker, Woodward Bldg . RE 11 tit}_ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. BKOOKLAND—On B ft O. R R . about 1.000 so ft. of 2nd commercial ground with 18o ft of street frontage improved bv office with rt-rm. apt. above garages etc Offered cheap a owner ha- bought larger place a M ROTH RF rt INDUSTRIAL PROP. FOR RENT GEORGETOWN—1st fl of brick bldg. 2.<M»o sq. ft., near public siding long or *hoi r lease A M ROTH RE 7880 —fl SI RPI.I S LAND, railroad sidings available zoned industrial both in D C and nearbv Maryland small or large acreage. Ion* or short-term lease. PEEBLES "CHEMICAL CO Office- UN. 2525;_ies . CO._7_1 91 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY_WANTEO. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ground or buildings wanted for sale or lease A. M ROTH Woodward Bldg RE. 7880, REAL ESTATE WANTED. I PAY CASH for houses, lots or acreage free appraise SCOIT SANDERS, 8919 So Cap sr . TR. 7608: eves . VI. <i99o. I Win. BUY OR SELL your house, frame or brick, white or colored 14 yeurs ex perience Call MR WALTER MILLER. ME 5400 or DE 584 0 _7 DO YOU W ANT TO SELL? We can sell 1t in 4 8 hours if priced right quick, effici ent service: list it now Call EX 2555. PASTOR-LUTZ. INC., 1129 Vermont a\e n. w WE HAVE BUYERS who will pay all cash for houses or lots in any part of Wash ington or Maryland Call JOS. GINBERG, RF 4 889 or RA 8825 —7 RETIRED NAVAL OFFICER, wife, grown daughter, desire 2-bedrm. furnished house or apt. for summer; maximum, $125 Phone EX 2224. Rm. 4<'6. 4* “YES, WE DO SPECIALIZE” in the sale and leasinsr of commercial properties Listings solicited HARRY I FRIEDMAN Broker. Woodward Bldg _RE.__J 1HH._ REAL ESTATE EXCHANGC. WILL TRADE l(M> TO 200 ACRES near lapldly growing section of genera! Silver Spring area, ripe for immediate develop ment clear of encumbrances: for equities in apartments, commercial or other in come properties. Brokers' co-operation. GEO. J. MOSS, Realtor, Shepherd 2«nu REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. LARGE 3-RM . kit and bath, screened porch, duplex ap! In dp for small apt in n w in buiiding. AD. 0883 bet J and 3 only_8 OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. MASS. — 150-acre farm. 8-room brick house summer kitchen, large attached shed, new bathroom, barn 8ox45. LO-ton hay. 7-car garage, h-n houses brooder house, hunting grounds. 7 trout streams, new fiieproof roofs iota'ed on hwy vas. electric lights; equipped with cooking stove and central heating plant buslines; 3u mi out of Boston Field stone patio with fish pond *77 .min or trade for D C property Call DU. 0851 or write Box 377-Z. Star _ _ ____ —5 WAREHOUSES FOX SALE. ?nd-COMM., new bldg.: 1783 1st st. s.e , 35x88x1 S. gas heat 18x14 ft overhead door MICHAEL WALSH A: SONS. 1711 Eye st. n w . RE 8787. eves . CO. 8780 —6 H-'IONTHS OLD. 100** fireproof, app 18. 000 so ft. on 1 floor: 7o ft. reining truck entrances and railroad siding Excellent 1 for any factory or warehouse Call HARRY COHEN RE _4TJJ _GE 0788 —4 WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION service of pkg mdv incl. local del. and out-of town shipping, via truck or rail, is the modern method for broker, factory rep or natl. distrlb. METROPOLITAN WARE HOUSE CO . 50 Fla ave. n.e . HO 0887. 1783 1st ST. S.E.—New bldg 35x88x18. gas heat, 18x14 ft- overhead door, shown by appt. MICHAEL WALSH Jk SONS. 1711 Eye st. n.w., RE. 8787. eves . CO. 87«o. —5 AVAILABLE IN ABOUT 80 DAYS—10 <mK) or 15000 sq ft. with siding 00c per sq. H Call F ELIOT MIDDLETON. RE 1181 DOWNTOWN WAREHOUSE, available for lmmed’Rte occupancy: 13.000 sq feet will divide into smaller units; two freight elevators 35c per sq fr J A WEINBERG CO.. Realtors. J TOT H st. n.w, NA. 5600. — 8 APPROX. 1.800 SQ. FT. 7nd commercial, ideal office or workshop space building equipped with passenger and freight ele vators. loading facilities fioin alter Leas ing dept. LEO M BERNSIELN & CO Ml*. K st 11 w ME 5400. - : CENTER OE CITY —Most de^rable spot in town Aupiox 1 1 .mill sq it long term lease; to reap tenant' *7 00 per mo SIDNEY S BROWN. NA 57 10 —8 NEW WAREHOUSE with 17 000 sq ft on concrete floor truck height: near Alex andria Va . good ceiling height offi< es accessible to railroad rental. *475 per month heavy-duty wiring additional out door storage of 7 acres ground Call Mr. Franklin. WEAVER BROS INC. Wash ington Bldg.. DI. 8300; eves., GL. 4458 —8 ROSSLYN—On important thoroughfare: will build to suit one or more tenants* needs, approx 17.000 sq ft ground avail able KELLEY A* BRANNER. DI. 7740: eves . GL. 0784 7-STORY W AREHOUSE, adjacent 17th and You its. n w 13,700 sq ft. floor area. ,3.000-lb. electric elevator, skylight *:nd floor sprinkler system, gas-unit heaters: suitable for tire or parts distributor, auto servicing, warehousing etc. Cad Mr. Ncrris. CH 5*738. WEAVER BROS . INC Washington Bldg DI. 830Q_ _LOTS FOR SALE._ I'NIV. PK.. Mp .. 4:1 J ■; Underwood st — Ideal homesttes. 8Kxl50, with * plctur. back xd paved ill. C«U 8un and eves . WA «810 —9 C'KESTWOOD and Shepherd at. n w.. at Rock Creek Park—75-foot front: re stricted Adams 9075 —4 SOCK, M.K KANSAS AVT. N.W.—Lot soned for 7A apis Call GERALD REAL TY CO.. 512 6th rt. DI 5995. —6 LOTS FOR SALE (Coi*.). A PARTICLXARLT CHOICE LOT. in For est Grove Subdivision, on Forest Glen rd . 70x120. improved street; 1 blk. from trinsp.: conv. to stores and churches, all utilities in; onced reasonably other de sirable lots in same subdivision K. 8 PRICE Si CO.. MI. 3650. PL 1231. —4 LOT. PINEY BRANCH RD.: fine resi dential lot of 5-ft. frontage; priced at only $2 450 Call Mr Bremham. DI 4704. with BEITZELL. DI 3100. —4 HAWTHORN, overlooking Rock Creek Park —Lovely wooded n.w section Restricted and well planned a number of highly de sirable lots, suitable to fit your home Price. *2.300 and up.' Get your homesite now. before price* advance Mr Ferry after 7 p m . EM 0912. PAUL P. STONE. Realtor. NA 7379 ---4 JUST LISTED 3 choice acre lots in Paint Branch Farms subdivision: will sell sep arately or entirety priced right E S PRICE Sc CO. ME 3050, PL 1231. or call Roy Price. SL 2425. —4 QUAINT ACRES. MIL Near Naval Ord Lab—Ideal blog «ite for suburban estate excel, garden plot; 2-acre lot. SL. 9290. —9 BEAUTIFUL LOTS, fully improved, ready to build your home on. in Woodhaven re stricted community of fine homes These 'ota cannot be equaled anywhere at the price; can arrange building of home* and save money. Call MR DEIN for particu lars and appt. to see the fine lots. WI. 6611 .—7 FAIRFAX COUNTY—Two 1 acres wooded lots, near Camp Washington, price *900 and $1 200. SMITH REAL ESTATE CO . CH. SOOT. GL 0484 NEAR BUCKINGHAM, right off Lee blvd . several large lots for sale, with wide street frontage SMITH REAL ESTATE CO. CH SOOT. GL 04 84 RFADY TO Kt ILD ON. IS lots water and vewer arc already in; perfect location for medium-priced home? close-in Silver Spring aiea Mr Swerdloff. GE 5001 POl.INGER CO. 1015 11th st. nw NA 9290 3 corner iots. 20 rtxioo ft. water sewer, gas sileet lights in ctosr to transp in Riverdale Hg;s price $9rto Cal! CARLE. Union 4173. --4 BUILDERS 7 lots. $1,100 each, good terms, all utilities streets cut to grade, owner now building at subdivision: Alta Vista Old Georgetown rd . Bethesda . OL. 4094 e\es. CO 1510. —7 L ANHAM PARK - Be* u: iful loti 100x170 feet. *750; $100 down. $15 monthly, city water electricity, phone mail serv ice. train and bus connections Builders’ attention invited. Directions Bladens burg rd to Peace Cross, out Defense hwy 412 miles to large sign ‘ Lanham Park ' a* office on left side of Defense hwy Office open dailv and Sunday 10 am until dark THOMAS F HALLEY, phone , Hvattsville 0107 or Union 7049 Write or phone for beautiful free folder show ing advantages of Lanham Park —7 H1LLANDAI.E. MD . near Naval Ordnance Laboratory—7 attractive lots 1 approx acre in size. $3 300: the other is ‘a-acre corner lot. $7.MM. city water, convenient to transportation terms PHILLIPS CANBY A- FULLER. INC. 1017 I5fh st n w NA. 4000. Eves . Mr. Stephens Wl 5005 ARLINGTON. VA., just off Lee blvd—5« by 14o. all improvement*, paved streets; only *7.500. Cal: Mr Crockett at 8H. 0374; with LEGUM Si GERBER. AD. i 7800 _« WOODMOOR—Beautiful double corner , lo; 8.69o acr ft.; price. *2.260 for quick sale. LOWERY A MELTON, Realtors. 8H 9700. GE. 7678. —6 MAGNIFICENT HOMF SITE. 28th and Albermarle sis n w -Over Ho 000 §q ft . $12,500. SIDNEY S BROWN. 1129 Ver meil’. at e. n w- . NA. 5740. —« *50 DOWN will buy a ‘a-acre lot In a new development near 8ilver 8pnng. Md Full price. *1.000. Eve* call Mr. Abel. RA. 8942. KAY REALTY CO.. RA 2200. o*r 16th ST N W . near Primrose rd - Beautiful lot. 85 feet; onlv $3,450. SHA PIRO INC. ME 1717. TA 7511. COMMERCIAL, industrial and apartment house ground Acreage for home-sites We will furnish a builder for your home CRANE Ac HELAN, Sluto 4060, eves till ? ~ 10 I MIST SELL beautiful wooded lot. 88x88 on 3'Hh st- n • near Military rd.. Arl . bargain at $2,600 cash. OWNER. GL. 4 4uo, Ext 282 —6 EOT IN HU.LAN DALE—One of the choice lots in this section. J44x247. priced $ below market. Call led Bair with JAMfc-' L DIXON &. CO 1022 JTth si n w . EX 5760 eves . SL 5322._--6 EXCELLENT .APT. LOC.; over J 00.000 sq ! ft . on 37th st nr. Eli pi. s e and a new park with a golf course utilities avail corn to shopping and transp., 42c per so ft Galen st.. nr. I rtth st se. 180x105. row-house zone. $5-6f>o for all. including sewer and water. This is an opportunity for one to make sume money. Bradbury Village. 1 ^ mile from D. C line, on V and You sis sr a choice lot In a new restricted subdivision, selling from $l.uoo up. utilities are avail Ideal loc. for colored 18th and Gaines ville sts. s e , zoned 40-A commanding excellent view of a new highway, approx 31.000 sq. ft . at 24c per sq ft ; utilities avail. Cal! BUSADA. VI. 0303. _—-4 1 COLORED—CORNER OF MEAD. Whtt tingham and Minn ave n e for 2 serai dei. houses, all improvements In and a brick single family house near 6th and O sts. sw : possession with settlement, must be sold together total price, $6,700, with $2,000 cash, lots will be clear of en cumbrance National 9257. —4 COLORED—10 BCILDING LOTS—Atten tion builders 26x185 ft . suitable for det. or semidet. homes, on Polk st near Kenil worth ave. n e entire group only $5,000. Cali MK CLARKE office 011 6th st. nw DI 0351 Sundays and weekdays. _ACREAGE FOR SALE. APPROX. 20 ACHES for sale suitable for sub.. 10 miles from 16th st . D C 1 near CcrtesviIIe, priced to sell terms if desired S T HICKMAN, owner, P O Box 54J. Silver Spring Md - 5 AT FAIRLAND. Montg Co Md . about 1 m. in airline n w of Naval Ordnance Laboratory at White Oak Total area. 00 a May sell In tracts of 23 to 26 a L W. GROOMES. 18th and Eye sts —0 5.4 ACRES near Oaklou. Va . $.TOOO wooded nice spring. MR MALCOLM. OW 3u .‘4. OW 8168 3*>4 A . $ I 500; 10 to 35 acres. $360 per a 14 mi. to D. C. 2 mi. to Laurel. Si igo 34 35. • BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS 24 acres of beautiful rolling homesites. ideal for i ow-cost home development. adjoining Distric t. Heights; pi iced low terms can be arranged Ray Morse. 8H 8366. with BROWN REALTY CORP. Realtois, DU. 8558 SI Kill NISI ON TRACT ready to go—The engineering studies have been made, pre liminary approval has been secured from the planning authorities and a contractor is ready to start utility, street and house construction on 6 prototype houses, with financing already arranged, the tract con tains over 70 acres and the price is $75,606. with a down payment of $25,000. releases will be made Here is an oppor tunity to start now without being delayed by time-consuming engineering work. See MASON HIRST. Annandale Va at the end of Columbia pike. Phone FA. 7447. Closed Sundays NEAR ALE.ANDRIA-Large wooded hill top homesite; $1,256 $J25 down. $25 m«) VERNON M LYNCH Ac SONS, owners Office, :> nu. out Duke st.. ext. Phone ALex 5866 3*4 ACRES—20 minutes to D C ; over 500-foot frontage, on macadam; spring and stream Price. $2,750 Terms. GL 8673. OW. 434! H A DARNE —6 McLEAN. VA.-- Beautiful rolling 38-aore tract, with 1.100-ft. frontage on Old Dominion dr . bordered by Difficult Run. 8 ini to Chain Bridge. $550 per acre. WM H LAUGHLIN. Realtor. McLean. Va Dial operator and ask for Elmwood 322 or 325 mo toil). Eves. till 8, ask for Elmwood 888. __—10 ACREAGE FOR RENT. ABOUT 3-ACRE ploughed land. 3428 Wind ora _rd . Brentwood. Md_6* STORES FOR RENT._ STORE. 3929 I Ilk 8T. N.W.- Phone RA. 0«51 or RA 0156. —4 STORE. GROUND FLOOR. 20x60. good 1st commercial spot, on Ga a\e. suitable for paint store or any other kind business; avail, in do days. For information, SL. 4893. —4 HEART OF SILVER SPRING Shopping Area-—Store IdxOti Available shortly. Reasonable rental. J. A WEINBERG CO ■ Realtors. 1 Tot H s' n.m NA. 5600. —8 3207 MOUNT PLEASANT ST. X.W.-Ap j prox. 15x35 in busy section, reasonable rent Call Mr K:ely LSO M BERN STEIN A CO. 1415 K st. n.w. ME 5400 —4 3931 GEORGIA AVF.. NW—Approx. 15x 50 in busy sec ion. reasonable rent Call Mr Kiely. LEO M BERNSTEIN A CO 14 15 K st. n.w. ME 5400 - 4 STORE. 20x60 near Presidential Gardens Va . with parking spate available 30 • davs suitable for valet, delicatessen wom ens wear or haberdasher MILTON P RUPPERT 406 Investment Bldg . DI 5016. eves. KM 540? —4 ON GA. aVE. a! Shepherd -Store, suit able for any business; long lease. Call HARRY COHEN RE. 4??1, GE 0286 - -4 SEE 2036 K ST NW.—Store 20x10: Ige plate-giavx m'indow. 2 washrms . asphalt tiled floor, fluorescent lighting RA 3220. - 4 LARGE, deep store. 1700 blk. Columbia rd. nw busy section will five lease ' to responsible party store suitable for any type of merchandising GERALD REALTY 412 5th ft. n.w DI 5995 —4 1190 21 at ST. N.W., center location—Store mith 2 ex*ra rooms and cellar; $136 per mo. D CONNOR A SON. RE 2423 —HI STORE FOR RENT, colored shopping cen ter. nearby Maryland; reasonable terms NA. 2227. -fi G 8T.. NEAR 11th MOO per cent loca tion*—24x100. Reap tenants only will be considered. SIDNEY S BROWN. NA 5740. —« 1394 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.— 14x40 ft . <125 a month: immediate possession No food storey KAY REALTY CO . FA ?2»*0. CORNER !7tb AND YOU 8TS N.W -89 x 1 no* corner display room mith acoustic «ei!inr and fluorescent lighting, big stor age .space in rear mith side entrance sprinkler system: additional space on 2nd floor .^unable for furniture. Htiiomobile small depaitment store, distributing etc. See Mi Norris. CH. 9238. WEAVER BROS INC Washington Bldg . DI 8300 K ST. N.W. - Store 20x7 n Idea! for any high clas*- business or profession Can arrange long lease Call Mr. Glennon with JAMES L DIXSON A CO 1022 J 7th st n.w EX. 57 80; eves . PR 5379 —« COLORED — STORE SUITABLE for^any business 3000 Georgia ave. DE. 8548 or DE 1435 * STORES WANTED. HAVE MANY CLIENTS looking for store* tnd other comml. properties. Including out-of-town chain store companies List vour properties with us for quick action Call Mr Kelly. LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO 1415 K st. n.w. ME 5400 —< MINIMI M t*.«*0 sg KT. for tery light wholesale mfgr sas. light and water. Va. preferred. OL. 21S*i or OX. 4770. _OfFICESJOR RENT. j«?l K ST. N.W.—‘Ind. 3rd. 4th and 5th Boors, approx 1.073 sq ft. per floor, near the Statler. Carlton and Mayflower Hoiels: "nd floor. ¥400 mo 3rd floor 5*100 mo 4th floor. ¥150 5th floor. *100 Call Mr Medford B F SAOL CO . NA. 2100 —5 Fr*NI¥H*n OFFICE on F a* near Fret* Bldg Telephone aerrle* optional. Fhong DL *467. OFFICES FOR RENT (CONTJ._ Bffipo.vr CiBCtE BUILDING (12 «torl«») —Offices available for business, profes sional. medical or trade association and others. 1344 Connecticut ave. at Dupont Circle Bust. on premises. AD 3200 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—Single rms or -large suites for immediate occupancy; all space redecorated: ideal downtown lo cation: reasonable rentalr; rental agent on premises. See MR KOCH. Room 112 Atlantic Bldg 930 p st n.w Sl'ITE Ol ROOMS, in busy downtown section <930 K st. n.w •; reas rent. Call leasing dept. LEO M BERNSTEIN Sc CO. 14 15 K st. n.w ME 5400 —4 FI RNISHKD PVT. OFFICE. 1100 block; 19th at. n w . just off Conn a'e . telephone1 with office, no cost to lenan!: rent. $50 per month GERALD REALTY CO.. 4 12 5th st. n w. DI. 59.95 —4 Ft RNISHKD PVT. OFFICE. 1215 Eye st n w will give lease or month-to-raonth rent agreement to responsible party. 550 per month rent. GERALD REALTY CO . 412 5th st. n w DI 5995. —4 l»t-KI.OOR FRONT ROOM in lawyer s suite in modern bids . reception services. Room 103. 412 5th st n.w. NEAR 17th AND EYE—Entire second floor, containing about 1 200 sq ft $200 mo. WAGGAMAN-BRAWNER. 1700 Eye st. n.w ME 3800. LOWEST RATES IN D. C. for up-to-the minute office space, in large modern. 8 storv (elevator* downtown office bldg all bright, outside rooms; we invite com parison." VICTOR BLDG . NA 9682 DOWNTOWN OFFICE BLDG . $42 and up See Mr. Fenner. MARK WINKLER manage ment 1117 Vermont ave RE 5200. DOCTORS’ OFFICES for ren’ Entire mod ern brick residence on prominent corner of active highway in Silver Spring: avail able after July 1 ior at least 5 years; suitable for two doctors, likely more, de pending ou requirements for lease onlv m ‘ entirely. R. P RIPLEY. Realtor, SL. 6111. --4 •fi»g AND vrd FLOOR KOoMs near Conn ave anrt M st entire bldg has just been completely remodeled, rooms are large and beautifully equipped may be ren'ed singlv or ax a whole. Call BKITZELL, DI. 3100. OFFICE IN BETHESDA. 8134 Wis.*~ave . furn. ground floor with show windows, reas OL. 4094; eves CO. 1510. —7 8KGOND-FLOOR FRONT OFFICE on 14th st. n w. Two large display windows, with Venetian blinds pvt bath and storage space. Apply 2813 14th st. n.w . store. ATTRACTIVE Sl'ITE of room* or single room in busy downtown financial section; reas. rent LEO M BERNSTEIN 4 CO . 14 15 K st. n.w ME 5400. —4 AIR-CONDITIONED SPACE in heart of , medical center <1829 K si n w ), 2 com I olete floors beautifully redec . 5 large ! rooms. 2 lavatories, attractive show win dows on 2nd floor: reasonable rent. Call Mr Kiely. LEO M BERNSTEIN Sc CO. 1415 K st. n w ME 5400 —4 IB-5 K ST. N.W’. - Air tond. fluorescent ilghtti.g from wall to v.all. mod. partitions, ’amior service, built-in book* ases and sta tionery cabinets clothes closets: will part ly turn if desired Call ME. 224 8 —8 DOCTORS AND DENTISTS -Anractive suite in modern 11-story oldg in heart i of medical center, near Doctors. Emer gency and G W Hospitals: 24-hr switch 1 board and elevator service. 47 doctors and (dentists now in bldg. Apply mgr. Park Lane Bldg . 2025 Eye st. n.w., or leasing dept. LEO M BERNSTEIN Sc CO. 14 15 K st nw ME 540<* -—7 IDEAL OFFICE AND SHOWROOM apace in busy downtown section <10th at. near F st. n.w.*. approx 1 600 sq ft : bldg equipped with passenger and freight ele vators: loading facilities from alley Leas ing dept.. LEO M BERNSTEIN A* CO . 14 15 K st n.w ME 5400. —7 PRIVATE Ft RNISHFD OFFICE in CPA’s suite Modern downtown office bldg AT. 1 7 84 —7 tun and F srs N.w —Large room in office bldg nicely decorated, fluorescent lighting. *45. Apply LEO M BERN STEIN Sc CO . 1415 K St. n.w., ME. 5400. —5 15th AND H STS. N.W.— Pvt. rm in law suite loc. in prominent bldg : reception rm . secretarial service DI 1810. 8 DOWNTOW N OFFICE BI DCi overlooking Constitution ave . room available in office suite: secretarial service ST. 7792. •—10 DENTIST OFFICE on 1st floor of large downtown. ‘.’On-unit apt. blag Grand op portunity for local and referred practice. Can combine living accommodations: mod est rent Phone NA. 9**82 —10 921 ITlh ST. N.W -Suite in engineer's bldg. HOO sq ft. Call NA 5318. —-6 15417 M ST N.W.— Desirable l and 2 room suites available in modern downtown build ing janitor and elevator service included For information, call DI 9301. —9 •WE INVITE INSPECTION” of the two .3 room suites each suite occupying an entire floor in a newly remodeled bldg with many coni , at 727 19th at n w . vie of Pa. ave . offered as an entirety or separately, at a very attrac. rental. Must be seen to be appreciated An ideal setup lor some one HARRY I FRIEDMAN. Broker, Woodward Bldg RE 1168. $25 AND I'F for desirable office apace in convenient downtown location also office and desk space in busy uptown section KAY REALTY CO, R*A 2200 —7 5435 CONN. AVE N.W. Office suitable for doctor or dentist, consisting of 2 rooms, reception room and bath *85 per month Available about June J HENRY J. ROBB. INC. 1024 Vermont ave. n.w.. DI. 8141. -8 l*t-FI.OOR OFFICE or store apace. 1.200 sq ft . on K st n w near 20ih: long lease preferred KELLEY & BRANNER. DI. 7740; eves WI. 8*44 —5 NEAR 9th AND C. STS. - 2nd and 3rd floors with total of 3.000 sq f* . now being remodeled 2nd floor open space good for meetings, etc Call Mr Franklin. WEAVER BROS INC . Wash. Bldg , DI. 8300; eves GL 44 58 __8 SILVER SPRING Entire 2nd floor. Call MR HARrMAN. 82.36 Georgia ave . SH 9730 —6 PI BLIC STENOGRAPHER Will give free lent of private office in turn for answer ing telephone ADPiy 2nd fl 1821 Conn, ave or call CO. 8800, ask for MR GOODM AN —fl 4VAII.ABLE. immediate occupancy: at tractive 5th floor offices, romplefeiv air condition'd 2-5 room suites. 15th and K n w EX 4 224 —1 n THREE-ROOM SI HE. pvt lav. mod bldg Call PURDY NA 9160 —10 DEMRABLE DOWNTOWN OFFICES, rea sonable Atlas Bids 527 9th at n w Apply Mu p St n.w Room IP —6 LARGE. BRIGHT OFFICES, downtown lo cation. Le Droit Bldg, 8O0-M0 F st u w Apply Room IP Reasonable. 8 OFFICE. 18x20 front, or 2 adjoining offices l8x‘.o each low rent, excellent downtown location, parking privileges Desk space, mailing address; business or profession, only $10 month. 525 8th st. n W78* OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—018 n.w.. in the heart of downtown Wwshltn ton. A number of single offices or com plete suites, suitable for doctors, dentists. °Pti<ians. etc new. reduced rentals. Bee MR KOCH. _ggen_L_on_premises_ FARMS FOR SALE. WHV WORRY about the cost of living when you can live free? This farm, the way it is operating with a tenant who will *r*v. will give you a good income and ail your food. 172 acres of beautiful rolling land in a fine state of cultivation; ideal for cattle, dairy or general farming, home is modern and in perfect condition having 8 large rooms. 1 S baths, basement, oil heat, surrounded with trees and shrub bery. 32-stanchion dairy barn, large bank barn. silo, corn house, brooder house, dairy house, sniokehause and 3-car garage lo cated on a concrete road near Damascus. Md about 25 miles from D C owner retiring has priced for immediate sale, only *27 5ni» HARRY DREISEN, NA. iii.. fN A , , __ 4 * LQt ll’PED. 570-acre dairy farm, new 5n-stanchion cowbarn with new Kilo. «'* head of dairy cows, :t horses, tractor, all necessary farm equipment bank barn with 57 stanchions all modern x-room country home. Ige liv rm with flrepi hardwood floors 5 tenant houses. The farm now operated by erfit.ent help Teims easy JOHN BURDOFT Colesville. HFD 5* Silver Spring. Md. Call A>hton «Md.» •3840. —!» 151-ACRE DAIRY. Fairfax Co.— <51 m.,es and shipping to D C » Completely equipped cultivated productive plenty wafer; dairy, stock and dry barns, out bldgs necessary tools, machinery and equipment includes stork, fruit orchard 15-rm. house, elec. bath, phone, needs redecorating beautiful setting shade trees. Iona hwv frontage school bus at gate a reai bargain a: ono. Bring your appraiser aiong to inspect. Call CAPUTI REALTY phone. FA 5155. or J. A. Wintate. Havmarket 1H-F-.3 —5 GENTLEMAN S FARMING ESTATE, within commuting distance of Washington. Imag ine a simpie l*th century house enlarged and modernised in the best of 'as'* and adding to its 5 fireplace* the comforts of oil heat, insulation 5 baths and a modern kitchen place it on a commanding eleva tion with a panoramic view of the Blue Ridte Mountains and surround It by over 500 fertile acres and you have some idea of what we are offering. The outbuildings are planned for simple, efficient operation and include a tenant house with ba*h. implement, shed a large chicken house stock barn and sheep shed The price Is $75,000 and a substantial down payment will be required Shown by appointment bv MASON HIRST Annandale Ya at the end of Columbia pike. Phone FA 744 7 Closed Sundays STROUT’R SPRING-SI MMFR FARM Cata log. free' Green rover, over 5.800 bar gains. coast to cossr. STROUT REALTY. 711-A. Woodward Bldg. Washington. Met ropolitan 7 54 > THIS LOVELY SO MD. water front farm with it* newly renovated ln-rm and bath home overlooking a beautiful creek Just off the Pot River, is a wonderful sum mer or vear-a round location new-house cond : many outbuilding*, loveiv landscape 57 acres of rich land Price. $ 17 500 HERBERT A SONS. Realtors, 515 E. Cap itol st LJ 0151). 71) ACRES ti-rm house, oil heat, bath gjt iaige bairn 5-rm guesthouse with flieplate fruit trees, stream approx li « leared. good timber, walnut grove x ml from Fairfax Courthouse THOMAS A CO. Fairfax XOu. eves, Fairfax 5*3-M. -4 .MI-ACRE I ARM. abo it I mile off Georgia ave extended beyond Norbeck inoM of land now ur.der cultivation. Lome i* a comfortable, modein brick, three-bedroom Cape Cod dwelling with full basement custom built for the present owner just before the war equipped with electric range and refrigerator oll-flred hot-wa’er heating system with summer-winter hook up for year-round domestic hot water: copper piping throughout, metai waether striDPing and screens, other improvements Include a partially completed tenant house orooder house* and tool shed; excellent deep-w*ll water system, price. $.38,500 Will consider D C. home as part payment GEO J MO88 Realtor. 8H 5800. ?• I oft ACRES of the finest grazing and crop land in Loudoun Co. between Middieburg and Purcellville, in the besr of Piedmont Hunt Country. $ell watered and fenced beautiful old atone house, fireplaces, ong woodwork on paved road this farm is self-sustaining: immed. pass . SIR.750. Phone OV 587 5. —7 TRACT OF 518 ACRES in the fruit grow ing se? of Va.. 85 acres of healthy apple orchard in bearing 5 houses, barn, much valuable timber, priced for Quick sale WM CRAIN GL 875.3. IN WARRENTON HI NT—34’a teres stone house, recent]* completely modernized. 7 large rooms. 5 'oath*, beautiful mountain views, apple orchard. $55 000 T E DUNHAM. Warrenton. Va . phone S5-W-3. 8* * WATERFRONT PROPERTY—SALE. HERALD HARBOR, overlooking Severn River. Bungalow. 5 rm* . kit., bath. 3 screened-m porches, completely furnished; new auto h.-w. heater, electric refrigera tor and stove; dishes, rugs included Own er In Alaska. Priced to sell quickly. LUEB BERS A- GIMBELL. INC. 1019 N. Charlei st.. Baltimore. Md VE 1653. —6 WINGKOOT HOME—$4,280; compl turn, prefabricated home, built by Goodyear; 2 bedrms . liv.-din. rm kit. and bath. This cottage may be seen at Point Look out. Md. For further infor . call NA. 6710. BAY RIDGE—Choice building sites. Beach privileges, preseason low prices. Call owner. BAY RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO . EM 8100. Broker co-operation solicited. ON THE PATUXENT RIVER- The old manor house rests on a prominence, with wonderful view of river and valley: about 200 acres of rich bottom land in cultiva tion: loo acres of fine tobacco land and some timber: house in sound condition, bui requires restoration: exceptional oppor tunity for investment in high-class farm that will produce About 50 mi from D C. KELLEY BRANNER. DI. 7740; eves GL 9264 LOWER PATUXENT RIVER 12 acres: seven-room modern home all utilities flv# beach cottages, going store and restaur ant. including 10 rowboats; 1.500 feet sandy bear* private pier; paved 8t*t® highway; opposite Benedict at Holland Point: immediate possession; suitable as private estate, yacht club, or business proposition in best fishing, oysterlnt. crabbing, ducking and : athing area in Tidewater. Southern Maryland Facilitlea for land and sea plane*; perfect anchor age Can be purchased in whole or in part A real bargain. CALVERT REALTY AGENCY. Prince Frederick. Md. Telephone ins —8 WOODLAND BEACH. MD—2-room cot tage furnished lot 60x100; blk. to water: $1,500; 32 mi. from D. C. VI. ,8337 —6 4 ADJOINING bay front Iota. 50x175, overlooking beautiful Ashing and oyster cove; perfect shelter for boat 25' ml. D C. line; cheap at $3,500 lor all. WT. 4928. REAL ESTATE LOANS. TRUSTS. 1st. 2nd and 3rd: Md . Va. an# D C.: 1 wk's. service. ADAMS REALTY CO . 905 N Y ave n w . RE. 1612. 31* LOANS ON REAL ESTATE —1st and 2nd trust No red tape Quick service HENRY SALUS established 1924. NA. 1262. 1104 Vermont ave. n.w MORTGAGE LOANS, 4% interest: no charge for appraisals MOORE «fc HTl-L CO . 804 17th st n.w.. ME 4100. , 1st AND tad TRUST LOANS — Prompt and courteous aervice Before borrowtr.j call COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO- Sll 9tb st n.w RE 6650 MONET ON SECOND TRUST — W® wlB buy second-trust note*. D. C-. nearby M(L or Va. Reasonable rater NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP-. 131f N Y ave n w National 5833. 2nd TRUST NOTES purchased. Call NA. 3570 WASHINGTON HOUSINO CORP 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on .real estat® in D C Md. and Va. MR. DRAISNER. 1404 L st n w . NA 4157. QUICK CASH for 2nd trust notes whl*f or colored no delay See MR FRANKLIN at 1022 17th st n w . EX 5760 —7 CASH FOR 2nd TRUST NOTES white ©T colored'-- Quick settlement. Prefer per sona! calls to telephone calls FULTON R GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w., DI 5230. Brokers attention. BANK-PERSONAL LOANS. LOANS TO BUY APPLIANCES" -Whatever home equipment you may purchase, you can finance it up to 80^ through tht* bank. Whether it's a refriterator. washer, stove or any other appliance, our time purchase plan assures vou of maximum savings If your dealer handles your financing, insist that he place it through this bank. Personal Loan Dept . LIBERTY NATIONAL RANK. 8‘(5 15th St. n.w., corner of Eve _—8 MONEY WANTED._ CAN PLACE 1st TRUST MONEY on own er-occupied res. property at 5% lnt. JESSE L/OEB. Southern Bldg. NA. *014. FOR SAI F. 2ND TRUSTS on choice n w. properties Lib disc . plus 6rr lnt. JESSR LOEB NA. 2014 --ft - ' T—--: " --—-- _"TT _~3 AUTO LOANS._ FINANCING private sates our specialty; ll you are buying or selling an automobile, let us finance It for the purchaser. NOLAN FINANCE CO, 1102 New York avt. n.w. Republic 1200._ GARAGES FOR RENT. LGE. 4-STORY GARAGE, suitable for car agency, repair and paint shop, in best of storage area in heart of Georgetown, reaa. rent Call WI 0815._—12 GARAGES WANTED TO RENT GARAGE wanted in or nr. D C.; 5.000 to 10.090 ft. floor space; occupancy within days, re.sp concern will sign rets lease. Replies confidential Box 401-Z Star —9 AUTO PAINTING. COMFLETE JOB. 936 up; work futran* teed GILBERT. 4102 Pa. eve. ext. re* HI 4524 4UTO PAINTING—Complete 1ob. $60: se lect your color work guaranteed ADDI SON CHEVROLET. 1522 14th st. n w., HO T5Q0• AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. USED I'i-FT. STAKE' BObf7~ In too3 cond . with top bows and tarpaulin; priced reas. Phone TA. 2337. 8:30 a m. to 5 p m —6 Bl LLDOZER bv contract or hourly rate. Cal before 10 am. or after 9 pm. LU. ••4:7. 5* . - - -- ■ ■-—v. . "3i MOTORCYCLES._ A NEW SHIPMENT OF TRIUMPHS*. Just arrived speed twins and tiger 100«: In rigid or rear springing ALLTED MOTORCYCLES. 2014 M s', nw -4 NEW 1918 IIARLF.Y-DA\ IDSON 61 OVH. blue Call WO 8316 aUer 6 pm. —8 MOTOR SCOOTER, motor and body In good condition Call OL 3620 —ft IfARLEY-DAVIDSON "So ; very best con dition all extras; $425; take car In tradt <>r seU outright 1730 R. I. >v€, n.e. 6* TRAILERS. LAST 4. 2-wheel luggage trailers. sellTnj cheap. $75 to $95 each. RICE MOTOR CO 1824 Bladensburg rd n e —4 TRAILER CENTER, authorized factory dealer for Kozy Coach. Westcraft. 8p*r tan Manor, 6-sleeper Sun. Superior. Kit* etc . priced from $1,495 to $3,395: easy terms for your convenience We carry • large line of accessories and have two. shops to make repairs. Open every day including Sunday from 9am to 9 pm. RICHTER TRAILER SALES. 2 location*, Washington-Baltimore blvd.. Berwyn. Md.. Tel. lower 5036. 1948 NATIONAL AND LANDOLA trailer! now on display at NATIONAL TRAIIJCR SALES. 6009 Balt. ave.. Rlveraale. Md. Phone WA 4903 NEW AND USED home trailer coaches—* See the new Schultz. Travelo. American, Howard and Zimmer coaches, our safes dis play oocn for your inspection 9 a m. to 9 pm daily and Sunday. Sales branch, AMERICAN TRAILER CO. INC., at Oak Grove Trailer Court. 4 miles south of Alexandria on Route 1. Phonu OV. 2801. LIBERTY TRAILERS. 21. 23. 27 and 33 feet; cooler in summer; warmer in winter. Also good used trailers HEELER-WALDEN TRAILER SALES. Wash. -Balto. blvd., TO 5111. TRAILER HF.ADQI ARTFRS—We are dis tributors of SchulL Travelo. American, j Howard and Zimmer trailer coaches, all i 1948 models: a good selection of used trailers now on di.-play. Open daily anti Sunday. 9 a m. to 9 p m AMERICAN TRAILER CO. INC. 4030 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Phone WO. 3231. GLIDER, for the finest trailer living In the world: see the 1948 models on display, including a 6-sleepei . some modela hav« buiit-in showers and flush toilets, trade in your auto, or trailer now on a new gltder. Easy terms COLIE TRAILER CO.. 8200 Ga ave SL. H200-8202. BOAT IRA 11 FRA for rent $5 1st day. $3 each day thereafter. AMERICAN TRAIL ER CO INC.. 4030 Wisconsin ave. n w phone WO 3231 NEW UNITED STANDARD 22 ft beaut. birch interior, all-aluminum exterior, full insulated bedrm . iiv. rm and complete galley, bottle gas cook stove and elec, refgr MUM be seen to be appreciated. . $2.39ft. WAHL TRAILER SALES Coles ' ville rd and 2nd ave ‘Bet. 16th at and Ga. ave.) Phone SH. 8555. —7 HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps 3 1 ft ft brand nrw condition and cozy, reasonable, low priced WA 5064 * ■—5 1917 ALMA TRAILER oach. 21 ft alumi num. elec, refgr. bottle gas. elec, brakes; like new Call AX. 74 13 —4 1947 16-FT KIT COMPANION trailer, complete with Brltane oven range and floor furnace, folding wall bed 6*e after noons on lot 34. WASHINGTON TOURIST COURT, under 14th St Bridge 4* TRAILER. Schuhe 1940 A 1 condition' bottled ga> slppps 4 $700 MOBILE GAS STA Wav son's Corner Md 9* 1917 AMERICAN TANDEM, never beer* used on the road new condition fully equ.pped for permanent living quarters. Must be moved from present location. Priced_ fojr quick aa> SH 4 387 3 AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE._ 1938 (iMC TRICK; 2-ton. fist body. 14 !».. 3-§peert rear. $50o. Clinton 5X7-W-3 5* DODGE 1939 H-ton panel truck will sac rifice See «n Draper s Parking Lor 8th and G its. n.w —4 FORD 194 1 truck, 1'a-ton. atake bodr; good running condition, $450 WA. 59«tl or UN. 9X43 —4 FORD 1937 pickup: recently overhauled motor: $195. NOLAN FINANCE CO 1102 N Y ave. n w —4 dodge 1940 truck refrigerated body like new perfect for frosted foods, original cost. $4,300. price $'.’.995. Phone DU. 01X1 bet !< and 5 30. —4 ST I DEBARIK 1947 ',-t.on pickup used mostly as transp . a real bargain MITCH ELL S MOTORS. INC. 'VIZ 2nd st. n w. i 2nd and Constitution ave *. EX. 410ft -4 WILI.YS 194x platform ’4-ton stake, used as demons’rator. low mileage, a real aav inv MITCHELLS MOTORS. INC, 223 2nd st n.w. (2nd and Constitution ave*, EX 4105 --4 CHEVROLET 1947 ’4-ton stake body run less than 3,000 miles, 4fc body type, equipped for pipe and side rails below list price MITCHELL S MOTORS. IN^ . 222 2nd st. n w. (2nd and Constitution ave*. EX 4105. —4 INTERNATIONAL 1948 Model KB-7: with 15-foot stake body brand-new. never been used, new service policy goes wi h truck original cost. $3. ft Of 1; $.3 000 or best offer below. WASH RAG Ac BAG CO , 215 L St s.w PLYMOl TH 194! 1 a-ton pickup; covered booy good condition, best offer 134 M st. sw.TR 9248. After Horn. FM. 289#. Bv owner 8* 4081) 1939 pickup special inclosed steel box-type body, equipped with economical 80-h d motor, used by utility company; fine cond and guaranteed '495 TRI ANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R I ave n DE 8303 —5 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY—1948 Cher, vans, stakes, panels and pickup* for hire by dar. week or month. PUBLIC BERVTC® CRIVE-UR-SKLF ME 701 1_31* ^ (Continued on Next Page) ~ 4